#freddy benson
boytickler35 · 7 months
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Freddy grinds his teeth as Nevel smugly explains his current plot to shut them down and Freddy hates to admit it, but this time it’s air-tight. He actually owns the iCarly web page and there isn’t much any of them can do about it.
Carly and Sam stand with him facing Nevel. He can feel Sam fuming and he is worried she is going to commit a felony, which isn’t new. Carly just seems distressed and he feels sort of numb. They’ve been fighting Nevel off for years and now it all ends like this?
“I will give it back on one condition.”
“I’m not kissing you,” Carly says immediately and Freddy nods along because she shouldn’t have to.
“I don’t want a kiss from you, Carly Shay. You didn’t want one from me all the times I offered it to you and now you will rue the day!”
Carly looks a little startled and honestly, he is too. Nevel has been trying to kiss her for almost as long as he has been messing with them and now that he has the perfect can’t-be-refused opportunity, he turns it down? That is next level spite.
“So what do you want then?” His voice wavers a bit as he asks it and when Nevel’s eyes fall on him, he squirms a little.
The other boy crosses the small distance between them and brushes up against him as he announces, “I want you, Freddy Benson.”
His brain short circuits because gross, Nevel, and also why?
Sam takes less than thirty seconds to decide as much, and his jaw drops. He looks at Carly, both in shock and for help but she shifts uncomfortably and asks, “For how long?”
“Two hours. Less time than we spent together the first time we met.” Nevel’s voice is slick and persuasive, and it’s obviously working.
Carly looks at him helplessly and he feels sick to his stomach as she says, “It isn’t that long, Freddy. I had to deal with him on the shame date for longer.”
Nevel interjects and pushes, “Do I have a deal then?”
“Don’t I get a say in this?”
All three people in the room reply with a resounding, ‘no’, in unison.
“Wait-” he says, but the girls are already out the door, which Nevel closes behind them and looks at Freddy who feels empty- there’s a feeling of betrayal that he isn’t sure he knows how to deal with, combined with a dread of being left with Nevel.
“You still lose. iCarly will continue.”
It’s the only thing he can think to say because honestly, he’s confused. Nevel had them, and he gave it up?
The other boy ignores the statement, or maybe starts explaining in a roundabout way.
“I am going to start my own show, iNevel.”
Freddy rolls his eyes. “And you need a tech person.”
Freddy blinks. “No?”
“No.” Nevel clarifies. “I need a partner.”
With a delicate finger beckoning, Nevel begins leading him down into the basement.
Freddy hates basements. He hates the one at the apartment, he hates all the ones he has been locked in over the years, he has no reason to suspect he will like this one.
Downstairs is a simple studio, it has none of the bells and whistles that the iCarly studio has. A simple camera, and a stage against an odd brick wall. It’s odd because it’s just there… The wall is in the middle of the room, so it isn’t load bearing. It seems like it was just created for a backdrop. On the wall is a mount of some kind. It looks a bit like a trophy plaque. It’s made of wood, but has nothing on it except three holes arranged in a triangle.
Nevel motions for him to follow around to the back side where there is a seat set very far forward and the three holes.
“Sit.” Nevel commands and Freddy frowns but does. Nevel moves back to the other side of the wall and then the holes get bigger.
“Put your head and feet in.”
Freddy grumbles but he does, a moment later sitting uncomfortably with his head and feet sticking out. He doesn’t think he has ever seen his feet this up-close before. Nevel shifts something and Freddy realizes the plaque opened somehow and is now closed around him.
There is a camera now pointed at them, the light flashing to indicate it is recording.
“Welcome to the first iNevel broadcast where today we have Freddy Benson, the tech wiz of the iCarly channel. Like many of you, I too watch the weekly live streams, and I too have had my fair looks at the feet of the most famous tech nerd in Seattle and like many of you, I also fell in love.”
Freddy’s brain freezes up because what?
“And even though I have them all to myself, I thought it would be better to share them with all of you.”
He notices a monitor set up where he can see the comments section of the stream which is blowing up. They… really like his feet. He feels his toes curl at comments about licking them and worshiping them, but tickling comes up the most often and that makes him cringe.
