#fantroll ask event
zeebtrolls · 1 year
boisterousBat started a live video!
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“Is this thing on…?”
hey guys!! kicking off a little ask event with Nadjya Lamion, skater girl of my heart. feel free to ask her anything!! give her live some people in the audience, even!
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byteofsoup · 10 months
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Like if you would ask him where the bathrooms are reblog if you would watch the elephant shrews with him
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rabbit-trolls · 1 year
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>Anghyfi Marwol Event - Open to asks
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mirrorbent · 2 years
Mirrorbent Update!
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In this one-page update, Virian shows the real teeth of her plan- the conchsequences, so to say.
Mirrorbent's back for 25/10! *woo's from the floor* The whole update situation is more or less "like it's been this summer but Slightly Less Worse"; there's a chance the December update (but not November's) might be compromised this time, but seeing as it is the anniversary update I'll try my best to have at least 1 page prepared for it.
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worselydrawnaranea · 5 months
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So, I've 8een uninspired lately. I feel like you guys may not 8e as interested in my own su8ject matter as I am, and quite a few of my peers have wondered if mayhaps, my own tendency to steal the spotlight is at fault here. Said "friends" have also showed me a way to fix this:
Let them have it instead!!!!!!!!
While I did not care for their phrasing of this concept, I did quite enjoy their idea, and as such,
Here's how this works: Y'all will vote for which one of my alpha troll /dancestor friends should go first. The first place winner will go first, the second place will go second and so on.
Throughout the duration of the event, you guys can send asks on who else you might want me to interview. Fantrolls are allowed, even wanted, 8ut you must provide me with a personality outline either in-ask or on your 8log.
This poll will last one day so you'd 8est vote sooner than later!
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12thperigeeball · 7 months
Hi! Sorry if you have an FAQ or something somewhere- I’m on mobile so I’m not fully sure but. What is the 12th perigee ball? I haven’t seen it around before and I’m interested! Thank you!
We have guidelines that can be found here!
However, for a brief explanation: the 12th perigee ball is an event run by members of and for the fantroll rp community on tumblr, which was originally inspired by the trolls in the webcomic Homestuck. It happens every December, and people are free to write and draw content for it!
Ever since the ball began, it has had ball royalty (king and queen) decided by a popular vote, and ever since 2021, it has also had the title of grand couturier for the person whose outfit best suits the chosen theme of the year, or sweep, in-character. However, no one is obligated to dress to theme; it is purely for fun.
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!
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deepseaspriteblog · 9 months
Tag List / Directory
I'm putting a list of all my tags here, for your searching convenience!
(not including basic tags like #/homestuck and the characters name, of course)
sprite edit: Homestuck sprites I made, including from other blogs I own. 
Panel edit: Homestuck panels I made
Talksprite: Homestuck talksprites I made 
My Bases: Sprite bases I made. 
Adopt: All my adopt sprites
Commission: All my commissioned sprites
Freesprites: Sprites from my occasional freesprites event 
Not sprites: Not sprites, but text posts, asks, and polls etc. 
Not My Sprites: Sprites made by other spriters. Check them out!
Other Fandoms: Non-homestuck related homestuck sprites.
Trickster Mode
My Aus: Misc forms, i.e., doctored, enlightened, etc.
Fashionstuck: Sprite edits where I give the characters cool clothes
Canon: Canon characters only! 
Fankid / Fantroll: Sprites of fankids and fantroll, including my own + commissions, adopts, etc 
Fanspecies: I make them sometimes
My Ocs: My own ocs, homestuck or otherwise. 
Sprite tutorial: Sprite tutorials I made
Ship Edit: For those rare ship sprites (hip name individually tagged)
My Art: Non-sprite/panel art, reblogged from my art blog
Hollowroom: Everything to do with my homestuck fanventure, Hollowroom! 
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8bit-mau5 · 6 months
@miks-fantrolls replied to your post “Ooh were any of your ocs forced to go to the yule...”:
may we perhaps send asks about the Ball to them
​OMG YEAH ABSOLUTELY, my asks are always open for all the thingss BUT ESPECIALLY FOR COMMUNITY EVENTS LIKE THESE. my fave part of yule ball actually was all the opens and RPing on the dash i used to see :'3 and the asks are so fun too..
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stuckstucktrolls · 2 years
dumb fantroll ask meme, even numbers for teags
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Do you have any strange fascinations?
some Trolls would say my inTeresT in rainbow drinkers, buT I JusT Think They're neaT.
What if your favorite part of the body? Why is it your favorite?
aesTheTically? necks and sTomachs are nice. everyone has Them, They can be equally aTTracTive on all Jenders and in differenT shapes or sizes.
What are your guilty pleasures? How would you handle it if someone found out about them?
maybe some of my uh, casual reading. I Think iT would depend who iT was and how They reacTe'T. iT's noT like iT's anyThing awful buT some people geT weird abouT romance novels....
Other then your own blood color if there any color you have strong feelings for, negative or positive, and why?
Jade, for reasons already known. I've always found Teals fucking annoying on averaJe. and I'm noT fond of yellow alThough iT's noT exacTly anyone's faulT There. I guess I also have a Thing for geTTing piTch wiTh Tall ass purplebloods buT I have no idea how ThaT happened.
Any fears? If so how hindering to you are they in everyday life.
I am cauTious abouT undead and I Think ThaT's a fairly common sense Thing To worry abouT.
Are their any secrets your keeping, yes or no? What if someone found out your secrets, how much would you do to keep it secret.
There are, and I have and will conTinue To kill should I need To.
Do you have an event in your past you regret? Would you change it if you could, if so how much do you think it’d change how you were today?
daTing mark, I mighT have haTe'T myself a liTTle less in my early adulThood....
