#frankie is dolly
coquettefashion · 5 months
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Eyelet Babydoll Mini Dress
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jeffwingxr · 2 years
i can’t listen to jolene by dolly parton without it being corrupted by the “gay dean” version the school board guys sing in 6x4
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lovedrac · 6 months
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Saw other doll collectors putting Draculaura’s hair in pigtails and finally got around to doing so 🩷🖤🩷
I need more Monster High dolls; I may not play with or pose them much, but the moment they’re in my hands and I’m doing stuff with them I’m like 👁️👄👁️
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akagami-no-rae · 5 months
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curiosweet · 2 years
Impatiently waiting for the doll release while jamming to my MH Mix playlist.
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estefanyailen · 2 years
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Why did no one tell me Grace and Frankie had a 9 to 5 reunion woth Dolly Parton??? I am living!!!
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story-addict · 11 months
Claim To Fame s2 spoilers
She was kind of annoying but one of the few playing it smart. I am sad to see Jane go so soon in the show.
And she was related to DOLLY! 👑♥️
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i like that we had grace and frankie as a series long enough that we got to go on the full journey alongside the showrunners/writers/etc. of "we are telling the gayest story ever told between these two women but we don't know it" to "oh my god, people ship this on the internet???? abort! abort! they are platonic friends!" and then back to "ah, screw it, we liked it the original way, this is still the gayest story ever told between two women, make what you will of that. they won't kiss because we never envisioned that but here's everything else. including angel dolly parton. she also ships it."
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this is why shows should have 7 seasons sometimes btw
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romanarose · 11 months
Honest Mistake (Cowritten with @missdictatorme)
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Santiago "Pope" Garcia X Fem!Reader
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Triple Frontier Master List
Birthday fic for me and Dolli! Her's was the 18th, mine is the 20th (TOMORROW AT LEAST IN THE US!!!) so we whipped this bad boy up together! It was a lot of fun, we worked well together and have similar humors. I think some parts you'll be able to tell who wrote what, but others it could honestly be either. I hope you enjoy, bc I think this is pretty stellar!
5k words
Summary: Santi goes into a panic one morning when he realizes it's your birthday, the first since you and him got together at Will's engagement party... and he forgot. In a hurry, he calls on his team to pull off a special day in order to make it seem as if he this all planned out ahead of time.
Warnings: some smut (fingering, oral), uuuhhh that's it? Content warning implied/referenced Nicolas Cage.
“God baby, you just woke up this soaked?”
“It’s doesn’t help you’ve been grinding your morning wood into my ass the last hour.”
Santi had his finger down your Star Wars pj pants as the two of you laid in bed on this sleepy sunday morning, Santiago spooning you. Santi loved how you looked like this. Don’t get him wrong, he loved how you looked in business casual for work, he loved how you looked when he took you out on a fancy date and you got all dressed up, but something about this drove him crazy. Maybe it’s because only he got to see you like this, or maybe it’s because he got to see this so often instead of the one night stands he was used to. There was something so fucking intimate about it.
And it just turned him on like crazy.
“Not my fault you look this goddamn good”
“I literally have drool dried to my cheeks right n- oh” There it was. Santi curled his fingers and hit that perfect spot inside your gushing core.
“Only way I can get you to shut the fuck up, huh? Make you moan like a little whore?”
“Hmmmm I think you should be just a little bit nicer to me considering it’s my birthday.”
It took all his will power for Santi to not stop finger fucking you right then and there, his face hidden behind you hiding the horror at himself. BIRTHDAY?!?! It can’t be your birthday. That was tomorrow, wasn’t it? No, no it was a Sunday… next Sunday? No, next Sunday was Will’s wedding- oh fuck it’s your birthday.
“Sure is, hermosa” Santi mumbled into your neck. “And I have a great day planned for you, starting with…” Flinging the blankets off the bed, Santi scrambled his way down your body, sliding off the pants and diving in, large nose and all, into your cunt. Santi put every goddamn ounce of energy he had into making you scream, licking and sucking away, only breaking away to nibble on your thighs for a breath while he finger fucked you, never once letting up on the sensations he was giving. 
“Fuck! Fucking hell Santiago, what’s- uuugghh, fuck, what’s gotten into you today?”
