radiofreederry · 2 years
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Happy birthday, Luigi Galleani! (August 12, 1861)
One of the most prominent and influential anarchist thinkers of the early 20th century, Luigi Galleani was born in Vercelli and began to advocate for anarchism during his time as a student at the University of Turin. This advocacy led him to run into trouble with the authorities, and he fled into exile, first to France and then to Switzerland, before returning to Italy and being arrested. He escaped confinement and fled once more, first to Egypt and then to England, before arriving in the United States. His natural charisma made him a popular and respected figure in the American anarchist movement, and he became known for his support of the concept of "propaganda of the deed," meaning acts of violence and direct action targeting the state and state actors, which Galleani believed would inspire onlookers to join in with their own insurrectionary actions, ultimately sparking revolution. Galleani inspired many such acts both directly and indirectly, such as the assassination of President William McKinley by Leon Czolgosz, and it was in response to Galleanist acts of violence that the word "terrorism" became associated with non-state actors rather than the actions of governments. Galleani was deported from the US in 1919 after a wave of bombings which he allegedly inspired. He returned to Italy, but soon after, Mussolini's Fascists took power and Galleani was once again imprisoned before being released under close watch. He died while still under police surveillance in 1931.
“Everything must belong to everybody and must present the hypothesis of a world without god, without king, without government, without masters.”
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thedrown · 2 years
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Bad Luck and a Bank Robber- Troupe
 When Il Bauta arrives in Makina-Hiria and begins his usurpation of the city, he didn’t come alone. Amongst his group of anarchists lie an inner circle of his trusted and capable confidants, his troupe, who all see to their collective goal with their own talents. Bios below!
 A martial artist and the more direct muscle of the group is a cybernetically modified woman named Khamsy. Steely eyed and stoic, Khamsy has the least ideological drive of the Troupe taking a very literal interpretation of their beliefs by way of personal liberation. Her path of diligent training and discipline in the face of the loss of her arms set about a deep conviction in the individual overcoming all that stands in the way of their own future. In this regard she is less an anarchist revolutionary and more a philosopher viewing the political side of things with ambivalence and holding societal and cultural restrictions as needless hurdles to individual free will to be a man or woman of your own creation. Despite her intensity however, Khamsy possesses a large heart and often adopts motherly traits towards her comrades.
 Opposite her, the magnetic gentleman “Attractor Marx” is Il Bauta’s oldest and most loyal ally. Originally a disgruntled physicist back in Sicily, he had caught wind of a young Bauta’s terrorism during his initial spree and became deeply infatuated with the young man’s rhetoric. Diving headlong into Galleanist history he travelled up north in an effort to meet Bauta only for the news of his “death” to hit news stations in the middle of Marx’s trip. Yet rather than be angered or saddened, he instead took his internalized role as Bauta’s southern counterpart with extreme enthusiasm and zeal beginning his own string of industrial sabotage using a variety of electromagnetic devices to wreak havoc across power grids and network stations across the country. His broadcast hijackings and black outs were viewed largely as convoluted pranks given the unusual method of attack yet to Marx, he was a revolutionary mastermind.
He lay dormant however as life simply went on with the public ignorant of his intentions so he instead studied and planned for something more grand. It was during said research did he uncover Il Bauta’s survival and wasn’t long before he had introduced himself as a benefactor and friend to the now experienced Bauta and together they sought out an island city to the west where a perfect collection of peculiarity would set the stage for the foundation of a new state. To this end Marx serves as the coordinator of the entire cell, priding himself on his “infinite” knowledge and putting on all the airs to present himself with equal parts grandiosity and gusto as he deploys their followers and adherents into the grand sedition.
 A surprisingly young member of both the Troupe and Il Bauta’s anarchist cell as a whole, Kaiyan Nur-field name Tandar-proves time and again to be the groups single most affect operative and fighter all in one. Fueled by an unending conviction towards their revolution, very little is actually known of where such drive comes from especially given his age. In fact even his name was kept secret from his compatriots until recent yet despite his standoffishness and paranoid secrecy he appears resolutely loyal to a T. Under these layers of dedication reveals his true intentions with a personal ambition Kaiyan knows he won’t be able to achieve on his own… In truth Kaiyan is a staunch communist who implanted himself within these anarchists to his own ends aiming to usurp the usurper Bauta once his revolution succeeds and stabilizes wherein he’ll begin an internal fragmentation to enact his own splinter group’s land grab of parts of Makina-Hiria. Until this point, the “Arid Thunder” works tirelessly to be as indispensable as possible to Bauta’s ambition and have just as few connections so as to evade any suspicions; rather he be viewed with contempt for his demeanor than treachery for a lack of results.
 Last and most recent is Model-03, the remnants of a woman who became test subject to the NiiS Firm and was freed during Bauta’s excision of their labs. When chaos was wrought upon opening the cells and testing chambers to the facility, Model03 went on a path of destruction flaying, whipping, and throwing around every NiiS dev in sight and quite literally tearing apart the place. When the Troupe came to end her rampage she instead hobbled over to them and collapsed leaving them puzzled but opting to attempt to help her. Now fed and having her needs taken care of by attendants, it’s unclear how much of the original woman inside the cybernetic husk still remains and despite insistence of free choice in the matter, the silent Model03 has remained with the group and become an object of fascination to Il Bauta who often politely requests of her to uplink what data hides within her new body for his endless intelligence gathering.
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today-in-wwi · 4 years
Wall Street Bombing Kills 40
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Aftermath of the bombing on Wall Street.
September 16 1920, New York--A minute after noon on September 16, in the middle of lunchtime crowds on Wall Street, a bomb consisting of 100 pounds of TNT surrounded by 500 pounds of heavy cast-iron weights exploded in the back of a horse-drawn wagon.  The blast killed thirty immediately, and wounded well over 150, of whom ten died of their injuries later; it was the most deadly act of terrorism committed in the United States up until that time.  The driver of the wagon escaped before the explosion and was not killed; efforts to clean up the area to return to regular business the next day hampered the efforts of the Bureau of Investigation (the predecessor of the FBI).  Flyers found in the area that read:
Remember, we will not tolerate any longer.  Free the political prisoners, or it will be sure death for all of you.
--American Anarchist Fighters
strongly suggested anarchists, and the BOI suspected the Galleanists, who had been behind several bombings the previous year, including one at Attorney General Palmer’s house.  The BOI was never able to find the culprit, however.  One likely suspect was Mario Buda, an accomplice of Sacco and Vanzetti (who had been indicted two days earlier in the case that would eventually result in their execution).  He was able to escape the country, however, and spent the rest of his life in Europe.
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smarmykemetic · 3 years
"A decade ago, an anarchist named Kirsten Brydum, left San Francisco – itself a city with a more than century long unbroken continuum of anarchist tradition stretching from the present back through the counterculture to the Galleanists and other immigrant insurgents – to travel the country in search of manifestations of the dream of collective autonomy. She took up the sacred art of wandering to weave connections and share visions with fellow travelers and schemers of the anarchist way. She visited occupied gardens and blockades, anarchist houses and social spaces. Her journey ended in the ninth ward of New Orleans where she was fatefully murdered, shot to death while biking home from a night of dancing, sending waves of shock through the network she had only just begun to trace.
The ancient Greeks understood that certain factors could prevent a spirit from entering the underworld after its death. Such a spirit, whatever the reason its departure is barred, becomes a ghost. Jake Stratton-Kent elaborates essential types of spirits in this class: “those denied proper funeral rites, … those who had died before their time, who wandered for the intended period of their earthly life, those who had suffered a violent death, and the unburied. Murder victims and executed criminals belong essentially to the same class. Since none of these can cross the River Styx, they are restless spirits. As a result, they can and will haunt of their own volition, or through magical manipulation.” Especially included in this cosmology were the spirits of women who were denied the fulfillment of their dreams and ambitions in their lifetimes.
