#for 'maybe somebody else wants to talk about their WIPs' reasons
wendingways · 5 months
20 Questions For Writers
Thank you, @sinvulkt! I saw someone else post one of these a while ago, and it looked fun, so thanks so much for the tag! 💛💛💛
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Seven. Technically eight, but one of them is part of another and just separated for logistical reasons, so it doesn't really count.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
190,105 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Fortune's Rule, 536 kudos
Missing Pieces No More, 142
Whispers From Tomorrow, 126
Petrichor, 42
Threadbare, 30
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Most of the time! Sometimes it takes a while because busy + tired, but I enjoy it when other authors respond to my comments, so I want to respond other people's comments. :)
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Threadbare. Wouldn't say it's a full-on angsty ending, because I tend to go for angsty beginnings/middles and happy endings, but it's the closest I've got.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Whispers From Tomorrow, by virtue of it being a pre-Order-66 fix-it.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
I've gotten a little. You know how FFN can be. There was this one kinda funny one instance where somebody was silent for like 20 chapters, and then absolutely flipped their lid in a comment after I killed off a character. Not even a main character! Oops....
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not as a rule, but I did start scribbling down this weird idea for Anne Shirley, from Anne of Green Gables, ending up in the GFFA during the Clone Wars via some witchery in the Haunted Wood. What gets me is how I told my brother about it, and he promptly started nagging me to write it because he wants to read it XD
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but feel free to do so if you're interested!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Meh, not really a big shipper.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
WIP I will never finish? What are you talking about?
There are no unfinished WIPS in Ba Sing Se.
Seriously, though, probably my Padmé ROTS time loop fic. I had this idea for Padmé to keep looping back to some point in ROTS after she dies. I love the idea, it's roughly outlined and I've written some snippets, and there's this one scene that I'd really like to include, but I'm just not sure how to make the time loop AU work in this scenario.
16. What’s your writing strengths?
Grammar, usage, and mechanics. And maybe angst, oddly enough. Never figured myself for an angst writer, but then I started writing Fortune's Rule, and here we are.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Speed. I write slowly. I also tend to end up going down research rabbit holes that suck up my time and energy. And I have a really hard time saying no to adding more characters, which adds to the whole writing-takes-a-long-time thing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Sure! I've enjoyed putting little bits of Mando'a and Huttese into Fortune's Rule.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Calico Captive, by Elizabeth George Speare, when I was in my early teens. Never managed to get a whole fic out of it, and what fragments I did write were terribly underdeveloped, sentimental, and shallow. But we all have to start somewhere!
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Fortune's Rule, all the way! I know it's not finished yet, but it is my precious and my problem child, and I love it to bits!
In a way, it's a very self-indulgent story, because it's got all the tropes I most adore, and it's like a puzzle, trying to figure out how to put all these different elements together in a way that's believable, and how to have characters develop to where I want them to be.
Plus, it's also given me some fun surprises, like Padmé and Ahsoka being besties, Ventress becoming Obi-Wan's confidant for a certain matter, and Piett becoming a friend/confidant/emotional support admiral for Starkiller.
And there's so much more fun stuff planned, especially as we're getting close the start of an arc I've been planning since before I started posting the fic in 2021! (There will be child hijinks. There will be pirates. There will be sand, and angst and fluff galore. And I am so kriffing excited.)
Tagging (If you're interested! I'm doing like sinvulkt and tagging some authors I've interacted with a bit on AO3; hope this isn't a nuisance to anyone! :) ) @musewrangler, @clawedandcute, @xxiamnotokay666xx
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sparatus · 2 months
i wanna roll again :plsplspls: gimme a taste of in retrograde
thanks for this one actually the Post Snippet drive overrode the writer's block
wip folder game
in retrograde is a rewrite of after time adrift among the stars, an old-old oc fic me and @lightspeedpowerpunk wrote. literally ten years ago. actually it's mostly his baby, i came in at halftime. no i will not link it the 2014 jumps right out and it has a knife. anyway ataats follows our ocs axilus madelivio and thie'haasn nar olyna as they get thrown together and have their lives wildly derailed, and retrograde is a rewrite with updated characterization and worldbuilding, better (less hand-wavey) writing, all the good shit that rewrites usually come with. we're better now don't read that old one. i'm writing the sections from ax's pov, eli is doing thie's. the title, both the fic title and the rest of the series, are all based on astronomical terms related to orbit, because. reasons. themes.
ch1 isn't published yet, but ch2 sees a very injured and in pain axilus reunite with the rest of his squad and... mostly lie in the corner crying in pain with a broken leg, watching as his squad goes through the slavers' cargo hold breaking out the captives. crux is here. please give him a gun. please. he's eventually brought the limp, near-death body of thie and told "here, hold this", and while he and haldrus and thie are collectively just trying not to bleed out together, the squad receives word that backup has arrived and boarded the ship. this is less good news than expected.
here, a snip:
“Thank the spirits you’re alive!”
Axilus didn’t know how his leg survived the force of Freiya’s tackle. Or how he stayed upright. Or how he didn’t just dissolve into a blubbering mess again as soon as her scent hit him, the same lanolin-and-leaves that he’d been practically inseparable from since they were chicks hunting vau in the park and could pick out from a crowd as readily as his own mother. He didn’t even have time to process the sight of her before she was on him, her keel crashing against his and her arms wrapping around his chest and Viridus’s bracing the only thing between him and hitting the ground. “I was s-so, so sca-a-ared!” she sobbed into his cowl. “We, we couldn't find you, and Viridus said you weren’t with him, and- and-”
If he were his mom, he could have shushed her, said something snarky but comforting. If he were his dad, maybe he could have laughed, assured her it took more than some four-eyed freaks to stop him, all the stuff Dad did when he came home and Mom had been worried.
He was neither of them. He wrapped his arms around his best friend and cried, too.
He wasn’t sure what else was going on, but between the relief of Freiya hugging him again and the screaming pain in his leg, he was pretty sure nothing else particularly mattered. As soon as they’d rounded the corner to find Neiterix and the rest of the squad huddled by the doors to the cargo hold, he’d all but collapsed in relief. Somebody had taken Haldrus from him, Freiya had rushed him, and he kind of just wanted to lie down and cry until he passed out.
Viridus was doing all the talking, which was fine by him. Axilus heard him getting to the part with the BEF officer as Freiya helped him limp away. He didn’t mention the wings. That was probably for the best, Axilus figured - he didn’t think anybody would believe him if he said it, anyway, and, well, it did sound ridiculous now that he was away from it and the lights were on. Maybe he’d been seeing things. Excruciating pain and stress could do that to you, right? Dad had told him a few times about weird things he’d thought he’d seen while he was high on adrenaline just trying to make it to extraction.
Vreena and Demienn had already set up a little hidey-hole at the front part of the hold, in a smaller open area before all the cells started, so that was where Freiya led him. Haldrus was already in the corner, leaned against the wall and wheezing with every breath. Axilus’s gizzard churned. He tried to tell himself his friend already looked better - Vreena had done her best to smear medi-gel everywhere she could reach, and maybe his throat had a little more color to it. He forced himself not to look at the way his leg was bent.
His leg finally gave way a few steps from Haldrus, or maybe his brain just decided it was done pretending it hadn’t a while ago. He would have been fine just staying there, face-down on the cold metal floor, but Freiya tittered and fussed, so he let her coax him the rest of the way. Haldrus was breathing weird, and his scent was choked with copper, but he was solid, and he was warm, and Axilus was fine with letting him be home for a little while. Freiya helped them lean against each other, Haldrus dropped his head into Axilus’s cowl, he rested his head on top of Haldrus’s, and the last scrap of strength he had left in him flooded out.
At least Freiya sat with them while the others buzzed around Neiterix. That was nice of her. She even held his hand, and maybe if he’d had any energy left he might’ve purred.
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
Hiya, I would like to request By Any Other Name & Bad Day for the WIP ask game please! ^_^
By Any Other Name got so close to being finished but then I decided I hated most of it and put it away to see if I still felt that way and it's been a while. It's set in fall 1979, and Sidney visits Hawkeye in Maine to give him an advance copy of the DSM-III (published in 1980) which was the first edition to include Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It evolved beyond that to this entire day Hawkeye and Sidney spent together leading up to it. This includes walking in the cemetery and Hawkeye totally not wanting to talk about some of the people buried there (which includes Daniel because it's 1979). There's a lot of talking about recovery and reflecting on the past and also it's all slightly awkward because Sidney is there as a friend, but they have this history.
“Excellent taste,” he says, nodding toward the man’s neck.  “My granddaughter chose it,” Sidney explains, mirroring the pattern with his own expression.  Hawkeye takes the opportunity of the momentary distraction to snatch Sidney’s duffle bag before he can complain. He packs light; it’s a common affliction among former Army officers.  “She’s really got an eye for fashion,” Hawkeye expounds, stowing the duffle bag in the trunk. He slams it shut; the sound reverberates in the sparse parking lot. “How old is she now?”  “Six in January. But she’s very precocious.”  “Everyone’s granddaughter is precocious,” Hawkeye says, rolling his eyes, but not unkindly.  “She said she picked it because I ‘make people happy,’” Sidney says, a note of something thicker than humor clinging to his voice.  “Aren’t you a retired happy-maker these days?” Hawkeye asks evenly.  “More or less. I still see a few patients. You work with someone that long, it’s not easy to hand them off to somebody else,” Sidney shrugs. “It’s a process.”  “For the really special ones, you make house calls. All the way to Maine,” it comes out laced with something, though he means it like a joke; an old insecurity resurfacing like dead leaves when the snow melts.  He doesn’t need to worry; Sidney’s gentle warmth leaves no room for tension, and Hawkeye remembers that the man built a career on his ability to put people at ease.  “This is a social call,” he says firmly. Under his mustache, his lip curls upward.  “Then I guess it wouldn’t be an ethical violation for me to buy you lunch,” Hawkeye pushes away from the door and opens it. On the passenger side, Sidney follows his example. “Are you still afraid of lobsters?”  “It’s taken years of intensive therapy, but I think I’m ready to face my fear.” 
Bad Day is something I just kind of wrote with no plan but then I had to go so I didn't have time to finish it, but I really like it so maybe someday I will. It's just about Josh Lyman having a bad day! Somewhat more specifically, it came from the thought process of Leo asks how he's feeling once a day, what if the answer is no? He's not having a total breakdown or anything, it's just that recovery isn't linear and sometimes you have a bad day.
Toward the end I just started writing down dialogue so I wouldn't forget it, but didn't have time to fill in everything in between, and this is where my favorite bits to snip are. There are no dialogue tags so hopefully this is readable, lol. This is a back-and-forth between Leo and Josh.
