#fic writer interview meme
curiosity-killed · 3 months
Fic Writer Interview
Tagged by @veliseraptor right when I turned work notifications off for 2 hours which feels auspicious
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
148 😅
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,201,484! For a couple years there, I was kind of cranking but now I basically haven't written fic for two years so uh. chilling at 1.2 million
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
This is always mildly upsetting to me because my favorites are rarely the winners lol
a bow for the bad decisions (3536)
willow branches and flowers (2785)
upon this altar (2745)
heart + bone (2090)
whipstitch (2024)
...well at least I like 2 of these lol
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I used to respond to every comment and then got overwhelmed and fell completely behind and THEN decided to clean house and answer all of the remaining ones...and the next day posted heart + bone and now have uh... 688 AO3 emails sitting in my inbox :') I periodically try to go in and answer at least a handful but honestly it's gotten very sporadic
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Off hesperus! I don't think I write a lot of true angst or tragedies tbh. But that one was meant to be 100% genuine, no happy endings angst. And admittedly it's not AS bad as it could have been but. it is probably as bad as I am likely to write (unfortunately (?), I left my "kill all your fave characters, make everyone suffer, burn it down!!!" writing vibes back in middle school mostly).
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
I have so much fluff how am I supposed to pick. ...most of my tgcf fics? heart + bone and sunlight, sunlight, sunlight are pretty absurdly fluffy by the end.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not really. Back in the olden days (high school/college), I did more—see: whisper something holy, the OG loki fic... I think there were some others?—but it's pretty rare now.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
ehhh not really hate, just some folks who got lost and wound up mad in the comments that *checks notes* local complexity lover let characters be complex. I just turned off anonymous comments for a while and it was fine
9. Do you write smut?
Sometimes! I tend to write (& draw) smut when I'm stuck in a rut (pun sadly not intended), stressed, and struggling to make things which is. something to know about myself. but also means that it often serves as sort of an on ramp to making art that I care about more and so it's often left unfinished.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so? I have no idea how I'd know but honestly, I think my writing is enough directed toward my interests/wants that it's not a prime candidate for stealing lol
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!! it's so cool!! and if she leads was translated into mandarin which!! is bonkers to me that's so much work
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I don't think I've ever actually done it. Isaac (@/lemeute) and I have co-developed a few ideas before but I think they went the way of the raccoon poll and sort of died in discord (though the yanqing AU did contribute to me drawing art!)
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Ah I really struggle with this. Really high up there, and probably chief in staying power, is Altair/Malik(/& Maria) and then in terms of ones that have sort of rewritten my brain chemistry it's like Stucky, Cartinelli, Cap2 Crew, Ranwan, Hualian, Destiel...uh I'm definitely missing some there but that's a sampler!
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
;A; oh god. I mean. a short list:
wulian au
yunmeng jiang everyone dies
bodyswap (mdzs)
light dancer (atla)
I have many more wips but they're in more varying stages of either "I don't actually care that much if I finish these" (all unfinished MCU fics) or "I will actually finish this" (sixteen stitches).
15. What are your writing strengths?
uhhhhhhhhhh i hate this question bc my brain is immediately like "here is a laundry list of everything ur bad at and ALSO ur wrong. abt the things ur good at." bc well. mental wellness. ANYWAY i think I'm like ?? pretty good at creating intensity in writing??? I've talked about it before as viscerality and it is that but also like emotional intensity. and I do think I can craft a pretty turn of phrase here and there
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
well. plot, for one thing. having one? executing one? keeping it consistent without giant holes for everything to fall apart through? nahh. Similarly, continuity overall is! not a strength. Do you know how many notes there are in TCP asking myself to just sketch out a blueprint of the palace where 90% of the first book takes place. can u imagine
there are. more. but i will pause there
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it's something that needs to be done with intent and like. care. like, okay. actually I feel extremely subjective about this. Like on the one hand, I think there are times when I think using another language provides important connotative information that is lost when translating to English* (e.g., Wei Wuxian calling Lan Wangji er-gege or Jiang Yanli shijie which don't have very direct counterparts in English, but also if I were to write about my teacher calling me "chica" rather than "girl"). On the other hand, I think it's very important to be cautious (particularly as a white anglophone) about...like. Seasoning Ur Dialogue with Spicy Bits of Other Languages (I am struck by flashbacks of fanon Lance from VLD. bls.). ON THE THIRD HAND, depending on the POV of the work, writing dialogue in a different language can serve different functions in the text (e.g., if the reader knows what it means but the character doesn't, we can have some nice dramatic irony! when it's done well; if the character knows what it means but the reader doesn't, it can build suspense; if both know what it means, it can give insights into different character dynamics/backgrounds/etc.), but again, it should be done with care and intent.
uh i don't know that this actually answered the question or anything. i have feelings???? and minimally coherent thoughts?
*I am being so brave rn in trying not to go down a rabbithole about translation and meaning ;A;
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Marvel :')
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
hh hold on i need to go holler at lise and huaqing possibilities
anYWAY yanqing, xianle quartet (variably romantic), erha*, huaqing*, the king's affection**
*technically i've written once for these but like. not fr fr
**I still haven't finished this bc I am inexplicably stressed abt my blorbos suffering but STILL
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
oh gosh I feel like a broken record bc my fave fics have pretty much been the same for a long time but yeah, of swords and wings is still pretty much my fave largely because, even as it has aged (and I have become more critical of the actual writing), it was so finely tailored to my specific preferences, headcanons, and wants that it still remains quite loved
tagging anyone who wants to do this! (sorry, laziness wins)
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grollow · 2 years
4,6,12 ^^
me, throwing myself on your feet in delight
the comedic potential of you and aewrie asking two of the same ones somehow (but i think my answers to aewrie got flooded off by me reblogging everything i see like the feral gremlin i am)
4. what fic of your own do you read for comfort?
wife you have read my works, do you think any of them are actually comforting
i say, as if i dont reread w&g whenever i'm sad, because i genuinely like my writing in that fic and therefore it is a confidence boost. red sky has kinda overtaken it though, i really love my prologue for red sky jnsdjksaf
6. what’s the hardest part of the writing process for you?
this is one of the two aewrie asked, but since it got flooded off dsnjskjs
beginnings and endings, with beginnings being by far harder than endings. i never know where to start with things and feel like my beginnings tend to be weaker as a result.
