#ghosts incoherent rambling
ghostplasmas · 5 months
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I need to ramble incoherently for a minute, Cause this game. This fucking game. I was but a tiny child (9-10) when it came out, and it has caused my brain to become a nuclear wasteland. I've been asked about how I write characters and how I keep them in character, and I 100% blame undertale for how I write and understand characters.
I've always loved the multiverse theory. I ALWAYS have, and Undertale combined with my brain in a way that made that obsession with universes and shit absolutely wreck how I view media and the world around me. The multiverse to me is no longer just "an alternate version of you", because you, as an individual, are not that important on a cosmic scale. In fact, you're the least unremarkable thing in existence. So why would the multiverse just be earth? Repeated over and over and over again? Why do the bounds of reality have to be the same every time?
Undertale ended up convincing me that the characters in every media I consume are, on some level, real- that- While I'm reading their story, they exist in a multiverse outside our own. Their stories are real, maybe not down to the exact wording, but they do in fact exist on a cosmic scale. Your actions might just be tied to a game or a book, but you're still seeing these characters that originally come from an alternate universe on your screen or in writing. They're real, even if in this reality, they aren't.
Every time I write, I'm not writing a character, I'm writing a person. Someone who has friends and family and morals. Someone who has gone through traumatic events, someone who has gone through highs and lows, a person. Even if a character I'm writing has a very standard one note trait, the character themself is not one note. I can't stop myself from giving them morals, from making them complex, because they aren't just a character to me, they're a real, genuine person.
Toby Fox is a master at making simple characters complex and interesting, of making each character stand out and act as a person, as well as creating games, worlds, that accept that they exist alongside our universe, inadvertently making it so that everything that happens in the real world is diagetic to the world of his games, and that has done irreversible damage to my psyche in a way that makes this entire post redundant because I can barely even get my point across without sounding like I'm tripping balls.
Toby Fox you fucking mad man. I hope that your woes are few and your bitches many.
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greyauras · 4 months
Strange hc time. Ghost/Soap/Roach.
Soap's dad is a deaf chiropractor and has been deaf all of Soap's life, so Soap therefore knows sign language since a young age.
(Inviting Mute!Roach into this equation) When it comes to a 22'verse Roach most people kinda make him friends/lover with Ghost first. But I think given the circumstances Soap and Roach would get along like a forest fire. And especially since Soap would be even easier to communicate with. That means when Ghost meets Roach he'll learn more than the basics that he'd already know. I actually like this idea with 09' Soap better because of the potential for petty arguments.
Soap and his dad have similar attitudes, so when they're arguing, if his dad is fed up with the conversation will close his eyes and cross his arms. The chiropractor part, is mostly because having a family member that is a chiropractor is both a blessing and a whole vibe. Like some people don't trust chiropractors and I saw this post earlier of soap being untrustworthy of chiropractors...so that's amazingly ironic. My cousin will offer to crack any and everyone in the family in half, so Ghost gets a win here.
His dad (Let's call him Davis) likes being a chiropractor because he "Can't hear the scream of pain." And "It's not my problem unless I fuck 'em up." He asks them if they're fine and they'll do a thumbs up.
Soap brings Roach home and he and his dad hit it off immediately. Davis adopts him on the spot and jokes, "What a wonderful lad, you didn't have to get me a friend Johnny." Ghost however needs to get his game up. Half-deaf boyfriend who has a deaf father and a mute boyfriend? -1 point. Can't even read his lips...he wears a mask.
Eventually Soap's hearing leaves him with having to use hearing aids.
So Davis, Soap and Roach will have complete signed conversations with each other and leave Ghost in the dust to try and figure it out lmao. (Soap's mom will translate for him.)
Anyway, here's the video that made me think of this. This would definitely happen too.
Let's imagine the kinetic sand video on the side is just Roach being Roach, okay.
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carefulfears · 9 months
txf30 day 4: favorite dynamic (besides the obvious): scully/mulder/skinner
y’all mind if i ramble for a second?? there are so many connections that are so important to this story, but i always come back to these three. i think everything does.
i say that memento mori is the most loving episode of the series, but when i think about that one, it’s not even the kiss in the hallway that stays with me. it’s skinner coming in to work, the first time scully was in the hospital, and finding mulder sitting in his office. and he’s just been sitting there. bypassed the secretary (lol), and just sat and waited. he doesn’t have anywhere else to go.
and the way that skinner tells him, no. don’t do it to yourself under any circumstances. that he is not to risk himself to try to save scully. ultimately, it’s not mulder that made the deal with the devil, it’s skinner who didn’t follow his own advice. (gave up everything he has, to save them both).
