#fallout 4 inspo
k1ngpin42 · 21 days
This one's actually wild- Ghoul x Reader Fic
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𝔾𝕣𝕚𝕥 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔾𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕖 (𝔹𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕝𝕪)
WARNINGS: Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 has all the smut but read this first u won't regret it :) (unless u do)
Part 2 here: https://shorturl.at/YHk7p
You have been travelling for weeks. Taking meaningless jobs for people for not enough caps and spending them on drinks and a spot of food every now and then. You promised yourself you wouldn’t end up like this. That you’d use your skills in craftsmanship and explosives to help those big organisations clean up the helpless towns you’re always coming across. 
You took a seat on a rusted bench in the center of town, next to some skinny, middle aged man. You eye the synth bartender who has been scrubbing the same mug since you got here. 
“Do you have vodka?” You ask it, and it reaches down, picking up a dusty bottle filled with clear liquid. You nod. 
“Good, how much?” The synth replies in inaudible dialogue and the man besides you smiles.
“He says, 35 caps.”
“For one drink? Pretty steep….” 
“It’s the good stuff.” The man tries. You glare at him.
“‘Good stuff’ huh? It’s got a layer of dust….”
‘It’s…aged.” The man returns with a smile. You roll your eyes. 
“Fine, here.” You say, pouring a small bag of caps into the robots hand. 
He pours you it and you drink it straight without flinching. The man watches you intently. 
“Tough day?”
“Tough life.” You reply, grimly. He nods.
“I hear that.” You nod back, thankful that that unneeded conversation in your life had concluded itself.  “I’m not having the best day myself.” You sigh, having just jinxed yourself. 
“Really?” You ask, acting mildly interested. 
“The group I run with, we protect this town but we’ve been having a time of it lately. This one guy we’re after is relentless. In fact, he’s not even a man he’s a fucking ghoul, and a horrific one at that.”
“Feral?” You question, tapping on the side of your glass to indicate another drink. The robot looks at you, unimpressed. Or at least that’s how you depicted it’s synthetic, lifeless face. You sigh, placing another bag of caps into its hand and getting another swift poor in result.
“No, but he’s the worst type there is. He’ll take out anyone who gets in his way by force.” You tilt your head in confusion. 
“Wait, you’re after a man-“
“Ghoul.” Corrects the man. You sigh at the unneeded correction.
“Ghoul, because he got some people killed in a crossfire? That’s kinda how life is, law-lover.”
 “A man he had conducted business with hadn’t delivered his end of the bargain, and he fed his son to him in soup.” You smirk, surprised. 
“Sheesh. Hardco-“ You return your face to a neutral expression when you notice his look of outrage. You clear your throat.
“How do I find him?” His eyes widen.
“Y- You’re offering?” You roll your eyes.
“No, I said it for shit’s and giggles. There’s a reward I take it?”
“Oh a handsome one- but I’d need proof before the payment can be delivered.” You continue glaring at him.
“I know how a fucking bounty works, Mr…?”
“Your last name is fli - you know what I don’t care. What’s the reward?”
“1000 caps.”  Your ears perk at this, a warm smile coming to your face. 
“I want 200 now. I need money for my weapons and such.”
“If you can’t even cough up 200 how am I meant to believe you’ve got 1000?”
“Fine, here.” He pulls out the caps. “And a drink, on me.” He tells the robot. It nods and you let out an annoyed sigh.
“Knew that fucker could understand English. Why are you trusting me anyway? You don’t even know me.”
“I do, actually. Beautiful young woman in road leathers with a big bag on her back. I take it filled with explosives?” You eye him cautiously. 
“How do you know me?”
“It’s my job to maintain connections in other settlements. I’ve heard you help the odd person with your unique explosives. You build traps, turrets, dirty bombs and such. I trust them, and even if you do just run away with my caps, better than having no hope at all.” You sigh.
“That’s stupid. But I’ll get you your ghoul.”
Even with your advanced tracking skills, the ghoul wasn’t hard to find. He wasn’t exactly subtle, and when he walks in everyone turns, eying him like he’s nothing. He was more handsome than you expected, and to be fair, you hadn’t expected him to be attractive at all. This man wasn’t like any ghoul you had encountered. He looked more put together, and he had a cowboy hat like he had just stepped out of a fucking movie. 
“I’m looking for Adam.” He yells, and you notice the shotgun doing tricks in his hand. 
“To anyone who tries to stop me, I hope today is a good day to die. Although, I suppose it’s as good a day as any…” His accent was unexpected to you. It was deep and real pretty. You wondered why he was the way he was. You always wondered about ghouls, but had never met one you could exchange a sentence with before you had to blow them limb from limb in self defence. 
The bombs were already in place, set to detonate when he got into a certain building. It was made with a fluid ghouls were particularly prone to, and not even a ghoul can survive being transformed into pink mist. Now all you had to do was lure him up there. You had gone with Mr flint from earlier, and were now using him as a cover story. 
“You cock-sucking bastard! I know you took my sister.” He goes along with your story. 
“Took her? She wanted to go.”
“Anyone could want to do anything when their blood is pumped with jet you fuck.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about”
“I know you took her, and I have proof-“
“Oh yeah?” He asks, grabbing you and putting your body against his, running his hands along yours.
“What if I did take her? You wanna join, hm?” The ghoul tilts his head, watching this unfold in the distance. You grab the mans arm and twist it backwards, making him scurry away from the floor. The ghoul smiles.
“Well, well. What do we have here?” He asks, stalking over to you and putting the cold, cracked skin of one of his hands upon yours, kissing your body with goosebumps in consequence.  Flint scurries off to the ambush location, leaving you alone with the ghoul. If there were any others in the town, they certainly weren’t making an appearance with him around. 
“Please don’t hurt me.” You pretend to cry, and he lets out an uninterested groan. 
“I’m not even here for you I-“ He looks at you a little longer and something in his cold eyes change. 
“Fine, what happened, anyway? This man messed with your sister or something?” “He took her, I know he did!”
“Just calm down sweetheart.” He says, putting his hand on your arm. 
“Any idea where?”  You nod, positively surprised that the ghoul fell for the bait. You had heard he had a soft spot when it came to women, children, animals, that sort of thing, at least in certain scenarios, if he cared enough. 
“Yes…that building over there.” You say, pointing at one of the higher buildings. He nods.
“Well….I gotta take care of some business first. You right to stick around? I’m always happy to helps when insects…” He shoots his shotgun from his hip, killing a roach you hadn’t heard approaching. “Needs crushing.” He adds. You tense up a little. The plan was to get him to that building as soon as possible, if anything else triggered the explosion the ghoul would know you had planned to take him out and would likely respond in ways that wouldn’t leave you in one piece. The ghoul becomes more wary at your reaction.
“Everything…alright?” He questions, taking a step away from you. You nod.
“Just…worried about my sister. But I guess I have no idea what’s in that building…I’d probably be dead if it’s filled with giant mutants or gunners or something…” He just stares at you, unimpressed. 
“What makes you think your sister survived then?” You hesitate, maybe you should have expanded your backstory a little before you got here…
“Well…she’s much more equipped at self defence…”
“If that was the case she probably wouldn’t be trapped in a building, now would she?” The unbearable silence is cut short by a machine turret firing at the ghoul. You step back, shocked.  He tilts his head, taking it out with a single shot, along with 4 men who had been aiming at him.
“You know, it’s not nice being interrupted.” He exclaims, storming into the building. You follow him, hiding behind a nearby counter. 
“Adam owed me chems…information….ammo…” The ghoul explains to some scared folk, slowly. 
