05/28-29/2024 Daily OFMD BTS
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Samba Schutte BTS; Nathan Foad; Vico Ortiz; Dominic Burgess; Tell Tale Awards; Upcoming Fuckeries; Watch party reminders; Schadenfreude; Fan Spotlight; MerMay; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika.
== Rhys Darby ==
To 29 And Beyond is coming up fast and our dear Captain wanted to remind everyone that he'll be there! For tickets and more info, visit To29AndBeyond.com
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Source: Rhys Darby's IG Stories
== Samba Schutte ==
More Season 2 BTS from the man who deserves all the things -- Samba Schutte!
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Video 1: Roach Bobbing for Plums
Video 2: Fang + Samba Dance
== Nathan Foad ==
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram Stories
== VIco Ortiz ==
Vico is going to be back at Them Fatale price this June 21st!
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Source: Them Fatale's Instagram
Vico also wanted to send out the following resources for those looking to help with the situation in Gaza. Operation Olive Branch
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Source: Vico Ortiz' Instagram Stories
== Dominic Burgess ==
Our precious Jeffrey Fettering is out and about in Los Angelos visiting the Queen Mary!
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Source: Dominic Burgess' Twitter
= Reminder to Vote =
Our dear crewmates over at @saveofmdcrewmates put together a helpful guide for the Tell-Tale TV Awards! They've listed the queer shows related to OFMD in someway and are reminding us you can vote up to 3 times per category! Vote here.
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Source: SaveOFMD Crew Instagram
More Under The Cut! Long Post is Long
== Watch Party Reminders ==
Our Flag Means Death Season 2 Dates: May 28-31 Times: 3:30 pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30 pm BST Need access? We're doing a WP on the RhysDarbyFaction Discord server, feel free to hit me up on tumblr @gentlebeardsbarngrill or @ aspirantabby42 on Twitter for access.
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== Upcoming Fuckeries ==
As you all have seen around, there's a fuckery planned for June 3rd! Which is approaching fast! Our friend @patchworkpiratebear made a nice graphic to remind us. Mark the date on your calendars if you want to join the fuckery!
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Source: PatchworkPirateBear's Tumblr
== Schadenfreude ==
Just a nice ending to the day. June 3rd's shareholders meeting is coming fast WBD.
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
More Cast cards tonight! Thank you @melvisik! The first, George Maunsell is listed as "Valet" in 'Calypso's Birthday' and Zach Douglas "is "Roderick," aka the Bluecoat rudely reading the love letter meant for Ed"
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Mermay ==
= Snejpowa =
Our friendly neighbourhood @snejpowa is back with another MerMay prompt, this time featuring the Republic of Pirates! I have to say, the Instagram liked by is a nice touch :P.
Day 29: Republic of Pirates
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= Blueberreads =
Our fantastic friend @blueberreads has done it again with a Stede portrait this time! I am blown away by the detail of the hair and shirt. Just lovely!
Day 29: Republic of Pirates
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= Eros The Artist =
Our darling @erostheartist has another Mermay submission for us-- to learn more about this prompt visit the link below! Day 24: Murder's a Natural Cause
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= Spencer Does Artt =
Another Mermay day for @ SpencerDoesArtt on instagram! This time Day 29 is Republic of Pirates and they were kind enough to give us our favorite folks all gathered around.
= Stjernegaupe =
More lovely vector art from @stjernegaupe for mermay! Ricky almost looks innocent in that first one! (Almost)
Day 13: Road to Moscow
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Day 14: Orange
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Day 15: Blind Man's Cove
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Day 16: Kraken
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. It's Wednesday here which means we're half way through the week. I hope it's treated you kindly. We could all use a little extra kindness these days. I'm not sure the following statements are going to make much sense, so apologies if not.
Tonight I wanted to mention a few things about changes. Sometimes change is something we can predict, and sometimes it hits us without warning.
Sometimes change makes things better for us and sometimes it can make things worse.
Sometimes change is the hardest thing in the world to do, and yet somehow the most important.
Change could be anything, a change in routine, in friends, in location, in attitude, in jobs, in weather, in boundaries-- it can be so very many things. Sometimes, the places we are, the people we're with, the jobs we have, the patterns we practice just aren't going to suit us forever. We as human beings are ever changing, ever evolving, ever moving. Situations and life styles we may have embraced previously may no longer serve us, and you know what?
That's okay.
Chang is part of the fun and wonder of life. Every day we learn new things about ourselves, and in doing so we evolve. This is a good thing, lovelies, you dont have to hate or love the things that came before or the things that come after-- you can look at where you are, where you want to be and where you've been and appreciate what came with those changes. Maybe you were in a terrible situation before, and now you're only in a mildly better one. Maybe you're worse off than before, but because of that you know exactly what you need/want to become.
Change can be a scary, unpredictable catalyst, but it can also be a very important tool that helps us reach the places we want to go. Sometimes changes take us back rather than forward, and sometimes they jump us ahead eons. Both are valid, and both are part of this life, and experiences we need to have. Don't be afraid of change lovelies, there's always more around the corner. It'll work itself out-- I know it will, because I know you're strong enough to brave it. You are so very wonderful and lovely the way you are, and you'll be wonderful and lovely when you're something new. Don't forget that. Rest up, new day tomorrow as always. I'm so glad you're still here with us.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme is Floor Antics! Gifs courtesy of the brilliant @mxmollusca and @soapbubbles511!
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aealzx · 9 months
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A female voice that Leo had heard before in recordings addressed him with a single word greeting. She sounded pleased. Unusual considering the past circumstances. “Augustine,” Leo responded casually, willing the rest of the fog to leave his brain. He had a lot of questions, but none that he wanted to ask her. Other than something to further annoy her. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Augustine’s eye twitched, and she crossed her arms despite her smile never falling. “You speak as though this is your home, and I’m the visitor,” she pointed out.
Leo could only grin slightly, having achieved his goal. “Well, it’s just been so easy for me to come and go as I please.”
Now the smile fell into a frown. But just for a moment before she forced it back. “And yet you’ve never once stopped for a proper chat.”
“You know how it is. I’d hate to pull you away from your work. I’m just it’s been taking up a lot of your time,” Leo jabbed again, his head clear now and mind already examining where he was. Simple restraints, they had taken his weapons, and bags, but nothing else. He could probably get out of this.
