#fao post afghanistan
faofinn · 2 years
No. 9 CRUTCHES (Alt. 13)
Fred was in his study, trying his best to make use of the peace and quiet of the boys' lie-in. It meant neither were up to mischief either, which was a godsend. With Fao returning to live with them post Afghan, things had finally started to settle back down. Finn’s seizures had begun to decrease again, now that Fao was home and slightly more on the straight and narrow. 
The silence didn't last forever, and as much as he didn't want to leave his work, the clatter from upstairs couldn't be ignored. 
Fao rarely slept well, and especially not since his accident. He managed a few fitful hours, and then tossed and turned after that. He’d maybe managed to doze a little more, until the pain woke him properly, and he finally dragged himself out of bed. He reached for his crutches, and managed to knock them over as he did. Fuck’s sake, the stupid things never stayed upright. He wasn’t supposed to bend, but he did anyway, and managed to get them up off of the floor. 
With that challenge completed, he then had to get to his feet. He just about managed that too, with a groan, and awkwardly pulled on a hoodie before he made his way downstairs the best he could. It was slow going, and that’s what endlessly frustrated him. Things that used to take a minute took five. He headed straight to the kitchen, hoping Fred was busy, and made himself a coffee, leaning against the counter so he could free up his hands. 
With that done, he left one crutch leaning up against the counter, opting just to use one to hold his mug with the other hand. He could just about maintain his restricted weightbearing with one crutch, although he wasn’t supposed to. 
He stopped by the back door, withdrew a cigarette from the pack Fred hid there, pocketed the lighter next to it, and held the cigarette between his teeth as he negotiated his way out of the door and down the step. The garden wall wasn’t too low, and he sat there whilst he lit his cigarette.  
Fred hadn't heard anyone shouting after the noise, so he figured he could just finish his sentence. The back door shutting made him jump, and he swore. The two minutes to finish the sentence had almost been a half hour. 
He headed out, his assumption it was Fao confirmed by the abandoned crutch. He couldn’t count the amount of times he'd been told to not do that, or the amount of times they'd been ignored. 
Picking up the crutch, he pushed the door open. "Forgetting something?"
Fao looked up a little guiltily. “Nope. Needed a hand for my coffee.” He said, gesturing to the mug with his cigarette.
"You know you're not supposed to." He said, sitting by him. "I don't want you getting hurt again."
“What am I supposed to do, though? I can’t smoke in the house, and I can’t magically carry a mug without any hands.”
"You can ask for help."
“Yeah, because you’ve got nothing better to do with your time than carry a mug for me.”
"Fao, all the people I'm writing about are dead. They can wait another five minutes."
Fao couldn’t help but snort. “Even so, though. It’s still your work.”
"I'm on leave, it's not like I'm expected to do anything."
“I want to be independent, though.” He said, tapping the ash from his cigarette.
"You don't want to be back in hospital."
“No, I don’t, but I’m careful. All I want to do is enjoy my coffee and cigarette like normal.”
"Unfortunately, things aren't normal. You need to ask for help."
Fao reached for his coffee. “It’s not like I’m asking for much.”
"You're asking for trouble if you keep doing this."
Frustrated, he clenched his jaw. It sent a jolt of pain both across his jaw and into his temple and he groaned. Why did everything have to hurt all the time? “I’m depressed, and so they tell me to do things I enjoy, and yet I can’t even sit and have a smoke and a coffee in peace.” 
"And they tell you to be sensible and ask for help, take things one day at a time and build your strength back up. You'll get there, but you need to listen to us, not just pick pieces of the conversation to try and use against us."
He sighed. “At least you’ve not told me off for the fucking cigarette, I suppose.” He grumbled, knowing full well he didn’t have an argument for everything else.
"Yeah, because I'm not an arsehole, Fao." He said softly. "Do you remember what I said to you the first day you came to stay with us?"
He hummed. “Don’t let Sheila catch me?”
Fred laughed. "That as well. But, no. That we're in your corner. We're always gonna be here for you, but the way you're going? There's gonna be nobody left for us to be there for."
Fao cradled his mug with both hands, staring down into his coffee. His hair fell into his face where it was getting too long, and he didn’t speak. He didn’t trust his voice. 
"You know that though, don't you? That we love you?"
He hummed. “I love you too.”
"Good." Fred smiled. "Right. Breakfast. What are you fancying?"
“None of it was ever because I didn’t love you.” Fao said softly, though he still didn’t look up. “Have whatever you want. I’m not hungry.”
"I know it wasn't. I just know how easy it can be to forget it, when everything is on top of you."
He scoffed. “One way of putting it.”
"I don't know what you're going through, and I don't pretend to. But what I do know is that you're going to get through this. It'll get easier, with time, but you're gonna have to try. And that includes listening to us."
“I’m trying. I swear, I am.”  
"I know you are. And I'm proud of you."
“You shouldn’t be proud.”
"You're still here. That's more than enough to be proud of."
“Is it?” Fao asked, finally looking at Fred.
"It is."
“I don’t exactly control it.”
"You control your actions."
“And look where that got me. I’m only alive because of Harrison.”
"I don't mean that, Fao."
“And then I tried to undo all of his hard work, like a cunt.”
"And you've been working so hard to keep going, despite everything." He corrected. 
"I'm serious."
“So am I.” 
"You need to listen to us."
Fao took a drag of his cigarette. “How did a lecture on using both of my crutches turn into a discussion about my depression?” He asked, his voice lighter than it had been. 
"Give me five minutes and I can change it again."
He smiled. “Is Finn still asleep?”
"Finn? Awake before noon?"
“You never know.”
"I haven't heard him."
“That’s good. He needs the rest.”
"What would you say to him if he refused to take all of his meds?"
