#gassy bts
skin-of-my-teeth · 3 months
Pure Gluttony
I am honestly so feral for greedy, massive Namjoon, who lazes around and gorges on anything he can get his hands on. After another hedonistic feast of gluttony, he looks down at his belly and admires the thick, fat swell under his hands. His chin rolls bulge as he smiles indulgently at the hefty gut he's growing. So many heavy, bulky layers of lard settling deeper and deeper in his gut with each feral binge, making it spill forwards over his knees. The dense weight in his middle has expanded with each meal, doubling into blubbery rolls that fold and hang, clinging desperately to the hard crest of bloat.
His chubby hands grope over the mass, digging in until he can feel his full, firm stomach underneath the sloshy blubber. It makes his insides gurgle with pressure, gas dislodging from the food and tightening under his skin. The gas bubbles up, building and swelling with bloat until a wet, guttural belch bursts out of him.
The painful ache manifests as a moan, his stuffed middle throbbing and pulsing with sharp pangs until everything settles, deliciously softer than before.
Namjoon is left panting, face red from exertion as he gets a few minutes of relief until the next wave of gas swells forwards.
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breadcheekstete · 1 year
More fat Tae please. Maybe one where he is really big and lazy?
hello hello (ôㅈô)/” you know how much i like chubby tæ so it was a pleasure to write it. i made him kinda slobby and it might be messy but i hope you like it 🖤 (i tried to make him as big as i am comfortable with, please understand)
[CW / Slob behaviour]
th has been watching the news go on for what feels like an eternity. he made the bad decision of leaving the remote on the coffee table when he turned on a movie that finished too long ago.
he could get up and change the channel? yeah. but he actually can't.
adding a whole 2l of weight gain shake, two and half gallons of ice cream to his already ample frame is his favourite activity and, honestly? he's already thinking of dinner.
you see, th is a big guy. he does not just have a gut and some spare kilos rounding his edges. and as someone that weighs 136kg, he's what anyone would call a slob.
a big belly sitting and spilling down his lap and between his thick thighs, spread open to give it some room. his arms hug the last ice cream tub, too tired to even prevent it from spilling in his already stained t-shirt. at this point he just wears it to hold his moobs in like a crop top, or even a bra, now resting pliant on the shelf that is his overstuffed belly.
he scratches at his double chin, itchi from the ice cream spilled and licks his finger clean, hiccuping a burp.
his spoon finally makes it to the bottom of the ice cream and he discards it, throwing it not so carefully to the floor. he hums, contently rubbing at the sides of his belly and pressing on the few pockets of gas.
not that he drank soda in the past hours but he's just so gassy all the time. he pats his underbelly, caressing the flabby area and dipping his finger into his belly button, expecting a burp to come out but is a loud fart what comes out instead. he even feels it rumble on his seat.
it felt really good to let out, but is not enough to ease the discomfort for dinner so he rubs circles on the expanse of his belly, taking turns with each arm so he doesn't get tired. in the end, is the hand resting on top of his belly that finds the wet belch he was looking for and he leans back on the armchair, relieved to say the least. 
the air is a bit heavy when sj comes back from work. th doesn't even hear him come in as he let out another resounding belch with his eyes closed in pure bliss.
"only you would eat ice cream as an appetizer," the older says.
th whines, belly gurgling under his touch. "if i could order something to eat, i wouldn't start from the dessert."
sj sits on the armrest, slapping his belly that barely wobbles at the motion but causes th to burp. "last time i let you order when i was still at work i found you being fed by the poor delivery guy."
th takes a fist to his chest and belches deeply, that felt so good to let out. "i wouldn't let him do it if he wasn't yøongi hyung. he knows our code."
"he knows it for emergencies!"
"it was an emergency, i couldn't get up."
sj stands right in front of him and brushes th's chin gently, daring. "can't even get up for the food you ordered yourself?"
"i'm sorry hyung, i was too full.." past full like he is right know, sj would dare to say. he's got other plans, though.
"if you can stand up by yourself and sit on the couch, i'll feed you."
"pasta with lots of tomato sauce sprinkled with weight gain powder and a 2l bottle of cola?" he asks with puppy eyes, and sj nods. it makes him so fond how under all this fat he's still the bright soul he knows.
th makes an attempt, arms quivering and belly annoyingly hard to even let him bend forward. he tries again, grunting and rocking himself back and forth to regain some strength, and then…
"damn it, tæhyung. that's gross," sj complains at the strong smell coming from the younger's agonizingly long fart he just ripped.
"you said, huff ." th stops to fan his nose. "you said i had to stand u-UuuURp, and i needed a little impulse."
"little ? the neighbors could sue us for that."
th stumbles a little as he balances himself and waddles to the couch, letting himself fall onto it and he shuts a loud cracking sound with another burst of air. "come on," he demands, patting the side of his belly. "it's dinner time."
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wish i could have an rp partner that does adv lit and likes farting 🥺🥺🥺 ocs or bts, and preferably male farting only.
18+ only
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bangtanbraps · 1 year
Panda Express (JINMIN sickfic)
//TW!! *Pro-ship (JinMin) *18+ sexual themes *Bloating *Male masturbation *Eprocto *Desperation *MILD scat If you think anything else should be listed as a warning, please let me know! Enjoy.
The pair had been driving for hours, alternating the driver every few hours when one needed a break. It was a long drive down to the set location for their new television show ‘In The Soop’, but, luckily, Jimin loved long drives with his best friend Jin – they often had lots of fun gossiping and singing along to music. They had to be recorded the entire way there through a small GoPro suctioned to the windshield, but the staff had become used to editing out hours of banter between the two singers that would be too inappropriate for ARMY to hear.
Jimin looked at the car’s digital display. 12:53. Upon seeing the numbers, a sonorous grumble erupted from the younger’s stomach. Jin stifled a chuckle.
“Hungry much?” He quipped. Jimin laughed.
“Yeah. Starving. Are there any service stations nearby?”
“There should be. Could you check your phone?”
He opened the maps app and searched for service stations in the area.
“Ah, yeah. There’s one five minutes away. Do you think the others’ll be hungry? Should I radio them?”
“Uhm. They might be. But why don’t we go in there on our own?” Jin took his dongsaeng’s hand into his own and interlocked their fingers. “If we go with the others, the camera crew will be forced to stop too, and we’ll be recorded the whole time. How about we have a private meal together, just us?”
Jimin couldn’t help but blush and bite his lip at his hyung’s touch. It was almost embarrassing to him that something as simple as holding hands with his boyfriend could melt him instantly.
“Sure. We can.”
Jin parked the car while Jimin stood in line for Panda Express. The older man soon joined him, nonchalantly taking Jimin’s hand in his own once again. He let out a huff of air.
“It’s nice to just be us for once. You know. Without the cameras and all.”
“Yeah… I like holding your hand Jinnie….” Jimin looked down to hide his embarrassed little smile. Jin placed a finger under Jimin’s chin and lifted his head to look him in the eyes.
“And I like holding your hand, Minnie.” Jin winked, oozing charisma as always. Jimin rolled his eyes playfully, though he was unable to curb his grin.
After ordering a banquet’s worth of food – and eating and chatting for about an hour – the pair were ready to hit the road again. Jin made sure to send Jimin to the bathroom before they set off; he was almost certain that this was the last service station for a long while.
“Don't smile on me; light on me~ Neoege dagaseol su eopseunikka~ Naegen bulleojul ireumi eopseoooooooooooo!”
“You know that I can't~ Show you me, give you me~ Chorahan moseub boyeojul sun eopseo~ Tto gamyeoneul sseugo neol mannareo gaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”
Both of them erupted into laughter as they toyed around, impersonating the other members of the group – namely Namjoon and his infamous shower ‘singing’. Jin took the following line, with it being his own and all.
“Oeroumui jeongwone pin~ Neoreul dal- agh….” He cut mid-line.
Jimin chuckled. “Voice crack~?” Jin shook his head.
“Mmmm… no… just a stomach cramp that took me by surprise.”
Jimin’s smirk was reduced to a concerned frown.
“Are you alright, Jinnie? Are you gonna throw up? Do we need to pull over?”
“No. I’m fine. Just a silly pain.” He sighed exaggeratedly, “I’m getting older! Oh! Woe is me, Jimin!”
The act seemed to relieve some of Jimin’s worry. He laughed.
“Oh, stop it; you’re not old. You are dramatic, though.”
“Me?! Dramatic?! You must have me confused with someone else~. I have been called many things in my lifetime, but dramatic is not one- ugh-!” Jin faltered again, one hand leaving the wheel to rest on his stomach.
“I’m- Fine. Just another random cramp.”
“Jin… we can pull over-”
“No.” The hyung interrupted, “We’re already an hour behind the rest of the crew. We can’t afford to stop now.”
Jin’s stomach let out a growl, not much unlike Jimin’s from a few hours earlier… only this growl was different—slightly more ‘gurgling’ in nature and most definitely NOT from an empty stomach. Jin mumbled something under his breath that sounded like a mixture between a groan and an expletive.
“Are you sure you don’t want to pull over, hyung-”
“Does it look like there’s anywhere to pull over?!” Seokjin snapped. Immediately, he followed with an “I’m sorry, Minnie. I didn’t mean to shout. I’m just-… My stomach hurts a little.”
“I can tell…” Jimin placed a hand on Jin’s thigh, rubbing it reassuringly. “I’ll look to see if there’s a service station nearby. And I'll take the wheel as soon as we can pull over. You’ve been driving too long.”
Jin sighed, defeated. “I don’t think there are any service stations for a while. I checked at the last one. I suppose I was so busy making sure you used the bathroom that I didn’t remember to go myself.”
“Language. … In fact. Turn the camera off. I don’t even want the staff seeing me like this.”
“I’m sure they’d edit it out-”
“I’m sure they would, Jimin, but I don’t even want them to go through it. We can turn it back on once my stomach ache has passed.”
Jimin nodded and reached for the GoPro, yanking it off the windshield and fiddling with it to find the power button. The little box bleeped, and the red recording light went dark.
“Done. It’s off. Feel better?”
“I’m certainly more relaxed. Fuck-. Minnie, I know this is odd, but could you please unbutton my jeans? I think my stomach needs a little more room to breathe.”
Jimin’s heart skipped a few beats until he recalled how to breathe. His face flushed pink, and his gaze slipped to the bulge of his boyfriend’s bloated belly. He gulped, hopefully inaudibly. Jin noticed the younger’s sudden change in demeanour and guffawed in reaction.