“Just trying to give my girl the best birthday ever!” He said, perhaps too enthusiastically. Only Ben get’s that fucking excited. Still you didn’t seem to find it odd because you were moaning his name as you came on his face, Santi lapping up every drop until he drew a second, smaller orgasm out of you. “Just lay here, princesa.” Still in a panic (and fucking hard, on top of it all) Santi went and drew you a bath. The perfect excuse to leave you alone with a towel, face mask, candle, and music going so you didn’t have to hear him hyperventilating.
How could he do this? How could he forget your birthday, his perfect fucking girlfriend who remembers every date from his birthday, to Frankie’s daughter Yasmine’s recitals to the anniversary of Tom’s death. And he couldn’t remember this? It’s a week on the dot before Will and Lana’s wedding, how could he forget! Between the wedding, the bachelor party, groomsmen duties and not to mention last month he signed Yaz up for a soccer camp which meant committing to picking her up from daycare for a few hours every day for the last week and of course he had to take her out for McDonalds after like the good uncle he was… you had just gotten lost in the flood.
This would not stand. He’d give you the best birthday he could pull together last minute or so help him god! He just needs a few reinforcements.
Benny’s Boys 😎
Pope: I fucked up.
Ironhead: You forgot her birthday, didn’t you. 
🐟: How the fuck do you remember, Will
No Call Sign: Will drinks respect women juice for breakfast 
Ironhead: It’s a week before my wedding. How did you forget?
Pope: I don’t know! But I need your help to fix this!
No Call Sign: Have you tried eating her out? That usually fixes things when May is mad
Ironhead: Jesus Christ Benjamin. Have some class.
Ironhead: Have you, though?
Pope: GUYS
Pope: Also, yes.
🐟: What do you need, Pope.
After a four way call on the balcony and planning that rivaled what it took to almost pull off Colombia (Why does Will have a white board and a corkboard with pictures of them all, you, Yazmine, Lana and red strig just ready to go?), a preliminary plan was made. Santi would start by taking you to brunch where Will would just have enough time to bring over a bouquet of flowers and put their names in for a table without being seen. Meanwhile, Frankie and Yaz were going to be working on a cake and Benny called up everyone you both knew (why does he have everyone’s numbers?). Lana was their man on the ground, updating the boards in an organized fashion she knew Will loved and keeping everyone on track. One task each would not be enough to get this done, they’d have to hussle the whole day to pull off what the 4 men had planned in an effort to make it seem like Santi scheduled this out ahead of time.
When Santi finished the calls and the grand plan was made, he walked back to the bedroom, just in time to see the bathroom door open. He quickly dove onto the bed, landing on top of the covers and he propped himself up on one elbow, acting relaxed.
"Enjoyed your bath, mi vida?"
You lifted an amused eyebrow, seeing that he bounced a little on the mattress and looked a bit out of breath, but you nodded.
"Yes, baby, it was perfect, thank you." - you blew him a kiss and walked to your closet to dress up.
He had a big house, much bigger and much nicer than your flat, but last night was spent at yours. When you two first dated, Santi set the rules by saying that he wants to keep things slow and casual (like with all of the women he had in the past, he loved fucking them, he respected them, but he wasn't the type to spend most of his free time with them). 
You agreed, not wanting to complicate things. The sex was great and he was fun to hang out with, and because of that you didn't want to rush things in case you get bored with each other too soon.
This plan flew right out the window when both of you spent your nights in separate beds, thinking about the other, missing the other.
The next time you had sex, Santi pulled you closer when you wanted to get up, get dressed and leave, asking you to stay the night, kissing your neck. You melted in his arms and cuddled close to him, and after having the best sleep of your life next to each other, it was almost impossible for both of you to let go of the other from then on.
Santi was surprised you and him were still together. Not because you two together weren't perfect. He just… never met someone who made him feel this… happy. Now he felt even worse for forgetting your birthday.
He watched you dress up with a soft smile, loving the way your body looked. When you were done he got up too, lifted your face up with one of his fingers and kissed your lips sweetly.
"How about I'll take you to that restaurant you eye fuck everytime we pass it? For brunch?"
Your eyes widened. That restaurant was… expensive.
You opened your mouth to protest and Santi smiled wider, putting his forefinger against your lips.
"Not that you get any say in the matter, I'm gonna spoil my perfect little princess on her birthday and you can't do anything to stop me."
You mock pouted and bit his finger making him laugh, then you hugged his neck and kissed his lips.