12. What’s your perfect environment to create/write?
im a feral little gremlin who requires dark, mostly quiet, and cool places. heat and light are the death of the muse. i can handle noise depending on what it is. currently being tortured with christmas movies, this is not conducive to writing, screaming in agony
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wulkwulk · 2 months
Challenge for Sonic fic writers
Here is a challenge for yall sonic fanfic writers. Can anyone write a proper Chao In Space: The Search for Tikal? By proper, I mean the one that has the whole cast we see on the official Sonic Gen poster.
Tumblr media
And I mean everyone! Including the babylon rogues crew! Bonus points if you make it a story about how this "film" was made and directed by Sonic. Like, go full meta. Interviews with actors, production hell, drama around Rouge and Wave and their lesbian romance behind the scenes. Do they resurrect Tikal or just paint Knuckles in orange, then put him in a dress? What kind of movie director is Sonic? Is he like Michael Bay and just wants a movie full of explosions, chases and epic set pieces? Or what if we subvert the expectations and make him more akin to David Lynch, trying to make a slow paced, symbolic and deep story full of mystery and hidden meaning? Anyway, someone, please make it. I want it. Sega had a meme movie franchise all this time and when it came to make an actual movie we got... whatever we got. If you take this post seriously, message me and let's make something incredibly cursed as a fandom. (this is the only high quality pic of the poster from generations I found online, I just noticed that it has typos in it, lol)
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ainyan · 2 years
Questions to Provoke Thought
I like being asked questions about my OCs. I like being given prompts for flash fiction. They help me think and help me grow and they help me share something I’m passionate about - the stories and characters I’ve created. This post is to compile a list of the different prompts and questions I’ve come across, and I will update it as I find more. Feel free to ask me anything or borrow them for yourself. I’ve tried to link to the original (as far as I can tell) to make sure that the maker gets the credit. :)
This list is frequently updated. Check here to see if you have the latest!
Prompts and Sentence Starters
Humorous Writing Prompts
Fun Trope Combos
Kiss Roulette
Assorted Question Prompts
Twenty-Four Touches
Another Kiss Prompt
Prompts for Lavish Balls, Parties, and Secrets
Gentleness Actions Prompts
Prompts for Commands and Demands
Bad Morning Prompts
Friends Prompt Challenge
Soulmate AU Prompts
Prompts for Sharing a Bed
Kiss and Tell Prompts
Two-Word Prompts
Cuddle and Snuggle Prompts
Difficult Recovery Prompts
*Don’t Starters
Hurt/Comfort Prompts
Flirty Training/Sparring/Injury Prompts
Non-Verbal Love Writing Prompts
‘Broken Iris’ Sentence Starters
Love Language Prompts
Touching Tenderly Prompts
Written Notes Prompts
Touching Prompts
Touch Prompts
Question Prompts
One-Word Prompts
Outcast/Runaway Sentence Starters
Tol and Smol Prompts
Micro-Story Prompts
Compliment Sentence Starters
First Meeting Sentence Starters
Do Revenge
Kiss Prompts
OT3 Prompts
December Prompts
Variety of Writing Prompts
One Word Prompt & Genre
Non-Sexual Forms of Intimacy
Relationship/Friendship/SFW Sex Specific Ask Memes
OTP Questions
Polyamorous Ship Asks
Vanilla Sunday Asks
OC Questions on Friendships and Companionship
Couple Questions
Ship Opinion Bingo
Friendship Shipping Meme
Ship Ask Game - The Basics
Valentine’s Day Questions for Relationships
OC Questions on the 7 forms of Love
Ask About Family
Ship Questions Redux
Not-so-SFW OC Asks/Prompts
Sinday Sunday Asks
Sinday Asks
Smut Dialogue Prompts
OC Ask Memes
Choose Violence Ask Game
In-Depth Headcanon Questions
Misc. Ask Meme
Little OC Creation Ask List
Edgy OC Ask Meme
FFXIV Culture and Geography Asks
Studio Ghibli Ask Game
Pride Themed OC Ask Game
30 Totally Random Get to Know You Character Asks
100 Random Character Development Asks
Stat Attribute Asks
Flowery OC Asks
Resident Evil Themed Asks
Tarot-Card OC Asks
Colorful Interview Questions
If Your OC was an NPC Asks
SW:TOR Character Ask Meme
Cocktail OC Asks
Basic OC Asks
Battery Percentage Meme
OC Asks
Random Headcanon Meme
Yet Another OC Ask Game
Pink-Themed Asks
Vanilla Sunday Meme
Wholesome OC Ask Memes
Send a Playing Card
Headcanon Memes, Comfort Character Edition
Super Detailed Asks
OC vs. Villain Asks
Character Design Asks
Character Development: Hard Mode
Odd OC Asks
People My Muse Knows
OC Emoji Asks
Weirdly Specific Questions
Uncommon OC Asks
Random OC Asks
OC/WoL Interview Asks
Piping Hot OC Asks
Headcanon by Number
Starlight Celebration Asks
Misc. Ask Meme
FFXIV Ask Memes [WoL]
Heraldic OC Questions
Childhood Asks
Emoji Character Asks
Some Character Questions
Capital Virtues OC Asks
OC Question Generator
FFXIV Deity Asks
FFXIV Screenshot Meme
SFW Alphabet Ask Meme
Headcanon Meme
Headcanon: Send me a Symbol
OTP Asks
More OTP Asks
Games and Single-Question Memes
Ship Opinion Bingo
Send △ and Ask An Invasive OC Question
Sinday Rumors (potentially NSFW)
Music Playlist Minific Game
Sinday Asks/Prompts
Friendship Ask Game
Friend or No?
Send Me 🔥 For an Unpopular Opinion
Author Ask Memes
25 Questions for the Writer
Let’s Get Real Fiction Writer Asks
Questions for Fic Writers
Gemstone-themed Writeblr Asks
Ask Game for Fanfic Writers
Colorful Writeblr Asks
Fanfiction Writing Asks
Ask a Writer: Fanfic Edition
(Note: I always reblog a meme first - I only add it to this list after it’s made it on my dash at least once. No stealing for me!)