“Oh, Minnie, come on, it’s not like that~. Unless you- Uh-. Want it to be.”
Park Jimin could not believe his luck. They had been dating for nearly two years – of course, he had told Jin about his… ‘unique’ interests. Jin had been refreshingly supportive, unlike past partners who had looked down on him or laughed. That being said, Jin did state that it wasn’t something he would be interested in exploring for the foreseeable future, given the foul nature of the kink.
Because of this, Jimin left that door closed and never brought it up again. Jin had thrown a few jabs his way concerning it, but other than that, it had been left untouched. Until now. This is the first time Seokjin had ever expressed any non-joking opinion surrounding engaging in… it.
“We don’t have to.” Jimin hurried, “It’s fine. You’re uncomfortable and sick. I’ll- uh- I’ll undo your jeans for you, though.”
Jimin fumbled his fingers around Jin’s zipper, hissing a ‘sorry’ as he clumsily grazed his crotch. As soon as the zipper was undone, Jin’s bloated stomach spilt out with a relieved sigh. Jimin wished his zipper was undone. His pants were getting a little tight. Of course, Jin wasn’t fat by any means – but a buffet of service station food was enough to make anyone a little larger, idols included.
“Hhh… thank you, Minnie. And uhm-. Sorry. If this is-. Uhm. Awkward for- for you.”
Jimin’s stomach lurched. “No. It’s fine. Really. You’re just sick. It’s not like that. I’m not perverted or anything.”
Jin chuckled, slightly more relaxed at his lover’s words, “Oh, you’re not? Are you sure you’re Park Jimin?”
Jimin didn’t respond, opting to pick at his fingers instead.
Time stood still. It was as if the clock never changed and the sun never moved. The only way Jimin could measure the passage of time was by the intensity of the thunder that, ever more frequently, rolled inside Seokjin’s stomach: accompanied by a worsening grimace.
There had been no service stations or lay-bys, and time was taking its toll on the man’s insides. Time also took a toll on Jimin; his crotch was engulfed in the familiar heat of lust. Jin’s mind had become cloudy with desperation. He felt as though he was going to burst, and his temper was flaring. He cursed, smacking a hand on the steering wheel.
“Ugh! Why have over an hour of fucking motorway with absolutely fucking NOTHING! What if someone got into a fucking ACCIDENT? Someone could fucking DIE! This is RIDICULOUS!”
“I know, right?” Jimin echoed, attempting to ease Seokjin’s frustrations, “This is crazy.”
“If I could just piss, the pressure would go down. That’s ALL I’m FUCKING asking for! Just to FUCKING piss, and MAYBE I could make it to the set.”
Jimin rocked his feet anxiously; he didn’t like it when Jin got mad. He wasn’t violent or scary, but, having a short temper himself, he was all too acquainted with the fire that rises in one’s chest and how uncomfortable that burn can feel. A hollow jangle clacked against Jimin’s shoe. He looked down at the empty water bottles in the foot well. He swore he could hear a ‘ding!’ as his brain connected the dots and formed an idea.
“Uh. Jin. If you really think pissing would help, there are some empty bottles down here.”
Jin groaned.
“You know, normally I’d call you revolting – but, desperate times and all. Pass one over here.”
Jimin gulped once again as he kicked up one of the plastic bottles, unscrewing the cap for Jin before handing it to him.
Jin struggled to free himself from his boxers while holding the bottle and the car steady. He cursed and snarled as he grappled at his jeans, eventually dropping the bottle into his own foot well.
“I can help if you want. It’s gotta be hard to do fifty things at once while- uh. You have to go.”
“Fuck. Yes. Please. God, Minnie, please.”
The begging nearly tipped Jimin over the edge. He clenched his thighs to contain his ‘excitement’.
Jimin reached down, picked up another bottle, and set it between his legs as he reached over to unclothe his boyfriend’s manhood. Seokjin coughed awkwardly, willing himself to remain flaccid while Jimin touched him to avoid another issue.
Jimin took the bottle, uncapped it, took the lip and put it against Jin’s tip: ensuring he had aligned the hole with the opening and created a tight seal between the two.
“Oh-” His voice cracked. He coughed and gulped. “Sorry. Er- Okay. You should be good to go now, Jin.”
Jin did not have to be told twice. A stream of golden fluid gushed into the bottle as an exasperated sigh seeped from the host’s lips.
“Ffffffffffuck…” Seokjin exhaled. “Thank you- Oh, God-….”
Jimin’s hand grew warm as the fluid rose in the bottle. It rose dangerously high, in fact. And it was rising fast.
“Uh- Jin- I- Never mind. Just- Could you try to slow down a little?”
“Minnie, I’m mid-flow. I can’t fucking slow down.” Jin glanced at his boyfriend, then quickly returned his eyes to the road, turning pink in the cheeks.
Jimin kicked up another of the empty water bottles at his feet and swapped hands at the ochroid bottle. He brought it close to switch them when ready. His free hand picked up the empty bottle and uncapped it one-handedly.
“What are you doing?” Jin blurted.
“It’s gonna overflow. I’ll swap them.”
“You’d better not fucking spill any, or I swear to GOD.”
“I won’t. I won’t. I won’t. Trust me; I know what I’m doing. Don’t worry. Jihyun and I used to piss in bottles on road trips all the time. I’m practically a pro. Relax.”
Jin huffed, trying to remain calm and control his stream to allow Jimin some leeway for mistakes. It didn’t exactly work, but Jimin managed to swap the bottles without much help anyway.
“There. You’re good.”
Jin’s abdomen constricted as he pushed freely once again, his outflow picking up pace with another relieved sigh. Jimin twitched. If he weren’t careful, he’d have an ‘outflow’ himself.
Once the older was finished, Jimin capped both the bottles and set them down in the back seat so as not to kick them accidentally and create a mess.
“Fuck. Yes. Better. Miles better. It still hurts, but. Definitely better. Th-thank you.” Seokjin’s cheeks were a deep shade of rose now. Jimin didn’t want to make him any more uncomfortable than he already was.
“No problem, baby. Don’t worry. You focus on the road. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for somewhere to stop.”
Jin’s stomach bellowed in discontent, earning a similarly dejected hum from its owner. The rumbling continued one after the other, continuously. To make matters worse, they hit traffic – since they were lagging behind their entourage, they had hit rush hour.
“Fucking wonderful.” Jin retorted, sitting back in his chair and pawing at his ever more-so bloated stomach.
Jimin tried to focus on other things, but ignoring the glaring reality of Jin’s predicament was hard. Amazingly, Jin laughed.
“Oh my God, Minnie. I have to shit so fucking bad.”
This earned more laughter from both of them. The situation was quite incredulous, after all.
“I mean, we have more cups.” Jimin suggested sarcastically, “You could always shit in one of these.”
“Ha! I’ve used enough containers as toilets today for the rest of my life. I’m not sure I want to add to that number.”
It was nice to see his hyung perking up a little; Jimin knew he must be in a lot of pain.
“Well, just try your best to relax. If you need to- uh- let anything out-… You know I won’t judge.”
“What are you suggesting?” Jin reclined his seat slightly, sighing, “That I shit myself?”
Jimin scoffed, “No! I meant- like- Excess gas?” He immediately reddened. Jin noticed and smirked.
“Yeah, I bet you’d love that, wouldn’t you, you little pervert~.”
Jimin’s pants tightened again; he had certainly not been expecting that. Jin noticed this as well.
“I dunno… I’m a little scared to push….” He chuckled.
A deep grumbling noise rolled out into the driver’s seat, Jin sighing in unison with the noise – attempting to hide his smirk at Jimin’s visible arousal.
“That felt good. Sorry. I know it’s gross.”
Jimin shook his head, “Jin. You know that stuff doesn’t bother me. For… obvious reasons.” Jin cocked an eyebrow at him, his smirk revealing itself.
“Oh, yeah. Right~.”
Jin groaned, rubbing his stomach. “It looks like we’re gonna be stuck in traffic for a while… You couldn’t rub my stomach for me, could you, Minnie? It reeeeally hurts….”
Gulping, Jimin nodded and reached over to help his lover. He pressed his hand gently to Jin’s abdomen and slowly began to rub clockwise, applying slight pressure at the air pockets he could feel under the surface. It gurgled in response to the touch, Jin whining along and running a hand through Jimin’s hair in thanks.
Another bubbling rip sounded from underneath Seokjin, a sigh of relief quickly following. Jimin had to close his eyes and remind himself to stay calm despite what was happening. Bubble after bubble were released from Jin’s stomach, with Jimin’s rubbing only encouraging raunchier, deeper farts. Jin moaned with each release in an attempt to egg Jimin on; he’d noticed the growing bulge in Jimin’s jeans, and his mind was racing with indecent thoughts.
The traffic started to move again, at first shunting, then moving slowly and steadily. It was seemingly too little too late, however, as Jin’s stomach ache had worsened tenfold. At this point, he was whimpering at every touch and gasping at every fart, unsure whether it would be just air escaping him. The trouble was, he couldn’t control it. Now that he’d started releasing the gas, he’d surrendered to it involuntarily. The pain was too harsh to bear without expelling excess wind, and Jimin’s skilful hands pushed in all the right places to coax it out of his puffy gut. It had started as a teasing strategy, but, at this point, the older singer couldn’t contain his lewd noises.
“Asgh- Minnie… ouch…” Jin ripped another bassy fart into the car and rolled down the windows. “I’m sorry, this fucking sucks… I have to shit so bad you have no fucking idea. I- I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to hold it until we get to the set. Are there really no service stations nearby?”
Jimin checked his phone for what was probably the tenth time, “No… I don’t think so, Jinnie….”
“Fuck… well… could you search ‘public restroom’ and see if there’s anywhere we could turn off? A café or something. A McDonalds. Anything?”
“Uh, there’s a small village at the next exit. My stupid fucking phone won’t connect; I can’t see any bathrooms. But I can see some shops. There should be bathrooms there, right?”
Jin swerved recklessly and took the car off at the next exit. His driving was becoming more erratic the longer this went on; Jimin was starting to fear for his life. Telling him to stay calm would do no good; if anything, it would make things worse. The best he could do was sit and comfort him.
