#gem and pearl knew each other before joining
imorphemi · 10 months
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ok i already redesigned Gem after seeing a very very pretty dress. So I did a bit more thinking and some more Prism research and I have an idea of how she works in this AU now :D
She still has a bit of the elven theme but I wanted to focus more on how flowy the fabrics were and also give her more armor pieces. The armor is based more on porcelain corsets rather than actual armor tho lol
In Prism a magical girl's power is defined by how many colors they have, how much the colors appear on their outfit, and how vibrant the colors are. Generally girls only have two colors: a main and an accent. Gem has a very vibrant main color, but her accent color (yellow) is very minimal, so technically she is not that powerful. Shes like mid-to-low tier power-wise. But she does not look that way and though she's not as powerful, she lasts a long time in a fight. It takes a good while for her vibrancy to go down.
Her weapon is a staff that is very good at bonking people. It can extend out into different lengths and thats about all it can do lol. Simple and effective
Her Prism's name is still Mackenzie, a very playful prism who enjoys pranking and hiding, particularly in clothing. She is a gremlin
In the story, Gem was a nurse who worked primarily in the ER department, so every once in a while she will have a magical girl or two rushing someone into the ER because of yknow villain fights and stuff. She got curious about it and dragged Pearl into joining her.
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umbrify · 2 years
Finally finished taking notes on all the Empires POV’s that I take notes for. My hands are dead and I am tired. Here’s some of my personal highlights from today’s shenanigans, in no particular timeline order:
Scott Smajor having the coolest “hermits join the server” moment, with the purple sky and the fog. Very cool of you
Joel vibrating at the seams because he’s so excited his friends are here and he’s trying to be normal about it
Two different hermits absolutely gushing over Gobland and how cool it is
Scar: I love the colors in here, they go together so nice! / fWhip: I’m glad you think so, because I’m colorblind! So!
Whatever was going on w Sausage and Keralis. Why are they like that (affectionate)
Sausage being So Incredibly Normal about Pearl being there
Pearl wore her season one skin holy shit
Scott explaining Pearl away by saying she’s a cosplayer. A… god cosplayer. Yep.
The fact that they clearly did NOT discuss wether they knew each other or not. schrodinger's canon <3
Sausage: hey False what happened to the clothes you got off that dead guy that one time? / False, from Hermitcraft: ….what?
The hermits acting like they know Empires!Gem and her just being like “this is fine. Act natural.”
Doc meeting Pix and Pix is like “my world is gonna get real complicated for a bit!”
Also Doc made the Hermitcraft recap joke. Incredible
Sausage casually dropping his entire tragic backstory on Keralis and Jevin and then just. Moving on completely
Also the fact that Sausage greets them both by name and then acts surprised when they know his name a minute later, despite them calling him by it for a minute or two now. Great job everyone
Xisuma, guy who is bones, being paired with Joey, guy who hates bone people
Jimmy ALSO got to see his evil soulmate, his soul enemy, if you will, Grian, who won’t let him have peace in any timeline
But Jimmy has SUCH a big smile on his face the whole time, you could tell he was so thrilled they were there
Impulse: Scott! My friend! My buddy! We’ve seen each other before, how are you! / Scott: I’ve never met this man in my life
Joe Hills saying he broke his arm but he’s actually just holding a stick while having litematicia installed and he doesn’t know how it works
The fact that Scar was the first one to consider that maybe the hermits should try to figure out how to get home?? Everyone was just like “ooh free vacation :)” and did NOT question it
Grian and Impulse blasting the Hermitcraft Recap music down the mic while they chase Pix around live on stream, and then Grian including that in his video so that Pix HAS to recap himself. Absolutely incredible work boys
And an extra special shoutout to the fact that fWhip and Grian have been working this out for four months now! Absolutely incredible, I’m so excited to see more. Oh my god
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ipowlin · 6 months
So we all know that gem and pearl together is a force to be reckoned with. They have intimidated everyone on the server and rightfully so, they do not only have the bark but also a giant bite.
Now pearl. Pearl alone has so much potential.
She uses something that hinders her performance to her advantage, that thing is her ping.
She has the skill and strategy to solo half of the server if she went rabid again.
And that's the thing. She won't go rabid. She's kind and patient. Pearl has a potential that she couldn't show due to her loyalty and kindness.
Now you see, gem does not have a problem like that.
She's ruthless and blood thirsty whenever she feels like it. She is a leader, someone to look up to in a war. Gem brings the worst in pearl. She tells her things. She tells her to kill, to chase, to hunt. And pearl listens. She listens well.
Gem without pearl is like a warrior with nothing to fight with and for.
Pearl without gem is like a weapon without a wielder to protect and assist.
Gem knew. She knew that if she had gotten her hand on pearl she could rule the server alongside a witch with undying loyalty.
Pearl just wanted to be friends with gem because she was fun :3 she's silly like that
They've set plans, and strategies to defeat the enemy together. But before they know it, They've become each other's enemies.
Pearl asked gem
“gem. You don't want to do this, right…?”
And gem told her with a heavy heart. Knowing that there's no way that they could be together without betraying their day one alliances.
“No. I don't…”
gem ran away, feeling disappointed and betrayed as someone that promised to be her friend had attacked her without warning.
But before they could finish their conversation. A MASSIVE F[redacted]G C[redacted]T SHOT AT GEM. MAKING THEM FLEE. NICE JOB JOEL. (/Lh I love Joel beans)
And pearl, The weapon. Does what she does best and started to attack whoever her allies targets. Like a loyal wolf.
And being betrayed by pearl. That's something that happens once in a millenia.
She hid in her cherry peak as the mounders surrounded them. Gem sees pearl in the distance, stalking thought the forest to find a prey, and they locked eyes. Yet weirdly enough, none of them opened fire. Or even pulled out their bow.
They just shook their head at eachother as a symbol of peace and alliance. Friendship. Because that's what they were, they didn't want to kill eachother, they did not want to hurt one another. but their alliances. They forced them to do so. And they did, out of loyalty.
At that moment gem panics and jumped across the trees to tell both of them to stop shooting. But Scott just ignored her pleas and kept on going. Giving pearl no other option but to retaliate.
They stood their ground, looking at eachother with looks of pity before Scott pushed gem out of the way and shot at pearl. (GREAT JOB, SCOTT. 😡) She dodged before firing back at Scott.
Pearl told gem that she cannot stop what she is doing. But also that she does not have the heart to harm her either. She only wanted the Scotts.
Pearl went deeper into the inner walls of the scottages and was pummeled by arrows, yet she still presisted. impulse died without warning.
Shortly after she heard the yells of her allies and sprinted towards them. But she was too late for Scott and gem had killed them both.
Gem had thought. Maybe. Just maybe if she did not have her allies, she does not have her loyalty. And that she might join them.
Because gem knows that she could beat her. She knows that for a fact.
As she searched through the middle of the battlefield Scott ran up to her and started yelling at her to kill him. To take his heart and to not lose without a fight.
Without any other option she just did it. She stabbed him, gaining his hearts. And shortly after. Pearl came.
Not alone though, like she has hoped. She was with scar
Without any second though pearl shot at gem without mercy. Something that if un-character like of her. Pearl told her “dont make me do this, gem.”
I'm wich gem replied. Without sending her any arrows. “im not making you do anything! Why are you doing this.” as she ran away from them
Pearl chased after her. Though yelling “i don't know!”
Gem asked her “we’re friends! Why?!” and pearl repeated herself. “i don't know!!”
When they met again, pearl has not attacked gem. She tried to talk to her. To megotiate, anything that would mean not killing her. But before she could do that scar had jumped in and attacked gem again.
And what does a weapon do when given a target? They attack. So pearl ran in with her sword. And quite literally stabbed gem in the back.
Killing her.
Pearl got a wielder in the end. And it was not gem.
It was scar
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yusakiiiii · 2 months
The Fable of Skizz’s Raid
It’s on AO3 if you’d prefer to read it there.
There was once a Minecrafter known to one of his friends as Skizz Le Man, but many simply knew him as Skizz.
One day Skizz was happily working on a building project when a Pillager patrol snuck up on him. But being a Minecraft veteran, he was able to quickly deal with the patrol.
After defeating the final Pillager, the captain of them, he suddenly got a Bad feeling, like an Omen of ill tidings to come. In hopes that the feelings would fade with time, Skizz logged off for the night.
When Skizz returned to the server the next day, the feeling was gone, but a horn was sounding, and not a horn that imitated an inappropriate sound bite of one of his friends, a horn calling people to arms. And Skizz found himself suddenly surrounded by more pillagers, far more than was in the patrol, he had summoned a Raid. In a panic Skizz flew away to the top of his pyramid where he surveyed the situation.