"Okay, Mr. Kidnapper, I sure as hell don't wanna go to that restaurant I've been dying to try since I first saw it. And just for your information, I'm gonna be all grumpy and shit the whole time while we're there!" - you said as you turned to walk out the door and Santi's heart fluttered at seeing the excited bounce in your steps as he followed you.
You kissed his cheek when he opened the car door for you, making him grin widely; you were so sweet, so good to him. Just when you were driving near Santi’s house to get to the resteraunt, you spotted a car similar to Benny's as it turned in the street.
"Isn't that Be…?"
"So are you excited to try this restaurant?" - Santi asked all too eagerly.
"I think that was Be…"
"You must be so curious what I brought for you as a present, carino. I can't wait to give it to you."
You frowned a little then started talking about the reviews you read on the restaurant and started listing him the stuff you'd be happy to get as a present.
When you were looking out the window while you were rambling on and on, Santi quickly reached for his phone and started a voice recording. He sent it to William so he'll know what to buy.
As Santi took you into the restaurant, he got nervous since it was packed. How was he supposed to make it look like he had made a reservation? “Sit here, amor.” Santi directed you to an open chair and went to talk to a host. As he walked away, he heard you call his name, and when he turned around, he saw you in your pretty white dress making a heart with your hands. Santi made his best attempt at a heart back (it looked terrible.) and went on. You were so perfect, so pretty… how was he supposed to give you the day you deserved?
“Hi, uuhhhhhh call ahead for Santiago Garcia? Or maybe it’s under William-”
“Yes! Mr. Garcia! Your friend put your name in. Luckily we just had a bunch of tables get up, so as soon as they get bussed off, we’ll seat you. Maybe 10-15 minutes?”
Santi breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, that’s perfect.” He turned to go back to you when he realized a weak link in this plan. The hostess. This was not a military operation and he couldn’t ‘take care of it’ the way they used to… lucky for the hostess. “Hey uh… can you maybe not mention my friend to my girlfriend? Or that this was a call ahead instead of a reservation?”
She smiled knowingly. “Of course, Mr. Garcia.”
When he got back to you, he told you the wait time. “Sorry baby, they said they had some tables stay longer than expected.”
“Oh that’s okay!” You assured. You used to work in a restaurant and know how it goes. When the hostess came to seat you, she made sure to tell Santi his “reservation” was ready.
Brunch was… expensive. But it didn’t matter, you were worth it, and you smiled so brightly at every bite and every sip, he wanted to take you here more just to see you so happy. Just when he thought Will couldn’t swing the flowers, the hostess brought up a bouquet and Santi watched in delight as you beam at him. 
Next on the agenda was a picnic. Driving home, Santi prayed for the first time in half a decade that the Millers had gotten their next part done. Ben came over to start decorating and prepping the picnic basket. Will had to bring the physical basket and blanket… and glasses that aren't plastic. 
“Relax!” The younger man shouted back as Santi entered the apartment. “We’re way ahead of schedule” Ben had stopped at the store to get a cheese and meat platter and was adding the finishing touches. Will had already left for his next part; buying a gift in which Santi would venmo the cost back. He didn’t care how much, just make it good. 
“Tio!!!” A little brunette ran up and hugged her uncle, covered in flour.
“Mija, what are you doing here?” He asked as he greeted his goddaughter.
Frankie round the corner from the kitchen. “Yasmine, you just got him dirty!” He scolded. Santi assured him it was fine and wiped off the flour, and Frankie explained. “We figured we’d make the cake here instead of risking transportation.”
With hugs and thank you’s all around, Santi grabbed the finished basket and dashed out the door.
When he got back in the car, you looked at him curiously. “Is that Frankie’s car down the street?”
Santi gives a noncommittal answer and mutters something about Frankie having ladies in every zip code, then drives away, quickly changing the subject to the new Barbie movie you wanted to see so badly as he took you out to the park for a picnic. 
Santi found a nice spot under a tree where the shadow was big enough to cover the big blanket from the heat of the sun. He made you sit down and you watched with a smile as he pulled everything out of the box. While he did that, you decided to pull off your sandals and removed Santi's shoes and socks too, making the man chuckle.
He opened the bottle of wine while you picked some cheese on your plate and you beamed up at him.
"Today is going great Santi. Thank you for this."
Santi smiled back at you and leaned over to kiss your cheek.
"You deserve the best, baby."