“Keep an eye out for anywhere that could have a bathroom, yeah? Ugh, oh my God…” He sat directly on his ass to apply pressure and avoid releasing anything solid. Not that it would be solid – it was way past that point. Despite this, another muffled blurt rippled from under his ass.
“I can’t see anything. Fuck. Uhm. It’s late. Everywhere’s fucking closed.”
“Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on…” Jin muttered under his breath. He was getting visibly desperate now, bouncing his free leg despairingly. “Aghhhh my fucking God, my fucking God, my fucking GOD.”
Jimin picked up his jacket from the back seat and placed it on his lap, quietly unzipping his jeans and slipping his hand over his boxers, caressing himself. Jin leaned slightly forward and pushed out a short fart. It sounded dangerous. Each blast sounded riskier than the last, and Jin was painfully aware of that fact.
“Okay, we can do this. We can do this. Come on Jin, just pay attention.”
“Just a little further Jin.” Jimin reassured, “We’ll find something, just hang on okay?”
“Mmmhmmm!” Jin groaned in a mixture of agreement and pain. He farted again. “Oh my god- Shit shit shitshitshit!”
A car pulled out from a side road, despite being behind a give-way line. Jin slammed on the breaks and the horn simultaneously, leaning his head out the window to shout a deep “FUCKING GIVE WAY, ASSHOLE! THAT MEANS STOP! FUCKING GOD!”
The driver of the other car visibly whitened at the rage, sheepishly waving his hand in apology and allowing Jin to pass.
“For FUCK’S SAKE!” Jin shot a short, sharp fart into his jeans, grunting. “Agh- Fuck! I am NOT going to shit in my FUCKING company car. This is NOT happening. FUCK!”
Jimin kept an eye out for any open businesses as he pleasured himself under the privacy of his jacket. Steadying his breathing was becoming increasingly difficult the closer he edged himself to climax. Jin’s breathing was uneven too, but most certainly not in pleasure.
“Fuck, hurry UP. LIGHT. PLEASE. TURN GREEN. … THANK YOU! This is an ACTUAL joke.” He let out an exasperated sigh, “Okay. Okay. Come on. Go. I CAN’T shit myself in the car. A FEW more minutes. You can do this. Come ON. Have you seen anything, Minnie?”
Jimin jumped a little, startled. He coughed, “nO. No. I haven’t. Sorry. I’m looking, I promise.”
“I know, I know, I know. Fuck fuck FUCK. It’s okay. Phew. We can do this. Just keep trying?”
“I will.” Jimin gasped breathily, “Yeah…”
Jin glanced over at Jimin and immediately realised what he was doing.
“Minnie! Seriously?!”
Jimin retracted his hand from his pants immediately. But, once again, Jin laughed. “Oh, my God! You really DO like this stuff, huh? I didn’t think it was THIS bad!”
“S- Sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Jin turned the car round the corner to double back and check the street again, “I’m glad you’re getting something good out of this, even if I’m fucking dying. It’s nice to see you… uh…” He coughed, “Turned on. By me.”
They both flushed at the same time. The moment was interrupted by another deep fart. It sounded wet.
“Shit. Fuck. NO. Not now. NO.”
“Did you-…?” Jimin started,
“NO! It was JUST GAS! Come ON, why are there NO FUCKING TOILETS?!” He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel anxiously, sighing to calm himself. “I can do this. I can do this. I can. I can, I can, I can.” Another alerting wet fart. Jin yelped. “NO! No, no, no, no! I can DO this!” His stomach screamed in pain, and another deep, wet fart ensued. Jimin moaned, immediately covering his mouth and widening his eyes.
“Shit. Sorry.”
Jin chuckled nervously, “It’s fine. You keep. Uhm. Doing what you’re do-” Another close fart. “SHIT. It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s. Uhm. Just a little.”
Jimin’s face flushed a deep shade of scarlet and his cock twitched in his hand. Jin wasn’t going to make it. There were no bathrooms. Jimin knew this because he had purposefully led him to an area where there weren’t any.
“I… I have a spare pair of jeans if you-…”
Grumble. Groan. Splatter.
Jin hit the breaks. Luckily the road was entirely empty.
He raised himself up slightly, leaning on the wheel, in a somewhat ditch attempt to not get it on the seat, Jimin reckoned. He slammed a hand on his ass, willing it to stop.
But it was already coming, no pushing necessary. Jin screeched as the hot liquid spattered into his pants and seeped through his jeans, creating a growing dark patch. Still half-standing, Jin swerved the car off the road – once again – and shoved his door open, throwing himself into the bushes by the silent sidewalk. Well, once his pants were off, the sidewalk was everything but silent.
A cacophony of squirts, farts and yelps rung in the area as Jin unloaded what was left in his bowels into a bush.
A white flash hit Jimin’s retinas and he finished in his hand, crying out in pleasure as his boyfriend cried out in pain.
Jin was reduced to tears as the searing liquid burned his hole upon exit. It was never ending. His favourite jeans would have to be thrown out, he had shit himself in front of his boyfriend, they were late on set and he was going to get an earful about it… and Jimin was orgasming. Surprisingly, this made him feel better. A lot better actually.
As another lurch punched his stomach, Jin caught Jimin’s eye. He purposefully rolled his eyes back and moaned as the liquid hit the floor, streaming out of him.
“Agh~! Oh, Minnie~! It hurts sooooo bad~… I have to shit so bad~…” Jin moaned, earning a moan from Jimin in return.
Jin slammed his hand onto the lamp post beside him, feigning gripping to it for support. Jimin was now turned to face him, stroking his cock openly, his eyes clouded with lust and his mouth agape.
With one look, they both knew that this would be the night they would lose their innocence to each other.
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Hey y’all this is my first post I just wanted to introduce myself!
Hey everyone my name is Scarlett but you can call me Scar if u want. I am 15 years old and I am originally from Germany but my parents moved to Connecticut when I was 4 (#Foreign😜😜). I know how to speak German and English but I am 100x better at English. I like to snowboard and paint and write (duhhh). I will write for basically all of your favorite characters/ people. Here are the things I will and will not write🫶
What I will write:
Series( If I’m feeling up to it I’m lazing asf💀)
Anything (on the list of things I will write) LGBTQ+!
And anything I feel comfortable with
What I will not write:
Rape/Sexual Assult/ Abuse to anyone male, female, other. (Bc it’s fucking weird and it’s disgusting to write💀)
Pedophilia 😟 towards anyone male, female, other. (Bc again that’s weird and really, really gross)
Homophobia, Transphobia, Racism, Sexism, ect. (Your sick if you want me to write that, like honestly)
……..any weird sex you want me to write is um……..well I thing that explains itself
Um and also anything to do with anime, I have nothing against people who watch it I’ve just never seen any before sorry if this has made a inconvenience xx
And lastly anything I don’t feel comfortable writing
That is all you guys!! Put your request down in the comments🫶
(What person/character, what genre, and any other details. Also anything to do with y/n😜😜 or who ever else; example; Female Reader, Male reader, non-gender specific reader, anything like that)
Ok luv u🙌🙌
Also what do you guys want me to call you????
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Baby's tum-tum hurts
BTS Sope Sick fic/ Little space
Warning: Sick fic, Hoseok in little space and out of it. Yoongi his boyfriend and caretaker. Past trauma, abuse, and safe little space.
Mention of emeto, abdominal pain, cramping, scat, burping, explicit diarrhea description. Non sexual, non kinky. Abdominal medical and doctor play examination. Medical mentioned. Doctors medical devices, sad baby, bloated belly, gassy, noisy tummy, Hurt-comfort.
Hoseok wakes up early to go to work, Yoongi is having a bath, but Hoseok discovers he doesn't feel good. His stomach hurts a lot, and whenever he feels sick, his coping mechanism is to go into little space.
Yoongi is his boyfriend, and when his boyfriend is in little space, he makes the role as an older brother, who takes care of baby Hobi.
Yoongi knows his boyfriend would slip into his little space mindset when he is tired, overwhelmed, sad, or most common sick.
Hoseok had woken up, as soon as he try to sit in bed, he felt sick all over, his stomach hurt a lot, he felt nauseated, and his abdomen was cramping badly.
He returned to bed, and knowing he had an awesome partner, boyfriend and caretaker, he left himself slip into his little space. Little Hobi felt so sick, he curled in a ball, and began to sob quietly.
Yoongi had went out the shower, and he couldn't find his boyfriend in the kitchen, usually je would be making breakfast for both, or trying to shower as well. He walk to the bed, fearing his boyfriend was sick.
"Baby?" He asked noticing the younger one still in bed.
"Yoonie?" The little one asked, it was a name for Yoongi, when Hobi was in little space head. "Yoon...." The little baby sob.
Yoongi understood his little one was sick, but he didn't knew how severe it was. He needed to call in sick for both, but he couldn't call their work, until he knew what was ailing his baby boy.
"Baby Hobi, what's wrong my little baby?" He asked even softer, he say beside Hobi in bed. The little boy had his arms surrounding his torso. "Tell Hyungie what's wrong...."
"Hyungie....Yoonie... Hobi's tum-tum hults...." The little one said, his voice sad.
"Oh no, again? Baby, come here, Yoonie will take care of it for you, probably you just had something bad for dinner, with a tummy rub and medicine we can solve it. " Yoongi told him patiently, soft and caring. "Come here, sit on Hyungie's legs, here I can rub your small baby tum-tum."
Hobi moved outside the bed, the little one sat on his Hyungie's legs where he felt safe, but when Yoongi was about to touch his abdomen to see the damage, the little poor baby, who was so sick, couldn't even tell his older brother, his tummy was hurting to much.
Baby Hobi felt his belly churning,he could feel a lot of movement, bubbling and pain before it happened. He heard his tummy going Wilde with awful noises.
Yoongi heard the bubbling coming loud and strong from his little one's tummy, and the next thing he knew was his poor baby, was having explosive diarrhea on top of both.
The brown hot gush of liquid came from little Hobi's butt, in seconds both were covered with the little one's diarrhea fluids.
Hobi began to cry hard, the little one kept on sobbing and screaming his lungs, his tummy felt so bad, he couldn't stop from whaling.
Yoongi had to carry him to the bath tube, they shower and bathed, then he cleaned their clothes and bed sheets, he replaced them for other ones, and when they were clean and done, he brought his little one to the bed, Hobi had a diaper, and a pajama with bears,the t-shirt was a children shirt he loved wearing in little space. But his tummy was so bloated the shirt was all stretched out. He had stopped crying at least.
