#every time a blog of that nature follows me i instantly lose like 10 years off my life
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Pairings: Jon Moxley x Reader
Warnings: +18
Tag: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @melissahausen , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @baysexuality , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @moxkindagirl , @sunshinevirus , @im-just-a-mississippi-girl
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🎶You’re the one that I want…
Across the large hall, amid evening gowns and tuxedos, he stood. Those intense blue eyes could not be mistaken by anyone other than himself, and even after two years they still held the same amount of power over her as they once did.
He always had the worst timing. Every time, without fail, he decided to reappear from the ashes like a Fenix after she somehow managed to get a hold of her life once again. A part of her thinks he does this on purpose, he has a silent pleasure in watching her suffer whenever he decides to show up in her life again. Whenever he decides to reclaim her body, her heart pays the price, but not this time.
She crossed the hall towards the dark corner of the room, confident steps guided her to him once more, to what she hoped to be the last time.
“Who let you come in? I don’t recall sending you an invitation” She stated. Her posture was impeccable, back and knees straightened, shoulders back, head never once looking down, hands confidently and delicately placed on top of each other in front of her stomach.
School me to what makes you shake shake it off…
She certainly changed, and that was the first thing Mox noticed when he instantly found her being the center of attention in a crowd of rich people. The confidence that once lacked in her was now abundant enough to be categorized as arrogance, and even from afar, Mox could tell that she had learned how to be one of them. She was incredibly smart and had a certain ease to adapt to the environment she was in, it was one of the qualities he most admired in her. She knew people from different social statuses, attended diverse gatherings and knew how to properly behave in all of them. But that wasn’t what surprised him the most, what did catch him off guard though was the wedding announcement in the gossip column of The New York Times.
“The public announcement was enough of an invitation for me. I didn’t know I would need a formal card asking me to come, although I have a feeling you wouldn’t want someone like me attending your high society party”
“Follow me” She demanded quickly, before turning around and taking the stairs up to the terrace.
Mox cackled as he followed her, his eyes roamed through her figure, drowning in the sight of the only woman who was able to keep him in check. The fancy clothes added to her natural royalty appeal, and that was the first thing that drew his attention to her in that indie wrestling show over 10 years ago: her royal aura. She was the princess that his bad boy self couldn’t wait to get a hold of, the proof that he could achieve something solid, good, and worthy in life even though he barely had money to keep himself alive.
Her heels stopped clicking once they reached the terrace, “Well” She turned around to face him, “What is it that you want this time, Jonathan?”
Though I'm degenerate he's the fool who's going to bore you to death…
“Jonathan?” Mox chuckled “Are nicknames not allowed in your world anymore, kitty? Are they too poor for your upper-class vocabulary?” He continued to stare at her and kept drowning in her beauty. She was still drop-dead gorgeous, only now her doll-like beauty had been covered by heavy amounts of makeup to make her lose her innocent appearance and gain more of a womanly look.
“Nicknames are reserved for friends” She shrugged lightly
“Am I not your friend?”
“You’re an acquaintance, Jonathan. Nothing more, nothing less. Just an acquaintance”
“Hmmm,” Mox hummed, his heavy boots now stomping on the hardwood floor as he took three more steps toward her until he was close enough to feel the warmth radiating from her skin.
“I don’t think acquaintances would do half the things we did, kitty cat”
“That’s in the past now, Jonathan. Things have changed”
“Did they though? Because I’m pretty sure I still have the same effect on you as you do on me” Mox’s fingers traced her exposed collarbone, and the electricity of his touch on her skin continued to be as alive as it ever was. The sparkle was still present, the desire, the attraction, the primal need, and the urge to get intoxicated in each other until nothing else existed survived the years and was as strong as ever.
“You’re wrong” She lied effortlessly as she did so many times before in front of the mirror whenever he abandoned her.
“Am I?” Mox wrapped his fingers at the base of her neck, subtly pulling her closer to his lips. “So you won’t mind if I put your statement to the test?”
He's super rich and privileged
Sleepwalking for so many years
He looks good stock, he seems well bred
Sleepwalking for so many years…
“I don’t have to prove you shit!” She hissed, fists balling beside her in an attempt to keep her anger under control.