“So today, we are going to tickle these feet all stream. You post in chat what you want to see, and Freddy will get to pick what happens to his pretty feet.
“This is so messed up,” Freddy groans as the comments continue to fly.
It doesn’t matter what he says though, because it changes nothing.
“Alright Freddy Benson, pick. My fingers on your handsome feet for three minutes, or this brush for one minute?”
Nevel holds up a plastic brush. It’s intimidating, but Freddy growls. Nevel may have him here but he doesn’t have to play along. He isn’t about to make this easy for the punk.
Unfortunately, Nevel seems to have anticipated that and when it becomes clear he isn’t going to get an answer, Nevel’s fingers lay into his feet with no warning. The fingernails aren’t sharp, not like Sam’s when she scratches him, but sharp enough to light up every nerve in his foot as they pass over it, driving Freddy wild.
It feels like it takes forever for the tickling to stop but as soon as it does, Freddy feels the brush make contact and like lightning, starts thrashing and squirming. He tries to kick but the stocks that hold him prevent any movement of his feet other than flicking his soles up and down at the ankles which he does in a desperate but ultimately futile attempt to protect his poor feet from their tickling.
When it stops, he’s gasping for breath as Nevel asks, “Do you want your soles tickled by my fingers for three minutes, or your toes for one?”
“Soles-” Freddy gasps out, not even really thinking about the fact that he is consenting to the tickling just knowing Nevel will go for his toes otherwise and that can’t happen.
He does regret the decision right away though as the nails return to their abuses of his soles. Nevel goes so far as to grab one sole in a headlock and press his thumb and index finger together before drilling into the perfect center of his sole. He can’t even throw his head back to laugh because of the headstock and the total lack of movement adds to the heightened tickling.
“Toes for thirty seconds or brushes for three.”
Freddy pales and Nevel smirks and says, “Tick-tock Freddy Benson. You know what happens if you don’t decide.”
The brush was terrible, but his toes- this is impossible!
“Umm- toes!”
He curses himself the second he says it because Nevel does nor spare his toes at all, going right at them with feverish delight and even though Freddy tries to clench his toes, it isn’t anywhere near enough to dull the sensation to something manageable.
“Tell us a story about your feet, or tell us how you take care of them to keep them so perfectly ticklish.”
Freddy blushes and then says, “I don’t really think I have any stories about them being tickled so I guess I apply lotion before I go to sleep and after I shower.”
Not by choice, another of his mom’s many weird idiosyncrasies. It isn’t just to his feet, it’s everywhere and it does mean he doesn’t have dry skin like other people have to deal with.
“Really? No guy has ever seen these feet and given them a good tickling? What a shame.”
Freddy thinks Nevel might be flirting with him but luckily he isn’t given much time to think about that because the next challenge is up almost right away. “Feather five minutes or brush for three?”
There is no way a feather is that bad and as Nevel brings the fluffy part down on his sole, Freddy smirks, confident for the first time because he feels it, but it isn’t nearly as ticklish as any of the other things.
His victory is short lived because Nevel flips the feather upside down and goes at him with the point of it which Freddy decides is like a worse finger nail. It’s pointer, and more tickly, there’s only one of them which is a relief but not much of one.
Five minutes of that give Freddy plenty of time to see the error in his ways and it feels like much longer than five minutes. Nevel is also cooing softly to him but Freddy can barely hear over his own laughter which is a mixed blessing.
As soon as it finishes Nevel says, “People must have liked my feather work because it might be back for round two. Feather between your toes for three minutes, or brush under your toes for the same time?”
At this point he isn’t sure there is a right choice but once the feather saws between his squirming toes, he can’t help but hope this was the right one because that would mean something could tickle worse than this, and Freddy isn’t ready to contemplate that possibility.
Nevel doesn’t even have to do anything fancy… not that Freddy is sure there is a fancy way to tickle someone but Nevel just saws the feather back and forth and that is more than enough to keep Freddy in hysterics with milliseconds of peace when Nevel moves the feather to torture a different pair of toes.