“We had a good thing going, until he ran away with the caps. At least…he thought he could run away, but a little birdie told me he just had to stop by his hometown and visit his family before he left isn’t that sweet?” He asked, grabbing a woman and putting her into a headlock, aiming his shotgun at the other man. The woman lets out a frightened sound and he puts his hand over her mouth.
“Shh, it’s okay darlin, I’d never hurt an innocent woman.” 
The situation is so tense you’re not sure whether or not you’ve let out a breath since you first saw him.
“However, Adam is your son, and as his mother of course you’d never sell him out or…put him in harms way, but what situation does that put me in gorgeous? M’ I supposed to let an accomplice of a scammer go?”
“Please…I didn’t know, I promise-“ She muffles into his hand. He shakes his head.
“It’s no problem, really….” He mocks, letting her go. 
“Bring me Adam, or the next time you see him will be only his head. Or maybe an arm…or leg, some part of him anyway-“
“You’re sick!” The man besides him spits. The woman doesn’t say anything for a while and the man looks at her in shock.
“Honey, you’re not seriously gonna-“
“He’s upstairs.” She says. The ghoul smirks in a way that sends foreign feelings to areas of your body it probably shouldn’t be sending to, but you try to ignore it as you watch the rest of the situation unfold. 
When you head up there, Adam makes eye contact with you from your hiding spot, grabbing you and putting a gun to your head. You let out a sharp breath. The ghoul rolls his eyes.
“Oh jeez- you can’t just stay out of my way hm?” The ghoul asks you. Your hands are up and you feel helpless. In any other situation, you would have the element of surprise and could take him out with your knife, but you knew if you tried anything, either Adam or the ghoul himself would have your head. You open your mouth to say something. An apology, a plea, anything, but instead you close your eyes, accepting the very real reality that this could be the place you die, the shit hole where some boy too foolish not to know double crossing Cooper Howard was a death sentence, lived. He sighs.
“Let the girl go.” He says, nonchalantly. 
“If…if you leave my family alone, I will.” Adam begs, weakly. Cooper rolls his eyes.
“Your family did the commonwealth an injustice through trying to help your sorry ass. You think I’m going to give free passes to every bum I meet? I could put a bullet right between your eyes right now, and you wouldn’t even have the power to beg me not to.” The ghouls words make Adam sweat even more. 
“If you do that your girlfriend will be dead.” Adam says, and you let out a shaky breath. As if the ghoul would give two shits if you were alive or not. And why would he? Even if you weren’t lying to his face right now, and you actually did have a sister who did in fact need saving, why would that be any of his business. So when the words, “Fine, you have my word.” Leave his mouth, you’ve never been more shocked. 
“I- how can I trust you?” Adam questions. The ghoul groans. 
“Adam, Adam….you speakin of trust after stealing my caps? That’s brave. And real fuckin stupid.”
“D-drop your gun. And I’ll let her go.”
“You really think I care if this smooth skin girl I barely know lives or dies?” Cooper asks, and you sigh. There it is. The ghoul signing your inevitable death warrant. This is what you get for trying to help the commonwealth, you supposed. He shrugs, cocking the gun. This causes Cooper to drop his own, immediately. 
“I’m really starting to dislike you Adam. Give me the girl.” Demands the ghoul, and you can tell Adam was equally as surprised as you are. He hesitantly lets you go, not wanting to cause more bloodshed than needed either. You let out a breath, falling from Adams tight grasp and into the ghouls arms. You quickly push yourself off of him, straightening yourself up and apologising tremendously. He sighs. 
“Don’t fucking mention it. Let’s leave this prick. I believe we have a sister to save.”
“You’re just going to leave him here?” You ask him, softly. He rolls his eyes.
“Unlike some people, I keep my word when I give it.” He doesn’t say anything else before darting straight past you and to the exit of the house.
“Sorry for disturbing you, ma’am.” He tells Adams mum before leaving. 
He still hasn’t said anything, bolting towards the tall building where Mr flint and a room of explosives was awaiting him. You stop walking, partly because you believe if you do not, you would run out breath and surely die to a lack of oxygen, but also partly because you couldn’t stand anymore silence. He saved you, someone he didn’t know, and was now helping you further. He was a harsh being, you weren’t blind to that, but the thought of sending the ghoul to his death right now wasn’t a thought you found very welcoming. He notices you have stopped and gives you a confused and unimpressed glance. 
“You don’t seem to be in much of a rush to save your sister from these ‘giant mutants’ you’re so afraid of seeing.” He exclaims, not looking at you. You shrug, eyeing only the ground at this point.
“I guess I’m a little shaken. Never been held at gunpoint before. Had guns pointed at me, many a time but- well it isn’t quite the same. And then you saved me so I- well I guess my thoughts are elsewhere.” You admit in one clutter of words. He nods. 
“I…guess that’s understandable.” He replies, coldly. You nod, continuing to walk now but at a more reasonable pace.
“Why didn’t you shoot him?” Cooper glares at you, then back at the empty land ahead.
“I told you. I gave my word.” You sigh at his answer.
“Yes, but why…surely I ain’t worth saving. I’m nothing to you.” He laughs at your comment. 
“Spoken like someone who has lots to live for.” He remarks, sarcastically. You can’t help but smile at this.
“I suppose that was a little dull, I just meant….I’ve met ghouls before and they all tried to eat me.” You confess, and he laughs the most gorgeous laugh you’ve ever heard. 
“Well, we ghouls can be unpredictable. I still may eat you yet.” He teases, and you can’t help but put this into a different context in your own mind.
As you two get up to the building, your heart is racing. All of a sudden your mind is foggy, you feel nauseous. This whole thing is a bad idea. This man-ghoul….who knew at this point, had only been in your life a few hours and already saved you twice, spared an entire family and was now about to be sent to your death for what? 1000 caps? Flint could kill him if he must, you were not taking a part of it. The ghoul hadn’t just saved you either. He was attractive, kind enough, and brought a type of adventure and heat that you thought had turned to ash like the rest of the world. 
“Well, no ‘gunners or something’ yet.” The ghoul remarks. You nod. 
“Uh, wait here a moment, I’m gonna check this room.”
“Okay, but look out for traps.” He says. You smile at this.
“You worried about me?” He shakes his head.
“I’m worried you’re gonna do something dumb and set off a series of explosions that will get us both killed, but whatever floats your boat sweetheart.” Sweetheart. The nickname repeats itself in your head as you question why it makes your stomach churn in the best way possible. You hurry into the room and see Flint.
“Amazing work at getting him here, which room has the explosives?” He asks, eagerly. You bring your hand to the back of your neck anxiously. 
“About that…what if we just forgot the ghoul? I mean he didn’t harm that family even though they were the ones who had robbed him so-“ “I will NOT hear of this!” Flint exclaims. “He is a mutant, a terrible reminder of the fuckups people from his time have made. Bring him to me, I’ll kill him myself.” You’re stunned by Flint’s aggression to you, especially after it was your life on the line. He can walk away from this with an injured hand and you walk away knowing you were almost a corpse on Adams floor? This man was seriously starting to get to you. 
You couldn’t believe what you were about to do. It had never occurred to you that you would stoop this low, but after all the shit you had been through in your life, this was the one asshole to push you over the edge. To make you do and say shit past you wouldn’t have been able to fathom like….
“He’s in the room on the third floor. The passage on the right should take you there.” You explain. Only that room would have no ghoul, and rather all the explosives instead.
“Good. Are you coming?” He asks. You shake your head.
“Fine, but I’m keeping the caps then.” He declares. You nod. What a prick…. 
