#fuuta's ranking
haruharudiary · 1 year
Fūta’s ranking #6
𝘓𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘧𝘪𝘦𝘶𝘹 𝘲𝘶𝘪 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘹 𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘱𝘭𝘶𝘴 𝘯𝘶𝘭𝘴
by Fūta
#1 Reborn : Il ne fait pas de cadeaux. Jamais. C'est lui qui les reçoit. #2 Lambo : Si la mama Sawada a assez de cœur pour lui dire merci et pour être touchée par ses cadeaux pourris, ce ne sera peut-être pas le cas de tout le monde. Des colliers de nouille mal peints, des dessins moches et des sculptures en pâte à sel à moitié mangées... bref, rien de bien agréable à recevoir pour noël.
#3 Iemitsu : En parlant de cadeau à moitié mangé, on retrouve le père de Tsuna qui offre seulement des cadeaux à sa femme (et qui oublie son fils) et en plus la boîte de chocolats bon marché est entamée.
#4 Tsuna : Dans le genre cadeau à la dernière minute sous la menace de Reborn en étant obligé de traîner Lambo et I-pin avec lui au centre commercial, on ne peut pas dire que ce soit le meilleur pour vous ravir au moment des fêtes.
#5 Bianchi : On aurait pu la mettre plus haut dans le classement... mais il faut reconnaître qu'elle y met du cœur. C'est juste que ses cadeaux sont un poil dangereux à consommer, voire même à toucher...
#6 Levi : Tout le monde sait déjà que le gardien de la foudre de la Varia en pince pour son boss, mais vous imaginez un peu le genre de conneries claquées au sol qu'il peut lui offrir ?
#7 Dino : Ce n'est pas tant le contenu du cadeau le problème... mais plutôt l'état dans lequel il arrive. Généralement cassé, abîmé par la maladresse bien connu du parrain des Cavallone lorsque ses hommes ne sont pas dans les parages.
#8 Belphegor : Lui, il vole les cadeaux des autres. Surtout ceux de Fran.
#9 Ryohei : Généralement, ses cadeaux sont un peu trop... extrêmes.
#10 Yamamoto : On dit souvent que c'est l'intention qui compte. C'est tout.
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snakes-and-fluff · 4 months
Whenever I try to make a Milgram song ranking I agonize over my placements for way too long, so instead I'm making a list of which prisoner's song I prefer for each one (main trial songs only... for now) ((this is ranking them primarily on the songs themselves, not taking MVs into account))
Haruka: It's a very, very close call and it's flip-flopped for a while but my final decision is Weakness. All-Knowing and All-Agony is also very good though.
Yuno: Umbilical. I don't even like Umbilical but Tear Drop is just so boring to me that it wins more or less by default.
Fuuta: Backdraft. Though Bring It On has grown on me a lot more recently, it can't beat the certified banger that is Backdraft.
Muu: It's Not My Fault. To be honest I'm not super attached to either, but I do prefer it to After Pain by a significant margin (even though After Pain was the first Milgram song I saw).
Shidou: So, funny story: Throw Down remains the only Milgram song I fully zoned out of on my first watch. As such Triage would take it by default, but even on its own it stands up pretty well.
Mahiru: I Love You, mostly because I'm still so surprised by her rap but she really sells it well! I do like TIHTBILWY, but I find it gets a little repetitive.
Kazui: I know a lot of people put half really low down on rankings for being too slow but I really love it - one of my favs of Trial 1! With all that being said, Cat still takes it here, being the pure bop that it is.
Amane - Magic. I don't like The Purge March opening with spoken verse (while I do understand and respect the decision, I don't like how it sounds as a full song with that) and while I do like its ending it's just not that good to listen to for me.
Mikoto: MeMe. Other spots on rankings may differ but I consistently consider MeMe to be my #1 pick for T1 songs. In comparison, Double has too many abrupt starts and stops for me to listen to it nicely as a song by itself.
Kotoko: Deep Cover. This one was pretty hard; Harrow is really good but the thing that puts Deep Cover just a little ahead of it for me is single-handedly that ending where she puts so more much emotion into the singing.
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wonderfulxhappiness · 5 months
I .. can't wait to see how messed up haruka ends up..... bro may not be surviving this one.. whoopsie... but god I need hom to sing more shun horie the world ...
dude haruka is fucken insane (pos) i need to see more of that little guy
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genderqueer-miharu · 2 years
From best to worse, i think my favorite milgram songs are:
Bring it on
After pain
This is how to be in love with you
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charismaofobedience · 2 months
ranking the milgram characters by how they'd hold babies if their bouquets were actual babies
Solid and overall perfect stance. If we ignore the slightly bunched back, she's perfectly holding both the lower part of the baby and the upper part by giving legs and back/head support, protecting them and having a solid hold on the kid in a way there's no chance the baby would fall unless she's really distracted. Congrats mappi
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Thank god this young lady has no kids! Overall Yuno's hold is very solid. She isn't giving full protection on the upper part of the body but by her hold the baby would be fully resting upon her own body in a way they'd only fall if they make some parkour to roll out of her grasp and fall into his back. Contrary to mappi she's not shielding the baby so they'll probably see amazing things like jackalope and the walls of milgram and the other prisoners.