“I take all of mine.” Fao shot back. 
"And then you walk around with one crutch."
“Carefully. It wasn’t far.”
"You still walked."
“I kept the weight off it.”
"It's hard to do that when you're not doing it properly."
“It’s not so bad.”
"I know, but you're still missing the point."
“I’ll be more careful in future.”
"Will you?"
“For the most part.”
Fred laughed. "I guess that's as good as I'll get."
“Can’t promise all the time. I was stupid enough to spend my whole career getting shot at, after all.”
"That's true."
“Could’ve picked a nice, safe hospital. Decided I preferred the idea of Afghanistan.”
"Of course you did."
“Why would I go for the easy option?”
"You never have, no point starting now."
“Hug?” He asked softly.
"Yeah, come here." He murmured, wrapping his arm around Fao. 
Fao leaned into him with a sigh. “Sorry I’m such a pain.”
"You're not, far from it."
He hummed. “Thank you, though. For everything.”
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agent-thirteen · 7 years
[under the bludgeonings of chance, my head is bloody, but unbowed]
“Sharon ––––––––––– ”
Pierce - Alexander - leans hard on the second syllable, teasing out a drawl they both know he hasn’t used in years, and Sharon feels the faux sincerity in his tone like an unwanted touch.
“Come in,” one step, another, and he’s cleared the doorway of the Director’s office for her, one gnarled hand on the door’s handle and the proximity required to cross the threshold trickles ice-cold down Sharon’s spine.  “You know,” she reels in the flinch as the door falls closed, betrayed only by the half-mast twitch of her eyes, the aching pull at her shoulder when she reels her injured arm in closer.
“I told them not to give up on you.”  Footsteps - four, five, six, six o’clock, four o’clock, three o’clock, her brain helpfully filling in right elbow swung out at ninety-five degrees would make contact with the solar plexus but by then he’s passed, proprietary fingertips trailing across the desktop as he circles to take a seat, “I know you better than that.”
“With all due respect, sir,” there’s a chair one side-step and two forward away. 
Sharon digs her heels into the carpet, instead.  How’s that for your metaphor?
(Two truths and a lie: S.H.I.E.L.D. cut her loose on purpose.  S.H.I.E.L.D. expected her to die out there.  S.H.I.E.L.D. is goddamned delighted she didn’t.)
“I didn’t exactly have a lot of say, out there.”
(Another lie: Sharon Carter didn’t have a say.  As if there has ever been a minute of her lifetime spent without at least one hand on the wheel.
--- This is what she told herself, bent double inside that cell.  There’s always a choice.
Even if that choice was simply refusing to die.)
Sharon’s watching his hands because she can’t look into his face - there’s concern, there, and genuine or not it chafes, weight pressed to the darkest part of a bruise.  And she’s got a good enough idea why she’s here; her conversation with Maria, was, it’d seemed, the woman’s last in her current position, the announcement of the Director’s impending leave of absence filtering through the Agency’s gossip mill hours later.  
(DIRECTOR HILL DISGRACED.  The Bugle had been less polite about it.
One hell of a photograph of the busted Triskelion on the cover, though.)
“Of course not.”  Polite words pressed to steepled fingers, Pierce’s weight pitched forward in his chair.  
“You know, my dear, that even before all this...” a pause, the click of teeth, nostrils flared, as if the old man forgets that Sharon’s first language is physicality, now more than ever, “unpleasantness, you were on the fast track.”
The pressure dressings Jemma had wrapped her in three days ago during her exam begin the next cycle, dividing her attention for the briefest of seconds as they warm slowly, heat seeping into tender ligaments and this too shall pass, maybe, probably except Sharon’s not quite dumb enough to believe that Pierce’s unspoken offer doesn’t carry with it the ball and chain of one wicked quid pro quo.
“I’m on leave.”  Hilarious, Carter.  
To his credit, Pierce’s smile seems to be the most genuine thing either of them has managed since that door closed.
“You already requested a new set of credentials, Sharon.”  
Sharon’s watching Pierce; Pierce is watching her.  They’re watching each other.  Standoff. 
And she’s spent the last week trying to talk herself out of these walls.  Sharon’s had every fucking argument she could have with herself, trying to convince herself that S.H.I.E.L.D. isn’t the place for her, anymore.  She’s given this goddamned place everything, more than everything, blood, sweat, tears, more blood, and still --- 
HOME stopped being a place the minute Sharon put her mother in the ground but you can get close, sometimes, and S.H.I.E.L.D. is the nearest Sharon’s come since.
(But, like always, the decision goes unmade until... 
Peggy’s voice, sudden, unbidden but not unwelcome:
No one, ever in your life, is going to offer you what you want twice, my darling.) 
“--- I want a raise.”
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chez-mimich · 7 years
Questo è il post di un mio amico, Eugenio Caruba. A venti anni va a lavorare per tre mesi in Venezuela, in una piantagione di riso. Subito dopo intraprende un viaggio per l'America Centrale passando per Panamà, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Messico e Stati Uniti fino a New York. Decide quindi di dividere gli anni universitari in due: sei mesi di studio e sei di viaggio. Conosce quindi il Sud-est asiatico, l'Africa, l'India ed il Tibet. Si laurea a 24 anni in Giurisprudenza, mentre già lavorava da due presso l'Agenzia Italiana Stampa e Emigrazione. Fra i 26 ed i 27 anni lavora in RAI con contratti a tempo determinato nella produzione radiofonica. A 27 anni vince (VINCE) un concorso come Junior Professional Officer e comincia quindi la sua carriera all'ONU, lavorando per quattro anni alla FAO come addetta stampa. Dai 32 ai 37 anni lavora presso il Programma alimentare mondiale (WFP) come portavoce e addetta stampa per l'Italia e svolge ripetute missioni nella ex Jugoslavia, nel Caucaso in Afghanistan, Tagikistan, Mozambico e Iraq. Dai 37 ai 51 anni è portavoce della Rappresentanza per il Sud Europa dell'Alto Commissariato per i Rifugiati dell'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite (UNHCR). Contemporaneamente svolge missioni in diversi luoghi di crisi: Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, Caucaso, Angola, Zambia, Iran, Giordania, Tanzania, Burundi, Ruanda, Sri Lanka, Siria, Malawi, Yemen. Si chiama Laura Boldrini.
