#fuck walt and hank really
frogsman · 1 year
actually speaks to the incredible quality of bcs how much harder certain moments hit than in brba
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corgoship · 1 year
watching breaking bad is like. what the fuck am i looking at this time. intro rolls. walt and jesse bite each other's dicks off. saul one-liner. very satisfying meth cooking montage. gus casually serves cunt. naked walt jumpscare. hank racist or otherwise insensitive remark. mike 🗿. jesse gets beat to shit. disgusting transition. skyler kicks walt out of the house. the music gets really sinister. we find out what the fuck the cold open was about and freak out. rinse and repeat.
And it's the best tv i have ever seen god bless
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breaking bad and it’s themes of toxic masculinity is one of those things that ill never get over. upon first glance jesse is very traditionally masculine, more so than walter, but as the show goes on it becomes clear that walt strives much more for the toxic and self-destructive standards of masculinity, where he must not only be the sole breadwinner for his family but must be acknowledged and praised for being such, where he must be the most intelligent most respected most deferred to of all the other men in his life. his son must respect him the most, his wife must acknowledge and be grateful for the money he brings no matter how he treats her or how he gets that money, his family must be grateful that it was him who provided for them, not strangers on the internet or charity or any of their friends, him. he needs to be acknowledged and respected, needs constantly to have his ego stroked. its one of the reasons he attaches himself so quickly to jesse, because jesse is in desperate need of both parental acknowledgement and a sense of academic achievement. walt takes on a kind of fatherly role, yes, but he's also jesses former teacher, and so his praise comes with a kind of undercurrent of that academic acknowledgement. and also, his relative ignorance at least at first of the technicalities of cooking meth makes it easy for walt to compare himself to jesse and therefore boost his ego. he does genuinely like jesse, but the amount of respect the kid has for him (extending even to the way he addresses him, "mr white", as if theyre still teacher and student) makes him feel superior, which is what he wants. and, as the story later reveals, jesse also has more traits that are stereotypically regarded as soft, feminine, non-masculine. he's highly emotional, much more so than the rest of the cast, and he cries more than every other male character combined. he's very gentle, and enjoys taking care of people, which is evident in the way he treats his romantic partners but also in the way he treats walt, specifically in the episode fly. he likes kids, gets along well with them, and goes above and beyond what every other character does in order to protect them. his emotional nature, especially when children and them being in danger come in to play, is one of the things he is most criticized for by other characters in the show. he's called impulsive and irrational and stupid and rabid, and he's repeatedly punished by the world for how much he cares about things. it seems, for a while, that the world of breaking bad is not only reprimanding him, but reprimanding these traits in and of themselves, saying "Look at what happened to the guy who really cared. Look at all the other male characters. They were all put together and angry and prideful and they cared about no one more than themselves, and they're on top of the world while Jesse is crying in a corner somewhere, because he wasn't a enough of a man." but then, as the story winds further into a close, you see everything play out more clearly. because the characters who are more explicitly masculine than jesse, who keep their emotions together and feed their own egos constantly and comply to the standards of toxic masculinity, all end up dead. gus has to brag in the face of the man who killed his partner, needs the revenge and the gloating and the satisfaction of having ground another man into the dust. mike has to get in the last word against the stupid son of a bitch that fucked it all up. hank has to arrest walt on his own, has to keep his job and his dignity. walt has only ruined his life this much because of his ego, and specifically dies at the hand of his own invention, designed for vengeance against all who wronged him. he offers the gun to jesse and jesse does not take it. he lays it down and instructs walt to do it himself if he wants it that bad. and then he drives away, and he is not stoic or cool or anything like his many foils, he is loud and emotional and he screams and cries and smiles. and at the end of the day, despite the world punishing his open emotion and his love and his gentleness, he is alive, and every other character who disregarded and talked down to him is not.
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Because Walter White went out of his way to be the world’s worst father figure to a grown man he had no blood ties to, I feel that we as an audience don’t always take the time to properly acknowledge that he was also pretty shitty as an actual father to his actual son. Flynn does get off easy in comparison to Jesse, but A) who doesn’t, and B) that’s only because Walt, despite all of his waxing poetic ab his love for his family, doesn’t really give Flynn the time of day, or give a shit about him beyond how his role as Walt’s son plays off of Walter’s machoistic vision of himself as a family man and provider. Jesse bears the brunt of Walter’s abuse despite Walt loving him more than Flynn because it doesn’t pay to be the favorite child of an abuser, but as invested in and obsessed with Jesse as Walter is, that’s exactly how little interest he has in cultivating a more substantive relationship with his son. Flynn isn’t a people pleaser like Jesse, but he’s still just a kid who wants his father’s love and approval, and throughout the series we see him make a number of efforts to connect with what he believes to be a benignly distant father, only to be brushed off time and time again. And it’s worth noting that he really only ever succeeds in getting his father’s full attention when Walter is weaponizing him against Skyler or feels his patriarchal status has been threatened by Hank and Flynn’s relationship. Jesse and Walt have this toxic as all fuck Freudian messiness going on that Flynn is Very Thankfully spared from, but only by virtue of not being the son his father wanted. Because Walter is an ableist pos primarily concerned with his own legacy, he has written Flynn off as his successor and subconsciously bestowed that title onto Jesse, though it should be noted that Jesse is not a successor in the traditional sense. Walter’s chauvinism demands a male heir, but his ego can’t reconcile this with letting anyone else take any credit for the building of or carrying on of his legacy, and so Jesse is forever in the process of being built up only to be torn down, never allowed to expand his horizons or leave the nest, and is kept on a very short leash. Walter’s priorities are so jacked that he prefers the legacy of having reduced someone who trusted him to a shell of their former self, of that testament to his power, than the legacy of having raised a kid who will probably go on to do a lot of good in the world, of a kid who recognizes the inherent value of virtues that have been coded as traditionally feminine by society, such as kindness and not exploding people. Ultimately, the reason Walter loves Jesse more than Flynn is because Walter’s love is a narcissist’s crayon drawing of love, always conditional, always contingent on how much that person can do for him, and how best it might serve his interests to love them.
