#future poorly drawn comic
quibbs126 · 1 year
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This is a comic idea that’s been going around my head for a bit, but I’m not entirely sure how to draw it yet, so I just decided to use the comic creator to get my point across, since I thought it was funny. I’ll probably draw it one day. But some things I wanted to draw but couldn’t get across due to limited sprites is that they all have shocked and/or terrified expressions hearing this, including Dark Cacao, Pomegranate and Dark Enchantress
But yeah basically in my head the Sovereign of Darkness is like this eldritch being that even the Cookies of Darkness are scared of, if only because while they know that’s Dark Choco’s body, they’re fairly certain that isn’t Dark Choco talking to them, corrupted or not. And they also know that whatever it is talking to them isn’t a Cookie, but aren’t sure what it is, only that it’s some powerful being. Only Dark Choco has any semblance of knowledge of what it is, and he can’t talk to them right now
Bonus points if you know who I got that Sovereign dialogue from. Honestly their monologue also nearly perfectly fits my interpretation of the Sovereign. And not gonna lie, the voice kind of fits too
But yeah, take this I guess. I’ll draw it at some point
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Sorry binghe but the system said no T-T
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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That's the face he makes when he's feeling silly.
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pdlcomics · 2 years
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future snail
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aedonys · 9 months
"To write our story" comic
Post-breakup hs lcmd angst, inspired by 'famous last words' by mcr.
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Poorly drawn but I shall redraw it fully coloured and rendered in the future. For now, I hope you enjoy.
feel like an idiot for asking but I don't really understand the comic you drew? who broke up with who? and what happened when they met again?
Hdvsysvshsvs IT'S OKAI I KNOW THAT WAS SHIT XD So this narrative is purely Aemond's and what he thinks happened, he said that if he were to write their past love story, if he were to relive this again, here's what he would do: he wouldn't change a thing.
He would let his heart fall for lucerys all over again even if he knew this love would be short-lived from lucerys' end. He promises he will let him go quietly bc he can't force him to love him.
He is saying that as time passes he would still love him even when lucerys himself stops loving him and chooses to leave him (break up with him) again and again. Aemond would never be able to heal and move on. He is still longing for lucerys' love even after all the time that passed
BUT bc lucerys is his nephew and here in this au they r but 1 year apart, they r bound to see each other all the time. In the comic, aemond is in his final year of hs and lucerys is in the second. Aemond was going to the roof for a smoke but found lucerys already there. He smiled, like he did in all the other occasions they met in, bc he doesn't want to show what he actually feels, how lucerys broke his heart before.
He is saying that in this story, he is walking it all alone bc lucerys is not there in it with him anymore, and he is scared bc of that.
Pls note that aemond doesn't blame lucerys at all whatsoever for this, it was his unrequited love that is hurting him. It's why he said "and when the time comes, I would let you go quietly " he already gave up on the fact that luke will ever come back to him and he resigned to that fate. But that doesn't make it hurt any less.
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thunderbone · 1 month
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Hi guys, I came to share with you a very old character that I created. In 2016, I had drawn a random character. At that time, I was still starting to draw, that is, my very old drawings are very ugly, poorly drawn and have horrible painting lol
This character was supposed to be a white tiger, but everything went wrong XD He looked more like a cat than a tiger. Last year I discovered the Lackadaisy comic, in which I fell in love with the art style, characters, story, etc. So recently I was thinking about creating an OC for this comic, until I remembered that "tiger".
So I went looking for someone who could redesign my OC. I could have done the redesign, but at that moment I ran out of pages in my notebook, meaning I couldn't make new drawings since I used up all the paper making several drawings XD
Then I met @stargazer365, a super nice artist who makes incredible drawings. The redesign she did for my OC was amazing, I really loved it ❤️✨ It was thanks to this drawing that I was able to develop my OC and his story. In addition to this drawing, today I got a new drawing of my OC, made by the kind and super talented artist called @bungiri. Thank you very much for drawing him for me, he was so cute and the drawing is very beautiful 😍🥰
He has no name, but he is nicknamed Einstein by everyone due to his intelligence and the fact that he's an inventor. Despite having a foreign nickname, he's Brazilian. In addition to being an inventor, he is also a mechanic and even managed to invent the first and only time machine, which, oddly enough, is a wristwatch.
