#fallen love ranger
lucilassie · 4 months
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Fall from grace ❤️💜
Model: @mmmayro (Love Ranger)
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wildcard777 · 1 year
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alaraxia · 7 months
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My take on the Charge suit and Rangers logo
ik his powers don’t technically work this way but rule of cool baby
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b1gwings · 5 months
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a little something i made for my dnd group back in september ^_^
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dragonfruitghosts · 2 months
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You know where to find me And I know where to look
So I may or may not be spinning these two in my brain at high speeds, focusing a bit too much on these silly fellas (to the point where I have a silly little fanfic idea for them)
Also TV Girl reference because I love Taking What’s Not Yours
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sol1t41r3 · 11 months
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Aggie page with @5uwabbit
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seawardboundsammy · 4 months
girlies i have cooked.... <- wrote their first chaptered fic in literal years
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void-critters · 9 months
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Low effort text post meme but it's my current D&D party™
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mirrbsblog · 2 years
Fortnite Cuddle Team Leader Skin
Fortnite Cuddle Team Leader Skin
There is a Legendary Fortnite Outfit called the Cuddle Team Leader Skin, and it is part of the Royale Hearts collection. On February 10, 2018, it was first made available, and as of 38 days ago, it is no longer for sale. Once available, it sells for 2,000 V-Bucks in the Item Shop. Fortnite’s Cuddle Team Leader feature made its debut in Season 2 of the game’s first chapter. Cuddle Team Leader is…
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itsfeckinwimdy · 1 year
10 Types of Kisses
Various LOTR/TH x Reader
Pairings: Aragorn, Fili, Haldir, Kili, & Legolas x Reader (separately).
Pronouns: n/a.
Prompt(s): 10 types of kisses by @urfriendlywriter. You can find her post here. (I used 9/10 of them).
Word Count: 3.4k words (3415)
Warnings: No beta, we die like Boromir. open wounds (Aragorns + Fili's), marriage (Fili's), swearing (Kili's), mentions of battle + death + blood (Legolas).
Tree Speaks: I had a lot of fun writing this but it also went into territory that I'm not particularly comfortable with writing yet so we'll see how this pans out.
Translations: amad - mother, dwarrowdams - a term used for female dwarves.
LOTR + TH Masterlist
Published: 25/02/2023
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1. Aragorn
soft kisses - where they're just lying beside you, hands playing with your hair as they trail tender kisses all over your lips
The two of you were meant to be sleeping of course, but the gloom of the mines made it hard to settle. You supposed that's why he pulled you away from the others slightly, to a spot just that bit further away.
Aragorn was on first watch as usual, having made it his task since the beginning of the journey, and always insisted that the hobbits and Gandalf got plenty of sleep. But with that came the usual knowing looks between the two of you as Aragorn knew his love wouldn't sleep unless he would.
So with that knowledge, and him sensing his love's rising anxiety at being trapped underground, it now brought them to this.
He tilted your head up from where it was resting against his chest, his hand cupping your face. Aragorn brushed a few loose strands of hair off your face from where it had fallen out of place as his own head tilted down towards yours. His hand gently entwined with your other, and he paused in his movements, allowing you to decide next.
You gently reached up, threading your hand through his long locks and gently pulling him down towards you. He pressed his lips to yours, mouth moving slowly, softly, intimately.
He pulled away, your lips chasing after his, a small smile gracing his lips as he pressed another kiss, and then another, and then another to your lips.
the type of kiss where you can't find words to say after, or the ones where your forehead lingers against each other's
Aragorn's horse trotted through helms deep, having just pulled him up from the river bed where if not found, he would've succumbed to his wounds. He dismounted his horse and received a scolding from Gimli before forcing himself up the staircases and into the deep.
Legolas rose from outside the doors, greeting his friend who believed him dead. The elf pulled him into a familiar embrace before pulling back and making a sarcastic comment about the ranger.
The elf turned a small smile gracing his face before yelling the name of a person. The ranger followed his line of sight. It fell on his love, you.
You looked up after the elf who yelled out to you, before seeing the man you mourned for standing with him. Abandoning your stuff, you ran to him, arms thrown over his shoulders and crushing him to your chest as a few sobs left you.
His arms encircled you as he leant his forehead against yours. He didn't care at that point about the mud caking him and he didn't think you cared enough at that point, so it made no odds on whether he was careful or not.
He pulled back slightly, raising his hand to caress your face before pressing his lips to yours. Tears left both of you as his mouth moved languidly with yours.
Aragorn pulled away, resting his forehead against yours. He wanted to say so much to you, fearing that he would never see you again but all thoughts left him as he wished to stay in this moment, longing for nothing but you.
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2. Fili
messy kisses - curly hair, ruffled sheets and half-buttoned clothes as you just want more and at that moment, they're the most beautiful soul to you ever
The sun trickled in through the window, bypassing the curtains that hadn't been fully drawn across the night before. The young (ish) couple lounged in the bed, bodies pressed together as close as they could get with the few layers of clothes still between them.
He tilted your head up to meet his, his lips pressing against yours, moving languidly in the early morn. Fili reached up, hand caressing your courting and marriage braids that were still somewhat intact.
He groaned, feeling one of your hands gripping the hair at the base of his neck and the other slipping under his shirt across his chest.
Fili pulled back, eyes fluttering open to meet yours; your own half-lidded as you drew in a few stuttering breaths. It was a pleasant greeting from your love first thing in the morning, one that you would be against again.
You gazed up at Fili, the dwarf hovering over you, careful not to rest his entire body weight on you. The tressels of sunlight filtered through his hair, causing a glow to shine over him.
His eyes trailed over your face, memorising every detail as if it was the first time he saw you.
kisses on your body ♡ frail kisses on your shoulder! on your lower back, belly and trailing to your neck, collarbones, lips.
A cry of pain left your lips.
Oin pulled the blood-soaked cloth away from where it was pressed tightly against your side. The infection from the arrow had spread, the orcs having laced it with something deadly.
The pain wasn't something Fili wished on anyone, much less you. So he did his best to comfort you whilst the infection ransacked your body. His hands firmly held you, one holding the back of your head, and the other gripping your forearm to stop you from forcing Oin's hand away from the wound he was trying his best to treat.
After Oin had doused the cut in water, trying to flood any dirt that wormed its way in, Fili pulled you closer. The healer moved back to gather some more altheas and cloths, leaving you curled against your prince's chest.
Fili dropped his head down to your shoulder, as your tears continued to douse his shirt - not that he cared as it was covered in sweat, grime, and whatever else from the trip across middle earth - his hand on your head slipping down to the back of your neck, stroking his fingers in what he hoped was a soothing pattern.
He pressed a kiss to your bare shoulder, the fabric of your tunic had been pulled away, cut away for easier access. It would need replacing, he noted, but hoped that it would be enough to cover you until the sun rose again.
Fili continued his ministrations, pressing another kiss further up your shoulder. And then another at the junction where it met your neck. He considered pressing one to your neck, in that one spot he knew made you shiver, but with the way you were sitting in his lap you were already considered improper in public, so he begrudgingly decided against it.
Oin chose to return at that moment, pressing the churned-up altheas against your wound and then tying the cleanest cloth over it. You cried out in pain, more tears falling. It was like someone was driving a burning knife into your arm, over, and over, and over again. The pain rolling in waves.
Fili kept whispering words of praises and comfort, the Kadzhul translations lost in your mind as all you could feel was the pain, and him.
The knot was finally tied on the bandage. Fili slid his hand from the back of your neck to cup your face, pressing a chaste kiss against your forehead before leaning his own upon yours.
