#fili x human
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I think Kíli might be one of my favourite characters to write lmao
Masterpost for this au
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missiemoosie · 1 year
Are you still taking drawing prompts? Because I just think it's so cute how the Human!Baylee/Bofur/Ran love triangle turned into, well... a love-triangle! And since some members of the pairing (thrairing?) are taller than others I think kisses would be very awkward and sweet... is that a good idea?
Heheh kisses with this throuple would actually be very awkward and sweet--there's nearly a foot's difference between Bofur and Ran (4'8" and 5'5" respectively (Ran is a half dwarf, half a human)) while human!Baylee's almost in the middle at 4'11"~ Bofur usually stands on his tiptoes to smooch Baylee while he practically needs a stool for Ran kisses.
Now, I know these aren't exactly kisses, but the right one is almost a kiss--so that's gotta count for something, right? ;D
Also omfg it's been so long since I drew human!Baylee OTL I'm not very happy with how she looks here but oh well she is still cute with her boyos and THAT is what matters
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Notes for those who don't know: human!Baylee and Ran are from my fanfic, Azying, which is a rewrite of an older fic called Finding Their Place. These three weren't meant to be a throuple, but I am the Queen of OT3s, so yeah. It happened. Yes, I have two Baylees. Technically, hobbit!Baylee came first, but I turned her human for FtP/Azying. Then I was peer pressured into doing a hobbit!Baylee/Thorin fic, thus, the two Baylee. Also, human!Baylee ends up losing both her ringer fingers and may end up with facial scars like hobbit!Baylee. Only time will tell.
Art tag: @ilovedainironfoot
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del-simp-frutal · 1 year
Este es un imagine que se me ocurrio despues de ver unos tiktoks de trineos jalados por carros en la nieve con Tokyo Drift de fondo. . .totalmente seguro y genial JAJDJAJA
Y un poco de amor para el grandioso Dwalin <3
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La adrenalina corría al mil con los grandes riesgo de la muerte al enfrentarla en la guerra de los 5 ejércitos. Aún así, no retroceden los de la compañía.
Cuando Balin tomó las riendas del carruaje de batalla, los demás se subieron junto con su guerrera y amiga humana que los ha acompañado en todo el viaje. Las cabras atravesaban todo y sacudia a todos, en especial a la humana que por suerte el enano más fuerte la sostenía de la mano hasta que cayeron sobre el hielo tras decapitar a los trolls medianos. Habrían pensado que todo salió bien, pero un enorme troll acorazado apareció y ellos son su objetivo.
—¡Disparale en sus puntos débiles!— Grito el guerrero calvo al joven arquero que estresado no sabía bien a donde apuntar por la enorme armadura. —¿¡Y cuáles son!?— Kili grito y sus flechas no atravesaban la armadarura.
Sin pensarlo, la humana lanzó un escudo y saltó tras el. Los enanos trataron de atraparla hasta que notaron la cuerda que la unía, el escudo comenzó a patinar como un trineo y el troll planeaba aplastarla con la palma. Ella logró patinar con equilibrio a pesar de la brusquedad del tosco camino y velocidad de las cabras. Dwalin sentía su corazón enterrarse ante el peligro hasta que unos dedos gigantes salieron volando por el filo de la espada de ella, el aire abandonó sus pulmones por contemplar la fuerza y determinación de la humana que no dudo ni un segundo en saltar para protegerlos ni enfrentar al gigante peligro. Los príncipes celebraron ante el gruñido doloros del troll. —Tengo que cortegarla y casarme con ella.— Pensó en voz alta y los demás enanos voltearon a verlo en silencio. La sonrisa de Kili crecía sin parar y una ola de sonrojo choco contra el guerrero. —¡N-no!— Trato de reponerse, pero Fili se adelanto. —Esta bien. Si no lo haces tú, lo haré yo.— Y tal como lo esperaba, el enano atravesó con la mirada más afilada que tenía al pobre príncipe heredero. —¡Era broma! ¡era broma!— Se rindió apenas Dwalin dio el primer paso.
Conociendolo, capaz lo tira del carruaje.
Aunque ahora ella es la única fuera del carruaje y rápidamente notaron como la cuerda comenzaba a romperse. Se giraron y el troll usaría su otra mano donde tiene aquella hacha y ni así retrocedió ella, su espada no iba ser rival para él y a pesar de ello volvió levantarla en guardia. El instinto de Dwalin se volvió activar y sujeto la cuerda con fuerza para tirar de ella para obligarla a retroceder, los príncipes comprendieron lo que estaba haciendo y se unieron hasta que el ataque volvió, pero esta vez Bofur apareció con otro troll y derribó el acorazado rompiendo más el hielo y provocando que los gigantes peleen entre ellos. No hay duda ahora, si o si la llevará a vivir en Erebor y hará lo que sea para conquistarla.
Todos celebraron por sus amigos e incluso antes de ser atrapado por el hielo Y/n logró sacarlo y arrastrarlo al intento de trineo donde ambos tratan de mantener el equilibrio hasta que Balin grito. —¡Huargos!—
Fili recargo la ballesta de Dwalin que trato de derribar a todos, pero les quitaron dos cabras. Kili continua jalando la cuerda y Y/n derribó un guargo que tenía una cabra, aún así, no la atrapó por estar en el escudo y pronto derribaron otra cabra.
Luego el aullido llegó a ellos y venían más atrás, uno trato de atacarla pero se defendió con su espada y ante un giro cerrado del carruaje el escudo se resbaló hasta la orilla contra las rocas y nieve. La fuerza fue tanta que la cuerda se rompió a la mitad y solo porque Y/n saltó; o habría salido volando como Bofur con todo escudo que por fortuna derribó unos orcos y regresó a la pelea en tierra con los demás enanos.
Dwalin giro con su corazón alterado para ver como esa increíble humana a la que trato de ocultar sus sentimientos montaba un huargo para derribar a los otros donde dejo su espada clavada en la cabeza del último. Seguían bajo ataque y ella logró alcanzarlos, Kili captó su mirada y la ayudo disparando una flecha directo a la cabeza del huargo que montaba para que Y/n saltara y regresara.
Volvieron a celebrar, pero venían más tras ellos y perdieron velocidad por la otra cabra que les arrebataron. Ahora sólo tenían tres.
—Nos alcanzarán.— Reconoció Dwalin, luego se encontró con la mirada de Y/n que a pesar de que están en medio de una guerra ella le regalo esa brillante sonrisa y podía ver que algo planeaba por su mirada. Pero sentía seguridad.
—Suelten las cabras.— Balin entendió la mirada y sorprendió a su hermano. —No hay para todos.— Le recordó al mayor. —Mis tiempos de montar acabaron.— Declaró Balin.
Dwalin iba reclamar algo más por la idea de dejar a su hermano hasta que sintió una mano sobre su hombro y pronto unos labios sobre los suyos. Sus ojos se abrieron más ante la sorpresa de ser besado por Y/n y cómo en medio del caos podía sentir tantas emociones y suavidad. Podría morir ahí mismo y no sería un problema para él si es por esos labios encantadores.
—No estará solo.— Las manchadas mejillas de Y/n están sonrojadas y sin más oportunidad de objetar, los príncipes se adelantaron a montar las cabras para luego cortar las correas. —¡No se separen, tontos!— Y asi fue como ellos se adelantaron con risas. —¡Estaremos juntos!—
Cuando fue el turno de Dwalin y estaba por cortar, giro una vez más para ver a Balin y a Y/n. —¡Más te vale regresar para cortegarme!—
Lo escucho.
Río alto y corto la correa, la cabra corrió más veloz sin el peso del carruaje. —¡Es una promesa, muchacha!— Grito mientras alcanza a los príncipes y encuentra a Thorin. Así emprendieron el camino para cortar la cabeza de la serpiente de esta guerra.
El carruaje comenzó a girar con violencia por el hielo hasta que chocaron, pero la ballesta quedó al frente y Balin comenzó a disparar. —Estoy muy viejo para esto.—
Y/n tomó una lanza atravesada en la madera exterior del carruaje como su nueva arma y se preparó para la pelea.
—Y aún así, peleas como los mejores.— Ante las palabras de ánimo, Balin sonrió para su futura cuñada. Ese espíritu guerrero tan seguro y fuerte, es obvio el enamoramiento de su hermano y está más que feliz de recibirla en su familia.
—Cubrire tu espalda, hermana.— Ella río por el reconocimiento de la futura unión y la manada de huargos se acercaba cada vez más. —Y yo la tuya, cuñado.— Ambos asistieron y se prepararon para pelear.
La guerra todavía no acaba.
Y tiene que continuar para volver con Dwalin.
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shirefantasies · 1 month
Heyyy i just wanna say that I LOVE your writing. Its so so comforting 🫶🫶🫶
Can I request a story/headcanon about how Thorins company/ specifically Kíli would react if (fem) reader got her hair braided by her (non dwarf) friend, and it was just a friendly thing, but the dwarves thought it was a courting braid?
Pairing Fem!Reader x Kíli
Thank youu🫶💗
Omg thanks! Comfort writing is a big honor 🥹
Mission of Misunderstanding- Kili x F!Human!Reader
Shout-out to my girlies in the unbraidable hair community lmao 🤝 Warnings: one minor swear lol, a couple suggestive remarks
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One more step and your feet were going to fall off. Surrendering to the burn, you all but fell down onto the log, tilting your feet so only your heels rested upon the earth. A sigh escaped your lips and you didn’t even move when the rustling sounded at your back.
A familiar voice spoke your name. Bilbo. “Are you quite alright?”
“Yes, my friend,” you breathed, “so long as you don’t count anything below the knee. Or my hair. Can’t imagine how much dirt and leaves have gotten in it after all that.”
"Well, yes," Bilbo chided, ever the little mother-hen, "you've got to keep it back. Why don't I braid it for you?"
Your heart burst, and not from exertion this time. "You would do that for me?"
"Of course," the hobbit shrugged, "haven't had much practice of it of late, but certainly I can give it a go for you. I understand. I wouldn't want the mess either. Come here."
Thanking him again, you scooted closer to where Bilbo stood, gritting your teeth for the pain of him detangling your hair, only to relax at the gentle touch of his nimble fingers. Eyelids fluttering shut in contentment, you sat as Bilbo worked his magic neatening your hair up and making fresh braids of it for you. Feet still elevated and aching, but less so the longer you sat off of them. When the hobbit pulled back with a quiet, still-focused finished, your first instinct was to reach up around your head, touching the new set of braids with a widening smile.
"And now it shall be free of my face! Truly, thank you, Bilbo!" Pulling him into a quick hug, you vowed to repay him somehow with a teasing final statement. "Since I doubt you want me to braid yours."
"That is quite alright, thank you," he chuckled, "let's head back to camp before Bombur chases us down, eh?”
Camp was nearby, and still sparsely populated as you approached it. Bofur and Bombur were there building a fire, and Thorin stood a ways aside having a conversation with Balin. Dwalin and Gloin sat playing a game with a rock as their table, and Ori sat knitting. The others, you presumed, were hunting, saddling ponies, or else getting attention from Oin. Thinking nothing of it you sat down again, this time near Dwalin and Gloin, asking who was winning and if they were taking bets just to laugh at their responses. Bilbo helped Bofur and Bombur get set up for dinner a few feet off, propping up sticks strong enough to hold the cooking pot.
Sure enough, the rest of the company began trickling in, Oin, Bifur, and Nori first, the latter two with poultices and bandages. You winced. Perhaps you should complain less about your feet. Next up came Dori and Fili, who each carried one half of a felled deer, shot clearly with one of Kili's arrows. The younger prince had a bag in hand, likely having won whatever silly game determined who got the lightest load. Smiling and meeting his eyes, you gave a quick wave, indicating your amusement at the game behind you with your eyes.
Kili smiled back and waved, then swiveled his head away and back again in a double-take. You found yourself frowning as he averted his gaze to help his brother, blinking as you wondered what that was about. All you'd done was say hello. Not even say, really. Did he think you were making fun of the others?
Perhaps it was nothing, but considering your feelings for the prince, it was everything in your mind. Cycling ideas began overtaking your brain like mist. Had he suspected malice of your joke? Had he simply heard something? Why had his expression shifted so? Maybe he was just worried by what he heard.
"What did I miss while we were gone?"
At Kili's words, Dwalin simply frowned, peering at him like he'd thoroughly lost his marbles. "What do ya mean, lad?"
"Did...did anything happen?"
"Took Gloin for a right fool on the card table," the older dwarf replied with a smug look, chest puffing and shoulders widening.
"No," the prince shook his head, "not with you, with..."
Despite the way he trailed off, Dwalin gave him a knowing smirk, crossing his tattooed arms. "Ah, I see," he nodded, "not with me, not with me at all. With the lass, eh? Why, she didn’t greet you with a kiss?”
Having an older brother really steeled one to teasing. Much as Kili wanted to fight, to protest and say oi, quit that or I’ll make you, he knew it was exactly the rise Dwalin would’ve wanted to get from him. Beside the other fact that his elder could kick his ass easily.
“‘Course not,” he replied nonchalantly as he could, “I just noticed someone had braided her hair was all.”
Even Dwalin had cause for surprise at that, dark eyebrows shooting up to his metaphorical hairline. “Just since this morning?”
“Yeah,” Kili replied, trying not to sound as deflated as the words made him feel, knocking the air clean out of him now that he’d said them out loud, “thought maybe you’d seen who did it.”
“Hadn’t even crossed my mind, but I think it was like that when she and Bilbo headed back to camp.”
“Bilbo?” He’d lose to a three and a half foot…grocer? “Well now, I’d not have expected that, eh?”
“I can tell ye don’t actually want to laugh, son.”
Sighing, he finally let himself deflate. Bilbo? You and Bilbo?
“I hardly see them talk that much. Do you?”
“Not nearly enough to warrant a marriage. Those take time.”
“I know, Fee.”
“I know.”
“And I thought you two had it. Not even just saying that because you’re my brother. You know I’m honest with you. The only reason those two would have is both feeling like outsiders, and that hardly seems cause to f-”
“Thank you, Fili, yes. Perhaps I was just wrong. Perhaps she could never have loved me after all. She wasn’t my One.”
“Now, brother,” grabbing him by the cheeks with one hand, Fili pulled his younger brother’s gaze to meet his, “not so hasty. Have you talked to either of them yet?”
“Wasn’t ready,” he mumbled, shaking out of the squishing grasp.
“Well, perhaps you should. Knowing is pain, yes, but it is also the thing that keeps us going in the end.”
Kili dropped his gaze thoughtfully before meeting his brother’s eye again, smiling faintly. “Remember our old espionage days? Maybe it’s time we had another mission.”
“Alright,” Fili nodded and smiled, “for old times’ sake.”
“Well hello there, Master Burglar.”
“Whatever it is, I won’t fall for it.”
“Now, now, so dry and for what?” Fili wrapped an arm around the hobbit. “I was just wondering how you you were coming along with…a certain member of the company.”
At that, the hobbit’s face crumpled in disgust. By Fili’s reckoning, Master Bilbo seemed barely interested in romance and certainly not with any of the types he currently ran with. He needed someone more doilies and dishcloths and the lot. You may have been the closest to his type, but still far too much of an edge, far too much indeed.
“I beg your pardon?” Bilbo simply replied.
With a conspiratorial wink, Fili leaned in and whispered your name, glancing back to the hobbit’s eyes, which narrowed slightly. Suspicious.
“Uh, w-well I would say,” Bilbo stuttered, shrugging lightly, “well as we could be, all things considered.”
“All things considered?” Fili’s grip tightened a bit. “There are things to be considered?”
“There are plenty of things to be considered!” The burglar shot back. “Why, is she upset with me? Last I heard, she liked the braids and I made her feel much more comfortable. Have I done something today?”
Blue eyes closing to near-slits, Fili released his grip entirely, arm falling back to his side. “Did she ask you to arrange her hair?”
“She complained about it,” Bilbo replied, shimmying in his newfound freedom and using his released arm to slide his pack closer, “so I offered to do something about it. Can’t imagine that is much of an outrage…oh. Oh, good heavens! No! Oh, no. No. She could be my daughter, who on earth sent you over here to…?”
Blonde brows raising, Fili’s head shot back in surprising hard enough to send his mustache braids swinging. “Wait, so you do know about courting braids?”
“Gloin was just telling me all about his,” the hobbit replied, freezing in place even in spite of his awkward, hunched-into-his-pack-hands-deep posture, “neither of us thought a thing about it. Privately I was hoping she and Kili would do whatever it was to get the tension out there, you know?”
Fili did know. He knew, all right.
“Psst! Psst! Hoo! Hoo! Caw!”
Kili’s head snapped up at the sound, dark eyes meeting his brother’s fair head popping from the scraggly bushes surrounding camp. One gloved hand waved wild beckoning at the younger prince. Rising from the rock he’d sat down on, one with a strategic view of some conversation between you, Uncle Thorin, and Balin, Kili strode to the edges of camp.
“Reconnaissance successful,” his older brother hissed.
“What?” Jaw dropping, Kili felt his hands leave his chest and clench in surprise. “That was fast. Nothing for me to do?”
“Not true, brother. Not true at all,” Fili smiled, “your part is far more important. You have to go talk to her.”
With a sigh, Kili nodded despite the heavy clunk of his heart in his chest. All the childhood playtimes were nice and all, but at the end of the day he had to be a dwarf about things. Face his fears, just like Uncle Thorin and his father and even Fili.
“You’re right. Though I dread it in my heart, I must speak to her. Even if my love is never known.”
“I wish you the greatest of luck,” Fili patted his shoulder, smiling eagerly, “and trust me. She won’t do a single thing to hurt you. I know it. Alright?”
Another nod. “Alright.”
Inhale, exhale. One step, then another. It was hard sometimes. Putting on the bravado. Fili was always so capable and Uncle had high standards. Not that he shouldn’t, but…it just got easier to act unafraid of everything. In truth, there was much Kili didn’t understand. Much he feared. Perhaps even his own heart, and that was why he had allowed himself to play games with it for so long. No longer, though.
Crunching across the dry campsite ground, he marched up to you as your conversation ended and asked to speak with you, frowning slightly at the nod Balin and Thorin exchanged. Focusing instead on your gaze, the way your eyes were intent in his and the-admittedly quite adorable-way shock bloomed across your face before giving way to a smile and a nod.
“Of course,” you said, and that was that.
How was it that one little smile from you could simultaneously calm Kili's heart and set it leaping like nothing else? There truly was no denying that you were special. Perhaps Bilbo had seen what was so dazzlingly obvious, too. Guess that wasn't too much of a shock.
You both ventured toward the tree line, stopping next to a particularly sturdy trunk. Eagerness was written across your face as you leaned against the smooth bark, encouraging Kili with a smile he couldn't help faintly mirroring even as tears swam in his eyes.
"Are congratulations in order?"
"For me?" You asked, head tilting and hand reaching to your chest. "Forgive me, but what are you asking? I thought maybe I'd upset you last night, but now I really fear it. Or are you teasing me again?"