and these are just two weirdos who work for him in the basement!! he doesn’t owe them anything. but he’s the one there, at the end, no matter what. he’s the one who comes to get them when they’re hurt, or lost, or need help. they’re his emergency contacts, the people who show up, the people who advocate for him. the people who know him. (the bigfoot division are a.d. skinner’s silly rabbits etc etc etc)
in iwtb, after six years away, it’s skinner who comes to get scully, on the side of the road, next to mulder’s flipped car. tells her that they will find him, that he’s okay, to breathe. it’s skinner that holds mulder on the ground, in the end.
when mulder went back to bellefleur, it's skinner that scully sent with him. that girl has never trusted a single soul to so much as breathe mulder's air, but "i won't let you go alone," is immediately followed by skinner packing the car.
like trish said last night:
i think telling scully he "lost" mulder was the hardest thing he ever did. skinner loves mulder too, but mulder is scully's entire world. and this time around, he won't let scully be alone the way mulder was.
(and the kindest thing scully ever did: squeezing his hand, saying "i already heard.")
(skinner returns the favor: he tells mulder about william, so that scully doesn't have to.)
my favorite moment in requiem is the final scene, the two of them crying together. the only two people. the only two people who know.
when she tells him that she's pregnant, he's the first to know. the only person to know, for most of her pregnancy. 18 years later, he's still the first person thinking of their baby, looking out for him.
honestly, it always comes back to sein und zeit for me. when after 7 years, after 27 years, mulder says that it's just too much, and he wants to go home. he wants time away from work. the sequence in the car: mulder in the backseat, skinner behind the wheel, scully on the passenger's side. for so many years, mulder had to be searching, so that he wouldn't be alone. but now he stands in front of two people who love him, and admits to needing a break. to wanting it to stop. he's guided, he's guarded.
skinner is a hardass. it's not easy to manage their madness. it's not easy to write the footnotes, to be the person waiting, in this particular story. but like he tells mulder, 14 years after they last worked together: not a day goes by where he doesn't just wish they were there, trying to make things better.
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This is not coherent at all but we have (slightly weak) evidence that jimmy casket that is passed down from parent to child (tommy to gregory/ghost) in the casket family. When tommy died, he gave jimmy to ghost. Jimmy has possessed and/or impersonated (implying they look similar) princeton quagmire. Mayhaps. Quagmire is related to Johnny Ghost ? Yes. 👍
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scp-168 · 4 months
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dean-is-love · 2 years
the way the thing in the hobo hill house literally responded to shane and ignored ryan the whole episode...
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dilfsuzanneyk · 1 year
do you think Pat tends to help others and constantly “manage” the others and such because it distracts him from his own feelings? like it’s tied into what he feels is his role as a Scoutmaster, and his role as a father. a role where he’s supposed to be support, and can only be support, and must therefore only ever be strong and never be weak (and therefore can’t really be silly or be ‘emotional’)
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orbdotexe · 2 months
Give me all of the thoughts you have on those three and I will give you cute cat video (threat)
OKAY SO. its been a hot minute since ive done anything outside of writing the already established shorts for Exile, so this might be a lil lacking in what i usually put into these. But i promise its got more of plenty else! my brain has been zoomed ALL the way in on getting every single floof in warframe (i have all but like. 5. and those are all from Venus. please help)
Drifter. Drifter Drifter. He does NOT want to get attached and Shin and laughing at him the whole time. That man knew exactly what he was doing when he dragged Drifter into this and feels no regret. You might even get a rare smile (albeit smug) from him when talking about it.
It may not have been the most moral thing to do; using Drifter's experiences with the Nine to trap him into doing something insanely dangerous--But he's fine now, and he barely even came out with a bruise. Besides, the whole system should be glad Shin did that. At least now, Wolf has some direction.
It's not the most moral thing, yet again, to point Wolf at enemies again--A weapon, again--but it's what they needed. Horrible thing to need, the exact thing you need to get away from. But they have to want to get away from it enough to leave, first, and they can't get to that point without it. Wolf has to be a weapon to know what to do with themself, now. They spiral without it, and Ghost takes far too long to realize it--And refuses to acknowledge it when he does.
But they need an outlet, and the City still needs them. Two birds with one stone (though Wolf might object to that specific phrase). Think of the greater picture, Shin might ask.
That's why now, after a life removed from the bigger picture, I'm risking everything I am on a simple bet—that you are different. That you are better. Than me. Than them
This is what I want—need—you to understand. Your path is not your own. It is shared. It has impact. It carries consequence and creates wake, both obvious and unseen. And the path you're currently walking is… concerning. For yourself, whether you see it or not. More importantly, for others.
Have you considered this?
Shin is much more attached than he sounds (thank you autofill for recommending "attractive"), trying to both guide them and keep at a distance. Not that he ends up doing the greatest job.