I'm here, you're safe now, I love you, the action spoke more words than Fili could find himself saying.
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3. Haldir
lazy kisses as they admire you - fingers delicately trialing your jaw as they kiss your lips
"Haldir," you groaned, leaning back against his chest, head turned up to face him. A smile graced his lips, his eyes locked with yours, shining full of love.
It wasn't often you got to spend a prolonged period of time with your Marchwarden, especially with him being gone for months at a time to guard Lothlórien's borders. So any time you spent with him was precious, even if you knew he would be leaving at the end of it again.
The braid in his hair was loose, albeit from your hands running through his hair earlier, causing him to have a sexy, but dishevelled look. The thought of elves being supermodels no matter what state they were in flashed through your mind again causing you to chuckle slightly.
Haldir raised his hand, letting it linger under your jaw as he delicately leaned down to place another kiss against your lips. Warmth bloomed through you and as his lips moved against yours, all thought about him having to leave again in a few days retreated into the depths of your mind.
You were drunk off the taste of him, off his kisses as he stole your breath each time. And nothing would ever change that.
goodbye kisses - kisses lingering like liquor in each other's lips, bitter but sweet, "I'll always come back to you, love. you're my home after all."
The boats gifted to the fellowship had just finished being prepared and were packed full of provisions to last you a good while.
The thought of having to leave your home again haunted you but not just because it was where you lived. No, because this time you were leaving your love, not knowing when you were to see him again. He was your home.
The Marchwarden was allowed to see his love off, having been granted a week's leave whilst you and the fellowship recovered and stayed in Caras Galadhon, Lothlórien. After you were sent as an emissary to Imladris, Rivendell in the common tongue, and word had returned that you had embarked on a journey to destroy the one ring, Haldir was worried for you.
He knew the history of the ring, as did most if not all elves and was worried about the dangers you may face. He knew that you could protect yourself, having been a sparring partner against you for years, but the worry did not dissipate.
He met you at the shoreline, his hand over his heart in the traditional greeting before he held your hand in his. Sadness filled his eyes as he wished not to see you leave, but knowing that this was a journey you were willing to take.
Haldir leant his head against yours as he fixed the cloak hung around your shoulders, ensuring that the broach was attached properly.
His hands lingered on your waist as he prepared himself to say goodbye again. It was one thing being the one who was leaving, but now that he was on the receiving side for once, he now knew how your heart felt each time he went on patrol. That feeling of not knowing if you were coming back or not eating at his heart.
Your hand on his cheek stole his spiralling mind from his thoughts as your lips pressed against his. A tear threatened to leave his eye as he consumed your kiss like a drug. The fear bubbling in his chest soothing to make way for the love he held for you but the melancholy feeling at having to be parted from you made it more bittersweet than anything.
His lips lingered over yours as you pulled away, his hand raising to stoke a strand of hair back from your face. Haldir wished he could keep you here in his arms but understood the task you had undertaken would not be dropped lightly.
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4. Kili
kissing and realising this is the person you'll always love, you'll always want to touch and snuggle with
Kili didn't think he could hold you any closer than he currently was.
You were practically melded into him, hands gripping tightly to the back of his jacket. The clothing was still damp from the thunderous storm you had walked through, but nonetheless had to still wear.
The terror that shot through him as the thunder giant collided with the mountain, believing that he had lost not only his brother but you as well, was something he never wished to feel again. His hands trembled slightly at the thought.
He shifted slightly, taking some pressure off his shoulder whilst pulling you upwards slightly so you were level with him. The ground wasn't pleasant to lie on, less so on his side, and even less so with damp clothes on, but Kili knew this was the company's best option right now.
Kili rested his head against yours, his eyes meeting yours. He nudged his nose with yours affectionately, giving you time to pull away.
It was something he always did, you noted. Every time he wanted to kiss you but couldn't find the words to say it, or was surrounded by too many prying eyes, he did that. Gave you that tell that allowed you to decide what happens next.
You tentatively leant forwards, tilting your head upwards ever so slightly, letting your lips press against his. There was no rush. No incessant desire to pull the other closer, just him.
Kili moved his lips slowly with yours, savouring every moment that he got with you. Fuck, he loved you. The realisation pulled at his heartstrings more, knowing that he could've lost you today.
prohibited kiss - you're not even supposed to be seeing each other but your hands are on his hair and his hands around your waist, lower bodies pressing into each other as you kiss
Laughter radiated through your body as you were pulled through the endless turns and corridors of Erebor. The stone walls were lined with torches and braziers all lit with fires burning brightly.
To anyone else, it would be a maze, a catacomb of tunnels that unless sense was made of them, would surely lead to your demise. But years of living there had engraved the pathways into your mind, and no doubt Kili's.
His hand dragged you to a secluded corner, himself coming to a halt. He could no longer hear the guards trying to follow the two of you. Pride flooded his chest as he gazed back at you, finally alone with his betrothed.
You were finally able to get a good look at him, now that he didn't have all the dwarrowdams fawning over him. Even if he wasn't "beautiful" by dwarf standards, he was still a prince and would have people trying to gain his favour.
But his title didn't matter to you. Kili did.
And by the creator himself, did you love the way he looked. His hair tousled from the running, and the short beard he was so desperately trying to grow accentuated his face.
But the ceremonial robes that hung to his body? You couldn't resist.
He found himself pushed back, pinned against the pillar. Kili's eyes locked with yours, the same fire of desire within him, burning through you.
Your lips pressed with his, mouths moving frantically with the others. Your hands that gripped onto the front of his robes slid up, trailing up his neck and into his hair, pulling slightly to press him into you more.  A groan left him at a particularly harsh tug before your hand moved to trace his courting braid.
He pulled away, panting, breathless, kissing you again and pulling you into him, arms gripping your waist, hands in his hair, your bodies practically merging into one. If his Amad caught him now, he wouldn't even have to face the scornful looks of Dwalin, he would already be lying in his grave.
But could he let you go? Fuck no.
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5. Legolas
shy kisses - when you're the one pulling them closer, and they nuzzle their face in your crook after the kiss, hands around your waist as their ears get red
You were scared. If anything you were currently lustful, but you were about to fight in a war against ten thousand troops with an army of less than a third of that. So you were scared.
Legolas had turned to where you leant against one of the pillars, choosing to come and check all the fastenings on your armour. He was meticulous and methodical as he went to each and every one, adjusting where he deemed necessary whilst checking it caused you no discomfort.
A soft smile graced your face, as you watch his gentle movements before reaching out to cup his face in one of your hands. A blush, so subtle anyone who didn’t know Legolas would miss it, warmed his face, his head lifting and eyes locking with yours. It was as if he was staring straight into your soul, his piercing grey eyes full of love but fear.
You pulled him towards you, Legolas leaning his head down as his hand held over yours on his face, the other resting gently on your waist. Leaning up, you gently pressed your lips to his. Just once, mind you, the action as tender as possible, letting him come to you.
Legolas leant into you, pressing his lips back against yours, moving at a slow pace. He wanted to savour this moment as much as possible before the two of you walked to what could be your deaths.
The clearing of the person's throat sprung the two of you apart, you mentally preparing for the endless stream of apologies to whichever passerby caught you, only for it to be someone you knew all too well.
"Aragorn." You spoke, heavily embarrassed to be caught with your lover.
The ranger looked between the two of you, his face being that awful neutral resting one making it so you couldn't judge his feelings on the matter. Aragorn must have read the panic starting to creep up in you as a teasing smile broke out.
“I have no qualms with this,” he began before looking over his shoulder towards the entrance of the armoury, “but the people of Rohan may not be as forgiving if you are caught.”