"Yoon Hyungie....Hobi is sorry... tummy ouchie...poo poo came ...sorry..." He said shyly.
"Don't worry baby, is not my little baby's fault. Baby Hobi's poor and sick tum-tum needs medicine. How are you feeling baby? Is it too painful?" Yoongi asked, he smile warmly but he was worrying like crazy. He hate watching his little one in pain, and he was tired from cleaning the diarrhea.
Hobi nod so sad. "Yoonie, Hobi's tum-tum hurts. .." the little one said his little hands on top of his distended tummy. Even though he was sad, even in little space Hobi was always positive and happy, so he had try to smile for his Hyungie who he loved so much. "Tum-tum...roars....gurg....gurg... tummy is angy..."
When Yoongi had bathed his little one, he had noticed how distended was his poor stomach, the baby boy had a canon ball for stomach, a bowling ball on the stomach, or even a pregnant looking abdomen. This concerned him a lot. His baby Hobi was bloated and so swollen. And the poor abdominal surface kept on producing awful sounds.
"Baby Hobi's tum-tum needs to be seen by a doctor. Baby I'll make a tummy doctor appointment again, so you can have that poor sick painful tummy examine again, I'll call your special doctor, he has to listen to this angry tummy. Yes baby?" Yoongi told his little one, he was sitting beside the poor distended boy.
"No Yoonie, pwease no....Hobi don wan to.... Doctors hult... tum-tum.....nooo pwease no..." The small child complain miserable. The poor baby hated his "tummy doctor" his gastroenterologist knew about his little space and treated him like a baby boy. But he hated having his tummy all examine everywhere around and on the inside.
In all that time his poor sick belly haven't stop from doing all those awful sick sounds. Everything was moving inside of his small but distended poor tummy.
"Oh, don't cry baby, Yoonie needs to take his baby to the tummy doctor. Can you hear that baby?" He asked concerned he placed his ear delicate over his baby's poor ballooned stomach.
Hobi nod. "Is Hobi's tum-tum...my tum-tum is noisy....Yoonie.... tum-tum doesn't feels good...." He said, his baby hands pressed against the noisy big abdomen. "Yoonie....is Hobi pwegnant ...? Hobi's tum-tum is so big...." Hobi said excited, he was so curious he was drumming his baby bloated massively distended abdomen like a little drum, using little hands.
Yoongi giggled at his little one curiosity and imagination, Hoseok was always so full or energy, curiosity and excitement even been sick. "No sweetheart, Hobi is just full of air, your tum-tum is so sick, it bloated, so that's why you are so big, little Hobi's tum-tum looks like a balloon." Yoongi kiss the boy in his tiny head and then on the big tummy. "You know why Hobi's tum-tum is so loud baby? Why it has inflated so much? And why it keeps moving so much and hurting?" Yoongi asked to convinced him.
The big tummy gurgling madly, the baby's cheeks turned red. He hated his tum-tum growling.
"tum-tum is sick?" He asked. The baby boy understood Yoongi's point of view.
"Yes my poor baby, little Hobi's tum-tum is so sick, that's why you are having diarrhea too." Yoongi said. Hobi nodded.
"Yoon, Hobi don wanna have tum-tum so sick... tummy ouchie.." .the little one said drumming still his distended abdominal cavity. "Yoonie ... Hobi is afraid....doctor hurts Hobi or tum-tum?"
Yoongi relaxed his baby wasn't crying any longer. He was curious asking. "Want us to play tummy doctor, so you know what your tummy doctor is going to do?" Yoongi Asked having an idea.
Hoseok was excited, he clapped his little handsies. "Yes Yoon Hyun ...Hobi wanna play doctor....."
Yoongi had a medical equipment it was from his cousin who was a doctor, so he placed on the white rob, and using the real stethoscope, he took baby Hobi to other room, where there was an individual bed for guests, and that was just cover with a white sheet to simulate a doctor's examining table.
Yoongi carried his baby, and placed him in the middle of pf the bed. He took a chair next to it. His baby was laughing through the pain, he loved playing doctor.
"Now once we are inside the tummy doctor office, in a bed like this one, the doctor will ask questions. Like this. Little baby Hobi, how is your tummy? Do you have pain? Tummy troubles? Do you have nausea, diarrhea or vomit?"
"I see Yoonie....Yes Doctol Yoons... Hobi tum-tum is so sick....Tum is big... Hults...is noisy....moves a lot....and Hobi did poo poo before...." Hobi the cute boy said playing doctor with his Yoonie Huingie.
"Perfect, that was easy..."
"Is that all?" Hobi asked unsure and excited thinking it was over.
"No my cute baby, my baby boy, next is examining Hobi's poor tummy...."
Hobi was sad again. "Does it hults?"
"No baby, look, as Hobi's poor tummy makes a lot of bad tummy noises, your tummy doctor needs to hear your tummy, he will placed a little device, that is cold but it doesn't hurts, over baby's tum-tum, he will listen all those tummy sounds...." Yoongi explained patiently.
"How Yoonie? Are you also going to listen inside .... Hobi's noisy tum-tum?" The little one asked confused.
"Yes, let's begin, your Doctor will ask you to uncover your pretty stomach. Baby Hobi, can I uncover your tummy to listen inside?" Yoongi asked he placed the stethoscope on, and lifted showing it to Hobi.
"it hurts?"
"No baby, is just cold...." Yoongi said.
His little one nod. And placed his little hands at the sides of his body, so his Yoonie could move his clothes.
He uncovered his little one's horribly distended abdominal surface, his poor baby Hobi's abdomen was so big, it inflated worst, with each breath, the rounded big swollen and protruding stomach, was bursting from how big it had inflated all inside.
Yoongi even had to open his baby's diaper, so he could also hear the most lower belly. The little ones stomach kept on producing horrible abdominal sick noises everywhere and each time he breath.
Hobi was nervous looking how his Hyungie's hands rolled his t-shirt up, he noticed his tummy looked so bad. "Yoonie... tum-tum is so big...is it ugly?" He asked poking his tummy that trembled like jelly.
"No sweetheart, Hobi's tum-tum is the cutest thing, I promise, it's just that, Hobi has a balloon tummy right now, but doctor would also like Hobi's tummy." Yoongi said lying, he felt distress noticing how big his little one's tummy was, all sick and hugely expanded. "Hobi's tummy sounds like a drum or a balloon." he said drumming carefully and soft his baby's poor ballooned stomach it bounced and jumped everywhere. "Doctor will have fun curing your tummy sweetheart."
The child again laugh watching his tummy being drummed in and producing drumming echoes. "Now baby, I'll hear inside, please don't move, and don't talk, Doctor Yoons need silence to listen inside his Hobi." Yoongi took the cold stethoscope that was already warm, and placed it on top of the big abdominal cavity, there he could hear. The turmoil inside his baby boy. He listened everywhere. On his navel, the lower belly, his huge sides, his top belly, and mostly over his bowels.
The little one was curious watching his aching tummy being listen inside with the weird machine. He was quiet and not moving, he felt how the small cold metallic object slides through his balloon stomach. He felt a little shy, he knew his Yoonie Hyungie was listening attentively all those awful noises his tummy did. He felt a little embarrassed.
"Want to hear inside yourself?" Yoongi moved the apparatus to his baby's ears, the small child was excited, big open eyes, gasping in excitement. "Yoonie,.... tum-tum.....noises.....bubbles..... Hobi tum-tum is so mad, is grumpy...."
Baby Hobi have never heard something so awesome he heard bubbling, rumbling, water and bubbles everywhere.
Ones Yoongi finished listening inside his little baby tummy, he continue. "Baby, ones your tummy doctor has finished hearing inside, he needs to touch Hobi's sick and big tum-tum. He will press, touch, poke, prode, and sink his fingers on baby Hobi's tum-tum jelly big surface, like this." Yoongi said explaining everything to his baby sick boy.
"Ow Yoonie, tum-tum hurts.....Does Hobi tummy doc has to listen to my tum-tum? Does he need to touch Hobi in his tum-tum?" The little one said drumming still his stomach.
"Yes, but why baby?" Yoongi said he had stopped palpitations over his poor baby boy's sick and swollen abdominal cavity.
"Tum-tum is big so Hobi is shy ..." The little one admitted feeling shy. "Tum-tum is so noisy..... Tum-tum is so sick....Hobi is embarrassed..... tum-tum so sick, having Tum like this ... Makes Hob nervous..."
"I know baby is uncomfortable but no one expects Hobi to have a healthy Tum baby, Hobi goes to his tummy doctor when he is sick. So doctor would be there expecting us, with you, with the sickest tummy ever. He understands Hobi tummy does noises and is big because baby is sick. In fact Hobi is sensitive in the tummy, so that's why we already have a specialized doctor for your tum sweetheart. He already has listen that cute tummy."
"Okay....Yoonie can we still play doctor before going to real tum-tum doc?" The little one asked.
"Yes my baby.... Then the next step is palpation, doctor would need to feel those organs inside Hobi's tummy so he will press like this everywhere...." Yoongi began to press his baby tummy lightly and feeling each organ inside, moving in circles his hands, all the way from the top, to the lower tummy.
"Ar we done?" Baby asked believing it to be all it was left....
"No my baby, Doctor then needs to drum Hobi's balloony tummy, he needs to drum your cute little drum belly.... It helps doctor asses Hobi's poor tummy condition...."
Hobi was laughing again. "I like...Hyungie ...you drumming my tum-tum..... do it! Pwease play with Hobi's Tum....pwease!" The little one was clapping his hands excitedly.
"Then Hobi, can you breath in, and hold the air inside tum-tum, I want to see that tum-tum-tum getting bigger baby, inflate more that cute balloonie abdomen, all round and cute.....yes like that, hold in like that, come on baby, I know Hobi can do this... Baby boy push the tummy out.....Good boy!"
Hobi was so happy he loved playing with his Hyung, and he loved having the tummy so big, he had began to enjoy having a little balloon shape in his tum-tum. "Hobi is a good boy...." He said pushing even more his noisy and sick huge abdomen......"
Yoongi got even more concerned with the shape it got. It grew so much, and he got even more concerned he had never seen that size on his baby's abdominal distentions over the years.
