#girl boss romana
My favourite Narvin moment is by far that bit in Enemy Lines where Narvin is in the panoptican doing his goodest spy work for Romana only to hear over the tannoy that she is a) resigning as president and b) STEALING HIS JOB
I like to imagine a Thick of It style rampage up to the presidential office to ask her what the hell she thinks she's doing. Full Malcolm Tucker. Just think about the day he's having. Poor boy.
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spanishskulduggery · 4 months
I am using the speakly app for spanish and so far i really love it, however some sentences shown confuse me. “tengo una gran familia” and “Eso es una buena idea” confuse me why the adjective is before the noun. Can you explain or link to some answers regarding this? Thank you!
Here's a more comprehensive list of the ones you're talking about
The majority of adjectives go after the noun. These are two of the exceptions and there are a handful of exceptions to the rule
Some of them change meaning:
Tengo una gran familia. = I have a great family. Tengo una familia grande. = I have a big family.
gran is from grande but it comes out as "grand" or "great" as gran in front of the noun; behind the noun grande means "big" or "large"
You'll see things like es una gran mujer "she's a great woman" rather than es una mujer grande "she's a large woman"
You'll also see it with some monuments like la Gran Muralla China is "the Great Wall of China"
With bueno/a "good" and malo/a "bad" it depends. Generally if it's in front it means "good" and "bad" like overall quality; if it's in back it tends to be personality - "kind/good" and "unkind/mean"
Es un buen hombre. = He's a good man. [or, "he is a good man overall"] Es un hombre bueno. = He's a nice man. Es un mal hombre. = He's a bad man. [like "he is bad overall"] Es un hombre malo. = He's a mean man. / He's a bad man.
They kind of get used interchangeably by people but the distinction is something like: buen hombre is like "as a man he is good"... while hombre bueno is "a man who is good/kind".
In front it's a description of how well they fit that noun; buen jefe/buena jefa is someone who is good at being a boss. But jefe bueno/jefa buena is more a comment on their personality
Other common ones you'll see:
viejo/a = long-time / old
Es un viejo amigo. = He's an old friend. / He's a long-time friend. Es un amigo viejo. = He's an elderly friend. / He's a friend who is old.
mismo/a = same / self
Es la misma cosa. = It's the same thing. Es la cosa misma. = It's the thing itself. La misma mujer... = The same woman... La mujer misma... = The woman herself...
propio/a = own / appropriate
Generally if it's in front it typically means "one's own" or "belonging to" like con mi propio dinero "with my own money"; propio/a can also be apropiado/a as "proper" or "appropriate" usually treated as a normal adjective
There's also triste and pobre meaning "sad" and "poor"
Ese triste día... = This unfortunate day... La pobre chica... = The poor/unfortunate girl...
When in front they take on more of a meaning of "unfortunate" or "regretful" or "awful".
In back, they're normal like la chica triste "the sad girl" or la chica pobre which is "the girl who is poor". Like English "poor" could be "unfortunate" [in front] or "in poverty/poor" [in back], where la chica pobre is a comment on her wealth
Another important one is antiguo/a
When it's in front it usually means "former" [mi antiguo jefe / mi antigua jefa "my former boss"]... or it means "ancient"
If it's in back, antiguo/a tends to be "old" or "antique"
But especially in history, antiguo/a will come before the noun:
La Antigua Grecia = Ancient Greece
La Antigua Roma = Ancient Rome El Antiguo Imperio Romano = Ancient Roman Empire
El Antiguo Egipto = Ancient Egypt
La Antigua China = Ancient China
La Antigua Mesopotamia = Ancient Mesopotamia
La Antigua Babilonia = Ancient Babylon
El Antiguo Japón = Ancient Japan
El Antiguo Imperio Maya = The Ancient Maya Empire
...and so on; for people it's the same thing like los antiguos romanos "the Ancient Romans" or los antiguos griegos "the Ancient Greeks" etc etc... or if you're specifically talking about women you might say las antiguas romanas "Ancient Roman women"
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your-own-scifi-nerd · 2 years
Rose Tyler And Classic Who
The First Doctor- a fight and flirt relationship. they would fight so much so often, yet strangely Rose would flirt with him and leave him completely flustered
Susan- they would be besties. Rose would introduce her to modern day fashion, and they would end the patriarchy together. all in one day. (because Susan deserved better and we all know she and Rose are both feral wolf raised children)
Ian- they would talk shit about the Doctor together. and he would hold her back from fistfighting a sexist/racist/homophobic dude then punch him in the face immediately so she doesn’t get in trouble. they would totally have a sibling relationship.
Barbara- they would have a love hate relationship. Rose would constantly fight with her, but they would both make up and be girl bosses over everyone else. she would also help Ian and Barbara get together.
Vikki- two words. feral. children. they would physically get into fights with anyone who dared treat other people lesser.
Steven- they would sit together and talk about cute men, while they get thrown in jail on every planet they go to.
Dodo- Rose would definitely treat her like a younger sister, and Dodo would hate and love it. they totally give each other fashion advice and do the other’s hair.
Ben and Polly- Ben would treat her like his sister, and Polly would help her take over the world.
The Second Doctor- joking and singing. These two would sing together everywhere, with the Doctor playing the recorder. they would also be joking and flirting everywhere they go, yet wouldn’t acknowledge it at all.
Jamie- you can’t not tell me they would absolutely joke about the Doctor, make fun of him, and beat people up together.
Victoria- automatic mother/older sister role. doesn’t matter which one, she automatically takes her into her care with a mentor figure affection, and Victoria would be hesitant at first but eventually come to see her as one of the two.
Zoe- they fight a lot, more than Rose and Barbara would, but it’s more of two extremely strong women with similar personalities that, once they stop fighting and finally click, makes everyone wish they kept fighting.
The Third Doctor- would call her “my dear Rose” and take her out on car rides very often. she would love to help him in his lab, singing along with him when he sang. they would flirt, but it’s seems old fashioned, and less joking
Alistair- would fight in a fatherly daughter way, but drink tea together every afternoon no matter what.
Mike- talk about cute men together, and spar together, and are almost tied at the hip whenever she’s at UNIT
John- chills with Mike and Rose, and has a very brotherly relationship with her.
Jo- they flirt with everyone, wear mini skirts and kick ass together all the time. they would absolutely be besties.
Sarah Jane- same with Zoe, except when they do click the entire world shakes in it’s boots.
The Fourth Doctor- they have a very jokingly relationship, flirting and teasing each other almost every time they see each other. she also will constantly wear his scarf whenever they’re out.
Harry Sullivan- he would become the older brother she never had, and she would help him with coming to senses with more modern views. he always tries to sacrifice himself for her, of which she always patches him up afterwards.
Leela- Rose would beg her to teach her some of the fighting skills, just like how Rose would teach her a bit of stuff from her time on earth, and they would have a shit load of fun together.
K9- calls her Rose, with her insistence. best dog/girl duo ever.
Romana- in her first body they would fight. a lot. Rose would think of her as too posh and stuck up, and Romana would think of her as below her. her second body, however, they would slowly start to become friends, and by the time they separate would be extremely close.
Adric- he acts like a brat to her, which she quickly puts a stop to and they become a sibling duo, constantly bickering with each other and driving the Doctor mad. but, they have that true sibling relationship where it’s “only I can insult them and we’ll insult you together”
Tegan- fashion and music buddies. they constantly share and talk about their taste in fashion, music, and women(because nobody in Doctor Who is straight) 100% gossip buddies
Nyssa- like Victoria, Rose becomes an older sister sort of figure to Nyssa after her planet dies. but, Rose also loves to learn about things from Nyssa about science, and Rose also loves to teach her about earth during her time.
The Fifth Doctor- puppy love. that’s what it is. they would have an almost childish love, the type that just gives and gives freely. they would argue very little, yet when they do they make up almost immediately.
Turlough- Rose would definitely figure out what he was doing with the Black Guardian, and change him earlier than cannon. they would have a fun little sibling bond, making fun of each other and making jokes a lot.
Peri- gossip and joke buddies. the two make fun of the Doctor, that random dude who was rude, you name it. they share fashion advice, and Rose beats people up while Peri yells at them. it’s a nice little match.
The Sixth Doctor- they would absolutely have the same relationship as Rose does with the Ninth Doctor, that joking around one with the undertones of something completely serious between the two.
Mel- Rose would definitely eat shit food just to spite her off, then feel bad about it and either do one of her workouts or eat something she made. it’s a daily occurrence.
The Seventh Doctor- they would have a mix of Three and Two, a very old fashioned type of love but the mix of flirting everywhere they go. all the time. it pisses of Ace a lot.
Ace- an older sister type of role, Rose constantly blowing up stuff and beating people up with her. they would take down the government using nothing but their brains, their fists, and Ace’s homemade explosives.