He turned on his heel, making his way up the staircase and leaving the two to their devices.
A moment passed and then a chuckle left your lips as a sigh left Legolas’. His head fell to your shoulder as the blush absconding his cheeks spread like wildfire tinting his ears a rosy colour.
At least it was only Aragorn, you mused, If Gimli had found you then he wouldn’t stop teasing your elf.
kisses of reassurance - saying that you're safe, still with them, that your heart is still beating wildly in your chest, that they couldn't get rid of you if they tried, that for some insane reason, you're not dead yet
Your chest heaved, trying to inhale as much air as possible as you sprinted up the mud-soaked hill. Aragorn had yelled for the soldiers to retreat into Minas Tirith and you were making your way as fast as you could until an arrow pierced your shoulder.
The doors were closed and sealed as you entered alongside the last few stragglers, a resounding bang from the wood hitting the stone frame. The room spun on its axis.
The throbbing pain in your arm continued, each ebb seeming stronger which was probably due to the adrenaline wearing off. Maybe you should've stayed fighting, it surely couldn't hurt as much as your arm did, you thought as your uninjured arm reached out to hold yourself up against the wall.
Giving up on keeping yourself upright, you slid falling somewhat ungracefully to the floor, blood dripping from your wound and soaking your sleeve. It was funny how much damage one arrow could cause.
You blinked.
The sun had risen, and from where you could see it, it was around mid-morning. Your eyes focused and you could see a worried face in a sea of platinum blonde hair. Legolas.
Ignoring the sound of the elf’s worry, you pushed yourself up into a seated position, as he gracefully knelt down next to you. His hands mindlessly moved to cup your face, as he had to pull his eyes away from your crudely bandaged arm. The arrow had been jagged and cut more as it pierced you, causing more blood to be lost.
Your hand covered one of his as Legolas moved to press his forehead to yours.
“I'm okay,” you whispered, breaking the silence between the two of you. Your thumb stroked the back of his hand absentmindedly, as you tilted your head up, meeting his lips with yours. It was one of desperation, longing and fear. A shuddered breath left you as the two of you broke apart.
“We’re okay.”
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yuumenakaiser · 2 months
How to give proper affection; guide by Y/n
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆. Boothill x gn!reader
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆. Lots of fluff ♪⁠~ a bit crack ♪⁠~ not edited yet-
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Step 1 : locate the boothill
Today will be a special day, a really special day. A day where you are going to learn how to give affection to Boothill. The proper way of course. So whoever needs to know this. It's our special day of teaching! Well you already have a good prepared plan and it will work for 100%. It's bullet proof, you tested it. How you may ask yourself, you don't know yourself. Great. So-
To start this operation you first need to check your weapon. Your hands and lips, what else? Perhaps a pokeba-
Whatever. Your eyes scan the surroundings, the area where boothill should linger around. His favorite place to be alone at sometimes. But today will be different.
And mhm! There he is, you spotted the innocent Boothill who has no clue about all this. He was relaxing on a field eyes closed, letting the sun tickle his face. The only part where he could actually feel touches.
Crouching down between the bushes and carefully moving towards the galaxy ranger without making any noises.
"no one can hide from my sight." you whispered before you leapt forward to attack him. Boothill was now pressed against the grass, his eyes opened and a chuckle escaped his lips. Making you feel the vibration on his chest. His Cowboy hat has fallen off from your attack.
"whoa there! Watcha up to again pumpkin? Tryna trick me with yer sly games again?" Boothill caressed your hair and gave you one of his sharp smiles.
Now it's the right time to begin the second operation! You completed step 1 successfully what a proud feeling.
Step 2 : touch the face of boothill
Moving on to step 2. It is time to get serious, sit down on his stomach so there is no chance to escape at all for him. Boothill blushes slightly from your action and as you refused to let him go but that doesn't matter right now. What matters is that you show him the love he deserves!
"a successful hunt! It's time to move to plan b." You whisper yelled to yourself and let boothill pick up on that you really are playing your games.
"y/n sweet pie I should be the hunter not yer-"
Before he could finish his tricking sentences, you cup his face with your hands and start touching it. Sto
Stroking his cheeks with your thumbs in a rhythmic motion. His cheeky grin faded into a comfortable soft smile and let you do your little plans. He leaned into your touches and moved his head to the side grabbing you by the wrist and placing a kiss on it.
Your face slightly heats up from his affection towards you. This is failing, he should be the one to blush and not the other way around.
"hold still or I have to take stricter measures!"
Boothill furrowed his eyebrows and looked at you a little confused but plays along with you.
"is that so y/n darling? Watcha got in petto." And here he started grinning again and giving your wrist more kisses. You gasped "the prey is trying to charm me, im repeating the prey is trying to charm me I need to move to step 3!"
Boothill let out a deep chuckle again and buries his face deeper in your hands.
"mhm and what is yer step 3?"
"a secret! A full missionary secret!"
Step 3: face cuddles and kisses
You almost failed the operation but you planned everything of course and this next step will totally make him flustered. He won't take the advantage anymore this is your guide and attack of how to give boothill proper affection.
You are slowly using your secret weapon for this. You took a deep breath, placing your hands onto his shoulders. Leaning towards his face and then pressing your cheek against his one. He raises a brow and wraps one of his arms around you and with his other hand he touches your free cheek.
With this position you begin to rub your cheek gently against his and cuddle his face. Smiling proudly and pressing now the other side to rub yours with his as well.
His hand moves to your hair, stroking and playing with it while you do the face cuddling.
"Why yer being so cute today? What's with all these touches on me? Missed me that much, have ya?" Without answering him only humming you move to step 4!
Step 4: ultimate kisses
It is time...for the real weapon...the one everyone would fear...the ultimate kisses.
A huge grin appears on your face, pulling away from rubbing your cheeks against boothills.
You grab again his pretty precious face in your hands. "Are you ready for this Boothill?" He tilts his head lazily and stares into your eyes. Giving you a wide smile again that reveals his sharp teeths.
"ready for anything love."
And with that you start to place kisses all over his face. First off starting to kiss his forehead, moving down to his eyebrows, nose and then cheeks.
Kissing his chin and then you spot his lips and place the ultimate kiss on his lips.
"my my~ look at my dear being the sweetest."
Satisfied with your operation you roll away from him and happily yell "mission completed!!"
But little did you know that boothill will not let you go so easily after that. A shadow appeared in front of you.
"where do yer think ya goin huh? Now we will play my game my sweet prey."
Okay but the end wasn't planned! Now you need to try to escape from him. Time to move to step 5- well actually it has no use anyway there is no way you can escape his hungry eyes.
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turcott3 · 4 months
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good looking
matt rempe x fem! reader
warnings?: cursing, fluff, kissing, pet names
oh my good looking boy…
“matt?” you call out as you hear your apartment door shut from your bed. you heard keys drop in the bowl and that answered your suspicion. the rangers had just lost the day prior and he was just coming back home.
“matt?” you ask again, getting out of bed walking out into your living room, “baby?”
“i’m home.” he smiles, revealing the flowers he’d bought for you on his short trip from the airport.
“awe matty you didn’t have to.” you frown sweetly at the gesture, taking the flowers from his hands.
“i wanted to, i missed you.” the brunette says lowly, towering over you. you noted the stitches in his nose. his face a little swollen from his fight last night that he’d unfortunately fallen short in.
“i missed you too.” you reply as he leans down kissing you gently on the lips.
“you go get settled, i’ll take care of these fucking gorgeous flowers and dinner, okay?” you say running a careful finger over the cut on his face which he winced slightly at the touch.
