#functional muscle and body building muscle look super different
definitelynotshouting · 7 months
Okay, so, question I've had for a while but never got around to asking, what the FUCK is up with Grian's wings?
If all physical differences in players (like those particularly ascribed to 'Hybrids' in mcyt fanon) in Hunger AU are a result of conscious altering of your own code for the express purpose of achieving YOUR IDEAL BODY(tm) then what does that mean for Grian and his wings? No one seems to regard Grian's wings as "What The Fuck, You Can DO That?!?" so presumably wings aren't so big of a change from normal biology that players can't do that. If so, why is it not more common? Man, if I could have wings I'd jump on that in seconds. Especially with the sheer utility the ability to fucking FLY gives players. Are wings (and maybe other larger alterations) just like, REALLY HARD to code in? If so, that might add a really cool layer of "Oh wow! They must be a really good coder!" to players who meet people like that.
On a related note, Grian seems to have a positive regard for his wings, which is interesting because I would be willing to bet he didn't have that before *insert sounds of worm-bursting and non-consensual body modification*. I imagine seeing his wings would likely feel like a reminder of the Watchers and what they did to him. BUT, Watchers manipulate their own code when they change like Grian did to, y'know, not be a worm anymore so Grian probably specifically chose how he looked, right? So, unless he did so really rushed and somehow made a mistake while doing so (which he might not be able to risk the structural damage of correcting), keeping the wings was a conscious decision. Does Grian just not associate his wings with the Watchers or is it something else? Does he just really enjoy having wings?
Okay okay so these are all SUCH valid questions, lemme go through them one by one. Wings are indeed something anyone could have if they wanted to code them in-- and in fact, i do believe many other Players have wings throughout the universe!!! As far as body mods go, i like to think of them as decently popular, so its definitely not anything too weird to see. In chapter 5, i even make a mention to Pearl having moth wings she occasionally codes in due to preference!!! So wings of many different types are definitely available-- but the catch is that they're real fiddly to code. You cant just give yourself wings, you have to code in the bone structure, the muscles, the tendons, etc etc, and then you have to change your entire body structure as well to work with and fully support them. They can be awkward and unwieldy, as ive tried to show in the fic itself, and i think that alone can be a big discouragement for Players considering coding in wings, along with the sheer coding effort needed to obtain them and make them functional
And the thing is, elytra already exist-- they're far more compact, they dont take up as much space, you can take them on and off super easily without having to mess with your coding, and they basically do the same thing. Sure, its a pain to get one, but a lot of Players really enjoy the sense of accomplishment, and i think theres a bit of cultural prestige too in that regard. Server milestones are a huge thing in Player culture, and getting your first pair of elytra is a big one!!! So it makes sense to me that people who just dont want to go through the effort of coding in wings (which can then in turn complicate how they code other future modifications) primarily stick to elytra.
And everybody is different-- some people prefer attributes that arent wings. I like to think everyone in hermitcraft generally is a mix of "jeez thats effort, i could be building my base instead of doing that" and "eh im fine how i am, i like it" and "well we have elytra shops everywhere so why bother".
So in short, yeah!! Wings are a bit complex to code in. They're still pretty popular, i think plenty of Players do choose to incorporate them, but it takes a lot of hard and thorough work to make sure they function right and wont bug you out when you use them. There are billions of Players scattered across the universe, so what you're seeing in the fic right now is truly just a drop in the ocean when it comes to Player body diversity :] and then, elytra basically already help Players achieve a form of flight without the hassle of recoding their entire body structure, so i think the majority of Players just prefer to use them instead.
Well..... its complicated. Particularly his feelings about them-- in the fic, i referenced them as the only good thing the Watchers ever gave him, and thats how he sees it, i think: a thin silver lining. He's had many, many years to get used to them, and i think he goes through periods where he hates them and the memories attached, too. Ultimately, he's kinda stuck with them, so i think he hit a form of acceptance (as bitter-tinged as it may be) out of sheer necessity for his own sanity.
As for why he has them, and hasnt coded them out: i think of it as a particular quirk of biology/structural coding. Watchers have a more instinctive way of coding than Players, but a Player-minded Watcher is still going to think like a Player, and thats going to muddle things a lot. Grian essentially had to relearn how to code, in a way that satisfied both Player and Watcher-style coding, and the results at first were.... a little rough around the edges. Once he managed to finally take on his original former appearance, the wings from his true form just kind of.... stuck. I like to think it took a few increasingly desperate tries before he realized he just could not figure out how to get rid of them (bc of how different his new code was), and had to accept that this was just how he was gonna have to live for a while until he finally figured it out. And then, well.... you can get used to anything, if you're stuck with it long enough. I think after a while it just stopped being a huge priority, and then he reached a point where it would be more awkward to live without them than with them, and he eventually dropped the idea altogether. And i think sometimes, they function almost like a scar, to him-- a reminder of what he went through, yes, but a reminder that he did manage to escape. And, ofc, he also just really, really likes flying skdjskdjdj
So yeah, loads of complicated feelings there about his wings, and its stuff i do plan on exploring later in the fic!!! This got a little rambly, but i hope this makes sense and answers your questions!!!! :D its a fun little complicated knot that im glad someone has gotten curious enough to ask about!!!!
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cathartic-crypt · 1 month
Does Casper have any special ghoul traits? I know ferals tend to not attack ghouls but they also follow and seek out feral glowing ones!
So does he have something like that where like, ghouls maybe see him as a dead reanimated ghoul and steer clear? Or would they react like he has more/less authority?
in terms of being treated differently by other ghouls...he isnt really. most of the time hes around other ghouls when he, himself, looks like one - so he just kinda blends into the crowd. he doesnt have any sense of authority and he tries his best to not stick out too much >.> doesnt want any unnecessary attention...and doesnt want any questions about who he is and where hes from either
(heads up im using this ask as an excuse to ramble about how he functions)
now when it comes to special ghoul traits....Sorta! hes SUPER reactive to radiation. like if he stands in something heavily irradiated and gets a cut itll close up almost instantly
!warning for talks about gore/decomposition below
ok this is less a special trait and more of a Nuisance...but casper isnt always human-like. and of course to get from one state to another theres a transitional period...
