#field of hopes and dreams
rejonaanojer · 5 months
I think my teeth are disintegrating
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nwarrii · 7 months
Deltarune if it was a LEGO game… (Part 6)
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Field of Hopes and Dreams!
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huecycles · 1 year
* I love entertainment. ...Everyone here does. * It's just how The Metropolis operates. The TV Hosts are what keep us happy! * What would we do if they were gone...? * ...I try not to think about it. Who's gonna deliver my favorite shows? * Gotta live life before the expiration date!
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hoodiewearer09 · 2 months
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me chilling on the bus, acting all mysterious, knowing damn well i'm listening to this
(absolute banger)
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bimbusbobus · 5 months
I can see on your profile about things you like one of them is Deltarune chapter 1 but what about chapter 2?
Deltarune chapter 1 is an incredible, beautiful, and really cozy game that I have an extremely deep emotional connection with. It’s a wonderful story that just ticks every single box in my head, and I always get a nice warm feeling when I think about it. It has my favorite music. It has my favorite characters. It has Susie and Ralsei’s near-perfect chemistry (they work so well off of each other). It has SUSIE’S FREAKIN’ CHARACTER ARC. It has the freakin’ “Field of Hopes and Dreams” song, my favorite music track out of anything ever. Its story is something I constantly think back to, something that left me as a changed person by the end. Something that I will never forget for as long as I live. There’s so much more than that, and honestly, there’s just no contest. I know no one else in the world feels this way, but… Deltarune chapter 1 is my favorite thing ever.
Deltarune chapter 2 is a phenomenal game that I do not feel emotional about at all. It’s hilarious. It’s got Spamton, the Queen, Noelle, you name it. But none of these characters, nor the areas, nor the music, really made me FEEL as much as chapter 1 did.
That’s all I have to say about that, though. It’s pretty tough for me to ramble about stuff I’m not passionate about. Plus, if I talked any more it’d just be a bunch of half-hearted nitpicks, so…
Deltarune chapter 1 is love, Deltarune chapter 1 is life.
🎵Don’t forget… I’m with you in the dark.
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nerdalmighty · 2 months
hi! from your list of questions reblog: 22 and 38 :)
AH YES!!! Thank you for sending an ask :)
22. say 3 things about someone you love
Who to pick who to pick who to pick......... I'll go with my roommate, Ava!
She's one of the most hardworking women I know: She's in grad school AND working a full time job at the same time!
She's INCREDIBLY talented at writing: She's been the finalist in multiple screenwriting competitions AND is going to be a featured writer in the next season of Make Some Noise on Dropout!
She is so INSANELY funny and inviting: Before we lived together, I wasn't in a great space mentally, but she consistently gets me out of my shell and out in the world and is genuinely one of the most fun people in my life!!
Honorable mention: Duck - we co-parent a black cat named Ducky who we both love immensely.
I LOVE bragging about her, can you tell? She's the coolest!
38. fave song at the moment?
No matter what, I will ALWAYS have just been listening to "Field of Hopes and Dreams" by Toby Fox so that's ALWAYS a favorite.
But I actually just discovered the musical "Ride the Cyclone" because of Tiktok... I haven't delved TOO deeply into its plot and songs just yet (busy!), but my sister and I are OBSESSED with the song "The Ballad of Jane Doe;" it's a spooky/catchy song about a girl who died in a roller coaster accident and nobody could identify her bc she was decapitated (incredibly morbid, but I promise the song RULES).
(The above Spotify preview features the BEST part of the whole song 😍) Additionally, the live performance of it is on YouTube and it's AMAZING. Emily Rohm has a gorgeous voice and hits INSANE high notes while FLYING THROUGH THE AIR. Highly recommend!
Anyway, thank you so much for the ask, this was a blast!! I always love info dumping so thank you for giving me the chance to do so 🥰
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thepnictogenwing · 1 year
I guess we’d started a Deltarune playthrough at some point
at any rate here were are. ~Kris
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tasitime · 2 years
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Deltavember day 11: Field of Hopes and Dreams. I was able to get this one out earlier than usual because I had the day off so yay!! Was gonna add the Fun Gang but decided not to
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davidrussell323 · 2 years
playing around with DELTARUNE music
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grimmscythe · 20 days
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midnight--umbreon · 8 months
ok once again I am back with a toby fox song thing
I'm bored af pls help me
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sweagen · 8 months
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So, you know how Noelle talked about how sockets looked to her like creepy faces? And you know that grinning plug in Queen’s Mansion’s Basement?
I feel like that’s a clue to how Dark Worlds are formed.  “It was a legend of Hopes.  It was a legend of Dreams.”  “Field of Hopes and Dreams.”  Yeah, ok, it’s Toby referring back to his own song title, BUT what if that’s actually the whole theme of Deltarune?  Hopes and Dreams vs. Fears and Nightmares?
