#ft connie springer
melimpostor · 3 months
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I definitely bit more than i could chew with my project for Annie's birthday considering the little freetime i had this past couple weeks... Plus my drawing skills are below zero rn, nothing's going according to plan ;; Oh well... I doodled this instead.
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lingeriae · 11 months
Birthday Sex by Jeremih ft onyankopon
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synopsis - it's onyankopon, your ex's birthday, what happens when you 'accidentally' get dragged to is birth
warnings - cussing, smuttttt, use of the n-word, somewhat toxic relationship, mention of substance abuse and alcohol, possessive ony!, mention of anxiety, fights
pairings - Onyankopon x black! fem reader
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you knew in your whole black being that something about sasha suddenly wanting to go out was a bad idea. how could you be so gullible? the signs of her intentions were crystal-fucking-clear but you ignored them because you had faith in the girl,
maybe you weren't gullible to her plan, and the thought of even seeing him was alluring; seeing if anything had changed since you both seperated. seeing if he moved on.
'mmm, God forbid.'
but as you stepped through the doors of connie springers house a sinking feeling immediately made it's way to your stomach, and you wanted to run out of the building to the comfort of your home where you could stalk your ex in peace.
the scene is familiar to you, although you don't usually like parties you have been dragged to a few by people you were close to, by him. And as you continued to scan your surroundings, searching for him out of habit you almost felt disappointed but relieved that you hadn't.
your heart suddenly races as you start to think about him. what he would be wearing, what he would be doing, who he would be doing. trying to stay level headed as you remind yourself that isn't why you're here, and that shouldn't matter because he isn't yours anymore.
sasha suddenly broke your train of thought by speaking up.
"you okay?" she asks, leaning closer to you and raising her voice while her eyes scanned your face for emotion. you arched an eyebrow at her while folding your lips causing her to grin at you.
"oh, don't give me that look!" she giggles throwing her arms around you as she drags you further into the sea of sweaty bodies, "you'll be fine, it's not like you could bump into him with so much people around."
"mhm, sure." you said sarcastically kissing your teeth when she pinched you. she suddenly stopped, removing her arm from around you and scanned the crowd. "im gonna go look for connie, you coming?"
"nah, i'll pass. where there's connie, there's ony." sasha only rolled her eyes in response before disappearing into the sea of people. you leaned against a wall with a sigh watching the room that only grew louder, and scrunching up your nose as the stench of weed and alcohol increased, the feeling of wanting to hide in your own skin increases too and you try not to let it consume you. the scene was getting too overwhelming for you, and anxiety your simmers beneath your skin. all of it immediately stopping as you made eye-contact with him.
'oh shit.' you thought, not only because of how good he looked under the dim and flashing light, but because he was walking towards you and you were too frozen from the shock of seeing him to walk (run) away. as he came closer to you, began thinking off what you would say to him and what he would say to you, and even the possibility of getting back tog-
"hey." that one word had your face heating up, maybe because it interupted your delusional and sick thoughts or because of how long you haven't heard the richness of his voice. you rubbed your glossed lips together, slightly tilting your head as you looked at him.
"hi, happy birthday." you replied looking away from his face when noticing how intence the eye-contact was getting, suddenly feeling self conscious of how his eyes roamed every part of you crossed your arms over your chest. the male infront of you licked his lips at the action, it causing your titties to push up even more than they alrready were.
onyankopon hummed, a smile pulling at his lips as he noticed how flustered you were getting from the little attention he was giving you. "thank you, mama. you look pretty," suddenly feeling shy at his compliement, you bit your lips to hide the smile that you knew would come
"s' dress is mad short though." he brought his hand to the end of your dress that stopped midthigh, tugging on it a little and letting his hand linger there all while maintaining eye-contact with you. his actions caused tingles to flow throughout your body and it felt as if the skin he was touching caught fire. as you replied to his comment, you immediately felt heat rising to your face at your choice of words, cussing yourself out for not thinking before you talked which ony always scolded you about.
"easy acess." you bit your tongue as the words left your lips, ony's eyebrows raised his tongue pushing against his cheek , looking at you with low red rimmed eyes that slowly went up and down your body. ony suddenly leans in towards you, not stopping until his face is inches away from yours, you slowly inhale smelling the mixture of weed and the cologne he had. his sliver nose stud twinkled under the lights, along with diamond earring he had in.
'he smells so good.' you thought watching as ony's eyes dragged from your lips to your eyes, suddenly feeling dizzy because of how good he smelt and how close he was to you. the hand he had on your thigh now trailing up whilst his other hand rests against the wall beside your head, trapping you. his lips parted and you felt as if your legs would give under you as his breath brushed against your lips and because of his next words.
"you givin my pussy away to these lames, mama?" you glance up at him through your eye-lashes, sucking your teeth as if his words had no effect on you. parting your lips to respond, you're suddenly interupted by a high-pitched voice. "omg, hi daddy!" a thick light-skinned girl ran up to ony, hugging him from behind. you glanced at her noticing she had in a blonde lace that looked freshly done, a pink mini-skirt with a matching top to match it and pink boots with fur. the sinking feeling that appeared in your stomach from before came back again as you looked between them.
"happy birthday!" she said, smiling up at him, her smiley twinkling at the movement. her eyes suddenly drifted towards you, scanning you with what you could describ as disgust and jealousy before she turned back to ony who had straightened up and turned to look at her. "who's this?"
pushing yourself off the wall, you cleared your throat before speaking up. "nobody, happy birthday, hope you enjoy." you walked away before he could respond, puffing out your cheeks as you felt your eyes begin to water bringing your hands to pat at the spot under your eyes and try your best to keep your composure. you walk around until you find sasha who was perched on connie's lap passing a blunt to said man who gave you a dimpled smile.
"hi y/n, your outfit is eating!" you snort at connie's words and the dramatic side-eye sasha gave him, "don't ever say some shit like that again bro."
you sat down across from them beside a blonde with glasses and a beard, looking at him from the corner of your eyes as he inhaled the blunt before offering it you, muttering a small thanks before taking it from him and taking a hit. feeling his eyes still on you, even after giving you the blunt you turn with an arched eyebrow, "what?"
he chuckled, shaking his head. "damn. I can't look at you?" you rolled your eyes at his responce, not intreseted in giving him your attention. "you're just pretty s'all." your eyes turn back to meet his and watch the way they roamed your figure, you hummed at his words deciding to check him out too.
from just looking at him you could tell that he worked out, and he was good-looking too, maybe a bit older than you were but still good-looking.
'ony better tho.'
"thank you..."
"zeke." he gave you his name with a toothy grin, a hand coming up to rub at his beard. you returned his smile with on of your own before responding, not noticing that a certain male had walked up to the area, eyeing the man beside you with a clenched jaw. "thank you, zeke."
"ony! happy birthday!" you nearly got whiplash to how quick you turned your head, making eye-contact with ony as he hugged sasha and mumbled a thanks. he never took his eyes off you as he sat beside them. his cheeks sucked in as he inhaled and his eyes never leaving you once as he exhaled the smoke. "you never gave me your name, pretty girl."
turning back to zeke, you suddenly feel speechless as you still feel ony's eyes on you. "It's Y/n." you respond with a smile, a hot feeling flowing throughout your body at the sudden attention your ex was giving you. zeke licked his lips, a smirk on his lips. "pretty, like you."
you eyes drag back to ony, making eye-contact with him again before you look away clearing your throat. "that's corny." zeke chuckles, it sounds sexy and his adam apples bops along with action. he's sexy, but somehow you can't find yourself to indulge in him as you turn to look back at ony who is still looking at you. he's manspreading and his hands rest on his stomach, his eyes are low and intense as they pierce into you not backing down even from being caught multiple times, you can feel your heart speeding up as you continue to look at him. you can't help the heat that spread through you and the way that you push your thighs together, imagining building up the courage to walk up to him and sit on his lap, his hands on your waist as he grinds you-
the sudden feeling of a cold liquid on your skin causes you to gasp and stand up, your dress sticks unto your skin as the liquid drips flows down your body. looking up you see the same girl from before, a pout on her lips as she looks at you with an empty cup in her hand. "what the fuck?!"
"oops, I guess my hand musta slip or something." your eye twitched as you look at her, your hands moving on your own as you searched for something, only to find your phone lifting it and slamming it across her face. a loud smack along with the bitches scream and an "oh my god!" filled room, an arm wrapping around your waist as you moved to punch the girl.
"got me fucked up!" you yelled as you struggled against the person who was holding you back, trying to get another hit on the girl. she started crying as she moved her hands from her face to see the blood from her now broken nose, you watched as ony walked up to her and the way she threw herself at him. "that bitch is crazy! she broke my fuckin nose!" she sobbed clutching unto his jacket, ony looked at you with wide and concened eyes causing you to scoff.
"let go of me bro." you said, pushing the person away only to realize it was zeke. he looked at you with drawn eye-brows parting his lips to speak, stopping once you raised your fingers at him to stop. pulling on your dress you turned to connie, "where's your bathroom?"
once he told you where it was, you gave sasha a reasuring smile before walking off, ignoring the eyes on you as you walked up the stairs, ass shaking with each step you took.
you cussed as you rubbed the top of your dress with a rag, trying not to cry as your hands began to ache because of hard you were rubbing it and how overwhelmed you felt, a sudden knock on the door causing you to sniff,
"someone's in here!" there was silence before the door was pushed open, your lips parting at the person who walked through. ony locked the door before leaning on it, his arms folded across his chest as he watched you kiss your teeth while scrubbing the front of your dress with aggression. "you shoulda locked the door, coulda been anyone bussing in like that."