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fresh: this is the stage where hes the most human like :) he breathes, blinks, eats and sleeps. the only 'off' detail about him is that every old scar (the significant ones) look freshly healed. pale pink and clean. he needs frequent doses of radiation to stay like this - and has to stay away from people for 1-2 hours freshly after stocking up because he'll set off any geiger counter in the vicinity. during this state hes quite social and has the confidence to enter the strip and meet new people. pretty much trying to do as much as possible cause he knows it wont last forever (usually around a week)
rotting: now this is the interesting stage....this is the weird transitional period where hes actively decaying. skin slipping and losing muscles included. old scars begin to tear open and discolouration starts at the fingertips/toes/spine and blooms out. in the earlier stages of this state, his body can still heal itself to a degree. he stitches up any old/new wounds to keep them closed just long enough for it to start healing/find a new source of radiation. its not the most effective but it helps. of course in the later stages, when hes teetering closer to being a ghoul than human, theres no use in stitching anything together cause most of the skin is gone
during this time when hes actively decaying he distances himself from others - and leaves new vegas. usually in this time he picks up a job/assignment to scavenge for any pre-war stuff from abandoned buildings to make himself feel somewhat useful. hes also actively searching for anything radioactive to heal himself, which is why his assignments can sometimes take weeks...because hes waiting for his body to rebuild itself before coming back from the job
this stage is something hes incredibly insecure about. he hates seeing his body decay and rot, and he fights to feel human. when hes around the public hes covered in clothes from head to toe, usually through the use of facewraps and multiple layers. he doesnt want anyone to see him
necrotic: this is just the ghoul stage, when hes pretty low on radation and his body has lost all ability to fix itself. his heart stops beating and he stops breathing (his body sometimes still does the motions of breathing without actually needing to, its a force of habit). despite being a ghoul with leathery skin and tense muscle, hes not weak. hes still got his strength and has his usual eyesight, his voice is still normal. once he reaches this point he doesnt care too much about what he looks like, and dresses like normal. however he refuses to go to the strip or to new businesses - and even sometimes gives out a fake name so no one recognises him
oh and because youve read this far have some doodles :D
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zealousnightsublime · 2 years
Anaerobic exercise: What it is and how it affects the body
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Anaerobic fitness is the strength component of general fitness, which also contains at least two other essential components: aerobic fitness (the part of cardiovascular resistance) and joint mobility. Speed ​​and skill are native qualities and they have little to do with health status - which is the main concern of mass gymnastics, which aim to keep the body in good shape. Anaerobic training programs aimed at developing strength, body building or muscle mass. There are situations where it's just for strength or muscle building. Typical examples of these situations are given by sports organized into categories, in which physical strength (prohibited to exceed a certain weight limit) is tested. The growth of muscle mass determines the increase in strength and strength of skeletal muscles. In this case, the fitness program looks like strength training, without the dramatic, but dangerous, changes of strength training. The goal of anaerobic gymnastics is the even, balanced and harmonious development of all muscles without neglecting their function. This last idea is important for making a clear distinction between fitness and the tendency, often narcissism, to manifest in bodybuilders. Fitness athletes want to be able and able to do something with their muscles, rather than show them off in competitions or in different occasions and places (dance hall, swimming pool, etc.) club, etc.). One of the important features of anaerobic gymnastics training is the use of joint programs in which all or nearly all muscles are worked in a single training session. In bodybuilding, programs are broken down and sessions each focus on one, two, or at most three muscle groups; While in bodybuilding training can focus on a certain area, this does not exclude other muscles, which will benefit, directly or indirectly, from at most one exercise to each muscle group. This way the programs are not too long; they last an average of one hour and fifteen minutes; thus avoiding faze catabolism; this often occurs during very long training sessions (two hours or even more). Another way to reduce training time is to do super-sets, which aim to work two opposing muscle groups (chest and back or biceps and triceps, etc.). Thus, for each muscle group must perform a series of exercises, without resting between sets; the pause is only made at the end of this double attempt. Programs can also contain triples or even giant sets (more than three exercises in a row). The intensity of training can be increased dramatically: it is possible to train many muscles in a short time. Weekly training frequency remains the same (three sessions); so the aerobic phase can be covered in spare days. If only three or even two weekly sessions can be done, mixed programs can be applied: after the anaerobic form, always done at the beginning of the session, 15-20 minutes of the aerobic form are added. to balance the two phases (anaerobic and aerobic). Also in this case, the training should not last more than an hour and a half; otherwise, the stage of catabolism is initiated - the stage in which the muscles eat their own flesh. Anaerobic gymnastics is recommended for all body types, with specific differences in training modalities. In the case of ectomorphic and mezomorphic styles, all sets (3 or) performed on the same machine must be completed, then the machine and the muscle group being worked on must be changed at the same time. This system is also known as “workshop training”. In the case of the endomorph (overweight), circuit training is preferred: the muscle group to be trained is changed after each series and the entire circuit must be repeated three or four times. This type of training burns more calories because an aerobic component is introduced by having no rest between sets and a slight increase in heart rate. The growth of muscle mass by physical conditioning programs cannot exceed one weight category (5-6 kg), but they do not unbalance other motor parameters. Read the full article
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fitspiresuppliment · 4 months
Navigating Protein Intake. What’s Right for Your Body?
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Protein is an essential macronutrient that plays a crucial role in the overall health and functioning of the human body. From building and repairing tissues to supporting immune function and acting as a source of energy, the importance of protein cannot be overstated. But the issue "How much protein is right for my body?" is one that comes up frequently. It might be difficult to determine the right amount of super whey protein to consume because each person has different demands depending on their age, activity level, and general health. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the significance of super whey protein, its various sources, and how to determine the right amount for your unique body.
The Basics of Protein:
Amino acids, sometimes known as the building blocks of life, are the building blocks that make up proteins. The body needs each of the 20 different amino acids for optimal operation. While the body can produce some amino acids on its own, others must be obtained through diet, making them essential amino acids. Protein sources can be categorized into two main types: complete and incomplete proteins.
Complete proteins contain all nine essential amino acids and are typically found in animal products such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. Incomplete proteins, on the other hand, lack one or more essential amino acids and are commonly found in plant-based sources like beans, grains, and vegetables. It is essential to consume a variety of protein sources to ensure that your body receives all the necessary amino acids for optimal health.
Factors Influencing Protein Needs:
Our bodies change as we age, and one of those changes is the normal decrease in muscle mass. Adequate super whey protein intake becomes increasingly crucial to support muscle maintenance and repair. Older adults may require a higher protein intake to prevent muscle loss and maintain overall health.
Activity Level:
Athletes and individuals with high levels of physical activity often have increased protein needs. Protein plays a vital role in muscle recovery and the repair of tissues damaged during exercise. The type and intensity of physical activity should be considered when determining protein requirements.
Health Status:
Certain health conditions, such as diabetes, kidney disease, and metabolic disorders, can affect protein metabolism. Individuals with specific health concerns should consult with healthcare professionals to determine their optimal super whey protein intake and sources.
Weight and Body Composition:
Protein is instrumental in supporting weight management and preserving lean muscle mass. Those looking to lose weight or build muscle may need to adjust their super whey protein intake accordingly. High-protein diets can contribute to a feeling of fullness, potentially aiding in weight loss by reducing overall calorie consumption.
Determining Your Protein Needs:
While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how much protein an individual needs, several guidelines can help you determine your optimal protein intake.
The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA):
The RDA for super whey protein is set at 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight for adults. However, this value is a general guideline and may not be sufficient for everyone, especially those with higher physical activity levels or specific health goals.
Protein Intake for Athletes:
Athletes and those engaged in intense physical activity may benefit from a higher protein intake. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends a range of 1.2 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for athletes, depending on the type and intensity of exercise.
Protein for Muscle Building:
Individuals aiming to build muscle mass may benefit from a protein intake at the higher end of the recommended range. Consuming protein-rich foods within 30 minutes to an hour after strength training can enhance muscle protein synthesis and support muscle growth.
Protein and Weight Loss:
High-protein diets have been associated with increased feelings of fullness, which can aid in weight loss by reducing overall calorie intake. Including lean protein sources in meals and snacks can be a valuable strategy for those looking to shed excess pounds.
Quality Protein Sources:
Animal-Based Proteins:
Animal products are complete protein sources and provide essential amino acids. Incorporating lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products into your diet ensures a well-rounded protein intake. To reduce additional fats, choose lean meat cuts and cooking techniques like grilling, baking, or steaming.
Plant-Based Proteins:
Plant-based protein sources are essential for vegetarians and vegans. Legumes, beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, and whole grains are excellent plant-based protein options. Combining different plant-based sources throughout the day can help ensure a complete amino acid profile.
Dairy Products:
Dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese, are rich in protein and provide essential nutrients like calcium. Opt for low-fat or fat-free dairy options to limit saturated fat intake while still benefiting from the protein content.
Protein Supplements:
In some cases, individuals may find it challenging to meet their protein needs through whole foods alone. Protein supplements, such as whey, casein, or plant-based protein powders, can be convenient options. However, it's crucial to prioritize whole foods whenever possible and use supplements as a supplement, not a replacement, for whole food sources.