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thisdaynews · 5 years
‘Two-thirds of world’s hungriest people Live In Nigeria’ — UN
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/two-thirds-of-worlds-hungriest-people-live-in-nigeria-un/
‘Two-thirds of world’s hungriest people Live In Nigeria’ — UN
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No fewer than 113 million people experienced high levels of food insecurity in the world’s most severe food crises in 2018, the global report on food crisis 2019 has found.
The report, which was released on Wednesday in Brussels, warned that these food crises were primarily driven by conflict and climate-related disasters.
One of the key findings of the report showed that nearly two-thirds of those facing acute hunger were in just eight countries.
These countries were Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.
“The worst food crises in 2018, in order of severity, were: Yemen, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, the Syrian Arab Republic, the Sudan, South Sudan and northern Nigeria,” the report stated.
“These eight countries accounted for two-thirds of the total number of people facing acute food insecurity – amounting to nearly 72 million people.”
Similarly, short-term outlook of food insecurity for 2019 showed that “Yemen, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, the Syrian Arab Republic, the Sudan, South Sudan and northern Nigeria are expected to remain among the world’s most severe food crises in 2019.
“Large segments of populations in most of these countries risk falling into Emergency (IPC/CH Phase 4) levels of acute food insecurity,” it added.
“In the 16 states of northern Nigeria and the Federal Capital Territory, the number of people in ‘Crisis’ and ‘Emergency’ decreased by 40 per cent between June and August 2017 and 2018 to 5.3 million.
“At the peak of the lean season three million were acutely food insecure in the three north-eastern states affected by the Boko Haram insurgency where protracted conflict and mass displacement disrupted agriculture, trade, markets and livelihoods, and pushed up food prices.”
José da Silva, director-general of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), said in spite of a slight drop in 2018, in the number of people experiencing acute food insecurity, “the figure is still far too high.”
“We must act at scale across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus to build the resilience of affected and vulnerable populations. To save lives, we also have to save livelihoods,” Silva said.
David Beasley, World Food Programme executive director, also said: “while critical to saving lives and alleviating human suffering, humanitarian assistance does not address the root causes of food crises.”
Beasley highlighted the importance of “attacking the root causes of hunger: conflict, instability, the impact of climate shocks.”
“Boys and girls need to be well-nourished and educated; women need to be truly empowered. Rural infrastructure must be strengthened in order to meet that ‘Zero Hunger’ goal,” Beasley said.
“Programmes that make a community resilient and more stable will also reduce the number of hungry people.”
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bombshellinfo · 5 years
More Than 113 Million People Suffer Acute Hunger- UN
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More than 113 million people across 53 countries experienced “acute hunger” last year because of wars and climate disasters, with Africa the worst-hit region, the UN said Tuesday. Yemen, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan and Syria were among the eight nations accounting for two-thirds of the total number of people worldwide exposed to the risk of famine, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said in its 2019 global report on food crises. Launched three years ago, the annual study takes stock of the countries facing the greatest difficulties. African states were “disproportionally” affected as close to 72 million people on the continent suffered acute hunger, the FAO’s emergencies director Dominique Bourgeon told AFP on Tuesday. Conflict and insecurity remained key factors, along with economic turbulence and climate-related shocks like drought and floods, the report found. In countries on the verge of famine, “up to 80 percent of the population depend on agriculture. They need both emergency humanitarian aid for food and measures to help boost agriculture,” Bourgeon said. The report highlighted the strain put on countries hosting large numbers of refugees, including neighbouring nations of war-torn Syria as well as Bangladesh, which has received more than a million Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar. Venezuela food crisis The FAO said it also expected the number of displaced people to increase “if the political and economic crisis persists in Venezuela” which is likely to declare a food emergency this year. Bourgeon said he was concerned by the “important and significative rise” in poverty in Venezuela, as it grapples with dire economic and living conditions worsened by an ongoing political crisis. Globally, the study noted that the overall situation slightly improved in 2018 compared to 2017 when 124 million people suffered acute hunger. The drop can partially be attributed to the fact that some countries in Latin America and the Asia Pacific region for instance were less affected by weather disasters that had struck in previous years. However, the FAO warned that the year-on-year trend of more than 100 million people facing famine was unlikely to change in the face of continued crises. Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria all suffered bad droughts in 2018, which severely impacted agricultural output. The FAO also stressed that “high levels of acute and chronic malnutrition in children living in emergency conditions remained of grave concern”. The post More Than 113 Million People Suffer Acute Hunger- UN appeared first on Independent Newspapers Nigeria. Read the full article
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
47 photos of Donald Trump’s incomparable life on his 74th birthday
President Donald Trump.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.
Businessman-turned-president Donald Trump celebrates his 74 th birthday on June 14.
The hotel magnate became a family name through his truth program, “The Apprentice.”
Now in the fourth year of his presidential term and marketing for his second, here’s a look back at Trump’s life, in images.
Visit BusinessInsider.com for more stories.
President Donald Trump turned 74 on Sunday. He is the oldest president to take office, a record formerly held by President Ronald Reagan, who was 73- years-old at the time of his election to a 2nd term.
