#for a lack of a better comparison it's kinda like how it's hard to talk about gravity falls without spoiling the big plot twist
wutheringmights · 1 year
Hey guys! I'm still in the throes of working on the next chapter, which will be done before the end of the month (if all goes according to plan).
I just wanted to take a moment to issue an important PSA about the next chapter:
If you are behind on CTB for any reason or have not read it yet, now is the best time to get caught up.
That is not a threat, but I guarantee you won't regret it.
If you have followed me or this story for any period of time, you know that I have never said anything like that before, which goes to show how serious I am. You will want to read chapter 21 the moment it is published. I promise.
Of course, you do not ""really"" have to get caught up now but I highly recommend it as this is going to be The Chapter, and there is no way I am going to be able to keep the spoilers for this story in check after that point. You will be spoiled.
So if you can and are able, I highly recommend getting caught up. You can go ahead and stop reading CTB again once chapter 21 is out and you know what's up. But if you want to keep spoilers to a minimum, please go ahead and give CTB a read.
Here's a handy link for anyone who wants to start reading now.
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plutonianeris · 4 months
𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖚𝖘𝖆 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖏𝖚𝖈𝖙 𝖆𝖘𝖈
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This is how medusa conjuct ascendant has manifested for me. I am not a professional astrologer, just sharing my personal experiences I believe correlate with this placement.
🐍 In regards to appearances, I have always had very long, dark wavy hair. Growing up, a lot of times my hair was touched without my consent and I remember distinctly someone pulling my hair hard as fuck in school and it was a group of girls (didnt know which one it was). I also remember boys trying to “flirt” with me by tugging my hair.
🐍As I got older and started taking care of my hair even more, that is one the first things I always get compliments on by strangers, acquaintances or coworkers.
🐍In some other posts I see people mention a “piercing gaze.” As a kid, when I was angry I use to look at people like I wanted to shoot lasers out of my eyes. My mother would hate when I would look at her like that, she told me I looked like a monster when I gave her the death stare during arguments.
🐍On the flip side of that however, I do also get compliments on my eyes. My eyes are big and very dark as well just like my hair. One time in high school, one of my teachers told me I had “bedroom eyes” in front of the whole class. I realized it was kinda inappropriate when I googled what that was after. One of my friends said I have “siren eyes.”
🐍I have never felt fully comfortable around the opposite sex. I was always very very wary of men. In high school was when it was at its peak. The guys were pretty gross. One time a guy in my grade (who I barely knew) pulled me into a hug and literally bit my fucking shoulder. I had shoved him away and looked towards my teacher but he didnt do anything, just looked away.
🐍I can definitely see men in my life or in my surroundings who were not being inappropriate to me being indifferent to watching bad/ uncomfortable things happen to me. Either they didn’t care or didn’t find me someone worthy as defending or both.
🐍When I did defend myself I was villanized quickly over it. In high school, a guy behind me slapped my butt and when I turned around and slapped him in the face I got in trouble/ detention for it.
🐍I was often talked about in a very sexual manner (despite never dating or being “promiscuous” for a lack of better word). Comments were made about my body and sexuality.
🐍Then when I went to college I felt like I putting myself out there more but realized I wasn’t fully being vulnerable. I liked to flirt with guys but I wanted them to have to practically BEG for my attention. And then when they gave it to me I would shut them down. I use to do that a lot. One time a guy was so angry at me he called me a snake. I’m an adult now, and have grown and don’t do any kind of thing like that anymore. But at the time, I believe I was seeking a kind of power/control over other people because I personally felt powerless or unworthy.
🐍I am also not personally fond of snakes as pets or wanting to hold them. But I use to always want a medusa tattoo in college and had a bracelet with Medusa and another with Artemis on it that I wore everyday (and it was all before I even knew about astrology or the fact that I have this placement).
🐍I have generally had good relationships with women. But I do think for sure growing up I tried to make the women around me (whether family, teachers or friends) like me as much as possible. It felt devastating being rejected by them.
🐍When the women in my life would hurt me, whether by accident or on purpose I would make excuses for them until it would blow up in my face. (It reminds me of how Medusa use to worship Athena and was shocked and destroyed at the betrayal).
🐍There have been times where other women would look at me as if I was in competition with them (when in reality I didn’t give a fuck). But they would make petty comparisons. One time I had a “friend” who asked in front of a group of guys, “who is prettier? me or her?”
🐍I use to HATE when people stared at me, mostly when it was men. I would look back at people and be like what the fuck are you looking at? or say something along those lines. It made me so furious when men would catcall me too or eye me up and down.
🐍I would definitely say that growing up I had a bad temper. I was very resentful and impulsive and I was angry with the things that had happened to me and my body. Sometimes I just wanted to disappear. I was not easily given the benefit of the doubt. I was quick to get blamed. Not easily listened to.
🐍Overall, I can see having this placement as being very heavy as kid or a teen. I was so young and I was just worried about being a kid and getting to know myself but I got sexualized so much. I think I did grow up too fast in certain aspects. I do not miss my childhood nor do I remember it with nostalgia.
🐍I love being an adult. I love making my own choices. I love not having to ask for permission. I love feeling confident in my femininity(I feel like this year is when I just started to fully explore it out of love). It was a painful journey but more often than not I feel brave, and safe and comfortable in my body now more than ever. I don’t self sabotage anymore or go out of my way to shut people out. But it took a very long time.
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project-sekai-facts · 9 months
Is it me or are the new outfits simpler? Like old ones had a lot of tiny useless details all around, the new ones look "cleaner" in comparison. It's not bad I kinda like it but it definitely feels weird
Before we start I just wanna say that I kinda critically analysed the costume designs instead of you know. just talking about the details. cool here we go
Yeah aside from VBS they all feel so. Plain, I guess? MMJ’s outfits probably the worst instance, imo they felt more same-y than before and I get they’re an idol unit so they were gonna be uniform but there’s something off. It’s the blue, I get that it’s probably a nod to the blue penlights, but using green or their respective image colors would’ve been better I think. You can barely even see Haruka or Shizuku's image colors on the skirts. Honestly I don’t think the accessories are that bad, they’re pretty cute and fit the group, though the costume being so plain outside of them just makes it look like there should be more. the thing is the outfits aren't the same, they have different skirts and shirts like the original it's just the fact that they all have the same color scheme and similar-enough accessories that it makes the differences less noticable. their image colors should've been the primary or secondary color not the tertiary color.
Leo/need I can get being more uniform, it goes with their whole thing, and I liked how there’s still a lot of details to differentiate them and give them personality. Honestly their original color scheme was pretty basic but making their image colors the secondary colors instead of of the primary colors of their outfit? it just wasn't it. honestly it wouldn't be too bad if the grey wasn't such an ugly color it looks really bad. if they'd gone with black or a much darker grey for the blazers it would've looked so much better and made the accents stand out more. also, the lack of accessories... i get they're more "professional and mature" but their outfits are quite boring, especially next to Miku's. If all of them had a big star armband like Honami or even had a bigger star buckle anywhere (like on a belt) it would look a bit nicer.
WxS was an improvement from Leo/need maybe? The outfits are definitely the most detailed so far, and they had a lot of personality. I like that they kept the original theme of character types (Rui being a villain, Nene being a fairy, etc), and it's not hard to tell what role each of them are meant to be (except emu but it wasn't obvious what hers was in the first place). I think Tsukasa's fits his personality quite well; he plays hero roles so he has a prince sort of outfit, he's the leader so he's got the sash, and he usually dresses very smart. it's very plain though, definitely could've done with brighter colors on the accessories, and maybe keeping the belt charm. also the jacket and trousers being the same color without much to separate them and balance it out doesn't look great. emu and nene's are both better, the color palettes are really nice and their outfits aren't plain holy shit. Emu's fits her personality really well - just by looking you can tell she's a fun and positive person. Rui's is probably the one i'd say is best out of the bunch. I know we can't see the front but the asymmetry and use of black in the color palette makes it stand out a lot and really adds something that the others were lacking. it's a very good villain outfit as well.
N25's were simple, but managed to actually pull it off. they didn't feel really plain compared to some of the other units despite actually being pretty plain. their outfits were always dark, and that hasn't changed, but making the colors more murky adds an extra layer to it. the addition of the flower patterns really adds something to take away the plainess of the original outfits, as well as adding relevant symbolism. Mafuyu's especially stands out being the lightest color and being the most ragged. It tells you she's different, she appears bright and perfect at first, but when you look further down, she's damaged. The image colors could've done with being a bit brighter maybe but other than that these are pretty good.
VBS outfits are actually really good. There I said it. They're able to feel cohesive as a group while still managing to reflect the individuality of each members and not be plain. The outfits fit their personal styles really well, Kohane's more girly, An's more cool and mature, Akito's sporty and active and Toya's more smart but still has the street look. Despite their outfits looking totally different, you can tell they're a unit because of the reddish-pink accents on all their outfits and also using white as a unifying color. i know i complained about the white making the other outfits plain but it's far more balanced out here and isn't as in-your-face. it isn't like MMJ and WxS that have white as their main outfit color. With VBS it's just one white item of clothing: Kohane's sweater, An's cargos, Akito's hoodie and Toya's tshirt. it's incorporated in a very natural way and isn't overly prominent. their image colors and other colors are used just as much in the outfits to balance it out. they have the best balance undoubtedly. even the accessories, they aren't big and there's not a whole lot of them, but the outfits already have a lot going on so they don't need to be complex, they're just there to add something extra.
There’s too much white.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 3 months
I thin it's also because he kinda of has a deep voice? And as you said he also doens't sound someone who's best at korean too and it's because there's an accent to his speaking and his voice is deep and like the way his tongue rolls while speaking you can immediately say he's not a smooth speaker even in his native language. Jimin has a little bit of that when speaking English, like you can tell it's different for him to pronounce certain words or they sound a bit different but he's like wayyyyyy better than taehyung like taehyung's 98% English singing goes above my head while in jimin's case it's just few words only and he sounds GREAT and very smooth in Angel song so he's improved.
In my opinion RM (his voice is also deep but of course he knows the language and is fluent), yoongi, and jungkook these are the three who's English has no accent atleast to yg's and jungkook's so they do pronounce the English words better than other members. Then comes jimin definitely. This is just about the pronounciation part and nothing about them knowing the language and all.
No, it definitely has nothing to do with the tone of his voice.
I personally don't think Jungkook or Yoongi speak without an accent either, and a lot of times I don't understand Jungkook when he sings in English. Yoongi drags his word and has the same issue as Taehyung when speaking any language imo. He just doesn't open his mouth around the words.
Twice's English version of "can't stop me" comes to mind, because it came out around the time BTS were promoting dynamite and I remember listening to it and couldn't help comparing how good their English was and how bad BTS are, in comparison. And I don't think twice are fluent, either. Because it doesn't have to do with being fluent, they just probably practiced a lot before recording the song, the same way I think I've seen Jungkook say he practiced or the same way Jimin was studying English for like two years.
Maybe something could be said about stylistic choices in the pronunciation or intonation for Taehyung when he sings, like Jimin sings English differently in like crazy vs how he sings in butter or we don't talk anymore cover. You can tell he's making choices on how to sing them. But Taehyung sounds the same when speaking English too, so it can't be passed off as stylistic choice.
A lot of people who are native English speakers make it extremely hard to understand what they're singing a lot of times because of these stylistic choices. It's not singing, but just last night I was watching some clips from my policeman with Harry Styles because it's been a while since I've watched the movie and didn't remember some scenes. And he's not really a good actor, but I kept thinking how much his way of speaking affects his acting lol. I was literally thinking that his acting might even improve if he worked with with a speech coach. Just something about the inflection of his voice and the lack of emotion when he speaks, even though he's able to sing acapella really well and lovely. But when he talks he just doesn't have that emotion. Likewise, there's no emotion in Taehyung's singing either.
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shadowbunnydragon · 4 months
To Bailey, Lily, and Russell: Since you’re dating a predator, what kind of relationship challenges do you face? I’m only asking because I’m a guy and I’ve had a male wolf friend recently come to me and ask me out
Russell, his ears turning pink: "Uh... w-well..."
Baily: "You do have to remember that us humans are omnivores, making us predators as well. Granted, our lack of claws or sharp teeth kinda make that a bit hard to believe for some mammals..."
He reaches into his coat pocket to pull out his buzzing phone, accidentally swiping up and hitting the speaker option.
Leodore: "Hey there, Barney! Just calling to let you know that I've mulled it over, and I still find it silly that you guys are predators. No offense, but you kinda look more like how we'd make a felt puppet mascot for a show to teach very young mammals tolerance and understanding and all that nonsense towards predators. Basically you're predator lite, if you catch my meaning. Also wanted to let you know that I'm gunna be kinda late for our next card reading session, things did NOT work out in the waste disposal union like I had thought it would. Seriously, you make one, or several, jokes about organized crime connections, and suddenly everyone gets up into a tizzy... oh great, it looks like I'm getting pulled over now. I probably shouldn't be talking on my phone while driving, but this is just getting ridiculous. Anyways, see you in maybe an hour."
The phone goes silent, the three humans staring wide-eyed at it in silence.
Lily: "Anyways... it's true that there have been some challenges. Like smaller herbivorous mammals sometimes being nervous around us and giving us side-eyed looks and wide berths."
Russell: "Patricia and David told me that it was a lot worse towards predators a few years ago, but that it's gotten better. The specism towards predators in general, I mean. But then there's also... some members of Jackson's pack aren't too happy with him not dating another jackal, or at the very least, another canid... and sometimes, despite the brave face he puts on... you can see that it does in fact hurt him from time to time..."