Kirsten certainly received funeral rites and has been held in loving memory by many throughout the anarchist galaxy, but still she hits many of the marks of the ancient standards of haunting. She was a wanderer who died violently before her time. Her dreams were only just entering our world, and her ambition was surely otherworldly. By way of a theory of a multiplicity of soul-parts we can assume that she remained, there in New Orleans, at least in part, for most of the last decade. Skilled in evasion and adept in matters of spirit, we know that she was not “stuck” in the classical sense. Rather, while she waited for the fullness of her story to be told, she remained and learned from the veritable spiritual ecosystem of the city where she died.
We can only imagine the adventures she led and the mysteries she uncovered there. New Orleans is a modern day necropolis, swarming with spirits and strangers. The ancestors of countless traditions – indigenous, colonial, and diasporic – have passed through that delta and left their marks. The Gods and the dead are celebrated in revelrous rites of death and rebirth. Practitioners of magical systems forged as means of survival and escape still offer their services on the streets and in the storefronts, for a price. New Orleans is a crossroads of travelers, traditions and ancestral lines.
As part of a contribution to a volume of recent explorations of traditions which meet at such crossroads, Stratton-Kent again emphasizes the importance of the dead in any living tradition. He contends that the role of the dead, which was prominent in the magical workings of antiquity, has largely been excised and alienated from the western magical tradition. He says that, “once western magic acknowledges and reconnects with the central neglected aspect of its origins, occultism becomes more nourishing and meaningful for practitioners and aspirants, but also potentially for the wider community.” Stratton-Kent’s work swims within a school of studied magicians and occultists who are beginning the work of reprising and restoring this crucial necromantic element.
We’d wager this centrality of the spirits surfaced in the course of Kirsten’s inquiry. New Orleans would surely be the place where it would. The anarchist tradition continued to re-learn this key throughout that same winter, as all of Greece burned in haunting by Alexis Grigoropoulos’s ghost. We say re-learn because we re-member that our color is black for the blood of the communards. Over the course of the following decade, wave after wave of struggle against the murderous police and the attempted desecration of sacred places have continued to drive this point home. As practitioners of anarchist magic we delight in the simultaneous efforts to return the dead to their rightful place within both anarchist and magical traditions.
Situated as we are at this crossroads, the Otherworlds Review is honored to welcome Kirsten Brydum as an ancestor of tradition.
In February of 2018, after a decade shrouded in mystery, her murder was solved: a man named Joseph Brant confessed to killing her and and three others in the surrounding year. Though we place no stock or faith in the farcical justice system, we know Kirsten’s spirit rests easier for this latter chapter of her story being told.
And her story is not over. The same day that we learned of her murderer’s confession, a day amidst several weeks of fecund and frenzied anarchist spirit work, a parcel was passed to the editors of this newsletter containing a copy of a paper written by Kirsten during her travels: a paper titled “Spiritual Anarchism.” "
-Otherworlds Review #7: Spiritual Anarchism, The Otherworlds Review
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thisdayinwwi · 5 years
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Jun 2 1919 Italian anarchist followers of Luigi Galleani, called Galleanists, detonate 8 large bombs simultaneously in 8 cities. Bombs: 25 lbs (11 kg) of dynamite with metal slugs for shrapnel. Future President FDR walks by 1 bomb mins before it went off https://t.co/6UPntMfSt6 https://t.co/77oIU7xPwu http://twitter.com/ThisDayInWWI/status/1135219443443781633
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roughlydaily · 6 years
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The continuing impact of the Great Recession (Plus- the Wall Street bombing) “The prevailing ideology of the modern west – which is political economy – is in the doghouse”*…
Keep cause and effect straight at: https://bit.ly/2Ot8eP4
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Grim History
Severino di Giovanni: Anarchist Bombs and Anti-fascism
      The time period between World War I and World War II saw the rise of anarchism and fascism, two of the modern era’s most dangerous political movements. Italy was one of Europe’s hotbeds for radical extremism and as migrants went abroad in search of work and to escape poverty, they brought these ideologies with them. Argentina became one place where the two philosophies clashed with the anarchist Severino di Giovanni on the advanced guard, instigating the violence.
    Born in Abruzzi to an impoverished family, Severino di Giovanni later claimed that the constant hunger pangs and fear of starvation would be the primary motivation for his interest in anarchist revolutionary politics. Anarchists of that time believed all people were naturally equal and blamed the mechanisms of government, economics, and private property for the social disequilibrium that resulted in some people having so much food they could never possibly ear it all while others were condemned to a life of scarcity, malnutrition, and the soul-destroying search for adequate means of survival. Therefore, a world without government would be a world of equality and peace. After growing up so poor, Giovanni emigrated to Buenos Aires, got involved in trade unionism, and embraced the convulsively liberating theory of anarchist violence.
    Fascism was also on the rise in Argentina and many Italian fascists had also emigrated to that Latin American country. Upon his arrival, di Giovanni immediately began attending meetings with anarchist groups who planned to fight against the fascists who believed in enslaving the masses of industrial workers for their own capitalistic gain. In 1925, the fascists of Argentina held a public celebration in honor of the Italian king Victor Emmanuel III’s accession to the throne. Many prominent politicians and public figures from both Argentina and Italy were present along with a cadre of Black Shirt thugs, present to maintain order in the crowd. When the orchestra began playing the Italian national anthem, Severino di Giovanni and his companions began throwing anti-fascist leaflets in the air and shouting “Assassins! Thieves!” The Black Shirts beat them up and sent them on their way.
    That same year, the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti took place in America. The two factory-working anarchists were accused of detonating a bomb that killed several people. The prosecution’s case rested on the fact that the two men had been caught with Italian language anarchist newspapers. The lawyer also argued that their Italian ancestry proved their guilt since, in the eyes of many Americans at that time when anti-immigration sentiment was at fever pitch, Italians were fundamentally incapable of civilized behavior. The judge was also well-known for having extreme anti-immigrant views. The defense claimed that the newspapers were planted by the police but the judge refused to allow that claim to be admitted as evidence and abruptly ended the trial. The jury found Sacco and Vanzetti guilty and sentenced them to death. A mistrial was declared but the judge refused to reopen the case, citing his dislike of Italian people as the cause. Eventually, Sacco and Vanzetti were executed. The case has since been seen as an example of American racism, xenophobia, and an unhealthy fear of immigrants. In the trade union and anarchist movement, it was seen as a rallying cry for revolution.
    Severino di Giovanni had started his own newspaper called Culmine. It was a left wing political paper dedicated to labor issues; he quickly took up the cause of Sacco and Vanzetti and furiously published a storm of articles denouncing the injustice of the trial. Many of those articles made their way to newspapers in America. Di Giovanni was deeply impressed with the Galleanist idea of “propaganda of the deed”, a term signifying the use of public political actions to serve as an example for inspiring further political action. Severino di Giovanni had decided to take action.
    The campaign started with a bombing of the U.S. embassy in Buenos Aires; the front of the building was demolished. The Argentinian police sought help from the fascists in the Italian embassy who captured di Giovanni, imprisoned him for five days, then released hum after torturing him the entire time. Di Giovanni and two of his friends then blew up a statue of George Washington and, later in the same day, set off a bomb at the office of the Ford Motor Company. The next day they blew up the house belonging to the Buenos Aires chief of police; he just barely escaped being killed because, without any knowledge of the impending attack, he had left his home and walked down the street to buy a pack of cigarettes. No doubt, ling cancer must have later accomplished the task that the bomb had failed to do.
    Di Giovanni’s bombings continued into 1927 and 1928. The next targets were an American owned tobacco warehouse and branches of two American banks, Then di Giovanni and his two friends, the Scarfo brothers, killed a whole bunch of fascists when they bombed the Italian embassy; it was the deadliest terrorist attack in Argentinian history.
    Severino di Giovanni’s propaganda of the deed turned out to have a polarizing effect. Some anarchists and unionists began accusing him of making their movements look reckless and evil. Others fell in love with his campaign of terror. Fighting broke out between the two sides  until the publisher of an anarchist newspaper got assassinated. Some blamed di Giovanni for the murder but evidence seemed to point to other members of the anarchist community. Di Giovanni decided to end his bombings in order to make peace between the fighting workers.