All thought was scrubbed from Kili's brain at your words, a thick blanket of confusion draping over the prince's mind and furrowing his brows. Is this what Fili meant? Were you not to hurt him because you thought him cross with you? That hurt a bit in and of itself. Perhaps you'd known he would be jealous. But then again, you had greeted him so casually, giving him a cute little wave when he came back...
"Please," he all but begged your name, "the suspense is just killing me. Is that not a courting braid you've been given? I know it is new as of yesterday."
"Is that why you looked so perturbed? Courting...courting braid? Kili," you laughed, "my hair was full of sticks and leaves and all manner of muck, so Bilbo detangled it and got it out of my face for me! Bilbo could be my father!"
Still a bit shaky, but Kili's face surrendered a smile at the teasing smack you gave his upper arm. "Oh, forgive me for being a dwarf," he shot back, "I was hardly the only one who noticed."
"But you were the only one who was jealous," you teased him back, "is that not right?"
Kili could tell by the faltering smirk you gave, by the dart of your beautiful eyes, that you did not truly believe it, but by Mahal, you would when he was done with you.
"Madly," he agreed, eyes boring into yours, "never let anyone but me braid your hair again."
Eyebrows shooting up to your hairline, you peeled yourself from the tree as if to get a closer look. "Kili..."
"I mean it," he implored your name once more, gently taking your shoulders in his hands, "please. This isn't a joke, but if you'd like me to convince you..."
Surging forward, Kili closed the gap between you two, his lips soft against yours and stubble pleasantly tickling against your skin, which shifted as you moved in response to his kiss. Your hands found purchase in his hair, tangling in it and eliciting a sound Kili was too focused on you to be embarrassed about. When you finally pulled away for air, he pulled you back, resting his forehead against yours with a growing smile.
"So, you convinced?"
Your eyes glittered with mirth, joy, mischief...perhaps even love, and Kili knew he should have never doubted you were his One. "So convinced I practically want you to rip out all of Bilbo's work and do it over again yourself."
"You don't have to tell me twice."
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @kilibaggins @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin | Reply/Ask/Message to join 🥰
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plussizefantasia · 7 months
Fluttering Heart
Fluffober Day 13: Soulmates
Kili Durin x f!human!reader
Word Count: 1.5k
AN: OMG! This has definitely been my favorite to write so far. I love Kili with my whole heart and that for sure came out while I was writing. I really want to see about making this a longer series once October ends, if anyone wants to see that leave a comment and let me know.
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divider credit @royallaesthetics
The culture of the dwarves is much like their treasure, kept under lock and key. Histories, customs, and traditions all are played very close to the chest of the stubborn race. The only beings who are let in on the secret are those lucky enough to be a fated match. 
There are different names for these matches in every culture, Soulmates, true loves, twin flames. The dwarves called them Ones. To find your One was said to be the best day of your life. At least that is what Kili thought, he wouldn’t know though. He hadn’t met his yet. 
His uncle’s one had been the Hobbit, Bilibo took longer to fall than Thorin but fell just as hard if not harder than the dwarf. The two were very much in love, it was sickening. His mother’s One had been his father, and he doesn’t remember much about their time together. Fee’s One was a lovely lass that had come from the Blue Mountains to try and establish herself as a seamstress under the mountain. 
All of them had told him how wonderful finding their Ones was, even Thorin whose One was not of the race of Dwarf and thusly did not feel the same pull that he had. Thorin had to actually make Bilbo fall in love with him, which amused Kili to no end because of how much their two personalities seemed to clash. 
Kili hates spending time under the mountain now, he loves Erebor and takes pride in the fact that he was one of the brave few who had reconquered it, but everywhere he looked he saw people being happy with something he did not have. 
The feeling went much deeper than those childhood squabbles he had had with Fili when the two pebbles would play together. Jealousy over toys was easily remedied, the ache that had recently taken up residence in Kili’s heart was much more difficult to push aside or fix.
So he had taken to going for walks. He had volunteered himself too many times to be the point of contact for the King of Dale. He had told Thorin it was because he wanted to prove that he could be trusted with matters of diplomacy. He might not be next in line, but he was still a prince and could take care of these things. It was on one of these trips to Dale that Kili met the very person who would change his life.
She was of the race of men and seemed to work in one of the few taverns that housed the nightlife of the town. Kili was in a sort of informal meeting with Bard, his son Bain, and the Captain of the Guard. They were discussing a deal between the two kingdoms where Erebor would provide the army of Dale with iron-forged armor and weapons and in turn, Dale would pledge their allegiance to the kingdom under the mountain in any future battle. Kili couldn’t help but find the humor in the reversal of roles as if the company had not asked and pledged the same things five years ago. This clause was only one of the facets that made up the current peace treaty in the works. It was Kili’s idea to have the meeting in a less tense and stuffy room than they were previously held in. 
“Everybody has to eat Bard, why don’t we eat and talk at the same time? I’m sure we’d all be much more comfortable.” Bard had agreed at the behest of Bain who had laughed and reminded his father of the last time he had had a proper meal. After that, the men had embarked towards Bard’s favorite tavern. And judging by the way he had jovially called out to the man behind the bar, he was at least acquainted with the people who worked there.
Their waitress was a beautiful woman, who had skills like Kili had never seen, and he had been in a lot of taverns. She was able to carry three trays of piping hot food at the same time and at one point he had even seen her stack and move at least twelve pint glasses to a rowdier table towards the back of the establishment. And she did all this with the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. 
If only he would actually get to talk to her. The tavern was busy and she seemed to be one of the only other people working besides the man behind the bar and whoever was preparing the food to be served. She was never in the same place for a very long time. After she had gotten their initial order she had placed their pints down and immediately zipped off to fulfill the next request. 
Without the ability to actually talk to her, Kili had to settle for second-hand knowledge. “So what can you tell me about the woman who served us?” Kili asked nobody in particular.
“Why, do you fancy her?” Came Bain’s reply.
“No, but any woman that can carry that much and move that fast without wasting a drop is certainly one I want to get to know.”
“Her name is y/n, She’s apprenticed to Brant, the man who owns this tavern. She arrived in Dale a year or two ago. I think she's from Bree but she's settled here. I think she has an arrangement with him, when he finally retires the place will be hers.” Bard had explained, throwing a somewhat scolding glance at his son. Kili might be young and more carefree than his uncle but he is still a prince and Bard did not wish to offend him.
“Interesting, any idea why she left Bree? It’s quite a long journey to take on your own.” Kili asked. 
“Why don’t you ask her?” A third, much more feminine voice replied. Kili who had not seen her make her way over to their table, had nearly jumped out of his skin. The other men tried and failed to hide their amusement at his predicament. “After all, I’m sure she’d be willing to tell you as long as she didn’t catch you talking about her when she wasn’t around.” She had said all of this with a smile spread across her face and delight in her voice. Kili wasn’t really sure how she felt about his impolite inquiries, but she hadn't chased him out of the establishment with a broom yet, so he thought he was okay.
“I’ve gotten everyone else settled and thought I’d come visit the King, how are you this evening King Bard?” her attention was firmly placed on the King of Dale now, and Kili longed for her piercing gaze to once again land on him.
“I’ve told you, it’s just Bard, all of this King nonsense will just go to my head,”
“Of course King Bard.” She smirked and turned towards the rest of the men. “Anything else I can get you, gentlemen?” With a firm nod at their newest order, she spun and headed back towards the bar.
“I think I’m in love.” Kili had said under his breath. 
“I think it’ll take you much more than that to win her over.” Bain had replied, hearing Kili’s self-confession. “Every time we’re in here I see her turn down men. Granted, most of them are usually drunkards but the principle is all the same.”
Kili was certain that the fluttering in his chest and the feeling of light-headedness had to mean something. And given that both the feelings had started right after she had spoken to him, he was pretty sure he knew what it was. 
“Here you are boys, four more pints and a basket of bread, on the house.” She had placed the basket of bread and little bowls of butter and honey on the table. When she pulled her hand away it bumped into Kili and sent a wave of shocks all the way up his arm.
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cowboybeepboop · 10 months
The only one
“Kili, you can’t tell anyone about this.” “So it’s our dirty little secret then?”
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Paring: Kili Durin x afab reader
Genre: romantic smut
Word count: 2.2k
Summary: You’re Bilbo's adopted human daughter and he takes you along on the journey. Kili has his heart set on you and after getting involved in the fight he gets angry with you for putting yourself in a dangerous situation.
Warnings: public sex, arguing, jealous Kili, hickeys, p in v sex, hickeys??? Idk what else I always forget
a/n: I did not proofread and its lowkey a summary of the first movie? This is my first smut regarding anyone in the tolkien universe but I did write some sad fluff at some point lmao. Anyways, please like and send any requests if you want <3 tags go absolutely wild
You’ve been an adopted hobbit for the last 18 years of your life, Bilbo was always comforted in the known so when he brought you along with him and the dwarfs on their journey you were beyond surprised. Your presence was unexpected for everyone, except Gandalf of course, and most of the company was against your involvement. The dwarves saw you as frail and weak, the only one on your side was your dad, but of course he was.
Kili has kept an eye out for you since you joined the company, he makes sure you're safe and also just enjoys looking at you.
When Elrond and his fellow elves come back the dwarves pull you and your father behind them and create a circle around you. You stay behind your Bilbo as the elves talk with Gandalf.
Upon your entrance to their dining room you look around with wonder, you sit down between Kili and your dad. “They're so beautiful,” you whisper to Bilbo, he nods with a gentle but awkward smile. Kili’s ears twitch as he looks around, his eyes narrow on an elf who has his eyes on you, he moves closer to you wrapping his arm around you.
“You think so?” Kili questions, his jaw clenching slightly, “I think us dwarves are better looking, stronger too.” he says pridefully, you chuckle in response.
“Is it a competition now?” you cock your head, “You’re very good looking too, Kili.” he smiles wide.
“Is that so? I am the best looking of all of the company, aside from Thorin of course.” you laugh, putting your hand on his arm.
“A bit full of yourself huh?” he shoves your shoulder gently in response. Kilis arms finds its way around your waist as he continues to glare at the elf who dared to look at you, who did he even think he was.
Gandalf, Bilbo, and Thorin wander off with Lord Elrond, leaving you with the dwarfs. You watch quietly, laughing with them and listening to their conversations before you feel yourself drifting off to sleep. Kili quietly sits next to you letting your head fall to his shoulder he smiles, covering you up with a blanket.
After the company left the palace Thorin led everyone to the Misty Mountains, Kili keeps you in front of him. He insists that it’s better that way so if you fall he can catch you. As the rain picks up your feet slip under you, Kili and Fili grasp your arms quickly, pulling you back onto the ledge.
“Thank you,” you say softly as your eyes look over the ledge. Kili keeps a hold of your arm tightly as you all try to avoid the stone giant's blasts. The ground splits under your feet as the mountain takes shape as a giant, you grab onto the stone behind you before everyone begins to slide forward.
The stone giant slams into the mountain, throwing everyone off of it and onto the ground. Thorin yells for his nephews as the rest of the company runs over, Kili helps you up dusting your clothes off and checking to make sure you weren’t hurt anywhere.
After all the commotion everyone settles into the cave, Bilbo pulls you off to the side and quietly talks to you, he tells you about his plan to leave once everyone is asleep. “Why dad? What's wrong?” you whisper to him.
“Thorin is right, we never should've left home, I’ve put you in danger and I can’t let anything else happen to you.” he sighs as he runs his hand through your hair, “It’s okay, we’ll be fine.” he smiles reassuringly.
You both gather all of your stuff and sneak out, he leads you by the hand. He pulls you behind him as he talks with Bofur, you stay quiet looking around the cave. You didn’t really want to leave the company, I mean they were becoming your friends, you enjoyed the company.
“Y/N?” Kili mumbles as he looks up at you, he yawns. “Where are you going?” You crouch down putting your hand on his shoulder.
“Go back to sleep Kili, you need your rest,” you smile sweetly.
The floor splits and you slip down with everyone, Bilbo gets away but you are guided off with the dwarves. Your eyes fill with terror as you look around, you take a hold of Kilis hand squeezing tight as the goblins push you all around. You cower behind him, holding onto his shirt tightly.
Once you get out the dwarves all argue over where your dad went, your head drops as you think that your dad couldn't possibly have left you all alone. He reappears and you rush over to hug him, his hands drop to your waist as he smiles.
“Y/N!” Kili and Bilbo yell at you as you try to defend the dwarves with your small blade; it goes into the center of the wargs head, and Kili grabs you and pulls you up to the tree with him. His hand wrapping around your waist as he holds you close.
“Don’t move,” Kili’s voice is angry as he demands you to stay put. His hands dig into your slides as you look below your feet. Kili’s hands slip away as they start to throw the pinecones, the tree begins to fall, you grasp onto the trunk as tight as you can. His hands wrap around the tree, his eyes focused on you.
As Thorin and your father begin to fight the orcs, your eyes squeeze shut tightly, you try to focus on anything but the attack of Thorin. Kili pulls you up and onto the ground, insisting you stay put as they go to fight. You look forward, clutching the blade you retrieved from the corpse tight. As all of the commotion ensues you feel yourself being picked up by an eagle.
Once you all are in a safe place you watch as Gandalf helps heal Thorin. You stand next to your dad, holding onto his arm, as Thorin goes in for a hug you let go of him and move back. Your eyes wander to Kili who turns his head in order to avoid eye contact with you.
As the company moves forward you come across an area close to a river, Gandalf suggests that you all take a break and bathe. You and Kili were the last to go, you were paired up at the recommendation of Fili.
Kili guides you to the river, holding his weapon close to his chest, he’s been giving you the silent treatment after you got in between a fight. “You can bathe here, I’ll keep watch.” his voice stern.
“Kili..” your voice trails off as you look at his back, trying to pull his attention to you.
“Y/N, just take your bath. It’s getting dark.” Kili’s tone is extremely cold. You pout your lips as you begin pulling your clothing off slowly, once you finish you slip into the cold water.
“You can turn back now,” you say softly before you dip all the way under the water, holding your breath and squeezing your eyes shut. After a while you break the surface of the water sliding your hands over your face pulling the water back with your hair. Kili had turned around keeping his eyes on everything but you.
“Kili,” you wave him over, “come here, please.” you bite your lip as he gives you a bored expression.
“What is it?” he walks close to the bank of the river, his eyes scanning your face.
“Shouldn’t you join me? You're supposed to bathe as well,” he sighs, turning his back to you again.
“Fine, turn away.” he sets down his sword and strips quickly. You face the other way as he slips into the water with you.
“Kili, what is your problem?” you huff, spinning around with your arms crossed over your breasts.
“What do you mean?” his eyes are half closed as he looks at you with a slightly annoyed expression.
You move closer to him, “I mean, you’re acting so rude for no reason. You won’t look at me, you barely talk to me, you’re being so dumb” you glare at him, “So what is your problem?” he rolls his eyes at you.
“I don’t know maybe the fact that you threw yourself into harm's way? You could’ve gotten yourself killed,” he yells at you while running his hand through his hair.
“Calm down Kili,” you move close to him, putting your hand on his arm. “I didn’t expect you to get all worked up like this, I know I should have been more careful but I just wanted to help.” your eyebrows furrow as you look down.
His warm hands grasp your upper arms “You really worried me Y/N,” he presses his forehead against yours.
“You worried about me?” a sly smile paints itself on your lips, “does that mean you like me Kili?” your voice is soft and teasing. His ears turn a deep shade of crimson as he turns his head up.
“Y/N cut that out,” he puts his hand on the side of your neck, his eyes flick to your lips.
“Cut what out?” you wrap your arms around his neck pulling yourself close to him.
“You know what,” he clenches his jaw, your hands running down his back as you wrap your legs around his hips.
Kili pulls your face to his, hovering his lips over yours “Quit teasing me,” he whispers. Your hand snakes up to the back of his head, cradling it as you push your lips against his. His hands move to your waist, his fingers dig into your soft flesh as he hugs you tighter against him.
“Mahal,” he pulls away, pressing soft kisses down your face and onto your neck. You lean back letting his lips trail over your body, your nails scratch his scalp softly as you arch into him.
“Amrâlimê,” he whispers against your collarbone, “you’re driving me insane,” Kili groans. He grasps your face pulling you in for an intimate kiss, he’s getting more intense with his affections, his hands squeezing your hips roughly.
Your hand trails down his chest tracing every muscle on his stomach, he begins grinding against you while holding your hips against him. Pulling away from the kiss you gasp for air, leaning your head against his shoulder, you wrap your hands in his hair pulling it off to the side. Kissing his neck roughly you begin to leave soft marks on his flesh as he massages your ass.
“Y/N..” he mumbles into your ear, you moan softly as he picks you up, moving into shallow water. “Can we..?” his ears flush as he looks away, “I mean, would you mind?” you chuckle softly.
“Mhm,” you move your hips against his thigh, feeling him twitch underneath you. “But we’ll have to be quick..” you kiss his shoulder as his hands pull your hips up, he lines himself up with your hole, pushing the tip in.
“Let me know if it hurts,” he says gently, his hand finding its way to your neck grabbing ahold of it pulling your head back as you moan softly. He bucks his hips up into you, leaning forward you bury your face into his nape hugging him tight as you moan into his skin.
“My precious girl,” he groans as he slowly begins moving your hips up and down, his fingers digging into your soft skin, leaving red marks. You moan into his ear as you begin riding him, your arms wrap tight around his neck, eyebrows furrowing as you squeeze around his dick.
Kili cradles your head against him, holding you as close as he can, thrusting up into you pushing as deep as he can. Your head falls onto his shoulder, he moves a hand down to your sensitive clit, rubbing circles into it.
“I’m so close,” you moan, Kili nods in response.
“Me too,” he groans, his hands exploring every part of your body as he pulls you into a passionate kiss.
“Hey, Y/N, Kili, hurry it up.” Fili yells to you, causing the both of you to jolt up. Kili pushes himself into you as deep as he can. You bite your lip as you cum around him, your hole pulsing.
Your back arches, silent gasps leaving your open mouth as you ride out your high. Your whole body seems to tense up causing Kili to groan while he cums deep inside you. He pulls you off of him giving you a sweet kiss.
“Now we really need to clean up, and fast.” He says lowly, his hands creep up from behind you gasping your sides as he pulls you into deeper water to rinse off. You sigh contently as he holds your body close to his.
After quickly cleaning yourselves up; you both get out, drying off before putting your clothes back on.
“Kili, you can’t tell anyone about this.” you bite your lip as you turn to him, his eyebrows furrow. “Bilbo might actually get so mad he tries to kill you,” you giggle softly as his face relaxes.
“So it’s our dirty little secret then?” coming close to you he wraps his arms around your neck giving you a deep kiss. “But we will get to tell everyone later, right?” he pulls back, eyes scanning yours.
“Yes, Kili,” you kiss the tip of his nose, hands resting on his shoulders, “but let's wait it out for a bit, okay?” he smiles in response.
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Hi! I love your stuff I saw requests were open 😁
Could you Write a fem human reader x thorin who’s shorter than him, and she’s new to the quest meeting the company in Bilbos house, Gandalf already knows her and is like a farther figure.