Would you consider yourself more introverted or extroverted. How much do you like the company of others? Do crowds bother you or do you like the social energy.
inTroverTe'T. I like groups if I know The Trolls involved. groups of sTranJers make me nervous acTually, and I prefer one-on-one Time wiTh Trolls I'm close To. ironic considering I have a fairly larJe number of friends now >:J
How do you feel about pailing? Does it have to be a close bond, or a more casual thing to you.
in piTch iT can be casual. buT I'm monogamous in red and even if oz and I weren'T maTespriTs righT now, I'd probably Take Things slower wiTh someone in red Than piTch.
Are you easily jealous? How does jealousy make you feel?
I don'T Think so? >;J iT would have To be very specific siTuaTions To geT me Jealous like ThaT.
Is there any hobby you’ve given up but with you could try again one day?
recenTly, I sTarTe'T wriTing again. does ThaT counT?
How organized are you? Are you nit picky, or easy going? Are you ok with messes or does everything have to be tidy?
fairly organized buT I Tend To leave a few Things in piles around The hive unTil I feel bad abouT iT and clean iT up.
Do you have any addictions or anything you just can’t live without?
I suppose I do and I'm working on.... biTing back a biT.
Do you believe in second chances? Would you give someone who wronged you a second chance?
iT depends on The person and whaT They did buT I guess ThaT means yes overall.
Do you fear your own mortality? How much does the idea of dying scare you, or have you accepted it’s going to happen one day?
probably noT as much as I should if I go by oz and 'khena's opinions.
Do you have any problems with touching others? Do you not like being touched. Are you a touchy person?
I can be Touchy wiTh cerTain Trolls buT I don'T like being surprised. I Tend To geT sTabby.
Do you feel like you have to prove yourself? Do you feel you have a reputation to uphold or do you not care about how others see you?
a biT yeah. probably a hold over from when I was hemoanonymous, buT I'm noT as bad as back Then
Are you a creative troll? Is there anything you like doing to express yourself? Drawing, sculpture, ect?
wriTing and dance!
Do you have a bad temper? How hard is it to control your temper if you even try.
I'm usually amused when Trolls Try To piss me of buT some of my piTch quads are a biT Too good aT iT. I Tend To hold grudges in The rare case someone who isn'T a parTner succeeds in Ticking me off.
You get lost, what would you do? What course of action would you take to find your way?
I'm preTTy good wiTh survival sTuff so as long as I can find a source of waTer and avoid undead, I can hunT and geT myself orienTe'T preTTy easily To geT back To somewhere I know.
What is your favorite scent? Are their any scents that trigger memories for you?
The painT akhena makes. or The way oz smells like good cooking and incense and blood and someThing comforTing.
I guess weT howlbeasT reminds me of my wrigglerhood. iT's nosTalJic
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papertiigertrolls · 2 years
🛏 sirren!
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you dont sleep very well for a while after your matesprit gets decapitated...
(thank u for the ask it means very muchly to me 🥺)
🛏 Sleep - Draw your OC napping, in their bed or in an inconvenient or strange location
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zeebtrolls · 1 year
ask poiZon anything!
woah!! it looks like your favorite/despised rebel band is doing a fansign and AMA event. there's the lead vocalist and guitarist, NYOTTA FAIYEZ, mysterious bass guitarist XAVIEL SOMMET, and last but not least, the lyricist and drummer, NADJYA LAMION!
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chaosbound-official · 5 years
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Makkea’s halloween St. Rosa’s Morn outfit, he dressed up like his favorite TV show character Dirk Gently!! 
Featuring just the clothes, and a “I don’t have a wig in this goddamn dream bubble so I had to make do with my hair as it is” variant!
*mod note: in the interest in saving time and the mod’s energy by not having to plot out 50000+ aus, all pop culture costumes will be the same as we know them, and not necessarily a direct reflection of Facsimlae interpretations of the characters. Consider it a ‘translation’ function much the same way Facsimlaen language is theoretically being translated complete with slang, puns and the like.
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iolitewyvern-trolls · 5 years
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Your name is ALFONZ EICHEL. 
You’re 4 sweeps old, and you’ve been living as a hemoanon since your lusus disappeared a few months ago. You’re hiding out in the basement of your hive, leaving the upper levels to rot so any trolls who come looking will think that you’re dead. You do still have an internet connection though, and have just started taking asks on your blog. 
((Special 413 event!!! Please send in some asks for this diaster child.))
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faygoandfireworks · 5 years
Would you see a girl as a matesprit?
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//i didnt know who to answer with, so here lmao
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12thperigeeball · 6 months
So what actually happened to cause 400+ votes on one poll?
Great question! And the answer is, well, we don't know.
The ball theme poll from earlier in this year almost hit 400 itself. A lot of people have expressed amazement about it, and even suggested it may have broken containment out of the FTC. I wouldn't be surprised! Despite the event being fantrolls only, we do still tag major posts with the main homestuck/hiveswap/friendsim tags and do still get canon character blogs and non-roleplayers interacting with our posts.
Tumblr polls only have one requirement to vote and that's to have an account and be signed in to do so. All 400+ users who voted on the poll had, by it's very nature, to have an account on tumblr.
I assume you sent this ask because you're suspicious of this amount. I won't tell you how to feel! Your feelings are yours. What I will say is that if anyone suspects and has evidence towards a possible conspiracy to pack the votes or behind the scenes campaigning then I implore you to please reach out to privately with that evidence so we can take action.
Until a scenario like that crops up, we intend to leave the results as is as we have nothing that points towards otherwise than a high number poll turnout similar to the ball theme voting poll.
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palztrolls · 4 years
what is this lore event about? who is Felipe?
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