awardseasonblog · 2 years
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Oggi a #Venezia79 è il giorno del regista e sceneggiatore che ha fatto della trascendenza uno stile cinematografico #PaulSchrader, con pellicole in cui la tensione non è mai esteriore ma piuttosto esistenziale. Autore di script di grande cult firmati da Martin Scorsese come #TaxiDriver, #ToroScatenato e #LultimatentazionediCristo. A lui sarà assegnato il Leone d’Oro alla carriera dopo aver presentato a Venezia nel 2017 #FirstReformed (candidato all'Oscar per il miglior script) e nel 2021 #Ilcollezionistadicarte (inserito nella lista dei 10 migliori film dell'anno dalla prestigiosa rivista dei Cahiers du Cinema). Quest'anno ha presentato Fuori concorso #MasterGardener con Joel Edgerton, Sigourney Weaver e Quintessa Swindell. Tra i suoi prossimi progetti il remake del film del 1956 I sette assassini di Budd Boetticher. https://www.instagram.com/p/CiDF6yyMo7z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brennerrama · 8 months
“Global warming, a sea of pornography, hyper-violent video games. It’s a world without privacy. Each kid is isolated, communicating on media. It’s a world without hope.”
Cedric the Entertainer in First Reformed
#FirstReformed #Schrader #PaulSchrader #CedricTheEntertainer
#MovieQuoteOfTheDay #Moviequotes
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songsnmovies · 4 years
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First Reformed (2017)
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Quarantine Movies: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (April 2020)
Quarantine Movies: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (April 2020)
(In addition to the three categories listed in the title, I’ll also be including an honorable mention segment following the Good films I watched)
First Reformed (2018)
Ethan Hawke plays the Reverend of a small church and finds his life turned upside down after counseling a radical environmental activist. His character arc is one of the strongest I’ve seen so far and it raises many…
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doomonfilm · 5 years
Ranking : Top Films of 2018
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Here we are... that moment that every critic simultaneously loves and dreads : the Year-End Top 10 List.  At worst, we are forced to scrape the creative dredges and cobble together something that resembles a best of list that will bring glory and honor to the year.  At best (like this year), we are forced to leave personal favorites in the dust and judge the larger quantity of offerings on a much tougher scale in order to truly represent the top quality work of the year.
As I’ve said in many pieces this year, 2018 was a joy in terms of being a film-lover.  This list was not an easy undertaking, and it more so resembles a snapshot of how I’ve felt over a judging period than it does a concrete group of selections in a fixed order.  Take this list as more of a jumping off point for discovery than you do the gospel of DOOMonFILM. 
Note : I am not sure when I will get a chance to see Vice or The Favourite, which I am sure will skew my results once I do see them... I will address those films in their respective reviews, however.  Forgive me in advance.
Honorable Mentions
Damsel Even if the Zellner Brothers weren’t representing Austin beautifully with this gem of a film, it’d still be on my radar simply for the fact that it is a unique twist on a genre that most figured had seen every presentation imaginable.  Add to that a strong female lead character, and you’ve got a winner on your hands.
The Endless A science-fiction modern day classic, and apparently part of a possibly bigger line of stories (with some of the best integration of aspects from another film I’ve ever seen).  This film is chilling in its approach to the concept of cults, as well as its use of the concept of ‘the danger that lurks just off-screen’.
Isle of Dogs Had this year not been full of stellar animated films, this one probably would have made the main list.  More groundbreaking animated films, combined with personal feelings about the films of Wes Anderson, however, regulated this one to Honorable Mention status.
Mid90s I was all set for Eighth Grade to be my bit of nostalgia, or my reflection on what it’s like to be a kid again, and for what it’s worth, it was a great film.  The thing is, Mid90s directly spoke to me in a way that Eighth Grade unfortunately could not, simply because Mid90s was like looking in a time-traveling mirror. 