In fact, Einstein is Ari's cousin (@ladybugkisses OC), that beautiful woman who fell in love with an elegant and charming but very crazy guy called Rocky hahaha
When Einstein went to live with his aunt for a year in Portugal as a child because his parents died in a tragic car accident, he met Ari and they soon became very close friends. But this lasted a year, as Einstein had to return to Brazil as his grandparents became his legal guardians.
Since childhood he has loved science and little by little he became a great inventor, in which he made several inventions. However, he lives in a kind of underwater mansion, where he makes his inventions in secret, because for him it is safer because if any of those inventions end up in the wrong hands, something very bad will happen.
Furthermore, he decided to live on the ocean because he prefers to live in a more peaceful and quiet place with fresh air than to live in a city that has a lot of noise and polluted air. Despite being a genius inventor, he makes his inventions in his spare time, as he works as a science professor at a university. Einstein dreams of having a family, but unfortunately he is very unlucky in love, as he has not yet managed to find an ideal woman for him.
And as for his wristwatch/time machine, he has already traveled to the future, visiting various eras such as the 50s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s and 2010s, seeing various good and bad things that the future awaits. Anyway, I hope you liked my OC and his story ^^ I will soon share with you some more drawings of my OC, so wait 👀
Português (Brasil)
Olá pessoal, vim compartilhar com vocês um personagem bem antigo que criei. Em 2016, desenhei um personagem aleatório. Naquela época eu ainda estava começando a desenhar, ou seja, meus desenhos muito antigos são muito feios, mal desenhados e tem uma pintura horrível rsrs
Esse personagem era pra ser um tigre branco, mas deu tudo errado XD Ele parecia mais um gato do que um tigre. Ano passado descobri a HQ Lackadaisy, na qual me apaixonei pelo estilo de arte, personagens, história, etc. Então recentemente estive pensando em criar uma OC para essa HQ, até que me lembrei daquele "tigre".
Então fui procurar por alguém que pudesse fazer um redesign do meu OC. Eu bem poderia fazer o redesign, mas naquele momento acabaram as folhas do meu caderno, ou seja, não dava pra eu fazer novos desenhos já que acabei com todo o papel fazendo vários desenhos XD
Daí conheci a @stargazer365, uma artista super simpática que faz desenhos incríveis. O redesign que ela fez para o meu OC ficou incrível, eu amei demais ❤️✨ Foi graças a esse desenho que eu pude desenvolver o meu OC e sua história. Além desse desenho, hoje eu ganhei um novo desenho do meu OC, feito pela artista gentil e super talentosa chamada @bungiri. Muito obrigado por desenhá-lo pra mim, ele ficou tão fofo e o desenho está muito lindo 😍🥰
Ele não tem nome, mas é apelidado de Einstein por todos devido à sua inteligência e do fato de ser um inventor. Apesar de ter um apelido gringo, ele é brasileiro. Além de inventor, ele também é mecânico e ainda conseguiu inventar a primeira e única máquina do tempo, que, curiosamente, é um relógio de pulso.
Inclusive Einstein é primo de Ari (OC da @ladybugkisses), aquela linda mulher que se apaixonou por um cara elegante e charmoso porém louco desvairado chamado Rocky ksksksksksks
Quando Einstein foi morar com a sua tia por um ano em Portugal na infância pois seus pais morreram em um trágico acidente de carro, ele conheceu Ari e logo se tornaram amigos muito próximos. Mas isso durou um ano, pois Einstein teve que voltar para o Brasil já que seus avós se tornaram seus guardiões legais.
Desde a infância ele adora ciência e aos poucos se tornou um grande inventor, no qual fez várias invenções. No entanto, ele vive em uma espécie de mansão submarina, onde é lá que ele faz suas invenções em segredo, pois pra ele é mais seguro pois se qualquer uma daquelas invenções pararem em mãos erradas, algo muito ruim irá acontecer.