Please let me know if you find any broken links - I will fix them!
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
I've seen some writers recently encourage asking other writers about their works. So… I'm doing my part! Is there any OC of yours that you're particularly proud/fond of? What's the biggest hurdle in writing you're trying to overcome? What part of writing do you feel makes it more likely for you to get a writers block? Do you prefer linear writing, or rather going from point to point and then writing the connective scene between? What was your biggest "oopsie" during writing? Eg: Accidentally deleting a section and not noticing. Closing the doc without saving. Leaving your notebook outside when it rained? (just examples.)
Did they really mean this? A bunch of interview questions that could be applied to anyone?
Honestly, I think when most people go "Ask people about their work", what they're talking about is you consuming the work and then caring enough about it to have actual questions about that work.
Canned questions are fine as a meme that anybody can answer. They can be a fun exercise. (And readers are welcome to take these and run with them.)
But they don't make me feel more seen.
These questions aren't how I see writing, to be honest.
For fic, I use OCs in a utilitarian manner. For my original writing, I think about characters as a web of emotional connections that will make the emotional arc of the book make sense.
I chose a lead who was competent and upbeat because one spends a lot of time writing the lead, and I find pessimism and failboat-ness irritating, but all of the characters exist in relation to each other, not as isolated cool concepts of which I'd be more proud or fond.
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junemermaid · 3 months
writer interview
I was tagged by @vaynglories, @lynne-monstr and @la-muerta all at one point or another. Thank you all kindly, sorry it took me so long! 💗
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
120 unique works. I have two double entries from when the old Yuletide archive was imported to AO3, so the total on my author page is 122. It's missing any fic I wrote before 2005 but honestly I'm fine with those being lost in the mists of the internet. If you know, you know.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
I didn't actually wait to do this meme until I passed the one million words mark, but I also kinda did.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
bodies full of untold stories (malec, E, Shadowhunters) / 1,343
an act of faith against the night (malec, T, Shadowhunters) / 1,037
House of Ash and Salt (dorian x bull, M, DA:I) / 995
Walkers of the Winding Path (malec, E, Shadowhunters) / 933
Talking With Strangers (malec, E, Shadowhunters) / 930
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to and it's my one continuing regret that I haven't been able to catch up with my inbox! The greatest reason why I currently seldom reply to comments is that I have such a backlog. The other reason is that I will either answer comments or write more fic, and I'm sure everyone rather that I do the latter. Still, I miss the conversation around fic that replying to comments often generated.
I mean: I need more writing friends and goddamn, please talk to me because I feel detached from fandom and it's the worst thing.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Probably to make the saints attend them long (malec, T, SH) which ends with extremely heavily implied MCD.
I tend to write hopeful to bittersweet endings, so this was a rarity for me.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Define happy ending? I do have one, all souls sheltered, (dorian x bull, T, DA:I) which IS the soft epilogue I wanted those two characters to have after all their toils and troubles.
These two questions mostly tell me that most of my endings don't fit well on the happy to sad scale. I tend to leave characters at points where they can look forward to the future and any acute crises are over, but I really wish "happy for now" or "a happy middle" would stick as ending descriptions because that's where I live.
7. Do you write crossovers?
I write fusions? Not traditional crossovers but I have a very niche fic thing where I take Alec and Magnus and stick them into the worlds of videogames I love. To wit, the Witcher (Walkers of the Winding Path) and Final Fantasy X (Servant of the Spiral).
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yep. Didn't much care for it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! I've written my share of PWP but more typically the process goes something like this:
I find a kink/trope/sex situation I want to try writing
the fic grows copious amounts of plot/worldbuilding/interpersonal drama (exhibit A: the tentacle porn that came with 3,000 words of, uh, creature logistics so I could have tentacles)
I spend two years working on bullet point two before the characters ever get naked in each other's company
My smut fic tends to the tender/longing/emotional, though. I use sex mostly as a vehicle for character exploration or to drive the drama of a story, so most of my sex scenes pull double duty to also move the overall story forward.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. I'm a pretty niche writer in most of my fandoms, I don't think you would make either much fandom fame or big bucks with my writing.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! to make the saints attend them long is translated into Italian.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I'm a slow writer and I have to hew out writing time from the bedrock of my RL, so it wouldn't be very conducive to sharing a creative project, even though the basic idea appeals to me.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I was gonna make a joke about being asked to rate my children, but tbh I would rather not refer to fictional characters by any family term. However! I have changing obsessions and there's always some ship or canon that is eating up my brain at any given time, but I don't really get over ships. The details of canons fade with time but characters live forever in my heart.
Back in the mists of time, Ichigo and Rukia changed who I was as a person. (Then I added in Renji and It Got Better.) I adore Alec and Magnus but the fandom was categorically A Lot. Same with Dorian and Bull. Josephine and Cassandra were a total crack ship in the sense that there's no canon but I still love the idea of an f/f lady/champion pairing.
And right now I have two competing wuxia ot3s vying from my attention so. This is not a question I can answer.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
My general fic writing philosophy is "whatever you can, whenever you can". I've made my peace with the fact that sometimes I'll start a thing and post a bit and then it simply won't get finished. Fic is free and no one has to click on a WIP (much as I love those people who will!)
So, unfortunately there's a few old WIPs on my ao3 that I don't think will ever get wrapped. The older the fic, the less likely it is. I keep them up as testament to the process, I suppose, or in case anyone likes the idea enough to read whatever I managed of it.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Putting canon under a lens until I have a mental Wall of Crazy with ten thousand interconnecting red strings and obscure notes, and then wringing story out of elements in the text that might not seem to connect on the surface.
I know sometimes you have to just wholesale go "this makes zero sense" and drop a bit of canon, but what I enjoy is taking bits and pieces and adapting them to fic. My current project is writing all the Mu Nihuang POV she really kind of doesn't get in Nirvana in Fire itself, and I am having a blast.