Lily: "Some of Renato's family has voiced similar concerns... with his great-grandmother suggesting that we are some kind of evil spirits that have started appearing to work a dark mischief... whatever that means."
Baily, rubbing the back of his head: "I might be kinda lucky in that regard. I'm sure some members of Sophia's pride might not be too happy with her bringing in a human... especially one who was, until very recently, homeless. But thanks to a 'certain someone' and their increasingly embarrassing antics, I guess I'm looking golden in comparison..."
His phone buzzes again and, after receiving now somewhat amused nods from the other two, Baily swipes up and enables the speaker function yet again.
Leodore: "No, officer, you've got this all wrong! That wad of money just fell out of my pocket! It was not a bribe! Speeding and talking on my phone when driving is around $150 here, I've gotten enough tickets for that to know by now; so why would I try to give you $400 when I can just bite the bullet and pay this fine?! OOF!" A loud slamming sound followed by a muffled voice speaking. "Oh, uh, Basil, we're gunna need to have a rain check for that reading. Apparently someone needs to FILL A QUOTA!"
The call ends.
Lily: "... Anywho, opening your heart to someone can be scary, and each time there will be their own sets of challenges. But, there's the chance that you could find someone who makes your heart sing... ahem, and whom you get on with wonderfully. Ultimately, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my big fluffy Marshmallow."
Baily: "I never thought I could feel the way I do about Sophia. Sometimes I wonder if she isn't an angel..."
Russell: "And I'm really glad that I said yes to Jackson! I don't know how things will go down the road, but I'm really happy here and now!"
Lily: "I think that it's safe to say that all three of us here wish you the best of luck with this wolf boy!"
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
I do love giving personalities and lore to my ocs parents. Like it just adds more depth to my ocs and is generally pretty fun? And not just my ocs, some canon characters too. And I'm gonna talk about my two favorites ( next to Jazz, Soul and Grayson)
Felicity and Hop's mom ( I FORGOT HER NAME AND I'M MAD ABOUT IT) are both grieving widows who have to balance taking care of their kids while keeping things afloat. I feel like neither of them properly grieved over their lost husbands.
Hop's mom especially, since I feel she immediately started to stress over work and stuff, as well as taking care of Leon and Hop. The best way I can describe her is a more stern Camilla from TOH. She cares deeply for her sons, and genuinely want them to be happy and thrive, but there's also this....barrier between them. A lack of understanding? Hop clearly craves an affection that's different from how Leon and his mom shows it, for one. And I also feel like the loss of her husband kinda made her just a bit emotionally unavailable? Only a bit, she's not as bad as Cassandra ( Carol's mom) who always had a sense of apathy/ resentment towards her child. But for Hop's mom, I feel like it would be hard for Hop to talk to her about things? Both Hop and Leon, especially Leon with kinda being what keeps them afloat. In general, the Ramírez family's ( the surname I have them btw) situation is very messy and complicated. There's not much clear communication between them. And let me be clear, Mama Ramírez loves her babies. She would do whatever it takes to make sure they are happy and healthy. But even with all that love, she's prone to make mistakes. Mistakes that can- and kinda did- cause a rift in her family. Post Swsh, I definitely see her making steps to better help her boys and herself, since again, she never properly grieved over her husband. She never let herself be emotional about what happened, or a lot of things really. Hell, I bet the darkest day was the first time in a long time Hop and Leon ever saw their mom cry. Openly. What I'm saying is that this family needs therapy.
Felicity by comparison almost seems like the more sweeter of the two? She isn't as stern as Ms. Ramírez, and is more in tune with her own emotions. But Soul's death really affected her. Not in the same way as Naomi, where she got Cursed-Chosen, but in how she worries. A lot. Naturally, it's fine to worry, but when it comes to Naomi her worrying kinda hinders Naomi's growth. I don't think Felicity is the cause for Naomi's meekness- she has always been shy and anxious - but she didn't help with it either? I feel like Felicity inadvertently made Naomi feel like she couldn't go past what she's used too. She doesn't mean for it to be that way, obviously, she wants her daughter to grow and become who she wants to be, but her actions kinda make it hard? I don't know how to really describe my thought process here. Felicity isn't strict, she doesn't make Naomi follow hard set rules ( minus the wields thing but that's kinda universal among the town) and she does her best to encourage her when trying new things. But she's also kinda... restrictive? I don't know how to describe it. Just that parental worry getting in the way, I guess ( and I know that it's fine for a parent to worry, just maybe she's doing it too much? Again,idk).
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renklix · 2 years
So, I have thoughts. Maaaany thoughts. I’m probably kinda late on this, but whatever.
1. Well, of course, Harumi. She is awesome. I keep hearing stuff about how Harumi doesn’t really feel like the same character, and I reaaally disagree. I mean, yeah, the “I’m clearly trying to leave in a dramatic way” line kinda came out of nowhere (but if you think about it, not really, Harumi did look annoyed), but the volleyball team joke was actually really funny, I love that exchange. “Are you serious?” “Of course I’m not serious!” “Well, it’s hard to tell with you sometimes!”. I don’t know why I love it so much. Anyway, even if the “I’m trying to leave in a dramatic way” scene did throw someone off, I am absolutely sure that the next scene totally made up for it. I mean, wow… We already kinda knew it, but actually hearing Lloyd say that his feelings for Harumi were real, even after everything she’s done just hits different. And the fact that he came to search for her in the rubble! But if I start on that, this post will end up being enormous, so I’ll cover it in a different one. So yeah, back to Harumi. I don’t know, I think they nailed down her personality perfectly. I’ve heard someone say that she wasn’t so sarcastic in the Oni Trilogy, but, like, think about it. Remember that scene in the Oni Temple, when she was like “Ah, yes, the damsel in distress, you ninja really are from another time”, and the way she leaned on that rock. Don’t tell me Harumi wasn’t sarcastic, she definitely was. Also, she made that joke in the middle of a pretty tense situation, I mean, at that point Lloyd was significantly stronger than her, he could just blast her to heck with his powers at any moment. And just for comparison, in episodes 13 and 14 we only saw Harumi making jokes only when she knew that she was completely in control of the situation. Btw, now I’m completely sure that the among us joke in ep12 was completely intentional on her part. Anyway, now that I think about it, there also was that line about taking the trash out in Hunted. So, like, shut up, Harumi was sarcastic from the beginning, it’s not a totally new thing. Also, I kinda feel like she matured a bit since the Oni Trilogy. I mean, it’s been a couple of years. She just seems calmer, more collected, less… insane, for lack of a better term. More chilled out. Especially in ep 14. And she kinda started expressing anger in a different way. In SOG she was screaming and shouting and being visibly angry. In Crystalized she still has a lot of anger, but expresses it differently. She’s just as sadistic, though, getting Lloyd’s hopes up and then immediately crushing them at least two times in, like, a couple of minutes. And I’m not even talking about hanging Lloyd’s cage above lava. And leading him to believe that she killed his family. Again. And comparing him to Garmadon. And what is up with apologizing so much? Every time she does something she’s like “I’m sorry, Lloyd”. It actually almost sounded like she meant it at one point. I think I smell a redemption arc. That would be interesting.
I wanted to cover everything in this post: Harumi, Lloyd, Lloyd’s Oni powers, Harumi’s potential redemption, etc. Well… This is already ridiculously large, I’ll probably analyze all these topic separately.
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crystalelemental · 7 months
Oh holy shit guys, another free Galar pair!  Extreme Battles are solved now that we have three (3) free pairs, right?! Ahaha...AHAHAHAHAHAHA
General Overview Eve is a pretty direct pair, all things considered.  Her two main uses are Swift Unfortuitous, and evasion boosting into speed boosts on successful dodges.  She...does technically have a sync nuke, with a TM that's +2 Sp Atk/+1 crit and eva, but like.  Normal.  Unable to EX.  Come on, man.
Eve's strength should be obvious.  She is a Gauntlet fill-in.  Unfortuitous Swift is something shared with Oak, who is, to be blunt, kinda just better.  Like Oak, Eve can kinda tank, with +1 to both defenses on her trainer move and Ridicure 2.  It's not the worst bulk we've seen on these NPC trainer classes.  But it's not good either.  Her starting bulk is sub-200s, so her best comparison is eggmons, to give an idea of how much she's not contributing.  To add to her woes, despite the comedy of the sync nuke, Normal and lack of EX seriously holds her back.  We could talk if the EX were there.  But without it, she's not dealing any damage.  Having evasion boosting be her natural conditional, Cakewalk as her secondary with only a grid Trip Up to help, and the recent transition to the 15k meta that makes off-typing substantially harder than ever?  Eve will not contribute much of anything to a 3v3 format.  She just isn't equipped.
Team 1: Eve, SS Brock, Hop/Sonia A major problem point for Eve is that Unfortuitous is inconsistent as all hell, and thus can't be relied on for pretty much anything.  What can be relied on, however, is Trip Up 9 for Cakewalk.  SS Brock is a free pair that operates on needing Cakewalk as a Strike pair, with Hop and Sonia being able to buff his needed stats and defense reliably.  SS Brock also has Super Preparation 4 on TM if desired, so like...if you like Brock or Tyranitar and have made some choices in your life, there's this.  Given Eve isn't for damage, you could throw on Defense Crush as a lucky skill and actually make her your best player.
Team 2: Eve, Sycamore, Cyrus/Iris The big focus, I think, is Latias.  Eve's Unfortuitous cannot be specific, but thanks to hitting myriad stats, it works well against Latias' Fluid Fortification.  I'm referencing Sycamore for two reasons.  One: he has Imperious to block Mud Slap.  Two: Team Sharp Entry and his specific buffs are all excellent for Eve.  I'm also bringing up Cyrus because honestly you'll want someone to help take out sides if literally nothing else.  I'll mention Iris, who isn't as good, but can beat the sides up pretty hard if that's all you need her for.
Team 3: Eve, NY!Lillie/Penny, Lucian/Nemona Before I even get into this, I need it to be understood that Eve's sync nuke is the least worth it thing on the planet, and should only be talked about in the context of Gauntlet.  Now, if we're all comfortable with that, let's talk what you could do to make it work.  First: evasion is needed.  You have two options.  NY!Lillie is the only evasion boosting support I can think of, meaning this is all Eve has to work with.  Alternatively, a strong defensive support that is good for survival, like Penny or SS Brendan, works to stall turns while she boosts with Double Team.  As suggested by Penny and SS Brendan, Sp Def debuffing is critical.  Lucian is worth noting, though anything Eve pretends to do he does better, just assume he's 1/5 uninvested.  I'd mention Nemona for the team evasion boosting she gets per action at 4/5, but at that point she's outperforming Eve too.  Realistically, the solution is to bring a flinch bot and either Penny or SS Brendan and pray.  Most options will outperform Eve's nuke, leaving her with only Unfortuitous to fall back on.  Well...that and one other thing, I suppose...
Team 4: Eve, Mina/SC Steven, Whitney/Lodge Irida/Nate/Guzma/Sidney As promised: tank Eve.  Eve's focus is on evasion boosting, and has the potential to boost team speed with every dodge.  While her defenses are, in fact, garbage, there are some methods that can be used to mitigate this.  One is just a rapid-fire approach for the finish line.  SC Steven is an excellent partner, giving matched theme skills and a metric ton of boosted physical offense for a stage.  The other is disruption. Whitney is a useful baseline partner, appreciating the speed from Eve's dodges, having a solid Gauntlet nuke, and a great flinch rate that stalls the turns Eve needs to set up and contribute.  In this situation, use someone other than SC Steven, his talents are wasted on Whitney.  I'd recommend anything that debuffs offenses, so consider Mina for the Atk debuffs against many of these stages.  If you do run Steven, Irida is an excellent choice to answer Cobalion with Burn/flinch in one move and tremendous physical potential, Nate's Fly actually does funny numbers on Bulu with Steven's help, Guzma gains a solid nuke as well to bypass Azelf's shit, and Sidney...Sidney has Confuse and Potion, which both contribute to Eve's longevity.
There's at least some argument for Eve being a good duo stand-in. Something like Anni Lillie against Uxie really works with just one partner who can take some hits and ideally generate some speed, both tactics that Eve can perform. Any duo situation where an eggmon is sufficient not for specific stats but as a meatshield, Eve is a decent option to put in their stead. Though man, I do think evasion is risky as hell. Nearly every stage gets +2 accuracy at some point, it's just not consistent enough.
Final Thoughts Eve's pretty bad, but free unit so what can you do?  The Unfortuitous thing is cute, but I do legitimately consider it near worthless.  Lack of precision is the death of utility, and it's not like Eve does much else.  The sync is ruined by the lack of EX, she's not contributing anything that others don't do better, given the Normal typing.  And the tanking set is too inconsistent, with poor performance off Ridicure and no Endurance to at least take one potentially lethal hit.  Girl is completely out of her depth.  I will be using her.
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 2 years
rambling about Sonic Frontiers
Yeah so a couple days ago I 100% completed Sonic Frontiers, woo. And this post is just gonna be some rambling thoughts I have on the game as a whole and stuff. Spoiler warning obviously, though this’ll be text only so don’t worry about like visual spoilers. For some prerequisite information that probably doesn’t matter much, I played the physical version of the game on Nintendo Switch, I played it on hard mode, I was going completionist mode and trying to do literally everything, and I was able to do that all in just under 22 hours total. Also I had basically every control slider turned up to max except camera stuffs, turning speeds, and starting speed. I think that’s everything worth mentioning? So just gonna get into it I suppose. Fully embracing that this is gonna probably be incoherent, but hey.
