#french sf
I've only put titles translated in English here, this actually doesn't reflect French SF scene very well.
French SF has a good reputation (so far, I'd say it's an honest one) so I find it quite pluzzing that so very few works had been translated in English (I had to look at the SFF Translations Awards to have enough different names on this poll. I couldn't find 9 names of authors translated in English). I won't talk. We had French SF writers after Jules Verne...
I mean.... Damasio, Bordage, Wul, Merle, Dufour, Klein, Curval ? (And all the others I didn't think of)
We even have a 'young' generation with Gaborit, Lucazeau, Colin, Clavel, Genefort and Calvo (I love her works).
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rapha-reads · 2 years
ON EST DANS LA MERDE ! (Mais l'épisode 9 arrive)
Bonjour French Side of Tumblr, je reviens vous parler de ma chaîne YouTube française préférée.
Aimez-vous la science-fiction ? Aimez-vous PARLER de SF DANS un univers de SF ?
A la base, le Nexus VI, ce sont des chroniques qui parlent de science-fiction (livres, films, séries, jeux vidéos) racontées par le capitaine d’un vaisseau spatial en 2294. C’est une mise en abyme, des histoires dans une histoire, c’est Shéhérazade et le sultan, mais dans l’espace et le futur.
Petit à petit, le niveau a augmenté, le format s’est allongé, la qualité est devenue phénoménale, la partie fiction est devenue une vraie série, la partie chronique culturelle a gagné en intelligence et en finesse...
Aujourd’hui, le Nexus VI est le summum de la qualité du YouTube game français. Réalisation, effets spéciaux, écriture, montage, décors, costumes, maquillage, musique, TOUT est contrôlé et perfectionné.
Ils mériteraient vraiment d’être plus connus, soutenus, partagés.
Alors si vous aimez la science-fiction, la qualité, les artistes français réellement talentueux et indépendants, foncez, vous ne le regretterez pas.
Et pour ceux qui connaissent déjà et adorent, venez patientez impatiemment avec moi la sortie de l’épisode IX !!! Raaaaaaaaah, les premières images ont l”air époustouflantes !!!
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oblolongue · 2 years
François : Et là, la blague atteint un niveau national puisque ça sort au cinéma.
Le Captaine : "...sans le Visiteur du futur, le Nexus VI n'aurait pas cette tête (ou n'existerait même pas)." François *several expressions crossing his face* : un des commentaires que j'ai vu sur yt par rapport à la bande-annonce du film, qui m'a beaucoup touché, y a des gens qui ont dit :wow on dirait du Nexus VI..." Le Captaine *laughing happily like someone very proud receiving un putain de compliment en fait* François : "...et j'étais en mode bah ouais ouais on espère être à ce niveau-là."
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vs120shound · 8 months
Nerea and Noemi returning to action with 2 new friends!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | Five "Stars"
From Smoking Sweeties | ★★★★★ (L)
Dual-Media, 3-Post, 48-Pack Megapost!
They are smoking up a storm but not drinking like fish on this lovely summer's day in Spain! The fish-like activities are centered around the swimming pool. When teenage girls start smoking cigarettes on a regular basis, their adults -- parents or older siblings who have been role models for the newbies' emerging smoking styles and habits -- stress the importance of handling their cigarettes as would an adult and behaving in a mature fashion with the habit ostensibly reserved for adults. Well! The action begins with two cigarettes among the four of them, three of whom have not left their teen years so many years ago! And there's no panic. How mature -- how impressive! Not sure when the reinforcements came in, the additional packs of smokes, but these BHYSWs (Beautiful Hot, Young Smoking Women) met the challenge and dispensed with potential crisis with aplomb and grace. So they were able to focus on having a good time, drinking some glasses of wine, meeting new smoking friends. Hence, the title of this outstanding video, 'Smoking Friends' with remarkable and natural smoking action by all four of them!