"thanks, i'll lock it behind you when you get out." you smiled at him sarcastically through the mirror, your breath hitching as he moved closer to you. you looked away from him focusing on your dress and ignoring the warmth you felt as he stood behind you, feeling his chest against your back as he moved around you to grap your wrists pausing your movements.
"look at me." he whispered in your eyes, a quiet gasp coming from you as he placed one of his hands on your waist causing you to arch your ass into him. biting your lips, you shook your head stubbornly at his request.
"aint you supposed to be with that bitch?" you snapped quietly, being mindful to not raise your voice at him. you felt him sigh against you, bringing his hand up to grip your chin, turning you to face him.
"she got what she deserved, im just concerned about you right now." rolling your eyes at his words, you moved your face out of his grip his jaw clenching out of fustration.
"boy, bye. im not bout to do this with you-" you tried to side-step him, only to let out a squeal as he pulled you back towards him, his hands on the small of your back while the other gripped the counter. he narrowed his eyes at you with a lick of his lips, "don't do that, you know better."
a shiver ran through your body at his tone, looking away from him feeling small under his glare. his touch felt warm, almost making you forget how wet your clothes were. he was so close, and if he took another step further you're not sure if you could resist him.
rubbing your lips together, you found the courage in you to meet his glare with one of your own, pursuing your lips together. "you're acting as if she wasn't all up on you, stop being 'concerned' about me and go be concerned about your bitch, bro." his eyebrows drew together while his lips turned down.
"first of all, I dunno who you think your talking to, but im not your fuckin bro, second of all she's not my 'bitch'. Ian been with anybody since you, so for you to say that is crazy." you hated yourself for feeling so relieved, looking down at your dress as you pushed your lips up not knowing what to say. "aint fuck nobody either." he whispered, the way you shifted on your feet not going unnoticed by him. it was silent for a moment, the muffled sound of music from downstairs being the only thing that didn't make it extremely quiet.
"y/n, look at me." he said it so softly, as if he didn't want to scare you. you slowly lifted your head, biting your lip as you looked at him, a shaky breath leaving your lips as he brought his hands to rub across you cheek before bringing it towards his face, his lips meeting yours pausing for a second to see if you would hesitate before diving in. humming you tipped on your toes, wrapping your arms around his neck as he wrappped his around your waist backing you up into the counter. you moaned as he kissed you hard, shoving his tongue into your mouth and bringing his hand down to your ass to squeezing. pulling away you looked up at him, your lips burning along with your cheeks, and your body buzzing with excitement. placing your palms against his pecs, you pushed him weakly with a shake of your head, his body not budging even a little at the force. "o-ony we can't-"
"why?" he wasn't even looking at you, but at your lips, licking his own before meeting your eyes. biting your lip, you rubbed small circles into his pecs. "you're high-"
"never stopped me before." he said, smirking at the slap you gave to his chest, trying to lean down to kiss you again only to be stopped by your hands pushing him away again, rolling his eyes ony looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
"that's different. we aint together, ony, we can't do this-"
"why you tryna keep me away from my pussy?" he grabbed your hands, pulling them off of his chest and above your head looking down at you with a stern look, one that had your knees buckling and glad that he was holding you up. you stared up at him speechless, not protesting as he kissed you again before moving to suck on your neck. a whine fell from your lips as he sucked a specific spot, feeling his full lips pull into a grin at your reaction, he continued sucking at the spot feeling himself getting turned on by the sounds you made. "ou, y-you gon leave a mark!" you said making no effort to stop him as he continued his assualt on your neck, pulling back to look at the bruise forming with a proud grin.
suddenly he lifted you up, placing you on the counter and kneeling down. your thighs closed on instinct, suddenly becomin shy as you looked down at the man who looked back up at you with a confused expression. "you sure about this? I don't want you to regret-"
"spread your legs, mama." he interupted you, looking in between your legs with a concentrated face. "but-"
"aint gon ask again." at the tone of his voice you slowly began to spread your legs, feeling how ony gripped your thighs as he spread them wider. "talkin bout regret. you lost your mind?"
you shake your head no, your chest rising and falling with speed as he used his fingers to push your panties to the side, a hiss leaving his lips at how wet you already were. he brought his finger against your front, running his finger on it. "this for me mama?" pursuing your lips, you tilted your head to the side shaking your head.
"for my new man-ah!" ony flicked your clit, not allowing you to finish your sentence as he looked at you with dark, hooded eyes before he pushed against your hips so your pussy was right infront of his face, bringing his mouth towards it and licking from your hole to your clit. a shiver ran down your spine as your nipples hardened, already feeling like you were going to burst from the simple motion. you gripped his head as he sucked on your clit harshly, a broken moan leaving your lips because of how good he was making you feel. he thrusted his tongue in and out of your pussy, blowing against your clit and bringing his fingers to rub against it. he slid his fingers in and out of you while using his thumb to rub against your clit, the feeling of his fingers hitting tat spongey spot inside of you had you shaking, feeling your release come closer and closer. "cmon, mama. give it to me. can feel her squeezing me so I know she close."
your back arched off of the counter as you felt your vision becoming blurry, not noticing that you were crying. your grip on ony's head tightens as he continued to finger and tongue fuck you "taste so good, mama, can't believe you took this away from me." ony muttered as pulling away for a moment looking at your reactions as you came closer and closer to you release.
"fuck, ony!"
he licked his lips at your moan, palming himself through his sweats as he looks up at you. "m' makin you feel good mama, tell me m makin you feel good."
"m-makin me feel so g-good ony!" he did a scissoring motion with his fingers, holding your thighs as you tried closing them nearing your release. a whine left you as you came on his fingers, your legs shaking because of how hard you came. you breathed deeply, resting on your elbows to look down at ony who was licking off his fingers, your nose scrunching up "you're so nasty."
ony got up, smiling as he looked down at you while licking his lips. "only for you mama."
"mhm" you responded, rolling your eyes moaning as ony grabbed you by throat pulling you towards him, "'mhm' you tryna say something?" he asked threatiningly.
you giggled before leaning up to kiss him, sucking and biting on his lips , tasting yourself maing his grip around your throat tighten. he pulled away, leaning his foreheead against yours. "I wanna fuck you really bad, can I?"
you rubbed your hands across his jaw, nodding as you pecked his lips again before climbing down from the counter having to hold unto ony so you didn't fall. ony kissed your cheek as he turned you over, making you grip the counter. you watched in the mirror as he pushed up your dress, biting his lips at the site of your cunt, he pulled up his shirt holding it up with his teeth allowing you to see the muscles that hide under the material then pulling down his sweats, his dick slapping against his stomach causing you to lick your lips. you watched the creamy precum that pooled his tip spill out, dragging eyes from his dick to his face seeing that his eyes were already on you caused you to press your thighs together. ony smirked raising an eyebrow, narrowing his eyes a bit. "you watchin me?" he said
nodding your head, ony muttered a good in reply before lining up against your hole and slowly pushed into you, both of you gasping at the feeling. he held unto you as he felt your knees buckle, slowly slipping more of himself into you. your pussy gripped unto him as he moved slowly insie of you, squelching at his movements. your grip unto the counter tightened as you tried your best to take him, crying out the more he moved
"s-shit. ion understand, how the f-fuck you so tight." he whispered as he tried to fit all of it inside you, kissing your neck as you whimpered at the stretch after not taking him for so long. "you want me to pull out?" he whispered, looking at you through the mirror and chuckling at the way you quickly shake your head.
"n-no, I can take it, don't pull out." nodding his head, ony slowly moved inside of you until he bottomed out, a moan falling from your lips as you felt his dick pulsing inside of you. he waited a little before moving, hissing at the grip your pussy had on him. "shit. gonna need you to relax for me, mama." he said rubbing circles into your hips, you moaned in response trying your best to do as he says.
"ima move now, alright?"
he pushed into you with a quick thrust, and you swear you went to heaven as your body rocked against the bathroom counter. ony grunted softly as he listened to your sounds of pleasure, rocking his cock inside of you at a stready and comforable rhythm. he rests his head on your shoulder, kissing and sucking on your neck. "can't believe you kept the pussy away from me mama,"he muttered as he gave you the deepest thrust yet causing your ass to arch back into him, "talking about 'you deserve better', as if you aren't what's best for me." his thrusts started speeding up at his words, his eyebrows began to draw together and his grips on your hips began to tighten.
"t's like you like breaking my heart, you like doing that shit mama?" he asked, leaning down to look at you. you couldn't even answer, too fucked out on his dick to even come up with words other than his name. he suddenly stopped, looking at you with a blank face. "asked you a question, mama."
you tried to fuck yourself back on him, only or the grip on your hips to tighten as he waited for you to answer him. you shook your head repeatedly as you responded, tears begining to flow down your face. "n-no papa! don't like seeing you hurt, mmm!" your breath hitches as he snaps his hips up into your, turning your head so he could kiss you on your lips. another moan falls from your lips as he hits the same same spongey spot inside you, doing it over and over again.