“So she’s worried about you. Does she have reason to be?” “Does she have a reason to be?” “You know what I’m asking.” “Yeah, I do. You’re supposed to ask me once a day. This is time number four.” “Yeah, well.” “What?” “You haven’t answered.” “I answered the first time.” “No, you didn’t.” “I was going to. The phone rang. You couldn’t put Belgium on hold.” “Sure I could’ve. I’m sure they have waffles to eat." “Leo.” “Are you alright?” “I’m fine.” “You sure?” “Leo!” “I'm asking.” “I am. I’m just… I haven’t been sleeping too well.” “Well, or at all?” “Why would you…” “Donna thinks you didn’t go home last night.”
I need to finish this if for no other reason than "I'm sure they have waffles to eat" being the best Leo dialogue I've ever written.
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xpeachesncream · 1 year
hii nikki! can you please give us a sneak peek of your next fic 🥹💗
hi hi! ☺️ of course! ♥️ but i do have to warn you, i haven't touched much of my bts wips in awhile because i just haven't had the motivation for the past months. i am slowly getting back into these projects though, but it will definitely take more time than i expected.
if you want some sneak peeks into my skz or ateez work, lemme know. 😚 enjoy!
—no pressure series (tattoo artist!oc x jjk, some oc x ex-fiance!namjoon) | releasing soon | playlist here.
it had been roughly 3 years since your ex-fiancé namjoon upped and left without reason, leaving you in the cold right before your wedding. it took so much out of you, but you finally had enough of feeling sorry for yourself. so, you picked yourself up and started fresh. you finally took the leap and went into the career you had been wanting to take up for years, embraced yourself for who you were [flaws and all], and actually found somebody who would do you right without trying to force the connection.
the only problem?
he’s one of namjoon’s friends, and he isn’t too pleased to see it when he shows up out of the blue after all these years.
Namjoon licks his lips and bites onto his bottom lip to prevent himself from smiling too big. He takes his eyes away from you before glancing down at the floor, Hoseok looking at him in pure confusion and disgust.
"I-is that how you flirt?" Hoseok pours him a shot of whiskey before slowly sliding it over. "Why don't you two just talk to each other? You've been at this game for so long."
"Shut up. What game?" Namjoon furrows his brows.
"The whole chasing game." Hoseok laughs. "All you do is flirt in person, flirt through text, flirt from a distance. Just fucking go and do something about it. Everyone knows you like each other."
"Yeaaaah, but it's fun." Namjoon looks up to look at you across the room once more. "God, she's beautiful, isn't she?"
"Yeah and she'll be just that before someone else snatches her up because you were too damn slow." Taehyung adds to the conversation as he steps in with a soda can in his hand.
"Not gonna let that happen. I'm gonna marry her one day."
"Wow, that's bold." Taehyung says as all three of them look towards your direction. "You really, really like her don't you?"
"Yeah, I do. She's special." And it's true. It may sound overwhelming, but Namjoon really did have so, so many feelings for you, he couldn't understand it himself. He was unaware of how deep he could fall for someone, especially so quickly. But you— you were different. He knew from the very moment he saw you that you'd become something special to him.
And something special that he'd keep for as long as he could.
Namjoon takes the shot before his boys can even take their own glasses into their hands, setting it aside before making his way over to you. If it's one thing, Hoseok was right. He was gonna do something with it tonight, even if that meant just taking you away from this party to get you to himself— anywhere, wherever you wanted to go. He didn't wanna keep it subtle anymore, didn't wanna keep it at the chase.
He wanted you.
"Mhm, there he goes." Tae takes the shot to the neck, him and Hoseok watching as Namjoon approaches you.
"How come it doesn't take a lot for you to convince him?"
"It's Namjoon. It doesn't take a lot to convince him in general. Maybe you're just using the wrong wording." Hoseok looks at Tae confused, pausing before he continues his debate with Taehyung in the kitchen.
"Hey." Namjoon says, coming up from behind you.
"Joon." He smiles, hearing his nickname fall off your tongue so smoothly— just like it did when you met him for the very first time. "Hey."
"You enjoying yourself?"
"Yeah, I was. Now, I'm about ready to go home and get in bed." He chuckles, cute dimples deeply piercing his cheeks. "You?"
"Ah, it's been cool. Me and the boys have just been cooped up in the kitchen though, so I think we're getting to that point too."
"See? I'm not the only one." Namjoon shakes his head.
"No not at all." His gaze lingers on you for a bit longer before he speaks up again. "Well, if you're ready to leave, do you.. maybe.. wanna get some food with me?" He shyly asks, the butterflies flying wild in your tummy. You simply nod and smile at him, tossing your empty cup into the black trash bag near you. You lean over to whisper in Reggie's ear, Reggie smirking at you before he slowly nods and gives you a wink to send you off. You giggle to yourself, grabbing onto Namjoon's hand as he helps guide you through the crowded house and out into the fresh, night air.
"God, this feels so nice." You take in a good whiff of the fresh air, rubbing your arms as the cold slowly settles onto your skin.
"Yeah, it was stuffy as hell in there." He looks down at you. "Here, why don't you take this?" He takes off his bomber jacket and throws it over your shoulders.
"You sure?"
"Of course. I'd rather be cold than you." You smile at him.
"Are you okay to drive?"
"Mhm. I didn't plan on drinking tonight. Swear I'm good."
"Promise?" You tilt your head and look at him as you arrive to his car.
"What about your boys?" He chuckles.
"They'll be fine, I can come back for them later." He scratches his temple. "Wait, Jungkook can pick them up too. He should be done with his date." He says, moreso thinking out loud before he shakes his head and opens your door. "Nah, they'll be fine. I'll deal with them later. Don't worry."
"Okay then, I'll let them know that's what you said if they ever bring it up."
"Are you on their side or mine?" He climbs into the driver's seat and smirks at you, making you blush.
"I take no sides."
"Uh huh." He starts the car and slowly starts to drive off. "Anything you're craving in general?"
"Eomukguk." Namjoon furrows his brows with a slight head tilt.
"Okay, was definitely not expecting that." He laughs.
"Sorry, I've been craving it for so long, but I just haven't had time to visit my Tutu and get some with her." You look down at your lap, fiddling with your fingers. Your schedule has been pretty wack lately, it's been hard to find time and leave to visit Tutu. But, with midterms coming up, you were hoping you could sneak away for the upcoming week off afterwards.
"No, it's alright. Don't apologize. I can make that happen. I know a place that's open late and has really good eomukguk. The boys and I go there all the time."
"Really?" Your eyes light up when you look at him and he smiles.
"Yeah." He chuckles in adoration. "Won't take long to get there, okay?" You silently nod and look out the window. And as promised, it doesn't take long to get there. Namjoon pulls up to a street near a residential area, a few people walking down, coming in and out of the convenience store and bars nearby. He parks his car and heads over to open up your door to let you out. He puts out his arm for you to hold onto, hoping it could provide you with some extra warmth until he gets you inside the small restaurant down the street.
There aren't too many people inside when you two get there, but the owner seems to know Namjoon well with the way that she greets him happily. She instantly shows you two to a table in the back corner, the restaurant itself not being the biggest. It's cozy, tiny, comfortable.
Reminds you a lot of Tutu.
Reminds you of home with Tutu.
When the food finally comes, Namjoon watches as you happily wiggle in your seat before blowing onto your spoonful of broth, the other hand holding a fish cake stick. He giggles to himself, admiring how adorable and cute you were, admiring how beautiful you looked sitting in front of him. The both of you quietly eat through the late night snack, chiming in here and there about weird shit that happened at the party tonight.
"Ah, that was so good." You slurp the last of your soup. "Thank you." You look at him with a small smile that he acknowledges.
"Course. Anything else you want?"
"Hm." You tap your chin. "Hotteok?" His eyes widen.
"I think I could marry you on the spot." He says with a slow nod, making you laugh.
"Why? Do you like it?"
"Like it? That's my favorite thing to snack on." He looks at you before carefully pushing aside the empty dishes on the table. "Come on." He nods towards the door before getting up to pay for the meal.
"Hey, let me know how much that was."
"I got it." He smiles at you.
"Joon." You pout.
"Now, you know you can't do that." He chuckles as you walk backwards to continue shoving your pout in his face.
"Why not?" You tease, tippy-toeing to get in his face. He blushes, hand placed on your arm gently to guide you. When you slightly lose your footing over a small pothole in the street, your foot lands wrong and your ankle twists, causing you to trip.
"Woah." Namjoon catches you, placing both of his hands on the back of your elbows to bring you close to his body. "Y/N, please. Be careful. I don't want you to hurt yourself." Your breathing quietly hitches, suddenly feeling an overwhelming sensation to kiss him.
"Sorry." You say, close to a whisper.
"You okay?" You nod and he smiles.
"You sure you got it from here?" He teases.
"I just get a little clumsy sometimes."
"A little? I've seen you trip multiple times on the way to class."
"Hey." You whine, making him laugh as he brushes your hair back.
"You're still cute." You blush, eyes darting from his eyes to your lips. He catches on and god, does he wanna pull you into the deepest kiss right now. He's been waiting for this very moment where he could hold you close, kiss you, take you in. No more of the subtle flirting, no more of the subtle brushing of hands, the hand against your back as he passes by. No more trying to keep the flirting hush hush during study sessions in the library.
He wants to show you more of him.
But he wants to do right by you.
He licks his lips and gently lets you go, signaling at the food cart ahead. To say you were disappointed was an understatement, and it had you questioning whether or not Namjoon really did feel the same way as you even though he had been open and flirting back. Maybe you were reading him wrong? Why hadn't he made his move on you yet?
Why didn't he just kiss you?
"Hotteok is right there." Is all he says before leading you to the cart. You silently follow along, the both of you quietly eating your hotteok as you walk back to the car and start making your way back home to your shared apartment. Namjoon can pick up on the sudden shift in attitude, even though you had been trying to keep it cool, keep yourself together, rather than let the disappointment ruin a good night.
He knew what was bothering you though, you didn't have to say it. It really has nothing to do with you, moreso just him.
He just doesn't wanna fuck this up. You mean a lot to him, and he really, really liked you. He could almost spill out the fucking 'L' word if he wanted to. Because you— you were different.
He parks his car in front of your apartment building, which isn't too far from campus itself and the surrounding neighborhood [thank God, because Hoseok has been blowing up his phone since he hopped off the freeway]. You both silently sit there, unsure if you really want the night to end this way or what, but again, you weren't gonna let a moment ruin the night you had. You had fun, you enjoyed spending the rest of it with Namjoon. It's all you had been hoping for, anyway. Some alone time with Namjoon.
"Thank you." He tilts his head and gives you a small smile.
"Of course."
"Are you gonna go back for Hoseok and Taehyung?" He nods.
"Yeah, Hoseok has been blowing up my phone. I probably should." You chuckle, watching as Namjoon rushes over to your side to open your door and walk you to the front of your building.
"I really enjoyed tonight. Seriously. Thank you for helping me fulfill my craving." You giggle as he pulls you into the softest, biggest hug ever.
"You can always call me if you need company, you know I'd be right there." You nod as you pull back.
"Goodnight? Drive safely." You say softly as you give him one last smile before walking towards the lobby door. Namjoon stands there, watching as you fiddle with your bag to fetch your keys out. But, it suddenly hits him—
He can't end the night like this.
