#for now im just gonna enjoy the game
socialprawn · 1 month
I feel like I'm in the middle of crossfire between 'go touch grass' and 'video game projection is my life' people
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lunarharp · 8 months
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light-hearted scribblings today
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charmac · 3 months
Just a small unasked-for update, since I said I'd update in a week and it's been almost two
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Because this is how I have spent the majority of my free time last week
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Not even done, re-written 5 different scenes, haven't done a re-read over half of it. I'm so deep in the trenches with this one there is so much baked in here... I hope you guys like a million random scenes that don't *have* to exist, but do.
(Also like 3 hours of that Firefox time is "research" aka watching baseball for this chapter)
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lukasdoodles · 21 days
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casually glancing at the new mcsm fandom and seeing drama that makes me go???? theres drama for THAT now?????
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oozeandgoo-art · 5 months
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old drawing I never posted. i like these two freaks, I should draw them more
#rubin#skironir#oc#rukaan#humanization#skironir is fully on board with the murder for the record. She likes rubin because he loves to kill people and she thinks it's cool and fun#someone warned her when she was like human-nineteen (im not sure how to translate caribou ages to humans LMAO could've been#anywhere from 19 to 25ish) that there was a weird loner freak eating out of the garbage and threatening people with knives and she went#'damn thats crazy. hes kinda hot. im gonna be his friend'#rubin (also approximately the same age as her) was like 'ive never had a friend before and im not going to start now. fuck off'#and then failed so hard at not having any friends that he fell in love like an idiot and now he's stuck with her forever and she can't get#rid of him. which works for skironir because she would be very sad if she did get rid of him#im not sure im gonna keep the she/her pronouns for skir. in all the stuff i've written for the deer game with skir i use he/him#but rubin using he/him pronouns in the mg!au also trips me up a bunch because i keep being like this is girl rubin he's a girl i made him#into a girl and now he's a girl. and then i get lost in the pronoun weeds LMAO#you undrestand#anyway i enjoy them a lot#very straightforward characters. they roll into town. they cause problems. they kill someone. they leave#i should make magical girl katjaana straight up just a dude. for balance. a dude who uses she/her and turns into a magical girl also#or maybe i could go full tuxedo mask with her.... idk
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galacticlamps · 28 days
I just wanted to apologize to my classic whotuals for all the dead boy detectives spamming, but it's also important to me that you guys know two things:
a) I've become aware that a lot of what appeals to me about dead boy detectives is, on a kind of conceptual/thematic level, the same stuff that I love about my favorite eras of dr who, and 6b in particular
And I tell you this not as an advertising tactic but as a genuine PSA for anyone following me because:
b) Being me & having realized this, I know I'm definitely gonna wind up posting some unnecessarily long-winded analysis/comparison, pop it in the main tags for the sake of organization on my own blog, and subsequently confuse a hell of a lot of people there who either have no idea what I'm talking about or simply don't view either piece of media in the same light as I do to begin with
So I just wanted to reassure everyone that at least you're not suffering alone, as I will soon be inflicting the reverse bait-and-switch upon others!
That's all! continue w ur scrolling <3
#i hope this is clear but im REALLY not trying to be like coy or intriguing here#this post is not remotely intended to convince anyone to watch dead boy detectives on the grounds that it's similar to 60s who#in ways which i've conveniently failed to elaborate upon & so you'll just HAVE to go see for yourself#(firstly bc when i want to sing something's praises i will upfront & unapologetically)#(& secondly bc im not super into telling people to watch things in general unless they're actively seeking a rec)#honestly this (now very overhyped) future post of mine is going to be more about like#me recognizing i have A Type when it comes to stories/underpinning narrative backdrops in fiction (if thats not too pretentious)#and much less of a 'well if you like x then you'll definitely love y bc i do & we all enjoy things in the same way & for the same reasons'#and i find it funny that nobody will care - bc it'll incomprehensible to all but about 5 people who have the full context#& half of those 5 will probably still disagree w my perspective/interpretation of one or both -#but im gonna do it anyway bc what else am i supposed to do w these thoughts! keep them to myself??? dont be absurd#that said though if you are debating watching dbd and would like to chat about it to push yourself in one direction or another#im happy to do so! especially if you have questions about it in relation to some other shared interest you actually did follow me for lol#im always game for that sort of thing & yes i am of the opinion that its a good & fun & rich show all on its own
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planet4546b · 1 month
i am like. disastrously bad at rain world i think
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raineadey · 5 months
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hi ive officially finished omori
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musubiki · 3 months
how was playing hsr? was there anything that you liked in the game and the story?