You quickly run to the ghoul, grabbing him by the hands.
“We need to go.” You exclaim, pulling him. He looks at you, confused.
“You found your sister?” He asks. 
“What? Oh- yeah…come on.” You say, and thankfully he follows. You hear a booming explosion behind you and you shut your eyes tight. Cooper looks at you, bewildered.
“Care to explain to me what the fuck that was?” He demands. You stare down at the ground. 
“How…about I tell you over a drink?"
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Confession time. This is what I imagine Hancock’s theme song to be as soon as he becomes mayor. And another confession: I imagine Hancock a lot when I listen to bratty songs.
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eerizon · 2 months
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something something nuka-girl something something i need her
wallpaper versions!
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datura-tea · 1 year
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the blessed fruit of thy womb
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sacreblugh · 13 days
man we need specifics on girl!deacon.
was serving cunt FOR SURE but what color was her hair!!! what was girlie up to?!? THE OUTFITS???? PLEASE DEACON YOU CANT JUST CASUALLY SAY YOU GOT A FACE CHANGE AND WAS A GIRL FOR SOME MONTHS
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hey. HEY. Look at me. Look into my eyes. Take this, fallout 4 art blog. You'll need it for the coming drought.
Nick Valentine in these:
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John Hancock in these:
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That's all I have, friend, and it's all I can give you. 👍.
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atombonniebaby · 8 months
Lemme get some glamour shots of Mac n cheese 🙏😫
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I think these went more vintage/noir glamour.
Originals below the belt!...
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135-film · 3 months
i think once i get the ball rolling a bit more on my australian fallout stuff, ill make a blog for it :] i want to share my project with da worl
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likegoodangels · 1 year
No Forgiveness
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Yikes. I’ve finally posted the third part of my Song Inspo fic. It’s uh... it’s been a while. But honestly, Preston is intimidating and I really struggled to get him right. With some reworking and helpful quotes from the game, I think I captured him well for the story.  You can read it on Ao3, as well as the first two installments, which will help you understand the general plot. These are quick reads, so don’t panic there! Link above but ALSO HERE. <<<<<
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thoughtsandbones · 1 year
Take your time, then take your shot
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!MedicDoc OC (codename: Blue) 💀💙
WARNINGS: Mention of alcohol, war, self harm scars, profanity , fluff, just getting the POV of our friendly neighbourhood masked menace.
Plot: Doctor Ruhari Hari Kaur (OC is South Asian ☺️) joins the 141 again, but this time as their doctor. After the betrayal of Shepherd and Graves, Task Force 141 begins their hunt on his whereabouts and locating Makarov.
PLEASE reblog and like!
Song inspo: Tom Tom - Holy Fuck and Bennie and The Jets - Elton John
A/N: Flashbacks are getting messed up when I am indenting them and I am getting lots of errors when publishing the work, please bare with some mistakes and spelling issues.
I grew up with the OG MW2 game, so there are some references to the old one, so kind of a mix of both the OG and the new timeline... (Also I'm ignoring the OG Shepherd betrayal and keeping in line the one with the new timeline..)
All rights reserved to the rightful owners of Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
spelling and some grammar mistakes as I am bad at times... :/
(FYI: bold sentences... that are like this... are supposed to describe redacted data/info to the plot... ;] .. )
Please do let me know how you all are finding this fanfic! :D
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5 and PART 6
Part 7
A sick feeling woke Soap in the morning as the sun poked through his half closed curtains in his room. Rolling over from his front to his side, opening his dry mouth, trying to moisten it with saliva. Half opening his eyes he looks over to the side table near his bed and sees a glass of water. After a struggle to sit up, Soap takes a sip. His stomach lurches.
"Gonna boke" he mutters to himself, covering his mouth.
He vaguely remembered the events of last night. He remembers getting perhaps a bit too close to Ghost, Price helping him with his jacket. He remembers that tattoo. His head pounding, Soap gets up and rushes to the bathroom as he felt the sick travel up from his stomach.
"You still haven't told her Simon!" Price exclaimed as he stood beside Ghost at the assault course watching the marines go through one of their drills.
"Pick your feet up private!" Ghost bellowed at one of the marines who was dragging his feet when he scurried past Ghost. He turned to Price who was still giving him the look of disbelief.
"No, didn' get a chance" He replied gruffly. More like he couldn't say the damn words he thought.
"Bloody lucky that Soap didn't run his mouth fully last night" Price continued "Speaking of which, have you heard from him" Price asked shaking his head at the memory of Soap's outlandish behaviour down the pub.
"Knocked on his door this mornin'" Ghost said "Didn't respon'" he added
"Typical" Price says scoffing then rolling his eyes.
"Haven't seen Blue then?" Price asked, not taking his eyes off him during his questionings.
Ghost shook his head. Why was he calling you Blue now?
"Also don't think I didn't notice the little staring contest you were having with her last night" Price huffed at Ghost his arms held at his hips now.
Ghost turned to looked at Price, his face in a clear scowl. The disappointment reeking off him like the sweat off the marines backs. He swiftly looked back, feeling the back of his neck and ears getting hot and go red. Thank fuck I wear a mask
"We leave in two days for a mission" Price says. Ghost turns to look at him and sees Price crossing him arms over his chest and then pout slightly.
"I know" He grunted
"If you get injured-" Price began
"Won't get injured" Ghost snapped and Price just shook his head at Ghost's crassness.
"I'll let you deal with the fallout." Price sighs, giving Ghost a light pat on the back, about to walkaway from him
"It's hard" Ghost says finally. Price looks back at him, giving him a sympathetic look. Price walked back to Ghost, staying with him to observe the marines.
As Ghost looked on, he could not escape the itchy thought of you. Of last night. The look on your face of pure admiration and happiness when you were looking at the night sky.
"ARGHH!" someone shouted by the climbing wall on the assault course
One marine had landed badly on his ankle when jumping over. Price rushed over as Ghost followed through with a stroll.
"FUCK MY ANKLE" The marine shouted
"Easy Michaels, don't move"! Price yelled crouching on one knee near the marine. Price then proceeded to do a fireman's carry and hoisted the marine over his shoulder. Ghost stood close by watching.
"Let's get you over to the Doc" Price spluttered as he adjusted the marine on his back and started walking off the assault course.
"Lieutenant, keep the rest of 'em in check" Price shouted back to him. Ghost nodded and returned his focus onto the marines. As he stared at the marines finishing off the assault course, his mind unlocked a memory that was buried deep within his cerebral tissue.
<CUE FLASHBACK> Ashfield Base, Berkshire, 18th August 2010 "Keeping yer eye on the scope whilst reloading yer mag allows yer to be alert to yer surroundings" The Captain yelled at the three soldiers laying down in front of him holding their sniper rifles and trying to reload their rifles. The Captain noticed MG let go of his rifle as he reached for his pack where he had his ammunitions. He walked over to him standing near the edge of his feet casting a shadow over him. "And if yer a muppet like MG, yer'd get shot in an instant by an enemy sniper" He says standing behind him giving him a look full of contempt and kicking his boot with his left foot. "Sorry Captain" MG muttered as he looked over his soldier whilst grabbing more munitions. KD, the other soldier next to him snickers.