"Y/N." He calls out as he walks towards you, just as you swing the door open to step inside.
"Hm?" He walks over, large hands come out of his pockets to rest on your cheeks as he pulls you in for a deep kiss. When he slightly pulls away, the tips of your noses are still touching, his thumb caressing the surface of your cheek. You chase after his lips for another small peck— one that the both of you sink into, your hands gripping onto the sides of his shirt to keep him close. Completely pulling away this time, he leans his forehead against yours and kisses the tip of your nose before looking back down at you.
"Goodnight." He bites onto his bottom lip when he sees you smile from ear to ear.
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starlightswitch · 9 months
To Always Remember
(for Writer's Month day 30 prompt children AU. AU for my WIP Not As An Us where Cammie, Joey, Seth, and Hailey meet as kids. They meet in the same order, though, because apparently my brain wants AUs to be parallel to the original.)
Cammie was pretty sure things didn’t usually work out this way. Usually when you met somebody from a different state while you were both on vacation, you only got to hang out with them for the rest of the vacation, and then you never saw them again. At least, if you weren’t old enough to go visit the person on your own, or have them come visit you, or plan to go on vacation together.
But Cammie was lucky, and her parents had gotten along so well with Joey’s parents they’d decided to plan their vacation for the same time next year. It helped that both families had already been getting cabins at this same campground sometime in the fall for years, but Cammie was pretty sure they hadn’t picked the same week before. She had never met Joey before last year.
Once they’d found each other, they’d hung out every day, and before they had left Joey had had the idea of picking out matching souvenirs. Their parents had let them go to the shop by themselves, and they had found these bracelets, plain twisted cord running through a big fancy bead shaped like a bird. Cammie had picked the one that looked like a standing bird– her dad had told her it was probably supposed to be a hawk– and Joey had picked the one that looked more like a duck. She’d chipped in for Joey’s since he didn’t have a lot of money and she got a good allowance. She’d had the idea for them to put them on each other. Joey did hers first, and as he slipped it onto her wrist he said, “Now no matter what happens you’ll always remember this vacation.”
She hadn’t really realized until then that one of the reasons she liked hanging out with Joey was she liked how he talked. He put words together in a way that sounded good.
So she said the same thing when she put his on, or as close as she could remember. “Now you’ll always remember this vacation, no matter what happens.” And for the next year whenever she wore the bracelet to school she’d twist it around her wrist and wonder whether Joey was wearing his too, like putting them on each other and saying the same thing had given them some special connection.
Their second day on vacation this year, when Cammie ran out in the morning to meet Joey, a blonde boy was with him. “This is Seth,” said Joey. “He’s staying on the other side of me.” By ‘me’ he meant his family’s cabin; he nodded toward it.
Cammie didn’t have to think much– if Joey thought Seth was cool, he must be cool. “I’m Cammie,” she said. “Joey and I met last summer.”
“I know,” Seth said with a smile. “He told me.”
So for that second day of vacation, there were three of them.
When they were down at the playground that night, Cammie looked up to see a girl standing a few steps from the edge of the grass. “Hi!” she called over.
The girl glanced behind her as if Cammie might be talking to someone else. No one else was there, but instead of saying ‘hi’ back she glanced over her shoulder again and walked away.
Joey was looking at her when she looked back at him. Cammie gave him an annoyed shrug, her hands open.
“Maybe she’s just shy,” said Joey. “You’re very enthusiastic. Not everybody’s into that.”
Enthusiastic. She really liked how he talked. “As long as you’re into it,” she said, and she liked the way he smiled in response.
The girl joined them the next day, their last day. She must have started talking to Seth somehow– she came over with him. She stuck close to him and talked to him most, sometimes looking at him before he talked, as if he was the only thing keeping her in the group. As if Cammie and Joey and Seth were a group that she needed approval to join instead of a few random kids who’d met about the same way she’d met them.
“You guys should have bracelets too,” Cammie said to Seth and the girl, whose name was Hailey. She held up the wrist she wore hers on. “Me and Joey got them last year and wore them a bunch, right?”
“Right,” said Joey, holding up his wrist too.
“It’s a good memory,” said Cammie, and almost added that they might want that since their parents hadn’t been talking to her and Joey’s parents so they probably wouldn’t be here at the same time for vacation next year, and they might never all be together again. She decided just in time not to say that out loud.
Hailey didn’t want to ask her parents if she could go to the store, so Seth said Cammie and Joey could go get the bracelets for them. He went back to his family’s cabin to get the money he’d bought for souvenirs and said he was paying for Hailey’s too.
On the walk to the store, Joey said, “So weird to think we might never see them again.”
“It’ll be good to have the bracelets,” said Cammie, looking at hers. “Imagine if someday we run into them somewhere else and still have our bracelets. One of them could move to the same town as one of us and go to the same school.”
“We could end up at college together someday,” said Joey. “You never know.” He started telling a story he’d heard somewhere about people who got married, and it turned out they’d been in the same grade school class and were in the same school picture.
It made Cammie think, just as a flash of a thought, about marrying Joey someday and wearing their bracelets for the wedding.
At the store, they couldn’t find the bracelets.
“We should ask,” Joey said eventually, and Cammie said, “Oh, right!” She went over to the counter and said, “Excuse me, do you have any more of these?”, holding up her wrist to show hers.
The young woman looked at it, looked confused, and said, “I’ve never seen those before. All the bracelets were have are over there.”
Cammie and Joey looked at each other. “They must have different bracelets this year,” Cammie said hopelessly.
“Okay,” said Joey. “We’ll get different ones. For us, too, so they all go together.”
“And stop wearing these?” Cammie fiddled with her bird.
“No? You can wear more than one bracelet. We can wear both. The new ones for the four of us, and the old ones for the two of us.” He touched his bird. “I like having this one to remember you.”
Cammie had that flash of a thought again. And another flash of a thought that if she was older, she might have kissed him.
She bumped wrists with him so the bracelets touched. Even though it was just cord tapping cord, she thought she almost felt a click.
2020 day 30: Earned It (joy)
2021 day 30: The One Who Was There (tree + band AU)
2022 day 31: On His Own (loud + prison)
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very-grownup · 1 year
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I posted 568 times in 2022
That's 160 more posts than 2021!
197 posts created (35%)
371 posts reblogged (65%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 311 of my posts in 2022
Only 45% of my posts had no tags
#quotations - 176 posts
#mo xiang tong xiu - 21 posts
#moby dick - 20 posts
#herman melville - 19 posts
#gene wolfe - 17 posts
#grief - 15 posts
#ace attorney - 14 posts
#megan whalen turner - 11 posts
#maggie stiefvater - 10 posts
#heaven official's blessing - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#the evolution of i'm not sure if good omens 2 is a good idea without terry pratchett to oh john finnemore is involved this will be wonderful
My Top Posts in 2022:
"(...) When you gone to get married? You need to have some babies. It'll settle you." "I don't want to make somebody else. I want to make myself."
Sula, Toni Morrison
24 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
He was daydreaming, and his thoughts, moving like the sea, gradually turned from the rhythm of the waves to that of the long, slow passage of time, and hence to the inevitability of growing old -- and he suddenly caught his breath. He had never looked forward to the wisdom and other vaunted benefits of old age. Would he be able to die young -- and if possible free of all pain? A graceful death -- as a richly patterned kimono, thrown carelessly across a polished table, slides unobtrusively down into the darkness of the floor beneath. A death marked by elegance. The thought of dying suddenly spurred him with a desire to see Satoko, if only for a moment.
Spring Snow, Yukio Mishima
28 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
I responded to back-to-back trauma by writing fanfic for the first time in ... 15 years?
Since people are returning to tumblob for Reasons, maybe it is a good time to promote my current creative outlet and maybe we can do it without being self-depreciating!
I’ve been writing Ace Attorney fanfic, specifically focused on Apollo Justice. In chronological order, because all things are linked in my brain:
Camouflage; or A Field Analysis of the Habits and Disposition of the Average American Teenage Boy: Apollo and Clay have a sleepover in high school. About being a teenager and forming friendship bonds and parental loss.
Begonia, Bittersweet: post-Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Apollo visits Vera Misham in the hospital to have a circuitous talk about forgery and victimless crimes.
The Normalacy of Grief: post-Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice, Apollo, Nahyuta, and Rayfa talk about dead dads.
Snatching Closure from the Jaws of Chaos: hey you know how Shu Takumi left the series after Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney and the games that followed it that weren’t by him seemed to drop a lot of things that could have used further exploration?
*Citation Needed: WIP about Klavier visiting Apollo in Khura’in after the above story. There’s kissing. Hypothetically. Eventually. AND dead bodies. Eventually.
Lanugo: formerly amnesiac mother has some complicated feelings about meeting the son she thought was dead and then was amnesiac about with both of them knowing who the other is.
Missing You/Missing Time: some mystical bullshit goes down while Apollo and Klavier are juggling a long-distance relationship and it sucks and everyone hates it.
73 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
This seemed to resonate with some folks on the other social media site
Also now reading "Moira's Pen" (2022) by Megan Whalen Turner because I'm not taking "The Odyssey" into the bath to be dropped by my tiny hands.
You would think that a collection of short stories - although it's not really that (errata maybe) - published after the conclusion of an author's series would be full of answers to narrative gaps, things readers have always been curious about, elaborations from the ending.
So I'm absurdly pleased that Turner continues to answer basically no questions beyond "what is the age difference between two characters?" and "who is Gitta?" and instead has scattered dozens of new questions for the reader.
I might have further thoughts in terms of how this all fits with Turner's approach to series structure as a whole because I continue to find that fascinating. If I don't, though, cheers for more material confirming Relius as the least wholesome queer character. What a gift.
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See the full post
96 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"Li Shimin." Gao Qiu plants his elbow on the golden tablecloth and points at Shimin, designed black robes gleaming with a leather shine. "We barely have to do any rebranding for you. You're the baddest of bad boys. The ultimate alpha male. You live by your own rules, not giving a fuck about what other people think, and that's exactly what makes you so alluring. Men want to be you; women want to be protected by you." "Um," Shimin says. "Okay."
Iron Widow, Xiran Jay Zhao
903 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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johnnys-green-pen · 3 years
WIP game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Tag as many people as you have WIPs.  Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Tagged by @hitchcock-winter a while back - thanks a bunch! I love getting tagged in stuff like this. 
Fun fact: My WIP folder consists of a physical ring binder (because typewriter) and an equally physical notebook. So much for file names, but I made do.
Most of these are just a page of random notes, some have a bit more stuff to them. A couple of these are abandoned in this particular form, but I don’t think I have anything in there that won’t get used at all. I also combined a few things that would’ve been in the same file if I’d been using files so you don’t have the fifty instances of “slowburn fic planning” I’ve scattered across my notebook. 
All of these are E! fics.