"Baby close your eyes for me..." Hobi obey, and when he closed his eyes, he took a photograph,he needed his baby's abdomen in display so sick like that to show his baby's tummy special doctor. "Now don't move, Yoonie is going to measure that cute little stomach baby."
Baby Hobi opened his eyes and nod. He was happy watching how his Hyungie measured his belly, placing a tape measure device, under his back and surrounding all his protuberant abdomen.
"New record baby, Hobi's tummy is so big....you can stop pushing now, it must hurt, let me go for something quickly wait here."
Baby nod. Hobi lay there, with his diapers a little open at the waist, and all abdominal in display, he filled the room with his awful abdominal sick noises. He was farting like crazy, but at least he wasn't pooping his diapers yet.
Yoongi had went and called his doctor assistant. Jimin, was Doctor Seokjin's assistant. He ask all the information. Yoongi send the picture,the recording he had take, and the measurements of his little one's abdomen. The doctor said he was so sick, he make a little space to see one of his favorite patient. He said to bring him in after meal time, to see the baby's tummy reactions to his meal, he needed to have a full belly to see if he continue pooping or vomiting.
Yoongi returned to see the room smelled like rotten eggs, and little Hobi was sad. "What's wrong baby? Baby farted? Tummy is so sick right baby?"
Hobi nodded with his cheeks flushed. "Hobi is stinky...." He said and a tear rolled.
"No baby, is just that Hobi tummy is so sick. Tell the doctor your tummy is gassy, he needs to know how bad little Baby's farts smell...." He said rubbing his little one's belly, the big ballooned stomach sagging like jelly.
"Doctor need to know Hobi farts stink?" He asked confused.
"Yes baby, he needs to know, so he can understand why baby's stomach is sick and hurts. Now let's continue, I'll drum your little belly, as the doctor will."
Hobi got happy he clapped his hands. "Yes Hobi loves when Yoonie drums tum-tum..."
Yoongi began to drum more lightly than the doctor would do it. He playful drum his little baby in his cute but sick big tummy. Each time the poor abdominal distended cavity jumped, his belly sagged, trembled and bounced like a real ball. Baby Hobi at first was enjoying the drumming noises, but soon he felt pressure inside.
Yoongi heard how when he drum on the little stomach, the noises came worst, and the tummy bounced to much. He had never seen his baby this sick before.
Each time his hand collided with the naked abdominal sick shape, little Baby Hobi would burp, or fart even more.
"yoonie.... tum-tum jumps! Tum-tum....jumps....* The baby said noticing how his poor belly moved all over the place. "Doctor will make Hobi's tum-tum jump?"
Yoongi smiled warmly to this little one who was curious. "Yes, probably because Hobi's tummy is so big, it bounces, my poor baby has currently a little ball for stomach, you are so gassy baby, do you want to go to the bathroom?"
The little boy denied. "Yoonie ... That's all tum-tum needs?" Hobi asked watching his stomach inflate and deflate still naked, and still rumbling so angry.
"Yes baby, once that is done, Doctor will know hot to cure your little stomach.
The child laughed again at ease even though he had a lot of pain, and he couldn't stop farting rotten eggs.
Yoongi had to open a window without his little one noticing it, the stench spoke of how sick was baby Hobi's poor tummy.
Yoongi had also message Seokjin their doctor, about the gassy belly, the stench, the horrible flatulence episodes his baby was having.
The doctor asked to listen to it, and to the baby's stomach, so Yoongi asked his baby.
"Baby, tummy doctor wants to hear your tummy, how about we call him, so he can see and hear little Hobi's sick tum-tum. He loves having sick bellies to examine, he will love yours ..."
"Really? He loves my tum-tum-tum like this?" The innocent kid asked excited, not knowing it was to hear his farts, and his noisy abdominal noises.
"Yes, baby. Shall we?"
The baby nodded. Yoongi used his computer to video call his Gastroenterologist Seokjin, he placed de laptop on baby's Hobi legs, from there Seokjin could see the child with the most protuberant abdomen he had ever seen the little one with, and also he could hear the most awful noises a stomach ever made, the farting was constantly, and he could listen clearly how the little one's farts wounded wet horrendous, and long. He understood the little one was suffering with an awful pain.
Once th video call ended, Seokjin instructed Yoongi to skip the meal, and to bring inmidiatly the little one to his personal office.
"Baby, doctor was so excited with your cute stomach, he said he wants to examine you now. Lest get ready to go to your Tummy Doctor appointment." Yoongi said sadly.
The baby nodded still bothered with the cramping the abdominal pains, and farting. Yoongi dressed him again closing the diapers, placing on some pants, and a hoodie, then he took extra clothes, diapers, and cleaning supplies. He carry his baby and took him to the hospital.
They already knew the little one, they had been attending him, ever since he first was sick I'm little space, so Hobi felt safe there, no one judge the little baby.
Yoongi went in with his sick baby boy. He placed the kid on the examination table. Seokjin asked Yoongi to undressed him and he did. Hobi was at ease because he already knew that would happen.
Seokjin began to listen to the bays stomach, but when the palpation began, Hobi began to sob so hard. Yoonie had lie to him, his tummy was so sore and big it hurted so much, and Seokjin was trying to press more lightly but still he needed to assess the bloated abdomen.
"Don't cry baby...."
"Yoonie say it won't hurt tum-tum..." The little one whined.
The doctor spend a lot of time palpating the baby's poor stomach. Hobi felt so sad, he wanted to stop, but for some reason the doctor kept pushing inside his tummy.
"Baby, your belly is so sick, it is big, I can't asses you that well. What did Hobi ate to have his stomach this big and sick?" Seokjin asked.
"He ate normally what he would, but yesterday Hoseok went to a party and probably he ate something he should have not." Yoongi explained. His baby was farting so bad the doctor understood finally the stench Yoongi had mentioned, he didn't say anything.
"Had Hobi's stomach being sounding like this?" The doctor asked again.
"Yes, all morning....he had diarrhea." Yoongi said.
When the doctor was trying to drum his belly, the baby sob harder, it hurts his tummy so bad, and he had diarrhea without noticing all the diaper ended up full in his diarrhea fluids.
Yoongi cleaned his baby, and put him a new diaper. The doctor continue examining him.
"That's it?" Yoongi asked ..
Hobi felt so sad, nothing was the way he had expected it to be. Everything was wrong with his tummy doctor appointment. All Yoongi played with him and explained to him was different.
"No, I have never seen him this sick before. I think he has a gastrointestinal strong virus or infection. He needs to stay so we can keep him under strict vigilance. First, I need you to feed Hobi his meal, a light, digestible meal, liquid diet, I'll give you a private room, and there they would take his meal. I need to do other abdominal examination once he is digesting the meal, to see how his tummy reacts to it."
Yoongi nodded, he already knew Hobi needed to be hospitalized. He had appreciated the private hospital room, as not all people understood Hobi when he was in little space, and he didn't want anything to alter, cause more distress or embarrassed his little one.
Hobo felt sad, he understood he needed to stay at hospital so he began to cry.
Once they had been moved to the room, Hobi was placed in the bed, some devices minoring his signs, and an IV connected to his little hand.
He was sobbing quietly, he didn't want to upset Yoonie, his poor Hyungie. His little but bloated stomach hurt so much, and they have him just in his diapers, because of the fever he had.
"Yoon....Hobi....wan to go home....." He said sadly.
"I know baby, but your tummy doctor wants you to eat, so he can examine you again on a full tummy, to see if you are digesting correctly." He explained to his baby, he sat beside the bed and he kept rubbing his tummy. The stomach kept on gurgling angry.
"No Yoonie....No. Hobi need more examinations? Why? Why with tum-tum full?" The little one asked.
"Yes baby. Because he needs to listen again your tummy but working, digesting food, to see if you still have diarrhea or grassy bowels ..." He explained to his baby boy.
"If Hobi has tum-tum examine..... Hobi can go home?" The little one ask again.
"Yes baby."
When the food arrived, Yoongi fees his baby the liquid diet, soups, liquids and more liquids. The baby ate and drank everything, his poor little tummy bloated more, his tummy was worst, the noises it did were unstoppable and unhealthy. His little stomach had became a gurgling burbling pot. He was so swollen, and full of liquids that each time the baby breath, or move, his tummy sloshed all around and inside.
Seokjin returned back to the room, he closed the door, and was shocked to find his little patient more sick than before, the little one's abdomen had grow and double the size. It was even more noisy, and seemingly for the child's tears, also painful.
Seokjin struggled to examine again, each time he placed the stethoscope, the noises would distorted. Then pressing his stomach and palpating it proves to be imposible, ad the little one had a lot of pain and whine each time his massive abdomen was touch. Finally he try to drum his abdomen, it was the most painful, embarrassing and uncomfortable experience for baby Hobi's tum-tum. He felt the pressure, and also saw how his stomach sound worst, all sick, and sloshed each time the doctor hit his tummy making it bounce up and down.
Hobo finally relaxed believing it was over, but for his bad luck and frustration his hospital trip was barely beginning. "His stomach is so big, noisy and sick, I couldn't examine him properly, we will need to do, lab examination, imagery examinations, scans, an ultrasound and probably he will need to spend the night, the virus he has is really strong one .
Hobo cried so hard when Yoongi explained his little one, what was needed. He was so sad and afraid, they drew out his blood, his pee and poop were taken in samples to be examined, and the worst part was, he needed to have his stomach naked under some strange machine that was the x-rays, then his stomach was scanned with a noisy machine, and finally Seokjin ultrasound his tummy, the baby boy had his tummy so big, the ultrasound looks if he was expecting a child, from how huge his poor stomach was.
He spend all the rest pf the afternoon and night, with bad diarrhea, vomits, horrible noisy, bassy, smelly and rotten farts. His gassy belly was producing a lot of air and gas inside so he looked like a balloon the next day.
He cry so much, and Yoongi remained by his side, rubbing his baby boy's tum-tum softly, giving it kisses. Cleaning him from diarrhea or vomit episodes, and trying to make him eat or drink water.
Like that the baby spend other morning and in the afternoon he was finally left to go home. Still with a lot of medicine, with the strongest intestinal viral infection he had ever had. But with sweet Yoongi taking care of him.
The end.
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heave-hyung · 5 years
It Could be Worse
A/N: There was an anon request behind this, but I deleted it accidentally in my mobile formatting-ask-answering spaz-ness,
“Sick fic where one member is very gassy and another is trying to help them feel better, but the sickie is very embarrassed”
This was very inspired by a great rp I did with @grossbangtan some time ago!!
x Jimin and Yoongi are two very different people.