“okay.” he smiled lightly.
“looks like he got you good.” you giggled.
“yeah well can’t win em all. i was exhausted.” he sighs.
“i’ll step in next time, can’t let em beat up my good looking boy.” you smile sweetly, placing a light hand on his cheek.
“would you still love me even if my face gets pounded? entirely theoretical by the way.” he giggles lightly.
“yes matt, i would. even when you had a broken nose and black eyes you were still the most handsome man i’ve ever laid my eyes on.” you reply with no hesitation as he lifts you off the ground in a hug.
“god i love you.” he says placing a kiss on your head, “i’m gonna unpack, when i’m done i’ll come help you with dinner, okay baby?”
“okay, no rush.” you say as he kisses you one last time before dragging his bags into your bedroom. you start dinner with a huge smile on your face. the way he made you feel was, undeniably, the feeling of true love. the way you get butterflies every time he walks in the room, the sweet gestures such as giving you flowers or a writing you a letter and left it for you when he leaves for morning practice. it all made you grow more and more in love with him everyday. you didn’t know how you could possibly be more in debt to him even though he did it out of the kindness of his heart, not to get something back from you.
“let me take over. go change, i got you something.” he says sneaking up behind you, placing delicate hands on your waist and leaning his head in the crook of your neck.
“just stir it every now and then.” you reply kissing him on the cheek and escaping his grasp, quickly walking to your bedroom. laid out on the bed was a satin pajama set, the exact one you’ve been talking about since you saw it at the mall at least a month ago.
“he remembered.” you scoff, your heart growing warm. you quickly discard your clothes, changing into the silky satin of your new pajamas. you looked at yourself in the mirror, loving the way it complimented your skin tone. confidently, you walked back out into the kitchen.
“matthew rempe.” you say startling him.
“what happened?”
“are you serious? i’ve been talking about these for so long and you remembered?” you say as a smile grows on his face.
“well yeah, of course i did.”
“oh thank you thank you thank you. i love them so much.” you say walking over to him quickly wrapping your arms around him. soon enough you were enveloped in his large, loving arms once again.
“i’m glad, you look beautiful.” he giggles.
“dishes are done.” matt smiles waltzing into the bedroom and shutting the door behind him.
“can i take a look at the cut on your face?” you ask, stopping him in his tracks.
“it’s okay, you don’t have to-“
“no come on,” you say throwing the covers off of you. he takes a seat on the closed toilet lid and separates his legs for you to stand between. you take your place between his legs taking his face into your hands and brush his hair out of the way. his arms find their way around your legs, holding you lightly in place. you scanned the cut, noting that they had simply stitched him up and sent him on his way.
“they really stitched you up and sent you back out didn’t they?” you ask.
“hold one second, i just want to clean it and put a bandaid on it so it doesn’t look so gnarly.” you say, tapping his arm to let you go. you dig under the sink finding alcohol and cotton balls, as well as a bandaid.
“it’s gonna burn.” you state holding the soaked cotton ball.
“try me.” he simply replied and you shrug pressing it straight onto the cut. his grip on your legs tightened and he clenched his eyes shut at the contact.
“okay just kidding.” he says, clearly in pain.
“i told you honey.” you laugh pressing a kiss to the top of the boys head. you cleaned him up and perfectly placed the bandaid on top of the cut, kissing it once it was laid flat.
“much better.” you smile locking eyes with the boy, who you swear was giving you literal heart eyes.
“thank you my love.” he says kissing you delicately on the cheek before following closely behind you on your way back into the room.
“come here you big baby.” you laugh leaning your back slightly up against the headboard, waiting for the 6’7 baby to take his place on your chest, which he of course did very quickly.
“thank you for cleaning my cut and taking care of me y/n.” he says quietly as you run your fingers gently through his brown locks.
“and thank you for loving me the way you do.” he continues, leaning up to look at you.
“it’s hard not to, i’d do anything for you matt. it’s a privilege to know you, let alone love you.” you giggle
“my beautiful girl.” he sighs with a smile as he kisses you lovingly before laying his head back down on your chest carefully.
“i love you matt.” you say with your hand finding its way back into his soft hair.
“i love you so much more baby.” he replies, his hands finding their way underneath you.
“you’re about to go to sleep on me aren’t you?”you ask noticing his breathing slowing down.
“yep.” he replies quietly, allowing the sleepy boy to drift off to sleep in the comfort of your embrace.
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puckarchives · 5 months
personally, i found it very attractive: l. hughes
blurb: in which an interview with the devils' upcoming rookie takes the intern by suprise. / word count: 1.5k / pairing: luke hughes x fem!reader
To be fair, all that I wanted to do was leave the Prudential Center, go home, and take a long bath. The game between the New Jersey Devils and the New York Rangers had gone into overtime, and as much as I loved my job, it truly had been a long day.
Flashing my lanyard at the security guard standing outside of the Devils' locker room, I was ushered into the room, joining the growing cohort of other journalists; writers who had made their entire career off of reporting on the comings-and-goings in the sports world. Now that the team had been solidified with major additions, and taken players off of their Injury Report roster, the Devils had put up a good fight against their Hudson River rivals.
Grabbing my phone and opening voice notes, I made a beeline for the one player that I needed to cover— Luke Hughes, one of the newest additions to the Devils, and a hell of a defenseman that I needed to talk to on his play earlier on the ice. And, thanks to the work I had put in weeks before trying to get this same interview, I had the opportunity to actually talk to him, instead of having to wait around in a circle while other journalists droned on (and asked) practically the same questions over and over again.
I had fallen in love with sports journalism because of this— because of the opportunity to speak with the players who have it their all on that ice, and who had a true passion for the game they played.
I once again flashed my I.D. to one of the team's publicists, Sharyl, and she smiled over at me— shaking my hand and calling over Luke.
"Hi Y/N! How are you holding up over this season?" she asked as we stood in our corner, both angled to see the player coming towards us.
"Hi Sharyl, I'm doing well! Just finished up my third-year, and I just need this last interview to finish up the project I've been working on these past few weeks," I told her. It was true— I had been working on this player profile for the past few weeks, and currently, this single nineteen-year-old rookie was the only person left on my list before I could publish the article that I was hoping would help my career.
"Oh that sounds so good, sweetheart! I know just how many hours you've been putting in here, and I'm so excited to read!" the older lady said.
"Here's Luke now!" she said, saying hello to the defenseman, and then turning back to me.
"Luke, this is Y/N, the reporter I mentioned from ESPN's journalism internship cohort. She's just going to go over a few things with you, and finish up her profile," she told the curly-haired boy.
"Hi, Luke, I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you!" I spoke up, putting my hand out for him to shake.
It seemed to take him a few moments to catch up with me; and, to be fair, that was to be expected. I was his age, and from the way Sharyl was speaking about me, you'd expect me to be much older, or even a man. When I had begun working for ESPN's College Internship program, I had started with baseball as my main coverage sport— slowly growing from that to hockey as the seasons changed, and then, finally, landing on the Devils as my main beat at the beginning of the season. With all that, however, I knew the way people looked at me— questioning as to why an eighteen year old college student was interviewing men in sports that others thought I didn't even know existed, or even know how they worked. So, his reaction was expected.
The six-two boy in front of me seemed to be struck out of whatever stupor he was in, however, and shook my hand back.
"Hi, Y/N, it's nice to meet you. Sharyl said you'd be stopping by," he said. He was quiet, and I could tell how much of a toll the game had on him— despite being freshly showered, he sported his signature smirk— looking down at me as the cheers and celebrations kept it up behind him. 