"tell papa who's pussy this is, cmon mama you can do it." he whispers, angling his hips so he can hit the spot repeatedly driving you over the edge. "yours! y-yours! all yours ony! swear!" you screamed, hiccuping. ony brought his hands to your face wipping your tears.
"you sorry for leaving me, mama?"
"y-yea, m'sorry papa." you whined, moving your hips faster against his so your release could come quickly. ony could tell you meant your words because of how you reached for his hands, kissing them as he continued to fuck into you. ony pulled you up, kissing you as you came muffling your moans, fucking you until he came right inside of you.
he dropped you on the counter, leaning his forehead against your shoulder as you both catched your breaths, his arms came around to wrap around you pressing you against his chest as you scratched the back of his head. "you mean what you said, right?" he asked quietly, your fingers not stopping their movement as you responded with a quiet 'yes'.
he leaned up, looking into your eyes. "i love you."
pausing, you blinked at him before letting a smile spread across your face bringing you hands up to hold his face and bring him towards you. "I love you too, happy birthday ony."
"we'll see if it actually is if I managed to put a baby up in you."
a slap sounded throughtout the bathroom, along with a hiss. "onyankopon!"
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shawtuzi · 1 year
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“i told you, you better stay prayed up. you never thought the universe would be looking for…revenge”
alexis | twenty | black | nov scorpio | eren and abby’s pretty gf
before clicking any further my blog is 18+ and all my writing is nsfw!!! any minors or blank blogs that interact will be blocked with quickness <33 now that that’s out of the way pls enjoy my writing!!! also this is not a democracy any comment i don’t like will simply be deleted as well any hate in my inbox xoxo
attack on titan ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧
eren yeager
peaches and coconut + peaches and coconut pt 2 ft jean kirstein
peaches and coconut drabble #1 (eren teaches reader how to masturbate)
peaches and coconut drabble #2 (eren and reader have sex in the bathroom during a church service)
peaches and coconut drabble #3 (eren and reader have high sex in his car)
basketball player!eren x chubby!reader fic
basketball player!eren x chubby!reader pt 2
plug eren hc’s #1, #2
plug!eren drabble #1 (eren fucks readers mouth w his glock)
plug!eren drabble #2 (eren pulls his glock out on someone while he’s w reader)
plug!eren drabble #3 (reader sucks eren off while his glock is pointed at her head + reiner cameo)
plug!eren #4 (eren and reader discuss his hair length before having nasty sex)
plug!eren drabble #5 (reader is craving skin to skin contact and eren helps)
aftercare w plug!eren
nerd!reader x eren drabble #1
nerd!reader x eren drabble #2
jailbird!eren drabble
toxic baby daddy eren fic
mma fighter!eren drabble
childhood best friend eren fic
aot boys squirting hc’s
rough sex w eren drabble
ceo!eren fic
nerd!eren x nerd!reader fic
eren eating pussy w grills in
sex w toxic bf!eren
nerd!eren drabble #1 (eren has a big dick)
nerd!eren drabble #2 (eren’s first bj)
nerd!eren drabble #3 (eren cums a lot and loves to be overstimulated)
nerd!eren hc’s
oral fixation drabble
incubus!eren drabble
actor!eren x playmate!reader
jean kirstein
aot boys squirting hc’s
oral fixation drabble
armin arlert
pervert!armin hc’s
pervert!armin fic
aot boys squirting hc’s
connie springer
plug!connie drabble (lil intro to plug!connie)
plug!connie hc’s
levi ackerman
plug!levi hc’s
semi sub!levi drabble
aot boys squirting hc’s
reiner braun
aot boys squirting hc’s
oral fixation drabble
househusband!reiner hc’s
mikasa ackerman
sub!mikasa drabble
jujutsu kaisen ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧
toji fushiguro
the girl next door
gojo satoru
hide n’ seek
tokyo revengers ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧
big dick kenny drabble
ran haitani
drabble about getting slutted out by ran and rindou
rindou haitani
drabble about getting slutted out by ran and rindou
kazutora hanemiya
drabble about kazutora being a bitch boy for you
demon slayer ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧
tengen uzui
lights, camera, action!
our favorite girl ft makio, hinatsuru, n suma
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jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 3 months
playing excited & exhausted with them
ft: levi, erwin, bertholdt, jean, connie, annie, sasha, mikasa, eren
a/n: excited & exhausted is card game made for couples to play when they’re drinking. it is an explicit card game so this post is 18+. NSFW MDNI ! however, this does not go into details. it’s very light on the smut side, if you can even call it that. i’m not 100% comfortable writing full smut yet soo :) this request is for/from @ricebowl768 - also, this is not proofread :)
levi ackerman
it’s a pain to play this game with levi. he insists on doing all of the tasks on the card, resulting in you being the only drunk one. he says, “what’s the point of playing if i don’t do any of these?”
you tell him, it’s supposed to be fun and he doesn’t have to do any of the dares that he doesn’t want to. charmingly, he responds, “well, you’re my girlfriend. i want to do these things.”
erwin smith
he’s curious when you present him the deck. he didn’t think you’d be interested in something so explicit. honestly, he’s quiet shy about most of the cards. he gets a nice buzz going pretty fast, giving him the courage to do all these things.
the night ends up quite wholesome as you two share bursts of drunken giggles. you two wind up sweetly entangled in bed.
bertholdt hoover
you have to convince bert to play this game, given he’s on the shyer side. you both take two shots before playing just to ease any anxiety. the first card he draws reads, “drink if you want to have sex after this game.” his eyes widen and he downs another shot. he tries to hard the cards from you but you are dying to know, so you lunge across towards him and wrestle him for the card.
you laugh at his embarrassment when you read it outloud. you reassure him he doesn’t have anything to feel embarassed about by kissing him all over his red cheeks.
jean kirstein
jean thinks you’re the best girlfriend ever for buying this card game. he mainly teases you about drinking whenever you don’t want to do the action on the card. he calls you a few names just to rile you up. tired of his shit, you start doing everything on the cards just to prove a point. no matter how provocative or exposing they are, you do them. he both hates and loves you for this but he can’t wait for the game to be over.
connie springer
he’s enthusiastic about playing this game, he actually was the one who had picked it up at the store while you weren’t paying attention. he reveals it by slamming it down on the table and insists you two play. you both end up sloppy drunk for some reason despite doing everything on the card. honestly, it was just a good excuse to get sloppy drunk and be horny for each other.
annie leonhardt
she’s sort of…rough when you bring up the idea. annie’s a pretty shy, reserved person so when you present her with the game, she gives you a shrug. no wanting to press her boundaries, you forget about it.
she brings it up later on, on a random afternoon. she wants to deepen her bond with you, so she steps outside her comfort zone. she blushed at nearly every single card, choosing to consume a bunch of liquor.
she manages to hold herself together well, until she gives into her desires and chooses to do the sexual tasks on the cards. this side of her is refreshing. you keep telling her she doesn’t have to do anything, but she insists the liquor has given her courage to do these things she’s wanted to do all along.
sasha braus
sasha giggles at every single card! she barely takes anything seriously, especially when she’s drinking. she doesn’t quite understand the circumstances of the game until you draw all the promiscuous cards. she tries to keep a cool about tasks such as kissing her thighs. but since you know her so well, her gasps of surprise are considered more gasps of arousal. overall, she winds up enjoying the game.
mikasa ackerman
mikasa looks to please you, and only you as their partner. of course, this urge doesn’t dismiss her shyness. she starts off the game with a high confidence, dismissing with each card. she wants to do each, to please you but ultimately, she’s too embarassed. it winds up with her having a bunch of shots and it makes you laugh. you tell her, “baby, you don’t have to do anything, we can stop playing this game.”
she counters back, “i want to! it’s just so…vulgar? how do people do this sober?!”
it’s not that she’s a prude, but this game is impossible to play! that’s what she insists.
eren jaeger
this game was made for eren, or so he thinks. he‘ d play this game with anyone but for him, it’s a pleasure to play with you. he doesn’t shy away from any task, no matter how filthy it is. he enjoys teasing you and seeing you flustered. he wants you uncomfortable, in a consensual way of course. eren wants to take you further than you’ve ever been. both physically and mentally. he’s a menace, testing your limits until you’re begging for him!
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torasplanet · 7 months
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𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 ; you wanna get jealous over some crack whore and show your ass to connie? fine but now you gotta ride eren while connie watches. have fun.
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 ; riding, slight degradation, unprotected sex, drabble, overstimulation, p in v, exhibition, mean!eren, mean!connie, threesome(mentioned), drugs, high sex, dacryphilia, cuckolding w armin(mentioned), college au, skin color not mentioned, ib
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It didn’t bother Eren that much when you sat in the backseat of his car with a pout on your face while watching him deal to a dope-feen bitch who was touching all on his forearm, he could see where you were coming from and couldn’t get mad at you for being jealous, he just found it silly that you were getting upset over a crack whore who he didn’t even spare another glance after handing her the drugs she asked for.
You sitting there with a pout and your arms crossed against your chest ignoring him when he tried to talk to you didn’t bother him either. Eren was used to your fucked up attitude by now and just reminded himself to take care of that later so it didn’t lead to a petty argument.
However…what did bother him was when you purposely dropped five dollars on the ground on your way to the gas station store while he was busy practically showing your entire ass and lace panties to Connie who sat in his passenger seat after you begged him to give you money so you could get whatever fucking candy you asked for after ignoring him for the majority of the ride. That shit bothered him a lot, he considered asking Connie to handle the deal he was currently working on and getting out of the car dragging your ass back to the car by your hair, and teaching you not to fuck with him right there but no…he had a better idea. And that idea would come into play right now.