    In 1930, a military coup overthrew the government of Argentina. Severino di Giovanni married and settled down but eventually left his wife for a fifteen year old Italian immigrant named Fina, the sister of his two best friends, the Scarfo brothers. The couple went into hiding and di Giovanni found employment at a printing press. The police found out where he was working and raided the shop. The attempted arrest resulted in a gunfight; one officer died and the other got injured. Di Giovanni escaped. On a later date when di Giovanni was with Fina, the Scarfo brothers, and several other friends, the police again showed up and a firefight broke out. Di Giovanni was captured and Fina was arrested then set free because of her age.
    Severino di Giovanni was executed by firing squad in 1931. He shouted “long live anarchy”, in Italian of course, before eight bullets pierced his body. His wife was shot a few hours later. The fascists eventually lost World War II. Both anarchism and fascism fizzled out and faded away as capitalism and communism took over. Those two sleeping dogs were not left to lie. Both anarchism and fascism began to re-emege as political ideologies starting in the 1960s. Without any chance of ever becoming a functioning political system, both still have an enormous potential to inspire destructive and murderous violence.
Vollman, William T., Rising Up and Rising Down: Some Thoughts on Violence, Freedom, and Urgent Means. Ecco, 2003.
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sule-skerry · 5 years
My professor was 20+ minutes late to class so everybody else left, but I stayed because I didn’t just want to get graded solely on my PowerPoint, since I had used the PowerPoint just for factual information and most of my presentation was going to be oral.
So I ended up doing my presentation on Galleanist networks, the cycle of repression and retribution, and how this all ties into the Sacco and Vanzetti case just to my professor.
The best thing is that three of my classmates came back when I was wrapping up, and since I had gone over 5 minutes (there was no one there but my professor, and she was enjoying it!) I nearly said “YOU’RE WELCOME FOR KEEPING HER HERE” when the first one walked in.
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fancytowne · 7 years
Galleanist Mexican Restaurant Idea
Taco and Vanzetti
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Wall Street Bombing 
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September 16, 1920  Manhattan, New York City, New York  A horse-drawn wagon carrying 100 lbs. of dynamite and 500 lbs. of cast iron shrapnel explodes in front if the J.P. Morgan bank on Wall Street, killing 38 people as well as the horse carrying the bomb, and injuring 143  The bombing was believed to be carried out by Galleanist anarchists, a group of anarchists who followed Luigi Galleani.…
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thedrown · 7 years
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Bad Luck and a Bank Robber- Il Bauta
 A newcomer to the Makina-Hiria crime world, Il Bauta appeared without warning during the winter months and quickly made his presence known by hijacking tv stations to deliver his message of revolution to the city. He went on about the vast corruption of both the city's government and society taking aim at everyone and demonstrating his vast influence by liquidating all of the Odei’s fortune to himself live on air and stating his clear intention to take every cent from everyone he blacklisted. From police and government to Makina-Hiria's biggest crime lords none are safe as Bauta inexplicably knows all of what goes on in the island city using his watchful eyes to deter anyone who would move against him and recruiting the downtrodden, the dissenting, and the lostlorn to be used as his comrades to establish complete control.
  While his appearance came to many as some random wannabee supervillain in Makina-Hiria, it was in Italy did his name spring across media platforms as Polizia Di Stato investigators rushed to Spain. The reasoning was due to Italians familiarity with the enigmatic figure who first appeared decades prior as a teenage anarchist attempting to stage a revival of the Galleanist movement from the 1900's and 20's. In his youth the more militant and aggressive Bauta made waves across Italy as he went from simple vandalism and seemingly empty threats to staging a city wide bombing campaign in Venice. Banks and business offices were blown to pieces and burned while politicians and prominent members of the corporate world were targeted by explosives placed in their cars, places of work, and most notably, in envelopes. True to his ideology he mostly used dynamite, homemade pipebombs, and arsenic to kill and maim his targets while somehow going unseen as he planted the bombs. In truth the police had no idea how he knew the schedules and details of his targets lives many of whom already took security measures before his attacks even began and knowing he could evade authorities with deadly consequences, the state police were facing immense scrutiny. However just as the national government began to purge the Venice police force for their repeated failures and in the midst of the bombings increasing frequency, they suddenly stopped. There was only one explosion that hadn't been close to the city center and upon police investigation they discovered an old warehouse completely destroyed leaving little evidence behind other than the conclusion that this was where Il Bauta made his bombs. After this discovery, the attacks stopped and Il Bauta vanished from the radar across Italy and Europe as a whole leading him to be considered killed in the warehouse explosion and ending a period of terror. Now older and favouring subterfuge and psychological games instead of bombings, Il Bauta now seeks to purge the police and government of Makina-Hiria dismantling it's society and stripping everyone of the material forming his anarchist state with his web of influence stretching into seemingly every facet of the city and leaving criminal, citizen, and politician alike fearfully waiting for when he launches his revolutionary scheme and pulls everything into his chaos.
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1baddmouthcrown · 6 years
1918 August 17 Garvey on his birthday founds the Negro World weekly newspaper and begins holding UNIA meetings at Palace Casino Theater 135th Street Madison Avenue.
August 4 Randolph and Owen attend Social Party leader Walter Bronstrup's meeting in Cleveland. whilst copies of issue sold Randolph and Owen are apprehended and arrested by Bereau of investigation (present day Federal Bereau of Investigation), Department of Justice official to be trailed on the charge of violating the 1917 Espionage Act. “unlawfully, knowingly and feloniously, the United States being then and there at war with the Imperial German Government, willfully print and cause to be printed, publish and cause to be published, circulated, in a certain language intended to incite, provoke and incur resistance to the United States and to promote the cause of its enemies in a certain publication known as the Messenger.” Randolph and Owens authorship is disputed by the judge on account of their color and age who just simply refuses to accept or credit them with have written the material theirselves, but suggests that white socialists similarly in the cases of teenage poet Phyllis Wheatly's poems in 18th century and with Frederick Douglass's autobiography in the 19th century. Harrison and American Federation of Labor submit petition to the U. S. Congress for federal anti-lynching legislation, Harrison also serves as chairman for the Negro American Liberty Congress co-headed by Monroe Trotter.  June Du Bois publishes his “Close Ranks” pro war essay. Howell becomes cook on U.S. Marine transport. October 6 Ashwood travels from Panama to the U.S. October 28 Howell travels to New York aboard the S. S. Metapan. December The 20 year old Haitian Elizier Cadet at UNIA meeting is elected interpreter and main negotiator, ‘high commissioner’ to the Versailles Peace Conference to present the UNIA’s resolutions that Germanys confiscated African colonies to be governed by Negroes educated in America and Europe, directly to Clemenceau himself. Cadet had previously written in response to the article in the Negro World America Haiti.  Randolph and Wells are also elected as delegates to the conference but refused passports and visas. 1919 January 18 the Versailles Peace Conference is held in Paris, France on the anniversary of the proclamation of William I as Emperor of Germany in the Hall of Mirror at the palace of Versailles.  The ‘big four’ Prime Ministers of Britain David Lloyd George, Italy Prime Minster Vittorio Emmanuel Orlando, France Georges Clemenceau and U. S. President Woodrow Wilson take lead of the conference, decide on the matter of the creation of the League of Nations and the Treaty of Versailles.  Du Bois with the help of Blaise Diagne, Senegalese deputy to the National French Assembly arranges for the First Pan African Congress to be held in Paris. Cadet as reported by the presents the UNIAS resolutions directly to Clemenceau himself. Cadet also approaches the editor of the newspapers of the Liberal La Matin with and camps outside the offices of La Presse and L’Instansigeant newspapers approaching their editors with articles who only but promise to publish them.