First of all more than anything I think Frontiers already feels like a difficult game to talk about lol. For quite a couple of reasons, really. It’s the first mainline Sonic game in 5 years and it’s the first attempt at a formula as different as this, so already the playing field is a lot different. And that formula also invites lots of specific discussion – it’s both a point of comparison with other series attempting similar titles (Breath of the Wild being everyone’s most immediate comparison) while also being strange in that. I kinda don’t know how to word this but, Sonic Team have been quite vocal that this is the style they want to take Sonic in over the next decade or whatever, that the reception to Frontiers will be really important. In that regard I think it feels really easy to slip into talking about Frontiers as a stepping stone, for lack of a better description. “For the next title they should improve on this element” types of discussion. That’s kind of a conversation I don’t want to have – Frontiers is a full price game release and deserves to be spoken about as it stands by itself, but I’m invariably gonna talk about it as a stepping stone anyway I imagine. But hey.
Following up on comparisons I feel like talking about the core gameplay loop in Frontiers is a good starting point. Breath of the Wild comparisons invite themselves just on the basis of that game’s sheer influence and critical reception, and hey Sonic’s boost metre is just the BotW stamina wheel lol. Though I actually think Frontiers is probably closer to something like Mario Odyssey in terms of gameplay loop. Miniature (actually they’re pretty big in Frontiers tbf) “open world” environments that aren’t interconnected at all but get to be fun sandboxes for you to run around in, loaded with tons of miniature objectives that you can probably complete in under a minute for a small reward. Get enough of said small rewards to move on. It’s a pretty fun gameplay loop really – if you like gathering trinkets then it’s simple dopamine, and I think they did a good job at finding miniature in-engine gameplay things that take advantage of Sonic’s moveset. Stuff like homing attacking an orb into hoops, sidestepping onto lit up tiles, running to some spot before a timer runs out. Decently satisfying fun little progress check. Unfortunately, not all of these challenges are built equal though. I’m open minded about doing things that aren’t just “Sonic things”, but dealing a certain amount of damage within the time limit, running in place for x seconds, or the worst offender – parrying projectiles – some of these are so simple that actually doing them becomes a complete chore that you’re just doing to get the completion. All of these tasks are too easy with insanely generous timers even on hard mode by the way, but the ones that have fun gameplay make up for it by being fun. So the bad ones stick out a lot more. Definitely if they’re gonna stick to this gameplay format going forward they really need to make the mini-objectives around the map stand out a lot more and provide more interesting challenges.
Cyberspace levels were fascinating. I think it’s easy to feel cynical about them, certainly there’s lots of reason to – all those statements about taking Sonic in a bold new direction being contrasted with them just having standard boost gameplay return. Featuring the same 3 environments that’ve been used in like every Sonic game over the past decade + generic city. And featuring old level designs in addition to that. If you want to move past the boost formula then move past it, and I kinda don’t even need to comment on the reused environments either. But idk they’re also quite fun tbf? Micro length enough to where if you don’t manage all objectives at once (though tbf these are also super easy to 100% in one go so…) then it doesn’t feel like a chore to replay them at all. Short length also makes optimising your completion time quite a bit easier than other Sonic games too which works out well for their diet-sized length and position in the gameplay loop. I also didn’t mind some of the reused level designs? Namely anything from the Adventure games – level designs taken from boost games are kind of a straight downgrade from their original incarnations but with adventure games it’s a different enough context and different enough controls to actually be quite fun. Sky Rail in particular feels refreshingly open and easy to get lost in in a good way. Really in spite of their weaknesses I still found cyberstage spaces largely fun and a nice simple change of place. Helps that their music fucked a lot too.
Combat was interesting. I quite like that it just gets to happen in the regular engine – Sonic’s open world boosting gameplay and being able to engage in combat with enemies don’t conflict with one another as separate styles a la Unleashed as the obvious comparison. Cyloop also means you can just run around weaker enemies to take them out really quickly too if you don’t want to engage in combat which is awesome. Enemies don’t even have loads of health anyway so my worries that it would just be very repetitive and button mashy didn’t really come true. Ends up feeling somewhat akin to Heroes combat if anything, but flashier and with somewhat more puzzle solving elements going on. I also enjoyed a good amount of the overworld bosses – thoughhhhhhhh some of them could take a little too long to fight which was a bit annoying oops. But they’re cool still, I love their designs. Quite enjoyed Super Sonic’s boss fights as well – basically just the combat, but flashier. Giganto was really fucking challenging bc I went in without much upgrades and only had 100 rings so holy shit dealing that much damage in that little time was great fun. I was kinda disappointed in the other Super Sonic fights being comparatively easy as fuck but I think that’s just bc I was upgraded by then and had plenty of rings. On a replay I might attempt them without any upgrades and with a smaller amount of rings. Would’ve been nice if you could refight the bosses because they’re a very fun spectacle. The fact that they just are the base game’s combat but on steroids also puts them above most Super Sonic final bosses in the rest of the series, and we get fucking 4 of them! That’s awesome.
Though naturally I do have to. Talk about the true final boss now. Only accessible on hard mode is The End – a schmup encounter against the moon. It’s… hmmm. Technically it is an evolution of an earlier concept since hey the bullet hell stuff appeared like two or three times earlier in the game, and this is just more of that. But it feels so… out of left field anyway? None of the other random outside-usual-engine minigames like pinball (obligatory fuck the pinball btw) get evolved in that sense, so why have the bullet hell keep going, let alone for the true final boss? How is that building on an open world combative Sonic? The bullet hell formations (or danmaku if you want) aren’t even that special either lol. Idk it just leaves the whole thing feeling somewhat anticlimactic. But if you do it on normal mode it cuts it out in a really awkward way and like cuts to black loading screens like 5 times? There’s no way to have a good true final boss experience in this game huh.
Tbh the latter part of the game has already received quite a mixed reception for feeling more “rushed” than the main 3 islands. And it’s easy to see why – game’s definitely most outright fun for the first 2 islands. Traversal is pretty annoyingly difficult on the 3rd island and it has a bit too many 2D segments to lock you into in this open world game. But the 4th island is just a short story sequence set on the 1st island’s actual map lol, just pretending it’s different so the box can say it has 5 islands. Tbf actually I fucked hard with the story sequence in question and the gameplay of climbing the towers is some of the most challenging and fun platforming in the game. I enjoy the 5th island more than I think some others do but it’s pretty hmm that Sage has the same memory tokens as Amy, and it’d certainly be nice if the environment was more distinctive considering it’s another green plains and forests area like island 1. Also this is purely a like misc thought but Frontiers is one of those games where if you beat the final boss you just go back to the save before it. So while you can “100% complete” the final island you’re gonna have 5 Chaos Emeralds instead of all 7 and just permanently have the “go do the thing” final objective. I don’t really like this trope in any game but it especially annoys me in this for some reason. Just let me beat the game forever dude! Then just throw some postgame shit everywhere idk.
I went to shit between writing that paragraph and this one. I think I was probably gonna talk about the story now? And this is like, the best characterisation for Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy we’ve had in years in terms of the game. They’re just very true to the best traits these characters have, all super well realised and giving them lots of room to grow as well. This is just the most earnestly they’ve been able to be actual characters and interact with one another that we’ve seen in years – as opposed to just templates for jokes. It’s awesome. I think the cutscene choreography could be a bit better, there are lots of cutscenes that are just characters standing around and talking, but god am I glad to be able to enjoy what they’re saying. I’m not as into Eggman for whom the attempts to like, humanise him and make him sympathetic just aren’t really what I like out of my Eggmen, where’s the callous narcissistic manchild bastard gone off to? Sage is a nice new character, I like her, very cute, arc is very simplistic but we’re cool with that. Just the core story as well of finding the Chaos Emeralds on these seemingly new islands but then some alternate reality rips everyone into it and Sonic has to save the day, it’s quite simple as a premise but they get some good mileage out of it and also like. This is where we get to the part which probably blows my mind the most. We’ve not really had a Sonic game add new lore to the series in like, over a decade. It’s kind of a status quo series anyway but everything from like 3&K through to like Shadow maybe was actually doing lots for the worldbuilding of this series in the background. And then it kinda just stopped. Frontiers changes that! It adds things! The Chaos Emeralds were brought to Earth by an ancient race resembling Chaos, the God of Destruction! Those guys were on the run from a being called The End! Which we don’t even beat at the end of the game anyway! New recurring antagonist? Hey I’m conceptually up for it! I don’t know how to feel about the new lore because I’ve literally never in my adult life had to digest the mere fucking idea of new Sonic lore but here we are! That’s still cool actually! I’m hype.
I don’t know if I have any other specific thoughts as it stands. The funky thing about Frontiers is that nitpicks, strange design decisions, full on criticisms – I can throw it all at the game but also. The core experience of playing Frontiers is actually just really fun lol. Like, genuinely just simply enjoyable being Sonic and running around in these environments and gathering trinkets and doing neat minigames and listening to the music and fishing and it’s. Like I just like it a lot dude! My thoughts are super preliminary – I’ve played the game once, I’ve not really been consuming other people’s opinions much, the game’s been out for less than a week. Like, there’s a lot of things that I’m sure will change about how I and the general public and Sonic fans will feel about this game. But as it stands my one playthrough just felt like a really fun time to actually sit down and do. Idk game’s just good lol.
Incoherent post, yeah. I have no ending for it either.
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vanillabeenflower · 2 years
Blush Blush Controversial Opinion ™️
The title is a joke, I don’t think this is really that controversial but I’m not sure
(Heads up for long kinda-ranting and long-winded nitpicking)
So I have gotten the news that Seth has been added as a dateable boy and I went to the Crush Crush wiki to look at the new info added on the pages and to also save some pictures for reference (I normally do this) and after a few days, I have come to a conclusion that idk if anyone else has about Seth, but I don’t think that his design is very… “demonic”, I guess?
I’m not saying his current design isn’t good, I LOVE his design and how cool it looks, and I think his animal form is one of the coolest looking in the game yet, it’s just that his fully changed form isn’t that demonic-looking at all. I have also had this thought when I did his Phone Fling, he just looked like a Regular Guy, and when he was added as a dateable character, this just confirmed that thought for me.
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His hybrid form looks more like a demon than his actual form!
I’m not in any way criticizing the artist for this game, they can draw things I wish I knew how to draw, and to be fair, it is an anime (?) game and they do have to make the boys look somewhat like that. I can just headcanon that this is just a form Seth takes on in the Overworld to avoid drawing attention to himself, but I also wanted to edit some things, just for me and for some practice on how to do this. I’ll just say that I made a form that he takes on at the house, where he is not as susceptible to being spotted by people. Keep in mind that you don’t have to agree with me on this, this is all just my thoughts on this.
So, I wanted to go over each feature that I thought needed some work in order to give a better understanding of the things I am talking about.
First are his eyes.
Seth’s eye color is pretty unusual for a human (red), but in this world humans can have any eye color including purple (Dmitri), yellow (Volks), and orange (Eli, although in some expressions his eyes are brown). At least I expected more unnatural eyes, like slit pupils. Nothing too extravagant, but at least that. I will add this to my comparison.
Second are his physical features.
There is nothing to know that he is a demon apart from his horns. Not even little things like making his teeth (or just his fangs) slightly bigger than normal or little details like that. If you took away the horns, you wouldn’t even know he was a demon, but I like the creativity that his hood has horns to hide his actual horns. The horns are a bit too small and almost look decorative, not like an actual part of his body. I at least expected a type of tail. I will once again headcanon this as he hides his tail when in public to reduce suspicion of him, but I will add the tail in my revision. I also made his ears pointier, which I thought was a hallmark of demonic creatures, but that’s probably just me.
Third is a major pet peeve of mine, the hair. (Oh my gosh, I need to put a small rant warning here):
I have noticed that this is a problem with almost all of the guys, the lack of almost any body hair. They all either have no body hair at all or when it is drawn, it looks like an afterthought. They all look completely hairless and weirdly shiny like they’re covered in oil, when skin usually has a matte texture (not shiny/glossy). Men have a higher amount of body hair, and I am not saying to just completely blanket them in hair, but at least add something like arm or leg hair or something. I have noticed this after a while and since then, and today, it looks weird every time I do. It’s like SPS is almost scared to add anything but facial hair to them. It can be a hard task to add hair to a character since it looks off sometimes, but you get better at it over time and it gets more natural every time you do it. I’ve been scared of adding facial hair and body hair in general because of how weird it would look, but I’ve gotten more comfortable with it. And idk if anyone has said this yet, but facial hair can do wonders in aging a character. Every male character I’ve added facial hair on immediately looked somewhat older. It sounds like I’m overreacting, but holy crap, it makes a HUGE difference. I know that everyone is not into body/facial hair, but it was just bothering me. Seth is a 918 year old demon, he should have some sign of aging! But then again, idk if his age in “human years” is something younger, since I assume demons are immortal, so this is just a speculation that he should look slightly older than he did look. I tried not adding too much hair on his body and face, and I tried following the male body hair pattern, but I’m still pretty new to this. I also fixed his head shape since I thought it looked kinda weird.
Here is my revision of Seth (I used the Lover event photo b/c it shows what I was talking about better). Idk if I overdid it or made him look too old or what, but I think I did pretty good overall.
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And here is a gif comparison between the original
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Feel free to tell me what you think!
Again, this is just my opinion on him. You do not even have to agree with me, I just wanted to share my thoughts and see if anyone else felt the same way.