"Yeah! I just have a few questions to ask, but do you want to follow me out to the media office? It shouldn't take too long, especially since I'm sure you want to go celebrate your win tonight," I told him.
Not really looking for a response, I looked over the boy— he was, admittedly, cute. His eyes were full of life— and he filled out his after-game clothing well. That, and the coupling of beauty marks over his face just enhanced how handsome he was. God, get it together, I told myself. You're on the job!
Finding ourselves in one of the various media offices hosted in the Prudential Center's basement, I sat down across from the rookie, and waited until we were both situated to start the interview. 
“So, thank you for sitting down with me! It was a long game out there, but you’re really pushing through,” I laughed, trying to ease the tension I could feel on my end. I really didn’t want to make a fool of myself in front of this very cute boy, and even less knowing that he was a professional player in the sport I covered heavily. 
“No— no it’s all okay, no worries,” he said, “I’d rather be here than listening to Shmido trying to recap the entirety of the second-half,” he laughed. 
“Well, you’re the first to say that,” I smiled back. “So, now that you’re on your second official NHL game, I kind of have to point out— you went from playing for Michigan, and then skating for the league in just a few weeks, and you admittedly have had a huge transformation—” I started. 
“Yeah I got faster,” he laughed, his cheeks tinging a shade of pink, and I couldn’t really lie to myself and blame it on his earlier celebrations. “Don’t worry, you can say it— Jacky has.” 
“Well, I’ll be honest, it’s really been great to watch. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you the entire game,” I said, and then admittedly felt my own cheeks flush, because truly, what was I thinking? Was I openly flirting with a guy I was supposed to be interviewing? Before I could feel myself blush even further, or even make the situation even more awkward, the silence was broken with Luke’s laugh— a stark and loud chuckle that made me look up automatically. His blush had now traveled from his cheeks to the tip of his hair, peeking out of his wet curls. 
He ran his hand through his hair, “Well I mean, that’s definitely great to hear— are you serious?” he said, and for the life of me, I couldn’t tell if he was joking— if he was making fun of my obvious lack of flirting ability, or egging me on. 
“Very,” I said. “It was a great game, and the goal you made in OT was just so smooth! Personally, I found it very attractive” I said; I had spent the entirety of the game looking at Luke skating— the smooth and strategic moves he made on the ice, passing the puck back and forth as if he was moving in water. He was beautiful on the ice— weaving between the opposing team’s players quicker and way more efficiently to the point where they couldn’t even keep up with him. 
“And I have to point out the pass you made to Jack in the second-half and the assist you sent to Nico! I haven’t seen a lot of puck work that really resembled that in such a while, and—” I cut myself off, trying not to let myself ramble any farther in front of the boy I could feel myself crushing on. 
“I mean that’s really a high compliment, thank you,” he said. “I mean, I know this might not be entirely appropriate for the interview, but I’m free after this, if you are two?” he asked. This had to be some kind of cliche, I thought, not really thinking that he had just asked me out. 
I did, however, hope he wasn’t egging me on— and, besides, after this profile came out, I wouldn't be covering the NJ Devils until next season, so why not? Why not spend an afternoon with a hot hockey player who I had already called cute?  “You know what? I am also free, and I was going to get dinner, if you wanted to join me,” I responded, hoping the youngest Hughes would take me up on the offer too. “I also don’t have class tomorrow, so yes, I am very free after this,” I laughed.
The boy in front of me smiled up, pushing the curls falling in his face back, and saying a quick “Well, then let’s get this thing started.”
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shirefantasies · 6 months
LoTR Characters When You Give Them Flowers
Sorry for the absence, been crazy times 😅 Just something cute I couldn’t get out of my head, enjoy~ Also, correcting my Faramir drought let’s frickin go 🤙🏻
The last town you’d stopped in, there’d been a girl. A little thing, hardly more than seven or eight years old, and there she stood with a basket in hand. She was selling flowers, long and dainty stems with white blooms, no doubt to help her family sitting off in the distance.
The moment he laid eyes upon her, Aragorn had bent over, pressing the loaf he had just bought into her hand and whispering some words of hope you wished you could hear. Heart leaping, you watched him move along before approaching the girl yourself.
When night had fallen and a fire began crackling, you took the flowers from behind your back and held them out to the ranger you so dearly loved. The smile that instantly graced him was truly a worthwhile blessing.
“I know where you found these,” he remarked, turning them gently over in his hand as his smile softened.
You mirrored the expression. “I thought they could use a bowl of soup to split the loaf with. And you deserve a gift, even to the smallest gifts of the earth.”
Wordlessly, Aragorn took your hand with the one not holding the flowers, clutching it tight as his blue eyes gazed into yours.
“Do you elves know anything of the language of flowers?”
Legolas’s brows furrowed a bit at that, and you couldn’t help giggling at the sight of his expression, his next choice of words. “Words of the trees, yes, but flowers? Perhaps an old tale.”
“No, no,” you shook your head, still smiling, “my people have quite the elaborate custom around flowers. Different blooms in different colors make quite unique statements. Take roses for instance- they come in a whole slew of colors.”
“I see,” he nodded, “so a yellow rose would speak volumes apart from a red one, then?”
Your heart leapt at Legolas’s choices, his unwitting contrast between the blossoms of friendship and passionate, deep love. “Indeed. There are even flowers that say ‘your letter was received’! But if this is unfamiliar to the elves, any flowers would be quite the surprise, would they not?”
“We have always had appreciation for the earth’s beauty.”
You took that as as close of a yes as you’d get, shaking your head as you shifted in the hard base of your seat, turning back to grab the vase of flowers you’d made for your friend, the one who made your heart beat like no other. White lilies could symbolize mourning, but also that one’s love was pure. Perfect, perhaps, if unrequited. Pink irises for hope, though. Hundred-leaved roses in pink for a love truly sincere. Bursts of snow and sunset pink dotted with faint yellow, all curated by your hand to shine with words you hadn’t the heart to speak aloud.
“As do I. These I arranged for you, in fact!” Hands curling around the vase, you held your gift aloft.
Legolas’s dark eyes lit up, mischief crossing his handsome face. “Now that I’ll be guessing the meaning?”
You flushed, rising from your seat as his hands covered yours, accepting your offering. “Well, I was just curious if you’ve heard of-”
“Oh, it is far too late for that! I’m certain Lord Elrond has books on the subject. By tomorrow I’ll be an expert, and who knows? Perhaps you’ll find some flowers of your own.”
You couldn’t help shakily smiling as Legolas’s eyes peered into yours glittering so, his hands still resting warmly over yours.
“Boromir! Look!”
The man in question turned his head at the sound of your voice, watching as you bounded his way with hands full of flowers. Their bright color perfectly brought out the tone of your twinkling eyes, eyes that glittered unlike anything Boromir had ever witnessed before.
“Lovely, truly,” he inclined his head toward them as you reached him, “the finest. Where did you come by these?”
“Off at the far end of the meadow!”
Boromir chuckled deeply. “The firewood may have been forgotten, then?”
Pouting suited you, didn’t it? Adorable indeed. “Well, I just saw these and-”
“Worry not,” he slid an arm about your waist, “firewood is no emergency. You deserve this small joy- we all do.”
Glancing down a bit, you extended your hand, raising your treasure such that it practically brushed you both as it connected you. “Well, they are for you.” Were you flushing?
“For me? Well, what a gift! I suppose they do suit me more than you. After all…” Smiling, Boromir tightened his grip around you just a bit. “The most beautiful blossom in leagues is right here. If you keep this little bouquet they will envy you forever.”
