#frfr tho i cannot stop thinking about it
buttdumplin · 1 month
I am a single encouragement away from writing a little poly 141 x spanish-speaking reader bit. Just breathe in my direction and I'll get to it
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enlighten3d · 2 months
WELLL claps hand together
the story is about these teenagers trying stop an evil cult from destroying the entire multiverse, so they go to different dimensions to stop their evil ways. Also they are teenagers so they have to deal with personal angst, family issues, morality, school ect ect while trying to stop the cult leader and their right hand men
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Caroline is technically the main character of my story, she is basically the bubbly, positive one of the group. Her family is rich as hell, they used to live in Taiwan as successful business people but they moved to America because they wanted to make more money. Her family doesn’t really like her and they emotionally and physically neglect her since she came out as a transgender girl and her older sister is kind of a coward and doesn’t stand up for her (fun times)
anyway she ends up having to do a group assignment with her childhood friend which she kind of drifted apart from (Andie) and some punk girl she probably has a crush on (Mimi), they eventually end up in an abandoned house and find out that their town is run by an evil cult that can teleport to different dimensions. So they feel guilty enough to stop it.
they think the best course is to beat the 7 plane hoppers who are in the way to kill the main cult leader, the stag. though out the whole thing Caroline is basically pushing through by toxic positivity saying everything is alright even though they have killed many people, she also kind of convinced herself that this is a video game and is probably more okay about sacrificing people and herself (for the better good)
Also her sister possessed during her 17th birthday party for funsies
thank you for the food that is oc lore, i am eating it om nom nom
that all sounds FUCKING AMAZING ACTUALLY. cults ?? universal travel bullshit ????? all while dealing with normal teenage bs ?? thats beautiful. poor little guys. they need a break. i CANNOT imagine trying to exist as a teenager while trying to take down a cult qyehdjdkkdks
dont worry.. your eldritch horror loves you... i am so glad to know that ! /silly
..fuck her family ! they can rot ! caroline )): you dont deserve any of this..
THAT MUSTVE BEEN A REVELATION ?? WOAH ?? just. doing a school project and ope government is a cult (/hyp)... insane
i actually fucking love the whole like. unwilling chosen one Vibe to all of this ?? yes theyre not chosen nor are they truly unwilling but. the Vibe is the same. the guilt (on thier part) is real...
caroline. love. youre fucked up. just like me frfr. agh thats. so cool tho ?? 'EVERYTJING IS FINE, ALL OF THIS IS A GAME !!' and ljke. fuck thats such a fun thing in fiction when a character copes using that ?? its the perfect level of fucked up bcs it rlyyy drives rhe point home and. im giving them all a shock blanket okay ?
oh boy !! thats fun !! poor sister..
what does the cult worship‽‽ i am so fucking curious..
lso like, whats the difference between each plane? is it an alternate reality sorta situation where things are relatively the same but Different, or is it judt flatout. different EVERYTHING (people, laws of physics, all that jazz)?? or somewhere in between or outside of this ofc.
do all the plane hopper guys like.. stay in different universes and have a branch of the cult established there..
why does the cult run the town in the first place ? was it a thing where like. they wrre the original settlers but then the town expanded aorund and beyond the cult ?? or did they move in and do a slow takeover.....
