#fair trade cashews
savourygoodness · 1 day
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Vegan savoury tart with cashews and spring greens
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smimon · 1 year
Why can't they just genetically engineer a cashew tree that does not produce acid at all
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corbinite · 2 years
As vegans we do need to be willing to stand against the cruel practices in chocolate and cashew production. Especially when fair trade certification organizations are largely led by people from within those industries. If we're gonna boycott the cruelty of animal agriculture we gotta be willing to give up those comforts too for the sake of the greater good. I know we've gotten used to the bad faith quinoa and agave arguments from carnists so it's harder to confront it when there are plant based products which we should be avoiding but we have to. Not to avoid being hypocrites but because it's simply the right thing to do.
To explain, all the major chocolate companies have essentially admitted that their chocolate is almost definitely produced in part by child slaves. I've tried to research how we can trust that it's not the same for smaller "certified" companies and all I've been able to find is inside-industry organizations (fair trade labels) saying "dude trust us we checked and there's no slavery here". At the end of the day chocolate is a luxury and while it is an amazing luxury, if we want to be *sure* we aren't participating in slavery we should be avoiding chocolate. It is something we can simply do without.
As for cashews, their hulls contain compounds that cause compact dermatitis similar to poison ivy, and workers who process it are usually offered no real protections from that, often going even without gloves. It's absolutely possible for cashews to be produced ethically and safely but not at the scale and rate that is necessary for mass worldwide exports, that does and will inevitably rely on workplace abuses. And even though this really shouldn't and doesn't matter in this argument, let's admit that cashew cheeses are fucking mid. We can get better and more ethical dairy substitutes without it
Please feel free to add on more examples of industries to avoid
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No longer a seasonal indulgence of the Katopodisians in BerryLand, our Pepperberries & Cream is made with organic cream, Pepperberries, and our specially formulated 32% Pompadour™ Pink Chocolate to complement the natural fruitiness of the Pepperberry. Encased in a Creamy 30% Bauta™ white chocolate first and then hand enrobed in a 37% Pompadour™ Pink Chocolate infused with more Pepperberries and sprinkled with crushed Red Peppers or Bee Pollen. Pairing: Champagne, Earl Grey. 
Background: Beyond the Pike Valley and a week long hike over the treacherous snow covered Stewart Mountain Range, you will find a peaceful meadow with gentle waterfalls and Unicorns called Berryland, this is where we find the most scrumptious organic PepperBerries to make our Truffles. PepperBerries tastes just like Strawberries, but with a hint of sweet pepper, hence PepperBerry! The harvest season is very short, lasting only two weeks in mid-Spring and the fruits are highly coveted and guarded by the native Katopodis tribe. Although fierce warriors and good with their Sam-Duk swords, the Katopodisians are proponents of fair-trade and are always looking for ways and means to secure their ongoing territorial disputes with the Tweakers from Plymouth. The Tweakers were once elves, however, they were deceived by the evil witch Karen-Ranke with Pervitin, an addictive drug that turned them into hideous maniacs without remorse and useful pawns in her greedy expansionist policies. This time, with help from the International Chocolate Relief Agency, not only did we bring chocolates to trade for PepperBerries, but Stingers as well!
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gombella · 3 months
Cashew Nut Benefits: Cracking Open a Treasure Trove of Goodness
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Cashew Nut Benefits: Cracking Open a Treasure Trove of Goodness
Move over, kale! There's a new nutritional powerhouse in town, and its name is the cashew. Don't let their unassuming shell fool you; these creamy, crunchy gems are packed with benefits that go far beyond satisfying your snack cravings. From heart health to brainpower, let's crack open the treasure trove of cashew nut benefits and see why they deserve a starring role in your diet.
Powerhouse of Nutrients: 
Forget counting sheep, count the nutrients in a single cashew! These little miracles are brimming with: - Healthy fats: Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, the good kind that help lower bad cholesterol and keep your heart happy. - Plant-based protein: A satisfying snack-time option for vegans and vegetarians alike, with around 5 grams per ounce. - Fiber: Keeps you feeling full and supports healthy digestion. - Magnesium: Plays a crucial role in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, from energy production to muscle function. - Copper: A key mineral for bone health, collagen production, and iron absorption. - Manganese: Boosts your metabolism, supports brain function, and helps protect against free radicals. - Antioxidants: Combats oxidative stress and inflammation, helping to ward off chronic diseases.
Heart Hero: 
Forget knight in shining armor, cashews are the knights of your heart health. Their healthy fat content helps lower LDL cholesterol, while magnesium and potassium regulate blood pressure, keeping your cardiovascular system purring like a kitten. Studies even suggest that consuming cashews regularly can reduce your risk of heart disease.