"Yer'll be sorry when yer dead" The Captain quipped, thick Scottish accent. The Captain moved back from the soldiers and stood next to a 6' 2.5" soldier wearing green fatigues and a blue beret that was on top of his short slicked back blonde hair, icy cold blue eyes narrowed, brows furrowed, focused on the soldiers in front. "Muppets eh Simon?" He muttered to the blonde sergeant Simon smirked at The Captain, in his hand he held a remote with two buttons. He pressed the button on the left, a target sprung out in the shooting range. One soldier, noticed the red target spring up to the slight left of the centre of their scope, you quickly slammed the magazine in the rifle, pulling the bolt, positioned the target to be in the centre, and took your shot, *BANG*, it folded back down to whence it came. "Not all of 'em Cap" Simon said after he watched you hit that target, looking back at The Captain who nodded in agreement. Simon then pressed the button on the right of the remote; a moving target appeared from the right heading horizontally to the left. Two soldiers tried to shoot but missed. As the target barrelled it's way, you manoeuvre your rifle to follow it as it comes near, you take your shot and reloaded. *TWHACK* The bullet hits the edge but the target kept going, you huff. *BANG* and the target gets jolted back. "Good shot Ru" The Captain said walking towards you. Simon presses the button again, another moving target pops up, this time coming from the left. *BANG* you hit the target. Simon pressed both of the buttons at the same time on the remote, keeping his focus on the back of you. Two targets appear, one running left to right at a higher speed and another coming straights towards the soldiers. They all try and shoot. MG and KD both miss. You aim and get the one that was moving towards you but miss the really fast moving target. "3 out of 5 not bad" Simon says towards you, gently tapping your left boot with his. You turn around to look him with a confused face. "The second one surely has to count!" You moan "You missed" he quipped, smirking at you "I got it in the end" "Still missed the first time. Take your time, then take the shot" he said bluntly. He sees you roll your eyes at him, returning your gaze to the range in front, and take out your mag, keeping your eye on the scope whilst your hands place ammunitions into the empty mag. SimSimon presses the button again on the remote. The running target pops out, right to left this time. He watches as you slam the mag back in, pop the bolt, and slowly adjust to the target, tracing its movement and then pull the trigger. *BANG* The target pops back down. "Good" He says moving towards you and crouches. You stay still ready for the next target. The Captain comes over to Simon tapping him on the shoulder "Great practise Ru, improved a lot lately" He said to you "Right, pack up and head back" He said aloud looking at the other two soldiers. The three of you get up, unload your guns and pack them away. "Ru, come see me in my office once yer done" The Captain says to you as you get up, wiping off dirt and grass from your fatigues. "Yes Cap" You respond, The Captain nods and then walks away, you turn to look at Simon, gazing at his stern face, blue eyes focused you. "Did good today" he said again as he watches you load the remaining loose ammunition into the magazine and place it back in your pack and then take off your safety glasses and beret. The ends of your short brown hair fluttering in the wind, you turn and squint as the sun hits your face. The sun was now getting low, taking its final descent into the horizon for this day. You turn back, sun rays bounce against Simon's face, making his blue eyes warm and sparkle slightly. "Cheers Simona" You chirp, giving him a goofy smile. "It's Sergeant Riley or sir" He grunted giving you an annoyed look but then lightly laughed at your ridiculous face as you walked off with MG and KD, whilst sliding the pack on and then swinging your rifle on your left shoulder. <END OF FLASHBACK>
As Ghost watched the marines head into the mess hall he couldn't shake the image of you from his memory.
How have you grown so different? You are so reserved now, not playful. He thinks walking down corridor, passing the infirmary. Ghost walks straight past, avoiding the inner itching feeling of wanting to go in.
Ghost knew he couldn't let you cloud his mind. He can't let the thought of you taking up his time. Can't let the thought of wondering how you will react when you realise the truth. He had to try and avoid you for the next two days.
Ice her out. He'd done it to others, can be done to you.
His focus will have to be on the next task at hand. Finding Makarov.
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cassieuncaged · 6 months
WIP Wednesday on a Monday
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Hey everyone! So I’m officially back from my hiatus and decided to start a WIP tag chain early since I’ve got some new/different things I’m working on (including old stories I’ve neglected for more than year). Anyways, my current focus is on Baldur’s Gate, Fallout 4, Far Cry 4, and Mortal Kombat.
Also, thanks for the tag, @bardic-inspo , to share some of my writing 🤗
No pressure tags: @emotionalcadaver, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @captastra, @firstaidspray, @snowyarts, @reriart, @elfinbloodbag, @euryalex @adelaidedrubman, @chadillacboseman, @inafieldofdaisies, @carlosoliveiraa, @spacestephh, @galaxycunt, @unholymilf, @quantum-lover, @voidika, @illiana-mystery, @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky and anyone else who wants to share writing, drawing etc. If it’s not your thing please ignore, but I wanted to go on a tagging spree since I’ve finally returned to this hellsite! Honestly really excited to see what everyone is working on :)
King of War - Chapter 2 (Pagan Min x OC)
TW: dictators, mentions of war, non-explicit injuries, language, etc.
Her head throbs as eyes slowly open, the blur of the vibrant world quickly coming into view. A flamboyant man sits across from her, picking at food she doesn’t recognize. Though the stranger in his teal suit isn’t what captivates her. No, it’s the panoramic view of the Himalayas, seemingly stretching to the ends of the planet from wherever they’re nestled.
“Good!” a booming baritone startles her, heavily accented as the man addresses her. Meg knows all too well who he is but hopes that it’s an intricate illusion or this whole ordeal is a dream. “You’re awake.”
“Barely,” she’s groggy, trying to ignore the pain radiating at the back of her skull and reaching for the knife kept holstered in her boots. Instead, he eyes widen to saucers as she realizes that her clothing has been changed as she sports a silk cheongsam dress with matching shoes. She nods bitterly. “You’ve taken my things.”
“Sorry,” he examines his finger nails before meeting her gaze, “I don’t like the idea of my guests being armed.”
“What decent dictator would?” she forces out a dark chuckle, hoping he’ll bury a bullet in her brain and end this nightmare. Instead, a brow arches quizzically.”
“King,” Pagan corrects her tersely, “It’ll do you well to remember that, Meg.”
“How do-”
“Please,” he laughs deeply, genuinely entertained by her confusion, “One of the biggest tech innovators from Silicon Valley disappears and just happens to reappear in my country. You think I wouldn’t know who you were?”
“What do you want?” she spits with all the vitriol she can muster, feeling the tension of sore muscles in her face. Nothing is said as he steeples his hands, mouth splitting into a mischievous grin, but he doesn’t need to say it because she already knows.
Exploration - Chapter 1 of 2 (Astarion x OC)
TW: slightly suggestive, allusions to past trauma, dissociation, language, etc.
Memories were complicated, often tainting how one viewed many facets of present life.
At least that was how Astarion regarded his own. Two hundred years had soured his outlook on many things as life was slowly reclaimed. Autonomy, individuality, sex. All were concepts he’d attempted to relearn in the months after the brain fell yet struggled with greatly.
He was grateful to not navigate the unknowns alone, his sorceress lover still firmly planted by his side. Ilwyn was understanding in many ways others wouldn’t be, a flower emerging from the muddiness of her own past trauma. Not to mention how young she was for an elf, still learning many things about herself.
“I’ll be right here, my sweet star.”
She’d cooed into his ear one night after a particularly bad nightmare had destroyed his trance. Her body was warm, the scent of honeysuckle permeating her skin and bed clothes after a soothing bath. No one had ever held him like that, soothing and sweet until his rigid body began to relax against her. To be loved was to be seen, or so he had learned.
