#ghost nip
thenewgirl76 · 2 years
Ghost-like/Halfa Jason Todd idea where he and the rest of the batfam discover the Lazarus pit did more than just bring him back to life, temporarily making him crazy and murderous in the process after one of them accidently introduces him to ghost nip.
An alert is sent out that Poison Ivy’s terrorizing the city yet again. The ensuing battle is harder than all the others of the past as the attacking vegetation has somehow been altered. It gives off a pulsating glow and all projectile weapons are useless as they literally go right through it. It’s only through Nightwing jabbing one of the vines with an escrima stick that the batclan realize electricity is the way to go.
Once Ivy is finally defeated Red Robin pulls a few of the weird looking flowers off a vine and brings them back to the cave to examine them.
Tim’s all alone in the cave when Red Hood rolls in, having been the last one to leave the battleground. Just as he’s removing his helmet Tim goes to show him the flowers and what info he’s dug up on them.
Bruce, Dick, Alfred, Damian, and Steph all come running back to the cave at Tim’s urgent calls.
What they find is Jason sprawled out on the cave floor holding the flowers, eyes glazed over and glowing brightly, with a comically dopey smile on his face and a bit of drool dribbling out the corner of his mouth as he nuzzles his face into them, occasionally nibbling on the leaves. The whole time Tim is just hovering over him, worried but having no idea what he’s supposed to do.
Fortunately a call to the ghost kid Bruce met some time ago puts all their fears and concerns to rest. Though there’s now the issue of dealing with Jason’s emerging ghostly traits, and his brothers not only refusing to let him live the incident down, but also using his attraction to this “ghost nip” against him.
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fuyuthefoxwriter · 7 months
Happy Halloween everyone thought I'd give you all a treat and post the chapter a day early this time
I hope you all enjoy it this time around
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lavendarlily · 8 months
ectoberhaunt day 11: calm @ectoberhaunt
the one where i write a ghost nip fic
words: 2744
read it on ao3
cw: underage drug use yes and no?
tucker and sam just want danny to take a night off.
this is so cringe sorry
Being strung out was becoming Danny’s default these days. 
For whatever reason, ghost activity had jumped up significantly in the last week. Even if he wanted to investigate it further, he couldn’t, because there were just that many ghosts to deal with. 
Saturday evening rolled around, and to Danny’s absolute shock, he’d been able to lay in bed undisturbed now for twenty minutes. He even considered risking it and finally taking a shower. It’d probably been a good three to four days since his last, and chasing after loose spirits tended to get one pretty sweaty.
Danny raised an arm and sniffed. Oof. Yeah, he needed to shower. 
He walked across the hall to the bathroom and started the water. While he typically didn’t mind cold showers due to his body temperature, a hot one sounded like a blessing on his aching body. 
Danny peeled off his clothes, and held back a groan. Jeez, he really needed a break. At this point he wasn’t sure if his healing was slowing down as a result of his tiredness, or the beatings were so constant that he never had enough time to heal before the next one. 
Once he was clean (was it actually possible to have that much dirt under your fingernails?), Danny dared to put on an old hoodie and sweatpants that had been all but forgotten the last few weeks. Peak comfort. He wandered back to his bedroom, and lost all sense of peace from his shower when he found two people in his room that he was not expecting. 
“Jesus! What are you guys doing here?” he yelped.
Sam and Tucker stared back at him with shocked expressions.
“What? Why are you looking at me like I’m the intruder?”
“Dude…look at yourself,” Tucker said in a low voice.
Danny looked down at the rest of his body. Where his hoodie and sweatpants were only a moment ago had been replaced by his hazmat suit, and his feet were now hovering a few inches above the ground.
He’d transformed to Phantom without even meaning to. Danny exhaled and closed his eyes slowly, then dropped his ghostly form. 
“Shit guys, I’m so sorry. Everything going on lately has me a little jumpy.”
Tucker and Sam exchanged a look.
“That’s what we wanted to talk to you about. We’re worried that you aren’t taking care of yourself,” Sam began.