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This is the baby hold of a man who just saw their children being born and is now holding them for the first time. You can see he knows the basics like holding the legs and resting their body into your arms but there's way too little protection in their back when compared to yuno who can give the baby uppies so they don't fall. Shidous isn't as much of a "hold" as much as it is a "there's a baby resting in my arms" and that's okay!
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Not a parent hold as much as it is an uncle hold! They're not exactly holding the baby properly but they're probably keeping support to the kid by holding them by the legs and making them rest the upper body against his own which again quite dangerous but it's okay because this dude isn't the parent as much as he is those uncle's that would give insanely annoying toys as gifts for the children to annoy their parents
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he's literally just grasping the kid by their back as if they're a sack of oranges this is great. Either that or the kid is just hanging to him by grasping his shirt and fighting for it's life as he holds their back against him. Bad hold but not horrible I wouldn't trust him with a child but it's okay. Almost passable grade.
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This guy is holding this baby as if they're a potato sack. As if he'll just hit someone up with this baby. The baby is at least FULLY leaning into the shoulders as we can see so it means they won't immediately fall and someone can save them but the way he's grasping the baby's legs is worrisome. That's a potential trip to the hospital. Do not trust fuuta kajiyama with your babies he will turn them into gamers
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Why are you hiding the poor baby from its parents. this kid is probably keeling over to the front and will soon fall into his head but for now they're safe because they're at least leaning upwards. This is probably some workout because holding a baby like this would be painful as shit the shoulders would be sore. Bee/10
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We can excuse Haruka because if I was in his shoes I too would probably hold a kid by doing the i had to do it to em pose. Upside down. This kid will immediately fall into his head and get some good injuries the moment his hold on their legs slips and the baby falls. Haruka Sakurai can play with babies but both should be on the floor, do not let him pick them up.
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Like harukas but with one hand. Somehow more dangerous because as we can see this baby is actively attempting to walk away and is therefore not only more likely to slip because of that, but because Kotoko is holding them with one hand only. this baby will fall directly into their mouth and start crying for hours on end because kotoko couldn't even give the kid both of her hands to hold them.
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sunlit-haruka · 7 months
Ranking all of the Milgram Birthday Outfits on a scale of 1/10 because it's 3AM over here and I have to do school things at 6 (Inspired by this video) ↓
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Already off to an incredibly strong start, because as we know, Haruka is perfect and can do no wrong. Dog? Little sister? Who's that? Sounds like a myth honesty. Alright, jokes and Haruka bias aside, very nice ! Relatively plain all things considered, but that's quite fitting for Haruka (I mean, have you seen how this kid dresses normally? I'm somewhat surprised that he didn't go for a full white look. Wonder if Muu helped him out when choosing his pieces) I also love the color blue, so bonus points for that. (shut up I know I just said I would ignore biases) Overall, I give Haruka Sakurai a 8/10 !! Lookin' good, buddy ! ↓
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Yuno looks so pretty and the outfit is SO cute !! I love the frilliness of the shirt, the pleated skirt is really cute and in general I love the shades of pink chosen for this outfit, and those SHOEEEES girl where did you get those give me name and address. I honestly have no complaints at all I give Yuno Kashiki a 10/10 !! Absolutely gorgeous girl !! (Also it's unfortunate we're only ranking the outfits and not the cakes, because the decision to give Yuno a fucking staircase cake was genius) ↓
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...Mannn, I wish I could say I liked this outfit so badly. The outfit itself is alright, if a bit basic, and Fuuta looks very handsome ! But I can't help but feel like black would've been a better choice for him than dark brown. And Fuuta...my guy...WHY those shoes? I could've maybe forgiven the outfit colors if you didn't decide to pair them with shiny gold...sneakers? What the hell even are those? Get better shoes, man. Overall, I'm giving Fuuta Kajiyama a 4/10. I like the outfit it'self (minus the shoes), but the coloring brings it down a lot for me. ↓
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Christ, no wonder Muu got model deals ! Look at this queen right here !! She looks absolutely gorgeous, the dress is beautiful and I love the Beauty And The Beast inspiration. The earrings being inspired by an hourglass is a very cool detail, and the heels look great as well ! I genuinely don't think I have any faults with this one Muu Kusunoki gets a 10/10 ! Nice job dressing to impress ! ↓
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One chance Mr. Kirisaki, one cha-- Ahem. As I was saying, Shidou looks amazing in this outfit !! I'm usually not a fan of there being so much white on it's own (I sound like a certain horror fanatic, sheesh.) But Shidou reallly rocks it, and the purple accents are very nice in comparison !! I also really like the shoes for some reason. Shidou is being added to the list also consisting of Muu and Yuno where I need to see who their shoemaker is For Shidou Kirisaki, I give a 9/10 !! Very pretty man. ↓
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Mahiru looks very pretty here ! I love the poofy hair accessory, and the birdcage earrings are a very nice touch. That being said however...the dress is a bit too plain for me. I cannot help but feel like something is missing here that would make the overall outfit look way better. A sash maybe? Despite that though, Mahiru Shiina gets a 6/10 !! Looking ready for a date !  ↓
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Ooooh...Kazui stans forgive me, but I'm pretty indifferent to this outfit. It's not bad mind you ! Kazui looks very handsome in it, and I like the blue chosen for his tie. But it's the same problem with Mahiru where I feel like it's a bit too plain and could've used something more, like a pattern on his vest or pants. Also though his shoes aren't the atrocity that is Fuuta's, I feel like a black or even a dark blue akin to Haruka would've looked a lot better in comparison to the rest of his outfit. Kazui Mukuhara is granted a 5/10. Not the best, not the worst. Sorry old man. ↓
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AHHH SHE LOOKS SO CUTE !! It's like if the frilliness from Yuno's outfit was upped to twenty ! Amane's dress is adorable and looks very comfortable as well, I want a bigger sized version for myself. I also really like her big bow, as well as the blue shoes. But most importantly, Amane seems to be genuinely happy wearing it, and as a fandom, Amane's happienss takes priority. Amane Momose, you'll be getting a 9/10 from me ! Good on ya, kid ! ↓
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Ahhh, he's so cute ! Look at how polite he looks ! The blazer is nice, and also blue. Blue bias. And the boots absolutely fucking SLAY. The way his hair is styled looks very nice as well ! I also think this is the closest we have gotten to official art of Mikoto smiling genuinely, and I personally think we need more. And more. And more. Mikoto Kayano gets a 10/10 !! Very cute boy ! ↓
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Ma'am, I politely and respectfully ask you to break my neck mercilessly-- Ahem. As I was saying. KOTOKO LOOKS FUCKING AMAZING !! The undershirt oh my god the FUCKING UNDERSHIRT !! Absolutely adore it so much. The colors are all very pleasing to the eye, the skirt is very cute, and the heels look cool as hell !! But Kotoko also looks cool as hell in anything, so is this really fair? Kotoko Yuzuriha has obtained a 10/10 ! Absolutely gorgeous.