You shook your head, feeling your cheeks heat up.
"Still… No one put this much effort into making me feel special, like… ever."
Santi's smile faltered a little and you thought it was because of sympathy. But he felt shame envelope him. He shouldn't have forgotten your birthday. If he would've remembered he would've made you take a week off from work and would have taken you to somewhere nice. To Spain maybe, or Guatemala or Italy, maybe Greece. To somewhere beautiful where you always wanted to go. To make you feel like the most special girl in the world. Because you were the most special! At least for him. What would you think of him if you knew his friends were helping him, because he forgot your birthday? Did he really deserve you?
You pulled him out of his thoughts when you leaned your head on his shoulder as you were watching the lake where ducks and swans were swimming peacefully.
"You always make me feel special though. Everyday. Sometimes I feel like I don't thank you enough." - you said quietly.
Santi looked down and kissed your head several times, until you chuckled.
"Don't be silly, baby. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. There are times when I just look at you and wonder how you ended up being in my life."
You grinned.
"It was one of Benny's parties where you were drunk as hell, grabbed his guitar and started to serenade me, singing about how I am the most beautiful woman you've ever seen."
Santi started to laugh.
"Well, you are!"
"I just finished throwing up, and was trying to wipe my makeup off with little success."
"Still. I was watching you since you entered the house and was drinking cause I was trying to get enough courage to go over to you."
"This is such bullshit!" - you said, looking at him.
"Benny told me you are the biggest womanizer he ever met, why did you need courage?"
"Because…" - he started as he booped your nose with his fingertip gently as he leaned closer. - "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and I didn't want to fuck it up." - he said and kissed your lips softly.
You snorted and kissed him back.
"So your grand plan was to get shitfaced and serenade me with silly lyrics you made up on the spot."
"Well, I didn't mean to drink that much, but Will just told us he got engaged and we had to celebrate." - he kissed your cheek again, then your neck. - "Besides… it worked." - he grinned.
"It did." - you laughed and kissed him again. 
Benny’s Boys 😎
🐟: Booked you a couples massage. Consider it your birthday gift. And christmas. Y Dia De San Jose.
Pope: I cannot say thank you enough, you guys
No Call Sign: Once would be great.
Pope: Hey! I said thank you!
Ironhead: Quit texting your boyfriend and woo your girlfriend. If you want her to be your wife you can’t let her think you’re going to ditch her for some blonde bimbo
No Call Sign: Wait. Am I the blonde bimbo?
🐟: Hey! He’s my blonde bimbo
No Call Sign: Thanks baby 😘
This was proceeded by Ben and Frankie ‘homie flirting’ as Ben called it, before Will reminded them Benny has a girlfriend and Frankie still needed to text Santi the details of the massage.
He took his time with you at the picnic, plopping little bits of meat and cheese and berries in your mouth, continuing to woo you with everything he had. He would make you feel like the most special girl on the planet if it was the last thing he did.
“You’re the most perfect boyfriend in the world“ You praised as you laid on this lap as he sat back against the tree. Santi dangled grapes over your mouth, feeding them to you as he fanned you (Will had a fan in his picnic kit? No wonder that man got engaged so damn fast). 
“Hopefully I’ll be the most perfect husband not long from now.”
The way you beamed up at him, eyes sparkling, made every worry he had disappear. “You mean that, Santi?” With bated breath, you await his answer. It wasn’t like you hadn’t been serious… but the line between meeting at Will and Lana’s engagement party where Benny brought you along to, where you had both said to stay ‘casual’ to where you were now, with you as Santi’s official plus one to Will’s wedding, spending nearly every night together… you hadn’t really talked about the future. You knew he was serious. He wouldn’t lead you along like this if he just wanted to casually date, and Benny would kick his ass if he thought Santi was being a dick to you (and threatened to do as much when you first told him about his two best friends dating), but you hadn’t really talked about it.
“I mean it, carino.” Assuringly, Santi caressed your cheek. “I know we’ve been moving a little slow, and I appreciate you meeting me at my pace. I know maybe it seems like I’m just messing around-”
“It doesn’t.”
“-but I promise you, I am very serious. And I’d like to take the next step.” He goes in for a kiss, pecking your lips and tasting the fruit on them.
“And what’s the next step, baby?”