“And we’re not letting you get worse,” Tucker finished. He turned to fish something out of his backpack behind him, and held out a small vial to Danny, who looked at it questioningly.
Sam noticed his hesitance and explained, “It’s something we got from Frostbite. We reached out to him because we’ve been so concerned. He told us this would help you cool off, and you deserve a night of rest.”
Let it be known that Danny always appreciated his friends looking out for him. He knew he probably would’ve died-died the first week of having his ghost powers if they weren’t there. But this was something they didn’t understand.
“I can’t just leave the city unprotected,” he argued. 
“We know that - which is why Jazz and your parents are patrolling tonight,” Tucker assured. 
“Guys I really don’t think-”
“About yourself? Your well-being? Yeah, we noticed.”
The glare Sam received from Tucker prompted her to backtrack.
“We care a lot about you, Danny. But even heroes need a break.” She grabbed the small vial from Tucker and placed it in Danny’s hand. “It’s just one night.” 
Danny looked at the small vial of…whatever it was…and back at his friends. Deep down, he knew they were right - between his parents and Jazz things would most likely be okay for the night. And if what he was holding was really supposed to help him chill…then maybe he could stop worrying about it altogether and just enjoy a night off. 
He raised the vial to eye level and studied the contents. Inside was what seemed to be a glowling, finely ground substance, definitely ghostly in nature. 
He squinted at it. “Do you guys even know what this is?”
They both shrugged. “Frostbite said it was a natural medicine. Other than that, he didn’t offer much,” Tucker explained.
“Do I…just eat it?” Danny asked.
Sam bit her lip. “What if you smoked it?” she cautiously suggested. Out of the three of them, Sam was the most adventurous in…exploring self-medication. Danny shied away from it, among other mind-altering substances, in fear of losing control of his ghost half, dreading it could result in a numerous amount of bad endings. While Tucker wasn’t opposed to it, he knew he was better off dead if his parents found out. 
“I don’t know…,” Danny trailed off, as Sam already had repossessed the vial and began grabbing various items from her backpack. In a matter of seconds, Sam triumphantly held up a rolled piece of paper containing the contents of the vial. She held out a lighter in her other hand, and Danny hesitantly grabbed the paraphernalia.
When he didn’t make a move, Sam rolled her eyes and grabbed the cone from him, and placed it between his lips. Snatching the lighter, she struck a flame and held it to the end of what Danny decided to just call a joint. 
“Now just take a gentle breath,” she coaxed. 
Danny sucked in a shallow breath and immediately coughed at the discomfort in his throat, hunching over with his hands on his knees. Sam held the smoking paper away from him, and patted his back, giggling.
“You okay champ?” she laughed.
Danny glared up at her. “I knew this wasn’t a good idea.”
“Come on dude, you barely gave it a chance,” Tucker argued from the bed.
“I really don’t know how I feel about my friends peer pressuring me to do drugs,” he grumbled, righting himself. He nonetheless grabbed the joint back from Sam and stuck the paper between his lips. 
“Danny, shut up and smoke the ghost weed.”
“It’s literally prescribed. Don’t be a pussy,” Tucker jeered. 
If looks could kill, the one Danny sent to Tucker would’ve had him six feet under immediately. He turned to Sam and gave her nod, allowing her to once again strike the lighter. This time he felt better prepared for the sensation, sucking a small amount of smoke in and allowing it to sit in his lungs, before exhaling it out. 
Sam gave him a devilish grin. “I’m so glad to have finally corrupted you.”
“This is different.”
She raised her eyebrows, but didn’t say anything further on the matter, instead chastising him for letting the joint go out as she relit it again . 
HIs two friends refused to do anything else until Danny had smoked a sufficient amount of what they decided to refer to as “ghost weed”, then decided to go downstairs and set up for a movie. Tucker went into the kitchen to make some popcorn while Sam stayed with Danny in the living room to pick out a movie. 