Thorins a bit skeptical of her at first but those feelings die down as he realises she’s his one. Basically Thorin being a dick at first but warms up to the reader, some confessions are made and some fluffy/little-very tame nsfw stuff occurs when they reach Rivendell?
Thank you!! ☺️
(oh I love this so much! I hope this does your idea justice, there isn't smut in this one since it got quite long by itself, but I'd be happy to make a part 2 where they get to Rivendell if you'd like :) hope you enjoy :D)
(link for part 2!)
An Unexpected Guest (Thorin x female!human!reader)
Thorin watched you from across the campfire and tried to ignore the familiar tugging in his chest. You were too busy laughing alongside Fili and Kili to notice his probing stare, and seeing how easily you'd integrated into the group only made him more perplexed by your presence. He quickly averted his gaze though when he caught the look Balin sent him. The older dwarf simply chuckled and patted him on the shoulder, reminding Thorin of the evening he had met you.
The dwarves had been gathered at Bilbo's house for some time now, and evening had fallen by the time another, relatively quiet, knock sounded at the door. The hobbit almost seemed to be seething at the idea of more people showing up, but this time it was Gandalf who rose to answer.
"It seems our final guest has arrived." At this, Thorin shot him a glare that went unnoticed as Gandalf left the room.
"Gandalf! It's wonderful to see you again."
"Likewise, my dear. Come in, I shall introduce you to the company."
After you had hung your cloak up, you closed the door and followed Gandalf into the room where the dwarves sat. Thorin could only watch in disbelief as you politely thanked Mr Baggins for hosting the event and shook his hand (which appeared to at least partially dispel the hobbit's bad spirits). The wizard had really invited another without his consent - and a human woman at that.
With a gentle hand on your shoulder, Gandalf said, "It is my pleasure to introduce to you Y/n L/n, a student of mine. I have decided that she will accompany you along this journey."
Thorin rose from his chair abruptly, and all eyes turned to him.
"When were you going to tell me about this decision?" His voice was quiet, but his rage was betrayed by his clenched fists. "You do not have the right to-"
"Thorin, I have said she will go with you, and you should be wise to respect that." The wizard's face was dark, and Thorin paused before he reluctantly stepped forward to look at you. "I can assure you that she will be of use. She has studied under me for some time and is a rather excellent navigator, which I suspect will come in handy."
You bowed respectfully. "It is an honour to meet you, Thorin." You made brief eye contact with him as you rose and he felt something in his chest tighten, but he chose to ignore it.
"Don't get in the way," He muttered and returned to the table.
Later in the evening, he found himself stealing glances at you as you chatted merrily with some of the others. He couldn't quite figure you out - you seemed an intelligent young woman, but he couldn't risk compromising the quest, and he didn't trust humans in general, but just maybe there was a small part of him that wanted you to come, and there was this odd pulling feeling deep within him...
His train of thought was interrupted by Balin's hand on his shoulder, and he quickly realized he'd been staring for longer than he intended.
"Your feelings are written on your forehead, laddie."
Thorin cleared his throat and looked anywhere but where you sat. "I feel nothing for her. She's a liability."
Balin chuckled and patted his shoulder. "If you say so."
Balin had moved to sit next to Thorin in the time he was stuck in his own head, and spoke quietly with a smile on his face.
"You can't stare at her forever laddie." The glare he was sent did not deter him. "It's been the same with her since she first arrived, and I've never seen you like this before with any other lass." The two dwarves both looked at you, still teasing Kili over something or other.
Feeling the eyes on you, you looked across the fire and waved shyly with a smile when you saw Thorin watching you. And as much as he tried to resist, he couldn't help but give you a smile in return.
Now that he thought about it, maybe he had warmed up to you a little more than he'd like to admit. Something had drawn him to you and he couldn't quite place why.
"Lad, I haven't seen you smile like that since we started this journey. She makes you happy, and you'd be a fool to deny yourself that."
Thorin sighed. As if he was trying to pretend he wasn't saying it out loud, he murmured, "What if she doesn't feel the same?"
"She does, I'm sure of it. She has the same look in her eyes as you do." Balin put a comforting hand on his knee. "Y/n is your One, Thorin. You know it better than I do."
Oh. That... actually made a lot of sense.
Before he could respond, Kili ran over to them. "Uncle! Can you come and stand next to Y/n? She's making fun of me and you're the only one taller than her!"
Balin laughed and clapped him on the back. "Go on laddie."
Trying to settle his beating heart, Thorin stood and let Kili lead him over to his One (even if she didn't know it yet).
Fili pushed her lightly in Thorin's direction. "She thinks she's better than us because she's two inches taller than me."
"Is that so?" Seeing the slight blush on your cheeks, Thorin realized that Balin may not have been exaggerating, so with a subtle smirk on his face he looked down at you. He was only a few inches taller but it felt like he towered over you in that moment. "I don't appreciate the torment of my nephews, Miss Y/n."
You looked up at him and smiled with a teasing tone. "Well, they started it. I can't take all the blame, your majesty."
If his heart was beating too fast before, he was pretty sure it just stopped completely.
The two of you maintained eye contact for just longer than necessary, before he stepped away and cleared his throat. Fili seemed to have caught on to his uncle's unusual behavior, and with a wink in your direction he subtly directed Kili back over to Balin.
"May..." He paused, still uncertain. "May I speak with you, Y/n? Somewhere a little more private."
"Of course." Mahal, your smile was almost enough for him to forget he was nervous in the first place.
He led you a little further into the woods, just far enough from the group that they couldn't eavesdrop, and took a deep breath.
You smiled anxiously. "You're making me nervous, Thorin. What is it?"
In an uncharacteristically quiet voice, he said, "I think you're my One."
"Your One?"
"I..." He tried to calm the shake in his voice, to no avail. "I suppose you might call it a soulmate."
The blush on your face spread as you processed his words. "O-oh. I see."
"I must apologize for my behavior when we first met. I was skeptical of you, but you have shown yourself to be not only a valued member of the company, but also a caring and wonderful person." Thorin looked up from the ground to meet your eyes. "I have grown fond of you, Y/n, and I feel a connection with you that I have never experienced before. Something has been drawing me towards you every time I see you, and I can't pretend it isn't there anymore."
"Thorin, I-"
"If you do not feel the same then we need never discuss it again, but I-"
He was interrupted with your finger over his lips. You giggled at his confused expression and took his hands. "Thorin, of course I feel the same." You smiled sheepishly. "I was hoping to hide it for a little longer but Kili saw right through me."
"He is more perceptive than he looks," he chuckled, tracing his fingers over yours.
You lifted one hand to softly cup Thorin's cheek. "Either way, I'm glad the feeling is mutual."
Feeling your fingers in his hair when you tugged him down to kiss you, he had never been so glad for Balin's prying in his life.
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bookworm-with-coffee · 10 months
Softly. . .
(Kili x Reader)
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(A/N); Hillooo!! Let's switch up the angst today, lovelies with more Kili love!! As always, enjoy!!
Plot; When Kili is dying and can't rely on Tauriel, who then can he count on?
Pairings; Kili x Reader (Romantic)
Warnings; long fic, blood/injury, mature themes, coarse language, violence, unrequited love, angst, eventual fluff
Exhaustion burned like a sting through the muscles in your legs. Having travelled so far in the span of a day, the Company had made it from the stability provided by Beorn's home now to the depths of Mirkwood where the days seemed timeless and dark. Your own footsteps rang like a drum in your ears, the grip that an Elven soldier had on you was unyeilding.
Completely stripped of your outer layers and weaponry, you felt unbelievably helpless as you were marched along the winding bridges to perhaps a worser fate than death. You all didn't know.
"Tolo hí", a cocky Elf unwisely shoved Thorin towards a staircase, the King matching the taller male's glare. You angrily tried to shrug yourself from the grip of the soldier holding you, attempting to stick up for your Company's leader. The Dwarves shared your sentiment, Thorin waving all of you down before the fights could begin. You all weren't exactly in a position to stir trouble, after all. Things had to remain peaceful for good negotiations.
"Don't struggle. I will be back", he assured you all, his ocean gaze burning with surity before he ascended the steps to the throne room. The Elves forced you all onwards, your path leading you further down into the bowels of the city; the dungeons. The leader Legolas, he'd been named; scrutinized you with his harsh gaze, undoubtedly noting how you stood out like a sore thumb amongst the others of this Company. One human female and thirteen male Dwarves certainly made for an interesting travelling circus, in his eyes. Yet, you knew you were missing one more member of your group.
Bofur noticed Bilbo's disappearance first, always seeming to keep track of your whereabouts as much as the missing Hobbit's. You all declined to mention your lost fifteenth member of the Company, trying to avoid making it known that you were seeking him out hopefully. Some part of your heart screamed to you that he was already here, that he hadn't abandoned you all. He would rescue you all soon, you were sure of it.
The Elves finally made their stop, the soldier that held you releasing the hard hold he had on your arm. You were sure you would have bruising later. Your captors began to lead your group in pairs or singles up and down stairs, completely separating you all. Balin turned to you, attempting to offer you assurance with a steady smile and a glance that told you, everything will be fine. You hoped so as you were finally lead away from the older Dwarf with Bofur. Worry flashed in Fili and Kili's eyes as you ascended stairs to your right with your cellmate, the brothers both having some level of protectiveness over you.
The cells were small with no chairs or any form of comfort, only the cold floor to sit on. While trudging forwards, you were suddenly shoved into the small room behind Bofur, crashing into him and hitting the floor. "Oh, shit!", you hissed, rubbing at your head and helping him to his feet.
"Are ye alright, Love?", he asked, wholeheartedly unconcerned with himself. His hand moved your own to check for any blood or wounds that the fall may have given you, finally sighing in relief. "You'll be fine". Patting your shoulder, he moved past you to look through the bars of the now locked door. He gripped the bars, much like the others had started doing. All of the Dwarves, save for Balin, kicked and threw themselves desperately at the bars in their attempt to dent or break them. The metal was completely reinforced, the Dwarves risking harm to themselves more than their cell bars.
"It's no use!", Balin shouted. "This is no Orc prison. These are the dungeons of the Woodland Realm!". Dejected, everyone dropped to the floor, inclusive of yourself. Balin was right. There was no escaping unless Thorin could strike a deal with the Elven King, Thranduil. An agitated roar left Dwalin's throat, punching the bars before throwing himself down as well. You would all have to sit this out and wait.
Turning your head to your right, you gazed down at the other cells. Kili's cell with Fili's above his, Ori and Dori together to his left, Balin to his right. Nori was probably further up from Kili. Dwalin's cell was behind yours, meaning Gloin and Oin were probably in the cell beneath your own. Bifur had been locked with Bombur in the cell by the staircase you'd climbed. They were the first to be locked up.
Gnawing on your lower lip, you found your gaze landing on Kili. He was your closest friend and the one you worried for the most. This quest had been costing on you both, mentally and physically so. But, you'd found comfort in each other.
On the days when it rained, the young Prince was always there to tell a joke that reminded you of sunshine. When you were cold, he would offer you his strong and heated arms. Kili had already saved your life numerous times, always throwing himself in harm's way just to protect you.
In the late hours of the night, you'd offer solace to the homesick Prince who often dreamed of his mother and home in the Blue Mountains. It was in these quiet hours when he was unafraid to open himself to you. Sometimes you'd spar and train with him to give him relief from his restlessness, participate in pranks or tell him stories of your homeland if he was down. Your bedroll was always beside his leaving the Company to speculate on your relationship with Kili.
There was nothing to tell, to your disappointment. Kili had admitted no feelings for you and vice versa. Some part of you feared losing the fierce friendship and bond with him, should he know the truth and not feel the same. Your feelings for the Dwarf were obvious to everyone, even to Fili, who had become like a protective older brother to you. Yet, they were not obvious to the one who held your affections.
Your head turned to find Bofur's gaze already on you, an amused grin splayed on his expression. He sat with his back against the opposite wall, his brows risen suggestively. "What?", you sputtered, feigning innocence.
"Am I supposed t' act like I don't know who yer' starin' at or what?". He laughed softly, folding his arms with a shake of his head. A flush of heat hit your cheeks in embarrassment. "You've got it bad, Love".
"Got what?".
"The love bug", he shrugged. "You're in love–".
"Don't say it any louder!", you hissed, a few giggles escaping the Dwarf.
"I don't know how long it's been since I first noticed it, but I've known for a long time now", he confessed, your head dipping in further abashment. "And there's no shame in it". Bofur nudged your leg with his foot, offering you a kind smile when your eyes lifted again to meet his own.
"Does Thorin know?".
"He'd have t' be deaf, blind and stupid not t', Love", Bofur guffawed.
"Oh dear", you groaned, hiding your face in your hands.
"Fili knows". Your eyes widened in shock, peeking through the splits in your fingers at the dark haired Dwarf. Thinking it best to be honest, he continued, "In fact, I don't think there's a soul amongst us, save for Kili himself, that doesn't know about this. Sorry, Lass".
"And you thought of telling me when??", you gaped.
"When Dwalin would finally be at snapping point at yer lovesick bantering", he laughed. "Which surprisingly, he hasn't reached yet". You groaned again in your shame, too embarrassed to show your face. " 'Ey". He nudged your leg again. "Don't be ashamed. Dwalin is a patient Dwarf, as are we all. We understand". Your calf being the only thing he could grip from where he sat, Bofur began to caress it to try and soothe you. "Jus' be thankful yer' not sharing yer cell with Dwalin right now".
Your hands fell from your face whilst you giggled, the both of you finding humour in his additional statement. "I'm in the next cell, not deaf, Bofur", a grumble followed quietly.
"Aye. Noted. Sorry!", he called back softly, the both of you lapsing again into a short fit of shared laughter. You realized it was his aim all along. With gratitude shining in your gaze, you inclined your head to your cellmate.
"Thanks, Bofur". Tipping his hat, he grinned with immeasurable mirth,
"Yer' always much welcome, Lass".
The wait for Thorin's return began. Or to be rescued by Bilbo, whichever first. Hours, perhaps even days were passing. You didn't know. The dungeons of the Woodland Realm fell silent for some time, your eyes coming to close. Cheerful music and voices softly began to pour down from the upper levels, almost lulling you asleep with its beauty. Your stomach growled painfully, reminding you that you hadn't eaten since Beorn's. Footsteps descending from the throne room caught your immediate attention, however. Your brows rose, peering from the bars of your prison cell as the familiar figure of the redheaded Captain of the Guard, Tauriel made her way past your cell before travelling downward. Patrolling. Kili had occupied himself with something and it was clear that the pointy-eared bitch couldn't keep her nose out of his business.
"The stone in your hand", she whispered sternly. "What is it?". Was nothing sacred?? Could he not have something in his possession??
Your chest puffed out, ready to tell her to leave and mind her business when Kili finally replied, "It is a talisman". This caught your curiosity as well as Tauriel's. "A powerful spell lies upon it. If any but a Dwarf read the runes on this stone, they will be forever cursed! ", he spat, forcing her to gaze at the dark object. Good job, Kili. You relished in her shock, relaxing as she finally seemed to be leaving. "Or not". Your mouth fell open. What was he doing?? She was your enemy! Tauriel backtracked her steps, returning to Kili's cell. "Depending on whether or not you believe in that kind of thing, it's just a token", he shrugged, a soft laugh escaping him. It seemed as if Tauriel was smiling as well. "A rune stone. My mother gave it to me so that I'd remember my promise".
"What promise?".
"That I will come back to her", Kili smiled, your heart burning with envy at the kindness he shared with her. Never in all the nights you'd spent in his company, had the Princeling shared this special rune stone with you, nor its backstory. Not that it was anyone's business, of course. But, you now found yourself wishing that he had shared something this intimate and unique with you. "She worries. She thinks I'm wreckless", he continued with a sigh.
"And are you?", Tauriel failed to fight her smile, clearly enjoying her time with the Prince.
"Nah". When throwing the stone again, however, it slipped from his grip. It skidded out of his cell and under her boot. You'd tensed, worried that it would've fallen into the nearby chasm. Now it was in her possession and she'd confiscate it for sure. Her nimble fingers held it into the dim light, looking over the intricate runes that covered the small stone. Kili had stood, worrying over the stone the way you had. "It's quite the party you're having up there", he mused, trying to draw her attention from the stone.
"It is Mereth en-Gilith", she replied. "The Feast of Starlight. All light is sacred to the Eldar, but Wood Elves love best the light of the stars".
"I always thought it is a cold light, so remote and far away", he confessed. Incredulously, she whispered,
"It is memory! Precious and pure!". Her turquoise eyes fell to the dark stone occupying her palm. "Like that promise". Reaching it forwards, she allowed Kili to take it back. "I have walked there sometimes", she added, gathering his undivided attention. "Above the forest and up into the night. I have seen the world fall away and the white light of forever fill the air".
Looking down at the Prince, he seemed effortlessly taken by her. His hazel orbs were glittering in awe, his lips parted in a state of wonder. And could he be blamed?? Tauriel had pure, creamy skin, unblemished and ageless with the beauty of the Elves. Long, thick tresses and a graceful air about her. She's a far more skilled warrior than yourself, which Kili also seemed to admire.
"I saw a Fire Moon once". Another story he'd failed to share with you, intriguing the Elf in his presence further. His smile grew as he leant against the bars. "It rose over the pass near Dunland. Huge! Red and gold it was as it filled the sky". Tauriel sat by the stairs of Kili's cell, intently listening to his story the way you would have. "We were an escort for some merchants of Ered Luin. They were trading in silverware for furs. We took the green way south, keeping the mountains to our left. And there up ahead, this huge Fire Moon lighting our path. I wish I could show you".
Some part of you knew and berated you for not seeing this coming. Perhaps it was blissful ignorance? Or misplaced complacency in your heart?? Kili always had a predisposition of curiosity towards the Elves, having shamelessly flirted with one of them in Rivendell and admitting, accidentally to his humiliation, that he found one of their males attractive. So, what chance did you stand against them?? None.
Dejectedly, your head hit the rough wall behind you, their shared laughter and conversations bitterly reminding you that you never did stand a chance to begin with. It was clear that your feelings for the Prince weren't returned. Only now was it plain for you to see. Hating the way jealousy's unkind flames wreaked havoc within your mind, tears began to burn in your eyes without forgiveness. With a sigh, your face suddenly crumpled and your shoulders shook, sobs wracking your body. Bofur heard your silent sniffles, being the light sleeper that he was. "Hey!", his voice cooed to you softly, instantly waking from his daze. "What's goin' on??". Your throat felt tight, your heart aching painfully within your chest. Desperately, you wiped at your eyes, the kind Dwarf moving to sit on your left. He needed only to look through the cage bars to realise what ailed you. His gaze softened, surprised at this revelation. However, it didn't stop his warm arms from circling you. Your head fell into the crook of his neck, safe from the negativities of the world. Bofur's large hands worked comforting caresses on your back and shoulders. "There, there now", he hushed you. "There, there. I've got ye".
"It hurts, Bofur", you wept. Part of his heart broke hearing those words, knowing that no joke he could offer you now would make it better. He felt useless.