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laniemae · 7 months
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Jackalope: . .̶̧̳̗͚͈̜͕̜̄̎͊̉̽͆͛ͪ̾̆̓̾̾̃ͥ́̕͝.̒̌ͦͥ̅̊͛ͫ͏̨͖̰̳̖̜͎̀.
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Lucky rabbits foot yes.
Es: B
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Design looks very nice actually. Looks pretty sleek but it looks either very cheap or super expensive. No in between. Might’ve put it higher if it didn’t have the raised heels which look really uncomfortable.
Haruka T1: C
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Very bland white slip ons. Kinda the type you’d wear around the house but they look like they’d fall off easily.
Haruka T2: D
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No. These shoes look like something you’d find in the attic that’s been there for years or perhaps fished up in a river. He can’t even tie his shoelaces properly (ignores the fact that I only wear sandals and can’t tie shoelaces).
Yuno T1: C
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Simple school shoes. I’ve worn these before and they’re pretty uncomfortable if you walk in them for too long but they look nice with her design.
Yuno T2: B
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Very similar shoes but they look nicer and more comfortable so I’m putting them higher up.
Fuuta T1: B
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The shoes itself look pretty comfortable and efficient. Maybe like something you’d wear for hiking. But those god awful rotten mustard yellow socks are awful I would’ve placed it higher if not for that.
Fuuta T2: B 
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(same shoes)
Muu T1: F
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Is she wearing steel? They look so uncomfortable and look like if you trip they could crush your ankles. Like girl you’re wearing high heels because you’re rich but you have awful taste.
Muu T2: C?
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Honestly I don’t entirely know what to think about these. Looks similar to the first one but maybe a little bit more comfortable with the bigger heel strap and without that weird arch pattern. Although I notice that she’s actually got steel plating on the shoes so if she kicked someone she’d probably kill them.
Shidou T1: C
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Pretty standard whatever-it’s-called (I don’t know I’m not a shoeologist). The brown looks kinda nice but clashes with the rest of his design a little bit. Kinda feels both casual and something you’d wear to work.
Shidou T2: A
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These shoes actually go kinda hard. They fit a lot better with his design and look like a skeleton. I can’t tell if they’re just patterned shoes or sandals but they look pretty comfy and I can excuse socks with these type of sandals.
Mahiru T1: C
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Really split on this one. Like the general style of the shoes look pretty nice and with the platforms (wait I just noticed Mahiru probably wears platform shoes because she’s so short lmao) but the exposed toes look kinda weird and like who tf paints their toenails.
Mahiru T2: S
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She would be allowed to walk around barefoot. Oh wait she can’t walk-
Kazui T1: D
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I don’t have much to say about these but they look very tight and could hurt.
Kazui T2: C
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Slightly better because they don’t look like they could restrict blood flow but like Haruka they look like something you’d find old and discarded in an attic. Not in a river though.
Amane T1: B
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I would rank it lower because I’m not too big of a fan of school shoes like this but the big socks actually look quite comfortable so it’s a bit higher.
Amane T2: B 
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(same shoes)
Mikoto T1: C
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Shoes kinda mid. Not much going on apart from them looking kinda worn out. Does match his hair colour nicely though.
Mikoto T2: C 
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(same shoes)
Damn what happened to his shoelaces
Kotoko T1: S
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I love these shoes. So much I actually had a dream about finding them at a shop and getting really happy. Basically the only shoes I wear are sandals like that and say what you want about the socks but the colour looks really nice.
Kotoko T2: A
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These are also pretty good. They look comfy and pretty stylish and could be worn in a lot of situations although maybe they could get a bit hot. I also like how unlike other character designs in other media these don’t go up right to the knee to the point your legs are like sticks. Honestly Kotoko has good taste in shoes.