You stand beneath the awning’s shade, swaying slightly as you tend to the baskets placed along your cart. Your favorite is one filled with mountain poppies collected near the base of the snows, cheery and delicate and brisk as it had felt to be there trimming them. Truly you love your life, though it gets lonely having only plants to speak to. Sometimes you find yourself drifting into fantasy, imagining someone to protect you. You like to think you’re no damsel in distress, but the truth of the matter is you’ve never been a fighter and the village ravagers have been drawing closer.
A woman purchases a simple vase of sunflowers, nodding gratefully as you pass them to her. Behind her, though, emerges a shorter figure- a dwarf, by the looks of his armor and beard. You smile. That trip to the mountains introduced you to a host of very friendly dwarrowdams who bid you stay in their boardinghouse, boisterous though it may have been.
“Good afternoon,” you greet him from aside an arrangement of daisies.
“Good afternoon indeed! Tell me, though, why one as fair as yourself is hiding behind a lot of old daisies, eh?”
Flushing, you shrug and step around the side of the cart, removing all obstructions. “I suppose I’m just a bit used to it is all. Were you looking for anything in particular?”
The dwarf shakes his head. “Nay, I was just struck by the sight of the one smile this town seems to have.”
It is a fair point. Rohan has been downcast of late, hope in short supply with all the attacks. Your lot was seen as mere peasants in the way of it all.
“Times have been hard. The orc packs have been running rampant for a long time. I- I don’t know how much longer we can hold out.”
Smirking victoriously, the dwarf leans on his axe. “You wouldn’t happen to mean the pack of stragglers that just got slaughtered, would you?”
You lit up. “You’ve seen them?”
“With my own eyes. They certainly won’t be bothering you anymore.”
“Pick anything you’d like here, please, it isn’t much, but it is the least I could do to repay your gift,” you insisted, waving a hand over your display.
He scanned your cart before a look of comical shock burst across his face at the poppies. Noting it, you lifted the basket gingerly into his hands.
“Those are my favorites, too! And they are yours.”
“Only if you keep one to remember me by. Gimli, son of Glóin,” he introduces himself sweepingly, outstretched hand deftly producing a poppy to hold out your way.
“What is this one?” Frodo inquired, holding up a small leather tome.
“Oh,” you tilted your head, “that one is a bit different. Here, let me show you.”
Shifting to sit at his side, you took the book from his outstretched palms and opened it, revealing pages blank save for the flowers you’d pressed in them, splashes of yellow, red, purple, green.
“I try to add one from everywhere I’ve been,” you added, turning the pages, “I even have a page from the Shire.”
The spread of the next pages revealed stems of lavender you’d plucked from gardens, Shire daisies, even some pansies you’d plucked from Bag End itself, and plenty more, too. Frodo’s bright eyes widened at the sight of it, a smile growing upon his lips.
“This is a treasure to see- a reminder of home, and one I can touch, too,” he sighed, brushing his fingers softly over the crisp petals, “I remember the feel of them again.”
His relief was practically palpable in the air as his eyelids fluttered shut in content, smile growing. Heart swelling, you pushed it closer to him.
“It’s yours.”
“I can’t-” He protested.
Handing the leather-bound book over to him, you nodded. “Yes, you can. Your happiness, your relief, is a much greater gift than these to me. The earth will renew it over again on my travels,” you told him with a smile.
One of Frodo’s hands left the petals long enough to linger atop yours. “I will never be parted from it.”
“Sam! Oh, Sam, wait up!”
Turning his golden head your way, Sam smiles the moment he sees you, sending your heart leaping from your chest as he speaks your name softly in reply.
“What is it?”
“Well, nothing, really,” you reply shyly, hands behind your back, “I just saw these and thought of you.”
Alight is the only word you could have used to describe Sam’s face as your hands leave your back and bring forth the bunch of little bluish-white blossoms you had just discovered a little off the road.
“Absolute beauts, those are,” he breathes with a grin, “harebell, they’re called. They like to grow in rocks for some reason, the little buggers.”
His knowledge sweeps you off your feet, but you can’t help asking. “Do you like them?”
“Of course I do! These are some really pretty ones, very bright indeed!”
Holding them out, you giggle nervously. “Well, good, because they’re for you! I picked these to give you, Sam.”
Jaw dropping and green eyes widening, Sam reaches forward and gently takes the miniature bouquet from your hands. “You mean it?” He asks with another bright grin.
“I really do,” you smile and nod.
For the rest of the day those harebells don’t leave Sam’s hand, and any time he has a moment’s idleness he’s looking at them, fingers gently caressing the blossoms as he glances your way with a smile.
Normally Merry dipped you. But you changed that that night. Normally he was the one to sweep you off your feet, charm you, but it was you who stole his breath away that night. The way you took his hand and pulled him closer into the dance, twirled him and brought him inches from your face, only had him wanting more.
What really got him, though? The rose you’d handed him at the end of it all. Such a simple gesture and yet he couldn’t tear his eyes off the thing. Or you.
Surely you noticed. The two of you were quite comfortable, else you wouldn’t be dancing so, but no one had gone beyond any teasing. It was all in good fun, unspoken attraction that suddenly grew, enveloping and consuming Merry’d beating heart as he looked at you with new passion. He needed someone who made his heart race so by his side. Someone like you could keep him up being the best hobbit he could be.
And that was why he marched right up to you later in the evening, taking one more massive swig of ale before he approached, rose twirling between his fingertips all the while.
“I hope you meant this,” he nodded down to the bright red bloom, “as much as I mean this.”
Your lips parted, the beginnings of a question fell from them, but not much escaped before your lips were pulled into Merry’s, your hands falling against his chest.
Never had you felt so light as when you were around one mister Peregrin Took. All your time with him, it seemed, was spent in joy, laughter, comfort. One look from him was all it took for a smile to creep onto your face. One song from him and it was all you could do not to kiss him right then and there.
For your part, though, you weren’t sure how he felt, thus you acted accordingly, enjoying the time you had with him as much as possible without pushing your feelings. Well, not too much- he was quite fun to tease, after all!
A flower had caught your eye as you strolled, some little cousin to a daisy bursting from brush in a merry little yellow spark you couldn’t help taking for yourself.
Well, mostly. “For you,” you said in a playful lilt, holding it out his way.
The manner in which his smile and shoulders rose had you shyly grinning. “For me?” He repeated, ecstatic as he was incredulous.
The moment you nodded the flowers was all but snatched from your hand. “Where do you think it would look better, here?” First he tucked it into his mess of curls. “Or here?” Tucking it next into the buttonhole of his coat, he grinned at you.
Giggling, you told him he didn’t have to wear it.
“Oh, I want to. I want the whole of Middle Earth to know you’ve given me this gift.” Comical as his words were, the shine in his eyes told you Pippin was sincere.
The steward of Gondor had gone up before the people to address them on some perceived victory. To his side he had pulled up his son, the elder one, and named him spearhead of it all. Boromir was a great man, certainly, but so in no shorter words was his brother Faramir, the dearer sibling to your heart.
The moment you met Faramir in the crowd of people, mostly men celebrating in their keep outfit, dented as it was, you rested a hand upon his shoulder. “Let nobody so insignificant taint your victory, Faramir. Were it not for you, half the city would not even be standing.”
“We could have kept it as it was if we-”
“No,” you shook your head, leaning a bit further on him, “none of that. You are a man, not a miracle worker. And so is your brother and everyone else in your family. You have fortitude of mind, strength of heart.”
“Yet less the swing of a sword,” Faramir chuckled.
“The swing of a sword alone a kingdom does not make,” you teasingly chastised, waving a finger, “besides, you have something none of them will ever have.”
“And what is that?” He asks, gently lifting your hand off his shoulder and up to his lips.