“Brush under your toes for one minute or on your soles for five.”
Freddy groans because he is almost tempted to let it happen to his toes but that would be madness so he reluctantly says, “Soles.”
“Desperate to protect those toes, huh? I can’t wait to get at them more.”
Nevel’s teasing is the least of his worries as the brush bristles assault his soles and Nevel makes sure to cover his whole foot this time, heels up to the balls of his feet. Only his toes escape and while Freddy is happy for that, the rest is pure torture. Especially since Nevel never keeps things predictable, he always targets a new area or changes the speed just enough that any mental prepping Freddy tries to do is totally pointless and the five minutes feel closer to five years.
“Give Nevel ownership to your feet and let him sign them, or five minutes with the brush.” Nevel smirks when he finishes reading and taunts, “I know what I want.”
Freddy grumbles and says, “Sign them.”
“That isn’t it, Freddy Benson. You have something else you need to say.”
He wrinkles his nose and says, “Nevel owns my feet? You are doing what you want with them anyway, so what does it maThEHR!”
“Careful or you’ll make me write it sloppy and then I’ll have to start again.”
Freddy tries his best to hold still but the cool, damp pen tickles- maybe not worse than the brush or the feathers, but different and still terrible. There’s a few moments where Nevel blows puffs of cool air on his sweaty feet that have him ready to jump out of his skin as well. He has no doubt that tomorrow morning when he has to wash the message off that he will feel a rush of shame, but that sounds like a humiliation for later.
“Get your toes kissed, or sucked?”
Because apparently there is still humiliation for today to deal with. He has no idea which he is supposed to pick so Freddy blushes and says, “Kissed I guess.”
It sounds less invasive but Nevel seems all too delighted to work his way down the line and leave a sloppy, wet kiss on each toe which has Freddy giggling and feeling conflicted about not totally hating or being disgusted by the feeling.
It occurs to Freddy how messed up this is, making him pick what form of tickling he has to suffer through. He has to choose, or Nevel will do both, but there is a humiliating level of having input into it at all. Instead of a passive position, he is forced to take an active part in it. He doesn’t want Nevel’s mouth anywhere near his feet, and yet here is choosing to have his toes kissed by his nemesis.
“Fuzz thread? Or lickled?”
Freddy blinks for a moment and then says, “Thread?”
He has no idea what the thread is, but he can only guess which two words are put together to create lickled and he is all too happy to avoid that.
The thread Nevel pulls out is exactly as advertised, pink and fuzzy and for a blissful moment, Freddy fails to understand its true purpose because it doesn’t look like it will be too bad on his soles. And then Nevel laces it between his toes and he realizes what a grace mistake he made, “No- Lickle- lickle!”
But too late the murderous thread slides between his big toe and it’s neighbor and he can hear Nevel taunting him but can’t really make it out because the fluff between his toes sawing back and forth is new levels of maddening.
If he had been curious about what Nevel said, which he isn’t, he ends up getting an answer anyway in the form of Nevel’s warm, wet tongue on his soles and that, combined with the thread, nearly causes him to pass out from sensory overload.
Nevel gives him a break after that and Freddy feels weirdly thankful to his tickler for it because he isn’t sure he could have gone back into another round of it right away. Of course, it doesn’t last nearly long enough and Nevel is quickly giving him the next choice.
“Lotion or oil?”
Freddy frowns and then says, “Lotion?”
He isn’t sure what the point is but judging from Nevel’s look of glee, there is one, or he’s just happy for any excuse to touch Freddy’s feet. He pumps a generous amount into his hand and then starts to massage it into Freddy’s soles, taking more time than Freddy thinks is necessary. Once finished, Nevel continues by asking, “Fingers for five or brush for three?”
Freddy sighs and says, “Brush.” At this point, he figures the shorter tickle challenges he takes, the more chances he has for non tickle ones to pop up and that might keep him sane through all of this.
