#froggy this is perfection
oneshortlove · 2 months
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bunbunemi · 7 months
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“Billious Slick” 🐸
I’m inspired to make more things with butts now
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Could you please give us some Bog God Skull fun facts? 🥺 Also… how can one swoon this bog boi?
His favourite food is honeycakes. He hasn't had them in a while.
Sometimes, when he isn't patrolling or sleeping in his den, he likes to find a deep section of water in his marsh and just... wallow.
Though he doesn't like people, he does like the sound of talking.
Birds will occasionally nest in his antlers. When they do, he tends to settle down for a little while, until the chicks fledge. It's nice to have the company.
The plants that grow on his body are small, and seem plain, but upon closer inspection they are ancient species that are have often been long extinct. Little ferns and patches of moss, the occasional tiny flower. Leaves that haven't seen the sky in eons.
He sneezes when he's excited
Skull will avoid the husks of old trees, that scatter the dead bog. It's one of the few ways a hunted human might evade him. The dead trees bring back painful memories of his old home- he can't bring himself to knock them down, but he can't bring himself to look too long either. Tuck yourself close enough to a dead tree while being chased, and he might just leave you be.
You can actually tell how Skull feels about you based on the insects you encounter in the bog. Mosquitoes and gadflies indicate the simmering hate he generally feels for all humans. Non-stinging gnats- neutral feelings, you're a bit better than the others. Dragonflies and crickets... hey, he might have started to actually like you. 'Pretty' insects near you, like damselflies, butterflies and beetles? Woah, you definitely got yourself an admirer, he's showing off. And if any of them land on you that's a sure sign he wants your attention. ... If you're encountering birds, small mammals, or amphibians... be careful. You have a husband now.
Now... as for wooing him...
He's shy, when he catches feelings. He can look a bit spooky, hiding nearby in the fog... but try to remember, he's hiding, not hunting. You're a pretty human and it makes him nervous.
Though nothing planted by human hands can survive on his land, he'll still like it if you do try to plant something. It soothes his ancient anger, somewhat, to see that there are humans who are nothing like their ancestors. Attempting to plant things is a good way to gain his affections.
If you've already tried planting something, and it dies, you might find other things growing in the dead plant's place. Boggy flowers and shrubs, well suited to the area... thriving in the spot you made.
(He put those there. The prettier the plant, the more he likes you.)
A better way to gain his affections, though, is food offerings. Leave them anywhere in the bog, he'll find them. Remember, his favourite is honeycakes- though he likes anything baked, soft or sweet. If you're baking for him, it's best to stick to older and simpler recipes; newer looking things might confuse him.
Try singing, while you walk through the bog. Or just talk to yourself. As mentioned before, he likes the sounds of people, and he likes the sound of a pretty human singing even more.
Don't turn around, if you hear him following you from a distance. He's just taken an interest. Keep walking- there's a reason he's hanging back.
It's okay to pick up the pace if you're nervous, but don't run. It hurts his feelings.
Showing appreciation for his bog will woo him, too. Enthusiasm about the plants and animals is especially effective. If you can find beauty in such a 'horrible' thing, he might welcome you into parts of his home nobody has ever seen before.
... He can get childish, when in love. Age doesn't necessarily equal wisdom. Try not to travel through the bog with other people, he gets jealous and cranky. Your friends will be swatting away clouds of aggressive flies.
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hotteacocoa · 2 years
Oh my gosh I just discovered the cutest tiny toad and it is literally called the pumpkin toadlet
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perfectlovevn · 11 days
Hello :D
Can we have some info on Iya??
(like fav color, last name, fav aesthetic, if she'll marry me-)
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Desmond has the brain cell today.
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froggydraws · 2 years
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They're saying hello! :D
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its0knot2be0k · 1 year
I can't sleep. Sometimes it's hard for me to even breathe. Sadness and fatigue drove me into bed. And so I vegetate. Terrified of another morning.
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xiaowiki · 1 year
oh look another mentally ill person commissioned ekku_rea
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okay but for real… ARE YOU KIDDING ME i am so obsessed with this!!!! i honestly forgot how to speak and breathe when i got the email! i literally cannot stop staring at it >~<
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meowufff · 5 months
How did you sleep?
How was your day yesterday?
Did you have enough food and water?
What about hugs?
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puts 5 glasses of water next to your bed
Good morning Froggy! You're up early!
I had water and delicious food yesterday! Improvised an awesome sauce for my rice mix >:3c
Had been lil much exhausted but I got mostly free today actually :3
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How about you? Do you have fun classes today? Did you packed food and water? Have you slept enough???
