arabella-strange · 1 month
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whumpwizard · 2 years
Whumptober2022 Day 16: No Way Out
Essek knew in his soul that this was it. That this was the end for him.  He would die here, in this room, a blade held to his throat as he lay beneath the man he thought he loved.  Caleb…Bren, the handsome Empire defector that he had taken in, and been taken by.  So clever and cunning, attributes that Essek should have seen as red flags from miles away.  He had been a fool, though, too enamoured by the man’s talent and too keen to fall for his honeyed words.  And this was how he was going to pay for it.
“You were a fool to let me in, Shadowhand…but you are aware of that now, ja?” Bren asked, the dagger still held against Essek’s throat. He nodded ever so slightly.  Bren just smiled.
“Are…are you going to kill me then, Caleb?” Essek asked. He rarely prayed to anyone, let alone the Luxon, but in this moment he hoped that using that name, the name Essek had called him by so many times before, would snap him out of this. He was wrong.
“Dummer kleiner crick.” Bren spat, pressing the blade harder into Essek’s skin. “Caleb is not real. He never was. He was a fiction, a creation for you to be enamoured by, to fall in love with so you became complacent…stupid.  Clever idea, hm?”
Essek could feel the tears start to well as Bren spoke.  It hurt most of all because he was right. Essek had fallen in love, and he had been stupid.  And he was going to be slaughtered in his own bed for it. And, to make it all worse? He knew that deep down a piece of him still loved Caleb.  Fictitious as he had been, Essek still wanted to beg for him back. Beg for things to go back to how they were, to forget this little standoff and just pretend it never happened.  Bren was right.  He was a fool.
“But now…for the fun part.” Bren whispered, getting close and leaning into Essek’s ear. He began to nibble and lick, just like he had when they’d had sex, and now the drow couldn’t help but cry. He just wanted Caleb back…his Caleb.  He was so lost in his longing, though, that he didn’t register as Bren’s words grew tinged with the intent of a spell. Barely had the strength to resist as he whispered again. “You will be mine, from this day forwards.  You will do as I say, without hesitation…”
Essek’s eyes went wide as the spell set in, tendrils of arcana twisting in his mind as he fell prey to Bren’s magic. He knew this spell, knew the feel of it and its effects.  Knew it by the sudden desire to do just as Bren had commanded. Geas.
He tried not to panic as he realized what had happened, what this meant, but his heaving breath and choking sobs were more than enough to alert Bren. The human just cupped Essek’s cheek, a cold, cruel facsimile of his old smile on his face.
“Fret not, Shadowhand. I have no intention of killing you.  No, I intend to keep you as my own…pet, we shall say, ja? A sweet little familiar for me to have.  You will not have to worry about such silly things as your Dynasty or your role under the Bright Queen.  You will be mine, until I grow bored of you.”
Essek wanted to shake his head, to scream, to say no or to run. But he knew the pain that Geas brought to those who resisted, and even thinking about it made his head begin to throb. All he could do was nod through the tears and the panic, and hope that Bren would show mercy.
“Good little crick. And do not fret too much about escape.” He said, pressing a soft kiss to Essek’s tear stained cheek. “No one’s coming for you. Not now, and not ever.”
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albumdellefigurine · 1 year
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love-and-hex · 1 year
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Love and Hex #61: Saying goodbye
A close to the Hex Education arc. Next time we’ll be picking up a thread that was left dangling a long time ago…
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mysticdragon3md3 · 8 months
"A geis or geas (pl. geasa) is an idiosyncratic taboo, whether of obligation or prohibition, similar to being under a vow or curse, yet the observance of which can also bring power and blessings. It is also used to mean specifically a spell prohibiting some action. Geasa are common in Irish and Scottish folklore and mythology, as well as in modern English-language fantasy fiction.[1]"
"In Irish mythology A geas can be compared with a curse or paradoxically a gift. If someone under a geas violates the associated taboo, the infractor will suffer dishonor or even death. Conversely, the observing of one's geas is believed to bring power. Often, women place geasa upon men; in some cases, the woman turns out to be a goddess or other sovereignty figure.[2]"
"In some cases, the placing of a geas can lead to tragedy even when it is not violated."
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I am flipping out right now because geis (or geas), you know, like a magic spell that makes you do things? Apparently it is pronounced "gesh"
Mind blown.
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nqirr · 2 months
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shadowgasps · 7 days
"In the middle of an attack you led them in a song. How did you know?" Oh boy am I SOBBING. Aabria the way you delivered that line....the emotion the weight of it. I am absolutely in shambles
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gea and kronos overthrone uranus
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revvethasmythh · 1 month
the way Dorian is on the only Certified Campaign Hot Boi™️ who is a PC. his power
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usops · 8 months
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marskiiii · 7 months
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RANDOM SKETCH DUMPPP including a new genshin oc that i will soon post individually about >:)
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onas-batlle · 25 days
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cute ❤️
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firerose · 2 years
Percy “loves his mom” Jackson getting ready to fight Gea with bare hands after he found what happened to Leo’s mom
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utilitycaster · 2 months
I am signing your petition for more people to cast the geas.
excellent. we should compel people to do it or something
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