It’s only after the brush makes contact that he realizes what the point of the lotion is and that he’s made a terrible mistake because if the brush was murder before, the frictionless surface of his now lotioned feet make it doubly so. He had assumed it couldn’t get any worse, but the way the brush just slides across his soles with no effort at all means that it tickles even more and even faster and Freddy is howling but still totally trapped and now more ticklish than ever.
It isn’t even the brush, every tool is far more menacing with the lotion all over his feet and the only minor consolation is Nevel won’t put his mouth on Freddy’s feet over the oil which isn’t much of a prize.
Eventually, he stops paying attention to the options and just picks the first one each time, too tired to try to figure out which will tickle less.
Freddy is nearly hysterical when the stream ends, tears sting the corners of his eyes and sweat has dripped into them, making them sting. He feels the pressure on his ankles and neck let up and he pulls himself out. He reaches for his socks, eager to get them on and get out of this whole, humiliating ordeal when Nevel grabs his hands and leads him over to a couch where he pulls Freddy’s still bare and very tingly feet onto his lap.
“No way- no more tickling.”
The horror of saying the word has worn off after having it done to him for an hour straight but Nevel’s hands grasp his soles and instead start massaging them, leading to a groan of pleasure from Freddy.
“I meant what I said. People will pay good money to see these feet tickled. The stream made several hundred, and I will of course be sending half of it your way.”
Freddy’s eyes widen, both at the amount made, and the fact that Nevel is just giving him a cut.
“I told you. I was looking for a partner, not a tech person.”
He flushes a darker red as Nevel continues.
“I have had a crush on these feet for a long time, and maybe on the boy who owns them.”
Deflecting, Freddy replies, “You would have a crush on yourself.”
It’s awkward to use all of that to escape the idea that Nevel might have a crush on him.
He feels two wet kisses placed on his big toes and turns an even darker shade of red. “On air I might, but I don’t think so off air, at least not until you let me.”
The world is truly a messed up place if Nevel Papperman would be sweet talking him, and Freddy might be falling for it.
“You have a crush on Carly,” he says, hoping to get Nevel to admit this is all bull.
“I did. But then I saw you. At first it was strictly a foot thing but then I realized that you have something she doesn’t have, loyalty. Imagine if you gave that to someone who appreciated it, instead of trading you to me for two hours without more than three minutes of thinking about it?”
“I don’t know that you’ll be loyal.”
“I will prove it. Over time at least. You’ll see.”
Freddy rolls his eyes here and says, “Or I’ll rue it?”
Nevel shrugs. “I can’t say. I have no plans on getting revenge on you if you don’t, but you already know how appreciated you are by your friends.”
Freddy doesn’t have a reply to that. Nevel massages his feet until the phantom tickles are finally gone, he talks a bit, not seeming to mind that Freddy gives no replies. Some of it is about Freddy and is cute feet, which is awkward. Some of it is about things he realized he admired about Freddy, which is more awkward because it’s compliments no one has ever given to him. Mostly it’s idle chatter about nothing in particular and it’s strange that Freddy is more at ease here, knowing he can just relax and Sam isn’t going to come attack him or Carly isn’t going to need his help in some scheme.
Nevel lets him out shortly after and the whole way home, he thinks it all over in his head.
Freddy, sweaty but happy glances at the camera, his feet are currently being tickled, and he’s exhausted but they are over seven hours into the tickle live stream. Nevel’s set up a monitor so Freddy can watch the comments, something he’s come to love doing. It’s beyond anything he’s ever imagined, but honestly, he wishes it had happened sooner.
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exauhstedsunflower · 2 years
My brain went down a rabbit hole ignore this unless you like to overthink inconsequential shit like kids shows.
Anyways I really like how in I Carly the kids all gravitated to Carly’s apartment. And, like, that was for a reason, right? Carly lived with her brother, who has his own issues but basically moves heaven and earth to raise his little sister since her dad isn’t there to do it. Thats some unconventional shit right there.
And Carly doesn’t mention it often but we do see that she’s missing her father, doesn’t have a mother figure, and really looks up to Spencer, who is trying to give her a stable life while also figuring out his own life.
And this man who is raising his sister since their parents aren’t there sees Carly’s friends and basically raises them too.