“My heart,” you reply, pulling one of the flowers woven into your hair out to press it into his other palm.
Faramir pulls those petals to his lips, too, twirling the stem thoughtfully with a hum. “Then I am, indeed, blessed.”
Every time it felt like your heart would shatter. He left again and again but it never got easier wondering if the man you’d grown to love would be torn from you in a brutal battle, one lax moment ending it all.
Tears pricked at your eyes as he looked into them with a smile far too easygoing to you. Too assured.
“Do not look so defeated,” Eomer told you, reaching down with a hand to caress your face in a way that sent your heart leaping, “it’s a small raiding party, that is all.”
“I know, I just-” Your breath hitched, words caught in your throat. “I care about you. I don’t want to see you hurt.”
At that, he smiled, releasing his hand again. “You should worry more for the orcs.”
“Still, though, here,” shaking your head, you produced the bundle of flowers you’d tied together for him, face warming, “take these. For luck.”
Eomer’s smile widened even as his horse grew a bit restless; giving its mane a quick pat, he reached down to accept your proffered gift. Sweeping some golden hair off his shoulder, he tucked your blossoms into his saddle.
“Now I know I’ll make it,” he replied, and with a wink he rode off.
Needless to say, he has gifts of his own planned when he returns: a confession, once and for all, and a kiss.
"Come now, keep up!"
"Whatever for?"
Laughing, you turn to face Haldir once more and see him ascending the spiraling steps behind you with a look of exasperation. Perhaps, too, amusement. Long, fair hair whips about his face in the breeze as a smile teases onto his lips.
“Is it so bad to spend a little time together?” You shot back merrily, feet still eagerly tapping upon every plank that raised you higher amidst the boughs.
“I only ask because I know of your schemes,” Haldir teases in response.
“If you must know,” you stopped, hands on your hips before you waved one about a spray of vines snaking over the tree’s bark, powder-blue blossoms extending from them, “my scheme was to see if you'd noticed these in your travels."
"I had not," he murmured in response, stepping to your side to caress a pale petal gently, warmth filling you at his proximity.
With a small smile, you took up the age-old habit you'd developed in childhood so many years past, deftly plucking and weaving stems together as Haldir watched with amused interest. Unsure as you were how much time passed, he stood stock-still even as you finished your work, placing the crown of flowers atop his head.
"Here you are, My King," you jested with a smile, taking two steps forward.
Grey eyes staring into yours, Haldir took your hand, shaking his head softly and taking a blossom of his own. "Wait here. No king should rule alone, after all."
Riding brought such joy and exhilaration as one could hardly know elsewhere, especially with a fair and fearless maid like Lady Eowyn at your side. The smile you so longed to see bloomed across her face as you both urged your horses on, picking up speed into a run across the green of the plains. The thudding of hooves invigorated you as the pair of you pressed on, riding like the wind until whim took you to dismount and stop for a breather.
As you sat upon the grass, a dotting of pink flowers amidst the waving green caught your eye; joy seizing you, you picked one after the other until you had a tiny handful. Eowyn’s eyes, you saw, drifted over your work, but she said nothing.
Nothing, that was, until you broke the silence. “These remind me of you, you know. We often think of flowers here as signs of mourning, but these? These are hope. Bits of brightness out of nothing.”
She smiled faintly, shyly, blue eyes shining. “Sometimes it does not feel so.”
“Well, to me it is so,” you replied, extending your little bouquet her way.
The glitter of her eyes somehow brightened as she looked upon your gift, smile opening all the way. You were overcome at the sight of it, the return of warmth to the fairest of faces, and before you realized it you had leaned in and pressed your lips to hers.
“But surely you have already received so many mighty gifts!”
“None were from you,” Arwen replied simply, breathily, waving a hand, “come, show me.”
Her smile, breathtaking even in the simplest of moments, encouraged you to pull your hands from behind your back, revealing the bouquet you’d recently tied. With the best ribbon you’d found on hand, of course, beautiful white silk lined with thin silver.
“You see, I wanted to honor you with gifts pure as your heart- gifts from the earth. These are-”
“From the garden where we met!” Arwen was one to remain composed, often feeling the pressure of her years and upbringing and, surely, wisdom. “Of course I remember! You tripped and I caught you!”
Unable to help flushing beneath her grin and the rush of memory, the heat across your face as you pitched over a stone and were captured by the hand of the most graceful maiden you’d ever seen, you simply smiled. “That would be the time. Ever since that day I cannot walk past white roses without thinking of you. And that seems fitting,” you added.
Arwen pursed her lips, eyebrows raising curiously. “Oh?”
“Pure,” you repeated, “fair and beloved as all. Delicate, but formidable. More than capable of defending themselves.”
“Are you saying I have thorns?” She teased, leaning an arm upon your shoulder, breath warm against your ear.
“I’ve seen what you can do,” you shot back, “perhaps I am.”
“Well, at any rate, I love this gift far beyond all displays of wealth. This is a gift of your heart, is it not?”
The moment you nodded, her arms were thrown about your neck, pulling you into the warmth of her chest and letting your heart beat against hers.
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teachailattes · 1 month
sweet mushrooms ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
tighnari x afab!reader
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— ౨ৎ summary: at the time, it seemed like a good idea. something to tease him after he neglected you to finish his countless piles of reports and work. and the pretty glistening pink cap of the mushroom had been so so so tempting. but now, as the heat started to pool between your thighs, you were starting to think that this might’ve been a mistake.
— ౨ৎ cw: smut 18+ MDNI, sub!reader, dom!tighnari, aphrodisiacs, fingering, praise, he’s a lil mean, reader is slightly whiney
— ౨ৎ wc: 1442
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you stumbled down the path to tighnari’s home, drunk on the idea of relieving the throbbing between your legs. it was late at night, so there were barely any forest rangers around to see you in such a disheveled state.
he smelt it as soon as you appeared at his door, the sickly sweet scent immediately surrounding his home but he didn’t think much of it until he turned from his desk and saw your blissed out expression.
“‘nari!” you exclaimed, making your way to his desk and clutching his arm desperately. “please please please help me…”
his face morphed into one of concern immediately as he pulled you into his arms and placed his palm on your forehead but even the slightest touch from him had you jolting and letting out a small gasp.
“y/n? what happened? what’s wrong?” he asked, quickly setting you down on his bed, the cool material of his sheets immediately relieving the uncomfortable heat that you were radiating. you squirmed around, trying to strip off the clothes that were feeling suddenly a bit too tight.
“it’s hot…” you whined. you shrugged off the sweater you were wearing, the one that tighnari had purposely given to you to protect you from the chills of the forest nights.
tighnari side-eyed the sweater that had fallen onto the floor and sighed, already having a feeling of what happened but wanting to hear it from your mouth.
“tell me what you did this time.” he asked with a hint of disappointment in his voice, his hands on his hips and his ears flattening.
“a mushroom! it was a…a pink mushroom!” you explained urgently before breaking eye contact with him out of embarrassment. “i…ate it.”
“you did what? it didn’t have white spots on the cap did it?” tighnari snapped, clicking his tongue but the slight ashamed nod from you had him seriously consider kicking you out right now. he knew you knew which mushroom that was and what effects it had because of your giddy “look ‘nari, it’s pink!” when you two had discovered it, so why would you willingly and consciously consume it?