Potential Risks of Excessive Protein Intake:
While protein is essential for overall health, consuming excessively high amounts may pose risks. Excessive protein intake, especially from animal sources, has been associated with kidney damage, digestive issues, and an increased risk of certain health conditions. It's important to strike a balance and avoid extremes in protein consumption.
Kidney Health:
Individuals with pre-existing kidney conditions should be cautious about high-protein diets, as excessive protein can strain the kidneys. Consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended for those with kidney concerns.
Digestive Issues:
Very high protein intake can lead to digestive discomfort, including constipation or diarrhea. Consuming enough fiber and water can help reduce these problems.
Nutrient Imbalance:
Relying heavily on one type of protein source may result in nutrient imbalances. A varied diet that includes both animal and plant-based protein sources ensures a diverse range of essential nutrients.
Navigating protein intake is a personalized journey that requires consideration of various factors, including age, activity level, health status, and individual goals. By understanding the basics of protein, determining your specific needs, and choosing high-quality protein sources, you can optimize your overall health and well-being. Remember that balance is key, and moderation in protein consumption, along with a varied and nutrient-rich diet, is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. If you have specific health concerns or goals, consulting with a registered dietitian or healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance on your protein intake journey.
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metalmuscle · 8 months
Strongman's Best-Kept Secret: The Super Yoke Advantage Revealed
Are you building raw muscle strength and power? If yes, then you should invest in effective and ionic strength sports accessories including the Super Yoke. This tough piece of equipment has been a staple in strongman competitions over the decades and is now garnering popularity among crossfit athletes, powerlifters, and fitness enthusiasts alike.
What is the Super Yoke?
The Super Yoke is sometimes simply referred to as "the Yoke,”. It is a specialised piece of strength training equipment that resembles a strong metal frame with vertical posts and horizontal crossbars. Typically, athletes lift and carry the Yoke on their shoulders. Likewise the yoke has been used for thousands of years by farmers and construction workers for carrying buckets of water or other heavy loads. The main difference is that the super yoke is specifically designed for maximum weight and stability.
What makes the Super Yoke essential for those who want to take their strength training to the next level?
Complete Body Engagement –
The super yoke has the unique ability to engage different muscle groups simultaneously. When you lift and carry the yoke, your legs, back, shoulders, and core all work together to stabilize and move the heavy load. The complete body engagement results in incredible gains in terms of overall strength and functional power.
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Real-World Strength –
Strongman training is about functional strength, used for real-world applications. The super yoke has the same activities like carrying heavy loads or pushing objects. It makes an excellent tool for building practical, everyday strength.
Mental Toughness –
Mental resilience is required for carrying a heavy load on your shoulders and walking with it. Super Yoke training can push you to overcome physical discomfort and fatigue so that you will develop unwavering mental toughness.
Versatility –
The Super Yoke can be loaded with different weights and can work well for individuals with different strength levels. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced lifter, you can adjust to challenge your abilities continuously. train for speed, distance or max weight.
Competition-Level –
Strongman competitors have been using the super yoke for decades in some of the most demanding events. Not only with weight plates, but also all types of odd objects attached- including cars, motorcycles, fridges, massive logs etc  This piece of equipment is highly effective in building strength and endurance, which has been proven on the world stage.
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If you're looking to take your strength training to new heights, you should incorporate the super yoke into your routine. This powerful piece of equipment offers enormous benefits, from building complete-body strength to developing mental toughness.
Whether you're a strongman competitor, powerlifter, or fitness enthusiast, you should shop for super yoke and other heavy duty equipment available at METAL MUSCLE ATHLETICS.
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vegi1 · 1 year
Which Vegan Foods Are High in Protein?
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Many of you wonder if it’s possible to get enough Protein without chomping down on a juicy steak or gobbling up a plate of chicken wings.
Well, worry not, my friends, because the plant kingdom has various delicious and protein-packed options!
Today, I will explore which vegan foods are high in Protein, so grab a comfy seat and let’s embark on this delightful veggie-filled adventure!
To start our delicious healthy journey, let’s learn more about the superpowers of Protein!
Protein plays a super important role in our bodies. It’s like the building blocks for everything; you can imagine Protein as the ultimate handyperson.
It helps repair and build tissues like muscles, skin, hair, and nails. So, if you’re looking to get ripped or have luscious locks, Protein is your best friend.
But wait, there’s more! Protein is also involved in making enzymes, which are tiny workers that help with chemical reactions in our bodies.
Need to digest food? Enzymes got your back. Plus, proteins are involved in our immune system, helping to fight off those nasty invaders.
Amino acids. Think of amino acids as the Lego pieces that make up the protein structures.
There are different types of amino acids, like different Lego shapes and colors, and our bodies need all of them to function properly.
It would be best if you made sure to get your Protein fixed because it’s essential for keeping our bodies strong, repairing tissues, and keeping us healthy overall.
Here is one of the main elements of your vegan diet to rely on when getting Protein!
Lentils contain a whopping amount of Protein. Can you believe it? You’ll find around 18 grams of Protein in just one cooked cup of lentils! Isn’t that fantastic?
In addition, not only are they packed with Protein, but they also offer a ton of other goodies. They’re rich in fiber, iron, and folate, all essential nutrients for our bodies.
They’re versatile and can be used in many yummy dishes like soups, stews, salads, and veggie burgers.
Talk about a win-win.
So, if you’re considering going vegan or just looking to add more plant-based goodness to your diet, lentils are a delicious and nutritious choice.
Lentils are vegan foods with high Protein, so make sure to fit them into your weekly food plan!
Another delicious little black element that is a vegan food high in Protein is black beans!
When getting your protein fix, black beans won’t disappoint you!
A 1-cup serving of cooked black beans contains around 15 grams of Protein. Isn’t that awesome? It’s a decent amount of Protein for such a humble and delicious food.
Whether you’re looking to maintain your vegan lifestyle or considering a switch to plant-based eating, black beans should be on your menu.
The endless possibilities are hearty black bean burgers and zesty black bean salads.
Quinoa is a fantastic source of Protein, especially for vegans! I’m a huge fan of it myself.
The best part about quinoa, which makes it even better than meat, is that it’s a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids that our bodies need.
You can use it in salads, stir-fries, soups, or even as a substitute for rice and have the proteins you need.
So, if you’re thinking of going vegan or already rocking that veggie lifestyle, quinoa is a must-have in your kitchen.
I got to say; tempeh is a real superstar when it comes to Protein, especially for us vegans! It’s like a little protein powerhouse.
A typical tempeh serving of around 100 grams can contain around 19-21 grams of Protein. Isn’t that awesome? That’s almost as much as you’d get from a juicy steak or a chicken breast!
Who dares to say you can’t get enough Protein on a plant-based diet?
What’s cool about tempeh is that it’s made from fermented soybeans. This process not only enhances the taste but also increases its nutritional value.
A 1-ounce (28 grams) serving of chia seeds contains around 4 grams of Protein. Isn’t that great? Who would have thought such small seeds could boost our Protein?
They offer a plant-based source of Protein, making them an excellent option for those looking to cut down on meat or go completely meat-free.
Plus, they have the added benefit of being super versatile and easy to include in your meals.
As delicious food and vegan food with high Protein, how can you not eat them? So, go ahead and embrace the power of chia seeds!
Almonds are an awesome choice if you’re into veganism like me! They’re not just tasty; they’re also packed with Protein, which is super important for plant-based folks.
On average, you can find about 6 grams of Protein in a 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of almonds.
They’re great for providing that extra boost of energy and keeping you satisfied throughout the day, as well as they are vegan food with high Protein!