The Eighth Doctor- very flirty-touchy-close romance. he constantly tucks her arm in his, or wraps an arm around her, or hugs her randomly. it’s more of Tenrose with a more innocent tone to it.
Grace- they would be friends. not terribly close, but when the Doctor would do something weird or stupid they would exchange a glance of shared amusement and tiredness.
And I know there’s more, but I haven’t heard the audiobooks yet so I don’t want to make any assumptions.
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seaweedstarshine · 24 days
Hi :D Would you like to sort 1) the Doctor's incarnations and/or 8) villains for the kmk triangle game? 👀
I am going to do the Doctors, because with so many villains, how can I narrow them down — but the villains would mostly get punched — except for the Master, who gets a big sloppy boop! xo Traveling with the Master means sooner or later they’re going to get bored and a boop is all they get :)
Okay… Mister Clever gets a boop too. And Svild the Sontaran. And Borusa. And the boss lady from Time Heist. And the Rakaya from Can You Hear Me. Oh and I’m totally traveling with the Meddling Monk/Nun, Rufus Hound/Gemma Whelan versions, I’d rather travel with them than the Doctor. See, I’d fail to narrow it down and they wouldn’t all fit on the triangle!
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Massive disclaimer that 1) I haven’t watched all of Classic Who so please take this with a grain of salt 2) the physical placements aren't all accurate so they're not on top of each other 3) I enjoy all of the Doctors' incarnations, some of them just deserve to be punched more than others :) I mean twelve is my second-favorite Doctor (a very close second-favorite at that) and I rated him as one of the more punchable of them.
FUGITIVE DOCTOR ~ If only I could travel with her without ending up under the Division’s thumb! It's not her fault, but it won't end well (poor Lee). Which is too bad, as she’s good at pretending to know what she’s doing without being condescending — and that’s the kind of Doctor I think I'd get along with! My poor sweet girl gets a long, super tight, warm boop. For the road.
FIRST DOCTOR ~ Get me away from this irresponsible elderly baby! He’s one of the more punchable Doctors. I’ve only watched a few of his episodes, but his habit of dismissing his debatably-willing companions? I could not handle that. And yet, his habit of giggling waaaay too much does get him a very slight boop.
SECOND DOCTOR ~ Oooh lemme snuggle into that ratty ass coat for a nice warm boop! He’d be so fun to travel with too because even though he knows damn well he’s the smartest person in the room, he’s not the one to lord it over his companions (most of the time). He's so cuddly; I think we’d have a great time!
THIRD DOCTOR ~ If traveling with him means being his lab assistant and occasionally going for a ride in a partially-functioning TARDIS, that’s my ideal. It does make it an impediment for the Doctor doing their usual tactic of isolating companions from their “real lives” to make themself important to them :) which didn't help him get over Jo, but hey… what works, works. Three can be a bit uptight, but he's always not above apologizing, so I think we could work through things when it's important.
FOURTH DOCTOR ~ He gets an instant boop, partly because the scarf looks so cozy! But I only want to travel with early Fourth Doctor; not latter Fourth Doctor (who's just a bit punchable for his general lack of compassion. Adric was just a lonely kid going through a hard time. he could've been nicer to Leela for that matter, and I don't want to get in between him and Romana). How about I'm Harry's replacement in the Four/Sarah/Harry polycule?
FIFTH DOCTOR ~ Can he tone down the sarcasm as conflict avoidance, maybe? If he won't get along with his non-Nyssa companions, could he perhaps try a little harder to get Tegan to Heathrow? He's too emotionally constipated to have fun with! He's the least cuddly! Plus, Adric deserved better, but hey — I listened to Thin Time, I know he’s going through it. He gets the faintest of comfort boops. Like a hand squeeze level of boop.
SIXTH DOCTOR ~ Oooh I want to boop this man’s brains out — egomania to the point of camp is my jazz! That said… I love a bad girl me, but travel with her? Six would not take my opinions into account unless I put my foot down like Evelyn, and I'm a bit too much of a pushover for that kind of emotional drain. That’s precisely why will not be traveling with him.
SEVENTH DOCTOR ~ I want to boop this man soooo hard~ *points at my tumblr bio* I love a ditzy manipulator. Still, while he has his ditzy moments, they’re not quite enough for me to give him as big a boop as Six. These qualities make him unviable to travel with and punchable, too — he doesn’t tell Ace any of his schemes, and his manipulativeness unfortunately makes secretiveness worse.
EIGHTH DOCTOR ~ This poor sad wet thing… yet full of amnesiac charm. I'd like to travel him, but I’d need to be careful how I time it — ideally as far away from his Time War era as possible — but also keep me out of the Charley drama, I don’t wanna end up like C’rizz. I haven’t finished all his audios, but surely there’s some era that won’t end up semi toxic? I might just settle for booping him at midnight on New Years Eve.
SHALKA DOCTOR ~ All the Wilderness-era Doctors are so sad, wet and lonely, and I want to travel with this one. He needs more friends who aren’t the Master, but at the same time, I know having the Master in the TARDIS is helping him heal. And with me and Alison by his side? Shalka isn't perfect, but he's trying, and that's what counts. It's been a while since I saw this miniseries, but we'd be a power quadruple, and I just know we'd have such a great time!
WAR DOCTOR ~ What did I say about the Wilderness-era Doctors, but this poor sad sweetie could use a tight boop, because he’s waaaaay too hard on himself! He also could use a companion, but even if he didn’t refuse companions, I'm not about to survive the Time War, that's for sure! Maybe some other time…
NINTH DOCTOR ~ Oh look, it’s some other time! Sign me up for the Nine/Jack/Rose era! (Yes, I want Jack there too.) He’s a lil more punchable than some for refusing to get to know Jackie after he took her daughter away for a year… but he has such a big heart. Coward, any day. <3 Ima just make it clear I'm not tryna take Rose away from him and boop him too.
TENTH DOCTOR ~ Yeah, I’m not gonna travel with this fuckboy (gn). I'm not the one to deal with “you’re not replacing Rose” every five minutes! No, I am out. He gets a punch (for Martha and Mickey), but I’m also going to (faintly) boop him after, because he's gonna look at me with those big sad brown eyes, that mean he's not alright at all. <3 Maybe he needs to be a bit more ditzy about his egomania, maybe that would fix him.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR ~ Oh, his ditziness did fix him! So boopable! I think we’d get along so well most of the time, the thing is — do I want to travel with a guy with the guy who faked his death to his companions twice — the first time with pretty much no reason — and never apologizes for anything? This pathological liar is so cuddly though, gimme those forehead kisses… I will be strong and not travel with him for a steady boop supply.
TWELFTH DOCTOR ~ I’d love to travel with post-Clara twelve… but I’m not getting in the middle of Whoufflé drama. Accordingly, am-I-a-good-man era Twelve is deserves a punch for being so horrible to Danny, but after Darillium mellows him out a bit and he stops being jealous, I think I’d have so much fun traveling with him, Bill, Nardole, and occasionally Missy! Perfect dynamic! Just like with the third Doctor, being based on Earth is my ideal! Of course, Twelve doesn’t like hugs, so I’ll respect his space when it comes to boops.
THIRTEENTH DOCTOR ~ Oh she's so extremely boopable, but I want to at least feel like the Doctor I’m traveling with trusts me. Where Eleven deflects, Thirteen gets prickly, and I’m sensitive enough to push back when she treats casual questions as a personal attack. Still, I know it comes from a place of pain; if she can’t let me in, maybe a cozy boop will get through. She's so huggable. She’s much less deserving of a punch for not being above sincerely apologizing, which isn't the case for the more punchable Doctors.
FOURTEENTH DOCTOR ~ I want one of this sad man’s loving boops. I am going to boop him. Not travel with him, though, I'm not joining the Noble family as the next Mad Auntie Mel. Not when his next incarnation is right there in the same city at the same time!
FIFTEENTH DOCTOR ~ A dash of egomania without being condescending? My kind of traveling partner! But it’s too early to know how ideal he’d be to travel with; just guessing by the time-traveling to sabe baby Ruby, and the fact that he’s definitely going to avoid telling her about it and/or refuse to help her identify her mother, leads me to think he might be Eleven-like in terms of keeping secrets about his companion's past. A lot of this is based in my theories, haha, so I’m reserving judgement here. With the way he hugged his past self, so I really want to boop him!
CURATOR DOCTOR ~ One boop for the Curator coming up! He seems easy-going, mellow enough to an adventure through time and space that might even have periods of relaxation (the kind of guy to have scandalous affairs with Ohila of Karn) — if only he wasn't retired.
