#for more info
I've been playing so much Baldur Gate I haven't even thought about posting except to share my shame. Because for the second time, I failed to properly romance the character I wanted and had to double back to a save from HOURS ago and redo everything before just so I could romance them correctly. And the first time wasn't even IN BG3.
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productofaritual · 3 months
Day 8 of trying to get you invested in my original book "Bound By Name" by posting random fun facts!
While the book is in fact a fanfic turned original book, and I briefly mentioned it before, the mc was actually replaced by a character that is 100% mine! William was originally a dnd pc. For anyone interested he was a satyr bard with the feylost background
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moviebunny · 4 days
Jax’s behavior makes sense bc rabbits are notoriously dog shit at making friends
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gravezyard · 5 months
hello hello.
my name is ben,
19 / poc / osdd .
currently fixated on : shades of blue (tv) / the boys (tv) / sleep token
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tabellae-rex-in-sui · 2 years
Young King George III looks like a kicked puppy in every fucking scene but this is by far the best example jbkgkbek crumpled wet paper towel boy. I wish bridgerton the best of luck trying to make him into a sexy bodice-ripper male lead
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luna-mith-moved · 2 years
this blog is moving to @luna-mith i'm not using this one anymore
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heritageposts · 6 months
israel has now officially been announced as one of the countries participating in eurovision 2024
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meanwhile russia is still banned, for the third year in a row. the double standard is just sickening
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xgoldenlatiasx · 3 months
I’m really glad that Aaron’s self-immolation for Palestine is getting attention, but on November 8th there was also a Congolese man who did the same thing for the genocide happening in the DRC. From what I read in the article above, his fate and identity are unknown but I think his story should be getting equal amount of traction and I haven’t really seen anyone talking about it on Tumblr specifically yet.
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just-spectrum · 25 days
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mcnjushcge · 4 months
hi everyone, my dad and his siblings have been desperately trying to get my aunt and her whole family out of gaza. I’ve watched him have multiple breakdowns over seeing the conditions they’re living in. they haven’t seen each other in person in literal decades. my aunt’s home in gaza city was completely destroyed and her family have had to repeatedly flee from the devastation. they deserve a better life than this, her kids deserve a better future than this.
it costs an insane amount to get over the egyptian border. please, donate if you can or rb this, it would mean a lot. thank you
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riverswater · 3 months
Genuinely crying at work rn. They have thousands of old photos (from the 50s to the 90s) they asked me to scan (so they can create a digital archive). Today I found a photo from a 80s protest with a banner that says "FOR THE PALESTINIAN CHILDREN". It's been 40 years. It has been a lot more than that, actually. And still.
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nkogneatho · 5 months
virgin!suguru who has only seen pussy in porn so he goes crazy when he sees a real one. he is almost drooling at the sight of your wetness on display. you see him gulp his breath as his adam's apple bobs. he is not submissive. but he is desperate. someone like who's usually so sorted, it was truly an interesting visual to see him throw away all those morals he holds.
his bored eyes are now widened as he gets close. your pussy shudders when his warm breath breezes over it. ah fuck. is it usually this wet? the answer was no. you atleast needed to be touched for five minutes before you got wet. but your cunt truly lived upto her name, fluttering when she sees his glossy lips, manipulating you into thinking all the wild things. your clit pushes out the heavy amount of glistening juice that was collected when your folds were closed, and it trails back down to your hole. but before it could reach it, suguru's long tongue darts out, the edge collecting the juice as it travels back up. you whimper at the sudden sensation. he retreats his tongue, savouring your relish. god, you taste so fucking good. you're scared you might've broken him. because now he is sucking your pussy like he's been starved for a month.
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feluka · 4 months
just saw on twt that apparently the campaign to renew ofmd fell apart and that the people who put up the billboard deleted their site and discord and disappeared and nobody knows what happened to the money? if true alhamdulillah 🙏
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FNAF Movie William judges Vanessa's friends..
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fulcrvm · 1 month
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WHY. does the book say twink on it. hello. am i reading this right
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tinystepsforward · 3 months
idk how many of you remember this but a few years ago tumblr ran a universally panned ad campaign for (us american) pride month that went "the gayest place on the internet".
well someone planning that campaign dropped in to ask the queer automatticians for advice on that and universally me and the other trans people involved were like "don't do it. i am so serious. don't do it. people on tumblr won't understand that it wasn't automattic who instituted the porn ban, or they will, but they'll recognize that automattic hasn't done anything, hands tied or not, to reverse it. nobody will like this. it will be a disaster." and they thanked us for our thoughts and went ahead with it anyway and then had to do retrospectives about how badly it went and were like "we just didn't know" and [gestures] yeah [edit: i think the person who rbed saying it was queerest place on the internet was right, my brain is fried, sorry! and that's... even worse lmao]
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