“Planning: E! Slowburn fic (goddamnit)”
"The other long-form E! fic”
The Silent Treatment
SF Sequel
“E! fic attempts: Hands”
“Yet another attempt at E! fanfic”
“Attempt 3: fucking hell. fuck this. fuck.”
“Johnny had never been a very tactile person”
touch-starved stuff
Tags: I don’t know many people who write on here and are still active, and one of them’s Hitch, who tagged me. So, uh. @evilsilenc3, I know YOU have WIPs because you mentioned that when I tagged you for the first lines meme! Aha! Then, for a little out-of-fandom ping, let’s confuse the hell out of my IRL buddy @mimswinter. Hey mims! Betcha didn’t expect a ping from this sideblog!  And, last but not least, any other writer who has WIPs, E! related or not, you can all feel tagged, too. 
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dove down my rabbit hole of wips and one of my wips isnt a wip anymore! so here, have some gay shit....
“Kelly wants to get married in the woods, I want to get married in Midvale. So, apparently, our wedding will just happen via Zoom. Her in the woods, me at the beach. Ain’t that just fucking grand?”
Alex comes through the door like a hurricane covered in leather. Her helmet lands on Kara’s counter loudly. Her keys haphazardly thrown somewhere in the general direction of the bowl by the door.
“Then have two weddings.”
Alex follows the voice and her eyes zero in on her sister’s best friend.
Lena is sitting on the floor of Kara’s apartment, wearing an oversized sweater. Her dark hair spilling down her shoulders softly. A hand wrapping around a wine glass, the other typing on her laptop, not even jumping in the slightest at the commotion that is Alex’s entrance.
Alex plops down on the couch sighing loudly, not even batting an eye at this utterly domestic scene that is her sister washing the dishes with Lena Luthor on the floor of her apartment.
Lena doesn’t comment at the Danvers’ Sisters antics and Alex doesn’t call them out on the ridiculousness that Lena and Kara are still keen on keeping up.
The three of them already well desensitized to one another’s preferred brand of bullshitery.
“You know, sometimes I forget you're a rich-ass bitch and then you say shit like that and suddenly, I remember,” Alex says, smoothly snatching the wine from Lena’s hand.
She finishes the entire glass in one gulp and Lena rolls her eyes. Alex had finally proposed to Kelly the other week and well, that meant this week all of them had fallen victim to the Olsen-Danvers wedding debacle. It seems today isn’t the day that that whole dilemma is going to stop.
The wedding, of course, was still a few months away, but both parties were stressing about it as if it was going to happen immediately the next day.
Kara swoops in then, mussing up Alex’s hair, earning her an annoyed Hey stop it! before putting down another wine glass and pouring for Lena. Her arms are still wet from washing the dishes.
Lena murmurs her thanks and continues what she was saying, “Well, since you’ve finally remembered that I’m a billionaire. Let me pay for two weddings.”
Alex chokes on the wine.
“What? You’re kidding me, right?”
Lena continues typing, ignoring Alex’s shock, you’d think she didn’t just offer to pay for a wedding.
“Well, I mean, I’m never gonna get married,” Lena explains, “but if you let me do this, I can brag around that I’ve paid for two weddings. Not to mention I’m gonna make two brides very, very happy.”
“Or,” Kara interjects, lowering herself on the opposite side of the couch, perfect for Lena to lean back between Kara’s legs and lay her head on the side of her thigh. “You can just wait for Kelly to get here,” Kara says, pointedly. “Talk it out like normal adults and reach a compromise.”
Kara’s hands start to snake their way from Lena’s hair to Lena’s shoulders, massaging, all too aware that Lena won’t stop whatever it is she’s working on on her laptop till everybody gets here.
Lena lets herself melt and closes her eyes, sighing as Kara’s fingers dip at the junction of her neck and shoulder with just the right amount of pressure.
“I don’t wanna get married in the woods, Kara.”
Lena opens one eye to take a peek at Alex, who looks exasperated, her eyes pleading, gulping down another glass of wine.
“Don’t tell me,” Kara replies. “Tell Kelly.”
“The bugs, Kara,” Alex moans. “Imagine the bugs, and the moss and the ughhh.”
She dramatically thumps the back of her head on the couch.
“Imagine the soil. Clumpy wet soil. Eurgh. Ew. What if I fall face first in that? What if I trip over a stupid tree root in my heels? In my wedding dress?!”
“Alex, you don’t even have a dress yet,” Kara deadpans.
“I thought you were gonna wear a suit,” Lena adds.
“You two suck.” Alex pouts.
The rest of their friends arrive and Kara finally succeeds in prying Lena’s work laptop away from her. Alex was already teasing the line from tipsy to drunk by the time Kelly comes through the door.
“Let’s get married in Vegas!!!!” Is how Alex decides to greet her fiance.
Kelly laughs, gives her a peck then answers, “As much as that sounds like a very convenient wedding, I don’t think Eliza would appreciate that, baby.”
Alex frowns at being rejected, sags against the couch and crosses her arms. Why does Kelly always have to be right?
“How much has she had to drink?” Kelly turns to Kara.
“Uhh ask Lena. She made her switch to whiskey.”
Lena—who Kelly thinks was way too busy nuzzling against Kara’s neck to even answer her question—mumbles something that sounds like “S’was just two glasses.”
Kelly just shakes her head, makes Alex drink a glass of water. Her ring making a clink against the glass.
“Alright, what if,” Nia sing-songs, eyes sparkling with mischief, “we just settle this whole wedding thing with Charades?”
Nia claps her hands together like some gameshow host and Kelly takes a deep breath through the nose.
She’s been to enough Game Nights to know where this is headed.
Everybody else was intoxicated enough to accept the suggestion as a grand idea, not at all even thinking that: Hey, isn’t this something we should all take seriously?? Maybe ask the brides what they want, maybe???
Kara nods enthusiastically, agreeing immediately, “Oh!! That’s a great idea! Fun and fair at the same time!”
“Olsen vs. Danvers. Brides get to pick their teams.”
Nia pulls a white board out of nowhere, uncaps a marker and writes “Team Danvers”, “Team Olsen” separated by a neat line in the middle.
“Are we really letting Nia take charge of our wedding venue?" She hears Alex whisper from where she has her tucked at the crook of her neck.
Kelly sneaks a glance at the chaos happening before their eyes; Brainy already claiming to be on Kelly’s team, J’onn shaking his head opting to be the game scorer instead and refusing to participate, somebody’s shouting about: NIA, DREAM PROJECTIONS AT CHARADES IS CHEATING!!!!
Guess this is their life now.
Kelly smirks, boops Alex on the nose and says, “Scared you’ll lose, Danvers?”
Alex loses by three points.
“How was I supposed to know you were gesturing 'Transformers'!?!” She barks at Kara, throwing her hands in exasperation.
“I pointed at Nia!” Kara huffs, incredulous at the fact that her sister is blaming her.
Nia lost them a point too!
“What does Nia even have to do with it???” Alex’s voice grows higher in pitch. Her brows furrow in a mix of confusion and frustration.
“Trans, Alex. Trans.”
“Oh my God,” Alex groans. “How are you this dumb?”
And that was the story of how Kelly got her dream wedding.
The frenzy finally dies down, some time between Nia making up another drinking game and J’onn making her sit back down. A movie that none of them were watching provides a background noise to the almost lazy atmosphere. Kelly and Alex were pressed close on the far end of the couch, enjoying the temporary quiet.
“Guess we’re getting married in the woods, huh?” Alex murmurs.
“I guess we are,” Kelly whispers back. Alex beams at her, grinning dopily at the thought of finally getting the ending they deserve. It would be the perfect day, she has no doubt about that. No matter where they are. It would be perfect because they got there together.
Alex can’t wait.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
Alex continues to smile stupidly, nudges her nose to Kelly’s.
“Just— I don’t really care where we get married, I guess.”
“Oh yeah?” Kelly raises an amused brow at her.
“Mm-hm. So long as you’re the one walking down the aisle.”
Alex presses their lips together, breathes Kelly in deep and for the first time that night, she feels that the future isn’t so scary, even though there is still a very large possibility that she might trip over a tree root on her wedding day.
Somebody interrupts their kiss.
“She’s only saying that ‘cos she lost.”
“Shut up, Luthor.”
“Text me when you get home!”
Lena hears Kara call loudly after her sister, before closing the door. Game Night has officially ended and as usual she’s still here. She’ll always be here, she thinks for a brief moment. The thought holding more depth than it should.
Kara didn’t even question her when everybody began filing out and Lena just started picking up the discarded dirty plates and walking them to the sink. They’re well past the point of asking each other if the other would stay over.
It was already some unspoken rule.
Already well past the point of Lena wanting to ask Kara what the hell it is they’re doing.
She’s bent over the sink, scrubbing—Kara doesn’t own a dishwasher for the sole reason that she finds doing the dishes therapeutic—when Lena takes a glance over her shoulder.
Kara is sitting on a high stool near the counter, casually flicking through her phone. It was Lena’s turn to do the dishes tonight. Once upon a time her doing the dishes would have resulted in a fight. “I can superspeed the dishes. Why would you even want to do them?” A statement that would be met with an eye roll.
Kara has learned not to fight her on it again, after around the 7th time that Lena had stubbornly insisted and Supergirl got doused with dishwashing liquid.
And now, it’s become some sort of routine, Kara does the dishes after lunch and Lena does the dishes after dinner. Oh, how the paparazzi would kill for this—Lena Luthor Knows What A Sponge Is?
“Is it true when you told Alex you’re never going to get married?”
Kara decides to break their quiet.
“Yeah, pretty certain about that one, why?” Lena turns around, cocks a curious brow. If she’s being honest she’s beyond certain that she’s not going to get married. She always jokes about how she’s married to L-Corp but it isn’t till now that she realizes how true that is, and...how lonely.
“I don’t know,” Kara murmurs, not meeting Lena’s eyes. “I just like the idea of you getting married, I guess.”
“What?” Lena chuckles at that; genuinely confused but still curious.
“Well, I mean—” Kara wobbles through her words.
“I guess, I just— I like the idea of you walking down the aisle...in a white dress,” Kara muses.
Then, “Or a suit!!” she quickly amends. “If you wanna wear a suit, that is. That can totally be arranged, you know?” Kara waves her hand around and it’s like now that she’s started, she can’t stop.
And Lena’s just standing there, water still dripping from her elbow, unsure of how to feel about Kara imagining her getting married. Quite an incredulous scene isn’t it? Her getting married? What a crazy thing to say, an even crazier scenario to imagine!
She snaps out of it, realizing Kara’s still rambling.
“I have no objections whatsoever with that, if you wanna wear a suit. And yeah, you know? I just— I like that idea. I like the idea of you dancing to your wedding song. The idea of you exchanging your vows, the idea of you-”
“Kara,” Lena decides to put a stop to it, since it’s clearly evident Kara won’t be stopping any time soon. And Lena's feeling way too many things that she doesn’t want to feel at the moment. She’s sure that she’s going to feel more, if she doesn’t put a stop to it herself.