Also: character voice, action scenes, evocative description, setting up an emotional punch and taking you out with it 2,000 words later
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm slow, picky, and obsessive. I have to be In A Mood before I can put words to paper (I'm trying to combat this by becoming more of a garbage goblin about my first drafts. All words are good words! Hissss!) I'm bad at humour unless I'm accidentally funny.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It can be used to good effect but it's best used sparingly. I would generally always prefer that plot-relevant or important dialogue were simply, "This is the murder weapon," she said in French. Don't withhold information or emotional impact for the sake of showing off.
And oh god, never, ever put dialogue through MTL and expect it to come out right. If you absolutely need dialogue in a foreign language, consult an actual person that speaks it.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Very technically, ElfQuest. For actual published fic, Rurouni Kenshin.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Mysterious Lotus Casebook tickles my brain but I don't yet quite know what I want to write about! I have enough trouble herding the rowdy cats that are my NiF ideas right now.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Always the one I'm working on. So much of the joy of fic is bound up in the good creative rush of making it happen. Just as so much of the woe of fic is in the fucking toil of making it happen.
Anyway! Flowers in Dreamland Weather (jingsuhuang, E, Nirvana in Fire) got me out of a slump and gave me new characters and relationships to rotate in my head, and I love it for that.
Talking With Strangers (malec, E, Shadowhunters) actually got finished in a satisfying way, and I love it for that.
Maybe those are my current answers.
I will no-pressure tag — @theotherjax, @electricshoebox, @faejilly, @sinni-ok-sessi, @ladymatt, and anyone that still wants to do this! I've seen this doing the rounds, so if you haven't yet, please feel free to blame me for enabling you!
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mikkeneko · 3 months
Tagged for the 'fic writer interview' by @veliseraptor!
I feel like I may have seen this meme going around before? Some of these questions strike me as familiar, particularly the 'thoughts on foreign language dialogue?' one, since I'm puzzled as to what this question is asking and I remember being stymied by it before. I think that I want to fill this one out with any answers that have changed since last time and any questions I like to talk about, and skip the questions that don't have interesting answers.
Fic Writer Interview
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
207 as of current!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
2,939,672. Getting close to the 3million mark there -- possibly, as with Lise's case, this year's MDZS big bang may put me over the top. (If not, that + other current project probably will.)
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Without even looking I'm pretty sure that the top two spaces will be Loki fics and the third will be Ceru's fic, lmao. *checks*
Close! Loki fics take up first, third, and fifth place, and Ceru's fic is in second. However *yakety sax arrangement for guqin and xiao* has crept into the top five, at place 4, making it the first of my Untamed fics to do so. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, usually. There are some factors that may lead me to not respond including 1) too short or had no content for me to reply to (i.e. a string of emojis), 2) it's on a fic from a fandom I don't really consider myself part of any more, or 3) too negative, such as when people for some reason have chosen to use the comment box as a space to rant about how much they hate a character, oftentimes with little to no connection to what I actually wrote.
On the other hand, I will almost always reply to a comment that poses a direct question, also incl. requests for permission to translate or podfic. I love when people ask questions. It used to be an ongoing source of angst to me when people would leave comments with questions on Fanfic.net, but without any way for me to reply. ╯︿╰
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Probably Rise From Ash, a downer ending Loki fic where Loki got caught in a timeloop trying to prevent Ragnarok from happening. More recently, probably nostrum. In both cases though the Bad Ending is simply a reversion to canon mean, so it probably could have been worse.
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
I do love happy endings! There's usually at least some element of melancholy or bittersweetness, but the ones I'd say are most happiness-loaded with that regard would probably be either One Elegant Solution (which was literally written for the purposes of giving the characters the happiest possible ending) or the coda ending of the refrain series (where I literally spell out at the end what I think the ideal ending for each character would look like.)
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not in the old-school understanding of the term crossovers, where the characters and settings of series A and series B literally meet and interact, but I write a lot of fusions, where characters of series A are placed in setting of series B or are otherwise remixed together. Modern fandom seems to have largely elided the distinction.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
A few times. I'd put these into three buckets: 1) people who didn't like what I was doing with the character/story and told me so, but were civil about it and merely stated they were not going to continue reading; 2) people who write unprompted character hate in my comments, usually unrelated to whatever's going on in the text, which I don't enjoy but don't really take personally; and 3) people actually writing callouts or otherwise putting me 'on blast' for a specific fic. That last one has only happened once (that I know of) and while it wasn't particularly upsetting to me either then or now, it sure was A Trip. This is already a long post, so I won't elaborate here unless someone asks.
9. Do you write smut?
Occasionally. It's one of my less favorite things to write, but I'll do it if the story seems to call for it.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
This rings a very very faint bell, possibly sometime in the aughts I have a vague recollection of encountering one of my own stories on some geocities site under someone else's name, but I don't recall who it was or which fic. Not since then that I know of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Enough times that I have lost track of all the specific instances, but I think maybe once or twice a year I'll get a request by someone to do a translation or podfic. I do not recall any instance where I said no, but I do prefer to be asked first.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! With @faux-fires, a Tsubasa Chronicle sci-fi AU, many years ago. Alas the currents of life took us in different directions before we could write the next part.
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Don't have an interesting answer for this.
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I do have lingering regrets over my abandoned WIPs from Critical Role fandom, Molly's Moving Castle and Fjord Mustang's YEEHAW! Fun and Pony Ranch, both of which fell victim to the march of canon and my eventual departure from the fandom. The latter fic in particular was going to go some wild places.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I think my pacing is excellent, my character voices are usually solid, I can do humor very well and action competently. I can spin a coherent plot and an exciting adventure. I both enjoy and am good at AU worldbuilding and can convey exposition without infodumping, and can do melodrama and angst that packs a solid punch.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Mostly those of career fanfic authors everywhere: I'm weak at developing original characters and largely unmotivated to write plots that don't shadow or mirror the original text in some way. I've also noticed a recurring and growing difficulty with romance; I like romance, but when trying to write a romantic story, often fail to move the romance arc convincingly forward. (See also above answer re: smut.)