As Trump cruises through the fourth year of his first governmental term, he is actively getting ready for the 2020 governmental election
Here is a look at the president’s life journey, from the New York Military Academy to the Oval Office.
As a teen, the president was enrolled at the New york city Military Academy where he briefly served as a captain throughout his senior year.
Donald Trump in the New York Military college’s 1964 yearbook.
Company Expert through Classmates.
Source: Washington Post
He graduated from Wharton School of Financing at the University of Pennsylvania with a bachelor’s in economics in1968 He then began his career at his dad’s property development company, E. Trump & Boy.
Donald Trump with his father, Fred, left, at his graduation from the Wharton School of Finance.
Donald Trump/Facebook.
As somebody who enjoys the art of negotiation, Trump was able to negotiate New York City to supply a 40- year tax reduction for the Grand Hyatt Hotel– the first ever given to a business home.
Gov. Hugh Carey, accompanied by Trump, points to an artist’s conception of the hotel that will be constructed on the website of the previous Commodore Hotel on June 28,1978
Source: The Trump Company
An early win was when Trump used to remodel shabby areas in requirement, such as a long-closed ice-skating rink, at no revenue to himself, after the city’s restoration effort went through 5 years of delays and more than double the original expense price quote.
Here, Donald Trump positions with New York City’s Parks Commissioner, Henry Stern, holding a set of ice skates that are planned for use at the Wollman Rink in Central Park on August 7,1986
Paul Burnett/AP.
Source: AP
Trump owns a fleet of luxury helicopters, and a private plane that was often a background at his 2016 governmental campaign occasions.
Donald Trump in front of one of 3 Sikorsky helicopters at the Port Authority’s West 30 Street heliport on March 22,1988
AP Photo/Wilbur Funches.
Trump likewise enjoys tennis– he even played a round, wearing his standard suit, versus the famous Serena Williams.
Donald Trump talks with his former other half, Ivana Trump, during the guys’s final at the US Open.
Mike Blake/Reuters.
Trump had three kids with Ivana: Donald Jr., Ivanka, and Eric.
Household picture of, from left, socialite Ivana Trump, her kid Eric Trump, her previous hubby business person Donald Trump, and her child Ivanka Trump as they sit at a table at the Mar-a-Lago estate, Palm Beach, Florida,1998
Davidoff Studios/Getty Images.
He divorced Ivana in a public split in 1992, and married Marla Maples in 1993.
Donald Trump sees as his ex-wife, Marla Maples, gets a kiss from Earl Sinclair of TELEVISION’s “Dinosaurs” during lunch at the Trump Plaza Hotel on November 2,1992
Henry Ray Abrams/Reuters.
Trump and Marla had one daughter, Tiffany, in 1993.
Delighted moms and dads Marla Maples, left, and Donald Trump welcome journalism with their newborn child, Tiffany, as they leave St. Mary’s Health center in West Palm Beach, Fla., on Thurs., Oct. 14,1993
Hans Deryk/AP.
As a self-proclaimed family man, Trump attended many public events and tv shows with his household over the years.
Donald Trump and his child, Ivanka, peek over the crowd as they take in a tennis match throughout the United States Open in New York City.
Roh Frehm/AP.
Source: Oprah
Trump initially began revealing indications of interest for a possible quote for the US presidency with the development of a governmental exploratory committee ahead of the 2000 election.
Donald Trump talks with host Larry King after taping a section of King’s CNN talk program in New York.
Source: Reuters
To check the political waters, the possible Reform Party governmental candidate took a trip to a number of locations to attend to party leaders.
Donald Trump makes an appearance for the media atop a Beverly Hills, California, hotel on December 6,1999
Chris Pizzello/AP.
Source: AP
In 2005, Donald Trump married fashion designer and design Melania Trump.
Donald Trump and Melania Trump leave Hollinger International’s annual meeting at the Metropolitan Club in New York on May 22,2003
Peter Morgan/Reuters.
Source: PolitiFact
The 2 had one boy, Barron, in 2006.
Donald Trump, Barron Trump and Melania Trump leave Trump Towers to participate in the 16 th Annual Bunny Hop at FAO Schwartz to benefit the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center March 13, 2007 in New York City City.
Peter Kramer/Getty Images/for MSKCC.
As no complete stranger to the political procedure, Trump was even familiarized with members of the judicial branch. Here he is welcoming Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas at the Daytona 500.
United States Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, working as the grand marshal for the Daytona 500, talks to Donald Trump on the starting grid at the Daytona International Speedway.
He also ended up being the owner of the notorious Miss Universe beauty pageant for many years.
Donald Trump and Miss Connecticut, Erin Brady, present onstage after Brady won the 2013 Miss USA pageant.
AP Photo/Jeff Bottari, File.
A few of the president’s jobs, like Trump University, were stuck in suits that Trump lost or needed to settle. Others he may have made a profit on, however stated personal bankruptcy, and partners he dealt with implicated him of not paying them.
Marita Luna (C) and Miriam Ramos (2nd R) joins other union members from UNITE HERE Regional 54 as they rally outside the Trump Taj Mahal Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey on October 24,2014
Read more: The New York Times rates 61 of Donald Trump’s company deals, concludes 40%stopped working
In June 2015, Trump famously introduced his governmental project by boiling down an escalator in Trump Tower.
Donald Trump.
Christopher Gregory/Getty Images.
As the fog of the political battlefield cleared on the Republican side, Trump prepared to handle presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump looks out at the construction site of his 92- story tower along the Chicago river during a see to his Chicago offices on April 10,2006 Trump acknowledged that since of security issues after the occasions of September 11, he abandoned prepare for it to be the world’s tallest building at 150 stories.
Charles Rex Arbogast/AP.
Trump made his final interest citizens in swing-states as the controversial project drew to a close.