“I’m well aware that it’s the best friend’s job to help with the bride’s wedding,” She says, “but, darling don’t you think you’re putting just a bit too much effort into this? Certainly seems like you’ve thought about it a lot.”
At that, Kara’s cheeks turn a light pink, squirming sheepishly under Lena’s questioning gaze.
Shouldn’t Kara be thinking about her own wedding? How beautiful she would look walking down the aisle. How her blonde hair would look so nicely with her dress. How happy she would finally be after finding someone she could share her life with. Not that Lena's been thinking about those kinds of things. No, of course not. That’d be hypocritical of her at this point. Why would she even— Why were they even talking about this again???
Lena tries to rein in it, tries to focus on Kara again; hands finally finding a dry towel, hesitantly walking into Kara’s space to hear the blonde more clearly.
“Well, I mean- Like I said, I do really like the idea of you getting married,” Kara repeats herself slowly.
And before Lena can come any closer, “Like the idea of you getting married…to me. More specifically,” Kara adds more quietly.
Lena stands frozen.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard y- Kara, did you just?”
Lena’s heart is pounding away in her chest. Did she hear her right? Did Kara really just—
Lena’s a step away from her and Kara uses this to her advantage. She pulls Lena closer, tugging at her wrist, the towel dropping from Lena’s hands. Kara summons enough willpower to stare into Lena’s eyes.
“I like the idea of you getting married to me, Lena Luthor.”
“Kara, I’m sorry- What?” Lena jerks away from her, the words finally landing.
“Is that a no?”
Kara lets her go. She can’t focus on Lena’s heartbeat to assess the situation more. Kara’s own heart is betraying her, drumming so loudly in her ears.
“Uh- no, that's definitely not a no?” says Lena hesitantly, eyes wide, breathing nervously. She turns away from Kara for a minute to take a breath, hands fidgeting about.
She whirls around again to face, mutters, “You do realize marriages are for people who are—”
She pauses.
How do you exactly phrase that wedding proposals are for people who are actually in some kind of romantic relationship? And not for people who casually stay over every goddamn Thursday without fail?And okay, maybe sometimes, in a much different reality, would willingly commit fratricide to save the other? And in an also much different reality, willingly expose a secret identity to save the other?
Lena can’t find the right words.
“Oh, I don’t know, Kara,” Lena scoffs, shaking her head disbelievingly. “Marriage is for people who are actually dating each other.”
Kara takes her sarcasm as a good sign and pulls her in again.
“Well,” Kara begins. She can hear Lena’s heart thumping erratically, now that Kara’s gotten her bearings.
“We can always have our first date after the wedding, right?”
Aren’t they well past the point of dating anyway?
She’s got Lena standing between her legs now, her hands wrapping around her waist.
“First date and honeymoon all in one. That sounds great, doesn’t it? I can fly you wherever you want, Paris, Maldives, hell I even have a Fortress in the Arctic, if you’re into that.”
Lena stares at her, blinks once, twice; shakes her head and lets out a noise between a laugh and a scoff.
“Kara Zor-El, you are one ridiculous woman,” She breathes, putting a hand on Kara’s cheek. Because what else is there to say? This whole conversation really is ridiculous. But at the same time Lena feels like she’s floating? Like this may be the best moment of her life, and of course, it’s going to be ridiculous. This is Kara she’s dealing with, after all.
She doesn’t know what she’s going to do if Kara reveals this to be just some sort of joke.
But the way her blue eyes are piercing through Lena’s, so earnest and so warm, argues otherwise.
“So, what do you say? Wanna get married?”
“Are you serious right now?” Lena asks, still unbelieving. This is beyond crazy. They’ve fought aliens and monsters and traveled through time but this? This is just beyond crazy.
“Lena, do I look like I’m joking? And besides, you’d already offered to pay for two weddings, why not pay for our two weddings, instead?”
She shakes her head again, let’s herself fall closer to Kara, lets out a laugh against her neck.
“Mm. You want a Kryptonian ceremony too?”
“Yeah.” Kara’s voice turns shy. “If that’s alright by you.”
“Of course, that’s alright by me. I’d be honored.”
Her heart feels more than full at the thought of Kara wanting to share that part of her with Lena. She’s always had some doubts whenever the topic of Kara’s Kryptonian heritage arises, always half-afraid she’s overstepped on something that isn’t hers.
But looks like there was nothing to fear all along.
“So, we’re getting married, huh?” Kara wiggles her brows, her face breaking into a wide grin.
“Yes. Mm-hm,” Lena hums against her. “I do. I’d marry you. Let’s get married.”
“Seal it with a kiss?"
Lena blearily opens her eyes, follows the soft voice, her bare back being caressed by the sun filtering through Kara’s curtains.
“Hi,” She whispers back. All this feels much too like a fever dream. She’s half-tempted to pinch herself just to check. She’s woken up beside Kara a million times before but she’ll never get used to the sight of soft golden hair and sleepy blue eyes.
Kara gives her a soft peck and the feel of her lips sends Lena reeling.
The previous night was a whirlwind in her mind’s eye. The moment Lena murmured her 'Yes, please.', Kara kissed her passionately. Once they broke away, Kara had zipped around the apartment, Lena too dazed to even ask what it was Kara was looking for.
She watched as Kara tore off a keychain from one of her bags, curled the keyring to fit Lena’s finger and whispered, “This’ll do. For now.”
Kara had kissed her knuckles reverently, her lips making Lena’s blood sing in her veins. The feel of mangled metal fitted just for her left hand is an imprint on her soul. A promise of more to come.
They didn’t make it out of the kitchen the first time. Kara had lifted her by the waist and set her down on the kitchen counter. Which was a good thing, because Lena couldn’t feel her legs after.
They didn’t make it to the bedroom the second time either. She had tackled Kara onto the couch, pinning her wrists together, licking at the shell of Kara’s ear. “My turn now,” Lena had whispered. The way Kara shivered underneath her was enough of a reward. How long had they been waiting for this?
Flashes of last night had her hips bucking slightly unto Kara’s leg sandwiched between her own, but before it could escalate further...
“I have exciting news to share,” Kara tells her.
“Mm-hmm,” Kara hums, now nosing at Lena’s hair.
“What is it?” Lena asks.
“I’m getting married.”
“Oh you are?” Lena plays along.
“Yes. I’m getting married to my best friend,” whispers Kara, almost conspiratorially. “How cool is that?”
Kara looks giddy with excitement and Lena knows she’s mirroring that exact same expression right now.
“Mm. Very cool, darling.”
Kara giggles and they trade more lazy kisses before Lena breaks away to breathe.
“Quite a coincidence though,” Lena husks out against Kara’s lips.
“Oh really? Why?” Kara asks, tries to keep a serious neutral face despite her nose scrunching up in that cute smile that Lena can’t resist
“I’m also getting married,” Lena confides, “To my best friend," she adds, eyes flashing. "Isn’t that great?”
“Very great.” Kara nods slowly, blonde hair falling into her face, a hand running through dark tresses.
“I love you,” Lena whispers, her lips brushing Kara’s softly.
“I love you, too.” Kara kisses her harder then, her hands lazily wandering along Lena’s skin.
They lie there quietly for a few moments, basking in the morning glow and then, “Alex will kill us.”
Lena snorts, twists in the sheets and says, “I think your sister is too busy planning her wedding to even think about plotting our murder.”
read follow-up here.
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unwrittenlibrary · 3 years
i know, you know.
summary -> bucky would die for you, but that’s not what you want from him.
words -> 1.7k
warnings -> light angst & near death & use of nickname (sweets)
notes -> i started game of thrones & i am obsessed with the idea of medieval bucky now so add that to my wips list
»»————- ☾ ————-««
Bucky has no sense of self preservation.
You’re unsure if it’s because when he was a boy he was sent to war where it wasn’t a when you come home, it was an if. Or maybe because he’s lived so long he doesn’t feel like he needs to worry about life.
At first Bucky’s martyr-like care for you had made your pulse race. Throwing himself in front of punches thrown your way and saving you from bullets by reaching out his metal arm.
Then you realized he never thought things through. He just threw himself into harms way without worrying about whether or not he would survive the action.
You’ve learned all this within the two years you’ve known him. He’s become your best friend. Something more than that too. Shared stares and secret kisses that leave your heart fluttering and skin heating.
You love him, the kind of love that bubbles under the surface of kind smiles and more than friendly touches.
The kind that leaves your leg shaking as you sit beside him now, because Bucky Barnes has been asleep for three days.
A bullet had tore through his chest and left him gasping for air and bleeding out at your feet. You had dropped beside him to your knees after sending a bullet through the attackers chest.
“Sam, you’ve got to get us out of here.” You gasp into your comms. “Bucky’s hurt.” Your hands come to rest over the wound and you press harshly against them.
You look around in panic. “You idiot.” You mumble to him. Bucky’s blinking slowly and is obviously in a daze as he tries to focus on you leaning over him. “
“I’ll die before I let someone hurt you.” Bucky whispers. Your hands are stained red and Bucky’s eyes slide shut again after he breathes the words out. You let out a choked cry as you stare down at him.
“He’ll be okay.” Sam’s hand is resting on your shoulder in an attempt to comfort you. “Bucky is a fighter.”
You shake him off. “Bucky is an idiot.” You snap. Your eyes trail over his chest that’s rising and falling steadily.
‘He’s lucky.’ The doctor’s words come to your mind. ‘If it weren’t for that serum he most likely would have bled out in the field.’
You can’t stop thinking about the scene. The tips of your fingers are still stained red, the blood stubbornly refusing to wash away and remains a constant reminder of Bucky’s words in the field.
“Bucky is an idiot with no self preservation.” You start again. The words that had been caught in your throat the past three days come tumbling out like vile. “He’s selfish and doesn’t have any remorse for his choices or any idea what his actions may do to the people who care about him.”
You look at Bucky again. He doesn’t stir. His chest is still rising and falling steadily while his eyes remain closed. “I’m going to get a drink.” You push your chair our abruptly. Sam jumps away from you as you shove past him.
Guilt weighs you down immediately. You hadn’t meant to snap at Sam and you certainly didn’t mean all you said about Bucky.
It’s just - Bucky isn’t supposed to look like that. You had never seen him look so vulnerable. His skin pale and body completely immobile as he sleeps.
It has you panicking. Bucky, your Bucky, was strong and unmoving in a way that left enemies shaking. He had an aura that made you feel warm and confident with him by your side.
The hospital walls are a blank white that leave you simultaneously nauseous and comforted as you rest your back against it and shut your eyes.
Nobody stops to ask if you were okay or if you needed help, many of them too busy or preoccupied with actual patients. It was relieving to be able to have a moment of silence with nothing in your thoughts but what may be going on with the people you watched moves throughout the hospital.
How many were visitors there for a similar reason to yours? How many regular patients or who was a favorite nurse?
Sam’s voice makes you straighten out when you hear your name. You look at him apologetically, but before you can get the words out, he cuts you off. “Bucky’s awake.”