A girl that comes from a neglectful mother, no father to speak of? Fits right in, she’s welcome any time. There’s food for her, he’ll buy her whatever she needs, there’s always room for her for the night. She even shows up without Carly, she has a key. Sam basically lives there. And Spencer is okay with, if not entirely encouraging, of Sam being around more often than not. Vacation? Sam’s there. Out to eat? Sam’s there. Art event? Sam’s there. Spencer is Sam’s adult in any way he can be without scaring her off.
And a boy who has an extremely controlling, neurotic mother, no father figure either? Right across the hall? He makes nice with the mom, invites Freddy in. Soon enough Freddy’s there all the time. He listens when Freddy complains about not being able to so much as bathe without his mom breathing down his neck. He gives Freddy freedom to roam with the girls when he’s supposed to be in charge of them. He includes Freddy in reckless endeavors, lets him make mistakes, encourages and praises his ideas because this kid’s practically a genius.
He’ll do anything for them. He does ridiculous things on their web show and faces down with people who should intimidate him and tags along as an adult when needed. He even lets them help him, whether it be artistically or an actual problem, because they’re family and he’s a good role model like that. But mainly he just, lets them be kids. Because they deserve to be. Because he had to grow up quickly so that Carly wouldn’t have to.
And that’s not even mentioning Gibby sticking around since clearly that kid’s a bit weird so what better place for him, honestly?
I just love Spencer Shay and no I have not watched the reboot let m have this.
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mirandatcosgrove · 1 year
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wingedflight · 1 year
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IC x DP Part 4
To be fair to Freddy, it does seem that the rest of the iDanny site does have more helpful content than how good ectoplasm tastes. Like the Powers tab, which includes the very, very helpful explanation video that the titular Danny is now half-ghost thanks to an accident involving copious amounts of both electricity and ectoplasm. 
“Thanks to the accident,” the white-haired teen tells the camera, “my hair is now so white it glows in the dark, and I can do things like this.” And the hand he is waving promptly vanishes. 
“Green-screen,” Freddy says again, with something close to desperation, before glancing quickly at Carly. 
“Also this,” continued Danny, floating up off the ground. He spins in a circle, and the legs melt into a weird, see-through tail. “Ta-da!” 
Now Sam is also looking at Carly. And Spencer has poked his head out of the fridge to stare at her suspiciously, even though he isn’t even watching the video and doesn’t have a clue what Danny is doing on screen. 
Affronted, she throws up her hands. “Don’t look at me like that! Just because I got an unwanted makeover doesn’t mean I can turn invisible or fly or… or have a weird tail-thing!” 
Spencer coughs pointedly. Carly looks down, and finds that she’s sunk partially into the floor. “Oh, come on!” 
“Yeah, we’re contacting this Danny guy,” Sam decides, and rips the keyboard out from under Freddy’s hands.
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art credit to #1 ic x dp fan @marzfartz, check out her blog for so much more amazing idanny content!
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disneylife0463 · 1 year
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top-scar-maverick · 11 months
For the last few decades theres been a reacuring trend with sitcoms mainly childrens ones is tgat there will always be a charachter, typacly a friend to the main character
Whose entire character is to be the weirdo outcast that the rest of the cast akways treats with disrespt like their lesser for the way they are exept for when the writers want to do moral and have all the characters say they dont really mean the way the treat said weird character and then immeaditly backtrack
And these characyers are almost aleays charachterized with autistic traits
And they never really stand up for themselves either exept for he characyer this really started with
Steven Quincy Urkel
That man did not take peoples bs
There has been a drop in this type of character/treatment of said charachter in recent years like in danger force but yeah
. . .
Side thing
Everytime a celebrity makes a cameo in a childrens sitcom theres a chance that ehen their being put through sitcom writing machine that theyll just be characterized as autistic
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here are my thoughts so far on the icarly reboot
I would let Spencer Shay bend me over and fuck me.