Donald Trump projects in New Hampshire.
Scott Eisen/Getty Images.
While Trump won the electoral votes needed to protect the presidency, he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by almost 3 million votes.
Donald Trump in New york city on election night.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images.
Source: The New York City Times
Taking his oath of office on January 20, 2017, Trump officially became the 45 th President of the United States.
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts (2L) administers the oath of workplace to President Donald Trump (L) as his spouse Melania Trump holds the Bible and boy Barron Trump searches, on the West Front of the US Capitol.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images.
After taking workplace, Trump’s administration faltered under a series of scandals and mistakes. Among these was his firing of FBI director James Comey, who was leading an examination into Russia’s meddling in the United States election.
President Donald Trump (L) shakes hands with James Comey, then-director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, during an Inaugural Law Enforcement Officers and First Responders Reception in the Blue Space of the White House on January 22, 2017 in Washington, DC.
Andrew Harrer-Pool/Getty.
The special counsel Robert Mueller was selected to oversee the examination. Almost 2 years later, he closed the probe in May 2019– after charging several of Trump’s relate to criminal offenses, concluding Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Trump, and detailing a number of circumstances that the president stopped working at obstructing justice.
President Trump and unique counsel Robert S. Mueller III.
Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post by means of Getty Images; Win McNamee/Getty Images.
Find Out More: Mueller describes key Trump-Russia contacts and prospective circumstances of blockage of justice in final report
As a business owner who prides himself as a seasoned dealmaker, Trump has had combined success engaging with world leaders as president. With some, he’s had sparkling relationships. With others, things have actually been more frosty.
Thomson Reuters.
As the commander-in-chief of the militaries, Trump observed the sacrifices made by US service members on Memorial Day.
President Donald Trump lays flowers on the grave of Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly’s kid at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia. United States Marine Corps Lt. Robert Kelly was killed in 2010 while leading a patrol in Afghanistan.
Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images.
At his very first presidential college start, Trump attended to the finishing class of Liberty University. “What imprint will you leave in the sands of history?” he asked. “What will future Americans state we performed in our quick time right here in the world? Did we take risks? Did we dare to defy expectations? Did we challenge accepted knowledge and take on established systems? I think I did, but we all did and we’re all doing it.”
Getty Images/Chip Somodevilla.
Source: TIME
Trump has actually frequently received criticism throughout his time in office, like when he threw paper towels into a crowd in Puerto Rico after Cyclone Maria damaged the region.
Trump tosses rolls of paper towels like basketballs to victims of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.
Evan Vucci/AP.
Other times in his presidency have actually been more lighthearted. On the White House front lawn, Trump and the very first woman command the Easter egg roll, one of many holiday traditions.
President Donald Trump, joined by the Easter Bunny and very first girl Melania Trump, speaks from the Truman Terrace of he White Home in Washington, Monday, April 2, 2018, during the annual White Home Easter Egg Roll.
Carolyn Kaster/AP.
In a few of the more easy going moments, Trump has amused athletic champions at the White House with his preferred products from lunch counter.
With junk food meals from Domino’s, Wendy’s, McDonald’s, and Burger King, Trump entertains the Clemson Tigers football team after their 2018 playoffs championship game win.
Susan Walsh/AP.
His presidency has actually witnessed several mass shootings including ones at the Las Vegas Strip, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, and at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Trump has actually fiercely defended the Second Amendment.
Thomas Gunderson fights his fresh gunshot wound to the leg to stand and shake Trump’s hand.
Thomas Gunderson through Facebook.
Source: Organisation Insider
The Trumps joined the living presidents and very first women to attend the funeral service of previous President George H.W. Bush in December 2018.
U.S. President Donald Trump, very first lady Melania Trump, former President Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, former President Bill Clinton, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and previous President Jimmy Carter listen as previous Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney speaks throughout a State Funeral at the National Cathedral, Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2018, in Washington, for previous President George H.W. Bush.
Alex Brandon/Pool by means of REUTERS.
Trump effectively saw Justice Brett Kavanaugh validated the Supreme Court regardless of the debate surrounding his consultation and a heated verification hearing in the Senate. The president ushered in 2 conservative justices, the other being Neil Gorsuch.
President Donald Trump shakes hands with Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, prior to a ceremonial swearing-in in the East Space of the White House in Washington, Monday, Oct. 8,2018
Susan Walsh/AP.
Source: Service Insider
The president was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 18, 2019, on charges of abusing his power and blocking Congress. The inquiry was stimulated after a whistleblower submitted a report over a call the president held with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in July2019 Trump is the 3rd president to be impeached in US history.
President Donald Trump resolves his impeachment during a Merry Christmas Rally at the Kellogg Arena on December 18, 2019 in Fight Creek, Michigan. While Trump spoke at the rally your home of Representatives voted to impeach the president, making Trump just the third president in U.S. history to be impeached.
Scott Olson/Getty Images.
Source: Service Insider
Things turned out alright for the president, nevertheless, when he was acquitted by the Republican-controlled Senate on February 5 by a vote of 52-48 Utah Sen. Mitt Romney was the only Republican to vote to found guilty the president.
President Donald Trump speaks in the East Space of the White Home, Thursday, Feb. 6, 2020, in Washington.
AP Picture/ Evan Vucci.
Source: Service Insider
The Trump Administration was entrusted with managing the COVID-19 pandemic, which initially reached the United States in January. The president has actually gotten sharp criticism for his administration’s handling of the pandemic.
President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks Tuesday, May 5, 2020, at Honeywell International Inc. in Phoenix.
Authorities White Home Photo by Shealah Craighead.
Source: Company Insider
At a press conference in June, Trump threatened to release the military to end nationwide discontent. A crowd of serene protesters was tear-gassed exterior of the White House to make method for Trump to stroll to a close-by church for a photo-op.