A sly smirk plastered on Moxley’s lips upon hearing her small curse. “So there’s still some realness in you even after you sat on the money throne, huh? I knew you wouldn’t let me down”.
“What the hell do you want, Jonathan?”
“You’re not going to do that, are you?” Mox’s lips brushed against hers, his rough voice was low, almost a whisper as his warm peppermint breath caressed her skin. “You’re not going to destroy your life like that, I won’t let you do it”.
“Of course, because only you are allowed to destroy my heart and make my life miserable, no?”
“He’s the one who’ll make you miserable, kitten. I’ve seen his pictures, he doesn’t have what it takes to be with you”
“Says the lying asshole who never kept his promises and abandoned me whenever he had the chance”
“I’ve never done any of that and you know it” Moxley’s fingers teased the pulse point of her neck, he drew small circles on the sensitive flesh until they eventually traveled to her nape. “I never lied to you”.
“You said you loved me”
“I did” Mox tilted her neck back until her eyes could stare up at him.
You're the one that I need…
He laid a tempting peck on her lips before whispering “And I still do”. The intense baby blue eyes stared into her soul, and she could feel herself getting overwhelmed by his presence. Whenever she was with him, Moxley turned her into a shy young girl again, the one who was more than prepared to discover the world with the blonde bad boy.
“I kept all of my promises, even when I didn’t want to. I promised to stay away and I did, I promised to never get in touch with you again, and I kept my word. You didn’t want me anywhere near you again, so I did what you asked me to, even though my instincts told me not to”
“I thought you were going to come after me, Jonathan. But you left!”
“You told me to-“
“I was 21 for fuck’s sake! Do you think I meant any of the shit I said to you? I was just a dumb kid trying to get her boyfriend’s attention! I wanted you to come after me at least once, Jon. For the first time in our relationship, I wanted to feel like you cared enough to ask me to stay, I wanted you to fight for us-” She felt her words being swallowed by Mox’s lips.
His hands cupped her cheeks, fingers traced the hairline in her nape before pulling the metal side comb away from her hair. Moxley’s hands buried into the cascade of locks, reveling in the feeling of having her soft mane in his palms once again.
I'm a degenerate but no fool who's going to bore you to death…
“You always talked too much” He whispered in a teasing tone against her wet lips once they broke the kiss.
“You can’t do this, Jon” Her tongue darted out to taste the remaining flavor of his gum on her lips, “You can’t just show up whenever you feel like it and expect me to drop everything-“
“Come with me, kitty cat” His arms closed around her waist, pulling her closer to his body enough for her to feel his erection pressing against her stomach. “I want you to come with me, you know you want to come with me. You don’t belong here”.
“Jon, please. I can’t do this”
Mox intertwined their fingers and began to pull her towards the fire exit, “Come with me, kitten. I promise you won’t regret it”, was the last thing he whispered before the darkness of the stairs engulfed his figure.
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glimmer-gremlin · 1 year
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I posted 14,710 times in 2022
That's 13,328 more posts than 2021!
141 posts created (1%)
14,569 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,179 of my posts in 2022
#homestuck - 41 posts
#drugs - 37 posts
#psychonauts - 15 posts
#my art - 14 posts
#unreality - 13 posts
#dragon age - 12 posts
#queer - 12 posts
#antisemitism - 10 posts
#cultist simulator - 10 posts
#oh no - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#no op sorry im still going to read “a hasty toilet” as “i cocked my ass and fired it like a gun into the chamber pot shattering it instantly
My Top Posts in 2022:
How Do you Do Fellow Cultists?