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
I finished the song I was recording. Something like 12-13 minutes. 2 clean guitars, 2 lead distorted guitars, bass and programmed drums. But like... I actually play drums... so... good realistic drums. I may not be able to play my kit anymore, but I still know how drums are supposed to be played... I finished the drums today and got everything leveled out, for the most part. And exported that and the voice over just in time for my therapy appointment.
I talked to him about the kids yesterday. I started talking about my project and how it was new territory and I was making really great progress with it but like... I just don't really know how to present it? And I was just... it fell flat. So I might as well talk about that since I can't even really talk about that with my therapist... or any therapist, for that matter...
That's been a big issue over the past 4 years. Me talking about work shit - and, as an artist, saying "work shit" is a very wide brushstroke (see what I did there?) - is always met with like... dead stares... or eyerolls... or topic changes. Basically non-engagement. And zero explanation for it. Which... considering that my lack of career stability is one of my biggest problems in my life, that was the cornerstone of my family's argument that I was a "drain of resources"; their financial support being pretty much the only role they had in my life... It's hard for me to understand why there has been such a strong aversion towards talking about my projects. Or disinterest. Or... whatever, I don't know. Lack of engagement. It really fucks with my self-esteem, my gauge of like... how successful my project was? Shit like that.
It's one of those messy things about isolation. You really never know how important a second opinion is until it's... not there. Until your own perception is literally the only perspective available. Maybe that's how I've been able to evolve such diverse perspectives? Maybe that's why I question reality so much... Maybe it's been my greatest gift... and my biggest burden. No clue anymore.
So... I could kinda sense a lack of connection there as I was talking about my project, which I am really passionate about and just really want to share with literally any other person. And he asked how my anxiety was... so I started to talk about how I really didn't have that much anxiety about the project short of whether I can like... match my inspiration. Do it justice. And no one else can see my inspiration, they haven't experienced it, so... it's not like they have a basis of comparison... It's really the curse of the creative that you have to get over real quick, but it's always lurking around in the background. It's like... you see a beautiful sunset, and you want to capture that. You know exactly what it looked like, down to the last detail, then you try to recreate it with... pastels or something. And when you capture it, it's like... 70% like that sunset. It captures the essence, but... to you, the artist... it's just not the same, right? You feel like you could do better, you get all disappointed and shit... (at least, I think most of us do... to varying degrees) And then someone else comes up and sees it... And... remember... no one else saw that sunset... So they see your pastel piece and think it's stunning. They see what you were capturing. They see the essence that shines through. And that perspective can be incredibly validating for an artist, to see that their expression resonates as intended. And that is what I lack, so I'm kinda perpetually stuck with my worst critic constantly telling me "that's only 70%, you can do better". So... yeah, I have anxiety and depression around that.
But he cut me off and said we had a miscommunication, and he was right. He meant my anxiety in general and I was literally coming right out of Cubase, still in the process of exporting files, and was just... in full-on work mode. So... I brought up the kids yesterday. The ones that were acting sketchy and scoping out my groceries and trying to piggyback off my keyfob entry. That I didn't let into the building.
He confirmed for me that it was, indeed, a sketchy situation and that he would have done the same. And that he was worried about like... how I might've had some kind of responsibility for what they might have done in there if I had let them in... And that sent a nice little shot of adrenaline through my heart... XD Like.. "oh shit, maybe I actually wasn't anxious enough!"
Fuck, alright, I'll talk about that for a minute. Because I was reflecting on that after my meeting and I haven't really fleshed it out much. Like... okay. Since I come from a history of really unhealthy relationships... A dysfunctional family. Many exploitative, one-sided relationships. I have started to uncover this newly developed fear of... not being able to properly gauge the danger level of a situation. Like an oblivious tourist wandering into a bad neighborhood. Like an elderly person being grifted by a scammer or something. I fear that I've been way too trusting of people, not nearly suspicious enough, giving way too much benefit of the doubt, forgiving hundreds of thousands of times, for things I really never should... for things I, myself, would never ethically allow myself to do. A severe lack of boundaries. Out of guilt? Shame? Fear of loss? Maybe I just never thought I could have boundaries? I don't know. But like... okay... Doesn't that create a paradox with anxiety?...
Like... I pretty obviously have an anxiety disorder, I feel like something bad is going to happen to me if I go and rent an electric car 3 blocks away from my house and go walk in the woods. I can't define what that bad thing is, or how it will happen, but it feels like a fair certainty, enough to stop me from doing it. It's a very vague force that goes... "let's just put that off for another day". Sometimes, it's more specific... like with the walk up to Walgreens a mile away, all uphill, where I passed a bunch of sketchy people last time I did it. That's a bit more valid, it has more reasoning behind why I still haven't picked up the steroid cream for my stupid scalp crap that won't leave me alone. But the other ones? Like going to the skatepark or going to get the shared car to go for a nature walk? Just general "you're in a city, you're alone and you're going to get mugged" anxiety.
So... if I have an anxiety problem... which means over-reading into situations and seeing the worst case scenarios... how the fuck am I also having this problem where I either completely overlook, forgive or just flat-out don't see serious interpersonal issues?! It's so confusing!! It makes me feel... stupid. I don't know. I just don't understand how those two things could co-exist. So that, in itself, generates a lot of anticipatory anxiety about potential social interactions. Because I have no idea if that person is going to peer pressure me, or lie to me, or manipulate me, or whatever... and if they are, then I would need to... A) identify that they're even doing that... which I think I'm getting better at, but I have to say... in the past, I have been embarrassingly oblivious with how unfathomably dangerously self-sacrificing I have been with my boundaries... B) be able to navigate the situation once I realize that's happening. Enforce the boundaries or escape the situation. This moment, to me, is the equivalent of how I see most people when they come across someone in a hallway who has a big dog on a leash that's jumping and barking at them. And, oddly enough... I'd be okay with the dog. In fact, with the dog scenario, I get more anxious about how the person is going to react than the dog... I can read the fucking dog, their tail is goddamn wagging. The person is the one that's saying one thing when they mean another.
So, it was pretty validating to hear that the situation yesterday was, indeed, sketchy. And that I made the right call, and... the feeling of guilt that I felt? The feeling of being a jerk, or a cranky lame old person who follows the rules... the "lame parent" feeling... That feeling was the result of setting a boundary, and standing by it. I decided "I'm not letting them in the building." And I did not let them pressure or manipulate me out of that. The byproducts I felt, the guilt, the shame, the "I've become lame", "I let them down", "I disappointed them"... that's just what setting boundaries does. And I need to get used to that. I'm going to upset people when I say "sorry, I don't feel up to _____ today, I'm feeling super anxious", when I say "no". And there will be guilt, there will be shame, there will be an urge to just suck it up and do it anyway. That's a big take-away from today.
Mindfulness changed my life. I mean that. Just being acutely aware of what I think, and why I think it, and what I do, and why I do it... Being present and engaged with myself, my life. BUT... XD But... it has kinda fused with my artistic existential side, and now I hyper-analyze everything. (In case you haven't noticed...) Now, I'm acutely aware of every little thing that I have a strong feeling most people just... shrug off. Like flipping off someone who cut you off in traffic. Most of my life, that would be like... "well, of course you would do that... who cares, they were being an asshole." And now, it's just... not even on the table. Because you just... you don't know what they're experiencing, you don't know what their story is. And... you could probably see... how that mentality shift would lead to very porous boundaries. Where you just let people get away with fucking murder. Because, "well, they might have a reason... they probably had a bad day... they were probably abused as a child... you don't know what they've been through..." And... to a degree, that's correct. But... boundaries do need to be integrated with that, or else... people will take advantage. I really wish I could say better things about our species. I try to be optimistic, but... we're just... there's a lot of crappy people out there. So... yeah. I'm trying to learn some more skills to keep myself safe, so that I can actually survive out there.
The poor woman next door keeps coughing, I feel bad for her. I hope she feels better soon. Good news on that front though, I was super close to puking last night, but I didn't... and I've made a full recovery. So that's nice.
The only other thing of note today was... I went to do laundry... and... okay, I switched from energy drinks back over to coffee today. And by coffee, I mean... from one Monster Zero at the start of the day to... 3 cups of black French Roast coffee. I got onto energy drinks during the move because they were "quicker and easier", and never reverted. Today, I reverted. And... I've been feeling very different. In some ways I am much more energetic, but in others... not so much. Like... not as alert, but much more like I have a motor in me that just pushes me forward. So... maybe something to do with the other stimulants in the energy drinks? Idk. Maybe psychological. But I've had that weird sorta numb clammy forehead feeling that is usually (for me) indicative of some form of withdrawal. All of this is context for the laundry story...
So I went to do my laundry and passed some woman coming out of the elevator as I went. She was very outside of my type, and I kept walking... but I remember immediately reflecting on that as I was loading my laundry. How judgmental that was, and how... like... "how dumb would you feel for just writing someone off like that and then... you ended up with them? Or they ended up being your best friend?" And laughing to myself. I like calling myself out on stuff like that, it's funny, makes light of the little habits we all have. So, I've got my earbuds in and I'm listening to music and jamming out... and... meanwhile... my fucking oven is on. My gas oven is heating up in my apartment for my pizza, so I'm... going fast. Because, you know... I was raised in a house where my parents triple checked the locks on the doors every night, in a rural area... a PTSD house... so... though I have done a ton of work on that anxiety, there's still a constant whisper, "don't leave it unattended don't leave it unattended go go go go". So I've got metal in the AirPods and my broken laundry basket under my arm, and I'm strolling through the hallway like I'm on one of those fucking moving sidewalks in an airport or some shit, like I feel like I'm floating and just zooming by. 1/4 present, 1/4 in my music, 1/2 in my head. Like my inner POV went to Cinematic Mode or some shit. And I go and open the door to the stairwell and I hear a fucking scream.
It's the chick from the elevator. She was right on the other side of the door. My guess was she was even reaching for the handle. And the door opened out, so... I had to walk towards her, I couldn't even really comfortably hold the door for her. I felt so bad, I said sorry and just kinda stepped past her dolly. She had a dolly and a big box on it, it looked like she just got the thing down 2 flights of stairs by herself. It took the whole duration of me loading two machines worth of laundry for her to get that down there. And... I just... kinda went past her and just... moved along. Didn't even pause my music. I just did the "city person" thing and just... kept walking.
I felt guilty after. Big fucking surprise, right? XD I was afraid I hurt her hand or something, or maybe she could've used some help, or maybe we could've had a laugh or something. Min-maxing social situations, right? XD But yeah, that faded pretty quick. I wasn't a jerk, it was just weird timing and I had the oven on and everything, it's not the end of the world. I was able to move past it. However...
That brings me to a final thing from today, because it's getting super late. My therapist and I talked about meditation... and while I'm not going to get into that right now, the whole "Thought Stream" thing came back up. It's this exercise that is kinda the cornerstone of a lot of meditative practices hold which is to treat your thoughts like they are a leaf and you're putting it into a river, and just let it float away. And I told my therapist something that I've tried to describe before but it didn't really... get through in the past. That very often, I have this effect that's like... a whirlpool in the river. Where I put a thought in, and it comes back, and comes back, and then eventually it'll float away... but sometimes it can circle for hours, even days. And I can keep letting go, but it just swings back around, and it just becomes this constant nagging pestering invasive distraction. And sometimes, just engaging with it feels like it's better than being constantly pestered by it. So like... with the chick with the dolly and the box by the stairs... that circled back around like... at least 15 times within the span of about 3 hours. And I would just go... "it's not a big deal, I can let that go..." and then, like a nagging app on my phone spamming notifications... it just pops back up. And, like I told him... a lot of these... I feel like the problem is that they emotionally feel like they are all labeled URGENT, even when they're not. And I can struggle to discern the difference without a second opinion.
What I've noticed from this, from journaling... is that this form of exploration and engagement can allow me to let go of them very easily. Like now, after like... 2 or 3 paragraphs about that girl? Which was like... 5-10 minutes of thought? I can let it go. It wasn't a big deal, she's not mad at me, I could've put my day on hold and paused the music and gone "I'm so sorry, are you okay, I must've scared the crap out of you! Do you need a hand?" But I didn't have to. And I'm not a "bad person" for not doing that. Yes, it could've been a missed connection for a new friend. She could have even been the love of my life that I never knew I was destined to meet!!! Right... That doesn't mean what I did was unreasonable or rude. It doesn't mean I need to feel the feelings that I had about it - guilt, shame, "I could do better, I could be nicer, I could be friendlier".
I wonder how many other people even think about shit like this!
It's late again. Gotta head to bed. I'm plowing through this desire path project, I'm going to try to do placeholder sketches for the storyboard in Blender, so I can visually see what my whole layout and timing and all that is going to be like, then figure out B-roll or maybe even super-crude sketch-style animation for it.
But I do want to say this, because I haven't said it to myself yet. I am really fucking impressed with my ability to complete an 11+ minute original song, written by improvising (like I used to do, back in the old times...) in 2 days. I think it's my first complete original song where I actually played the bass in it. And my first fully mastered and labeled "complete" full-length song in... close to 5 years. Pretty cool. <pats self on back>
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bemylord · 3 years
↠ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴄʀᴀᴛᴄʜᴇꜱ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴅʏ ↞
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characters: gojo, sukuna, itadori, megumi, nanami, toji x fem!reader.
warnings: smut, aged up, marks/bruises, creampie, daddy kink [toji and nanami], oral [fem!receiving], degrade and praise kinks, grammar errors.
a/c: or s/o gave them scratches on their body. hc + drabble. kento's, toji's, and sukuna's part might be rough. also i may used inappropriate word don't blame me.