You pause. “Just like that?” You ask dumbly. You knew that this is what would happen. The doctor had explained that Bucky had been placed in an induced coma so his body could heal on it’s own and that he would wake up on his own time.
After three days though, you can’t imagine looking into Bucky’s eyes. You don’t know how to after seeing him so close to death.
“Just like that.” Sam says kindly. “I told you he was a fighter.”
You swallow thickly in an attempt to hold back tears. “I don’t… I’ll be in there soon.” You settle against the wall again.
Softly, Sam speaks, “Soon? He’s asking for you.” He tilts his head in an attempt to get you to look at him, but your eyes stay stuck to the ground. “Nobody ever said Bucky wasn’t an idiot, but he’s an idiot who cares. About you.”
“He can care about me without trying to kill himself!” You exclaim. You shoot an apologetic look toward the nurses who glance over at your voice.
There’s a beat of silence before Sam sighs. “He can. But how is supposed to know that? All Bucky has known is war, maybe in some way saving you from violence is all he knows how to do to show he cares.”
You look away again before you heave out a sigh. Your mind is a scrambled mess of panic, stress and exhaustion. All you want is to go home and forget any of this ever happened.
“I’ll give you some time.” Sam presses a reassuring kiss to the top of your head. “Just talk to him, yeah?”
You nod reluctantly. “I will.” When you don’t move, Sam raises his eyebrows. “Just… Give me a second.” When Sam leaves you in the hallway again, you suck in a deep breath in preparation.
<- ☾ ->
“Sweets.” Bucky smiles softly when he spots you in the doorway. “Been wondering where you were.”
You look him over like you’re expecting to see him covered in blood again. “Needed some air.” You answer curtly.
Bucky watches you quietly as you move further into the room. “Something wrong?”
“I’m glad you’re okay.” You avoid answering the question. Bucky notices you pause at the end of his bed and stares with furrowed brows.
When you don’t say anything else he forces out an awkward chuckle. “I’m always gonna be okay, sweets.”
“That’s not true.” You snap. You heave in a breath as Bucky watches with wide eyes. “You don’t get to just… Just wake up and be fine.”
“I am fine.” Bucky waves his hands out in front of him as if to show you. You shake your head in disbelief. “What? I am!”
“Your blood was on my hands!” You yell, shocking Bucky into silence. “You were bleeding out! Bucky, I had to watch you almost die in my arms. You don’t… You don’t get to sit here and just say you’re fine.”
“Sweets…” Bucky trails off. His eyes move over you like you’re a wild animal and he’s afraid you’ll pounce. It makes you even more upset that you look like the irrational one here.
You look away. “You were bleeding out and there was nothing I could do but watch. I can’t… I can’t do that again.”
“What am I supposed to do?” His voice raises and you know it’s so you’ll look over at him again. “Just let them hurt you?”
There’s a moment of tense silence before you nod. “Yes.”
“I’m not doing that. I can’t and I won’t.” Bucky’s shaking his head wildly at the thought of you getting hurt. “That’s not an option.”
You scoff. You’re still standing at the end of his bed and you can’t bring yourself to move closer. Not with how angry you are at him. “What is this self-sacrificial bullshit? Who does it help?”
“You!” Bucky yells. You’re almost afraid somebody will come in to check on him and find the two of you in the midst of a fight. “I’d rather be in this bed than see you in it.”
You let out a humorless laugh, but it just ends up as an exhausted sigh. “I can’t lose you, Bucky.” You finally admit in a whisper. “I can’t… I need you here, alive.”
Bucky’s eyes soften as you looks you over. “Come here.” Your eyes grow teary as he opens his arms for you crawl in beside him. “Please, sweets. Come lay with me.”
“Bucky…” You sniffle as the beginning of a sentence trails off. You move quickly to lay beside him, careful of the wires. “I don’t want you to die for me.”
His hand runs up and down your arm as your head rests on his shoulder. “This life. My life. It’s been full of violence, I just want to protect you from it.”
“You can protect me without almost dying. I won’t watch you do this again.” You look up at him sadly, the sound of his monitor beeping steadily somehow helps you breathe calmer as you push the words out. “If you want me in your life, you’ll give up this self-sacrificing bullshit.”
Bucky shifts so he can look down at you. “What else should I do?”
“Let me fight on my own. Have faith that I can handle myself.” Your hand trails down to intertwine with his. “If I… If I ever got hurt in the field like this, I’d rather you fight for me than die for me.”
Bucky inhales sharply. “I do have faith in you.” His left hand comes up to rest on your cheek and turn you eyes to face him again. “I know you’re a good fighter. I just… I…”
“I know.” You agree. The words are clear in his eyes and the nervous smile on his face. “I just need you to promise me, no more being a martyr. I don’t need anything else right now.”
Bucky’s thumb gently runs over your cheek bone. “I promise to try.” You allow your eyes to shut as Bucky leans down to press a kiss to your forehead.
There are words unspoken between you two. Things that should be said and talked about, but it can wait. You’re content to lay with him, like this, for now.
»»————- ☾ ————-««
notes -> just a short bucky piece while i work on my longer fics! next part of the survivor series should be out soon.
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got-svt · 3 years
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pairing: seventeen x reader genre: fluff, angst
updates: ???
warning; this is just me indulging in some of my favorite tropes and cliches because I can’t get enough of them
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during the course of our lives, we meet thousands of people, creating either a seconds long moment or memories that last a lifetime. some of them you’ll have the opportunity to know beyond their names and faces, some you may even grow to love. unfortunately, not all of them have the luxury of staying in your life forever. 
seventeen as all the boys you’ve loved and lost.  
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lee chan as the childhood best friend. he’s the one you grew up next to, who lived in the house directly in front of yours. the one you’ll forever associate with popsicles on the sidewalk, bike rides at dawn, seesaws and swings at sunset. and you wish you could trap yourself within the memories, to never escape the hold of childhood innocence. but, just like everyone else, both of you eventually had to grow up. 
yoon jeonghan as the academic rival. he’s the one that had you wondering how could you be so similar to someone, yet so different? he knew how to push your buttons and make a competition of everything, whether it was sports, academics, or extracurriculars. he was the one that made steam come out of your ears and blood rush to your cheeks. but even you had to admit there was a certain rush that came with it, too bad he transferred schools just before senior year. 
vernon chwe as the first love. he’s the one who woke up thirty minutes earlier in the morning just so he could walk with you to school. it was the kind of love that felt more like a friendship, but neither of you would have had it any other way. filled with inside jokes, skating in the park, sneaking out after curfew. all smiles, messy kisses, and badly belting out songs in the car. unfortunately, both of you also knew your relationship would never last past graduation day.  
xu minghao as the boy you met at summer art camp. he’s the one you were hesitant to approach at first. it wasn’t until you were tasked to critique each other’s works that you really got to know him. after that it was all marshmallows around a campfire, swimming in the lake, drawing in the fields, and paint that never seemed to leave either of your skin. as much as you wanted it to last forever, summer had to end and he never promised to keep in touch. 
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joshua hong as the university campus crush. he’s the one who seemed too good to be true. whose smile could break a million hearts, but you knew better than to fall for it. you saw him studying in the library, walking the halls, relaxing in the quad, always surrounded by a crowd of adoring fans — all vying for his attention. what a shame you never found out that you were the one who managed to catch his eye.  
boo seungkwan as the classmate you tutor. he’s the one who pretended to struggle in chemistry just so he could get closer to you. soon enough quiet afternoons in the library ended with nights at a karaoke bar, singing your hearts out to hits from the 2000s. you always knew he liked you. he never knew you liked him back, and your newfound friendship became much too valuable to risk. as the semester drew to a close, so did chances of a relationship.   
wen junhui as the barista at your favorite cafe. he’s the one who spelled your name right on the first try and remembered your order by the third visit. the only one who greeted you with a smile as you entered the door — not a forced, practiced smile, but a genuine one. his voice was as soothing as the cups of tea he made on nights you couldn’t sleep. however, you could never recall a time you saw him outside the cafe. 
kwon soonyoung as the dance partner. he was the teaching assistant in your social dancing class. the butterflies in your stomach went wild each time he laughed off you stepping on his feet, when you felt how tightly he grasped your hand in his, whenever he looked into your eyes. for some reason, you thought he had fallen for you just as you had for him. that idea was crushed when you saw him dancing with somebody else, their bodies in sync the way yours and his could never be.  
jeon wonwoo as the college sweetheart. he’s the one you mistakenly thought would last. you remember all the early morning coffee runs and late night drives, cramming sessions in the library, holding hands underneath the table, dancing in the rain, his sweaters smelling like him, lazy sundays talking about the future. it was the kind of love you fought for, but fate had different plans.
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kim mingyu as the next door neighbor. living on your own would’ve been dreadful had he not been there. did you need an extra cup of sugar for some cookies? he’ll bring one over and even bake with you. are you going away for a trip? don’t worry he’ll water your plants and feed your fish, making sure they’re the healthiest they can be. something broke? he’s more than willing to fix it himself or call someone who can if he’s unable to. which is why you wish he never moved away, leaving you with nothing but a letter and a quieter apartment. 
choi seungcheol as the coworker. your first job was a nightmare, but he was the one who made everything much more tolerable. he made sure you ate properly, never overworked yourself to the point of exhaustion, offered you a ride home when it was too late to take the bus, sent you a smile during early morning meetings. he became your rock during some of the toughest months of your life, what a shame he had to be transferred somewhere else.  
 lee seokmin as the one that got away. he should’ve been it. hadn’t it been for the timing, the distance, every other little circumstance that eventually built up to be too much. you could’ve had it all. you loved each other and for the longest time you swore it would be enough. but with his life in the spotlight and yours out of it, the end was almost inevitable. maybe in another life things could be different, but neither of you would ever get the chance to know. 
lee jihoon as the endgame. he’s the one you met much later on in life, but little did either of you know that your paths were always meant to cross. he’s always been there, waiting in the sidelines. he attended the class after yours, entered the cafe just as you were about to leave, lived in the apartment three floors above you, worked in the building located a couple of streets from your office. the reason why every single heartache eventually became worth it, because they all lead to him — the one who ended up staying.
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[taglist is open for the entire series or specific member/s ! just send in an ask or a dm] 
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note; this will be bulleted scenarios bec i feel like it would be the most feasible for me to do with the other wips i have for this blog. ren — i hear you ask — if you have a ton of wips, why start another series? listen, my brain decided to fart out this idea at three in the morning and what was i supposed to do? say no? ajhsskh and it’s february wc is the month of ~love~ so no better time than this one ig? again,, no update schedule for this one but chan’s will most likely be up on his bday  (not sure on vernon’s and seokmin’s that depends on how quickly i can crank these out shdjasn) ! <33
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writinglizards · 3 years
Fanfic Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @drowningbydegrees​!!!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
64, not counting the works I’ve anoned, for a variety of reasons.
What’s your total Ao3 word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Between the Fights (I Still Need You)
This was my first fic in the witcher fandom??? And still the most popular??? We all really love our post mountain angst, don’t we?