I made a uquiz to find out what your main Principle would be if you were a character in the cultsim world >> https://uquiz.com/8wxELS <<
blease enjoy
81 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
tryna act normal during an enlightenment ascension
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94 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
So I just found out that there’s been some confusion between the Genderqueer flag, and the old UK suffragette flag that’s been co-opted by TERFs. Rather than give up our nice flag to the people who want us silenced and dead, I figured I’d offer up a temporary solution :)
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See the full post
257 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
Hiii ok so!!! Folks!!! When people were saying Don't Interact With Corporate Accounts because they will try to emulate tumblr culture
⬇️ This Is The Sort Of Posts They Were Telling You Not To Interact With ⬇️
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This blog started posting in june of this year and 100% of their posts are totally straight-laced ads for switch games and promotions. Almost all posts are complete flops with under 10 notes with a handful getting up to maybe 200 notes. This post that mentions bowser's hot balls is the only one to break past that (for obvious reasons). Most of the notes on this one are people being reasonably incredulous "is this a parody account??" "they knew what they were doing" etc. I get it, but Don't Do That.
They are testing the waters and trying to figure out how to get ads past your adblockers. When you reblog a post like this for any reason, they succeed at doing this to every one of your followers.
Do Not Engage Means: Do Not Fucking Engage!
1,254 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If I can get tooth-rottingly sincere for a second? TERFs and radfems are destined to lose in the end. A movement centered on hating others- especially a demographic that is and always has been present in every culture and group throughout history, and always will be- is utterly unsustainable. It is forced to prey on the vulnerable in order to recruit, and that kind of hatred just... weighs on you, colours your perceptions and makes you unable to engage with the world in a healthy way, drains you until you’re just an empty husk. If every trans person were wiped off the face of the earth today and every mention of us redacted from all history, there would still be kids born tomorrow who look at their assigned gender and go ‘hm. don’t like that’ and do something different. They would find people just like themselves and we would persist. I have no idea what the world is going to look like when I am long gone, but I know for certain that there will be trans people in it, just as there will be gays and lesbians, there will be bisexuals, aces, aros, nonbinary folk and EVERY infinitesimal point within the queer spectrum, because its simply not possible to expunge us from the world without eradicating all of humanity. That’s the thought that keeps me going, you know? Even leaving aside gender stuff- the urge to self-create and self-express, and the urge to love ourselves and love each other- it’s woven into our very natures! No matter what happens, that light can’t be snuffed out. Thank you for your time, and stay hydrated.
6,270 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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eatrude · 6 years
I just wanna talk a second about something that’s super relevant to this blog and media in general but also just !  Really incredible is that the field of medicine is ALWAYS updating and changing.  Some terms and diagnosis and ESPECIALLY treatments from 40 years ago are OBSOLETE now, have been refined, or have been eradicated completely for the fact that they’re dangerous.  
I’m not a medical student, but I understand the importance of keeping media UPDATED to what is as current as possible in the medical world despite that it’s always changing.  New journals and studies are undergone and published constantly.  
In relevance to this blog specifically:  The term and understanding of a ‘psychopath’ has changed and evolved SO MUCH since 1981 !  The term may have been appropriate to tack onto every serial killer 20 or 30 years ago but it’s just NOT anymore.  
It is genuinely SO HARD to find what’s real information on the internet because of the hysteria and stigma surrounding the term.  it’s almost impossible to google and look around for the answers to my questions because the media at large misrepresents the mentally ill and psychotic people SO BADLY.  
I say it a lot on here !  having a mental disorder, even something as severe and commonly misrepresented as APD or ‘Psychopathy’ does NOT inherently make you evil.  PSYCHOPATH is NOT a medical term !  It’s not !!  And it’s so bad that all shows and media USE it like it is because of the PUBLICS understanding when we should be trying to EDUCATE people instead.  
I don’t know for sure that ‘psychopath’ was EVER a medical term, but maybe it was at one point.  It isn’t now.  It refers to “ a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior. “ But it’s not an official diagnosis and I don’t even think a lot of people KNOW that.    I’m just so tired y’all, so tired. 
I do my best to keep up with changing things in the medical field despite not being a student to it or a doctor and I’m always willing to do the research and try to help out if you need to learn!  That said, if you come onto this blog and I feel your blog misrepresents mental illnesses or stigmatizes it -- i’m just going to block you.  I guess I need to add this to my rules,  I don’t remember if it’s there or not ... yikes i’m just tired. 