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the-whispers-of-death · 2 months
why did you do this to me? now the oc thoughts are thoughting and i can't stop them
i think if Stone (a medic) met Johan (a "medic") i don't think they'd get along. i feel like Johan would have Stones hackles raising and paranoia spiking because he has this :} type smile but much more sinister like Stone, a man that doesn't smile meets a man that is constantly going :) in the most threatening way (that's not to mention Johans lack of morals. the man lost his lisence to medical malpractice for the sake of "curiosity" and has participated in human experimenting) i just feel like they wouldn't get along
now who Stone would get along with is Void. in his "after" Void actually goes to university to study astronomy so stars would be a common interest even with the dificulty in communication. he would also semi get along with Hazzard due to their like of animals. Hazzard is still a hater (no like seriously man lowkey highkey wants all of humanity dead, except him and his two people, but Romanas keeps thar side of Hazzard a secret and doesn't let that man be a hater out loud) but he would still respect his love for cats and teach him where the best places to scratch are so a cat would fall in love with you.
Romanas i feel could get along with anyone because he's an adaptable guy and can find common ground with most people. he would have problems with people who have really extreme views or extreme views that are opposite of his own extreme views (he can get nasty if he's passionate about something and people oppose it but he tries to not get into things like that for the sake of keeping peace)
now onto stone variants
if Selga ever met feral Stone he would be scared of him 100% percent. despite Selgas decent size and good strength he is rather emaciated and traumatized to the point of loosing intelligence (not to say he's stupid but lemme explain). while (to my understanding) feral Stone is still intelligent and verbal or semi verbal (correct me if im wrong) Selga just isn't. his "human" intelligence is very low and he's entirely non verbal (the most he can manage are half choked half sounds/half words, growls, hisses and other animal sounds). it's like an animal was given a slight brain boost and given a human shaped mech to pilot so if Selga (who is smaller and thinner than Stone) ever met feral Stone he'd react in fear-aggression. teeth bared, back arched (you can see his spine and ribs when he does that. Romanas and Boss are loosing hair and braincells trying to keep him healthy and well fed once Boss takes over the group). if any team mate was around Selga is glued to them and stand in front of them to "protect" them from feral Stone (if they faught Selga would put up a good fight but Stone would overpower him with weight alone. now if Selga was fully healed and in better mental condition that would be a whole different story)
Vaccine and Dartboard would try to goad feral Stone into play wrestling with them. they would nibble on him a little just to tease.
Diana would be a regular at baker Stones bakery for coffee and pastries for her and Johan (both have an insane sweet tooth)
Boss would take one look at Grim Reaper Stone and go "oh no.... that's a son that needs to be adopted" and would end up taming him like he tamed the rest of the merc group
if Void was a few years younger (he's 19 in the "now") he would go to school with Saira and probably meet girl dad Stone. good thing that Void is actually very polite and friendly if a little strange. he doesn't make messes, doesn't antagonize people and always cleans up after himself (dad Stone also gets to meet Hazzard and Romanas because there's an "inside joke" in the group that they are Voids parents and in the "after" they all live together in one house)
vampire Stone would/should meet with blood homunculus Romanas (it's what he is in a monster au. either that or some eldritch monstrosity also blood related. i have a whole thing for a monster au) because Romanas could probably provide infinite blood (he needs to drain an entire creature of any kind to sustain himself but he doesn't need to do it often and any blood ingested is automatically turned into "human" blood)
werewolf Stone meeting mutated werewolf Hazzard would be interesting since Hazzards wolf form is kinda fucked up due to radiation. he's like thrice the size of a normal werewolf, teeth long and sharp, sometimes cutting through his lips and piercing the flesh of his jaw, radioactive drool spilling from his maw, spikes along his back, massive claws loaded with radioactive toxins. (that's all while he's in wolf form) despite all that Hazzard is pretty chill and wouldn't go attacking all willy nilly (hell if it wasn't so dangerous he would even play with pups but he can't without it being potentially dangerous :( )
Vendetta doesn't actually belong to the merc group. they're more of a solo act but they follow Romanas due to... circumstances. so it's a killer for hire working for other killers for hire
idk about criminal Stone or serial killer Stone. with criminal it's most likely that Romanas (or another oc simply known as "D") is a friend of mafia boss and is like a brother to him so that's how they meet.
Serial killer idk. someone from the merc group would try and recruit him but i bet he'd decline because mercs and morals don't mix all that well
i don't think any of your ocs would be that scared of any of mine (except maybe for Johan. and they'd have qualms about the LITERAL CANNIBALS the merc group had around. i bet they'd have some questions about wtf happened to Selga and wtf is up with Void)
hdjfgdidod i have a few more ocs that i forgot to introduce to you but i'll do it later my brain is rotting
First, I wanna know why Tumblr didn't notify me that I got this ask. SMH.
Second of all, yeah, Stone and Johan would not get along at all. Stone hates people who smile so much, he's so suspicious of people like that. He understands why that man got his medical license provoked and he's thinking about running far away from Johan as possible. His paranoia either makes him want to fight and kill or run, and in the case he'd rather run.
Stone actually has gone non-verbal in some situations, so he does know sign language. But it's American Sign Language. So if Void doesn't know that... Well, they could always communicate via a notepad, right?
He'd respect Hazzard not liking most people. He'd respectfully stay away because he's secretly polite like that.
I can't see a reason why Romanas and Stone wouldn't get along, so I'm assuming they're going to get along.
Feral!Stone is semi verbal, but he much prefers growling and snarling to communicate. Yeah, he'd see Selga as a threat. In that same respect, Vaccine and Dartboard might not want to play wrestle with him because while they might nibble on him, he might just straight-up take chunks out of them.
Baker!Stone would enjoy having Diana come into his bakery. He'd be happy to sell her any pastry she wants.
Grim Reaper!Stone would cry if Boss called him "son". Like yes, hello, teach me how to be my own person, please and thank you. He'd be Boss's now, no getting rid of him.
Experiment!Stone is running away from Johan just like how Canon!Stone but unfortunately for Canon!Stone, Experiment!Stone is faster and he will not be picking up Canon!Stone to help him escape Johan.
Girl Dad!Stone would enjoy Void. He'd be like "Can I adopt you?" Someone better stop this man from stealing Void from the team because he'd see a child that was just like how he was and he'd want to give him a happier life.
Vampire!Stone would absolutely love Romanas if Romanas provided him with infinite blood. He's a big boy so he needs a lot of blood.
Werewolf!Stone staring at mutated werewolf Hazzard and being like "I know he hates people, but would he kill me if I courted him??" Man needs to know when not to court someone.
If Romanas is someone who is close to the mafia boss and thus the mafia boss really likes him, Criminal!Stone will do everything in his power to protect him. He wants the mafia boss to be happy, always.
Serial Killer!Stone is staring at Johan (aka messed up morals man) and is like "I have to kill him." But yeah, he has too high morals to become a mercenary. Instead of running away like the other Stones, Serial Killer!Stone is running towards Johan because he will not back down when it comes to wiping people who have fucked up morals off the planet.
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Buncha takes about Girl in the Fireplace (by someone that doesn't like it)
trying to give it as much grace as possible... there's some stuff to salvage, i think
visuals: again very beautiful episode aesthetically. even the spaceship sections which under rtd sometimes look a bit glip, with the right lighting in this ep, they rlly "pop" colonialism / hegemony: it's really uncomfortable but i don't know enough about reinette to go in depth with it. just gonna highlight the whole "this is the royal court and we're french" which is .... fittingly the point we're most asked to see reinette as a "Strong Female Character (tm)" / Girl Boss ... really sour. The Timeless Child Retroactive Continuity Bonus: the doctor's loneliness is made more poignant by being not "the last of their kind" but "the only one of their kind"
recurrent s2 themes: (this is what i was talking abt in theo ther post...) the clockwork fail because "it has not purpose now" perhaps this could be symbolism for monarchism in general, in face of a new, modern world? monarchies are well-oiled, intricate machines, socially speaking. they have rituals and customs and complex genealogies (hey, stowe armorial... amirite ladies... #crackin'heraldryhumor). but w/ the advancement of the productive forces, they "lost their purpose". the uk continues to have a monarchy to this day, but it is not longer the effective, purposeful machine it was was, rather it is an appendage or a relic of a more advanced system (bourgeois capitalism). one it has to cannibalize in parts to survive. also, the obvious visual of a highly-intricate "machine" that is made up of depreciated tech (clockwork). here's another: i saw an interesting meta that this ep could be read as a mirror of school reunion: in SR we see rose gripping w/ the reality of the doctor eventually outliving her, and here we see via reinette the doctor's pov of having to endure watching all their lovers "witter and die"except romana bc she just dumps him lol
i think this improves a bit on the seeming disjointedness of both eps and how disjointed it feels from the rest of s2.
relatedly, im also headcanon fix-ing it that this whole stint 10 pulls of "finding a mistress" (as it's very pointedly parallel'd in several scenes like him showing up late and "drunk" and rose being casted as the "nagging wife")(oooo resist negativity urges RESIST), is a direct example of him having a classic commitment-phobic panic, following SR.
there's an interesting theme/repeating motif in this ep (And later we see it repeated in moffat's seasons) about dreams and nightmares. (clockwork guys as reintte's+ the doctor as the clockwork's) idk how to tie it together as a Meaning or Theses yet but some interesting implications about it:
- the monsters we see in this ep are framed as nightmares (the doctor looks under the bed of kid!reinette to find the first clockwork robot)... what are nightmares? nightmares aren't real, but they also tell us something real about what we fear when awake. when these stories turn the imaginary into the real, there's a kind of symbolism in that "any fear we have can be faced and defeated" - kind of stealing this from another meta i read lol but: the monsters as fantasy vs grief as a reality, and the metatextual tension of having very real things like unavoidable death in a show with a "dashing, scifi hero that always defeats the scary monsters",,, - there's a negative asshole way to point out how similar reinette's "tragic ending" / arc is to a lot of... other storylines in moffat's who lol but i'm gonna try to spin it in the more positive, curious, "good faith" way: what is moffat trying to explore or say when he has characters always "missing" each other by the whims of time? sometimes by displacement, other time by "missing the timing" / "being too slow"? perhaps it is a call to be more prescient, and these are not just stories about tragedies... but cautionary tales about not taking actions / living life when one's called to live it (see river, amy, reinette, sally's friends,,,).