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ɢᴏᴊᴏ ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ:
would be teasing you in the morning for being too horny to suppress your nails. although, he doesn't hide the fact he adores the little pain when his clothes touch places where you left stripes.
also likes those moments when you're leaving fingernail marks on his thighs or hips whilst sucking his dick. it'd be better spelled if i specify that gojo using your head as a toy for his pleasure.
would praise you for marks you've given him, labeling his muscular body as yours, letting your fingers traveling all over his back to the chest, outlining every muscle.
prefers to do it slow but deep, touching the spongy coil inside you with his every push, feeling your hands on the back as you're trying to take his dick, being capable of not losing your mushy mind at his sharp pushes as how he's overbearingly fucking you.
'giving me all your juices and marks you've gotten for your master' satoru might be playful during the training time, but you've known he likes to talk dirty and be dominant railing you. those marks perfectly suiting on his skin so why not leave them?
despite being overdose with your cum and a facial expression - you opened your mouth releasing ragged whimpers and arching your back, approaching towards gojo's chest in the climax, cumming all over the base - he'd thrust in you more 'till you'd turn into the drooling mess below.
'yes, honey, you're doing good, so good. constricting my dick so good' obscene squelches become louder, as you could feel satoru's released on your stomach. 'you did so well, honey, i'm gonna take good care of you'
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ɪᴛᴀᴅᴏʀɪ ʏᴜᴊɪ:
okay, i think itadori would be the softest boy through all monsters we've got here.
but don't let his innocent face trick you. despite of the fact that most of the time he's a soft bun, he'll make you scream.
ok, make you scream and be asking if he isn't tempestuous.
he'd be disconcerted if you asked him to heal his back. for what? he thinks is a sort of a recall so he could remember what the two of you had been doing in the night and how loud you were while giving him your residue of cum.
he might take some photos of his skin pattern in marks so he could ogle at 'em later, repeating seconds where you were patterning his back.
'take off your shirt, yuji. i'll heal your back'
poor itadori is sitting on the couch totally discouraged as he heard your request. he glanced at you with a bambi look: eyes wide open, as if you said something vulgar. he aimlessly rubbed the back of his head, tossed his head back.
'but i like your marks, baby'
he whined, grabbing your palms in his, forcing you to sit on his lap, wrapping arms around your waist.
'you gave those stripes because you.. you were feeling good, yeah?'
you put your head down at his question but nodded, putting your head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat.
'then i don't need your recovery, baby, let your marks stay until you'll add new ones'
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ᴛᴏᴊɪ ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ:
let people know what sex is. let it be a slogan for your intercourse.
he could fuck you all night due to his long-term capability and would be smug after intercourse as he'd watch the disorder [?] you did on his biceps.
mostly biceps, cause a man knows the main destination of his tongue, masterfully giving you an oral. goddamn that tongue.
he'd let you scratch his back as he'll know that it'd be possibility to show off the mark his love gave him. on other days, you're pulling his hair into your pussy, burying him even more, letting him to destroy you before the fun will start.
his arms full of red stripes. though it wasn't your fault - how can you inhibit yourself while toji is literally eating you like a meal?
'being waiting for my tongue, huh?' he's a teaser - you're at the edge of the bed, baring your dripping pussy to the one he can lick you as you need to whilst teasing and degrading you.
'being waiting to be demolished by me you little whore, don't you?'
you grabbed his strong biceps, dotted them in half-moons then squeeze as toji peeks at you.
'answer me, slut!'
his low voice makes you open widely your legs as not closed to squeeze his head. he's running his tongue on your crotch and labia, teasing you, forcing you to say how reckless and anguished you were without his tongue and fingers.
'yes, daddy, i-i've been waiting f-for you' you sharply breathe, letting out the whimpers, feeling his tongue playing with your swollen clit.
'i'm about to ruin you tonight, are you ready?' he giggled once more, getting into the little game he's been waiting for since he left the house.
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ᴍᴇɢᴜᴍɪ ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ:
it is in their genetic code to make a woman scream but since megumi hasn't got a huge sexual experience as his father does, he'd be tender at first, asking abt your well-being, if he can move, etc..
when he watches at the mirror in the morning, he finds out his back and a few shoulders are drawing by your nails.
he'd be overwhelmed and speechless as he saw a reminder of the night.
'gumi will make up an excuse, sort of: 'i got into the fight with a curse, nothing special'. itadori'd have been asking him if he's okay, how it was but satoru isn't a naive one.
deep inside would be proud of himself that only he could put you on the pleasure, privately enjoying those patterns.
'y/n?' he pronounced your name in a question way, rubbing his shoulder aimlessly, as you glanced at him. you let out a quiet mooing as a response, staring as to how megumi taking off his school uniform.
'would you mind heal me a little?'
you smiled, coming closer to your boyfriend, grabbing a tube of medicine on the way.
'don't think i don't like your.. marks, just-'
'don't apologize, 'gumi, it's kinda chaos on your back' you giggled at your comparison, running with medicine on red stripes. his tensed and muscular body is overwhelming: those abs and pretty strong arms conquering every time you've got an opportunity to ogle.
'tho i love the chaos you made'
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ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ᴋᴇɴᴛᴏ:
i'm certain you'll be scratching his back because nanami is packing - big dick energy, lol.
screaming his name as you've been drawing illegible patterns, mostly on his wide back, so lately he'd smirk at his reflection in the mirror.
those nights when you're trying to fill the lack patterns on his back by drawing lots of geometrical figures or promiscuous tracery.
every move with his tight white shirt at the office makes his stoic face change as he reminisces the night you gave that pleasant pain.
he wants to find half-moons littering his biceps as you were holding 'em while giving creampie on his dick.
if you want it spicy - trail your fingers on his back suddenly, giving nanami little goosebumps to switch his mood.
'darling, you want me to stop?' he unaware question left you desperate as nanami stopped pumping, left a soft kiss on your forehead. 'am i fucking you way too hard?' seldom moment of nanami being tender as he gets used to fuck recklessly 'till you'll be a dripping mess under his cock.
you didn't see fit to answer the question but smack your lips against his, as a silent response named: 'i'm fine, my love, you can move' your wet, deep, and in some way subtle kiss that doesn't fit on the action you've been doing. you trail your nails from the back of his neck to the coccyx, ogling as to how his facial expression changes.
'you want to be used like a slut you are, don't you?'
you couldn't respond, only purr as how nanami suddenly turned on into daddy. feeling how your empty pussy being filled out with a thick kento's cock again as he's making a demolishing [?] pushes.
'get what you want, slut, scratch my back so it'd dotted lately with your nails'
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ꜱᴜᴋᴜɴᴀ ʀʏᴏᴍᴇɴ:
as for that rough man..
he gives hickeys - you give him patterns on his back.
he'd be exceedingly obsessed after had seen your marks on itadori's body. still, itadori is a vessel for him, so sukuna will be even more self-satisfied. why? a little reminder for the owner who took possession of your body at the night.
once he'll take possession of the body, itadori it'd be or someone else, he won't stop himself as long as his back will be patterns of yours nail on it.
he does literally everything to make you scratch his back, whether it be licking your swollen clit to the way your legs got shaken or fuck you on his lap.
'let the bastard see what matures did it the night' his pace increase as he uttered the phrase that makes the butterflies in your belly thrives off.
his lowly and husky voice intermingled with ragged breathing, little drops of sweat on his hairline as he crushes devastating punches, letting your moans out of your mouth.
you're digging into his skin on the back as he masterfully target into the spongy coil in your stomach, feeling as your orgasm is building up with his every hit. he wants to see his back littering in patterns of your nails, wants to have that sweet but stinging pain in the morning.
's-sukuna, ugh~' you let out a whimper as your cunt constricting creampie on his dick. he chuckled as your hole clenching his thick cock while nails trailing all over back.
idk i start always from sukuna and i've got inspiration only on kento's part, that's why nanami and toji might be rough than a king.
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High on You
Summary: Smoking weed to relax after a rough day becomes a whole lot more when Daryl joins you.
Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
3455 words
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, drug use (weed), almost public sex, fluff, mentions of the bible
A/N: Special thanks to @daryl-dixon-daydreams​ for suggestions/edits. This turned out way softer than I originally intended, but I love it. I hope you enjoy!
After the long day you’d had, all you wanted to do was decompress. You’d tried reading, you’d tried sleeping, but you realized you needed something just a little bit stronger. So, with a plan in place, you grabbed your trusty bible and snuck down the stairs. You had to admit, you felt a bit like a teenager sneaking out in the middle of the night to get up to trouble, despite the fact that you were a grown woman and the world as you’d known it had ended. 
You silently crept out the front door into the night, slowly pulling it closed behind you. It was about two in the morning as you tip-toed across the porch and sat down on the steps of the Alexandrian house you shared with other members of your group of survivors. Setting your leather-bound bible in your lap, you opened it and flipped through the well-loved pages to get to the good stuff inside, but froze when you heard a plank of the porch floor creak from around the corner. You turned around to see Daryl approaching, his crossbow in one hand. 
"Can't sleep?" he grunted in your direction, and you subtly closed the worn cover to your Bible as he sat on the step next to you. 
"Nah, not after today. You?" you replied, and he merely gave a little shrug. 
"Didn't know you was religious." He nodded toward the book in your lap, and you smiled sheepishly. 
"I'm, uh, not, actually." He raised his eyebrow at you, expecting you to elaborate or explain, so you opened the Bible and showed him the contents, chewing your lip. About an inch from the edges, the middle of the pages was cut out. In the space that remained was a baggie of weed, a lighter, and pieces of blank pages that had been cut out and trimmed to size for use as rolling papers. Daryl's eyes moved from you to the illicit stash, and he couldn't help but laugh. 
"Yer kidding," he chuckled. You loved the sound of a genuine laugh spilling from his lips: something you didn't hear nearly often enough. 
You shook your head and shrugged, "Not at all. The pages are the perfect thickness to roll joints with." 
"Yeah, guess I just didn't peg ya for a druggie." You feigned offense, pretending to clutch your pearls, but found yourself laughing as well. 
"I don't know if you've noticed, Dixon, but it's the end of the world. Hell if I'm gonna pretend I don't like pot because of the social stigma anymore." He shook his head as if he couldn't believe the conversation was happening, and began fiddling with the crossbow in his lap that you weren't sure you'd ever seen him without. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence as you got to work rolling a nice little joint for yourself and he went back to whatever it was that he was doing with his bolts. When you licked the paper to try to seal it closed, you glanced over to see that Daryl had been watching you. 
"Yer not doin' it right. That's gonna fall apart before ya can even smoke it," he critiqued, watching as you frustratedly attempted to turn the twist of weed and paper in your hand into something smokeable. 
"I know! I'm just tired and don't wanna waste the paper so I'm trying to fix it!" you retorted. 
"Give it 'ere." He reached his open hand out to you, and you rolled your eyes. 
"Fine. If you think you can do better, have at it." You felt a little irritated - you knew how to roll a joint, dammit - but placed what was definitely one of the saddest-looking joints you'd ever seen into his outstretched palm. He carefully unrolled it and adjusted the pile of dried cannabis to better resemble the innards of a cigarette. You watched intently, unsure which you were enjoying more: the way he expertly turned your sad mess into a work of art by comparison, or the way the muscles in his forearms tensed and rippled as he worked his large callused fingers at such a delicate task. When he raised the joint to his mouth and licked the paper to form the closest thing to a seal he could get without adhesive, you couldn’t help the quiet reactive groan that escaped from your throat. 
“What?” he asked as he continued to lick the paper to finish rolling the joint. You weren’t sure you wanted to answer, as it wasn’t exactly dignified the way that you were eyeballing him, but you did anyway.
“It’s just,” you started and bit your lip a little. “It’s hot when you do shit like that.”
“What?” He sounded incredulous.
You let out a small laugh, you couldn’t believe you were about to say this, “You’re so good with your hands and, I don’t know, the way you licked that just did things to me.” You shrugged, trying to play it off like you didn't just admit to ogling him. He didn’t even reply, just stared at you for a moment. His eyes narrowed a bit and you were pretty sure he thought you were fucking with him. He handed the now nicely-rolled joint to you and you took it, pleased. 
In silence, you held the blessed joint between your lips and lit it. Taking a long drag, you inhaled fresh air to push the smoke deeper into your lungs and offered the joint to Daryl. With a slight nod, he took it from you and took a hit himself. You leaned back, blowing the smoke up toward the black night sky, and couldn’t help the grin that spread across your face. It was just what you’d needed. For a few minutes, you and Daryl passed the joint between the two of you without speaking. You both reveled in the way the smoke danced into your lungs and escaped from your lips, letting the quiet night and the drugs do their best to calm you.
“Why do ya say shit like that?” Daryl eventually asked. You had just taken a large hit, savoring the feeling as you watched the joint dwindle to almost nothing, and you turned to look at him. He stared off straight ahead, looking utterly entranced with the neighbor’s flower garden.
“Shit like what?” you questioned, letting him have the last hit or two left. You raised your eyebrow at him, confused, since you hadn’t said anything in a while.
“How it’s hot when I do somethin'.” He shrugged vaguely and murmured some sort of noise that sounded close to “I dunno.” He tilted his head slightly and looked at you cautiously. “What ya said before…” You leaned your head back in realization: he really didn’t believe you when you told him he was fucking attractive. 
“Because it’s true.”
“Whatever you say, Dixon. You don’t have to believe me.” You smiled over at him and he let out a noncommittal grunt. You redirected the conversation to something a little lighter, but found things naturally meandering back to a similar topic after only a short while.  