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Don't have an interesting answer for this.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Gundam Wing, baby! I feel like there was a bit of a GW revival on tumblr recently? Man, now there was a fandom whose fanon vastly overshadowed its canon.
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
Fandom - I have a half-written draft for an Encanto fanfic lying around somewhere, if you can believe it; I'd also like to do some ZhanChengXian work, but haven't figured out an approach for it yet. If a romance with two principals is hard for me, imagine how much harder adding a third participant must be!
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
Not gonna pick one! I like some fics more than others, for various different reasons, but none of them stand out as an All Time Favorite.
And that's it! For tagging people... @cerusee, @faux-fires, perhaps @tavina-writes or @nyoomerr?
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vorchagirl · 3 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game
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Thanks to @continuous-spec for tagging me in this writer meme, especially as I've only just gotten back into writing again!
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
1. Saints and Liars: "Oh, Harry - it’s your favourite patient!" Cerys Ryder called in a sing-song voice as she clattered into Harry Carlyle’s lab just off the main medbay.
2. Through a Mirror Darkly: “Do I make you nervous?” The voice floated out of the shadows, deceptively soft, and Shepard bit back a gasp as Kaidan materialised beside her, a smirk gracing his lips as his eyes slipped down her form.
3. Everything: Today was not going to plan.
4. Distance: Gina Shepard paused outside of the Normandy's shuttle and drew in a deep, steadying breath as she waited for her team.
5. Haunted: The low hum of conversation buzzed through Tartarus as Sara entered, a conspicuous figure in her shiny blue and white Initiative armour.
6. The Naughty List: Gina Shepard watched the flames dancing in the fireplace, the fragrant smell of burning wood and the crackle and pop of the fire comforting.
7. The Interview: “Wait, wait! Hold the door!” Reyes jogged for the elevator as the door closed, cursing as it slid shut in his face and he skidded to a stop to avoid slamming into it.
8. The Charlatan's Seduction Plan: Sara hurried from the elevator and down the plushly carpeted hallway of Collective Imports, cursing the early morning traffic that had delayed her usual punctual arrival at work.
9. Dork: Reyes knew that the view from the roof of his prefab apartment was one of the best in Kadara Port, especially at night with the blanket of twinkling stars shining down.
10. The Outdoor Type: “I love camping.” The words were out of James’ mouth before he could stop them, and once they were out, there was no way to take them back.
Things I noticed: I tend to start with dialogue half of the time, my characters in a moment of action the other half, and I almost always use full names to establish my main characters.
I'm going to tag @hawkeykirsah @painterofhorizons @alyssalenko @silurisanguine @acciokaidanalenko @lonesurvivorao3 @foofyschmoofer @defaultjane and anyone else who wants to play!
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heavenfalls · 2 months
i’ve been a casual listener of the 75 since self titled but in august 2022 when they dropped happiness, spotify suggested it and i’m not kidding when i say that moment changed me. i waited for the album and was absolutely hooked the first listen. i watched every bfiafl era interview, waited for atvb to start, fell so in love with our little box band. it sounds silly (i know you guys will get it though 🖤) but i went through one of my lowest points dec 2022/jan 2023 and i can genuinely say the 1975 pulled me out of that dark place. since then, i’ve made friends here, gotten to collectively freak out over the livestreams, setlists, new pictures and videos with all of you, laugh at the memes we’ve made, read fics from the talented writers in this fandom, and i got to see our boys live. i’ve loved getting to share moments like that with all of you and i can’t wait to keep doing it until the next album comes around 🥹
thank you to our little box band for giving me a reason to keep going on the hard days and being another reason to smile on the good days. for giving me more people in my life to love. for giving me so many moments of pure joy (and a few mental breakdowns at some points LMAO). the 1975 forever 🖤
(p.s. i most definitely did not cry writing this)
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apoptoses · 2 months
3. What first drew you to this character? 12. If you could write effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what story (s) would you write for this character? 26. If you look for this character’s name on AO3, what tags are you including or excluding? 34. Does this character inspire you with little things in your daily life? 50. Link your fav song, playlist, aesthetic board, fan-fiction, reference pile, personal artwork, analysis post, meme, headcanon, or quote for this character. Whichever one (s) you are most comfortable with!
okay you also asked for Armand with the same questions so for the sake of organization i'm gonna do both in one post!!!
What first drew you to this character?
Daniel: I just really like what a great stand-in for the reader he can be because yeah, I'm sure EVERYONE who read these books at some point had the same thought- that they would want to be turned and they'd see immortality as a gift. I like his shameless love of these monsters, the line about liking kissing and snuggling with dead things? Made me absolutely insane. I like that he's not afraid to mouth off to something so dangerous while he's still mortal. I like his drinking issues, his weird craft fixations. Basically everything we got in the text was incredible imo, he's a fave!!
Armand: Honestly Armand didn't really click with me until QotD. In my mind he was a Louis-simp in interview, and then an angry bitchy little Jesus freak in tvl, but then he shows up in QotD and he's putting cigarettes down the garbage disposal and throwing money at Daniel to make him teach him about international calls and I was like- damn, this one is a FREAK deep down. So seeing him be erratic and out of place and curious about the world made me view him in a new light, and the moments of gentleness he shows later in the book really pulled the pieces together for me.
If you could write effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what story (s) would you write for this character?
Fuck, I really want some newly turned Daniel at Night Island for both of them. Like what went wrong? What kind of maker was Armand with all these ghosts from his past around? How long did it take for things to fall apart and what were the ups and downs of that period like? I really, really wanna work through that but I don't have even the slightest inkling of where I want to begin yet.
If you look for this character’s name on AO3, what tags are you including or excluding?
So generally I start with fic rated Explicit or Mature, not just for pervert reasons lmao But I feel like if a writer can write some smut that really gets the characters and explores something interesting about them then most likely their fics with lower ratings are gonna be interesting and not pure woobification. (also if they're writing the kind of smut I like? Then we're likely similar flavors of freak and I know anything else they do is gonna be safe)
Also while I wanna write some vampire on vampire stuff, I generally prefer Daniel to be mortal for bodily exploitation purposes 😂
Does this character inspire you with little things in your daily life?