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campybara · 2 years
Walter: Well, because I am male, he/him/his would be theoretically correct in all appropriate circumstances
Walter 2-5: I'm a male, so what do you possibly think I would go by? Yeah, exactly.
Jesse: Pronouns? Seriously? The hell is a- Okay yknow what, I don't know, fucking straight or like whatever? Bitch.
Skyler: Oh, sweet of you to ask, she/her, darling
Walt jr: uhhh.. w-whats a pronoun again?
Hank: I'm a red-blooded American, republican man, what else the fuck I look like to you? Jesus christ, buddy
Marie: Pronouns? God, do I really look like a man that you had to ask such a thing?
Saul: Ha, while my pronouns would be he/him, my adjectives would be handsome/awe-inspiring, thanks for asking, sweet cheeks
Gus: My name is Gustavo, that is all you need to know
Mike: I'm not sure where you are going with this, so I'm not even gonna bother answering
Gale: Oh gee, he/him/his would be the best for me, thanks!
Todd: he/him/his/himself, I'm sure of it.. sorry I'm drawing a blank, what does this have to do with cooking meth?
Uncle Jack: Do.. you actually want to fucking die?
Lydia: Uhm.. the female ones I suppose? What kind of question even is that..
Badger: Uhhh.. shit! I know this one! Hold on let me think I swear I know the answer to this-
Skinny P: Uh I dunno yo.. shit um.. 27?
Tuco: beats the absolute shit out of you
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... What if Walter became a vampire?
Actually, now that I think about it, that would be very bad for everyone involved. Like Mike said, the man is a time bomb and you don't want to be around for the boom.
Somehow, I can imagine Walter ends up destroying the Volturi and dooming humanity after a full season of thinking Aro is going to kill him any second.
The thing is, Walter White probably wouldn't run into the Volturi and he wouldn't really be able to conceptualize them as powerful people or people he wants to be (e.g. Gus). To him they'd be nutjobs who go around killing vampires and insist on them all being secret.
Walter agrees he shouldn't be near people as he ah tends to eat them but... well...
But to back up a bit, let's turn Walt into a vampire.
Walter White's Problems Go Sideways
We'll say that Walt has already started. He's learned he has lung cancer, he's found Jesse, he's killed Crazy Eight in his basement and had to do the cleanup, and things are not going great but meth is being made.
Then he gets eaten by a vampire.
Only, the vampire doesn't get very far because Walter and his radiated lung cancer tastes like shit (canonically, illnesses, substance abuse, etc. can seriously fuck with your taste). They scamper off, not having intended on turning cancer ridden Walter White, and Walter is left... very confused.
His skin is some strange carbon substance that under a microscope looks eeriely close to diamond. He's breaking everything he touches and uh... he ate a guy in a Walmart parking lot.
Walt desperately runs out into the desert and is terrified of going home a) looking like this b) having eaten someone. Something has gone very very very wrong with him and he doesn't think it's the cancer.
Then Walter realizes it doesn't matter.
He's dying anyway and he must provide for his family.
Walt puts on a hazmat suit he stole from a lab (as he now has no fingerprints), which helps with the um people smell that keeps driving him mad, and spends an episode bullying Jesse into helping him fake his death.
(Walter ends up eating another poor person and, not knowing what else to do, they shove the man in Walter's car then light it on fire. Walter White has now died in an awful awful car explosion.)
There's a very sad funeral that Walter attends from the shadows. Gretchen and Elliott show up, Hank gives a eulogy on how Walt was kind of a nerd, Walt hates it so much.
Jesse's asking what the fuck is going on, he's seen lung cancer and that ain't no stage he's ever heard of bitch, and Walter (who doesn't know the answer either) blows him off and tells Jesse he's stupid. They also have a lot of meth to make. Find a new Crazy Eight.
"You killed Crazy Eight," Jesse points out.
Yeah, well, let's get a new one.
So, Jesse regretfully goes to talk to Tuco. This goes poorly. Walt then has to go confront Tuco himself (which is um... bad news...) and ends up eating both Tuco and all of his people.
Walter decides not to tell Jesse this.
"I took care of Tuco" he says instead, having rescued their meth (and cash from Tuco's safe).
Jesse's impressed and a little disturbed, he has no idea how to answer this.
(Hank, meanwhile, thinks drug lords have reached a new low. Someone set their pet dog/bear/something on Tuco Salamanca and ate his entire face. Just. Wow. What a way to go. Hank is celebratory but even he's grossed out by this one.)
Well, Jesse and Walt (now always in a hazmat suit, by the way) are back to square one. They have a whole lotta meth and no one to sell it to.
Walt, slowly getting over his existential horror of being a cannibal, suggests that they sell it on the street. Jesse points out that's mad, the gangs control distribution, if they try to get in on that, massively, they are fucked.
"I can take care of it," Walter promises, having at this point tested out his new, invulnerable, ridiculously strong body.