Brain Booster:
Feeling foggy? Cashews can help kick-start your mental engine. The magnesium and copper combo enhances cognitive function and memory, while antioxidants protect your brain cells from damage. So, next time you need a study buddy, reach for a handful of cashews instead of that third cup of coffee – your brain will thank you.
Weight Management Wonder: 
Don't let their creamy texture fool you, cashews can be your ally in maintaining a healthy weight. Their protein and fiber content keeps you feeling full and satisfied, reducing the urge to overeat. And while they are higher in calories than some other nuts, their healthy fats help regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, preventing those unwanted energy crashes.
Bone Builder: 
Cashews aren't just for snacking; they can also help build strong, healthy bones. Their magnesium and copper content contribute to bone mineral density, while manganese aids in collagen production, the protein that gives bones their flexibility and strength. So, ditch the calcium supplements and reach for a handful of cashews – your future self will thank you for the sturdy scaffolding.
Beyond the Cashew Nut Benefits:
The cashew nut benefits extend far beyond individual health. Cashew cultivation provides vital income for millions of farmers, particularly in Africa and Asia. Choosing fair-trade and sustainably sourced cashews supports these communities and promotes responsible agricultural practices. Additionally, cashews are incredibly versatile. They can be enjoyed raw, roasted, salted, or made into delicious kinds of butter, milk, and cheeses, catering to a variety of dietary needs and preferences.
Unlocking the Cashew Magic:
Ready to incorporate this nutritional powerhouse into your life? Here are some tips: - Snack smart: Keep a bag of raw or roasted cashews handy for healthy on-the-go snacking. - Boost your recipes: Add chopped cashews to salads, stir-fries, and even homemade granola for a delicious and nutritious crunch. - Go creamy: Blend cashews into smoothies, dips, or sauces for a healthy and decadent upgrade. - Milk it: Cashew milk is a dairy-free alternative perfect for coffee, smoothies, or cereal. - Support sustainability: Choose fair-trade and sustainably sourced cashews whenever possible. So, crack open the door to a world of wellness and flavor with the humble cashew. From promoting heart health to nourishing your brain and even strengthening your bones, these creamy, crunchy gems are more than just a snack – they're a nutritional treasure trove waiting to be discovered. Remember, incorporating cashews into your diet is a marathon, not a sprint. Start small, gradually increase your intake, and listen to your body. And, hey, if you can't resist sneaking in a few extra here and there, don't sweat it! Just enjoy the cashew bounty and feel free to share your favorite cashew creations with the world. After all, a world full of cashew love is a world worth cracking open. Read the full article
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digitalareeb · 5 months
Cashew Nuts Exporter in America
Affroline LLC stands as a distinguished Cashew nuts exporter in America, earning a reputation for delivering excellence in every nut. This company has become a prominent player in the market, offering a range of premium cashew nuts that have captivated the taste buds of consumers nationwide.
At the heart of Affroline LLC success lies a commitment to sourcing only the finest cashews from reputable growers. With a meticulous selection process, the company ensures that each cashew nut meets stringent quality standards. The journey begins on carefully chosen cashew farms, where the nuts are nurtured under optimal conditions to guarantee not only superior taste but also exceptional nutritional value. From harvesting to processing, Affroline LLC employs rigorous quality control measures, solidifying its position as a purveyor of the highest quality cashew nuts in America.
What sets Affroline LLC apart is its unwavering dedication to sustainability and fair trade practices. Through strategic partnerships with ethical suppliers, the company actively contributes to the well-being of local communities and promotes environmentally responsible practices in the industry. Customers indulging in Affroline's cashews can do so with the confidence that the nuts are sourced from suppliers committed to social and environmental responsibility.
Affroline LLC's commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond the quality of its products. The company boasts an efficient distribution network, ensuring timely deliveries for retailers, distributors, and discerning consumers seeking premium cashews.
In the competitive landscape of nuts and snacks, Affroline LLC shines as a beacon of quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. Elevate your snacking experience with the finest cashews, carefully selected and delivered with precision from farm to table by this trusted and reputable Cashew nuts exporter in America.
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betelnutexporters · 6 months
The Secret to Buying Betel Nuts That Don't Harm People or the Planet
Fair trade is a movement that promotes social justice and environmental protection in the global trading system. Fair trade betel nut exporters are committed to paying farmers a fair price for their nuts and ensuring that they have safe and healthy working conditions. Fair trade exporters also support sustainable farming practices and community development projects.
Why choose fair trade betel nuts?