Wynnie was endlessly patient and understanding, allowing him to make choices for himself and to allow space when it was needed. Sometimes, the vampire spawn needed to clear his head, to feel the cool kiss of night tickle his cheeks and tousle his curls. If blood still pulsed beneath his skin. He was positive he’d be red as the fruit of a sun melon. How their innocent touches quickly became heated, motions filled with unbridled passion. How he felt himself drift away as Ilwyn lay spread out in nothing but slinky small clothes, her hand drifting to his breeches…
He deigned to be filled thoughts of his lover, to drown in her visage for hours, molding her body against in his own in a passionate exchange, kissing and licking and nipping. Yet, the young elf carefully rolled them over so he lay with his back upon the down feathered mattress. Dismounting herself, Wynnie rubbed firm circles into a broad shoulder as Astarion’s ashen brows knit in confusion.
They were together, melding into one another so naturally and deliciously. Yet allowing ruby eyes to shutter once had transported him into the hallows of the Szarr palace, stretched across crushed satin as sure lips collided with curve of a stranger’s neck. A blonde woman, a man with bronzed skin, it never mattered who was shared that damned bed.
Sex was a means to an end. Always.
Ghoulish Intentions - Chapter 1 (John Hancock x OC)
TW: none! (other than radiation i suppose!)
A gnarled arm stretches across the mattress as the ghoul wakes. Sunlight spills into the room, Daphne’s room. Though Hancock is shocked to find she isn’t plastered to his side, likely having awoken early to tend to mutfruit and tato sapling’s. Sanctuary is teeming with residents now, cul-de-sac walled in like a cookie cutter Goodneighbor. Yet, she enjoys playing her part in all sanctions of the town: agriculture, defense, even entrepreneurship.
But he’s happy that his mayoral duties are paused momentarily, enjoying life after the Institute’s fall. Besides, he rather likes watching his other half scuttle about under the sun that gently freckles soft skin beneath the fumes of radiation that never completely dissipate. Then he hears the rattle of an old storm door, booted feet clomping forward as he begins to dress.
“Hey, handsome.” Blonde hair hidden by the trifold hat that matches his own, Daphne rests her head against the doorjamb. “Nick’s back with a new job. Sounds like we’ve got a job playing detective again.”
“Taking names and kicking some ass involved?” he rasps out a chuckle, enjoying how the loving gaze that falls upon him like a spotlight.
“Likely, at least with Piper and Cait tagging along with us and the gumshoe.” She stifles a yawn, adjusting her general’s garb.
“Well how and the hell could I say no to that?” a grin spreads across his scarred face, inky eyes sparkling beneath dawn’s light. “When do we leave?”
Uneasy Alliance - Chapter 3 (Cassie Cage x OC)
TW: rampant sexual tension, language, etc.
“A truce?” Lavender eyes are unblinking, sharp jaw set hard as steel. “What the hell are talking about?”
Blue eyes rolled dramatically as Commander Cage strode into the meager set up. Her mouth, however, was shut for the longest amount of time since they’d met. Of course, when the turncoat actually wanted to hear the proposition. Instead, the blonde turned gracefully on the toe of her boot, not unlike a ballerina.
Under the right circumstances, Nyx could even imagine herself slipping her a phone number hastily scrawled across a sticky note. Right now, she had to resist the urge to cave Cassie’s skull in.
“Nice place you got here,” a quick nod of her head sent those pink aviators gracefully falling upon that round little nose, “Suppose you’ll be plastering some Echo and the Bunnymen posters up while you watch Eraserhead.”
“What’s your dorm look like, Barbie? Bubblegum pink with a closet full of Betsey Johnson rejects?” Nyx shot back without missing a beat, enjoying how Cage junior was bristling beneath the quick retort. It was clearly a long time since she’d had someone to engage in verbal sparring.
“Point taken,” Cassie grits, arms crossed tightly across her uniform. “You want to hear what I’ve got up my sleeve or not.”
Mirroring her stance, the pallid woman responded with a sharp:
“I’m listening.”
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k1ngpin42 · 14 days
The Hat stays on ;)
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Warnings: MINORS DNI, unprotected p in v, fingering, oral (giving and receiving) probably more stuff ;) 
𝒫𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝟤 𝑜𝒻 𝒢𝓇𝒾𝓉 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒢𝓇𝒶𝒸𝑒
¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸ 🎀•._.•ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸ 🎀•._.• 🎀•._.•ø¤º°`°º¤ø
You lead the ghoul across the the endless expanse of barren earth and crumbling ruins toward the small bar you had met Mr Flint at earlier. The sound of his stupid name in your head sounded like food poisoning as you remembered quite how effortlessly his existence had been cut short by your own hand.  Indirectly perhaps, but you had killed a person to save a ghoul, and that was the reality of the situation. 
The ghoul was cold and expressionless. More than usual anyway, with silence broken only by the crunch of his boots on the parched ground. He looks at the bar warily, and you take the first step by sitting down before him, eying the rather annoying and familiar robot in front of you. 
It tilts its head, watching the ghoul with its soulless eyes.
“Vodka again, please.” You tell it. This time, you put a bag containing what must have been hundreds of caps into the robots hand.
“I want the bottle this time.” You say, and the ghoul finally takes a seat. 
“Talk.” He says, grabbing the bottle off of you and pouring some down his throat. Despite how tense the situation is, or perhaps that was part of the thrill, you pressed your thighs together at the image of the liquid flowing into his mouth and a little down his chin. The look on his face as he tastes it, almost as if he has experienced ecstasy or perhaps an orgasm. You clear your throat. 
“My sister isn’t in danger.” You murmur. The ghoul wipes his mouth.
“No shit.” He replies, looking directly at you this time and making your cheeks flush. As you explain the situation to him further, the truth about how Flint had recognised your skill and asked you to take down the very ghoul you were talking to now, the ghoul stared at you hungrily. 
“I agreed to build the explosives and lure you up there- I mean it was 1000 caps! But then….” Cooper nods in a way that implies he knows you better than you do yourself, and that would probably be true. 
“But then.” He agrees. You take a deep breath.
“I didn’t want to hurt you…or kill you or whatever. I tried to tell Flint but-“
“His name was flint?” You roll your eyes.
“Yep, a stupid name, that has been established. I told Flint I wouldn’t do it but he wouldn’t leave it alone so I lured him to the rigged location instead.” Something unrecognisable flashes across the ghouls face. 
“You killed an innocent man…for me?“ His voice sounds lighter now, more human. The very essence of the sound tugs away at your heart. 
“I didn’t want to be responsible for your death.” You add. “Why? Seem’s like the world would be better off-“
“That’s not true!” You blurt out, and the ghoul is just as surprised as you are at the words. You decide to continue. “You helped me.” He doesn’t respond, as if teasing you with the effect the silence had on you, as you always filled it with awkward words that rushed out of your mouth before your brain could stop it. 
“I didn’t want you to die. No one’s looked out for me like that, even if I was lying - which I feel bad about now…you’re….nice-ish, and just trying to get by… I wasn’t going to end your life without even getting to know you.” He scoffs.
“Oh so you want to get to know me, huh?” The ghoul questions, sarcastically. You sigh. 
“I was fascinated by you, I guess. Always have been by ghouls. Are you going to kill me?” You question. He shakes his head.
“Convince me not to, and you can go.” You say nothing for a while. What could you even say? ‘Please don’t kill me, I have so much more insignificant shit to do with my life?’ He laughs at the silence.
“Well now you’re just begging me to kill you-“
“Wait-“ You blurt out. And his face becomes more serious as he waits for your plea.
“I don’t want to die without…knowing you.” You suggest. He smiles.
“Well played, little killer. What do you want to know?” He asks, and the question comes as a surprise to you. 
“Your name?” You ask. He nods.
