#fyi it’s the way things change to survive in a new environment
bigcryptiddies · 1 year
I know I shouldn’t be surprised but every time a tv show or movie based on a book gets made the collective fanbase of whatever the fuck it is forgets what the word Adaption means
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werebutch · 3 years
For me, everything really got so much better when I turned 18. There's a bit of an adjustment for the first little bit as you start to learn what it means to be an adult, but it honestly brings good things.
Advice time!
1. Get some kind of storage, and keep all your important documents there. Any tax receipts, passports, proof of employment, ect. When you move, it rules to just open a drawer and have all that stuff ready to go. Obviously also make this a secure storage, if you can
2. Cooking! Even the higher-end dishes can be cheaper than eating out almost anywhere. Provided you don't live in a food desert - those are worth moving to a different city to get out of. If you're completely unknowledgable, refried bean burritos, steamed vegetables, stir fries, and most breakfast food are good ones for people just starting out. I've been cooking since forever, and anyone is always welcome to message and ask for recipies, fyi! Also while you're learning stuff, fixing clothes is a great one to pick up if you have the change. In general, how to fix things is always worth learning if you can.
3. Don't feel like you need to move out just because you're old enough to do it! If your parents are people you like (or don't really mind at least), consider staying with them and focusing on building up finances. If you need to get out, see if you can join a rental group, especially queer-focused ones. It's always cheaper to rent with roommates. Keep in mind that living with other people is a skill that takes time to develop and there will be road bumps.
4. There's a lot of new things to do & try! Hell yes. Don't feel like you need to do any of them, just because they're easier/legal to do. Especially for drugs (including alcohol) and sex (especially kink / risky sex). If you do want to try a new thing, start with a smaller amount. Doing something too much or too intensely can really be a rough experience, and doing something in a small amount will let you get a good feel for it, while keeping your head clear enough to understand what's happening.
5. Fuck rules and manners. Learn how to say no to people, its the best skill to have. Also, learn how to say yes - specifically when you're offered help, or free things, or any act of kindness. If someone is offering something, it's often because they'd legitimately be happy to see you have it.
6. Go thrifting! Buying high quality used clothes, instead of fast fashion, will have a much longer life span. Go to shitty little music shows! Go to dingy diners at 2am! But also take care and joy in taking care of yourself. Self maintenance will seriously make everything else much easier, and getting into the habit early will really help.
7. Whenever you move out, you'll be in a totally different environment, and that's really spooky. The first 3 or 4 nights will likely feel scary, and like you made the wrong decision. Big changes are hard, and leaving the consistency of your home is intimidating. Normally, I always say trust your gut instincts, but this one is usually wrong. Humans are built to survive, and your brain doesn't trust new things. Once you've lived there a week or so, you'll love the place. If you still feel like you shouldn't be living somewhere after 3 weeks or so, you should start looking, if you can afford it. Keeping a good and healing space is serious a #1 priority.
8. You may have been lied to about credit cards. My parents, teachers, and a bunch of people basically hammered home "don't get a credit card or you'll lose all your money". I didn't get one for so long, and I was honestly so proud. But, it was a struggle! Occasionally a place will only accept credit, and it'll suck to be locked out of them. Also, you won't build good credit that way. My recommendation is to get a card that doesn't have any fees (doesn't matter about points or whatever) and just use it for 1 or 2 of your purchases a month, that you know you can easily afford, they really don't need to be big. Pay it off immediately. If you end up taking out any loans, pay them on time! Most people recommend paying the maximum amount off of a loan each month, but as a new adult, it'll be ok if you want to hold onto more of your money, and only pay the minimum each month. That's totally OK, just do it on time! As long as you do this, you'll have really good credit.
9. Own it! You're in control now. For me, the simple little thing of picking out my own hand soaps is something I treasure. It's your life, and it looks like it now! You can get posters, fairy lights, plants, anything! Give your space some personality, make it feel like yours! Note- posters feel a little dingy after a while, even new ones. If you have some you like especially, buy some frames for them, or get them as tapestries. Both feel way fancier and more adult. But posters are cheaper, so you can get way more of them.
10. Once you're out of school, it'll be a bit harder to make friends. The best way to do it is to go to social events, like board game nights, hobby groups, ect. Anything with a shared interest means you'll likely find some people you vibe with. Don't feel like you need a ton of friends! Just a few is fine, you want to make sure they're people you truly like being around, that are good friends to have.
11. Oh shit also get vaccinated before you do any of that social stuff. Also,,, maybe look into health insurance. It's a seriously good investment, (more if you're in USA, in Canada it's not needed quite as much. Dental, on the other hand, is definetly worth getting). If you're on your parents insurance, stay on that for as long as possible! It's free baby!
12. Don't try to become what you thing an adult "needs" to be. It's your life, being an adult can be whatever you want it to look like! And, honestly, the first step of being an adult just looks a lot like being a teenager, just with a bit of change every year or so. Take it slow, and put yourself first.
13. That's it! There's probably a bit more I could put on here, but this feels good. I'm open to questions! If this ends up getting posted, this includes other people too! It's a scary process, but it can be a really good thing, and it has been for so many people I know. Good luck, be safe, have fun!
this is super helpful once I start wanting to move out, but I’m not quite there yet :) thank u tho this rlly helps me prepare lol
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
FYI. I’m about to unload a whole story to you lol. But for some reason, I have had an urge to tell you why AMENDED is my absolute favorite story and why I relate to it.
Starting with Isabella. Me and her grew up very similar. My mother was a drug addict and alcoholic most of my life. After her and my father (who was also an addict) separated. Then came the same creepy boyfriends. But unlike Isabella, I had an older sister so that helped out a lot. My childhood wasn’t as bad as I remember because I spent most of it with my grandparents, who I fortunately still have to this day! I LOVE being with my grandparents! But it always sucked going home because of the constant fights with my mom and the uncomfortableness with her boyfriends. Of course, like Isabella’s mom. They were her top priority. Only one time did one try to touch me. I was 13-14? I’m not sure but I was in 8th grade. I told my mom right away and the only response I got was “Did he think it was me?” I still haven’t forgiven her for that. She made him apologize and he continued living in my house (Oh how much I wish I had a JK as a best friend during those times)
I moved out when I was 16 to live with my grandparents because we lost our house. My mom, sister, niece and nephew went to go live with my mothers parents (I am not close to those grandparents) And I went to go live with my favorite grandparents (My dad hasn’t been a constant part of my life for a while now) Everything was going great! I was going to school regularly and I also got my first job at the mall! Which is where I ended up meeting my first serious boyfriend.
Put it in short words, I had found my own Landon! He was sweet, charming, older. He worked in the food court restaurant, just a few stores away from my job! I was 17 and already dropped out of school and was working full time when we started officially dating. He was 20. Everything was going great but it was all moving so fast! About 3 months into our relationship he got an apartment and I moved in with him. The first few months were amazing. We had privacy, and a lot more time to spend together. What 17 year old didn’t love the idea of having their own apartment and living with their boyfriend?! I guess the age difference made it more easier to excuse his now ‘protective’ behavior.
By the time I was 18, I had met sooo many people, especially at work. I had more adult friends and occasionally they would ask me out to hang out with them and have girls night! He did not like that. He was so worried that while i was out with my friends he would call me every 30 minutes to make sure I was okay and to also ask what i was doing. Despite him going out almost every night with his brothers and friends to bars. Eventually It got to the point he never wanted me to go out at all and if i did, I wasn’t allowed back home. I was young so I stupidly let him have that control over me.
3 years later. We are still together. I turned 21 and couldn’t even go celebrate because I was pregnant. But I was happy. During those 3 years he had only become more and more mentally abusive. He was manipulative, insecure, possessive. And it took me to be pregnant with his child to finally acknowledge that. But i stayed because? I was pregnant. I didn’t want my child growing up without a father and I also didn’t want her to have parents that fought all the time because they hated each other.
Skip to after giving birth. I quickly learned he was not interested in playing the dad role. He would work and come home and play video games all night. We didn’t have anyone to watch the baby so i couldn’t work. He was not happy about that at all. After constant fights and learning he was spending his money on drugs and alcohol (despite always complaining about being broke because he had to support us), I realized I wasn’t in love anymore and told him I wanted to leave. It wasn’t a safe environment for my child and I had to grow up and realize it’s not just about me anymore but about my child. That night was the first and last time he every got physical with me. And I can proudly say that was the night I packed my bags, left and never looked back.
All that happened almost 2 years ago. I am now 23 and have a 2 year old. Things are different now and I feel like its in sync with amended’s current story line. All though I don’t have my Jk yet. I am dealing with the difficulties of letting my daughter have father time. The only reason he is in our lives is because I don’t want my child to hate me for keeping her away from him. I do get along with him, but only for my daughters sake. And because he knows this, he uses it to his advantage. Knows how to push my button and get inside my mind, especially with letting him come see her or letting her go visit him. He even has the crazy girlfriend who doesn’t like me! Lmao. I don’t let my child be alone with him though because I don’t trust him enough to watch over my child. He still wants to live that carefree life and loves being able to hand me back my child when it gets too much for him.