June 28 The Treaty of Versailles is signed on the anniversary of the assassination of  the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles lays the responsibility of war on Germany, pay reparations, Germany to France, Hitler and to determine Germany. Articles 22 and 119 Germanys colonies in Africa Tanganika to Britain, Cameroon and Togoland to France, Urundi Burundi to Belgium, South Africa as the mandate for German South West Africa, Namibia, the colony of Northern Mozambique and Samoa to New Zealand. Article 156 of the Treaty of Versailles Jiaozhou Bay and Shandong, China to Japan, Pacific Islands north of the equator class C mandate administered by Japan, Pacific Islands Southe of the equator to Australia. Austria and New Guinea by the Treaty of Versailles are awarded as mandates for the German of. January 21 Seattle Shipyard Strike 35, 000 workers go on strike. Unions in Seattles shipbuilding industry demand pay increase for unskilled workers, the yard owners offer to give a pay increase to skilled workers, the union reject the offer and go on strike. February 3 Zionist movement present their draft resolutions for Palestine to the Versailles Peace Conference in Paris. February 4 United States Senate passes Senator Thomas J. Walsh's Senate Resolution 439 Lee Slater Overman Judiciary Subcommittee for more investigation into German spies and Bolshevik propaganda. February 6 to 11 Seattle, Washington General Strike. Head of Emergency Fleet Corporation sends telegram mistakenly to the Metal Trades Council union rather than Metal Trades Association issuing warning that in the case of the workers contracts will be withdrawn, the workers appeal to Seattle Central Labor Council for the strike. General Strike Committee is formed by to provide essential services throughout the city during the strike, Army Veterans also form the Labor War Veterans Guard to ensure order throughout the city although arrests where half the number and no one was arrested in regards to the strike.  “RUSSIA DID IT” pamphlet SHIPYARD WORKERS You let the shipyards to enforce your demands for higher wages. Without you your employers are helpless. Without you they cannot make one cent of profit  their whole system of robbery has collapsed.
The shipyards are idle; the toilers have withdrawn even tho the owners of the yards are still there. Are your masters building ships? No, Without your labor power it would take all the shipyard employers of Seattle and Tacoma working eight hours a day the next thousand years to turn out one ship. Of what use are they in the shipyards?
It is you and you alone who build the ships; you create all the wealth of society today; you make possible the $75, 000 sable, coats for millionaires’ wives. It is you alone who can build the ships.
They cant build the ships. You can. Why don’t you?
There are the shipyards; more ships are urgently needed; you alone can build them. If the masters continue their dog in the manger attitude, not able to build the ships themselves and not allowing the workers to, there is only one thing left for you to do.
Take over the management of the shipyards yourselves; make the shipyards you own; make the jobs your own; decide the working conditions yourselves; decide your wages yourselves.
In Russia the masters refused to give their slaves a living wage too, The Russian workers out aside the bosses and their tool, the Russian government and took over industry in their own interest.
There is only one way out; a nationwide general strike with its object the overthrow of the present rotten system which produces thousands of millionaires and millions of paupers each year.
The Russians have shown you the way out. What are you going to do about it? You are doomed to wage slavery till you die unless you wake up, realize that you and the boss have not one thing in common, that the employing class must be overthrown, and that you, the workers, must take over the control of your jobs, and thru them, the control over your lives instead of offering yourselves up to the masters as a sacrifice six days a week, so that they may coin profits out of your sweat and toil.
Mayor Hanson police and military ensure order federal troops,  Hanson stations 950 sailors and marines in the city.  February 7 Hanson 600 hires men to the police force and hires 2, 400 deputies. February 8 The American Federation of Labor who Harrison in the previous year had worked with, along with international labor organizations call on the General Strike Committee's executive committee to bring the strike to an end by midnight but are voted against.  February 9 Mayor Hanson “sympathetic strike was called in the exact manner as was the revolution in Petrograd”. February 10 The General Strike Committee vote agreeing to end the strike bringing it to an end the next day. February 11 Senate Overman Judiciary Subcommittee hold a month of hearings.  39 Industrial Workers of the World members arrested on suspicion of being ringleaders of anarchy. 
February 23 Third Irish Race Convention in Philadelphia. Pvt. Henry Johnson nicknamed “Black Death” because of due to, using his broken rifle as a club and Pvt. Needham Roberts with a 9 inch bolo knife defeat a 24 German patrol in France. February 12 the 369th infantry (old 15th National Guard) nicknamed the Harlem Hell fighters by the German parade, marching up Fifth Avenue at 61st Street from the Washington Square Park Arch uptown and west on 110th Street and then onto Lenox Avenue and march into Harlem. Soldiers of the 369th (15th N.Y.), awarded the Croix de Guerre for gallantry in action, 1919. Left to right. Front row: Pvt. Ed Williams, Herbert Taylor, Pvt. Leon Fraitor, Pvt. Ralph Hawkins. Back Row: Sgt. H. D. Prinas, Sgt. Dan Storms, Pvt. Joe Williams, Pvt. Alfred Hanley, and Cpl. T. W. Taylor. Garvey and the UNIA establish the first of the their Liberty Halls at the previous building of the Metropolitan Baptist Tabernacle on 114 West 138th Street, New York City.  Military Intelligence Division Officer the African American Major Walter Howard Loving lists the Negro World as being Probable Bolshevik Propaganda and Supported by German or Bolshevik money.  April anarchist bombings. Among the recipients of the bombs were BOI Department of Justice Rayme Weston Finch who led raid on the office of the Galleanist publication Crondall Sovversiva.  Seattle's Mayor Ole Hanson receives mailed packaged bomb opens at the wrong end by his office staff member who then takes the bomb to the police and notifies the Post Office. April 29 Senator George Thomas W. Hardwick anti radical immigration act of 1918 housekeeper hands blown off and Wife.  Businessman John D Rockefeller also.  Police officers turn up at the UNIA headquarters with a search warrant after an anonymous tip of that from the office of the Negro World.  Senator Clayton Riley Lusk committee/Joint Legislative Committee to Investigate Seditious Activities turn up at Garveys Carnegie Hall meeting with bomb squad. BOI Department of Justice J. Edgar Hoover notes the Harlem offices of the Negro World and the Messenger as being the Russian organ of Bolshevism in New York. Garvey papers II page 674. 642 of the Russian organ of Bolshevik from one memo J Edgar Hoover special assistant to Attorney General to Frank Burke Washington D.C. August 12 1919 Garvey papers I page 480. May Day in Boston, Police attempt to stop unpermitted march, fight for socialist Soviet Union Red Flags, one policeman is fatally stabbed and the socialist HQ attacked by mob with 114 arrested. At the Russian Peoples House social club, soldiers burn printed material and force emigrants to sing Star Spangled Banner. Cleveland, Ohio leftists protest the imprisonment of Debs and promoting the campaign of Charles Ruthenberg as the socialist candidate for Mayor March, Nationalist group Victory Loanworkers try to block march, Ruthenbergs HQ is attacked by a mob, police mount with trucks and tanks, one of which was driven into a crowd, 2 dead, 40 injured and 116 arrested. June Galleanist target Government officials in relation to anti-sedition laws imprisonment or deportation of immigrants associated with illegal movements.  Immigrant Chief W.W. Pittsburgh Federal Judge W.H.S. Thompson and Judge Charles C. Nott of New York.  June 2 Carlo William Valdinoa, follower of Italian Luigi Galleani, previously an editor of the Galleanist publication Cronaca Sovversiva whilst delivering a bomb to the Bereau of Investigation's Department Of Justice's Attorney A. Mitchell Palmers  Porch with his bomb detonating and leaving his body parts on Palmers lawn.    Politicians states Cleveland Massachusetts.  June 21 The Senator Lusk Committee raid office of Industrial Workers of the World and Rand school for radical propaganda and at Rand School sieze "Socialism Imperilled, or the Negro a Potential menace to American radicalism" article by Domingo the then editor of the Negro World who in 1910 served as second secretary assistant working alongside with Garvey as first secretary assistant back at the National Club in Kingston, Jamaica.  The Rand School is also prosecuted for alleged violation of the Espionage Act for publishing Scott Nearing's "The Great Madness," radical anti-militarist pamphlet.  