“...You’re a daring creature to continue to antagonize me despite your current position…” The smile had faded again, and Leo could tell Augustine was tired of playing the game of banter they had been engaged in. Eventually she shrugged it off, memory of recent revelations lifting her mood. “No matter. Despite your attempts to prevent my work from progressing I relish to inform you that it has all been in vain.” Her phone was slipped from her lab coat pocket, and after a few taps she held the screen up for Leo to see. “I’m not nearly proud enough to conceal the fact it was an accident. I was merely attempting to capture you four by targeting mutant turtle signatures with a mystic influence. And while I caught one, these other two gems decided to… do me the favor of proving my hypothesis true.”
The first video Augustine showed him caused Leo so suck in a hissed breath, a much too small mutant turtle trapped on the floor and crowded by people in surgical coats. Needles and blades in their hands, smaller than what he’d seen in person with Bishop, but no less infuriating. And then she swiped her screen across to switch to a different, even smaller mutant turtle that was blessedly still asleep in his fetters. “Augustine…,” Leo growled, a warning tone saturating his voice and his brows furrowed.
“Oh don’t get so worked up. I don’t plan on killing them. I need them alive to track how they adjust to this dimension. How else am I supposed to confirm it’s safe? You and your brothers refuse to answer my questions afterall,” Augustine chided, chuckling in bubbling excitement. She was pleased to see that the first subject seemed to be calming down. Either because he realized the futility of his struggle, or because her employees had sedated him she wasn’t sure. But she’d rather not have another incident like with Evangeline. “And you, of course, are my constant for comparison. I anticipate their biological structure is much more similar to you than to humans. Obviously. So as a native of this dimension I’ll be keeping you for my tests as well. But as for your brothers…”
She was gloating. And Leo knew she was, but he was still curious when she trailed off, her phone vibrating in a silent call distracting her and earning a slight frown before she answered it, turning away from her captive. “Yes?” She sounded irritated, listening to the quick response and narrowing her eyes as she was informed of their intruders. “Tch…. Gas them,” she spoke after a moment to consider her decision. “Yes, I’m sure. Once they fall unconscious we can capture them and revitalize them, to a point. But if they ended up dying then it is no loss. I still have the others. Make sure the frontlines have the portable nullifiers as well.”
Leo had to keep from smiling when it sounded like his brothers were already there to rescue them all. They had acted fast. That was good. And it sounded like they were further in the building than Augustine had expected. But her response was definitely concerning, and only motivated Leo’s resolve to escape on his own. When she ended the call and half turned back to him he decidedly kept his expression neutral.
“Well, it seems your brothers have skittered their way inside sooner than expected. So you’ll have to excuse me while I deal with them elsewhere. Be good and stay silent, or I may have to sedate you,” she ordered, turning to leave the room without waiting for a response.
A raised brow was all Augustine got from Leo as he waited for the door to hiss closed. Then after a count of ten, or actually eight, he started twisting his hands, testing the tightness of the restraints on him. They hadn’t even bothered to take his tactical sleeves off. If he could just slide his hand through and slip one of them off, then getting the other off would be easy. Just squish his thumb in close to his palm, shift his weight as much as he could to let gravity help, nevermind the sharp pain building in his joint.
A series of soft clicks abruptly released all tension in Leo’s limbs, dropping him to the floor where he caught himself on the balls of his feet and fingertips. That was odd. Leo didn’t think he’d triggered anything that would disengage the restraints. And it was increasingly suspicious when the same door Augustine had left hissed open once more. Suspicious, until the protocol announcement coming through the intercom in the hallway was overridden by a familiar code.
“Flight 182, this is ground control, you are clear for landing.”
April. Leo thought, breaking into a wide smile as the redirected airplane chatter fizzled out. So this definitely wasn’t something Augustine was doing to manipulate him, or the others. Running out of the room, Leo gave one of the cameras a wave and a smile, just in case Mom April could see him, and continued his escape down the hallway bathed in red and white lights.
Previous Next
I wasn't sure what to draw for this one, but inevitably frog Leo won X'D
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rom-e-o · 8 days
So, I think I'm just going to flat out make it so Bess does kind of have kind of a sixth sense and is sensitive to paranormal things. I'm not doing anything big or grand with it (except, perhaps in the DnDverse); Bess doesn't try to hone it or think she's a medium or psychic or anything like that--she doesn't want to or really, necessarily even believe that anybody can truly harness those abilities like they claim they can--it's just a little quirk she has. Maybe it makes sense being the daughter of a ghoul.
Anyway, going along with my theory for how ACC can even happen because Christmas is the Night of Miracles where, as the story goes, God himself became flesh and was born into our world, lifting the veil between realms of physical and spiritual during such an occurrence (I don't believe there's ANYTHING in the Bible that states that--it just makes sense for this theory) and thus altering the fabric on that night throughout time since, and that's why Marley could make contact with Scrooge and the Spirits could do their thing; consequently, Bess tends to notice a lot more activity around Yuletide. And on the night itself, she can absolutely see things. She doesn't talk about it much: Most of what she sees are the wretched ghosts like her father, doomed to wander the globe while fettered in chains forevermore, and it's terribly sad and even frightening. But she does also see Christmas Spirits. (Yes, unfortunately, this means Bess, probably does, see cheerlings. 😅Sorry, babe.)
But those aren't the only spirits she can see. Remember, the veil has been altered on this night; other visitors of a more heavenly variety can make an appearance. Angels. Passed loved ones.
That first Christmas in 1843D (funnily enough, while the Scrooges are having their own visitation), Bess catches sight of somebody slipping into Connie's room late in the night. She calls to Connie, obviously thinking it's her, but gets no answer, so she goes to investigate. Maybe Connie had a nightmare?
When she peeks around the door into Connie's room, she sees a man sitting on the edge of Connie's bed. He's translucent and emitting a warm glow that fills the room with comfort, peace, love; there's nothing frightening about this man at all. And he's holding one of Connie's hands and strokes her hair while she remains fast asleep.
Bess can only stand and stare in wonder. She's never had an encounter quite like this. After a moment, he looks over at her and Bess can recognize him from pictures of Connie's and Theresea's: Arthur DoGoode. They lock gazes and hold for a moment, Arthur smiling softly all the while. Then, as if in more of a thanks than simple recognition, Arthur nods at Bess. Bess can't help but smile and nod in return, somehow certain Arthur is expressing appreciation for all she's done to help Connie.
After the moment of understanding passes, Arthur turns back to Connie and leans down to kiss her head. Then as suddenly as he appeared, Arthur is gone. But Bess has no doubts. This wasn't a dream; she is wide awake, nor has she ever had lucid dreams--this was real. And she can't wait to tell Connie about it on Christmas morning.