“You’ll see when we get back to the apartment.” He did have one gift ready, something he had planned for weeks ahead of time to give today. It wasn’t that he forgot your birthday completely… he knew what day it was, he knew it was coming… it just got lost in the chaos. So yeah, he needed his 3 best friends, one’s fiance and his goddaughter to assist him. “But up next, a couples massage.”
Santiago did not mean to moan. He really didn’t. But between the stress of the wedding and this whole day, he was tense, and the massage therapist was good. Lucky for him, both his and your massage therapist were cool about it, and you burst into giggles, proceeding to tell his masseuse “I never get him to moan like that.”
He’d be humiliated if it was anyone else but you. You made everything so easy. You also mimicked his moan the whole car ride to his apartment as Santi prayed to god Benny had decorated and gathered enough people together to constitute a surprise party. It was definitely a perk that your friend was good friends with your girlfriend; they knew a lot of the same people. Okay, so maybe Santi thought Ben was competition at first! So maybe Santi kinda wanted to steal you from Ben! So maybe the reason Santi brought out the guitar is because Benny had previously played it and was singing ‘baby lock them doors and turn the light down loooowwww’ and Santi wouldn’t be upstaged! So sue him!
As he unlocked the door, he spoke REALLY LOUDLY in hopes they’d here and get into place. It worked. It definitely worked. Until Yaz shouted “DON’T SHUSH ME DADDY” and it was all over.
You looked at Santi suspiciously.
"You are either hiding your side-chick or… IT'S MY FAVOURITE LITTLE GIRL IN THE WORLD!"
In three seconds you two spotted Yazmine sprinting down the stairs and into your arms, giggling.
"No, Yaz, abort mission, I repeat ABORT MISSION!" - you heard Frankie yell after her, still in his hiding spot while Santi facepalmed himself.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" - she shouted excited as you picked her up and kissed her cheek.
"Thank you, honey! So tell me…" 
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" - suddenly dozens of people jumped out from behind different furnitures and you jumped back scared, but then laughed when you recognized the faces.
"Oh my god, guys, thank you!" - you laughed as you put Yasmine down and hugged everyone who came up to you.
Santi quickly searched for his friends to thank them all the effort they put into to make this day special for you. The decoration was done and it seemed like you loved it, if the way your eyes sparkled when you spotted another balloon or a birthday poster was any indication. 
You loved the restaurant, the picnic basket Will and Benny put together was fucking delicious, the massage was heavenly and now all of your friends were here to celebrate you.
"Guys, seriously, thank you." - Santi said as he hugged them.
"You better marry this woman one day, since we did all this for you two." - Will winked.
Santi looked over at you with a soft smile on his face. 
"Maybe I will."
Frankie, Will and Benny's eyes widened and they grinned, pulling Santi into another group hug. They've never seen their friend this happy and it was easy to tell that it was because of you.
You had a suspicion that it wasn't all Santi. You're not saying he wasn't capable to pull all of this off, but he looked a bit on edge the whole day and he was on the phone a lot more than he used to.
When Santi appeared in front of you with a big gift box, you grinned widely, taking it from him.
“Baby it’s huge!!!” You squeal as you both sit down to tear it open; right away you knew he had sent Will to get it. When you had listed off things you guessed he might have gotten you in the car this morning, you had named several items. A pandora’s charm bracelet, the giant blanket off redbubble with Nicolas Cage’s face all over it, that rose shaped sex toy you were curious about, a new hair dryer since yours had broken, and it was, in fact, the last one. This had Will written all over it. It wasn’t that Will couldn't be romantic; he was, from what Lana had told you and what you had seen, very romantic. However, out of the four, Will was more practical, and absolutely went for the hair dryer. Santi was more fancy jewelry, Frankie would go for the sex toy, and Benny…
The hair dryer was nice, though, very, very nice. It came with several attachments, and Will even managed to put in different hair masks and deep conditioners in there. It was perfect, and you would absolutely be using it on you and May to get ready for Will and Lana’s wedding. 
“THANK YOU BABY THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!” Jumping up, you tackle him onto the carpet and pepper his scruffy face with kisses as you both giggled.
The night went swimmingly, a fun weekend but nothing crazy since most had work the next day and the real party would be next weekend, but you had such a great time, Santi serenading you with a cover of You and Me by Lifehouse. Benny somehow read your mind and got you that god awful Nicolas Cage blanket you wanted, and Santi he was never staying the night again.