The Freddy Benson product placement is so fucking weird. It stands out, not only because its essentially snippets of ad reads, but because iCarly features a lot of in-universe made up products (most notably being Pear Phone) and you can always tell what is being paid to be in the show. It's a reminder of cynical capitalism invading this television show made up of people playing out over the top cartoon characters that should never exist in reality, when they tell us about how crocs are fun, colorful, affordable, comfortable plastic shoes (actual line in the show that gave me a flashback to being a child at the mall for the first time and experiencing what advertising is).
I don't disagree with most of the social messages by this show, and I don't necessarily think that they are presented in a bad way, its just not in any way cohesive to the original show, because the original show is meaner and everyone is an asshole (though some characters are more of an asshole in the remake, but weirdly in a different way than they were in the original. like in the original, everyone is kind of an asshole to everyone else, except their friends who deep down they are loyal to. in the reboot, it is like reversed somehow? like they have artificial niceness directed towards strangers, but a meanness in replace of friend loyalty. its really weird)
there are also a lot of references to gender and sexuality in this show weirdly enough. they keep bringing it up
i want to clarify that I'm overall being very positive in my observations. i really like this show even if it is weird because that is what I am enjoying about it, i'm just explaining my thoughts
feel free to add on
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#Name A Better Childhood Friends To Lovers Glow Up I'll Wait
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femmehysteria · 7 months
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I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day, check my pinned post for active polls
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chandler-monica · 9 months
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CREDDIE + sharing that one braincell
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couldtheycatchkira · 3 months
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creddiedaily · 1 year
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iCarly iPilot vs. iGo Public
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wingedflight · 1 year
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IC x DP Part 3
Eventually, Freddy lands upon a website called iDanny.com. The site itself is decorated in bright purple and neon green--the same neon green as the knock-off lava lamp juice that Carly is still half-drenched in. 
“A good sign?” asks Sam. 
There’s a video frame in the center of the site. The caption beneath reads:
Live Web Cast: Everything Ectoplasm! 
Freddy takes a quick look at the girls, and then presses play. The video that plays features a teenaged boy with a shock of hair every bit as white as Carly’s has become. He’s wearing some type of black suit with a giant stylized D on the chest, and is apparently floating cross-legged in mid-air. 
“That is some amazing green-screening,” mutters Freddy. 
On the counter beside the boy are a number of scientific test-tubes filled with different variations of what looks like the same thick green glowing substance that Spencer had used for his sculpture. One of these tubes is in the boy’s hand, and he appears to be describing the viscosity of this particular sample. 
“Usually, when ectoplasm is this thick, that means it’s been sitting out in the sun for a couple hours,” he says. “It’s not quite jello yet, but close! See?” He pokes the substance. 
Carly makes a sound of disgust. 
“Anyway,” continues the boy, “If you’re looking at ectoplasm like this, the ghost’s probably already moved on and you’re safe. And now for the real moment of truth--drumroll, please!” 
The camera briefly pans over to a corner of the room where a a dead-eyed girl dressed head-to-toe in black goth apparel hammers half-heartedly at a bongo. Then the frame is once again centered on the white-haired teen, who tips back his head and pours the entire contents of the test tube straight down his throat. 
Carly, Sam, and Freddy all draw back from the computer with simultaneous retching sounds. 
“Weird,” says the teen, thoughtfully. “It’s a bit saltier than the wetter stuff. Anyway, onto sample number 6!” 
Hastily, Carly reaches forward to pause the video. “If you think,” she says, “some weird kid eating… goop… is going to help me with my problem…!” 
Freddy is still retching. He holds up a hand for her to wait, takes a couple of very deep breaths, and then says, “Okay, maybe that particular video isn’t very helpful. But look at the rest of the site!” 
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art credit to #1 ic x dp fan @marzfartz, check out her blog for so much more amazing idanny content!
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rachel-bloom · 1 year
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I swore I never let you string me along again.
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peeta-mellark · 1 year
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iCARLY REVIVAL (2021 -) 3x03 "iMake New"
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seeleybooth · 1 year
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iCarly (2007-2021-)
You are everything I have ever wanted, and there's nothing that anyone on the Internet could ever say to make me feel differently. Because I love you, Carly. I'm in love with you.
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