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There are a number of reasons to choose fair trade betel nuts:
Support farmers: Fair trade exporters pay farmers a fair price for their nuts, which helps them to earn a living income. This can help to reduce poverty and improve the lives of farmers and their families.
Improve working conditions: Fair trade exporters ensure that farmers and workers have safe and healthy working conditions. This includes things like providing adequate safety gear and breaks, and prohibiting child labor and forced labor.
Promote sustainable farming: Fair trade exporters support sustainable farming practices that protect the environment. This includes things like using organic methods, planting trees, and conserving water.
Support community development: Fair trade exporters support community development projects in the communities where they source their betel nuts. This can help to improve access to education, healthcare, and other essential services.
How to find fair trade betel nut exporters
There are a number of ways to find fair trade betel nut exporters:
Look for the Fairtrade International logo: The Fairtrade International logo is a certification that ensures that products have been produced in accordance with fair trade principles. You can find fair trade betel nut exporters by looking for the Fairtrade International logo on product packaging.
Ask your local retailer: Many retailers now stock fair trade products. You can ask your local retailer if they sell fair trade betel nuts.
Buy online: There are a number of online retailers that sell fair trade betel nuts. You can search for fair trade betel nut exporters online using a search engine such as Google.
Examples of fair trade betel nut exporters
Here are some examples of fair trade betel nut exporters:
Indonesia: PT. XYZ, CV. ABC, PT. DEF, CV. GHI, PT. JKL
India: M/s. ABCD, M/s. EFGH, M/s. IJKL, M/s. MNOP, M/s. PQRS
Thailand: Thai Betel Nut Exporters Association, Thai Chamber of Commerce, Federation of Thai Industries, Thai Food Processors Association, Thailand Rice Exporters Association
Vietnam: Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Vietnam Food Association, Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers, Vietnam National Coffee and Cocoa Association, Vietnam Cashew Association
By choosing to buy fair trade betel nuts, you can help to support farmers, workers, and communities in developing countries. You can also help to promote sustainable farming practices and protect the environment.
Fairtrade International is a non-profit organization that certifies products that have been produced in accordance with fair trade principles.
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dry-fruits-bharat · 6 months
Wholesale Dry Fruits: A Smart Shopper's Paradise
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The world of dry fruits, with its irresistible combination of health and flavor, has always been a favorite among food enthusiasts. However, purchasing these delectable treats in small quantities can leave a considerable dent in your wallet. This is where the Wholesale dry fruit Market steps in, offering a haven for those who want to enjoy these wholesome snacks without breaking the bank. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of wholesale dry fruits, revealing the secrets to becoming a savvy shopper and reaping the benefits of this unique market.
Understanding Wholesale Dry Fruits
What are Wholesale Dry Fruits?
Wholesale dry fruit  are bulk quantities of dried fruits, nuts, and seeds. They are typically sold to retailers, but individuals can also take advantage of these wholesale prices. These products are sourced directly from producers or distributors, which eliminates intermediaries and reduces costs.
Benefits of Buying Wholesale
Purchasing dry fruits wholesale offers several advantages. The most evident benefit is cost-efficiency. You receive a larger quantity for your money, and the per-unit cost is significantly lower compared to retail prices. Furthermore, many wholesalers offer discounts for bulk purchases, making it an even more economical option.
Navigating the Wholesale Dry Fruit Market
Finding Reliable Suppliers
To successfully navigate the wholesale dry fruit market, it's crucial to find reliable suppliers. Look for local suppliers in your area or explore reputable online options. Check for customer reviews and ratings to ensure they have a track record of providing quality products and on-time deliveries.
Online vs. Local Markets
When it comes to purchasing wholesale dry fruits, you have two primary options: local markets and online suppliers. Each has its advantages and drawbacks. Local markets allow you to physically inspect the products, ensuring their quality. On the other hand, online suppliers provide convenience and a more extensive selection, often with the added benefit of home delivery. Your choice should depend on your preferences and needs.
Choosing the Right Dry Fruits
Popular Varieties
The wholesale market offers a wide variety of dry fruits, including almonds, cashews, raisins, pistachios, and more. Take the time to explore and understand the different types available, considering your personal preferences and dietary requirements.
Quality Assessment
When buying wholesale, it's essential to inspect the quality of the dry fruits carefully. Check for freshness, proper storage, and adherence to quality standards. Quality assurance is a fundamental aspect of a satisfying purchase.
Pricing and Bargain Hunting
Strategies for Bargain Hunters
For those who enjoy the thrill of finding a great deal, the Wholesale dry fruit market is a treasure trove. Keep an eye out for seasonal discounts, clearance sales, and special promotions. Additionally, buying in bulk often comes with substantial savings.