Walter is easily able to steal them more and better supplies (moving faster than cameras can trace, leaving no prints, etc. And takes out anyone who even thinks at looking at Badger or whoever funny.
(Hank, meanwhile, is seeing a pattern of someone setting their bear loose on every one of Salamanca's men. They've got a gang war going on. Fuck.)
Gus is also noticing and keeps Gale well off the street and asks Mike to look into this.
Mike finds himself very confused. These are low level punks, local kids who dropped out of school and destroyed their lives with meth, but they're not gangsters. They clearly have no idea what they're doing and no muscle.
So who keeps killing everybody?
Unfortunately for Walter, the Volturi are also starting to take notice, as this is a lot of people dead in Albuquerque from rogue cocaine bears. Oddly focused on the human drug trade, but the signs are unmistakable. Aro sends Demetri and Felix off to deal with it.
Sure enough, they catch Walter's scent and ah...
The show's suddenly over when two cosplayers take Walter (in his hazmat suit) out in an alley.
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biracy · 10 months
I don’t wanna diminish the f slurs either but I’m not gonna lie I thought jesse was gonna be WAY more consistently homophobic from hearing him slur in the first episode (or one of the first episodes not sure if it was the first)
YEPPPP like idk from the way people talk about it I thought that would be like His Thing, one of his defining "bits" from when he was more of a bit character (originally he was supposed to be killed at the end of s1, so s1 Jesse and s5 Jesse don't have the same amount of thought put into them), but it's not really? I associate him more with fucking like. Funyuns than I do with calling people fags. I'm definitely not diminishing it either, it's a Very interesting relic of the time period and also I do appreciate that they dropped it as he got more and more sympathetic, I consider it a character flaw within the universe of the show (and I'd consider it a writing flaw if they continued it any longer, yknow during seasons where ur supposed to like him more than Walt), but it's not nearly as present as the phrase "rampant homophobia" would lead you to believe. Like I said, I notice casual racism from Hank a lot more than I notice casual homophobia from s1 Jesse, and I'd even consider that one of Hank's earlier "bits." I guess white lgbt people don't care about white cops saying "beaner" as much as they care about two or three usages of "faggot" lmao
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breakingbadmspaint · 5 months
Breaking Bad Season 4 (MS Paint)
I'm watching Breaking Bad and drawing my experience on MS Paint with my mouse.
[Season 2] [Season 3]
These seasons keep getting more intense and packed with stuff that I fear this is going to become more text than drawing soon.
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You can't just give me my baby boy looking so cute and excited!!
EVEN VICTOR IS UPSET (and I like to believe It's because he likes Gale)
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-- oh my god the rage you can feel off Gus right now. He's terrifying, I love him.
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THIS DOWN VIEW IS SO POWERFUL. THE REDS AND THE DARK BLUES OOOOOOO Gus feeling like he's towering over them.
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I'm watching with such intensity
-- money money money money money
-- aw they're actually trying to get clean- damn it Jesse
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I hope they go back to rehab group
-- That poor roomba
-- Walt really just going to get himself killed honestly.
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These shots just keep getting better and better. You're small and blue Walt.
Ep 3
-- Those bastards dare use Gale's coffee machine still.
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Okay so I love Huell. I swear to god if he dies.... I can't handle it.
-- It takes one threat to Walts ego for him to finally agree to the car wash🙄
-- oh Marie is going to get herself arrested, 100%.
-- man poor Jesse. The spiral his life has gone down.
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I think she likes the colour purple. Just a feeling.
Ep 4
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The things he has to put up with. He looks so fed up.
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LMAO Walts face when Skyler says "We want them to understand why you'd do something so stupid"
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omg Gale, my baby. I'm sobbing I love this man. Singing Karaoke in Thailand living his best life.
-- Man Walt, how can you not realise Jesse is god damn traumatised over that event and you're just trying to make him relive it.
Ep 5
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I would love some chicken right now
-- Jesse & Mike roadtrip montage!
-- HE SAID IT! "YOU! ARE NOT THE GUY! YOU'RE NOT CAPABLE OF BEING THE GUY, I HAD A GUY BUT NOW I DON'T~ YOU! ARE NOT! THE GUY~" I've heard part of the breaking bad remix before I even saw the show.
-- I really struggle to tell if Walt genuinely cares for Jesse or if it's just because he can easily manipulate him.
-- Oh no, Walt is drunk and getting his ego destroyed. This isn't a good combo.
Ep 6
-- I sense a war about to happen. Don't mess with Gus and his stuff.
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Big scary baby man with big ego wah wah
-- I don't think insulting Jesse is going to keep him on your side Walt
-- oh my god, Walt if you get those ladies killed because you don't want to clean... YOU'RE NOT EVEN HELPING THEM
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This is the father/son duo I want
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-- Walt you bastard, look what you did!
-- Does Gus actually see potential or is this manipulation???
Ep 7
-- I miss Huell, when do we get more Huell.
-- My god Walt, if you dare ask Jesse to kill for you again
-- I'm fist-fighting Walter White
-- oooh sly Hank, very sneaky. Also I just love Gus in his yellow uniform.