fuck i have so many questions /pos
this is. so cool. i love the Vibes. theyre so... Impending.. ahdjskdisjjdjsks
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peachyninjago · 2 years
Anyways, for the ask thing. Is show x movie done yet? I would LOVE to hear about it cuz I think it's a concept that should be explored more. Also because I like reading things like that. Also because I have a wip about it at one point. ANYWAYS please give because all of your aus are the most superior 🙏🙏🙏
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SHOW × MOVIE FOR YOU TWO!!! (and some more lfdacbaak :]) i'll do a hc for each ninja and their counterpart :DD
• (this one doesnt count its just backstory aucufuafa) SxM happens bc S!Lloyd's oni/dragon powers kicked in and whoops!! wuh-oh!!! accidentally opened a portal to another realm!!!! ..oh its chill? its chill AND it has alternate versions of ourselves?? oh nvm this place sounds SICK
• S!Kai and M!Kai get along pretty well!! s!kai sometimes finds his counterpart pretty childish, but he cant judge him. he was like that once, too. and m!kai thinks s!kai is really awesome!! maybe he needs to lighten up a bit, but 100% a good role model/mentor!! co-cereators of the 'multi-versal Lloyd protection squad'. s!kai is ENAMORED by the fact that m!kai and his sister are twins. they are also. Very Competitive sugauwguaf. like i said, mentor/student dynamic with em :)
• S!Cole and M!Cole are also pretty alright with each other!!! they're both introverts so. they (affectionately) talk shit abt their teammates w one another. m!cole gets his counterpart into music, and s!cole does the viceversa with dancing!! also I like to think m!cole hasn't really processed his moms death yet so s!cole really teaches him to Stop Shoving His Grief aside and allow himself to mourn. less mentor/student and more father/son or older/younger brother for these two
• OKAY. MAYBE A CONTROVERSIAL TAKE. s!jay and m!jay do NOT get a long. or they get along the worst, at least. s!jay doesn't really like how his counterpart is all 'uwu softboy who loves nya and is too nervous to speak and also does Not know how to invent'. he even doubts that mf grew up in a junkyard. and the feeling is (kinda) reciprocated!! m!jay is pretty scared (and envious) of s!jay. 'he's with nya. he's so much more confident than me. he's amazing at building and inventing. i wish i could be more like Him'. they'd actually be pretty good friends if they just looked past one anothers flaws tho (very much reluctant mother goose being followed by a clingy gosling dynamic for them.)
• MMMM s!zane and m!zane are Complicated. on shows side, he doesn't really like how his counterpart makes his Nindroid-ness out to be... almost a joke?? idk. s!zane's kind of. Afraid of becoming like his counterpart, but at the same time he wants to help him realize that he's More than just a robot. he has a family, man. and a Soul. although, movie is actually pretty opposite!! i like to think m!zane was NOT created to protect those who cannot protect themselves, but to be an Actual son/experiment for Dr. Julien. he doesn't know why his counterpart is so stressed and serious all the time!! theyre Wild Teens!!! live a little!!!! (also very hard to name dynamic?? bit of mentor/mentee AND reluctant siblings mixed in there frfr)
• SLAMS FIST ON TABLE. S!NYA AND M!NYA ARE THE BWORSTIES (best friends/worsties.) they are seeing who has better control over water. they are comparing and helping each other through their trauma. they are fighting over who has the cooler brother. they vent to each other about how hard it is being the only Girl on the team. they're training with each other with Violent hand to hand combat. they are hugging and talking about how hard lifes been w/o ray and maya. they are insulting eachother. m!Nya is taking s!nya on a 2 am bike ride while s!nya is teaching m!nya how to ask jay out. dynamic is ABSOLUTE BESTIES WHO ALSO BITE EACH OTHER IF THEY GET TOO CLOSE <3<3
• and, of course, ops favorite(s); s!Lloyd and m!Lloyd!! getting their dynamic right out of the way by saying they aren't brothers- their Twins. absolute, familial TWINS. they are each others therapists who constantly tell one another that they work too hard. the both probably think their counterpart is cooler than them. idk when this takes place in time, but if its before tlnm, m!lloyd is AMAZED at how well s!lloyd takes the mass-bullying (shows unfortunately used to it from darkleys :[) but, if it's AFTER tlnm, the entire city goes WILD 'omg they're MULTIPLYING YESSS' also, they let themselves act like kids when around one another. they both had to grow up too fast for different reasons, but the fact that they can talk to someone who Actually Gets It helps a lot :) they also compare trauma loll
...oh, and here's a lfdacbaak hc for you!! (I did a whole post of em vv recently actually viaguagwig)
• after morro and nya, wu is the next one to figure out the new family cat is Lloyd. meow meow reacts everytime the word 'uncle' is occasionally thrown around, and lloyd always seems to somehow Find and Bring wu whatever he was looking for (smthn he did as a human, too :])
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tastyykpop · 3 years
nct dream and wayv dating head cannon! saw u did one for 127 i wanna see what the other members would b like 🙇🏻‍♂️
Here's the wayv headcannon😌
And dreams under the cut :D
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aight so renjun isnt even a different person with you
so how he is with the members is basically how he is with you
other than the occasional ‘i love yous’
which he legit cannot say around the members unless he wants to be clowned
"Thats disgusting. Get a room."