Bulk Purchase Discounts
Many wholesalers offer discounts based on the quantity you purchase. To maximize your savings, consider partnering with friends or family to make bulk orders, which can further reduce your expenses.
Storing Wholesale Dry Fruits
Proper Storage Techniques
Proper storage is essential to maintain the freshness and quality of your wholesale dry fruits. Use airtight containers and store them in a cool, dry place. Understanding the shelf life of each type of dry fruit is crucial to prevent spoilage.
Shelf Life Considerations
Different dry fruits have varying shelf lives. Be mindful of these timelines and consume or use them accordingly to ensure they remain in top condition.
Navigating the Wholesale Market Responsibly
Ethical and Sustainable Choices
Support suppliers who follow ethical and sustainable practices. Purchasing from responsible sources promotes fair trade and environmental sustainability, which is an increasingly important consideration for many consumers.
Support Local Producers
Whenever possible, consider buying from local producers. This not only supports your community but also reduces the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation.
Preparing for Your Purchase
Budget Planning
Before embarking on your Wholesale dry fruit shopping adventure, set a budget. Knowing your spending limit will help you make informed and responsible purchasing decisions.
Wholesale Market Tips
Research the specific market or supplier you plan to visit or order from. Understanding their offerings and pricing structure will empower you to make the most of your shopping experience.
Case Study: A Successful Bargain Hunt
To illustrate the benefits of navigating the wholesale dry fruit market, let's explore a real-life success story. Discover how a savvy shopper saved money while indulging in high-quality dry fruits.
Benefits of Buying Wholesale Dry Fruits
Cost Savings
Purchasing wholesale dry fruits significantly reduces your monthly grocery expenses, making it a cost-effective way to enjoy these nutritious snacks.
Health Benefits
Dry fruits are a powerhouse of essential nutrients. Including them in your diet can contribute to your overall well-being, making them an excellent choice for health-conscious individuals.
Risks and Challenges
Quality Concerns
While buying wholesale offers substantial cost savings, there's always a risk of encountering subpar products. Be vigilant and inspect the quality of your purchases to avoid disappointment.
Storage Issues
Improper storage can lead to spoilage or a loss of quality. Maintaining the freshness of your Wholesale dry fruit through proper storage is essential.
Navigating the Wholesale Dry Fruit Market as a smart shopper allows you to enjoy delicious, healthy snacks without straining your budget. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can make the most of this unique market and relish the goodness of dry fruits without compromise.
What are the best dry fruits to buy in bulk?
The best dry fruits for bulk purchase are almonds, cashews, raisins, and pistachios.
How can I find reliable suppliers in the wholesale dry fruit market?
Research local and online suppliers with a good reputation for quality and timely delivery.
Are there any risks associated with buying wholesale dry fruits?
Yes, there can be quality concerns and storage issues, so inspect your purchases carefully and store them correctly.
What are the environmental benefits of supporting local producers in the wholesale market?
Supporting local producers reduces the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation and promotes environmental sustainability.
How can I maximize savings when buying wholesale dry fruits?
Look for bulk purchase discounts, seasonal promotions, and consider sharing bulk orders with others to reduce costs.
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hound-dog-development · 9 months
Pacific Natural Foods Cashew Beverage - Organic - Unsweetened- Case Of 6 - 32 Fl Oz
Pacific foods original unsweetened cashew beverage is an organic, vegan, non-dairy beverage made with fair trade certified cashews. Ingredients include cashew butter and sea salt. You’ll enjoy four 1 cup servings from the 32 fl. Oz. Carton. Each cup of this plant-based beverage is only about 50 calories. See the nutrition facts panel for allergens.country of origin : united statesis dairy free :…
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oneclickb2b · 10 months
B2B (Business-to-Business) online platforms in Kerala have grown exponentially in recent years. These conferences have changed how businesses communicate, collaborate, and operate in the country. With advances in technology and increasing digital literacy among entrepreneurs, Kerala has embraced digital transformation, resulting in a rapid expansion of B2B online transactions
Kerala, known as God's Own Country is a state placed in the southern part of India. It has a large economy encompassing various sectors along with agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, and services. Traditionally, B2B transactions in Kerala trusted offline techniques, which included bodily marketplaces, alternate fairs, and networking events. However, the emergence of online systems has disrupted this traditional method and opened up new avenues for commercial enterprise boom and collaboration
One of the key drivers of the boom of B2B online systems in Kerala is the growing internet penetration and phone adoption in the nation. With a substantial population having access to the Internet, businesses have diagnosed the potential of digital structures in increasing their reach and tapping into new markets. Additionally, the provision of less expensive smartphones and records plans has made it easier for marketers to leverage online platforms for their commercial enterprise needs.
