capn-twitchery · 4 months
buttercup for twitch and grace
Buttercup - Does your OC have any odd quirks/habits?
OOO let me think >:3c twitch up first but honestly it would be quicker to list what Isn't odd about twitch
obvious one is refusing to be seen without their glasses, those are very important!!
since they spend so much time at zee, they tend to walk oddly and sway when they're on dry land. zee legs too strong, ruined their real legs. (i wish i could find an irl example but this incredibly low quality jack sparrow video will have to do)
they are never, ever, still. if they're talking, they're gesturing. if they're thinking, they're pacing. if they're sitting, they're fidgeting around. if they're sleeping they are swinging the hammock. perpetual motion machine
terrible habit of hopping over the ship railing and just hanging over the side of the ship, for no reason whatsoever. yes they have fallen off before, yes they will fall off again, no this will not stop them
they make way too intense eye contact. you can't really tell, since you can't see their eyes, but i'm not sure if that makes it better or worse actually
not sure if this counts as a quirk but they 100% laugh way too loud. laugh you can pick out across a crowded bar
for grace:
he hums & whistles to himself a lot when he's alone working on tasks--mostly sea shanties the crew used to sing on expeditions
he won't go to zee (on the rare occasions he does now) without a sketchbook, some watercolours + something to read. he's seen cabin fever at its worst and wants to keep his mind busy
a semi-rich upbringing & navy training affect all of his mannerisms--he was there for a long time. perfectly pressed clothes, perfectly made bed, walk like you have so much purpose everyone gets out of your way instinctively even though he looks like a sad wet dog
he's Very still & calm, doesn't gesture much when he talks & is very good at staying stoically polite & approachable. (you can tell when he's stressed bc this starts to crack. if he's pacing he's 0.2 seconds away from a breakdown)
when he's nervous, he kind of obsessively attends to "duties." on a ship that means keeping extra tabs on crew & supplies, constantly making sure everything is accounted for, offering help to anyone within range. otherwise, it means cleaning. a lot.
internalised enforced politeness also means he greets almost everyone with a handshake like it's a goddamn business meeting. this is the only physical contact you will ever get out of him bc he values his personal space too much otherwise
has a habit of just kind of hanging around, in case he can help. he finds it difficult to know what to do with himself when he's not needed
Flowery OC Asks
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violant-apologia · 20 days
primordial for the apologist!
primordial: what event in their backstory was the most formative to them today? huh. REALLY good question.
backstory specifically is difficult. the apologist had so much history in FL when i started actually thinking about his character that most of what i consider his "backstory" are really just parts of his gameplay that i've filed into "past" rather than "present" or "future"
if we were to include everything i would consider his backstory, probably watchful gains. it was seeing the stars in that context which started his swing towards white on the chessboard, where he sits (and where he gets a lot of his values from) in the present.
if we're going BACKSTORY backstory, like pre-any-FL-gameplay backstory, it was probably (though this is all provisional) when his brother (yet to be named, yet to be fully characterised) stayed behind on the surface to let briar and his siblings escape into the neath. they way briar was sacrificed for, plus a lot of other things falling into place, created a very heavy feeling of indebtedness which never really left him.
ask game here!
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neathyingenue · 3 months
28 and 32 for silvia!
28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? 
Answered here!
32.  Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? 
Not sure if this counts... but every time Silvia wants to know something outside the bounds of propriety, she just asks anyway but falls back on her being new to the Neath as an excuse. "Forgive me if it's terribly rude--but I am still new to the city, and unaccustomed to the ways here..."
It's getting harder and harder to do this, as they're coming up on a year living there, but that doesn't stop them from trying.
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waterlogged-detective · 7 months
vhbgh for the WIP game, all the names are perfect ✨️
WIP meme thingamabob
One of the pallet memes i keep forgetting about
Boots likes to hide in Doe's helmet C:
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bizarrebazaar13 · 22 days
inveterate for the oc asks!
inveterate- is there a habit, good or bad, that they just can’t break?
Metis picks their skin a lot, and this is partly why they make sure to take good care of their bandages. if anything starts coming loose, they pick at it until it comes off and they can do some serious damage to the fabric and their skin in the process. keeping their bandages clean and intact and their skin covered is really the only way they can stop it. they probably won’t ever break that habit, but they can remove access to it, and do their best to prevent situations that trigger their skin picking.