As he overlooked the Pillagers ransacking his base, two of his friends and neighbours came and joined him on his pyramid. There he recounted to them his troubles and the fact he had left in such a hurry he didn’t even have weapons to fight off the Raiders.
In response to this, one of his friends, Grian, said, “If you just ignore the problem, it will go away.”
Skizz responds to Grian, repeating what he had said earlier in his retelling, “I tried to ignore the problem when I left yesterday but… that went poorly.”
Grian doubled down, “You’ve really got to ignore it for longer. With long terms issues you’ve really gotta commit. Just don’t come back for, I don’t know, a couple months.”
Skizz was very indignant at this suggestion and barked back at his friend, “Oh come on! That’s too mean.” Before whimpering, “What are we gonna do?”
Skizz’s other friend Gem then spoke up, “Well you’ve gotta kill them Skizz.”
Grian quickly interjects, “I told you what to do! Leave it! Ignore it! It’s only your problem if you claim it as your problem.”
Gem remarks looking at the Raiders and their proximity to other peoples builds, “Are they gonna kill Impulse’s villagers?”
Skizz, worried for his friend’s villagers responds, “Well we gotta go down there!”
And as he starts to fly from his pyramid, Grian grabs him by the arm and says, “You’re not understanding what I’m saying. I can’t help but think you aren’t hearing my words.”
Skizz complains with this particular bit of advice, “So I just can’t go over there? Can’t go in my home?”
Grian shakes his head vigorously, “It’s not that you can’t go over there. It’s that you don’t. In fact, why don’t we just turn this way?”
As he says this he grabs Gem and Skizz in each hand and turns them to look away from Skizz’s home and towards the homes of Tango and Pearl, their good friends across the way.
Gem and Skizz breathe a comforted sigh seeing their friend’s beautiful buildings, and then Grian breaks the silence with a, “Gone! See! The problem’s gone! I see no problem here!”
As Skizz wallows a little at this less than perfect suggestion, Gem tries to comfort him saying, “If we don’t want to go with Grian’s suggestion, instead, we can kill almost all of them except one and bury the last one in a hole.”
You see, it was a little known quirk of Illager culture that if an entire first wave of a Raid had been wiped out, others would come as an act of revenge. But if one survived, the Raiders would see this as an act of mercy and not send any more Raiders to attack. And this is the course of action Gem suggested.
Skizz, much happier with this suggestion commented, “Ooh, that’s good. That *is* good!”
And once more as Skizz headed to the edge of his pyramid to fly off, Grian planted his palm in front of Skizz’s chest to stop him saying, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second.”
Gem interjects before Grian can say any more, “He likes my idea better.”
Grian carries on, ignoring Gem, “Well what looks like is happening, is you’re falling into the trap, of doing something. See, I’ve fallen into that one before. Here’s the thing, you don’t need to do it.”
Gem counters, “But we could also just be proactive and handle the problem. Trust me, you can take them out. You can handle this.”
And trust her he did. Skizz and Gem flew off to fight the Raiders, and helping eachother they were able to, with some injuries, defeat all but one Pillager. But as they were trying to trap this remaining Raider in a hole, Grian, angry they had not heeded his advice, shot down the final raider. He then jeered at Skizz and Gem, “This is what happens when you sort out your problems!”
And not long after, another horn sounded, this time bringing a raiding force filled with the wish for revenge, a raiding force far more deadly than the last. But Gem is well known for her battle prowess, and was able to corner and capture one of the raiders early on, leaving the rest to be defeated by her and Skizz without need to hold back. But just as they defeated the final free Pillager, they turned back to the one they had trapped to see Grian pointing his bow at the helpless Illager. And he released the arrow, along with another wave of angry Pillagers.
Twice more this happened, the brave Minecrafters barely battling their way through the bullish Ravagers and the daggers of Vexes. Until there was only one Raider left. It was then that Grian called out, “Well this is a good spot to just leave the problem now. We can trap this last guy if you want.”
But seeing Grian’s vengeful spirit in him not listening to him earlier, Skizz ignored these words and landed the final kill on the pillager. No horns blared, no Pillagers came. They were finally free from the Raiders. At the end of the Raid there was simply, peace.
The above short story is an unreliable narration of part of GeminiTay’s Hermitcraft Season 10 Episode 13. It is loosely following the story of Pandora’s Box (Which was originally Pandora’s Jar until a mistranslation by the way.), but all Fables are meant to have teachings in them, so just as many scholars have debated the meaning behind Pandora’s Jar for centuries, I shall leave you to ponder the Fable of Skizz’s Raid.
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autumnmist101 · 5 months
Secret Life Aftermath
“Ah!” Scar yells falling onto the main street of Scarland. He opens his eyes, blinking away the dizziness before looking at a curious Jellie.
“Oh man Jellie. You wouldn’t believe it.” Scar says sitting up. “It was the craziest thing. I was in Secret Life, and lost all my friends, became a huge villain and I— I won. . . I— I won. . . But. . . it didn’t— it didn’t feel like a game. It— It felt real.” Scar’s smile faulters as Jellie nuzzles against him. “Oh my gosh.”
He picks her up, scratching under her chin as the guilt begins creeping. . . He had killed them. . . He had killed so many of them.
“There were so many— so many deaths Jellie, and— and I was the cause of it. Oh no.” He frowns before Jellie gives a meow. She hops out of his arms and goes to a chest, pawing at it. However, Scar hadn’t listened. She meowed again, much louder this time for Scar to blink.
“Jellie can’t you see I’m having a crisis?” Scar says for her to meow and scratch at the chest once more. Scar gets up and walks to it.
“Honestly, I don’t know what could be in here that could—” Scar stops as the chest opens to reveal his average mess of blocks and such, however in the middle of it all laid a pair of elven ears. A common staple of his first few hermitcraft shops. He looked at his cat.
“You’re a genius.”
“Sweet dreams are made of thee. Who am I to disagree? Traveled the world and the seven seas. Everybody’s looking for something.” Pearl sings walking through her base, three shulkerboxes in her arms. She had adjusted well back into Hermitcraft after losing to Scar in the finale. Though she would admit seeing Gem in her post game state had been quite an emotional rollercoaster. Nevertheless there was still much work to before the end of the season and no time to waste.
“Some of them want to use you. Some of them want to be use by— Woah!” Pearl yells tripping over something. After shaking out the dizziness of the fall, she rolls over and finds a chest. She slowly stands, dusting herself off before going to the front of it.
“I don’t remember leaving a chest here.” She says pulling out a pickaxe. She digs down a few blocks only to find no observers. She blinks before letting out a chuckle.
“Hermitcraft. We’re safe.” She tells herself, patching up the hole. She then opens the chest to find it full of Scar’s Eleven cookies as well as a few bits of Scarland merch. However in the center of it all sat a single book. Pearl takes it, opening it to find just one line of text. She gives a sad smile.
“Okay, how should I start this?” Grian questions to himself as he sours around his base. He had had this question rolling around in his mind for an hour now. However couldn’t fully commit to thinking about it due to other projects needing his attention.
“Okay, how did the last time go? Mmmm. Well a bit better than Scott’s time. Mmm.” Grian hums before landing on one of the stones that overlooked the entryway of Scarland. He had debated flying over first thing when Scar had come back to the world. However decided it best to give the man time to process his victory.
“Pour fella’s probably just realizing everything was real.” Grian sighs before noticing someone flying over. However that one soon became two.
And then three.
And four
And five.
Grian hears a rocket sound behind him before turning to see Tango pass by and join the flock of flying hermits at the entryway of Scarland. Grian himself, having his interest piqued, flew over as well, however remained atop the entry structure. He peaked out to find not only Tango, but also Gem, Etho, Cleo, Impulse and Pearl as well. The group stood in a circle bashfully taking out booklets and chatting.
After a bit, each one begins placing down shulkers, comparing what was inside. Grian debated on using his powers to see in, but knew the glowing purple would give him away. Finally, after Pearl got out a crafting table and made something, the group piled their shulkers next to Jellie before Pearl popped down a lectern. Leaving a book on top of it. The group then dispersed for Grian to swiftly fly off and look busy by the back of his base as Tango passed by once again. Though once he was sure everyone had gone, he flew back to the pile of shulkers. Checking around and telling Jellie to stay quiet, he peaked in.
“Holy Mother of Jackpot!” He exclaims finding one filled with quartz blocks, and another filled with multiple stacks of the different log types. His mind whirled as he checked the others to find similarly important blocks for Scar’s builds.
“What made them want to give Scar all this stuff?” Grian questions before spotting the book. He walks over and reads it.
“Oh— Oh Scar.”
“Okay. Okay. New day. All swept up— Not swept up. Slept up. That’s still not the right grammar but we’re going with it. Anyway, time to get to work grinding so we can start the interior of— Oh!” Scar rambles flying to the main gate where he finds a big stack of shulkers.