AND FINALLY, i had to really dig deep, but this is the one that salvages the episode i think, and why i wont *totally* discard it from my mental canon in the future: the traditional, surface interpretation of the ending is that it is "tragic" because ten doesn't go to reinette because she's dying/has died.... and once he has landed there, it is too late. the fireplace was tragically out of synch with his life....
however, let's push that further why doesn't he just go back a lil' earlier? why doesn't eleven just tell amy and rory to write a fake letter and put up a fake tombstone? the answer could be [bc time travel lore reasons!!].,,, BUT there's a potentially interesting and complex alternative reading: ten chose to not see reinette in her sickness. there was nothing impending him from seeing her again once he was back in the tardis. but much like with their companions that they can always locate if they wanted to, the doctor knows there's it's kind of pointless, kind of artificial, kind of cheating to manipulate time to get as much out of a human lifespan as possible. and it is a pointless act, because in the end he'll have to say goodbye anyway. and like he told sarah jane... "he just couldn't come back". so this this a self kindness he gives himself. to let reinette be just a fiery affair with a tragically beautiful woman he had "no control over" and could not comfort in her sickness/withering. perhaps unconsciously, this is a way he finds to not Deal with what the implications of this little "affair" means for his relationship w/ rose, and how he may have to make the same choice again in the future.
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Romana: That’s what feminism is, girls supporting girls.
Brax: That’s what feminism is?
Romana: That and pushing men down the stairs going “I’m the boss now!”
Romana: That’s how I got this job.
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thedailyvio · 3 years
Every now and then I feel bad for giving 0 context for anything, so gonna quickly summarize my story stuff under the cut
The Traveler’s Found (TTF)
Skye, Gill, Marth, Kydin, Leo, Kira, Krieg, Heiwa, Narcissa, Sebastian, Vadim, Bahemek, Xenon, etc
TTF is hard to summarize because it has 10 story arcs and they all lead into the other, but the plot begins with ‘A wizard terrorist attacks the king of Hou’lu sending two girls on a quest to stop him’ which sounds so simple doesn’t it -sobs-
 Very adventure, political intrigue, slice of life elements
They basically travel all over the world, and I’ll quickly summarize what that’s like by listing each countries major influences
Hou’lu: Italian Renaissance, China
Sunobor: Medieval Germany, Japan, Inuit
Haldon: Folk Mexican, Folk Italian
Lavynna; Byzantine, some inspo from India to structure of things?
Gehinna: Ancient Hebrew
Parappa: Egypt-Germany
North Desert: Russia-Arabic
Harpies (more a tribe): Maasai
TTF of them all gets the most complicated but very incrementally, so it’s the hardest to express much on. But they get a cool hard magic system based on 10 elements so
Also TTF dragons are sentient, intelligent, and morally complex
The Miyoré Schism
A prequel to ttf by about 900 years
Faolan, Mien, Enlai, whatever I name the girl, Jiao
The plot here is a bit simpler
What happens when the one who pulls the blade only those Chosen by God can touch is among the race of people thought to be destined to serve?
This focuses largely on the Sha’li of East Hou’lu. As a race they have very distinct white hair, pale skin, and red eyes. At this time in history, monster taming was very common as well, so most the characters have a family or personal monster. Sha’li also have an ability to become “invisible” but in actuality they are lowering their ‘presence’ or ‘noticibility’ to all non-Sha’li
This story draws largely from Tibet for its aesthetics
Ariella, James, Charles, Kiba
I have uprooted a lot about this story and not yet relayed it, but so far
A girl who wanted to become a soldier but was refused strikes out on adventure to do what she can for her country on her own- but to her chagrin gets a tag along
This story likely will have a soft magic system, and is definitely still based on Victorian and Japanese aesthetics. It’s actually a specific era of Japanese history but I can’t remember which. Possibly 16th c?
Despite this, it’s a low tech world.
Most fantasy type creatures/races do show up in Kingdoms, unlike my other stories
Dragons exist in Kingdoms but are universally evil and nobody has ever killed one
Magic and Cannons (MnC)
A wip name still
Cusick, Agathe, Romana, Kordell, Levi, Maureen, Ames, Sung-jin
I’m still figuring put the plot to this honestly, but the first bit is definitely
‘A narcissistic man is captured as a PoW and must find a way to escape’
There’s just three countries of any importance to this world, and it’s much less whimsical in nature than the others, being closer to reality in some ways, and having a lot more tech. Though it vibes as subtly cartoony in how characters have slightly exaggerated aspects to their personalities and behaviors.
Delemar is the country Cusick is from and is based on Wild West in many ways, they’re a very independent people which can be good and bad, they also give no hecks about safety and are pretty wild in general
Choson is where Romana is from and they are much more interested in normalcy and order, which can be both good and bad. They prefer reptiles and fish as pets to mammals actually, which feels important to mention. If you know much about history, I suppose it’s clear they draw a lot from Korea for aesthetics.
Choson is also a very mixed population in terms of race, which Delemar is very much not.
Kievan is where Agathe hails from and is based on Russia. In each case I tried sticking to 1850s-1900s ish for my influences of these countries, though socially they are very diff.
Kievan has an affinity for wine and is the only country that appreciates using electricity for power. They have harsh winters, especially compared to the other two countries which tend to be more tropical in climates. Kievan is less developed so far, but they tend towards legalism there, and while that can be bad, they are also the one not involved in a pointless war, so
MnC is what I call glasspunk, Delemar and Choson rely on ‘reactions’ for their energy sources, which I can only explain as ‘you know how if you mix two volatile liquids, they could explode? They harness the energy from such things’
This is possible because their magic system is a type of alchemy which has allowed them a lot of reactions not available to us, and with this they’ve been able to get treated glass which is nearly indestructible, great for containing anything they need.
Magic is still something within the individual, but in MnC the extent of what it does is change the properties of whatever you’re touching with your hands. If you specialize in using this and inventing things based off of things with changed properties, you’re called a mage.
MnC has a lot of strange tech this way, including trains, vehicles, customizeable guns, staves that through weird tech stuff can have sort of elemental effects, etc.
Electricity is not compatible with reactions btw, because it can cause them to explode outside of when they’re meant to, kinda like smoking by a bunch of canisters of gasoline, it might be a lil risky. So societies that use reactions do not use electricity and have things in place to get rid of it, and societies that use electricity don’t use reactions. Combining them can get cool tech, but is inherently risky.
oh whoops I went off there, huh. Oh well it’s not seen as often as the other types of societies/magics I listed so
Dragons in MnC are animals (technically wyverns?) and have been domesticated to be work animals. No fire breath but they do have a strong venom, I think a neurotoxin type?? And the insides of their mouths are orange 👀 oh and the domesticated ones are reflective like mirrors ish
Children of the Little Mine (CotLM)
This is the only one I plan to make a novel, because it’s set in 1950′s-1960′s New York City and I don’t care about those aesthetics at all
I don’t have it planned out very far for plot, but basically a gremlin thief boy of 17 has a strange ability to manipulate how gravity effects him, and seemingly nobody else in the world has this. But one day during a break and entering situation, Geno finds another boy with an ability, and from there they decide to try sticking together a bit to figure out why, and maybe put together a heist against a mafia boss in the mean time (two stealy boys)
This is very close to being historical fiction aside from abilities, which are /extremely/ rare in this world. I’m very inspired by Artemis Fowl and A Separate Peace for tone, and plan to have middleschool boys as my target audience. Though I love fantasy and such, this one’s still a bit close to my heart anyways
Anyways literally nobody asked for this I just do this to myself. I seriously wanna start practicing comic making skills, but I can’t do that too much for a daily thing when I can usually put in an hour at best. I’m trying to find a sweet spot for it all, but it may yet be awhile before I can post literally anything that sheds light on who the heck any of the chars I post are.