United States President Donald Trump holds a Bible while visiting St. John’s Church throughout from the White House after the area was cleared of people protesting the death of George Floyd June 1, 2020, in Washington, DC.
BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP through Getty Images).
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As Trump celebrates his 74 th birthday, there are less than 5 months until the 2020 basic election. Citizens will decide whether to provide him another 4 years in the Oval Workplace. The president is supposedly planning to resume his project rallies, which have actually been stopped briefly due to COVID-19
President Donald Trump in the Oval Workplace.
Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images.
Source: Organisation Expert
Features Donald Trump Birthdays President Donald Trump
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/47-photos-of-donald-trumps-incomparable-life-on-his-74th-birthday/
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khalilhumam · 5 years
Afghanistan: Making its mark – FAO and EU support the development of Afghanistan’s first Geographical Indication System
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/feed-items/afghanistan-making-its-mark-fao-and-eu-support-the-development-of-afghanistans-first-geographical-indication-system/
Afghanistan: Making its mark – FAO and EU support the development of Afghanistan’s first Geographical Indication System
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global-news-station · 5 years
Malnutrition rates in Afghanistan, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan and Yemen worsened in the latter part of 2018, the UN said Monday in a report highlighting the links between conflict and food scarcity.
By contrast, some improvements were noted in Somalia, Syria and the Lake Chad Basin countries thanks to an improved security situation.
Overall, some 56 million people across eight conflict zones need emergency food assistance and assistance to support their livelihoods, according to the report compiled by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Food Programme (WPF).
The research “clearly demonstrates the impact of armed violence on the lives and livelihoods of millions of men, women, boys and girls caught up in conflict,” said FAO director Jose Graziano da Silva.
“I would strongly encourage you to keep in mind that behind these seemingly dry statistics are real people experiencing rates of hunger that are simply unacceptable in the 21st century.”
Read More: In wartime Yemen, children find solace in music
David Beasley, director of the WPF, said the UN needed better and quicker access to conflict zones to provide help.
“But what the world needs most of all is an end to the wars,” he added. According to the report, acts of violence against humanitarian workers are on the rise, sometimes leading to a suspension of operations and depriving vulnerable populations of aid.
A significant deterioration in food security is expected this year in the lean season – from June to August – in the Lake Chad Basin, including parts of Nigeria and Niger, where Boko Haram militants are active.
The post Food-scarcity worsened in 5 countries last year due to conflicts: UN appeared first on ARYNEWS.
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babymilkaction · 6 years
French Government calls for global withdrawal of Lactalis formulas
French Government calls for global withdrawal of Lactalis formulas.
It took almost ten days for the Government of France to react to the scandal of widespread contamination of powdered formula milks produced by the giant French dairy producer Lactalis. [1] 25 infants in France have become sick after being fed formulas contaminated by the dangerous bacteria Salmonella.[2]
On December 11 the French government finally issued an order for a mandatory withdrawal of over 600 batches, representing over 700 tonnes of potentially contaminated products. This means that all stocks of these products must be returned to the manufacturers and destroyed and that none must be consumed or exported. [3] The French Health Minister has confirmed that it is fairly rare that the government is obliged to take such ‘massive measures’. It has closed the Lactalis production facilities and demanded that the company takes ‘corrective measures’ before the factory can be re-opened.[4]
The list of all the products withdrawn by the French Ministry of Finance and the Economy includes over 20 countries, as well as France: UK, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, as well as other countries referred to as ‘Africa’ and ‘Asia’. The European Union RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) portal also lists Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Congo (Brazzaville), Gabon, Madagascar, Mali and Togo. [5]
The International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN),  the global citizens network that protects child health,  has been raising awareness of contaminated formulas for many years, knowing that contamination can occur along any part of the  production and distribution chain.  Because of the confusion about where the affected products have been exported to,  IBFAN is calling on its member groups to check whether batches are present in retail outlets.  Some have already been found in countries not specifically listed, such as Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, at the  Codex Alimentarius meeting in Berlin, the recommendations of the World Health Organisation (WHO) were being fiercely debated.  WHO has clear rules on the labelling and marketing of products intended for babies and the actions governments should take to protect child health and safety . The WHO/FAO Codex Commission sets global trading standards for foods and IBFAN has been working since before 1995 to bring Codex Standards into line with WHO recommendations.  Throughout the meeting,  the four-person French Government delegation,  three of whom represented baby food companies – supported the contention of the United States,  that it was not appropriate to refer to WHO policies.
Alison Linnecar, IBFAN’s spokesperson on contaminants:
“IBFAN has been calling for clear labelling that properly warns parents and carers about the inherent risks of powdered formulas. The UK is one of the few countries that requires products to carry instructions that the product should be mixed with water that has been boiled and left to cool to no less than 70 degrees Celsius.  WHO recommends that reconstitution with water at  this temperature will kill off  the majority of ​these ​commonly found bacteria​ which are heat resistant and thus require high temperatures to inactivate/kill them.” 
Patti Rundall,  IBFAN’s Global Advocacy spokesperson:
“Its so important that parents are fully informed about the inherent risks of these products – too many see the idealised packaging and health and nutrition claims and believe these formulas are almost as safe and nutritious as breastfeeding.  Governments must take action to stop this deception and do regular independent post-market surveillance and safety checks. Its no good relying on companies to self-monitor their activities.”