But that’s okay with me, because I will gladly take my child back. Right now, I’m getting my life back together slowly. But after reading your story, it has helped me realize my life isn’t over yet. I can still do things! When I am ready to meet someone, I definitely want to find someone like amended JK. Not the marriage and arrangement part lol but a man who wants to take care of me and my child and supports me and will have my back no matter what. Someone who can help me say no even when I feel like i can’t. To protect me from my Ex the way JK protects Isabella from Landon. I relate to this story so much, and I think you write it beautifully. I just wanted to say thank you for the words you write and for giving me an escape, especially when things have gotten a little too rough. It always so nice to relax and read one of your stores (:
I don’t mind if you answer this publicly or privately. I’m also sorry for the whole life story lol but I just couldn’t stop typing! I just wanted you to know how much your stories mean to me (:
Since you said I could, I’m going to answer this publicly. Because one thing I do see in reader response is often this big divide (not ALWAYS but often) between readers who have or have not been in abusive relationships, and readers who are or are not parents. And I think it’s actually really important and healthy and it was a reason I decided to post this story, because these are things that so completely change your mindset and outlook on life, but they can be really difficult to understand if you just don’t have that experience. I wanted to use Amended as an opportunity to make people stop and think and understand situations they (hopefully!) are not in themselves, or if they ARE in, have the opportunity to seeing someone grow through it and find love and security and happiness on the other side.
There are lots of my own experiences, doubts, struggles, and pains wrapped up in Isabella’s story too, though not necessarily 1:1. Sometimes they were situations or relationships I didn’t have much of a choice in (like with a bad dad), but other times they were things I could have and should have left earlier and I didn’t (like an abusive ex that I didn’t live with, didn’t have children with, separating should have been easy.) What I’ve taken away from it is that we are strong and adaptable and we go through life making the best we can and adapting to situations, and that can bite us in the ass sometimes when we adapt to situations that we should be adapting away from. But it can be so hard to do that! I think people forget too that love isn’t always logical but it can be a hell of a jail when you love someone who is hurting you. “Giving up” on someone to save yourself is really, really hard. Like couldn’t someone make the case that JK should haven’t to deal with Isabella being mean to him and should just leave? Where do you draw the line? It’s so hard!
I just want to say HUGE kudos to you. Your daughter is so lucky to have a mom who has not only done such incredible and difficult things at a young age, but that fact that you also make things harder for yourself (in having to still deal with your ex) to try and make things the best for her. Especially when you had a difficult home life... probably my love for Isabella shows already how much I love and admire you and your situation and all the women who have been in similar situations. You clearly had to grow up so so young and that sucks, that’s so unfair for you. I wish I could give you back more of the childhood and adolescent that were stolen from you.
You are helping me remember too why I like to write about moms. There is not as much media as  there should be about moms where they are still the star of the story. When I had my son I realized with shock that to a lot of the world, my life is over as an individual now. That’s bullshit! The start of my son’s life story doesn’t mean the end of mine! It doesn’t mean I just become a side character in his story! It just means there’s a new sub-plot in the story of ME, and I can continue to reinvent and discover myself over and over for the rest of my life. We have to break free of this idea that mothers are nothing but mothers, and this idea that 30 or 40 or 50 are too late. Because the reality is sure, once you become a mom, sometimes the me stuff is on hold for a while in order to survive, and sometimes you’re mostly wrapped up in the mother role, and that’s totally fine. But it’s definitely not over. It’s never two late to get to “start” your story, or “restart” your story. I’ve found that often when I’m in the middle of things being hard it feels like the chance will never come, but it will, and it won’t be too late! It sounds like you are kicking ass for yourself and your daughter right now, and how incredible that she’ll grow up seeing that strength and resilience.
So thank you so so much for sharing your story. I always love hearing from you.  🥰
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theexleynatureblog · 3 years
Sorry, but letting your cat outside is a sign of a lazy owner.
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Scientists estimate there is between 60million to 160million feral cats in the US. July, 2018.
“Bring in the dog and put out the cat!” - Yakety Yak. Letting our cats outside is almost a part of Western culture, since the days of Fred and Wilma. But we should all no by now that a cultural norm doesn’t make something automatically right.
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At the end of every episode, Fred Flintstone let’s the family saber-toothed cat outside, only for the cat to jump back inside through the window and lock Fred out of the house.
Unfortunely, real-life cats aren’t as responsible. If you let your cat outside, and they are comfortable, they will take advantage of the opportunity. I know from experience living in a house with five outdoor-cats.
An article from Battersea.org gives instructions on how to safety introduce your cat to the outdoors, stating ‘your cat may want to explore.’
Well, of course they do! They’re a cat! It’s like telling a human they may want to walk. Here’s the thing: animals are high-wired to do what they want, not what they should. Because in the wild, the things they want is to find food and hunt, which helps them to survive. A captive cat doesn’t need to do that, but they’ll still have that interest in the outdoors and the high-energy associated with it.
The biggest arguments I hear for letting cats outside it ‘it’s their nature’, ‘they deserve freedom’, ‘they need the exercise/stimulation’. This is true. Cat’s are living animals who are designed to expend energy, just like us. Exercise is essential to a pet’s health, and as a pet owner, it’s your job to make sure they’re getting what they need. 
The problem is, if you’re doing this by letting your cat roam the neighborhood unsupervised, you’re doing it very wrong.
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A cat wheel, recommended for owners of high-energy cats, like Bengals.
First, I’m before I list the many reasons to not let your cat outside, I’m going to list alternatives.
Number one - play
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Did you buy a box of cat-toys for your new kitten? Did your new cat play with them a little bit and then loose interest playing by themselves? Purina recommends two 20minutes play sessions for your kitten every day. This time can change depending on your cat’s energy level. Obviously, a really active cat will need more, and an older cat may need less. You cant just dump a box of toys on the living room floor an expect your cat to keep itself busy all day like a toddler would, you have to engage with them!
Cat’s ‘play’ as an extension of their hunting instincts. They’re not doing it to pass the time, they’re doing it to learn and practice how to kill things. The key to productive play is thinking like prey. That long rope? Pretend it’s a snake. Grab that mouse toy and bounce it around in front of your cat like you think an actual mouse would move. Don’t poke or bonk your cats with they’re toys - its not encouraging their hunting instincts and may just make them annoyed and not want to play.
Aside from keeping them stimulated, playing with your cats every day can strengthen their bond to you. A happy and tired cat will have no interest in going outside. The amount of time you’d expect to play with/walk your dog is the same amount, maybe a little less, you should expect to spend on your cat. If you don’t have the time of day to take care of a dog, don’t get a cat.
Also, FYI, don’t use your hands as a toy, especially with kittens. A bad cat bite can put you in the hospital with a serious infection - even if your cat has lived indoors all it’s life. Using your hand to play instead of toys will teach kittens that your hand is in fact a toy. Good luck trying to pet them later.
Number Two - Cat furniture
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Ever heard of puppy-proofing? Well, cat proofing is also a thing! If you want to take on the responsibility of owning a pet, be prepared to rearrange your entire house - and buy some new stuff. Cat’s are designed to climb and travel, so they may try to jump to to the tallest places in your house. Don’t want them up there? Consider getting a dog. Spray bottles and scolding may work, but unless you’re giving them an alternative to flex their muscles, it’ll only lead to behavioral problems down the road. 
Cat walks are a fun and safe way to let your cat have the run of the house. Not only will it be fun for them, but it’ll make them feel safer. If you cat feels trapped, it may hide a lot of the time. This is especially important if you bring another cat into the house. One cat acting scared may invite the other cat to attack. Cat-walks give your cat the advantage to ‘oversee their kingdom’, and escape a situation that makes them uncomfortable. 
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But, I wouldn’t expect everyone to have this. If you rent your home, can’t afford this, or can’t build it yourself, it’s not an option. But you can be aware of how you arrange your furniture and shelves. If the cat’s gonna jump up on stuff, you might as well make sure it’s safe. 
The bare minimum cat furniture you need (besides a litter box) are scratching posts. Even a declawed cat will want one, because they’re not just shedding nails - they’re marking their territory.
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Most predators have a way of marking territory to keep invaders away. Cats do too, with a host of special glands. One of those is called an interdigital (inter-digital) gland located - you guessed it - between their toes, or digits. In the wild, when cats scratch on trees, they are rubbing that scent gland on the bark, to warn other cats this is their territory. 
Your indoor cat probably won’t have to worry about invaders, but they will still want to use that gland. In their minds, your house is their territory that they must defend. This is why litter boxes are also important.
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You may have seen pictures or videos of cats being trained to use and even flush toilets. It may be cute, but its actually not that great from a cat behavior standpoint. This article from The Dodo does a good job of explaining why NOT to potty-train your cat.
Don’t wanna deal with litter boxes? Get a dog! Because with cats, litter boxes are essential. Not only does it give your cat a place to do its business, but it allows them to exercise more of their natural behaviors. After all, ‘natural behaviors’ are the reason owners let their cats outside, right?
For every cat, there should be one litter box plus one extra. Two cats should have a total of 3 litter boxes, and so on. The boxes should be scooped once a day, with their litter changed about once a week - depending on specific needs. Sounds like a lot of work? Yeah - it is! Plus the smell of ammonia isn’t pleasant. If you don’t want to deal with this - Don’t. Get. A. Cat. 