“I don’t remember leaving a shulker monster here. Why is— Why is this here?” He questions before looking around. Jellie meows, walking up to nuzzle his leg.
“Hello!? Did anyone leave a shulker monster here?” Scar laughs, “Whose even is this?” He opens it.
“OH!” He cheers making Jellie jump, “Oh we’ve hit the motherload! Ha ha ha! Provided no one’s actually left it here, of course though you know what they say. . .” Jellie tunes him out, deciding to take a more direct approach. She saunters to the lectern, leaping onto the shulker next to it, before meowing.
“Yes Jellie. I’ll get you your breakfast in a moment. I’m just saying that you know finders keepers, looserssss I still can’t remember the rest of the term.” Scar continues as he climbs to the top of the shulker pile. Jellie however, notices a skeleton swiftly walking their way from the inside of an unintentional mob farm, and aiming their bow at Scar.
She hops down just as an arrow lodges in Scar’s shoulder knocking him off the top of the pile. However his footing had apparently given out because after he fell from the top, he stumbled over the lectern and fell with it into a mess on the ground. Jellie meows.
“How was I supposed to know it was there?” Scar huffs removing the book from his head. After standing and fixing the lectern— and making a mental note to block off that area— he looked at the book. Apparent it had been signed as from ‘all the ones he wronged.’ He gulps.
“Well Jellie cross your paws and toes because there’s only two ways this can go.” He says before opening the book and finding a single line for the former villain.
Yes, we can still be friends.
Hi! Meant to post this yesterday but I hope you enjoyed. Happy Holidays to all and a Merry New Years too!
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the-black-diamond · 1 year
Era 3 has just begun them gems are settling into their new experiences some smoothly others not so much. The pearls are having the hardest time. Just like any other gem they were made to follow orders, but pearls were the closest to the diamonds as any gem could get. They seen first hand how cruel they could be and exactly what they could do. So the change came as shock and relief. Lucky for the other 3 pearls Stevens friend pearl knew all about change and was willing to help. (Crystal gem pearl will just be pearl the others will have colors )
Pearl: good we are all here since this is the first month of you guys being here we can start off with a recap. Do you answer to the diamonds?
All the pearls hesitate before shaking their head no.
Pearl: I understand the hesitation for thousands of years all you knew was the authority. But we are at peace now you are among friends. How about we go around and share an experience.
Pearl smiles and looks at yellow pearl*
Yellow pearl: oh ok me first. I have started attending little home school in the shop class and meat Morp class as models. In the time I'm not there I have been watching.. uh what do they call it uh... Oh yes tv, with the rubies.
Pearl turns to blue pearl nodding at her*
Blue pearl: I have joined gardening and meat Morp classes for my drawings. Outside of that I have been exploring nature and the sights around...that's uh all.
Next was pinks turn.
Pink pearl: I have been dabbling in all of the wonderful things little home world has to offer. Oh and I enjoy our sessions being among friends is so wonderful. Outside of that tho I just observe the animals and look forward to us meeting. We didn't get to see each other and finding common ground now is really great. Thank you pearl.
Pearl smiles and pulls them in for a hug*
Pearl: you guys are doing great and adjusting so well. I'm proud of you it took me a very long time. So would you guys like to try skating out? It's a fun human thing that you can do to create human friends. Lots of gems have decided they would like to go this weekend you guys can come to if you'd like.
All 3 pearls at once: yes!
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rose-lizzzy · 1 year
It was time.
Shrub knew the wither rose alliances plan to send the cod alliance into the dungeon leading to the end. She knew most likely they would be easily influenced to kill the dragon once there.
That's when Xornoth finally decided to acknowledge her again, while she was working on decorating her tunnel.
"So the dragons still alive, useless gnome. I thought you were going to kill it. Adding plants to a cave isn't freeing me."
Shrub lets out an exasperated sigh. "I was going to, but was stopped!"
"That was a week ago." The demon retorts impatiently. "You easily could've gone back and found another portal. I could be free by now."
"I know! I'm ready to be rid of you too! But they built a freaking maze around it! And the other ones in the Ocean Queens domain and I can't swim! I'm afraid of water!"
It was clear Xornoth was still upset, not accepting the excuse. "I can't believe I chose such a useless host."
Shrub was starting to get angry again. She'd done so much for him! She's not useless! "What about the other two? Can't you get them to do it?"
"Since you are clearly incompetent, I might as well get them to take care of the dragon, since you won't."
"Finally you're gonna do something yourself? Not gonna make me do it?" She snaps.
"You can stop now." He takes over her body with a growl, teleporting to Mythland where his two other servants were waiting.
"My Xorny is here!" Joey exclaims when he appeared in front of them.
"It's time." Xornoth starts, ignoring the jungle emperors advances. "You must complete your part of the deal."
"The dragon needs to die!" Sausage agrees.
Xornoth grins. "Perfect."
Further north, in the mountains, Pearl entered the wizards tower to show off her new style, to find both twins on the couch by the fire, with Gem very pale and not looking well.
"Hey guys! Wait...what's going on?" She worriedly joins them, putting an arm around Gem.
"I.. I'll explain ..but first...Fwhip..can you grab some potions from my apocathary..?" The weak wizard asks her brother, who immediately agrees and heads out.
Gem turns to pearl, gripping onto her green dress "Pearl...you need to keep him from hurting her. She's a victim...he can't hurt her." She pleads, her words making no sense to the farmer queen.
"I...alright Gem but what...who are you talking about? What happened?"
Before she got a reply Fwhip hurried back, handing her a health and strength potion, which the wizard downs.
Quickly after the potions were consumed, her body stops trembling, and color returns to her face.
"Alright.." she starts, feeling her strength return. "Thank you Fwhip."
The tinkerer nods, and then his expression immediately turns hard. "now who did this to you."
After a pause, Gem gives in and just says it. "...Shrub. But here's the thing..."
Before she could continue, Fwhip was up and at the door. Luckily, Pearl was faster, standing between him and the door.
"Pearl. Out of the way. I need to fry a gnome."
The warrior shakes her head. "I won't let you. Not yet."
Fwhip glares at her "She hurt my sister! I need to teach her a lesson."
Before either of them could continue, they heard an owls call, and Gem passes them, slipping out the door and taking the note from the owl waiting outside.
"Scott needs us in Rivendell ASAP. I might as well finish explaining there. Fwhip, you can get your revenge later. We need to go."
The trio takes off to the nearby kingdom, Pearl keeping a close eye on the tinkerer.
They meet in the church, to exchange the different information each has.
"Good you're all here." Scott starts. "I have some news I need to share with you all."
"While we're here..." Gem adds, "I too have some information. And we also did a good thing!" She grins at Fwhip, who was still obviously stewing in anger.
"Yeah yeah, we trapped the cod head in the end. They won't get to it."
"In the end?!" Scott gasps
"That's where the dragon is!" Katherine adds.
"Well they won't get to it, we made an elaborate dungeon!" Fwhip snaps, his anger getting out.
"Fwhip!" Gem scolds, and the tinkerer shrinks back into quietly stewing.
"Alright so that's not good, we need to go protect the dragon..." Scott groans "But I might as well tell you all first. There were ruins, I found out there's a whole good stag bad stag, and Xornoth is in fact my brother."
"What." The crowd echoes.
Gem steps forward "Interesting, I have information to add to about Xornoth. We have three members who have fallen to corruption." She starts, and the emperors minus Fwhip and Pearl mutter confusion. But even the two who didn't react as much still gave the wizard puzzled looks.
"This person has been undercover, serving as a host for Xornoth, the very first victim to the corruption. In fact, they were corrupted before we even met them. Since the beginning I had noticed a dark aura around them, but I figured it was the corruption around, the fact that corruption took their land." From this the others started to understand who she was referring to.
"Shrub is corrupted by Xornoth." She outright says it. "I confronted her, took her in to try to heal her, and Xornoth took over her and in turn grabbed me and tried to hold me captive."
There was a lot of silence, everyone taking it in.
"Well." Pearl breaks the silence. "That's an interesting turn of events."
"Alright...well...we need to deal with saving the dragon first, and then we can deal with her."
"Let's go!" They all charge out of the church towards the end portal to protect the dragon.
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apple--white · 1 year
Empires Magical Girl Au: The side characters or as I like to call them; Cleo, Stress & The Boys
I should say that this story is focused on the girls so I'm going to be keeping the boys pretty minimal in this story. Or at least I they aren't becoming magical girls. I know sad but I want to focus on the lady's they deserve to have a super hero story focused on them.