"All I said was I love you to her??"
Says it very randomly too
You'll be ready to take a shower and before you close the door hes like 'i love you' then walks away
anything you guys do, renjuns gotta be a smartass about it too
“you’re performing beyond live today?”
“no im just getting dressed and getting my makeup done to go to the bathroom.”
youve slapped him once (like in a friendly ish way😌)
but who hasnt
renjun takes you on almost every dream trip even if you didnt know the members well
Its a whole mess
Either you and renjun are chilling in the car, head on top of one's shoulder
Or you're trying to annoy each other and see who could break first while chenle cheers you on
In all seriousness tho renjuns always looking after you
Unless you trip or something then he's gonna step to the side and watch you fall while laughing
Jk jk but hes literally the kindest
Feeds you even if your full
Gets you clothes randomly
Makes sure your okay
If you aren't, he'll stop whatever he's doing to make sure you're at your best
Even if it takes a long time
Cuz ✨patience✨ is key
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ahhhh omg the SWEETEST MF
if you think anyone else would be youre wrong
No I don't take criticism
But shhehshjejs
Literally would walk to the end of the world for you
Mans is crazy in love😩
Cannot take his hands off of you
Has to kiss you at least 347 times a day or its not love🙄🚫
Yes he counts who do you think he is
Aight fr tho hes like a mom
Lowkey a mini doyoung minus the nagging 😌
Is he funny in a relationship?
No </3
Im kidding hes your normal everyday jeno
He can crack jokes and its pretty funny but you try not to laugh
Will actually wrestle you if you let out a dry 'haha'
Fr tho
Hes even whipped a pillow at your face for that
And everyone watched like 👁👁🍵
Omg prepare for the eye smiles
Especially if its something cute cuz he just goes (◜◡◝)
Even does it when you're frustrated
Highkey has to stop himself if you guys are in public
But fails miserably
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This man right here officer
mf makes you feel so freaking special and sexy everyday
Cuz you are shut up
Any chance he gets (which is every other second) he'll always bring up how pretty you are
Then continues flirting like yall aren't dating
"Youre so pretty, I just wanna take you out and show you off to everyone."
You: ✨blushes✨
Its just me falling in love with a man bye
Random kisses throughout the day
Plus back hugs and neck kisses 😤
Hes a sucker for just being able to hold you
Will not let go if you have to leave for work
Always makes dumb excuses for you to stay
"I called and told your boss that our dog was sick and we have to take him to the vet"
"We don't have a dog..."
"Your boss doesn't know that"
The amount of times he's gotten you out of work is insane
But can you blame him?
You would do the same if you could cuz ffs is na jaemin
On his day off he loves spending the day cuddling and watching shows
Or go cafe hopping cuz he hasn't gotten his 5 shots of espresso that day☕
"Wanna try my coffee?"
"Does it look like I have a death wish?"
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To sum this relationship up
Its basically you both laughing at the members or making stupid jokes
The majority of your relationship is you and chenle with jisung because bff tings💅
No like jisungs basically your child now
Back off jaemin
Aight frfr chenles a pretty chill bf
Hahaha sike
Nah its always loud
Theres never quiet convos with he two of you
And if there is, something up🤚
You guys are like best friends tho
But too close to be best friends
Its still pretty awkward
So there's barely any kisses or hugs
Whenever he actually kisses you he just kinda steps back and blanks out
And you're like 😳
He makes up for it tho
Whenever he has the chance he'll take you out to a restaurant
Or for a walk
Omg bro 🤭
If you go for walks hes always trying to hold your hand
Does he succeed?
Only if you grab it yourself cuz he's too shy
It will probably take him a few more months before he's less shy with pda
Then he's gonna be on top of you 😀
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Oh man
Hes so shy❗❗
Mostly because this is probably his first real relationship so hes just first experiencing this stuff
If you're not very experienced with relationships either ooooo lordddd its gonna be that awkward kind of love
The members literally have to make you guys hug
Like its painful to watch you both just stand there like🧍‍♂️
But like????
Yall are so cute??