Naturally, people look for short cuts, like training their cat to use the toilet, or letting them outside to do its business. Hey, it works for dogs, don’t it? Well - cats aren’t dogs. They have different behavior. While you can count on that fence keeping your dog in your yard, your cat is going to parkour over that like nothing. While dogs will go anywhere they feel comfortable, cats have an instinct to bury their feces. According to Live Science, this helps them hide from other predators. Cats can be eaten by anything bigger than them, and they know it. It’s a behavior that gives them security. Think about it like having a lock on the bathroom door - in a public place. Would you be brave enough to go without it? Personally, I’d hold it until I got home. Cats probably feel the same way, so they’re going to want to find substrate that’s easy to bury stuff in - fresh soil in a flower bed, or little Jimmy’s sandbox.
This is also why toilet-training is a bad idea. It’s not a natural behavior for cats, and it denies their instincts to bury their waste and mark their territory. Also, what happens when your cat gets elderly or injured, and they can’t jump onto the seat for a few days?
Your Cat can still enjoy the outdoors.
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Did you know they make cat leashes? That’s right, you can allow your cat to transverse the yard and neighborhood in safety! The downside of this is cat’s don’t tend to be as excited about walks as dogs do. When I bought a harness and leash for my cat, they plopped on their side and refused to move. I never got to take him on a walk.
If your cat is similarly lazy, that doesn’t mean its impossible, it just means training will be required. With the right balance of motivation and knowledge, a pet can be trained to do anything physically possible. Yes, it’s consistent work and slow progress, but exactly the thing a good pet owner should be willing to do. If your cat is staring out the window and practically running out the door, then they might not even need training. With a lease, you can prevent your cat from killing small animals, keep them from climbing too high in a tree, and keep them out of the street and away from possibly dangerous animals.
On that note, now may be a good time to list the reasons why NOT to let your cat outside! (Warning, this next section may contain intense images of blood, violence, and dead animals. Reader discretion is advised).
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Hold onto your stomachs, everyone! We are not taking the gentle road.
When I say parasites, I’m not just talking about fleas and ticks - very common and very overlooked. There are worse things out there. Toxoplasma, for one. This parasite that causes flu-like symptoms sheds from cat feces, and it can be much worse for pregnant mothers (this is why your doctor recommends not cleaning a litter-box while pregnant). To make matters worse, its one of the most common parasites in the world, spreading by - don’t throw up on me - fecal-oral contact, which is exactly what it sounds like. A cat can host the parasite without any symptoms and spread to humans, and that’s not the only one.
Outdoor cats are much more likely to get parasites and harmful bacterial. This is because they consume wild animals harboring parasites, and they can pick up stuff from the environment. A squirrel could defecate somewhere that a cat walks, and later licks themselves to clean. Boom! Infected. Now, your outdoor cat could spread stuff like toxoplasma to your neighbors! There’s your neighbor, working in their flower garden, unaware your cat used it for the bathroom (and buried it). Ope, now she’s whipping her nose with her unwashed hand! Boom! Infected.
Want to learn something really crazy? Cat parasites have made their way to aquatic mammals!
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This National Geographic Article gives more information on how the ‘Kitty Litter’ parasite has made it to marine whales and dolphins. This is due to feral and stray cats defecating near waterways that eventually wash out to the ocean. While cats and some terrestrial mammals can host the parasites with out any major symptoms, marine mammals are very different. They are the incorrect hosts for these parasites, and anyone who’s studies parasites (like me) knows, parasites in the wrong host is a recipe for disaster. AKA, death. And like many other species, our marine mammals are going through enough troubles right now.
If you keep your cat inside and use a litter box, there is still a risk of infection, but you’ve significally lowered the potential spread. I say, anyone you takes the responsibility of cleaning a cat box is a hero. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. You are doing your cat and your neighborhood a huge favor. I sincerely thank you. So, when you’re scooping or changing litter, wear gloves, wear a mask, don’t touch your face, and wash your hands thoroughly afterword's. Also, take note of the condition of your cats dropping. Sometimes, to can clearly see worms, or something may just not look right. Remember - as an owner, it’s your responsibility to monitor your pets health. If you see something that doesn’t look right, you can take them to the vet. You can’t do this if you let your cat outside to do there business in the garden a few houses down.
High Death Rate
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For feral cats, lifespan is typically two years. 50% of kittens don’t survive their first couple of days. Cats are killed by anything from car collisions, poison, coyotes, raccoons, raptor birds, and other cats. Male cats constantly fight each other for territory and access to females. 
This brings up an interesting question. If cat’s death rate is so high, how are there so many in every town? A couple reasons.
Cats have a lot of kittens - multiple litters within a year. Even if only 50% of those kittens survive, that’s a lot of cats that are ready to breed themselves not long after. 
Another reason is artificial healthcare. What this means is people will feed, spay/neuter, or rescue injured animals, and then release them. Because of their cuteness, cat’s have a charisma advantage over native predators in a neighborhood like coyotes and raccoons. No one’s going to trap a coyote with a broken leg to take it to the vet. I know that if I hit a cat with my car, and it was still alive, I would definitely rush it to emergency care. Supplemental feeding goes hand-in-hand with this. When people see a large cat colony outside, they may want to leave food out for them to help them out. Cats will eat the food, but it won’t end there. You may end up attracting more cats to an area, increasing the population. But if you were to suddenly stop feeding them, the extra cats are going to starve. You have only provided the animals with limited extra resources. Also, more cats in an area may lead to more fighting amongst them.
Because cats have a high death rate, the population’s method of survival is putting out high numbers. Feral and stray cats are constantly competing for food and running from dangers, and the ones who can put up with the suffering the most survive. This is the reality of nature. Nature is not a garden of Eden with fairies dancing with deer. This is the brutality you are exposing your pet cat to when you let them wonder alone outside. 
Cats Kill Stuff
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Cats are one of the few animals that kill for fun. Its not that they’re sadistic - they’re instincts tell them to bat that thing that moves, and they’ll do it until the thing escapes or stops moving. People automatically think about birds and small mammals, but cats will also eat insects, amphibians, and reptiles.
Some people swear by this argument, and some people counter the argument by saying stuff like ‘yeah, but windows and windmills kill more birds!’. Really? That’s your argument? Can you imagine if we said that about serial killers? Oh, its not a big deal if Freddy killed a few woman, James over there has killed a lot more!
Like... okay, that’s not as bad, but... we should still do something about it.
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Cats, windows, and windmills. Instead of looking at these as three separate problems that we can only solve one at a time, step back and look at the big picture. “Human-caused fatality.”  An article from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services talks about migratory bird fatality numbers and causes. You’ll see a handful of different causes, each with different solutions needed.
You can’t solve a problem by pointing your finger at someone and say “They’re doing it worse”. EVERYONE involved in the problem has to do their part and correct it. For example, window collisions with birds can be decreased by window stickers and ecologically-mindful building planning (not building tall things in high-traffic bird routes). 
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These small, decorative stickers can help prevent bird-strike deaths.
Another angle to combat the problem is reducing industrial-caused mortality. Open oil pits are a hazard to migratory birds, who land in and ingest the oily water as they migrate. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act hold companies who do not cover their ponds accountable for ‘preventable fatalities’. However, the Trump Administration recently attempted to roll back regulations like these, in order to increase profit of oil and gas companies. Contacting politicians and being a thoughtful voter can prevent policies like these, and save birds and wildlife.
Of course, cat owners can put their foot forwards to help save wildlife life by keeping their pets inside or on a leash. People argue ‘cat’s are natural hunters. So what if they kill a few birds?’. Okay, well, first of all, if you look carefully at the stats, its clearly not just ‘a few birds’. Second, do you know what kinds of birds? No? I don’t either. In fact, we have no control what kind of bird/reptile/mammal your cat will kill. They kill whatever they can catch. This includes endangered species.
This website lists North America’s Endangered Animals. Notice that some of these animals are large mammals, like cougars. But most of the species are small animals that cats are capable of catching and killing. And cats don’t care if a species is endangered. Now, I’m confident that NONE of these species are threatened by cats alone. That’s not how nature works, it takes more than one factor to wipe out a species. Species like the Yellow-legged Mountain Frog are threatened by predation, disease, habitat fragmentation, and climate change (which can make diseases and parasite spread worse). A road through a wetland may not look like a big deal, but that may as well be a ocean for small amphibians and reptiles to cross.
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Not only do these animals risk getting crushed by pedestrians and vehicles, but they have no cover from predators - and predators WILL exploit these places. Keep in mind, these animals can’t always just pack up and go - they need specific resources for food, shelter, and reproduction. Some turtles will nest in the gravel of a road because it provides the best substrate for digging a nest. This includes suburban areas - where your cats are waiting. When you add exotic animal predation pressure to a species already suffering from diseases and habitat loss, well - that’s how we lost the passenger pigeon.
In conclusion, please find ways to keep your cat healthy and happy without allowing them to roam unsupervised outside. There are programs that help remove feral colonies using live animal traps, but there are others, like places in Australia, that use lethal means. I don’t like the idea of killing cats. After all - they are adorable, and it’s not they’re fault they are there. That’s purely our fault for releasing out domestic cats into delicate ecosystems. As much as I love cats, I prioritize the health of our ecosystems and environment more, and that calls for removing large feral cat colonies. A few random barn cats of course is no problem, but the thousands of cats living in suburb yards needs to be reigned in. Whether it is done with live traps or kill traps is dependent on the people. One thing is for sure - if we don’t take responsibility for our exotic invasives, we will be paying for it for a long time in the future.
