#Makkea Uvishe
unluckyxse7enart · 2 months
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Next up - some assorted miscellany!
I may make more bracelets themed to the according source idea as I go but since I don't have any solid plans I figured I'd group this bunch together!
The themes for each in order are: pokemon oc theme (you get a cookie if you can guess the theme!); subtle fantroll oc bracelet; Wander from Wander Over Yonder; and Stardust Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom!
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 10 months
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Return of both my fantrolls and incorrect quote comics! From here
(Harris is not a mage, but is likely the only troll to have a lab between the two sessions lmao)
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==> The library.
You're not entirely sure what makes you think of it, other than your own countless hours spent at the library in your own hometown. The librarians were always so friendly, and more than willing to help, and the library itself always held a vast treasure trove of resources. A city like this must surely hold a similar hub of information and tools, and in a time like this that would surely be your best bet.
You leave the small familiarity of the bench, taking off in a direction further into the city, trying to follow your instincts. The buildings you pass are strange, almost reminiscent of ant mounds somehow, with signs and placards decorated in strange and often brightly colored squiggly shapes. You hope that's not writing. If it is, you'll never be able to pick out the library from the lot, if it's even called that.
As you walk, you're vaguely aware of the people you pass. They're humanoid enough, thankfully, but you find glaring differences in their grey coloring, their orange horns, their noseless faces and almost bulging golden eyes. They seem to largely ignore you, save for hard stares, giving you a warily wide berth, or the more bold purposefully shouldering past you despite there being plenty of room on the sidewalk. In a way, this treatment isn't too different from home, either, somehow.
You clearly were lost in your thoughts by this point, as you make a fullbody collision into a mass of teal in front of you. Admittedly you're not entirely sure how you missed that in a sea of greys and blacks, but you did. The teal coat gets knocked back, its owner grunting in surprise, but you're the one who ends up falling on your ass.
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"Oof, sorry! Wasn't paying attention to where I was going, haha... Need any help?"
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 1 year
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My friend @shyyren recently commented that it'd be nice to have a coat like Makkea's in Animal Crossing, so I decided to try my hand at making it! ...And made a few more along the way, hehe
In order, it's Quokka, Makkea, Belphe, Cilone, aaand Rubele!
I haven't posted them to the design portal yet, but if anyone else would want any of these just let me know and I'll make a post with their info!
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 2 years
May I suggest Belphe and/or Makkea for World Building Wednesday? Or, if not fantrolls, perhaps Ritsu?
Eyyy finally answering this! I was prompted for Ritsu already, so I'll be doing The Boys!
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full name: Belphe Guille
gender: male
sexuality: demiro bi and ace
pronouns: he/they
family: The Advisor/ Beleez Guille (Ancestor/ancendant); snake lusus
birthplace: Facsimlae
job: none
Fears: Zeerce
guilty pleasures: using his mind control powers on passerby for inane pranks
morality alignment? Hmmmm. Chaotic neutral maybe? Kinda hard to read under all that masking and Trauma
sins - sloth (Duh) but also pride and envy are pretty big with him
virtues - Uhhhhh... Not sure any apply tbh....
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert. Hella introvert.
organized/disorganized: Disorganized. Don't trust him with anything.
close minded/open-minded: pretty close-minded, but he's learning not to be midstory.
calm/anxious: Anxious. Wreck.
disagreeable/agreeable: Disagreeable.
cautious/reckless: intentionally reckless.
patient/impatient: impatient and short-fused.
outspoken/reserved: pretty outspoken all things considered.
leader/follower: follower for sure.
empathetic/unemphatic: surprisingly empathetic, even if he doesn't want to be.
optimistic/pessimistic: too pessimistic.
traditional/modern: probably modern
hard-working/lazy: lazy
otp: Makkea x Belphe
ot3: Belphe x Makkea x Corinn
brotp: Belphe + Amygda
notp: Belphe and Zeerce. Obviously.