ITS BEEN AMAZING AS EXPECTED!!!!!!!!! i actually havent played genshin in a while since starting it, i have no motivation to do the filler event while a perfectly good star rail is sitting there waiting to be played :')
but for mechanics, i love they have auto battle so you dont have to nessecarily sit there and invest in every little battle you gotta do....and i love that the resin (resin??) system is a lot more forgiving with a higher cap, lower cost, and allow for overflow...thats nice...i also love that the mc and starter units are very useful. im so emotionally attatched to the star rail crew so im glad they never have to leave my team !!!!
storywise im LOVING IT SO FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i started playing it at the beginning of spring break 2 weeks ago and im almost all caught up!!! i went through belabog and penacony and now im just doing those leftover intermission main quests which im only now realizing i shouldve done before going to penacony LMAO
and of course.....danmarch....im so soft for them......and also i love sampo i cant wait to see what they do with him
#besides the star rail crew and sampo im not too attatched to anyone else#im very much a (what would happen in canon) type of player so the only units i REALLY want are himeko welt and imbibitor lunae#(and sampo)#everyone else i can go without#so this game is probably gonna be a lot better for my wallet#overall it just like it better than genshin minus the open world part#i like the story and characters...i like that you can play as bad guys while theyre still bad guys???? like blade and kafka???#cuz in genshin you always gotta redeem them somehow first before theyre playable#not here hueheuhe#also i love that they actually kill off playable characters#(spoilers from here on out)#i know were supposed to be all sad for fireflys death but honestly.......i didnt care about her too much LMAO#i was actually a little annoyed for the secret base part because her base was SO FUCKING DEEP IN ENEMY TERRITORY#i was like (damn bitch how far away is this shit??!)#that by the time we got to the emotional part i was just mad#i never liked characters where the game tries to like....force you to care about them#and its implied you have some super close relationship ESPECIALLY when you havent known them long#now if march died that would be a whole different story#but firefly??? i mean rip but i didnt really know her#im loving the penacony quest so far though#any setting where its like a place of mind tricks and gambling and spending money and sin is always so scary to me#especially the dream within a dream within a dream shit#the mind fuck aspect is always a good plot that i enjoy#i also love that theyre not afraid to upgrade units#like we have dan heng and the dragon dan heng#so characters arnt stagnent forever#everyday i hope we one day get to see a 5-star secret power march#cuz that girl has some shit going on i swear#i just did her luofu memory quest#and those fuckers in the garden of recollection............
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psychhound · 1 year
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[ID: a cover image for the game "advanced darning & dragons". it has the title in large dark brown text in a somewhat cursive handwritten style font. in smaller dark blue letters at the bottom it reads "enlarged for your viewing ease - are you due for your eye exam?". the background is a wall of shelves with many different skeins of yarn in different colors. there is a slightly transparent light tan textbox behind the letters that is shaped like a rough piece of paper. end ID]
Your name is [redacted] and you’ve been writing [series title removed by editor] for decades. It has everything – adventure, conquest, romance, betrayal, heroism, and of course, wizards and dragons and stuff like that, as all good high fantasy series need. What can you say, you’re a good writer!
The thing is, you’ve been writing under a penname, so no one knows you’re the author. Which is a really good thing, considering the plots of your novels may be a little … inspired. Not stolen. Just. Lightly lifted.
From very specific people.
Namely, your long-time knitting group, [title removed due to identifiable information], that meets at the [removed] Community Center every Thursday at 2.
Some people come, some people go, but it’s always good material.
In Advanced Darning & Dragons solo mode, you need a 4 sided die, an 8 sided die, tarot cards, and a way to write. You'll generate elderly people using the knitter table, draw tarot cards to inspire their gossip of the week, and then write in your journal how you're transforming that into a high-stakes, campy, high fantasy adventure.
In multiplayer mode, you'll need an 8 sided die, tarot cards, a way to write, and 3-6 players (no GM necessary). Each player will create their Oldsona, draw tarot cards to generate their gossip of the week, and then will assign themselves a fantasy archetype and their plot beat for the chapter. Players will casually gossip as their oldsonas (perhaps even while really doing handcrafts!) and will write down their guesses as to what the other player's archetypes and plot beats were. When everyone is done, players will write a short chapter outline, share them aloud, and then will be assigned writer's awards like "most grimdark fantasy" or "most slapstick".
Advanced Darning & Dragons is a silly comedy game that's meant to put the fun back in writing. It's available free / pwyw so everyone has a chance to bring a little humor to their lives!
get the game free / PWYW on itch or kofi!!