Another thing contributing to the increase of B2B online systems in Kerala is the upward thrust of e-trade and virtual entrepreneurship. Small and medium-sized establishments are actively embracing virtual channels to exhibit their services and products, connect to capacity shoppers, and streamline their supply chains. Online platforms offer them a value-effective and green way to connect to providers, distributors, and different enterprise companions, doing away with geographical barriers and decreasing transaction charges.
Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has expanded the adoption of digital platforms in Kerala's B2B ecosystem. As companies faced challenges due to lockdowns and restrictions on bodily interactions, they grew to become online platforms to sustain their operations. This crisis acted as a catalyst, pushing companies to explore the advantages of digitalization and driving them toward B2B online platforms.
The increase of B2B online systems in Kerala has also been supported by way of the government's projects to sell digital entrepreneurship and ease of doing commercial enterprise. The state government has launched various programs and policies to encourage startups and SMEs to embrace the era and leverage virtual systems. These efforts have created a favorable environment for online platforms to thrive and feature attracted investments inside the virtual zone
In the old generation of Kerala, business-to-business (B2B) interactions played a vital role in shaping the economy and trade landscape. Kerala, a state located in the southwestern region of India, has a rich history of commerce and trade dating back centuries. The B2B sector in old-generation Kerala was characterized by traditional business practices, close-knit relationships, and a strong sense of community.
Historically, Kerala has been known for its thriving agricultural sector, with commodities like spices, coconuts, and cashews being major exports. The B2B interactions in the old-generation Kerala primarily revolved around these agricultural products. The region's fertile soil, favorable climate, and proximity to international trade routes made it an ideal hub for commerce.
In the old generation, B2B transactions were often conducted through traditional marketplaces, known as "thattukadas" or "panchayats." These marketplaces served as meeting points for buyers and sellers, where they could negotiate deals and exchange goods. Business relationships were built on trust, personal connections, and word-of-mouth recommendations, with a focus on long-term partnerships.
The B2B landscape in old-generation Kerala was also influenced by the caste system, which played a significant role in business interactions. Certain communities specialized in specific trades or industries, leading to the emergence of caste-based business networks. These networks facilitated trade and ensured a certain level of quality and reliability in transactions.
There are several advantages of B2B (business-to-business) online platforms in Kerala, as well as in any other location. Here are some specific advantages: 
Increased Efficiency: B2B online platforms streamline the process of buying and selling goods or services between businesses. It eliminates the need for manual paperwork, phone calls, or physical meetings, thus saving time and effort. Businesses can easily browse through a wide range of products, compare prices, and make purchases online, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity. 
Access to a Larger Market: By utilizing B2B online platforms, businesses in Kerala can expand their reach beyond their local region and tap into a larger market. These platforms connect buyers and sellers from different areas, enabling businesses to discover new customers and suppliers both within Kerala and across the globe. This broader market access can lead to increased sales opportunities and business growth. 
Cost Savings: Online platforms can significantly reduce costs associated with traditional B2B transactions. Businesses can save on expenses like travel costs, physical storage, and marketing efforts. Additionally, online platforms' streamlined processes and automation can reduce administrative overhead and improve overall cost-effectiveness. 
Improved Transparency and Trust: B2B online platforms often provide a transparent and secure environment for business transactions. They typically offer features such as user ratings, reviews, and verifications, which help establish trust between buyers and sellers. This transparency builds confidence and encourages businesses to engage in transactions with new or unfamiliar partners, ultimately fostering a more trustworthy business ecosystem.
 Enhanced Product and Supplier Discovery: B2B online platforms offer powerful search and filtering capabilities, allowing businesses to quickly find the products or suppliers they need. These platforms often provide detailed product descriptions, specifications, and images, enabling businesses to make informed decisions. The ability to discover new products and suppliers easily can help businesses in Kerala diversify their offerings and find reliable partners. 
Streamlined Logistics and Order Management: B2B online platforms often integrate with logistics and order management systems, simplifying the process of shipping and tracking goods. This integration ensures seamless coordination between buyers, sellers, and logistics providers, resulting in smoother supply chain management and faster delivery times. 
Overall, B2B online platforms in Kerala offer numerous advantages, including increased efficiency, expanded market access, cost savings, improved transparency, enhanced product discovery, and streamlined logistics. By leveraging these platforms, businesses can strengthen their operations, establish valuable connections, and drive growth in the digital economy.