American humane society
US Fish and Wildlife Services
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thebrierpatch · 5 years
“I realize there is something I have known for some time but have never said, and, since I have just spent another 4 hours of my life in climate change academia I have to get this out of my system.
Please understand that many you reading this won't live to an old age... and likely will start scrolling after one or 2 more paragraphs... (edit...Ok I was wrong on this point. This is now my 2nd most shared post of all time..(edit)...make that my most shared)
The IPCC report and Paris accord are incredibly overly optimistic and that commits the world to a target that means the death of hundreds of millions if not more.
But it is worse than that.
Even the commitments made by countries in the Paris accord don't get us to a 2 degree world.
But it is worse than that.
The 2 degree target is now unattainable (unless the entire civilization of the world doesn't do a 180 today...) and is based on geo-engineering the climate of the earth as well as the sequestering of every molecule of carbon we produced over the last number of years and every molecule we are producing today and every molecule we produce tomorrow.... these technologies that don't exist wont exist and even if they did would likely cause as many if not more problems than they fix.
But it is worse than that.
The 2 degree target of the IPCC does not factor in the feedback loops that such as the increased albedo effect caused by the 70% loss of ice in the arctic, The release of methane from a thawing arctic. (there is more energy stored in the arctic methane than there is in coal in the world). This is called the methane dragon. If the process of the release of the methane, currently frozen in the soil and ocean beds of the arctic, which has already begun, spins out of control we are looking a an 8 degree rise in temperature. (this ignores the scientists that don't see this feedback stopping and ends up resulting in the world oceans boiling off and earth becomes Venus...but I digress.
But it is worse than that
The report which give us 12 years to get our head's out of our arses underestimated the amount of heat stored in the world's oceans by 40%... so no , we don't have 12 years.
But it is worse than that.
The IPCC report ignores the effects of humans messing up the Nitrogen cycle through agricultural fertilizers and more... Don't go down this rabbit hole if you want to sleep at night.
But it is worse than that.
Sea level rise will not be gradual. Even assuming that the billions of tons of water that is currently being dumped down to the ground level of Greenland isn't creating a lubricant which eventually will allow the ice to free-flow into the northern oceans as it is only the friction to the islands surface that is currently holding the ice back coupled with the same process is happening in Antarctica but is also coupled with the disappearance of the ice shelves which act as buttresses holding the glaciers from free flowing into the southern ocean we are not looking at maintaining the 3.4mm/yr increase in sea level rise (which incidentally is terrifying when you multiply it out over decades and centuries. We will be looking at major calving events that will result in much bigger yearly increases coupled with an exponential increase in glacial melting. FYI Alberta is going to need a pipeline... just not for oil. More likely for desalinated water from tidewater...
But it is worse than that... We can no longer save the society that we live in and many of us are going to be dead long before our life expectancy would suggest.
If your idea of hope is having some slightly modified Standard of living going forward and live to ripe old age... there is no hope. This civilization is over...
... but there is hope.. There is a way for some to come through this and have an enjoyable life on the other side. Every day we delay can be measured in human lives. There will come a day of inaction when that number includes someone you love, yourself or myself.
So we have 2 options. Wake the fuck up. If we do we will only have to experience the end of our society as we know it aka...the inevitable economic collapse which is now unavoidable, but be able to save and rebuild something new on the other side. This would require a deep adaptation. Words like sustainability would need to be seen as toxic and our focus needs be on regeneration. Regeneration of soil, forest ocean etc.... This is all possible.
Option 2 is the path we are on. Think we can slowly adapt to change. This not only ensures we experience collapse but also condemns humanity to not just economic and social collapse but in a 8 degree world... extinction.
I am sick of pipeline discussions. I am sick of any argument that is predicated on the defeatist assumption that we will continue to burn oil at an ever increasing rate. Fact is if we do we are not just fucked, we are dead. I am sick of people who don't understand how their food is produced, and its effect on the climate.(both carnivores who eat feed lot meat and vegans who eat industrially-produced-mono-cropped-veggies as they are equally guilty here as the consumption of either is devastating). I am sick of the argument that our oil is less poisonous than someone else's. Firstly, no it isn't and secondly, It doesn't fucking matter. I am sick of people that can't even handle the ridiculously-small-only-the-tip-of- the-iceberg of the changes we need to accept; the carbon tax. I am sick of my own hypocrisy that allows me to still use fossil fuels for transportation. I am sick of those who use hypocrisy as an argument against action. I am sick of the Leadership of my country that argues we can have economic growth and survivable environment... we can't. I am sickened by the normalizing of the leadership of our Southern neighbour who as the most polluting nation in the world officially ignores even the tragedy that is the Paris accord. I am sick of the politicians I worked to get elected being impotent on this subject. Naheed and Greg I'm looking at you. (BTW...Druh, you are an exception) I am sick that the next image I put up of my kids, cheese, pets or bread is going to garner immeasurably more attention than a post such as this which actually has meaning... I am sick about the fact that all the information I referenced here is easily discoverable in scientific journals but will be characterized by many as hyperbolic.
I am especially sick that my future and the future of my children is dependent on the dozens of people that saw this post, said there goes Marc off the deep end again and chose to remain ignorant of the basic facts about our near future.
There is a path forward. But every day we delay the path forward includes fewer of us. Build community, build resilience, work for food security, think regeneration, plant food producing trees, think perennial food production, eat food that does not mine the soil and is locally produced, eat meat that is grass fed that is used to provide nutrients to vegetation, get to know a farmer or become one yourself, park your car, do not vote for anyone who either ignores climate change or says we can have our cake and eat it too, quit your job if it is fossil fuel related, stop buying shit, Stop buying things that are designed to break and be disposed of, let go of this society slowly and by your own volition (its better than being forced to do it quickly), rip up your lawn and plant a garden with veggies, fruit bushes, fruit trees and nut trees, learn to compost your own poop, get a smaller house on a bigger lot and regenerate that land, plant a guerrilla garden on a city road allowance, return to the multi-generational house, realize that growth has only been a thing in human civilization for 250 years and it is about to end and make preparations for this change, teach this to your children, buy only the necessities, don't buy new clothes-go to the thrift store, don't use single use plastic or if you do re-purpose it, unplug your garberator and compost everything, don't let yourself get away with the argument that the plane is going there anyway when you book a holiday, understand that there is no such thing as the new normal because next year will be worse, understand before you make the argument that we need to reduce human population ... meaning the population elsewhere... that it is not overpopulation in China or India that is causing the current problem... It is us and our lifestyle, Understand that those that are currently arguing against refugees and climate change are both increasing the effects of climate change and causing millions on climate refugees... which will be arriving on Canada's doorstep because Canada will on the whole be one of the last countries affected, understand that the densification of cities is condemning those in that density to a food-less future. Stop tolerating the middle ground on climate change. there is no middle ground on gravity, the earth is round, and we are on the verge of collapse.”
Via Marc Doll
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #169
“Ryan the Dragon, TLOT Returns”
[Doc] Mix has a baby dragon, I do too.
[NK] Oh. *Finally notices GK and freezes, staring at him
[Gk] Narrows his eyes a bit and sniffs
[Stevenson] -sees something in his innovatory it's a glitchy textured spawn for a prince dragon with the name ryan on it which makes him rush outside next to gk and try to use it but it doesn't respond- fuck!
[NK] Are dragons a normal occurrence here? *Baring his teeth at GK a bit. It's not very intimidating considering one canine's broken.
[Gk] chuckles - welcome brother, I like a brine with a little sass
[Doc] what? Oh no, we just, kinda rescue them from other seeds. -Notices the cursing Steve. - hello there, do you need a hand with something?
[NK] ... Hello then. *Calms down since Gk isn't a threat
[Stevenson] my poor baby ryan I don't know how he got here but he won't respond -is holding some kind of glitch textured white orb with a crown on top Stevenson looks like he might cry-
[Gk] So Mix was a two for one deal huh? You guys look related.
[Doc] A baby?! Is it a human spawn egg?!
[Stevenson] no he is a prince dragon.
[Mix] My brother! *points at Nk happily
*NK looks flustered at her happy pointing
[Doc] I don't get it, were you storing it in there like a pokeball?
[Gk] oh cool, I like the gem. Very stylish. - he offers a hoof - Herobrine the Griefer King, Gk for short
[Stevenson] no I don't know how he got into my inventory because he wasn't there before. I thought I lost him to the server collapse. -the corner of his eyes are watering-
[NK] Herobrine.. uh, Nether Keeper I guess. I can't remember my original title. *Shakes the hoof
[Gk] is that the one you were talking about Stevenson? - lets go- so what's your specialty Nk?
[Stevenson] yes this is ryan.
[Doc] Reaches out for the egg - let me see it please
[Stevenson] -reluctantly gives it up-
[NK] Magic, I use commands really flashily? I took care of the nether. My memory isn't as good as I'd like. I've spent who knows how long just hanging out in nothingness..