"So, how come ya couldn't sleep?" he asked, daring a glance into your eyes. 
"Honestly?" you responded, and he nodded. "Well, I needed to decompress after the run today, so I was reading this book and, uh…" You pressed your lips together and decided you were about to share a little too much information. 
"And what?" His question was genuine and you weren't sure if he could even pick up on your embarrassment. 
"Promise not to laugh?" He regarded you for a moment, but nodded. "Well, I was reading a romance novel," you paused to see if he'd break his promise and laugh, continuing when he didn't, "and it got me a little wound up and made me realize how much I miss sex. You know?" Daryl stared, a little wide-eyed and very unsure of how to respond. 
"A book made ya so horny ya couldn't fall asleep?" There was a slight laugh in his voice and you recognized that little twinkle in his eye when he lightly teased you. 
"Not exactly, Daryl." You gave him a pointed look. "It just made me think about how long it's been and maybe I kinda miss it. Don't you?" He shrugged. "I guess I just wish some things were easier in the apocalypse. I really wanna be fucked good and hard until I'm begging for mercy." You exhaled forcefully, something between a laugh and a sigh. 
"Why don't ya just ask somebody? I'm sure anybody here would help ya." You were honestly a bit surprised at the lack of reaction from him. Very personal conversations weren’t usually his forte, but the weed seemed to have mellowed him out a bit and he didn’t even blush.
"I don't know. That's not quite what I want, I guess. Tara and I fooled around some a while ago but it didn't feel right. I wanna feel something, and the only person I feel something for doesn't seem interested."
"Then they're an idiot." You tried your best to hide the smile that threatened to blossom on your face at his response. He was so genuine, and so sure. It was too bad he had no idea you were talking about him.
"Oh, so are you saying you'd be interested?" The relaxation from the weed had you feeling bolder than usual. You couldn't believe you'd asked, but there was no turning back. 
"Not sayin' I'd not be." You could see the pink flush up his cheeks all the way to the tips of his ears, and it made you feel warm. 
"I see," you replied, biting back a grin. The two of you, again, sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments and you scooted closer to him. You set your hand on his where he'd had it resting on his thigh since he'd set aside his crossbow in favor of the weed. You slipped your fingers between his and you could feel the roughness of his pants beneath your fingertips. He looked up at you, uncertain, but didn't say anything. "This okay?" you asked. Again, he just nodded. He didn't want to risk his voice in case it gave away how nervous he was feeling. The quiet night enveloped you again, but it didn't bother you. You finally felt relaxed and maybe even a bit safe there with Daryl's hand in yours.
Daryl flipped over his hand under yours so you were palm-to-palm and he could wrap his fingers around yours. "Hey, Y/N?" he asked, and you looked up into his eyes. 
"Hmm?" you hummed in reply. 
"Can I kiss ya?" There was no holding back your grin anymore as the embodiment of strength, masculinity, and independence looked to you for an answer to a question you thought he'd never ask. You reached your hand up to cup his cheek, bit your lip, and nodded. 
With that confirmation that you wanted what he did as well, he crashed his lips into yours. At first it was clumsy, like you were just getting to know each other, but soon your mouths moved together in sweet harmony. For a few minutes, you just kissed each other's breath away. Then, almost as if a switch was flipped, suddenly the movements of your mouths and tongues together weren't enough. You swung your leg over his, straddling him, and he immediately slid his hands down to cup your ass and drag you into his lap. 
Before you knew it, you were grinding down on him, desperate for friction. With one hand, he pulled your hair behind your shoulder so he could place open-mouthed, hungry kisses across your jaw and throat. You could feel how hard he was beneath you and it only made you more desperate. Heat pooled between your legs, your pussy wet with anticipation as you kissed and groped each other like a couple of teenagers. You would've been glad the whole town was asleep if you'd had enough thought to care about how you looked at that moment. 
"Fuck, Daryl," you panted, trying to catch your breath as he took it away. One hand had moved from your ass and began to paw at your breasts through your shirt. Pressing your center down on him, he bit your bottom lip and you pulled him closer as if you were trying to meld your bodies together. He let out a low groan that rumbled through his chest, and you giggled. He cocked his head at you in confusion. 
"Sorry, sorry." You continued to giggle, "I just can't believe we're doing this." 
"Why's 'at?" You loved the way his words slid together like he was drunk on your touch (though, logically, you knew the weed likely had something to do with it). 
"I've wanted you for so long, Daryl Dixon." You put a hand on either side of his face and looked right into his eyes. Goosebumps creeped up your skin as his rough fingers caressed your sides under your shirt, and you bit your lip before reaching for the hem of your t-shirt. You swore his eyes sparkled as he watched you pull the fabric up and over your head. 
"Yer so beautiful," he sighed before ducking forward to wrap his lips around your nipple. Your fingers tangled in his hair and a loud moan escaped your lips as he flicked his tongue over the hardening bud. You tugged his head back to make him look up at you and he melted at the soft smile on your face.
“Daryl,” you whispered and he quirked his eyebrow up at you. “Do you want to take this inside?” You weren’t exactly shy but if you were being honest, you didn’t want to share the moment with anyone who may also have trouble sleeping and happened upon the scene. He nodded and you pressed your lips to his again before moving off of his lap.
The two of you had barely made it in the door to his basement room when he had you backed up into the wall. The pressure of his mouth on yours was more delicious than you’d imagined and your knees grew weak as his scruff tickled the skin around your lips. You were surprised at the way he had taken the lead in this dance, but you were far from complaining about it. Loving the way he felt against you, you moved your hand to rub him through his jeans. He was rock hard and pressed against the seam of his pants, making him groan as you pressed into him.
You began to unbuckle his belt but stopped when you felt his breath hitch against your skin. You looked up at him to find his eyes closed and what you hoped was a look of bliss across his face. When he felt your movements stall, he opened his eyes and caught your soft look of uncertainty. 
“Wha’s ‘a matter?” He moved his hands so his thumbs rested at your temple.
“Just want to make sure you want this.”
“‘Course I want this.” The rough calluses of the pads of his thumbs brushed down the soft skin of your cheekbones and your lips surged up to meet his. Your fingers continued their delicate mission with his belt before unbuttoning his pants. His hips bucked up to meet your warm palm as you slid your hand between the cotton of his boxer briefs and the denim. Daryl’s hands slowly made their way down your body and found themselves at the button of your own jeans. As his fingers made quick work of the button, you slid your hand around to his hip so you could feel him pressing you heavily into the wall behind you. You gasped at the feeling of his hard length pressed against your center and the moan that left your lips as he rolled his hips into yours was downright sinful. His mouth quickly found yours again and he swallowed down your moans as his talented fingers found their way to your slick folds.
“Yes!” you cried as the tip of his middle finger circled your clit. Your breath eluded you as you felt something shift in his demeanor. Suddenly, Daryl was shoving your jeans and underwear to the floor as you frantically grabbed for the hem of his shirt, barely detaching your mouths long enough to pull it over his head. The feeling of your wetness against his skin was so perfect that he couldn’t even find the energy to be anxious or ashamed as your hands danced over the scars that littered his back. His clothes quickly joined yours on the floor and he thought he might lose it at the sigh that escaped your lips as his cock brushed against your core. You lifted one leg to drape over his hip so he could better access your excited pussy. With one hand, Daryl fisted himself and teased you as he slid his tip over your entrance and through your slick. His other hand moved to your ass to lift you up and give him a better angle.
As he thrust into your wet heat, he growled against the delicate skin of your throat. You weren’t sure you’d ever felt anything so perfect as when he buried himself in you. The way he filled you to the brim made you tremble, and Daryl paused to try to get himself together. The way your walls clenched around him would be the end of him, he was sure of it. 
“Daryl,” you whined, “I need you to move. Need to feel you.” That was enough to snap him out of his reverie and he pulled back just to slam himself into you again. You let out a cry and tightened your grasp around his shoulders and squeezed your legs tighter around his waist.
“Ya feel so good,” he rasped in your ear as he pounded into you again and again. The way he slammed into that sweet spot with each thrust was divine and you couldn’t get enough. You felt the familiar warmth begin to bloom below your belly button as he dragged you toward your peak. 
“You feel incredible. Don’t stop!” Your voice was much higher pitched than usual as he pulled you closer and closer to the edge. His grip on your ass tightened and you wouldn’t have been surprised if there were bruises forming where his fingers pressed deep into your cheeks as he held you in place and fucked you like you’d only dreamed he would.
“Fuck,” you chanted and Daryl’s breaths became staccato as the friction built between you. You could feel his pace quicken and his rhythm stuttered as you tumbled over the edge of your climax. You buried your face in the crook of his shoulder as you came, feeling your whole body shudder. Daryl fucked you through your peak as the waves of his own orgasm crashed over him. The feeling of him spilling hot inside of you made you dig your nails into his biceps as if you could cling to the sensation. He placed surprisingly soft kisses along the bottom of your jaw as his breathing began to even out.
“That was—holy shit—exactly what I fucking wanted,” you sighed and let yourself collapse into his chest as he set you down. 
“Good, now let’s get some sleep.” Daryl pressed a gentle kiss to your temple as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and moved to steer you toward his bed.
He lifted the blanket so you could crawl in and he followed right after. As you settled in, you couldn't help but curl up against his side, his warmth engulfing you as he tucked his arm around you. You turned to face him and placed a kiss on his chest when you felt him tense beneath you. 
"What?" you asked, and you felt him shake his head. 
"Mmm," he started, collecting his thoughts. "Jus' wonderin' if this is a one-time, we're high kinda thing or—" 
"I hope not." You wrapped your arm around his torso and craned your head to look up at him. "I meant what I said earlier about wanting you for a while, and not just 'cause you're sexy." He scoffed but you felt him relax again, and he pulled you closer in to his side. You tucked your head into the crook of his neck and for the first time in a long time, you felt at home. There was nowhere you'd rather be than contentedly tucked into his side, his bare skin pressed softly against yours. 
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that-yandere-life · 2 years
I kinda wonder how Tony or Steve would react to their Darling telling them that their family has done worse to them then they ever could, and isn’t as freaked out by them acting the way that they do for that fact.
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[Warnings: Yandere Themes (Obviously), Mentions of past abuse, angst.]
It was driving him crazy how you just didn’t seem fazed by anything that he did to get your attention.
Even kidnapping you in a drastic act to get you to see that he was serious about you, not realizing that you had a more than troubled past.
At the same time not seeing that you didn’t perceive his actions as ones filled with love, in fact you couldn’t tell the difference between hatred and love anymore.
Watching him and listening to his words but they were just floating around in your mind not really sinking in with any meaning.
Detaching yourself from reality almost, going off into your subconscious as you stared off into space.
Breaking from your trance like state after who knows how long when he clapped in front of your face to regain your attention.
Most would have jumped at the action, but instead you just maintained the newly found eye contact with a still slightly glassy gaze.
Everything about you was beginning to confuse him more and more as each moment went by, unable to understand your lack of reaction entirely.
Attempting to talk to you about it but again it was like his words were falling on deaf ears because you refused to answer his line of questioning.
Finally breaking your silence after he felt his frustration boil over as he began to yell at you at the top of his lungs.
Still you didn’t flinch, you didn’t look away, you didn’t look afraid, you just sat there while he ranted and raved for what seemed like hours but was closer to five minutes.
“I don’t expect you to get it, I’ve been through much worse growing up, this is child’s play in comparison. So do what you want to me, because I don’t know that I can feel pain anymore anyway.”
It was as if you had knocked all the air out of his lungs at one time, unable to catch his breath as he pondered over your heavy words.
Reaching out to take your hands in his as he apologizes to you, and admits that he didn’t know that you had a rough childhood but he would never lay a hand on you like that.
To be honest he wasn’t even mad at you, he was flustered because he was only thinking about himself and how you weren’t listening to him speak.
Further going on to explain why he was doing the things he was doing, and what it boiled down to was that he had fallen for you.
Head over heels, absolutely in love (obsessed) with you, and before it was as if you looked through him as if he were a ghost.
Desperately wanting to be seen by you, even if it was negative, he just wanted to know he existed in your world in some capacity.
All the while your head is swimming with your own confusion, trying to process the logic he was providing you with but it still didn’t make a lick of sense to you.
Maybe you just couldn’t believe that someone had any sort of positive emotion associated with you after being confronted too many times with pure and utter hatred for no reason.
Able to tell you were having a hard time he softly touches your cheek and tells you that he will work on it with you for as long as it takes for you to believe his intentions towards you are true.
Taking care to make sure that he made you aware of his movements at all times, wanting to prove to you that you could trust him.
It was going to be a long uphill battle to change your perspective of not only him but the world around you now.
Stubborn to his very core, he was never going to accept that things might not ever get better.
There was nothing that Anthony Stark couldn’t do if he put his mind to it, and his mind was set on you.
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Steve thought for sure that you were going to try and fight back against him when you woke up in a new place against your will.
So he had chained you to the wall by the bed, to where you could move about most of the room freely but you couldn’t reach the door to try and get out.
What actually happened was you calmly sat there listening to what he had to say while he stayed by the door for your comfort.
After he left you had some privacy to kind of mull over things and to face the fact that you now had a new home to get used to.
Praying that you didn’t try to fight the restraints, worried that you were going to injure yourself trying to get out of the binding.
Shocked when he checked on you, and there was no sign of bruising or rawness from you attempting to get out at all.
This went on for days, but you didn’t struggle, you didn’t attempt to convince him to let you go, you just survived one hour after the next.