The future of B2B (business-to-business) online platforms is poised to be dynamic and transformative. Here are some trends and developments that may shape the future of B2B online platforms:
AI and Machine Learning: Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies will continue to play a significant role in B2B online platforms. These technologies can automate tasks, improve efficiency, and provide personalized business experiences. AI-powered chatbots, predictive analytics, and intelligent search capabilities will become more prevalent, enabling better decision-making and faster transactions.
Blockchain Technology: Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize B2B transactions by providing secure and transparent digital ledgers. It can enhance supply chain management, streamline payment processes, and establish trust among multiple parties. Blockchain-powered platforms will enable businesses to conduct transactions securely and efficiently, reducing the need for intermediaries.
Integration and Interoperability: B2B online platforms will increasingly focus on integration and interoperability with various systems and software used by businesses. Seamless integration with customer relationship management systems, enterprise resource planning software, and other business tools will enable smooth data exchange and enhance productivity.
Personalization and Customization: B2B online platforms will adopt personalization strategies to provide tailored experiences for businesses. By leveraging data analytics and customer insights, these platforms will offer personalized product recommendations, pricing options, and content to improve engagement and drive customer loyalty.
Enhanced User Experience: B2B online platforms will prioritize user experience, making the interface intuitive and user-friendly. Simplified navigation, responsive design, and enhanced mobile compatibility will enable businesses to access and utilize these platforms easily. Features like real-time tracking, advanced search capabilities, and self-service tools will enhance convenience and efficiency.
Emphasis on Sustainability: With increasing environmental consciousness, B2B online platforms will focus on sustainability. They will provide tools and features that enable businesses to track and reduce their carbon footprint, source sustainable products, and promote responsible supply chain practices. Sustainable certifications and transparency in product information will become more important.
Collaboration and Networking: B2B online platforms will facilitate collaboration and networking among businesses. They will provide features such as discussion forums, knowledge-sharing platforms, and matchmaking capabilities to connect businesses with potential partners, suppliers, and customers. These platforms will become vibrant ecosystems that foster innovation and growth.
Expansion of E-commerce Capabilities: B2B online platforms will continue to evolve as e-commerce hubs, facilitating seamless transactions between businesses. Advanced payment options, secure escrow services, and streamlined order management systems will enable businesses to conduct transactions efficiently. Additionally, features like bulk ordering, negotiated pricing, and product customization will be incorporated to meet the unique needs of B2B customers.
It's important to note that these trends are based on current observations and predictions, and the actual future of B2B online platforms may evolve differently based on technological advancements, market dynamics, and changing business needs.
The growth of B2B online platforms in Kerala has been significant and promising. These platforms have revolutionized the way businesses operate by providing a convenient and efficient online marketplace for buying and selling goods and services.
One of the key advantages of B2B online platforms is the elimination of geographical barriers. Businesses in Kerala can now connect with suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors from across the state, country, or even the globe. This opens up new opportunities for collaboration, expansion, and access to a wider range of products and services.
Furthermore, B2B online platforms offer a streamlined and transparent process for transactions. Businesses can easily search for and compare different suppliers, view product specifications, and negotiate prices and terms. This efficiency reduces costs and saves time for businesses, allowing them to focus on other critical aspects of their operations.
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nimratkaur22-blog · 10 months
Registering with the Export Promotion Council and Dealing with import-export data
Functions and salient features of an Export Promotion Council
The Export Promotion Council (EPC) is an advisory body that is governed by policies under the Government of India and functions as a bridge between the industry and its government. The EPC’s primary goal is to promote exporters through a host of activities such as exhibitions, trade fairs and meet and greet sessions, and help facilitate a direct link with a potential foreign buyer. The EPC also has an image management and branding role to play when it comes to the international marketplace. It protects the country’s image, credibility, and reliability in the eyes of foreign buyers.
There are different types of EPCs nested under each country supporting a specific industry or sector through import export data. Engineering Export Promotion Council, Project Exports Promotion Council of India, Basic Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Export Promotion Council, Chemicals and Allied Products Export Promotion Council, Council for Leather Exports, Sports Goods Export Promotion Council, Gems & Jewelry Export Promotion Council, Shellac & Forest Products Export Promotion Council, Cashew Export Promotion Council and Plastic Export Promotion Council are some examples in India.
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What are the benefits Export Promotion Councils providing?
Most countries have their own EPCs to boost the economy through overseas exports of goods manufactured locally, and India is no exception. The Export Promotion Councils are non-profitable organization, registered under the Indian Companies Act or the Societies Registration Act. They are aided financially by the Government of India.