Also, this could absolutely happen in the og timeline now.😊
I have to let you know that i saw this ask pop in right as I was walking home from the trail, and absolutely booked it the rest of the way home because I was so excited to read and respond.
I love the concept of Bess having this casual attunement to the metaphysical. It feels right for her, even if it does mean that the poor woman has to see/tolerate Cheerlings.
I've never thought about his ghost materializing to visit her, but it absolutely makes sense that it would. He LOVED his daughter so much, and in many ways, this is the first Christmas she's felt peace since marrying Orin, and since Arthur's death as well. It feels like the first time that he could visit her; while she's at rest and actually have an uninterrupted moment with her
I feel like Connie wakes up the next day and practically dances into the kitchen, twirling and humming.
"Good morningggg~ Oh, I had the absolute best sleep! Usually i feel so glum on Christmas, with the cold and snow, but something must be in the air! I feel so well-rested and just ...so happy."
All the while, she keeps caressing the spot on her forehead were Arthur's ghost kissed her.
I love how Arthur stays silent, even in the afterlife and in his new corporeal form, but his approval and adoration is unquestionable. He knows the impact Bess has had on his daughter, and his thankfulness radiates from that warm glow.
Full disclosure, IF Arthur was alive to meet the 1843D girls, he would absolutely admire the girls just as much as Theresea.
He wouldn't be able to comfort strengthening words or help with projects and tasks, but he would give do anything for them. (I mean, when he found out about Orin's abuse, he was first to grab a pistol and go after him.) Just like TeTe sees Bess as a daughter her her, Arthur would feel similar. He's be so proud of her.
Anyway, I'm in LOVE with this HC in any universe. I think it fits so well with the original lore of ACC, and adds so much lovely and symbolic meaning.
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elapsed-spiral · 8 months
Pre-season 2 OFMD fic list
It's less than two weeks till we get our ships wrecked, so here's my (presumably) final pre-season 2 fic list. Have a read if you wanna pass the improbably long days before the season premieres!
This list got out of control so I added some handy symbols: 🎧 = podfic available 💜 = personal favourite ⭐ = fics you may have heard about? I don’t know, I don’t have a sense for this stuff.
Cool collaboration(s) you should read immediately:
🎧💜Work Experience: what if Ed went to meet Stede when the Revenge ran aground? And what if Ed became a member of Stede’s crew? And what if things kept escalating and… Canon AU. Mature. Co-written with Shearwater.
Really no excuse for how stupid these ones are:
Watch Out, Here I Come: what if Stede had been intentionally seducing Ed? Teen
Once More, With Feeling: what if Frenchie just fixed the season 1 finale fiasco because he’s the most capable guy on the ship? Teen
Talent Show: what if Ed was crass about his sexual preferences? Explicit
Capsize on Your Thighs: what if Ed rebounded onto Calico Jack at the end of season 1? Ed/CJ and Ed/Stede (but Ed/Stede is endgame, natch). Explicit
🎧💜Your Feedback is Important to Us: what if Stede started holding open cabin hours to allow the crew to air their grievances (but was also very repressed and horny over Ed)? Explicit
Oh no Ed’s working through gender/class stuff (but make it funny):
Finery: Ed gets to wear a dress, Stede spontaneously combusts. Explicit
Tell More Tales: Stede isn’t the only writer aboard the Revenge. Explicit
🎧💜Lovers and Madmen: Ed is hellbent on marrying Stede. Explici
🎧 Save the Date: Ed 'attends' a wedding. Unfortunately, so does Stede. Short S2 alternative reunion fic. Teen
AUs no-one asked for:
Novel/novella length
🎧💜Restructuring: modern AU where Stede loses his fortune before meeting Ed, but Ed’s still got more money than you can shake a fucking stick at. Only problem is, Stede lies and says he’s wealthy and Ed lies and says he isn’t. Like the show, it’s a romcom about trauma. Explicit
🎧💜⭐Baddy Zaddy: Bridget Jones’s Diary style, former porn star turned sex shop owner!Ed/still unfortunately landed gentry!Stede. Novel length modern AU. Explicit
💜⭐Prize Every Time: You’ve Got Mail-y secret pen pals but also business rivals. Novel length modern AU. Explicit
Conflict of Interest: lawyer!Stede/businessman!Ed (read: gangster). Modern AU. Explicit
Shorter uns
Intergalactic Tango: Space Waltz AU. Mature
🎧💜Trade Descriptions Act: bailiff!Ed/estate agent!Stede. Identity theft but make it meet cute. Modern AU. Teen
Your Favourite Song: locksmith!Ed/museum curator!Stede. Kinktober fill that somehow isn’t E rated. Modern AU. Teen
⭐Draft Letter to Restaurant Downstairs: Google Docs AU with a (slightly) interactive element. Modern SMAU. Teen
Blind Date: Stede and Jeffrey Fettering go on a blind date at Ed’s restaurant. I think you know where this is going. Modern AU. Explicit
Different Dimension: ficlet that crams four and a bit AUs into 850 words. Modern AU. Teen
Stuck Still: British holiday resort AU feat. events manager!Stede and bartender turned fairy!Ed (it makes sense in the story I swear). Modern AU. Explicit
💜On the Job: “kidnapping” meet cute (but not actually. Again, I swear it makes sense in the story I swear). Modern AU. Explicit
Starring Jason Statham: another weird meet cute, courtesy of Jack and the Fast and Furious franchise. Stede/Jack, Ed/Jack and Ed/Stede (Ed/Stede is once again end game). Modern AU. Teen
West Ham Is for Lovers: Lucius has a new job. It’s going fine. Completely, totally fine. A meet cute fic about meet cutes. Ed/Stede but also Lucius/Pete, Lucius/Fang, Lucius/Izzy and Lucius/Olu/Jim. Modern AU. Teen
💜Conventional: back in the 00s, Ed was in a very famous movie franchise. Nowadays, he does the convention circuit. Modern AU. Explicit
🎧💜Proud: Ed attends Pride to get free mum hugs, Stede attends Pride to give free dad hugs. Modern AU. Teen
KrakenAir: Stede and the crew are heading to Benidorm to celebrate Stede coming out. That is, if Stede’s all expenses spared KrakenAir flight ever departs. Modern SMAU. Teen
Very Poor, Becoming Good: aspiring Gentleman Backpacker Stede Bonnet is adventure bound when he meets fellow traveller Ed Teach at an empty hostel. Now if they could just find the owner… Modern AU. Explicit
💜Stolen by the Gentleman Thief: Ed is a lonely gay guy in his late forties whose favourite book is historical softcore porn. Luckily, there’s a weird meet cute about to happen. Modern AU. Explicit
Live Sex Show: Columnist Ed Teach recommends that Stede Bonnet shake up his monotonous life by doing something weird. Modern AU. Teen
💜Continue Making Progress: Kraken Driving School has a terrible new student. Luckily, Ed and Stede both have a lot to offer one another. Modern AU. Explicit
Oh no there’s been a containment breach (aka non-Blackbonnet fics):
💜We Do What We Like (and We Like What We Do): a brief history of Ed and Jack. Explicit (Ed/CJ)
Fealty: Stede and Izzy make one another even more miserable. Mature (Stede/Izzy)
💜Contra Proferentem: Ed is a high powered lawyer and Professor of Law at the University of Cambridge. Lucius is not a high powered lawyer but he is a lecturer of English Lit at the University of Cambridge. Stede own a very nice cafe. Explicit (platonic Ed/Lucius, Ed/Stede, no cheating involved)
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joes-stories · 29 days
Wie ein Dübel
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Ich stehe auf die Bad-Boys, die Brecher, die brutalen und derben Muskeltypen. Und natürlich mache ich diesen krassen Typen an und strecke ihm demonstrativ meinen Arsch entgegen, als wir an einem unerträglich heißen Tag alleine im Studio sind. Alle Anderen sind wohl zu platt, um zu trainieren.
