#fuck the healthcare system
the-lonely-human · 2 months
I hate the US healthcare and insurance system. I don’t know what is going on behind the scenes but if it doesnt get fixed or I can’t find a solution, I’m royally fucked.
For context, I’m a Type 1 Diabetic and I need insulin to live. Since I got diagnosed back in 2017, I’ve been using shots and been prescribed Humalog for my fast acting insulin. Now, for whatever bum-fuck reason, my insurance has just decided to change my insulin??? I’m still prescribed to Humalog, but my latest shipment has been Novolog. This wouldn’t be such a problem except the fact that the Novolog cartridges don’t fit into my pen, making them completely useless. Luckily, I still have plenty of Humalog left, but unless I can find a pen that can fit my new cartridges or get my insurance to stop trying to fuck me over and give me my Humalog left, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m fortunately in a fortunate situation, cause I know people who have to deal with the exact same thing except they don’t have enough insulin to last them.
So now I have four boxes of insulin I can’t use, five boxes of Humalog left, an insurance company who won’t give me my actual prescription, and a healthcare system that does not help me in any way.
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house-of-slayterr · 1 year
Update going to the hospital, think my arms actually broken, not dislocated. I’ve been throwing up and passing out for the past 24 hours, so biting the bullet and going to the hospital.  Already called my dad and I will update all of you later!
Tag: @queer-and-utter-chaos @mothmans-kingdom @stu-machers-girl @oceansrose2002 @myers-meadow @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @gabrielle-de-lioncourt-anon @frenziedslashers @emeraldfangs
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thequeenofsastiel · 6 months
I finally signed up for Healthcare through the ACA someone be proud of me
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liesyousoldme · 3 months
love health insurance and how you have to pay out of pocket in the new year until you hit your (insane) deductible love getting to the cancer center for a scan and having to see the financial counselor bc by the way they aren’t counting your chemo treatments toward your deductible sorry :( ps also you owe us a thousand dollars for the two visits this year that have been processed would you like to hear how much you’ll owe once they finish processing the other three? :)
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heartmailbox · 10 months
trying to find the small joys.. went to the er and asked the receptionist what room my fiancé is in.. they like me more now than when i was his girlfriend lmao.. he is home now and we're exhausted but they scheduled a doctor's appointment for him this upcoming week.. life is so scary now that he's at the age my dad was when he died i can't imagine losing him this young
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theeblkcommie · 5 months
one thing that’s becoming more and more apparent to me is the way healthcare has been industrialized and just how disgusting most health care systems are. like what fuckin sense does it make that you’re going to deny someone lifesaving care just because they can’t pay? the bitch that decided to make medical care a capitalist endeavor is burning in hell as we speak cuz bitch you evil as fuck, how you gon decide to profit off of people’s need for medical care?? not to mention the role that racism and colonialism have played in a lot of these advancements we’ve been able to make in the healthcare field. how many black bodies were stolen, abused, observed in after their deaths in museums? need the people in the field to start clocking this shit and actually educating themselves and other cuz people, especially my people, are siffering at their hands due to their unknown racial biases.
if i had it my way, people (especially white people) wouldn’t work in the healthcare field unless they asses pass a bias test that’s actually crafted by racially marginalized people cuz clearly whatever psychological testing they doing know to clear these workers isn’t doing enough to keep people safe. not like capitalism gives a fuck tho since this is actually a necessary feature this egregious ass system.
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hafwen · 6 months
One good thing about COVID is that I was supposed to go in for my 3 month pain management appointment today but I have COVID so I get to do a virtual appointment!
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shadowsbrainrot · 1 year
tw: vent ableism
i hate that an autism diagnosis is hidden behind a paywall that i couldn’t possibly afford. i hate how nobody takes me seriously, i hate how i know that nobody will take me seriously regardless of a diagnosis or not bc that’s what ppl do with autistic ppl.