And for what 😳
Jisungs very gentle tho
Basically whenever he touches you its very soft, feathery touches
Its quick for jisung to overcome his shyness with you
So once hes done being a baby🥺
he actually will give you plenty of kisses
Holds your hand almost everyday
Def compliments your hands because they're so small compared to his
Likes looking at the size difference
Absolutely adores when hes laying on your lap and you start playing with his hair
Starts whining if you stop and will grab your hand and force it back onto his head
"Imma go get a drink."
"No you're gonna stay here and play with my hand whether you like it or not😐"
There's plenty of times where he subtly shows you off to the members because he's that in love
"Y/n is sooo cool. She let's me have coke after 11pm."
Jeno just blinks at him then walks away
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cow3survivor · 3 years
Ep. 2: “I’m Trying To Lay Low” - Jake
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plan worked fabulously purrrrrrrrr
(a little later)
maybe its me being paranoid but why are jake,jones, and lindsay always the last three to leave calls............ when i have a f2 with all of em....
Song of the day is ELVIS by AOA. My favourite workout bop. Silver got voted out! So sad, I wanted to play with him. But also, kinda cool! This is the only game I have played where I truly didn't know anyone (except my very first ORG). What an experience. I know last confessional I said Sam and Shane were both kinda on the fence for me in terms of if I wanted to maybe work with them or not. An update: I think I want to work with both! Both of them, unprompted, told me they wanted to work with me if we lost immunity, and I have actually been getting along well with both of them I feel now that our conversations are moving past the sort of awkward beginning stages. I still like Sammy even though I probably should talk to him more oops... and Daisy/Lovelis/Ethan are also still in my good books. I kind of keep forgetting Pete and Cloud are on this tribe but when I remember, I am happy they are here. That being said, I think Cloud or Madison will be the first to go if we lose. Cloud is very inactive. Madison is too but she was at least on the call tonight. It might come down to how immunity goes. I want to participate because it will bond us as a team. That way even if we lose, I was a part of the team effort and won't stand out as someone who people don't know or want to work with. Also while I personally want Cloud or Madison out as I know them the least, I am not going to push it. I'll let somebody else throw out a name and as long as that name isn't Jessica then I will consider it. I sort of chilled today with the social game and only messaged people as they messaged me. The vibe of this team is very relaxed from what I can tell and I didn't want to overdo it with conversations and come across as too much. Tomorrow, my goal is to talk to every single person for at least 1 (one) whole real conversation. I might have to start using my good ol' tactic of sending people random youtube links and saying "what do you think of this" to get something going.... Honestly nothing starts a conversation like David Hasselhoff and his cinematic masterpieces that we call music videos. I hope the other tribe is full of problems so that when we eventually swap, I have a very easy time in this game.
no recording tonight because i have a headache:( anyways i'm apparently not in as good of a position in the tribe as I was hoping. got left out of a six person group chat bc I was associated w Silver and people were nervous abt this vote w me. Jake luckily looped me in but I'm kind of bummed out people didn't trust me enough to let me in on this. I know it's probably just cuz Silver and I had been getting along alright the past two days but that means I'm in kind of a yucky position in the tribe that is starting to gear me up to a S6 type deal from survivor umich and I'm not fuckin' vibin. I'm gonna try to reach out (Nash appears to be ignoring me currently tho so lol) and try to fix that. I still want to work tight w Jones and Jake but I don't want them to be my only options. I need some more connections than that. ALSO WHEN SILVER DID THE THING MY HEART STOPPED LOL SO THAT MIGHT BE WHY IM BEING IGNORED also "you kept laughing at silver's jokes" was a comment someone leveled at me today and i couldn't find a good way to level and say i laugh at everything because that's how my brain is trained to react to everything. monkey brain cannot comprehend emotions so i laugh everything off. anyways i guess this is my clue i've got to step up. i mean, it's fine if i'm under the radar some because it's not merge yet so like it's fine, but i'm... worried. if nothing else we're even tho bc the galaghers got revealed as well as the six person alliance so we're all even here. bottom line is, i'm winning this fucking scavenger hunt this shit aint happening next week
y'all I'm still shaking from tonight tbh....
