celestesparlour · 9 months
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tried to recreate the masterpiece; stayed up until 12 am when i have school tomorrow morning. not my proudest moment in art career history
without text;
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based off this iconic piece;
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zorishy · 2 months
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Gay people
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solargeist · 6 months
-Eternity With You
-Change your mind
-Put me together
-Trust me not (Hero and Villain duet)
-You Are Enough
-Writing our own ending
-You don't deserve yourself
-Stronger Than You
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skeletonbxnny · 5 months
if you don't ship sootcest then you aren't living
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i can't fucking believe the c!wilbur ai just confirmed ghostrev i'm so done
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cmyknoise · 8 months
Actually I kindly disagree with your GhostPog dynamic, if anything, Revivebur would be the one to view Pogbur as a mistake as a danger for others to exist because during that time they had spiral deep into paranoia and never truly forgave himself for that. I feel like he would treat Pogbur as offer they were a plague and would avoid staring at them and being around them , until confronted about it, which would turn into an ugly confrontation between the two, before Revivebur realized he's dehumanizing the both of them and harming himself and Pogbur. Also Pogbur would wonder if it's okay thay he's still alive while Revivebur, a future version of himself is still around.
-> Also I feel like if Pogbur ever met the other burs, they would meet Lmanbur first and convince him he's from another timeline instead of his own due to his idealization that he was perfect then and would try his best to keep Lmanbur wrapped around his finger and oddly know how to comfort him at all times at the beginning. Before noticing Lmanbur looking at them with distrust and hesitation, as they would ask about that and they would fight before making up. Because Lmanbur wouldn't have anyone else to rely on other than Pogbur himself and vice versa until they meet the other burs. They would be unhealthy at first, if I'm being honest.
Pogbur however upon Ghostbur, I think they would rather be more kind to them,though at first they wouldn't like them due to their “child” like behaviour and would try to toughen Ghostbur up by giving them re-marks and slashing out at them before realizing what they're doing, and realized he's genuinely hurting him, and a part of himself because he hates that Ghostbur, reminds him of his own vulnerability.
I think they would all would out in a poly relationship honestly with L'Pog -> following Qrp GhostRev since Rev is Aro Ace in my eyes-> with it then following LmanGhost -> and then RevLman- then PogGhost and lastly PogRev before they all then get together and realize they're all transfem
anon i think u have the wrong person?? lol but regardless. future reference please forward asks to @rgbheart
also it’s sootbur all of their dynamics are literally made up all we have is that cc wilbur called c wilbur, revivebur, hot
and that the only two burs with any sort of contact would be alivebur/limbobur and ghostbur (one sided, with wilbur in limbo being aware of ghostbur and his personality and who he is) and revivebur and ghostbur who had actual contact switching places in limbo and revivebur’s mixed feelings afterward (jealousy and hatred, but a kind understanding eventually)
if we talk canon though. l’manbur and pog are literally blank slates on reactions to seeing themselves in any different form. you can guess how they’d react but those are just guesses.
canonically ghostbur views alivebur different. he is the one to separate himself, and who he was when he was alive. he also separates himself in l’manberg and himself in pogtopia. his opinion starts off with pogbur being all sorts of bad, because he is revived with very little memory but pieces together that he must’ve done something bad, so pogbur had to be bad. ghostbur is still c!wilbur in the sense that cwilbur doesnt seem to grasp morally grey. he believes that if you are not good, you must be bad, and therefore his mistakes and shortcomings must mean that he is as bad as the worst of people.
ghostbur described pogbur as the evil dragon who had to be slain by the hero phil.
it takes time, it takes ghostbur going through doomsday and not remembering it directly but remembering the decisions he made, and remembering how he felt after it. he decided that people needed alivebur. he also changed his view. pogbur was no longer the villain, he became “the man yet convinced he was good.