Er fackelt nicht lange, als ich ihn so aufreizend provoziere. Dieses Monstrum steht auf, streift seine kurze Trainingshose ab und kommt nackt auf mich zu. Völlig Nackt. Sein Schwanz ist hart und hat eine Dimension, wie ich sie bisher noch nie an einem Menschen, schon gar nicht einem Bodybuilder, gesehen habe. Dieser Prügel ist ohne Zweifel locker 28 cm lang und misst 8 cm im Durchmesser. Ein gigantischer Schwanz an einem gigantischen Muskelhengst. Das perfekte Match.
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Im Gesicht steckt ihm ein Grinsen von dem ich nicht weiß, ob es freundlich oder bedrohlich ist. Aber ich weiß, dass es vielversprechend ist und dass ich ihm gerne eine in die Fresse schlagen würde, um ihn weiter zu provozieren. (Aber ich mache es nicht, niemand wäre so blöd, diesen Kerl zu provozieren.)
Ich bin völlig überfordert, wohin ich meinen Blick richten soll, alles an ihm ist riesig, geil und perfekt. Dann bleibe ich an seinem Gesicht hängen und plötzlich wünsche ich mir nichts sehnlicher, als dass er mich mit seinem großen, sinnlichen Mund küsst, der mir bestimmt den Himmel auf Erden bescheren würde.
Als er vor mir steht spüre ich seine unbeschreibliche körperliche Präsenz, es ist wie ein Beben, ein Zittern der Luft um ihn herum, ein Duft nach herber Männlichkeit und eine unfassbare Wärme, die von seinen Muskeln ausgeht. Er hebt mich mit seinen Pranken hoch, als ob ich kein Gewicht habe und steckt meinen Arsch einfach so auf seinen steinernen Prügel, während er breitbeinig wie ein Cowboy dasteht. Der Schmerz ist fast nicht auszuhalten, mein wirklich üppig von vielen großen Schwänzen trainierter Arsch droht zu platzen. Das monströse Teil steckt so tief in mir dass es sich anfühlt, also ob ich von einem riesigen Dübel in der Luft gehalten werde. Ich presse mich an seine zwei Gehwegplatten von Brustmuskeln und umklammere seinen ausladenden Rücken, den ich nicht umfassen kann. Er lässt mich einfach auf seinem brutalen Schwanz stecken, so dass ich mich an seine Dimensionen gewöhnen kann. Unerbittlich ruht sein Blick auf mir, unsere Augen treffen sich. Die meinen tränen und ich keuche und schnappe nach Luft. Er weiß, was er mir gerade zummutet. Ein spöttisch Lächeln umspielt seine Mundwinkel und ich habe den Eindruck, das sein Teil dabei noch ein wenig härter und fetter wird.
Als er merkt, dass ich der Tortour gewachsen bin, es sogar will, werden seine Augen milder, dann küsst er mich tief und es ist so, als ob unsere Körper verschmelzen. Mit leichten Stößen beginnt er meine innersten Eingeweide zu massieren. Ich stöhne auf, Schweiß rinnt mir aus allen Poren! Seine Küsse sind hart und sinnlich zugleich. Seine gierige Zunge füllt ebenso meinen Rachen wie sein harter Schwanz meinen Arsch. Ich entspanne mich und gebe mich diesem Monstrum hin.
Seine Stöße werden immer dominanter, Wellen des Genusses steigen durch meinen Körper, in mir spüre ich den größten Schwanz, den ein Mensch anatomisch überhaupt haben kann, in mir und eng an meiner Haut spüre ich diese mächtigen Muskeln, deren Kraft und Energie ich aufnehme wie eine Droge. Noch immer schwebe ich in der Luft, während er mich hart nimmt mit all der Kraft, die ein Bodybuilder-Monstrum wie er zur Verfügung hat.
Er stöhnt laut wie ein brünftiger Hirsch und genießt es sichtlich, einen Kerl gefunden zu haben, der seinem Kaliber und seiner Dominanz gewachsen ist. Ich gewinne immer mehr Vertrauen, lehne mich mit meinem Oberkörper zurück und er hält mich mit seinen starken, mächtigen Armen und fickt hart in meinen weit geöffneten Arsch.
Ich beginne, mit seinen großen, harten Nippeln zu spielen was ihn total anmacht. Schwer atmend dringt er noch tiefer in mich ein und ich bringe ihn mit den hemmungslosen Nippelspielen an seine Grenze. Ich merke, wie ich Macht über ihn gewinne und bald schon schießt er seine mächtige Ladung schwer keuchend in mein gieriges Loch. Auch ich kann mich nicht mehr zurückhalten und verspritze meinen Saft auf seinen prachtvollen, muskelgestählten Männerkörper.
Noch immer hart und unerbittlich in mir steckend trägt mich lächelnd zur nächsten Hantelbank. Wir küssen uns leidenschaftlich und schon nach kurzer Zeit ist er wieder in mich eingedrungen und der geile Spaß beginnt von vorne.
Ich genieße jede Sekunde und zugleich ist mir klar, dass ich von nun an nie wieder von einem anderen Mann befriedigt werden kann ...