"I know", he whispered. "I know it hurts". Bofur's heated arms tightened their embrace, some part of him hoping that they would help remove the pain. "He didn't know how ye felt for him. And as far as I'm concerned,—", he wiped at your face. "— he's an idiot for not bein' in love with ye instead of that daft Elf maid". You chuckled bitterly,
"She's hardly daft. She's beautiful".
"Perhaps on the outside", he conceded. "But, if Kili can't see the beauty that's both outside and within yerself, don't waste time pursuing the heart that clearly isn't yours". You knew what he was implying and the thought of disregarding your feelings for the Prince horrified you.
"It's not some simple fixation, Bofur! I love him!", you sighed hopelessly. "It's not easy to let go of someone you–". He nodded in understanding. You felt connected so deeply with Kili, you were sure that the concept of soulmates existed. You'd never felt anything like this before. And now, every part of you felt like that connection was being torn away. It was agony.
"Whatever ye decide, I only hope as yer friend that ye choose your happiness above all else. Even if it's hard". You nodded. "I'm here for ye, Lass. We all are, remember that".
Sleep eventually took you within Bofur's embrace, the kind Dwarf refusing to let you go. Despite no romantic attraction to you, he still valued your happiness and everyone else's. You were exhausted, in desperate need of food and sleep. Even if it was a tad of rest, he'd still help you get it with a bit of comfort.
The wait to be rescued continued for some hours thereafter, Tauriel finally leaving to join the festivities above. Marching footsteps thundered through the halls, startling you awake. Thorin was back, at last. Alive and unscathed to your relief.
"Did he offer you a deal?", Balin's voice called out, all of you eager to listen.
"He did", Thorin replied, his voice growing to a yell that echoed through the very heart of the Woodland Realm. "I told him he can go ishkh khakfe andu null!! Him and all his kin!!". The white haired Dwarf sighed through his nostrils in exasperation, shaking his head.
"Well, that's that, then", he huffed. "That deal was our only hope".
"Not our only hope", the King shot back, his eyes glimmering with the same hopes in all your hearts. He too had faith Bilbo would return.
The Hobbit wasn't too far away, having already infiltrated the kingdom using the Ring that not one of you knew about. It had saved him from the Goblins and he'd use it to save you all too. Bilbo's steps were invisible and silent when he descended into the bowels of Mirkwood. He'd cautiously followed the Elf that bore the prison keys, marking his patrols. The wine cellar was where most of the guards seemed to be. They spoke of the festivities above, the keeper of the keys not willing to forsake his duties. "They're locked up!", the others insisted, snatching the keys to hang them on a hook. "Where can they go?". Bilbo smiled. If only they knew..
"I'll wager the sun is on the rise", Bofur ground out beside you. "Must be nearly dawn".
"We're never going to reach the mountain, are we?", Ori's faint sigh echoed. Your heart sank for the Company. You'd been enlisted to help them, but there was naught left that even you could do for them now. Fili stomped in frustration, throwing himself on the floor.
"Not locked in here, you're not", the familiar voice of Bilbo rang out. You felt as if you'd waited forever to hear those words, relieved to see your friend alive.
"Bilbo!", you gasped, clawing at the bars with a grin.
"Bilbo!!", the others began to shout happily, collectively overjoyed to see the Hobbit as well.
"Shh!! There are guards nearby!!", he hissed, starting with Thorin and Balin's cells, working his way upwards. He worked his way along with Fili, Ori and Dori, Oin and Gloin, Kili, followed by Bifur and Bombur.
Finally, he reached your cage. Once the door swung open, the Hobbit was in your arms, happily embracing you back. "I'm so glad you're alright!", you laughed ecstatically.
"Same with you!", he assured, breaking from you with a grin to continue on his way to let out Dwalin and Nori. Bofur lead you down the steps, Kili seemingly waiting for you by the bottom, relieved to see you again. The sentiment wasn't shared. A flush of resentment had filled your heart, your brows creasing at the Prince.
"Are you alright, (Y/n)?". His question fell on deaf ears. Noting your short-sleeved tunic, he continued, "You're looking cold. Here, I'll–".
"Just leave me alone", your words were a sharp grumble, your eyes unusually apathetic. You moved past the Prince as if he were nothing. Hurt and confusion flashed through Kili's eyes whilst he watched your retreating figure, his hand slowly dropping to his side.
Various members of the Company, noteably Thorin, Balin and Fili; onlooked in shared confusion at your uncharacteristic behaviour. Had something happened??
Dwalin clapped Kili's shoulder in passing, drawing the Princeling back to focus. He quickly followed his gathering kin at the top of a stairwell with varying routes. "Not that way!", Bilbo's call was still a whisper, leading you all onto one of the others that lead downwards instead. "Down here! Follow me!!".
Freedom, you thought. You all followed close behind the Hobbit, confident in his plan of escape. Strangely, he seemed to know where he was going. Or so you thought until you reached what looked to be a wine cellar. The sounds of snores reached your ears as you descended the last steps to your destination. A group of intoxicated Elves were resting their heads on a table, completely ignoring their guard duties. Having followed Bilbo down first, Kili growled, "I don't believe this– we're in the cellars!!". Bofur followed after,
"Yer' supposed t' be leadin' us out, not further in!!".
"I know what I'm doing—", Bilbo tried to respond, Bofur cutting in,
"Shh!!", holding a finger over his mouth. The Dwarves all filed in ahead of you, Dori and Dwalin flanking you protectively out of instinct. From where he stood with his brother, Kili eyed you with a pensive gaze, his strong brows knitted together in concern.
"Everyone! Quickly! Climb into the barrels now!", Bilbo's orders were hushed, his eyes desperate. He had a plan. That much you could tell.
"Are you mad?!", Dwalin hissed. "They'll find us!!".
"No, they won't! They won't! Please, please, you must trust me!". Following his words, you watched then as Bilbo turned to Thorin with a pleading gaze.
"Do as he says", the King whispered. Instantly, everyone began to climb into the barrels, even Thorin himself. Only, there were two problems. One, there weren't enough barrels for you to join the Dwarves. Two, you would surely be too big for a barrel. Thirteen concerned sets of eyes caught onto that situation rather quickly, various whispers of,
"What about (Y/n)?", "She needs somewhere to hide too!!", "Where can she go??", filling the room.
"Calm down!", the burglar begged quietly. "Let me think!!".
"No time!", you insisted. "I'll have to go without". Whispers of protest rang out from the Dwarves, not satisfied with your situation.
"For the love of Mahal, (Y/n)! Don't be a fool!", Fili chided.
"Climb in my barrel?", Kili offered hesitantly, your brief harshness towards him being forgotten in his concern for your safety. Bofur's head snapped towards him with an expression that read, 'Really?? After the damage you've done?'.
"I will not risk your safety", Thorin interluded, your gaze falling to the leader you respected so much. "There's no time. Climb in with Kili". Your previous resentment towards the younger Prince was already gone. And despite your hurting heart, all you truly wanted for Kili now was for him to be happy, even if it was without you.
Climbing up, you slipped quickly into the warm alcove of the Princeling's barrel. It was a tight squeeze, but you managed to fit everything under your shoulders into it. "Are you comfortable?", Kili's voice was a gentle calm, his hot breaths fanning over your face.
"I'm fine", you matched his hushed tone, your body slowly warming in the close proximity you shared. Little did you know, you'd be needing it..
Now satisfied with your situation, the Dwarves all stuck their heads out. "What do we do now?", Bofur asked.
"Hold your breath", was the only response you received from the Hobbit before he pulled a wooden lever.
"Hold our breath??", Bofur sputtered. You all then realised what was coming. The ground tilted up, gravity seeming to change for you and the Dwarves. A set of strong arms held you in the form of a brace as the barrel you were in spindled and became weightless. Everyone cried out, falling for what felt like an eternity.
Water suddenly submerged you all, cold and biting against your skin. Once hitting the surface, you gasped for air as every limb fell into a state of shock. "Breathe", Kili's instructions barely registered, your nose burning and head buzzing. He gazed up at you, attempting to warm your face and arms with his heated hands.
"Where's Bilbo?", Bofur's head bounced from the water. Despite the chattering of your teeth, you smiled amusedly,
"He forgot himself". Thorin followed in your amusement with a smile of his own,
"Give him a moment". A moment was all the Hobbit needed, falling stiffly with a scream into the waters by Nori's barrel. The tri-haired Dwarf hauled Bilbo against his barrel, getting him to hold on for the journey ahead. "Well done, Master Baggins", the King commended proudly. It was much deserved. Still being the humble burglar he was, Bilbo waved the act off as if it was nothing. Thorin began to motion everyone along. "Come on! Let's go!".
The barrel you shared with Kili had become uncomfortable as it tipped forwards, your bodies squishing together. In any other instance, you'd crave this contact. Yet now, it was painful for more than one reason. Both of you used an arm each, dipping them into the numbingly cold water to row your barrels along. Sunlight poured in from the end of the cave's tunnel, the water seeming to give you speed in its new flow. You soon realised why. "Hold on!", you shrieked, the barrel cascading forwards into ferocious rapids. The current carried you all forwards and down the river effortlessly, the coldness having been briefly forgotten in your adrenaline. The Company's escape was brilliantly carried out. All you needed to do was leave Mirkwood to the lands beyond. It seemed so simple until a horn's cry pierced the air. You'd all been caught!
Fear leapt into your throat whilst you all rounded a corner, thrown forwards again to see Elven soldiers closing the gates of the river. "NO!!", Thorin exclaimed, his barrel being the first to reach the now closed door before you all followed after. Freedom seemed more further away now than it had ever been. And it was only going to get worse. Orcs had now made their appearance, slaughtering the Elves that were preventing your escape.
"Watch out!!", Bofur shouted. "There's Orcs!!". Corpses of both Elvenkind and Orc fell into the waters, all of them battling furiously amongst themselves. Kili had forced you to crouch uncomfortably, your legs burning at the tightness of the squeeze. He was aiming to protect you from the flying arrows and falling bodies, bracing you. His hazel eyes travelled to your own, clouded with fear. You'd never seen him so afraid, your hand subconsciously reaching for his.
"Slay them all!!", a foul voice ordered in the words of Black Speech. This was not Azog's voice, but one just as hideous. You decided to release yourself from the brace, standing straight with Kili to fight the Orcs that leapt into the water. Your heart raced, pounding within the confines of your chest. You all needed to get out of here. There had to be a way out. And that's when it came to you. The lever! You climbed out of the barrel, Kili shouting your name in protest whilst you waded in the freezing waters to the stairs of the wall. The sunkissed concrete instantly warmed your numb limbs whilst you clambered up the steps. It was so relieving to feel the warmth beneath your palms, that you dreaded eventually having to go back into the freezing waters below.
You dodged a blade slicing down towards you, rolling to the side and onto your back. Darting your foot upwards at the Orc who had tried to end you, it fell from the wall and to the forests below. Scrambling to your feet, you raced forwards across the wall. "Kili!!", Dwalin shouted, your head snapping in the direction of the call. The Prince had followed you onto the wall, catching the blade that Dwalin had tossed him. He used it to slay the Orc that had tried to pursue you to the lever. You hadn't realised either the creature or Kili's presence, grateful that he'd flanked your back. Fili always kept one eye on his brother, even when they weren't side by side. He threw blades into the Orcs that tried to overpower Kili in his attempts to protect you. Bolg had seen your motives of escape, noting that you had no weapons or the like. He had to stop you now if he ever wished to end Thorin and his kin here. Kili saw the hideous Orc arming his bow, his eyes blowing wide in horror as you fought your way through the carnage, unaware of the threat. His feet hit the ground in a dead sprint, slicing through the Orcs in his path like butter.
"(Y/n)!!", his throat burned with his scream. His heartbeat thundered in his ears deafeningly, finally catching your steps. The arrow flew, hitting flesh. You'd fallen to the floor with a yell, Kili crashing on top of you with a shout of his own. Your back ached from the impact, Kili's palms stinging from grazing the concrete.
"Kili??", you breathed, your brows furrowing in concern and confusion at his actions. Why had he stopped you?? The Prince's expression of shock fell suddenly into a pained grimace, your eyes drifting downwards to see the obscenely large arrow that had impaled his knee. "Kili!", your panicked cry left your throat raw. Bolg grinned in a sense of victory, having hit at least one target. Fili's head snapped upwards at your scream, spotting his brother's ailments with terror,
"Kili!!". The young Prince ground out a yell between his teeth, feeling the stinging sensation of blood dripping from the malicious wound. The sensation was unlike any pain he'd felt before, burning within his blood like a disease. What had he been pierced with?? He suddenly fell back with a scream, your figure quickly entering his vision. Kili's brows creased, his eyes fixed on you whilst he panted erratic breaths. His hand grasped the one you'd offered him with an almost painful grip, his eyes suddenly darting to his right. Tauriel broke through the woods, slashing and firing arrows with a graceful precision. "Kill her!!", Bolg shrieked. "Kill the She-Elf!!".
Kili's lips had parted, entirely enamoured by her presence. Not allowing your resentment to cloud your judgement, your hand broke from the Princeling's grip, hurrying to instead pull the lever down for the Company to escape. "We need to get out of here!", you yelled, Kili nodding in agreement. Without thinking, he slid forwards, his legs dangling above the barrel you'd shared. Both you and Fili saw this as a bad idea.
"Kili!!", Fili exclaimed.
"Wait!! I'll remove it!!—", Kili's cry of agony cut you off as he slid into the barrel, the arrow snapping painfully from his leg.
"Shit!", you cursed, leaping into the freezing waters without a thought, clinging to the barrel that Kili was in. Alike to Bilbo, you'd have to hold on externally. And it would be no easy feat. The rapids bashed at your face constantly, submerging you in its chaotic stream as it went. You were gasping for air whenever you could manage it, the water painfully blurring your vision and disorienting you. The grip you had on Kili's barrel was starting to wane, his hands gripping onto your arms. The water settled eventually from rapids to a speedy and winding current, no longer depriving you of sight and air.
From your view in the river, you'd spied Fili, Dwalin and Thorin using the Orcs' weapons against them, lopping down the branches they stood on and bashing the ones that tried to attack them from the banks of the river's flow. Legolas had joined the fight, using every resource in his surroundings, inclusive of the Dwarves' heads as he leapt from one side of the water to the other. In any other situation, you would've laughed at the expressions of Dwalin and Dori as they both were stepped on first, followed by the others who didn't seem to enjoy it either. The blonde Elf used the sword that had belonged to Thorin. Orcrist. It seemed wrong in the hands of Legolas, but he used it to a valuable advantage against your shared enemies. Thorin had even graciously covered for the Elf whilst he fought, ensuring no untimely demise met him. It was more than he deserved for the way he treated you all, yet you couldn't help that Thranduil would see it as a token of friendship at some eventuality. For now, you all had gotten away. The Elves had given up their pursuit of you to instead drive out the Orcs, a bigger threat. The Orcs still were on the hunt for you all, but it would take some time for them to catch up.
The river slowed, all of you able to clamber from the barrels and onto the rocky shores of the land once more. Your legs shook when you finally stood on them again after your large dose of adrenaline and cold. Stumbling forwards, you couldn't feel your hands, now so cold that they were stinging in the fingertips. The cool air blowing from the mountains nearby had goosebumps rising in every pore of your skin, your teeth chattering with the damp cold that enveloped you. However, your gaze focused on only one person, a trail of red water following behind him as he limped onto dry land to sit on a boulder for support. Concern, fear and anger rippled through every ounce of your blood like a wildfire, helping you forget the cold. You marched towards Kili, his face screwed in pain as he tried to wipe his wound clean. Bofur had stood near him, his eyes lit with the same concern as yours. Kili had spied his gaze first. "I'm fine", he snapped. "It's nothing". You wordlessly knelt by him, attempting to inspect the wound when he noticed you and swatted you away. "Don't". His harsh tone caught you offguard, your brows raising in challenge. "I'll be fine". Despite his confidence in saying it, not even he had full belief that his words were the truth.
"Let me see it", your voice was a terrifying calm, your gaze showing the emotions simmering beneath the surface. Your eyes met the Prince's in a silent battle of wits, his brows creased in an anger to combat your own.
"I said it was nothing—". Your hand pried his away from the wound, feeling the nausea beginning to creep up. The wound was deep, perhaps to the bone, and was bleeding openly. Bruising had already strangely appeared around the cut and it seemed horribly inflamed for a simple arrow wound. Kili spied your eyes brimming with tears, his blood running cold with remorse.
"Kili", you sighed beneath your breath.
"I've had worse. Really—", he tried gently, your head shaking.
"You need a healer. You need proper medical help".
"(Y/n), it's just a little cut!", he downplayed it with a frustrated edge to his voice. "Stop being so overdramatic!".
"You want me to stop being concerned for you?? Then maybe stop endangering yourself for once!!", your words shattered the air, shocking everyone in the Company. Kili's eyes flickered sadly from your own. "Better that the arrow really had hit me instead of you!". Anger flashed in the Princeling's gaze.
"Oh really? And why is that??".
"It would've been better than listening to your bullshit", you huffed, storming away from the stubborn Prince. Kili's head slumped, his face screwed up in a glower. Dismissing the tone you'd taken with his nephew, Thorin had established that you were all to leave promptly after Kili's wound was to be bound, Fili taking it upon himself to tend to his brother's leg.
"She's angry with me", Kili mumbled beneath his breath, his hazel eyes lingering where you sat with Ori. Fili almost laughed, his amusement twitching his smile.
"She is", he agreed, squeezing out the blooded cloth he was using for the wound. Ocean orbs flickered up to his brother's melancholy expression. "It's what caring for a person entails, Kee".
"She's been different to me. Distanced", the younger Prince continued with a sigh. "She does not look at me the same. Mirkwood has changed her".
"Maybe", Dwalin mused, catching onto the conversation. "Or perhaps she saw y' gettin' friendly with that Elf maid?". Kili's brows furrowed in confusion, turning his gaze to the older Dwarf.
"Why would that bother her??". Shrugging, Dwalin responded,
"If y' don't know by now, ye never will, Laddie". Know what? , Kili's mind echoed, his eyes closing from exasperation. He had not the energy to ask. The Prince only hoped that you'd be willing to talk to him again as you once did. Whenever that may be.
"I'm absolutely drenched", Ori groaned in irritation, pouring the water from his boot.
"Think about me. I'm human. Not a short, walking furnace like yourself". The younger Dwarf spared a laugh despite his misery. Sensing a pair of eyes on your back, you turned to find a man standing on the hill above. His bow was drawn, aimed for you and Ori. Instantly, you covered the smaller Dwarf with yourself, Dwalin leaping down from where he stood to protect you. The older Dwarf held a large branch for a makeshift weapon and shield, baring his teeth like an animal defending its young. The Company became highly strung, Kili standing to his feet without a care. The stranger fired an arrow at Dwalin's branch, already anticipating the Princeling's next move and firing an arrow at him as well. The second arrow bounced from the stone Kili had attempted to throw, the Prince's eyes wide in surprise.
"Do it again and you're dead", the man spat, his resolve showing in the threatening tone of his voice. He had armed his bow with a third arrow, everyone's hands raising in a form of surrender. Balin stepped forth.