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full name: Makkea Uvishe
gender: some sorta nonbinary
sexuality: bi ace
pronouns: he/they/she (by postgame)
family: Peless Uvishe (ancendant); bird lusus
birthplace: Facsimlae
job: holistic detective ;)
Fears: ghosts, nothing having meaning, fire
guilty pleasures: holding onto things he probably doesn't need.... Just In Case
morality alignment? Probably neutral good
sins - probably envy, a bit of greed depending on how you view the 'guilty pleasures' answer
virtues - kindness and charity
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert-leaning
organized/disorganized: Disorganized but doesn't seem to realize it.
close minded/open-minded: pretty open-minded!
calm/anxious: anxious but downplays it
disagreeable/agreeable: a little too agreeable at times
cautious/reckless: definitely reckless
patient/impatient: patient socially but pretty impulsive
outspoken/reserved: Leans towards outspoken
leader/follower: very much a follower
empathetic/unemphatic: fairly empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: full of optimism!
traditional/modern: depends on context
hard-working/lazy: hard-working but needs a sense of direction to keep up momentum
otp: Makkea x Belphe, but....
ot3: Makkea x Belphe x Corinn is where it's at
brotp: not entirely sure? Makkea and Corinn come pretty close tbh
notp: probably Makkea and Hiraeh? He seems to really get on xeir nerves lol. And ofc him with Zeerce since she's the epitome of notp lol
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Character+Tags page [mobile edition]
(Unavailable characters will be marked with ?’s)
Zahyit Geiste (rustblood, he/him, prince of life)
Amygda Feliss (bronzeblood, she/her, knight of heart)
Quokka Frarer (goldblood, he/him, rogue of blood)
Lailla ?????? (Limeblood, she/her, prince of time)
Purrol Yaluli (oliveblood, she/her, page of space, derse)
?????? ?????? (jadeblood)
Makkea Uvishe (Tealblood, he/him, heir of light)
Belphe Guille (ceruleanblood, he/him, bard of mind, derse)
?????? ?????? (indigoblood)
Cilone Hednis (purpleblood, she/her, sylph of void)
?????? ?????? (violetblood)
Hiraeh Xexies (fuchsiablood, they/them and xey/xem/xeir, seer of breath)
modtalk - for stuff outside of asks or rps
answered - answered prompts, asks etc. in which the trolls themselves answered!
plot - for plot-related asks! usually standalone from general asks
off-camera - After a glitch, it seems as though the camera has begun recording on its own! These will usually consist of posts where the audience is unaddressed, a peek behind the curtain if you will! Also covered by the unprompted tag!
Fascimlae Culture - tag for more about the world these trolls grew up in! Its mostly like Alternia but some significant differences that will come up from time to time.
prompts - catchall tag for prompts, feel free to browse for inspiration! (Just know if it’s old enough I may need more info than the prompt catchphrase or emoji itself)
unprompted - for ic posts outside of asks, where the trolls interact with each other instead of the people in the askbox.
hug train - boy you guys sure do like your hugs huh /lh
EVENT TAGS (chronological order)
Halloween Event - for the October 2019 Halloween-themed event on the blog, contains the trolls who are available in halloween costumes, lore on their “Halloween”, St. Rosa’s Morn, and so on! May be also used for future Halloween events since the event was cut short last time… ;)c
Makkea Fallout 2020 - an accidental mini-event that was unlocked by @shyyren!
Ghost Event (aka Ghost Post) - There’s an imposter among us! ….Just kidding. But there was a ghost wandering around and no one was aware, not even the ghost! Let’s just say it stirred things up for a while. (aka - the event that revealed Zahyit is a ghost)
pollsim - coming soon!
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unluckyxse7enart · 3 years
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Another thing for @shyyren! Since ve gave me my current tablet I promised a few icons for fun, ve wanted a slightly au Makkea as one of them! :3
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 3 years
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Some messy sketches of gestures and expressions made during a scripted out conversation between Makkea and Corinn. It’s a conversation that takes place pretty far down the story’s timeline so it may be subject to change but it was fun to draw the expressions out.
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 3 years
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I forgot to post these but! Some emoji meme’d trolls I did based on this post by @pastelpaperplanes !
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chaosbound-official · 3 years
makkea, sweetie- do you need a hug? a hot drink? please make sure you're taking care of yourself, okay? take some time for yourself!
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Makkea: -Oh, righ7... Bizarre v-oidspace 7ha7 appears 7-o fail 7-o f-oll-ow any rules kn-own 7-o 7r-oll...
Makkea: I guess 7his explains where Cil-one keeps ge77ing her cups of 7ea, haha...
(mod: if he seems out of it, you’re right, he’s still really emotional rn.... He didn’t even register that this ask was offering him those things independently....^^; )
Makkea: A hot cocoa WOULD be nice right now... Or even a hug...
Makkea: I can’t say I know how to get either of those in a place like this, not now of all times, but-
Dreambubble: *POP*
Makkea: Oh, right... Bizarre voidspace that appears to fail to follow any rules known to troll...
