#extry extry
Yoooo have you seen Christian Bale's son dressed as a newsie for a new film??
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No one knows the kid's name? It might be Rex lol. But we know the movie is a take on the Bride of Frankenstein set in the 30s and directed by Maggie gyllenhaal!
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twinkinspector · 2 years
how the second he sees you under him, he’s prince zuko again
this line gets me every single time
i love how timid he is until that point. and then he looks down at you whining and squirming and realizes he has more power than he thought and he’s drunk on it. and you can see it as his eyes narrow.
“do you need something from me?” he coos as you grind against him, trying to get friction. you whimper out a little “please” as you reach for his cock, standing hard and proud against your tummy.
it’s like he’s a totally different person — not the same man who couldn’t make eye contact as you undressed earlier. not the same man who kept asking, “are you sure?” as you went further and further, his hands tentatively exploring your skin.
“please what?” he presses, rubbing his leaking cock against your entrance, smearing pre all over your slit and making you writhe with anticipation.
“please, please, need your big, fat cock,” you breathe, looking up at him through your lashes, tears about to overflow.
you feel his length pulse against your skin as you beg. “need you, zuko,” you whine. “want to feel prince zuko fuck me.”
something in his eyes changes, the restraint you saw before completely gone. how could he deny a request like that? he pushes himself in all the way, your hips pressed together as he bottoms out and the tears do overflow.
he pulls out almost all the way and slams back in, a fresh wave of tears running down your face. “thought you wanted this,” he rasps down at you, feigning concern.
“i do, i do,” you plead. “please just keep going.” you feel him pulse inside you before he starts fucking into you hard, hips snapping against yours as he moves to rub circles on your clit.
your walls tighten around him as he brings you closer and closer to your release. “you wanna cum?” he asks, never slowing his pace.
“yes, please, yes- let me cum please,” you babble, unable to think about anything besides the tip of his cock hitting your cervix over and over.
“please what?” a devilish grin takes over his face. he slows down his fingers on your clit, willing you to say the one thing he wants to hear.
“please, let me cum, fire lord.”
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divinebunnii · 9 months
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put em up ~
// youtube // // shirts // // tiktok //
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neil: joins the foxes
neil: plans to run away and not get attached to anyone on the team so he doesn’t get unalived
neil: meets andrew
neil: roasts mafia heir on live t.v
neil: makes a deal with andrew
neil: gets tortured for andrews safety
neil: gets smooched by andrew
“i lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship”
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art: @lunapiq
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scotchhideyoshi · 7 months
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I finally drew the newsboy from the Cuphead DLC
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portalgunslinger · 25 days
i love drawing ryker holding the brim of their hat...... theyre like a 30s new york orphan selling newspaper to me
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bluebirdcurse · 10 months
Aziraphale having a good laugh at the silly new angel 'ello 'ello 'elloing in their Victorian copper costume then putting on a trenchcoat and tucking a press pass in his hatband to be a regular human newspaperman
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stringbeanbones · 4 months
The Horrible Yogurt Thief Strikes Again
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minecrussy · 1 year
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my paperboy
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temencmoth · 2 years
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Forspoken Photo Mode 32: Praenost, Mustering Grounds, Part 4
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starlit-mansion · 1 year
it's kind of weird that i was starting to id as more transmasc aligned solely because i was starting to feel boxed in by the way that nonbinary identity is increasingly talked about in ways that align it to male or female. i LIKE being unaligned nonbinary, it's just weird that echo chambers kind of do that to you even if you think you're being aware of it
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twinkinspector · 2 years
New day New day New day Moooooreeee Zuko
The peasants (me) demands it!!!
i feel like he has phone sex all the time bc he’s always away doing prince shit and i cannnoooootttttt stop thinking ab it!!!
“hey, baby,” zuko rasps. you can hear the smile on his face and can practically see his eyes light up at the fact that you picked up.
“hey,” you smile, excited to hear from him — but even more excited for what’s about to happen. “what are you up to?” you murmur.
“i just got back to my room,” he says, collapsing onto the bed. “have you been thinking about me? i’ve been thinking about you nonstop,” he breathes.
“of course i have,” you respond, reclining in your own bed. “i’ve missed you so much,” you sigh, stroking your bare thighs just like he would.