“‘Ren c’mon! My legs hurt…” You whined out planting your hands on Eren's chest as you sat on his lap on the couch with him eight inches deep inside of you, you had already come twice and your legs were aching! It wasn’t fair how he wasn’t letting you have a break! The brunette man simply looked up at you with his red-lidded eyes exhaling smoke into your precious face which was covered in tears and your ruined makeup, he passed the blunt in his hand back to Connie who sat on the other side of the couch watching the whole ordeal with a grin on his face “Hell no, you’re gonna fuck yourself out right in front of Connie since you love showing your ass to him right?” Eren said as you gazed down at him with watery eyes, it wasn’t a question, it wasn’t even a statement you were supposed to respond to because no matter what you said, it’d just end in him giving a slap to your ass.
But unfortunately, you weren’t thinking, not at all this entire night but you never did “No! I don’t, only for you ‘rennie!” Connie snickered at your pathetic statement as more tears spewed from your eyes, you turned your head and glared at him which just made him laugh even more, you looked so pathetic. Completely naked while they were both fully dressed, sobbing, and now you were glaring at him? You looked like a kicked puppy more than anything.
Eren sat up straight at your words before gripping your jaw and turning your head to face him, you could now feel his breath on your face from how close you two were “Then explain to me why you acted like a stupid whore showing my pussy to him?” His green eyes stared daggers into your soul as you stood there looking down at him silent, you didn’t have anything to say. He knew why and if you said anything about it he’d probably torture you more for being a ‘jealous slut’ that’s how he would say it.
He narrowed his eyes at you once more before letting go of your face harshly making a sob escape your throat “That’s what I thought, now keep going.” Eren demanded slapping his hand on the soft flesh of your ass making even more tears escape your eyes and flow down the apples of your cheeks.
You glanced at Connie for help but he did nothing but hit the blunt while remaining in eye contact with you, you whined as you continued to ride him tiredly trying your best to ignore the pain in your legs. You hoped this didn’t lead to a threesome, they would be so mean to you! Armin wouldn’t just sit there and let this happen. He’d help you and tell Eren to relax and that you didn’t deserve it! Having Armin watch was way better than dumb Connie!
A combination of moans and sobs were let out into the air as you lazily rode Eren, your back arching when he hit just the right spot as the two men acted liked you weren’t even there casually talking and passing the blunt back and forth, that might’ve hurt more than your legs. Eren knew from experience that you lived off attention, you were like a Tinkerbell, if you didn’t get the attention you would just die and he was refusing to give you that. What a dick!
Wet sounds filled the room along with their chatting that you didn’t care enough to listen to, that’s if you even had enough in you to hear anything “Ngh! ‘Rennie!” You were nearing your breaking point cumming for a third time and Eren wasn’t letting you stop anytime soon, every time you even halted your movements slightly, he’d slap you on your ass or give you a glare that scared you enough to keep going but everything was too much and you stopped completely leaning forward and collapsing on his body continuing to cry loudly.
“Fuck are you stopping for?” Eren said rudely pushing your limp body off his looking at you with hate and disgust hurting your feelings even more than he already had “Too tired…please m’ sorry!” Eren didn’t even react to your pleas as you banged your balled-up fists on his chest tiredly to get him to sympathize with you somehow even just a little bit “Too fucking bad.” Eren responded, “Hold on bro, maybe she just needs a lil’ sum’ to help her.” Connie said with a laugh before standing and walking over to you, he grabbed your jaw with his hand before putting the blunt to your lips as you looked up at him your puffy eyes. He almost came in his pants right there at the sight of you.
He and Eren watched as you inhaled before Connie took the blunt away from your mouth, the springer male leaned closer to press your lips together but Eren kicked his kneecap making the gray-eyed boy look at his friend with a scowl “Fuck was that for Eren?” You watched the ordeal as you exhaled the smoke out of your nose just glad Eren wasn’t focused on making you continue, eren didn’t really like sharing. Especially sharing you but the idea of threesomes appealed to him as long as the other person didn’t kiss you.
“I ain’t even let Armin kiss her, what makes you think you can?” The Yeager man questioned making Connie scoff before he plopped back down to his spot on the couch grumbling something about Eren being too damn possessive to have threesomes. Eren’s head then turned back to you looking at you with the same lidded eyes that have been giving you little attention all night “Lemme tell you sum’ pretty…” He whispered sitting up again and getting close to your face, he gave you a small peck on your lips making you whine. You wanted more than just a stupid peck, small kisses are for cheeks not for lips.
You looked down at him with teary eyes as you tried not to let them spill out as Eren would probably laugh if you did “If you stop again, you’re not cummin’ for weeks.” The statement made your jaw drop and your eyes widen, the sobbing continued as you heard Connie cackle loudly “Better get moving jealous slut.” You pouted at the statement as they were the exact words you thought eren would call you while your salty tears dropped down onto Eren’s white tee, with these two, this night was never going to end.
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©torasplanet .ᐟ reblogs and likes are very appreciated! pls do not repost!!
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lowkeyremi · 9 months
How they react when you "bro/bruh" them ft Eren, Connie, Levi, Jean.
I saw this tiktok where this girl called her bf bro and he gave her the meanest side eye lmao
CW: Language (obvi), mostly just fluff tho
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His big ass feet where near your face. You're pretty sure this clown is trying to gain your attention and it's working. Your eyes glance over at his feet again, then back to the instagram reel you were watching. Eren could hear the reels too because you have your volume all the way up.
In your peripheral you could see those toes wiggling, "Bruh, stop it."
Eren pauses, then looks you right in your eyes, emerald green meets (ur eye color) eyes, "who's 'bruh?' You know my name is Eren."
He's met with silence followed by a giggle and roll of your eyes, "then maybe I'm not talking to you. Mind your business Eren, 'Bruh' and I are trying to have a conversation."
"I'll beat his ass." Eren mutters and shoves his foot in your face. You squirm and shriek. Your efforts are useless though, his foot is right on your face.
"I'm about to beat your ass, if you don't get your big clown foot out of my face." Your words are mumbled... cuz of the foot.
"Huh? Can't hear you baby, speak u- AH." He retracts his foot and covers his face, which is turning red by the way. "You still scream like a little girl!" Eren watched as you clutched your stomach, the laughter you let out was loud and contagious, soon eren's laughing.
"I screamed because you bit my fucking foot!" He said in fits of laughter, he was half frowning, trying to be upset but it wasn't working.
"Listen here, bruh. I didn't even bite that hard." Eren's off the couch in seconds and he picks you up by your feet. You're upside down, screaming no less. "Put me down! I have a boyfriend!!"
You feel Eren's sharp canines on your foot, he bites hard.
Your scream is mixed with shortened laughter, you can't help it, "unhand me you weirdo."
He smirks but you can't see it, "if you say so." Eren releases your feet and you drop to the ground. Eren hears the thump of your head hitting the hard floor.
"Owww Eren, fuck you." You whine holding your head.
"You said to let go." His smile is malicious and undeniably huge.
"I hate you." Your pout grows and your head is throbbing.
"I love you too," he kisses your head where he dropped you.
"Yeah, seriously. I would never let anyone talk to me like that." You say to your friend over the phone. You've been talking to her for maybe two hours? She's your bestie after all. Connie sneaks into the kitchen while you're finishing up lunch to take a little sample.
He grabs a biscuit off of the pan and tries to sneak out. Yeah he's on the shorter side, but he's bulky. So, you see him try to get away.
"Bro, stop! I just got those out." Connie pauses, stands to full height, with bread in his mouth.
"I'll call you back, yeah.. it's Connie." She hangs up and you set your phone down. Connie watches as you place your hand on your hip.
"Two minutes, all you had to do was wait two minutes." The small smile on your lips gives him everything he needs to know. You're not mad, but you're trying to be and failing.
"Sorry, Mami." He leaves the kitchen with a big smile on his face.
A few days have passes since then and it's been pretty normal up until today.
Connie didn't do the dishes...
"Constance Springer, get up and come do these dishes." There was strictness in your voice, he froze up for a second before relaxing.
"Bro stop! I'm playing my game." He mimicked your voice from the other day.
"Excuse you? I'm not your bro." You scoff.
"Mami, I was copying you, you called me 'bro' the other day. I was just kidding. I'll go do the dishes right now." His voice is soft as he turns of his game. He walks over to you and kisses you all over your face.
"Damn right you better do those dishes." Once again he can tell you're not mad.. but you're trying to be.
"Love you, pretty." He smiles.
"I guess I love your bald-headed ass, too." He gasps dramatically when you cross your arms.
The hot chocolate you have isn't doing it, the chill still gets to you. Even with the fireplace going, you're still so cold. Your heater is broken and Levi waited until the last second to fix it. Winter has made its way into your little town and it is not kind. The winds have kept you inside, wishing that spring would come around even though winter just barely started.
You wanted to hire someone to come fix it, but your husband told you he was capable. Plus there are probably many people in the same situation as you who don't have a very capable Levi to fix their heater.
His words not yours. Right as you take a sip of your hot chocolate, the door opens to reveal Levi in his black parka. "I fixed it, come look outside, it's snowing."
You turn around to face him. "Bro, are you serious? I am not going out there." Levi hears you scoff and settle back into the couch.