“How about a nature documentary? This one just came out and it’s supposed to be amazing.” She scrolled through the different episodes and landed on one about African wildlife.
Danny was indifferent - he figured he’d probably end up asleep by the time the intro rolled; a nap on the couch was calling his name. 
The trio settled in, and Sam pressed play.
Maybe ten minutes into the documentary, Danny felt a little buzz in his head and a numbness in his body. 
Twenty minutes in, he felt a little delirious, but nothing more than that.
Thirty minutes in, he was laughing silently, but so hard that his body was shaking and tears were streaming down his face. Sam must’ve caught him from the corner of her eye, because she turned and asked, “Oh my god, are you okay Danny? What’s wrong?”
“Is he crying?” was Tucker’s response to his friend’s behavior.
Danny finally let out an audible laugh and pointed at the screen, which was currently showing two male giraffes fighting for dominance.
“They’re just- fucking look at them- fucking noodles just whacking- I can’t,” he stuttered between laughs, almost breathless. 
Sam and Tucker exchanged a look as their friend completely unraveled before them.
Danny continued to lose it throughout the entire giraffe segment. The film then shifted and brought them to Madagascar, introducing the lemurs and their agility in the trees. Danny then began pointing at the TV with finger guns, providing “pew pew” noises as he pretended to shoot at the animals while they jumped from tree to tree on the screen. An ecto-ray came through from one of his “pews” and blasted a hole straight through the television. Danny’s eyes went wide before he fully lost it.
“DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT?” he cried as he rolled on the floor laughing. “I shot- I shot a hole through the TV oh my god guys this is the most ridiculous shit ever I can’t-”
He continued to laugh uncontrollably, holding his stomach as he laid on the floor.
“Oh, he’s high as fuck,” observed Tucker. 
“Best to just let him get it out of his system,” Sam said. “As long as he’s not freaking out, I’m not concerned.”
“What do we do now? TV’s obviously busted.”
“I’M HUNGRY,” whined the voice from the floor. 
“...Guess I’m ordering pizza then,” Sam replied, reaching for her phone and dialing up the local pizza place. 
Danny climbed back up on the sofa, laying across the two. “What happened to the movie?” he pouted. 
“Dude, you literally blasted a hole through the TV,” Tucker deadpanned. 
“Nooooo it came like that,” Danny argued. “I wanna see more animals.”
“Sorry bud.” 
Sam finished her call and returned to the two boys. “Pizza’s ordered - now what?” (this question was more directed at Tucker for obvious reasons).
Danny had slumped back down towards the floor - his upper half still on the sofa while his lower body hung off. “I’m hungryyyyy,” he whined again.
“Pizza should only take like twenty minutes,” Sam said. 
“But I want it nowwww.”
Sam huffed, then stood, looking down at him. “Fine, let’s go to the kitchen and get you a snack.” She reached out her hand for him to take, and led him into the other room, Tucker in tow.
She sat him down at the table, and pulled her phone back out. Pulling up Tik Tok, she shoved the phone into Danny’s hands in hopes of keeping him distracted for the time being. The mish-mash of ten second music clips took over the kitchen while Sam explored the cabinets. In the fridge she found a bowl of grapes that she lazily slid in front of Danny, who was now completely enraptured in the social media before him. 
“He’s like a toddler,” Tucker said. “And we’re literally babysitting him.”
“This is kinda what we wanted though? At least he’s got his mind off things. Just wish we didn’t have to literally drug him to get him to take a break,” Sam said, sitting and resting her chin on her fists. She added, “I don’t mind babysitting one night if it means he gets a night of rest.”
The doorbell rang, interrupting their conversation.
“Must be the pizza,” she said, then stood up and went to answer the door. When she returned with the food, she expected to see the boys how she left them, but was greeted with a much stranger sight.
She hadn’t even been gone that long.
Danny’s seat was now empty. Instead, he had moved on to singing and dancing around the kitchen. The song Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! was now playing through the speakers of her phone. She glanced at Tucker, who was not so secretly recording their friend making the kitchen his stage. 