Let’s remember the other awesome benefits of almonds. They’re packed with healthy fats, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals.
Considering you’re thinking about going vegan or want to add more plant-based goodness to your diet, edamame is a fantastic choice.
On average, a cup of cooked edamame contains around 17 grams of Protein, easily putting it in the category of vegan foods with High Protein!
Not only does it give you a good protein boost, but it’s also low in fat and high in fiber; trust me, once you start munching on these tasty beans, you won’t be able to get enough of them.
They make a great snack on their own!
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dorothydishes · 1 year
Deciding Upon Plans In Dbal Max Results
Real-World Programs Of Dbal Max Reviews - Straightforward Advice
Attaining a muscle, ripped physique is the dream of numerous physical fitness fanatics. For sports athletes, yrs and body builders have considered steroid drugs like Dianabol to assist them to accomplish their set goals. Although these medicines can deliver remarkable results, they also have a hold of unpleasant side effects. Luckily, there's an improved way of getting jacked - and it's entirely drug-free of charge.
D-Bal MAX is really arisk-free and legal, and all-natural option to Dianabol which will help you load up on muscle tissue, boost power, and enhance your all round health and fitness without having some of the damaging side effects associated with steroid drugs. Whether you're a body builder, an athlete, or simply just someone who wishes to look and feel their finest, D-Bal MAX will help you accomplish your targets quicker and a lot more safely than before.
One of the greatest advantages of D-Bal MAX is being able to accelerate muscle progress. The health supplement operates by increasing protein functionality in your body, which means that your muscle tissues can fix and repair on their own faster after a work out. This might lead to more quickly muscle tissue development and an general boost in muscle tissue.
In addition to muscle development, D-Bal MAX can also help you improve your durability. The health supplement includes ingredients that can increase your body's amounts of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the molecule that gives power in your muscles during workout. D-Bal MAX can help you elevate bulkier weight loads and drive yourself more difficult throughout your routines, by increasing your ATP amounts.
Maybe most importantly, D-Bal MAX is actually a completely safe and natural substitute for Dianabol. The dietary supplement is made with natural ingredients that were cautiously chosen for their muscle-building qualities, so you can rest assured that you're not adding your overall health at risk through taking it. As opposed to steroid drugs, which may trigger from liver damage to moodiness, D-Bal MAX is really a completely secure and legitimate method of getting jacked.
So, d-Bal MAX is unquestionably really worth looking at if you're trying to find a medication-free means to fix obtaining super jacked. Regardless of whether you're an experienced bodybuilder or in the beginning stages, this secure and organic health supplement may help you achieve your workout goals successfully and rapidly. So just why hold out? Begin taking D-Bal MAX these days and see the difference yourself!
Click here to learn more about: D-Bal Max Bodybuilding Supplements
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godlevskis · 1 year
Painless Methods For Dbal Max Reviews Considered
Thoughts On Realistic Dbal Max Supplement Products
Achieving a muscle, sculpted physique is the imagine many physical fitness fanatics. For yrs, body builders and athletes have turned to steroid drugs like Dianabol to assist them to achieve their set goals. While these medicines can deliver amazing final results, additionally they have a host of distressing unwanted effects. Fortunately, there's a much better way to get jacked - and it's totally medicine-free of charge.
D-Bal MAX is asecure and lawful, and all-natural substitute for Dianabol that can help you package on muscular mass, increase durability, and improve your general health and fitness with out some of the harmful side effects associated with anabolic steroids. Regardless of whether you're a muscle builder, an athlete, or simply just a person who wants to appear and feel their finest, D-Bal MAX will help you achieve your objectives faster and a lot more properly than in the past.
One of the greatest advantages of D-Bal MAX is its capability to speed up muscle development. The supplement operates by increasing healthy proteins functionality inside your body, which means that your muscle tissues can fix and rebuild on their own quicker after having a workout. This may lead to quicker muscle tissue growth plus an general rise in muscle mass.
As well as muscle progress, D-Bal MAX can also help you boost your power. The supplement consists of components that can improve your body's amounts of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the molecule which offers vitality to your muscle tissues in the course of physical exercise. By increasing your ATP ranges, D-Bal MAX can help you raise weightier weights and drive oneself tougher throughout your workout routines.
Maybe above all, D-Bal MAX is a entirely secure and organic substitute for Dianabol. The dietary supplement is made with natural ingredients which have been very carefully selected for his or her muscle tissue-building attributes, so you can rest assured that you're not placing your overall health in danger through taking it. Unlike anabolic steroids, which may result in from liver damage to mood swings, D-Bal MAX is really a completely secure and lawful method of getting jacked.
In case you're looking for a drug-free solution to obtaining super jacked, D-Bal MAX is unquestionably well worth looking at. Whether or not you're a seasoned body builder or in the beginning stages, this secure and organic health supplement will help you attain your workout goals effectively and swiftly. So why wait? Begin taking D-Bal MAX these days and see the difference yourself!
Click here to learn more about: D-Bal Max Muscle Toners
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Thoughts On Painless Products Of Dbal Max Supplement
Swift Methods For Dbal Max Reviews - Some Thoughts
Achieving a muscle, sculpted figure will be the dream about several fitness enthusiasts. For bodybuilders, many years and sports athletes have looked to steroid drugs like Dianabol to assist them to achieve their set goals. Although these drugs can supply impressive outcomes, they also include a variety of unpleasant side effects. Luckily, there's an improved way to get jacked - and it's totally drug-free.
D-Bal MAX is actually alegitimate and risk-free, and organic alternative to Dianabol which will help you package on muscle tissue, improve strength, and enhance your overall fitness without some of the dangerous side effects connected with anabolic steroids. Whether you're a bodybuilder, a sports athlete, or simply someone who wants to really feel and look their very best, D-Bal MAX will help you attain your targets more quickly and much more safely than ever before.
One of the biggest benefits associated with D-Bal MAX is its ability to increase muscle growth. The supplement functions by raising healthy proteins functionality inside your body, which means that your muscles can restoration and repair themselves quicker after a work out. This may lead to quicker muscle mass development as well as an general boost in muscle tissue.
As well as muscle mass development, D-Bal MAX will also help you increase your power. The dietary supplement includes ingredients that are designed to boost your body's degrees of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the molecule which offers energy for your muscle tissues throughout exercise. D-Bal MAX will help you elevate heavier weight loads and drive your self tougher throughout your workout routines, by improving your ATP levels.
Perhaps above all, D-Bal MAX is actually a totally risk-free and all-natural substitute for Dianabol. The supplement is produced with natural ingredients that have been carefully picked for his or her muscle tissue-building qualities, so there is no doubt that you're not adding your health in jeopardy if you take it. As opposed to anabolic steroids, which can result in everything from liver organ damage to mood swings, D-Bal MAX is a totally secure and lawful way of getting jacked.
So, d-Bal MAX is unquestionably really worth checking out if you're searching for a drug-free of charge means to fix acquiring super jacked. Whether you're an experienced bodybuilder or only starting out, this safe and natural supplement will help you attain your fitness goals effectively and swiftly. So why hold out? Begin taking D-Bal MAX nowadays and find out the difference yourself!
Click here for more information on: D-Bal Max Fitness Supplements
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vandemmfg · 1 year
Key Aspects For Dbal Max Supplement Simplified
Deciding On Immediate Solutions For Dbal Max Supplement
Reaching a muscular, sculpted body will be the dream of several physical fitness enthusiasts. For weight lifters, yrs and sports athletes have considered steroid drugs like Dianabol to assist them to achieve their set goals. Whilst these medicines can provide amazing final results, in addition they include a hold of unpleasant unwanted effects. Fortunately, there's an improved way to get jacked - and it's totally medication-totally free.