Cleo: I'm thinking she knows of the girls secret, or at least some of them, and hates it. She is quite protective of her friends. So when one of her best friends are roped into the quiet dangerous occupation of heroism, let's just say she isn't the happiest. Especially when more started joining.
Stress: She might be around the girls just as much as Cleo, but in her case she is completely clueless to there after school activities. Though she is very supportive and even though she doesn't know what's happening she trusts her friends.
The Boys -
Scott: Our resident "friend" of everyone. He's kind to everyone but only the people he truly cares about he considers a true friend. I also took slight inspiration from reality and made him a big fan of the girls, to emulate his love of DND. In fact I would consider him their #1 fan.
Oli: Our resident bard is quite eccentric and our show runner of our b plot! The director of the school play, a job no one knows how he got, drags his assistant director around as much as he can. Who might his assistant director be, well Shelby of course... Yeah Shelby doesn't know why either. Though Oli says he couldn't think of anyone else to be his assistant director.
Jimmy: Lizzy's little half brother! Im thinking he is quite a worry wart over his sister. Especially when he's the one covering for the girls during school hours as the schools hall monitor. Due to their relationship though he doesn't feel it's his place to ask her about it, but that doesn't mean he's not going to try to not find out what's going on.
Fwhip: Gems twin brother, and Sausage's best friend. He too is another worry wart. He's the resident fixer, doesn't matter what it is if its broken he could fix it. So it's a little worrying that he's had to fix up one or two of the girls a few times. It's expressly worrying when it seems they like to go to him first before an adult or the hospital.
Sausage: Pearl's cousin and Fwhip's best friend. Sausage is another resident worry wart though he is more outwardly spoken about his concern. Though he is quick to put a smile on and pretend everythings okay whenever they ask him to stop pressing the matter. So he throws his stressed energy into one other responsibilities. Wether it's taking care of bubbles or one of his many art projects.
Joel: The trusting worried wart. He's Lizzy's best friend, though we know that will change in the future. Joel just wants what's best for her and if she wants to keep secrets he's not going to press her about it. So he focuses on his art projects as well and waits to be a shoulder of support when she needs.
Joey: Look I love Joey and all but I can't see him ever falling for a chick, so I'm deciding right here right now that Katherine was his girlfriend before he knew he was gay. So now their just best friends and happy to help each other out when the other one asks. He is not a worry wart like most of the other boys because he knows Katherine and knows she can take care of herself. So he keeps going as if nothing's wrong.
Pix: The resident lore man! Pix is an aspirin journalist so when a group of super heroes just appeared one day he's not going to let this opportunity go to waist. He starts a blog about them and it quickly becomes most peoples main source of information on the girls and the villains. He is also the one who named each of the girls... That sounds weird, he's the one who gave them their super heroe names.
And that's Zombie, Stress and The Boys! I have a few more things about them but they would be more for a deep dive like post. Anyway next is the villains! Or possibly where the girls get their powers from... Hmm well see.
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knightmareaceblue · 2 years
alright so seeing your take on gem triple threat au, i'm curious: do have any ideas for gem copperright??
Oh, boy, do I! As before all gems in SU are female, so I'll refer to Reg and Right with female pronouns. Just to let you know.
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I knew right off the bat that I wanted Reg to be a Pearl. A chocolate Pearl, to be more precise. In Era 2 she was the servant of a Fire Agate (who may be an expy of Terrence, IDK yet) who kept Era 3's existence from her. When she found out, she was poofed and locked up, but managed to escape with guile and cunning Fire Agate hadn't realized she was capable of.
Afterwards, she came to Earth because that's where she thought she'd be safe, but wasn't thoroughly impressed. In her opinion, she just went from a world where gems unquestioningly followed the orders of diamonds to be conquerors to a world where gems unquestioningly followed the orders of diamonds to be peaceful. To her, it didn't seem like gems were any less free, and the fact that CG!Pearl, someone she'd idolized upon hearing about Era 3, turned out have been following her diamond's orders the entire time only soured things further. So she left Little Homeworld behind, deciding that the humans might teach her more about freedom. Although undocumented, she's one of the first gems to stray from Beach City and the surrounding areas.
While traveling, she eventually comes to meet a number of down-on-their-luck humans, who she brings together to help survive. This gives rise to the criminal group known as the Shattered Diamonds, and this Pearl becomes its leader, giving herself the name Reginald in the process. She also begins wearing gloves and taking up a more masculine appearance in order to hide the fact that she's a gem.
Why does a gem have a mustache? Because a) I can't imagine Reggie without a mustache and b) because gems normally don't have mustaches, so people wouldn't suspect she's a gem. But, tbh, it's mostly a.
Now, as for Right...
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Oh yeah, it's Rose Quartz, baby.
I wasn't sure what to do with her at first. I even considered having Right be a human for a time, but after some consideration, I realized that a rebel Pearl and a rebel Rose Quartz going against the system Pink Diamond('s successor) set up was just too good. Also, Rose Quartz's colour scheme works surprisingly well for RHM?? Like, her skin is actually pretty pink, but you can't tell because of the more saturated pinks on her. It's brilliant.
I haven't come up with a backstory for her quite yet, but I know four things about her for sure: One, she and a bunch of other malcontent gems leave Little Homeworld sometime after Steven Universe Future. Two, she and P!Reginald meet up and join forces, melding the Shattered Diamonds into a harmonious mix of humans and gems. Three, her and P!Reginald fall for each other at some point. And four, she's the reason people realize there are Gems amongst the Shattered Diamond group. Because Steven recognizes her as a Rose Quartz and tells the rest of the CG.
There's no storyline for the Shattered Diamonds yet, just that they're a criminal group who don't like Era 3 because everyone's just conforming to Steven's ideals uncritically because he's Pink Diamond's son. And, at some point, them and Gem Threat are going to butt heads.
It's going to be a fun time.
(And before anyone asks, yes they fuse into Rainbow Quartz and no I don't have a design for her yet.)
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jayyekko · 2 years
here’s another late-night rant i went on about on twitter concerning rose quartz’s lie about her being pink diamond and how it ties in to rupphire, along with how it eventually strengthened ruby and sapphire’s relationship:
the reason why ruby and sapphire felt so comfortable within themselves to exist as garnet in the first place was due to rose's influence. garnet was confused in the beginning, unsure if her existence was right ESPECIALLY since different-gem fusion were seen as taboo on homeworld. despite this, garnet knew deep down that she wanted to just exist in the world, and ruby and sapphire knew that this fusion was the humbling beginnings of a beautiful relationship. rose/pink had never seen a gem like garnet before, a fusion of love, and it astounded her. so, when she and pearl ran into garnet the second time and garnet revealed that she had doubts abt her existence, rose took her hands and said, "no more questions, don't EVER question this. you already are the answer." so, ruby and sapphire never did.
rose quartz is a diamond, but of course no one else knew that but pearl. as a diamond, she has the power to command other gems to her will, and as gems are made to do, they complete their tasks for their diamonds. its implied that by taking garnet's hands that day and saying those words, that ruby and sapphire:
1. never questioned their love and garnet ever again
2. never questioned rose, her morals, and what she stood for, and followed her every move from then on.
garnet joined the crystal gems that day and the rest is history.
now, we move on to when the truth is revealed abt rose being pink diamond. we have ruby and sapphire, who have been together for 5,750 years and never questioned who they were or their relationship, finding out that the person they trusted the most was once an evil dictator, a dictator that was thought to be assassinated by rose herself and what started the war, a dictator that they hated along with the rest of the diamond authority, a dictator who was one of the main reasons why they were together in the first place...
garnet is usually calm and collected, stable as a fusion due to the love ruby and sapphire have for each other along with the constant communication btw the two. but with the breaking of this news, garnet instantly fell apart and they both were devastated, but mostly sapphire. as a sapphire, she is able to look into the future, always being ahead of what's to come. but because rose told garnet never to question who she was (and to challenge rose as well) she couldn't look into rose at all. but what hurt her the most is that this made her feel as if her and ruby's whole relationship was based on a lie. so, she ran. and she froze. and ruby was left in the beach house questioning everything as well. confused by the news and unsure of her relationship with sapphire, she expressed that she didn't know who she was without sapphy.
so, she took a journey of self-discovery. went out to the wild west with steven, amethyst, and greg to live life as a cowboy and find herself. not as garnet, and without sapphire. but what she found wasn't that she's nothing without sapphy, or that she's a missing piece, but that they were independent gems, gems that don't necessarily dependent on each other but make the other better, gems that deeply and truly love one another. their relationship wasn't a lie, rose didn't force them together, they TRULY love each other and love being garnet. so, with a quick read of a comic that steven had and a sight insight on human customs, ruby took matters into her own hands to prove this to sapphire. sapphire, now in the loop of everything and coming to realizations of her own, rushed to the beach to meet ruby there.
in her cute cowboy outfit, straw in her mouth, and a random country accent, ruby walks towards sapphire saying, "someone else told us we were the answer, but I don't believe that anymore. at least, not 'til I hear it from you...” she then gets down on one knee, cowboy hat flying in the wind, and asks sapphire to marry her. "this way, we can be together even when we're apart. this time, being garnet will be OUR decision..." and sapphire replies "of course."
rose quartz might've commanded them to never question themselves, but ruby and sapphire's love for each other goes beyond fusion, beyond garnet, it's stronger than anyone could imagine, and nothing or no one will ever take that from them.