"Who the hell is your "bro"? I didn't marry my fucking sister, hell I don't even have one. So don't call me bro." There's no real heat behind his words. He always gets like that when you call him bro.
"Calm the fuck down, it's an expression. We'll go outside later but you're literally shivering. I'll make you some hot chocolate. Go turn the heater on." You stand up, shivering yourself. Those trained eyes watch as you walk over to him and give him a quick peck on the lips.
"I think I deserve more than that for fixing the heater." He grabs your wrist.
"Um, no you don't. It doesn't count when you wait last fucking second to do it. If you want a real kiss, this house better be warm in the next hour." You yank your wrist out of his soft grip and walk to the kitchen to grab a mug for Levi.
"Fucking stupid." He mumbled.
"I heard that you dumbass." You yell from the kitchen, a silent chuckle following in pursuit.
"Good for you, idiot. I love you." The last part was mumbled softly.
"I love you too, my grumpy husband."
"Dude I can't," he clicks his tongue, you're in his lap, snuggling him. "I told you already that I'm hanging out with my girlfriend today."
You can slightly hear Connie over the phone sighing and trying to come up with an excuse to get Jean out.
"We literally went out for food yesterday, shut up." Jean sighs, squeezing your thigh with a weary smile. You nod back because he remembered his promise 'Tomorrow baby I promise, we'll spend some time together.'
"Whatever man, I was gonna tell you mi madre is making her famous mofongo and I know you like that so I just wanted to let you know." Connie says this knowing he has your boyfriend in a tight spot.
"What?! Why didn't you say so? Save me some dude, but I can't come." Jean is holding strong.
You sigh deeply, "Bruh.. you know what? Go ahead, I don't care."
"No, I'm staying with you." He argues, "and don't bruh me, it's baby or my love to you."
"Okay, bro." Jean glares at you and you two have an intense staring contest for like three minutes.
"I win!" You smile.
"Just bring your girl, my mom loves her. Problem solved." Connie's tone says it all, he thinks it's the obvious answer.
"You don't understand. I promised her alone time, I'm always dragging her around everywhere." Jean tries to cuddle you and you get up off the couch to walk away.
Within a second his phone is on the couch and he moves to pick you up bridal style. "A promise is a promise, wanna watch a movie?"
"I want mofongo, so you better go and get some and bring it back." You say rolling your eyes and hopping out of his arms.
"It'll be quick, 15 minutes. I'll see if his mom has to-go boxes." He says kissing your forehead.
"Okay be safe, bro." His face turns into a pout, "Stop that."
"I'll think about it bro."
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saintsyx · 1 year
skin tight, connie springer.
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⸻ connie x fem!reader (black intended)
cw: nsfw/smut, penetrative sex (p in v), use of petnames (baby, pretty), on&off relationship, explicit language.
wc: 615.
♫: skin tight - ravyn lenae ft. steve lacy.
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connie loves missionary.
he loves watching his dick slide in and out of you. he loves watching how your pretty face screws up everytime his fingers stimulate your clit. he loves bringing you to a climax, loves feeling your pussy twitch around his dick. and oh, how he loves hearing his name spill from your lips over and over again.
despite the ups and downs of your relationship (if you could even call it one), connie keeps finding himself wanting you. craving you. he also loves being entangled in the wreck that is the two of you — whatever the 'two of you' is.
and he knows you love it too.
the more connie thrusts into you, the more you struggle to stifle your moans. and he's not having any of that.
"hey. c'mon, pretty. don't do that," he says softly, removing your hand from your mouth to place it above your head. "let me hear how good i make you feel, hm?"
"connie—fuck," you sigh, as he places sloppy kisses along your jaw.
"mhm. i know, baby. i know," he coos, dragging his thumb over your clit. "tell me how much you missed me."
"so muchhh. missed you so much—ohmygod, connie! right there," you whine, acrylic nails digging into connie's back. your legs wrap around his torso habitually, needing him closer to you, deeper in you.
your seraphic voice is music to connie's ears, driving him to snap his hips into you with more passion than before. your pussy responds by squeezing around his dick, eliciting a slew of curses from his mouth.
"s-shit. if you do that, i'm gonna cum," he groans, quickening the pace at which he plunges himself into you. your creamy arousal coats his dick, sticking to your inner thighs and his abdomen.
your eyes snap shut as you feel your climax edge near. attentive as ever, connie knows you're about to come undone, so he raises your leg higher, allowing him to hit your sweet spot with greater fervor. an enchanting man, connie was. he always knew exactly how to coax you into cumming all over his dick, and he loves when you make a mess of it.
"look at me." connie prompts you to open your eyes. you do, and he's transfixed by your blissed-out expression. your eyes are glazed over, and it's how you gaze up at him that makes connie completely melt. "perfect. you're so fuckin' perfect." he breathes, locking his lips with yours in a fervent kiss.
it's not long before you begin trembling beneath connie as your orgasm ripples through you, and you let out a hoarse moan into his mouth. he's still fucking you relentlessly, though his thrusts quickly grow more erratic. your pussy flutters around his dick as he rides you through your high, and your lips part from connie's; you're too fucked out to focus on kissing him back.
connie's placing open-mouthed kisses from your cheek to your neck, before moaning your name into your ear. with one final stutter of his hips, he cums inside you, filling you up with a low "fuuuck". ecstasy courses through his body, and connie releases his grip on your thighs. his shuddering body goes limp, resting his head in the crook of your neck.
the two of you lay just as you are, spent. thin sheens of sweat glisten on your body, and the skin-to-skin contact only enhances the sticky feeling. your breathing syncs with his. you and connie stay like this for a while, just being. you raise your hand to his hair, lightly scratching his scalp with your nails. he hums contently, and his eyelashes brush against your skin as he opens his eyes slightly.
"you're... still blocked." you mumble.
"mm. whatever you say, love."
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kuroosdarling · 1 year
WILD CARD — ༉‧₊˚.
ft. connie springer !
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : you and connie have always had a fun back and forth, but what happens when he flashes you his tongue piercing?
꒰ CONTENTS ꒱ : MDNI. f!reader. oral receiving (f), fingering, multiple orgasms, squirting — WC : 800
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : this has been sitting in my drafts. so imma say fuck it and post it ^_^
reblogs and interactions are always appreciated ! (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
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connie had always been a bit of a wild card in your friend group. always flirting with everyone, cracking a few jokes here and there just to laugh it off. but somewhere along the way you found yourself feeding into it.
and a constant back and forth started between you two. always trying to one up each other to see who will crack first. and today was no different, until he brought up his tongue piercing.
“bet you’ve never been kissed by someone with a tongue piercing, wanna find out how much better it feels?” he teased, knowing you’d have to concede and he’d win the flirting battle. but then he stuck out his tongue as a joke, teasingly playing with the metal bulb and your eyes were locked onto it with no escape.
“yeah,” you found yourself saying before you could think it through. but, fuck it. connie was hot and you always had good chemistry. why not find out what it would feel like?
“yeah?” connie blinked in surprise, a small blush rising to his cheeks. “really?”
“really.” you parrot back, your eyes fixated on his lips just like his were on yours.
he didn’t waste another second, pulling you in by your chin and firmly kissing you. there was an ounce of hesitation but once your hand came up to settle on his cheek, he prodded his tongue into your mouth.
you can’t help but let out a moan as his tongue piercing glides against your bare tongue. the way the surprisingly warm metal felt had you rubbing your thighs together, already wondering how it would feel in other places.
after a few moments, connie pulls back, searching your eyes for your reaction. you look at him a little dazed.
“bet you’ve never had someone eat you out with one either.” he said, his breath fanning your face.
and that’s how you ended up on the couch, your skirt pushed all the way up by your hips with connie’s arms wrapped around your thighs — his face buried between them.
his tongue tentatively runs up along your slit, the firmness of the piercing combined with his soft tongue has you squirming in his hold. he tightens his arms around you, effectively keeping you in place as his piercing nudges your clit.
you choke back a moan, fingers digging into the cushions as connie starts to pick up the pace. his tongue feels like it’s everywhere and it’s all so hot. your whole body feels like it’s on fire and you almost worry you’re having an allergic reaction to the metal.
but one well placed suck around your clit, paired with the glide of the piercing has your toes curling, your whole body tightening up as you reach your high.
and he doesn’t let up, continuing his ministrations as his tongue ensures to clean up all of your slick, groaning into your cunt as your thighs squeeze around his head.
“c-connie.” you mewl out, pushing against his head so he could let up.
“yeah?” he pulls back a little, smothering kisses all along your inner thigh before slipping a finger into your warm cunt.
“oh my god-“ you squeal out, your back arching as he starts to thrust it in and out. with a satisfied smug, he goes back to what he was doing. between his deft fingers and the precision of his tongue — you were hurtling towards another release. something a little stronger. “w-wait.”
you cant tell if he hears you or not, the room filled with your squelching cunt and his enthusiastic groans. it’s like he knew the groans would ricochet off his piercing and push directly onto your clit.
your thighs couldn’t even wrap around him anymore, trembling in surrender under his touch. your release was strong, and it felt different than the one you had before.
with a cry of his name, you cum, your sweet essence spraying all over his face. your eyes roll to the back of your head as your body shakes. connie pulls back, his eyes looking wild as he tries to lick his lower half of his face clean.