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opalspring · 13 days
Chess pieces tidbits in Deep Cover
Wanted to see how the prisoners’ chess pieces in Deep Cover looked if you put them next to each other and there are some interesting things to note.
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It’s convenient how the table stays at the same height during the whole sequence in the mv, so it’s easier to compare the pieces with each other.
At first, I thought they were sized according to the prisoners’ height (Kazui being the tallest and Amane the smallest etc). However, the order from tallest to smallest piece is actually as follows:
1- Kazui
2- Muu and Shidou at the same height
3- Yuno
4- Mahiru
5- Mikoto and Fuuta at the same height
6- Haruka
7- Amane
(There’s also a considerable gap between Kazui and Muu/Shidou and Haruka and Amane’s placements)
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Who knows why this particular order was chosen instead of the prisoners’ height, but here are some of my guesses: I feel like the order is representative of how much of a (potential) danger Kotoko considers the other prisoners, or how highly she thinks of them, (even with her comments about them in Deep Cover (she does say she doesn’t hate them in one interro question but who knows)). I’ll also mention what chess pieces I think correspond to each prisoner but feel free to correct me on that as I’m a casual player.
Assuming the order from tallest to shortest represents the prisoners’ dangerosity level in Kotoko’s eyes:
-Kazui being the tallest could be because of the addition of his great intellect; though he tries to undersell it (him telling Amane he's not that smart, but showing his observation skills and deductions during his vds etc) + him being the physically strongest prisoner. Kotoko also mentions being the most curious about him in a T1 interro answer.
His chess piece looks like a rook; in chess they’re really powerful pieces that shine best at the end of a match when there aren’t a lot of pieces left on the board.
-Muu is the second tallest along with Shidou. Her placement could be because of her ability to sway people to her side/her charisma (how she blackmailed Es thanks to Haruka’s devotion to her etc).
Her chess piece looks like a queen imo. It's pretty well known, but it's the strongest piece in chess. References to her character motif aside, it’s fitting for her with the potential she has influencing important events in the prison (here it's Haruka’s actions, but maybe there'd be more in if routes).
-Shidou is second tallest alongside Muu. It's not surprising with his ability to heal the others as a doctor. He's also a reassuring presence in the presence with his calm attitude even in difficult situations.
I think his chess piece looks like a king. It's the most important piece in chess, since if it gets captured then the game ends. It's also not really strong by itself, usually it's best to keep it hidden safely. It fits Shidou’s situation imo, he's really important for the other prisoners thanks to his healing, but if he were to die, then the prisoners’ would be left on their own if they got hurt, plus Mahiru especially wouldn't be able to get her treatment anymore.
-Yuno is the third tallest piece. She might not be physically strong like Kazui but she's very observant and intelligent so it makes sense imo. 
Her piece is a pawn from the looks of it. It's interesting how Kotoko seems to acknowledge her skills but at the same time views her as the weakest piece in the game. It might be because, while she's smart and has a good read on the prisoners, in the end she's just a spectator in Kotoko’s eyes.
-Mahiru is the fourth tallest. In Kotoko's listing she's around the middle. From my understanding, while Mahiru is in a weakened state at the moment, Kotoko still is impressed by her resilience and ability to empathize with others (Kotoko included like we see in Mahiru’s T2 vd). If the chess pieces' height ranking represents the prisoners' danger potential, then Mahiru's placement is a little weird since she wouldn't hurt a fly (it's true for other prisoners too). Maybe Kotoko sees Mahiru's mental strength as valuable in its own way (since Kotoko couldn't make her change her mind on her view on love even after beating her up etc).
Her piece is a bishop from the way I see it. It's a pretty good piece for the whole game, especially when paired with another to capture enemy pieces. It could refer to Mahiru's positive attitude and its effects on the other prisoners.
-Mikoto is the fifth tallest (with Fuuta). Interestingly, there are three rectangles on top of the piece, probably to represent Mikoto and the other alters. Kotoko seems to be on to the Trikoto theory, which is pretty impressive since she doesn't have as much background on Mikoto as the viewers (though she does mention having “prior knowledge” on the prisoners). He's pretty low in Kotoko's ranking which is kinda sad with how much Mikoto tries to befriend her.
His (and John+ Midokoto’s) piece seems to be a rook. It's ironic how it's such a strong piece, yet Mikoto is ranked around the end. It might be a reference to how Mikoto himself is pretty average in intellect and strength, but John is very strong and Midokoto's abilities are unknown at the moment.
-Fuuta’s chess piece is the fifth tallest with Mikoto’s. It's not surprising with how much Kotoko looks down on him: even though they both hate injustice, Kotoko sees herself as a strong vigilante and Fuuta as a coward and “lame”.
He's also not particularly observant or intelligent (as seen in his tl convo with Kotoko about prisoners' human rights etc), though he's not stupid either.
His chess piece seems to be a bishop like Mahiru. It's interesting how Kotoko doesn't see him as a pawn despite her low opinion of him as seen by his ranking. One could compare his ranking to Yuno’s, who’s ranked high but has a weak piece, and how Fuuta is ranked low but has a decent piece. No idea what Kotoko's train of thought was here, but it's food for thought. Maybe she does see some potential in Fuuta (through their shared views on justice?), though ultimately she sees him as unthreatening.
-Haruka has the second shortest chess piece. I'm guessing Kotoko sees him as unthreatening and nothing more, plus there's her derogatory comments towards him in deep cover. 