Thoroughbreds I really wanted this to be on my top 10, but ultimately, it was too ‘quiet’ of a film to make it in a year full of big noise.  Thoroughbreds will certainly be a future favorite for public screenings and friend viewings, but a couple of films this year hit the same notes on a higher frequency.
Black Panther The cultural impact of this film is one that cannot be ignored.  It took February, a month that is generally a box office bust, and it put up unparalleled numbers that not only lasted throughout the year, but were topped from within rather than by another Hollywood studio.  The respect given to the characters and their African heritage did not go unnoticed, either, as several think-pieces and a number of curriculum were spawned from those researching elements of the production design.  The narrative is strong, and it righted the Marvel villain boat prior to the big MCU bombshell that was lying in wait. 
The Favourite I really wanted this to make the top 10 of the year... I thought long and hard about what film I should remove or replace.  What I came to realize, however, is that despite The Favourite being a world-class comedy and production, it simply falls short in the realm of the spectacular : it does not contain visual innovations, it is not a reflection of the times, and it didn’t completely break my brain.  That being said, on any given day, I’d happily name this one of the top 10 films of 2018... it’s essentially like having 11 cakes on the table and having to pick the 10 best.
Avengers : Infinity War This movie was the true film event of the year.  Marvel has been building up to this singular event for nearly two decades, and in my opinion, the payoff more than succeeded.  Thanos tiptoed the line between anti-hero and villain with purpose perfectly, and the rapport between characters worked both in terms of advancing narratives and being mined for humor.  I am definitely looking forward to Avengers : Endgame this April, and I know the masses are right there with me.
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10. BlacKkKlansman
Not that I ever doubted Spike Lee had it, but after a few abstract offerings and documentaries, one wonders if their style can translate into an ever-expanding world of film language.  Luckily for Lee, it seems the world has grown into his cinematic vision, with an older true story serving as the perfect backbone for many of Lee’s trademark tricks to be implemented for maximum effect.  The ending will put you in tears if you have anything closely resembling a soul.
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9. Blindspotting
This film really deserved a bigger run than it got, as it hit race relations of today on the nose without coming off as preachy or heavy-handed.  Daveed Diggs proved that his charisma translated on both stage and screen, and his integration of hip-hop into both realms will hopefully have positive long-lasting effects.  The chemistry between all members of this cast is kinetic, the story is told with perfect pacing, and the movie rides visual highs that match the narrative ones.  I would love to see this movie receive some high-degree nominations.
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8. Annihilation
I came into 2018 with high expectations for this film, as I’d spent the previous 16 months or so completing the Southern Reach trilogy in its book form.  Then I started hearing things about the production and the release that gave me a bad feeling : a Netflix distribution deal that seemed to all but kill a true theatrical run, trepidation from the studio in regards to the director’s vision, and other whispers that attempt to sink a film.  Then I saw this movie, and was taken away to a completely different world.  We may not be getting a faithful, trilogy-length adaptation of the series anymore based on what happens in Annihilation, but if these are the moments I’m left with, I’d consider myself happy in the long run. 
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7. First Reformed
It took me longer than I intended to get around to this one, but knowing that Paul Schrader wrote and directed it made it a must-see.  The film was drawing comparisons to Taxi Driver (not a surprise, based on the aforementioned Schrader involvement), and surprisingly, it more than lived up to that hype.  The tension is equal, but updated to reflect the times in a way that could impact any of us.
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6. Suspiria   
This movie will make it extremely hard for me to blanket-debate against remakes simply because it does all of the right things in regards to updating a classic.  The film does not rely on existence as a new millenium version of an old film... rather, it boldly takes concepts only touched upon in the original and fully embraces them, presenting a true psychological horror gem in a year full of them.  The film also looks amazing on top of everything, which was a high bar to meet considering the original movie is basically driven by its visual style.  A 2018 must-see, film buff or not.
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5. Spiderman : Into the Spider-Verse
Easily the most fun I’ve had in a theater all year.  I was blown away by the animation, and can’t wait to see further installments of the Spider-verse specifically to see how that enhances over the years.  There was such a high volume of homage and Easter Egg placement in this film that it warrants repeat viewings, and it was one of a handful of films that I wanted to instantly own as I was walking out of the theater.