When the crowd cleared out, leaving you and Santi alone, you took both of his hands in yours. “Thank you for today, Santiago. I had an amazing time”
Santi smiled at you, adoration and love spreading across his face. “I’m so glad, mi vida. It took a lot of effort” Now he could honestly say that wasn’t a lie.
Looking around, you compliment his work. “The decorations look great” You nod to the streamers that were so high up. “You use a step stool?”
Fake glaring, Santi furrowed his eyebrows. “Oh you’re gonna be a brat now, are you?”
Pulling your boyfriend closer, you look his dead in the eye but keep a light smile to make sure he knows you aren’t upset. “You forgot my birthday, didn’t you?”
His eyes go wide, and immediately he starts stammering. “No! No- why would you- baby I would never- your birthday of all days!”
You cock and eyebrow at him. “Santiago Garcia.”
He sighs. “Fine! So I forgot it was today, but I knew it was coming! I just got so… I don’t have an excuse, baby, I’m sorry.” He genuinely looked so sad, so disappointed in himself. 
“Oh Santi.” You lean in to kiss him, caressing his face tenderly. “It’s okay, you made me feel so, so special, so loved, not just by you but by your family, and that means a lot to me. Knowing that they care about me too. So thank you today was perfect.”
His face softens, smiling lightly. “Okay, so I had a lot of help. But!” He departs from you, walking into his bedroom and coming out with a small box. “This is something I made up weeks ago. I didn’t completely forget about your birthday.” He hands it to you.
“Santi, you shouldn’t have! You’ve already gotten me so much!” 
“Well, this one cost me like. Three dollars.”
When you open it, you see a small key from those kiosks at walmart that even had a Star Wars design on it. “Santi” You gasp. “Is this-”
“A key to my house, yeah.” Santi stuffed his hands into the pockets of his dark pants, shuffling nervously. “Well, we’ve been dating for a while, and you practically live here anyway” He teases. “I want you to just… make yourself at home. And when your lease is up… and if you feel ready… I was thinking…” The hopeful look on his high-strung face after everything he did to put today together at the last minute… you fell more in love with him every day.
“SANTIAREYOUASKINGMETOMOVEIN?!” You blurt out, practically jumping.
“If you want-”
Kisses. Nothing but kisses and I love you’s and you jumped and squealed in excitement. 
When you had settled and confirmed yes, you’d move in when your lease was up in a few short months, Santi took your mouth in his for a more passionate kiss, and a handful of ass in his hand for a squeeze. Sloppily, you two made out on your slow trek back to what would soon be your bedroom (Where the Nicolas Cage blanket was awaiting him, little did he know) he asked you.
“How did you know I forgot?”
“Weeeelllllll”  you draw it out as you go for his neck. “There were a few signs.”
He mumbles a few swears. “Was it Benny and Frankie’s car’s?”
“Well, yeah. But there was the fact, and baby I love you very much, but that level of decoration requires Benny’s enthusiasm.”
“Okay, yeah, well-”
“The gift screamed Will, and the massage had to be one of their ideas at the very least because you would never willingly strip for a woman you weren’t sleeping with.”
“The cake had a chunk of missing frosting that was suspiciously Yasmine sized”
“She takes after her uncle Ben-”
“There was a fan in the picnic basket”
“Okay so?”
“And baby…” You stop right outside the bedroom door, both of you panting and eager for each other. “You never eat me out like that unless you are trying to make up for something.”
His stupidly sharp jaw drops. “Are you saying I’m not a pussy eating champion?”
“Hey!” You raise your arms in defense. “All I’m saying is if Lana and May are correct, you could take some tips from the Miller- AH!” Santi scooped you up, slinging you over his shoulder.
Despite his words, he was clearly smiling, his shoulders shaking in laughter. “I don’t need jack shit from the Millers!” 
“Except this party”
“Except this party! Now, let me show you a little hint of what my wifey will get.” With that, he carried you into the bedroom, promptly greeted by a giant blanket collage of Nicolas Cage.
“Babe. What the FUCK!”
Hope y'all liked!!!!
Dolli I hope you had a great birthday!