“What makes you assume I have one?” “Everyone has a name. Even out here.” 
“It’s Cooper. Howard.” Cooper confesses.
“Y’ Ready to die yet?”
“What um….is with the hat?” You stumble over your words. He smiles.
“You’re stalling sweetheart.”
“Well excuse me for not wanting to get shot right away. The hat.” You protest, and the ghoul is certainly less than subtle over the way you standing up for yourself impresses him. You hate the way he’s toying with you. If he wanted you dead you’d be dead, wouldn’t you? But he sounded so soft when you told him you actually wanted to save him.
“That’s my business.” He answers. You nod.
“The accent…where are you from?” That question was just desperate, and you could tell he didn’t take it seriously either. 
“You like my accent sweetheart?” He asks. You freeze. “I’ve seen you get all wide eyed when I talk. Maybe this is why you didn’t want me to die hm? You hoping I’d talk to you like this?” 
“Maybe my reaction is because you make me nervous…you could have killed me. Still can.” He sighs. 
“Or maybe some fucked up part of you finds me desirable instead. I’d bet anything that that is what makes you nervous. Not my guns…not my…rough skin.” You shake your head.
“Don’t know what you me-“ He shuts you up by leaving an aggressive, hungry kiss in your mouth, tongue lapping up your saliva like he needed it to live. You let out a shaky, shocked breath.
“What was that for…” You ask. He shrugs.
“You run your mouth a lot, thought I’d better get to the source.” You’re still too entranced by the situation, by his entire existence, to register any attempts of comedy right now. “Is this what you killed a man for? You were hopin’ with my sweet accent and my hat that I’d find out about your little scheme and punish you good for it? Although I suppose it ain’t much of a punishment if you want it…”
“What are you talking about…?”
“I’m talkin about sex darlin. Or have you never met a ghoul capable of that either?” The robot made a strange sound that causes you to jump. “Didn’t know that thing knew English…” The ghoul murmured to himself. He turns over to you and just laughs at your reaction.
“Something got you worked up?” He questions, standing up and grabbing you by the arm.
“I’m gonna make you regret not killing me.” He says, pulling you away and not letting you go. Even as you get into an abandoned building, he’s clinging onto you. Not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to indicate you wouldn’t want to find out what would happen if you tried to free yourself from his grasp. He pushes you gently onto the ground, making you lie with your back flat against it.
“I told you I may still eat you.” He hums, only some essence of humour remaining to his words. “May I?” He asks. You understand what he meant about the wide eyed look you got, because in this current moment, you looked not unlike a cartoon lamb and felt equally as stuck in headlights. 
“As in…eat me…out?” You ask. Cooper just laughs.
“Don’t tell me no man’s ever eaten that pretty, smooth pussy before darlin.”
“It’s a lonely wasteland!” You try to defend, laughing yourself now too. 
“So…can I-“
“You can do anything you want to me.” You say, not expecting those words to come out quite as fast as they did. The ghoul grins. 
“Lonely indeed.” He falls onto his knees, spreading your legs apart and pulling your pants down to your ankles quite effortlessly. 
With equal parts tongue and teeth, he plants kisses up your thighs and in between them, leaving pretty red marks that would remember his affection even days later. He traces the outside of your panties with his long fingers, making you gasp out in pleasure. Smiling in approval at your noise, he drags his two middle fingers along your clothed pussy and watced as the fabric become stained with your slick.
“Please…” You moan, and it made Cooper fucking feral. 
“Words, what do you want?”
“Mmph…” You hum, trying to decide between his fingers, mouth, and what you really wanted. That was another thing you were curious about. I mean, do ghouls even have functioning dicks…? You wanted to laugh at the thought of his cum having radiation or something, or being made of just ash. 
Your thoughts were silenced when the ghoul decided for you, having found your clit and starting to increase the pace through the fabric. It hurt so good, the friction, but you wanted to feel him directly. 
“Take it off…please.” You beg, and Cooper kisses your clothed cunt approvingly. He grabs the line of your panties and tears it to one side, licking eagerly all over. 
“H…holy…oh fuck….” He laps up even more of you, finding your clit and moving his head around in circles. You thought it’d feel different or unpleasant without his nose, but the rough skin made you feel even better, like you could cum already and he had only just begun. 
“Slow d…fuck…please Cooper I’ll cum-“  He laughs into your cunt, continuing at the same pace.
“God d- fuck yo- mhnng….” You say, eyes shutting and stomach swirling as you come undone hard on his face. He doesn’t let up for a while, allowing you to squirm and revel in the pleasure. When he comes back up to face you, he is looking at you with smug arrogance.
“You see sweetheart, you can beg for your god to save you as much as you want, but I gave you your chance. If you want me to stop all you have to do is ask, but you’re not gonna ask, are you?” Your blushing ferociously and still feeling high from your orgasm. Too much so to think about responding, but that simply won’t do for the ghoul.
“Answer me.”
“No. No don’t stop…please” You whimper, pathetically. He smiles widely. 
“Don’t worry I won’t.” He says, bringing his fingers to his mouth and putting them inside your eagerly awaiting hole. You were embarrassed at how easily they slid in, and even more embarrassed at the high pitched moan you released. He pumps them painfully slow in and out, watching your reaction with each thrust, listening to your loud, slow breaths.
“So good…” You sigh, and he starts going faster, and faster, and then so fast that you’re on the fucking edge again like it’s nothing. It made you question just how many people he had been with in this wasteland to know how to make a girl cum this hard, or maybe he was always just gifted.
“Howard…gonna cum…” You cry, and he kisses you while you ride his fingers. 
“Good girl, cum for me….” Fuck, if you weren’t already embarrassingly wet before, you were certainly soaking now. Your thighs shake as you tighten around his fingers and the same, proud look touches his face.
“So pretty.” He praises, gently.  He looks at your glassy eyes and dishevelled, pretty lips. “Ready for more?” He asks, and you nod eagerly, but Cooper Howard is a gentleman, at least in this regard, he wasn’t going to rush such a perfect moment. It was the most excitement he had had in years, and you were so fucking gorgeous. There were pretty people in the wasteland he was sure, but to find someone free of radiation damage, blemishes and other damage who actually wanted to interact with him in any way shape or form was a rarity he was truly grateful for. 
Instead of doing anything else just yet, he put his hand around your neck. He didn’t grab it, he just rested it there and slowly pulled you in with it. He sucked hard on your neck and you let out a moan as he does so. He’s genuinely surprised at the sound. He doesn’t remember the last time his own body felt sensitive, so he hadn’t really accounted for the way just his warm mouth working away at the soft skin of your neck would make you squirm and moan like this. It was arousing, and made him feel powerful. He was a little worried he would hurt you, but the way you begged him for more indicated that wouldn’t really be an issue. 
“I want to make you feel good.” You say, and he’s sucking at your collarbone. He just shakes his head.
“Mm- that’s okay.” He says, moving to your ear on the left side. Your smile fades a little.
“Well…does…it not feel good anymore? As a ghoul I mean….”  He gives you a warning look and at first you’re worried he’ll lash out or even worse, stop. But he doesn’t do either, instead his face softens a little.
“It does feel good for me but I don’t know how it will feel for you. It won’t be what you’re used to. Not….the same….” He admits. You smile comfortingly at him. 
“Can I touch you? Just touch…I won’t….I won’t do anything, won’t even move my hand I just want to feel.” You say, and he sighs, unbuckling his pants.
He picks up your right hand and puts it inside them. When you put your hand on the cold, slightly toughened skin you immediately want to feel more, to palm it, feel the head, perhaps, but you told him you wouldn’t, so instead you just softly felt what he let you. 