I want to though, and I’ve been running this blog for years now, so best to assume it’ll get there someday. I have still written a lot and planned out things, so progress still happens behind the scenes. Aside from the last few months but that’s not uncommon for this time of year. If you actually read this, thanks euchjsd I don’t think many will, but having it here makes me feel a bit better
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lotusdumpling · 5 years
NyoTalia Axis
+South Italy, Prussia, and Spain.
Veneziana- Alice Vargas
This chick is a badass. Unlike her male counterpart, and even her sister, she's a hard worker who doesn't stop until she gets things done (stemming from the common stereotype that Northern Italians are serious hard workers). She doesn't expect others to work as hard as her, however, and even likes when people let her take initiative. She's an emotional, cheerful, and protective person who lives to and for love. She likes caring for people and acts like a big sister. She has a close relationship with her actual sister as well. She's strong-willed and stubborn, with a love for debate—peaceful or otherwise. A bit of a tease, she likes to make jokes and flirt with others to see their reactions. She's a little rough around the edges and accident prone, but she'll get the job done. She works off of random spikes of energy rather than a scheduled approach, and often has great bouts of inspiration. She's more tomboy-like than most, especially her sister. She gets along well with Germany, Prussia, and America as a result.
Romana- Chiara Vargas
You know that one chill friend who could kick your ass if you cross a certain line? That's Chiara. She really doesn't care much for work, and though she'll get things done if she needs to, she usually lets Veneziana deal with things (not that Vene minds one bit). Unlike Romano, though similar to Veneziano, she is artistic and often locks herself away for days at a time when inspiration strikes. She's profane and blunt, though she tries not to be impolite. She gives off a strong, dominant air, and she's earned the respect of many people. She's fairly laid-back and calm and she tries to avoid conflict. Sometimes, though, she manages to get pissed off enough to throw her chill nature aside and put you in your place. When this happens, she can get quite bossy (inherited from the Maiden of Eternal Sunshine herself). Spain is like a mother to her, and she's very family oriented. She has a love for clothing, designing, and hair products. Looking good can raise her confidence, mood, and energy so much she's it's almost unsettling. She's really close with her sister, they tend to do a lot of stuff together, and she's really protective over her.
Japan- Honda Sakura (本田桜)
Sakura is a Yamato nadeshiko (ideal Japanese woman) type of person, who's wise, loyal, mature, humane, and domestic with a bit of hidden childishness—a blossom by appearance and a wildflower at heart. She's really passive and tends to hang on the sidelines, but she can make herself heard if she wants. She tends to daydream—usually, being the himejoshi she is, about shoujo ai—and yearns for an adventure. She's often called "Sakucchi" (a typical Japanese nickname for a Sakura) or "Mameko" (literally meaning bean child). She has a not-so-secret love for all things cute, and enjoys gardening and tending to her pets. She's a closet Otaku and a little obsessed with foreign culture, both thing's she has in common with America. She's diligent, polite, and sweet, but tends to hide her problems away from others and often times herself. Sometimes she gets self-conscious about her height, and has been caught on multiple occasions trying on Romana's heels. She's admitted to admiring the west and western culture on multiple occasions. Though she's quite shy and antisocial at times, she really wants to have more friends and admires America's socialization skills.
Germany- Monika Beilschmidt
Monika is a habitual worrier. She's the one who goes out with everyone as the designated driver and only cracks open a single beer once she gets home. Prussia, Veneziana, and America are constantly trying to get her to loosen up and have fun, but she always starts worrying something will go wrong if she's not on watch. Occasionally, however, she lets up, usually when she's doing something she enjoys. She's a bit on the quiet side and speaks as little as possible, unless she's lecturing. She's a bit self-conscious about her masculinity and height and it surprises people when she does girly things. She wants to do more feminine things sometimes, but doesn't know how to go about it. Once Romana gave her a makeover, and she was really happy for a few days. She has a weakness for sweets and loves dogs. She often takes on the role of a babysitter for her friends, despite being quite young and lacking experience, and tries to keep everyone out of trouble. Though everyone exasperates her, she has a certain amount of respect and understanding for them, and really cares about her friends. Unlike her male counterpart, she doesn't need a manual to do much and is quite lax on the rules, but she's still really socially awkward. Being a peace maker, she's often annoyed by Veneziana's tendency to fight and need to win. She likes more mellow activities, such as reading and biking, and likes spending time with Prussia and Austria.
Prussia- Julia "Julchen" Beilschmidt
A "maga amazing" girl with an oversized ego, she can be a bit over baring, but she's also better at understanding people and giving advice than her male counterpart. She's serious, book-smart, and hard-working, but it's hidden under her wild nature and strong will. She believes her younger sister, Germany, is the cutest thing and calls her Schwest. She's optimistic and tries to make the best of her situations. She's a bit of a clean freak and enjoys cleaning for others, despite her the lazy air she gives off. She seems to have an interest in skylines and interior design. She often gets in fights with Austria, but they usually make up almost immediately. She likes to listen to Austria play violin and has a nack for singing. She's modest and humble when it's called for, and doesn't give compliments often—which makes them all the more meaningful. She seemingly speaks bird(evident by her constant whistle conversations with Julchick) and is quite the animal whisperer in general. She's actually fine being alone and prefers it sometimes. She has a habit of blasting German rock as loud as possible, though Monika is used to it at this point.
Spain- Isabel Carmen Fernández Carriedo
The epitome of style, Isabel has a sophisticated air about her. Her hair, clothes, house, and things are well kept and she doesn't like losing or breaking things. People seem a bit surprised when they learn she has a bit of a wild side, as she never seems to get dirty and likes to keep things orderly, but she does have a passion for sports and dance. Despite all of this, she isn't actually in the best place politically or financial, but she has a "fake it till you make it" attitude. The happiness and comfort of others has always been a main priority of hers, but she is the boss and she'll make that known. As one of the oldest European nations, she believes she should be respected and admired. She likes to enjoy herself, whether she's relaxing or partying, and enjoys wine and wine based drinks. She always has a fan on her for some reason and can do quite a lot of things in heels. She's fiery, loud, passionate, and rather funloving, but she can become serious quickly and doesn't like being disobeyed. Family, tradition, and religion are everything to her and she's rather protective, affectionate, and clingy.
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ritaslee · 5 years
# pros que vc quiser!!!!
NAME: groovy momma
RINGTONE: hot stuff, donna summer
PICTURE: essa aqui! laurie acha a coisa mais linda do mundo ver a momma rindo
LAST TEXT SENT: i loved today’s class…. how can you be so perfect??
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NAME: mary poppy
RINGTONE: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, sem sombra de dúvidas
PICTURE: essa de um dia que elas tavam brincando numa loja de fantasias
LAST TEXT SENT: we definetely need more weed
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NAME: heist queen
RINGTONE: froot, marina
PICTURE: tirada logo após um roubo, por isso a carinha da riri
LAST TEXT SENT: why white men talk so much.. can we leave, sweetie?
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NAME: dulce vero
RINGTONE: gods & monsters, lana
PICTURE: look at the camera, vero!!!!
LAST TEXT SENT: love, i think i finally learned your favorite lullaby on the piano
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NAME: wifey worthy
RINGTONE: dancing queen, abba
PICTURE: as fotos favoritas da jackie são as mais aleatórias
LAST TEXT SENT: you won’t believe…. now i have a diamonds necklace!!! mrs. marilyn monroe, we need to talk!!!!!11!!!
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NAME: carmencita
RINGTONE: a world alone, lorde
PICTURE: yin acha essa foto um amor
LAST TEXT SENT: Please, don’t put the yesterday photos on the doc…. The world does not need to know how much I love rice!
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NAME: former four-eyed
RINGTONE: if i needed someone, beatles
PICTURE: “velms, look at me”, “no, i can’t believe you didnt hear the song i sent you”
LAST TEXT SENT: velma… stop me from cutting my hair alone or i’ll mess it up
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NAME: the other woman
RINGTONE: a case of you, joni mitchell
PICTURE: fazendo carão
LAST TEXT SENT: the media is trying to make us fight again… they really dont know that you were in my bed earlier
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NAME: mademoiselle
RINGTONE: call me, blondie
PICTURE: “let me take a pic, you’re looking so fierce”
LAST TEXT SENT: i went to a beautiful class about history of fabrics just for fun… you need to meet romana huffman!
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NAME: sun moon and stars
RINGTONE: life on mars, bowie
PICTURE: tão singelinha
LAST TEXT SENT: i have a surprise for you… guess who is meeting loretta lawrence and amelie bergstein!!
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NAME: princess
RINGTONE: lover leaver taker believer, greta van fleet
PICTURE: poxa a jasmine é muito linda
LAST TEXT SENT: would you hate me more if i give you flowers? what are your favourites?
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NAME: lil lola
RINGTONE: you don’t know what love is, billie holiday
PICTURE: tirada quando a lola estava distraída falando sobre a miuccia
LAST TEXT SENT: just bought tickets for the other woman premiere today..
