#feminist praxis
catgam · 5 days
make out with a trans girl’s butthole today! dont wait!
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i was going through your pinned and saw you were a radical feminist and was thinking "uh oh... UH OH" but then i saw your bit about trans people and realized you are, in fact, not a terf, and i relaxed so hard i hit my head against the wall and cracked my head open. typing this from the hospital rn lol
I'm an intersectional feminist (saying "I'm an intersectional feminist whose praxis is inherently based in anti-oppression, inclusivity, and reflexivity" is a bit of a mouthful😅), so for more clarity to folks here, that's what I'm aligned with in terms of positionality in feminist politc.
There are elements of radical feminism that aren't gynocentric/transphobic/transmigynistic that I respect on an ideological level (for instance -the reason why we have protections for anyone experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace and how martial abuse and sexual assault is now criminalized are because of radical feminist activism) but overall I'm critical, as many have been, of their a lot of their political angling -especially when they're not intersectional a vast majority of the time.
But I promise this is a safer space! I hope you're okay!! Sending good energies your way!
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
The turn toward intersectionality has also deepened feminist discomfort with thinking in terms of false consciousness: that's to say, with the idea that women who have sex with and marry men have internalized the patriarchy. The important thing now, it is broadly thought, is to take women at their word. If a woman says she enjoys working in porn, or being paid to have sex with men, or engaging in rape fantasies, or wearing stilettos—and even that she doesn't just enjoy these things but finds them emancipatory, part of her feminist praxis—then we are required, many feminists think, to trust her. This is not merely an epistemic claim: that a woman's saying something about her own experience gives us strong, though perhaps not indefeasible, reason to think it true. It is also, or perhaps primarily, an ethical claim: a feminism that trades too freely in notions of self-deception is a feminism that risks dominating the subjects it presumes to liberate.
-Amia Srinivasan, The Right to Sex: Feminism in the Twenty-First Century
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feminism-rebellion · 1 year
What can we do as women collectively to combat against male systemic abuse of us ?
1. How can we protect the ones who were abused ?
- to help them escape
- to help them heal
- to make sure they're safe from their abusers
- to make sure their abusers face retribution for what they've done
2. How can we prevent abuse to take place ?
- to make sure abuse is never normalized
- to help women recognize the signs and know their worth (also raising their self-confidence and sense of sorority)
- to get away from victim blaming mindsets and shift onto abuser blaming ones
- to create strong female networks so no women has to rely solely on men
3. How can we reshape society in order to achieve this ?
- to get at the root of male violence
- to raise women's position above their role in society as vessels, means for men to achieve things and objects to full human beings
- to teach about consent and healthy relationships, boundaries and emotional release
- to be able to talk about all the above without censorship
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wutheringheights78 · 10 months
officially registered for my first doctoral classes yippee!!
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anarchistfrogposting · 9 months
Hi! I have been reading a bit lately about the Tate brothers and how what the left needs to do is to create alternative masculine ideals and figures. Is that our method of fighting this? Do you have any specific ideas about how that would look and how we should go about achieving it?
The thing is, an alternative masculine ideal already exists. There are strong and supportive men who are attentive and respectful partners and fathers, helpful members of their community, and many, many men who work the soles of their feet off leveraging their privilege to defend those who can’t already. These men are decidedly masculine.
At this point in time in society, there’s a shift happening. Feminism is gaining sway and the directionality of society is beginning to move against patriarchy. At the same time, the improvements that women are seeing in their rights across the board; to vote, work, seek equitable legal recourse and participate in society as a whole; are changing the role and position that men traditionally had in society. Since men were and are told that their role as a man is to uphold the patriarchy - to be the sole breadwinner or the dominant and domineering figure in their household, relationships and communities - this generated and generates a considerable amount of anxiety. What they are told is their role by patriarchal values and what the shift toward feminism represents are incongruous. and that’s weird and scary.
Grifters like Tate use (and deepen) that anxiety by presenting themselves and their image as an image of desirable masculinity. They then use that anxiety to make people buy into their scams. They, and conservatives like them, channel that uncertainty into projection; misogynist and sometimes even outright violent attitudes towards women and sometimes even other men they deem to have threatened their masculinity.
“The masculine ideal” is just an ideal. It is completely unattainable because masculinity is not a stable nor tangible concept. That uncertainty and confusion over what a man actually is is the exact reason why the rhetoric of people like tate/peterson/rogan (whatever) is so successful; all of these men are in a constant state of peril; the smallest thing could completely invalidate their entire identity in an instant. This is what it means to say that the patriarchy hurts men too.
The destruction of the patriarchy will fall on shifting societal attitudes to a point where it is abundantly clear to men that their masculinity is defined by themselves only. Masculinity is a socially constructed category with no clear boundaries, so If gender is an internal experience all it means to be masculine, then, is what men consider to be an expression of their own masculinity. There is literally no limit to what that could be.
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girleboy · 5 days
whenever i'm having like a marginally better week with my skin i can't even enjoy it because it frees me up to be doubly insecure about my teeth
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Ok ik I've been venting about shit nonstop lately but the "girl math, girl science, girl x" trend is so annoying to me
Like it's an old joke that reinforces the misogynistic idea that there's X Thing and then there's the version girls do/enjoy that's not as serious and not as intellectual. The girl dinner thing started out kinda funny but soured once anorexic women started using it to make their disordered eating quirky and fun
I just saw a post say that Girl Science is stuff that has no statistical or factual backing but just "sounds true" and I'm like...do you not see how pathetic that is? Dumbing down women and girls' interests and intelligence for a lame joke that a frat bro would make at a party to laugh at women?