“Pretty freaky, huh?” He asks. You’re still smiling and you shake your head reassuringly. 
“Can you feel it when I move my hand up and down it?” You question, softly. He closes his eyes, embarrassed. 
“You felt it, that’s enough….” He says. You remove your hand and gaze into his eyes pleadingly. 
“If it sucks, I can stop.” You say. He lets out an embarrassed groan. 
“You can move it one time. But if I say stop you damn well better listen-“
“Yeah that’s like a pretty well known rule for anyone who isn’t a raper, Cooper…” 
“Jesus that wasn’t what I- just have at it already.” He says, and you laugh, returning your hand. You move your hand further down and fuck, he’s bigger than the pants had lead on. You grasp it a little harder, moving your hand up and down. You explore his balls too, and somehow his body felt exactly as you thought it would. You run your thumb over the head and he lets out the cutest sound you could have imagined. You smile up at him.
“Well that was a sound.” You tease, and he rolls his eyes, smiling back. You start palming him faster and he lets out a quiet and heavy breath. 
“Can I take them off Cooper?” You ask, and he knows he’s already given this much of himself to you, there really wasn’t that much more to lose.
“What do you say?” He asks, wanting to maintain any sort of power he once had over you. You nod, accepting his tactics. 
“Please?” He agrees and you push his pants down. He steps over them and you toss them to the other wall of the building. You’re moving at a fast pace now. He’s moaning and gasping, putting his hand on your cheek approvingly. Then, a familiar warm liquid paints the tip of him and you want so desperately to try it for yourself. 
“Want….want to taste you, please.”
“No way…we don’t know what that could do-“ You laugh.
“Worried I’m gonna become Spiderman or something?” He looks at you confused. 
“What the fuck is a ‘spiderman?’ 
“You know the protagonist from giant insects invade?  The magazine?”
“No…” He dismisses quickly, and you can’t help but smile at that reaction. 
“Well, for your info, spiderman had some amazing tips about resisting radiation, in fact I’d say I’m like…5 percent more resistant since reading it”
“You do realise 5 is not a high number…”
“We gotta start somewhere.” 
“Look just…use your hand for now okay?” You groan. 
“I’m not scared of a few rads, we don’t even know it’ll spread that way.” He laughs.
“You really want this, huh?” He asks, and you know he’s mocking you, but fuck do you want it.
“Yes.” You admit, and to your surprise, he points down at the ground and you smile, going down to your knees and straddling his hips. You put your mouth on the tip slowly, sucking deeply. He puts a hand on your hair and it makes you even more into it, allowing you the confidence to put more of him in your mouth. The texture is intriguing on your tongue, and the more you lick the more he whines. 
“Fuck…you’re uh, not too bad at that.” Cooper says, and you bring him out of your mouth for a quick breath. 
“That was almost a compliment.” You say, putting your mouth back down onto him even further, sucking and gagging deliciously at his cock.
“Mmm…that’s my girl.” He says, putting his hand on your head.
“Is it okay if I p…” He let’s out a moan he had been trying to fight before continuing. “Push your head down lightly?” You hum in agreement.
“I’ll take that as a yes?” He questions, pushing you down and pulling you back up.
“Fuck….fuck mmm….good girl….good….” He babbles as you taste away at where he’s the most sensitive. 
“You might want to go up soon sweetheart, I’m gonna cum.” He says, and you feel attachment issues to the taste and feel of his sensitive cock when you remove your mouth, replacing the pleasure with your hand. It only takes a few more seconds until his eyes roll back and he’s spilling all over your hand.
“Mmmnggh….” He sighs…leaning his head back against the wall. You stand back up a little shakily and he kisses you deeply. 
“How do you feel…?” He asks. You sigh.
“I haven’t turned into a giant insect yet.” You say, pretending to be disappointed. He just laughs. 
“I’ve never read those awesome tales, too nerdy.” He teases. You hit him playfully.
“Shots fired.” You laugh back. He cups your head in his hands and you can tell he’s thinking about something.
“What is it?” You question. He looks at you endearingly, questioning whether or not to respond.
“What do you think would happen if…I went inside…” He asks, lowering his voice to an embarrassed whisper. You gleam back at him, not realising this was something you could have even considered.
“We should find out.” You suggest, eagerly. He laughs at your enthusiasm. 
“You are really something else, sweetheart. Shit’s been tough out here for you I take it?” He asks, pulling your shirt off over your head. 
He practically gapes over your unmarked figure and the pretty bra you have on. Not to mention what’s in them.
“Well, it would be refreshing to meet someone who isn’t a cockhead.” You reply, and he’s still too focused to really take in your answer.
“Like what you see, Cooper?” You ask gently, and he still doesn’t avert his gaze. 
“Can I kiss them?” He asks. You laugh encouragingly. 
“You don’t need to ask me for that.” You say, unclipping your bra. As soon as his eyes made contact with your sensitive nipples which hardened in the new environment and at the site of the ghoul this obsessed over anyone, he latched his mouth to them, fiddling with the pretty, pink skin and sucking rather than the kissing he had talked about. You smile at the site of it, he looked so fucking adorable like this. 
“Got mummy issues or something Coop? Sucking away at me like this.” You tease. He goes up and kisses your mouth again. 
“You really do have a tongue on you.” He says, leaning over you, putting his elevated arms on either side of your head. 
“Gonna put you in your place…” He coos, still enjoying the site of your naked figure. He removes any of his remaining clothes very quickly and tosses them with the rest. You put a hand to his bare skin. 
“Wait…can you bring the hat back?” You ask. Visible confusion reaches the ghouls face.
“The hat….why?” You flush.
“Does my hat make you horny?” He asks, genuinely surprised. You nod.
“Kinda.” You admit, and he doesn’t need a further explanation than that, grabbing his hat and placing it firmly on his head.
“mmm.” You say, admiring the view. 
He puts his hands on your hips, holding them firmly.
“You ready?” You could laugh at his words. The fact he thought he would even need to ask is beyond you. This is the most relaxed you have felt in years and the fact that this comfort was something you could only find while having sex with a 200 year old, mutated, violent human is a reality that is questionable at best. 
“Yes…please fuck me….” You breathe out, and he lines himself up with your glistening hole. 
“Oh I will sweetheart. I will…” He reassures, but not without sliding himself in between your folds first. You shut your eyes tightly. 
“Fuck…” You sigh, and he just laughs. 
“What? My little slut can’t wait hm? Want me inside that bad?” You would hit him for the teasing, but you had no idea what kind of repercussion that would have, so you just nod dumbly. 
“Well alright then.” He says, finally pushing the majority of himself inside you. It burns so fucking good. Your eyes roll back, you bite your bottom lip, fuck he’s impressive.
“Shh, shh, shh…” He reassures as he thrusts out of you and slowly edges back in. “You can take it.” At first, the slow pace was unbearable as his tough skin explored your warm walls, but then, he starts increasing the pace, still making sure he goes hard enough like you deserved for lying to him. He puts a hand on your neck, still fucking you deeply. 
“Mmm, wanted this so-“ He thrusts harder. “Bad. I coulda killed you for this.” He says. You nod.
“Why didn’t y- fuck….” You moan. He tuts at you mockingly. 
“You don’t ask the questions anymore.” He says, and you’re whimpering and clawing onto his textured skin within an inch of your life.
“Close…” Is the only pathetic word you manage to let out. He kisses you for so long that you let out a desperate gasp for air when he lets go. This only turns him on more of course. 