For more information contact:
Alison Linnecar, IBFAN global working group on chemical and microbiological contamination of infant feeding products  + 33 450 56 40 80,  for text messages: + 33 622 18 72 88
Dr. J P Dadhich MD (Paediatrics); FNNF; PG-DDN Director – Technical, BPNI, IBFAN Global Council; Sub-regional Representative – IBFAN South Asia,  +91-11-27312705; +91-11-27312706  [email protected]   www.bpni.org
Patti Rundall,  Policy Director,  Baby Milk Action IBFAN UK  +44 7786 523493  [email protected]   www.babymilkaction.org
For IBFAN websites with more information on contaminants:  CLICK HERE  and HERE
BBC World Service Business News   Click here
[1]  The  Lactalis Group, headquartered in Craon, Mayenne, France, is a dairy corporation owned by the Besnier Family.  It is the one of the  largest dairy products groups in the world with an  annual turnover of EUR 17 billion (2016) exporting globally.  Lactalis-owned brands are systematic Code violators.
[2] The Salmonella Agona bacteria can cause gastro-enteritis, septicaemia and even meningitis. It can multiply outside the gut and lodge in joints and thus cause secondary infections in articulations.  Lactalis says it does self-monitoring and inspection of  all batches. The French Ministry of Consumer Affairs and Repression of Fraud claims to make ‘regular checks’
[3] The list includes product names and batch reference numbers and can be found HERE
[5] See http://www.leparisien.fr/societe/laits-infantiles-contamines-bercy-etend-le-rappel-a-600-lots-10-12-2017-7444023.php
[5] EU RASFF Portal: CLICK HERE or  https://ec.europa.eu/food/safety/rasff/portal_en
Countries in the French reference list include the following, but the list uses abbreviations and thus needs further checking: Algeria, Bangladesh, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Greece, Iraq, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Monaco, Morocco, Pakistan, Peru, Roumania, Serbia, Sudan, Taiwan, UK.  EU Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed gives the Risk Decision as ‘Serious’.
IBFAN/ ICDC’s global monitoring report, Breaking the Rules, Stretching the Rules 2017, shows that LACTALIS  is systematic violator of the International Code    Lactalis BTR 2017 Report   CLICK here for the full report of all the main companies and the free download of the Executive summary.
  Reproduced with permission from IBFAN-ICDC   [email protected] For the full report CLICK HERE
The Lactalis  website for one of its products states that CELIA Follow-on milk powder for infants may be reconstituted in a 13.5% solution in mineral water or boiled water. No mention that the mineral water is risky for babies or that water should be at 70 degrees C at the time of reconstitution. See: http://www.celia-nutrition.com/products/infant-formulas/celia-develop-2/
French Government calls for global withdrawal of Lactalis formulas was originally published on Baby Milk Action
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purpleavenuecupcake · 7 years
FAO, guerre e shock climatici minano la sicurezza alimentare
I conflitti civili in corso e gli shock legati al clima stanno minando i progressi verso la riduzione della fame, è quanto si legge nella nuova edizione del rapporto FAO Crop Prospects and Food Situation. Gli uragani nei Caraibi e le inondazioni in Africa Occidentale potrebbero ostacolare la produzione agricola locale, ma le tendenze generali della produzione alimentare sono positive, incoraggiate dalle aspettative di produzioni cerealicole record in diversi paesi. Secondo il rapporto trimestrale, circa 37 paesi, di cui 28 in Africa, richiedono assistenza alimentare esterna. I paesi sono gli stessi del mese di giugno: Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Camerun, Repubblica Centrafricana, Ciad, Congo, Repubblica democratica popolare di Corea, Repubblica democratica del Congo, Gibuti, Eritrea, Etiopia, Guinea, Haiti, Iraq, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambico, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sud Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Siria, Uganda, Yemen e Zimbabwe. I conflitti continuano ad avere un forte impatto sull'agricoltura e la sicurezza alimentare nella Repubblica Centrafricana, nella Repubblica Democratica del Congo, in Iraq, nella Nigeria settentrionale, in Somalia, in Sud Sudan, in Siria e nello Yemen e spesso hanno effetti negativi anche altrove a causa del grande numero di sfollati e dell'aumento dell'insicurezza civile. Gli shock atmosferici nel 2017, inclusa la siccità, ne hanno aggravato l'impatto in alcuni paesi, in particolare in Somalia e in Etiopia meridionale. Nel 2017 la produzione cerealicola mondiale dovrebbe raggiungere il livello record di 2.611 milioni di tonnellate. Anche se questo è dovuto ai maggiori guadagni in Argentina e in Brasile, da segnalare anche l'aumento previsto quest'anno di oltre il 10% della produzione aggregata in Africa, dovuto ai maggiori raccolti di mais nell'Africa australe - dove lo scorso anno gli agricoltori erano stati colpiti duramente da El Niño - e alla produzione di grano nei paesi dell'Africa settentrionale. Secondo le nuove stime della FAO, anche la produzione aggregata di cereali nei paesi a basso reddito con deficit alimentare quest'anno dovrebbe aumentare del 2,2%, limitando le esigenze d'importazione. Click to Post
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viralhottopics · 7 years
15,000 Somali Refugees Who Had Planned To Resettle In The U.S. Are Stranded
More than two decades of civil war alongside recurring drought has compounded an already-dire food security crisis for Somalians.
And as the country and larger region face water shortages once again, U.S. President Donald Trumps refugee and travel restrictions are leaving its people with even fewer options for escape.
On Friday, Trump signed an executive order that, among other things, suspends refugee admissions to the U.S. from all countries for four months and restricts travel from seven countries Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days.
Just a few days later, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization announced that, after months of lower-than-average rainfall, more than 17 million people are in crisis and emergency food insecurity levels in several east African nations, including Somalia and Sudan.
Two million Somalis are currently seeking refuge outside their homeland, making it the worlds third-largest source country for refugees behind only Syria and Afghanistan. According to USA Today, nearly15,000 Somali refugees who had planned to resettle in the U.S. are currently stranded in Kenyas Dadaab, the worlds largest refugee camp, after Trumps immigration order went into effect.