His piece is a pawn, which goes in hand with Kotoko's ranking of him. She really seems to have a negative opinion on him, though she does praise his train of thoughts in that infamous tl conversation.
-Amane has the shortest piece. Kotoko probably looks down on her because she's a child, though it's true that even though Amane is smart for her age, she's still not going to be as intelligent as Yuno or Kazui.
It's funny how her piece looks like a pawn with a bishop hat on it. Maybe it suggests Amane tries to make herself seem more intimidating than she is (even though she's a “pawn”, she tries to make herself more threatening than in reality (in Kotoko's eyes)).
If you have a different reading on the chess symbolism I'd love to hear it! It's pretty subjective after all in the end.
Edit: people are saying a lot of cool things in the tags, thanks for sharing your thoughts! An observation that came up twice was how the pawns might be weak, but also have potential to turn into any piece they want (if they reach the end of the board), usually the queen. And when looking at the prisoners who have the pawn as their piece, it's true that they have hidden potential (Haruka with his plan, Amane with her influence on Fuuta + beef with Shidou, Yuno with her read on the situation in the prison + helping Shidou with healing Mahiru,...). So maybe Kotoko acknowledges this part of them too…
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whats-it-mean · 7 months
Please rank the Milgram characters in order of how much they would enjoy one of those inflatable bouncy castles you always see at kids’ birthday parties
1 - Mikoto, he goes wild on that shit and has to be forcefully dragged away by Es
2 - Muu loves it. no other explination needed.
3 - Fuuta would wait until nobody is looking and then go HAM on that shit he has the time of his life. will deny it till the day he dies tho
4 - Mahiru thinks its cute but wont go on it
5 - Yuno, shes probably had to go in one for her job once bc her client was just a childish mf LMAOOOo
6 - Kazui also thinks its cute and wholesome but doesnt care that much
7 - Es is completely and utterly neutral
8 - Shidou, oh the trauma it brings him
9 - Haruka simply stares at it in horror
10 - Amane just glares from afar and if anyone asks her whats wrong she just. hisses
11 - Kotoko would poke a hole in it and deflate it and just watch with a smug little grin as mikoto starts bawling his eyes out and screaming
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good-beanswrites · 3 months
I’m thinking about the angst of the restraints headcanon again. There’s the two with the least physically violent crimes, and they rank relatively low in strength. There’s the child who was violent but had to be really crafty about it; she’s the weakest of all of them. And the most dangerous of the guilty prisoners cannot be restrained.
This makes me so emotional!!! All three are the smallest of their circles. Two of them are extremely ordinary people who have never experienced/expressed physical violence before. One hadn't even fathomed the idea of someone dying until they actually did. And yet, they're subjected to the type of restraints you'd expect to see on someone who is uncontrollably violent. The fact that prisoners who committed very gruesome murders can walk free (including Mikoto) just adds insult to injury. I still couldn't everything into words, but here's a Mahiru-centric drabble featuring the same thoughts. It takes place after T1 closes but before the attacks.
“Where are our rights?”
Fuuta’s shout caused Mahiru to wince. She perched on her bedding, watching the two prisoners she’d invited to her cell. It hadn’t been the fun kind of invitation, though. Back in school, she always wanted to have parties and dates back at her place. Moving to the city, she imagined what it would be like to make university friends and take them back home with her to talk, eat, and have fun. 
Sitting in her dim gray cell with Fuuta and Amane, all of them held fast by complex sets of restraints, was not what she’d had in mind.
Amane knelt in the corner. Her arms were crossed, as if pouting, though the opposite was true. A moment ago her eyes had lowered in prayer, but it was difficult to find any peace of mind now. Fuuta snapped and shouted as he paced the length of the cell bars. They were unlocked, but like the others, he didn’t feel like being out in front of everyone. He’d give his uniform a violent jerk every now and then, but it didn’t do any good. Between his strides and growls, he made Mahiru think of those poor wild animals they keep at the circus.
“Take it easy, Fuuta.” She mustered up a smile. “Come rest with us.”
“I can’t believe you two. You’re just gonna sit here and take it? I didn’t do a fucking thing! They’re acting like I’m some big danger to society,” he yanked his arms again, to no avail. “All I did was type some things onto a screen. I’m not gonna go around stabbing anyone or anything. And you, you didn’t hurt anyone either!”
He nodded his head to Mahiru. If her arms weren’t already folded over her chest, she would have hugged herself anyway. 
“Well… I did hurt him in the end… I broke his heart badly enough that… I mean, he…”
Fuuta made a disgusted sound. “That’s all stupid romance stuff. I’m saying, you never stabbed him. Never strangled him. Never poisoned his food, or –”
“Oh god, no! How horrible…”
“Exactly! From what we’ve heard, it sounds like Haruka killed someone with his bare hands. I think Muu had a knife or something. Shidou had a whole arsenal of grisly doctor tools. Kotoko has openly talked about how she beat that guy to death. Why are they allowed to walk free while we’re tied down like wild animals?”
Mahiru was glad she hadn’t mentioned the circus.
“And Amane! It’s not like she did anything violent, and here she is!”
“That is not true.”
Both paused as Amane spoke up for the first time. 
“While I disagree with my verdict, the restraints make sense.” The others still stared blankly. As matter-of-fact as always, she continued. “I killed with my own hands. I used the amount of force I was instructed to. Just as the sinner fears the wrath of heaven, I can understand how the godless warden would fear my justice.”