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NAME: baby rhia
RINGTONE: toccata and fugue remix (bem dramático)
PICTURE: um anjo
LAST TEXT SENT: i am watching twilight again. jacob is so terrible
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NAME: real barbie
RINGTONE: tara, pabllo vittar
PICTURE: não existe mulher mais linda
LAST TEXT SENT: já tô pensando na nossa fantasia pro carnaval
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NAME: venice bitch
RINGTONE: gimme shelter, rolling stones
PICTURE: essa aqui!!!
LAST TEXT SENT: the room is full of blood… clean yourself, girl
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NAME: mrs tanya
RINGTONE: rock me, abba
PICTURE: be still my beating vagina
LAST TEXT SENT: my mother knows that i’m .out… it’s a perfect night to do something with you
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NAME: bossy boss
RINGTONE: say i do, abba
PICTURE: aqui!!
LAST TEXT SENT: thelma, i am perfect in my wedding suit… just to let you know
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NAME: a minha menina
RINGTONE: cecília, chico buarque
PICTURE: bem boyzinho
LAST TEXT SENT: tu pode vir aqui rapidinho, meu amor? a gente tem uma música pronta mas precisa de uns efeitos sonoros…. tu tem algum problema com gemer e gritar no microfone?
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NAME: ice cube
RINGTONE: the rain song, led zeppelin
PICTURE: um mulherão desses
LAST TEXT SENT: pascal misses you…. and i miss you too.
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NAME: cruel cruella
RINGTONE: serial killer, lana
PICTURE: muito engraçada
LAST TEXT SENT: i need new boots and new kisses from you right now
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lunawho47 · 6 years
Inside Straight -- DW/Fringe Xover Snippet
I find interesting things on my hard drive when I’m putting off writing my final papers for grad classes, lol.  I came across this old idea I had of an Eleventh Doctor fanfiction that had a teenage Olivia Dunham as the companion.  The plot was going to have something to do with the Master messing with time lines, and Eleven was going to run into Rose Tyler at the Bad Wolf Bar and have to try and conceal his identity so that she wouldn’t know the term “the Doctor” when she met him a couple of years later.  And Olivia was going to come across an on-the-run con man named Peter Bishop and get into all sorts of craziness when the mob boss turns out to be the Master.  
This following portion was the only bit I managed to ever write of it, and it was the opening scene between Olivia and the Doctor.  Rose is not physically in it, but to anyone who has watched five minutes of the show and knows how to read between the lines, she is very much present.
The Doctor sometimes despaired of ever succeeding in getting Olivia Dunham to smile.  She had been travelling with him for nearly nine years — a long time for a companion — and in that time frame, she had smiled exactly three times, and he had initiated NONE of them.  Oh, she had responded to him, but it was usually with eye-rolls, a glib comment or notable cold shouldering.  Apparently, Olivia’s smiles were restricted use only for small children, classic screwball comedies and B grade science fiction films.
The teenager in question was currently studying the TARDIS environmental readouts, her eyes taking in his native Gallifreyan language with unceasing interest.  It was a daily ritual with the two of them.  She would study the odd lines and circles, looking for some certain pattern, and he would tell her its meaning.  They were usually quite mundane — pick up dry cleaning, need milk, clean out stabilisation rotor and wormhole refractors, save Earth from scheduled invasion by Vogons — but the language still seemed to intrigue and confound Olivia, to the Doctor’s never-ending amusement.
The Doctor watched with pride as his young companion’s green eyes got that spark they harboured only when she had spotted a pattern in the madness.  “It’s my name!” she proclaimed, and the Doctor’s answering half smirk told her wordlessly that she was right, but not completely.  She was as correct as her alien driver would allow her to be, but no more.
“Alright, what am I missing?”
The Doctor’s smirk moved from one-sided to a full smile, and he quickly turned from being her friend to being her teacher.
“It is your name, Olivia,” he began, urging her closer and putting his arm around her shoulder to bring her closer to the symbols she had spent the previous nine years learning to decipher.  “But it’s so much more than a mere mess of sounds.  This particular line of shapes encompasses everything that you are – your whole life story (as far as I know it), all your personality and your potential to the universe.  These marks are your soul.”
He patted the post-it note fondly, and quickly scrunched his nose in disgust when the ink smudged.  On impulse, he went to wipe the residue off his fingers on Olivia’s jacket, but she wisely moved out of the way, her mouth going downward into a familiar frown.  
“Will the writing change as I get older?”
“Of course!  The story isn’t finished yet, after all.  Every writer has to make some edits.”
“And what about punctuation?  Is there a Gallifreyan equivalent of a period?  What mark do you make when my story ends?”
The Doctor felt one of his hearts stutter at her words.  Nearly 2000 years (although he often told Olivia he was only 1400, which she never believed anyway), and 300 of those in his current from, and he still couldn’t find it in him to happily accept endings.  While he had known some companions a long time – Romana, Leela, Sarah Jane, River, Ace, Amy and Rory had never been able to quite give up their love of adventure after leaving him and all had come back to travel for a while longer after *officially* moving on with their lives – Olivia was one of the few to stay for so long without leaving at all.  He often offered to take her to her mother’s to visit, but she always refused.  Her green eyes, a much darker shade than his, but with an identical sense of burden attached, always got hard at the mention of family.
It was why he had invited her along – a nine year old girl sitting on a Boston street corner, her teeth chattering with cold and not a friend or parent in sight. He had been following readings on the sonic screwdriver, but had lost the signal (the explanation for which he never did discover), but had found her instead.  When he had offered to help her get home, she had insisted that she didn’t have one.  When aliens had gotten the drop on him (as they always seemed to do, especially in his current body), Olivia had saved his life.  When it appeared she truly did NOT have a home to go back to, he had invited her to come with him.  
Over the years, he had managed to extract some little titbits from her as to her previous life.  She had a younger sister named Rachel, an absolutely perfect and wonderful mother, and a drunken, alcoholic and abusive step-father.  Something had happened (Olivia never said what), and she had been thrown out and could never go home again.  The Doctor was positive there was more to this story, but he refrained from asking.  When he had come across her in Boston, he had been desperate for something akin to friendship after losing Amy and Rory, and he was just selfish enough to not ask questions that would make him give up the one person he had come to care about in the seven years since he’d lost his only family.  And in the intervening years, he’d come to care too much for Olivia herself to want to delve too deeply into things she obviously didn’t want to think about anymore.  This selfishness would come back to bite him sometime in the future – of that he was positive – but after nearly a decade with Olivia Dunham by his side, he was too attached to give her up so easily.  She was one last piece of family that the universe would not take from him without a fight.
The Doctor took a deep, yet silent, breath and forced himself to answer her. “No, there’s no punctuation.  The story of a person never ends; not even when the person’s life does.  The universe carries it on.”
Olivia pursed her lips, and the Doctor could practically feel her scepticism without her saying anything at all.  “Careful, Doctor.  You’re starting to sound religious over there.”
“Everyone believes in something, Olivia.  Even science is a kind of faith.  Rules, principles, axioms, postulates, theories – they all require that we accept something as truth.  Because even something that’s a law – that’s proven with empirical data – all of it has exceptions to the rule.  Nothing is a law one hundred percent of the time, but we believe that when we jump gravity will catch us, even though we know that there are plenty of places where gravity doesn’t exist.  Now, I may not believe in gods or demigods or devils or anything like that, but I have my own faiths.”
“And what are they?” she asked, coming around to him from the opposite side of the console and staring at the monitor screen where a single Gallifreyan signature was circling on the screen.
“I believe in *that.*” He gestured to the symbol, which was a series of interconnected circles and lines that formed so intricate a pattern that the Doctor knew Olivia would never be able to read it.  Olivia’s name had been complex in and of itself, but there was a distinct pattern to it – her time lines were diversified, but had a central point. The signature the Doctor was currently showing her was far more elegant.  The time lines shown through it were twisting and turning, and the signature looked different from every angle the monitor used to present it.  It was both a work of art and a headache for the Doctor himself to view.  He couldn’t even imagine how difficult it was for Olivia’s eyes to take in.
“And what is ‘that’?”
“It’s just another name, Olivia.  And, just as with you, it’s so much more than a name.”
“Is it your name?” she asked, her voice taking on the curious tone it so very rarely donned, and her green eyes grew impossibly large.  The Doctor laughed at her almost childlike wonder.
“No. That would be ridiculous. Something as powerful as that; do you think I’d leave that lying around for just anyone to read?  No, this is something very different.”
“Now you’re just being intentionally enigmatic.  Let me guess: some long, boring Gallifreyan name that sounds even more pompous than the title of Time Lord?”
“Nearly, but not quite.”