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Yummy water
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neimiismycoolgirlname · 5 months
Here comes the boooooi !
Hello boooooi
Welcome ! There he is !
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yoshifawful64 · 10 months
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stellarana · 5 months
Lil froggeh boi in the garden after a morning of rain
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sekwar · 1 year
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Out of my hair and into my home, to enter you must lick the ice cream cone!
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akunoryuu · 9 months
[| •Que animal você seria?• |]
Pair: Mushitarou x Ranpo x Poe
Poe: Eu tenho uma pergunta que talvez seja besta.
Mushi: Na minha opinião tudo que vocês falam é besteira então não faz diferença.
Ranpo: Ei! Você que é muito mente pequena Mushi! Prossiga Poe.
Poe: Ahn...se fôssemos animais, que tipo seríamos?
Poe: Eu acho que eu seria uma Toupeira. Você sabe, viver no meu canto embaixo da terra o máximo possível e saindo só para necessidades parece muito agradável. Além disso elas não são de compartilhar espaço, particularmente isso é algo que eu já faço...então sim, eu seria uma.
Ranpo: Interessante o pensamento, mas eu sempre te vi mais como um Coala do que uma Toupeira. Já que eles são do tipo que preferem tranquilidade ou abraçar uma árvore do que seu semelhante, mas são bem grudentos durante uma época da vida.
Poe: Ah, você me acha grudento???
Ranpo: Um pouco, mas não é tão ruim então não leve para o coração.
Poe: Ugh...certo. B-bem, e você? Como se imagina?
Ranpo: As vezes me enxergo como um Gato de rua que aparece na casa das pessoas e se apega, as vezes como um Panda-Vermelho que vive em grandes árvores.
Poe: Você realmente combina com ambos.
Ranpo: Não é? Além disso, Pandas-Vermelhos tem mais de um parceiro sexual. Poliginandria o nome. Ok, não temos esse tipo de relação tão fortemente já que sexo não me interessa, mas serve como característica comum! Então é um ponto a mais.
Mushi: Vocês dois são esquisitos, não sei porque aceitei entrar.
Poe: Você fala com uma pessoa morta quase 24h por dia, você é o mais esquisito de nós.
Mushi: Calados, não sei do que estão falando.
Ranpo: Hahahaha! Bem colocado Poe! Haha! Então Mushi, e o seu animal?
Mushi: Não faço ideia, não penso nesse tipo de coisa afinal eu sou normal.
Poe: Você não é.
Mushi: Quieto.
Ranpo: Eu acho que você seria um Ouriço...ou um Sapo!
Mushi: Oh, céus, por quê...
Poe: Um Ouriço eu consigo ver por causa do territorialismo, mas um sapo?
Ranpo: Veja só, Sapos são animais de ambientes úmidos e aquáticos, a pele deles é sensível ao sol porque se for muito exposto corre risco de ressecamento e o nosso Mushitarou não vive sem tomar banho.
Mushi: Isso se chama higiene.
Ranpo: Você vive passando cremes hidratantes sem necessidade real também.
Mushi: São cuidados básicos de pele!
Ranpo: Só comprova o primeiro ponto de semelhança! Outra coisa é que a língua é seu método de alimentação, é pegajoso e se estica.
Mushi: E o quê que tem?
Poe: Você sempre usa sua língua pra provar uma comida antes de realmente colocar ela na boca, é diferente mas ainda semelhante.
Ranpo: Sapos também fecham os olhos antes de engolir e você só come de olhos fechados!
Mushi: Eu não faço isso!?
Poe: Faz.
Mushi: Não!???
Ranpo: Você faz, não negue! E geralmente alguns tem o canto deles herdados de geração em geração, sem precisar de aprendizado. Você canta bem e nunca fez aula de canto nem antes e nem agora, é mais um ponto.
Poe: Mushitarou definitivamente é sapo...
Mushi: Ugh...eu desisto de vocês dois, vou abandonar essa vida e sumir de novo.
Ranpo: Mushitarou nos ama demais agora para fazer isso outra vez, então não conte mentiras.
Poe: Eu acho que vou comprar uma fantasia de sapo para você.
Mushi: Não, por fav-
Poe: Comprei!
Mushi: Eu odeio vocês dois, definitivamente.
Ranpo: E nós te amamos, agora pega aquele balde de chocolate ali para mim e dá play no filme depois, froggy.
Mushi: RANPO!!
Poe: Pff, esse sim é um bom apelido...
[ End ]
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frogblobs · 1 year
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it’s okay to not be perfect
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serethereal · 11 months
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