Drifter, on the other hand, is more or less his typical self--If much more... put-off by the whole thing, at least for the first while. He gets used to Wolf's tendencies, and how Ghost and Shin try to direct it, so they don't catch themself too far in their own crossfire (not that its effective, but the two try. Thank the Light for Crow coming around).
But Wolf is still unnerving, maybe because they remind him and the states he was stuck in. Maybe because it's-- Well, not willingly. But the things they put themself through that they don't have to? So, maybe there's resentment, or maybe he just doesn't understand and maybe they don't exactly help much of anyone understand. Maybe they're unnerving because of their eyes, because of how they hold themself (a kicked dog.), because of the fighting spirit, the determined heart, reduced to the mere haunting of someone who was before.
Maybe it's pity. Maybe he doesn't want someone else to end up like him, or the people he's known throughout his far too long history.
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lalosalamcnca · 2 months
dating apps really can suck you back into that high school dating drama mentality hmm
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dogwatersoda · 2 years
I'm curious, if you dont mind me asking, why do you associate Tobias with the Frankenstein’s monster entity?
I have been thinking of this constantly since it has been ask on how I could word this bc!!!! essay time (even though it’s more so random thoughts and observations thrown together) babey
Tobias and FM/Frankenstein’s Monster (Who I will switch among referring to as either FM or Adam)
Both contain themes of isolation, misunderstandment, fear, and estrangement/unhealthy relationships with their fathers/creators. Which result in violent behaviors.
Tobias and FM both have to teach themselves how to interact with the outsiders/humankind.
Both Victor and Lucas loathe their children (the first dedicating his life to kill his)
And the thing that they fear is neither Tobi’s or Adam’s fault. Victor literally created and built Adam (I actually have a little theory on Victor’s fascination with bringing something back to life but that’s for another post], and [from what I’ve interpreted/understood so far] Lucas hands Tobias over to Mr. Edburt for some exchange or something. Neither FM or Tobias could consent to any of this whatsoever.
(I can’t remember where I heard this but if I recall correctly doesn’t future/older Tobias try to kill his mother so that he could have the sole attention of his father without any distractions? If that’s true, then both Tobias and FM have either attempted or succeeded in killing their fathers’ spouses)
Also Adam has both killed a kid and saved the life of another and Tobias attempted to save someone and kill another (again) so
Adam and Tobi both lament their existence and speak in a more eloquent manner (although for the previous, it’s because of time-period the story was written in, while the latter adds to the character).
They both end up feared, misunderstood, and rejected by those around him {For Tobias, Ghost Eyes solely.} (Assuming his other siblings [minus Mattias] reject him like in Finger Game)
Minus the parallels between FM/Adam and Tobias and solely onto the other stuff.
There’s a common trope/gag with FM-inspired entities is how occasionally their limbs fall off and they have to re-stitch it again over and over reminds of Tobias. He has to deal with the torment of his Father and Mr Edburt and then it doesn’t get easier from there. Even when/after he falls apart, he tries to stay together and push on to be strong. (Because of this and his love of porcelain dolls, I also associate Tobias with broken/cracked porcelain dolls, as well as haunted/possessed ones)
FM-inspired entities are also built and Tobias was although built together in a more metaphorical/mental way. Tobias’s mindset/nature has been built and sculpted by his environment, his father and his treatment definitely having a major impact on that.
Anyways they have a lot of similarities/parallels and those are the majority of the reasons that Frankenstein’s Monster or FM-inspired entities remind me of Tobias Schneien.
I hope this was this wasn’t too incoherent or too long and sorry for taking a tad bit to respond, have been thinking of all the reasons and parallels to both the original Frankenstein and Ghost Eyes/Cards and how to put them properly into words. If this is completely incomprehensible, I am much willing to retype and reword this for easier comprehension and if you’d like any other clarification, more discussion, any questions, or whatever feel free to ask me :-) :-)
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technicalknockout · 9 months
Someone break me out of school :(
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the-spooky-alien · 2 years
Thinking about Will Henry ghost AU again and it's absolutely TRAGIC. Can you imagine the raw pain it would be for Will and Warthrop ?? (For context, this AU is about Will dying at the end of the first book, killed by the matriarch when Kearns and Warthrop are away. Will then becomes a ghost. Because, you know, Warthrop asks him to be there when he returns, and adds ''preferably alive''. Will is dead but he's still here because he made a wordless promise to the doctor.)
Will survives his parents' death, bears the memory of that night with the fire, has nightmares for months, has to do everything Warthrop wants him to do, just to die horribly at the end. He's a twelve years old boy and goes through so much. And he can't even see his parents again because he's doomed to haunt Warthrop. Will dies and is plagued by his death, because, spoilers, dying hurts. Being a ghost is such a lonely experience, for he is deprived of almost all his senses.