Fuuta’s passion wavered, but Mahiru could feel her heart ache for the girl. “Oh Amane… I had no idea. To be pushed to the point of violence at your age…”
“I am not to be pitied. As I said, I am dangerous, and proud to be. I am doing god’s work. All heroes must be dangerous.”
Fuuta grunted, but said nothing. Mahiru gave her a gentle smile. “It’s not pity. Even if you were dangerous, it’s horrible to restrain someone like you. You’ve already had to brave so much, as the smallest of the bunch.”
She looked between the two. A sad laugh escaped her. “Now that I think of it, I guess we’re all the smallest here, hm? Aside from maybe Muu, we don’t have much height or strength on the others…”
“That’s what I’ve been saying!” Fuuta cried. “The fuck do they think we’re going to do?” Mahiru was just glad he’d focused on that rather than the fact she’d just called him weak. 
Voices raised in conversation down the hallway. Mikoto’s laugh echoed faintly into the cell.  
It warmed Mahiru to hear. Things had been so hard on him here. Though it had been frightening to hear him shouting at the restraints til his voice was raw – well, it wasn’t him shouting – it had been a relief when he appeared free and relaxed the following day. He seemed sheepish that he wasn’t able to help the others, having no memory of his escape. Mahiru just kept telling him how happy she was for him.
Fuuta didn’t share in the sentiment. “Meanwhile, Mikoto gets to stroll around free, and he beat the shit out of Es! He could snap and kill any one of us here, and they don’t even give a damn. But ooohhh, god forbid the guy who’s never been violent a day in his life is allowed to use his own two hands!”
The harshness of his voice wasn’t doing his argument many favors. Still, his words were beginning to get through to Mahiru. 
She’d worked so hard to be a model citizen. She was supposed to have a perfect life. She could cook, clean, sew, and take care of children. She did herself up every day; she was never a slob or a slut. She was generous to everyone she met. She showered the world around her in love. Wasn’t it unfair that her hands were tied like some common criminal? What was all that effort for – being patient when people upset her, being kind even when she disagreed with someone, all of that – if she was going to end up in the same place as someone who had stabbed another out of sheer malice?
Amane didn’t seem to be whirling with the same doubts. She closed her eyes once more. “It is simply a trial from heaven. We may be small, but all of us have an internal strength that will carry us through the ordeal.”
“I don’t think it’s any sort of religious thing, but you’re right,” Fuuta puffed his chest out. “Trials like this only make people stronger!” 
“Do you think so?” Mahiru wasn’t sure if she was asking either of them or just musing to herself. It was a nice thought. This was all part of destiny, something meant to be that would make her stronger in the end. 
But she wasn’t so sure she believed in destiny anymore. It hadn’t quite worked out the first time. 
“Hell yeah!” Fuuta must have assumed she was in fact asking him. He gave a wide, toothy grin. “It’s not like we can get any weaker, right? The warden better watch out next trial – they’ve got a big storm coming!”
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ciaossu-imagines · 11 months
khr + prison
This was a really interesting one, and definitely not an AU and fandom combination I’d been thinking I’d ever see. I’ll fully admit that this one had me a little stumped at first, but I eventually came around to an idea. So listed below, you will find a decent handful of characters and the crimes they got imprisoned for!
Okay, so while a lot of the fandom likes to pussyfoot around it and act like Tsuna is this total good-boy who wouldn’t hurt a fly, let’s get honest. Tsuna straight out murdered Byakuran in the TYL! Arc. Plain out and out, so obviously, the crime that ended Tsuna in prison is murder. It might have been murder for a good reason, but it’s still murder.
Gokudera gets arrested, charged with, and imprisoned for assault with a deadly weapon. And then keeps getting time added on for all the prison fights he gets into.
Yamamoto gets put into prison for aiding and abetting when he tries to help his friends. Given that he was trying to help them break out of prison because he felt they were being wrongfully treated in prison and were in danger, it’s understandable that he gets a pretty lengthy sentence.
Hibari gets put into prison for assault, battery, assault with a deadly weapon, racketeering and tax evasion. He ends up completely running the prison in less than two months.
Fuuta gets a rather short prison sentence because he was arrested and charged with breaking and entering. It’s just that there was something really cool in that place that he just had to rank for his book. Prison terrifies him but at the same time, he never runs out of things to rank in there.
Bianchi is charged but acquitted for separate counts of attempted murder and second-degree murder. Not enough evidence to make the charges stick and a mistrial happened after a large portion of the jury found themselves hospitalized with severe food poisoning. While she spent time in prison, it was only while she awaited her trial.
Let’s not forget that Ken, Chikusa, Mukuro, Birds, Lanchia, the Twins, and M.M. are all canonically people who have been in prison so let’s keep that going in this AU. This gang has so many different felonies and charges against them that it’s almost a game between them now to see who can get the most charges or the most bizarre ones. Ken has multiple counts of public indecency against him because he feels he should be able to take a piss wherever he needs to, as long as he’s not whipping it out in heavily crowded areas or anything, but Mukuro was charged and convicted of war crimes, so those two are tied for ‘what the hell’ charges at the moment.
Xanxus, Levi A. Than, Squalo, and Bel are all imprisoned for murder. Lussuria is imprisoned for murder and committing an indecency against a dead body.