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He's just sat there like :T
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DAMN HANK!!! Great at his job, holy shit
Ep 8
-- I'm sure Gus will find a way out of this since he has a lot of contacts and he's smart
-- I think Hank is getting a bigger target on his back
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This is beautiful
Ep 9
-- Oh Skyler honey, I don't think you realise he can't quit even if he wants to. He screwed up any chance of that, It's either make meth or death
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-- ooh please say Saul walks in, pleaaase- Oh Skyler, that's unexpected. Oh my god is she playing dumb???? OH MY GOD
-- Jesse you need to stop throwing your DNA covered cigarettes everywhere
-- Walt is making me so mad omg. His ego and paranoia are going to make him end up alone
Ep 10
-- I wonder what Gus's plan is, I'm sure there is more to it than just sending Jesse away
-- HELL YEAH JESSE DAAAAMN Making Gus and Mike proud
-- Oh I'm so nervous
-- Please be poisoned, please be poisoned - wait no GUS no don't be poisoned aaaaah
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I'm so scared, how are they getting out of this
Ep 11
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Is Jesse going to have to do surgery on Mike?!?
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He's so happy with his revenge
-- God I thought he was going to hit him with that chair for a moment
-- OMFG TED - okay he's still alive(?)
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"Does it have to be dirty?" "No :)"
-- See, you pushed everyone away Walt- OH SNAP
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Walter White has been ejected
-- Oh my god Walt, don't test him, he will find a way to hurt you
-- Point proven, he just threatened to kill your baby
-- Walt joker moment
Ep 12
-- Damn he's good at talking his way into a place - OH SNAP DRUG DOG
-- My god, Marie really loves purple, EVEN HER COFFEE PACKAGING IS PURPLE???? Does she buy it because It's purple???
-- Gosh what mystery potion is Walter making - OH A BOMB
Ep 13
-- UH OH Jesse
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Walter climbing through a door like a gremlin is beautiful
-- That old lady aw, wait she's not going to get hurt right?!?
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I knew it was coming but I'm still so sad
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scullysflannel · 2 years
i remember seeing your post about why bcs is better than breaking bad, with this last episode, how do you think it stands as an antithesis of breaking bad?
it's become even more obvious this season that better call saul is not at all the antithesis of breaking bad, even though it is the antithesis of the kind of antihero story breaking bad exemplified. both shows are about moral agency in the wild west. they assert choice as identity (you are what you choose to do) and ask whether those choices redefine you or just reveal who you are intrinsically. they're both about men who become the architects of their own destruction and about how one person's actions can trap others.
I think better call saul is doing it in a much sadder and richer way. jimmy is acting out of deflected love, in a system that gives him fewer options to succeed without bending the rules. walt is handed an out early on from his wealthy ex-partners, but he doesn't take it because of his pride. he does what he does for entirely selfish reasons: money, power, ego, control. I've seen some pushback against walt hate on the premise that it ignores the humanity in the writing or whatever, so let me be clear: walt sucks because he's written like a human being. he's terrible to his son and only dotes on him when he wants to feel like a big provider. he ignores and lies to his pregnant wife. his students don't like him. he thinks he cares about jesse, but he's manipulating him, and he's at his most affectionate when he has the most control over him. that's not real care. I do think in the later seasons it sometimes borders on ridiculous how loathsome walt can be, and he's not the best character on breaking bad (jesse, skyler, mike, and hank are all more interesting. marie and gus are cooler). but the writers took care to root the worst things about him in personality traits that clearly predated his little meth empire. this is not a good guy we caught at a bad time. this is a small man who's masked his bitterness in socially acceptable ways for years.
in better call saul the chain reaction is more tangled. jimmy takes the opportunities that he's given to change, and then he tanks them, and his self-sabotage is both a fatal flaw and a response to legitimate structural problems in the legal system. (the rules are harder to justify when those rules are designed to maintain a status quo that makes upward mobility so hard, makes forgiveness so hard. think of jimmy's speech in "winner": one teenage shoplifting incident will follow you forever. they are never, ever letting you in. he got a whole law degree, but it was from an online university, so should it count?) he's much more shaped by other people than walt is ("people tell me how they see me"). better call saul builds on the big ideas in breaking bad but really commits to making the world around the fucked-up guy fucked up too, and it makes the tragedy so much deeper. because ultimately it's still a story about personal responsibility, just as breaking bad is. even when you have no good options, you still have to live with your choices.
being a prequel pushes better call saul to be smarter (which is what I was saying in the post you mentioned). it makes the characters more reflective. shoutout to the new yorker article that pointed out what it does to the show that the actors look older, as if the characters are trapped reliving their pasts without the power to change them. jimmy believes his fate is sealed, and as a result we get to watch him seal it. it's agonizing. that's where better call saul diverges from the breaking bad antihero formula: there's no (lasting) thrill in watching him make bad choices because we know what they'll do to him in the long run. but rebuking the walter white problem doesn't make better call saul breaking bad's opposite; it just makes it a more fulfilling version of the same story.
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fanonical · 1 year
Hey! I was looking back through your breaking bad tag and I saw that a while ago you said that Hank is the most interesting character on the whole show. Would you be willing to explain a bit more why you thought/think that?
Anon I hope you realise that you have handed me an early Christmas present by sending this ask, thank you so much.
So disclaimer: I've not watched all of Breaking Bad, I've only recently started season four, so bear that in mind if some of the things I'm talking about don't make sense with things that happen later.
Going into this show, I expected Walt and Jesse to be interesting and well-developed, because duh, they're the main characters. So the nuance with which Hank is portrayed really blindsided me. He's really an exploration of toxic masculinity and police culture, which is really interesting coming from a show from before things like the BLM protests - I know people were protesting about police violence before that, obviously, but that really brought awareness of police brutality into this sort of media. So to see Hank being portrayed as both sympathetic and monstrous at once is really cool.