Nobody will want to vote me out if I have kittens and share pictures of them muahahahahahahahahahaha
Oh no, we lost! I hope that Shane and Daisy want to be a final 3 because that is what I am envisioning in my hopes, dreams, and mood board.
WE ARE IMMUNE!!! I’m so excited to have flipped the vote on Silver AND got us immunity but, I’m gonna have to be more careful if I’m gonna go far in this game. I know I can be strategic, I can be a comp threat but I really have to work on making myself a little dimmer in the social department. If we swap or merge obviously down the line, I feel like I’m gonna have a LOT of different potential paths to the end but, it won’t matter if they all realize that. So I really really have to be careful here. I am playing this game with a level head so far and really trying to make my rounds daily to talk to people. I am close with Jake, close with Jones and close with Nash. I am working on forming better bonds with Jabari, Lindsay and Jennet right now and honestly to me, Pennino is a non factor as well as Mikey but I am obviously going to try to maintain being on their good side. So that’s all I got for this round it’s been pretty tame except for Jennet immediately leaking our alliance by accident. At this point I really don’t think it matters.
Okay so our tribe is not superhuman and we finally lost a challenge so we will be attending tribal tonight. Nobody is really saying much in terms of what will happen which is extremely worrisome, however, I did hear Sam on call very subtly throw Cloud out there and I'm kinda hoping that Jessica and Shane heard that too and will kind of run with it. Daisy wants both of us to be safe and I feel the same way so I'm hoping that's what will happen. In other news!!! I have officially begun the idol hunt one round too late but perhaps that works out better because if something is found, I'll know it. So because of the way things were worded during the hunt, the idol has either been found already or whoever wrote this system wanted to through a red herring in there to trick us. I'm going with the latter because I feel like Jarod would do that. That's all from this neck of the woods for now, hopefully will be writing another one of these bad bois next round :*
I WILL die for jones btw...
(a little later)
Survived the immunity challenge... at what cost
(after falling asleep on the beach)
The way we accidentally won that comp is literally a joke.... period i guess?
so we lost cus we’re the beauty tribe not the brains tribe fuck math dude anyways, it’s been hella fuckin quiet like not a lot of people are on and aren’t really talking. Up until about, 4 hours before tribal Sam comes to me and says the vote is gonna be Cloud and i’m like what who why. All he said is “that’s what he’s heard” honestly i think it’s just his own idea but whatever. I don’t know Cloud at all so it’s fine with me. Sam, myself, Jessica, and Shane apparently are all agreed to vote Cloud and with Ethan’s vote that’ll be 5.
i have nithing to say other than i might just be the stupidest person on the planet. absolutley nothing is happening in my head ever. if i stay its pure luck HSKSHSNSKBSKS
smiles at immunity... this is cute it feels good to not be in danger for once! i’m honestly still worried my tribe might want to cut me at next tribal but at least tonight can be chill! i hope kiki is first brookeisa boot xoxo
honestly there is no tea, daisy found an idol and gambles her vote but she lost her vote early so no worries w that! I love her so much and i hope she doesn’t snake me...but daisy if ur reading this, in this moment i love dont snake me mwah!! I love Jess and I love Cloud but everyone’s telling me Cloud is the vote but I’m so sad because I had such a good time with them and they are one of the few funny ones in the game!! Anyways not much is happening we lost the challenge cause we are just bad at math...blinks...I don’t think I’m in any danger and this vote should be unanimous. I was also told someone said I was one of the few active people so that’s a check in my book!