During that time he had tried to talk to you some more but you refused to engage him in conversation at all, just nodding or shaking your head at times.
Oh how he longed to hear your voice calling out to him, replying to him, asking questions of him for once.
Growing more and more frustrated with your lack of effort into adjusting, just putting on an indifferent façade.
Attempting a different tactic he brought some books in for you to look at and choose from, hoping to pry some kind of response out of the interaction.
When you still didn’t speak he couldn’t help himself any longer, growling loudly before slamming the hardcovers onto the hardwood flooring with a loud smack ringing out into the air.
Rolling your eyes at him you let out an annoyed scoff at his seemingly childish actions, not fearing him one bit no matter how loud he got.
“If you want to get a rise out of me you will have to try harder than that, this isn’t even the first time I’ve been chained up before.”
Silence fell over the both of you, it somehow seemed louder than all the moments previous to that one.
Furrowing his brows as he looked at you, your chest heaving from how out of breath you were from uttering those very words alone.
Quilt and shame were all that he felt now, while he wasn’t horrific to you by any means it still was a constant reminder of what you had gone through, unknowing to him until now.
Apologizing to you, barely able to maintain his voice above a whisper he was so heartbroken for you.
Explaining how he had no intentions of harming you, and that he was doing this out of love.
Understanding that he can be intense sometimes, but he would never raise a hand in a negative manner towards you.
Even unlocking your chains, pretty sure that compared to the terror you had been in, this was like heaven so there was little chance for you to want to escape.
No one could ever get to you ever again, never have a chance to tarnish your flesh or soul ever again.
Steve was now dedicated to ensuring you have a life of safety, comfort, happiness, and filled with nothing but love and devotion.
Starting to erase the scars left on your body and on your heart.
[Thank you so much for the idea, even if it is kind of sad! I hope that I did it justice, and that it was what you were wanting! <3]
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blackcatrph · 3 years
** sour  sentence  starters.
“  i think that i’ll die before i drink.  ”
“  i'm so caught up in the news of who likes me and who hates you.  ”
“  i'm so tired that I might quit my job, start a new life.  ”
“  they'd all be so disappointed  because who am I if not exploited?  ”
“  where's my fuckin' teenage dream?  ”
“  if someone tells me one more time "enjoy your youth," I'm gonna cry.  ”
“  i'm anxious and nothing can help.  ”
“  i wish I'd done this before.  ”
“  i wish people liked me more.  ”
“  all I did was try my best.  ”
“  this the kind of thanks I get?  ”
“  they say these are the golden years.  ”
“  i wish I could disappear.  ”
“  god, it's brutal out here.  ”
“  i feel like no one wants me.  ”
“  i only have two real friends.  ”
“  lately I'm a nervous wreck.  ”
“  i love people I don't like.  ”
“  i hate every song I write.  ”
“  i'm not cool, and I'm not smart.  ”
“  i can't even parallel park.  ”
“  got a broken ego, broken heart.  ”
“  i don't even know where to start.  ”
“  brown guilty eyes and little white lies.  ”
“  i played dumb but I always knew.  ”
“  i kept quiet so I could keep you.  ”
“  ain't it funny how you ran to her the second that we called it quits?  ”
“  ain't it funny how you said you were friends?  ”
“  it sure as hell don't look like it.  ”
“  you betrayed me.  ”
“  i know that you'll never feel sorry for the way I hurt.  ”
“  loved you at your worst but that didn't matter.  ”
“  guess you didn't cheat, but you're still a traitor.  ”
“  there's no damn way that you could fall in love with somebody that quickly.  ”
“  ain't it funny, all the twisted games, all the questions you used to avoid?  ”
“  remember I brought her up and you told me I was paranoid?  ”
“  i wish that you had thought this through before I went and fell in love with you.  ”
“  you gave me your word but that didn't matter.  ”
drivers  license. 
“  i got my driver's license last week.  ”
“  just like we always talked about.  ”
“  today I drove through the suburbs crying 'cause you weren't around.  ”
“  you're probably with that blonde girl.  ”
“  she's so much older than me.  ” 
“  she's everything I'm insecure about.  ”
“  how could I ever love someone else?   “
“  i know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one.  ”
“  i just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone.  ”
“  guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me.  ”
“  all my friends are tired of hearing how much I miss you.  ”
“  I kinda feel sorry for them because they'll never know you the way that I do.  ”
“  i still see your face in the white cars, front yards.  ”
“  can't drive past the places we used to go to because I still fuckin' love you.  ”
1  step  forward,  3  steps  back.
“  i called you on the phone today.  ”
“  all I did was speak normally.  ”
“  you got me fucked up in the head.  ”
“  like am I pretty? am I fun?  ”
“  i hate that I gave you power over that kind of stuff.  ”
“  it's always one step forward and three steps back.  ”
“  i'm the love of your life until I make you mad.  ”
“  do you love me, want me, hate me? i don't understand.  ”
“  maybe in some masochistic way I kind of find it all exciting.  ”
“  which lover will I get today?  ”
“  will you walk me to the door or send me home cryin'?  ”
“  it's back and forth, did I say somethin' wrong?  ”
“  it's back and forth, goin' over everything I said.  ”
“  i'd leave you, but the roller coaster's all I've ever had.  ”
deja vu.
“  strawberry ice cream, one spoon for two?  ”
“  i bet she's braggin' to all her friends, sayin' you're so unique.  ”
“  so when you gonna tell her that we did that, too?  ”
“  that was our place, I found it first.  ”
“  i made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you.  ”
“  do you get déjà vu when she's with you?  ”
“  do you call her, almost say my name?  ”
“  i hate to think that I was just your type.  ”
“  don't act like we didn't do that shit too.  ”
“  play her piano, but she doesn't know that I was the one who taught you Billy Joel.  ”
good  4  u.
“  well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily.  ”
“  you found a new girl and it only took a couple weeks.  ”
“  remember when you said that you wanted to give me the world?  ”
“  good for you, I guess that you've been workin' on yourself.  ” 
“  i guess that therapist I found for you, she really helped.  ”
“  now you can be a better man for your brand new girl.  ”
“  well, good for you, you look happy and healthy.  ”
“  not me, if you ever cared to ask.  ”
“  good for you, you're doin' great out there without me.  ”
“  i've lost my mind.  ”
“  i've spent the night cryin' on the floor in my bathroom.  ”
“  it's like we never even happened.  ”
“  what the fuck is up with that?  ”
“  good for you, it's like you never even met me.  ”
“  remember when you swore to god i was the only person who ever got you?  ”
“  well, screw that and screw you.  ”
“  you will never have to hurt the way you know that I do.  ”
“  maybe I'm too emotional.  ”
“  your apathy's like a wound in salt.  ”
“  maybe I'm too emotional  or maybe you never cared at all.  ”
“  like a damn sociopath.  ”
enough  for  you.
“  i wore makeup when we dated because I thought you'd like me more.  ”
“  i know that you loved before.  ”
“  tried so hard to be everything that you like.  ”
“  i read all of your self-help books so you'd think that I was smart.  ”
“  stupid, emotional, obsessive little me.  ”
“  i knew from the start this is exactly how you'd leave.  ”
“  you found someonе more exciting.  ”
“  you left me there cryin', wonderin' what I did wrong.  ”
“  you always say I'm never satisfied but I don't think that's true.  ”
“  all I ever wanted was to be enough for you.  ”
“  maybe I'm just not as interesting as the girls you had before.  ”
“  you couldn't have cared less about someone who loved you more.  ”
“  i'd say you broke my heart but you broke much more than that.  ”
“  i don’t want your sympathy, i just want myself back.  ”
“  don’t you think i loved you too much to be used and discarded?  ”
“  don't you think I loved you too much to think I deserve nothing?  ”
“  don’t tell me you’re sorry, feel sorry for yourself.  ”
“  someday i’ll be everything to somebody else.  ”
“  you’ll be the one crying.  ”
“  we broke up a month ago. ”
“  your friends are mine you know.  ”
“  you’ve moved on, found someone new.  ”
“  i thought my heart was detached from all the sunlight of our past.  ”
“  she’s so sweet, she’s so pretty.  ”
“  does she mean you forgot about me ?  ”
“  i hope you’re happy but not like how you were with me.  ”
“  i’m selfish i know. i can’t let you go.  ”
“  find someone great, but don’t find no one better.  ”
“  i hope you’re happy, but don’t be happier.  ”
 “  do you tell her she’s the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen?  ”
“  an eternal love bullshit you know you’ll never mean.  ”
“  remember when i believe you meant it when you said it first to me?  ”
“  now i’m picking her apart like cutting her down will make you miss my wretched heart.  ”
“  she’s beautiful, she looks kind.  ”
“  she probably gives you butterflies.  ”
“  i wish you all the best, really.  ”
“  say you love her, just not like you loved me.  ”
“  think of me fondly when your hands are on her.  ”
jealousy  jealousy.
“  i kinda wanna throw my phone across the room.  ”
“  all i see are girls too good to be true.  ”
“  i know their beauty’s not my lack but it feels like that weight is on my back.  ”
“  comparison is killing me slowly.  ”
“  i think i think too much.  ”
“  i’m so sick of myself, i’d rather be anyone else.  ”
“  my jealousy started following me.  ”
“  i see everyone getting all the things i want.  ”
“  i’m happy for them, but then again, i’m not.  ”
“  i can’t stand it.  ” 
“  oh god i sound crazy.  ”
“  their win is not my loss, i know it’s true.  ”
“  i can’t help getting caught up in it all.  ”
“  all your friends are so cool.  ”
“  you go out every night.  ”
“  you’re living the life.  ”
“  i want to be you so bad, and i don’t even know you.  ”
“  all i see is what i should be.  ”
favourite  crime.
“  know that i love you so bad.  ”
“  i let you treat me like that.  ”
“  i was your willing accomplice.  ”
“  i watched as you fled the scene.  ”
“  doe-eyed as you buried me.  ”
“  the things i did just so i could call you mine.  ”
“  the things you did. well, i hope i was your favourite crime.  ”
“  you used me as an alibi.  ”
“  i crossed my heart and you crossed the line.  ”
“  i defended you to all my friends.  ”
“  every time i siren sounds, i wonder if you’re around.  ”
“  you know that i’d do it all again.  ”
“  it’s bittersweet to think about the damage that we’d do.  ”
“  i was going down but i was doing it with you.  ”
“  i say that i hate you with a smile on my face.  ”
“  look what we became.  ” 
hope  ur  ok.