June 27 Garvey and the UNIA incorporate The Black Star steam shipping line as a Deleware corporation.  July 20 Belize ex service men World War 1 riot Samuel Alfred Hayes The Negro World partly responsible for the strike erupting into a riot. July 28 Garvey is with criminal libel, incarcerated at Tombs prison and later bailed for $3, 000 for his article in the Negro World in which he set forth the accusation that District Attorney Kilroe in the case of Richard Warner and Edgar Grey had.  Davis recites Dunbars "Little Brown Baby with the Sparkling eyes" to parents and their children at UNIA meeting in the Palace Casino, 135th Street and Madison Avenue. Randolph President of National Brotherhood of Workers of America. A Red Summer. The Red Summer racial riots were a series of riots 38 which occurred between May and October 1919. May 10 Charleston, South Carolina May 10 Sylvester, Georgia May 29 Putnam County, Georgia May 31 Monticello, Mississippi June 13 New London, Connecticut June 13 Memphis, Tennessee June 27 Annapolis, Maryland June 27 Macon, Mississippi July 3 Bisbee, Arizona July 5 Scranton, Pennsylvania July 6 Dublin, Georgia July 7 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania July 8 Coatesville, Pennsylvania July 9 Tuscaloosa, Alabama July 10 Longview, Texas July 11 Baltimore, Maryland July 15 Port Arthur, Texas July 19 Washington, D.C. July 21 Norfolk, Virginia July 23 New Orleans, Louisiana July 23 Darby, Pennsylvania July 26 Hobson City, Alabama July 27 Chicago, Illinois July 28 Newberry, South Carolina July 31 Bloomington, Illinois July 31 Syracuse, New York July 31 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania August 4 Hattiesburg, Mississippi August 6 Texarkana, Texas August 21 New York City, New York August 30 Knoxville, Tennessee September 28 Omaha, Nebraska October 1 Elaine, Arkansaswo 200 African Americans murdered. arrested and tried for conspiracy in the Moore v. Dempsey case. Mc Kay as editor of Max Eastman’s The Liberator publishes his "If We Must Die" poem.  September 14 Garvey and the UNIA rechristen the tramp ship the S.S. Yarmouth the S.S. Frederick Douglass, the ship was previously used transport cotton and coal. September 22 and 23 The Black Star Line is going Over the Top STOCK WILL BE ON SALE AT THESE BIG MEETING The shares of the Black Star Line are sold at $5 and you can buy as many as you want and make money Hon. MARCUS GARVEY World Famed Negro Orator who has travelled the Work President of the Negro Universal Improvement Association and Managing Editor of the Negro World of New York will speak. ADMISSION FREE BE EARLY TO GET SEATS Beehive Printing Company, 2305 Seventh Avenue. N. Y. C. Grand Re Union AND RALLY OF THE Negro Peoples of the World OF AMERICA, AFRICAN, WEST INDIES CANADA CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA AT THE PEOPLE'S CHURCH Corner 15th and Christian Streets PHILADELPHIA Monday Night, September 22nd, Tuesday Night September 23rd, 1919 At 8:30 Sharp A RALLY FOR The Black Star Line Steamship CORPORATION STAGED BY THEE UNIVERSAL NEGRO IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION. 28th September Garvey, Reverend Eason, Amy Ashwood and Henrietta Davis travels to South Side, Chicago, Illinos for meetings at the 8th Regiment Armoury the home of the all Negro infantry. Garvey approached by private detective from Keystone Detective Agency, hired by Robert Abbott editor of the Chicago Defender, arrested by detective George Friend of the Chicago Constabulary on violation of the Blue Sky Law and taken to Harrison police station. 11 October memorandum from J Edgar Hoover to special agent Ridgely, Washington, D.C. MEMORANDUM FOR MR. RIDGELY.  I am transmitting herewith a communication which has come to my attention from the Panama Canal, Washington office, relative to the activities of Marcus Garvey. Garvey is a West-Indian negro and in addition to his activities in endeavoring to establish the Black Star Line Steamship Corporation he has also been particularly active among the radical elements in New York City in agitating the negro movement. Unfortunately, however, he has not as yet violated any federal law whereby he could be proceeded against on the grounds of being an undesirable alien, from the point of view of deportation. It occurs to me, however, from the attached clipping that there might be some proceeding against him for fraud in connection with his Black Star Line propaganda and for this reason I am transmitting the communication to you for your appropriate attention.  The following is a brief statement of Marcus Gravey and his activities: Subject a native of the West Indies and one of the most prominent negro agitators in New York;  He is a founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League;  He is the promulgator of the Black Star Line and is the managing editor of the Negro World;  He is an exceptionally fine orator, creating much excitement among the negroes through his steamship proposition;  In his paper the “Negro World” the Soviet Russian Rule is upheld and there is open advocation of Bolshevism.  Respectfully, J. E. Hoover. 14 October Garvey shot by George Tyler, who commits suicide the next day, Tyler was also the only witness for the criminal libel charge against Garvey. October Garvey speaks at Philadelphia Peoples Church for the third time in the year. October The Saint Vincent Gazette anyone bringing the Negro World into the colony will serve six months prison sentence, possibly with hard labor.
October 30 Madison Square Gardens, Lusk Committee Intelligence reports 6, 000 in attendance. September Davis records 7, 500 members of the UNIA in New York alone and branches in 25 states of Union. November Palmer along with the police from the local forces in 12 cities raid anarchist group Union of Russian Workers, in order that they might arrest and deport. Louis Freeland Post at Labour Department refuses to deport Garvey due to lack of sufficient grounds on which to do so.  November 19 The BOI employs its first full time African American agent James Wormley Jones, agent 800 to infiltrate the U.N.I.A.  Jones previously served in the 268th infantry of the 42nd division in Philippines. Dr. Arthur Lysses Craig Special Agent CC.  December Du Bois in the Crisis covers lynching in Omana, Nebraska. December Guianse Edward Green Secretary and accountant shot during robbery and his pregnant wife dies from shock. BSL principal negotiator. Green was 1 of the 13 founding members of Garveys UNIA branch in the U. S. at Harlem and before being employed by worked in an ammunition factory in Trenton, New Jersey.  December immigrants deported on the USSS Buford the Soviet Ark.  December 25 Xmas day Garvey marries Ashwood.  Marcus and Amy putting business before pleasure travel to Canada spending their two week honeymoon there hold three UNIA meetings in Toronto and two in Montreal.  1920 Vivian Seay establishes the Belize branch of the Universal African Black Cross Nurses.  Seay conducts survey infant and maternal mortality and recruits nurse trainees. The only white crew members on the Yarmouth, the Chief engineer and Chief Officer steer the ship to Lay Sal bank, send out SOS and give order to abandon ship whilst Cockburn is asleep with life belts and life boats also issued.  The crew of the Yarmouth at Saguala La Grange, Cuba sell £250 shares. Garvey and Green without Cockburn charter the Yarmouth at the rate of $11, 000 as opposed to $100, 000 with repairs amounting to $11, 000 and also fail to include limited indemnity clause in their contract with the Green River Distillery making their liability to the company unlimited.  January 16 Prohibition deadline.  Cockburn receives $2, 000 commission from Green River Distillery to ensure the sail of the Yarmouth and to load it.  1920 January 15 The Yarmouth just in the nick of time sail from the U. S. to Havana, Cuba with 20, 000 cases of whiskey, 500 cases of champagne and 350 barrels of wine 500 cases of whisky, the Yarmouth is caught in a storm off the coast of Cape May, with the cargo having shifted in its Hull making its starboard list heavy, Cockburn orders 500 cases of whisky to be thrown aboard in order to prevent the ship from capsizing and towed back to New York.  The Yarmouth arrives in Cuba during shoremans strike without a demurrage clause to pay a fine of thousands of dollars for ever single day after 32 days when the cargo is unloaded.  Chief Officer Hugh Mulzac and UNIA delgation meet President Menocal who gives them a banquet at his palace.  The Yarmouth in Colon, Panama carries 500 Caribbean laborers to Cuba. The Yarmouth makes a ceremonial stop at Bocas del Toro in Costa Rica. In Kingston, Jamaica the Yarmouth pick up cargo of 700 tons of coconuts which rot on ceremonial detour to Boston. Du Bois publishes the first of his three autobiographies Darkwater: Voices From Within the Veil containing his “The Damnation of Women” and also publishes The Brownies Book monthly children’s magazine co founded by Augustus Granvil Dill and Jesse Redmon Fauset. January Harrison becomes editor of the Negro World and also contributes to the Declaration of Rights of Negro People’s of the World. The Black Star Line place $10, 000 down payment on the $35, 000 steam paddle ship SS Shadyside.