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4. Mandy
Like Spider-Man : Into the Spider-verse, I wanted to own this movie the second I walked out of the theater as well.  The trailers intrigued me, a recommendation of Beyond the Black Rainbow fully sold me, and the final product did not disappoint.  This film certainly is not for everyone, and funny enough, the two biggest aspects that would place it on that ‘not for everyone’ list sit in opposition of one another : the film is a bit indulgent on the style at the sake of what would be considered normal pacing, and it has some extremely violent moments.  That being said, Mandy is easily one of, if not THE, most beautiful films of the year.
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3. Roma
This seems like the closest thing to a Fellini film that us modern day film lovers will ever get.  The story itself is intriguing, as it juxtaposes class issues, political issues and the barrier of trying to raise a family in a crazy world all in an intriguing tapestry.  The cinematography is calculated, observational, and the choice to film the movie in black and white adds an instant timeless quality to it.  Director Alfonso Cuaron even manages to get in a little cinematic and visual humor, albeit mostly subtly, but it definitely pays off if you’re in tune to what he’s doing.  Easily one of the best pictures of the year, worldwide, and a party that I was certainly late to.
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2. You Were Never Really Here
If Mandy is a bit too over the top for your tastes, then You Were Never Really Here may be the jarring experience you need in 2018.  This film is almost as visually stunning, but the narrative is far more calculating, deceptive and intriguing, both on the surface and as you dig deeper.  The hectic camera setups, editing and score put you in such a disjointed state of mind that Joaquin Phoenix becomes the only thing you can hang on to, and your involvement in his journey is completely immersive.  In a year of performances that focus on the anti-hero, this film found a way to scrape to the top of the pile.
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1. Hereditary
Something strange is happening here... who would have thought that a horror film would be my favorite film of the year?  Hereditary is no run of the mill horror film, however... it treats its audience as intelligent, and there is so much texture in the film that it’s impossible to see it all without multiple viewings.  The close of the first third of the film is horribly unsettling, but it propels the narrative forward so abruptly and intensely that you’re locked in from there out.  A genius film, and an instant classic.
(Editor’s notes)
- Original post date : 12/27/18 - Revision date : 1/8/19 (Roma added to position 3, Black Panther moved to Honorable Mentions) - Revision date : 1/10/19 (The Favourite added to Honorable Mentions) - Revision date : 1/22/19 (Suspiria added to position 6,Avengers : Infinity War moved to Honorable Mentions)
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thecineramadome · 5 years
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Taking a break from the quote boards to share my 100% Accurate Oscar Nominations Predictions. Enjoy my perfection! https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs6tJKPg2DH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=uk2q6e6qgjpt
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cinemaandarts · 2 years
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FIRST REFORMED (2017) by Paul Schrader #AMP by Randy Ortiz (@randyortizdtd) for MONDO (@mondonews) FOLLOW @randyortizdtd @cinemaandarts @mondonews Tag @cinemaandarts #firstreformed #MONDO #mondoposter #PaulSchrader #ethanhawke https://www.instagram.com/p/CbfCcQ3NkbU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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racielneto · 3 years