“  his parents cared more about the bible than being good to their own child.  ”
“  wore long sleeves because of his dad.  ”
“  somehow we fell out of touch.  ”
“  hope he took his bad deal and made a royal flush.  ”
“  don’t know if i’ll see you again someday.  ”
“  i hope that you’re okay.  ”
“  her parents hated who she loved.  ”
“  she was brought into a world where family was merely blood.  ” 
“  with the courage to unlearn all of their hatred.  ”
“  we don’t talk much.  ”
“  i miss you and i hope that you’re okay.  ”
“  address the letter to the holes in my butterfly wings.  ”
“  nothing’s forever, nothing is as good as it seems.  ”
“  when the clouds are ironed our and the monsters creep into your house, every door is hard to close.  ”
“  i hope you know how proud i am.  ”
“  i hope that you’re happier today.  ”
“  i love you and i hope that you’re okay.  ”  
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ddudumemes · 3 years
(( collection of ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THREE sentence starters taken from OLIVIA  RODRIGO’s first album ‘ SOUR ’ . ))
001.  BRUTAL  . ‘  i  think  that  i'll  die  before  i  drink  .  ’ ‘  who  likes  me  ??  ’ ‘  who  hates  you  ??  ’ ‘  who  am  i  if  not  exploited  ??  ’ ‘  where's  my  fucking  teenage  dream  ??  ’ ‘  i  don't  stick  up  for  myself  .  ’ ‘  i'm  anxious  and  nothing  can  help  .  ’ ‘  and  i  wish  i'd  done  this  before  .  ’ ‘  and  i  wish  people  liked  me  more  .  ’ ‘  all  i  did  was  try  my  best  ,  this  the  kinda  thanks  i  get  ??  ’ ‘  i  wish  i  could  disappear  .  ’ ‘  ego  crush  is  so  severe  .  ’ ‘  god  ,  it's  brutal  out  here  .  ’ ‘  i  feel  like  no  one  wants  me  .  ’ ‘  and  i  hate  the  way  i'm  perceived  .  ’ ‘  i  only  have  two  real  friends  .  ’ ‘  lately  ,  i'm  a  nervous  wreck  .  ’ ‘  i'm  not  cool  ,  and  i'm  not  smart  ,  and  i  can't  even  parallel  park  .  ’ ‘  got  a  broken  ego  ,  and  broken  heart  .  ’ ‘  god  ,  i  don't  even  know  where  to  start  .  ’
002.  TRAITOR  . ‘  i  played  dumb  ,  but  i  always  knew  .  ’ ‘  i  kept  quiet  so  i  could  keep  you  .  ’ ‘  ain't  it  funny  how  you  ran  to  her  the  second  that  we  called  it  quits  ??  ’ ‘  ain't  it  funny  how  you  said  you  were  friends  ??  now  it  sure  as  hell  don't  look  like  it  .  ’ ‘  you  betrayed  me  .  ’ ‘  i  know  that  you'll  never  feel  sorry  for  the  way  i  hurt  .  ’ ‘  you  talked  to  her  when  we  were  together  .  ’ ‘  loved  you  at  your  worst  ,  but  that  didn't  matter  .  ’ ‘  it  took  you  two  weeks  to  go  off  and  date  her  .  ’ ‘  guess  you  didn't  cheat  ,  but  you're  still  a  traitor  .  ’ ‘  there's  no  damn  way  that  you  could  fall  in  love  with  somebody  that  quickly  .  ’ ‘  remember  i  brought  her  up  and  you  told  me  i  was  paranoid  ??  ’ ‘  god  ,  i  wish  that  you  had  thought  this  through  before  i  went  and  fell  in  love  with  you  .  ’ ‘  you  gave  me  your  word  ,  but  that  didn't  matter  .  ’ 003.  DRIVERS  LICENSE  . ‘  i  got  my  driver's  license  last  week  .  ’ ‘  you  were  so excited for  me  .  ’ ‘  and  you're  probably  with  that  blonde  girl  who  always  made  me  doubt  .  ’ ‘  she's  everything  i'm  insecure  about  .  ’ ‘  how  could  i  ever  love  someone  else  ??  ’ ‘  i  know  we  weren't  perfect  but  i've  never  felt  this  way  for  no  one  .  ’ ‘  i  just  can't  imagine  how  you  could  be  so  okay  now  that  i'm  gone  .  ’ ‘  guess  you  didn't  mean  what  you  wrote  in  that  song  about  me  .  ’ ‘  you  said  forever  ,  now  i  drive  alone  past  your  street  .  ’ ‘   all  my  friends  are  tired  of  hearing  how  much  i  miss  you  .  ’ ‘  they'll  never  know  you  the  way  that  i  do  .  ’ ‘  today  ,  i  drove  through  the  suburbs  and  pictured  i  was  driving  home  to  you  .  ’ ‘  i  still  fuckin'  love  you  ,  babe  .  ’ ‘  i  still  hear  your  voice  in  the  traffic  .  ’ ‘  i  know  we're  through  but  i  still  fuckin'  love  you  .  ’
004.  1  STEP  FORWARD  ,  3  STEPS  BACK  . ‘  all  i  did  was  speak  normally  .  somehow  ,  i  still  struck  a  nerve  .  ’ ‘  you  got  me  fucked  up  in  the  head  ,  boy  .  ’ ‘  never  doubted  myself  so  much  .  ’ ‘  am  i  pretty  ??  am  i  fun  ??  ’ ‘  i  hate  that  i  give  you  power  over  that  kinda  stuff  .  ’ ‘  it's  always  one  step  forward  and  three  steps  back  .  ’ ‘  i'm  the  love  of  your  life  until  i  make  you  mad  .  ’ ‘  do  you  love  me  ,  want  me  ,  hate  me  ??  ’ ‘  i  don't  understand  .  ’ ‘  maybe  in  some  masochistic  way  i  kind  of  find  it  all  exciting  .  ’ ‘  which  lover  will  i  get  today  ??  ’ ‘  will  you  walk  me  to  the  door  or  send  me  home  crying  ??  ’ ‘  did  i  say  something  wrong  ??  ’ ‘  it's  back  and  forth  ,  going  over  everything  i  said  .  ’ ‘  did  i  do  something  wrong  ??  ’ ‘  maybe  this  is  all  your  fault  instead  .  ’ ‘  i'd  leave  you  ,  but  the  rollercoaster's  all  i've  ever  had  .  ’
005.  DEJA  VU  . ‘  so  when  you  gonna  tell  her  that  we  did  that  too  ??  ’ ‘  that  was  our  place  ,  i  found  it  first  .  ’ ‘  i  made  the  jokes  you  tell  to  her  when  she's  with  you  .  ’ ‘  do  you  get  déjà  vu  when  she’s  with  you  ??  ’ ‘  do  you  get  déjà  vu  ??  ’ ‘ ��do  you  call  her  ,  almost  say  my  name  ??  ’ ‘  let's  be  honest  ,  we  kinda  do  sound  the  same  .  ’ ‘  i  hate  to  think  that  i  was  just  your  type  .  ’ ‘  now  i  bet  you  even  tell  her  how  you  love  her  .  ’ ‘  don't  act  like  we  didn't  do  that  shit  too  .  ’ ‘  you're  tradin'  jackets  like  we  used  to  do  .  ’ ‘  a  different  girl  now  ,  but  there's  nothing  new  .  ’ ‘  i  know  you  get  déjà  vu  .  ’
006.  GOOD  4  U  . ‘  good  for  you  ,  i  guess  you  moved  on  really  easily  .  ’ ‘  you  found  a  new  girl  and  it  only  took  a  couple  weeks  .  ’ ‘  remember  when  you  said  that  you  wanted  to  give  me  the  world  ??  ’ ‘  good  for  you  ,  i  guess  that  you've  been  workin'  on  yourself  .  ’ ‘  i  guess  that  therapist  i  found  for  you  ,  she  really  helped  .  ’ ‘  now  you  can  be  a  better  man  for  your  brand  new  girl  .  ’ ‘  well  ,  good  for  you  you  look  happy  and  healthy  ,  not  me  ,  if  you  ever  cared  to  ask  .  ’ ‘  good  for  you  you're  doin'  great  out  there  without  me  ,  baby  ,  god  ,  i  wish  that  i  could  do  that  .  ’ ‘  i've  lost  my  mind  ,  i've  spent  the  night  cryin'  on  the  floor  of  my  bathroom  .  ’ ‘  you're  so  unaffected  ,  i  really  don't  get  it  but  i  guess  good  for  you  .  ’ ‘  well  ,  good  for  you  ,  i  guess  you're  gettin'  everything  you  want  .  ’ ‘  it's  like  we  never  even  happened  baby  ,  what  the  fuck  is  up  with  that  ??  ’ ‘  good  for  you  ,  it's  like  you  never  even  met  me  .  ’ ‘  remember  when  you  swore  to  god  i  was  the  only  person  who  ever  got  you  ??  well  ,  screw  that  ,  and  screw  you  .  ’ ‘  you  will  never  have  to  hurt  the  way  you  know  that  i  do  !!  ’ ‘  maybe  i'm  too  emotional  but  your  apathy's  like  a  wound  in  salt  .  ’ ‘  maybe  i'm  too  emotional  or  maybe  you  never  cared  at  all  .  ’ ‘  maybe  i'm  too  emotional  .  ’ ‘  your  apathy  is  like  a  wound  in  salt  .  ’ ‘  maybe  you  never  cared  at  all  .  ’ ‘  good  for  you  you're  doin'  great  out  there  without  me  ,  baby  ,  like  a  damn  sociopath  .  ’
007.  ENOUGH  FOR  YOU  . ‘  i  wore  makeup  when  we  dated  'cause  i  thought  you'd  like  me  more  .  ’ ‘  tried  so  hard  to  be  everything  that  you  liked  .  ’ ‘  i  knew  how  you  took  your  coffee and  your  favorite  songs  by  heart  .  ’ ‘  i  read  all  of  your  self-help  books  so  you'd  think  that  i  was  smart  .  ’ ‘  i  knew  from  the  start  this  is  exactly  how  you'd  leave  .  ’ ‘  you  found  someonе  more  exciting  the  nеxt  second  ,  you  were  gone  .  ’ ‘  you  left  me  there  cryin'  ,  wonderin'  what  i  did  wrong  .  ’ ‘  and  you  always  say  i'm  never  satisfied  but  i  don't  think  that's  true  .  ’ ‘  all  i  ever  wanted  was  to  be  enough  for  you  .  ’ ‘  and  maybe  i'm  just  not  as  interesting  as  the  girls  you  had  before  .  ’ ‘  but  god  ,  you  couldn't  have  cared  less  about  someone  who  loved  you  more  .  ’ ‘  i'd  say  you  broke  my  heart  but  you  broke  much  more  than  that  .  ’ ‘  i  don't  want  your  sympathy  ,  i  just  want  myself  back  .  ’ ‘  i  just  want  myself  back  .  ’ ‘  don't  you  think  i  loved  you  too  much  to  be  used  and  discarded  ??  ’ ‘  don't  you  think  i  loved  you  too  much  to  think  i  deserve  nothing  ??  ’ ‘  but  don't  tell  me  you're  sorry  .  ’ ‘  feel  sorry  for  yourself  .  ’ ‘  someday  ,  i'll  be  everything  to  somebody  else  .  ’ ‘  you  say  i'm  never  satisfied  but  that's  not  me  ,  it's  you  .  ’ ‘  all  i  ever  wanted  was  to  be  enough  .  ’ ‘  i  don't  think  anything  could  ever  be  enough  for  you  .  ’ ‘  nothing's  enough  for  you  .  ’
008.  HAPPIER  . ‘  you've  moved  on  ,  found  someone  new  .  ’ ‘  i  thought  my  heart  was  detached  from  all  the  sunlight  of  our  past  .  ’ ‘  does  she  mean  you  forgot  about  me  ??  ’ ‘  i  hope  you're  happy  but  not  like  how  you  were  with  me  .  ’ ‘  i'm  selfish  ,  i  know  ,  i  can't  let  you  go  .  ’ ‘  find  someone  great  ,  but  don't  find  no  one  better  .  ’ ‘  i  hope  you're  happy  ,  but  don't  be  happier  .  ’ ‘  do  you  tell  her  she's  the  most  beautiful  girl  you've  ever  seen  ??  ’ ‘  remember  when  i  believed  you  meant  it  when  you  said  it  first  to  me  ??  ’ ‘  and  now  i'm  pickin'  her  apart  like  cuttin'  her  down  will  make  you  miss  my  wretched  heart  .  ’ ‘  she's  beautiful  ,  she  looks  kind  ...  she  probably  gives  you  butterflies  .  ’ ‘  i  wish  you  all  the  best  ,  really  .  ’ ‘  say  you  love  her  ,  just  not  like  you  loved  me  .  ’ ‘  think  of  me  fondly  when  your  hands  are  on  her  .  ’
009.  JEALOUSY  ,  JEALOUSY  . ‘  i  kinda  wanna  throw  my  phone  across  the  room  .  ’ ‘  i  know  their  beauty's  not  my  lack  .  ’ ‘  i  can't  let  it  go  .  ’ ‘  comparison  is  killin'  me  slowly  .  ’ ‘  i  think  i  think  too  much  'bout  kids  who  don't  know  me  .  ’ ‘  i'm  so  sick  of  myself  .  ’ ‘  i'd  rather  be  anyone  else  .  ’ ‘  my  jealousy  started  followin'  me  .  ’ ‘  i'm  happy  for  them  ,  but  then  again  ,  i'm  not  .  ’ ‘  oh  god  ,  i  sound  crazy  .  ’ ‘  their  win  is  not  my  loss  .  ’ ‘  i  can't  help  gettin'  caught  up  in  it  all  .  ’ ‘  all  your  friends  are  so  cool  ,  you  go  out  every  night  .  ’ ‘  you're  livin'  the  life  .  ’ ‘  i  wanna  be  you  so  bad  and  i  don't  even  know  you  .  ’ ‘  all  i  see  is  what  i  should  be:  happier  .  prettier  .  ’ ‘  all  i  see  is  what  i  should  be  .  ’ ‘  i'm  losin'  it  ,  all  i  get's  jealousy  .  ’
010.  FAVORITE  CRIME  . ‘  know  that  i  loved  you  so  bad  i  let  you  treat  me  like  that  .  ’ ‘  i  was  your  willing  accomplice  .  ’ ‘  i  watched  as  you  fled  the  scene  .  ’ ‘  one  heart  broke  ,  four  hands  bloody  .  ’ ‘  the  things  i  did  just  so  i  could  call  you  mine  .  ’ ‘  the  things  you  did  …  well  ,  i  hope  i  was  your  favorite  crime  .  ’ ‘  you  used  me  as  an  alibi  .  ’ ‘  i  defended  you  to  all  my  friends  .  ’ ‘  now  every  time  a  siren  sounds  i  wondеr  if  you're  around  .  ’ ‘  'cause  you  know  that  i'd  do  it  all  again  .  ’ ‘  i  hope  i  was  your  favorite  crime  .  ’ ‘  it's  bittersweet  to  think  about  the  damage  that  we'd  do  .  ’ ‘  i  was  goin'  down  ,  but  i  was  doin'  it  with  you  .  ’ ‘  i  say  that  i  hate  you  with  a  smile  on  my  face  .  ’ ‘  look  what  we  became  .  ’ ‘  i  hope  i  was  your  favorite  crime  ,  'cause  baby  ,  you  were  mine  .  ’
011.  HOPE  UR  OK  . ‘  his  parents  cared  more  about  the  bible  than  being  good  to  their  own  child  .  ’ ‘  he  wore  long  sleeves  'cause  of  his  dad  .  ’ ‘  somehow  ,  we  fell  out  of  touch  .  ’ ‘  don't  know  if  i'll  see  you  again  someday  but  if  you're  out  there  ,  i  hope  that  you're  okay  .  ’ ‘  she  raised  her  brothers  on  hеr  own  .  ’ ‘  she  couldn't  wait  to  go  to  college  .  ’ ‘  she  was  brought  into  a  world  where  family  was  merely  blood  .  ’ ‘  we  don't  talk  much  ,  but  i  just  gotta  say  i  miss  you  and  i  hope  that  you're  okay  .  ’ ‘  nothing's  forever  ,  nothing  is  as  good  as  it  seems  .  ’ ‘  well  ,  i  hope  you  know  how  proud  i  am  you  were  created  .  ’ ‘  but  ,  god  ,  i  hope  that  you're  happier  today  .  ’ ‘  'cause  i  love  you  and  i  hope  that  you're  okay  .  ’
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