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bast38 · 29 days
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Paschal Homily of St John Chrysostom
“If any man be devout and love God, let him enjoy this fair and radiant triumphal feast. If any man be a wise servant, let him rejoicing enter into the joy of his Lord. If any have labored long in fasting, let him now receive his recompense. If any have wrought from the first hour, let him today receive his just reward. If any have come at the third hour, let him with thankfulness keep the feast. If any have arrived at the sixth hour, let him have no misgivings; because he shall in nowise be deprived thereof. If any have delayed until the ninth hour, let him draw near, fearing nothing. If any have tarried even until the eleventh hour, let him, also, be not alarmed at his tardiness; for the Lord, who is jealous of his honor, will accept the last even as the first; He gives rest unto him who comes at the eleventh hour, even as unto him who has wrought from the first hour.
And He shows mercy upon the last, and cares for the first; and to the one He gives, and upon the other He bestows gifts. And He both accepts the deeds, and welcomes the intention, and honors the acts and praises the offering. Wherefore, enter you all into the joy of your Lord; and receive your reward, both the first, and likewise the second. You rich and poor together, hold high festival. You sober and you heedless, honor the day. Rejoice today, both you who have fasted and you who have disregarded the fast. The table is full-laden; feast ye all sumptuously. The calf is fatted; let no one go hungry away.
Enjoy ye all the feast of faith: Receive ye all the riches of loving-kindness. let no one bewail his poverty, for the universal kingdom has been revealed. Let no one weep for his iniquities, for pardon has shown forth from the grave. Let no one fear death, for the Savior’s death has set us free. He that was held prisoner of it has annihilated it. By descending into Hell, He made Hell captive. He embittered it when it tasted of His flesh. And Isaiah, foretelling this, did cry: Hell, said he, was embittered, when it encountered Thee in the lower regions. It was embittered, for it was abolished. It was embittered, for it was mocked. It was embittered, for it was slain. It was embittered, for it was overthrown. It was embittered, for it was fettered in chains. It took a body, and met God face to face. It took earth, and encountered Heaven. It took that which was seen, and fell upon the unseen.
O Death, where is your sting? O Hell, where is your victory? Christ is risen, and you are overthrown. Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen. Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice. Christ is risen, and life reigns. Christ is risen, and not one dead remains in the grave. For Christ, being risen from the dead, is become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. To Him be glory and dominion unto ages of ages. Amen.”
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apoemaday · 2 years
High Waving Heather
by Emily Brontë
High waving heather, ‘neath stormy blasts bending, Midnight and moonlight and bright shining stars; Darkness and glory rejoicingly blending, Earth rising to heaven and heaven descending, Man’s spirit away from its drear dungeon sending, Bursting the fetters and breaking the bars.
All down the mountain sides, wild forest lending One mighty voice to the life-giving wind; Rivers their banks in the jubilee rending, Fast through the valleys a reckless course wending, Wider and deeper their waters extending, Leaving a desolate desert behind.
Shining and lowering and swelling and dying, Changing for ever from midnight to noon; Roaring like thunder, like soft music sighing, Shadows on shadows advancing and flying, Lightning-bright flashes the deep gloom defying, Coming as swiftly and fading as soon.
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traumacatholic · 5 months
Hi, please pray for me. A lot has been going on in my family. Parents divorced, boyfriend has no job, my car just went down AGAIN, and I’ve been having very bad panic attacks that are making me believe I am sick. Please pray for the healing of my body, mind, and my family— as well as our finances, so that we can do the things we need/want to do.
I'm so sorry to hear that you and your family have been struggling so much. I will keep you all in my prayers. And I will post some prayers that you may find helpful under a readmore. You can always edit them slightly if you wish to use them to pray for other people
O my beloved Queen, my hope, O Mother of God, protector of orphans and protector of those who are hurt, the savior of those who perish and the consolation of all those who are in distress, thou seest my misery, thou seest my sorrow and my loneliness. Help me—I am powerless; give me strength. Thou knowest what I suffer, thou knowest my grief: Lend me thy hand, for who else can be my hope but thee, my protector and my intercessor before God? I have sinned before thee and before all people. Be my Mother, my consoler, my helper. Protect me and save me, chase grief away from me, chase my lowness of heart and my despondency. Help me, O Mother of my God!
Thee alone I follow, Lord Jesus, Who heals my wounds. For what shall separate me from the love of God, which is in Thee? Shall tribulation, or distress, or famine? I am held fast as though by nails, and fettered by the bonds of charity. Remove from me, O Lord Jesus, with Thy potent sword, the corruption of my sins. Secure me in the bonds of Thy love; cut away what is corrupt in me. Come quickly and make an end of my many, my hidden and secret afflictions. Open the wound lest the evil humor spread. With Thy new washing, cleanse in me all that is stained. Hear me, you earthly men, who in your sins bring forth drunken thoughts: I have found a Physician. He dwells in Heaven and distributes His healing on earth. He alone can heal my pains Who Himself has none. He alone Who knows what is hidden can take away the grief of my heart, the fear of my soul: Jesus Christ. Christ is grace! Christ is life! Christ is Resurrection! Amen.
O Master, Lord my God, in Whose hands is my destiny: Help me according to Thy mercy, and leave me not to perish in my transgressions, nor allow me to follow them who place desires of the flesh over those of the spirit. I am Thy creation; disdain not the work of Thy hands. Turn not away; be compassionate and humiliate me not, neither scorn me, O Lord, as I am weak. I have fled unto Thee as my Protector and God. Heal my soul, for I have sinned against Thee. Save me for Thy mercy's sake, for I have cleaved unto Thee from my youth; let me who seeks Thee not be put to shame by being rejected by Thee for mine unclean actions, unseemly thoughts, and unprofitable remembrances. Drive away from me every filthy thing and excess of evil. For Thou alone art holy, alone mighty, and alone immortal, in all things having unexcelled might, which, through Thee, is given to all that strive against the devil and the might of his armies. For unto Thee is due all glory, honor and worship: To the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Almighty God, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, come to my help and deliver me from this difficulty that besets me. I believe Lord, that all trials of life are under Your care and that all things work for the good of those who love You. Take away from me fear, anxiety and distress. Help me to face and endure my difficulty with faith, courage and wisdom.