I'm trying to lay low so if I'm not very present on Discord the next day or so that's why hehe
so ethan is down for voting Cloud, sammy too. Cool great awesome hot. i’m just sitting here vibing and suddenly Sammy tells me that my (and Madison’s) name came up for a second. He said it went away and it’s Cloud for the vote but like jskdhd why do i aaalways get targeted bitch i’m literally just sitting here whYY can’t i relax for once?! Frfr every survivor game it’s always this person or me. I’m always the other option and i just don’t get why lmao
This tribes been kinda dead until like an hour ago plss, a new alliance of 5 has been organised and somehow me and Shane managed to make it seem like it was Jessica’s idea? Don’t really know how that happened in all honesty but a vibe. Then Daisy also leaked that she’s in another alliance who’s actively idol hunting so that was a lovely bit of beef that I love to see - my guess is she’s in a duo chat with Jess and they’ve tried to get this group formed with people who they think are unconnected, unbeknownst to them that me and Shane have a final two deal and I kinda have one with Sammy as well that happened on day one but it’s not really developed as of yet, he’s not really tried to talk game with me as of yet, but all in due time I suppose there’s plenty of time for more shenanigans 😂
HONESTLY Chile. Not much tea going around since this round we won. Im very proud of Nicole as she literally carried us and I pray she'll do it again dhbhsfg. Ive started getting really close with Jones and she's so fun to talk to, im hoping me her and nash can form a little trio and work together but who knows. Jennet STILL hasn't replied back after like a week so idk what's up w them LMAO
So our tribe loved it when we blindsided silver, it puts me in a much better position than before. Now I have to talk more to people and take time to realize what's gonna happen. As of right now I have 2 alliances. The big majority one and the one where its just me and Jake and Jennet.
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jacksonnicolee · 7 years
NCT irl at Kcon2017
Oooohhhh fuck can I just start off with they’re all really fucking attractive and pictures don’t do them justice? Like seriously pictures cannot contain how perfect they are. Taeil: He’s super cute like really cute. His body is even cute. He’s like right in the middle not super tall but not short. When u look at his face u just wanna smile. Really smooth skin like u wanna rub it, it’s like after u shave ur legs. Has big puppy dog eyes like u finna get lost in them shits sis. His hair is very nice and looks healthy, his hair kinda looks weird sometimes in photos but it really suits him irl!!! Some girl got chosen for Doyoung and Taeil to sing a song to her and Taeil sang a Bruno mars song I’m sorry I really can’t remember what it’s called but you guys know that one Bruno mars love song. His English was PRECIOUS he has a very sweet sing song voice. Everyone melted when he sang the Bruno Mars song like GODDDD boy really can sing well!! He's a super cute puppy flower boy, he gives off pretty boy vibes 🌸. He was smiling a smol cute little smile the whole time he was very precious and I just wanted to love him. Taeyong: MY FUCKING BIAS. WOOOW HES SOOO ATTRACTIVE WAS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE??? I WAS IN THE RED CARPET TAKING PICS THEN HE CAME OUT AND I JUST I PUT MY PHONE DOWN AND STARED AT HIM I HAD TO EXPERIENCE HIS BEAUTY RIGHT THERE MY MOUTH GOT FUCKING DRY AT HIS BEAUTY. Super nice skin super cute lil sweet heart trying to please everyone fan interaction every time u turn around. When he dances he GETS INTO IT his hair flops all around it's really adorable! He hits all his moves super sharp and it's very pleasing to see. He had a solo before all the other boys came out and he KILT THAT SHIT everyone was in shock because it was so good. He was very nervous and I was like abt to cry bc that's my baby and no. He was talking in English and messed up and he DID THE CUTEST SHIT EVER he just looked at the ground and started smiling and all the boys just patted his back everyone said "awww" tho so I hope that made him feel better. Really a perfectionist, tried his hardest to speak really good English, ohh boy his English voice is cuteeeeee. He kept taking his jacket off because he was gettin hot. Has nice arms, the boys weren't lying ab those veins girl u can see them from miles away, he has nice hands too. He's kinda like Taeil he's not very tall he's more on the shorter side but very nice thin pretty dancer body. He was so pretty?They had a little fan interaction wheel of fortune thingy and he kept doing all the little popular American dances he was gettin it in. On stage he's got a very sexy idgaf vibe, but in reality he's cute and quiet. A