Particularly, I'm thinking of the thing where Hank and Gomez go to a shitty dive bar, and Hank's so clearly spoiling for a fight, and ends up beating up some guys on the flimsy pretense of them dealing in front of him, something Gomez calls him out on. But the way that the police close ranks around him, the way this behaviour is treated by the higher-ups, the way it gets brushed under the rug is so real to how the police operate in real life.
But at the same time, Hank has trauma from being in the bombing earlier. And he addresses this by becoming violent and refusing help, because he's the poster child for toxic masculinity - he cannot let himself be vulnerable, his entire personality is based on this tough-guy police image. And where I'm at in the series, after he gets shot and is bedbound, his reactions to this is also a representation of that toxic masculinity. He refuses help, he falls into despair, because he's traumatised and he needs help! But he won't address this. Good police officers don't get traumatised. They keep working.
And Hank is not portrayed as being a Good Policeman, his actions are reprehensible! We see how he/his department fuck over the smaller people involved in drugs, like Jesse's friends or that one sex worker who covers for him a couple of times. The DEA are antagonists not just because Walt's cooking meth, but because their actions to enforce the law and attitude while enforcing the law (like Hank's toughguy persona or his casual racism to Gomez) are reprehensible!
I just. I am obsessed with this fucked up middle age man, okay.
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colorcodedbeanies · 1 year
S2E3- "Bit by a Dead Bee"
Vince Gilligan loves to make men walk out of a desert.
TW: Racism, misogyny, sexual harassment, police brutality, dismemberment allusions. This fucking cake also.
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So Walt's tactic here is basically sound. While its definitely going to be tricky to maintain its not the strangest thing in the world for a guy with terminal cancer and a variety of other stress to have a full-blown dissociative episode. The issue is Walt cannot COMMIT for the life of him. He sure will try to leverage it as an excuse to not continue with his physical treatment, but the second anyone attempts to categorize it as a psychological issue he squirms. Even though its arguably an easier lie to maintain. He resists therapy, resists anything that would categorize him as "unsound". Because again. The image of the patriarch is far, far more important than even his own life.
Marie asking with concern "It wasn't Whole Foods, was it" is its own race analysis
He's not the only one. We're waiting an episode to get into Hank's own feelings on the firefight. For now, let's focus on the reactions of those around them. Junior expresses some childish delight in it, telling his barely recovered father "Uncle Hank wasted him" like he can't wait to say it. Skyler and Marie express a little more concern, but Marie waves it off, telling her "he's indestructible, you know that". His superiors cheer, and his office makes him a present of Tuco's grill. Not quite a body part, but it is undeniably. A hunting trophy for a human being. I also think its notable that the gift presentation is positioned alongside Cake!Hank (Cank) being cut up. Violence takes people into pieces. Even when they win.
Jesse is becoming more and more isolated from his friendgroup. Badger doesn't really have context for the source of Jesse's fear and jumpiness but he is undeniably falling outside of Jesse's experience bracket. This further encourages Jesse to depend on Walt exclusively. Like he says last season. Who else do they have to talk to about this stuff.
Once again. A fully armed squadron to ambush two people. Police paranoia of everyone and everything leading to entirely disproportionate violence
The interrogation of Jesse and Wendy is functionally a greatest hits of Hank's bigotry. He's sexist and sexual towards Wendy (AGAIN) and in such a distinct way that it triggers her memory of him. He also makes sexually charged comments towards Jesse. On top of all of that, there's just some. From the hip anti-Asian racism about a hypothetical Chinese place they may have ordered from. And it finally reaps negative consequences. Wendy, despite her fear, gets angry enough with him to clam up. His disrespect for Jesse means he can't actually start to piece together what he's lying about. And his inability to take Steve's warnings about Hector seriously mean he wastes a lot of time for a literal shitload of nothing. He runs out the clock on how long he can hold them hostage, and gets nothing but a vendetta that is going to continue to haunt his career.
Doesn't stop him from being racist to Steve later in the episode but I digress. "Your late homie"....
The therapist listing a potential circumstance where Walt could get shot by the police while disassociating is both a real valid concern and also. Pretty damning so far as American law enforcement is concerned.
Walt lists Junior's cerebral palsy as another source of his stress. Again: I don't doubt its a stressful circumstance for a parent to have a child with serious medical issues for most of his life. Through no fault of Junior's its a huge medical strain and likely was a traumatic experience for both Walt and Skyler whenever he first started showing symptoms. However, its another case of Walt positioning Junior's disability as a drain on his life, another way he's been screwed over. Its a human reaction. Its also just very autism mommy, for lack of a better term. Contrasted with Junior's stern reminders to drink his juice, it sets up something very specific about who's more of an adult about their medical circumstances.
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seraphtrevs · 1 year
I am from Asia and here audience has WAY worse opinion about Skylar, to a point that I basically only read English analysis/essays about BrBa. We don't have "video essays" yters but "season summary videos" yters, and when one of them talked about Skylar, let me quote: "you've been married to Walt for decades, yet you could ever not tell that Walt did NOT kill Hank. Shame on you and you don't deserve Walter. If you were married to Gus, you wouldn't even have any chance to murmur like that".
Well it genuinely disgusts me bc (A) to Skylar's knowledge, her husband is now capable of truly heinous crime (like bombing a nursing home) If Walt escaped from Hank of all people, that MUST mean Hank is dead. It's totally understandable to think Walt murderred Hank. (B) Even only considering BrBa, it's heavily impies that every sherd of Gus' soul is only dedicated to Max! WHY WOULD GUS CARE MARRYING A WOMAN? (C) despite of all her irrational decisions, Skylar is a victim of Walt's abuse, which is in full display in S5E4 "fifty-one". This fucking yter doesn't deserve any women in his life.