[Doc] Scans it over - you're missing a few crucial lines here, it needs some repairs before it can hatch- xe takes out hir command block and begins typing with one hand
[Stevenson] I don't know how to give him those lines. -is crying-
[Gk] I'm from the nether too, thats my natural spawn area, don't like it much though, too noisy and stinky
[Doc] I know you can't or you would have done it already, hey Gk can I have a bit of your code? Mine won't work since I'm not a natural dragon
[Gk] yeah, whatever...
[NK] Forced there, but it was livable, changes were necessary though.
[Doc] Gives Gk a sharp poke with a small needle and draws some of his blood.
[Gk] OW! You asshole!
[Gk] Hisses at Doc and turns back to Nk- like what kind of changes?
[Doc] squirts a little bit of the blood on the block and starts unraveling the strands of code and tangling them with the ones xe is writing
[Gk] Stop crying you goober. I've seen this crazy fucker bring people back from the dead. Be patient.
[Stevenson] -is trying to calm down but I failing-
[Doc] pulls out a bowl of healing paste and dumps some of it on the code before stirring it all together with hir fingers
[alexine] -comes outside and sees Stevenson crying- ok what's going on why is Stevenson crying?
[Gk] Docs working on his egg
[alexine] egg?
[Stevenson] ryan -still crying-
[alexine] oh, wait what ryan is still alive!
[Doc] Takes the little crown off the egg and starts rubbing it down with the paste.
[Gk] Hey Nk looks like you got here just in time for another little miracle, heh. You ready yet Doc? I already know what the next fucking request will be
[Doc] Checks the surface of the egg for glitches and finds it flawless- yes please.
[Gl] Leans over with a grumble and starts cleaning the surface of the egg with his overlong tongue.
[Stevenson] DON'T EAT RYAN!
[Gk] I ain't gonna eat it dumbass! - notices a bit of activity in th egg and backs off
[Doc] the egg is now rocking in hir hands and forming cracks - that's better! Here, you hold it, you said it was yours - puts the egg in Stevenson's hands
[Stevenson] -takes the egg-
-liquid is coming out of the egg-
[Stevenson] why is it wet!
[ryan] -hatches almost explosively because he was suppose to be like a spawn egg he is several times bigger then the egg-
[Doc] Yeah that didn't look comfortable... But normally dragons do have a good deal of amniotic fluid in their eggs
[ryan] -is a gold and white dragon with three heads and six wings each head had one red eye and one blue he sees he is in stevenson's arms and cuddles closer to him making happy trills-
[Stevenson] -hugs ryan crying happy tears- ryan I am so glad you okay.
[Doc] picks up the teeny crown they removed from the egg and puts it on the middle head.- who's a cute little baby huh?
[ryan] -is confused at the crown because it never had before the other two heads take it off and all three start noming on it-
[alexine] well it's good to see ryan again Stevenson is going to protect him with his life like normal
[Gk] He better... Or I'll pitch his ass in the bay...
[Doc] heh, what do you think of that Nk? This is my brine specialty as Gk put it. I fix things.
[ryan] -decides to put the crown on Stevenson's head so now he is wearing he squeaking and seems pleased with himself-
[Gk] does it have three independent brains?
[NK] It's interesting. So far everything has been.. pretty unusual.
[Stevenson] no because ryan has reverted back to being a baby but when he got older though the head move independently they all spoke as one
[alexine] yea Stevenson taught ryan how to speak.
[Doc] This place is a sanctuary Nk, everyone is from someplace else. Usually someplace much more dangerous.
[NK] I... see. It's a lot to take in..
[Mix] You can stay with me if you want, or Doc, if they'll let you.
{NK] uh..
[Doc] it's okay Nk, my castle is big enough to get lost in. I take in new people all the time, the spawn is rather rough at night since we've been here a long time so it's easier to just shelter new people myself until they can build their own places.- turns to the Alex and slightly soggy Steve- that offer stands for you two as well
[Doc] oh, and the baby of course, more little dragons are always welcome.
[Stevenson] -is too busy with ryan to respond-
[alexine] we won't be there long as soon as we have the supplies we will start heading out.
[Doc] Heading out where? Do you guys plan on roughing it? Or do you actually want off the server?
[alexine] more to build a place farther away
[Doc] shrugs- okay, just FYI though, the village near the spawn is the biggest one on the seed if you want to trade with the Testificates. Apart from that you only have a little more then a days walk before hitting totally untamed wilderness.
[alexine] untamed wilderness seems good to me.
[Doc] Me too, that's why it's like that, take what you need but replant where you chop and no strip mining. Be kind to the seed and it will always provide.
[Gk] Hippie
[Doc] How can I not be? You cynical beast. It saw me dying of heartbreak and gave me a loving mate.
[Gk] is rolling his eyes but it's hard to tell
[alexine] we tended to stick to caves because of the constant changing environment made cave always plentiful and we would rather not get lost in long tunnels
[Gk] As if reciting from memory - torches on the right always, even I know that shit. Just from stalking Steffan.
[Doc] Besides, it might be a good idea to stay close until Ryan is bigger. We've got several adult dragons if you need advice or babysitting.
[alexine] ryan is a little smart then you would think.
[Doc] I didn't say he was dumb, but he is small, and could get lost or hurt.
[alexine] -looks like she might laugh- I guess you never seen the crazy craft mod this server is like a padded world compared to crazy craft
[Doc] No, I have not, but the 'padding'as you say of the server is also intentional. We have tons of baby animals, pokemon and small children. Some Herobrine's like to fight so I keep the pvp turned off too. I can't risk anyone with a glitch damaging the server itself. The firewall has a ton of extra redundancies as well to keep the NOTCH's out.
[alexine] I say padded because most thing in that mod do more damage then an enderdragon.
[Doc] is a bit flabbergasted- Why would anyone install that....?
[alexine] a challenge there are powerful weapons and armor you can get
[NK] I'd like to look around a bit, is Doc's home close?
[Gk] About three chunks but there's a lit path most of the way.
[Doc] I... I've had enough challenges just trying to survive out there... I'm heading home. Anyone who wants to follow me can.
[Mix] I'm coming, I gotta make sure Liz hasn't eaten Deer's hand or something. Little troublemaker...
[Doc] I'm sure she's fine. She's tougher then she looks.
[Mix] Of course she is! Liz  is just a very determined bab.
[Doc] I'm amazed by how fast she's learned to talk
[Mix] So was I. Sky says Liz is pretty fast, even compared to dragons on his seed.
[ryan] -sees a spider trying to sneak up behind Stevenson and a large amount of fire balls come out of all three head right at the spider killing it in a second-
[Doc] Whoah, okay, time out! One more thing! My house has a few skeletons that father Steve considers his brothers, and a tame creeper that's not capable of exploding. If you hurt them, he'll cry, a lot. If you see a mob in a sweater leave it alone. They won't attack you anyway.
[Stevenson] hear that ryan mobs with sweaters are friends -ryan nods in understanding-
[Doc] Good. There's also one friendly Endermen with crossed eyes, he'll probably think you're adorable and try to hug you. He's also harmless
[Stevenson] isn't that the one in the bar right now?
[Gk] Who was walking quietly with them -Yeah, he's a doof. Can't tell a brine from a steve.
[Stevenson] anyone else?
[Doc] Mobs...? Sam the bartender. There's a wither skeleton that roams around free with just a shirt, his name is W. I think that's all.
[Gk] There's Sky, but he doesn't look like a normal enderman. Oh and the super tiny endermen that hang out with Gem. But they're rarely without an adult for supervision.
[Stevenson] did you get all that ryan? -he shakes his heads yes-
[Gk] Ohhh, I smell something good... - he trots across the little bridge ahead of them and around the side of a small house, wagging the tip of his tail like an excited cat.
-Theres a sound of someone giving a little laugh of suprise-
[Stevenson and alexine] -sit down on the grass to rest they  are playing with ryan quietly-
[Sweet Alex] Comes outside with a bowl of cookies and tosses one in the air
[Gk] snaps it at the top of it's arc and munches happily.
[Sweet Alex] Oh! You brought friends to! -
[Doc] Yeah, lots of new arrivals - xe's cut off as Alex thrusts the bowl in hir hands and races back into the house for the tea tray.
[Sweet Alex] Throws down a few wood blocks and lays out more tea and cookies.
[Gk] Settles down with a sigh and there's a sound of gentle rumbling not unlike a purr.
[Doc] Sniffs the bowl in hir hands- Oh! Did you go visiting?
[Sweet Alex] Yep, I traded with Mousse and Squrl for some of the dark touchie syrup.
[Doc] Oh, the mousselasses. Yeah, that's good stuff. Well come on, anyone who wants some. No need to stand on ceremony.
*Mix sits down and NK does too after a few moments
[Doc] Guys, this is Sweet Alex, if you need anything that smells or tastes nice, she's the one to ask. She can also speak glitch if someone is badly hurt or errored and needs to communicate.
[Gk] Slightly grumbly- She also makes kigirumis for anyone who's cold and feels like looking like a cute animal
[NK] What is a.. kigirumi?
[Sweet Alex] It's a one piece jumper with an animal design. Usually with a teeny tail or wings depending on the critter and a face on the hood.
[Doc] She's just as good at sewing as I am.
[NK] Oh. Sounds.. Interesting.
[Stevenson and alexine] -they join the group. Stevenson is holding ryan as he looks at everything on the table-
[Lie] There's the sound of a teleport and the end of a sneeze as Lie lands in the yard in front of Sweet Alex's place-
[Sweet Alex] And you have a baby dragon! So cute! Oh, hey Lie! Something set off your allergies?