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#70 🎬 First Reformed (2017) Filme muito interessante sobre o pastor de uma pequena igreja que acaba se metendo num rolo (criminal e emocional). Parecia que ia ser um daqueles filmes onde o cara tá lá de boa e alguém vem pedir ajuda e acaba envolvendo ele numa enrascada. Até é um pouco isso, mas no caso o cara (pastor e protagonista) já possui uma bagagem pesada que vai se revelando aos poucos e ajuda a empurrar o protagonista na história. O enredo não é nem um pouco clichê, os diálogos são ótimos e mesmo com tanta conversa o ritmo é bom, nem rápido nem lento. A história é maior do que simplesmente um pastor que se mete num rolo. Vai desde questionar a fé a questionar nosso futuro no planeta por causa das mudanças climáticas e do capitalismo cego. Yeap. Parece que não tem como dar certo isso, mas o Paul Schrader (diretor/roteirista) amarra tudo muito bem, e tudo é introduzido na medida certa. Nada parece forçado. A atuação do Ethan Hawke é excelente, a da Amanda Seyfried é legal mas aparece pouco até, e a do Cedric the Entertainer chama a atenção de tão perfeita para o papel (ou talvez porque quando olho para ele já espero um certo tipo de atuação,  que não veio). A fotografia é massa e a música também. Mas com certeza a melhor parte é o roteiro.  Schrader é um baita de um roteirista, escreveu filmes clássicos como Touro Indomável e Taxi Driver, mas estava há muito tempo sem emplacar um filme excelente. Claro, roteiros bons às vezes sofrem nas mãos de diretores sem inspiração e Schrader já cometeu seus pecados, mas aqui ele acertou em cheio. Fé restabelecida. Raça Score: Massa #netflix #fécorrompida #firstreformed #paulschrader #ethanhawke #amandaseyfried #cedrictheentertainer  #dicadefilme #cinema #everyframeapainting #imdb #DiaNovoFilmeNovo https://www.instagram.com/p/CMTKyEJLUqU/?igshid=10a78ns8xqhog
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3sc-me · 3 years
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#FirstReformed (2017) #FirstReformedMovie Director & Writer #PaulSchrader Stars #EthanHawke #AmandaSeyfried #CedrictheEntertainer #quotes #3SC #اقتباس #اقتباسات #افلام #اقوال #حكم #quotesoftheday #inspiration #life #saying #love #truth #film #films #movie #movies #cinema https://www.instagram.com/p/CKvgpl5pImI/?igshid=19btl2ll700e4
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thatsmovietalk · 4 years
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First Reformed (2017) Directed & Paul Schrader by #PaulSchrader Starring #EthanHawke #AmandaSeyfried #CedrictheEntertainer #FirstReformed #Hollywood #hollywood #picture #film #movie #cinema #films #theater #movies #movieposter #movieworld #movielovers #movienews #screen https://www.instagram.com/p/B-R126EAotw/?igshid=1t0win6ca3wzr
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awardseasonblog · 4 years
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#FirstReformed dir. Paul Schrader ha vinto un numero impressionante di riconoscimenti assegnati dalle associazioni dei critici americani per il miglior attore #EthanHawke per poi essere escluso dai premi chiave dell'Awards Season. In compenso la sceneggiatura è stata candidata agli Oscar e ha ottenuto tra i vari premi il Critics Choice Award e il Gotham Award https://www.instagram.com/p/CBAl08LIDgx/?igshid=1eh72e1f4y71f
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brennerrama · 10 months
“Courage is the solution to despair. Reason provides no answers. I can’t know what the future will bring. We have to chose despite uncertainty. Wisdom is holding two contradictory truths in our mind simultaneously: hope and despair. A life without despair is a life without hope. Holding these two ideas in our head is life itself.”
Ethan Hawke in First Reformed
#FirstReformed #Schrader #PaulSchrader #EthanHawke
#moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
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songsnmovies · 4 years
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First Reformed (2017)
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ahmetaslaner9 · 4 years
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You want something that never was and never will be.#firstreformed #firstreformedmovie #secretknowledge #iknowyoursecret #mystery #filmreplikleri #films #movie #movienight #movietime #sinema #cinema (Izmir / Kordon Alsancak) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-AuF8lJC1C/?igshid=1d1sn9lvao3q7
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suchamandaseyfried · 7 years
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Amanda Seyfried arrives at the «Venice Film Festival» in Venice August 31
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Respuesta parte III #Q&A #PaulShrader #FirstReformed #screenwriter #director #guionista #director #festivalinternacionaldecinedeloscabos #cabosinternationalfilmfestival #loscabos6 #cabos6 #cinemex #puertoparaiso #cabosanlucas #loscabos #bajacaliforniasur
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