Duality- an instance of opposition or contrast between two concepts or two aspects of something- is very big in both games.  Pacifist vs. Genocide (yeah, I know, there’s 50,000 Neutral runs, but go with me, here); humans and monsters; King and Queen; two siblings in both games, one human, one monster; two skeletons, one short, one tall; two versions of Asriel in both games + two versions of Flowey; all main UT characters and most minor characters reflected in Deltarune; Light World and Dark World. Fear is the opposite of Hope, and Nightmares are just Bad Dreams.
The Dark World is made up of things we’ve left behind.  Noelle said she got over her fear of electrical sockets after having to plug the game console back in by herself.  I know, the creepy face was a plug, not a socket, but if this them of duality persists here, then “plug” could be considered the opposite of “socket”.  (And it’s also worth noting that those plugs come to life and attack you as you walk past- not much different from Noelle’s fear that they would electrocute her if she touched them.)
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bimbusbobus · 5 months
me: Man, I wish I could get a little more work done on these big projects. It's kinda bumming me out.
my brain: 🎵Deltarune Chapter 1 OST: Field of Hopes and Dreams🎵
me, now extremely happy: Thank you.
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One more tomorrow, with you.
Hi. Sorry if this isn't good, it's 4 in the morning.
Warning(s): None really. This isn't yandere, and there's not really any other content I feel needs a warning. It is a bit angsty though.
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Isn't it fun?
Being friends with one of the scariest people in the school had its benefits. Nobody dared mess with you, because they knew what he would do to them.
Why is Floyd so nice to you? You'd never know.
Especially not with how everything turned out.
"(Y/N)!" Some faceless classmate called your name. "I was wondering if I could practice a spell on you?"
"Oh... sure, I guess." You were unsure. You didn't want this, but you couldn't say no for some reason. Perhaps it was fate?
"Thanks. It's nothing too bad, don't worry. It's just a very simple, and very weak, time travel spell." Your classmate explained. "It'll send you one minute into the future. You'll be a bit disoriented, but nothing too bad will happen."
One minute...
A lot can happen in only one minute.
"...alright, do it."
You didn't want to agree. You felt like something was going to go wrong... but, you couldn't stop yourself from agreeing.
Your classmate pointed their magic pen at you... but just at that moment-
"Heyyyyy, what's going on here~?" A very familiar voice chimed in, as a certain someone placed his hands on your shoulders. "You threatening my little cleaner shrimp here??"
"Ah, no, don't worry, Floyd." You told him. "It's nothing major, he's just gonna test out a spell on me."
"Mmmmhh... well, it's probably nothin' good, knowing how people like to treat you... whatever you do to 'em, you do to me, alright?" Floyd asked, trying to threaten your classmate.
Floyd's threat probably worked... which could have been why your classmate messed up so severely.
They were worried about messing up. Worrying about messing up leads to concentrating on the spell even more, perhaps accidentally making it more powerful...
The spell was only supposed to send you one minute in the future, and yet...
When the light cleared...
Nothing was there anymore.
You and Floyd were met with a wasteland.
Crumbly old rocks were all around... perhaps the ruins of what was once NRC.
"...where the hell are we-?"
You remember Floyd was confused. You were too, obviously, you were only meant to find yourself one minute in the future, not... whenever you are now.
You were both panicked and confused, of course... everything (and presumably everyone) you ever knew was just... gone.
Floyd helped you through it.
Oh, Floyd... he either didn't care at all, or was simply very good at hiding his emotions.
On the incredibly rare occasion that he did open up to you... you were there for him, like he was for you. Or at least, you'd like to think you were.
It's a strange thing, knowing you'll be the last person to ever do something.
It's like when you throw a rock into the ocean. You don't think about it for the most part... but then, every now and again, you'll look at that rock you're about to throw... and you'll realize you're probably the last human who will ever see that rock. But then, you throw it anyways... because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter that you're the last person to walk on this world.
You made footsteps in the sand with him as you two walked through the endless wasteland, through a strange field of gigantic stone spikes...
As you walked through this field... through this wasteland... it was hard to stay alive.
There wasn't any food around, and there wasn't any water...
Floyd would one day revert and suffocate, and you would one day starve.
There wasn't anything the two of you could do about it... but that was okay. You were at peace with it.
Was he?
Was Floyd at peace with it?
You never actually asked him.
Would anything have changed... if you were there for him, just as he was there for you?
Could something have changed?
...probably not.
On that final day, as you succumbed to your starvation, that was the only thing you could properly think about.
Your regrets.
Nothing else, just regrets.
Then, you woke up.
You woke up in a hospital bed.
And that was when you realized you weren't hungry, it didn't hurt to breathe, you weren't subjected to the relentless heat and cold.
None of that ever happened.
None of that ever existed.
Floyd never existed.
But if that's true, why do you still feel such regret for not being there for him as he was for you?
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