"You're from Laketown, if I'm not mistaken?". The bow was instantly aimed for the cheerful Dwarf, his feet coming to a halt out of caution. "That barge over there. It wouldn't be for hire by any chance?". The stranger's brows creased, his weapon slowly being withdrawn.
"And what makes you think that I would help you?". The stranger gladly took the barrels you all had used, loading them into the boat with the others he had. Balin was the negotiator, offering every reason for this stranger to give refuge to and accept payment from you all. The man's coat, his three children and wife. To your surprise, the man was a widower. Alike to Balin, you felt the same remorse and shame creeping into your heart at these findings. A single father trying to raise his three children alone in a barren town of ice, water and poverty. You could see why he was cautious of you all.
"Oh, come on. Come on, enough of the niceties", Dwalin finally grunted.
"What's your hurry?", the bargeman shot back.
"What's it to you?".
"I would like to know who you are". His brown hues crossed over you all, lingering on you for a brief moment. "And what you are doing in these lands".
"We are just simple merchants from the Blue Mountains, journeying to see our kin in the Iron Hills". A lie from Balin, but a well told lie. The bargeman had no reason to believe him and he most likely didn't, his eyes crossing over you again.
"And what about you?", he asked, directing his attention to the one who stood out the most. Female and human in a troupe of male Dwarves. It was a very uncommon sight indeed. "What's your story?".
"It's none of your business", Kili snapped.
"I don't believe I was asking you".
"This is my family", you replied, gathering the archer's attention wholeheartedly. The Dwarves felt some part of their hearts warming at the thought of you considering them family. You'd spent many months with them, lived through many hardships and they knew that you'd meant your words. It showed in your eyes. The stranger's brows rose, an amused smile playing on his lips,
"Thirteen Dwarves is quite an unusual family for a human, wouldn't you think?".
"Hardly", you replied, continuing Balin's lie with more truths of your own. "We've been through the worst together. I love them. And I would be prepared to give my all to see our kin again". The bargeman saw the truth of your words in your keen gaze, but his instincts were calling to him.
"Are you certain that you not a Ranger of the wilds, baring the gifts of your true kin??". Your expression remained neutral. How had he known??
"My true kin??".
"Your sharp senses. You heard my coming before that of your family. And you bare the mark of Ithilien on your leather boots. A tree crowned with six stars and a crescent moon". Your silence was answer enough for the bowman, a soft chuckle leaving his lips. He was a harder man to fool than you'd first presumed. His eyes flickered to Balin with a knowing smile. " 'Simple merchants', you say??".
"We need food, supplies, weapons. Can you help us?", Thorin chimed in. With reluctance still prominent in his demeanour, the stranger marked the barrels he'd pulled from the water,
"I know where these barrels came from".
"What of it?".
"I don't know what business you had with the Elves, but I don't think it ended well". The bargeman turned back to you all, readying his ship to depart. "No one enters Laketown, but by leave of the Master. All of his wealth comes from trade with the Woodland Realm. He would see you in irons before risking the wrath of King Thranduil", he huffed, throwing rope at Balin. The Dwarf turned his attention to Thorin who mouthed something in Khuzdul, encouraging him to continue pushing the debate with the stranger. And push he did.
"I'll wager that there are ways to enter that town unseen!".
"Aye", he agreed. "But, for that, you would need a smuggler".
"For which we would pay double", Balin insisted almost pleadingly.
Something suddenly snapped in this stranger, causing him to relent and follow your cause. It wasn't the money he was promised, but the desperation he'd seen all too many times before in those he loved. After accepting thanks from both yourself and Bilbo for his help, the man introduced himself as Bard. He set off with you all post-haste, setting his course for Laketown. The misty haze covering the water was thick, the waters almost black and dead, save for the movement of the vessel you stood in. Bard used a large oar for a rudder placed at the back of the boat, steering the ship through the dark. "Look out!!", Bofur had shouted, spotting jagged cliffs ahead, spotting randomly and towering by many feet in the waters. Bard steered by them with an expert precision.
"What are you trying to do?", Thorin piped up. "Drown us??".
"I was born and bred on these waters, master Dwarf. If I wanted to drown you, I would not do it here".
"Oh, I've had enough of this lippy lakeman", Dwalin grumbled beneath his breath. "Let's say we throw him over the side and be done with it". Bilbo huffed in frustration,
"Bard. His name's Bard".
"How do ye know?", Bofur asked.
"Uh, I asked him??", the Hobbit answered as if it were obvious.
"I don't care what he calls himself, I don't like him", Dwalin shot back.
"We do not have to like him", Balin shrugged. "We simply have to pay him. Turn out your pockets, lads". You'd already given Balin your coin purse, taking to leaning stiffly leaning against the right side of the boat. The conversations faded from your ears, the cold air still nipping at your skin. Your eyes came to a soft close, riddled with exhaustion. A burning warmth enveloped your numb hands, two larger ones coming to rest upon them. You knew those callouses, your gaze falling to your right. Kili's hazel hues were set upon the waters, as your own had been.
"I never got to thank you for saving my hide", you mumbled, offering his larger hands a caress. "Again". Guilt played within your gaze, his eyes meeting yours with a slightly amused smile. "I'm sorry, Kee".
"I am too. I shouldn't have spoken to you the way that I did either. You were just worried. I would have been".
"I'm still worried", you confessed, brushing his fringe from his face, noting his skin with concern. "You're so pale, Kee". The back of your hand pressed to his forehead. "You're burning up". He removed your hand with a great amount of gentleness, rejection needling your heart. You'd spied his leg, dark blood weeping through the fabrics wrapped around it. The Prince drew your gaze with his breathtaking smile,
"I'll be fine, (Y/n). You'll see".
Those same words echoed in your head with Kili splayed across Bard's bed only a day later. You'd seen his eyes become red with inflammation and exhaustion, seen his skin turn a shade of pale white. You'd seen him become weaker with every passing hour, now unable to stand properly. All you had seen, despite his assurances, was his slow suffering. And it was killing you from the inside out.
Every part of him was rippling in agony, his body trying to burn off the poison raging in his blood to no avail. Sweat was trailing down the Princeling's skin, matting his hair. His breaths were erratic in his struggle to breathe. "(Y/n)", his voice cracked, his hazel eyes almost terrifyingly dull, yet clouded with fear. He felt a fool now, having ignored your words of warning on his injury. Because some part of him understood now, alike to yourself, that he was dying. He had been all along. Hot tears stung his eyes, his fingers barely able to reach for your hand. Taking your lower lip into your teeth, you tried to keep from breaking down. You had to remain strong for Kili, but hope was disappearing with every passing second. He squeezed the fingers you'd offered him with what little strength he could muster. "I'm— I'm so sorry". A pained groan left him, trying to restrain the urge he had to move.
"Don't start that", you told him, returning the grip on your hand. "No goodbyes yet, Kili. We can still save you". Bard brought out a box of various herbs on a separate table. All were useless to Oin.
"None of these are any good to me. Do y' have any kingsfoil??".
"Kingsfoil? It's a weed?", Bard replied, brows creasing in confusion. "We feed it to the pigs". Kili's grip suddenly became painful on your hand, feeling as if a hot knife had been plunged through him. A wail escaped his throat that had you wincing, Fili rushing to your side again to offer not only his brother comfort, but you as well. The eldest Princeling had tried to convince you to leave with Thorin, promising you that this was only benign. Now, Fili was grateful that you'd stayed, not allowing your friends to go this alone. He was facing the possibility of losing his younger brother this very evening and here you were, holding the blonde's hand with your spare one to alleviate the stress. Amidst Kili's groans of pain, Bofur rushed to the table, exclaiming something about Kingsfoil.
"Don't move!", he'd told the younger Prince, recieving a pointed glare from him in return. Bard had left the house with his son Bain and a black arrow in tow. It was very possible, given the tremors you'd felt this evening, that Smaug had awakened. However, Bain had returned sooner than expected, claiming that his father had been pursued by guards and the black arrow hidden safely. Hope was fading faster by the second as the tense waiting began. The air was eerily quiet in Laketown, save for the odd cries from the Dwarf in your care. You all waited on Bofur, praying that the intuitive Dwarf would return with the herbs. Sigrid stepped outside, praying for her father's return as well as Bofur's.
"Da?", she called out, hearing movement along the wooden boardwalks of the town. When turning to retreat inside, her blood-curdling scream caught your attention. Sigrid tried to close the door, the Orc that had tried to strike her jamming his sword between it.
"Get away from the door!!", you yelled, Sigrid leaping back only to get thrown on one of the chairs, moving to hide under the table with her younger sister. Fili had charged from your side and into the Orc, battling by hand. More came crashing in through the roof, both Bain and yourself using the furniture at your disposal to fight them off. It became a struggle to fight their growing numbers in your attempt to protect Bard's children as well as Kili.
On any other occasion, you would've despised her presence, yet now you couldn't be more grateful for the extra set of hands Tauriel offered as she stepped into the room with her blades drawn. Her keen emerald eyes scanned the room, immediately beginning her onslaught against the growing number of Orcs in Bard's living room. Legolas leapt in not too soon after, joining your fight against the hellish creatures. You spoke not a word to either of them, taking their help as an advantage. Another wail from Kili broke the room, seeing that an Orc had gripped his injured leg, pulling him along the bed. Tauriel threw a knife into the skull of the Orc, the Princeling falling to the floor with a cry. You'd rushed to his side, Legolas flanking your defence. His skills with Elven daggers surpassed even the skill of Tauriel, weaving through the room like a graceful, yet sharp wind. "Get down!", Fili had yelled, pulling Bard's children behind the fallen table to hide. Kili had grabbed Tauriel's dagger from the dead Orc who had attacked him, using it to try flanking your defence and Tauriel's. Instantaneously, he'd collapsed with a scream, one of the Orcs vaulting from the room in its escape. The battle was forgotten, your makeshift weapons clattering to the floor. You heaved Kili's heavy body into your arms, the Prince now writhing in excruciating pain.
"Kili", you tried to calm him, your voice tremoring with the chilling anxiety rushing through you. Oin and Fili sprinted to your side with urgency, Tauriel's mouth falling open at the wound on Kili's leg. Black blood dripped onto the floor, the Morgul poisons all too familiar to the Elf.
"You killed them all", Bain gasped, almost feeling sick at the sight of his home.
"There are others", Legolas stated, readying his weapons to face of with your shared foes once more. "Tauriel, come". He beckoned his counterpart, hesitation showing in her features.
"We're losing him!", Oin begged, looking to Tauriel for help. She was capable, her people far more skilled than your own in the arts of medicine. Her eyes were wide, darting between you all and the retreating form of the Elven Prince. Her duty to the world, to her Prince Legolas surpassed the needs of your Prince, your best friend. Despite her curiosity of Kili, Tauriel didn't share the feelings for Kili that he had for her. For the Dwarven Prince, it was almost like love at first sight, continuing to be enamoured by her, her graceful and kind spirit, her smile. For Tauriel, it was a silly dream to pursue love with a Dwarf. He was handsome for one of his kind, but her heart lied with her duties, her people and with the man she'd slowly come to love. Legolas. Despite his father's wishes, she was not one to easily give up in the pursuit of love and it was clearly requited by the Prince. You envied her for that reason. Tauriel moved past your group without anymore hesitation.
Every part of you stung with hurt for Kili, knowing that he would feel that same agony you had alongside his current ailments. Unbridled rage filled your heart, watching as she left him helpless, screaming. "So that's it??", you called to Tauriel, allowing Fili to take his brother whilst you stood to confront her. "You'll just let him die??". The redhead turned, confusion etched into her expression.
"And what would you have me do? Orcs are running rampant, more innocents will die if I do not help them". Tears fell freely from your eyes.
"He's dying!!", you roared, gesturing to Kili. "He hasn't time! Save him!! Please!".
"I cannot linger—".
"Bullshit!! He opened his heart to you, Tauriel!! You can't leave him like this!!", you bellowed. You saw in her gaze that perhaps she knew of Kili's attraction to her. Yet, you'd come to understand why she'd taken to ignoring it.
"I can't—", she whispered with a shake of her head, turning again to leave.
"Please, Tauriel", your voice broke, lowering to a whisper only she could hear, "I love him". And that's when Tauriel understood. Guilt swam in her gaze when she looked upon you again. The stabbing pain of unrequited love sat heavy in your eyes.
"I'm sorry", she murmured, the entire apology heartfelt and genuine. You watched, helplessly as the Elf darted from the balcony and to the rooftops beyond, falling to your knees. A frustrated cry left your lips, Sigrid covering her mouth from seeing you this distraught. Bofur stumbled through the door, baring the Kingsfoil weed. He'd spied your tear stricken face with terror, seeing the desperate situation he'd returned to.
"There's no time!!", you shouted, staggering to your feet.
"(Y/n)? What will ye do??", he asked, all the eyes in the room falling to you.
With surity, you replied, "I have to save him".
You ordered Tilda and Sigrid to ready you some cloths and warm to hot water to best extract the essences from the herbs. Oin, Fili, Bofur and Bain took to lifting the now thrashing Prince onto the kitchen table. Being a Ranger from the South, kingsfoil was commonly used for healing practices by your kin, but you were not schooled in medicine. Your skills were honed on navigating the lands, tracking, stealth and basic combat. You felt useless, only faintly remembering hearing a few healing chants. Most were in Elvish, some in the common tongue of men. The words were lost on you, save for one or two chants. You would have to try.
"Are y' sure y' know what yer doin', Lass?", Oin piped up, watching as you peeled the leaves and flowers into the water.
"No", you huffed a bitter chuckle, your eyes falling down to his own. "But what choice do I have?". Fili eyed you from where he held down his brother, his ocean gaze glistening with hope.
"I have faith in you", he murmured.
"As do I", Bofur added, smiling to lessen the pressure. Oin nodded, giving you his seal of approval. He admired your gaul to act swiftly and take initiative. You would make an excellent healer in his opinion.
Taking a deep breath, you gripped Kili's leg, a pained scream leaving his lips. He writhed, kicking away your touch. His eyes had darkened, having no perception but the agony he felt. "Hold him down!! Please!", you begged the lads, all of them contributing. You tore the fabric away from Kili's wound, nausea creeping into your throat as it had the first time. The wound was still bruised and open, weeping black blood as a large swollen mound with dark veins. No time, you reminded yourself, reaching into the water. Scrunching all the leaves you could find into your palms, you silently prayed that the blood of Numenór flowed true within you as you began the healing chants you could remember. "May the blessing that was given to me, be sent from me to him. May he be released from death", you commanded, pushing the kingsfoil into the wound. His back arched, a piercing cry leaving his lips. Your eyes closed applying pressure. "May the blessing that was given to me, be sent from me to him. May he be released from death".
"Tilda!", Sigrid shouted, the two joining in holding down Kili's limbs as he continued to struggle from your touch. Oin and Fili watched in awe as you repeated your words over and over. Your chant was in common tongue, yet it seemed to breathe life into the room itself. You had begun to think and worry that nothing would work, that Kili was too far gone. Tears slipped again from your eyes, your voice remaining sterdy despite the tightness wanting to creep through your throat. Your mind was wholly set on saving him, imagining him as spriteful as the day you'd met him. Love and care poured through every fibre of your being and perhaps the Divines felt it?? You prayed that they'd help encompass all that energy for him if they did. Feeling the tension slipping from Kili's limbs slowly, you heard his cries dying into calmer, but ragged breaths. It was working..
"May the blessing that was given to me, be sent from me to him. May he be released from death", you repeated with more fervour, finally having the courage to open your eyes to meet his own. His hazel hues were no longer pale and dull. They were now full of life. His lips were parted, eyelashes fluttering in some semblance of shock, as if you'd pulled him from water to save him from drowning. And you had saved him. The darkness that clouded his vision, blinding him to all else was broken. It was as if he was watching the sun rising for the first time, seeing that divine light cracking the dark horizons open to see you. There was only you in his line of sight, pulling him like a lifeline. Kili found himself wondering how you'd ever come to be so beautiful. The infatuation he'd held for Tauriel paled in comparison to the affection for you that wormed its way past his broken heart and into his soul. And perhaps it had always been there?? The Prince felt a sense of relief fill him, coming to understand why he'd always felt differently for you. It had been you all along, he was only blinded to it.
Kili's pain faded from him, his body no longer fighting the poison. It had been neutralised, expelled from him. Death couldn't touch him any longer, or so he felt. His body instead burned with a warm, pure light. Every part of him relaxed under your touch, a soft sigh leaving the Prince as his breathing turned to some form of normality. His blood ran red through your fingers, cleansed now. The swelling would slowly decrease over time, as would the inflammation and bruising. You smiled, crying from your relief. The stiffness in your limbs created by the tense situation had dissipated. A breathy laugh, wet from your tears left your throat. You'd done it, you'd saved him. Bofur happily placed a hand on your own, both Tilda and Sigrid alight with joy over this victory. The girls circled the table, taking you into their shared embrace, giving you words of assurance, congratulations and gratitude for helping protect them. Fili grinned, sharing in some semblance of relieved laughter, resting his forehead on his brother's in a familial embrace.
Everyone had relaxed, leaving the room to allow you to continue in your endeavours to finish your work on Kili's wound. You pulled the kingsfoil from the scar, rinsing a cloth with the water the herbs had soaked in. The water was still warm and clean, fragrant with the essences of the weeds. You wiped the fabric over the wound, brushing away dirt, dead flesh and irritants. Once it was clean and dry, you started to bind his leg with cleaner fabrics that Bain had sought for you.
"I have never seen the healing practices of the Dunédain until this evening. That there was a privilege to witness", Oin marveled, turning to the blonde Prince who had also been in some state of awe at what he'd seen.
Softly, your hands worked at the bindings on Kili's leg, placing the material thickly over his wound to ensure it was well protected from weeping blood. "(Y/n)", The Princeling beneath you croaked, his voice hoarse and raw from his screaming. You smiled with a wistfulness, relieved to see him so at peace.
"It's okay, Kee", you breathed. "I'm here. Lie still for me, alright?". His hazel hues held an emotion you couldn't read, fluttering in their attempt to stay awake. A tired smile slowly etched onto his face, twinkling weakly with his usual cheekiness.
"You're so,—", his voice cracked. "—so beautiful".
Your brows knitted together in confusion when you glanced at him from his leg. He was clearly delusional. He had to have been.
"You're a bit dazed, Kee", you smiled, politely dismissing his words. "You need to rest".
"You are", he insisted beneath his breath. "You're so, so beautiful". You felt his warming fingertips brushing over the hand that rested on his thigh, the goosebumps from his touch spindling across your skin. "You were crafted by the sunglow of another world. Your light saved me. It wasn't a dream". Your lips parted, unsure of his kind words and the clarity behind them.
Kili breathed as if it were difficult to talk, his eyelids drooping in exhaustion. His smile still remained, eyeing your hands when you brushed your thumb over the fingers that rested upon your own.
Slowly, his breathing evened out, a light sleep taking the Prince as you continued to work. Once securing his bandages with a light knot, you leant down, brushing your lips over his forehead with a silent prayer that the Company was alive in Erebor. That the ruin that Bard had predicted wouldn't come to pass. Fili shared your sentiment, his eyes worriedly meeting your own before he embraced you in gratitude, thanking you once more for saving his brother. But, your complacency was only temporary.