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itsthesinbin · 1 year
Gemspark (SU/Earthspark Crossover)
Teehee crossover time.
This is kinda just like. Proof of concept I suppose. I gotta rewatch the episodes that are out to figure out what I wanna do here. I wouldn't count this as a "chapter" of anything, just a little one shot of what could be!
I still don't know if I want to name her anything other than Pearl- realistically, there'd be no need to give her another name bc CG Pearl/other Pearls aren't in the picture so there wouldn't be a need to differentiate, but I also know just calling a Gem "Pearl" could be weird for the imagination. Right now, though, she's simply just Pearl!
If you haven't seen her before this, here's the reference of Green Pearl I drew
This is literally set during the second episode of the series, during the scene where we're first introduced to the Autobot gang/right before they go out searching the city.
It wasn’t often Pearl got to join Dorothy during work. Her leg had been extra sore today, and asked Pearl to come along in case she needed help with her assignments- or a different prosthetic. Dorothy gasped as they approached an upcoming bridge, muttering under her breath in shock. Pearl glanced up from her hologram, immediately dissipating it when she saw the wreckage ahead of them.
“Pearl, honey, can you get the traffic cones for me,” Dorothy asked absentmindedly as she hurried out of the Ranger van. The Gem nodded out a “yes ma’am”, scrambling out after her to go around the back and pull out a stack of orange and white cones. She helped Dorothy place them around so oncoming cars knew to stop.
As they were doing so, Pearl felt the ground rumble. She and her human companion turned, seeing a truck and a car heading toward them. Pearl shuffled behind Dorothy, who held a hand up to stop the two from approaching.
The vehicles began to change shape, turning from car to robot, and continued their approach on foot. Pearl put a nervous hand on Dorothy’s shoulder at the sight of the familiar Cybertronians. Dorothy looked up at them, unimpressed, then back at the mess they made of the traffic cones that were just placed down.
“You messed up my cones,” was all she said. Optimus reached down to help fix the mess, but dropped the cone a few times in frustration. Elita-1 sighed.
“Sorry, Dot. Op’s having… a day,” she explained. Optimus grumbled slightly.
“Which continues,” he huffed, before focusing back on Dorothy. “This city may be in danger, Lieutenant Malto.” Dorothy rubbed her forehead. Pearl took the opportunity to fix the traffic cones the bots had knocked over, gingerly taking the one from Optimus’ hand. The large bot smiled down at her slightly, nodding in both greeting and thanks, before standing once again.
“It’s RANGER Malto now, Op. I work for park services, NOT Autobots. The war’s over, and so is our association,” Dorothy snapped. Optimus and Elita followed her back to her vehicle, leaving Pearl in the road to adjust the traffic cones.
Soon, the sound of helicopter blades caught everyone’s attention. Pearl dropped the cone she was holding. A large, gray helicopter landed just in front of everyone. It transformed as soon as it landed, leaving a menacing Cybertronian in its place. His red optics glared into the two smaller beings, easily lifting them both up in one hand each. He and Dorothy stared at each other for a long moment, before she laughed.
“You always knew how to make an entrance, Megs!” Megatron couldn’t help but chuckle in response, setting the human down on the overturned truck. The Gem, on the other hand, went onto his shoulder. Even if she didn’t look as amused as her human companion, Pearl situated herself easily on instinct. 
“Terror in the skies,” Megatron started, placing a fist over his spark. Dorothy copied his motion.
“And honor in the streets,” she finished with a grin. Megatron bowed his head slightly, careful of his current hitch hiker.
“Platoon Cyberstrike reunited. I heard GHOST wanted you on the team, although I didn’t think you’d be bringing Pearl along.” His head turned slightly, catching the gaze of the nervous Gem. She held onto one of his large shoulder struts, averting her eyes after a moment.
“I didn’t exactly think GHOST would be bringing me out here either, so call her a surprise. But… if you’re out here, maybe it won’t be all bad.” Dorothy smiled, throwing a small wink Pearl’s way. The Gem shifted slightly, before everyone’s attention returned to Optimus. 
He returned back to his cargo, which opened up to reveal six drones. Optimus sent the drones off to look for the supposed new threat to Witwicky as Megatron helped Dorothy get back down to the ground. She went over to Optimus and Elita, leaving Megatron and Pearl alone. He assisted in putting her down as well, and the two began cleaning up the spider-like mech bodies that lay around the road.
“... How has Dorothy and her family been treating you,” he finally asked, looking down at his old… Megatron didn’t really know what to call her, in all honesty. Pearl hummed, easily placing a destroyed mech as tall as she was in a pile with the others.
“Things have been well, Lo- Megatron.” Both of them went quiet at her blunder. Pearl cleared her throat slightly, continuing her answer.
“The Maltos have… been treating me well. Miss Dorothy is very… patient with me,” She finished, refixing the traffic cones that had been knocked over once again. Deciding to also ignore her earlier slip-up, Megatron hummed.
“Good. There’s no one else I’d trust to care for you,” was all he said. Pearl looked up at him, only to find his back was turned to her as he picked up mech parts. She opened her mouth to speak, but saw Dorothy approaching the two again. A slight limp in her step caught Pearl’s attention immediately.
“Do you need one of your replacement legs, ma’am,” Pearl fussed as she joined Dorothy’s side. The human waved her off, shaking her head with a smile. Megatron came over to the two as Dorothy examined the mech parts curiously.
“I’m glad you both are here,” he confessed, kneeling down to talk to the two better. The smaller beings turned fully toward their giant ally.
“GHOST isn’t a perfect ally, but Optimus believes they’ll help our kind make a home on Earth.” He couldn’t help but smile as Dorothy got a familiar, annoyed look on her face.
“Optimus always sees the bright side- even when there isn’t one,” she scoffed, placing her hands on her hips. Megatron followed her off to the end of the rubble, continuing their conversation about GHOST. Pearl decided to finish the job she had set out to do, and clean the rest of the mech parts.
The sound of Optimus’ trailer closing drew attention back to him. He seemed troubled as he announced that they had to search the town, due to nothing showing up on the drones that had returned.
“Autobots! Transform, and roll out!” As fast as he gave the command, Optimus and Elita transformed and drove off toward town. Megatron couldn’t help himself as he leaned down toward the smaller beings.
“I can never tell if he means me,” he joked, earning a small snort from Dorothy. He transformed, opening up his ramp for the two.
“Just like old times,” he asked, a semi-silent offer to hitch a ride while they investigated. Dorothy, weak to her old friend, smiled and hopped in.
“Just like old times,” she answered, helping Pearl into Megatron’s vehicle mode. The two sat down, buckling in as Megatron took off after his colleagues.
Pearl held onto the belts around her torso, staring around the familiar seating area. It had been a long while since she was allowed in here- not since the war, when Megatron defected to the Autobots’ side. Idly, she listened to Dorothy and Megatron talk as she remembered the last time she was seated in here. The grip on the belts tightened ever so slightly.
“Just like old times,” she muttered to herself.
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quaranmine · 2 years
crash course anon! i don’t remember pearl’s series as well as some others—she didn’t upload quite as frequently (which is not a criticism or anything) so it did stick in my brain a little less unfortunately.
most of her character motivations were centered around a) wanting to fight! she really enjoys fighting! and b) she is genuinely very compassionate, though that doesn’t prevent her from being extremely mischievous
from what i remember of the events however—pixl gem and sausage were her main allies in the beginning. i also just remembered she and gem were the ones to get a lot of the server that didn’t go to get elytra originally wings!
she broke her alliance with pixl and joined the wither rose alliance not long before the cod head was set in the end and sausage went evil
at some point she planted a seed that kept growing throughout her series, towards the end growing into a huge beanstalk that she ended up put a lot of buildings on (her empire is SO pretty, even if you never watch her series, i recommend skimming through it just to look at her kingdom)
xornoth sent a bunch of monsters at her (including vexes, ravagers, etc) and was using blindness and floating on her and still didn’t manage to kill her until they made it so she couldn’t move lmao
she had the time of her life. she described the xornoth confrontation as “so much fun!”
she was the only one of the wither rose alliance to not break things off with sausage after he went evil and they had a close friendship throughout the series!
they set up an arena together where the rulers went to fight each other and pearl wanted to fight xornoth at the end (she… did not get that chance as xornoth had sausage kill everyone there except gem (who escaped) multiple times)
she was part of the group that defeated xornoth and put him in a crystal.