Além disso, ele resolveu morar no oceano pois prefere viver em um lugar mais tranquilo e sossegado com ar puro do que viver na cidade que tem muito barulho e o ar poluído. Apesar de ser um gênio inventor, ele faz suas invenções nas horas vagas, pois ele trabalha como professor de ciências em uma universidade. Einstein sonha em ter família, mas infelizmente ele tem muito azar no amor, pois ele ainda não conseguiu achar uma mulher ideal pra ele.
E quanto ao seu relógio de pulso/máquina do tempo, ele já viajou para o futuro, visitando várias épocas como os anos 50, 70, 80, 90, 2000 e 2010, vendo várias coisas boas e ruins que o futuro aguarda. Enfim, espero que tenham gostado do meu OC e de sua história ^^ Em breve irei compartilhar com vocês mais alguns desenhos do meu OC, então aguardem 👀
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fluffykitteninabox · 2 years
Season 6 intro analysis (that somehow turned into a Hawks rant, sorry about that):
So the new intro looks amazing.
Everyone is shaded like All Might and i wonder if that's supposed to mean something..
also this is like poorly written and stuff because I'm not good at this kind thing. I call it analysis but it's more me trying to stitch my thoughts together and probably failing. If someone wants to add things to make it more coherent or complete destroy my stupid theories they can...
Also also tumblr is doing that thing again where it posts my unfinished drafts but at least this time it's almost done so I'll just edit it like this instead of deleting it
ALSO ALSO ALSO SPOILERS FOR ANIME ONLY WATCHERS I GUESS (because only one episode is out at the moment and I talk about stuff that'll be in future episodes)
Am I doing this right? Should I tag season 6 spoilers if the episode is not out yet? Or is it still considered manga spoiler?
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The way All Might is drawn is supposed to represent the old style comic books, and the contrast between him and the other characters shows how he's kind of an unreachable ideal.
This intro looks more like those old style comic books with the style of animation they chose. There's even shots that are divided like manga panels and there's words used as sound effects like "thud" and "rrmmmbll" for the shaking ground and "boom" for Bakugou's explosions
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I mean look at the very first shot and tell me this doesn't look like an old comic book to you:
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Look at this dramatic shading:
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I wanted to say that the use of this type of shading maybe shows how our heroes are getting closer to that ideal that All Might represents (specifically I'm talking about the main trio).
But they show a lot of other characters with the same shading, including Hawks and Endeavor, who are nothing like All Might.
I read somewhere (i don't remember who wrote it but i think it was someone here on tumblr) that in my hero academia there's this idea of the passing of the torch from the older generation to the newer one. And that All Might and AFO both represent how heroes and villains were in old comic books. There's more of a black and white morality. Good vs pure evil. And that Deku and Tomura represent the new generation where the line of good and evil is more blurred.
I'm not explaining it well but i hope you get the point.
So maybe the All Might type shading is supposed to represent them getting closer to him, but in a bad way??
The heroes are the ones initiating the violence in this arc. And I'm not saying this is a bad thing, they need to stop the potato bastard after all. But they abuse their power and try to solve a problem that is in the grey zone with black and white morality. I'm talking about Hawks here (yes others abuse their power too but this is like the big thing that happens in this arc so I'm using it as an example).
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Heroes aren't supposed to kill, and yet Hawks murders Twice because he is the hero and Twice is the villain. He justifies it by saying it's for the greater good and that Twice was too dangerous to be left alive, but the audience knows that that's bullshit. Or at least the ones with a brain know!
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Twice is not "pure evil", he's anything but that. If he hadn't died he would probably be the easiest LOV member to save because he doesn't want to be a villain. Twice didn't have a personal motivation for revenge. All he wanted was companionship and for the world to not treat him like shit. You would just need to show him proof that you wanted to help him get rehabilitated and the most important part, extend the offer for help to his friends.
It would have been literally so easy!
But Hawks chooses not to do that and instead stabs an unarmed person in the back while he was trying to run away.
So yeah my conclusion is that the shading represents the characters acting with that black and white morality mindset that i mentioned above. They're taking steps backwards into the past in a way, by allowing the labels of hero and villain to cloud their judgment.