Pardon me for long rant but I really need to speak to someone about my unnerving feeling. And I remember you mentioned that your husband LOVES Skylar and Gus at the first sight when watching BrBa (So I assume here is a little safe place for this rant!) Plus Skylar tried to be Walt's "detail-oriented and competent mafia wife" in first half of S4, so even it's canon that Gus threated to kill Sklar, I feel like Gus would have treat her like Lydia if they've ever cooperated in "the game".
You are so valid, anon! My ask box is always open to Skyler defense. I'm so sorry you had to see such an awful take. Unfortunately, media that criticizes and satirizes toxic masculinity like brba does is often misinterpreted by men who are too steeped in the mentality themselves to understand that you're supposed to see Walt's insistence that he's doing it for his family is hollow. They even explicitly have Walt state, in the end, once and for all, that he went into a life of crime because he enjoyed it.
They also made it pretty clear that the traditional masculine "responsibility" to provide for his family is actually in many cases more of an exercise of ownership and control than it is a selfless act of love. The guy you saw seemed to think that Skyler owed Walt loyalty in spite of the fact that he made her a criminal against her will. Toxic men think they are owed deference and obedience because after all, aren't they the ones who are working and sacrificing for the good of the family? Aren't they owed gratitude?
Walt was so fixated on this idea of being king of his own castle that he never considered that once he died, Skyler was perfectly capable of getting a job that paid well enough to get by, especially since she would have a lot of help from Hank and Marie. But that idea was so distressing to him that he'd rather enter a life of crime than to allow Skyler to take care of herself.
I don't even know what to say about the Gus stuff - how bizarre!
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swampgallows · 2 years
just finished breaking bad. thoughts (no spoilers):
1. i said it before but i like the many scenes of characters eating. it makes the time and people feel more real rather than when their world exists only while the camera is on, but it also makes me wonder what their shooting schedule was like and what the spit bucket situation was. lots of important daily elements of real life like the school/work-life balance, doing chores, other bodily functions (sleeping, bathroom, having non-superhuman lung capacity, getting sick, etc.) that make the characters and storytelling believable and mortal.
1a. shit made me HUNGRY though. ive had almost exclusively tex mex or egg and hashbrown breakfasts while watching
2. every single car screeches off no matter the scenario. after a while it developed a wilhelm scream effect and made me laugh
3. i would not be able to finish this show if not for jesse. according to my mom he was not supposed to be a permanent character but im glad they kept him in. jesse adds a really important and desperately needed element of humanity and “everyman”-ness. he’s not a savant, he doesn’t have a special gift, he’s a regular guy. shouldering that perspective of “ordinary person directly affected by walt’s actions” onto only skyler’s character would overload her already heavy role; jesse’s character balances things out by providing the audience a window into walt’s world as not only a regular person, but as an active participant. essentially skyler and jesse show two different kinds of “innocence” but remain organically three-dimensional and significant in their own way rather than being defined by their association to walt. their inclusion keeps the story from devolving into a series of guys in suits standing around glaring at each other and speaking in code, which otherwise veers into comic book territory imo.
3a. i fucking loved seeing jesse sporting south pole and volcom. i know tumblr kids are like “oh he wears baggy clothes because he’s trans” or whatever but you need to understand that in the mid 00s that was the absolute cishettiest way a guy could dress. it was the fashion equivalent to axe body spray. if you could even slightly make out the shape of a guy’s torso youd say he was “metrosexual”
4. it was very fun spotting the scenes in the remix. however knowing the original context of the samples definitely changes things lmfao. hank absolutely makes that musical ‘boing’ tone with his mouth and it is only pitch-shifted for the remix; it is captioned as “boom” but by no stretch of the imagination is that reflective of whatever it was he did with his vocal cords. the “you are not the guy” is spoken with near identical cadence and rhythm to the song which caught me so off guard, i could see why it was sampled
5. since i watched mostly with closed captioning, it also displayed song lyrics on screen which helped me better appreciate the songs’ pertinence to the scenes they play in
6. flip phones aside, what really drove home the “late 00s - early 10s” was the one time they played wobble-heavy dubstep while showing off the fancy cars. jesus christ
7. WHY SO MANY LAYERS OF CLOTHING. they will be in the middle of the new mexico desert under the blazing sun and still have a cardigan on
it’s well written and i dont really regret watching it but the suspense/crime/drama genre triad is definitely not my cup of tea. certainly a high quality show though especially in a time before streaming and cinematic-level miniseries were the norm, so i can see why it has such popularity and impact. anyway onto better call saul
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If Walter White has the death note does Jessie survive breaking bad? Does anyone?!
Let's break this down though.
Let's say Walter White gets the notebook at the beginning of the series before he's fully embraced the dark side. He has a bizarre introduction to Ryuk, wonders if the cancer has already spread to his brain, and chooses to actively ignore it.
Then Crazy Eight happens.
That notebook starts to look very tempting. If Walter lets Crazy Eight live, then he'll murder him and his family. Walter knows this, but he also really really really doesn't want to kill a man. Even if, with this notebook, if it actually works, then Walter can engineer his death in such a way that it will be painless and won't trace back to Walter.
I imagine he doesn't do it then, has to kill Crazy Eight by hand as in canon, and bitterly regrets not using it as he a) had to murder a man by hand anyway b) the body cleanup is a cluster fuck.