(realized i’m not sure how much you know about the xornoth battle but just in case scott gem and katherine went to a library to find out how to deal with xornoth, they found and scott translated a magic ritual to do so, they got the message that shrub was kidnapped by joey and xornoth, gathered the materials for the ritual and grabbed pearl for fighting strength. pearl katherine and shrub fought joey and killed him, taking his crown and uncorrupting him, scott fought xornoth, and gem did the ritual that trapped xornoth away.)
towards the end she named her kingdom gilded helianthia!
the golden egg lizzie gave her hatched into a large golden goose that she could ride
when the rapture happened her kingdom started burning and it was revealed that corruption was still under it. she and sausage hid with her people in her beanstalk and she died with her kingdom, as she was connected to it
anon i owe you my life
thank you so much!!! yeha i am realizing i did not know Anything about pearl's empries series lol. i knew her kingdom's name, the beanstalk, mostly what it looked like due to other poeple visiting it, and that's about it.
That all sounds pretty on-brand for Pearl though with loving to fight and describing Xornoth as being fun. She's just unhinged like that lol
also ur right i dont know much about xornoth at all, i admittedly mostly skipped it--demonic possession plots arent my fave so i pretty intentionally did choose my povs to not be so involved with it. so i did not in fact know some of this! xornoth is pretty irrelevant to what i'm writing but it's always good to know more about it because it's part of the worldbuilding for empries. i have like. read several fanfics though but i know that isnt the best source of canon info LOL
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rainydawgradioblog · 2 years
This summer while in London, for some reason I thought it would be a fun idea to see a band that plays rather often in Seattle and see them for the first time at Hyde Park. Pearl Jam, an obvious gem of Seattle that my parents raised me on, had one hell of a turn out at the festival being held that weekend. I knew that English people liked grunge and punk music, young and old, but I truly did not expect so many people to show out for them the way they did. Eddie Vedder’s voice (I have to admit) is something I am quite amazed by and in his middle age, still knows how to capture an audience and put on a show. It was a truly great and very sweaty night. 
Months later in Berlin, Germany I was able to get into Panorama Bar with my friend where we saw Skin on Skin, SCDD Hazmat Team, and Matisa. It was truly an incredible experience, the setting alone was amazing, with many areas decorated with leather couches covered in cigarette ash for people to hang out on when they need a break from dancing too hard. I have to say my favorite of the night was Matisa, who, even though the people there are anything but in the right headspace to watch someone DJ, she put on a show. I love watching people dance to their own music and have fun behind the table, which she absolutely did, and she had an insane remix of "Satisfaction" which if you know anything about me, that song gets me going. In my eyes there is no better dance song. 
Upon my arrival back home in Seattle I went to see Arlo Parks the night before classes started, who had Puma Blue as an opener an, as little songs as I know from both performers, the show was still great. Puma Blue has a great frontman who came out on stage in gray sweatpants and a denim jacket, besides the point. The jazz influence with the throaty and mournful sound of Jacob Allen– the lead singer’s– voice made the set calming while also making me tap my foot with an occasional sway. The honorable mentions of the set was "(She’s) Just a Phase" and "Soft Porn". Arlo Parks, without a doubt, was absolutely divine. There is nothing that she could sing that wouldn’t sound beautiful, she came out strong opening with "Green Eyes" and "Porta 400" both songs that set us up for her melancholic sounds the rest of the show. There was not a single person there that wasn’t swaying or hugging their partner or dancing. I have to be honest, I will not be listening to her any more or any less, but I will say she has a beautiful and calming stage presence. 
Over the weekend, I was able to go to a concert that I have been anticipating since the last time I saw her in November of 2019. My heart races even thinking about seeing her in person so close yet again, I got to see Julia Jacklin. Her opener, Katy Kirby, was way better than I could have guessed, and a perfect match to Julia’s deeply sad and longing sound. She is most definitely someone that will now be occasionally played on my Spotify. Saturday was Julia’s only solo show on her entire tour, which was also the second show she had here in town and it was one of the best shows I have ever seen in my life. Because it was just her and her beautiful guitar that had tape labeling it as hers, she played mostly her old songs because they are rather guitar heavy, and for that I am glad. She opened with “Comfort” which set the mood for the rest of the show. I doubt there was a dry cheek in the entire building. There is nothing I love more than a crowd that is full (but no one is touching me) and an artist with a guitar talking to the crowd like we are all friends who joined each other for drinks one night. I have said this before, and I will say it again, but if you get the chance to ever see Julia Jacklin live, please take it. 
That is all I have for now, there are more playlists and concerts to come but for now, thank you for reading my comeback blog that I hurriedly wrote so no one would forget about my column, I will be back soon. 
Peace out girl scouts – abbegayle
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frog-writes-for-fun · 2 years
Perhaps a little fluff with Scar :3 ? Have a nice day!
Fluff! I feel the emotions I write very strongly, so fluff might be my favourite to write. Also, our favourite big hat man :D A fantastic combination!
Swaggon Sweetheart
c!GoodTimesWithScar x gn!Reader (romantic)
Summary: You’ve had a secret admirer for a while, and one day you catch them in the act.
Warnings: None! Just fluff :D
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You had joined HermitCraft in the beginning of Season 8, along with Gem and Pearl. As old friends, you and Pearl decided to stick together, so when she made the decision to join Boatem you did too.
After a few weeks of being around the Boatem crew, strange things began to occur. Chests of materials that you had mentioned needing appeared outside your door. The path leading to your base was decorated with your favourite flower. You started finding kind notes addressed to you tucked into chests.
When you mentioned these occurrences to Pearl, asking if she knew anything about it, she just laughed. “It sounds to me like someone has an admirer!”
It became your goal to find who was doing all these things.
You lay traps around the most frequently struck locations: your chest monster and the path to your house, mostly. They were made to contain, not hurt, be it a pit or a tripwire. Somehow, though, none of them were triggered and the gifts continued.
After several days of failed attempts to catch your secret gifter, your efforts became halfhearted. If this mystery person hadn’t set them off yet, chances were that they would avoid anything else you tried.
Contrary to your belief, you were rather rudely awakened one morning by a multitude of bells. Jolting out of bed, you grabbed a shield from the wall and were halfway to your front door before you truly understood what was going on. One of your traps had gone off!
Slamming open the door, you came face to face with Scar, battling with a web of strings attached to the bells that woke you up. A grey and white cat batted at a few strings from her place on the ground.
“Oh, Jellie! This is not how this was supposed to go!” At the sound of the door opening, Scar looked up at you and froze. “Ah, Y/N. I don’t suppose you could lend a hand?”
You stared in shock for a moment. “Scar? You’re the one doing this?” He took on a pained expression as he dealt with the tangle that trapped him, pausing long enough to nod at you. Taking out your sword, you carefully cut away the strings from around Scar. As you worked through the mess of threads, you periodically glanced up at Scar. He seemed too occupied with the string to explain further.
Once you finally got him untangled, you stood back, hands on your hips. “Okay. Now, I think you have something to explain.”
Even with the flickering torchlight, you could see a flush cross Scar’s face. “I just wanted to give you a few gifts.”
“And so you snuck around in the dark to put them in my chests? Why didn’t you just give them to me in person?” Scar looked down. “I’ve been trying to figure out who’s been doing this for me so I could thank them! It’s been driving me mad!”
He looked up through his eyelashes at you. “Oh. Sorry.”
Was he scared of you? You tilted your head. “Why are you apologising? I’m not mad at you.” Scar finally looked back up. “I am wondering why you did this, though.”
“I suppose I was embarrassed.” Scar rubbed the back of his neck. “I didn’t know what you thought of me, and once we got to know each other I didn’t really want to reveal myself.”
“That’s not really what I was asking. Why did you decide to give me gifts in the first place?” Scar’s eyes widened in surprise. Quickly, you continued. “Not that I’m not thankful! I just don’t understand why.”
Scar blinked. “I wanted to do something for you.” His mouth quirked up into a smile. “I think you’re one of the most beautiful people I’ve met.”
It was your turn to look at him in shock. “You think I’m beautiful?”
He nodded. “As brilliant as the moon in the sky, and all the stars that shine alongside her.” You could feel your face warm.
“Oh.” After a moment, you met his eyes and grinned. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
“It’s the hat, isn’t it?” He returned your grin. The disappointed tone to his voice caused you to burst into laughter.
When your giggles subsided, you looked back at Scar. “No. It’s what’s under the hat that I like.”