. . . Fran, the Smoking Sweeties's experienced, creative and just sensational web-master/web producer is uncanny in his ability to find the right meshing of personalities for his related series. He's done it again, and with flair. What insight! How instinctive/intuitive! This "Smoking Friends" preview clip highlights some outstanding talking exhales, wonderful examples of the rarely seen "residual" exhales, superb light-ups, hard core dragging and some top-notch, powerful exhales. They are consistent by featuring similar attributes in style and flavor, with alike action from these lovely Spanish BSWs (Beautiful Smoking Women), cousins of BHYSWs. The titles of the 13 videos in the same SSW genre, with the addition of Smoking Friends, now includes: Dance Class Meetup with 4 Smokers, 3 Smoking Girlfriends - Part 1, 3 Beginners Playing Pool, Smoking Ladies Night, Lucy and Ainhoa: The Chimney Girls, 3 Chimneys Talk about Smoking, 5 Chimneys in the Wine Cellar, 4 Chimneys in the Wine Cellar, 3 Chimneys in the Wine Cellar, 4 Heavy Smoking Girls Playing Cards, 4 Heavy Smoking Girls and, of course, 3 Chimneys Playing Cards.
The observation/critique that must be stated here -- nothing is perfect, our SF aficionado friends -- is that two of the four participants in this video are unnamed. They are unknown to us and without identification. This is what we know: Nerea has returned from Smoking Ladies Party, wearing the skimpy bikini with the brown top. Nerea, whose French inhales were devastating in her debut, is no rival of Busty Deelite! Noemi is wearing the blue/aqua two piece bathing suit and has dark hair. Her debut post is featured within this Smoking Friends post. All of this leaves two pool partiers without ID: The BHYSW with dark hair, pulled back in a clip in some scenes, wearing a sheer top with a colorful print; and the other with a print bathing suit top and dark solid color bottom with medium length hair dangling is some scenes and pulled up in others. Would like to learn their names and see them again, for this was their debuts with SSW.
From the website administrators' narrative on the Smoking Sweeties post of Smoking Friends, which features five scenes:
"The first meeting happens in the pool during a hot summer day, everyone hasn't smoked for an hour and there are only two cigarettes so they pass it to each other while they talk about how they started smoking. They all started smoking regularly at the age of 14 – Noemi started even earlier – and briefly explain their story of how it happened."
The description -- somehow not naming the other two BHYSWs aside from Nerea and Noemi, who are returning for the second videos by each -- concludes with the following:
"Throughout the video, the talking exhales with residual smoke stand out. In some conversations they talk about their first cigarette of the day, how they do it at work to smoke, and how their mothers detected how they smoked by smelling their hands. Interestingly, the 4 girls are daughters of smoking mothers, from whom they stole their cigarettes."
Now an excerpt from one of the 10 reviews posted to SSW, within the first four days of "Smoking Friends" publication on September 2, 2023:
On September 3, 2023, by Dan Jones
"I love the video, one of the best for a long time from SSW. However, in the talking sections, I'd love to hear about how much the girls smoke each day. This important fact seems to be missing a lot from recent videos from a whole range of different producers. It's the most important piece of information for me!"
Added in early-September 2023. All content on this post (excluding the three posts from our family of tumblr SF-Content blongs/vlogs/webpages) is from the www.smokingsweeties.com website. Production credit goes to The Staff at the ole VS120s Hound SF-Content Shop.
Now for 16 of the 27 photographs released with the September 2, 2023 post on SmokingSweeties.com (Spain) but they are re-arranged in vs120shound style:
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Previous Posts from our Network!
"Smoking Ladies Party," posted on June 30, 2023 . . .
The debut of Noemi on June 2, 2023, featured on vs120shound . . .
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70sscifiart · 1 year
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1977 René Brantonne cover art for Les arches de Noé, by Peter Randa
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f1-stuff · 2 years
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SF Full Access // French GP ‘22
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forum rpg city gang futuriste inspiré de Cyberpunk 2077, simplifié pour les néophytes
Kits invité·e & compte fondateur du nouveau design >> À découvrir entièrement par ici ! <<
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altered-tiababylo · 3 months
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forum rpg city gang futuriste inspiré de Cyberpunk 2077
Headers pour thème sombre et clair, réalisés à quatre mains en collaboration avec @badandbreakfast-designs 💜
✦ Découvrir le forum et ses nouveautés juste ici ✦
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sfnena415 · 29 days
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This is my second fur baby Blue, it’s almost a year now in June. I can’t believe how big he’s gotten 25ish pounds or more now but he’s still a puppy. 🐶
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ziggstheenby-2 · 11 months
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Help stellar firma is taking over my brain
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Captured French FCM 36 modified by the Germans to mount the 10.5cm leFH 16 howtizer.