Grant that this trial may bring me closer to You for You are my rock and refuge, my comfort and hope, my delight and joy. I trust in Your love and compassion. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Teach me Lord, to dispose my deeds so that they will serve in glorifying Your Holy Name. Take pity, O Lord, on all Christians. Hear the desires of all who cry out to You, and deliver them from evil. Save Your servants [insert name/s]. Send them comfort, consolation in sorrow, and Your holy mercy. Lord, I especially pray for those who have in anyway insulted, abused and grieved me. Do not punish them for the sake of me, a sinner; but pour Your mercy upon them.
Be merciful Lord, to those who have entrusted me, an unworthy sinner to pray for them. Be merciful Lord, to all who ask Your help. Lord, make this day a day of Your mercy; give to each according to their petition. Be the Shepherd of the lost, the Guide of Light of unbelievers, the Teacher of the unwise, the Healer of the sick, the Comforter of the dying, and lead us all to the desired end: to You, our refuge and blessed repose. Amen
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mias-schweinefarm · 1 year
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Mach mich bitte fetter! 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷
Aw, was für ein süßes Speckschwein! Sieh dir nur an, was du bisher aus deinem Körper gemacht hast!🐷 Andere haben sich ein attraktives Sixpack antrainiert, zeigen stolz ihre starken Arme und haben Waden, mit denen sie Kilometer weite Wanderungen machen können. Aber du? Du hast dir einen Körper „antrainiert“, bei dem man nur den Kopf schütteln kann. Ein Körper geziert von Faulheit, mangelnder Bewegung und einer sehr ungesunden Ernährung… Schau dir allein mal deinen breiten Fettarsch an, Schweinchen. Das ist ein Hintern, den man nur bekommt, wenn man Tag für Tag stundenlang sitzt und sich den Bauch lieber mit Süßkram vollstopft, anstatt mal eine Runde Joggen oder wenigsten Spazieren zu gehen. Alles an dir schwabbelt und dafür brauchst du nur eine kleine Stelle deines speckigen Körpers zu berühren.
Du bist das Gegenteil von einem Mann, wie ihn sich die typische Frau wünscht. Du bist schwach, hast keine Disziplin, bist viel zu fett und würdest dich wahrscheinlich mehr für Essen, als für die Bedürfnisse deiner Freundin interessieren. Grund genug, um dir deine menschlichen Rechte abzunehmen und anzufangen, dich so richtig zu mästen, Schweinchen! Ich will deinen Köper und dein ganzes Leben ruinieren. Du sollst komplett verfetten und nur noch mit den Eigenschaften eines richtigen Mastschweines Leben!
Du musst fresssüchtig werden, dass du vor Hunger sofort anfängst zu weinen und zu flehen.
Du sollst keinen Gedanken mehr an Sauberkeit oder Manieren verschwenden.
Du musst immer notgeiler werden, dass du für einen Orgasmus wirklich alles tun würdest.
Und du musst komplett dumm werden, dass du die menschliche Sprache verlernst, lieber oinkst und nicht mal mehr 1+1 rechnen kannst.
…Es sieht so wunderbar aus, wie dein Körper jetzt schon mit viel zu viel Fett vollgepumpt ist, das dich jeder Arzt ermahnen würde. Deine Speckbrüste, schlaff und hängend. Dein Bauch voller Dehnungsstreifen und träge nach vorne ragend. Dein Gesicht schon richtig dicklich, mit einem süßen Doppelkinn…🐷 Sei ein gutes Schweinchen und lass dich völlig gehen. Mia will sehen, dass du fetter wirst! Herrin Mia will sehen, wie dein Bauch schnell zu deinen Knien wächst und dein fetter Hintern völlig in die Breite geht. Friss dich mit so viel ungesundem Zeug voll, dass du fast kotzen musst und stopfe dir trotzdem noch ein paar Schlucke Weightgain Shake hinein, um deinem Körper den Rest zu geben! Sei ein gutes Mastschwein und verfette für mich. Zeig der Welt, dass du für nichts anderes gut genug bist, als zu einem dummen, fettleibigen Tier erzogen zu werden! Mach es!!!
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loaflovesdoodling · 7 months
So, y'know how I always talk about how Ades has these really traumatizing nightmares about being locked in a mental hospital almost every night?? Well, even if the theme does slightly vary between nights, naturally, I thought I'd still describe how they usually go:
(TW: chains, psychiatric ward, gore, angst, trauma)
Somnum Exterreri
Pleiades slowly opened his eyes, everything was blurry and.... sideways? His mind was fuzzy, sounds were muffled, until his vision finally cleared up a bit, but he still didn't have the strength to get up. What the Hell was going on?
He groaned in fatigue and slight aching, when he finally realized the huge trail of golden blood splattered across the ground, coming straight from his head.
The mere sight of the liquid was apparently enough to alarm him, as he, despite his condition, jolted up, now sitting. He placed two of his hands to the side of his cranium, gently rubbing it to explore the source of the pain and bleeding. He exhaled:
"..h..uh..?....h..ow...?.....wh...a...t...?..." his slurred speech sounded out his thoughts.
But before any other questions could come to mind, he was alerted by the steps of two mysterious guards coming towards him. It was then he realized he was in an almost empty cell. The only other things near him were chains and cuffs scattered all across the ground. He didn't know what was going to happen, but, still confused, his mind told him to run. Immediately.
A sense of dread washed over him, as he swiftly got up and tried to make an escape,
One step, two steps, three--
He hit something, someone. A guard held him tight while the other grabbed his hand and sliced the skin bare with an unfamiliar blade. He yelped in pain, but was quickly shut up by a sudden stab in the stomach; he, agasp, could barely manage to stifle whimpers of agony and shock, as the other guard then picked up the sample of blood from his hand with a cotton swab and placed it in a container, before nodding to the other guard and walking away. The latter quickly pushed him back in the cell, making him once again hit his head on the walls, stunning him; they closed the cuffs on his hands, one by one, and wrapped the bigger chain all around his torso, still bleeding from the stab wound. Pleiades was trapped and scared, now chained to the ground, he got up, and was quickly pushed back down. Why was this even happening? His questions were soon answered by the passing of multiple stretches down the corridors. Had he really snapped? Who did he hurt? Where were all the others?? They couldn't possibly have been...
The guard looked down at him in disgust, then said something through the radio device he had in his pocket:
"Yeah, Demigod's locked up. Analyze the blood samples and prepare for lobotomy."
His eyes widened, loud and fast palpitations followed; Ades was terrified. As the guard left the cell, he got back up and pushed his body forward, trying to pry himself free from the fetters and shackles, instead, hurting himself even more. Tears now streaming down his face, he pleaded:
"NO!!!! DON'T LEAVE!!!!! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME HERE!!!!!!! LET ME GO!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
his cries were ignored as he kept on struggling, to no avail.