(Ryuk also mercilessly points this out to Walter, though he's loving the fucking meth lab thing Walter has going on, "You could make this a TV show")
Then comes Tuco.
This time, Walter gives it a try.
Tuco is filled with the sudden need to snort a lot of meth, a lot, a lot more than usual, and Hector watches helpless as Tuco dies of a drug overdose. (Oh, don't worry, he still hates Walter White and thinks he's a rat, but it's not the shootout and attempted poisoning we got in canon and it's clearly Tuco having fallen prey to his addiction and something that was, perhaps, a long time coming.)
Jesse likely calls 911 in order to get the cops out to this location to find Hector and the body but the pair vamoose, with Hector unwilling to talk to the police about the odd kidnapping.
(Hank, as a result, is not promoted as he doesn't gun down Tuco. He doesn't have his brief foray into El Paso and is not quite as obsessive over Heisenberg in the initial aftermath/confrontation.
He also, later, will not be attacked by the cousins and paralyzed.
Hank doesn't realize he's literally dodged bullets.)
Walter at first wonders, again, if the cancer has gone to his brain but he's not losing time, his moods are (relatively) stable, and there's no inconsistencies. The death god, grim reaper, whatever the fuck it is is real, and Walter has a weapon he can use to murder if he has a name and a face.
Walter makes a point of breaking into Hank's office under false pretexts and memorizing the names and faces of everyone in the drug business who Walter may cross paths with next.
When Badger is arrested, he hangs himself in prison. Jesse is appalled and horrified, grieving, and unable to understand why someone as cheerful as Badger would do this.
"Ah, well, prison is rough," Walter consoles him.
However, what Walter doesn't realize is that this prevents him from getting into business with Saul, who had the means to get him connected with Gus.
He and Jesse are small fries again trying to sell their own shit with no middle management.
Walter tries to get Jessie's friends involved as he did in canon. Jesse once again notes this is an awful idea and that they are not the kind of people who can do this kind of operation. More, the people who normally do this sort of thing are fucking dead as Walter killed Crazy Eight and Tuco snorted himself to death.
Not to mention, of course, that it's not their territory and if they try they will all be murdered.
As usual, Walter doesn't care. They're still in shock over Badger, grieving over it, but are interested in both the money and the meth.
As before, this goes bad, and we'll say Combo gets killed again. Poor, poor, Combo.
Well, Walt can't stand for this and neither can Jessie. Walt asks if Jessie can find out who it was, does he have photos? Walter needs names and faces here.
Jessie figures Walter's going to try to get Hank to bust them and tries to talk him out of it: you can't do that Walter, otherwise everyone will kill you.
Eventually, as usual, Walter's able to get the names through Jessie who does some snooping. It's highly likely that there's some record (as these were low level under Gus) and Walter's seen them through Hank's files.
Well, they're about to have a very bad day.
Walter flagrantly kills them in such a way to make it look like deliberate murder/revenge. He wants their people to know that Heisenberg is responsible and that he follows up on threats. ("I am the danger" - Walter White)
Unfortunately, this probably goes awry, as Walter hasn't been spending his time learning the million rules that come with the Death Note. I can see Walter trying to get the pair to make their own ricin, ingest it, then spraypainting "Heisenberg" on a wall or something. However, the Death Note can't impart knowledge that the victim doesn't already have: they can't make ricin if they don't know how.
They die of heart attacks.
Walter throws a bitch fit of bitch fits as now his cool murder is ruined and everyone just thinks they had fucking heart conditions.
I imagine Walter, upon figuring out which cartel they belong to, tries again with other cartel members, now knowing the rules a little better to send the message.
Mike and Gus are now very aware that someone's whacking off their guys and the Salamancas.
Hank, who initially thought this was great and threw a party in the office at all the dead cartel members, is starting to get a little weirded out.
First, Crazy Eight disappears. Then Tuco dies of a drug overdose. Then all these street thugs just die one after the other in murders with no forensic evidence.
This, combined with the blue meth, that's still on the streets despite all the deaths: there's a new king pin and it's looking like, somehow, he's murdering off all competition.
This leaves Hank about where he was in canon: he really really really wants to catch this fucker Heisenberg (while Walter is smugly gloating thinking how cool he is and wanting to expand further).
Gus, meanwhile, is getting serious in a way that he didn't have to in canon: they have to find out who this Heisenberg is. Walter left enough clues that someone like Gus, who is a master of looking not like a kingpin, will be easily able to find him especially through Mike who is hired to look into exactly this sort of thing.
I imagine they wait and watch for a long time, as Walter's operation is, frankly, pathetic. He only has a few young men under his thumb, two of them have died already, his partner is a drug addict, and he appears to have no muscle. How could this man kill anyone? While it would be safer to get rid of him entirely, learning how he's doing it is of vital importance.
Mike gets to break into the house and finds (along with cash hidden in the walls) a strange black notebook, filled with the names of all their people along with Tuco, and a death clown who's just fucking loving this.
Mike has a really strange day but decides that he's taking the hallucination notebook into the lab.
And Walter, of course, gets to freak out that his murder weapon was stolen from under his nose and gets told by Ryuk that, unless he gets it back soon, he's going to lose ownership of it and lose all his memories of it.
Walter, in his panic, probably does something exceedingly violent and stupid and likely dies because of it as he has no idea who took it.