[Lie] - No...  I think that was just a sneeze...
[Doc] Lie! I think you forgot something on TLOT and Steve's seed.
[Lie] - What do you mean?
[Doc] Um.... giant lust flower?
[Lie] Faces pales a little- Fuck...
[Doc] Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I hope the villagers are smart enough to stay away from it.
[Lie] - Maybe...  We should go take care of that?
[Doc] Actually no. It's not fair to go back without offering to take TLOT and Steve with us.
[Lie] - Right...  So maybe we should let them know what happened?
[Doc] Well I was getting to it. I found a new brine, and I was going to show, them and Alexine and Stevenson the castle. Since they'll likely be staying with me for a bit. This is Nk ,and the bitty dragon is Ryan.
[Lie] - Hello!  I'm Lie
[NK] Hello. *Raises hand a bit in a wave
[Lie] - So who are you in relation to?
[Gk] Takes another cookie as if he's stealing it.
[NK] Mi-
[Mix] Me! *Happy grin
[Lie] - Oh Mix!  That's wonderful!
[Doc] Is just having some tea.
[Mix] It's not the whole family yet, but it's better than nothing
[Lie] - Well I wish you luck in finding the rest
[Doc] Wait, Mix, you said something about a NOTCH, did you not mean Firebird?
[Mix] No, he's not mine. Not.. Like, familial.
[Doc] Then what's the deal? Did you guys adopt him into your group from another seed or something?
[Lie] Sits close to Sweet Alex to listen to Mix's response-
[Aweet Alex] Offers Lie a cup of tea.
[Lie] - What kind is it?
[Mix] Firebird's basically adopted. Last seed. Or was it the one before... He can't rightly defend himself so he just sort of tags along. He's useful in his own way though. It's Flowey who's a nuisance, really.
[Sweet Alex] Darjeeling
[Doc] Kinda like all the ones we picked up in the sub seed. That's very kind of you Mix.
[Lie] - Ah, no thank you then.  Do you have any more oils you'd like me to change into flowers?
[Mix] It's how we got little Benny too. Followed us all the way across a seed. Like, all over the place. Sky insisted we bring him with after.
[Sweet Alex] Not at the moment, but thank you for asking.
[Doc] He's bright for a chicken.
[Lie] - Just let me know when you want me to come over to make more
[Mix] Yeah, he is.
[Doc] I think I'm just going to call them... - starts typing in the chat. And then exclaims - Oh! You already know? It's wonderful isn't it!
[Lie] Gives Doc a curious look-
[TLOT] Suddenly appears in their midst with Steve on his back. He's near running in place he's so happy.
[Lie] - TLOT, hey
*NK leans back a bit as they appear
[TLOT] Lie! - He rushes her and hugs her, spinning her around.
[Steve] practically tackles Doc and hugs them as well
[Doc] Ooof!
[Lie] Squeaks a little as she's hugged-
[TLOT] Lets her down, it's obvious he's been crying- Thank you Lie... We couldn't wish for better friends.
[Doc] Air please-
[Steve] Oh, right. - Eases up a bit and then releases Doc.
[Lie] - Who told you?
[TLOT] Cp! I'm shocked he wasn't exstactic since he got to kill a NOTCH.
[Lie] - Er, that may be my fault...  I kinda yelled at him as soon as we got home...
[TLOT] Why?
[Doc] He ditched me. Tped the whole group and left me behind to walk back alone. Assbag.
[Lie] - His excuse was that it was good training for Doc
[Doc] Suuuure.
[Lie] - In a way I think he was genuine about that though.  I think he wants to make certain you can get back, he just doesn't know how to teach it very well...  Or that's how he was taught
[Doc] Still hurt my feelings...
[Lie] - I know I know
[CP] Comes down the path on his way home- OHFOR FUCKS SAKE CAN'T I JUST GET AWAY FROM SOME OF YOU FUCKERS!?
[Sweet Alex] waves cheerfully - Hello Cp!
[Gk] What the hell did I do? I haven't seen you for a few days.
[CP] - Not you GK
[TLOT] Cp! Gonna refrain from hugging you again even though I want to.
[CP] Growls a little-
[TLOT] Be nice, we have new arrivals after all. Even a new brother brine. - gestures to the group
[CP] Groans-
[Doc] Oh get over it Cp.
[Lie] Motions CP towards her and he complies-
[Doc] Thank you for fixing the thingie detector Cp. It led us right to the Nether Keeper here.
[CP] - Don't care
[TLOT] So Nk?
[Doc] Yep
[TLOT] Sticks out a hand- I'm Herobrine the Lord of Tears, TLOT for short. And this is my husband Steve.
[Steve] Smiles sweetly.
[NK] Nice to meet you. *Shakes the hand
[CP] Sits next to his wife and pulls her into his lap-
[TLOT] So you hanging with us for a while or headed down to the house under the waves?
[NK] Hanging out
[TLOT] Cool! Can't wait to show you around.
[Doc] Hey guys.... Lie kinda left a giant lust pod next to Kore so we need to go and get it. Do you want to come with us now that it's safe?
[CP] - Do we really have to go back there now?
[TLOT] Is silent for a long moment and then yells far too loud - HELL YEAH I FUCKING DO!
[Steve] I'm in.
[Mix] Can I come? While I'm out it'd be nice. I'm sure Deer can handle Liz a bit longer..
[Doc] Certainly, and Lie, we kinda need you since it's your plant.
[Lie] - Yeah, I know
[TLOT] Hey Gk, you wanna go? You might get to scare the fuck out of some people.
[Gk] Grins- You had me at scare.
[NK] I... think I'll come too.
[Doc] I think you need an impressive mount for this, old friend. - Xe steps back and transforms. Hir big paws thudding hard on the dirtblocks.
[CP] Grumbles and holds Lie a bit closer to himself-
[TLOT] Climbs onto Doc's back and pulls Steve up behind him.
[Gk] Trots over to Mix and Nk, before kneeling a bit - Come on, get on, I think we're going in from the sky. You too Lie, I think someone is planning on being rather loud.
[Lie] Come on CP, let go
[CP] - Nope...
*Mix climbs on and NK does as well
[Mix] This'll be fun
[Lie] With a sigh decides to take the easy route and flicks the collar onto her husband, moving quickly so she doesn't squish him.  She reaches down and picks him and his clothes up before climbing onto GK- This way you can't leave anyone behind again
[Gk] She's got you there Cp.
[Doc] You guys behave, we'll be back shortly. - Xe yells into the chat - I'm off again darling, but I'll be home soon!
[Doc] Makes a hole in the firewall and zooms through
[Gk] Is startled and has to run to keep up.
[Doc] Now knows the way and goes straight for the server, it's moved much closer because of the still running PC in hir inventory.
[Doc] Practically bashes a hole into the other place and bursts out of the void and into the sunlight. Gk is hot on hir heels.
-As they pass into TLOT and Steve's home the gaudy brine's power swells out in ripples, he no longer has to hide and his seed welcomes him with everything he'd lost being away returned tenfold. He howls in exhulation, and it seems to shake the air that's rushing around them.
[Steve] Follows his lovers primal scream with a happy cry of his own
[Lie] Feels TLOT's power rush over her-
[CP] Shudders a little-
-There's a second wave of power from below them as they fly out over the city, too fast to see what's happening underneath, it fills every corner of TLOT's being and he climbs atop Doc's head, balancing himself like a surfer on hir snout.
- The shouts below them rise up in a roar.
[Steve] Looks down and his eyes go incredibly wide
[Doc] Can't look down because TLOT will fall off.
[Gk] Why the fuck is everyone naked?
[Lie] Starts blushing very hard- WHY!?
[CP] Hisses-
[Doc] Lands on a roof top and levels out hir head so TLOT can talk to them.
[TLOT] This world belongs to me now.
-There's a lot of cheering but the Testificates seem a bit exhausted.
[Gk] Lands as well. - Uh, why the fuck are you guys naked, it's not that hot in the desert, is it?
[Lie] Has her eyes shut-
[Someone wearing a priests robe tied at the waist.] They found the flowers near the ruins! They passed the word along to us! A sign!
[Testificate fem] And then the battle in the desert!
[Yonger Testificate] We touched the giant flower and felt your heat! Spread the love everywhere!
[Lie] Squeaks-
[Older dude] We had an orgy!
[TLOT] Is just staring with his mouth open.
[Steve] I bet that was fun.
[Mix] Kind of regret my decision..
[Lie] - GK...  Please take me over to the pod so I can destroy it...
[Testificate mal] We love the plant you left us! We've been watering it for you.
-The pod senses Lie's closeness and shifts, diving under the sands-
[TLOT] Okaaay. -Mentally to Lie - maybe we should just leave it-
[Lie] Mentally back- Are you sure they won't kill themselves by fucking so much?
[Doc] Loud thought- at least they seem to have loosened up
[TLOT] Nah. They're Testificates. They're a hardy bunch.
-The pod erupts out of the ground nearby and hovers over the group of brines-
[Testificates] Shout and point and move back a little so it doesn't drool on them
[Doc] I could make a spawn block from the nectar? Make a fountain for their temple?
[Lie] Groans- GK, ground please
[CP] Mentally at TLOT to tell Doc- Do you want to get near that Nether liquid?