The Doctor smiled.  Olivia wouldn’t stop guessing until she knew, even if it took her ten more years to guess it. But that was alright.  Olivia could keep guessing; after all, faith was supposed to be a private thing.  He’d been praying to the same goddess for 600 years, and it had been 300 since she’d last answered him.  But he kept on believing in her – in that name that stretched through time and artwork and endless museums throughout the galaxy – because he couldn’t do anything else. In his mind, that name was out saving the universe, even 300 years after he’d last said her name out loud, because if he believed otherwise it would all be over.  His faith would be lost.  And he was just selfish enough to hold onto it.
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panizhe · 7 years
My thoughts about the when the world's collide
Oh my gosh I absoulotly love this two eps !!!! We see mona and Sal commander again yay !!!🤓 Lol I can’t stop laughing at that monas face !😂 Utroms are so kind they helped the poor guy ….☺ Dang newtrolizer!!!!😤 Awwww….poor Raph he misses mona but he won’t admit it  ….😔 Donnie and april are just so cute , girl admit it you love Donnie is so obvious….😉 My OTP!!!! I always imagined that Leo and karai train togather in the dojo and it finally happened!!! Thanks tmnt crew!!!🙏 Wow karai said she likes Leo !!! Am I dreaming ??? Is this heaven wha…..😇 That smile of Leo you dork😍 Is that renet ??? I love her hair so much !!!😍 But what about shini???😔 Mikey just gathered all the hot girls around him self!!He has the best taste in girls among all the turts !!!😏 Raph actually plays so good with drums !! Nice !! Holy space apples!!! Awww he is so happy Demotion x !!! Yaaaaay Romana!!!😍 Leorai is pure gold !!! 😍Just look at this two dorks😍😍😍 karai said the exact same thing that Leo did before lol 😂Leo looks at karai at put his arms like her  Lol karai founds out that she has a hot for Leo as well😏 Monas blushing 😍😍😍 I can’t stop laughing at them lol 😂 okay we get it you guys are so in peace 😂✋ And…..newtrolizer ruins everything…😐 Raph and Mona again 😍 Lord dreg attacked them ???😐 Nooooo Mikey!!!!! Oh yeah and Sal commander sorry 😅 We are friends….yo (my stomach hurts 😂😂😂) Newtrolizer again 😑 Karai climb down at the wall like a boss 😎 I never get tired of watching these two togather 😍😍😍 Leeeeeo!!!🤓 She loves him is confirmed 😋 April being badass 😎 Relax have a drink!!! Love that line!!! Yeah Mona please stay on earth 🙏 Good timing bishop !!! Poor karai she doesn’t know a thing about this places lol 😂 I thought that april gonna be jealous that Donnie and utrom Irma working together…😆 Somebody stops this guy he is everywhere😲 Waterbender april !!! Mae Whitman loves voicing character’s that have cool powers!!    Nooo Mikey my baby😢 Everything is missed up and Lord dreg attackes great timing!!!!😐✋ Karai screams for Leo love love love love 😍 And Sal commander is gone too… I never really liked you bishop so if you talk to my woman like that again Iam gonna….(I love Raph so much 😍) Well said my girl 😘 Leo being badass as always 😍😍😍 Raphs plan lol 😂 Jeez april mona was just supporting of him😕 no need to bring up Mikey 😒in fact mikeys plans are very good sometimes 😊 Mona and karai being badass togather 😍 Yayyyy Mikey is back 😄😄😄 And he has some cool electric powers !!!!! 😍😍😍😍 Donnie tells karai to be careful is my favourite moment❤ (siblings time😍) April screams for donnie😍😍😍 Chompy you are so cute😍 Again jeez april give mona some break 😑 Love karai lines so much😍 Yayyyyy turtle mech returns to the action ! 🤓 Mikey is just so awesome !😍 Weak is your face rocka rocka looooool😂😂😂😂 Karai and april (friendly moments 😍) Mikey is sacrificing himself my poor baby😢 Leo and karaiiiiiii😍😍😍😍 April and Donnie!!!😍😍😍😍 Seriously my shipper heart can’t take it anymore😍 Mikey is back !!!you were awesome in this episode  😍 Awwww don’t get his powers man !😐 Leo and karai love parties lol😂 Yeeeees mona is staying on earth with the mighty mutanimals!!! So that means she gonna stay with karai and shini too !!!!😲😲😲😲😲 Lol Mikey takes Leo hands to cover his eyes😂 april fangirling😍 and Donnie is like 😕 and karai is like Iam done with you sh*t guys 😂 Thanks for reading all of this !😅 I apologize for my bad English 😆 I hope you enjoyed it ❤
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hottesome · 5 years
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Happy last week of Summer (or rather full week) as we receive some heat waves and humidity times 89,000 in parts of the world, but most especially in LA this weekend…. *runs to the freezer section of literally any grocery store*…  how are you staying cool?
Maybe with some of these Stan Vegan Wine Lush Summer/Beat the Heat picks:
White Claw Spiked Sparkling Seltzer
12 pk of variety fun ($14.99 before tax) – or just a 6pk of Blackberry aka my top flavor – usually under $10-$12 w/ tax
Kung Fu Girl Riesling – by Charles Smith
balanced to perfection the right amount of dry to sweet ratio making it a pallet pleasure and Wine Enthusiast BOSS!!! Always under $15
The Bruery Mischief – Hoppy Belgian-Style Ale
an 8.5% giant of hops, spice and fruit embellished notes.
Booch Craft Hard Kombucha
7% ABV – probiotics and pro-pleasure principle (APPLE LIME JASMINE FTW)
Hopefully you’ll give some a shot or maybe you already have…
It’s the third Sunday Funday of September aka September 15, 2019 aka National Online Learning Day as well as Creme De Menthe Day … check out my buddy’s Insta…
Stephen aka  Potions.and.Spirits
He’s a wiz at so many cool cocktails… and I’m sure he can recommend a creme de menthe (mint liqueur) recipe to knock your… whatever is too hot to be wearing off… among so many other adult beverage recipes…
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the last 3 months since my last entry #NationalOnlineLearningDay … it’s you have to constantly think outside the box…. You have to be dare I say incorrigible:
perhaps by partaking in some incorrigible sips of riesling via Washington State winery Pacific Rim…. known for their incredible line of Rieslings ranging from Sweet to Dry… all sustainable… all delectable:
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  Thanks for the repost ❤ ❤ you Columbia Valley Wonder
Basically what I’m getting at beside reasonable everyday succulent wine, trendy craft brews, tres cool cocktail recipes from my old roommate/college buddy/one of my favorite queer human beings/friend/guy I made out with for a short film (“it was art”) is that … Sweet beats heat!
And nothing is sweeter than J-Lo’s performance in my favorite feel good, act like a boss, side hustle appreciation movie of the summer with equally sweet Miss Constance Wu (Fresh Off The Boat, Crazy Rich Asians) as the fellow leading lady in Hustlers (Now Playing).
Caught this movie opening weekend (this one) and it popped off with a packed AMC theater [cheers for A-List stubs…. for this being my third movie of the week…  Good Boys (raunchy rated R with a pg-13 cast for epic comedy gold) being one and IT: Chapter II (chilling on levels beyond horror… dealing with domestic violence, bullying, homophobia, horror and abuse) being my other O.O]. Hustlers opens with some incredible music (the soundtrack is fire aka good)… dancing in my seat next to my friend Christina Duran Guevara… I pulled out my canned wine… I earned it and also paid for it prior to showing up to the theater so stop judging me so hard…. (I did recycled after the movie… my wine in a can brought to you by Underwood Pinot Noir… as well as a chill in my fridge prior to the movie and the lovely people of Trader Joes as well as Kroger/Ralph’s fame… *note Underwood is also available at many many places, but only the red/pinot noir is vegan friendly*)
BACK to our feature presentation….
My eyes were glued to the screen the entire time…. Hustlers has a lot of heart and at it’s core is about the bonds of friendship and sisterhood amongst those life long friends you make in adulthood. Based on a true story/events… Constance Wu plays Destiny a girl just trying to take care of herself and her grandma, yet is failing to do so because she lacks that control factor that Romona (aka Jenny from the Block) seems to have down to a tea in almost every way. They meet at a Gentlemen’s Club… Romana being a vet captures Destiny’s eye as a mentor… J-Lo giving the pole dance of her LIFE #FiftyAndThriving… the friendship blossoms as Lopez is a nurturing friend even as a hustler she cares too much and this gets her into a lot of trouble… Keke Palmer aka Mercedes , Lili Reinhart/Annabelle, Cardi B, Lizzo, Madeline Brewer… and so many female superstars round out this cast and group and tell a story that really draws you in to empathize with how far you’ll go, overstep, displace and grow when it comes to getting by especially for family.
As J-Lo puts it towards the end as I paraphrase… the world is a strip club and we’re all just trying to dance in it… someone else pulls are strings and we help them profit by giving our best performance… sometimes you get a chance on the pole and it pays off… sometimes you fall flat… and if you play by your own rules you still have to play the game…
See Hustlers asap and tell me what you think as well as your summer choice drink or drinks you’ve tried.