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oblolongue · 2 years
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Book review #2 : La Horde du Contrevent
Une très bonne vidéo qui m'a donné envie de lire ce livre : [La Horde du Contrevent : L'oeuvre immanquable de la SF française !] de la Brigade du livre. Il y a souvent un avant et un après La Horde.
La Horde du Contrevent, c'est :
un récit polyphonique qui commence à la 700e page et se termine au bout de la quête à la page 001 ;
la langue française explosée par le vent qui souffle en continu sur la Bande de Contre jusqu'à l'Extrême-Amont, en passant par un duel de palindromes et autres exercices de style ;
un départ in medias res qui te demande de t'accrocher dans le furvent avec les 23 hordiers formant la 34e Horde.
La Horde du Contrevent c'est aussi :
une bande son originale de Arno Alyvan (mon pref Pluie)
une adaptation en BD par Eric Henninot (masterclass)
une lecture théâtralisée par la compagnie Erno
un essai qui analyse le roman par Antoine St. Epondyle
une video Nexus VI (bien-sûr que j'allais le mentionner)
Plus de contenu lié à la Horde du Contrevent ou à Alain Damasio ?
Plus haut je mentionnais Bora Vocal, un morceau de Rone avec un enregistrement d'Alain Damasio pendant l'écriture du roman. Performance live ici (avec Damasio en live pour un texte différent)
3 épisodes du podcast Bookmakers d'Arte Radio (un régal)
une très bonne vidéo sur la fantasy et le worldbuilding prenant la Horde du contrevent comme exemple d'analyse [Alchimie d'un roman]
[La Horde du Contrevent, Alain Damasio, aux éditions La Volte depuis 2004 et en Folio SF]
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rapha-reads · 4 months
Bonjour la France de Tumblr ! Aimes-tu la science-fiction ? Aimes-tu les space opera ?
Je me permets de faire un peu de promo pour le premier roman que mon frère vient d'auto-publier sur Amazon (oui, oui, boooo Jeff, mais n'empêche, on fait ce qu'on peut).
Ses propres mots :
"Bon, allez, je me permets, petit instant auto-promo. Il y'a deux/trois ans, j'ai écrit un bouquin de science-fiction... première fois depuis mes 20 ans (au moins) que j'arrivais à mener un projet à son terme, à ne pas l'avorter en cours de route pour passer à un autre projet que j'abandonnerai inévitablement. Je l'ai envoyé à des éditeurs et j'ai reçu trois réponses très encourageantes me disant (je paraphrase) : "c'est pas mal, hein, mais il y'a plusieurs petits trucs qu'il faudrait corriger avant qu'on puisse l'accepter. Mais il manque pas grand chose, et voilà des pistes de réflexion sur ce qui pourrait être amélioré." Bon... malheureusement, j'en ai pas trouvé la motivation et je suis passé à autre chose depuis. Mais j'avais envie de lui donner une seconde-vie à ce bouquin... j'ai donc décidé de le publier sur Kindle (merci Jeff de permettre à tout le monde de s'autopublier en deux clics, maintenant va payer tes impôts et essaie de faire quelque chose de bien pour l'humanité avec toute ta fortune bordel de merde). So without further ado, si vous avez envie de lire de la bonne grosse SF à base d'exploration de nouveaux mondes, d'anciennes civilisations ou encore de collisions culturelles, voilà voilà :
Oui la couverture est ultra-cheesy (mais je l'aime bien), oui ça mériterait que je taille dans le gras, oui ce n'est pas encore mon chef d'oeuvre... mais je suis quand même super fier de ce que j'ai fait et j'avais envie de le partager. Et si vous avez un compte Amazon, il est gratuit pendant encore une semaine ! Merci et bonne lecture si jamais y'en a parmi vous qui décident de plonger dedans. :)"
Et en prime la couverture :
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N'hésitez pas à lui lâcher un petit mot sur son Reddit si vous téléchargez le bouquin, ça lui fera plaisir !