[Gk] Sure, He hops down and cants a wing so Lie can slide down it.
[Doc] You guys are so loud, I can hear you you know.
[Lie] Slides off and the pod follows her- Easy now, come here- She watches as the pod lowers itself and nudges against her
[Doc] I'm all over it. - Xe Hops down to the ground and lets the lovers off hir back before sticking hir paws out in front of hir. The purple coloration on them bleeds over hir claws and becomes a rather large pair of hir normal rubber gloves. Xe pulls out a bucket.
[TLOT] Is standing in the crowd, they seem determined to touch his cloak, and Steve is getting a subdued version of the same treatment.
[Lie] Glances at Doc before stroking the plant, encouraging it to open it's pod.  There's a slight ripping sound as it does so, it's thorny teeth shimmering with liquid-
[TLOT] Give me a little space guys, I'm gonna make you something.
[Doc] Clicks into the mouth with the bucket and it ends up full of the shiny black liquid.
[Lie] Smiles and then yelps as the plant tilts it's head and forgets to close it's pod when it does so, about half of her is covered in nectar-
[CP] Looks very unhappy on GK's back-
[TLOT] Puts his hands on the ground and the blocks in the plaza begin to flip and lift. They form a golden ring and raise up a pillar in the center.
[Doc] carries the bucket as if it may at any moment explode and clicks on the pillar with it and down in the basin. The fountain fills with the liquid and there are gasps from all around.
[Lie] - TLOOOOOOT...
[TLOT] Now show a little restraint my people! Make sure you rest in between lovemaking and drink lots of water. Use proper lube and aftercare, and don't neglect your partners feelings!
[Lie] Looks at the pod- You've done your job well...
[Testificates] Cheering and promises all around.
[Steve] Now you guys should really put a little bit of clothing on. You're gonna get all sunburned.
-Few random yells - Yes Father Steve!
-There's a general milling about and Doc looks at Lie with more then a little concern.
[Doc] Um Lie? Are you okay?
[Lie] Turning a bit red- I don't know...
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entergamingxp · 4 years
DualShockers’ Favorite Games of 2019 — Rachael’s Top 10
December 31, 2019 4:00 PM EST
There were plenty of games of 2019 that I enjoyed immensely, but if I had to pick just 10, here were my favorites of the year.
As 2019 comes to a close, DualShockers and our staff are reflecting on this year’s batch of games and what were their personal highlights within the last year. Unlike the official Game of the Year 2019 awards for DualShockers, there are little-to-no-rules on our individual Top 10 posts. For instance, any game — not just 2019 releases — can be considered.
Here we are again at the end of another great gaming year. Even though we didn’t see as many huge titles like Red Dead Redemption 2, Marvel’s Spider-Man, or God of War as seen in 2018, my year has been packed full of some amazing titles regardless. Thankfully, I didn’t have to solely rely on AAA games to have a great gaming experience, as this year we saw many fantastic indies that included Untitled Goose Game, Outer Wilds, Lost Ember, My Friend Pedro, to name a few. This only goes to prove how far independent studios have come along, and how they have firmly made their mark within the gaming industry.
As a gamer, I’m very open to what I will play – which is probably a good thing in this business. As you’ll tell from my diverse list, I’m not afraid to jump into whatever piques my interest. That may be from the adorable and cutesy, to the dark and twisted underbelly of the video games universe. As much as I love experiencing all areas of gaming, there’s one factor that always calls me home, and that’s immersive storytelling. I don’t think there’s a feeling in the world like sitting back and getting completely lost within a world interwoven in an amazingly captivating narrative. Since the start of time, humans have used storytelling as a way to connect to others, to bring people closer together and how the world is right now, there couldn’t be a more apt time to continue this tradition in the games we play.
As we slide into 2020, I’m excited to uncover what’s in store for me – especially with my most anticipated game mere months away, The Last of Us Part II. But until then, allow me to share with you what has been my Top 10 games of 2019. Let me tell you, it wasn’t easy to narrow it down to just 10!
10. Sayonara Wild Hearts
Sayonara Wild Hearts is a beautifully crafted piece of kit. It oozes bags of appeal and a refreshing, upbeat soundtrack that accompanied the game’s style perfectly. Other than its eye-popping visuals, the underlying story of heartbreak made this short, heart-pumping title really stand out.
I played it all in one go from start to finish and since then, I’ve been recommending gamers to give this unique and worthwhile title a try. On a side note: Queen Latifah’s voice is the epitome of ASMR.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Sayonara Wild Hearts.
9. Divinity: Original Sin II
Unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to play this game when it first released back in 2017 but when I saw that it was releasing on the Nintendo Switch, I knew that I had to play it. Divinity: Original Sin II is acclaimed to be one of the best western-style RPGs ever made, with stellar writing, voice acting, and brilliantly crafted tactical combat, and I couldn’t agree more.
The Switch’s small screen in handheld mode is perfect to get up close and personal with the bucket loads of action and endless, compelling dialogue. Divinity: Original Sin II’s emotion-wrought fantasy world really does make it one of the finest RPG games of recent years.
Check out DualShockers‘ review forDivinity: Original Sin II on Nintendo Switch.
8. Mosaic
Over the past few years, I’ve seen a rise in talking about mental health in video games. I love that we are now more open and free to discuss these issues that affect so many of us, and that developers are willing to take this on and adapt it to their games.
Mosaic offers a painstakingly realistic look under the heavy covers of depression and burnout in the workplace. I applaud that Krillbite Studio made no apologizes as they dove head-on in tackling these difficult subjects in Mosaic. Its cruelly dark and, at times, hard to play because of how authentic the main character plays out his troubles. But this is, in my opinion, when you know you’ve made a great game; when the player feels what you’re portraying.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Mosaic (by me!).
7. Planet Zoo
When it comes to management sims, I tend to get a little overwhelmed with how much you have to do. You almost have to divide yourself into a million pieces to just stay afloat, but thankfully Planet Zoo offered much more manageable gameplay that I thoroughly enjoyed.
With its plentiful tutorials and smart UI, I spent hours taking care of all the zoo’s creatures, and who doesn’t want to care for a baby lion cub? Frontier Developments also tackled important educational and conservation topics throughout, which gave me bags of insight into each species. If you’re looking for a management sim that won’t take hours just to know what you’re supposed to be doing or kill every brain cell due to an overload of tasks, Planet Zoo may be the one for you.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Planet Zoo by me, again.
6. My Friend Pedro
My Friend Pedro made me feel like I was actually really good at games. It made me feel like Neo from The Matrix with its slow-motion gunplay and super crazy stunts that offered one hell of an adrenaline-filled ride.
From barrel riding to swinging off chains to achieve the ultimate stunt-shot, My Friend Pedro provided me hours of entertainment. I was a bad-ass ninja on a skateboard with a talking banana; what’s not to love?
Check out DualShockers’ review for My Friend Pedro.
5. Life is Strange 2
This tale of brotherly love between Sean and Daniel Diaz begins as they try and flee America to start a new life in Mexico, and it hooked me from the get-go. Sure, it was a little slow in the beginning but it soon picked up steam and turned into a goldmine of storytelling.
What I appreciated most about Life is Strange 2 is how deeply it resonated with me in how well it addressed a lot of the current political and social issues we see in America today. Dontnod Entertainment obviously went to great lengths to make the player feel and care about what happened to these brothers, and for that, they have my respect. I’m really looking forward to knowing more about their next game, Tell Me Why – my guess is that it will be another emotionally hard-hitting adventure, and I’m totally here for that.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for the first episode of Life is Strange 2.
4. Concrete Genie
What can I say about this wholesome and charming game? I feel like it would be better to take my heart out and let it tell you, because that’s where I’ve stored everything that has touched me from this beautiful title. Concrete Genie throws you into the shoes of Ash, a young sensitive boy you loves to paint. When his town gets consumed by a dark, negative force coupled with some bullies set to make his life harder, Ash goes on an adventure where he meets the most adorable genies and together, they right so many wrongs.
Just before playing this game, I was going through a rough patch in life, so jumping into this adorably endearing title made that period much more bearable – I honestly couldn’t stop smiling throughout my entire time playing it. If you’re looking for something that will lift your spirits throughout these winter months, consider Concrete Genie. I dare you not to fall in love with Luna.
3. Luigi’s Mansion 3
I sometimes tend to lean towards games that are pretty dark and sinister, but as you can start to tell from this list – I’m trying to change that. In freshening up my game playing habits more, I found myself wanting to give Luigi’s Mansion 3 on the Nintendo Switch a shot and boy, am I thankful that I gave this game a chance.
There’s so much to love in the third installment of the adventure series that lets Mario’s chicken-livered twin Luigi take control. The graphics in Luigi’s Mansion 3 are a kaleidoscope of beauty that pops straight from the beginning, and in my opinion, the best graphics currently on the Nintendo Switch. Coupled with impressive animation, fun levels, and acute attention to detail, this game was an absolute pleasure to play. I honestly have never had so much fun hoovering in all my life – just ask Chrissy Teigen.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Luigi’s Mansion 3.
2. A Plague Tale: Innocence
In case you didn’t know this about me, I love games where I must fight to stay alive, so here I am again getting sucked into a world where I have to go head-to-head with forces that wants me dead – sounds charming doesn’t it? This time I’m running from rats in this deeply somber tale of the evil that scurries in the dark, and it’s not just the rats, FYI.