More than 130 Somali refugees had already been approved to enter the U.S. and had been poised to leave the camp when Trumps directive was announced. The administration said Tuesday that it would admit 872 pre-approved refugees into the U.S. this week, but its unclear whether these people are part of that group.
In Somalia, 5 million people, or about 40 percent of the population, are facing hunger because of both drought and fighting between the Islamist militant group al-Shabaab and Somalias African Union-backed government. More than 300,000 children under the age of 5 are acutely malnourished
In recent years, drought has become a frequent visitor to east Africa. In 2011, a devastating drought, said to be the worst in the region in 60 years, threatened the livelihoods of almost 10 million people. Almost 260,000 died of starvation in Somalia alone half of them were children under the age of 5.
Last year, drought devastated the region again. Exacerbated by one of the strongest El Nino events ever recorded, the dry spell left millions facing hunger across southern and eastern Africa.
We dont have food, water, and clothes, Quresha Abdi Ali, a displaced Somali woman, told Africa News this week. Our farms are barren, our livestock are dead, and our men cannot find any work to do. I lost my son because I couldnt find any food or water to give him I also lost 12 members of my family. We are in so much despair.
Feisal Omar/Reuters
In Somalia, 320,000 children under the age of 5 are acutely malnourished, reported Reuters; 50,000 of them are “so severely malnourished they risk dying without emergency intervention.” 
Thomas Mukoya/Reuters
A Somali refugee child carries her sibling in Dadaab, the refugee camp near the Kenya-Somalia border, May 8, 2015. Dadaab is home to more than 260,000 Somali refugees and is the largest refugee camp in the world.
The FAO warned that an immediate and sufficient humanitarian response is needed to prevent the current drought crisis from becoming a catastrophe.
This is, above all, a livelihoods and humanitarian emergency and the time to act is now. We cannot wait for a disaster like the famine in 2011, FAO Deputy Director-General, Climate and Natural Resources, Maria Helena Semedo, told a high-level panel during the African Union Summit, which kicked off in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, on Monday.
An FAO spokesperson, speaking from Kenya, told HuffPost on Thursday that this drought crisis could be as devastating for Somalia as the 2011 disaster. Famine is a real possibility in 2017 for the country, which is forecasted to experience lower-than-average rainfall this year, the spokesperson said.
Climate change has been linked to the increase in severity and frequency of drought in the Horn of Africa, which in turn threatens food security for millions of people. Peter deMenocal, Columbia Universitys dean of science who co-authored a study in 2015 on this topic, said this week that there is an accelerating trend toward even greater aridity in the region due to carbon emissions.
Suleimn Yussuf Muhumed, 24, is one of the Somali refugees in Dadaab who had been on the verge of coming to the U.S. He had fled Somalia with his father and younger sister after armed men killed three of his siblings. Drought later ruined a small plot of land the family owned.
Muhumed told USA Today that life in the refugee camp is filled with difficulties, and he had been looking forward to his new life in Ohio. He said hed heard Ohio is a very cool place, a very nice place for life, and the people are very welcoming.
Feisal Omar/Reuters
A injured government soldier is led away from the scene of an explosion in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, on Jan. 25. Civil war has raged in the country for more than two decades.
Richard Atrero de Guzman/NurPhoto/Getty Images
Trump’s immigration ban has prompted protests worldwide. Here, foreign residents of Japan are seen protesting the ban near the U.S. embassy in Tokyo on Jan. 31.
Sudan, another country affected by the drought and the ban, had just signed a deal with the Obama administration in January to lift a 20-year-old U.S. trade embargo.
We feel sorry that the decision was taken at a time we started cooperating and the sanctions were lifted, Sudans Foreign Minister Ibrahim Ghandour told reporters during the African Union Summit earlier this week.
Also speaking at the summit, chair of the African Union Commission and South African politician Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma had strong words for Trump.
The very country to which many of our people were taken as slaves during the trans-Atlantic slave trade has now decided to ban refugees from some of our countries, Dlamini-Zuma said on Monday, addressing the unions 54 member states.
What do we do about this? Indeed, this is one of the greatest challenges to our unity and solidarity, she continued.
Dominique Mosbergen is a reporter at The Huffington Post covering climate change, extreme weather and extinction. Send tips or feedback to [email protected] or follow her on Twitter.
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from 15,000 Somali Refugees Who Had Planned To Resettle In The U.S. Are Stranded
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khalilhumam · 5 years
Afghanistan: FAO in the 2019 humanitarian appeal: Afghanistan - Humanitarian Response Plan 2018-2021
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/feed-items/afghanistan-fao-in-the-2019-humanitarian-appeal-afghanistan-humanitarian-response-plan-2018-2021/
Afghanistan: FAO in the 2019 humanitarian appeal: Afghanistan - Humanitarian Response Plan 2018-2021
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khalilhumam · 6 years
Afghanistan: Belgium supports FAO to strengthen the resilience of drought-affected farmers and herders in Afghanistan
New Post has been published on https://khalilhumam.com/feed-items/afghanistan-belgium-supports-fao-to-strengthen-the-resilience-of-drought-affected-farmers-and-herders-in-afghanistan/
Afghanistan: Belgium supports FAO to strengthen the resilience of drought-affected farmers and herders in Afghanistan
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khalilhumam · 6 years
Afghanistan: Afghanistan, FAO and GEF move forward with community-based sustainable land and forest management project
New Post has been published on https://khalilhumam.com/feed-items/afghanistan-afghanistan-fao-and-gef-move-forward-with-community-based-sustainable-land-and-forest-management-project/
Afghanistan: Afghanistan, FAO and GEF move forward with community-based sustainable land and forest management project
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