“holy shit-“ you gasp out. in an instant, he’s right next to you, kissing you fiercely to the point you almost couldn’t catch your breath.
“you’re so hot.” he murmurs against your lips. he gives you one last peck before pulling back, his hands soothingly running up and down your body. he quickly adjusts your skir so it’s back to normal. “so, how was it?”
“you cheeky shit.” you giggle. “you know it was good.”
“yeah, just wanted to hear you say job well done.” he beams at you, his smile taking up most of his face as he proudly wears your essence like lip gloss. your face heats up at the sight.
“well, job well done.” you laugh at him, shaking your head as your body still comes down from your high. beyond his skills with his tongue, the whole situation was surprisingly nice. like it was supposed to be this way. you find yourself leaning into his touch.
“you know, i heard that you can buy a vibrating tongue piercing piece,” he pauses before smirking at you. “maybe we should try that next time?”
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daisynik7 · 10 months
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Hi friends! I hit a personal milestone of +2k followers and I want to celebrate by taking us back to the early 2000s!
Send me your favorite y2k hit and which character you associate it with, then I'll write a little fic (~1.0k - 3k words) based on that. Include whether you want it to be smutty, fluffy, or both! I'm also open to writing some angst (but nothing too severe). Please read my rules/guidelines before you submit anything. UPDATE: This event is now closed for requests, thank you all for participating and reading!
Examples should look like:
"Toxic" by Britney Spears for Toji Fushiguro - smut
"Crazy in Love" by Beyoncé for Kento Nanami - fluff
"Heartbreaker" by Mariah Carey for Eren Jaeger - smutty angst + fluff
If you have a particular lyric you want incorporated or a specific trope/scenario, please include that in your ask! And if you need some inspiration about what song to pick, this is a good playlist on Spotify. If you think of another song, but it doesn't fit into the "y2k" era, send it to me anyways! This is all just for fun :)
Thank you all so much for helping me reach this milestone and for celebrating with me! Let's sing our hearts out and have fun!
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"Photograph" by Ed Sheeran - Toji Fushiguro angst
"SOS" by Rihanna - Suguru Geto smut + fluff
"Promiscuous" by Nelly Furtado - Toji Fushiguro smut
"Me & U" by Cassie - Satoru Gojo smut
“Slow Down Baby” by Christina Aguilera – Eren Jaeger smut
“Promiscuous” by Nelly Furtado – Jean Kirstein smut
“I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor” by Arctic Monkeys – Reiner Braun smut + fluff
“Try” by Nelly Furtado – Suguru Geto fluff + smut
“Iris” by The Goo Goo Dolls – Eren Jaeger fluff + smut
"All For You" by Janet Jackson - Aki Hayakawa fluff
"Sk8er Boi" by Avril Lavigne - Kento Nanami fluff
"Into You" by Fabolous (ft. Tamia) - Connie Springer smut + fluff
"Promiscuous" by Nelly Furtado - stripper!Nanami smut
"How Do I Breath" by Mario - Eren Yeager angst
"Work Song" by Hozier - Nanami angst + comfort
"Meet Me Halfway" by Black Eyed Peas - Jean Kirstein fluff
"Extra Smooth" by Aaliyah - Suguru Geto smut
"Gimme More" by Britney Spears - Kishibe smut
"Fallin'" by Alicia Keys - Kishibe fluff + angst
"S&M" by Rihanna - Toji Fushiguro smut
"Make You Feel My Love" by Adele - Toji Fushiguro fluff
"Drank In My Cup" by Kirko Bangz - Connie comfort/smut
"Love Never Felt So Good" by Michael Jackson - Nanami fluff
"Mirrors" by Justin Timberlake - Suguru Geto angst + fluff
"Kiss Me" by Sixpence None the Richer - Nanami fluff
"Glamorous" by Fergie - Nanami smut + fluff
"Earned It" by The Weeknd - Levi smut + fluff
"Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga - Toji Fushiguro angst + smut
"Freek-A-Leek" by Petey Pablo - Eren and Jean smut
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spiteless-xo · 10 months
what do you think everyone in tbaw orders in their pizza ?
truly, i love you questions. they're always so cute and random but i love them hahaha
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╰┈➤ what pizza they order - tbaw.
ft. eren, jean, reiner, connie&sasha. cw. none
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⋙ connie springer & sasha braus.
(sorry these two are always one in the same to me)
these guys are ordering the super-loaded pizzas for sure!! like your deluxe, meat lovers, stuffed crust-type pizzas
they also order probably like four different dips because they love variety
⋙ eren jaeger.
eren is a simple pepperoni guy. maybe with some ranch dip if he's feeling crazy.
would probably order cheesy bread to share if he's getting pizza with a group of people, but if it's just him he's getting a good and simple pepperoni pizza. something easy that you can get at any pizza place and is always available at those "pizza lunch" days at the office.
(also is a child and doesn't eat his crust half the time)
⋙ jean kirstein.
god. he's ordering something fancy and pretentious for sure. he just can't be satisfied with a standard pepperoni or cheese or even deluxe.
i could see him leaning more toward a veggie-based pizza rather than something super meaty. like a pesto pizza with like sun-dried tomatoes and spinach and olives or like a mediterranean or tuscan pizza w olives and artichokes and feta
⋙ reiner braun.
i feel like he gets a plain cheese pizza and a side of like 18 hot wings. idk why but i don't really see reiner as a big pizza guy??
but this man would devour wings. he'd get the sauce all over his fingers and his face. he knows how to do the things where you twist the bone so all the meat comes off in one clean piece 💀
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lingeriae · 11 months
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pretty boy armin(fluff, drabble)
Bartender!Armin (smut, drabble/brainrot-ish)
happy birthday ony! (smut, oneshot)
session 32 (angst, oneshot)
dreamin (smut, oneshot)
best friend connie! (suggestive, drabble)
connie vs silicone bra (fluff, drabble-ish)
he wants to nap (fluff, drabble-ish)
Scream 4 me (smut, oneshot)
pussy? ate. (smut, drabble)
erens dick
pussy talk! ft connie, ony, armin n eren (title speaks for itself)
don't I look smart in my glasses? ft ony, connie (lil smutty, headcanon)
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aestheteanime · 2 years
red flags/icks | aot
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ft. eren yeager, armin arlert, jean kirstein, connie springer, levi ackerman
cw: gn reader, toxic behavior, connie's is a *little* suggestive (just towards the end it's mentioned)
eren yeager
says all of his exes are "crazy"
and he's had multiple relationships in the past so it's a little concerning that all *12* of them are, in his words, "probably clinically insane"
he also says that they're all obsessed with him even though some of them he's been broken up with for months or even years?
eren says the issue with his past lovers was that they were too untrusting and that they wanted to know what he was doing all the time
he phrases it like this... "yeah i don't know, they all just like-- assumed i was cheating on them and wanted to look through my phone? kinda stalkerish if you ask me. i had to drop 'em."
doesn't understand that they most likely had probable cause to think he was cheating
if you two end up breaking up you'll most likely be lumped into the "crazy ex" category since he can't seem to understand that maybe he's the problem
armin arlert
gaslights you to the MAX
it feels like every conversation you try to hold with him, he's constantly trying to twist reality and make you doubt your own perceptions
he also turns every joke you make into a life lesson?
for example, you joke about how sasha was stuffing an entire loaf of bread down her throat the other day and armin says "she was probably really hungry and didn't eat all day, why are you being so mean? i thought you two were close friends?"
literal definition of when you try to tell your mom a joke and it completely backfires-- like literally just laugh it's not that deep
armin is really good at making you second guess yourself too
you're almost convinced his favorite phrase is "i never said that."
all in all, he might not actually mean to gaslight you but he can't stand possibly being the one to blame
jean kirstein
does the "awkward white guy smile"
you know, the one we're he purses his lips together and his upper lip disappears
usually does it in uncomfortable situations
like if you're at a bar and the waiter or bartender asks to check his id; he makes the face while waiting for it to be handed back to him
he also has no idea he does it?
like he'll make the face, look at you (maybe raises his eyebrows too *ugh gross*), and then stops making the face
if you ever tell him he does this, he denies denies denies
"i do that? no way, tell me one time i've done it."
oh honey i could tell you hundreds
you know it's him just trying to be nice in awkward situations but like, why can't you just make a neutral face
at least he doesn't take selfies like that
connie springer
avoids certain conversations
he completely changes subjects when something comes up that he doesn't want or like to talk about
they're usually things he thinks you could disagree with him about-- politics, family issues, household problems (forgetting to take out the trash, not cleaning the dishes, etc.)
he's such a people-pleaser and doesn't want to upset you in any way but it starts to get annoying when you want to have a serious conversation
even conversations about your mental health he'll try and change the subject because he wouldn't know what to say to you
you can try and corner him by talking to him in the car, right before you go to bed, etc. but it doesn't work
he's not great at communicating so he also doesn't really open up to you
this leads to a lot of unresolved "fights"
well, you try to fight
he just walks away
or you both just have angry sex
levi ackerman
isn't very nice to customer service employees
not on purpose, obviously
but sometimes he just doesn't realize he's being an asshole
it's not like he says super mean things right off the bat, but if a waiter gets your order wrong at a restaurant he wouldn't hesitate to say "that's not what they ordered. you really had one job, go back and have them fix it... please."