“yeah?” you hear him shift his weight. “i missed you.” he palms his half-hard cock through his pants. “can you do something for me?”
“anything,” you breathe.
“that’s my girl,” he groans, pulling his cock out to find it leaking in anticipation. he uses his thumb to spread his oozing arousal down his shaft, stroking himself slowly.
“first, what are you wearing right now?” you giggle at such a cliché. “one of your shirts and some panties. your favorite red ones,” you purr.
“fuckkkkk. pull them to the side and run your fingers down your slit… but don’t push in,” he instructs, listening to make sure you’re following his directions.
you do exactly as he says, gathering up all the slick that’s pooled since you first heard his voice. “i’m already so wet for you.”
“yeah? god, i wish i was there to taste you.” he lets out a groan as he increases his pace, his tip still leaking.
“wish i could lick that pretty little clit, make you beg me to fuck you,” he breathes. “zuko,” you whimper.
“you sound so needy, baby.” his breathing is getting heavier, his voice breathier. “dip your fingers into that pretty pussy,” he says. “and let me hear it.”
you plunge two digits into your core, aching for his cock to stretch you out instead of your little fingers. “fuck,” you breathe.
“no, baby.” his tone is stern. “i want to hear how wet you are. put me on speaker and put the phone down between your legs. let me hear you fuck yourself.”
i rly rly rly think he’d love guiding you and i would probably just squirt hearing his voice telling me to do any of that 🫠
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griffithrowland47 · 2 years
Why Are Extrinsic And Intrinsic Motivations So Important?
There may be at all times a distinction between things that people select to do as a result of they're important to their success and people which might be pursued for the sake of the challenge or experience. Discussing this idea, along with why it's necessary, will provide help to perceive what motivates your viewers to continue partaking in your content material.
So what's motivation?
External motivation is the motivation we obtain from issues outside of ourselves, akin to rewards, punishments, or compliments. External motivation can be helpful in getting us to do something we don’t need to do, like learning for a check. Internal motivation is the motivation we receive from issues inside of ourselves, similar to objectives, needs, and motivations. Internal motivation may be helpful in getting us to do one thing we want to do, like learning for a check as a result of it’s essential to me.
Motivation is a brain perform
Motivation is a brain perform and it’s something that we all need in order to achieve success. When it comes to intrinsic motivation, we're internally pushed to attain our targets because we genuinely take pleasure in the duty itself. Then again, extrinsic motivation vs intrinsic motivation comes from external elements similar to rewards or punishments. While both forms of motivation are important, some individuals tend to favor extrinsic motivators over intrinsic ones. The principle benefit of extrinsic motivation is that it can be more easily managed. For example, in case you are rewarded for finishing a task, you'll probably continue to work laborious even should you don’t get pleasure from it. Conversely, intrinsic motivation may be troublesome to harness when targets should not aligned with our private values or when rewards should not available. For instance, if you wish to drop some pounds however don’t get pleasure from consuming junk meals, monitoring your calories may not be an interesting task. Overall, each forms of motivation are essential for fulfillment. However, it is important to find the kind of motivation that works best for you.Whether you favor intrinsic or extrinsic motivation will affect how a lot effort you put into completing duties and how happy you feel together with your results.
How does extrinsic motivation work?
Intrinsic motivation is one in every of crucial factors in human behavior. Intrinsic motivation comes from inside ourselves, and it is what drives us to do things because we enjoy them, not because they're expected of us. Extrinsic motivation, then again, comes from exterior sources resembling rewards or punishments. While extrinsic motivation can be effective in getting folks to do issues, it could possibly even have unfavourable results on their motivation and emotions of satisfaction. What is the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation? Intrinsic motivation comes from inside ourselves- it's what drives us to do things as a result of we enjoy them, not because they're anticipated of us. Extrinsic motivation, then again, comes from exterior sources akin to rewards or punishments. While extrinsic motivation will be efficient in getting individuals to do things, it could even have destructive results on their motivation and emotions of satisfaction. Why is extrinsic motivation so important? Extrinsic motivation is necessary for 2 reasons. First, it may help get folks to do things that they won't in any other case do. For instance, if you'd like your baby to scrub his room, providing him a reward like
What are the advantages of extrinsic motivation?