Laughing, Sam set down the pizzas, and was immediately grabbed by Danny, who started twirling her around. He paused only to lift Tucker from his seat to join his dance party, which very quickly devolved into his two friends watching him with a mix of amusement and relief. 
It’d been so long since they’d seen this side of him. 
The song ended, earning a frown from Danny. He went to snatch the phone and replay it, but Sam intercepted. 
“Hey, you wanted food, remember?” She reminded him, as she went to collect three plates and began serving out the pizza. 
“Pizza? For me?” Danny looked like a kid on Christmas morning as he stared at the hot piece of greasy, cheesy goodness in front of him. He dug in, moans of pleasure escaping as he inhaled his slice.
Tucker scrunched his nose. “Dude. It’s just pizza. You’re eating it, not having sex with it.”
“Mmph it’s so good,” he replied through a mouthful. “I’m so horny for pizza.”
“Danny! ”
Once he was satiated, Danny slumped back into his seat, eyes closed and a small smile on his face. “I wanna go flying,” he said dreamily. “Flying sounds nice.” 
“Not sure that’s such a good idea,” Tucker cautioned. Danny opened his eyes and looked at his friend annoyed. 
“I want to fly,” he repeated stubbornly. Before Sam or Tucker could say anything more, he shifted and disappeared through the ceiling. The two scrambled from their seats and bolted towards the roof of the residence, hoping to catch their friend before he flew off to who knows where in his altered state of mind. 
Once on the roof, they desperately looked in every direction for Danny to no avail. A sudden chill went up their spines, their only warning before a “BOO!” startled them from behind. 
“Danny, what the hell!” Sam yelled, the ghost before them hysterically laughing. 
“Get it guys? Because I’m a ghost? I totally got you!” he cried. His laughter slowed a little, a wave of realization washing over his face. He looked down at his hands and whispered. “I’m a ghost.” He returned his gaze to his friends. 
“Why am I a ghost?” he asked softly.
Sam groaned internally and threw her head back - this was heading towards a freak out, if she knew any better. Tucker reached out towards him, sensing the same thing. 
Danny backed away from the touch, his expression moving from confusion to sorrow. 
His head was swirling and his thoughts hitting him like bullets he couldn't defend against. It was all coming at him so fast, circling his mind again and again. He was a ghost, he wasn’t human, he was a freak, who could love a freak? 
“I’m a freak,” he whispered to no one in particular. While he was distracted by his own thoughts, Sam and Tucker leapt at their friend, trapping him in the middle of a hug. This time he didn’t fight their affection, and let them bring him towards the ground. 
“You’re not a freak,” Tucker said from his side of Danny. “You’re a hero.”
“You put everyone else first, even if they don’t deserve it,” Sam added. “You bring so much good to the world.”
“And we love you, no matter if you’re human, ghost, or something in between,” Tucker finished.
The body between them let out a shaky breath, and suddenly the cold mass became warm again as he shifted back to his human half.
“Sorry guys, whatever is in my system definitely has me all wonky,” Danny croaked, causing his friends to chuckle. 
“You don’t say?” Tucker laughed. 
“How are you feeling now?” Sam asked. 
Danny sighed, then, “I feel like that short existential crisis sobered me up a bit, but I’m not as erratic anymore.” He grinned sheepishly. “Maybe we just go back and finish the documentary?”
Tucker scoffed. “Danny, you broke the TV, remember?” 
Danny’s eyes went wide. “Oh shit, I did do that. How am I gonna explain that to my parents?”
“Ghost attack,” his friends said in unison. 
“I mean, that’s not technically a lie.” Danny shifted back to his ghostly alter-ego and stood. “Why don’t we go to my room and watch something on my laptop then?” His friends smiled up at him and took his hands, sinking back down into the home. The three of them somehow managed to squeeze onto his small bed with the computer at the foot playing the rest of the movie. At some point, their chatter and laughter trailed off into soft snores as Danny was accompanied in his first peaceful night of sleep in weeks. 