Pleiades had a sharp intake of air, before coughing out a few sobs and giving in. He bellowed.
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cassianus · 2 months
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But if you are caught fast in the noose of human knowledge, it is not improper for me to say that it would be easier for you to be loosed from fetters of iron than from this. You will never be far from the snares and bonds of delusion, nor will you ever be able to have boldness and confidence before the Lord; at every moment you will walk the edge of a sword, and by no means will you be able to escape sorrow. Take refuge in weakness and simplicity, that you may live acceptably before God and be without care. For just as a shadow follows a body, so also does mercy follow humility. If, then, you wish to pass your life in these things, by no means encourage your feeble deliberations. Even if all ills and evils and dangers should surround and frighten you, give no heed to them, neither take them into account.
St. Isaac the Syrian
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orthodoxadventure · 7 months
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Healing Prayer of Saint Ambrose of Milan
Thee alone I follow, Lord Jesus, Who heals my wounds. For what shall separate me from the love of God, which is in Thee? Shall tribulation, or distress, or famine? I am held fast as though by nails, and fettered by the bonds of charity. Remove from me, O Lord Jesus, with Thy potent sword, the corruption of my sins. Secure me in the bonds of Thy love; cut away what is corrupt in me. Come quickly and make an end of my many, my hidden and secret afflictions. Open the wound lest the evil humor spread. With Thy new washing, cleanse in me all that is stained. Hear me, you earthly men, who in your sins bring forth drunken thoughts: I have found a Physician. He dwells in Heaven and distributes His healing on earth. He alone can heal my pains Who Himself has none. He alone Who knows what is hidden can take away the grief of my heart, the fear of my soul: Jesus Christ. Christ is grace! Christ is life! Christ is Resurrection! Amen.
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105nt · 3 months
Couldn't stop this playing in my head today.
A hundred years of the Punic Curse
And Rome will be slave to a hairy man,
A hairy man that is scant of hair,
Every man’s woman and each woman’s man.
The steed that he rides shall have toes for hooves.
He shall die at the hand of his son, no son,
And not on the field of war.
The hairy one next to enslave the State
Shall be son, no son, of this hairy last.
He shall have hair in a generous mop.
He shall give Rome marble in place of clay
And fetter her fast with unseen chains,
And shall die at the hand of his wife, no wife
To the gain of his son, no son.
The hairy third to enslave the State
Shall be son, no son, of his hairy last.
He shall be mud well mixed with blood,
A hairy man that is scant of hair.
He shall give Rome victories and defeat
And die to the gain of his son, no son —
A pillow shall be his sword.
The hairy fourth to enslave the State
Shall be son, no son, of his hairy last.
A hairy man that is scant of hair,
He shall give Rome poisons and blasphemies
And die from a kick of his aged horse
That carried him as a child.
The hairy fifth to enslave the State,
To enslave the State, though against his will,
Shall be that idiot whom all despised.
He shall have hair in a generous mop.
He shall give Rome water and winter bread
And die at the hand of his wife, no wife,
To the gain of his son, no son.
The hairy sixth to enslave the State
Shall be son, no son, of this hairy last.
He shall give Rome fiddlers and fear and fire.
His hand shall be red with a parent’s blood.
No hairy seventh to him succeeds
And blood shall gush from his tomb.
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elapsed-spiral · 11 months
Fic Delivery Service!
So, AO3 is still down and looks like it might be down for a while (boo, leave the poor website alone, ya weirdos).
In the meantime, if you're desperate for a fic, I've got the following fics of mine available as PDFs. As an added bonus, I can send them to the email address of your choosing using the burner email account I used to make my Google Docs SMAU. In other words, if you fancy reading any of the following fics as a PDF, Stede Bonnet can send them to you! DM me if you'd like any!
Cool collaboration(s) you should read immediately:
Work Experience: what if Ed went to meet Stede when the Revenge ran aground? And what if Ed became a member of Stede’s crew? And what if things kept escalating and… Canon AU. Mature. Co-written with Shearwater.
Really no excuse for how stupid these ones are:
Watch Out, Here I Come: what if Stede had been intentionally seducing Ed? Teen
Once More, With Feeling: what if Frenchie just fixed the season 1 finale fiasco because he’s the most capable guy on the ship? Teen
Talent Show: what if Ed was crass about his sexual preferences? Explicit
Capsize on Your Thighs: what if Ed rebounded onto Calico Jack at the end of season 1? Ed/CJ and Ed/Stede (but Ed/Stede is endgame, natch). Explicit
Your Feedback is Important to Us: what if Stede started holding open cabin hours to allow the crew to air their grievances (but was also very repressed and horny over Ed)? Explicit
Oh no Ed’s working through gender/class stuff (but make it funny):
Finery: Ed gets to wear a dress, Stede spontaneously combusts. Explicit
Tell More Tales: Stede isn’t the only writer aboard the Revenge. Explicit
Lovers and Madmen: Ed is hellbent on marrying Stede. Explicit
AUs no-one asked for:
Conflict of Interest: lawyer!Stede/businessman!Ed (read: gangster). Modern AU. Explicit
Intergalactic Tango: Space Waltz AU. Mature
Trade Descriptions Act: bailiff!Ed/estate agent!Stede. Identity theft but make it meet cute. Modern AU. Teen
Baddy Zaddy: Bridget Jones’s Diary style, former porn star turned sex shop owner!Ed/still unfortunately landed gentry!Stede. Novel length modern AU. Explicit
Prize Every Time: You’ve Got Mail-y secret pen pals but also business rivals. Novel length modern AU. Explicit
Your Favourite Song: locksmith!Ed/museum curator!Stede. Kinktober fill that somehow isn’t E rated. Modern AU. Teen
Draft Letter to Restaurant Downstairs: Google Docs AU with a (slightly) interactive element. Modern AU. Teen
Blind Date: Stede and Jeffrey Fettering go on a blind date at Ed’s restaurant. I think you know where this is going. Modern AU. Explicit
Different Dimension: ficlet that crams four and a bit AUs into 850 words. Modern AU. Teen
Stuck Still: British holiday resort AU feat. events manager!Stede and bartender turned fairy!Ed (it makes sense in the story I swear). Modern AU. Explicit
On the Job: “kidnapping” meet cute (but not actually. Again, I swear it makes sense in the story). Modern AU. Teen
Starring Jason Statham: another weird meet cute, courtesy of Jack and the Fast and Furious franchise. Stede/Jack, Ed/Jack and Ed/Stede (Ed/Stede is once again end game). Modern AU. Teen
West Ham Is for Lovers: Lucius has a new job. It’s going fine. Completely, totally fine. A meet cute fic about meet cutes. Ed/Stede but also Lucius/Pete, Lucius/Fang, Lucius/Izzy and Lucius/Olu/Jim. Modern AU. Teen
Proud: Ed attends Pride to get free mum hugs, Stede attends Pride to give free dad hugs. Modern AU. Teen
Conventional: back in the 00s, Ed was in a very famous movie franchise. Nowadays, he does the convention circuit. Modern AU. Explicit
KrakenAir: Stede and the crew are heading to Benidorm to celebrate Stede coming out. That is, if Stede's all expenses spared KrakenAir flight ever departs. Modern AU. Teen
Oh no there’s been a containment breach (aka non-Blackbonnet fics):
We Do What We Like (and We Like What We Do): A brief history of Ed and Jack. Explicit (Ed/CJ)
Fealty: Stede and Izzy make one another even more miserable. Mature (Stede/Izzy)
Contra Proferentem: Ed is a high powered lawyer and Professor of Law at the University of Cambridge. Lucius is not a high powered lawyer but he is a lecturer of English Lit at the University of Cambridge. Stede own a very nice cafe. Explicit (platonic Ed/Lucius, Ed/Stede, no cheating involved)
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sortyourlifeoutmate · 4 months
Big fan of Labour coming out strong and just saying out loud that they're going to be scrapping the cap on bankers' bonuses and that it's the right thing to do and they want to see a nice, big, strong, throbbing financial sector because that kind of turgid growth is exactly what we need.