But at some point in the intro the dramatic shading stops and the rest uses the normal animation we usually see in the show. A bit like the gif i used above that transitions from the vintage style logo to the new one.
That's also when we start seeing group shots instead of characters standing alone. Kind of how after All Might's retirement heroes started working in teams. No one person can solve the problem but if they work together they can.
Maybe that's them realising that the way they were handling things was not working so it's time to try something new.
I want to emphasise this shot of the kids taken straight from the manga:
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Again because old generation passing the torch to the new generation and all that. Our kids have spent the past 5 seasons learning and growing and now they'll become greater heroes than the ones that came before them. They represent the future.
Also I'm doing this completely out of order since tumblr decided to be a little shit today. I want to go back to this shot i used in the beginning but this is a few seconds after:
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Something something about them coming out of the shadows, and looking all determined like that. Shonen protagonist mid battle energy boost because they thought about their friends (maybe). It still looks stylized because of the colours but the shading is less dramatic now.
There's one last thing I want to mention. There's this one shot that stands out apart from all the rest:
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Dabi looks... blurry for some reason. His colors bleed outside the lines. It's kind of like when you use too much water with watercolors and it starts spreading everywhere without control.
Literally everything else in this intro looks super crisp and HD except him. But it's not in a bad way like usual. Bones has a habit of fucking up Dabi's design, but this looks more like a stylistic choice.
I don't know exactly what this is supposed to symbolise. Maybe the fact that he feels separate from everyone else because his real self is dead to the world. Or maybe it's that thing i read somewhere (again I don't remember who wrote this sorry) Dabi is a character that is stuck in the past,so maybe that has something to do with it. I don't know... someone with better skills at analysing stuff like this can maybe figure it out.
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sintassays · 1 year
Superman: The Warworld Saga
This post contains spoilers for: 
- Superman and the Authority
- Superman Action Comics volume 1: Warworld Rising
- Superman Action Comics volume 2: The Arena
- Superman Action Comics volume 3: Warworld Revolution
As usual, I add the disclaimer that this isn’t a well structured or professional review, but rather me just spilling my thoughts out into a post
Anyway, I loved this arc! Though unfortunately it didn’t start out super well, imo.
The first book in this story arc is Superman and the Authority. I’ve heard this was Morrison’s last book, which is a shame, because it was just kind of ok and that’s a terrible way for a comic book legend to exit the industry. There are a handful of problems with this book. The biggest one is that DC didn’t know what they wanted from this story and changed their minds to warp the storyline after it was already finished, making the final story fit together awkwardly. Superman and the Authority was originally supposed to take place far off in the future, as was made clear by the fact that Superman’s decline in his powers from his injuries in The Breach was severe, even preventing him from flying. This dilemma is a major reason Superman gathers a team together, The Authority, for his quest to liberate Warworld and save a lost colony of Kryptonians enslaved there. However, due to DC suddenly changing their mind, the chronology of this book was changed to fit the present day of the ongoing Superman Action Comics run. This is where things get a little awkward and half baked. In volume 1, Warworld Rising, it had been established that Superman’s powers were in decline, but the decline was still very early on and he was still at 99% strength. But at the beginning of Volume 2, it was revealed that Superman’s high power level was an illusion kept up by members of The Authority, and from that point on we saw Superman at the power level established in Superman and the Authority. It was just a little messy and poorly planned. The other problem I have with this book is that it obviously is meant to serve as an introduction to the Warworld Saga rather than stand as its own story. The book was very short and, while it gave the reader some good character moments, is not great as its own work.
Thankfully, Superman and the Authority was the only book in this arc to disappoint. Volume 1 of Action Comics, Warworld Rising, allowed me to become much more invested in this story. The Genesis Fragment, a key component of this story arc, is an item of incredible power sought after by every world government, most espcially the US to Atlantis. Seeing the battle lines drawn between each faction, and how the Justice League and Superman found themselves caught up in it, was incredibly interesting to me and definitely kept my pages turning. This book also introduces the character of Thao La, an escaped slave of Mongul’s Warworld and member of the lost Kryptonian colony, the Phaelosians. Her fear of enduring more trauma by betraying her master, Mongul, leads her to struggle with trusting the Superman family, as she is forced to decide whether to comply with Mongul’s wishes or place her trust and safety in Superman’s hands. With the crash of Thao La’s ship and the deaths of her fellow refugees, after learning the crisis the Phaelosians found themselves in, Superman gathers The Authority to head off to Warworld with the goal of deposing Mongul and freeing his planet’s slave inhabitants.