And Warthrop is not being helpful AT ALL. He's lost in his own pain and guilt. He promised himself he would look after Will after James and Mary's death and he failed. Utterly and completely. He can't pretend it's not his fault. He falls even deeper into the abyss, lets himself starve because nobody is here to cook for him. Dust gathers in the house. The only used room is the basement. It's Warthrop's refuge, the only place where he can distract himself from the reality of things. Will is dead and it's his fault. It takes weeks before Warthrop finally realizes Will is real, and not an hallucination.
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cryptidblue1 · 1 year
Dialog my fucking weakness, because of course I want to get the aftermath of chapter six done on the Knights side of things first so I can just spew the panic rambles of Lavender in peace.

But also, god I need to figure out names for the baby vessels, especially baby PV because I don't think I can bullshit a "Yeet myself out a window" answer for Lavender in regards to playing keep away from PK after the end of the last chapter. Like even as I'm writing chapter seven I can not feasibly find a way where PK would not be like "I need to meet this person that could be the answer to the infection since the Vessel plan has completely failed" because PK would def want to at least study Lavender to see if maybe what they do could be replicated with like Soul Arts or some other form of seals and bindings, which means more could safely contain the infection and maybe weaken the Radiance enough they could fight her on their terms.
The target has been painted on this poor idiot's head and they are basically being cornered and being made to actually confront the other group that had basically triggered their constant looping because when they were PV they had wanted to save Hallownest as well and not just their siblings, but now their plans to just throw themselves at the wall that is the Radiance secretly until something sticks is now out the window and the thing that usually loops them back to before their siblings hatched is not cooperating so they can't see a way out of this outside of packing everyone up and hiding in a cave in the wilds.
Maybe kill a nosk and take over their damn home in Deepnest.
But yeah I'm hitting a point of 'oh no' because all these other characters want to have conversations and so I can't get away with just full on Vessel rambles. This is doubly an oh no because I have no idea how to really portray PK when not being viewed through the lens of Lavender's love/fear of him and the annoyed lens of the Shade Lord making Ghost ready to throw hands if this night light makes their sibling cry at all.
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wildwormies · 2 years
Ok but what if Martin did take little X and he became part of the crew like Squibben from The Future Is Wild
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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the stare of judgemental confusion is real—
#inedible blubbering#very long and *very* incoherent ramblings in the tags coming right up—#maaaaaan today sure was a weird as heck day…#i started the day off at around 7.30am when i woke up laughing at a *very* ridiculous dream i had.#in it there was some guy who was eating huge cucumbers whole while another guy shoved a huge pencil into a gigantic electric sharpener#their actions were completely in sync. like dude 1’s cucumber chomping synced up with dude 2’s gigantic pencil sharpening#then they turned to look at each other and their eyes bugged out of their heads and that’s when i woke up、laughing in disbelief.#and after that… well. i finally got a call back from the job that seemed to have ghosted me 2 weeks ago…#…and i got not 1 but 2 emails from the person i ✨destest✨ the most in the world. i just ignored them though lol#the rest of the day kinda passed in a blur though… how insignificant.#then a few minutes ago my brother just randomly said ‘happy birthday’ aloud and i was like ‘👁👄👁 is he talking to me?!!!!’#but when i peeked around the corner a la the mona above… he was looking at his phone. and so it will forever remain a mystery ig…#it’d be nice if it was actually meant for me though… it’s been like 10 years since he last said it i think…#oh goodness. 10 years… where has time gone??? (ʘ‿ʘ)#aaaa man… if he really was talking to me… it’d be the first time in over 10 years when all the dudes of my immediate family wished me… ಥ‿ಥ#though the one thing that’s really been hitting me hard about my age and stuff is the fact that my younger brother is no longer a minor…#…and the fact that he looks physically older than me ಠ‿ಠ not cool bro ಠ‿ಠ#oh!!! and!!!! don’t go mistaking me for a brocon ok!!! ಠ‿ಠ i’m not one!!!! seriously!!!!! really!!!!!!!#hm. if anyone happens to be reading this… heyy👀 go drink some water ok👀👀 it’s good for you!!! yay for hydration!!!
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ghosttalksalot · 1 year
my name is ghost i use rot/rots pronouns & i'm an adult. you can call me ghost or ghosty if you'd rather ☺
strawpage here!
i will be posting here about whatever i am into - including webtoons, the owl house, stranger things (esp steddie + ronance), harley quinn the series, danganronpa sometimes, spideypool, yellowjackets, starkid, identity v, anddd i will edit this at times
submit an ask with a ship or character(s) ive posted abt + prompt and ill post on it (if i haven't posted abt it feel free to ask tho)
i do not have an ao3, but you can find all my ficlets under #ghosty ficlets
headcanons or too short to be a ficlet and its under #ghost goes blah blah blah
talking about me or my thoughts and answering asks and whatever is under #ghost chitchat
my giant list of spidery!peter spideypool fics can be found here.
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