as for revivebur. he distances himself from who he was in pogtopia as well, and even l’manberg to some extent, though he describes feeling as though *other* people still see him as the man he was before. he fears being like he was. he doesn’t speak as extensively on this as he voices his opinions on ghostbur, which are generally jabs and quips. he’s jealous he was so liked, that he was missed. he believes that he didn’t get that luxury. he does not like ghostbur because to him, ghostbur was all that made him good, and therefore he must be bad because he wasn’t ghostbur. once again, wilbur has to (and unfortunately didn’t flush out) learning that it’s okay to not be perfectly good. despite this, revivebur’s views do shift, he’s kinder towards the memory of ghostbur as he learns to be kinder to himself. he doesn’t push friend away or sneer. he understands why the ghost was fond of the sheep, and decides to try, in an albeit bit of a fucked way, to get the sheep back to ghostbur. he wanted to somehow apologize to him too and that was his way.
those are like, the only two canon viewpoints we see cwilbur have about any past/future version of himself.
i switch up what pairing i ship depending on the day.
my not spoken about polycule ship that remains in discord msssages involves revivebur x pogbur x mccbur x l’manbur and a tiny spirit form of ghostbur (hi i used to partially run burhouse)
i typically ship ghostbur with phantombur though, but i also adore him with argbur (i think their ship name should be IceCubes)
just like simpbur & argbur are popular, but sometimes i think it’s fun to do like, simpbur x dark wolf.
i also have a fond spot for l’manbur and phantombur
there’s no right and wrong with bursonas because other than dsmpburs and maybe phantombur, they’re just character archetypes you can do what you please with.
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clingyduoapologist · 7 months
WHY MUST THEY FIGHT !!! Lpog is the conditioner and ghostrev is the Shampoo ❤️-ghostlytart (VOTE LPOG THO RAHH)
The people crave blood, my dear boy
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rgbstatic · 1 year
might elaborate on some aus later.
like my ghostrev revival au and the last life l'pog onr
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celestesparlour · 9 months
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it's going to be okay; i got you
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zorishy · 6 months
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Legend says they’re still trying to find it
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solargeist · 1 year
i remember when you would have sooner died than admit you ship sootbur. we've come a long way i think
its kinda actually rly funny i think bc all those posts r still up and when i come across them i scream
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dew-emeritus · 2 years
Hi all!
I'm Caitcat, 24 and Canadian 🇨🇦. I use the pronouns she/her. My main blog is dewdrop-onmyguitar, which I use to like or send asks.
My personal tags are #notghost and #caitcatspeaks so feel free to blacklist as needed.
This blog DOES contain adult themes and NSFW content, which I try to tag as #NS/FW.
I try to avoid unmasked ghoul/ghost musician content, but if referring to the musician behind the mask I use #unmaskedghoul or #ghostunmasked
NEW TAGS: #ghostmusicians & #ghostrevealed
Ghouls (personalized tags only):
RAIN: #loverboy
SWISS: #swisscheesin
DEW: #sweetlittlegremlinasshole
ALL GHOULS: #gorgeousgorgeousghouls
GHOULETTES: #ghoulettesmybeloveds
DEW & RAIN: #raindrop
DEW & AETHER: #2bestbuds
DEW & SWISS: #doyoumeanswiss/dew????
DEW & MOUNTAIN: #mountaindew
DEW & AETHER & RAIN: #unholytrilogy
AETHER & SWISS & MOUNTAIN: #thetalltrifecta
Other characters:
MARY GOORE: #marygooreisthatyou???
COPIA / PAPA IV: #copia #popia
PAPA III: #terzo
PAPA II: #thesuperspooker #secondo
PAPA I: #primo
PAPA 0: #papanihil
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Excellent Fries in Brussels with @itsreaser and @ghostrevs #325/365.3 #2017 #yearinselfies #brussels #visitbrussels #fries #food #friends #belgium #europe #yummy (at Grand-Place de Bruxelas)
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zorishy · 6 months
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solargeist · 5 months
Twas me birthday yesterday, perhaps a little platonic ghostrev? :3
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happy Birthday platonic ghostrev upon ye
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solargeist · 7 months
THEYRE HATWRS THEY DONT UNDERSTAND ITS OKAY.. l'pog wins . love wins .. ghostrev are body and soul l'pog are freakay.... and they don't Undertsand.... they'll never get it ......
NO 1 GET IT ….
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