D-Bal MAX is actually alegitimate and safe, and all-natural option to Dianabol which will help you pack on muscle tissue, boost power, and boost your all round health and fitness without having any of the damaging negative effects related to steroid drugs. Whether you're a muscle builder, an athlete, or simply someone who wants to feel and search their finest, D-Bal MAX can help you attain your goals more quickly and more safely than in the past.
One of the greatest advantages of D-Bal MAX is being able to speed up muscle progress. The health supplement functions by increasing proteins functionality in your body, which means your muscle tissues can repair and repair them selves faster following a workout. This might lead to quicker muscle tissue progress as well as an overall boost in muscle mass.
In addition to muscle tissue progress, D-Bal MAX can also help you boost your strength. The dietary supplement includes substances that can boost your body's amounts of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the molecule which offers vitality for your muscle groups throughout physical exercise. By increasing your ATP levels, D-Bal MAX will help you raise weightier dumbbells and push oneself tougher on your workouts.
Possibly above all, D-Bal MAX is a entirely safe and organic substitute for Dianabol. The health supplement is made with 100 % natural ingredients which have been cautiously selected for his or her muscle-building qualities, so you can be sure that you're not putting your health at risk if you take it. As opposed to anabolic steroids, which may trigger anything from liver harm to moodiness, D-Bal MAX is a completely legitimate and risk-free way of getting jacked.
So, d-Bal MAX is certainly really worth looking into if you're trying to find a medication-free solution to getting super jacked. Whether or not you're an experienced muscle builder or just starting out, this safe and organic dietary supplement will help you achieve your fitness goals successfully and rapidly. So just why wait around? Begin to take D-Bal MAX these days and discover the main difference yourself!
Click here for more information on: D-Bal Max Muscle Repair Supplements
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zealousnightsublime · 2 years
Anaerobic exercise: What it is and how it affects the body
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Anaerobic fitness is the strength component of general fitness, which also contains at least two other essential components: aerobic fitness (the part of cardiovascular resistance) and joint mobility. Speed ​​and skill are native qualities and they have little to do with health status - which is the main concern of mass gymnastics, which aim to keep the body in good shape. Anaerobic training programs aimed at developing strength, body building or muscle mass. There are situations where it's just for strength or muscle building. Typical examples of these situations are given by sports organized into categories, in which physical strength (prohibited to exceed a certain weight limit) is tested. The growth of muscle mass determines the increase in strength and strength of skeletal muscles. In this case, the fitness program looks like strength training, without the dramatic, but dangerous, changes of strength training. The goal of anaerobic gymnastics is the even, balanced and harmonious development of all muscles without neglecting their function. This last idea is important for making a clear distinction between fitness and the tendency, often narcissism, to manifest in bodybuilders. Fitness athletes want to be able and able to do something with their muscles, rather than show them off in competitions or in different occasions and places (dance hall, swimming pool, etc.) club, etc.). One of the important features of anaerobic gymnastics training is the use of joint programs in which all or nearly all muscles are worked in a single training session. In bodybuilding, programs are broken down and sessions each focus on one, two, or at most three muscle groups; While in bodybuilding training can focus on a certain area, this does not exclude other muscles, which will benefit, directly or indirectly, from at most one exercise to each muscle group. This way the programs are not too long; they last an average of one hour and fifteen minutes; thus avoiding faze catabolism; this often occurs during very long training sessions (two hours or even more). Another way to reduce training time is to do super-sets, which aim to work two opposing muscle groups (chest and back or biceps and triceps, etc.). Thus, for each muscle group must perform a series of exercises, without resting between sets; the pause is only made at the end of this double attempt. Programs can also contain triples or even giant sets (more than three exercises in a row). The intensity of training can be increased dramatically: it is possible to train many muscles in a short time. Weekly training frequency remains the same (three sessions); so the aerobic phase can be covered in spare days. If only three or even two weekly sessions can be done, mixed programs can be applied: after the anaerobic form, always done at the beginning of the session, 15-20 minutes of the aerobic form are added. to balance the two phases (anaerobic and aerobic). Also in this case, the training should not last more than an hour and a half; otherwise, the stage of catabolism is initiated - the stage in which the muscles eat their own flesh. Anaerobic gymnastics is recommended for all body types, with specific differences in training modalities. In the case of ectomorphic and mezomorphic styles, all sets (3 or) performed on the same machine must be completed, then the machine and the muscle group being worked on must be changed at the same time. This system is also known as “workshop training”. In the case of the endomorph (overweight), circuit training is preferred: the muscle group to be trained is changed after each series and the entire circuit must be repeated three or four times. This type of training burns more calories because an aerobic component is introduced by having no rest between sets and a slight increase in heart rate. The growth of muscle mass by physical conditioning programs cannot exceed one weight category (5-6 kg), but they do not unbalance other motor parameters. Read the full article
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fitspiresuppliment · 5 months
6 Proven benefits of BCAA supplement
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Want to maximize your workouts and improve your performance in the gym? Fitspire Super Gold BCAA is a game changer in the world of fitness supplements.
In this detailed blog post, we look at how super BCAA can help you maximize your results in the gym and improve your training. Here are the six most important health benefits of consuming branched-chain amino acid supplements or foods
1. Helps in improved Hydration
Extreme training makes additional demands on the body. The body needs regular water because it needs to stay hydrated. It is important to stay hydrated while exercising. BCAA powder not only provides BCAA but also helps maintain optimal hydration and ensure your best performance.
2. Boosts Muscle Recovery
One of the most important benefits of Super BCAA’s is their ability to accelerate muscle recovery. Fatiguing exercise can cause muscle discomfort and damage. BCAAs help reduce muscle soreness and promote faster recovery, enabling you to return to your training program sooner.
If you do heavy-weight training and train hard all the time, your body will also expect muscle soreness.
This pain can hurt a lot and be a problem for you during exercise. Something must be done to eliminate these problems, and this is where amino acids found in BCAA powder come in.
Muscle soreness can cause delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), which can last anywhere from 12 hours to 72 hours or even longer. Super BCAA’s can help the body break down protein during exercise and can also reduce creatine kinase levels.
3. Help to boost your energy levels
Your body needs a lot of energy to work out in the gym, and sometimes you may feel like you lack energy. In addition to helping you  build muscle, BCAA supplements also help give your body the energy efficiency it needs and improve endurance so you can train with ease and stay energized throughout the day. Then the body only needs a shaker full of BCAA powder or some food containing amino acids. You can use BCAA pills to improve your overall endurance and stamina.
4. Help to reduce fatigue due to exercise
BCAA can reduce stress, fatigue, and muscle soreness that most fitness enthusiasts go through when they exercise a lot. The essential amino acids are a must for those who do weight and strength training. The best BCAA supplement for men and women can help to decrease fatigue. When we work out our muscles use the BCAA’s which results in the increase of essential amino acid called tryptophan inside the brain. Consumption of super BCAA will help the tryptophan to convert into serotonin, which can further help to stay active throughout the day and feel no fatigue.
5 Enhanced Endurance
Your best ally in the process of gaining lean muscle mass may be BCAAs. It has been demonstrated that leucine in particular increases muscle protein synthesis, which leads to sustained muscular growth. Adding BCAAs to your intra-training regimen can help you grow a more muscular body.
6. BCAA can help to boost your energy levels
Your body needs a lot of energy to work hard in the gym and there are times you may feel drained off of energy. Apart from helping you to build those lean muscles, BCAA supplements also help provide your body with a much-needed boost in energy and enhance your stamina so that you can work out easily and stay hassle-free throughout the day. If you feel low while working out then all your body needs is a shaker full of BCAA powder or some amino acid-rich foods.