The EPCs encourage and actively monitor international standards and specifications that exporters are expected to adhere to. They stay abreast of the trends and scope of goods and services in the international markets and assist the members in taking advantage of such opportunities to expand and diversify exports. Not just that, EPCs in many countries are part of the international trade circuit, and this makes them a viable partner for exporters to capitalize on.
So, how do we make the most of the benefits the EPCs have to offer?
The first step is to register with them. If you are a manufacturer-exporter, you need to obtain a Registration-cum-Membership Certificate which is valid for a period of five years and allows you to claim the benefits under the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP)
Choose the Export Promotion Council that handles your product and register with it
Once the registration is complete, you will receive full support from the EPC to grow your business and boost revenue.
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savourygoodness · 14 days
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Turkish boreks, air fried
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The importance of protecting the rainforests.
Rainforests, Deforestation & Poverty
Expanding agriculture, due to an increased population and shifts in diet, is responsible for most of the world's deforestation. Western societies demand for super foods like avocados, acai, durian; products containing palm oil and soy are fuelling mass deforestation during the production of said goods.
The western demand is outsourced to rural Brazilian farmers, where they and powerful companies, who fund their projects, carefully discover loopholes in relation to the law that allows them to remove, logg and deforest the most vital, ancient and biodiverse places on earth. The farmers logging and removing the forest in order to make profit of the land, see very little return. In a fight to make money for themselves, their family and their community, they discover it is not sustainable. oftentimes their farms tend to be bought from underneath them by larger, more merciless companies, worsening the land and destroying more of the vital surrounding ecosystems. For the poor farmers these plantations are not sustaining them and as it seems, the permanent destruction of the tens and millions of year old rainforests is only a temporary fix. In actuality there are government and global systemic failures that keep poor people poor and allow the richer to legally accumulate way over half of most countries' overall gross national income, this being something only resolved with good government input, rethinking of the economic systems and an all around effort to help the poorer communities. 
Are you benefiting from the deforestation of rainforests?
In the uk we do not have a rainforest nor the appropriate climate to have one. The destruction and removal of rainforests do not directly affect us, not until the vital biodiversity, possible medical remedies and the millions of trees producing oxygen and removing co2 from the air are all gone and climate change is no longer something you can ignore. Not until then will people see the necessity for change and protection of the vital ancient forests. 
 Products that you are using that are farmed in rainforests;
Chocolate, Moisturizer ,Medicines ,Nuts- cashew and brazilian, Shampoo, Coffee, avocados, bananas, cinnamon, pepper, acai berries.
This is not to guilt you into cutting all your favourite foods and products out of your life. Some products could have been farmed in a sustainable manner, Without removing and logging the forest and removing all its nutrients. 
The World Wide Fund for nature suggests that you should use products with these labels to make a positive impact and be a good consumer:
Fair Trade
Rainforest alliance
Forest stewardship council
Rspo (roundtable on sustainable palm oil)
These labels claim to insure that the product you are using has been harvested in a sustainable way. With consideration not only for quality but for safety of the place and animals homes in which it has been harvested from. 
Covid was tragic for everyone, all around the world, but it was undoubtedly worse for the poorer, rural inhabitants in Brazil and its native communities. Not only that but illegal loggers in native lands spread the virus to the natives, resulting in tragedies of high volumes. Natives are vital to keeping the rainforest untouched for the protection of itt. Without native communities more than half of what is left of said forests would not be there.
You don't have to understand or sympathise with native Brazilians or even like them. But having a modicum of care for their lives is vital to not only the life of the rainforest but the lives of you, your family, peers and all the generations to come.
So before you buy any product off the shelf of your local supermarket, check if it's sustainably sourced, a little consideration goes a long way. 
Be the change you want to see in the world, we can all be the change.
Be the change, save your planet.
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derfisch · 1 year
also here's a food opinion freebie: cashews are the worst tasting nut in your average trail mix.
and that works out, because cashew farming has some of the worst working conditions of all nuts! imagine that
if you're gonna buy cashews, please make sure they're fair trade certified. the production process removes a lot of toxic chemicals, which many workers are not adequately protected from themselves
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itsageneticthing · 1 year
Eateries on my Bucket-List
For my second blog post, I made a list of places to eat in my hometown that I can easily navigate with galactosemia. I have been to all of the eateries listed there, as well as many other places that cater to people with dietary restrictions. Many restaurants are aware of dietary restrictions nowadays, and they are happy to accommodate. Since I can eat most foods that are a part of the vegan diet, I tend to gravitate towards restaurants that are plant-based. To start the new year, I thought I would share my bucket list of places that I still want to try that are vegan or plant-based. Hopefully I can try some of them this year! Here are the eateries on my bucket-list, arranged geographically closest to furthest from where I live.