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hffhifjou · 1 year
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i’ve been gone for a while have some nip piercing simon 🥰🫶
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tojisun · 7 months
simon w his nipples pierced
gets all growly in pleasure when you start sucking them while youre riding him or smthn. snarling garbled curses when you tug at the barbells with your teeth, legs tensing as he cums without meaning to. apologizes in quiet whimpers before pulling you up so you can ride his face
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ghouljams · 3 months
Fae darlings anon here and I know that once the darlings become fae there's no holding back anymore. Like we all know könig is taking liebling the second she makes her first kill. Man is nasty when his liebling is being feral but when she's being feral and covered in blood? Nothing can hold him back.
Meanwhile fae love is now the dom in the relationship. I'm sorry (not really) but if she's bringing her ghostie his victims I mean food then she's the Dom in the bedroom. Ghost has no complaints cause who wouldn't want love to step on them?
How does it feel to be so correct?
Yeah the first thing(let's be honest the first person) Liebling kills, König is fucking her over the corpse. The only thing better than his sweetheart is his sweetheart covered in blood with murder on her mind. He refuses to hold back and he will be fucking her. The man is nasty. He keeps bringing her other things to kill after that, just to see her do it. She's going to bite him.
Love? I think definitely comes into her own with more domination more often, but I wouldn't say the dynamic shifts too much. She does spend a lot more time cooing over Ghost and biting him. In my mind there is definitely still a submissive element to being the bait on Ghost's hook, offering up food for the two of them to share. But it also has a very... the lioness hunts while the lion sleeps sort of vibe doesn't it? I think they work in tandem, but Love gets a little possessive when Ghost plays bait. The first time Love dominates him Ghost goes fucking dummy. He follows her around like a dog for a solid week after.
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s0fter-sin · 4 months
prankster!soap pulling a mean girls and cutting holes in all of ghost’s shirts so his nipples show and ghost goes full regina george not giving a single shit that his pale pink tiddies are on show
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Happy Mermay, have pink handfish Cake
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miasmaghoul · 8 months
thinking abt nipple play... what ghoul do you think is the most into having the nipple play on them and which ghoul is the most into giving it
They're all fans, but Dew 10000% is the weakest for it, no question. Cumulus is in close second, though. Aeon, Aurora and Sunshine are also enjoyers.
Swiss is the biggest fan of giving for SURE. Could spend hours tweaking and suckling and teasing until his partner is begging him to stop, and then a little while longer. He likes them to wince.
Rain is up there too, but he prefers keeping it for the end. Likes to get them worked up, right on edge, and then tries his best to force an orgasm from his partner just by playing with their nipples. He's managed it with Aeon and Cumulus, but he's determined to wring one out of Dew like that.
Mountain can go both ways, but prefers to give. He's less sensitive than most of the others, so while he enjoys the stimulation it doesn't do a whole lot for him.
Cirrus is solely a giver. She's a fan of clamps, and pretty chains laced between piercings. Ones she can tug on to make her partners yelp.
Aether loves both, but only Dew knows how much he adores having his nipples toyed with. Mostly because Aether is horribly, terribly ticklish there and Dew likes keeping THAT little tidbit of information to himself.
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nikkibabby666 · 30 days
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ccrisalright · 5 months
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A couple Max doodles
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pray for me aaaaaaaaaaaaa
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batslime · 1 year
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Zoinks! G-g-g-ghosts!
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tinogiehd · 1 year
what did hasan say? :/
he didn't really care and then complained about ludwig ghosting him . you know, because quackity ghosting dream is definitely the most important part of the whole thread, not the doxxing and stalking and threats to physical wellbeing LMAO like it could have been worse but
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
Just out of curiosity, take a look at Gaheron Baelfire's skin out, bare chested look. Now, is it hot or not?
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gaydavidtennant · 10 months
if shane and ryan actually catch a ghost its gonna be the craziest thing to ever happen to the internet. like the government keeps saying aliens are real and no one cares but shane and ryan catching a ghost? earth shattering
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