April $60, 000 SS Kanawha. May 28 The American Civil Liberties Union publish report upon the illegal practices of the United States Department of Justice.  August the first UNIA International Convention Of Negroes Of The World was held for the whole duration of the month of August in Madison Square Gardens, New York City. It was at this convention that the Bill of Rights the Declaration of Rights of the Negro Peoples of the World was drafted and adopted. https://tmblr.co/Z9elId2ORVqcw Signatories of the Declarations of the Rights of Negro Peoples of the World capture the moment during the 1st International Convention of the Negro Peoples of the World. It was at this event where he was duly elected Provisional President of Africa at the convention Garvey reportedly read two telegrams one from Irish Republic leader Eamon de Valera Provisional President of Ireland and the other from Zionist in Califonia Louis Michael. Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith the LORD. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt? and the Philistines from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir? Amos 9:7 William Ferris editor of the Negro World spots Du Bois at the convention. January 18 The Black Star Line place advert in the Negro World SS Kanawah Antonio Maceo to sail for Bermuda, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Panama.  Sir Willocks governor general of Bermuda British Secretary of State for the Colonies Winston Churchill asking him to prohibit their landing. The Black Star Line places advert for Architects and Contracting Builders to sail to Liberia between January 25 February 20. 1921 Garvey sends Hatian Elie Garcia audita general to Liberia to produce a confidential report as well one for public interest and also sends the son of Liberian President Hilary Johnson, Gabriel Johnson, Mayor of the Liberian capital, Monrovia, ‘Potentate Leader of the Negro Peoples of the World’ as well as George O Marke, Supreme Deputy Potentate in charge of the Sierra Leone division of the UNIA and Cyril A Crichlow Resident Commissar, accountant and stenographer there to acquire 1, 000 acres of land and property.  Johnson land on farm owned by Mrs. Moort between 30 and 40 miles away from Monrovia however. Johnson was previously a Brigader, his brother was Attorney General and his married to the President D. B. King.
Imperial Potentate Ancient Egyptian Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine Prince Hall 1735 John E Bruce Lodge #38.
Liberia Secretary of State Edwin Barclay informs the UNIA delegation about the express for concern of their actives in the nieghbouring colonies of British Sierra Leone and French Ivory Coast. February Garvey tours the West Indies and Central America also with the initiative of raising funds. Hoover unsuccessfully approaches immigration for Labour Department to refuse Garvey reentry into the U. S. at its ports in Florida.  28th February Garvey, Amy Jacques and her younger brother Cleveland take the train to Key West where they board the USS Governor Cobb to Havana, Cuba. March 7 Liberia President Charles D. B. King arrives in New York harbour on on the USS Panhandle and is met by UNIA delegation at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. In Jamaica the American consul Charles Latham refuses Garvey a visa to Panama as well as a reentry visa into America. Garvey is meet by 10, 000 people in Limon, Costa Rica.  According to G. P. Chattenden the United Fruit company manager, at one meeting two scrap baskets and one suitcase full of United States gold notes were collected and at another he stood beside a pile of gold notes which reached above his knees possibly as much as $50, 000. Garvey is introduced to Julio Acosta Costa Rica's President.  Garvey is granted visa by Panama and visits the cities of Bocas Del Toro and Almirante although the response he received there was not so much one of such enthusiasm or one that he might have hoped for.  Garvey travels to the city of Colon by submarine where he is greeting by the biggest crowd he has ever seen, they brake the windows of his train carriage and carry him out into a car but there are so many people on top of the car that the tyres puncture and the car has to be pushed. May 25 the SS Antonio Maceo sails for Panama and after three days at sea has to be towed to Kingston for its boilers to be repaired.  May 31 Memorial Day June 1 Tulsa, Oklahoma riot Shoeshiner Dick Rowland assault Sarah Page white elevator operator in Drexel building, 319 South Main Street. Rowland flees to his Mothers house in Greenwood the Black Wall Street, taken to Tulsa city jail at First and Main then relocated to Tulsa County.  The Tulsa Tribune reports story  Courthouse where lynching mob of hundreds of whites assemble, Sheriff Willard M. McCullough deputies armed with rifles and shotguns protect Rowland from mob, seal off building, group of black men offer to assist Sheriff, in response 1, 000 whites assemble outside the courthouse. Major James Bell of the 180th infantry  three National Guard units turn away 300-400 men at the National Guard Armoury on Sixth Street and Norfolk Avenue.  1, 000 more white men assemble outside courthouse most of who are armed, 75 black men armed with rifles and shotguns, the first shot is fired, 10 whites and 2 blacks dead, whites chase blacks to Greenwood, little Africa. Oklahoma National Guard unit blacks held in detention at Convention Hall on Brady Street. June 1 Wednesday Fisco 
Train.  White men light and throw oil rags into buildings Archer Street, southern edge of Greenwood, Fire Department turned away at gunpoint, thousands of blacks flee the city and held in detention centres. Airplanes fire rifles, drop fire/incendiary/Terpentine bombs on buildings, homes and fleeing families, blacks employed by whites as house servants siezed at properties and held in detention with 4, 000 detained. Oklahoma Department of Vital Statistics reports 26 blacks and 10 whites dead, Oklahoma 2001 commission reports 100 to 300 dead, Red Cross register 8624, 1256 burned houses , 191 businesses. Red Cross 10, 000 blacks homeless.  6, 000 detained at Convention Hall, Fairgrounds and McNulty Park.  Tulsa Real Estate Exchange estimate property loss of 1.5 million in real estate and $750, 000 in personal property. The reconstruction of Greenwood and rehabilitation of its residents is delayed for months, in tents winter in the two following years.  Governor James B. A. Robertson launch inquiry of City and Sheriff office.  Robertson calls for Grand Jury to be empanelled.  June 3 1000 businessmen and civic leaders form committee chaired by Judge J. Martin, a former mayor of Tulsa to raise funds for the reconstruction of Greenwood. June 8 Judge Valjean Biddison and State Attorney General S.P. Freeling investigation witnesses 12 hearing no one convicted of any crimes.  White developers suggest fire ordinance banning wooden frame, ruled unconstitutional in its appeal to Oklahoma Supreme Court, the developers inconsiderate with their selfish motive of redeveloping Greenwood as a business and industrial use or build labor station pushing out. Wooden dwellings  Tulsa Union rail Depot.  The riots not spoken to about in magazine journal tribune history 1936 1946. 1971 Commemorated by the chamber of conference Ed Wheelers account and photographs published in Impact Magazine.  Mozella Franklin Jones Tulsa Historical Society exhibition creates Tulsa Historical Society photographs.  Oklahoma 2001 commission reparations to the survivors of the riots and their descendent and scholarship fund and memorial.  June 2001, the Oklahoma state legislature pass the "1921 Tulsa Race Riot Reconciliation Act" 200 college scholarships, memorial park dedicated in 2010. Garvey denied reentry visa, his generals vote to send counsellor general William Matthews to Washington to lobby the state department. staff visa control. Garvey adviced by lawyer that the American consul send a cable to state department requesting a visa in which event the visa was granted. August at the UNIA convention editor Ferris and journalist John E Bruce knighted with order of the Nile, George Tobias with the order of Ethiopia and  Davis with Lady Commander of the Sublime order of the Nile. December 1921 Garvey makes his “Christmas message to the Negro Peoples of the World” speech. January 1 Garvey makes his Emancipation day speech at Liberty Hall New York city quote Psalm 68:31 in both speeches. https://tmblr.co/Z9elId2OPQ-fq 1922 January Garvey is arrested for mail fraud and bailed for $2, 500.  Garvey was brought to charge with mail fraud on the basis that the Black Star Line had advertised the ship the Orion as the SS Phyllis Wheatley, which they did not yet actually own but were still in the process of negotiation for.  Thompson, Garcia and Tobias were also investigated, however, only Garvey was prosecuted. May 22 UNIA Commissioner Robert Moseley speaks at Baptist churches in, Jacksonville, Texas is arrested and fined for vagrancy in Jacksonville, Texas and separately also taken to the woods and horsewhipped. Garvey arranges parade and march in Los Angeles with local division and others parade, visits Oakland, California and Frisco. Commander J.J. Hannigan registers 400 new UNIA memberships in San Francisco. May 27 Garvey marries Jaques in Baltimore. June 25 Garvey travels to Atlanta for a meeting with the Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. Garvey makes his first visit to Belize, meets with and is interviewed by Governor Eyre Hutson.  5 July Hutson sends transcript of the recorded interview to Secretary of the Colonies British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. July issue of the Messenger Randolph and Owen ‘Garvey, Black Eagle, Becomes Messenger Boy of Clarke, Ku Klux Kleagle.’