Your body to function properly needs essential and non-essential amino acids. Among the 20 different amino acids, there are 9 that are called essential amino acids and others are called non-essential.  However, it is to be understood that the nonessential ones cannot be formed in the body by itself and therefore we need to consume the same in the form of dietary supplements or amino acid-rich foods.
A good dose of BCAA can improve your athletic performance and bring you one step closer to your fitness goals.  BCAA supplements or BCAA-rich food can increase your body's muscle protein synthesis, which can help increase strength as well as increase lean body mass.
The positive effect on the body is due to the ability of BCAA to increase insulin sensitivity, support fat oxidation, reduce inflammation, reduce oxidative stress, prevent damage caused by free radicals, and much more. The point is that essential amino acids are very important for our body to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
You can meet this requirement through BCAA-rich foods or by directly consuming the best body to function properly and needs essential and non-essential amino acids. Among the 20 different amino acids, there are 9 that are called essential amino acids and others are called non-essential.  However, it is to be understood that the nonessential ones cannot be formed in the body by itself and therefore we need to consume the same in the form of dietary supplements or amino acid-rich foods. A good dose of BCAA can improve your athletic performance and bring you one step closer to your fitness goals. 
BCAA supplements or BCAA-rich food can increase your body's muscle protein synthesis, which can help increase strength as well as increase lean body mass. The positive effect on the body is due to the ability of BCAA to increase insulin sensitivity, support fat oxidation, reduce inflammation, reduce oxidative stress, prevent damage caused by free radicals, and much more.
The point is that essential amino acids are very important for our body to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can meet this requirement through BCAA-rich foods or by directly consuming the best
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Is female Belial strong too?
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the difference between the two is functional strength versus traditional.
Belial has traditional strength where he focuses on muscle groups to build muscle, attain a physical look and be able to lift heavy.
Fem! Belial has functional strength where her "exercise" is more of a fully body exercise where all the muscles equally get trained.
Fem!Belial is leaner and Belial is bulkier.
Fem!Belial's grip strength is tougher than super glue and the welding of metal combined. She can pull apart just about anything if asked to....ANYTHING.
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awake-dearheart · 3 years
it took me a couple days but here’s a rundown of things sebastian said during the zoom call with his trainer don saladino and the march challenge group. he was on for an hour and three minutes total. keep in mind this challenge was fitness oriented so most of the questions revolve around that. this will also be LONG.
first of all he had trouble unmuting himself which was hilarious
he had a carboard cutout of the falcon with him which made everyone laugh
he loved being able to support ronald mcdonald house and he was sad they couldn’t go this year. sweet baby
when he was asked what he struggles with in his fitness he immediately said body dysmorphia. like no hesitation. he said he felt like he could stand to be less hard on himself.
he prefers cardio over other kinds of workouts.
he mentioned a role he’s getting ready for that’s “a lot different” but he laughed it off and said he couldn’t talk about it. i’m thinking it might have been tommy lee?
he tries to workout even just a little before he goes to set even when his schedule is crazy.
when he started training he had NO idea what he was doing. it took him a while to get into a routine and figure it out. he credited don with working a lot with him and finding a routine that works for him.
he feels better when he can do something physical every day. he said it really helps him mentally because the two go hand in hand for him.
someone said they were learning romanian and asked him for phrases to learn in romanian he said (in romanian) “oh my GOD why would you do that?” he also said he thinks people learning romanian because of him is “one of the sweetest things.”
he was asked how he balances training to look good vs training to feel good and he said if he’s training to look good he’s never 100% satisfied. training to feel good and setting short term goals has been better for him. 
don praised him for working hard to pivot his focus on the overall vs the day to day. seb said it was a lot harder when he started than it is now.
someone asked him if the workouts or the nutrition was harder and he immediately started talking about pizza and how much he loves a good cheat meal. the chat blew up talking about his cheat day video for men’s health. 
seb asked don his favorite cheat meal and they went on a tangent about burgers and fries and vodka that had us cracking up. seb said he went through a period where he was eating some kind of chocolate every day.
someone asked if he found it mentally difficult to go from one body type to another for roles and he said absolutely. he said if he has a shirtless scene to do then a month before he cuts out ALL sugar. fruits, carbs, everything and he turns into a very irritable person for about two weeks.
he was asked how the pandemic has changed his training and he said of course it has. him and don worked together to create a program for him to do from home with dumbbells and they had to get inventive. he’s been running a lot too.
someone asked the strangest item he’s used for weights and he said he’d go to the grocery store by himself without uber or anything. he tried to do one big shopping trip to last him for a week and half and he’d be laden with bags and it took him an hour and a half to walk home.
he told a story about using a towel and a bar in his house and he said “you probably know it because some “super fans” love to leak my address. so kind. lovely people.” the chat became v enraged.
he’s never had to get in shape on super short notice. marvel usually gives him about a 2 month heads up before he has to shoot things.
someone asked if he was a dog person. he said he loves dogs and he’d love to have one but he travels too much to give one the right kind of attention. he said if he could have a dog he’d have a bulldog or a husky.
he was asked his favorite nyc cheat meal and his first answer was “seeing all of you there” and we all cracked up. his real answer was a pizza place called rubirosa. he specifically likes their white pizza. (who wants to go to new york and get pizza with me?)
who would win in an iso squat challenge? him or don? (iso squats are when you drop into a squat and you hold it. it’s been the most hated exercise throughout the challenge). his face was HORRIFIED when he remembered what they are and he said don would definitely win. “don you have thighs of glory” the group is contemplating making shirts.
he played some sports in school but he wasn’t a super athletic kid. he struggled in school a bit because he had an accent and people were picking on him. it took a long time for his confidence to build.
celebrate victories where you can. he talked about when he posted that shirtless picture from the gym as an example. he said it’s more for motivation and pride in his achievements than about showing off.
he mentioned the documentary “the weight of gold” as something he watched recently. he said it’s a good example of people who are gold medal olympians struggling with the same things as everyone else when it comes to fitness. he comes back several times to not being too hard on yourself. 
he hasn’t lifted any weights in about a month and a half but he’s been running. he’s surprised at the amount of muscle he still has because he thought he’d lose a lot of it.
taking breaks when you’re working on fitness is so important. he says taking a week off sometimes is ok if that’s what you need.
they have talked about pizza at least 5 times at this point (32 minutes in) and it’s HILAROUS honestly.
he hates leg day. he knows how important it is because you need strong legs but he prefers doing arms and chest. “the squats can be so annoying UGH.”
someone asked him his advice for people who are starting an acting career and he laughed and said “quit all social media.” he walked it back and said you have to find a way to quiet the noise. 
this mfer went to theatre camp when he was 15 and he did MUSICALS. we tired to get him to sing. it didn’t work.
“you gotta do you. you cannot lose you as you’re going. and you cannot care what people think.”
he talked about imposter syndrome in terms of getting reviews and stuff. he said when he gets bad reviews it hurts but sometimes when he gets good reviews he can think “oh my god they made a mistake” or “oh my god i have to deliver like this every time.” he said if you’re starting out ask yourself why you want to do this and make sure this is what you want to do day in a day out. make sure when you face rejection and obstacles you have the energy to push you to get back up and say “fuck you i’m doing me.”
recommended the book “the subtle art of not giving a fuck” as something he loves.