And, I mean, as they say, these caps were brought in after the crash (the one in 2008, in case you needed me to be more specific, what with the constant fucking crashes and all) when it was the right thing to do but, as they also say, we just don't need them anymore.
By George I think they've got it! Of course we don't need them anymore! What we need now is growth! Not bothersome rules! Fetters on the powerful beast that is the financial sector!
What caused the crash, after all? Lack of oversight, lack of regulation, and a cast-iron knowledge that there would be no accountability whatosever, coupled with a system that incentives caustic, risky behaviour that was ineivtably going to backfire sooner or later because it was entirely unsustainable? What's the downside in bringing that stuff back? Some numbers got really high last time!
Before they, you know, got real low. But before that it was really good! For bankers. And friends of bankers. Maybe some other people I don't know. Who cares? Those people don't have money.
Fuck you people, fuck you in half. You can't so much as look at the word 'ceasefire' without needing a sit down in a quiet room but you can't rip your trousers off and bend over fast enough when the fucking city of London starts making eyes at you. Fuck you.
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joes-stories · 5 months
Er hat sie im Studio aufgerissen. Zwei junge Kerle, die jeden Tag da waren und sich gegenseitig zu Höchstleistungen aufpushten. Mit ihrer jugendlichen Arroganz posten sie vor dem Spiegel, wussten ganz offensichtlich nicht wohin mit ihrer Energie und hatten schon recht geile Ansätze von Mackermuskeln. Das einzig fette Körperteil waren ihre dicken Eier, die ganz offensichtlich ständig geleert werden mussten.
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Ihm gefiel die Selbstverständlichkeit, mit der sie ihren Körper zur schau stellten. Außerden hatten sie keine Scheu zu zeigen, dass sie ein Paar waren. Sie küssten und streichelten sich völlig seIbstverständlich und es war ihnen egal, was die dumpfen Testosteron-Hetero-Macker über sie dachten.
Die beiden waren in jeder Hinsicht selbstbewusst und hemmungslos. Er erkannte sofort, dass sie auf einer guten Reise waren, ihre Alpha-Energy zu entdecken und langsam aber sicher auszuleben. Was sie aber zuerst brauchten war ein erfahrener Kerl, der ihnen zeigte, was ein dominanter Mann mit zwei Jungs alles anstellen kann. Ein Lehrmeister, dem sie sich voll und ganz hingeben konnten.
Er selbst war vom stundenlangen Trainig total aufgegeilt. Seine Titten glichen eher Sofakissen, seine Bizepts hatten eine neue Rekordgröße erreicht und seine Oberschenkel pulsierten vor Kraft. Wie immer kummulierte seine gesamte Körperenergie ins seinem mächtigen Schwanz und er war kurz vor dem Explodieren. Es war klar, dass er auf der Stelle seine überschüssige Energie abreagieren musste, da kamen ihm die beiden triebgesteuerten Jungbullen gerade recht.
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Die Schwänze beider Jungs waren hart und beeindruckend groß, als sie sich bei ihm zu Hause ihrer Shorts entledigten. Er ging auf die Hengste zu und umfasste mit seinen mächtigen Pranken ihren Schaft. Wie ein menschlicher Cockring presste er zu und die beiden fingen vor Schmerz an zu stöhnen. Ihre Schwänze wurden sofort noch fetter und härter und es zeichneten sich dicke Adern ab. Doch an ihren schmerzverzerrten Gesichtern erkannte er, wie brutal sich seine überschüssige Energie auswirkte. Es war für einen Muskelbullen wie ihn einfach schwer, mit seiner Kraft angemessen umzugehen. Wie alles an ihm waren auch seine Hände von massigen Muskeln durchzogen und entwickelten die unkontrollierte Energie einer Schrottpresse. Na mal sehn, was die Jungs alles aushielten… Er drückte noch fester zu und erntete ein noch stärkeres Stöhnen, in dem aber viel Lust mitschwang. OK, ein bisschen ging also noch ... Die zwei Sportler fingen an zu schwitzen und zu keuchen und ihre bereits ansehnlichen Schwänze wurden noch fetter und begannen, sich blau zu färben.
"Na, gefällt euch, was Daddy mit euch anstellt?", fragte er mit seiner tiefen, vollen Stimme "Dabei habe ich noch gar nicht richtig angefanngen! Ihr habt euer Gesicht noch nicht im meinen Titten vergraben und eure Köpfe wurden noch nicht von meinen verschwitzten Oberschenkeln gequetscht. Und selbst dann habe ich euch noch nicht mit meinem ausdauernden Monsterschwanz gefickt ...!"
Fast synchron spritzen die beiden ab und Daddy sammelte ihren Saft in seinen riesigen Pranken, um ihn dann an die beiden zu verfüttern. Er wusste, dass es völlig egal war, wie oft sie heute kommen würden, er würde es beliebig oft schaffen, sie wieder geil zu bekommen ...
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