fan had the same hair color as him and when he walked by her he pointed to his hair and then hers and gave a thumbs up. In all he really works hard and you can tell he really cares for everyone especially his members, he's very nervous but once he gets past that he's super cute and wants to make sure fans have a good time. ALSO HES FUCKING GORGEOUS I CANT EXPLAIN. Johnny: BIG HES BIG TALL LEAN BUT MUSCULAR BUILD HE'S THE EPITOME OF A MAN. Very tall, I was at his elbow. He was right next to me and I almost fainted he was so hot. He has these little patches that look like irritated or inflamed skin on his left cheek near his neck and under his jaw his makeup artists covered it really well tho so I really couldn't tell. He has flawless pore less skin it looked really soft and dewy. His hair was actual sex, the pictures don't do him justice he fucking ROCKS this hair and it makes him give off sexy vibes. When I told him I loved him he gave me the sweetest smile ever and ugh I melted. Very polite baby!! Asked how everyone in my isle was doing and waved to everyone! I can't get over how nice his body was I just wanted him to wrap me up in his arms so badly they looked so strong, his body is actually pretty wide but he's lean and muscular, like he could engulf you. Bless those stylists tho bc his clothes fit him really well and he looked very cute. He's a precious pure baby in a big sexy man body, he was smiling the whole concert everyone was PIPING HIS HEAD YO. He was talking and it got quiet and he was asking the members to show something and asking the girl who got picked for the song to pick a singing member and a girl in my isle screamed "I pick you Johnny" and he couldn't contain his smile and laughter like he was cracking tf up. Every time it got quiet I would scream Johnny along with 2-3 other people in my isle and he would smile SO BIG. He was really happy, lots of Johnny stans there. His legs are big and long, when he dances you can see how big they are, he was smirking the whole cherry bomb choreo bc everyone kept screaming his name. In all he was extremely extremely handsome I wasn't ready I had no idea how handsome he was! He's so underrated please love him he deserves it. He's a cute shy baby with a sexy face and body like he would treat u so well I can just tell. I really wanna meet him again! Win win: PRINCE OF FUCKING CHINA. Huge eyes like they're half his face. Symmetrical face with very nice features. Sort of round face. Good hair, pretty doll lips. He's sort of on the shorter side and he's thin but not as thin as Taeyong. He was gettin hyped, there were a lot of win win stans with little signs and stuff. He didn't speak any English but listened very intently when Mark and Johnny and the others spoke English, you can tell he really wants to learn. I feel like he's a fast learner. Very articulate and energetic dancer, looks like he's having the time of his life on stage. Laughs at anything the members say, he really loves them. I was wearing an nct banner on my shoulders and he pointed at it and gave a heart and I thought I died for a sec. He tries to make sure every fan can see him like when they were waving goodbye he took the longest and kept stopping to wave 😂. He's a cute baby and sometimes it seems like he isn't thinking about anything? He loves being on stage and dances amazing I was so impressed by him, the other members all dance very well too. He seems very innocent and sweet, he works very hard and does a very energetic stage. Really tho he's so handsome like prince of China frfr. Jaehyun: TALL BABY! HANDSOME BABY! PRETTY BABY! MUSCULAR BABY! He really is tall, almost as tall as Johnny. Definitely most muscular in NCT he has BIG arms, you can see through his clothes how defined he is. His voice is deep, like deeper than on the actual tracks. AMAZING LIVE Singer. He sang live the whole time and everyone was amazed. He's actually very good at dancing!!! A real man!! The type of guy u wanna wife up. Shy but confident, very smiley and cute with his members. His hair is really nice I wanted to run my hands through it so bad. When he was in the isle with me he kept looking around and licking his lips 😫😫. He's really built so well and his voice sounds like honey. Actual prince. You think he looks good in pictures? Well if you see him in real life your gonna be blown back by his handsomeness. Actor like chiseled features, looks like his jawline will cut you. Big eyes, small face. He was very pale, but not extremely pale he was just very symmetrical and perfect looking, he looked like if you could create the perfect man. Overall he seemed like a cute reserved sweet heart, once again shockingly handsome and sexy but also very cute! Doyoung: BEAGLE! THIS BOY IS TALL AND CUTE! THIS BOY IS BOYFRIEND MATERIAL! He has very circular big