Volume 2: The Arena is where things really start to heat up. Superman and his new team arrive on Warworld and are immediately crushed into defeat. Most members of The Authority are captured, one is killed, and Superman is pierced through the heart with Mongul’s kryptonite spear. Mongul made this defeat possible by heating Warworld with a red sun to weaken Superman’s powers, as well as assembling his own team of extremely deadly and in some cases divine servants (the Marvel parallel to Mongul’s team would be Thanos’ Black Order). Superman is then kept alive and made into a slave just like the rest of Warworld’s population, and in his weakened state struggles to rally the cynical, traumatized, and brainwashed slave population into rising up against Mongul, He Who Holds All Chains. He had incredible difficulty at first, but it was heartwarming to watch him gradually bring people to his side with his sincerity and compassionate appeals to his fellow slaves. It is only at the end of this volume that Superman begins to lead the Warworld uprising.
Finally, in volume 3: Warworld Revolution, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Volume 3 begins in the same way as volume 2: Superman and his allies are confident in their plans for victory but are quickly caught off guard and defeated by Mongul’s elite warriors, some of whom are captured and/or traitorous members of The Authority. At this point, the resistance is nearly crushed and flees deep into the core of Warworld, a place known as the Necropolis, to hide away from Mongul’s wrath. With dwindling resources, it is only with the aid of two of Mongul’s elites switching sides that The Authority’s plan to use a reactor to turn Warworld’s artificial sun from red to white can succeed, powering up Superman and the Phaelosians so that they can finally rise up and win. Seeing Superman’s resolve and determination throughout this story, especially during moments of hopelessness, in addition to the ingenuity and creativity of Superman and members of The Authority in solving problems, was incredibly captivating to me.
Final, smaller thoughts: 
Midnighter and Apollo’s relationship was fantastic and adorable, and I couldn’t ask for a better romance in representation of gay characters. Midnighter’s darkness and cynicism contrasting with Apollo’s brighter demeanor was such a wonderful dynamic for the love between them. This theme is also evidenced by their costumes and abilities. Midnighter wears an all black combat suit and mask and has the ability of master-level prediction to win hand-to-hand fights, and Apollo has a bright white suit and uses his solar-based powers to fly and shoot beams of solar energy. 
Superman’s decline in his powers due to his injuries in the breach is worrying to me. It was obvious that it served as a narrative device to allow his son Jon to take over the mantle of Superman once Clark Kent could no longer play that role. But I don’t really want that to happen. And given the controversy and mixed reception to some of Jon’s recent books, it seems much less likely that he’ll be replacing Clark any time soon. I like Jon as a character and look forward to seeing what other adventures and trials he faces, and I love that he provides bisexual representation, but I just don’t think he can replace the icon of Clark Kent, at least not yet.
All in all, this was an *amazing* story arc. It contained all the usual Superman themes of embracing compassion, fighting for justice in the face of impossible odds, and just generally being a good neighbor. This was the first Superman epic I’ve read and it sure won’t be the last.
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goddamnwebcomics · 1 year
Lessee what we have for this batch...
- League of Super Redundant Heroes
Not sure if I suggested this one in the past about stupid superheroes (including a blind guy with bike handles on his head and laser eyes, an actual Mary Sue who's his girlfriend, a cowgirl who makes no sense, and a guy that levitate cats) but putting it up front just to cover that base
-Delta Dawn
A particularly infamous "superhero" comic that tries to be a social justice comic tackling racism and sexism while apparently unintentionally doing both those thing somehow? It's either that or intentionally being bad to prove it's point, but it doesnt have the self awareness to do it right? Apparently tries to have a protagonist and antagonist story run side by side too? You know it's bad when I see character names and I can't tell if it's being hyperbolic or if that's literally what the characters are called...