Tell Me Honestly--How Could I Love Somebody Else?
AKA the “Jask flirts with Geralt when he’s drunk” fic. I desperately want to do a redux on this trope, it’s so much fun to write.
5 Time Geralt Deliberately Botched a Hunt so Jaskier Would Touch Him (and 1 Time He Didn’t Have To)
God. This is probably one of my favorites, honestly. Only time I’ve really done a proper 5+1.
Sorry (When You Leave Me)
AKA the mpreg fic. I’m still baffled why yall like this one so much??? It was 100% written in a fit because I’d just finished an mpreg fic that was...uh...not...great...and was overcome with “I could do that better” so I did. And I haven’t been able to stop since, ugh.
All We Need (One Last Chance)
Corvo fic, my beloved!!! I still have another idea for an adjacent fic, I’ve just gotta...find the time. Corvo vibes and oranges, anyone?
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I used to. Now I generally don’t? There are so many of you and only one of me, unfortunately. If I responded to everyone it’s all I’d ever do lmao.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Genuinely, I have no idea. Most of what I write is happy ending because I like the catharsis of happy endings. Personally I’d probably say All We Need (One Last Chance) is the happiest, though. They’re both retired and in love!!! What more could you want?
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh, this feels like an even split between The Last Sense to Go and There isn’t Actually. On the one hand, main character death. On the other hand, extremely painful one sided relationship in which the other party is completely oblivious to the other’s feelings.
Do you write crossovers?
Not??? Exactly??? I think the closest is the daemon fic I did. I like taking traits from other genres and throwing them in, but not full on crossovers.
have you ever received hate on a fic?
I’ve never gotten blatant hate on Ao3, but I did when I was on fanfiction dot net as a teen just getting started, yes.
Do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Yes, and just about everything. Yall know this.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yep! I did a few train fics with friends a while ago and I’ve got a co-fic in the works with another friend we haven’t touched in awhile, but will eventually be done...some day...
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I am capable of one focus at a time, so right now? Geralt/Jaskier.
What’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
RIP to I Said Some Things I Wish I Hadn’t (I Wish That We Could Talk About It). Maybe someday, but no time soon, that’s for sure.
What are your writing strengths?
Lengthy, long winded nonsense.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Short and concise nonsense.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I am not bilingual enough for that, but it is VERY cool!! I love when others do it.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Naurto, as a wee baby middle schooler.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Probably Take Everything from Me (Take Time). I wrote it for Alex for her birthday but it was genuinely one of the most delightful stories to tell. I had a great time writing it.
@greyduckgreygoose @contemplativepancakes @witcher-and-his-bard @julek
No pressure, only if you want to! <3
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Hi!! Do you know any well written mpreg fics?? <3 thanks for the help!!
Here you are! (Just a heads up, be sure to send this as an ask next time instead of a submission!)
Apha Red and An Off White Moon by ScarredMuzzle (General | Complete | 4.5K) Tags: Established Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, True Mates Summary:The first big supermoon is coming up and the Alpha Red pack needs to prepare for what might happen with the kids. A Peek Inside:Liam shoved the last bag into the trunk and slammed it, willing everything to stay put. With everyone packing for a long weekend, both the minivan and Theo’s truck was loaded with bags. He felt the slight prickle under his skin, the aching reason that they were even taking a trip up to Lydia’s quiet lakehouse. Clearly the kids were feeling it too.
Little Paws by louis_wife505 (Not Rated | WIP | 35K) Tags: MPREG, smut, enemies to friends to lover Summary: Theo and Liam have a one night stand. They thought they could ignore it and forget it happened but fate has different plans. A Peek Inside: It didn't take a genius to tell Liam was uncomfortable with her coming on to them. Theo figured the girl would leave them alone if she thought they were a couple. Unfortunately she wasn't convinced with just Theo's verbal claim. "Excuse us. Babe let's dance." 
Fuck Food Lion okay? by synfulshark (Mature | Complete | 1.6K) Tags: Liam mpreg Summary: Liam doesn't feel great and want's Theo to make him one of his favorite home made meals so he does, but he finds out he doesn't have exactly what he needs so he has to go on a grocery run to aldi. His and Liam's go to for grocery supplies but they don't have one thing they need so he has to go to....food Lion. A Peek Inside: He scanned till he found Isaac's and he typed out a fast reply as he waited. ScarffyWolfBitch: Whatcha up to? SexyAssHellBitch: Aldi, Liam was hungry as fuck so he sent me to get food, ScarffyWolfBitch: What he want this time? Jesus didn't they kick you out of there for talking about killing people?
Knot The Brightest Idea by Haikyuuties_baeritto123 (Explicit | Complete | 2.6K) Tags: Knotting, outdoor sex, implied mpreg Summary: In retrospect, it probably wasn’t Theo’s brightest idea to get both he and Liam riled up before meeting the pack at the park. But the little wolf was just so easy to get flustered and Theo doesn’t pass up any opportunity to make Liam blush such a pretty shade of red. But perhaps this time he’s taken it a little too far. A Peek Inside: Theo melts and completely forgets about his phone; letting it rest on the bench beside them in order to get a good grip on Liam’s hips. The kiss is desperate and over quickly when Liam pulls back to whimper “Can’t wait” Theo does a quick survey of the area. It’s late at night so there isn’t anyone around, and the bench they are sat on is secluded from the majority of the path…but they could still get caught.
Woohoo by Shipper_trash (Teen | Complete | 1.1K) Tags: Omega Liam, alpha Theo Summary: This is a future fic, in the same 'verse as this: Get Together!! A Peek Inside: “We should seriously start watching something else,” Erica complains, shoving at Lydia who is giving her a glare. Even with tears running down her face, she looks scary. Stiles is impressed.   There is a murmur of agreement among the group of friends. Tissues are distributed, faces cleaned before Allison, Kira and Isaac decide to clean up the mess of plates and glasses on the too small coffee table. Stiles decides to help out by dialing up the pizza place’s number which they all love and ordering their usual. The lady on the other end knows the order by heart and he only has to say his name before she confirms the order and the price.  
Cracks in the surface by eliottsevak (Teen | Complete | 1.3K) Tags: Twink Liam Summary: Theo got Liam pregnant, then Kira sent him to hell. A Peek Inside: Liam knew it bordered on psychotic that Liam still found Theo to be a good person despite Theo trying to tear apart his pack and kill his alpha, but something was tugging himself to the older chimera.
Troubles (Yeah, Troubles Now) by NekoAliceYamiYaoi (Teen | Complete | 16K) Tags: Married Thiam, Nolan is Thiam’s adopted kid, angst with a happy ending, references to cheating but no actual cheating Summary: In all of his almost 6 years of life, Nolan never thought that he would be so afraid. And here we was, standing in front of the completely torn and with stenches of ink all over it dress that aunt Lydia had bought a few days ago. A Peek Inside: Nolan had only wanted to look at the dress because it had beautiful flowers in it. As he entered his dads room, he noticed Lydia's clean clothes on top of the bed, perfectly folded. He was touching the soft clothing -since his dads room had a big mirror behind the door- when he looked down and saw a spider -a big spider, not a tiny one- walking towards his feet. He screamed in fear and threw his hands up in the air, but had forgotten that he was holding the dress over his hands. He looked up as the dress flew in the air and landed in one of the blades of the ceiling fan, twirling around the room for a few seconds before the fan in a quick motion threw the dress to the boudoir where Liam kept a small portion of ink and it splattered all over the dress.
“Hello, Daddy.” by Katherin_Ravenlin (Teen | WIP | 13K) Tags: Break up, angst, alpha Liam, creepy, beating, misunderstandings, graphic depictions of violence, underage, rape/non-con Summary: Theo is already mated to Liam, they are spending their last high school year together and planning to go to college, the pack seemed to accept that they are together and Theo has big plans for their last prom - when Hayden comes back in town. The distance starts to grow between the Babywolf and the First Chimera, accusations start to settle in between them as Hayden's abusive boyfriend could be watching from any dark corner and somebody from the pack keeps leaking information about the hiding girl's whereabouts. But who is the one doing it? A Peek Inside: Laying on his back in the damp grass wasn't what Theo considered a good time. However, Liam curled up on his chest, cuddling into him stroking his skin like some kind of treasure while watching the sundown on the edge of a clearing far away from the city made it a quite okay experience. Liam nuzzles into his chest and hugs him a pit tighter, and Theo thinks, that getting his clothes damp is worth it, after all.
A Little Thing Called Love by Lanceiferroar (Explicit | Complete | 23K) Tags: Major character death, strangers to lovers, smut Summary: Liam Dunbar moves to Beacon Hills and never expects his life would change this much. A Peek Inside: Liam looked as they pulled up to their new house. “We’re here!” Liam’s mom said. Liam looked and saw the house. It was two floors, a nice yard, and an in ground pool. At least he had that going for him. He could work on his tan and lay by the pool. Maybe this life would not be too bad. Liam walked into the house and found his new room. It was surprisingly better than his room back home. He had a walk in closet and his own bathroom. No more waiting for mom or dad to get out. He could go whenever he needed to and take as long of showers as he wanted to. 
Creating Beauty From Mistakes by awesomerosie (Mature | WIP | 31K) Tags: Fluff and Humor, mentions of abuse, Starvation, mention of suicide Summary: The Dread Doctors did more than mess with Theo's status as a human, they messed with his status as a man too. A Peek Inside: Liam stood in the corner, gaping like a fish. Theo was going to kill him. He was going to drag him into the woods and beat him to death. It would take a while, a long while, but he would do it; he was just that enraged. Liam stepped closer, immediately flinching away from Theo’s snarl. At first, Theo thought he was just getting fat, but then a few days ago he started hearing a faint thumping following him. For all he knew, he had grown another heart or something, and in a way, he had.
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heniareth · 3 years
I was tagged by @scribbledquillz for this ao3/fanfic author meme. Thanks so much for tagging me! Now, there’s only one thing (I’ll explain as soon as I answer the first question). But first, tags. I’m gonna tag @yukichouji and @the-iron-lion because I know you write and post, but I also know you’re busy, so please, only do it if you want to and have time ^^ Apart from that, if anybody who sees this wants to give it a go, consider yourself tagged! I’d love to read your answers, so feel free to tag me back
How many works do you have on AO3?
So, here’s the thing: I’ve never posted anything I have written XD One day, I will, but until then, I’ll answer the questions I can answer to the best of my ability ^^ I’ll modify some questions and keep the original ones for anybody who wants to answer those.
What’s your total AO3 fanfic words count?