eyes, he's pretty thin. Legs r long as fuck they look like they're his whole body. Sweet high voice when he sings, he sings very well live. When he was singing to the girl i was shocked how nice his voice really was. Cute hair, it's also kinda thin. He gives off cutesy boyfriend vibes. Aesthetic boyfriend. Model boyfriend. Very well spoken and articulate. Very chic! Once again he seems like a model or something. All his clothes looked like he was modeling them. Cute stage presence equally cute up close. He wasn't shy at all he just walked down the isle I was like damn ok. He has this sort of happy but chic aura. This boy knows what he's doing he's very good. Overall I just wanna walk through ny with him and take aesthetic pictures, such a boyfriend oml. Yuta: HANSOME! SMART! LIKE REALLY DAMN HANDSOME! He's a bias wrecker, he damn near stole my heart. Sexy boy fr tho idk if he knows how sexy he is tho. Good dancer too. DEEP DEEP VOICE FUCKKKK. His Korean is really good too. He's in the middle for height also. When he dances he thrusts his hips a lot. You know that part in the beginning of cherry bomb the "I'm the biggest hit" part? Boy was thrusting his hips super hard. Nice body, also kinda thin but somewhat muscular. Really attractive and handsome, it's like he commands your attention and leaves you wanting more. More of a smirk than a smile on stage. Cocky and sexy on and off stage, off stage he's a tiny bit more cute tho. Sexy without trying sort of dancing. Sweater paws the whole night! He wasn't sweating super bad despite his million layers of clothes. Seems like the school bad boy. Major bad boy vibes. Watch out tho bc then he'll do some cute shit and steal ur heart. Overall very sexy with a good stage presence, I feel like he's very cocky but in a good way like it's hot, MAJOR BIAS WRECKER. Mark: SUPER CUTE SUNSHINE BABY TRYING HIS BEST HE WANTS TO PLEASE YOU HES A GIFT FROM GOD! When I tell you the cutest most sweetest lil baby ever I mean it. Little baby facial features with big round eyes. His voice is surprisingly deep in real life? Tries to give bad boy sexy vibes on stage but just ends up being a cutie. PROTECT HIM. He can dance very well I would say one of the best dancers. FULL OF ENERGY THE WHOLE NIGHT. His hair was all floppy and bouncing around it was so precious. He was getting down to the wheel of fortune song like he was actually dancing really well to the random tune. He's just so super cute and smiley UGJ. He will brighten your day. He was nervous and kept stuttering in English and smiling at the floor it was cute. His English voice is so nice to hear it's like the perfect tone it just sort of flows into you ears. Bouncing around the stage the whole night. TRYING HIS ABSOLUTE HARDEST AND BEST. Really hard worker. Sweating a bit but it was cute. Everything he does is cute. Overall I jut wanna protect him and watch him grow and get more popular, he's really so lovable. Haechan: AWWWWWWW CUTE LIL BABY BOY! SOOO EXCITED AB EVERYTHING! When he dances he also bounces around. SMOL! Heart piercing smile! SMIRKING THROUGH EVERY PERFORMANCE. It's funny because he thinks he's older than he is and it's really cute. CUTE PRECIOUS BABY FAT I HOPE IT NEVR GOES AWAY. Sweet baby face and very interesting and melodic voice. I'm smiling while I write this y'all he was so cute in his little shorts. He was so fucking happy and excited just really super precious. He can dance really well too he killed his solo thingy. Really sweet baby you would never know how much of a trouble maker he was. He's really the cutest lil thing and so excited he couldn't contain it! God I just wanna protect him.
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yunhowhoitiss · 4 years
i love rick and morty too n i have a hoodie with pickle rick design on it ehehe i love it. OH MY GOD LET IT GO IS sUCH A BOP AND ALSO INTO THE UNKNOWN!! i cannot stop myself singing it thru my window -sorry neighbours. and niice questiioonn! i like marceline, princess bubblegum -also i ship them 😚- i really love bmo bc its so cute, flame princess is so cute too n i love her w finn but i love finn w p bubblegum as well idk ): i think i cant decide ):: DO YOU HAVE FAV ONE??? -precious tree anon +
++ and tell me about gumball!! whos your favourites?? -precious tree anon -i like my name so you can see it in every ask-
Skshsksh oh my gosh a pickle rick hoodie I want want one--
okay to be honest I haven't watched frozen 2 yet just frozen 😅 into the unknown is still a bop tho
my favs are princess bubblegum and bmo hihi and tbh I ship finn w fire princess because I love the bubblegum/marceline shop too much🤧🤧
my favourite gumball characters are Anaïs and Darwin!! Darwin is such a cutie and Anaïs is such a mood frfr who do you like in gumball?
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