Kacy pls you know what things have been like for me lately, every two weeks something is going on that has me feeling like I'm living the Full Molloy lmao I'll never live down the experience of sitting in my car at 10pm and having that liquor store owner come outside and wave to me while Lixx runs around inside with an armful of bottles of wine for my shot nerves.
Anyways in all seriousness I think about Daniel's speech to Armand when he's dying a lot:
“But don’t you see,” Daniel said, “all human decisions are made like this. Do you think the mother knows what will happen to the child in her womb? Dear God, we are lost, I tell you. What does it matter if you give it to me and it’s wrong! There is no wrong! There is only desperation, and I would have it! I want to live forever with you.”
The refusal to ruminate or get sucked into thinking of all the possible wrong outcomes, that at the end of the day there is no wrong decision there's only action- I think there's something poignant there and I would do better to not be like Armand, convinced everything will turn out poorly in the end.
Link your fav song, playlist, aesthetic board, fan-fiction, reference pile, personal artwork, analysis post, meme, headcanon, or quote for this character. Whichever one (s) you are most comfortable with!
The fanart of Daniel that will always live rent free in my head is @nightislandofficial's art of him in tank top and cut off shorts bitching about 'give me what I want' lmao (though honestly all of their comics featuring Armand and Daniel send me, what a fandom gift)
Your series the Usher will forever have me in a chokehold like. Fic of all time!!! Also the thing you wrote for my wedding 🥹
God, for headcanons- anything stupid. Any headcanon that is really just a shitpost.
And my favorite quote for the two of them, just off the top of my head, would be Daniel saying "let me be a lover in the savage garden with you". He really had some killer lines, despite what little he got lol
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I just joined Tumblr from Twitter, do you know the good Beatles accounts to follow?
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Sure! I'll do my best! Welcome to Tumblr!
@pennielane and @eppysboys make amazing gifs and are chill, reasonable people who are great follows
@theoldmixer runs @beatleskinkmeme, the secret santa, makes gifs, writes fic, basically keeps the fandom running
@thedissenters @reflectismo and @floatupstream post great photographs!
@inspiteallthedanger, @merseydreams, and @pauls1967moustache are writing the best McLennon fic and always have really funny tags
follow @idontwanttospoiltheparty for excellent musical analysis
For the funniest tags on everything, you gotta follow @sword-swallower-pin and @wereonourwayhome and if you like funny, @scurator is also extremely funny and also an amazing fic writer!
@hands-across-the-sky, @throwthewine, @dovetailjoints @sgt-revolver, @goldslick, @big-barn-bed, @goodbye-home-demo, @recallthename, @bridgeoverstrawberryfields, @loveistoshare and @the-world-is-treating-me-bad have great stuff and just have nice, cool vibes and you should definitely follow
@mydaroga and @get-back-homeward are great for always digging a little deeper into ideas or thoughts
and @phoneybeatlemania has super well-researched meta and @thestarsarecool posts great interviews
@javelinbk writes awesome J/P fic and makes the best teletubby videos
Follow @frodolives for super funny Beatles memes
@charlottesharlottes and @dumbcloud also are gif makers you must follow!
@saint-mona makes these awesome mood boards and @crumblingcookies is a super talented artist
you gotta follow @peaceloveandstarrs so that you can get your Ringo content!
I am sure there are so many great and obvious ones I am missing, that is off the top of my head and i think it is a good place to get you started. Thanks anon!
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the-writing-moon · 3 months
so i work in a well-known library, right, as a part-timer, and it's been great working with the books, they're real friendly and everything. but this is a very exclusive library, right, you have to send in an application and maybe get interviewed to get in because we're dealing with really old archival material here; i've had to dust crumbled paper off of desks and some of the spines of these hundreds-of-years-old books have been replaced with electric tape with their titles rewritten with wite-out from how much the spines have fallen out. i look up and see dead white men glaring down at me from murals and paintings and busts from the ceiling, probably aghast and wondering how a fucking little island girl is handing their precious books and poking at their dutch-painted glass windows with her grimy brown fingers. this is just set-dressing, so you really know where i'm coming from.
anyways, you know those memes that go around writing communities? doesn't matter if you write fics or manuscripts, we've all seen them, liked them, reblogged them.
"writing a slash fic instead of writing i've been googling what jewelry young german women wore in the 1700s"
"i'm pretty sure i'm on the fbi and interpol hitlists because of my search history"
"story prompt: overly helpful serial killer sweetheart x clueless crime fiction writer"
"when you don't know long division but you can talk about the taxation laws in victorian england because you needed to find out how taxes work to make your story believable"
they're memes that make you chuckle, guffaw, and nod because they're relatable! everyone hates the idea of being corrected by a random poindexter who can call you out on your bullshit on victorian tax laws, you uncultured fool, or who happens to know how blood sprays look if you shoot a person a certain way, you gormless coward, not because they were shooting the gun but they were part of the forensics team, pinky promise, i wasn't there on the 15th of november. and it's a bit absurd. like, who exactly knows - or cares - about victorian tax laws? does it really matter to write about reality in all its facets into fiction? majority of your readers probably aren't vampires or other extant immortals so does it really matter if you don't hold history up as accurately as possible in your 30k friends-to-enemies-to-lovers dark academia yuri slashfic? does historical accuracy matter when you're writing about samurais in the heian period in modern english with modern sensibilities? who would even know what stuff was really like back then? some things aren't googlable, and you can't always trust google anyways.
i don't know the answer to all these questions. but i know the answer to one.
so, back to the library.
one day, i'm shelving history books one after the other, listening to an audiobook from a public library using a library card of which i faked my address for me to use. reparations. and way more ethical than piracy in my eyes. support authors, patronize libraries, and all that. when i shelve books, i like to wonder about who reads them and why. what research they're doing. what they're doing here. whether they know how lucky they are. i envy this library where i work. i envy the people who live in this town. i envy the readers. they have all of this because someone recognized the value of hoarding, the value of taking and tabulating and preserving. one could argue it's the colonial way. but enough of that, i'm shelving books, books that i sometimes wonder at, because i never could have imagined so many books on so many topics, and sometimes they are topics that are so trivial and-
and i'm holding, in my hands, a book about the jewelry young german women wore in the 1700s.
being in a university town, you come to understand that academics have their pet projects; the drive to understand the minutiae of their field, of humanity, of nature. think of a topic and there's probably a dissertation for that. you also understand there is a lot of publishing politics, that researchers' papers are paywalled behind exorbitant fees for which they receive no royalties from. you also understand that academia can also be elitist, even when the people inside it call for open access.
to other people, i'm sure i sound incoherent and raving. but i'm sure that there are people out there who understood why i took several moments staring at this book, recalling all those fucking memes about historical accuracy, of people joking that they're looking for things even the internet has no answer for. because the answers do exist. someone's written about them. someone took the time to look at and tabulate and write about german jewelry. someone else, tax laws. some other person, blood sprays, either through study or applied experimentation. the knowledge is out there. they just aren't available to you.