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biracy · 9 months
Okay I've had like over a week to sit with all my brba thoughts and reminisce about the show w my family and everything. I have decided to make a Critique (there was a scene I didn't like and I decided I'm so important I should make a whole post about it). Spoilers for, like, season 3ish under the cut
Okay I kind of hate the speech Jesse has about Hank in the hospital LMAO I'm sorryyyy. I definitely think Jesse should be ANGRY, not only did he get the shit beat out of him but he took the fall for something Walt did without Walt doing anything to really stop it from happening, but the whole speech feels waaay too... "poetic", I guess? for the character he is at that point in the show (tbh he never really reaches a point where that all feels like something he would say, imo). I think his first big "fuck-you-Walt" speech in the same scene is really great, as all fuck-you-Walt speeches are, but him talking about being a ghost haunting Hank for the rest of his life or whatever just doesn't really feel like him to me. Feels more like a Walt thing to say if anything LMAO (like when Walt gives that speech in the finale to Gretchen and Elliot, he's the kind of freak who SELLS that speech. You KNOW he rehearsed that shit in the car). It's also a scene made weirder and more out-of-place by it being preeetty quickly followed up with the montage of Jesse goofing off in Gus's lab after he gets out of the hospital, and the two scenes just don't really feel like the same character to me. Balancing the serious and funny aspects of Jesse's character is usually something the show is really, REALLY good at, but idk it feels like they went too hard in both directions in this one specific instance. If the being-a-ghost-in-Hank's-head speech feels like a Walt speech and not a Jesse speech, the dicking-off-in-the-lab montage feels like a Badger and Skinny Pete montage, not a Jesse montage (if anything, it's something he'd do when they're there with him, not by himself. Even since the beginning he was kind of a "voice of reason" in their friend group. He knows how to spell "street" correctly.). I get that Jesse's in kind of a transitional stage in this point of the show, both like literally within the fiction and in a sort of metatextual way as he shifts from season 1-2 Jesse to season 4-5 Jesse (with rehab being the big shifting point), but in retrospect it kinda just feels like "Jesse is emotional and gritty!" late-seasons writing and "Jesse is silly and stupid!" early-seasons writing turned up to their extremes and juxtaposed too closely with each other for it to really work for me. Idk if people, like, love this scene or something, apologies if you do, but that's my thought.
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hotdadlicense · 1 year
hmmm top 5 shows, top 5 animals aaaaand top 5 scenes from any show/movie
loren please..... i lve you.
top five SHOWS.
the walking dead - ................. like it has to be said. i'm so sorry. it didn't even really go 'bad' for me like it did lose me for a hot minute or two there originally but like. when i rewatched i was like no actually i love it here. i love this hot mess. and i tragically fucking do. could really do with bringing certain characters back etc or just dissappearing some storylines but like. i do fucking love it.
breaking bad - i didnt even KNOW what i was in for i was just like this'll be fine this'll be chill. and then my life changed forever y'know.
it's always sunny in philadelphia - my go-to show to have on in the background, to have on when im sick, to have on when i need a laugh, to have on when im feeling miserable, to have on when i just wanna feel like Myself. can probably quote like. every episode by this point.
black sails - literally don't even need to explain this one. bs is already tumblr critically acclaimed. if i could go back in time and watch the season two last two episodes for the first time all over again, i would in a heartbeat. the girl that existed in my bedroom when watching those eps? never seen her before and i'll never be her again.
911 - listen. it TRULY is tv show of all time. u KNOW this i know you know this. u can't put eddie diaz in a tv show and not have it change the lives of millions.
top fIVE animals.
SHARKS. sharks sharks sharks sharks sharks all types all kinds theyre all my children
foxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please the fennec fox my BABY
long maned wolf.
snakes. also HOW is your snake btw i miss them
top 5 scenes!
lets revisit black sails again and say season two finale as a whole? but also the 'in the light there is discovery' forest speech in the series finale............................i get chills like every time. WAIT ALSO 'my name is John Silver. and i've got a Long Fucking Memory.' INSANE acting also idk if this is really technically 'top five scenes' worthy but uknow that line where flints like 'where else would you wake up in the morning and matter?' @ silver??? yeah it ingrained itself into my brain and now whenever my brains having a bad day and being a bitch, it just repeats that line over and over to myself. again i dont know if that makes it a top five thing but boy oh bOY it sure made an impact !
iasip mac finds his pride when mac does the dance and franks crying and is like 'i get it. i get it now.' maybe its cos i feel like there is just a 00.01% chance of my parents ever accepting me and im projecting or whatever but that scene? every fucking time im like........ crying lol
my brain is one big jumble for the walking dead and i just can't pin down one scene? so i'm just gonna take a cop out and say that part where daryl and merle are in the woods huntin when they split off in s3 or whatever after they reunite and daryls got his crossbow simply becos i still remember watching it with my mum and her being like 'oh look at daryls Arms. he's really got Muscles.' and i was like. scandalised. in a Good way. and now everytime i see him in that scene i'm like justin beiber tweet i love Arm.
that scene in breaking bad where jesses in hospital after hank beats the shit outta him in the rv and walt visits him in hospital and jesse has that breakdown in 3.07? jesse pinkman crying in a hospital bed bruised and beaten saying 'i am not turning down the money, i am turning down you.' when he's yelling 'i have NOTHING. NO ONE.' ??????????????? scene of all scenes. wait also the peek-a-boo kid scene in s2
stuggling to think of a last one uh maybe in the seventh fast and furious movie when see you again plays at the end and they're all on the beach and then dom and brian are racing except you know its not paul walker and u know its CGI or whatever and ???? i still cry over that sorry
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