Extrinsic motivation is the motivation that comes from an exterior source, similar to a paycheck or a praise from a boss. It’s usually regarded as much less effective than intrinsic motivation as a result of it’s much less private and extra external. However, there are a lot of benefits to using extrinsic motivation, including elevated productivity and satisfaction. There are a number of the reason why extrinsic motivation can be so powerful. First, extrinsic rewards are quick and concrete. They provide suggestions that can be simply understood and acted on. Any such feedback is very important for novice learners and those that discover it troublesome to remain motivated on their own. Second, extrinsic rewards motivate us to do something we might not want to do on our personal, like finding out for a test. In these circumstances, extrinsic motivation may help us override our natural inertia. However, extrinsic motivation isn’t always perfect. For instance, if extrinsic rewards are too easy to acquire or too generous, they won’t be very motivating. And if the reward is simply too distracting or irrelevant, it won’t be efficient both. Finally, extrinsic rewards can backfire if
What are the restrictions of extrinsic motivation?
Extrinsic motivation is one of the most typical types of motivation. It is predicated on issues outdoors of the person, like rewards or punishments. Intrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is predicated on what the person desires and needs with a purpose to be glad. extrinsic motivation will be good in some circumstances, however it has limitations. First, extrinsic rewards might be dulled over time if they don't seem to be given usually sufficient. Second, extrinsic motivators can create a sense of entitlement in people which can lead to issues down the line. Finally, extrinsic motivators can push folks toward issues that will not be of their greatest curiosity.
How does intrinsic motivation work?
Extrinsic motivation is when rewards are given to an individual not because they intrinsically enjoy the task or exercise, however as a result of they anticipate one thing in return. For instance, a trainer would possibly give a scholar a detention for poor educational performance as a result of she expects the pupil to find it unpleasant and need to keep away from it sooner or later. Intrinsic motivation, alternatively, comes from within a person and is based on their own intrinsic needs and needs. For instance, a pupil may enjoy learning and be motivated to do effectively in class by pushing themselves to achieve their goals quite than anticipating rewards from outside sources. Both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation have their advantages and disadvantages. Extrinsic motivation could be more motivating for people who're driven by external rewards (like cash), as these rewards will be tough to acquire with out effort. However, extrinsic motivation can also be less motivating for people who are intrinsically motivated, as these individuals might not get pleasure from the duty or find rewards straightforward to attain. Intrinsic motivation might be extra motivating for people who're pushed by inside rewards (like satisfaction from reaching a objective), as these rewards may be more personalised and satisfying. However, intrinsic motivation may also be
What are the benefits of intrinsic motivation?
Intrinsic motivation is a time period that is often used to describe motivations that originate from within the person themselves somewhat than from exterior elements. There are a lot of advantages to counting on intrinsic motivation in our work and life pursuits, and it has been shown to be extra successful in terms of satisfaction and motivation. Here are 5 of the most important reasons: 1. Intrinsic motivation is more satisfying. When we're motivated by something that is intrinsic to us, we really feel more fulfilment in our work and life pursuits. It is because it is our own objectives and values that we are working in the direction of, which makes us feel like we are really contributing one thing worthwhile to the world. 2. Intrinsic motivation leads to higher efficiency. When we're intrinsically motivated, we're extra likely to offer our best effort in every little thing that we do. It is because we're targeted on what we want rather than what others expect of us, and it leads to higher success in each personal and professional domains. 3. Intrinsic motivation leads to better creativity. When we are intrinsically motivated, our focus tends to be on problems slightly than solutions. This enables us to provide you with artistic ideas which will not have entered our
What are the limitations of intrinsic motivators
Intrinsic motivators are those who come from inside the individual. They are primarily based on what the individual wants to achieve and might be self-satisfying. Extrinsic motivators, then again, are those that come from exterior of the person. They are often external rewards comparable to cash or recognition, or they are often punishments similar to being fired from a job. There are many benefits to using intrinsic motivators over extrinsic motivators. First, intrinsic motivators are more likely to be long-time period oriented. That's, individuals are more probably to remain motivated if they really feel like their own objectives are significant and important to them. Second, intrinsic motivators are typically more practical at participating people in inventive actions. That is, individuals usually tend to generate new ideas when they're motivated by one thing that's intrinsically satisfying rather than one thing that is just extrinsically rewarding. Finally, intrinsic motivators are more likely to lead to positive outcomes for people and organizations alike. That is, using intrinsic motivators is often simpler than using extrinsic motivators when it comes to achieving organizational objectives and employee satisfaction.