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leggywillow · 3 months
Fic Writer Interview
I was tagged by @feralkwe
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
10 🙈
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
He Thought Her Unsinkable (50)
Never Free (41)
Failed Attempts at Simpler Lives (24)
Ashes (12)
Torture Of Your Own Design (10)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I really can’t overstate how much I love and value every comment and how they make my day and really keep me going when I worry that no one’s interested, lol. I want the commenters to know that, even if sometimes all I can say is “thanks!” Because I can’t grab them by the shoulders and just shriek right in their face.
People engaging with my characters and ships and little situations is like… the point for me. It’s the DREAM, for real.
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Technically it’s the short Ashes, since that ends with Hawke dead and Anders and Justice gone. The one that makes me the saddest, though, is Strange Bedfellows. That fic spends more time getting to know the characters before destroying them.
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Never Free ends the most hopefully, I feel.
7. Do you write crossovers?
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, which is the good part of focusing on niche content with OCs, lol. I may not rack up numbers but I also don’t get attention from the meanies.
9. Do you write smut?
Not really, but god I want to. I’ve put a grand total of like 2.3 smut-esque scenes in my stories, because I just chicken the hell out. I get SO self-conscious, and it just feels so bad lmao. No idea how to overcome this.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, and I can’t imagine anyone has. Another benefit of creating niche content.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I’m aware of. That would be pretty cool though.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but it’s something I’d be open to if the right circumstances came up. It seems pretty unlikely at this point in my fandom life, but you never know.
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I feel like the Simpsons’ “SAY THE LINE, BART!” meme right now because it’s obviously Carver Hawke/my Surana. You know, the only ship I ever write and talk about.
The only other ship I’ve been both feral and inspired enough to write about is Hawke/Alistair, so that ship gets second place.
Mind you, this is strictly from a “writing fanfic” perspective. I love lots of different ships, including multishipping for the above characters.
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I don’t post many things so the only unfinished WIP (besides the one I’m currently working on) is my Hawkistair fic, He Thought Her Unsinkable, that I last updated in 2016. Two years ago I would have said it would stay unfinished forever, but now I DO have intentions of coming back to it. (I got thoroughly stuck with progressing both the plot and the ship and I’ve since thought up solutions for both.)
I’ll probably rewrite the whole thing though. There was a lot of room for improvement, and I cringe looking back.
15. What are your writing strengths?
This is hard for me because I’m so riddled with imposter syndrome and anxiety, but I think I do character dialogue well. I can hear voices very clearly in my head and it’s one of the few things my memory holds onto, so I fiddle with my lines until I can hear the character saying them in their cadence.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle with descriptions for sure. Knowing how much or little to include, yes, but I also find myself just blanking out on descriptive words when I need them.
Me, desperately, to my own brain: We’ve seen a house before! I need words to describe a house!
Brain: I have never seen one of those before in my life.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
This is something where I try to stay pretty firmly in my lane, because I know it can be done poorly if you don’t know what you’re doing. And I do not, lol. If a character is speaking in another language, I just say that. I try to keep my usage of other languages to exclamations and terms of endearment if they come up naturally.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I wrote Animorphs fanfic on an old typewriter at my dad’s office when I had to be there after school as a kid and then later on some little word processor software for kids that looked like you were typing in a little book. (I’ve been desperately trying to figure out what 1990s software this could have been to no avail, for nostalgia’s sake.) I made some kind of human/Hork-Bajir hybrid OC that was basically like Wolverine with the badass retracting blades in her skin.
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
I only like writing fic when I have BIG AND SPECIFIC IDEAS that grab me, and that only comes with being incredibly hyperfixated on the source material until I’m comfortable with the setting… so basically I’m very content in my Dragon Age sandbox and don’t have much desire to branch out. That said, I do love my Dark Urge from Baldur’s Gate 3 and am very tempted to write about her someday.
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
I think I’ll have to go with Never Free. Failed Attempts at Simpler Lives has more character interactions that I deeply enjoyed writing, but I’m really proud of the plot I wove together in Never Free.
Tagging @theluckywizard @rakshadow @inquisimer @nirikeehan and anybody who thinks it looks fun!
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at-thestillpoint · 6 months
💥 🎁 🏷 for the ask meme!
[ask me things!]
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
We could debate whether or not we even accept Gilmore Girls: A Year In the Life as canon, but the answer to this is all of A Year In the Life except Emily Gilmore's story. I think there's something gross, arrogant, and deeply disrespectful to your fans about writing your successors into some very deep holes, and then blatantly ignoring (not even watching season seven, AS-P?) the way those writers tried to climb out and tie everything up (decently well! my hottest take is that Season 7 isn't that bad!), at the expense of all character growth, in service of telling what I can imagine is the exact same story you wanted to tell ten years ago, when characters had ten fewer years of life experience. Make it make sense! I can't bring myself to believe that Luke and Lorelai never in TEN YEARS talked about having more kids, that Rory would be unprepared for an interview even if it was with Sandee Says, or that Lane didn't go to California with the twins to live happily ever after with Dave Rygalski.
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
Here's a long one from the Hangman POV of fill this ghost town up with life, which is not the WIP I meant to be writing, but is the one that is being written. I want to share the entire thing! We are so close! (Probably!)