-Black Magic by SacredHyacinth
Magic teens in a future apocalyptic setting have magic jewelry to protect them as they live in a city that doesn't want them to have their jewelry for some reason? Things for the comics lore and worldbuilding just are half explained haphazardly as it goes on...
-My Alien Girlfriend (doesn't know I'm an alien)
Another webtoon comic. Comedy romance about two dating aliens in obvious disguise. Drawn rather poorly, lots of fanservice without going all the way to being porn, and very poor humor... literally the girlfriend looks like a clown character from another, and I believe actual porn, comic the author had a hand in.
-Parallax by m falke
Sort of a hybrid magical girl/superhero thing. A boy is given a little box that turns him into a ninja looking hero to fight monsters. Haven't read too much, but the art style is interesting looking at least.
- Bittersweet Candy Bowl by Veronica "taeshi" Vera
A furry teen drama comic about an angsty Mary Sue white cat named Lucy and love triangles upon triangles upon etc. So odd, cause some characters are fully dressed and some aren't, Lucy has like two bird pets, but they can talk? And oh so many perfect reaction images from the cat blobs.
- Black Jade by Steele Snover
Lesbian mad scientist villain makes a raygun that turns other women gay as well. She literally gets a girlfriend and from that point onward the comic has no idea what it wants to do with itself. The author notoriously asked for $1600 a month to keep this comic going I believe.
-Don't know if youd do written fanfic riffing at all, but One Piece: This Bites by Xomniac might be worth tearing into if you ever get around to doing that. It's basically a self insert fic involving a fan of One Piece who abuses his knowledge of the series like mad after a literal RNG God decides to matoon him in that world. It kinda tries to ground the anime in reality and to be more "hard core" by mauling the main character and torturing villains and such.
-...lets be honest here ANYTHING by Dave Cheung
Just. Wow. Dave Cheungs list of wretchedness is something frankly unbelievable from what I've heard there's sexism, snuff and a lack of holding back all wrapped up in a generic non-anime style... US Angel Core is the absolute worst in particular as it is just...disturbed, like seriously bottom of the barrel disgustingness as it kills characters and subjects them to heaps of abuse to the point i dont even reccomend you look into it, its that fucking disgusting. Literally anything else, this one isn't so much a recc as it is a warning...
Already on the rifflist
This sounds like an easy target so why not
The lady from Keeping Up Appearances made a webcomic? Oh this is trying to be ART and DEEP. I can tell it from the somewhat pretentious artstyle alone.
This thing is ridiciulously short, so I'm on the edge. Wait porn???
This might be too competent.
Ohhh no no no no no. Did you miss the submission page rules? The author's husband will kill anyone who criticises the comic
Oh, it's been a while since we've gotten some good old lesploitation.
I don't really riff written work unless it's done by one of our usual suspects or other webcomic makers
Ah, Cheung's work we're familiar with. U.S. Angel Corps is on the rifflist and I am very wary of riffing it, but I say Cheung deserves to be brutally riffed.
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m0ose-idiot · 2 years
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I posted 3,810 times in 2022
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3,747 posts reblogged (98%)
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I tagged 3,077 of my posts in 2022
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#bbc ghosts - 324 posts
#comics - 177 posts
#bbc ghosts spoilers - 82 posts
#six idiots - 78 posts
#yonderland - 73 posts
#horrible histories - 72 posts
#crochet - 72 posts
#tumblr sure is a website - 68 posts
#poorly drawn lines - 60 posts
#mooseidiot crochets - 48 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#also mike didn't join cos every time alison asked himfor directions while driving fanny shouted her own advice over him & they got lost lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Goddammit Kiell don't make us come over there
247 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
If it's not going to be on Spotify (in which case, what is the point of Spotify?), at least it can be here 🤘👻
Sorry not sorry
254 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
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The little ones were also super-excited to see @bbcghostsupdates‘ post about series 4's promo picture   👻🥰
305 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
“You know, you sound a very educated man for a barbarian,” said Rincewind.