I hate that i do not have sufficient supports, i hate having nobody that understands what’s going on with my brain, i hate that i have to be in survival mode 24/7, i hate how since i’ve been high masking and traumatized my whole life everyone around me ignored my autism and think i can just keep going indefinitely. i hate how tired i am i hate how the moment i feel even a second of autistic joy the fear of neurotypical expectations immediately crushes it
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frostworkxfiction · 1 year
Went to the doctor. I don't have the flu but I have what he called a "flu-like" illness. I expressed to both him and my uncle that some of the medicines I go prescribed do not work on me and ofc they didn't listen and prescribed it anyways. In case you're wondering, those medications are zophran and Phenegran cough syrup.
I took some of that God awful cough syrup before I went to the doctor and it didn't do a damn thing! I was still hacking like a fucking squeak toy. And the zophran worked for like 5 minutes and then the nausea hit me again.
Yet my uncle was just like "It works." Bitch, you clearly see this shit ain't doing nothing for me. Wtf!
I also looked up if you can take the two nausea medications I have together. You're not supposed to. *Slow clap for the American Healthcare System*
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psychocollective · 1 year
I have so little faith in the hospital and medical system. I had to go to the ER last night for severe extrapyramidal medication side effects and they didn't take it seriously at all, asked me if it was "voluntary movement or not" in my body after telling them I was there because I couldn't stop shaking, couldn't control my eyes, got my eyes locked back in my head, came into the hospital literally covered in vomit because I couldn't see to clean myself. Well yeah they didn't even treat my severe panic attack that led to the episode I sat there for an hour and a half covered in dried puke while the nurses talked and laughed with eachother and probably made fun of me. The guy who took all of my information made a comment when I said I was bipolar too. Fuck all of these people it's not a human life or an emergency to them it's just a job and another person to shake off. Never found out what was wrong btw.
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sneakygreenbean · 1 year
oof, the pharmacy wont give me my testosterone so it looks like im gonna have to ration it again :/
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dragonboots10 · 24 days
My dental pain is really killing me today and it’s pissing me off bc like why tf do I go to the dentist?
To be told “ah yes, your teeth are fucked up- come back if it gets worse”
Bitch, what then???? You gonna do something then?? Cause I keep coming back when it gets worse and nobody does shit bro
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riewiggles · 2 months
So evidently my health isn't good.
I have a myriad of issues but today I got headaches and migraines galore. I have trigeminal neuralgia, and it has been so fucking bad that I've thrown up and had times where I can''t even function. The doc has given me topiramate to help curb them as much as possible but that doesn't always work. So he also gave me Nurtec, but did not prescribe it because he said that my insurance will give trouble because it's insanely hard to get prescribed Nurtec.
I was instead given 2 packets, so I saved them for when the migraines have reached peak where it's nearly impossible to live. It has been an absolute lifesaver. But now I'm out of it, and all I have left are the Ibuprofen 800 MGs that the dentist gave me for the tooth pain.
I'm so fucking sick of this. If nurtec works then fucking cover it. Please. Jfc.
It has been so bad I took two additional 200mg ibuprofen, 1500 MG acetaminophen, and 220 MG naproxen and they have NOT gone away. The migraine went down to a headache for awhile and has been in the back of my head, but it keeps coming back. Nothing is getting rid of it and I know it's dangerous to take this much but I'm out of options. This has been so fucking unbearable.
Note this doesn't even cover the nerve pain I have around my cheeks and jaw.
They call trigeminal neuralgia the "suicide disease" for a fucking reason.
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cakecauldron · 2 months
$60 for a follow up doctors appointment just to discuss meds???
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sugar-and-spite13 · 4 months
Called the orthotic people earlier to see where the hell my shit is and they said my Dr. didn't put in the notes that I need an AFO (foot brace in simple terms) after they're the ones thst told me to see the fucking dr. so insurance wouldn't cover it and to call the Dr. again 🫠
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heartshattering · 4 months
every time I remember Nurse B and what she did to me I get nauseous and want to cry again :'))))))
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