East Coast
1. G-Monkey Fast Food
Location: 625 New Park Avenue SUITE G, West Hartford, Connecticut 06110
G-Monkey is Connecticut's very first vegan fast-food restaurant that is 100% plant-based. As mentioned in my second post, the owners of G-Monkey used to own G-Zen in Branford. This is their new restaurant that they opened. Now, they are redefining what the world views as "fast food." Fast food for G-Monkey is the perfect balance of good and speed. Follow G-Monkey on Facebook and Instagram here: @GMONKEYFASTFOOD.
2. Flora
Location: 45 Raymond Rd 2nd floor, West Hartford, CT 06107
Flora is a full service restaurant and bar with a juice bar and plant-based menu, which provides a one of a kind opportunity for food choices in a balanced healthy living diet. Customers can enjoy this vegan dining experience with choices of 'viable fauna,' which is their category of sustainable raised animal foods. In order to stay with what is seasonally available and to keep passion and interest in what they offer, the menu will change frequently. Follow Flora on social media here: @floraweha.
3. Divine Treasures
Location: 404 Middle Turnpike W, Manchester, CT 06040
Divine Treasures first opened in 2007. Since they opened, they have been committed to delivering a high-quality chocolate experience without ignoring social responsibility or sacrificing health. They use organic and local ingredients whenever possible and make all of their recipes on the premise. Each treat is crafted to the standard of chef and owner Diane Wagemann, who combines her European training in chocolate-making with her childhood passion for the art of making it. After studying among chefs across Switzerland and Belgium, she brought her knowledge back to the United States, modifying her skills to fit her own vegan and gluten-free lifestyle. At Divine Treasures, the traditional and modern unite to create a unique chocolate experience.
Divine Treasures believes no one should forfeit their health in order to enjoy a treat. Their facility is dedicated to gluten-free, and their products are also vegan, so they are made without egg, dairy, cholesterol, trans-fats, or any other unwanted elements found in animal products. They believe in plant-based chocolates so tasty they surpass their non-vegan counterparts to satisfy everyone. They aim for the perfect touch of sweetness without resorting to the amounts of processed sugar that are found in typical sweets, relaying on careful amounts of organic brown rice syrup, organic cane sugar, and low-glycemic coconut sugar.
Divine Treasures uses eco-friendly packaging, and European-processed chocolate that comes from reliable, Fair-Trade certified companies whose business operations they trust. It's important to Divine Treasures that they run their business in a way that their customers can trust also, so that each piece of chocolate can be fully enjoyed by mind, body, and spirit. Follow them on Instagram here: @DIVINETREASURESCHOCOLATES.
West Coast
4. Virgin Cheese
Location: 915 Main St, Clarkdale, Arizona 86324
Virgin Cheese makes vegan, artisanal cheeses of the highest order made from pure plant power. Decadent, traditionally cultured, cashew milk-based cheese that contains no GMOs, soy, gluten, lactose, dairy, or animal products, and unlike dairy cheese, is completely cholesterol-free. Artisanal cheeses refer to cheeses made by hand using the traditional craftsmanship of skilled cheese makers. As a result, the cheeses are often more complex in variety and taste. Many of them are ripened and aged to achieve certain aesthetics. This contrasts with the mild flavors of mass-produced cheeses made in large scale operations, which are often shipped and sold right away. Virgin Cheese specializes in cheeses worthy of fine wine, and they are purveyors of the ultimate gift baskets and picnic. Jodi Paige is the Chief Cheese Officer and Anthony Guitron is the General Manager. Follow Virgin Cheese on Instagram here virgincheese and Facebook Virgin Cheese - Organic Vegan Artisan.
5. VegeNation
Location: 616 E Carson Ave #120, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
VegeNation is a community-based restaurant in Las Vegas that serves fresh street food. Their menu is 100% plant-based and they work with local businesses to source their booze, beer, tea, coffee, artisan cheese, seasonal herbs, and art. VegeNation is always looking to cook with vegetables grown locally by working with community gardens, school garden programs, and freight farms. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram here: @VegeNation.
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cajuuseo · 2 years
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Vanilla and Salted Caramel Cashew Nut Vegan Snacks are made with Madagascan vanilla, our own natural caramel mixture, lake salt crystals, and roasted cashew nuts hand-crafted into a wonderful vegan snack in an on-the-go tube. All our Tanzanian cashews are naturally grown and only ethically processed (cashew nut extraction from cashew shell) in a fair-trade manner. Buy Now
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