Mammon gets imprisoned for tax fraud, grand larceny, and various drug charges relating to him being a huge drug kingpin.
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good-beans · 5 months
Rank the Milgram characters by how often you bully them (or how likely you would).
Now these are the real Milgram questions, thank you 👏
Jackalope: If I was a better cook I'd make rabbit stew.
Fuuta: My man. My skrunkly. My sad wet cat. I am always bullying him. He’s nasty. He’s mean. He's lame. He fucked up so so bad. He’s insufferable. Bad fashion. A gamer. Twitter user. Probably stinky. I love him with all my heart.
Shidou: Also love him and exist in a state on nonstop shittalking. He sucks and he’s the biggest drama queen in Milgram. Everything he does is ridiculously dramatic. Oh, did you know he's a doctor? Did he mention that yet???? He’s extra in his videos and his questions and minigrams and official art. He’s gotta chill.
Kotoko: Also a drama queen. She’s so INTENSE. She’s STRUNG TIGHT. She’s that person who outdoes everyone at the potluck and there’s no need for all that. She needs to Chill Out which makes her fun to tease.
Es: I know they’re doing their best but also I have so much to say on the way they’re running things. The Puerto Rico thing. The kicking-grown-men-fairly-often thing. The John thing. Seriously? That's the name you pick? Fucking John?????
Kazui: Also a drama queen. I mean, I'm extra about being gay too but he’s being so dramatic about it that it’s literally getting people killed 🙄
Mikoto: Teasing him only for his denial of the situation. It has been 3+ years. Please. Have a shred of self reflection. Look inside for one tiny second. Please. I’m begging you. And also bullying you until you do.
John: I mean I completely understand trying to fix a problem and fucking things up further but that doesn't mean I can't bully him for it too
Muu: She and Haruka are a bit harder to tease because their stories make me more sad than anything, but also. Bee jokes.
Haruka: I am so so sad over him all the time. However he is very dramatic about some things and I can tease him a bit. As a treat.
Mahiru: Character of all time, she’s done nothing wrong, but she gets a little bit of bullying for the same reason as Mikoto. Girl that’s rats!!!!!
Yuno: Once again she makes me too emotional to effectively bully. She’s staying in her lane and not being overdramatic. She’s pissed off all the time and she should be!!
Amane: What could I even tease her about?? I would actively join her in bullying Fuuta and Shidou in those minigrams, and anyone else she wanted. Muu better watch out, there’s new mean girls in town
Also I'm officially turning this back on you (and anyone who sees this) because now I want to see people's bullying tiers 😂
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0809sysblings · 8 months
i think if fuuta played splatoon he'd be such a tryhard. he'd probably play like range blaster. every season he'd hope for a new range blaster kit and that the kit is actually good, and then when it doesnt get a new one or it gets like reefslider for its special he goes on twitter and rants about it. he'd splat the other team trying to squid party even though they had a disconnect and his team was winning anyway. he'd be the type of player to get tunnel vision in ranked matches and accidentally ignore the objective in favor of getting splats
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mayimkjs · 5 days
A Comprehensive Guide to Which Kayano is the Killer
This is like, an entire section of FOOL's MATE so this will probably change. I'm probably not going to update this post, but if your interested in seeing if anything's changed, I encourage you to look at the research doc. This section also has a lot of things that were taken from replies to a post I made on Reddit back in February. All contributors will be credited.
Overall, what this post is, is a compilation of all the theories I've seen about who did what.
There’s no way to know who committed the murder yet. There are multiple possibilities of who is the culprit. 
We also don’t know how recent all of the murders are. It seems that Mikoto was working right up until he wound up in MILGRAM it seems. Some of the murders do seem fairly recent (ie. Fuuta is still shaken up, Muu saying “before I knew it, I was here” during her first interrogation when asked about the police).
Who is the victim? How many people were killed?
I believe that only one person was killed. In each MV, we only see one person directly killed. All of the mannequins in Double could represent how many people caused him to break due to stress. Here is a list of possible victims, ranked by how likely they are.
His boss (Chief / チーフ)
One of his coworkers
A gang member
A stalker
An abuser
A random person
His dad
Other Alters
Why is his boss the most likely victim?
MILGRAM is careful about giving people names, even if it's something as simple a nickname. He’s the only other name we’ve seen in Mikoto’s story. We’ve also only ever seen one other person. This might be his boss. 
John is Telling the Truth
Even though Mikoto is the prisoner, John committed the murders. There are 2 possible reasons for Mikoto being the prisoner in this theory.
MILGRAM isn’t working correctly as it’s never had to deal with someone with DID and thus, marking the host as the prisoner and letting John do as he pleases. 
Since Es, Jackalope and Mikoto didn’t know he had DID, Mikoto is treated as the prisoner since he is the host. (u/Nekokittykun)
He doesn't remember details due to being in some type dissociative or otherwise non-coherent state.
John Forced the Other Alters into Dormancy
A theory that sprung up after the release of Double as none of the mannequins have faces. They’re season 2 trailer line can also be interpreted as John talking about the other alters, right before he attempted to get rid of them all. In Double, the majority of the mannequins appear in the train, which is likely representative of Mikoto’s mind. Then John breaks and "kills" them. 
John might not have killed anyone.