Scar’s face grew red. He shifted closer.
“Is this okay?” Scar’s voice was low as he leaned in. Slowly, you nodded your head. Scar’s hand found your chin, tilting your head towards him. His lips met yours gently, as light as a butterfly. The kiss lasted only a few seconds before he pulled back, scanning your face with a smile.
“Finally!” Looking up, the two of you saw the rest of the Boatem crew standing on the path to your house. Grian was the one who had shouted, and he and the others had either grins or exasperated looks depending on their natures.
“This was a private conversation!” Scar called out to the other players, and Pearl gave a snort of laughter.
“The next time you want to have a private conversation, don’t wake up the rest of the server at four in the morning!” As if she could understand the conversation, Jellie batted at one of the bells that lay on the ground, a ring resounding through the area.
The entire group burst into giggles, and Scar pulled you closer. “They might have a point. Shall we continue this conversation in the morning, my dear?” You smiled. You had a feeling that this relationship would last.
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lockoutkey · 3 years
I Procrastinated My College Work
The hermits gathered together in the stands of MCC at their regular spot. They were donned in orange to support their fellow hermits throughout the game, and now the two were in dodgebolt. They had cheered when False and Grian were the last two in survival games and nearly cried of relief when they all got out in Sands of Time. Iskall was analyzing their plays the entire time, intent on coaching them with his Vault Hunters knowledge after the game.
Now, their team was in first, and playing dodgebolt. They were on the edge of their seats, smaller hermits on the shoulders of taller ones. Cleo and Stress were screaming encouragement, Joe and Iskall had no chance of calming the two. Mumbo, Pearl, Scar, and Impulse were holding each other as they watched their fellow boatem member in the same place as last MCC. It had hurt all of them when Grian began to panic, their friend stilling in the middle of the field as yells from other teams and SMPs encouraged him to shoot. They wanted to throw his gong right at his head to calm him down, but outsiders couldn't interfere. The 3v1 got to him in the end; they still cheered on their way home.
The camera each admin held zoomed in on each team member.
And then the first arrow was shot. Illumina immediately went for Grian, who dodged it. Mumbo and Scar screeched, losing their minds at their first moment being so intense already. They watched Grian hand off the arrows, letting the hermit queen take her shot. Mumbo and Scar promply lost it again when False immediately took out Fruitberries. Round one was over in an instance, and they couldn't help but be dissapointed at the loss.
They heard a loud "GO FALSY! HANG IN THERE G-MAN!" from the lower railings. Ren was hanging over the edge, only held back by Hbomb and Martyn. Cub was cheering along with the orange supporters, glancing back and giving a thumbs up to his friends.
The second round started and Iskall swore at False getting shot immediately. They wouldn't lie when they said they agreed she waws an amazing dodgebolt player and pvper. They believed in SB, Pete, and Grian though. They would pull it off.
"Come on G, do it for Boatem!" Impulse yelled.
X joined in. "I'll give you a stack of diamonds if you win this!"
Ren, Cub, False, and Gem quickly spun their heads. X gulped. He didn't have enough diamonds to give all his hermits. Perhaps Evil Ex would trade him some derp coin?
"Bad play, suma." Doc mumbled.
They hadn't even noticed the round was over and their team had won. They would have to watch the replay of the round. The eight players teleported to the arena again, ready for round three.
Grian had been out last every round so far, and they could see he was starting to get stress. They knew he was pushing through it, and saw him grin when SB and Pete took out two of the opposing members right before Vixella shot Grian. They saw him hang over the opposite side, cheering on his teammates. It was a quick game with orange taking charge quick.
Fourth round was a disasster for their friends. Grian missed the first shot and both SB and Pete were out. False was in a 4v1, but she was a crackshot. She could take them out. Then she got tagged, and it was 2-2. It was anyones game.
It was the last round and no one was sure if they were breathing. It was a back and fourth with Vix and False getting eliminated. It seemd to be going slow, and the hermits were hopeful.
And then Pete and SB were shot. Grian stared at the sky and typed into his communicator.
Grian: why me
Grian: why again
It was just like last MCC. Grian was in the deciding 1v3. Every team was now standing, the crowd was completely silent. They could see the occasional team members whispering to themselves. No one was moving an inch. All eyes were on Grian, whose head was down and chest was breathing deeply.
Stay calm, please stay calm. We believe in you.
Grian stared at the other side and raised his bow. He was completely still. His eyes were locked onto Illumina and Fruit. Oh god, they believed in him but this was fruitninja. They were never teamed for a reason.
Fruitberries was tagged by Grian.
The crowd gasped. Xisuma heard a scream that may or may not have been him. Words of disbelief rang out before all was silent as Grian missed the second shot. Hands covered mouths in shock. Zeuz and Illumina took aim and Grian dodged like his life depended on it. He was yelling on the field and they wanted to jump down and shoot the punk players themselves. Every arrow that was shot and missed gave a gasp of horror and disbelief. There hadn't been a dodgebolt as intense as this in so long.
Grian picked up his arrows again and paused. He glared forward, slowly raising his bow. He didn't shoot for a long time, instead opting to patiently wait for his chance. He waited. They saw Sneeg grab Philza, eyes wide and mouth dropped. Grian breathed out.
Illumina was tagged by Grian.
An ear shattering roar erupted. The camera was zoomed in on Grian's face, who was letting lose the second arrow that missed. He turned and sprinted, dodging as Zeuz lined up his first arrow. Again, the crowd was silent. Double screens appeared. One displaying Zeuz's concentrated face, the other Grian's running figure. Grian lept and avoided the arrow not once, but twice. Shock rippled through the crowd.
Grian grabbed the two arrows once again. He shot too fast, they could tell. He wasn't cracking, but the pressure was there. He was so close to a win. He missed and the arrows were in Zeuz's hands. "IT'S SCRIPTED" Was that Wisp?
Grian dodged again. Players and watchers were either grabbing their hair, the railings, or each other. The hermits were afraid one of them was going to get into the battle themselves just to end it. He dodged again. The hermits screamed. They yelled for him to win. They yelled for him to take the crown. Do it for the builders, they said.
All admins cameras were on Grian, only Noxite keeping an eye on Zeuz. No one knew what was going to happen, but they were sure this dodgebolt would go down in history. They watched Grian raise the bow. He pulled back the string. Zeuz jumped forward.
KryticZeuZ was tagged by Grian.
The scream of relief from Grian could've been heard from Hypixel. The stadium went insane, everyone standing and yelling congradulations. The players were teleported, and the Hermits watched as False and Grian walked forward, donning crowns beneath a spinning coin.
Yep, this was a win for the hermits indeed.
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moonbeamwritings · 3 years
of salt water and loving gazes
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a sequel to “of salt water and curious gazes”
Summary: Making new friends wasn’t necessarily odd, not by any stretch, but making friends with the merman living off the coast by your new home was markedly more so. As you stared at Jotaro beneath the light of the moon, rocking along the surface of the sea, you realized your feelings for your new companion were far beyond friendship.
A/N: Thank you for all of the kind words on the other part and happy Mermay everybody! ⭐
Your meetings with the mysterious merman quickly became a permanent fixture in your routine. Almost every night, with your belly full of whatever you’d scarfed down for dinner, you would tuck yourself into warm, soft clothes and slip on your sandals to begin the trek down to the beach, guided only by the light of the moon.
It was all so weird - befriending a merman was a difficult thing to process after all, but it hadn’t been entirely unpleasant. You’d touched his tail and he hadn’t tried to drown you, or at least not yet. He was much larger than you were and if he’d wanted to kill you with those sharp teeth or drag you to the murky depths below, he would’ve done it already, you rationalized one evening as you shook the sand from your shoes. Despite his hulking, intimidating form, you felt safe by Jotaro’s side, like he was picked out by some higher power to be your welcomed, albeit unlikely, companion.
And you certainly weren’t falling for the beautiful blue of his eyes or the tiny quirk of his lips when you complained about touching squishy seaweed with your toes. Nope, definitely not.
“Come on,” he coaxed gently, holding two webbed hands out to you with an impassive look, “It’ll be fun.”
“How do I know this isn’t some ploy for you to finally drown me? Send me down to the bottom of the ocean to rot?” You asked jokingly, eyeing him with suspicion.
For some reason, it seemed that Jotaro had deemed this evening to be the perfect time to take you swimming, claiming that the moon was in just the right spot, illuminating the water just enough that it wasn’t entirely black. He knew you hated that.
Your questions sent a laugh bubbling from his chest, dipping his body back below the surface as if to highlight just how harmless he was, to hide his massive shoulders beneath the waves, “If I really wanted to drown you, don’t you think I would’ve done it by now?”
He had a good point, but you weren’t about to let this joke die.