Jake doesn’t care to admit, even to himself, and certainly not to her, how much he misses Natasha during the thirteen weeks he’s at Top Gun. It’s not just the sex—though he certainly wouldn’t say no at this moment. Even factoring in the deployment from hell that they’ve recently returned from, thirteen weeks is the longest they’ve gone without sex since they started regularly having it with each other two years ago.  It’s also not that everyone else in this class is so uncreative with their flying that he’s bored in zero-point-six seconds flat the first time he gets in the air, and stays so bored through all the rest of training that he kind of wishes Rooster were here just for a bit of pizzazz to his day, if not his training.  It’s that there’s no one around to roll their eyes with him when Ithaca once again forgets there’s still coffee in his to-go mug. No one to knock back another pull of tequila when Harvard reminds everyone he went to Yale. No one to go an extra mile and a half out of their way with him for the superior French fries after a night of drinking.  Thirteen weeks away from her, and the Natasha-shaped hole in his life grows more obvious with each passing day. He shouldn’t be surprised at this discovery, but it still shocks him to be confronted with just how much he misses her.
🏷 Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
I usually just hang out in my preferred relationship tags, and choose fics to read by title and summary. But since we've all started being more enigmatic with titles and summaries, I do use tags as a secondary gauge for what the story is about, but I'm not typically searching for "enemies to lovers" or "angst."
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hankwritten · 11 months
saw that self-rec writer's meme! i figured i'd do one for each account because my old account definitely has the advantage of being up longer and accumulating more hits
Give us the links to your wonderful words with the Most hits, Most kudos, Most comments, Most bookmarks, Most words, and Least words.
MOST HITS: 4 Times BLU Team Found Out Demoman is in Love with Soldier, and 3 Times He Told Them of His Own Volition (Team Fortress 2) (3, 548 hits) gotta be honest don't know why this grabbed so many people. I blame the fanfiction style meme title.
MOST KUDOS: Hopeless Dummy Says What (Team Fortress 2) (531 kudos) Another "7 thing + 1 thing" you guys really like this. funnily enough this is almost a thematic counterpoint to the first one except Soldier being the one to be hopelessly obvious to his team
MOST COMMENTS: Arena [old version] (Team Fortress 2) (43 comment threads) a long, angsty conclusion to a series of fics feat some of my TF2 OCs. It's labeled old because I eventually went and did a remake of the fic about five years later
MOST BOOKMARKS: My Friends…And Omega (Red vs Blue) (33 bookmarks) eliminating the repeats, a non-tf2 fic is found! I still quite like this one, I had major fun w both the chucker fics i've written
MOST WORDS: Territorial Control (Team Fortress 2) (46,005 words) here's the rewrite of the other one I mentioned haha. I personally think it's better quality, is able to expand to more characters, and shows some growth for me as a writer
LEAST WORDS: Skin and Salt (Red vs Blue) (319 words) I wrote this on a spare sheet of paper while I was really nervous and waiting for a job interview at steinhaffles
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forasecondtherewedwon · 3 months
Fic-Writer Interview
Not tagged but picked up from @mercurygray :)
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Affinity War (3182)
3 Simple Rules for Dating a Centenarian (2688)
The Great Madripoorian Snake Off (2245)
"Stare Enough" (1843)
Alright on Paper (1463)
Picture a t-shirt bearing the exhausted Ben Affleck smoking meme and the words, "I survived the MCU and so can you!" (My top 5 were written for Spider-Man and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.)
Do you respond to comments?
Respond and proceed to treasure forever.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
After poking around in my catalogue of fics, it's either one I wrote for Bodyguard, "Don't Ever Let Me Start," or "The Pretty Ones (Who Try to Kill You)" for The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Most of what I write does have a happy ending. Hmm... Love Me Like You Drew (for Nancy Drew) and "Same Day, Different Jumpsuit" (the one and only Natasha/Mobius fic on AO3) are both near and dear to my heart.
Do you write crossovers?
Nope! I'm a real compartmentalizer.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes! So fun! It typically boils down to "I don't like the ship(s) and/or character(s) in this fic and am here to complain even though you tagged everything properly and I could have just scrolled past!" Fic hate is silly. I chuckle all the way to the "delete" button.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
*shakes smut variety pack* What kind ya lookin' for?
Click here for my E-rated fics on AO3.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep, I've had people post my fics on other platforms without my permission, thinking that as long as they added my username for "credit," it was all good 🙄
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not, by choice.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I'm an editor and an only child, so.
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I've written for so many pairings (and a few trios), but Midge/Lenny from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel has an evergreen ability to set my heart aflutter.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Rude. Probably my Scream AU of Nancy Drew. I would love to write it, but I can't currently see going back and reacquainting myself with all the characters I'd planned to include.
What are your writing strengths?
I love writing humour, in dialogue or otherwise. Also descriptions packed with metaphor.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I. Hate. Plot. I'm here—on this planet, on the internet—to create atmosphere, not complex storylines.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Love it! Like @mercurygray, I speak some French and Italian, so those are the ones I tend to add if I'm going beyond English.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Gilmore Girls (specifically A Year in the Life), and I am ready to return to it TOMORROW if Amy Sherman-Palladino provokes me with more bad characterization.
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Nothing comes to mind! With both ships and fandoms, I pretty much jump when I wanna jump. I'm also always open to hearing requests.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh! Oh! What a question! It's my baby, my Pride and Prejudice AU, For Now, We May Remain Silent. I wrote it with my copy of Austen open on my desk next to my laptop, going line by line. I worked on it while coping with the final illness and death of someone I loved very much, so a lot of love went into it, and I'm glad I have the fic as a reminder of that time.
From "Studio Tour," still my favourite chapter:
Here are her paintbrushes, disorganized and held in the loose grip of big, old coffee cans. The brushes rattle when Peter runs his finger over their handles, the faded red bristles spinning. A thick, flat brush with discoloured yellow bristles might be his favourite. Glancing over his shoulder, he furtively strokes the uneven hairs with his thumb. They all have this well-used quality that makes his chest clench confusingly. Michelle’s been living a whole life with these in her hand, he thinks, and I don’t know anything about it.
Tagging: Any and all fic-writers following me! Say I tagged ya!
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