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ya know how jin usually wears his jacket uniform around his shoulders? my brain literally does not shut up abt this so would it be possible to request a romantic headcanon/drabble with frostheim and vagastrom boys where they give their jacket to the reader (and ur reasons for why you think they do) :’)
Thank you for sending in a request!
he doesn't give his jacket up easily, just be aware. And as stated before He's not big on PDA but I think he'd get a little jealous if they were out and about together. If they were really cold He'd give it up, but he'd absolutely complain about it first. (CAPTAIN! DRABBLE SPOTTED ON STARBURD SIDE!)
Jin glared around at the dirty Vagastrom pit. If it wasn't for MC being there for a mission, he wouldn't be caught dead in a place like this for fun. He didn't trust those thugs to make sure MC got back to their dorm okay. When he finally spotted them, he made a B line for them, noticing some general students getting too close for comfort. He stepped in, using his powerful voice and stigma, saying,
"Stand down you thugs!"
Jin swiftly walked up to a shocked looking MC, taking off his jacket and throwing it over their shoulders. He placed a hand on their shoulder, glaring daggers at the general students and guiding MC out of there. When they were out he grabbed their hand and started leading them. Without taking his eyes off of where he was going he said,
"From now on, whenever you come to this shit hole. You take my jacket, is that clear?"
Okay, Tohma would give them his jacket if they were cold but I think it would be more of a shield from others if that makes sense. Like to cover them up or to comfort them when something is happening. (WELCOME TO THE DRABBLE DOME!)
Tohma narrowed his eyes as he watched MC leaving Frostheim for the day. He had spotted some general students milling about and getting closer to MC. He stayed where he was until one of the students had tried to grab their arm. In what seemed like a flash, Tohma was there with his typical smile. He held on to the offending students wrist tightly, his composure never cracking. After a moment he let go of the students wrist, and slipped off his jacket, placing it over MC's shoulders. He looked down at them saying,
"Please do forgive them MC. It seems I will have to teach them proper guest etiquette"
Kaito would TRY to give MC his jacket like he's seen in movies and magazines. But he would get WAY too worried about if there was some sort of stain on it from lunch or if it smelled weird. Like if its raining, he'd be too worried about the condition of the jacket to realize MC either ran for cover already.....or is already soaked from the rain. (WE ARE LIVING IN A DRABBLE WORLD! AND I AM JUST A DRABBLE GORL!)
Kaito took a deep breath and shifted his uniform jacket as he walked MC back to their dorm. He saw on his phone that it was supposed to rain today and he purposefully 'forgot' his umbrella. As they were walking it started to drizzle, before quickly turning into a downpour. Kaito thanked whatever diety was out there for this chance. He swiftly took off his jacket, draping it over their shoulders and grabbing their hand to run back to MC's dorm. He laughed along the way, picturing what it looked like to MC. what he thought was a cute scene from a movie.....was really him dragging MC by the hand in the pouring rain. When they finally DO make it back to MC's dorm, they're both sopping wet and MC says,
"Thanks for lending me your jacket and all Kaito.....but i hope you know there's a hole in one of the sleeves."
Kaito died a little inside when MC told him that.
Luca, being the lovely English gentlemen he is. He will always give MC his jacket even if it's just a little windy. He would beat himself up if MC got sick when they were with him. (EXTRY EXTRY! DRABBLE FOR ENGLISH BOI!)
Lucas had sent MC a message to meet him in the library to do more research on both their curse and demons. He was making his way to the library, when he spotted them. He waved and jogged up to them, a small smile on his face. He grabbed their hand and gently squeezed it. Keeping their fingers interlocked while they walked together.