“Mmm,” you feigned thought, tapping a finger against your chin, “I don’t know, Jotaro. Maybe you’ve lulled me into a false sense of security. For all I know, you could’ve tricked me into being your friend precisely to find a new victim.”
A look you’d never seen before crossed his face, his eyebrows scrunching in concern and his lips frowning for a fraction of a second before returning to his usual indifference. You hadn’t meant to hurt his feelings. He had to know that you were only teasing, right? Maybe you’d taken it just a step too far.
“I wouldn’t do that to you. You know that.” His response was short, resolute as he raised his arms from the water, holding his hands out once again.
You sighed, regret bubbling in your stomach. What a stupid comment to make to a new friend. “I know.”
A beat of silence.
“I’m sorry.”
He shook some of the water from his hands, seemingly impatient as he waited for you to decide what to do. “It’s alright, I know you didn’t mean it like that. You know, you don’t actually have to come out here if you don’t want to.”
You looked between him and the moon, admiring the way he seemed to glow where he swam. The water did look inviting and Jotaro even more so, lingering there with his arms outstretched. Clothes could always be washed, you thought.
Stripping off your sweater to reveal your t-shirt and shorts, you nodded. “I want to.”
“You sure?”
Without a second thought, you agreed, reaching your hands out to grip at his shoulders before you slipped into the water. He kept his own securely at your waist, ensuring that you wouldn’t drift off. 
“Not so bad, right?” He asked, chuckling a bit before using his tail to guide you both through the water, setting a leisurely place over the waves.
“It’s freezing.” Came your immediate, disgruntled response, marked by slight tremors in your tone as your teeth chattered. You kicked your own feet in an attempt to warm your body, but it was as if your bones had already frozen solid.
“Just stay close to me,” Jotaro assured. “Or,” he continued, beginning a half-hearted descent beneath the waves, “I could dunk you? That’d warm you up pretty quick.”
You clung to him even tighter, scrambling to move up his body as he shifted, “Don’t you dare.”
You felt his chest rumble with a laugh, adjusting your position so more of your body was above the surface again and as it continued, you couldn’t help but join him, falling into your own laugh as you swam. He really did have a cute laugh, you thought, and it was nice to see him smile so openly. Damn him and his perfect, well, everything.
Perfection aside, being able to spend time with him in his element, drifting in the sea as the smell of salt invaded your nose, was something you wouldn’t trade for anything. There was a quiet intimacy to the moment that you couldn’t quite place, but you allowed it to settle, warming your heart and cheeks in the process.
As silence fell between the two of you, you felt your bones begin to loosen, skin warming thanks to his body heat. You continued to warm up as you felt his chest press flush against yours, so close that the two of you were nearly nose to nose. Lost in his eyes, you watched as his gaze flickered from yours to your lips and back again as he leaned just a fraction of an inch closer. It was as if you were both teetering on the edge of a cliff, waiting with bated breath for something to just... happen. The moment was broken by the sound of him clearing his throat, pulling away from you as he rubbed the back of his neck. 
Had you been imagining it or had he almost kissed you? Why hadn’t he? 
Heat rushed to your face as questions swirled in your mind, a wild storm of what-ifs and missed chances. An arm’s length away, you began to tread water on your own, needing a minute to just breathe.
The strange new energy dissipated quickly, Jotaro diving into a story about the adventure he and his friends had gone on in your absence during the day to distract you, or maybe himself - you couldn’t tell.
The merperson lifestyle always a little lost on you, but you did your best to follow along. Surely, he had no idea what you meant by a cell phone or what grocery stores were really like, so you could cut him some slack as he went into detail about stands - whatever those were - and the intricacies of sea urchin collecting.
You wondered what he was really like beneath the waves as he traveled with his friends. Was he less talkative? Or more? What did his language sound like to those who were fluent in it? Did they think he was crazy for speaking to you? Did they even know?
A splash of water landed right against your face, salt water burning your eyes as it hit you.
“Hey, are you even listening?” He accused, teasing smile resting just about the water’s surface.
“Of course, I am,” you fired back with a smile of your own. “Now tell me everything.”
You and Jotaro continued to talk and idly swim as the moon rose higher in the sky, cold limbs long since forgotten in favor of floating your way along the waves as you chatted with him. It was as easy as breathing, being beside him and feeling the sloshing of the sea beneath your shoulders.
Moments like these reminded you of your grandmother and the gentle words that lingered in your head whenever you took your seat at the end of the jetty. Jotaro, and the great expanse of the ocean itself, left you feeling lighter with each visit, like your problems were just a single drop and nothing more. Spending time with Jotaro was easy and you weren’t sure if you could ever find the words to tell him.
“This is nice.” You spoke, tipping back to allow the water to lap at your hair as you took in the pale light of the moon.
Jotaro’s eyes hadn’t left your form for what felt like an eternity, hypnotized by the way you moved, by the goosebumps across the expanse of your skin - by you. With the near-kiss weighing heavily on his mind, he finally turned away, dipping below the surface of the water to collect his thoughts.
You had accepted him, so wholeheartedly that it nearly made him dizzy. With a single, tentative smile and a brush of your fingers against his fluke on that first fateful night, you’d hooked him in and he knew he’d ever be able to stop coming back. Jotaro also knew though, just how dangerous it was to spend so much time around humans, but he simply couldn’t help it. You were like a shimmering pearl, a precious gem that he couldn’t bear to lose.
And now, with your body closer to his than it had ever been before, a realization came racing to the forefront of his mind. His feelings for you went beyond friendship, beyond harmless nights spent splashing water or trading seashells. 
Jotaro loved you.
Righting yourself to turn back towards Jotaro, you panicked. The horizon around you was empty, save for docked boats and a lighthouse far off in the distance.
“Jotaro?” You called frantically, spinning around in the water in a desperate search for the dark-haired merman, “Jotaro!?”
Your muffled calls sent him reeling back to the surface, pulling one of your hands into his own. He watched as you jumped about a mile in the air before you sprung at him, latching your arms around his neck. “I’m right here.”
“God,” you huffed, breath ghosting over his ear, “Don’t do that. Leaving me out here all alone like a worm on a hook, flailing around like an idiot.”
Without thinking, his arms wrapped around your waist, rubbing a reassuring hand along the small of your back. You relished in the feeling for a few moments before leaning back, face mere inches from his own, noses and lips nearly touching.
He was breathtaking like this; hair dripping with water that caught the light of the stars just so, body covered in droplets that shone like crystals. His eyes were rendered even more beautiful with your proximity, a deep turquoise littered with little flecks of blue.
You could just lean in and-
His lips crossed the distance with ease, pressing up against yours as if he had been reading your mind. The kiss was sweet, clumsy and a little too salty, but still managing to send your heart stuttering in your chest all the same. Jotaro supported you both, keeping you afloat with his tail as your arms trailed back around his neck, fingers threading in his wet hair. He kept his hands on your back, clutching your shirt in each fist.
Feeling breathless, you pulled away to rest your forehead against his, a grin beginning to spread across your face. Jotaro swore he’d never seen you so happy. The twinkle in your eyes had him tugging at your waist, twirling you around in the water before pulling you in for another kiss. This one was just as clumsy as the first, a goofy mess of teeth and lips as you struggled to suppress your smiles.
With one final peck, Jotaro pulled away to take a breath, revealing one of the cutest blushes you’ve ever seen. You rushed to bring your hands to his face, cradling his cheeks in your palms as if to savor the moment, to make his flush last that much longer.
“I’m in love with you.” His words came out in a flurry, a sharp contrast to his low, unwavering tone. He was nervous. As if now, after everything, his admission would scare you away.
“I’m in love with you too.” You replied, rubbing a thumb along his smooth, wet cheekbone.
“This doesn’t...” he cut himself off to gesture vaguely at his tail with his eyes, “it doesn’t bother you?”
“I wouldn’t be here right now if it did, right?”
He smiled at that, bringing his lips down to connect with your hairline. “Mm, I guess not. Still think I’m gonna drown you?”
The question caught you off guard, a light giggle escaping your throat as you pressed even closer to his chest. You could feel his heartbeat.
“At this point,” you began, running your hands down to hold his shoulders as your eyes met his own, “I wouldn’t really mind if you did.”
Jotaro started to move with the waves again, casually floating on his back with you clinging onto him. “You have to be careful, you know. I am a vicious beast after all.”
You thought about the kisses you’d just shared, about the way he’d held you as if you would break, about his bashful smile and beautiful laugh and that adorable blush.
“Yeah, sure thing, tough guy.”
Your grandmother had always told you that the ocean soothed the soul, acting as a quiet reprieve from the hustle and bustle of your daily life - an escape. Here, in the arms of one of the ocean’s most beautiful creations, you were certain she was right.
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