only says please when he sees you glaring at him
overall he's just very short and to the point and it comes off as cold and hateful
and he doesn't necessarily mean to come off that way, he just doesn't understand how hurtful his tone can be
you usually have to do the talking for him at restaurants or stores since you don't want to risk him accidentally saying something rude
he doesn't mind you speaking for him at all though-- the less talking he has to do the better
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ewkatsuki · 2 years
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ft. connie springer
warnings. fem!reader, fluff, kissies, university au, pet names like baby & mamas, inaccurate height description ( hes tall idc )
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he literally never wears shirts in his apartment. they’re non-existent!!! he literally just lays around in boxers and that’s fine to him.
he probs let’s you paint his toes. like literally any color YOU want. everytime you ask what he wants he’s like “whatever you wanna do, baby”
he shit-talks ppl with u. he just loves watching you ramble angrily about ppl. he’d be like “i know right, so annoying” meanwhile he has no idea who he’s talking about
hugs u from the back for no reason
he DEFINITELY calls you “my girl” all the time. and not in like a “i own you, kitten” way, just in a way he loves talking about you!!!
def rambles about u to sasha. she introduced the two of you and now that ur dating shes calls herself “number one match-maker!!!”
a lil gamer!connie, but he would stop playing like valorant or smth with eren and armin just lay with u and do nothing. probably play with ur hair or tracing his fingers around ur thighs
calls you mamas. def says it when you two are alone. he calls u other things too like baby, babe & some random inside joke name like broccoli
he’s touchy. so vv touchy omg. like he LOVESSSSS touching you. and not in a sexual way just has his hands on u cause he’s comfortable that way. hands on ur tits type guy
neck kissies!!!! he loves watching you melt everytime he kisses ur neck
KNUCKLE KISSES. kisses ur knuckles like your some typa fairytale princess.
he is just so weak for you in general. and he looks kinda tuff because of his hair but he is rlly the sweetest ever. like he’ll cook, clean, rub ur feet, massage ur back, pay for you ETC. and every time u question why he does things you could easily do on ur own he’ll just say, “whatever my girl wants, she gets.”
what the aot wiki says, connie is a TALL MAN. like maybe 6’??? like everything says he’s short. like NO this man is TALLLL idc
he’s not exactly super buff, but he definitely has a six pack!!! it’s not like extremely defined but it’s there
his parents r probs lawyers (when they’re not titans yk) or something so he’s maybe majoring business or smth like that. omfg business!connie
when ur sick he’ll make u soup and lay in bed cuddling you all day. even though he knows he gonna be sick himself, he doesn’t even care.
hes just caring like that yk. he’d watch movies with you, sleep with you or even lay n doing nothing. he just wants to be with you.
now when HES sick. hes clingy but at he same time he just wants you to not get sick.
he’s like “nooooooo stay away from me you have exams no you can’t get sick” while he’s sniffling and sneezing on everything.
i hope you enjoyed!! what was ur fav? mine was the first bit part!! - skye
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࿔ please do not: plagiarize, modify or translate my works. thank you vv much !! ewkatsuki © 2022
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torasplanet · 6 months
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key: 🍒= smut 💌= fluff 🫧=angst 💥=dark content
𝙅𝙀𝘼𝙇𝙊𝙐𝙎 𝙎𝙇𝙐𝙏.ᐟ ft. connie springer 🍒
[ jealousy turns you into such a slut that you completely forget how mean your boyfriend and his best friend is... ]
[ you get a little carried away when trying to get back at your brother eren... ]
toxic bf!armin🍒(kinda) 2
[ you want armin so bad and you don't care if he's toxic! ]
armin with an oral fixation🍒
𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙮𝙚𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙨𝙤𝙤𝙣(>_<)
𝙅𝙀𝘼𝙇𝙊𝙐𝙎 𝙎𝙇𝙐𝙏.ᐟ ft. eren yeager 🍒
[ jealousy turns you into such a slut that you completely forget how mean your boyfriend and his best friend is... ]
foodplay w con.ᐟ 🍒
𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙮𝙚𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙨𝙤𝙤𝙣(>_<)
𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙮𝙚𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙨𝙤𝙤𝙣(>_<)
𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙮𝙚𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙨𝙤𝙤𝙣(>_<)
HELLCAT SRT.ᐟ ft. armin arlert, eren yeager, and connie springer🍒
[ ur plug!bf lovesss soft sex in the back of his car;) ]
[ no one ever tells you how rough threesomes get! ]
begging with my boys and girl;)🍒
[ ur favs and their begging kink ]
[ normally husbands are upset when their wife cheats and does something about it but armin just likes watch ]
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©torasplanet .ᐟ reblogs and likes are very appreciated! pls do not repost!!
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seeingivy · 1 year
aot characters as specific taylor swift songs 
**an: based on this post by @crazychaoticizzy - I just had to pick the songs for the albums that you picked bc they were so perfect :DDD 
erwin smith a place in this world - from debut
seemed like a no brainer, erwin gives country vibes 
like idk how to explain it but he would wear cowboy hats, and cowboy boots, and out of taylor’s discography he would be THE country album
erwin from texas agenda
“don’t know what’s down this road, i’m just walking / im just walking / trying to find a place in the world”
historia reiss the way I loved you - from fearless
miss fearless for SURE 
this is pregnant historia s4 who deserved a happy ending w/ ymir’s SONG SPECIFICALLY
cuz I know that farmer has 0 heat, esp compared to the love of my life ymir 
“he says you look beautiful tonight / and I feel perfectly fine / but I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain / it’s 2 am and i’m cursing your name / so in love that I acted insane but that’s the way I loved you” 
hange zoe mean - from speak now
idk just gives hange vibes
like they would LOVE to scream this song and air out their frustrations yk?? esp season 4 exhausted hange 
but hange does things on their own terms!!! hence the song 
“I bet you got pushed around / somebody made you cold / but the cycle ends right now / cause you can’t lead me down that road”
mikasa ackerman - sad beautiful tragic from red
so, basically any song on red. like the urge to pick all too well for the scarf line was too powerful 
BUT I had to pick this one cuz it’s so eremika it hurts
my red baby she is just like me fr 
“and time / is taking it’s sweet time erasing you / and you’ve got your demons / and darling they all look like me / cause we had a beautiful magic love affair there / what a sad beautiful tragic love affair” 
sasha braus - new romantics from 1989 
similar to 1989, sasha is all vibes, no skips, no emo crap
so, I had to pick the highest energy, scream at the top of your lungs, stick your head out the window song WHICH was the new romantics, obv. 
but song is just good vibes, makes u wanna dance which is very sasha I feel 
“and every day is like a battle / but every night with us is like a dream / we are too busy dancing, to get knocked off of our feet / the best people in life are free” 
levi ackerman - look what you made me do from reputation 
may I quote that one scene where levi promises to kill zeke for erwin? yeah? yeah. 
also just has the whole revenge, justice thing in his vibes idk 
“the world moves on another day, another drama drama / but not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma / and when the world moves on, there’s one thing for sure / maybe I got mine but you’ll all get yours” 
connie springer - death by a thousand cuts from lover 
ok so
picked this song cuz baby connie just KEEPS GETTING BETRAYED  
let him rest. leave him alone. let him keep his friends. 
also sasha connie coded sorry I just know he’s stuck on things like this - sasha, his mom, eren 
“cause I can pretend it’s okay when it’s not / saying goodbye is death by a thousand cuts / but if the story’s over, why am I still writing pages?” 
armin arlert - this is me trying from folklore 
I don’t even have to explain this one
like rlly, I don’t 
“they told me all of my cages were mental / so I got wasted like all my potential / I just wanted you to know / that this is me trying” 
reiner braun - evermore ft. bon iver from evermore 
evermore will be post-war reiner’s jam like he finally gets to have his peace after struggling for so long 
specifically the lyric change from “this pain would be for evermore” to “this pain wouldn’t be for evermore” bc reiner finally gets to live in peace 
eren yeager - you’re on your own kid from midnights 
was gonna pick anti-hero, because he, in fact, is the problem
but you’re on your own kid, just his SONG. 
“I looked around in a blood soaked gown and saw something they can’t take away / so make the friendship bracelets / take the moment and taste it / you’ve got no reason to be afraid / you’re on your own kid, you always have been” 
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rikarimu · 11 months
⋆˚✿˖° - ft. CONNIE SPRINGER | contains: f! reader. unprotected penetrative sex. nsfw. au. aged up to 21. connies just so cute <33
author's note: excuse any grammar mistakes!!
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you and connie were strictly friends. nothing more and nothing less. connie and you would flirt constantly, but he never seemed to think much of it and you tried to play it off to the best of your abilities. you guys were practically studying the same major when you met connie. he was really funny and helpful, especially when it came to some of the harder concepts.
connie: hey do you wanna study together tn??
you: sure what time
connie: 5? ur place cool? jean said that he has someone coming over tn
you liked the message in response. 5pm had rolled around quicker than you expected with connie knocking on the door. you open it to him, looking down at you with those big hazel eyes. you let him in, locking the door behind you. he puts his stuff down by the dining table and starts going through your fridge.
"so, jean still trying to get over mikasa?" you ask following him into the kitchen.
"yeah," he says as he pulls out the cotton candy grapes you have and some juice. "He'll be okay, though. I think it's fucked that mikasa slept with him just to piss off eren. she knew what she was doing."
"have you talked to her?" you ask jumping up on the counter, sharing the grapes.