“Don’t tell me, show me, cum on my fucking cock.” You let out pornographic moan, clawing into his skin as you feel his warmth spill into you. He lets out a hot, low moan that sends your thoughts fucking spiralling. 
Still riding your high, he kisses all over you, sucking on your neck and other parts of your body again. When you’re finally finished cumming, he eases you off of his lap and you put your panties back on. He watches you fondly. 
“Did…I convince you to let me live then?” You ask, putting the remainder of your clothes back on. He smiles.
“Oh yes.” He replies mischievously. “you were very persuasive.” 
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John Hancock ♥
Fun fact: This song single-handedly inspired me to make a fanfiction about Hancock’s ghoulification, and later, his backstory. Artwork by Makkuro Murasaki pushed me over the edge of inspiration to continue to make Hancock’s backstory fit into who he is today, what makes up his personality, why he hates his brother so much, why he never left Goodneighbor, etc. Essentially, this song inspired my headcanons for his past relationships, his attitude toward life, his mistakes (including addictions), and even his employment history.
If you’d like to follow his story from the age of 7 to the age of 46 in my 55-chapter, binge-worthy fanfic called “Book 0: The Diaries of Anarchy,” you can find it here. Enjoy~
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kae-luna · 9 months
//WIP Intro Post: Ultra Drive//
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Art by Computerizer
//Title: Ultra Drive
//Progress: Writing early chapters, planning for whole (hopefully) series out of order
//Genres: Sci-fi, cyberpunk, dystopian, biopunk, post-apocalyptic, action, LGBTQIA2S+, drama, psychological
//Links: Wattpad | Tapas (Coming Soon)
//Rating: 16+ for violence, blood, possible gore, swearing, and suggestive content
//Content warnings: death, pandemic, sickness, bigotry in general???, war, fascism
//POV: Third person First person. AlexiKa's POV.
//Setting: In the city of Venicula on the island of Arasai and surrounding areas. Takes place in the future.
//Premise: AlexiKa's world was changed forever the day her family was forced to immigrate to the imperial city of Venicula after the Ebony Plague - caused by mysterious spores - infected her home town.
~(Continued under the cut)~
Now a young adult, she works as a courier (and secretly an anti-corporation activist). When going on a delivery for the all powerful Gaia Corporation, she accidentally uncovers dark secrets and ends up infected with the same Ebony Plague that haunted her hometown as a child. But when she survives the illness and instead develops superhuman abilities, she joins a mutant resistance group - who call themselves Ultras - to fight against the Veniculan Empire, the Gaia Corporation, and other mutants with immoral goals.
//Aesthetic: neon and pastel architecture, holograms, dyed hair, tech gear, infrastructure in derelict conditions, overgrown plants, eco-friendly technology
//Tropes + themes: anti-capitalism, equality, probably found family, female empowerment, globalization, super powers, POC characters, LGBTQIA2S+ characters
//Inspiration: Nausicaa of The Valley of The Wind, Ultraviolet (2006), Aeon Flux (show + movie), Alita: Battle Angel (movie, OVA, + manga), Ghost in The Shell (anime), Fallout (games), 86 (anime), The Last Of Us (games), Blade Runner, The Matrix, 1980s, 90s, and early 2000s in general, vaporwave art, the United States of 'Merica, Sims 4 eco lifestyle
AlexiKa: A young woman with fiery passion and an even more fiery temper, AlexiKa - AKA Lexi - fights for her family's survival in the rough city of Venicula. She hates authority and will gladly fight for you, despite the odds.
Yuki Raiden: Lexi's mom. Japanese. Super sweet and tries to keep the mood positive, even in dark times.
Alessandro: Lexi's dad. An Italian himbo who loves to tinker.
Ellie: Lexi's childhood friend. Super sweet, but a bit cheeky as well. Pacifist. They might have some gay tension.
Empress Vox: Rules the city of Venicula. Politician who does weird parasocial crap over VR/AR. Definitely a good person.
Donovan Vox: Brother of the Veniculan president. CEO of Gaia Corporation.
LaKellan Ramirez: Leader of the Ultra Resistance. Calm and may seem cold, but is actually just a bit awkward and emotionally constipated.
(More coming soon probably-)
//Tags: Ultra Drive, aesthetic, xxx, xxx, xxx...
//Tag list: @digital-chance
//Pinterest boards: Aesthetic inspo | Character inspo
//Playlists: Scenic/Chill - Used for imagining scenery and for calmer scenes.| Edgy - Lots of industrial, trip-hop, metal, and rock beats for angsty, intense, action scenes. Some songs may include explicit content.
1.0: Initial Post.
1.2: Added more tags. Added playlist. Added Pinterest board links.
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ghoulphile · 1 month
to sit down & try to write... or to play fallout 4 🤔
conversely play fallout 4 for inspo and then write?
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 month
Because ive been watching the Fallout series on prime, I shall share my Fallout player characters;
Fallout 3/Lone Wanderer: Calfuray Cole.
Vault 101's chaplin and extreme optimist. Has Morel Orel-level's of belief in people no matter how terrible the world seems. Her father, James, specifically sought out Vault 101 to raise Calfuray in, as she had been born with a genetic mutation that worsened with higher radiation levels. By the time she manages to activate Project Purity, she's a dead ghoul walking. Doesn't do chems or drink - even though she tries. Most likely to be manipulated into being the idol of a cult centered around her.
Song Inspos: Anna Kendrick "Get Back Up Again" + Captain Murphy "Diciples".
Fallout New Vegas: "Hildegarde" aka "
Looks an albino deathclaw with ringu-style white hair. Towers over all other characters. Possible mutant and/or Think Tank experiment. Speaks only with the "Terrfying Presence" perk. Ultimately believes that she must "be the bad guy" to force the people of New Vegas to unite and survive. Nevada cryptid. Responds violently to all Legion. Surprisingly, a friend to animals.
Song Inspos: Poor Mans Poison "Hell's Coming With Me" + 1 800 "Pain".
Fallout 4: Pivot-Blue "Blue" & DomUnique.exe
Variant of my Pivot oc - this one being a RobCo collaboration between Pivot's creator/"Father" and General Atomics to create a Nanny/Babysitter bot. Pivot-Blue (or just "Blue" as Piper calls them), was a baby shower gift to Nate & Nora to take care of Shaun while the new parents returned to civillian life. When Sanctuary Hills residents were corralled into Vault 111, Blue was mistaken for a missing assigned Vault resident and taken inside. Nate and Nora put Blue into "Sleep Mode", and told them to wait until someone came to get them. Blue witnessed Shaun's kidnapping, and once managing to "shut off" Sleep Mode, decided to try and find their charge + learn how to enact vengance for their adoptive-parents. Meets a sentient AI named DomUnique.exe ("Dom") who's been trapped in a Pip-boy replaying holotapes for the past 20+ years. Dom is Blue's built-in guide to the Wasteland + rude dialogue option that lives in their wrist. Blue has no idea how to approach the Human-Synth issue in the Commonwealth as they are a pre-war bot made to look and feel humanly as possible, and is suffering from Pinocchio syndrome. Dom doesn't care ("Pfff! Who needs a body? I'm all digital ba-by!") and openly mocks the issue. Blue ultimately wishes to help people, while Dom just wants to make sure Blue finds better music.
Song Inspos: Blue; Sarah Stiles "Drift Away" + Ray Charles "I Can't Stop Loving You". Dom; KIRA & Hatsune Miku "Digital Girl" + the entirety of Macintosh Plus - "Floral Shoppe".
EDIT: Added song inspos
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