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halfelven · 11 months
Passing this ask game on: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. get to know your mutuals and followers. <3
swim in ocean
sound of wind on canvas tent
sunlit green of leaves <3
iced tea
kitty climbs on you to purr
thank you! <3
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12esima: S. Amiry, Storia di un abito inglese e di una mucca ebrea, Mondadori
Da Silvestra Sbarbaro riceviamo S. Amiry, Storia di un abito inglese e di una mucca ebrea. Silvestra scrive: Non si tratta di una lettura recente ma purtroppo terribilmente attuale. Storia di un abito inglese e di una mucca ebrea è una storia vera, la storia di Subhi, il miglior meccanico di Giaffa, e Shams, la ragazza di cui si innamora. Inizia quasi come una favola, tra il profumo degli…
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giaffa · 7 months
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I have to be the most vampiric person at the opera
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violecov · 1 year
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"surely that is a silmaril that shines now on the west".
hdcn: If elves have a great sight and the world is not round for them, then if ever Maglor went to Numenor to meet Elros he definitely saw Valinor.
The first one is done! So, @giaffa: Here is your Maglor 5!!.
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thunder-threnodies · 6 months
Today I bring to you a daguerreotype of my Husband (that's @esteemed-excellency OC, Hiram Hargrave!) found in Irem. Looks like a picture from another time, another universe, perhaps?
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You can meet him in Veilgarden, the University and generally wherever Hell is. Or you can look for his Wife (sort of), the Quiet Deviless and aske her where he is and what he's up to.
Hiram often dons the Violant Demon and this version is no exception, although it does look different from what I'm used to.
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capn-twitchery · 3 months
1 for twitch and 30 for grace!
1 . What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
i am being 100% serious when i say i don't think twitch could sit still and do absolutely nothing for longer than 60 seconds
they can't stand to be alone in their own head even for a minute. they Need outside distractions, something to keep their hands busy, someone to talk to (or talk At), anything to keep them out of their own thoughts.
1890s ipad baby brain
30. Who do they most regret meeting?
OOOH HMM.....i'm not sure grace has one specific person he regrets meeting, so much as groups of people
the constables, of course. he refused to do a lot of the tasks they told him to, so they made his life miserable from then. and after embarrassing them by exposing the velocipede squad, he does not want to cross paths with them again--especially once he effectively becomes a criminal vigilante.
same deal with the new sequencers later on--they were nicer to him, (though not for good reasons) but he betrayed them in a pretty spectacular fashion by running off with twitch. he regrets ever going there in the first place.
he especially regrets meeting @viric-dreams roberts when it ends up causing some weird issues when he runs into a weirdly familiar face among the revolutionaries. but really, he'd rather avoid meeting any sequencer again, even if he does feel bad for their situation.
he wouldn't say it out loud, but he regrets meeting the guy on the expedition that kicks off his nemesis guilt spiral. but wishing he never met him just makes him feel more guilty! no win situation. sorry grace
asks from here!
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violant-apologia · 3 months
10 and 42 for the Apologist
10: What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them? Hm. This one's tough; the Apologist's Steadfast is 15, he definitely isn't much of a liar.
This might be a bit of a cop-out answer, but the thing that plays the most on his mind is what he said to his Nearly-Daughter when he adopted her.
"Don't worry. I'll keep you safe."
42: How badly do they want to reach their end goal? There's a few things which you could consider Briar's end goal, the most obvious of which would be to return to see the stars again. And how badly he wanted that was put to the test during Seeking. The answer is: not quite enough to damn everyone in the Neath.
ask game here!
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saguarobaby · 1 year
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waterlogged-detective · 6 months
40 - Exact Sciences for Darcy ✨️
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I really like this pallet tbh
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kissingmonsters · 6 days
tagged by @giaffa - thank you!
home screen, lock screen & last song i listened to!
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old black train helps me sleep ☺️
tagging @candles-inthewoods @retourne-toi-eurydice @thekingk0ng & anyone that wants to. no pressure tho!
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bizarrebazaar13 · 1 month
🕛 - for hiram? I'm always looking for more songs to add to his playlist 👀
It’s Called: Freefall by Paris Paloma
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loneliness and being on casual terms with the devil screams Hiram to me.
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