Well, for the most part. They had some similarities--and of course they got along great--but generally, they dealt with things differently. Jimin was very openly worried and empathetic, whereas Yoongi was a little more subtle. Jimin cared very deeply about his appearance, whereas Yoongi didn’t have nearly as many self-care habits as he should. Jimin never stops working physically; Yoongi sleeps for twenty hours at a time when he’s not curled over a laptop writing. Yoongi is blunt where Jimin is soft.
Yoongi is indifferent to the things that embarrass Jimin the most.
And unfortunately, Yoongi knows Jimin well.
The night after a long venture to Florence was spent with the boys bar-hopping and binging on a bunch of rich Italian food at some cute little restaurant over the water, all with the slightest buzz. After eating and by the time they’d all gotten home, the minor effects of the alcohol had almost entirely worn off, and everyone was exhausted. Jimin was ready to collapse on a bed and sleep contentedly. Except, he really couldn’t. Because as good as all of that extensive dinner was, the heaviness of Italian cuisine wasn’t sitting well with him at all. He could almost feel the gas swelling in his belly when he pressed his fingertips to it, and he bit back a whimper as he plopped down on his temporary bed.
As if Jimin didn’t get embarrassed enough by bodily functions as a whole--he’d blush madly even when being completely alone--it really didn’t make things better that Yoongi was his roommate for the time being. Yoongi was the last person he’d let go around. Unlike the maknaes, who were shameless and would compliment Jimin more than they would look down on him, or Namjoon, who really didn’t care--even Hoseok, who found it adorable, or Jin, who was always more concerned than anything--Yoongi was reserved. And Jimin had a habit of taking Yoongi’s silence as judgement. Jimin had a habit of taking anything as a judgement towards him and dwelling on it.
Yoongi had taken care of Jimin a few times, sure. But that was different--Jimin knew full well that none of his bandmates could get mad at him for being sick, because that’s something that can’t be stopped in the case of it happening, no matter how hard Jimin may try. But gas is different--what if it really got on Yoongi’s nerves or something? Yoongi wasn’t the shy type, but he also didn’t burp or fart around the others too often, and Jimin had never been rooming with him in cases like this.
Yoongi walked into the room to join Jimin a good ten-or-so minutes after Jimin had buried himself in a blanket, grabbed tightly onto a pillow, and went through Twitter to distract himself from his endless worrying. The older man could almost instantly tell something was up--sure, they were all tired, and that was a perfectly sound excuse for Jimin to slip away from the group’s last goodnight’s. But he’d seemed paler than usual--maybe it was the lighting? Was he blushing when he left?--and he was almost shaky. It was even weirder that he’d left before hugging at least Taehyung, because it was really a habit for those two to hug before bed, being two of the most cuddly members of the band. Still, the older man didn’t say anything, giving Jimin a chance to come to him--or for things to get bad enough to where he needed to intervene.
Of course, Jimin wouldn’t know it--Yoongi wasn’t obvious when he was having minor stomach issues, like gas--but his stomach wasn’t necessarily happy with the foreign indulgence, either. Though he wasn’t embarrassed by that kind of thing, per se, he was relatively courteous. He wouldn’t mention it to begin with. It’s the sort of thing where he figured, ‘if it happens, it happens,’ and he wouldn’t get too bashful unless it became a big deal.
Jimin’s heart rate doubled the second Yoongi had walked in. He didn’t look up at Yoongi, instead choosing to scroll furiously through his phone, trying to distract himself. He curled up tighter around the pillow he was holding. A blush formed on his cheeks just thinking about how this could end.
Yoongi layed back on his bed, which was on the other side of the room, leaning against the headrest. He also went on his phone, instead choosing to review some lyrics he’d been working on. He’d cast a glance over to the other boy every so often, who remained relatively still for a while. It grew hard for Jimin to stay still and keep himself contained after a couple of minutes, and he started to shift a bit.
As if the world was against him, another fatal flaw made itself known: the bed was very, very creaky. Every slight movement he made was emphasized by the loud noise of the mattress creaking, and Jimin had a choice to make; still himself and risk losing control, or annoy Yoongi with the noise? Or he could just pretend nothing was happening until he was called out on it.
It took a few minutes, but after a particularly loud sound pierced the air, Yoongi finally spoke up. “Jimin, jesus, why are you shifting so much?”
Jimin jumped at Yoongi’s voice. “A-Ah, sorry hyung! Just can’t get comfortable.” He sounded nervous, and it was obvious he was hiding something.
Yoongi fully turned to face Jimin, looking him up and down. He was curled up tight around a pillow, phone abandoned on the bedside table beside him. His cheeks were pink, and he was sweating a bit. Yoongi’s immediate instinct was that he had a fever. “Are you sick? You’re flushed.”
“N-No, hyung, I’m fine.” Jimin insisted, giving him a tense smile.
After a moment’s deliberation, Yoongi sighed and stood, going over to check Jimin for a fever just to be sure. It was only partially relieving that he didn’t feel warm; what was wrong with him, then? He sat on the edge of the bed beside Jimin, running a hand through the younger boy’s hair. “Is your stomach upset? I can get you something for it, I think I have Pepto…”
“No, no, I don’t need--” Jimin swallowed back a belch, clearing his throat. “I don’t need anything. I’m fine.”
Upon seeing him tense and gulp, Yoongi’s first assumption was that he was going to vomit. “Are you nauseous? I can get a buc--” Suddenly, Yoongi realized what was probably going on. Jimin wouldn’t refuse Pepto if he just had an upset belly. He’d be clingier if he was caught feeling sick. If there was no fever behind his flushed cheeks, and he was nervous...he probably just had gas. Yoongi gave an exasperated sigh, scooting Jimin over to lean back against the headrest behind him and pull the younger boy to his chest. He ran a hand down his upper arm, wondering what he should do. He was sure Jimin would get even more embarrassed and freak out if he put it bluntly.
Jimin stiffened at the sudden jostling, not used to being randomly cuddled by Yoongi--and not prepared for the sudden movement when he felt like a ticking time bomb. Of course, he’d never deny being cuddled or push anyone away, even if he was tempted to in the moment to save some of his pride. Yoongi inconspicuously slid his hand down to Jimin’s middle, and Jimin’s heart stopped. His worst nightmares seemed to come true--Yoongi applied only the slightest bit of pressure, and yet that still sent a deep belch up Jimin’s throat. He clapped a hand over his mouth, blushing bright red. “S-Sorry!”
Yoongi rolled his eyes, not pulling away and therefore encouraging another burp from the younger boy. He apologized again.
“You really think I care?”
Jimin shrugged and hid his face in the crook of Yoongi’s neck. Even if he expected it, he didn’t really see why Jimin was so embarrassed. When Jimin burped once more and his apology almost sounded like he was about to start crying, Yoongi figured he had to do something.
It would really end up a win-win type of thing, anyway--soothing Jimin’s embarrassment, and providing some relief from Yoongi’s own upset stomach, right? So, to prove his point that he really didn’t care, Yoongi let out a rumbling, loud belch of his own. “See? I don’t mind.”
Jimin whined softly. Though it was, strangely enough, somewhat comforting, it didn’t do much to make Jimin any more confident. And, though burping was embarrassing, there was an even more embarrassing problem tugging at his lower belly. And that...that was a whole different story.
Yoongi started rubbing gentle circles into Jimin’s belly, knowing he wouldn’t feel any better if he stayed tensed up. “Come on, Jiminie. You’re not going to feel any better if you keep holding it all in.”
Yoongi’s ministrations encouraged another couple of deep burps from the younger boy, and he could practically feel the blush on him. Something similar to anxiety welled up in Jimin’s chest as he realized he was quickly losing the grasp he’d managed to keep on his other end, and by the time the resulting trumpeting outburst petered off, he was almost tearing up in embarrassment. A flow of bubbling bursts of gas soon followed, and Jimin had officially lost control of his body--though it wasn’t visible to the older boy, he was a properly inhuman shade of red. Jimin tried to apologize and excuse himself but, much to his chagrin, he pretty much lost his ability to keep up.
Yoongi, frankly, found it hilariously adorable if anything. Knowing words wouldn’t work to calm Jimin down by then, Yoongi figured he’d persist in his methods, and he allowed himself to fully relax, too. It took Jimin a moment to realize that he properly wasn’t alone in his painfully audible intestinal troubles, and when he managed to bring himself to pick up his head and look up at Yoongi, the older man gave a shrug that sent both of them starting to wheeze. Jimin never thought he’d see Yoongi’s swag-shrug in this sort of situation. Jimin never pictured being in this situation. It took a minute for them to catch their breath after the laughing fit, which was heightened by the exhaustion that plagued them both.
“But, really,” Yoongi spoke once they’d both calmed down, “you don’t have to hold back around me. Or be embarrassed about anything. I won’t judge you.”
Jimin hummed and shrugged, resting his head on Yoongi’s shoulder. “It’s embarrassing no matter who it’s with.” A particularly loud, bassy fart escaped him, deepening the blush that had just started to fade with the distraction of a laughing fit. Yoongi gave a gassy outburst of his own, sighing softly.
“I’ve seen you at your worst, you know.” Yoongi turned his face away from Jimin for a moment to let out an obnoxiously loud belch. Jimin would be lying if he said he wasn’t at least a little...was impressed the word? He must have been spending too much time with the other maknaes for that to be his first thought.
“Don’t remind me. You all have,” Jimin ducked his head. “I’m not proud.”
“Well, I was trying to say that as comfort, but,” Yoongi ran a hand through the younger man’s hair.
“I know,” Jimin giggled a bit. Yoongi returned a hand to Jimin’s middle, rubbing gentle circles again, which easily encouraged another handful of burps and farts from him. Neither of them spoke for a moment, the silence broken only by their combined cacophony of gas.
Yoongi was the one who spoke, only half meant as something of an attempt to say something calming. “It could be worse.”
Jimin broke out into something more of a fit of giggles. “Stop trying to comfort me,” he looked at the older man, smiling. “You’re tired, and probably drank the most out of all of us.” Jimin gave a gentle sigh, turning his head back away and letting his eyes flutter closed, leaning a little more on Yoongi.
“But you’re right,” Jimin continued after a moment of silence. “It could always be worse.”