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vs120shound · 10 months
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | Five "Stars"
From ericcartjman (SFK) | ★☆ (S/R)
Multi-Media 23-Pack
Dancing, getting so drunk -- smoking up a storm seven-fold (with an up-and-coming starlet to boot)!
. . . could they be having a better time? Probably not. All of SSW's multiple-BSW party series videos are unique but they share some prime characteristics: A lot of drinking. A lot of singing. And heavy, heavy chain light-ups often, indulgent joyous, addicted smoking. And they rarely are overdressed, showing much with which they were endowed -- up top, down below (caboose) and around their often taught bellies. They almost all appear as though they work-out religiously but with their habits with their cigarettes, it might be happening but the maintaining of a semblance of a high-quality fitness level would be demanding. Smoking and being a regular on a treadmill or stationary bike are kinds of incongruous. Wouldn't you say? This clip highlights some outstanding talking exhales, wonderful examples of the rarely seen "residual" exhales, superb light-up, hard core dragging and some top-notch, powerful exhales. These 7 new BSWs look scrumptious; they look divine; they look delightful. They are seductive, sultry and sexy. All are good looking and some are gorgeous, or their beauty quotients put them on the cusp of that status. This all applies to this video of "Smoking Ladies Party" -- which is hot off the presses -- as it does to the others from Smoking Sweeties' related series. Web-master/web producer Fran has set standards for these kinds of videos. So they are consistent by featuring similar attributes in style and flavor, with alike action from these lovely Spanish BSWs. The titles of the 12 videos in the same SSW genre include: Dance Class Meetup with 4 Smokers, 3 Smoking Girlfriends - Part 1, 3 Beginners Playing Pool, Smoking Ladies Night, Lucy and Ainhoa: The Chimney Girls, 3 Chimneys Talk about Smoking, 5 Chimneys in the Wine Cellar, 4 Chimneys in the Wine Cellar, 3 Chimneys in the Wine Cellar, 4 Heavy Smoking Girls Playing Cards, 4 Heavy Smoking Girls and, let's not forget, 3 Chimneys Playing Cards.
From the site administrators' narrative on the Smoking Sweeties post of "Smoking Ladies Party":
"Seven beautiful girls from different generations have come together. They are all regular smokers of [cork-tip] cigarettes in their real lives. . . . " . . . During the first 25 minutes of the video, the girls share some drinks while smoking and talk about their smoking habit. Talking exhales, open mouth inhales and large cone exhales are on display here. "The topics of conversation include how they started to smoke, sneaking cigarettes from their mothers, how they hid in high school to smoke their first cigarettes, their favorite cigarette of the day. And how their boyfriends have unsuccessfully tried to make them quit."
And to an extent, Fran might have discovered an emerging SF star, Nerea, the youngest of the lot who specializes in those outrageous French inhales. "She shines among them," the video's narrative proclaims. Two of the five reviews on the website on the first day of its release made mention of Nerea -- in glowing terms. Maybe we have a star in the making here in Nerea. She is already gaining fans within the Greater SF World Community. Now an excerpt from one of the five reviews posted to SSW, within the first 17 hours of its publication:
10 hours ago, by Raul
"The girl with the septum piercing [nose ring] desperately needs a solo video, as she stands out from the rest. She has an absolutely perfect face and you can tell she was born to smoke. She has the potential to be a smoking goddess like [SSW SF models] Lorena and Victoria."
Added in late-June 2023. Thanks to ericcartjman for the original post on Smoking Fetish Kingdom. Credit is deserved by the vs120shound staff for arranging all the details to bring to posting in a few handful of hours (some had outside work obligations to navigate while pitching in for our post's production). Quite a debut for each of these seven would-be SF models. Quite a snazzy introduction to the perhaps looming Smoking Ladies Party series.
Now for all 22 pictures released with the post within the past 24 hours on SmokingSweeties.com (Spain) but they are re-arranged in vs120shound style:
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f1-stuff · 2 years
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SF Full Access // French GP ‘22
smiley boi at his seat fitting 😊
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