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sapphire-weapon · 7 months
i've realized what it is that pisses me the fuck off about baldur's gate 3
you need to have a guide up at all times in order to play the way you want to because the game is horribly unclear about which choice is the correct one and what you need to do in order to progress certain things.
i just lost like four hours of progress because i didn't trigger a specific sidequest when i was supposed to in order to recruit halsin to my party and made it all the way to act 3 before i realized "wait a minute this bitch never joined me"
but literally how the fuck was i supposed to know that i had to go talk to some random guy on a bed in town and that i had to do it before a specific point in act 2
i'm not saying you need to put quest markers over people's heads, but giving the player SOME kind of indication of what the fuck they're supposed to be looking for is a part of good game design. and yes i know the idea of bg3 is to immerse urself and roleplay but like
as a counterpoint to that
the percentage of people who are actually going to take the time to talk to every single last goddamn NPC when most of them have nothing of value to say is very very very low. so give me SOMETHING. jesus christ.
and in the four hours i lost are three extremely annoying fights that i basically had to save scum my way through and uuugggghhhhh
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hauntedtrait · 3 months
would y’all be mad if i played the globetrotter challenge before finishing the bachelor challenge
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pink-anonymous-person · 9 months
me playing pacifist route, reject everyone except for YB and trying to save our friends lives but Don keeps dying in my playthrough
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wizardsix · 2 months
it's fun to look through datamined stuff but I need some of you to stop getting mad at larian for scrapping ideas you thought were cool. cool doesn't mean it'll make sense in the overarching story, and maybe larian likes this version better, or sometimes ideas just didn't work well with what they had in mind. I know this first hand from writing stories, I'll have cool ideas but realize later it doesn't fit the original tone of the story. it's okay to scrap stuff, but you can always use it for something else.
also, like it or not, it's larians game first, their story, their characters (I know.), it doesn't matter if we think something is cool, the reality is that not everything works in the end. and that's fine. that's how all art is, it's alive and ever-shifting, it'll go through many, many, versions, to the point where you might get sick of chewing on the same plot, and in the end the final version might not be as good as you thought when you look back in a few months or years. and that's ok. art isn't supposed to be perfect.
everything is subjective and I think fandoms would be a more intellectual place if people learned to critique art for what it is not what it isn't.
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gifti3 · 1 year
I still think obey me would have had an easier time writing better characters if they had actual routes (includes harem route) and better story segment to rhythm game ratios
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kavehater · 2 months
I wish I could inject pasilyo into my brain so I can have permanent happiness
#There’s this specific part of the song#It srsly alters my brain chemistry#Anyways#i hate tumblr sm#Idk like I Gen hate being on here sm#No matter what account I make no matter if I tell ppl about it whether I don’t tell ppl I just hate this place soooo much#Like if I have a following it sucks because it’s rlly lonely if I don’t it’s still lonely and then if there’s nobody at all it’s lonely#Loneliness is what got me to discord boy so like :D#The fact I am genuinely missing him sm I’m gonna krill myself 😻🙏#Also I think I hate talking to minors cause these kids be letting themselves get groomed all the time I’m so tired of seeing it#The creep in my course is being so weird to Raisa who is a minor … I can’t help but think it’s all my fault … I invited her to the pharm gc#To show her how messy it was ….#I didn’t expect her to follow and accept requests of everyone …#Anyways I just am so annoyed. Like I wish I could have one person just one where I can be confident in being their no.1 but every time I th#Think I’m maybe somewhere high up on someone’s list of important ppl I realise I overestimated my position even tho I’m rlly self conscious#And being myself down over that. Also I still hate Eid. I hate Eid sm. How do ppl genuinely enjoy Eid. Idk if I’ve ever been excited for Ei#It’s like I’m just suddenly getting more sick of ppl by the day. I Gen don’t like talking to ppl at all even tho I used to rely on talking#To others like its sustenance now it’s just such a hassle to me because I’m so sick of being unimportant to literally every single person I#Have ever known. Literally everyone except maybe dahlia idk. the only person who has never gotten mad/snapped at me o is dahlia#And knowing my luck that will soon be taken from me too. Anyways good riddance to tumblr i loathe this site and im sick of the mind games#All the time from just existing on here. Gen makes me feel ill. I’m so sick of that girl I like and sick of everyone. The only time ppl car#Is when I cause a scene. And ykw atp I loathe being showed sympathy and pity for these sorts of posts because it just feels like a big joke#Cause why couldn’t you just care when I was fine. Why do you ONLY care when I’ve had enough of your bad behaviour. How does one make someon#Like me go mad with all these things#Istg if I come back to this dumb site whether to this acc to the tora one or my other account everyone has permission to beat me up.#dora daily#Tldr;I HATE ppl and everyone ever + I’m just sick of pretending like everyone doesn’t suck cause how can ppl be so insufferable intolerable#Insane horrible in every way and ppl like them. How do they live with themselves when they’re this aggravating. Every day I hate ppl more#Because their mannerisms their everything is just so embarrassing.#Essay tags 😻😻😻
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