Tomorrow I'm decorating my classroom with baby yoda decorations, giving my day care class party favors, and bringing them cookies.
then this weekend thank GOD i have friday off and im going camping
@eyelessfaces @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @my-secret-shame @whatthefishh @miraclesabound @littlenosoul @fandxmslxt69 @campingwiththecharmings @melodygatesauthor @moonknightly @ahookedheroespureheart @jake-g-lockley @kittyofalltrades @milkymoon2483
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lovedrac · 8 months
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Strike a pose 💃🏻🕺🏻👯‍♀️
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Hemmy's Recommendation List - Master List
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Hi! I am Hemmy and live in a delusional world where I am the female companion to Frankie Morales, Joel Miller and Javier Peña. The amazing banner by the incredible @proxima-writes @pr0ximamidnight; mid-banners and dividers by @cafekitsune
This is my first-ever recommendation list and I am trying to figure out the best format.
These are fics that I have read and enjoyed. I am sure there are many more out there that I have yet to discover. If you have any suggestions, please comment so we can all add them to our 'to be read' lists.
Self-plug: if you need a beta reader or want help with Spanish for the ones who write Javi P and Frankie, hit me up!
These creators are putting out content for free and do not have to cater to your personal preferences or expectations of how this or that character should be written.
You are not forced to read through it. Feel free to abandon a series or one-shot halfway through if it is not working for you.
If a creator has not explicitly asked for feedback for their work, keep your opinion to yourself. If they are open to feedback, mind your fucking manners.
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Frankie 'Catfish' Morales Javier Peña - Part 1 Javier Peña - Part 2 Joel Miller
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ultrone · 2 months
what music do you think Jackie would listen to…?
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very random playlist i know lmaooo i hope it’s at least a bit accurate. i tried to stick to before the 2000s as much as i could 🫡
Gwen Stefani/No Doubt for sure. I feel like she’d specifically love “Cool” by Gwen
I Touch Myself by Divinyls
Crush by Jennifer Paige
Fastlove, Pt. 1 by George Michael
The Cranberries (influenced by Shauna 🤔)
The King of Wishful Thinking by Go West (she got obsessed with it after watching Pretty Woman)
Kiss Me by Sixpence None The Richer
Back For Good by Take That
Some songs by Fleetwood Mac & Stevie Nicks, like Sable on Blond, I Don't Want to Know, Edge of Seventeen, Only over You…
Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) by Kate Bush
Last Goodbye by Jeff Buckley
Waterfalls by TLC
Right Here - Human Nature Radio Mix by SWV
Living On My Own - No More Brothers Radio Mix by Freddie Mercury
I feel like she’d also be lowkey into Country 😭
Shania Twain
Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Cyrus
Jolene by Dolly Parton
Amber by 311
Baby, I Love Your Way by Big Mountain
Angel by Shaggy, Rayvon
The Sign by Ace of Base (medicated Lottie got her into it)
Had a hanson phase lmaoooo 🧐
Torn by Natalie Imbruglia
Bitch by Meredith Brooks (she’d sing/yell this one in Shauna’s car)
I Try by Macy Gray
Girlfriend in a Coma by The Smiths
Alanis Morissette
There She Goes by The La’s
Two Princes by Spin Doctors
You Get What You Give by New Radicals
Fast Car by Tracy Chapman (I feel like Shauna would overplay it while driving)
Be My Baby by The Ronettes
Duran Duran
Bon Jovi
Fantasy by Mariah Carey
Genie in a Bottle by Christina Aguilera
Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus
Livin' la Vida Loca by Ricky Martin
Savage Garden
Uptown Girl by Westlife
Come On Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners
Summer Of ‘69 by Bryan Adams
The Power Of Love by Frankie Goes To Hollywood
Hero by Enrique Iglesias
Whitney Houston’s top hits
Let’s Hear It for the Boy by Deniece Williams
Some Aerosmith songs, like Crazy & I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing
The Shoop Shoop Song (It’s In His Kiss) & One by One by Cher
I Love You Always Forever by Donna Lewis
Black or White by Michael Jackson
Accidentally in Love by Counting Crows (from the Shrek 2 soundtrack 😭)
