#fic plans :)
eiraeths · 4 months
hmmm i want to write soap medically discharged and having to learn how to be a civilian again
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vomitingstars · 5 months
Fics I'll Eventually get to writing
Ghosts! Now with blue hair and pronouns!: Elias Gallagher and Sunny Day Jack meet. This is an AU where y/n is an Adams family fanatic. She wanders into The Gallagher mansion with the fantasy of gaining a cool new hideout for quirky daydream adventures
Contains: Comedy, maybe smut idk, squabbling between ghosts, ghostie besties, enemies to friends to friends with benefits to maybe sort of lovers, poly antics)
Sleepy Time Bo: DachaBo is an app you use to sleep at night. Place him nearby on your pillow and close your eyes. Bo whispers encouragement to guide you on your journey to dreamland. One night you gave him and plugged him into your laptop. You're having a strangely...erotic dream tonight. (this was meant to be a comic)
Contains: Somno, smut, breeding, teehee times, etc.
Join Us For A Bite!: Alan kidnaps a cannibalistic y/n and must sacrifice random Doomsbury citizens to keep her happy. Anything for his Doe Eyes!
Contains: Cannibalism (consensual and non), a heavy emphasis on eating, intimacy, maybe teehee sexy times, blood, lil bit of comedy)
Sleepover Sleepover! Sleepover Sleepover!: It's a sleepover baby! C'mon let's share one beer! Friendship. And magic! And bodies to explore! FunShine Jill and y/n have an epic girls night adventure. I don't wanna spoil too much tbh it's too funny to me.
Contains: manipulation, evil, maybe dubcon, that moment when the dildo comes out at the sleepover, strong sexy woman, teehee woman times, sexy woman my woman
Anyway, let me know which fic you're interested in reading first
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bapple117 · 2 months
Might just fuck around and write an entire RadioStatic / RadioSilence fic one day idk. Like one where Al gives into what Vox wants just for some entertainment only to turn around and shatter his dreams 👀 AND SET IT IN THE 80s
I definitely want to do the one-shot I have planned, but URGH!!!! I’m just such a sucker for their dynamic and the potential for ANGST!!
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hypnotisedfireflies · 2 months
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Okay, I'm putting this here because then it makes it "official" and I'll absolutely do it.
Coming soon sometime this year: four short Tommy x Maria stories, each based on one of my universes (Drifters, SQ, LoC and IO) around a season and a first kiss.
Also still coming soon sometime this year, the SQ sequel and the Boston-era fic.
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livingproofoftbd · 5 months
manhunt au drabble
im making a manhunt au that im quite proud of and very excited for, if anyones curious here’s me just talking about it 
so basically dream is a mortal on earth in, like, some undisclosed year (not modern but kind of with modern slang) like pre dsmp, and he’s super cocky, super selfish, basically a huge dick no one likes. he’s also really strong and really smart, so he’s always challenging people to these dumb bets to prove that he’s better than them, and he always wins. the more he wins, the more he starts betting money, and the more he starts betting money, the less people pay up when they lose. 
and then there are the gods. i havent decided who goes to speak to him, hannah (i figured she could be the most powerful goddess since she was the only one to get an elytra in the dsmp) or callahan (since he apparently helped a lot with the manhunts behind the scenes) but i think im gonna go with callahan. anyways callahan hears about this mortal who thinks too highly of himself and decides to knock him down a few notches by setting up a trial for him. which is manhunt. he recruits five gods to help him, and indirectly makes them sign their souls away to fight him if it comes down to it. he’s positive dream won’t make it past the first god (george) but he has the other four as back ups. 
the rules are simple: kill the ender dragon without getting killed. the challenge itself takes place on some plane thats on the tightrope between the mortal plane and the heavens, where the gods live. when he dies, he wakes up in a new world with scars from before. when he wins and walks through the end portal, the same happens. and yes, im going to include his irl scar, im still figuring out how i’m going to do so. 
the gods, when they first join, hate dream. they hate that its because of him theyve been stripped of all their powers and reduced to mortals just to give him a fair fight. they hate that they lost their right to choose, being forced to participate in this dumb gauntlet. eventually, they all become sort of friends, but that’s in the moments before and after the fight starts. during it, theyre focused intently on their goal. 
since the gods can die and respawn as they please, they feel nothing when they die. well obviously they feel something, but for dream, depending on how he dies, the pain is excruciating. but he and the gods alike dont feel much during the fights themselves so it doesn’t distract them. so if like dream takes fall damage, usually youd swear and grab your ankle and maybe have a limp if you fell really far, but he just keeps running. he only feels it afterwards. 
this gauntlet lasts for weeks, maybe months. time is irrelevant here. but when its over and dream returns home, he’s informed no time was missed while he was competing. he was granted immortality for winning, but he demands to become a god for the hell he was put through, and at the end, he becomes dreamxd. 