“there’s creativity in everything. you don’t have to be a pianist or an actor or a writer. there’s creativity in all functions. as people we’re all creative.”
he went back to instagram for a minute and said to use it for the right things and follow the things that you like or are inspired by. he loves that social media can be used to reach people but you have to filter through the negative stuff.
someone asked the meanest thing don’t ever said during training and he said don’s never been mean but he’s always been inspiring and motivating for him. cute lil bromance moment.
he was asked if it’s harder to get into shape physically for the winter soldier or mentally. he said now it’s more of a head thing than it was in the beginning. the physically part was challenging for him in the beginning because he wanted to feel strong to build his confidence. he felt he couldn’t be bucky without being strong. 
civil war was his real hair but when they started filming it wasn’t long enough so he had extensions. by the end of the shoot it was long enough to cut the extensions out. 
the line between overtraining and not being motivated to train enough is hard for him sometimes. things tend to come all at once or not at all and it can be a struggle. 
he meditates and does some kind of physical activity every day at the start of his day. it makes him able to do the things he needs to do for the rest of the day better.
he thanked everyone for their support of tfaws and “making us look pretty good.” he’s very grateful for the turnout.
don says falcon weird. that’s not important but i wanted to mention it.
running is his go to thing. he feels like it’s a good meditative thing for him.  his go to pandemic workout was 100 pull ups, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats and alternating with running. we all panicked and were like “100 PULL UPS AT ONCE??” and he was like no no no no no no no no space that shit out during the day.
he loves breakfast but he doesn’t eat it at breakfast time. he joked he was going to eat breakfast after the call (which ended at 7PM). he likes anything with eggs and avocado. 
there are still directors he wants to work with that he can’t get to see him for parts. he did three audition tapes, two in person auditions, and a screen test to get bucky.
he just recently learned what “thirst pics” are (he figured out from the chat it’s thirst traps). when someone told him that picture from the gym was a thirst trap he was like “oh great well that sounds terrible.” men’s health didn’t call him until after that pic. he had reached out to them before that but that was the thing that made them call.
“make fun of yourself. you have to not take yourself too seriously.”
they both talked about how being able to do things like this is a privilege. there are always days when seb or don or anyone walks into a gym and doesn’t want to be there.
this is the part that made me emotional as FUCK. he’s had days where he’s gone to set and been like “what the fuck am i doing?” he says every time that happens he thinks “this is the time they’re gonna realize i can’t do this. this is when they’re all gonna know i’ve never been good at this.” he said in those moments you can’t just say “no no no i’m the best.” he said sometimes affirmations work and they can be as simple as “i’m gonna try to have a good day today” and it doesn’t have to be “i have to be the best version of myself.” it can just be “i wanna have a good day today” but on the days when you don’t feel good about things and don’t know what you’re doing he said you have to go there and say “ok i don’t know what the fuck i’m doing. fuck everything.” be in the thing that’s happening to you and give yourself permission to be down for a minute. find a compromise with yourself. if you can’t run the same three miles you’ve run all week and you just don’t want to, maybe you go for a walk instead. (his example not mine i DO NOT run). when he’s been in those moments of defeat accepting it had lead him to things he didn’t plan for and he finds those moments to be gifts in a way. accepting it and saying “today is that day” your body and your mind can start moving into finding other little things to do.
he came back to pizza one more time. i love him.
he recognizes how lucky he is to have the life he has. he says it’s important to pay attention to give a fuck about things and to give a fuck about things that will help other people. 
watching him talk the whole time he seemed so happy and relaxed. he seems like such a light hearted and fun person and he laughed SO much
that’s the end y’all. thanks for sticking around and reading all my hastily typed notes
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sugar-petals · 4 years
BTS Scenario: Taking Care of Them When They Have a Cold
↳ ♡ NOTE ⇁ time for fluff. autumn season is coming, let me set the mood right here, we’re going cozy 🍂
warnings ⚠️ hurt/comfort, brief mention of sexual tension
⌈jimin⌋ ⇢ Jimin’s cold is unusually subtle. In terms of visible signs, it’d take some time to notice it for someone who doesn’t know him or doesn’t check just how heavy another person’s breath is going. But feedback? You will definitely get. Compared to how he’s pouting about it, which will melt your heart is what I’m saying, the symptoms are understated in comparison to the other members. Taehyung’s cough can shatter an entire neighborhood, Jimin sneezing is as graceful as a gazelle. Mind you, his nose is runny, and the slight fatigue of the first two days isn’t negligible, but the major thing to actively mend is more psychological than physical. In other words, his body does its thing, you don’t have to overextend yourself. 
That’s what you have to figure out first to really take care of him properly. After laying him down and bringing both snacks and liquids, talking is what he needs rather than ten thousand types of medications and cool towels all over him. Jimin doesn’t want to see you become sick as well so you don’t sit up close, but at talking range, and you text a lot during the day while you work. He’s worried about not being able to practice and hopes the cold doesn’t show in his appearance. You assure him it takes five days at best and he is okay again and promise a lot of kisses. With that prospect, healing is even sweeter. And, you know the guy, Jimin misses seducing you, so.
⌈taehyung⌋ ⇢ Absolutely enjoys being babied ten times out of ten. Nothing better than you preparing a hot herbal bath. Rosemary, thyme, camomile. The steam spiraling off the water surface looks so relaxing in the candlelight, the classical music you put on sways him into a trance, he lays there for half an hour just motionless. He gets a little tray of coconut cookies on the bed stand, you play the guitar to him, you massage his feet before he sleeps… Which, and he hates admitting it, makes it nice to be sick. By all means not because of the fever, but the extra attentions, the hot chocolate for bed. Taehyung thinks about that twice and concludes something. He doesn’t want to get a cold just to receive this treatment. Not for his own health nor to worry or overwhelm you, he’s not gonna guilt-trip you into being a servant. 
So, you agree for later: It’s good to treat him sporadically just because, whenever and wherever, cue Shakira. That Taehyung so enjoys a good healing and mending time and it just explodes when you both have a reason to, that’s rather something to expand to the whole relationship. Taehyung will do the exact spoiling for you, with a romantic twist the way you know him. It doesn’t need a sickness to resort to doing nice things for your partner. At the end of the day, the body will remember it and get sick again because it sees what it gets through being ill. That’s something to squarely avoid doing, a random gesture is good for its own sake, amen.
⌈yoongi⌋ ⇢ Grumpy, murmuring, disgruntled he can’t work without getting a headache, needs a lot of silence to recover so he curls up on his own with earphones in and fifty playlists on repeat. He’s like tch, only thing I need is tiger balm to whip me back into shape. Or… wait. Wait a second. A cup of steaming hot coffee with extra foam he will not reject. Or a plate of fried rice. Anything fried and super crispy, really. Yoongi likes those things, especially when prepared by you. Nothing is more honoring. Actually? I’ll change the initial statement. Yoongi does accept some help. You simply gotta find out his catnip I mean favorite dishes and either know the place to order it from or have some kitchen basics down. Nothing super fancy though, it doesn’t need a God’s Menu. The right seasoning does the trick already. 
He wants it mega spicy, sweating out the cold is the way to go said Yoongi’s mom back in the day so he goes by that motto. Love starts in the stomach for felines. If another BTS member drops take-out at the door, even better, that uplifts him greatly. When he munches, that’s the most gratifying thing in the world. Yoongi wants you to eat with him by the bed so that means chili in the bedroom but screw it. All that food and you cranking up the heater distracts Yoongi from his cold and some head pats have him on his way to recovery. And, by the way. He’s kinda turned on by you cooking for him so… the frustration is real, you’re gonna fuck like rabbits once he’s okay again.