“Oh, dear me, I didn’t start out a barbarian. I used to be a school teacher. That’s why they call me Teach.”
“What did you teach?”
“Geography. And I was very interested in Auriental* studies. But I decided to give it up and make a living by the sword.”
“After being a teacher all your life?”
“It did mean a change of perspective, yes.”
“But…well...surely…the privation, the terrible hazards, the daily risk of death…”
Mr Saveloy brightened up. “Oh, you’ve been a teacher, have you?”
*The Ankh-Morpork name for the Counterweight Continent. It means ‘the place where the gold comes from’
339 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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The crochet Button House Inhabitants project I began in lockdown 2020 is finally fully assembled! Well, until some future season when some rascals may give me another reason to make the next character, anyway... 👀👻♥️
370 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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procrastinatinglumi · 2 years
I've been busy for a while, and memorytale's comic is finally (with more hiatuses in the future) continuing again, so have some poorly drawn asgore!
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I'll try my best to not succumb to procrastination, promise
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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Holding the gf
To @multiversal-madness, I’m sorry, I know Claire probably isn’t this small, but I saw the picture of Shattered Future Claire and then in my head that ferret gif popped into my head
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And I couldn’t help myself
But it would be funny if Claire was just a noodle that Layton can just carry around
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zipwriting · 4 months
I do want to have Ozymanzous be a silent comic to sell the book. Using random splash panels and longer sequences (than usual) of charades (charades-type) and color coded thoughtbubbles (one color for imagined futures, one for remembered pasts) where the thoughtbubbles are visual. But then like. Part of the story is just debate vs argument and it's just about Kouragra is like "Latin doth be kind of Italian right" and Enalore is like "you're adorable. did you just call our grandpa [grandpa] lord god in heaven [our father]?" because deep down I'm just like Tolkein. so there's just gonna be random splash pages of grandpa as god. no but listen once you get used to it. it will work
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(ID: David Byrne's funny album cover for uh-oh, of a painting of angels singing to a throne with a clipart dog on it. But the dog is Christopher Eccleston. A silouette of a furry is saying it. Enalore is making a judgemental face saying two conjoined speech bubbles, end ID.) the silouette is Kouragra of course
this but different
and as it goes there will be my official funny captions
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(ID: The judgmental Enalore saying uh oh, is right." end ID)
And then once the thing is finished (cross your fingers knock on wood) posting the dialogues like a versoin of the comic with the dialogues probably chapter by chapter for like 2 weeks. during christmas time.
but yeah the splash pannels will also not make sense, ever.
I promise. You'll see. using different shapes of speech bubbles and using colors and monochromes and stuff.
It would be like this
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(ID: Editted bits of Dungeon Meshi, of Chilchalk pointing at a wall saying something. Then the wall with a shadow on it. Then Chilchalk feeling along the wall for two panels (very poorly drawn) with "it's around here, I think" written down but not in a speech bubble, an aside. They're standing touching their face with one hand across their chest, thinking of Laios getting caught in a bear trap, Marcille hung by the ankle in a snare, and Senshi's helmet floating above a pit. They're making a serious face. The party is walking down a slope singing, with anction lines highlighting that there is nothing ahead. Then Marcille is shouting something tentatively waving her staff. Her same face again waving her staff, but bigger. Laios hand-waving her judgementally. Tiny Chilchalk face with a sweat drop, end ID.)
and then the funny captions is like this
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(ID: The same page where Chilchalk is saying "Is it a square? A triangle? It's around here somewhere. Yeah it's a "round." I think we would get along better if you learned a lesson." Marcille exclaiming "I'm good at magic." and Laios saying "Rogues have better magic in 5e." end ID.)
it sounds like real time fan dub except it's not real time so it should be funnier but it's not that important.
and then finally you get
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(ID: The same editted page with the real translations. chilchalk saying "How about using the hidden path? There's... [that's my poor editting] It's around here I think. There's a lot of traps but few monsters." Marcille says "I could use my trap removal magic and..." And Laios says "It would be fast to have Chilchack do it." end id)
which is a longer more tedious version of the original, whcih is 2 pannels on a 7 pannel page
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(ID: Chilchalk saying "How about using the hidden path? It's around here I think." Pointing at the wall, which has some moss growing on it. "There's lots of traps but few monsters." In the next pannel, Marcille and Laios do their exchange, where he's walking away from her in the same pannel, end ID.)