(and maybe i’ll include a brief part about him seeing the start of the dsmp, i havent decided yet)
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diaryofanidiot · 10 months
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Im going feral over the fic i have planned for this man i stg
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anarchycox · 14 hours
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And made a quick lil journal for random fic notes.
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will be writing stardew fics bc i finally made a farmer oc and i got a little abnormal abt them... twig beloved... non human farmer YAY idk what exactly it is but they r something. some kind of hybrid monster thing and i love it... ill talk abt it more later
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Not Okay
spoilers for end of violet-
I jus beat Violet... and I am NOT okay. But...
now this makes me think of 2 different fics. what if I uh... made a oneshot of a fix it fic where ai turo could live with the help of reader, penny, and the player together? (in ways I wont spoil and reader would be the cool adult with them lol) 
and maybe I could eventually work on a yandere arven fic too now that I know everything? idk much of a plot yet, but maybe involving my idea before. 
... I so want to do the first one sooner or later. they both deserve a better ending. 
but first, let me go cry for a while
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mhathotfic · 2 years
I should compile a list of simp behaviors Bakugou would display because he’s not good with feelings and ends up doing the absolute most because what the hell else is he supposed to do when you smile at him and thank him for being so good to you? Not spoil you? Not got the warm fluttery feeling in his chest that only you give him? No, he’s addicted to you and has no plans of ever being sober again.
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parvulous-writings · 8 months
Fic-update (Ficdate?)
Okay, SO - took some time over this week to sort through my inbox - which now stands largely empty besides a few requests I'm trying to plan for! Asides from this, I've got some things that are definitely in the works!
Royal Silco AU - drafting Lady D oneshot - planning Baldur's Gate 3 multi-part fic - planning
In the mean time - as these are going to be BIG ones, feel free to send in some requests! <3
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whataboutthefish · 2 years
I’m setting my next Steddie fic in the 90s so I can give it a killer soundtrack and get all nostalgic over chat rooms and icq’s little “uhoh”
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depressed-sock · 9 months
Alright so for October I'm planning on attempting ai-less whumptober. I've got a plan where I'm going to do four different fics which will in total have a chapter for each day of the month.
Originally I was going to do a chapter a day but have decided to instead post the full fic over the weekend. That'll give me a full week to get everything written and pulled together before posting.
Anyway, fic plans!
Two fake Jedi Hondo au mission fics:
>How to Win Diplomatic Negotiations in One Easy Step! by Hondo Ohnaka (Planned 8 chapters)
>How to Have a Mental Breakdown by Anakin Skywalker (Planned 8 chapters)
One Fox and Cody fic where they get captured by Separatists:
>In Our Grief We are Lost (Planned 8 chapters)
Then an Assassins Creed/Star Wars mashup staring Desmond Miles and Jon Antilles:
>Lost are the Children Who Have Fled (Planned 7 chapters)
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wonderbutch · 9 months
so, in prime earth canon, kara died like she did on earth one. but she came back. how? when? why? is this part of the whole "all universes are canon" thing? my personal headcanon is that slightly similar to kon, she was somehow revived in the 31st century (blame brainiac 5, of course). i plan to write a fic about it. because im normal. and not insane. and not hyperfixating on this headcanon/au/whatever.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
I started watching the Given dub and now I’m writing a Lee!Uenoyama fic because that’s what my life needs right now.
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nightingaleofthesea · 2 years
A List Of Fics I'll Post Soon (Feat. Draft Titles and No Titles)
Angst (Too Much-) The fic about Tsukasa taking Rui's 'You don't have what it takes to be a star' to heart - Single Chapter.
A fic where I put WxS in the place of N25 - 5 ish chapters.
Tsukasa Whump - A fic where I literally just make Tsukasa's issues way worse - Multi Chapter.
A Star in Blue - A fic about Tsukasa growing up and later falling apart, seen through the eyes of Kaito.
Fluff! Rui helps Tsukasa with his skincare routine - Single Chapter.
AkiToya confession (Sequel) - Single Chapter.
Bedside Roses - A fic set during the Wedding Event - Single Chapter.
Rui realises that he's a lil bit touchy - Single Chapter.
A collection of Anhane dates - 3 ish Chapters.
A future fic for some ships, not sure yet - Single Chapter.
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