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Anybody who knows Jimin knows that he lives for praise. The boy can hardly let anybody else receive a compliment without him becoming envious, and needing some form of reassurance.
It was even shocking for him though, that the familiar feeling of envy would come over him over such a ridiculous thing..... Tae and himself were having a burping contest; and Jungkook happily accepted the role of being the judge, since he himself was the "king of belching".
Jimin let out a long deep burp, one that he was almost certain was enough to win right then and there just because of how long it was. Jungkook and Tae both looked at him, impressed. Jimin's burps were never usually that long.
No moment sooner, a massive belch escaped Taehyung. You could hear that he was holding that one in all day, the satisfaction even clear on his face. Tae smiled proudly, knowing that belch put him in the lead. He looked over at Jungkook, anticipating his reaction. He then looked over at Jimin, who was pouting like a child who had just been put into a time out.
"Looks like I have competition" Jungkook laughed.
Jimin could feel his cheeks burning up. Naturally, a tiny bit of jealousy sparking within him after hearing Jungkook's praise towards Taehyung.
Jimin's competitive side immediately took over. He didnt really know why it bothered him so much, but being the competitive brat he was, Jimin took an enormous gulp of air, swallowing as much as he could. He did that a few more times, feeling a belch forming. Even if he had wanted to hold it in, it had ripped its way up his esophagus and echoed throughout the hotel room. It almost sounded like it hurt. Needless to say, it left the other two boys in complete awe. If they had not seen it come out of Jimin, they would have not believed that would come out of him.
Before Tae even got the chance to redeem himself, Jimin began forcing out belches. One after another, long and loud burps that were most definitely loud enough to disturb the people staying in the rooms beside theirs. It would honestly be shocking if someone did not complain with the amount of obscene noises coming from their hotel room. He let out another string of disgusting belches, then let out a huge sigh of relief when he was finally finished.
"Excuse me" Jimin said, giggling after he was done presenting his round of belches that could almost put Jungkook to shame.
"Where did that all come from??" Taehyung laughed. He pouted, giving up on the spot. He gave the win to Jimin, Jungkook nodded in agreement.
Tae knew that there was no sense in even trying at that point. He could burp well, but even he was aware that he would not be able to force out belches like THAT. It may have been a different story if he was gassy to begin with instead of trying to force out burps. Besides, he could tell that Jimin was trying so hard to win, it was actually quite adorable.
"Yeah, I was almost convinced that you could burp better than me" Jungkook complimented Jimin.
"Almost" Jungkook added, before he pushed out a roar of a belch himself. It was just to reassure himself that he could not be beat.
Jimin felt himself blush at the compliment, his cheeks becoming even more rosy than they usually were.
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bassygassy · 3 years
Y'all my cousin was searching up Michael Jackson on my phone and I forgot to delete my history and Male farts showed up instead. I'm so embarrassed😭😭😭!!! She was like: “I didn’t see anything.😳😅”
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breakfastatwonhos · 7 years
If anyone ever needs to talk I'm always here to listen.
Just an FYI
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bulletproofscales · 9 months
BTS sfw oneshots
jinnie's piggies (ot7 , feeder jin , drabble)
pampering the leader (minjoon , chubby namjoon , hurt and comfort)
they are all staring at you (yoonmin , chubby yoongi , poping buttons , public space)
chp2  (yoonmin , fat yoongi , bdsm , dom sub dynamics , hurt/comfort , use of safe word)
stubborn Yoonie (yoonkook , chubby yoongi , shaming)
zumba at 6:30pm (sope , chubby yoongi , zumba instructor hoseok)
miss the gym? (could be ot7 , jungkook centric , chubby jungkook)
his baby, his stuffed, gassy baby (taekook , chubby jungkook , gassy)
chp2  (taekook , chubby jungkook , gassy )
weird oportunity (could be ot7 , jungkook centric , chubby jungkook , insecurities)
stress eating (ot7 , fat hyung line , stuffing , hurt comfort)
teeny tiny house (2seok , fat hoseok , breaking furniture , hurt comfort , use of safe word)
MAMAs presentation doesnt have to be perfect (namseok , double gaining , hurt comfort kinda)
Jinnie’s...piggies? (ot3 , namjinseok , fat namjoon and fat hoseok , getting stuck in chairs , breaking the couch)
a 6 month hiatus does that to you (jungkook x reader , chubby jungkook , hurt/comfort)
Coca Cola and beer (hopekook , gassy jungkook , pinning , light angst)
the realest of selves (namkook , not feederism , established relationship , fluff)
“namjin evidence” (namjin , not feederism , established  relationship , fluff and crack )
literature can be interesting? (sope , not feederism , uni professor au , fluffy , happy ending , pinning )
chairman sized (vminkook , fat jimin , getting stuck in chair , public space , wg denial)
bts x mcdonalds (ot7 , word dump , furtniture breaking , they all gain weight )
the gentler touches (trans guy hoseok , namseok , fluff , gender dysphoria , hurt comfort)
monthly charity carwash (bottom heavy seokjin , public space , carwash , word dump?)
how to train your hybrid, sorta (yoonkook , mutual gaining, fluff , stuffing
admiring you is a full time job (hopekook , drunken confessions , ripping clothes , pinning, NSFW BONUS IN SECOND CHAPTER)
a king's banquet, pocket sized (jinkook , royal au , king jungkook , chef seokjin , stuffing , fluff)
room to change (namjin , hurt/comfort , internalized homophibia , anxiety , making out , dry humping , chubby seokjin)
skinny boy big dreams (jungkook solo , feedee jungkook , small drabble , bodyshaming)
not yet afterhours ( jinkook , obese jim seokjin , muscle chub jungkook , stuffing , bakery au)
a higher gpa and a higher bmi (namkook , taejin , sopemin , fat maknae line )
a fu(filling) challenge (yoonjin, gainer seokjin, wg , fat seokjin, competitive eating , public space)
heavyweight champion of the mile high club (taekook , fat kim taehyung , feeder jeon jungkook , in public , mile high club (i guess) )
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chubbymoongoddess · 3 years
It’s done! I hope it’s okay and it’s what the anon was hoping for. I’ve been in a pretty bad creative/writing rut lately and havn’t had the motivation to do anything but sleep. Where Jimin the Florist and Jungkook the biker get together and Jimin gains weight and ends up gassy. They both like it but they’re oblivious to each other’s feelings.
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jktummies · 4 years
Hi this is my first time posting a bts wg fic
- I just wanted to try a genderbent Tae with a fat jin
- Fat jin x fem Tae
- stuffing
- gassy jin
- Please enjoy :)
Taehyung held up the last piece of brownie to Seokjins mouth, watching as he already has it opened and ready; his mouth and chubby face covered in grease and crumbs.
An hour in and they had already finished the two boxes of pizza, bucket of chicken and now the whole brownie platter. The stuffing had his shirt barley covering his chubby chest and shelf right under it. His middle already sticking out past his usual extension. Back fat pushing him away from the couch.
Antsy she grabs the ends of his too small shirt, struggling to slip it off. But the view so worth it.
“Fuck” Taehyung threw her head back, hips rutting into his stomach causing his whole mass to jiggle. She runs her hands all over his soft body feeling him up until they stop at his moobs. She lets out a breathy laugh. “Shit jin I remember when I was the only one with a pair.”
A moan tumbles out of his mouth as she gropes them, flicking his nipple with her pretty fingers.
God he remembers to; remembers when he was a lean 139 ponds meeting beautiful tae in their god awful am class. Taehyung is still the same size from when they met but Jin.... jin had skyrocketed in his last year towards a whopping total of 367 pounds.
She glances at him eyes hooded and wearing a smirk. “Now though I think they’re probably bigger than mine.”
He smiles “exactly what we wanted baby. Now pass the cake”
Taehyung laughs, reaching over to her side to grab the cake to stuff into her boyfriends mouth. Seokjin’s tastebuds are already watering as he watches tae unbox it. She cuts a whole slice; carefully bringing it over to Jins open mouth. She watches his lips expand to swallow it whole. She watches him chew, chins folding and cheeks so chubby compared to when they first met. As soon as he swallows she gets another and watches him all over again.
She licks her fingers after stuffing him with the last piece, leaning over to give him a quick peck and lick off excess frosting on Seokjins cheeks. “Want something to drink baby?”
“Please”, he huffs.
Tae hums having a hand rub soft circles on the very top of his taut stomach as she reaches down for the gallon of milk. Seokjin let’s out pleased hums at tae’s motions. His fingers grabbing her arm and pulling her with a force to sit on his gigantic lap ...or what’s left of it.
Tae giggles as she’s plopped on. Seokjin reaches his chubby fingers towards her shirt motioning it to take it off like she did with her pants an hour ago. She smiles as she can feel jins eyes on her as she slips it off, her own chest bouncing free.
His fat hands immediately gripping her waist to bring her towards him, sinking her down into his plush middle.
She pecks him again feeling his fat on her lean frame and pushing outwards. She brings the gallon of milk up and tips it into his mouth and watches as his lips swallow the opening and his girthy neck tipping back to reveal more plush padding.
He’s used to taheyung’s feeding so he knows that she won’t let him take a break until this whole gallon is finished. He gulps it down feeling the liquid settle at the bottom of his gut.
“Fuck.” Taehyungs vocabulary is always reduced when she sees jin stuff himself like pig. They still have some soft cookies waiting to meet seokjins gigantic mouth and she can’t wait to stuff him with those.
He taps taehyungs slim hip telling her he’s done. She leans back putting away the gallon and grabbing the tray of the final treats
“Think you can handle some more big guy,” she teased hand patting his belly.
Seokjin grins, “try me.”
Grabbing a cookie Taehyung starts shoveling it into his mouth. She doesn’t even wait for him to finish when she’s already holding the next one against his lips. Seokjin knows Tae’s getting desperate now. Wanting to get off to what a huge slob he is.
His stomach grumbles and the scrunching of Seokjins face means one thing. He’s a bit gassy. Taehyug stops; seeing his face in distraught she puts the tray down, hands cupping his chubby face. “Milk starting to get to you tubby?”
Seokjin hums, “Do you even have to ask” A loud gurgle of his stomach has both of them groaning . “Please Tae I need your hands.”
She coos and flicks at his double chin real quick before she pushes her hands in the fat. Despite all the food it’s still soft down at the bottom and sides. Tae begins to rub and knead at his underbelly. Listing to seokjins pleased sounds she knows she hit the spot when his fingers grip her waist tighter. God he’s so huge Taehyung just can’t get enough.