this is how to do filler guys. this is it. 2 pannels to one page. Obviously it's bad but I could have drawn the trap imaginings in the gutters and moved the speech bubbles around AND I should have drawn pannels around the bottom part. And obviously you'd be redrawing it. I'm not trying to disrepect Ryoko Kui by, like, having there be 2 marcille's as if she wasn't communicating it well enough by having it be just once her waving it behind his head. Us watching his hand gesture will see her wand. But the thing is, comics ARE about drawings and text and I think we relay a lot on text as an audience. and you can see she's talking about her magic, which humans have represented this mysterious power in wands and staves. but it has to be more charades-y or your eyes will start to glaze over.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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shadyhouse · 1 year
Your art is so fuckin good and I lose my mind every time I see it! You pretty much top the list of artists I want to commission one I have digital money again. Do you have any art advice you'd wanna give a fellow (though less experienced) furry artist?
OMGGGG THANK YOU!!! :D that means so much, i'm glad my art can have so much of an influence on you! that seriously makes me so happy 😭 i'm honored to be one of your favorites!!!
as for art advice.... i feel like im not qualified to give Good advice since im pretty much completely self-taught, but also maybe that makes the advice better? idk ive been "serious" about art and doing commissions since 2017 so i have quite a bit of experience but i still feel like a beginner gdhkgjldsgdskg but anyways here's my own personal things ive learned over the years
absorb as much art as you possibly can. art of all mediums. tv shows, movies, music, visual art, animations, books, comics, ect ect ect EVEN bad art! i am a huge believer of the idea that both bad art and good art is extremely important to you as an artist because not only does the bad art show you what Not to do, but sometimes bad art has GREAT ideas that you wouldve never thought of before. whether they're just executed poorly or the ideas arent touched upon as in depth as you'd like. i'm giving you permission to steal ideas right now PLEASE steal ideas from all the stuff you love and put your own personal spin on them i'm BEGGING you!!!! just don't claim other people's art as your own and you're golden
if you want to open commissions but you don't think you're "good enough", open them anyway. i swear it will do nothing but help you improve and give you experience for the future. i started out by drawing things for $10 a pop and it did SO MUCH for my improvement, i'm always drawing stuff that i wouldve never drawn otherwise and it's helped me a ton with my own personal art too. the variety of the prompts you'll get will be intimidating Because it'll be stuff you don't typically draw, but you'll feel such a sense of accomplishment by the end Because it's a challenge. all this being said, don't let people take advantage of you. stand your ground and don't be afraid to refund/deny a commission request because you're excited to get paid. for every client who's a dick to you there's like five clients who will gladly respect you and pay you what you deserve irt your skill and quality. i Promise
DRAW WHAT YOU LIKE TO DRAW!!!! Don't draw what you think other people want to see! at the end of the day, it's YOUR art, and you should be building a gallery full of things that make YOU happy and Spark Joy when you create, regardless of how "niche" the subjects may be. i'm in the process of unlearning this myself, but the best thing that you can do for yourself as an artist is be self indulgent and cater to Yourself above anyone else. if you only draw stuff to pull in followers/commission clients/ect you'll end up getting burnt out EXTREMELY easily and start to resent your art. the best thing to do is to slowly acquire the community that cares the most about your art, and you as an artist. that way you'll feel better about your craft and you'll be able to REALLY feel the love. the people who look at your art can absolutely tell when you're passionate about a piece vs when you're just doing it for attention/money/ect. that's why people who claim they're going to "stoop low and draw furry porn for money" never get anywhere unless theyre TRULY passionate about the craft, because people can TELL when their heart isnt in it
TL;DR draw whatever you wanna draw, be open to try new things, and take in as much art as you can and be open to new life experiences so you can stay inspired even when you're not making art. i hope this is helpful!! i feel like im kinda rambling about my own learning experience haha
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pdlcomics · 5 years
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