Alone & These Dreams by Heart
I Think We’re Alone Now by Tiffany
More Than a Feeling by Boston
What’s Love Got to Do with It by Tina Turner
Close to Me by The Cure
Blue (Da Ba Dee) by Eiffel 65 ☠️
Endless Love by Luther Vandross, Mariah Carey
Be My Baby & Divine idylle by Vanessa Paradis
Smile by Lily Allen
I’m Gonna Miss You by Milli Vanilli
Conga by Gloria Estefan 🤣
New Kids On The Block
Don’t You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds
Hey Ya! by Outkast
Dreaming Of You by Selena
extra… songs she’d listen to if she spoke spanish or was latina cuz i’m mexican and i’ve been thinkin abt this 🙂‍↕️
Tu Dama De Hierro by Marisela
Belanova, especially Rosa Pastel, Me Pregunto, and Cada que…
Formas de Amor by Calo
Mi Media Naranja by Fey
Bazar & No Controles by Flans
Gracias A Dios by Thalia
La Ventanita by Garibaldi
Ahora Te Puedes Marchar by Luis Miguel
Cuando Calienta El Sol by Luis Miguel
Mírala, Míralo by Alejandra Guzman
Virgen de las Vírgenes by Gloria Trevi
Ni Una Sola Palabra by Paulina Rubio
No Puedo Olvidarme Ti by MDO
La Calle de las Sirenas by Kabah
Enamoradísimo by Mercurio
Veneno by Ragazzi
Dile Que la Amo by Kairo
Hombres G
Oye Mi Amor by Maná
Rica y Apretadita (feat. Anayka) by El General
Moriré by La Factoria
Enloquéceme & Shabadabada by OV7
Amante Bandido by Miguel Bosé
Alejandro Sanz
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curiosweet · 2 years
I am absolutely going to buy Frankie with the sole purpose to recustomize them.
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estefanyailen · 2 years
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hangon-silvergirl · 7 months
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The HellCheer Holiday Mixtape
OH HEY. I'm a sucker for a festive fandom, so behold my seasonal challenge TO YOU: The Hellcheer Holiday Mixtape!
For 12 days starting December 13th, express your Freak and Cheerleader affections as inspired by holiday music prompts (if one so titillates you), and in whatever medium you please!
There are no constraints on your level of participation; do it all, do some, do none, doesn't matter; JUST HAVE FUN
Same goes for themes and subject matter; just please respect the rules of content curation and slap on appropriate tags. We observe DLDR in this house
Except, uh, whatever you post should be, you know, festive. And tie back to the prompt at least tenuously
Late posts count!!!
Tag your contributions with #hellcheerholidaymixtape (so I can see them and share them)
Share on any platform you like, but x-post here bc I'm only tumblin'
Don't be shitty (for this quest in particular, but also generally speaking)
All songs are on the Spotify playlist:
If you have thoughts, concerns, or questions, my ask box is open!
Prompts below!
13 December
"Merry Christmas (I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight)" - The Ramones
"Jingle Bell Rock" - Hall & Oates
"Run, Run, Rudolph" - Bryan Adams
14 December
"Hard Candy Christmas" - Dolly Parton
"Another Lonely Christmas" - Prince
"It Must Have Been the Mistletoe (Our First Christmas)" - Barbara Mandrell
15 December
"Do They Know It's Christmas?" - Band Aid
"Christmas in Dixie" - Alabama
"Let's Party" - Jive Bunny & the Master Mixers
16th December
"Christmas In My Heart" - The Jets
"Thank God It's Christmas" - Queen
"Silent Night" - The Hooters
17th December
"Wonderful Christmastime" - Paul McCartney
"Santa's Beard" - They Might Be Giants
"Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)" - U2
18th December
"Funky, Funky Xmas" - New Kids On The Block
"Hazy Shade of Winter" - The Bangles
"Merry Christmas, Everyone" - Shakin' Stevens
19th December
"Christmas Wrapping" - The Waitresses
"It's Christmas All Over the World" - Sheena Easton
"2000 Miles" - The Pretenders
20th December
"Fairytale of New York" - The Porgues (ft. Kirsty MacColl)
"Sleigh Ride" - Air Supply
"Put a Little Love in Your Heart" - Al Green & Annie Lennox
21st December
"Christmas in Hollis" - RUN DMC
"Mistletoe & Wine" - Cliff Richard
"Father Christmas" - The Kinks
22nd December
"Driving Home for Christmas" - Chris Rea
"She Won't Be Home" - Erasure
"The Power of Love" - Frankie Goes to Hollywood
23rd December
"Christmas With The Devil" - Spinal Tap
"Things Fall Apart" - Christina
"Peace In Our Time" - Eddie Money
24th December
"Last Christmas" - Wham!
"Merry Christmas, Baby" - Bruce Springsteen
"Santa, Baby" - Madonna
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