"Sasha did. says she feels bad, blah, blah, ya know? anyways though, its the same fuckin thing every time." He rolls his eyes and takes a sip of the juice.
you throw a grape in the air and try to catch it with your mouth, but you miss and it hits you in the forehead. Connie watches this and chuckles.
"here let's see if u can do it," challenging him by tossing a grape in the air for him to try. he moved too slow and it hits him in the head, bouncing off. you start laughing. he laughs with you too. you eyes catch and your heart skips because the way he's watching you. noticing you. you break the eye contact and put up your sarcastic demeanor to try and play off the sudden tension.
"so are we gonna do this statics homework or what?" you ask him, jumping down from the counter.
you take your seat at the table, opening your laptop, pretending that you don't notice him watching you. you blush realizing who it is that's staring at you. you've always had a minor crush on connie but never made a move since you guys were pretty close and didn't wanna ruin the friendship. Sasha, even eren (randomly), thinks u guys should go out but, again, you play the nonchalant card.
u check the time and its been about an hour and u guys have barely completed the first problem. one of you guys always breaks the silence to joke and sometimes, both of you will just completely forget about what you guys are working on. finally, you play-yell at connie.
"okay, I've had enough of your sick fucking jokes. can we please finish this?"
"my sick jokes! really, you're gonna pretend like you're not the sick fuck here!" connie jokes (again). you tilt your head and give him a look that he gets.
You guys sit in silence, while Connie begins to search for useful study materials online. You watch as he types on the keyboard with nimble speed, his eyes scanning the screen intently. You find yourself lost in his movements, mesmerized by the way his hands move deftly over the keys. Connie glances over at you and smiles. “Thanks for letting me come over today,” he says. “Yeah, it was nice of you to ask,” you reply, feeling yourself blush slightly. He sets his computer aside and leans in closer to you, and you let out a small gasp as he brushes his lips against yours. The action is so sudden and unexpected that you’re caught off guard, but you don’t pull away. Instead, you lean into the kiss, feeling a rush of euphoria.
As you deepen the kiss, you feel his hands move to your thighs. You can feel how his big hands engulf the skin, gripping you a little hard as he lifts you out of your chair into his lap. As you straddle him, you hear yourself moan softly as he pulls you closer, deepening the kiss. You part ways, breathless and disoriented. You feel like you could drown in his eyes, his touch, his scent. Your hands slide up his chest, exploring the contours of his muscles beneath his t-shirt. You feel his heartbeat beneath your fingertips, syncing with your own rhythm. He pulls away slightly, his eyes searching yours with intensity. “What do you want to do next?” he asks, his voice rough with desire. You shudder at his words, your body buzzing with anticipation. “Fuck me,” you reply, your voice barely audible.
Your hearts races as he picks you up and carries you to your room. Once inside your room, you're flooded with sensations of excitement and anticipation. He guides you over to your bed, and lays you down at the edge of the bed. You're both too lost in each other's gaze to speak, but you know what's to come. As he leans in closer, your whole body is on fire. He brushes his lips against your neck, sending shivers down your spine. You breathe deeply, wanting more.
Your fingers trail down his chest, down his abs, to his waist, and finally to his boxer briefs. Your hand slips inside, feeling his warmth and hardness against your fingertips, and you moan softly. He groans, pressing his lips to your neck again as he digs his hard-on into you through your clothes. You can feel his arousal against your thigh, and you shift uncomfortably. You want him, you need him, and you can’t deny it anymore.
You want him to kiss and lick and hold you tight. You’re burning up, and you can feel your body tremble with anticipation and desire. “Connie, please,” you beg, your voice low and husky. “I need you.” He looks at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of lust and tenderness. “I need you too,” he whispers, before leaning in to kiss you once again. His hands roam over your body, exploring every inch of flesh on display. You feel yourself growing wetter by the second, your body responding to his every touch. Slowly, he undresses you, pulling off your clothes with deliberate care. You shiver as the cool air hits your exposed skin, but you don’t object. You’re entirely consumed by him, every touch and caress driving you further and further towards the edge. Finally, you’re lying there fully naked, your skin flushed with desire.
Connie is hovering above you, looking down at you with desire. He reaches out, tracing the curves of your body with his fingers, before leaning in to capture your lips in a passionate kiss. His thumb finds your clit, rubbing small circles. You moan softly, your body arching into his touch as he deepens the kiss.
Your hands roam over his chest, his abs, and his waist, feeling every ridge and valley as he breaks the kiss and moves down your body. His lips brush against your neck, your collarbone, and finally down to your chest, leaving a trail of kisses in their wake. You're lost in his touch, your body buzzing and aching with desire. You feel his hand make its way between your legs, slowly he inserts his middle and forefinger. Your body bucks and shivers uncontrollably at his touch, yearning for more. He pauses, gazing at you with lustful intent. “All wet, just for me. All of this, just for me,” he murmurs, his voice filled with emotion.
"Don't stop,” you plead, desperate for him to continue. He doesn't need to be asked twice, his mouth moving your breasts as his fingers continue to tease and pleasure your body. With each kiss, your desire grows stronger. Your body is on fire, wanting more of him. You reach your hand down his pants and begin to slowly jerk him off. “No, not yet,” he replies, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Connie continues to touch you, teasing you, and making you crave him more and more. You feel your body tense and your breath catch in your throat. "Please," you whisper, unable to contain yourself any longer. "Please, just fuck me." Connie looks at you with a look of pure lust in his eyes, and you can tell he's ready to give in to your request. He pulls off his underwear and aligns his tip with your entrance. "Fuck, you're so beautiful," he murmurs, his voice thick with yearning. He slides almost all the way in. You grab the sheets and moan.  “‘s too much, Connie.” “You can handle it babygirl, as he pushes himself deeper inside of you. You feel like you’re being stretched beyond your limits, but you’re loving every second of it. He starts to move in and out of you with a slow, seductive rhythm that drives you wild. You feel like you’ve never been so turned on in your life, and you moan loudly as he continues to drive his cock deeper into you. You feel your core ready to break. He lifts himself up, gripping your hips as tight as he can, watching as he goes in and out of you. He loves the view of you. Tits bouncing with every thrust, you gripping his arms, the sheets, anything to try and ground you. He liked how he had you, how stupid you got on his cock. Babbling and begging him to fuck you, to go deeper. But what he enjoyed most, was the way his name sounded every time you moaned it. It was him. He was making you feel this way. He wanted to be the only reason you moaned. The only reason you came. He moves his arms on both sides of your head, to go deeper, to feel your skin on his. You take this as an opportunity to dig your nails into his back and running your hands through his buzzcut. He feels the way your cunt is sucking and squeezing his cock, and all he wants to do is make you cum.
“I wanna see you come apart,” He says beginning to pick up the pace. You feel a new wave of pleasure wash over you.
“Yes, yes, I'm close,” you moan, his touches, the intensity of his love making. You moan as his lips on your neck and you're in love and desire. “Cum for me.” He’s grunting and kissing your neck as he plows in you. Your walls are buckling as he thrusts deeper and deeper.
”Please, Connie, please,” You pleaded, needing him to continue. Finally, your coil snaps and you’re screaming Connie’s name. He’s still thrusting relentlessly, leaving you drunk on pleasure.
You moan, gasping for air, feeling like you're flying high. You can feel his muscles contracting, his release building up inside you. “Please fuck me, Connie. Don't stop, ” You beg, your eyes are closed, in a trance of pleasure, not knowing where your hands are, but they're probably cradling, caressing, feeling him up. ”I'm so close.” Connie says, and you feel him twitch inside you. You can feel the pressure building up inside of you, and you're getting close to climaxing again. Your body is tense, your muscles tensing up as Connie pounds harder and harder into you. Connie's eyes lock onto yours, and you feel your heart skipping a beat. You're in awe at the sight of him, lost in his touch and the way he fills you up, feeling the pleasure in your body. Connie looks down at you with a mix of lust and love.
He leans in for another passionate kiss, his lips pressing against yours eagerly. He tenses, feeling him twitch again and you both cum at the same time. You feel his hot, white stripes fill you up as Connie continues to still deeply thrust into you as you ride out your highs together. He pulls out and lays down next to you. Your hearts are still racing, and you're both panting and sweaty from the intimate encounter. "Wow," he says, still feeling the after effects of your pleasure ride. You pat his chest and sit up, beginning to get dressed.  “Thanks for that,” you say, feeling embarrassment creeping up on you. 
Connie chuckles and stands up, “You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it,” Connie says.
You continue to get dressed, feeling embarrassed and guilty at the same time. You're not sure how to feel about what just happened. On one hand, you're incredibly turned on and satisfied. But on the other hand, you're also feeling a sense of guilt and embarrassment. Connie seems to sense your discomfort and gently pulls you into a hug, holding you close. "It's okay. You don't have to worry about anything right now," he says softly.
“You don’t want to head out?” You ask him confused, assuming this was all he wanted with you. “What? Do you want me to leave?” He asks looking a little hurt. You feel a stab of guilt in your heart. “I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you” He looks at you with a smile. “You didn’t. I’m just confused is all. I’m not sure what your end goal is, Connie.” You replied, trying to understand and explore your feelings and emotions towards him. “I like you. I’m not sure about like labels yet, but I’d like to see where this goes,” he says, searching your face for what you’re thinking.” You nod. “I’d like that too.” You smile at him and kiss him.
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