What I loved most about A Plague Tale is the narrative between the two siblings, Amicia and Hugo de Rune, who are thrown into a dangerous world where all they have are each other to rely on. Amicia, who constantly has to reassure her little brother Hugo, and Hugo constantly asking a barrage of questions is so life-like that you almost forget you’re playing a video game due to how well Asobo Studio cultivated the relationship between them both. A Plague Tale: Innocence will propel you into a broken and terrifying world, but also remind you that beneath the cruelty of its environment, a deeply set unconditional love story between a brother and sister waits to be uncovered.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for A Plague Tale: Innocence by yours truly.
1. Days Gone
From its very first reveal at Sony’s E3 2016 panel, Days Gone had me hook, line and sinker. As I’ve already stated, there’s something immediately appealing to me about apocalyptic survival games, (hello, The Last of Us). Whether it’s a metaphor from my own internal struggles, I’m not sure, but what I do know is that trying to stay alive in a world that wants to swallow you whole captivates me on a whole other level.
Days Gone has a meaningful and varied narrative with just the right amount of pain, hope, and unexpected surprises to keep you glued to your seat the entire ride. Bend Studio crafted something personal and unique to them where they invited players to enter this world with an open heart and a little patience, where only then would your gaming experience really pay off in this stellar title.
The story is rich and meaty with a wide array of diverse characters you meet on your journey around Oregon’s beautiful landscapes, with countless areas you can interact with and explore. I’ve even found myself mindlessly riding my drifter bike for hours from one end of the map to the other, merely to soak in the scenery – the lakes, mountains, and forests are breathtakingly beautiful that I’ve already filled up a lot of space on my PS4 with the games built-in photo mode. Hats off to Bend Studio on this epic adventure; I can’t wait to experience what’s next from the studio.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Days Gone by – yep you’ve guessed it.
Before you leave, I’d like to share some Honorable Mentions that didn’t quite make my top 10:
Untitled Goose Game – What a cute little asshole.
Disco Elysium – I haven’t yet finished this game but so far, I’m finding it really enjoyable with a cracking narrative.
Hearthstone – I finally dove into this online digital collectible card game at the start of 2019 and in my opinion, it’s the best card game out there.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer: this is where I go to release some pent up frustration. There’s nothing quite like finding unique ways to kill strangers online.
Death Stranding – I’m still peeing and pooping my way around this strange world. It may or may not fall into my Top 10 in 2020, but as of right now, it’s unsettling and addictive for reasons that are beyond my comprehension at present.
Check out the rest of the DualShockers staff Top 10 lists and our official Game of the Year Awards:
December 23: DualShockers Game of the Year Awards 2019 December 25: Lou Contaldi, Editor-in-Chief // Logan Moore, Managing Editor December 26: Tomas Franzese, News Editor // Ryan Meitzler, Features Editor  December 27: Mike Long, Community Manager // Scott White, Staff Writer December 28: Chris Compendio, Contributor // Mario Rivera, Video Manager // Kris Cornelisse, Staff Writer December 29: Scott Meaney, Community Director // Allisa James, Senior Staff Writer // Ben Bayliss, Senior Staff Writer December 30: Cameron Hawkins, Staff Writer // David Gill, Senior Staff Writer // Portia Lightfoot, Contributor December 31: Iyane Agossah, Senior Staff Writer // Michael Ruiz, Senior Staff Writer // Rachael Fiddis, Contributor January 1: Ricky Frech, Senior Staff Writer // Tanner Pierce, Staff Writer
December 31, 2019 4:00 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2019/12/dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-rachaels-top-10/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-rachaels-top-10
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bunkerbooks · 7 years
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I frequent boards such as Goodreads' What's the Name of That Book and click on books that might fit the Bunker Books theme, partially to get new ideas on what to read, and partially because I've read so many of them that I might know the answer. Out There by Adrien Stoutenburg gets suggested sometimes because it takes place in a domed city, but it looks like no one has written a detailed synopsis or review of it on any of the sites I check. So I did it. I got the book through interlibrary loan (it's not a common book), read it, and here you go! Now if you're wondering if this is your book, it'll be easier to find out. Because I want as many details as possible of this book online, this review contains spoilers. 
Zebrina "Aunt Zeb" is an elderly Ms. Frizzle-type who hosts a nature club in her attic for the neighborhood kids. The goal of this club is to pass down knowledge and appreciation of nature and wildlife to the younger generation, because it mostly no longer exists. You see, Zeb and her young friends live in New City, a domed city shut off from the polluted surrounding areas. Her late husband had been a big game hunter, and he and his ilk, as well as the rest of the human race, had abused and polluted the natural world so that creating this domed city was necessary for humans to survive. There are some pets left, and animals raised for food, but not much wildlife, not even pests like spiders. Occasionally you'll see a bird. But other than that, it's just freeways and casinos and other unwholesome things. Zeb's crew of nature scouts includes: Patrick, who's a take-charge sort Lester, who has a philosophical/religious bent Fay, whose one characteristic is being fat Sylvie, a rich girly-girl and Celeste, aka Knobs, who is being raised by Zeb after her gambling-addicted parents abandoned her clinging to a freeway fence, inches from cars speeding by. Knobs is called that because she has some developmental disabilities, probably due to her traumatic abandonment. She compulsively fidgets with a set of jacks she's had since before the trauma. Zeb takes good care of her, but she doesn't really click with the other kids. It's never explicitly said how old these kids are. Patrick and Lester apparently know how to drive, although driving laws may be more lax in this society. Anyway, at the suggestion of one of the kids, Zeb takes them on a semi-ill advised camping excursion outside the dome in hopes of seeing some wildlife: squirrels, bugs, anything. It's legal to go outside the dome (Fay even lives just outside the dome because her family can't afford a house in the dome), just not recommended because it may not be healthy. Regular people aren't kept informed on how bad it is out there, because it is mostly irrelevant to their lives. So Zeb and the crew are banking on nature having recovered a bit since humans started leaving it alone. Zeb loads up her station wagon with the kids, air mattresses, some food and water, and other supplies, including a gun for emergencies - there are rumors that packs of wild dogs roam the wilderness. They drive until the road is no longer passable for a car, and then start hiking. They should only be gone for 5 days or less. Well, some stuff happens to them. First of all, Lester wanders off by himself while the others are setting up camp, and when he encounters a wild dog, he becomes so excited and frightened that he drops and breaks their only compass. Zeb, who has the patience of a saint apparently, tries to not get mad and comes up with some alternative ways for them to figure out where they are and where the car is. But while they are trying to get to another campsite, they encounter Josh, a wild man who abandoned his dismal life being trained for manual labor on the moon to take his chances living off the land. Knowing that if he is caught poaching wild deer he will go to prison, he aims a gun at Zeb and the kids. Lester, however, who is now in charge of the gun, beats him to it. He shoots the man in the leg. While he isn't killed, he won't survive long without medical help. Plus, shooting a man, even in self-defense, wreaks havoc with Lester's personal moral code. Complicating things, some huge aircraft from a nearby military test site fly low over their campsite, scattering their remaining belongings, food and water, making it impossible for them to keep going. The man allows them to carry him back to where he's staying, an abandoned lodge/motel that must have catered to hikers and outdoorsy types when the area was still hospitable to life. There are some supplies there for them to use, and the area is rich with the kind of wildlife they hoped to see, and unspoiled enough that they can fish and gather vegetation to survive. Luckily, before they left, Zeb informed Steve, a now-grown nature squad graduate who lives next door to her, where they were headed and to send help if they don't return by a certain day. After a few days, Steve and his wealthy friend who owns some type of futuristic helicopter are able to spot their signal fires and pick them up. Zeb is distrustful of this wealthy guy who seems bent on walking back the small steps nature has made to recover - for instance, he wants to bring back the commercial deep-sea fishing that devastated the oceans. So she lies to him and says that they have barely seen any wildlife and that they don't feel the fish they caught were safe to eat - and hopes he believes it. Even with all the dangerous situations they got into and a member of nature squad shooting a human being, the trip was still a success on a certain level. They saw a lot more wildlife then they imagined in their wildest dreams. They could feel optimistic about the environment's ability to recover, although less so about humanity's ability to learn from their mistakes and respect it this time around. They all return home from their trip profoundly changed by their experience. Josh gets the medical attention he needs and comes home with Zeb, who is always a sucker for a stray. And who knows what they will do after this? I can't say I know exactly what age group this was written for, kids or teens, but 1971 was pre-YA literature being its own thing, so it doesn't really matter. I'd say it's good for kids 10 and up. While it could have used more time spent on the kids' characterization, I feel that this little-known book is a hidden gem. It didn't take the direction I thought it would at all - both Knobs' dark backstory and the results of their camping trip were much more serious than I expected. These people were in actual danger which made it a suspenseful read at times. Some smart Hollywood screenwriter should snatch this up for cheap and make it into a movie because it has a great plot arc and could be on par with Hunger Games-type dystopian stuff. FYI - I really liked the Hunger Games books and movies, and I think Out There is a cut above Divergent and the other imitators. It's even timely considering how the current administration wants to get rid of the EPA and other things that would cause us to die.
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