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catgam · 4 hours
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dykemind · 3 months
literally if you’re ever feeling gross and violated send a bunch of males on tumblr graphic rape anons. just have funnnn let loose and strike back it feels awesome
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hentairobot · 6 months
hiring an egirl to join the lethal company gaming session exclusively to stay on ship duty
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femalelibrarian · 2 months
the infighting about witchcraft on radblr thats been going on for days now is so insane. in the 70s the CIA had to pay agitators to get this kind of result...
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ravenkings · 2 months
Tumblr media
i’m sorry but this is so funny
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ofpd · 7 months
shipping women in les mis who are miserable w men who would treat them so right is feminism
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f1ghtsoftly · 11 months
I actually really, really dislike that radfems tend to focus on judging women for individual life choices like they’re made in a vacuum and not actually making it easier for women to make more life affirming decisions. It's easy now, when so many things are technically legal but socially and financially difficult to blind ourselves to the very real hurdles that can keep women trapped in patriarchal social structures and communities.
While it is true that choices, like partnering with a man, reinforce patriarchy we also live in a system that does everything it can to reward behavior that sets women back. As feminists, it should be our job to make it easier for women to separate and when women refuse to ask ourselves "what more could we do to make this less harrowing?" Underneath, for example, many women's refusal to stop wearing makeup, is really a refusal to forgo the social status conferred by being gender conforming and that social status isn't useless. It can help women advance in their careers, help them gain sympathy, make them more attractive to their desired partners etc etc.. While compliance with patriarchal dictates separates a woman from herself and other women, it also helps her succeed in a woman hating system.
Making feminist decisions in a patriarchy is like swimming backwards against a current. Sometimes that current is weaker or stronger and sometimes, despite a woman' best efforts she might start going backwards. As politically engaged and awakened women, we are supposed to give women tools to help make swimming against that current easier. Not forming cliques or shaming women who are struggling (if you're frustrated with a brainwashed woman, that's your sign to log off and vent to a feminist friend). Even "privileged" patriarchal aligned women are committing self harm on some level, patriarchy hurts all women. Even the ones prolonging its life with their actions.
This is also why class is such a critical feminist issue. When escape from deep poverty is reliant on a women selling her body through an advantageous marriage to a man, it's not in her self interest to forgo that option for political reasons. When childcare is so expensive in the US women are forced to rely on a partner to help them raise children. Not only are male partners more likely to make more money, they also can't get pregnant, and thus can devote themselves to their own children (this is why older women and childfree women should involve themselves in childcare). When women know living single means having to fend off disgusting and violent men, they're less likely to do it.
And yes, I know women can learn a trade and be reasonably financially sufficient but it's also better for women to diversify and organize within their chosen fields. Not only will it make women more comfortable, but it's better for female consumers. Evidence also shows that pay lowers when women enter an industry en masse so the relatively lucrative careers in the trades are only like that because women *aren't there*. Furthermore, when women decide to become mothers, they take a massive financial hit, both in the amount of time they can put into a job and the financial burden of raising children. I'm not an anti-natalist, I think women having children when they want them is a good thing and patriarchy takes a beautiful experience and makes it a way to trap women with horrible men.
When we place the entire burden of feminist actions on individual women "choosing" to not partner with men or cater to them rather then using our energy to unite to make systemic changes we ensure that our movement centers young, childless women, rather then what is demographically common. Not only do we do that, but we also exclude mothers from this movement, when mom's need to be centered.
Here is what I am not suggesting:
We confuse compassion for women unable or unwilling to risk patriarchal backlash for some feminist actions for excusing them. Trying to understand women still aligned with patriarchy won't turn you into a liberal. Makeup is still patriarchal. Dating men is still not great for you mentally, emotionally and physically. Lying about pronouns or refusing to challenge the rollback of women’s rights publicly will still create the illusion women consent to the destruction of their legal protections. That is all real. But patriarchy comes down hard on women who stand against it alone. And an online community, especially one not exactly flush with cash, can only take us so far.
Here is what I am suggesting:
We begin to reprioritize party building and policy goals. How can we make it easier to make feminist choices? What structures can we make to support separatism?
How can we organize women across varying industries against unfair wages, misogynistic standards and the political repression of feminists and feminism?
How can we develop women only networks to support mothers in childrearing?
In general, how can we make forgoing personal safety to be around men a less and less desirable option for more and more women?
In general, let's please, please start thinking in terms of systems instead of individualistically. It doesn't serve anyone but men to pick judgement over solidarity with women who aren't there yet. Stop judging women you only know through a screen and start organizing to make it easier and easier for women to live feminist lives. Put that desire into action, stop using it to make us stagnate when we need to grow aggressively.
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butchviking · 10 months
Women can definitely hurt a penis very severely during sex by moving wrong. It's not even hard, you can snap them like toothpicks and cause permanent damage. It's called penile fracture. rare in practice but would be extremely easy to do on purpose during PIV.
thank you see i knew i was right all along
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