“i knowww” you whined. the constant throbbing was becoming unbearable at this point and your head was becoming more muddled by the second. the only thing rotting in that muddled brain of yours was to relieve the aching pain. you could deal with the consequences and lectures later, you just needed tighnari now.
tighnari took one more look at you before starting to come closer. he was used to your antics already, but he really didn’t think that you would be this much trouble. he could certainly leave you in this predicament and have you learn your lesson by dealing with it yourself, but having experienced some unbearable heats before he wouldn’t want you to leave you to this suffering alone. and he loved you. that too. despite how many times you make him want to rip out his tail sometimes.
and so, begrudgingly, he gave you what you wanted.
with another click of his tongue, he took your hand and guided you onto his bed. you bounced on the soft mattress with a slight “mmph!”
he sighed again as he held himself up with one arm while the other found its way onto your waist. his touch sent shivers up your spine and you tried to arch into his touch, to feel more of it but he only held you down.
“calm down. you’ll get what you want. but you won’t learn your lesson this way.” he mumbled as he focused on the growing damp spot on the cotton underwear you were wearing.
when his finger pushed against your clit and started rubbing slow circles through your underwear you let out a loud whine and your hips immediately shook from the sensitivity.
“shh..you don’t want everyone in gandharva ville to know of your mistake now do you?” tighnari whispered into your ear as his fingers continued rubbing teasing circles onto your clit, pushing against the fabric.
“mm..!” you jolted, only causing tighnari to let out an amused chuckle at your predicament. you could hear the sloppy wet sounds at your pussy and most definitely could feel the stickiness pooling around your hole. you felt so hot, oh so hot.
“hm. what a mess.” tighnari mumbled, sliding down your panties before spreading your folds apart now and slowly inserting one finger. “maybe i should rewrite the ‘avidya forest survival guide’.…or maybe not since i doubt anyone would be as silly as you to eat mushrooms they know the effect of.”
“aah~! this is…” you can barely comprehend his words, completely blissed out from the feeling of his touch right against your most sensitive spot.
“don’t worry, you’ll feel better soon.”
you needed more. this was nowhere near enough. letting out a soft whimper, you grabbed at his arm and tried to quicken his motions.
“haah…aahn~! feels…so..good..mm!”
sighing, he let you set your pace as he added another finger. your mind was so fuzzy and it was like your senses had intensified tenfold. all you could hear was him, his scent, his heavy breathing next to your ear. you could tell he was enjoying this as much as you were.
his fingers reached a sweet spot inside of you and you cried out, body shaking.
“..’nari.. more~!”
“you don’t even know what you do to me sometimes.” tighnari breathed out.
you could feel the pleasure in your stomach start to increase and your legs shook as he continued to pound his fingers into your pussy.
“mm-! sooo hot…‘nari…’nari i’m gonna…” you moaned out, hand still holding onto his arm for support. by now, his eyes held a fire to it and he started to move his fingers faster.
“it’s okay. you can cum, you’re doing fine.” he praised, angling his finger up again into your sweet spot and his other hand started to rub at your clit again.
his praise mixed with his ministrations on your clit was what sent you over the edge.
“aaah~! mmm~~! ah! ‘nari..!” you leaned forward into his chest as you reached your peak, hand clutching on his arm to keep your shaking body stable.
“hah…so tight.” tighnari groaned, feeling you clench down on his fingers. he let go of your clit and wrapped his arm around you, bringing you closer into him as his fingers continued to help you ride out your high.
you started to push lightly at his arm when the sensation became too much and it had started to hurt.
“..sensitive..” you mumbled tiredly, collapsing into him. he got the hint and slowly brought his fingers out. you felt drained and the heat that was unbearable a few moments ago was slowly fizzling away now.
tighnari was breathing heavily as he leaned backwards with his other arm supporting him.
“oh jeez.. you’re quite something you know that.” he sighed as he lifted up his hand and moved his fingers to show you the wet strings attached.
“do you feel better now?” he asked, his expression softening.
you nodded quietly, the blush from your release intensifying with the embarrassment you felt seeing your essence on his hand. the intense heat was gone now and your head felt much clearer.
“what? nothing to say now?” tighnari quipped before smiling and leaning in to press his lips against yours. you melted into the sweet kiss, savoring the softness of his lips.
when you both pulled away, you directed your gaze to the ground. “sorry ‘nari..i got carried away.” you admitted.
“don’t worry about it, i’m used to you after all. if it really did bother me i wouldn’t be here with you right now anyway.” he said affectionately. “what matters is that you feel better now and it wasn’t anything serious. hm, although i do wish you would stop trying dangerous things just to get my attention.”
you looked back at him, beaming. so he did know! That’s your smart boyfriend!
“hehe, it’s fun don’t you think?” you giggled proudly, with your hands on your hips.
he scoffed. “i’m surprised you still have so much energy after all that. perhaps i should send you to cook meals the entire week.”
“whaaat? noooo don’t!” you whined. “okay i’m sorry, i’m sorry!”
“what i get for falling in love with you i suppose.” tighnari mumbled with a soft smile as he patted your head with his clean hand.
“awww! you’re so sweet! i love you more~!”
“if you do, then you better let me finish up my work.”
— end ౨ৎ
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rhenuvee · 1 year
Genshin Men: How They Greet You In The Morning [Sumeru + Wanderer]
Summary: What our lovely Genshin boys do when they wake up (and you’re still asleep, or just beginning to wake up)
Genre: fluff | x reader (established relationship)
A/N: Sorry for the long wait and inactivity!
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Tighnari: As the chief of the forest rangers, he'd be up very early. He brushes any hair fallen in from of your face, or wipes any drool from your chin. Avidya forest is too big for you to be constantly looking for him, especially since he's probably moving everywhere. So he opts for leaving a little clue- usually Padisarahs as a way to tell you to meet him where they are grow, Pardis Dhyai when it's noon. That way you can both have a little lunch break there. (Insert Karkata acting as your AI robot love child).
Cyno: Also early riser as part of his duty. I feel like romance is originally not his dictionary (ok look at him telling jokes- I'M SORRY), but when being with you he learns how to show affection. When he does with morning routine, he finds himself always looking back at your peacefully sleeping figure. As the General Mahamatra, he doesn't get a lot of time to see you, so he always secretly hopes to bump into you wherever he is in Sumeru. He pulls the covers more and gives you a quick kiss to your forehead before he leaves.
Wanderer: I wouldn't say he wakes up early, but he definitely wakes up before you. Little do you know the short minutes before you wake are when he stares at you sleeping, almost analyzing the details of your face. Sometimes you catch him, and of course- he denies it. He tells you to "hurry up and get ready" with a dust of pink on his cheeks. (Lovingly) throws his hat at you when you say something cheeky at 8am. He may act like all crabby like this, but don't worry, you know he can't say no to you or ever get mad at your antics.
Alhaitham: Prefers to stay home, but if you do plan to get up, you may have to convince him to get up too with a coffee (and a quiet place he can read his book near you). Expect him to eventually give you a light kiss if you wake up later than him. Sometimes you pretend to still be asleep to get said kiss, but it doesn't take long for Alhaitham to figure you out. "I know you're awake, I can see you smiling". You whine and pout saying he's no fun, but he is the one who secretly ends up smiling. "C'mon let's go" he says while giving you another kiss to your forehead, and this time you can sense the love in his words.
Kaveh: My love- He is quite romantic, so after greeting you a "good morning" he has a compliment ready for you. Something tells me he wakes up late. Definitely is the one begging you to stay in bed with him and that his designs can wait. You can convince him quite easily. Usually, telling him the possibility of Alhaitham barging in and telling him to wake up will do the trick (or that happening exactly). Or the one he prefers is to use your sweet words and tell him you're free to go on a date with him today. His eyes instantly brighten up and he springs up to his feet. "Well why didn't you say that in the first place? Come on my love~"
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