When you stumbled onto the rocky shores in the cold light of the dawn, you beheld desperation, sadness, loss and terror amidst the ruin that had come to pass. Smaug's onslaught was without mercy or conscience. Bard had been right all along. Now, you were praying that he was alive with his son. You'd grown worried for the bargeman and his son after seeing Smaug plummet from the skies.
Frantically, you searched the shores for the two males. Tilda was in your arms, fresh tears pouring from her eyes. Sigrid clung to your free hand, shouting for her father. The Dwarves were readying the cannoe you'd all travelled in for the trip to Erebor. It felt wrong to leave everyone behind. You wouldn't leave yet, not until the girls had their father back.
Kili was hardly focusing on helping his kin with the small boat, his hazel eyes admiring you from afar. "Kee?", Fili called to him, beckoning him to help.
"Eyeing the lass?", Bofur asked with some suspicion and confusion, a smile twitching on his lips.
"What if I was?", the younger Prince shrugged, missing the hopeful glint in the older Dwarf's eye. "I have to make sure she's alright". Fili turned to Bofur, his brows raised. Both said no more in watching Kili ascend the shores. You had begun to make your return, Bard and Bain now reunited with the girls in the small encampment.
With exhaustion heavy in your steps, you smiled at the brunette Princeling on his unexpected approach. Your mind flashed back to those warm callouses brushing against your skin, goosebumps flushing across your arms at the thought. He'd hardly spoken a word to you since the previous night, making you question if he'd even been coherent when he mumbled those sweet words to you. Perhaps it was your wishful thinking in the end?
"Ready to go?", you'd asked him, beginning to stray past him whilst he'd stopped.
"(Y/n)", he called to you, the softness in his voice halting your steps. Your brows furrowed,
"Kili, we need to go".
"I need to talk to you". His hand reached for your own before you could turn away, gently tugging at your smaller fingers. Even after all this time, you found yourself unable to ignore the intensity of his hazel hues, something unreadable sitting hard within his gaze. "Please", he spoke, barely above a breath.
Instinctively, you turned fully to face him, your thumb brushing over his larger hand. "Of course", you replied, almost unsteady with nervousness. Some part of you felt that he may assure you that he had no feelings for you, that his words to you had been hollow. And you prayed that if he were to reject you, that he'd do so softly.
"I just want to say thank you", he confessed. "For saving my life".
"Kili, you needn't thank me", you insisted, his other hand pressing something smooth and cold into your palm. "What are you—".
"The days are growing darker, (Y/n)", he cut in, clasping your fingers around the object. His second hand warmed your cold, stinging skin. "Last night, I realised how little time we may have left and I have grown so afraid that I won't have the time to say what I must to those who matter". Your brows creased in concern, always content to allow him to express his innermost thoughts. "I'm giving you this token. As a promise".
"Kili—", you tried to desist him to no avail.
"Amrâlimê", he hushed you with a silken voice. It was like the word had caressed your very soul. A smile splayed slowly onto his features whilst his eyes seemed to read yours. "You felt it too, didn't you?".
"Felt what, Kili? I don't know what that word means", you replied with a quiver to your whisper, his grin growing.
"I think you do", he bounced back, a featherlight playfulness present in his glimmering gaze. "It's my promise to you. That I'll always come back to you". You saw the glassing of tears within his gaze. "Even at death's door, I will come back to you".
"Why would you promise such a thing to me, Kili?", you asked, confusion clouding over your expression. "When your heart clearly belongs to another??". To Tauriel...
A soft laugh slipped from the Princeling's lips, an affectionate glow radiating from his tender gaze. "It was infatuation, an idea that I'd tried to pursue with Tauriel", he murmured with a soft shake to his head. "It was foolish to pursue that which was but a shadow to how I feel for you, (Y/n). I know now how I feel— how I've felt all along for you and I'm not afraid. I was just too blind to see our connection for what it was". You felt his fingers squeeze yours, his eyes playing across your more delicate features. "For that, I hope you can forgive me and realise that my words to you last night were not of a daze, but from my heart. You make me feel alive".
Ignoring the tears that stung in your eyes, you finally felt as if your own heart had been freed, your smile like a pure light shining on the Prince. The warmth of Kili's spare hand reached to cradle your face, swiping his thumb over your glistening eyes.
The short gap between you was no more when your head had dipped, the softness of his lips engulfing your own in a deep caress. Kili's hand twined into your curls, pulling you flush into him whilst his other hand remained with your own, as if to solidify his promise to you. Your thumb worked soothing caresses over his rough skin, getting lost in his kiss before you heard whistles from the shore nearby.
Your lips parted from the Prince's, quickly missing the sensation of his hot touch in the biting cold of the morning breeze. Whistling and clapping, Bofur stood upon the cannoe, overjoyed at the scene playing before him. "If you both are done, we do plan on travelling today! ", Fili shouted, a playful grin on his expression.
Both yourself and Kili lapsed into a soft bout of laughter, sharing an affectionate glance before you allowed the Princeling to finally lead you to the boat to travel home.
The End. . .
Hey readers!!
I hope you all enjoyed this fic!! I have a LOTR fic in the works as we speak, so keep your eyes peeled, folks! As always, any and all feedback is welcome! If you wish to be added to my tagslist, check out my masterlist and let me know what you'd like to be tagged in! ❤❤
As always, thank you all for your support in my works!! ❤❤
* * *
Tolo hí = "come on" (Elvish/Sindarin)
Ishkh khakfe andu null = "go pour excrement on your head" (Khuzdul)
TAGLIST; @fizzyxcustard @lathalea @emrfangirl @deadlymistletoe
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Smoke, Iron, and Thorin
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Chapter 1
Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader
Summary: you prepare for the quest to reclaim Erebor by meeting your kin in the home of a very disgruntled hobbit. However, you don't expect to face your first obstacle before you even step foot out the door, when an unexpected ghost from your past darkens the door of the hobbit hole.
Warnings: eventual smut, no use of y/n, angst
Word count: 1833
Author's note: This is my FIRST fic! The beginnings of this story have been sitting in my computer for sooo long and for whatever reason today I just decided to jump headfirst into being a Tumblr writer! I'm still very new to this, so I welcome all kinds of constructive feedback/criticism. If there are any warnings/tags you think I missed just let me know :) Reader is AFAB! half dwarf/half human, but still grew up in the halls of Erebor. We'll get more into her background and her history with Thorin later on in the series! Enjoy!
“What do you think they’ll have?” Filli asks with giddy excitement as they pass each hobbit hole on their way through the shire.
“what do you mean?” you ask absentmindedly, scanning each door for the symbol Gandalf instructed you to look for.
“For supper of course,” Killi replies. “He said there would be lots of food, and no one can cook quite like a hobbit can.” you can’t deny the intoxicating aroma that has seeped into your nose with every inhale since the moment you arrived in the shire. Freshly baked bread, patiently cured meats, and hearty stews seem to be baking all around you as the sun finishes its descent behind the lush rolling hills of the shire.
Darkness has settled all around as the inhabitants of the hobbit holes settle in for the evening. The only remaining light comes from the lamps illuminating the doorways and the warming hearths inside every cozy little hole.
“I see it!” You shout triumphantly when you glimpse the blue mark glowing on the green door of a hobbit hole.
The two dwarves are so anxious for a hot meal that they’ve already bounded up to the door to ring the bell before you can even blink.
The front door is pulled open abruptly and a very frustrated hobbit groans at the sight of you. A reaction that is not all that uncommon while traveling with dwarves, so the three of you greet him enthusiastically regardless.
“You must be Mr. Boggins,” Kili begins.
“Nope!” the hobbit shouts, “you can’t come in, you’ve come to the wrong house!” he tries and fails to close the door on the three of you.
“What?!” you all shout in confusion. Knowing there is absolutely no way you are at the wrong door.
“Has it been canceled? No one told us.” the brothers protest. 
“No, nothing’s been canceled,” the hobbit starts to explain.
You all sigh in relief and continue to push your way further inside.
The home is filled with the overlapping chatter of dwarves and the clattering of weapons being tossed into the arms of the frazzled hobbit.
Dwalin’s booming voice greets the three of you, quickly recruiting you all to join in the organized chaos that is preparing the cramped dining room for even more dwarves to arrive. 
Food is tossed about, ale sloshed onto the floor, and poor Bilbo’s house is an absolute wreck. You can’t help but feel sorry for your host, but you also can’t bring yourself to pull away from the merriment just yet.
It had been so long since you’d last been around so many of your dwarven friends. Up until beginning your journey several weeks ago, you hadn’t even seen Kili and Fili for many years. 
But their mother, Dis had always been a very good friend of yours. Ever since growing up Erebor, you had felt as closely connected to her family as she was to yours. 
Unfortunately, due to the arrival of a dragon, and stubborn dwarvish pride you had long ago gone your separate ways. Save for the occasional letter. Much like the letter you received asking if you would be willing to accompany her two reckless sons on their latest journey.
Kili and Fili were not exactly known for their self-preservation instincts and the journey that lay before you would not be an easy one. But even if it weren’t as a favor to Dis, you would have said yes regardless. Nothing in the world would be able to prevent you from helping to finally reclaim your homeland, and defeat the great beast that took so much from you.  
Several pints of ale have loosened your inhibitions and you now find yourself laughing and singing along with the rowdy bunch, not a care in the world.
Until a heavy knock comes on the door.
Silence falls over the hobbit hole.
“He’s here,” says Gandalf.
“Who’s here?” you ask in confusion.
No answer comes, and everyone is suddenly averting their gaze from yours as Gandalf crosses the room to open the door. You have a bad feeling about what’s on the other side.
Gandalf pulls it open with a flourish and is greeted by a deep voice. A familiar voice.
No, you think to yourself. It can’t be.
But sure enough, Thorin Oakenshield is stepping through the front door. 
He says something to Gandalf but you can’t fully make out what it is.
Your ears are ringing loudly and a white, hot flame is blazing deep inside your belly.
Suddenly you’re back to the last time you saw him, years ago. Tears streaming down your cheeks in the doorway of the dusty old inn.
“He looks more like a grocer than a burglar,” Thorin laughs as he turns towards the dining room. Where his eyes immediately lock with yours. You can see the exact moment he realizes you’re there. His eyes widen in shock and your name slips past his lips in a breathless whisper. 
For what feels like the longest second of your life, he simply stands there taking you in. From the braided strands framing your face to the silhouette of your long green traveling dress. You could almost swear he looked…happy to see you. 
And that only adds more fuel to the fire inside you. 
“Thorin,” you growl and curl your fists at your side. “What are you doing here?” you hiss.
He narrows his eyes back at you. “What am I doing here? I am the leader of this company, what are you doing here? It isn’t safe for you, lass.”
You scream in frustration. The sexist pig! You have just as much of a right to be here as everyone else and he knows it. Your arm reaches up of its own accord to smack that self-righteous look right off his face. But before your hand can make contact Fili grabs your arm and pulls you away.
You whirl around and shove him away from you.
“You!” you glare between Kili and Fili redirecting your anger. “You lied to me!” they both start to protest but before they can form a single sentence you hold up a finger and they both fall silent. 
“You told me, he wouldn’t be here! You looked me right in the eyes and lied to my face,” you grind out, barely containing the urge to strike them both upside the head.
“We didn’t want to,” Fili begs.
“It was our mother’s idea, she knew that was the only way you would agree to come.” Kili finishes.
You laugh humorlessly. “And she was absolutely right, I’m leaving!” you turn on your heel and march straight towards the door. But before you can fully push past him, Thorin’s hand encircles your wrist and firmly pulls you back to look at him.
It was a mistake letting yourself stand any closer to him. As soon as you do his scent envelopes you. Smoke, iron, and Thorin. You yank stubbornly on his grip, desperate to put some distance between the two of you but he is too strong. 
“Wait,” he whispers to you, both commanding and desperate. “You cannot make the journey back alone, it is already dark, who knows what is lurking along those roads-”
You scoff and reach your free hand behind you for the dagger concealed underneath your corset. Before he can continue you have it pressed firmly against his throat. You apply just enough pressure that you know he can feel the blade stinging against his skin, but he doesn’t even blink. You lean in closer to him looking deep into his eyes.
“I can take care of myself,” you whisper. “I’ve had a lot of practice at it as of late.” And he loosens his grip just enough for you to yank yourself free. You remove the dagger from his throat and attempt to resume your departure, but this time it is Gandalf who stands in your way.
“I am sorry we misled you, my dear. But I’m afraid we cannot accomplish this task without you.” you lift the dagger up defiantly and point it at his chest, but you both know it is an empty threat.
“I don’t care,” you reply. “It’s not my problem.”
“You do, and it is,” the wizard replies. “I know how you’ve spent the last years, you are the only one who possesses the knowledge and connections we need to accomplish this feat.” 
You hear the whispers of confusion from behind you. They clearly didn’t know how you had dedicated the last several years of your life to searching, reading, and studying every resource you could get your hands on in preparation for this exact task.
“I know how badly you wish to return home,” Gandalf continues, as if he could read your mind. “A great deal was taken from you that day, and you are not the type to let that stand. So the question remains: who deserves your wrath more at this moment? Thorin or Smaug?”
You let your arm fall back to your side, tucking the dagger back away.
“Who says it can’t be both?” you challenge him.
Gandalf laughs and shakes his head.  
“Oh you are part dwarf indeed my child. Hold onto whatever anger you wish. But don’t let it get in the way of you reclaiming your homeland, defeating Smaug, and finally laying your parents to rest.”
You clench your jaw in frustration. You know he’s right, but you hate to admit it.
“We can do this without her,” Thorin grumbles from behind you. “If she wishes to leave she can, I’ll have someone escort her home safely.” 
You finally whirl around to glare at him again. He doesn’t want you here, he doesn’t think you can do it. He doesn’t think a ‘helpless girl’ can hold her own on a dangerous journey such as this one.
You smirk back at him defiantly. 
“On second thought,” you place one hand on your hip and extend the other out toward Balin. “I’ll sign that contract now,”
Thorin grumbles and glares at you in protest. 
Balin moves faster than you’ve ever seen the dwarf move, handing you the contract before you can change your mind or Thorin can argue against it. 
You scribble your name at the bottom and shove it into Thorin’s chest as you saunter past him in search of another pint of ale.
You lost count of how many more drinks you downed before passing out in one of the soft armchairs by the fire. 
You stir briefly when a familiar scent meets your nose and a thick blanket is gently draped across your sleeping form.
You could swear you feel the whisper of a touch ghost across your cheek, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. 
But before you can wake any further, a deep voice starts to sing:
Far over the misty mountains cold…
More voices start to join in the melody, and before you know it you are lulled deeper and deeper back into a dreamless sleep.
Next Chapter
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buttered-my-biscuits · 5 months
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Fever Kisses
(A/N); First, I’d like to apologize to everyone for falling off the face of the earth this last YEAR. I’ve been diagnosed as Immunocompromised, so it’s been a fun ride catching every single cold known to man :’) Currently getting over a 3-week long cold, and I’m Miserable, so I need a healthy dose of our favorite dwarven brothers. — This is also my 1st Fic/Drabble ever, so here goes nothing!
Summary: A wet rainy night proves no challenge for dwarves or hobbits. The same, however, cannot be said for humans.
Pairings; Kili x Reader, Fili x Reader
Warnings; Fevers/Sickness, Very soft and fluffy fluff, with a bit of angst and drama.
Ibrizinlêkh: Sunshine
Bunnel: Treasure of All Treasures
The rain poured harder than ever before, showing no mercy to the trees, the bees, and certainly no dwarves.
The dark and stormy clouds blanketed the skies, casting shadows amongst the rolling hills. Soaked to the bone, through cloaks and tunics, still the company of Thorin Oakenshield trudged on.
Dwarrow are hardy folk; cold and damp environments bothering them none. Humans on the other hand, however, do not share the same trait.
(Y/N) found herself at the back of the line, trudging her way through ankle-deep mud, her arms wrapped around herself in hopes of holding onto whatever warmth was left. Kili stayed close, whereas Fili opted to lead the pack side-by-side with Thorin.
Quiet conversation could be heard from certain members of the company, including the one beside you. Kili regaled you with his adventures with the Blue Mountains and how Fili had scored a 5-point Buck with a single throw of a dagger, enhancing his story with wild gesturing hand movements.
“— And man, you should have seen Amad’s face when we got back with the buck! I daresay she had never looked more proud!” Kili boasted properly. “…(Y/N)?”
You looked up, meeting his soft honey eyes, not realizing you had stopped in movement. “(Y/N), are you alright? Are you tired?” Kili took a step towards you, concern etching its way onto his face. You stared at him, a strange, skin-crawling feeling rolling up your spine, a harsh shiver wracking your frame.
Kili closed the short distance between you, his hand gently landing on your arm before repeating his question. Only, this time, as the sound hit your ears, it sounded as though he were not speaking Common Speech at all. Your face scrunched in confusion, before it hit you. You felt a gasp rip through you as you quickly grabbed hold of Kili’s tunic, your legs feeling as though they were to give out. Your vision swirled as though you were one with a tornado, nausea quickly settling in.
Beyond the ringing of your ears, you could hear Kili yelling something, before the shadows of the others came into your peripherals. You tried to breathe, feeling the weight of a thousand bricks upon your chest — you felt as though you were suffocating; your vision began to darken with infectious black spots. Increasing your hold on Kili’s tunic as one last whimper escaped, you felt yourself fall.
“…(Y/N?)” Kili called back to you, having paused in his story at your stillness. He closed the distance between you two, lying his hand on your arm. He called to you once more, only to be met with confusion. He found himself mirroring your expression, if but only for a moment, before that expression quickly turned to terror as your body seized.
One arm shot out to hold up your weakening frame, the other gripping your arm tightly. “Uncle!” Kili shouted, his panicked tone ringing through the air. One look back from both Fili and Thorin had them sprinting to the back of the line.
“What happened to her?” Fili inquired while quickly reaching out with the goal of steadying you. His fear quickly grew as your weak frame shuddered one last time, before alast going limp. Barely catching you in time, he quickly hauled you upwards into his arms, your head lolling heavily against his chest.
Thorin laid his hand upon your too-warm forehead, quietly cursing in Khuzdul. “We need to find shelter. Now!” Thorin barked at the others, watching as they quickly scrambled towards the rocky cliff side.
Safely inside the dry remains of the cavern, a fire was hastily made while Fili and Kili worked to lay out a bedroll for you. Oin frantically dug through his pack, looking for his medicines and ailments as Thorin dug through his own looking for anything dry.
“We need to get her into dry clothes. This will do for now.” Thorin held out an oversized, but dry Tunic.
Fili and Kili shared a look, waiting for their Uncles’ instructions. Surely he didn’t expect them to undress her? Sensing his nephews hesitance, Thorin grumbled under his breath. “All of you. Turn away, now!” Thorin barked once more, before shedding your jacket. Together with his nephews, they worked to undress you, much to said nephews embarrassment.
Moments later, you lay peacefully upon a bedroll, clothed by nothing more than Thorin’s tunic, and a blanket modestly wrapped around your lower half.