MC was mentioning something that happened in one of their classes when Luca felt a drop of something hit his nose. He looked up, noticing clouds overhead. Without hesitating he took off his jacket and placed it on top of MC's head to shield them from the rain. He pressed his hand against their lower back gently guiding them into the building. MC fussed over how he was wet, but he brushed it off with a smile and a soft hand on their cheek, saying,
"I'll be fine MC. I was more worried about you. I wouldn't ever want you to get sick. I promised to protect you after all"
Okay to start with, Alan doesn't wear his jacket. He HAS one, he just doesn't wear it. He has a vest though so its CLOSE ENOUGH! But with his vest, they HAVE to tell him that they're cold AND ask him for his vest. He has no objection to give it to them if they're cold. But his mind is on other things, he's not gonna get the hint if they just tell him that they're cold.
Alan was on his back, working on one of the cars in the Vagastrom garage while he waited for his partner to show up. Tonight was supposed to be date night and they agreed to spend some time together doing seperate things (its called parallel play for those who don't know!). He rolled out to grab a drink of water and a different tool when MC walked in. They were holding their arms and shivering slightly. He greeted them and went back under to work on the car.
MC sat down on the couch and cleared their throat. Alan rolled back out and asked them what was wrong. When they told him it was cold, he offered to get them a blanket or something. When they refused that offer, he didn't know what else to do and went back under. MC sighed and got his attention by calling his name. He rolled back out and asked,
"Did you change your mind on that blanket?"
MC had not and just asked him straightforward,
"Alan sweetie, I'm cold. Can I please borrow your vest?"
He thought about it for a moment before telling them no, then getting up and walking away. MC sat there SHOCKED. For a moment they were upset, but after a minute or two, Alan came back with a uniform jacket, tossing it towards MC, saying,
"Wear that. It'll look better on you than me anyways"
I feel like Sho would hand MC his jacket whenever he's either about to cook, or about to fight. He'd give it to them if they were cold sure, but he'd complain about them not being prepared.
Sho made his way back to the Vagastrom dorms with bags full of ingredients. He texted his partner MC to show up with an appetite. He was glad to see MC already at the dorms by the time he got back and parked Bonnie (his bike) properly. He raced past them into the Vagastrom kitchen, urging them to follow.
When they came in, they saw Sho adjusting his bandana to keep the hair out of his face and taking off his jacket. He held it out to MC saying,
"Hang onto this for me babe. I'm about to make a master piece"
Seeing the fire in his eyes, MC gladly took his jacket, slipping it on and sitting down at the kitchen counter. They watched as he expertly cooked: cutting vegetables, frying and double frying meats, even his plating was mesmerizing to watch. When he was finished he set the hot plate down in front of MC with a smirk.
Leo would NOT give them the jacket he wears. Its a very expensive jacket that he got from a brand deal. The only time he would willingly give MC his jacket is if something happened and they were really really upset (not at him though)
Leo sighed as he walked to MC's dorm. He didn't bother knocking as he came into the old cathedral. He looked around calling for MC. He eventually found them curled up in bed, sobbing. He cringed a bit, not entirely comfortable with such intense emotions. He took a minute to think before sighing dramatically. He sat down on the edge of the bed and threw his jacket over their sobbing form. He put a gentle hand on their back, saying,
"Just try not to get any tear streaks on it, okay?"
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hotguycomiczine · 4 months
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Have you ever thought a zine could use more beta reading? Have you looked at a fic and thought, ‘I could fix you’? Do you enjoy helping people improve their grammar, spelling, and punctuation?
We're looking for a handful of beta readers to proofread both comics and oneshots alike. These beta readers will be working underneath the guidance of our lead editor Mod TJ, who will assign each one to a small group of contributors to help keep our zine's quality consistent. Beta readers will be working alongside their contributors as helpers, brainstormers, and friendly ears to keep the process running smoothly. If you've ever wanted to join a zine but have been too busy to write or contribute art, this is your perfect chance!
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Requirements to apply are simple: all you have to do is send in 2 excerpts between 200-400 words in our Editor's Application, showing what they looked like before they were edited, and then the final product after! These samples don't even have to be related to the zine— and you can use both your own writing or another author's, so long as they've been credited in the application.
So apply as an editor for the HOTGUY COMICS Zine today, and don't miss your chance to leave your personal mark on this incredible, one-of-a-kind, collaborative project!
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🖊️ EDITOR: Apply with this form → https://forms.gle/x554d4AsekBvhaJv7
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