Why is it that MILGRAM treats Mikoto as the prisoner if John is the one that committed the murders? It could be what was just mentioned, or he didn't do it. There are several holes in John’s story; he just killed whoever and does not remember how many he killed. This would leave Mikoto or Midokoto to be the culprit. 
The reason why John acts aggressive, is because he thinks that's the best thing to do to protect Mikoto.
Mikoto as the Culprit
Mikoto killed someone and John is taking the blame. His actions caused him so much stress that John was born. Some scenes in Double that add to this are:
The scene after he gets off the phone with his mom, Mikoto is surrounded by blood and he quickly switches to John.
When Mikoto and John communicate, all of the blood is in Mikoto’s shot. 
There are multiple variations of this theory. 
Why he Can’t Remember
The murder was traumatic to the point of John being born to handle the trauma of Mikoto’s crime and holding all his memories of the murder. John only has hazy memories of the crime and this could explain that. He knows what he did is wrong so he wants to make himself out to Es as the ideal monster that needs to be slain. (u/Sleepy-Head999)
An extension of the last theory, John is trying to cover for Mikoto to protect him. He’s trying to make himself look bad even though he technically didn't do anything. 
He knows what he did but he can't physically remember what happened because it triggers a switch due to stress or he just doesn't remember it. 
Mikoto is very clever and manipulative. He's actually confident about his talents and abilities and knows how to deal with people. He’s been lying the entire time. (u/Chareste17)
Despite John saying that Mikoto would have reached his limit if he hadn't been born, Mikoto actually did reach his limit. Mikoto killed someone because of it, and John was born from that.
Why Did He Do It
Because he feels he has no control over his life whatsoever, he did it as an unhealthy way to forcefully gain control. 
He snapped from the stress. 
Midokoto as the Culprit
Mido manipulated John to commits the murders. He turned all of his pent up emotions into a weapon to get what he wanted. 
Multiple Culprits
Joint Effort Between John and Mido
In MeMe, it seems John and Midokoto are working together. John does the deed and Mido deals with the cleanup and aftermath. There are 2 variations of what happens next.
They are working together to keep this from Mikoto. Mido also has gave John special treatment, as seen in the lyrics to MeMe. 
Mido was watching John and suddenly stepped in to deal with the aftermath because he didn't trust John to deal with it. 
“Joint Effort” Between John and Mikoto
Mikoto briefly fronted when John was about to kill someone. During the murder scene in MeMe, the first time the train passes, it goes left. The second time it passes, it goes right. Using the train directions from Double, this means that Mikoto was in front. He either thought he was in a dream so he swung the bat or John was in the process of swinging the bat. Midokoto or John quickly fronted to deal with the damage. This would make Mikoto a culprit. 
Mikoto Started the Attack, John Finished
This explains that shot in Double where the background is white but the person in the scene is John. Mikoto initiated the kill, and John fronted in the middle of the swing. u/madokabri
Mikoto killed one person, John continued to kill
Mikoto first snapped and killed someone out of his pent up stress. The murder was traumatic to the point of John being born to handle the trauma of Mikoto’s crime and holding all his memories of the murder. He saw that it helped Mikoto in some way, so he continued to kill people who bothered Mikoto a dangerous amount. MILGRAM is judging Mikoto on his one murder which he doesn't remember due to John holding those memories. 
Mikoto is Responsible but John Committed the Murders
Mikoto is what caused John to kill in the first place. Due to Mikoto not creating proper boundaries with others, things kept getting piled on top of him until the stress was to the point where John was born. John doesn't remember exactly what happened because he might have just been born.
In MILGRAM, you just need to be responsible for someone’s death. Mikoto would also be a witness, and if you are a witness but don't do anything, you will be considered an accomplice to the crime.
Mikoto was being Blackmailed
In Japan, getting fired puts a stain on your record and makes it extremely difficult to find a new job. Getting fired by a top-tier advertising agency would be even worse. It would destroy any chance of Mikoto gaining any opportunities for the rest of his career. So his victim had evidence of him doing something unfavorable. 
Him and the victim met up to talk about the blackmail and it escalated to the point were Mikoto killed him. He brought the bat just in case something happened where he had to defend himself. After he realized what he did, John fronts to take care of the rest. When Mikoto wakes up the next day, he can disregard it as a bad dream.
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dark-elf-writes · 21 days
re tsuna's first time would fuuta be willing to bite the bullet and do that particular ranking or would there be bribe attempts from all sides while fuuta keeps his mouth shut for tsuna-nii's sake XDDD
Futa would honestly rather eat the book of ranking than touch any of that with a ten foot pole. He spends a lot of time hiding, planning unimaginable violence with Lambo and I-pin to protect their brother’s virtue, or with Tsuna who would actually murder anyone who suggested it in his earshot.
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maristelina · 1 year
Tumblr media
If an arm wrestling tournament were to take place between the Milgram prisoners and Es, what would the ranking be? Is it possible that some prisoners might not be familiar with arm wrestling?
I remember the Phantom Brigade. (?)
①カズイ (Kazui) ②コトコ (Kotoko) ③ミコト (Mikoto) ④ハルカ (Haruka) ⑤フータ (Fuuta) ⑥ユノ (Yuno) ⑦マヒル (Mahiru) ⑧ムウ (Muu) ⑨アマネ (Amane)
シドウ (Shidou) - Doesn't want to hurt his arm. エス (Es) - Won't put themselves on the prisoners level.
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