Oin knelt beside you, lifting your head gently as he pressed a small glass vial to your lips. “Come on lass, swallow it down.” Oin quietly prayed, pouring the liquid onto your tongue, before sighing with relief at the sight of your body naturally swallowing the rather horrible tasting liquid.
“And now we wait.”
You were floating through the air — clouds more specifically. You were sure of it. You breathed in deeply through your nose, smelling the distinct smell of… a campfire? Surely not in the clouds…
You forced your heavily eyelids to open, finding yourself looking up at a pair of dwarves, whom were sitting side-by-side, heads leaning against one another as they both slept peacefully.
You attempted to recall how you got in said dwarves’ lap, but your brain felt far too mushy and not up to the task. You brought your hand up to Fili’s arm, with the intention of pulling yourself up. However upon doing so, you found yourself with not even enough strength to close your fist around said arm. Grumbling slightly, you tried again.
“Would you like some help?” A tired voice whispered beside you, causing you to jump. You looked up to see ice blue eyes peering back at you, a soft smile creeping their way into them.
At your silence, Fili brought his hand to your forehead once more, clicking his tongue at his findings. “You still have a fever. You need to rest more.” Fili pawed at your blanket, bringing it farther up your body, before tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Here, Fee. Get her to drink some water.” Kili, awakened at the commotion, handed Fili an opened canteen. Slowly, Fili helped you sit up with a hand at your back, the other bringing the canteen to your lips. You sighed at the feeling of the cold liquid sliding down your throat; Refreshing. A few sips and Fili lowered it, much to your dismay. “Not too much at once, Ibrizinlêkh.” He chuckled, handing it back to Kili.
Swiping your tongue over your now moist lips, you sighed contentedly and closed your eyes, before shimmying back down to rest your head upon Fili’s chest once more.
Eventually, quiet conversation broke out between the two brothers, offering you distraction while you rested your heavily eyelids. Before long though, you found yourself peering back up at them, breaking said conversation as they both returned your gaze, a sight of content and fondness donning their faces.
Without thinking, you found yourself gripping Fili’s outer coat, raising yourself up to his chin. Using your other hand, you placed it on the back of his neck, gently guiding his nose to rest alongside your own. Instinctively Fili closed his eyes upon the close proximity; you gently lifted your head slightly, to rub your nose along his. Up, down. Up, down. And a third time, before resting your forehead against his. “Thank you…” You whispered quietly, before pulling back to reveal a stunned look upon his face. Had your brain not been mush, you surely would have laughed.
Looking to his right, you found Kili staring, dumbfounded at your stunt. Chuckling, you reached for his cheek. Despite his confusion, Kili leaned forward until his nose lay along side yours. Up, down. Up, down. A third time. Slowly, intimately.
Pulling back, you found yourself wearing a content smile, theirs quickly mirroring your own. “Goodnight” you offered softly, before settling back down into Fili’s arms.
“Goodnight… Ibrizinlêkh.”
“Goodnight, Bunnel.”
As the sun climbed over the horizon, you stretched comfortably, before opening your eyes. Once again, you found yourself peering upwards at a pair of blue eyes, alongside a pair of honey-brown.
“Good morning you two!” You yawned.
“Good morning (Y/N)” Kili returned,
“Good morning.” Fili whispered softly.
The company worked to pack up camp after each companion ensuring your health, before Thorin set them off once more.
Beginning your steps, you were stopped by a couple of hands — one upon your wrist, and the other on your arm. “(Y/N), can we ask you something?” Turning to meet both Fili and Kili’s eyes, yours in question. “Last night… you had… uhm.” Kili started, looking to his brother for assistance.
Fili touched his own nose, before continuing: “you had rubbed your nose with ours… what does that mean?”
You quickly found yourself stifling a laugh behind your hand, furthering their confused expressions. “Did I offer you both one? I’m sorry! My fever must have did away with my manners… it’s called an Eskimo Kiss. Thank you for taking care of me yesterday, both of you.” You grabbed each of their hands, offering a quick squeeze before turning back and following the others.
Fili and Kili found themselves standing there, baffled, before your words soaked in. The next sight, was picture worthy… Their faces quickly resembled that of a strawberry.
“An Eskimo Kiss?!” They squealed, quickly chasing after you.
I wrote this on the fly, on my phone at 3AM, as I personally have my own fever, so if this is horrendous to read, I blame my fever.
I do not have a Beta, nor did I honestly proof this before posting… but regardless, I hope y’all enjoy! This wasn’t supposed to be this long, but, that’s how fics/drabbles are supposed to go, right?
Goodnight and to the doctors I go!
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🍃Tolkien Masterlist🍃
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Smut: 🔥🔥
Fluff: 🌸🌸
Heated Fluff: ⭐️⭐️
Friendly: 🌈🌈
Angst: 🌨️🌨️
💙 Collage
💚 Oneshot
💖 Preference/Headcanon
💜 Quote
💞 Blurb
- Just A Girl 💚🌸
- Waited So Long 💚🔥
- Warrior Girlfriend 💙🌸
- Baker 💙🌸
- Break Stuff 💚⭐️
- Mermaid 💚🌸
- Sleepy Reader 💜🌸
- Princess 💖🌸
- Waited So Long 💚🔥
- Heart-Shaped Box 💞⭐️
- Queen of Pain 💜⭐️🔥
- Size 💚🔥
- Loved You Before 💚🌸
- Undressed 💙⭐️
- Elf Princess 💙🌸
- Chanel 💚🌸
- S&M 💚🔥
- So Tight 💞🔥
- We Didn’t Start The Fire 💚🌸🌈
- Elf Princess 💙🌸
- She Knows It 💚🌈
- Big Girl 💚🌸
- Edge Play 💚🔥
- Tongue Piercing 💚🔥
- Waited So Long 💚🔥
- Sweet Prince 💚🔥
- Toys 💚🔥
- Rebellious 💙⭐️
- 9 to 5 💚🌸
- Relaxing Day 💙🌸
- NSFW Alphabet 💖🔥
- Old Lady Reader 💖🌸
- Leaving A Party 💙🌸
- A Kingly Tour Guide 💙🌸
- Sleeping Loves 💜🌸
- Jewellery and Paintings 💙🌸
- Breath 💚🔥
- The Kiss 💚🌸
- Meeting 1 💖⭐️
- Meeting 2 💖⭐️
- Meeting 3 💖⭐️
- Meeting 4 💖⭐️
- NSFW 1 💖🔥
- NSFW 2 💖🔥
- Lindir x Reader x Glorfindel 💞🔥
- Lindir x Reader x Glorfindel 2 💞🔥
- Favourite Position 💖🔥
- Fairy x Mermaid 💚⭐️
- Elves x Hobbit Women 💞🌸
- Elves Kissing 💖🌸
- Human and Elves 💞🔥
- Love Triangle 💙⭐️
- Kink Alphabet 💖🔥
- Two Lords and a King 💞🔥
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missiemoosie · 1 year
Chapters: 36/? Fandom: The Hobbit - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bofur (Tolkien)/Original Female Character(s), Dwalin/Ori Characters: Bifur (Tolkien), Bofur (Tolkien), Ori (Tolkien), Nori (Tolkien), Dori (Tolkien), Dwalin (Tolkien), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Bombur (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien), Bard the Bowman, Thorin Oakenshield, Dís Additional Tags: Slice of Life, movie and book verse, Friendship, Humor, Family, Adventure, everyone lives au, Slow Romance, Rewrite, Bofur is a Sweetheart, Ori Is A Sweetheart, Bifur Is a Sweetheart, hell they're all sweethearts, even nori, To An Extent, Spymaster Nori (Tolkien), Dwalin is a Good Friend, Nori technically kidnaps a child and becomes a papa, Disabled Fili, Dwalin is a big softie, Major Original Character(s) Summary:
It's been eight years since Erebor was reclaimed by the Company of Thorin Oakenshield and both the Lonely Mountain and the city of Dale are well on their way to restoring their former glory in a time of peace and prosperity. For Bofur, Bifur, and Ori, however, things are...well, things are boring. The three turn their eyes towards Dale, where the cousins hope to renew the city's toy market and once again make it the wonder of the north while Ori just wants to escape Dori's overbearing nature. After arriving at an inn called the Full Tankard, they soon discover that Dale has a lot more in store for them than they could have ever imagined...
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ragingbookdragon · 11 months
A Love Enduring All Of Time
Thorin Oakenshield x Reader
Word Count: 2.2K Warnings: Angst...?
Author's Note: I made myself sad :( BUT IT ENDS HAPPILY SO :)
As they gathered around the fire, no one seemed to want to sing or dance. They were cold, tired, some bruised and wounded, but mostly exhausted. They quietly ate and readied for bed, and she couldn’t help but feel discontent at the lack of wind-down from the day. She lay in her bedding, staring up at the night sky; Thorin lay beside her in his own bedding, Fili above Thorin, Kili above her, Bilbo on her other side.
Bilbo was shifting beside her, a telltale sign that he was restless; she gently put her arms behind her head, and asked, “Bilbo, would you like to hear a story?”
A few of the dwarves groaned but she paid them no mind, looking over at Bilbo who blinked and nodded his head. “A good bedtime story would be nice.”
Her smile was bright even in the darkness and before she could even open her mouth, Thorin muttered, “We need rest. A story will have to wait.”
“Oh pish,” she retorted and settled in to tell her story. “Once upon a time, there was a young girl who lived beside an elven castle. And she—”
“Of course, it’s an elven bedtime story,” Dwalin griped and the others chuckled whilst she threw a rock at him.
“Let me tell my story!” she cleared her throat. “Now, where was I? Ah yes, once upon a time!”
“Thalaweston,” Colfindaer muttered. “The girl is here again.”
The silver-haired elf looked over towards the gates, seeing the little girl standing there, a hopeful look on her face; the second she saw him see her, she waved wildly at him. He let out a sigh and said, “I’ll be right back.” He could hear his friend chuckling as he walked towards the gates, stopping just before them; he bent down and greeted her with a smile. “Hello Kaeralina.”
The girl blushed and looked at her feet, quietly holding up the flowers she’d picked. “I…I brought these for you.”
He took them through the ivory gates, gazing at the stems that had been hastily plucked and the dirt brushed off. “Thank you, they’re beautiful.” Looking back at her, he asked, “You’ve been coming to give me flowers quite often, Kaeralina.”
“Mhm,” she murmured, swaying slightly. “Mother said elves like flowers.”
“Your mother’s wise, we are connected deeply with nature.” Thalaweston tipped his head to the side. “Kaeralina, does your mother know you come here? It’s awfully dangerous for a little girl to be all alone out here.”
“I’m not little!” she retorted, bringing her eyes back up to his. “I’m ten years of age!” He chuckled and she felt her cheeks warm, dropping her gaze again. “I know how to get here and home safely.”
He let out a sigh. “Kaeralina, it isn’t safe for you to keep coming back and forth. You could be hurt, or worse. There is danger in the forest.”
“I know,” she said, kicking at the ground with her boot. “But…I wanted to give you the flowers.”
Thalaweston looked at the flowers in his hand again. “They’re lovely flowers, Kaeralina. While I thank you for them, you have to stop coming as often as you do. If anything were to happen to you, your family would be very sad.”
Quickly, she turned around, sniffling, and he felt a pang of hurt in his chest for hurting her feelings, but just as fast as she’d begun to cry, she turned back around, a determined look on her face as she declared, “One day, I’m going to marry you!”
His eyes widened in shock and before he could even reply, she nodded her head resolutely and dashed off into the thicket, leaving him to go back to his post where his friend was laughing hysterically and teasing him about the girl.
It had been many, many years before Thalaweston ever saw her again. One and a half decades in fact, but a mere fifteen years was but a blink of an eye to elves. He’d been given relief of duty to join a hunting party towards the west of the forest, just on the other side of the human city growing next to the castle.
Splitting up from the rest of the group, he journeyed on his own, quietly stalking a deer he’d seen in the distance. When he’d come upon it, he raised his bow, pointer finger feeling along the steel of the arrowhead, breath leaving his lungs as he began to release it, when the buck suddenly dropped towards him, an arrow in its chest.
He lowered his bow but dove behind a tree for cover in case it wasn’t one of his people; watching cautiously, he waited for the mysterious shooter to come from the trees and when they did, his eyes widened. A mere human girl had shot from hundreds of yards away, a managed a perfect shot.
Thalaweston crept behind them as they pulled the arrow out, pulling a knife to begin cleaning when he stepped on a stick, the crack echoing through the forest. Quick as lightning, they spun, bow raised and ready to fire; he raised his hands in surrender and he caught sight of eyes beneath the red hood, bow slightly wavering as they said, “Thalaweston?”
He cocked his head to the side, stealthily reaching for his dagger. “How do you know me?”
They reached up and plucked the hood off and he let out a breath at the sight of her. “Kaeralina?”
She had grown into a beautiful young woman; her shock gave way to joy as she reached out to hug the elf. “Oh, it’s been so long!” she wrapped her arms around him. “You look well! How have you been!”
He was in shock himself. “I—I am well. Nothing much has changed in my life. How are you?” he pulled back, looking towards the deer then to her. “When did you learn to draw a bow?”
A shadow crossed her face and she said, “My father…he died when I was still a child. My mother and I had to fend for ourselves. I picked up a thing or two watching the hunters in my city. I am leading the hunting parties now, believe it or not!”
“Congratulations.” Thalaweston looked around. “You’re quite a distance away from the city, are you not? More into elven territory.”
He saw the telltale sign of embarrassment come across her as she looked away, suddenly interested in the deer. “Yes, well, the deer favor elven company, so it makes sense to hunt here.”
“Really?” he asked doubtfully. “Are you sure it’s not because you have a fondness for elves?”
She shot him a look. “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Are you sure? Because I have quite a few bouquets of flowers that beg to differ.”
“I can’t believe you remember that,” she muttered. “I was a child.”
“A very sweet, earnest child,” he agreed, kneeling beside her. “I kept them, you know. Pressed them to make them keepsakes.”
She blinked at him. “You did?”
He nodded. “If nothing else, a reminder that humanity was good to us elves once.”
“That’s…very sweet of you, Thalaweston.”
He smiled and looked at her. She really was so beautiful. “You’ve grown since I last saw you.”
Her smile was more bittersweet. “Humans age much faster than elves. It’s been fifteen years, did you know?”
“I do.”
“I can’t believe it’s been so long.”
“Time does fly.”
“That it does.” Exhaling, she gestured to the deer. “I should get this back to the city. I’m sure they’re waiting for me to return.”
Before she could even attempt to lift it, Thalaweston did for her. “Allow me.” He ignored her dissuasions and added, “Think of it as a chance for us to catch up. I’d love to hear about how life has treated you. Nothing ever changes for us elves in the castle. Life is always boring.”
She smiled, looking down at her feet as she kicked at the ground. “Oh…alright, I guess you can.”
“So, tell me, have you promised to marry any of the men in your town or are we still—”
Thalaweston lay beside her, gently brushing aside the silver hair on her head, caressing the warm skin on her forehead. “How do you feel, melethel?”
Her eyelids fluttered and she looked at him. “Tired, my life. Very tired.”
He couldn’t fight the lump in his throat as he rested his hand on her chest above her heart. “Are you comfortable?”
“I am.”
“Should I get the children? Do you need me to get them? I will go—”
“My life,” she calmed softly, resting a hand atop his. “I have said my goodbyes to my children. This time is for us.”
Tears shone in his eyes as he dug his head into the pillow and whispered, “I am not ready for you to go, melethel.”
She smiled sadly, but there was a warmth there as she reached over with her free hand, swiping a stray tear. “You will never be alone, my life,” she said. “My heart travels with you always. It is in you, in our children, in this life. I am with you through the ages, always.”
Thalaweston gazed at the woman he’d created a life with, from the first moment he saw the little girl in a patchy dress to now, an old woman, his beloved wife, the mother of his beautiful two girls and boy. “I am scared to go on without you.”
“You must.”
“I want you with me. I want to hold your hand. I want to hold you in my arms. I want—”
She caressed his cheek and he fell silent, shutting his eyes against the flood of hot tears. “You must go on until our children no longer need you. Then, and only then will you be allowed to even think of me. They need you, my life. They are your purpose now. Promise me you will not come to me until then.”
He swallowed thickly, inhaling deeply as he nodded his head and whispered, “I promise, melethel.”
Kaeralina let out a low breath and tried to shuffle closer to him, which he saw and immediately shifted to hold her in his arms, his nose pressed against hers; they gazed into each other’s eyes. “Thalaweston,” she murmured. “Some think this was foolish. For a mortal to marry an immortal. But I want you to know, in all our years, I have never regretted a single moment. Not even now.”
Thalaweston smiled widely despite his tears. “I have been blessed by Ilúvatar to have made this life with you. I have loved you and will always love you, Kaeralina. I love you,” he whispered, pressing his lips to the tops of hers. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
“I love you, my life.”
“And till this day,” she said, still staring up at the night sky. “It is said that in the heart of the forest lies a single stone encased by a great oak tree. The memorial of a single elf who loved his human wife so greatly, that he planted a great stone and tree. Of course, others say that the stone is his wife’s grave and he, the great tree that has protected and weathered all the centuries. A love enduring time itself.”
Bilbo was in tears as he looked at her from his small pillow. “He brought her the same flowers every day that she picked for him as a girl.”
“Even in her death, he was devoted to his lovely wife, always.”
He wiped his nose and eyes, trying to compose himself. “That was beautiful.”
“Long, is what it was,” someone, probably Bofur retorted, but he sounded weepy.
She merely smiled and Bilbo asked, “Is it a true story?”
Shrugging, she gently slipped a few strands of hair behind her ear, and he caught sight of the slightly pointed tips. “Who knows? But a love like that? Sure is desirable. To be loved and devoted even after death. I hope one day I’m lucky enough to be loved so much as Thalaweston loved Kaeralina.” She looked to the stars and murmured, “They were amazing parents.”
“What was that?”
She blinked. “I said, I bet they were amazing parents. I’m sure their children were loved beyond belief.” She tutted. “Now off to bed with us. Our bedtime story has been given.”
As they all rolled over, most already asleep, she gently turned on her side, looking up at Kili and Fili who were huddled close, snoring quietly, the eldest brother’s arm wrapped around his youngest. It reminded her of her sister and brother.
She smiled and gently reached over, brushing a hand through each’s hair, watching them lean into and make sleepy noises at the soft, mothering touch, before pulling her arm away, only to catch Thorin’s eyes on her; she smiled at him and he gave her one in return, a softness, and love, in his eyes as she laid her head down and shut her eyes.
He waited until her breathing evened out before he reached over and carefully took her smaller hand in his, holding it. Hers twitched in his grip before her fingers curled over his palm and he fell asleep feeling the warmth bleeding into his hand.