are joined by William Pickens and Detroit preacher Robert Bagnall in their "Garvey Must Go" campaign, Bagnall also launches personal attack on Garvey. on the floor above the UNIA Publishing and Printing House.  August 6 Prof. William Pickens, Field Secretary of N. A. A. C. P. Subject: WHAT TO DO WHEN NEGRO LEADERS LEAGUE WITH NEGRO LYNCHERS. August 13: A. PHILIP RANDOLPH, Candidate for N. Y. Secretary of State Subject: THE ONLY WAY TO REDEEM AFRICA  August 20th: ROBERT W. BAGNALL, Director of Branches for N. A. A. C. P. Subject: THE MADNESS OF MARCUS GARVEY. August 27: CHANDLER OWEN, Co-Editor of the MESSENGER. Subject: A PRACTICAL PROGRAM FOR NEGROES EVERYWHERE.  GARVEY’S STATEMENT AT NEW ORLEANS “This is a white man’s country. He found it, he conquered it, and we can’t blame him if he wants to keep it. I am not vexed with the white man of the south for Jim-Crowing me, because I am Black. “I never built any street cars or railroads. The white man built them for his own convenience. And if I don’t want to ride where he’s willing to let me ride then I’d better walk. All invited White and Colored, Men and Women Native and Foreigner. Admission Free” Exactly One Thousand Seats MEETINGS UNDER AUSPICES OF THE FRIENDS OF NEGRO FREEDOM. August Trinidadian pilot Hubert Fauntleroy Julian dubbed the Black Eagle of Harlem by H. Allen Smith because of his parachute jumps, flys biplane over UNIA parade and becomes head of the organization’s new Aeronautical Department. September 5 Randolph at 2305 7th Avenue receives package calls the police bomb squad open package containing a severed human hand from the Ku Klux Klan. November 9th Esau Ramus previously janitor at UNIA Philadelphia branch travels to New Orleans meets the branches secretary William Phillips and moves into the home of Jamaican longshore man and Chief of UNIA police Dyer Fred Constantine.  Reverend Eason visits Baptist Church, St John 1st Street, New Orleans where after the is shot in the back and forehead.  1923 January Eason dies from wounds. William Shakespeare and Fred Dyer charged with Easons murder. Ramus. Garvey.  Earnest Alfred Wallace Budge sometime scholar at Christ College and Keeper of Egyptian and Assyrian antiquities in the British Museum publishes his first edition of the Book of the Glory of Kings/Kebra Negast. Claude McKay travels to Kremlin, Russia. November Mckay and Max Eastman editor of the Liberator attend the 4th Congress of the Communist International in Petrograd, Mc Kay along with his fellow early leading member of the Communist International (Comintern) Otto Huiswould address its Cominter.  Mckay also meets communist Leon Trotsky. Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey by Amy Jaques Garvey 1923 Chapter 3 The Image of God If the white man has the idea of a white God, let him worship his God as he desires. If the yellow man’s God is of his race let him worship his God as he sees fit. We, as Negroes, have found a new ideal. Whilst our God has no color, yet it is human to see everything through one’s own spectacles, and since the white people have seen their God through white spectacles, we have only now started out (late though it be) to see our God through our own spectacles. The God of Isaac and the God of Jacob let Him exist for the race that believes in the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. We Negroes believe in the God of Ethiopia, the everlasting God — God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, the One God of all ages. That is the God in whom we believe, but we shall worship Him through the spectacles of Ethiopia. Johnson son Hilary Johnson clerk office, placed above Crichlow authority, Johnsons not pulling their weight. March 24 Johnson sends cable to Garvey requesting £5, 000 for sawmill equipment earliest ship by steamer. 
May 18 Garvey mail fraud case trail, New York Southern district court Judge Julian Mack.
June 18 Maxwell Mattuck. June 23 Garvey is sentenced to five years in prison for mail fraud at Tombs Jail Manhattan detention center.  September Garvey bailed for the sum of $15, 000 raised in campaign by Amy Jacques.  Bishop Alexander McGuire the first black archdeacon of the Protestant Episcopal Church ‘We have reasons to believe that his enforced solitude has clarified his vision’ ‘Moses came back to Israel with new Revelation’ ‘Negro everywhere will be the beneficiaries of the new ideas he has gained during his vacation’. Davis seated at the front was the leader for the UNIA 1923 delegation to Liberia of which also included Princeton educated Sir Robert Poston and the UNIA new attorney Milton Van Lowe. 11 December UNIA delegation departs for Liberia via Lisbon, Portugal on the Cunard vessel S. S. Britannia. December Mc Kay meets German novelist Arthur Holitscher and German communist Clara Zetkin,  International Group China, Russian, Jew, Negro, Russian Gentile, Bulgarian, Hindu, American Mulatto, Algerian, Japanese, Armenian, Korean, and white American as well as Grigory Zinoviev and Nikolai Bukharin and writes and publishes his Negry v Amerike in Russian which isn't published until the year.  1924 February 11th UNIA delegation meets with President of Liberia who agrees to have 3, 000 immigrants settle on land in Cavalla, Sin, Grand Bassa and Cape Mount.  16 March Poston fever lobar pneumonia dies on board SS President Grant. April 19 UNIA to send material and artisan, technicians, carpenter, builder and mechanical engineer to Liberia.  Seay 24 trained nurses to Belize Town as volunteers parenting teaching, sanitation, midwifery services. May 1 H.H. Ras Tafari visits Cairo, received by H. M. King Fuad palace and Alexandria, Egypt.  May 17 H.H. Ras Tafari visits Paris, received by President of the Republic and Prime Minister. May 19 Du Bois and Professor Wendell Phillips Dabney finally come face to face with Garvey for the first time at the elevator in Sheraton Hotel, Cincinnati. May 22 H.H. Ras Tafari visits Brussels, Belgium, received by King Albert, his ministers and army officers. June 4 UNIA meeting mining engineer Wallace Strange. June 8 H.H. Ras Tafari visits Stockholm, Sweden, Grand Hotel Royal Archbishop of Uppsala, Nathan Soderblom and King Gustaf Adolph.  June 18 H.H. Ras Tafari visits Rome, received by King Victor Emmanuel and Mussolini. July 4 Julian to make transatlantic flight from New York to Liberia via Atlantic city, New Jersey and the West Indies. Purchases seaplane christened Ethiopia I, crashes into Flushing Bay after one of the planes pontoons comes off. July 8 H. H. Ras Tafari visit to England meets Archbishop of Canterbury, King George, who returns to him a crown of Emperor Tewodros II and honorary degree of Doctor of Law by the Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University. July 10 Liberia Consul General in US press release stated that anyone from the UNIA in the US would not be allowed to land in the republic of Liberia the Liberian Consuls in the US instructed not to permit them visas. Wallace Strange Monrovia arrested and deported equipment auctioned Chief Justice J. J. Dossen of Liberia President ports refuse entry. Liberia give preference to the Firestone Rubber Plantation Company, 1 million acres of land 5 to 10 cents per acre. The 4th International Convention of the Negro Peoples of the World.  Garvey is accompanied in the rear seat of his shiny 1920 Pierce Arrow Limousine by the Rev. R Van Richards at convention Opening Parade in Harlem, NY. His Secret Service (aka Knights of the Roundtable) run alongside the President-General’s parade vehicle. Mr. Garvey is also flanked in the rear by a banner reading Parent Body Division. (Negro World August 16, 1924, p.10) Uniformed Universal African Motor Corp March up 7th Ave in Harlem, NY during the opening parade of the UNIA sponsored 4th International Convention of the Negro Peoples of the World. Executive Council Reviews parade From observation deck and Universal African Royal Guard Parade Drill in Harlem, NY. President Joseph A Craigen Contingent of the Detroit Division #125 in the opening day parade of the convention leads the march with his Red, Black and Green Flag draped over his shoulder. Dinner at Third Royal Court Reception of the UNIA at Liberty Hall, NY (Negro World August 30,1924, p.10) James VanDerZee photographs the convention.  