123.211 words total (not counting one absolutely massive collaborative fanfic that I’m not gonna count rn)
More under the cut!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Funny thing: thanks to this question I’ve rediscovered like ten folders with the beginnings of different fanfics I’d not opened in years. Thank you, @scribbledquillz for making me find my old writings! My main work rn is a Dragon Age Origins retelling (featuring Astala Tabris of course, though I have decided that the other origins--Surana, Amell, Brosca, Mahariel, the whole gang--also survive because yes.) I also have two separate unfinished pieces on Caduceus and Caleb of the Mighty Nein (Critical Role) respectively. Equally unfinished are one fanfic with Loki and his Jotunn heritage, and another about the extermination of mutants in the X-Men universe prior to X-Men: Days of Future Past. Both projects were ambitious, but exist mainly as ideas now. The longest (and oldest) fanfic I’ve ever written is a collaborative super self-indulgent self-insert fix-it fic for The Hobbit. I am quite proud of my younger self for pulling through with this one and sticking to it over such a long time. It is, sadly, also unfinished.
Do you Would you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I would definitely respond to comments. It’s polite. I’d also want to mirror back the joy a comment has inspired in me.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
The X-Men fanfic ends with the events of X-Men: Days of Future Past, which (spoiler?) means all the characters were going to die. But it’s okay because the movie fixes that ^^ But generally speaking, I’m not big on angsty endings. Angst is fine anywhere else.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I think it has to be either the The Hobbit fanfic or the Dragon Age Origins retelling. Characters I strongly identify with tend to get the happiest endings. Oh do I ever wonder why that is so
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I’ve never written a crossover, but I’ve read some really cool ones. There was one featuring the Mighty Nein in the Undeadwood setting (both by Critical Role) that I wished had gone on longer bc it was so cool.
Have you ever recieved hate on a fic?
One of the good things about not posting anything: you don’t subject it to judgement ;D
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have... never finished writing a smutty scene.
One day. One day. Zevran might be the push I need, who knows
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Another one of the good things about not posting anything.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I started translating several of them myself! :D
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Oh yes! It’s an amazing experience. The creativity is squared. It is important though that all collaborators are on the same page about where the story goes, how the characters will be portrayed, etc. Especially if you give somebody your own OC or self-insert to write about.
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
There are a few that have a special place in my heart. Shadogast comes to mind, or Percy/Vex (from Critical Role). I love the Zevwarden ship because it’s a story about allowing feelings and romance and being stronger because of them (at least in my mind). I’m scared of what Fenris/Hawke might do to me when I get around to play DA2 XD
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Definitely the The Hobbit fanfic. It is a glorious mess, and from time to time I go through the documents again... but it’s just a really big project and my collaborators are busy
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue! Banter! I love it. I absolutely adore it. I make it way too long but it’s so much fun. I’m very much character driven I think, which is also why fanfic is so appealing to me. Actions speak louder than words, but characters shout through a megaphone. I also like pairing dialogue with very day-to-day, down-to-earth actions (like folding laundry). I feel like it allows me to convey so much more about the caracters than only through the words they say and the dialogue tags of “he said, she whispered”. Another thing I consider myself strong at is worldbuilding and generally keeping the practical things in mind. If it’s autumn, it’s probably gonna rain, the ground will be wet, they’ll sleep poorly and that’ll be reflected in heightened tempers and therefore more drama in the next scene. The fact that in canon a town has a harbor will have impacted this character who was born there. I like the details and puzzling the pieces together to make a world really come to life XD And, last, I have also recently learned that I write best non-chronologically, and to just write it all out and edit later. It does wonders to advance a project
What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. I hardly write any at first. I normally see scenes very clearly in my head, but I... don’t communicate it XD I’m so character-driven that I kinda forget about the rest. I also tend to get too bogged down by the mundane? The fact that I like to play around with details of the worldbuilding and have it all make sense means I’ll write that scene where they break up camp even though it... doesn’t really add anything to the story apart from the fact that it happens and they indeed do break up camp. Things that I should tell, I show. It reflects in my wordcount.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I like it! I find it really interesting. I might even listen to the spoken dialogue via Google trnaslate XD The only reason it might bother me is that there’s just no elegant way to integrate the translation into the text on AO3. In a normal book, I’d go for a footnote, but in AO3 and with my chapter length, I won’t make anybody scroll down, read the translation, and scroll up again.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
My first ever fanfic before I knew what fanfic was were things I wrote age 11 with a friend about the cowboy stories this German late 19th century writer Karl May wrote. We were obsessed with those novels
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I gotta say the Hobbit fanfic. It was melodramatic, it was self-indulgent, it had everything. I remember staying up with my friends way into the wee hours of the morning discussing how we’d save Thorin and his nephews from certain death and why Kili was so obsessed with Tauriel after talking to her once XD
And here we go! Thank you so much again for tagging me, this was a lot of fun (and it makes me want to post something. Maybe the Dragon Age Origins retelling will make the cut? I do hope I finish it in the next months)
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veliseraptor · 3 years
For the wip meme: surprise serial killer!
so this is the one where I am not actually sure I’m going to post it despite the fact that I’ve written eighteen pages of it. it’s just! I gave myself a complex about like
it was good like it was, Lise! leave it alone! you don’t need to write more and the ambiguous ending of the main fic was a good storytelling choice you don’t need to touch outside of, like, headcanons
people are going to get annoyed at you for reasons. also is this whole thing even in character? have you adequately addressed the implications of your own canon divergence? is this just an excuse for emotional catharsis that doesn’t actually work in any way other than Because You Feel Like It, which is insufficient justification for a whole ass fic?
where are you even going here. how are you going to end this. why do you think anyone would even want to read this anyway
is this any of this reasonable or bullshit I would accept from somebody else? absolutely not! and yet here I am. but I am at least having a lot of fun with it, so there’s that.
I feel like I’ve already posted several excerpts recently but maybe it’s because I’ve just been sending them to people on Discord
He gave Xiao Xingchen his best smile, which was of course completely useless. “I was bored and you talk too loud to sleep through it,” he said. “What’m I supposed to do?”
Song Lan’s lips pressed together in the way they did when he wanted to smile and wouldn’t. Xue Yang glanced sideways at their guests and found Wei Wuxian looking at him with narrowed and suspicious eyes. Xue Yang turned his grin on him, sharpened, toothier.
“Yiling Laozu,” he said. “Love your work.”
Hanguang-jun looked like he wanted to ram his sword down Xue Yang’s throat.
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redroci · 3 years
wip day
tagged by @earthmightiest
“You need to leave.” It was the first thing the sniper said to her, without even turning around. She’d been noisy coming up the stairs so as not to startle him, so it wasn’t like he needed to look back to know she was there. Still, the terse dismissal felt a bit rude.
“I won’t be a minute; I just had a quick question, and the lady down at the-” His head snapped around and she found herself looking at her own reflection in a pair of silver aviators.
“I can’t help you. Try Vargas in the morning. Just get out of here.” The guy was clearly annoyed about something, though she wasn’t entirely convinced it was her. Nevertheless, Six shrugged in defeat. It had been a long day and she wasn’t in the mood to get yelled at. If the daytime guy didn’t know anything, maybe she could catch this one in a better mood tomorrow night. But then, as she turned the door handle, he spoke again.
“Wait.” Enough strain on the single syllable to give the impression that it pained him to speak out loud. “You’re not from here. Means maybe you can be trusted.” What.
“You don’t know me, so you trust me?” Six asked dubiously. The sniper shrugged. “You just got done tellin’ me to fuck off,” she added, just to clarify.
“Somebody in this town sold my wife to the Legion,” he said flatly.
Well, that was a pretty good reason not to trust any of the townspeople. Taking two to the skull may have done a number on her memories, but she had nightmares about the Legion. She wasn’t even certain how bad whatever her experience had been was, but she had frozen like prey in Nipton and just the word “legion” made her skin crawl. “You want me to help you find your wife?” If he noticed her struggling to keep her voice level, he gave no indication of it.
“My wife’s dead. I want the son of a bitch who sold her. If I go asking around they could spook, go to ground. But maybe you could find something.”
“...I’ll help you. But will you at least listen to the question I was gonna ask before you told me to fuck off?” She took his silence as assent and continued. “Guy shot me in the head and stole a package I was paid to deliver. City slicker, black and white suit. Had a couple of Khans with him. They pass through here?”
“Not while I was on watch. But I’m only up here nights; you’re still gonna wanna talk to Vargas. He’s day shift.”
“Thank you. What do you want me to do when I find your guy?”
“Get ‘em to come out where I can see ‘em from here.” He hesitated, then handed her the red beret he was wearing. “Use this as a signal. It’s probably best we don’t talk again ‘til it’s done. Anybody see you come up here?”
“Don’t think so. Vic, maybe.” He raised an eyebrow over his sunglasses. “The uh, robot that was down there earlier. Cowboy lookin’ securitron? He ain’t from here either though. I’ll uhh, get outta your hair.”
tagging @chyrstis, @amistrio, @heroofpenamstan, @foofygoldfish, @lxmbert, @ whoever else wants to play.
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laufire · 3 years
Meg Masters
-First impression: she looks like she's going to wreck havoc. I like her.
-Impression now: MOST WASTED CHARACTER IN SPN. AND AGAIN. THAT'S SAYING SOMETHING. LOL. I luv her and feel unexpectedly ~soft for her. What shipping does to a mf, I guess.
-Favorite moment: her speech in 7x21.
"Look, I'm simpler than you think. I've figured one thing out about this world –just one, pretty much. You find a cause, and you serve it. Give yourself over, and it orders your life. Lucifer and Yellow Eyes – their mission was it for me. [...] I'm talking "cause," douchebag, as in reason to get up in the morning. Obviously, these things shift over time. We learn, we grow. Now, for me currently, the cause is bringing down the King. And I know we'll need help to do it. [...] When are you gonna get it? Crowley's always the problem. He's just waiting for the right moment to strike. I know what I'm supposed to do. And it isn't screw with Sam and Dean, or lose the only angel who'd go to bat for me." (after that last sentence Castiel smiles all flustered asñdlfkajsdf).
-Idea for a story: again, like with Bela just now, these are the WIPs in my list with Meg in a central role.
Megstiel Role Reversal series.
Megstiel in the Endverse.
Megstiel s7 missing scenes.
Meg s9 recovery AU.
Megstiel time travel (idk what I want to do with it exactly but I'd like it to somehow explore Meg in her pre-demon days AND include 1901!Castiel in a female vessel. Maybe I'll write two stories xDDD).
I want to write some Castiel/Meg/Sam ot3 fic at some point.
And thanks to the fandom I have a very specific plotbunny/itch for Castiel/Meg/Mick.
Megstiel Orpheus & Eurydice post-series.
She'll also feature in the Belastiel AU (shortly), the Ruby Lives Series, and the Ruby's Terror Twins Series. At the least xD
-Unpopular opinion: my otp is Megstiel, that's unpopular enough xDD. Oh, and I don't think she and Ruby are similar or would like each other (respect some of their abilities, yes. Think the other is insufferable and goes against what they stand for? Also yes xD). AND, Dean and her have so little in common I always roll my eyes when I see her included in the list of Dean "mirror" characters.
-Favorite relationship: Megstiel. Shocker, I know xD.
-Favorite headcanon: I think her crossroads deal was made remarkably young and on behalf of somebody else.
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