★ ⌈namjoon⌋ ⇢ The friendly giant will stay in denial about his cough for at least three days and walk around with way too much medicine in his system. He begs for someone to relieve him, mostly himself, but all those sky-high standards are in the way. Responsibility! Hard work and endurance! Solve it in your head! What is the spiritual reason for colds? How many pills keep you awake for an all-nighter to write an album in one go? What’s next on the schedule? So it goes on, you know the deal with Joonie. You have to kick that leader butt so he finally enters the healing cave under the sheets. Don’t kick too hard though, he doesn’t have Jimin-level cushions. He topples over into his sheets fast anyway, he’s that level of exhausted from his own suppression. 
The story goes on, Namjoon feels extremely guilty for getting pampered and still ponders the reasons why he is ill rather than slowing down a minute and closing his laptop for a hot second. It gets a little awkward unless you figure out your secret weapon. What he feels better with is you reading him stories while he rests on the sofa. I’m not kidding. Or if you’re busy or he wants to be alone, audiobooks. That input is like a lullaby to Namjoon who gets knocked out by the soft whispering only to descend into 12 hours of sleep. Ah, he’s namjooning. Yep. His cold will force him into resting, but by the time he recovers, he is six books wiser and has had the pleasure of listening to your voice which he finds soothing. Thankful he is, anticipate an expensive present and flowers.
★ ⌈jungkook⌋ ⇢ Meal and fluid intake: Quantity explosion! Wow, wow, and wow again, the sheer amount that he can snack and turn into what seems even more muscle and more sweetness. Guinness World Record. He knows his system is currently resetting, he wants to hand it the building blocks, he knows the math. Yes, even sick Jungkook is the cutest foodie in the world. Yes, he will eat his veggies. He worries about not being able to work out so you at least help him stretch his legs ever so slightly in bed. He’s missing his boxing gloves like crazy, he wants to see the members in the practice room, he wants his milk. The latter is easy to get for him, and FaceTime comes in handy. 
Namjoon does a little motivational speech, and Jungkook feels better almost instantly. Later on, you have to scold him — well, just a little bit — for getting up in all that enthusiasm to do some of his routine on the second day, but he already knows it’s not good for him to get his heart rate up like that. He patiently snuggles in a cocoon of duvets with only his eyes being visible. Until, finally, his red lil’ nose goes back to normal and his lungs feel a lot lighter. Jungkook really hates being dizzy, so it’s a weight off his hunky shoulders all right. Then, he can join you at the dinner table for a double portion of extra Parmesan Spaghetti, and you settle on the couch to bingewatch romantic animes and any Studio Ghibli movie in history.
★ ⌈jin⌋ ⇢ It simply can’t be helped, he even wants to make this funny. Humor really is a never-ending well, Jin is Spongebob’s long lost cousin if you go by his amount of meme talk. He calls himself Rudolph the Red-Nosed Jindeer, stuffs handkerchiefs into his nostrils, draws smileys on his knees with the cream usually meant for a dry philtrum (he now has very hydrated knees, how about that), does impossible contortions to find the right sleeping or reading position. Honestly, you don’t really have to take much care of him nor worry, Jin will cure himself through laughter. The power of positive emotion. Entertainment is nothing to provide for, he’s a one-man show after all. Jin is the least bored when he’s sick among the group, however! It needs someone else to exchange with, you know. No punchline without an audience. Listening is the best thing. 
Sit, lean back, see what he has to say. The only thing you gotta actively do is stop him from choking on his own spit after a particularly dead-on joke. Maybe it’s introducing some room for serious time that helps Jin enter a different track. I can imagine that. Some talk about memories, talk about sorrows and issues. Jin is a complete man, but he still has plenty of ’em, demons don’t evade handsome people. And those need to be talked through in a silent minute. Jin also enjoys movie nights with a cup of tea in one hand and syrup in the other, that’s the go-to way to unwind. You can finally go all out and pour him his tea, bake for him, serve some self-made popcorn, extra sticky and sweet, oh yum.
★ ⌈hoseok⌋ ⇢ If Jimin and Hobi ever get colds at the same time, this will be the poutiest contest. They’re the most vocal about it in the group. Hoseok, and that will come to surprise you a little, becomes needy. Not at the beginning where he’s confused and emotional about what’s going on with him (someone who works this hard and needs a fully functioning body is thrown out of their lane even by the slightest symptom), but shortly after. You’ll come to understand how sensitive his body is, almost as perceptive as Jungkook’s actually. His body blows up with a strong fever, a hot man heating up even more is just an explosion of physics. 
He needs handkerchiefs, he needs tons of water, he needs music to distract him a little, he needs a heating blanket for his feet once the fever is gone. Granted, every sick person depends on those things, but Hoseok is someone who calls out of the bedroom often because he ran out. He’s not afraid to ask for things unlike Namjoon who would refuse out of overt politeness. You certainly have a lot to do because his cold comes in strong so it’s important you enjoy taking care of him and don’t do it out of obligation. Quality time is what we’re talking about here. It’s not about you doing the things, it’s about the presence. That’s why Hoseok will use his money well and always order proper take-out that’s not just classic fast food, you don’t have to cook or anything.
related: putting bts to sleep after a hard day 
© 2017-2020 submissive-bangtan. all rights reserved. no reposts allowed.
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palmett-hoes · 3 years
Talking about the twins being buff and cuddly... I always headcanoned the Twinyards as having a similar build to actor Andrew Keenan-Bolger (though iirc he's 5'3" so a tad taller but still ripped and stout and incredibly wholesome).
okay so i don’t wanna be rude about this but i know this ask is a response to either this thread about the twins being plus sized or one of the other threads on the same topic i swear i made around the same time but can’t seem to find. it’s pretty explicit that i’m talking about the twins being fat. i say it multiple times
this guy
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is not fat. he is not plus sized. he is not “buff and cuddly.” he is not “stout.”
if this is the build you see for the twins that’s fine, you’ll be in plentiful company. i would even love to hear about your refs and claims in another context even if i don’t agree with them because i find the way other people envision the characters to be super interesting, but this ask specifically references a thread where i talk about the twins being fat, where we talk about deconstructions of the notion of weight and health and body type
i actually find it kinda rude and dismissive to send a guy who clearly has less than ten percent body fat in a response to a discussion of fatphobia in sports and medicine. i’m sure it wasn’t your intention but it comes off very badly for your conception of actual fat people if this is what you think i was talking about
also, anon, this isn’t completely against you because i’ve seen this same distorted view of fatness often in the fandom. people are fine saying that andrew is larger, maybe writing about the muscles in his arms or how he “stretches out the shoulders of his shirt” and maybe if they’re really brave they might mention that “soft layer of fat over the hard muscles of his stomach” from all that ice cream he eats hahahahahahahaha. but i have never seen an edit that uses an actual fat person for andrew. i’ve never seen a fat FC, not even a chubby one. rarely even substantially muscular. they’re always 10% fat model types and maybe some have a few more vanity muscles than others but they are still thin. i only know two fan-artists who actually draw andrew fat, @i-did and @bluetheking
it all just shows this massive mental disconnect people have of what they think the human body actually looks like and how it functions if this is what people are imagining when i say that andrew has a large build. it’s also just so reductive of the sheer array of shapes that people’s bodies can be if picturing different builds and body types only gets you one degree of separation away from mr. keenan-bolger here
and of course this is a symptom of a larger societal disconnect from our bodies. i am not blaming you, anon, or anyone in the aftg fandom. this problem didn’t originate here and it’s not contained here and it will not die here. this problem comes from decades of movies and tv shows and commercials and magazines and social media influencers showing us heavily edited images of genetic lottery winners who are 20 minutes away from passing out of dehydration in order to make us think that anyone bigger than a size 8 is obese
so no i’m not blaming anyone but at the same time that doesn’t mean i’m not annoyed and disappointed that people will use the language of body diversity without any actual notion of what that looks like and end up enforcing the status quo even more
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