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Amralizi - Thorin Oakenshield X Female Reader
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Title: Amralizi
Thorin Oakenshield X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Balin, Fili, Kili, the rest of The Company (Mentioned), Rivendell (Mentioned), and Reader's mother (Mentioned)
WC: 1,563
Warnings: Nervousness, awkwadness, embarassment, mention of blood, mention of death, crying, slight angst, and huge fluff
Thorin watched you across from the fire. His deep blue eyes watching your every move as you brushed your hair. It was long, and looked soft, Thorin couldn't help but stare and wonder if it was as soft as it looked. You had joined the company in Rivendell, a human among elves. Thorin didn't understand it. But, you were a beauty in Thorin's eyes. You looked like a goddess, even covered in orc blood. He watched as you placed your brush down, carding your fingers through your hair one last time. Thorin's heart pounded with each beat of his chest, feeling his hands begin to sweat.
Making sure there weren't any stray knots, you dropped your hands into your lap, sighing. It had been a long day, traveling for hours and slaying orcs along the way. The company had made camp in the small mountains, hoping they could get some sleep before more of the journey ahead. You stretched out your arms above your head, groaning as you did so. Your arms and legs ached. Well, everything ached. You were tired, and just wanted to sleep. Finally, you slid down on your bedroll, covering yourself with a small fur blanket, before finally drifting off to sleep.
Thorin sighed, feeling a presence beside him, Thorin turned to glance at Balin before turning back to your sleeping figure.
"You like her?" Balin asked softly, but it sounded more like a fact than a question.
"Yes," Thorin breathed, glancing over at you again. "I'm sure she's my One."
"I see." Balin replied, looking away from Thorin, gazing out into the dark night. "She's a human, Thorin."
Thorin scoffed. "It doesn't matter what she is."
Balin shifted uncomfortably before whispering. "You'll outlive her."
Thorin didn't speak, staring into the dying embers of the fire instead.
"I've heard humans only live up to their eighties or nineties." Balin began, before sighing, "And, you know how long we live."
Thorin nodded slowly, "Even if I do outlive her," He said quietly, "I would never leave her side."
Balin nodded, pursed lips, before looking into the fire himself, "If you are sure... You should tell her."
Thorin's breath caught, he started to speak, but stopped himself. A thousand different things ran through his mind. There was no chance that you felt the same way he did. It was an impossible thought to have. But, he saw it in your eyes when you looked at him, when you were near him. He knew that you were drawn to him, and he was drawn to you. You always stood beside him, walked beside him, fought beside him. Though, he didn't know if what you felt was friendship or love.
"I will." Thorin whispered, smiling gently. "In due time, though."
"Alright then," Balin nodded, "Good luck."
The net morning, you awoke bright and early, immediately you began to roll up your mat and folded your blanket and tying it to the mat and in your backpack it went. Searching around for your brush, you couldn't find it. You furrowed your eyebrows, wondering where your brush had gone off to. Sitting down, slightly defeated, you huffed. Running your fingers through your hair, you cringed when you hit a few knots.
Thorin stood up from his spot, taking a deep breath before waking over to you. His hands began to sweat and his heart began to beat faster than ever before. Pausing beside you, you looked up, smiling a little.
"Good morning, Thorin. Are we heading out?" You asked and Thorin shook his head.
"We'll be staying a little longer today. I heard Bombur and Bifur were going to make breakfast."
You nodded, "I can't wait. Is there anything else, Thorin?" You asked, noticing as the king continued to stand by you.
"Yes, I noticed that you were having trouble with your hair." He spoke, sitting down on a log beside you.
You nodded, frowning slightly, "Yes, I must have misplaced my brush last night."
Thorin chuckled a bit, "Well, if you're looking for a new one, I have one in my pack." He said, reaching inside his own bag and pulling out a very large hairbrush.
"You brush your hair?" You teased, giggling softly as Thorin blushed.
"Yes... Sometimes." He spoke, "May I... May I brush your hair?" He asked,
You smiled warmly, "Of course, Thorin."
He picked up the brush, feeling his face burn and heart quicken.
Clearing his throat, he gestured to the log, "I'll sit on the log, and you can sit in front of me."
You agreed, moving onto the soft grass, where you leaned your back against Thorin's knees. Stroking your hair with the bristles, he sighed happily. Holding your hair gently in his other hand, Thorin skillfully brushed through your many knots. You leaned into him, sighing as he worked.
You closed your eyes, enjoying the moment. It was peaceful, and you felt safe. Feeling as Thorin finished brushing and ran his fingers through your hair, the tips of his fingers scratching your scalp lightly. He was amazed at how soft and beautiful your hair was.
"May I... Braid your hair?" Thorin asked softly, gazing longingly at the back of your head.
You bit your lip, keeping your eyes closed.
"Of course," You mumbled, opening your eyes.
Taking a deep breath, Thorin leaned forward, untucking strands of your hair from behind your ear, sectioning three pieces of your gorgeous locks. Breathing deeply, he began to braid your hair. Some of the dwarves, busy with whatever they were doing, paused. They all froze when they saw Thorin braiding your hair.
"Uncle!" Fili called to Thorin, as Kili stood next to his brother carrying sticks in his arms from the nearby woods.
Thorin glanced up to his nephews before continuing his braiding. You slowly opened your eyes, noticing the dumbfounded and in awe face of your dwarven friends.
"What's wrong, boys?" You asked, as if nothing was amiss.
"Nothing..." Kili spoke, his voice wavering as he tried not to laugh.
Fili snorted, "We'll get more sticks."
Most of the dwarves left the clearing, Balin giving you and Thorin a smile before following.
Finishing his braid, Thorin pulled out one of his beads, clasping it to your braid, tying it off.
"Do you know what braiding means in Dwarven culture?" Thorin asked, voice still soft, not wanting to break the peace.
You hummed, turning around to face Thorin. Sitting on the ground, and him on the log, you were eye to eye.
"Braided hair is a sign of love." You said, "A symbol of courtship."
"Ah." Thorin replied, smiling faintly.
He didn't think that you would know. You gently took his large hands in yours, caressing his calloused palms.
"Why do you want to court me? When you could have anyone you wish?" You muttered, keeping your eyes on his boots.
Thorin laughed a little bit, "You're my One, amrâlimê." He said, "I don't care if I'd have to fight a hundred Orcs to get you, you're worth it."
You smiled light, feeling as Thorin let go of your hand you cup your cheek, lifting your head to look up at him. His eyes met yours, and you felt your breath catch in your lungs. You felt your heartbeat pound loudly in your ears. You gazed into his eyes, feeling your heart race as you stared at him.
"Even if we don't have much time. I want to be with you... Please, amrâlimê."
You leaned into his touch, placing your own hand over his. "I may have lied to you when we first met." You began, before casting your gaze away and biting your lip.
"What do you mean?" Thorin asked, gently rubbing his thumb against your soft cheek.
You cleared your throat, looking down at his feet instead of his eyes. "I'm only half human."
Thorin paused for a moment, "Half?"
You laughed a little sadly, "I'm half elf. My mother is from Rivendell." You shut your eyes tight.
"I was scared that if I told you before that you wouldn't let me join. I know of your hate of elves." You sighed, "Just please, if this is real... If you turn me away, I..." You couldn't finish, tears rushed down your cheeks.
You were surprised when Thorin wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. You cried softly in his chest as he held you.
"Shh," He murmured, kissing your forehead. "I could never do that. Not to you, amrâlimê."
Pulling away slightly, you looked into his deep blue eyes. "Really? You don't hate me?"
Thorin shook his head, "I could never. And, if you allow me, I would like to make you my Queen."
You smiled, wiping away the tears from your face. "Yes, Thorin. Yes."
Thorin held you closer, stroking your hair. Looking into your eyes, he licked his lip before leaning in. His lips gently pressed against yours, and you moaned softly. Thorin kissed you passionately, pressing his body against yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck, running your hands through his hair as he growled lightly. Thorin broke the kiss, breathing heavily as he stared at you, fingers fiddling with the courtship braid in your hair, so much love in his eyes.
"Amralizi, Y/N." Thorin sighed, unable to wipe the smile from his face.
"I love you too." You smiled, kissing him again.
Amralime = My love
Amralizi = I love you
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bluebellhairpin · 27 days
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Thorin Oakenshield X Fem!Reader
Summary; With the dragon Smaug gone, you discover what remains - or, more accurately, what has been taken away.
Warnings; Thorin has the dragon-sickness and is generally an asshole. Implied non-canon character death. Reader is female-body-coded, uses she/her pronouns, and is Human.
Listening to; 'Burn' from Hamilton - "Your sentences border on senseless... They don't get to know what I said... You forfeit all rights to my heart."
Part 12 || Part 14
Series Masterlist || Masterlist || Ko-Fi
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Everything was burning. Homes, buildings and lives. People.
It hurt that all you could do was watch, with the stone cold underneath you, and the wind making your tears feel like ice carving a river down your face. It was an ironic contrast, especially since your chest burned hot and ached with every breath.
You wondered why it still hurt. You felt calm, despite the distress before you, and you had rested enough from the fight with Smaug for your heart to have settled. But your chest hurt. Your lungs burnt with each breath and your throat was dry. You’d noticed before, how it seemed the closer to Erebor you got the worse it became. But you dared not bring it up, and now you couldn’t - Oin was will Kili, no one else would have answers like he would.
You were feeling so close to being sick - like properly throwing-up sick - because of what was happening both to the burning Laketown and Thorin. Oh, your dearest Thorin.
What was becoming of the Dwarf you once loved? You could only hope that he would get better now that the dragon had fled. Somehow you knew that hope was founded on shaky grounds.
You stared ahead, watching the distant walls of flames flicker like candles along a mantle place. You saw smoke rise into the dark night sky, glowing orange with embers. The dragon’s silhouette constantly swooped up and down, high then low.
With each pass Smaug made on the town you thought of your friends, Fili, Kili, Oin, and Bofur, and even Bard and his family. You hoped this would not be the pass to kill your friends, and at the end of each you waited - as if you would have felt it, but it never came. Only for the apprehension and hope to return once more with another path Smaug made.
You would’ve prayed they would make it out safely, if only you knew who to pray to.
The minutes felt like hours, and the hours seemed to drag on forever. As the stars passed overhead, and the very first signs of day drew near, a new kind of movement went across the town.
With a startled gasp, a pain in your chest sparked and you stumbled to your feet.
Beside you, Bilbo, who had yet to turn away unlike most of your other companions, likewise saw the shift - even if he didn’t feel it, or notice it in you.
“You saw that?” he asked, turning between you and the town. “The dragon, it fell.”
“The dragon died.” you said, fingers tight over the leather and furs over your heart.
“The black arrow. The Lords of Dale have finished what was started many years ago.” Then the burning, the aches, it all stopped. A peace which you thought would never return did - and it was like you were blessed with a whole new body.
“The dragon is gone!” Golin said, stepping forward on quite nimble feet to take a proper look at the scene before him.
“But the damage is done.” Dwalin lingered just behind you, scowling at the flames that still burnt.
“And now it’s dead word will spread. Those with good intent and bad will be swarming to the mountain.” you added. “I do not think a dragon is the worst thing we will see before we can finally call Erebor home again.”
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Enjoyed this chapter so far? Read the rest now over on Archive of Our Own! (Chapter Twelve Continues Here!)
Feel free to leave kudos, comments or a reblog if you're enjoying the story so far - especially now we're so close to the end. Remember to support your favorite writers! If you liked reading it, reblog it <3
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plussizefantasia · 3 months
Unsure Hearts
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Read Part One Here: Fluttering Hearts
Warnings: Reader gets grabbed, alcohol, I think that's it tbh
an: heyyyy... sorry I was MIA, lots of stuff going on I'll post an update about it soon. In the meantime enjoy part two of the Kili x reader fic from Flufftober. I think this will be a five-part fic including an epilogue and the next two parts are already underway. I've also got some requests ready to be edited and posted soon. Thank you for bearing with me, much love <3
Kili Durin x Human!Soulmate!reader
Word Count: 1.8K
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Thorin was getting worried, Kili had become somewhat of a ghost story over the past month. He had assumed that his nephew was simply doing his duty. Kili had volunteered to be the envoy between Dale and Erebor for the discussions of armament and training. However, that treaty was signed a week ago, and said envoy position was no longer needed. So why in all of Arda was Kili still going to Dale every day? The young prince left as soon as he was finished with his daily tasks and didn’t return to the mountain until well after the sun had set. Thorin was not worried for his nephew's safety, after all, Kili was an excellent warrior and could take care of himself, no, Thorin was worried for Kili’s heart. 
Fili had also noticed his brother’s absence but the blonde prince had always been a bit more perceptive than his surly uncle. Fili had noticed that Kili was missing, but he also noticed that every time he returned to the mountain it was with the most dopey grin that he had ever seen. A grin that he recognized, for it had also graced his face a few months ago when he met his beloved Alma. Fili would bet his beard on it, Kili was in love.
You on the other hand were getting more and more annoyed each time the brown-haired dwarf walked through the front door. He was charming sure, and polite. But he stared. At you. The whole time he was there. And he was there a lot. His attempts to engage you in conversation were far and few between, the few times he was able to grab your attention away from the bustling building he became tongue-tied the moment your eyes landed on his.
Kili didn’t understand why he couldn’t say more than a few words to you without choking on his words. Your eyes had to hold some kind of spell within them. They enchanted him and left him bewitched every time he caught their gaze. It left him frustrated, he had never had this much trouble with women before, why were you so different? Deep down he knew though, you weren’t just any woman. He was afraid though, afraid that naming what you were to him out loud would make it real. And when it is real, it can hurt you. 
There weren’t very many stories on One’s where the love didn’t end up requited, either because it just simply never happened. Dwarves were incredibly stubborn creatures after all, and it was entirely possible that they just wore down their other half until some sort of connection formed. It was also possible that those unfortunate few who weren’t able to woo their other half died of broken hearts. The former was unlikely as Kili kept having to remind himself, he couldn’t die of a broken heart. Right?
He was determined tonight though, to find out definitively if the sparks he felt for you were just interest in the handsome woman from Bree, or if you truly were the other half of his soul. To do that though he would need to say more than a few words to you. The problem with that was that you seemed exceptionally busy tonight.
Busy you were, Brant had told you last night that he was going to be leaving today to go to visit family for some type of emergency. 
“If the place is still standing when I get back, we’ll talk more about it becoming yours someday.” He had said. You were hoping that that ‘someday’ was sooner rather than later. Brant was getting up there in years. Just last week he had hurt himself trying to lift one of the barrels of ale that had been shipped in from the Iron Hills. You had been taking on more and more of his old tasks and to be completely honest, it felt like you did the job of an owner anyway, just without all the benefits.
You weren’t going to let the man down though, even if it did mean rushing back and forth all night trying to keep up with demand all by yourself.
“Another! Y/N,” was yelled in front the back of the room. Roland was a boisterous man who got along with everyone, he was only a year or two older than you and was currently on his eighth pint of the night. He had a large countenance and seemed to fill up whatever space he occupied, he was handsome but the more and more he drank the less his looks mattered. Usually, this is the point in the night where he starts bordering more on unruly rather than fun-loving. Nevertheless, he was a paying customer and as long as he could still walk on his own out the doors, you weren’t going to say no to his money.
You grabbed another pint glass and poured one for him, balancing it and several other drinks on a tray. You steeled yourself with a deep breath before running back out into the fray. 
Walking close to the stool he was sat on you leaned slightly over him and placed his pint down on the counter beside him. He was engrossed in the conversation between the large group of men, something about the best way to skin a buck, you weren’t really listening. As you grabbed his empty glass to take back to the kitchen to be washed, his large hand encircled your wrist none too gently.
“A pint is a wonderful thing, but it is even more delicious when served by a beautiful lady,” He whispered into your ear. You grit your teeth and roughly pull your hand back. 
“Now, Roland, what have we said about touching things that don’t belong to you? Huh? Touch the wrong thing and you might just lose your hand.” You spit back at him. Cutting your eyes up at the mounted swords that rest above the fireplace only a few steps from where the two of you are. “I’d hate to have to clean those swords, they are sharp.” You look back into his eyes, satisfied with the fear that you see within them. You stand back up and place your tray back upon your shoulder. 
“Anything else I can get you gents?” You question the other men scattered about the space. Silence reigned over the air for a few moments. 
“Alrighty then.” 
A pint here, a glass of wine there, and two hot meals delivered later, your tray was empty and everyone in the place seemed momentarily satisfied. 
 Letting out a breath you lean up against the counter.
“What did you say to him?” A somewhat familiar voice pipes up beside you. You turn your head towards the voice. It's the dwarf prince, and you are once again struck with just how handsome he is. You are also struck with the familiar feeling of annoyance, of course, he picked now to talk to you. Just when you had finally afforded yourself a break.
“Hmm?” You raise a singular eyebrow at him. “Who?”
“That large and very drunk man in the back, I couldn’t hear what you said but I could see the look on his face. It was similar to my brother’s when our mother would scold him for forgetting his manners.”
“That’s not too far off actually, Roland over there got a little too comfortable and touched something that didn’t belong to him, I had to remind him of the rules.”
“And what exactly did he touch that was so forbidden?” The prince smirks and laughs.
You smirk back and lift a glass to your lips before uttering one single word, “Me.”
All of the laughter drained from Kili’s face, “He touched you?” His voice had gotten much lower, his eyes darkened right before you.
 You rolled your eyes. “I’m going to stop you right there Your Highness, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I’ve been doing it for years. I don’t need some man, no matter how handsome he is coming to defend my honor every time I’m even remotely slighted. The trail of bodies will get far too long.” You stare into his eyes as you speak, putting all the righteous fury you’ve got stored inside into each word. 
Seconds tick by before he opens his mouth to speak again.
“You think I’m handsome?”
“I think that we have bigger problems if that is the only thing you got from that.” You took another sip.
“No, no, no I got the point, you don’t need a big strong man to come to your rescue. Lucky for you, I am not big.”
The laugh that sprung from the back of your throat caught you off guard, you slap a hand over your mouth in an impossible effort to catch it and shove it back inside. He was funny, he had never been funny before.
Kili liked your laugh even though it was closer to a snort than an actual laugh, and he would be foolish to ignore the way his heart picked up at the thought that he was the one who made you laugh.
“You- I- I have never heard of a dwarf who makes fun of themselves, in my limited experience your lot are very prideful.”
“Not as prideful as some other races, I should think.”
“No, you’re not nearly as prideful as the pointy-eared bastards who hole themselves up in that accursed forest.” Your words held a healthy amount of rage as well as teasing.
“I sense that there is a story there somewhere.” Kili raised an eyebrow, mimicking your face from earlier. He was desperately trying not to think about the fact that this was the longest conversation the two of you had had up to date.
“One that I’m going to need a lot more liquid courage before divulging, I’m afraid.”
“We can make that happen.” Kili wiggled his eyebrows and pointed at the bottles of liquor behind the bar that separated the two of you.
At that very moment, a shout from the rowdy bunch of men in the back rang out, calling for another round.
“Duty calls your highness, but perhaps I will tell you that story… another time.” You winked at him and grabbed for your tray again, beginning to load it up once more. If that is how conversations with the dwarf prince went all the time, you wouldn’t mind having them more often.  
You walked away before Kili could come up with a response, but he was more certain than he ever had been that your heart called to his. Why else would the very sight of you walking away feel like his heart was leaving too?
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tags: @bunnybabe-babydoll @kokochanel111 @shiinata-library @oneiratxxia10
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