His girlfriends hands feel so good all jin could do is moan, whine and groan as they move to make him feel better.
“So fucking fat jin. You really can’t stop can you. Your fat ass barley fits on the couch anymore.” Seokjin ruts up at the embarrassing insults.
“Barely going to fit In your lap anymore if you keep growing.”
Right at that moment Taehyung kneads at the perfect spot causing a sudden belch to escape him.
“Gods baby”, she squirms, hips grinding down and seokjin can feel how soaked she is if the stain on her panties isn’t a dead give away,
“Such a fat pig!” She grips his stomach and shakes it causing his insides to growl. Another burp rising it out of him followed by another monstrous belch.
His breathing rises after that. Tae hissing, “you’re really panting after a few burps. So fucking fat jin that your sweating after eating.”
Tae then starts pushing looking for gas bubbles for Seokjin to release.
His eyes close. “T-Tae,” before he can finish a loud fart is bursting through causing his lap to vibrate and Tae along with it.
She moans loudly at that slumping against him, hands now rubbing his fat sides.
After a few more pushed out gas, Tae sits up.
“Think you can hold up in bed?”
Taehyung looks so pretty as she bites her lip waiting for an answer.
“Definitely just help me get up.”
She squeals as she gets off his fat tree trunk thighs and sticks out her arms. “Hands handsome”
Seokjin grabs on and with full effort Taehyung pulls. After the third attempt Jin is finally up on his already aching feet.
Taehyung’s eyes are gleaming seeing his gigantic stomach stick out so far from his body. Boxers hidden under the rolls of fat. She hums happily walking behind him, smacking his ass that causes him to jolt and jiggle all over.
Jin just grins at her cheeky behavior. Grabs her arm and waddles them towards their bedroom.
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heave-hyung · 5 years
Can I request Jimin having a bloated and incredible rock hard belly all day so bad that he even unbuttons his pants in front of the members and at night he gets horrible gas pain but he doesn't want to let go because he shares a hotel room with Jungkook so he just squirms a lot till Junkook wakes up and comforts him with belly rubs?
A/N: I assumed that by “gas pain” you were aiming for eprocto, so that’s what i mentioned...it’s not graphic or anything, since I wasn’t positive, and I aimed for the whole bloated and cuddling aspect of the request as best as i could, but it is in here!! If you don’t like it, feel free to send another ask telling me to rewrite it, lol.Jimin had made a mistake.         Last night, the boys went out to celebrate the final show of their time in America before heading off elsewhere to continue their tour a few days later. It was fun; so fun, in fact, that Jimin ended up getting so caught up in the happiness of their successful concerts and the heavy buzz he’d taken on that he overindulged a bit. American food has never really sat well with him, but it was a particularly greasy selection that he’d paid no mind to the consequences of.And now he’s paying the price.He didn’t drink enough to be hungover, but he’d eaten enough to wake up to a horribly bloated belly and a bad stomach ache. Jimin blows out a deep exhale, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and pressing a hand to the taut flesh of his unhappy tummy with a grimace. He stands up and stretches, glancing over to Jungkook’s unmade bed on the other side of the hotel room—since when does Jungkook get up before him? Jimin makes his way out to the kitchen, all of the others already getting ready to eat a (rather late) breakfast. Hoseok is the first to notice Jimin’s arrival, smiling at him. “Hey, sleepyhead. I was just about to go wake you up...make sure you didn’t die, you know, since Jungkook never gets up before you,” he says, shooting a glance to the maknae who’s currently too involved in some game on his phone to notice. Jimin chuckles softly, taking a seat at the table along with the others. Jin emerges from the kitchen to put plates of various breakfast foods on the table before sitting down himself. The boys are quick to fill their plates while Jimin sits idle and stares at his empty one instead.Jin looks at him, concern in his eyes. “Aren’t you gonna eat?”Jimin shakes his head. “Ahh, I’m not hungry...”“You should at least eat something, though,” Hoseok chimes in from beside him.“I’m really not...” Jimin trails off as Jin puts a few pieces of toast on his plate for him, clearly not taking no for an answer. The vocalist sighs deeply, but obeys anyway, slowly but surely managing to eat the meager three pieces of toast. Though toast is recommended for stomach aches, putting anything, even that, in his body only worsens the bloated feeling and gurgly ache. As he sits, waiting for everyone else to finish, he slides a hand under the table to undo the button of the jeans he’d fallen asleep in from last night; they certainly weren’t helping his case, after all. Jimin glances to the others, hoping none of them noticed. Jin, however, who had had his eyes on the younger man out of worry, quickly picked up on his discomfort.“You’re that full from toast?” He asks, looking Jimin up and down.“Huh? I...no, I just…”“Last night?” Jin suggests quietly, careful not to attract the attention of the other boys who can obviously hear the conversation but aren’t paying any mind to the words being said. Jimin nods sheepishly, wincing as his stomach cramps up and putting a hand into it. Jin hums sympathetically, pausing for a moment to think before standing. “I’ll get you something.” The younger vocalist opens his mouth to protest, but Jin’s already gone, and he returns in record time with a glass of water bubbling with the antacid he’d just dropped in it. By now, all of the others are aware that something’s up. Jungkook,, who’s sitting right next to Jimin, runs a hand up and down his spine. “You okay, hyung?”“I’m fine, yeah, I’m...I’m okay,” Jimin insists, blushing at the sudden attention over something so small. The boys get the hint and drop the topic, though they all spare concerned glances towards Jimin every so often. It seems like ages before they’re finally cleaning up and Jimin can head back to his room and relax for a bit before they all end up going out again anyway.Jimin manages to handle his discomfort rather well, smiling through the pain and making it through the rest of the day, at least partially distracted by the others. It couldn’t get worse or anything, and it would have to be gone by night, right? That’s what he convinces himself of throughout the day, how he reasons with himself when he ignores his predicament to join the others in eating junk anyway.That’s the second mistake he makes.When they do finally get home, he’s even more bloated than he had been before, sodas and snacks being shared over the course of their day out and about now making things even worse. And, as if that wasn’t bad enough, Jimin can feel gas bubbling inside of him. That wouldn’t bother him so much if he had a room alone, but he’s sharing a room with Jungkook, too. Jungkook likes to cuddle with him. And he’s particularly clingy tonight. How is he supposed to hide it then?Jimin and Jungkook have both gotten ready for bed, and the older is happy to be out of his constricting day clothes and in a pair of sweats and a loose shirt. Everyone is settled down and heading to sleep, leaving the apartment quiet. Silent, even.Jungkook is next to Jimin, head on the older boy’s chest as he scrolls through his phone. Jimin hopes the maknae can’t hear his internal turmoil--if he does, he doesn’t say anything. Soon,, Jungkook is dozing off, dropping his phone next to Jimin and using his arm to cuddle close to the older boy instead. Jimin smiles fondly; he’d enjoy this, be happy with this, if he wasn’t so uncomfortable. He leans over to plug both his and the youngest’s phones in and clicking off the light before trying to sleep himself.It doesn’t go so well.The gurgling ache that’s been resting in his stomach all day still hasn’t let up, the gas cramps not any better; though Jungkook was asleep, he wasn’t too keen on letting go, should he wake up or something. It’s safe to say Jimin’s over-cautious about this kind of thing. The older boy shifts and turns and squirms in an attempt to get at least remotely comfortable and try to fall asleep as well, but he just can’t seem to. Jimin doesn’t realize just how much he’s been wriggling around until Jungkook shifts beside him, roused from sleep by all the jostling.“What’re you doin…?” The maknae asks, voice low from sleep. Jimin wants to lie.But honestly...at this point, what does he have to lose?“It’s...it’s just...my stomach is still really upset,” he admits sheepishly, and Jungkook hums in understanding. Jimin almost thinks he’s falling back asleep, the youngest lying still for a few moments, before he rolls over and lays on his back, patting his chest to beckon Jimin to lay on him instead. When Jimin hesitates, he speaks up.“C’mere. I’ll rub your belly,” he offers, gesturing again for the older boy to come lay on him.Jimin realizes that if he does let the maknae rub his belly he’ll probably end up letting go of everything he’d been fighting to bottle up all day. In the subtle moonlight streaming through the open window, Jungkook can see that Jimin’s blushing. “Why’re you…” Jungkook trails off, pausing a moment before snorting and giggling. “Hyung, are you gassy?” Jimin rolls over and buries his face in his pillow. Jungkook only laughs harder.“Come on, stupid. Let me help you. You know I don’t care.”Jimin doesn’t move.“You do realize it’s me you’re...moaning bashfully to, right? Me? I probably fart the most out of all of us,” Jungkook laughs, choosing to pat Jimin on the back to get his attention instead. He feels the older boy jolt beneath his touch, and for a moment Jungkook thinks something’s wrong before realizing that he’s actually laughing. Jimin finally scoots over to rest on Jungkook’s chest. He does have a point; as far as being around the other members goes, Jungkook’s probably the gassiest by far. Because he genuinely doesn’t care--because he has the mentality of a fifteen-year-old boy and still finds it funnier than he should. Sometimes he intentionally does it as a punchline. Jimin shouldn’t be getting so embarrassed.Jungkook runs one hand through Jimin’s hair, using the other to reach under the fabric of his shirt and access his horribly bloated middle. He works gently at first before starting to apply more pressure and Jimin practically melts under his caress.Sure, an orchestra of gas does escape him at a rapid rate, but at this point, Jimin doesn’t care. He’s been in pain all day and he’s finally getting some relief. He can finally relax.And letting Jungkook help him is the farthest thing from all the mistakes he’d made today. 
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bassygassy · 3 years
Ok but, ✨W O O D E N C H A I R F A R T✨
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bangtanjellies · 5 years
hello! i’ve been reading lots of works in this community and everyone seems to sweet to each other that it made me want to join in on the fun:) if this doesn’t flop i’ll make an introductory post later haha
i want to keep this post short and simple, so if anyone has any requests, hit me with them:)
what i won’t write:
-smut, but i’ll write borderline nsfw content if requested
-force feeding/stuffing
-graphic scat
-gender bending
what i will write:
-non sexual ageplay
-depending on the ask, member x reader
if you’re unsure about a request, just submit it and i’ll let you know. ask away and don’t be shy!
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