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Helpful Links:
AMC Theaters -A-List Stubs – https://www.amctheatres.com/
Barnivore – http://www.barnivore.com/
National Day Calendar – https://nationaldaycalendar.com/latest-posts/
Pacific Rim Wines 
Potions.and.Spirits – https://www.instagram.com/potions.and.spirits/
Speciality Wine & Spirit Stores/Shops – https://www.missionliquor.com/ (LA County Exclusive)
Underwood Wine – https://shop.unionwinecompany.com/products/underwood-in-a-can-pinot-noir
YOUTUBE (being updated stay tuned)
Your Vegan Wine Lush (aka Hottesome)
Riesling Rules: Hustlers, Kung Fu & Pacific Rim Happy last week of Summer (or rather full week) as we receive some heat waves and humidity times 89,000 in parts of the world, but most especially in LA this weekend....
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moonah-rose · 7 years
Well now that you've watched Classic Whovian(congrats btw!!!!) any thoughts? Has this changed how you view the show? Or the Doctor?
This isn’t my first time watching Classic Who, I watched most of it when I was a teenager and most of the episodes were on YouTube (ah, those were the days). I wanted to go back again as it had been seven years and some of the lost episodes had been recovered since or animated. Also I just wanted to refresh and see if I could watch through it all properly.
I don’t think much has changed but I do find it fascinating how much certain eras are a product of their time, like with the racism, especially with black and yellowfaced characters that can be incredibly uncomfortable. And yet there’s never a feel that the show is trying to be offensive or promote a racist message. It’s just ignorance of the time period and it got a little better with time.
On the other hand, I don’t think the sexism is as bad as people make out. Oh don’t get me wrong, it’s there! But for the most part, unlike the racist stuff, it’s called out on or just flat out ignored by the female characters who ignore the instructions to ‘stay put like a good girl’. And you have female space soldiers like Sara Kingdom going back to One’s era, and a woman President of Earth in Three’s. I will always defend Classic Who female companions against claims they were nothing but screaming damsels - by pointing straight to Barbara, the very first one, who was a schoolteacher in the sixties who often took charge like a boss. Now we might not have got a truly personal character until Ace but those before her were all just as much heroes as the Doctor in their adventures. The whole series can be seen as a learning curve for BBC writers.
As for the Doctor I think I appreciate more the fact he has always been a bit of a dick. But it’s not intentional, he just comes from a people who see themselves as superiors of space and time, with the Doctor being far less of a dick compared to most of them. Some fans say he has always been amoral. I would disagree. Yes in the first episode he tries to kill a man who slows down their group. That is amoral. But I don’t think you see anything as bad as that for the rest of the series. The Doctor does much worse things, like blow up Skaro, but I wouldn’t call the motive as amoral - just acting on his own idea of morality, which has been in play ever since he helped the Thals fight the Daleks in the second story. It kind of made me appreciate how fitting the Time War was in the revival because seeing the progression of the character up til Seven, where he’s become almost a god-like mastermind, to then lose everything makes sense for the story to go on and bring him down a few pegs.
My favourite Doctor is still Three but I think I loved Seven more than before this time around. I enjoyed Five much more than I did the first time around and I’m glad I saw the entirety of Four’s era - mainly for Leela and Romana II.
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the-whispers-of-death · 2 months
i have a lot of ocs lol because i made up an entire merc group just because
but my most fleshed out ocs are:
Romanas Dobrovolnekas - calm dude with a sadistic streak, lowkey the "dad" of an entire subdivision in the merc group, cqc specialist and torturer extraordinaire, likes making things with his hands
Hazzard - big bitch, biochemical weapons engineer, a hater (like seriously man likes only two people in existance), quiet guy who loves animals, plants and two people
Void - mute guy who just spawned in the merc group one day. nobody knows anything about him. the youngest in the group, sneaky and slippery, very flexible, short and not as muscular or burly as the other two but his strong suit is sneaking and assassinations so he's good at what he does. questionably human
their backstories are a whole nother thing lol
i have a few i haven't fleshed out as much and those are:
Johan von Engelmann - head medic. doctor/neurosurgeon with a revoked medical license and questionable morals/ethics, calm but very threatening/unsettling, glasses, always smiling, 7'3 in height and built like a spider. the most feared person in the group after the commander
Diana - apprentice studying under Johan. nice girl with some questionable morals (Johan is slowly pulling her to the dark side) dark, curly hair and very vivid blue eyes, quiet and shy a bit of a pushover but very competent in what she does
Vaccine and Dartboard - twins from the sub division i mentioned before, oppurtunistic cannibals, unhinged and silly goofy, very fast
Vendetta - sniper, haven't decided on their gender yet, red hair/scarf, you'll never know where they are but you'll know they're there, doesn't listen well but gets their job done
Selga - attack dog, sharp teeth, severly traumatised but the commander of the group won't get rid of him or get him the proper help. only listens to Romanas, situational cannibal, very strong and fast and extremely viscious
Boss - the man who takes over the group once the current commander is no longer around. actually a good man who treats his soldiers well, the reason my ocs get soft endings, dilf, the group would kill for him, doesn't really assert his "authority" that much, he's more of a figurehead/for formalities sake, great soldier and he does all the coordinating so he does the job of "leader" despite not really pressing the soldiers to obey, they do because they like him, tamed an entire merc group filled with unhinged, traumatised people and accidentally became their dad whoops
lmao this is probably kind of trash because i suck at describing and didn't want to get in too deep into my dumbass ocs lol
im sorry im actually having fun telling someone about my nonsense made up blorbos
Sorry, first I just want to say Feral!Stone would absolutely love the OCs who are situational/opportunistic cannibals. Because he is a cannibal.
Second of all, don't apologize!
I love Boss but that's my daddy issues coming into play.
Hazzard only liking two people is such a mood and it's on par for him loving animals. Animals are better company than humans.
Johan still being the head medic despite no longer having his medical license is funny to me. Love that he's morally gray.
Selga being an attack dog and only listens to Romanas is relatable. (I really do love OCs who are absolutely feral.)
Vaccine and Dartboard being unhinged and very goofy twins? I love that for them.
Vendetta sounds like a badass regardless of their gender identity. They sound like they pop out of nowhere (like Sarabi does).
Diana sounds like she's so pretty.
Void being questionably human and having just spawned into the group is just chef's kiss. Love that he's mute.
Romanas, sometimes sadistic men are needed.
Anyways, I love them all.
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flownintothesun · 1 year
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⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───    𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 . (𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐖𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝!𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐞) 
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                ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ─── a closed one-shot for @batteredoptimist.
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       𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐀'𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 — the love that fills her heart for the boy in the bed. He’s still as the dead, and yet she pours her soul out to him as though he is the one who can hold her, keep her safe. As though that has ever been his place here. Mariano could keep her safe, he could keep her close and chase away the nightmares of this place that plague her heart. If she would simply try to love him, all of those things...all of the bad things would come to an end; and still, Mariano sits with his arms folded across his chest, staring at the monitor with Giuseppe as his soon-to-be wife leans down and steals a kiss from something that’s barely more than a corpse, her tears wetting his face like a benediction.
      He turns to the man beside him, who watches the screens. Who knew it was smarter to come to him with this than the boss. Lucky girl. See? Your Mariano keeps you safe, and still you betray him.
     “Basta,” Mariano speaks lowly, scrubbing a hand over his face, “Cancellalo. E se scopro che l'hai detto al capo, dovrai rispondere a me. Penso che scoprirai che non è una posizione in cui vuoi trovarti.“
      “Si Capo.“ Giuseppe responds; and hell if it doesn’t have a nice ring to it. One day, he will be the boss of this place, and things will be different. They will be better, and his Mama and his Romana will want for nothing. If it takes until then to see that hate can so readily become love if only she’d try, then so be it. He has time and power, and Westley McCarthy has nothing. She’ll learn to love the man who holds the cards, in the end. Still, he can’t risk her being seen in the medical ward. The boss has strictly forbidden it — not to mention that even Mariano tires of these continuous slaps in the face. It’s insult to injury — he’s given her the world, and still, she runs to the one thing he will not allow her to possess — or he to possess her. When he is boss, Westley McCarthy will no longer be a problem. He’ll have the boy sent away, and if he comes back he’ll be killed. It’s not that Mariano wants to be the bad guy — it’s just the nature of the game, and Romana’s setting the rules by breaking them. To have a chance at happiness, she’ll need to forget the little Dutch lad.
      “Manda un messaggio a Emiliana Bianchi e dille di spostare il topo. Forse è giunto il momento di dirle che è morto in modo che questo periodo di lutto possa finalmente finire.“
       One way or another, it will end, as all things do — and Mariano will win the girl’s affections. He already feels her softening at his touch. It’s only a matter of time, and disposing of what stands in the way.
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