VanDerZee photographs Garvey with Marke and Prince KojoTovalou-Houénou of Dahomey.  The Dahomean proto nationalist KojoTovalou-Houénou declared at the same convention that “your association, Mr. President … is the Zionism of the Black Race.”^ Les Continents, 15 October 1924. Garvey Black Cross Navigation and Trading Company.  October 20 Black Cross Navigation and Trading Company purchase the 5, 000 ton 'General G.W. Goethals’ which they rechristen as the S.S Booker Washington. December Du Bois given the rank of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, to Charles King inauguration as President by President Coolidge and attends the 3rd Pan African Congress. 1925 January 3 The Black Cross Navigation and Trading Company place Big Negro Excursion advertisement in the Negro World announcing the sailing of the S.S. Booker T. Washington to Central America, the West Indies, Panama, and the South of the United States. February 8 Garvey leaves court with handcuffed to a deputy, Marshal Hecht and taken into custody to begin serving his sentence at the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary. May 19 Malcolm Little is born in Omaha, Nebraska to Grenada born Louise Helen Little and Earl Little a Baptist Lay preacher, both members of Garveys UNIA, Malcolms mother was the secretary and branch reporter.  African Fundamentalism From the editorial by Marcus Garvey printed in the Negro World, 6 June 1925, as a front-page editorial; written in Atlanta Federal Penitentiary. Original headlines omitted. Creed reprinted in slightly revised form, under the title “African Fundamentalism,” as a UNIA poster, sold by mail order through the Negro World by Amy Jacques Garvey, 1925. Fellow Men of the Negro Race, Greeting: The time has come for the Negro to forget and cast behind him his hero worship and adoration of other races, and to start out immediately, to create and emulate heroes of his own. We must canonize our own saints, create our own martyrs, and elevate to positions of fame and honor black men and women who have made their distinct contributions to our racial history. Sojourner Truth is worthy of the place of sainthood alongside of Joan of Arc; Crispus Attucks and George William Gordon are entitled to the halo of martyrdom with no less glory than that of the martyrs of any other race. Toussaint L'Ouverture’s brilliancy as a soldier and statesman outshone that of a Cromwell, Napoleon and Washington; hence, he is entitled to the highest place as a hero among men. Africa has produced countless numbers of men and women, in war and in peace, whose lustre and bravery outshine that of any other people. Then why not see good and perfection in ourselves? June 15 and 18 The Star of Ethiopia performed at Hollywood Bowl.  Randolph becomes President of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters labor union for workers of the Pullman Company.  1926 Du Bois visits the Soviet Union in Russia.  The Littles move to Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  1927 November Garvey released and boards in New Orleans to be deported to Jamaica where he arrives at Orrett’s Wharf in Kingston.
Garvey 76 Kings Street Kingston and speaks at Ward Theatre as well as Edelweiss Park. 1928 April Marcus and Amy sail to England, spends two days at Cecil hotel and then rents a private house at 57 Castletown Road, West Kensington for four months.
June 6 Garvey speaks at the Royal Albert Hall introduced by
October 6 Garvey Paris speaks at Club du Faubourg 1, 5000 70 Negroes, Prix Goncourt winner Rene Maran and visits Louvre and Notre Dame.
October 7 The Ras Tafari Makonnen Crown Prince, hier to the throne and Regent Plenipotentiary is crowned King/Negus by Empress Zawditu.
September Garvey Geneva, Switzerland writes to the Secretary General of the League of Nations Eric Drummond.
November 23 Garvey returns to Jamaica.
Seay along with four other Black Cross Nurses complete midwife training at Belize hospital. Howell opens tea room in Harlem.
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“It is history of yesterday that your gunmen were shooting and murdering unarmed masses by the wholesale; it has been the history of every day in your regime; and now all prospects are even worse.
Do not expect us to sit down and pray and cry. We accept your challenges and mean to stick to our war duties. We know that all you do is for your defense as a class; we know also that the proletariat has the same right to protect itself, since their press has been suffocated, their mouths muzzled; we mean to speak for them with the voice of dynamite, through the mouth of guns.
Do not say we are acting cowardly because we keep hiding, do not say it is abominable; it is war, class war, and you were the first to wage it under cover of the powerful institutions you call order, in the darkness of your laws, behind the guns of your bone-headed slave.
No liberty do you accept but yours; the working people also have a right to freedom, and their rights, our own rights, we have set our minds to protect at any price.”
- Plain Words, A flier left at the scene of multiple bombings carried out by Galleanists
via: fuck_wit_my_clique1312
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Wall Street, New York City, 1920.
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health-is-in-you · 10 years
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Sacco and Vanzetti both stood their second trial in Dedham, Massachusetts for the South Braintree robbery and murders, with Judge Webster Thayer again presiding; he had asked to be assigned the trial. Anticipating a possible bomb attack, authorities had the Dedham courtroom outfitted with cast-iron shutters, painted to appear wooden, and heavy, sliding steel doors. Each day during the trial, the courthouse was placed under heavy police security, and Sacco and Vanzetti were escorted in and out of the courtroom by armed guards.
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health-is-in-you · 10 years
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February 10th, 1916, a high society banquet to honor Archbishop George Mundelein was held in Chicago. Unbeknownst to the 200 some attendees, however, was the  ill intent of the chef, Nestor Dondoglio aka "Jean Crones". A fervent anarchist of the Galleanist persuasion, Dondoglio had poisoned the soup with arsenic. However, in his haste, Dondoglio had added too much poison, inducing his victims to vomit up the mixture and thus killing no one. Though over a hundred diners became violently ill, the Archbishop remained unscathed, having passed on the soup.
"Jean Crones" was able to escape the scene and into hiding. Police later raided his apartment, discovering the would-be assassin's true identity, Nestor Dondoglio, a German immigrant, as well as a score of carefully prepared poisons (see bottom image) alongside a variety of "anarchist materials".
From hiding, Dondoglio sent taunting letters to the New York Times boasting of his plot, saying "I am sorry that all or not at least 100 got killed for the world would be better without them". He promised to strike again and laughed at the feeble attempts of the police to find him. He was never caught.
TOP: The University Club kitchen where Dondoglio prepared his soup.
BOTTOM: Investigators search Dondoglio's apartment.
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