Makkea: I guess this explains where Cilone keeps getting her cups of tea, haha...
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 4 years
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I can't believe I never posted these here...?? But conversation in the chaosbound server took off about if a future ot3 got respectively prototyped in various combinations, and these were my sketchy predictions for how they would each look! (I think I meant to do a sprite^2 with the three of them but never got around to it)
In order, we have: Makkea+Corinn, Belphe+Corinn, and Belphe+Makkea respectfully!
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chaosbound-official · 3 years
if the cast trolls were all gym leaders, what type would they dedicate to and how would they theme their gym to suit the type?
Hmm, this is a Complex question, I can defs answer type match up but i rarely consider gym layouts tbh, so I'll see what I can do!
Zahyit: Mmmm tough but I'm probably gonna go with dark type. idk if there’s a lot of gimmicks but I think all battles in his gym are multi-pokemon battles, eg double, triple, etc
Amygda: Normal type. Everything is cute as all fuck. Gym theme is try not to get diabetes /j
Quokka: fire type. Gym is a whole bunch of obstacle courses with fire plumes n shit. Good luck!
Lailla: Grass type. She has invasive species plants that block everything up and sproingy mushrooms you have to time just right on jumping to leap over the obstacles.
Purrol: Bug type. Her gym has lots of tightropes threaded through needles that you have to climb to get to her. 
Makkea: Almost definitely fairy type. His gym is probably themed on fairy circles or equivalent folklore mazes or some shit. 
Belphe: Ghost type. You have to fall through the right series of pitfalls to reach him. 
Cilone: Psychic type. Her gym is probably themed around illusions, maybe you have to beat trainers to make them drop illusions that hide the doors? Idk 
Hiraeh: Ice type. You have to go fishing to get the right keys for unlocking doors to the next room or something
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chaosbound-official · 3 years
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just remembered i wanted to submit this uwu
I kept forgetting to post this lmao
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chaosbound-official · 3 years
Hireah, if you were to be in a Dungeon's and Dragons campaign with the rest of the cast, who would you hope to be the DM? If the DM isn't you, what sort of character would you conjure up for the campaign?
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Hiraeh: If I wanxed xo W/-/AT now
Makkea, offscreen: -Oh! -Ooh! I kn-ow 7his -one! All-ow me!
Makkea: S-o, firs7ly - I disc-overed 7ha7 humans have a game much like FLARP -only less fr-onds--on (n-ormally) called “Dunge-ons and Drag-ons” and-
Hiraeh: Oh is T/-/AT whax ix is
Makkea: Yes! And 7he DM is 7he pers-on wh-o c-omes up wi7h 7he campaigns, and-
Hiraeh: Oh ok. In xhax case, I’m voxing for chaxxerboX here for DM for obvious reasons.
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Hiraeh: As for characxer…. Fuck, I dunno. 
Hiraeh: Quesxion, is xhis hypoxhexical ‘campaign’ mandaxory or can I skip ix? 
Hiraeh: Cuz I’ve xried looking ax games like xhese and honesxly ix jusx kinda xhrows my head for a loop. Too many rules….
(Xey do play games, but Hiraeh doesn’t quite strike me as the type to play dnd tbh :x It would probably be some sort of paladin character if I had to guess though...)
Quirk free:
Hiraeh: If I wanted to WHAT now
Makkea: Oh! Ooh! I know this one! Allow me!
Makkea: So, firstly - I discovered that humans have a game much like FLARP -only less fronds-on (normally) called “Dungeons and Dragons” and-
Hiraeh: Oh is THAT what it is
Makkea: Yes! And the DM is the person who comes up with the campaigns, and-
Hiraeh: Oh ok. In that case, I’m voting for chatterbox here for DM for obvious reasons.
Hiraeh: As for character…. Fuck, I dunno. 
Hiraeh: Question, is this hypothetical ‘campaign’ mandatory or can I skip it? 
Hiraeh: Cuz I’ve tried looking at games like these and honestly it just kinda throws my head for a loop. Too many rules….
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 4 years
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(content warning for images in the third row, the fifth and seventh respectively; suicidal ideation, and alcoholism implications)
Some various old sketches, wip shots and doodles of my fantrolls! Mostly Belphe and Makkea, haha.
A lot of these have stayed on my phone because I still really like them, but I need to clear my photos out more so I'm sharing them here!
Although 8) Makkea will probably stay. 8) Makkea is Life.
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