SO, as another post I frequently reblog says:  Reminder that Hannibal does NOT have APD and is not a “Psychopath”.  He doesn’t suffer from any chronic mental disorder and you don’t HAVE to have a mental illness to be a bad person.  Just like having one doesn’t MAKE you a bad person.
Yikes guys, pls do your research.  
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scholasticbabe · 4 years
10 Life Changing Things To Do This Summer
In summer 2018 I changed my life, even though I didn’t know it yet.
You know that feeling when you’re 20-something in college and you have that summer where you’re stuck at home and you can’t see your college friends and your life is just filled with going through the motions waiting for classes to start again so you could finally feel some purpose? Just me? Okay.
That summer I came home from college with no internship/job and I had blown through all the money I had managed to save the summer prior so that meant I was stuck in the house with little to occupy my time.
But you see the funny thing about boredom is that sometimes it forces you to do things you wouldn’t have previously considered.
It happened like this…
I was on my 115 youtube video for the day and almost all of them were sponsored by the learning platform Skillshare. It boasted a 2-month free trial and I figured what did I have to lose? Instead of watching more vlogs, I figured I could use that time to work on myself.
I took online classes from everything to personal branding to social media marketing. MY WHOLE LIFE CHANGED. It wasn’t just that I took the classes and I felt like I had unlocked a hidden part of myself but taking those classes was the catalyst for a change in mindset about what it meant to creative person also about how I saw myself in the world.
That one decision led me to start new hobbies like photography and practicing facing my irrational fear of talking about myself. If I hadn’t used that “free time”  I had in the summer to do something that was beneficial to me, I wouldn’t have been able to completely revamp my life within one year. I went from sorta liking college to embracing every moment of it.
Time is one of the most valuable resources you have and you can change your life in a few months if you decide to use your time to invest in making yourself a better, happier more well-adjusted person.
Here are 10 ideas on how you can completely change your life this summer.
Take Online Courses
As I mentioned I took online classes using a Skillshare free trial but it could be any learning platform (even youtube!). Take the time to learn something you’ve always wanted to know but can’t be taught in a formal setting. Things such as digital media, art, writing, or even entrepreneurship are great to learn online. Just follow a thread of interest and see where it leads.
Read: The 10 FREE Online Courses to boost your resume
If you decide to do a skillshare trial I recommend:
Do Things Tell People the Power of Personal Branding
Real Productivity: Create your Ideal week
iPhone Photography: How to take pro photos on your iPhone  
Pick a New Keystone Habit to Build
The thing about habits is that they build on each other. One tiny change could be just the momentum you need to redesign your life.
I recently read Atomic Habits by James Clear and within a few pages, I decided that maybe, just maybe, if I focus on one habit of going to bed an hour earlier in the night, it would mean I would have more energy in the morning to accomplish my big goals.
Almost three weeks in I’ve been going to bed at 11 pm every night and it has been TRANSFORMATIVE.  I now wake up actually refreshed! Hello? Who is she? and I spend that time in the morning where I have natural energy to work on my other goals such as going for a walk outside and writing for my blog.
This one tiny change in my daily routine has given me the opportunity to improve other areas of my life.
Pick one tiny change to your routine and watch your life slowly improve. I also highly recommend picking up Atomic Habits if you want to dive more into that concept.  
Start an Online Business
Starting a business is more accessible than ever, notice I didn’t say easy but accessible. ALL the information you need to start an online business is at your fingertips whether it be blogs, youtube videos, or ebooks there are tons of resources you can use to create a plan to successfully launch an online product or service.
When I decided I wanted to start a blog I knew absolutely no bloggers but by hopping on Pinterest and Tumblr I was able to gather enough knowledge to just start.
No, I wasn’t instantly successful and my blog is still growing but it gives me a thrill every time I realize I’m building a platform to help people and that absolutely anyone can do it too.
You don’t even need $20 to start. All you need is your domain name and a good idea and rest you’ll figure out along the way.
For my blog...
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maeamian · 4 years
Hey, a few people have asked me about Benford’s law, I think it was on a Netflix show or something like that, but at any rate I’ve explained it a few times now so I’m pretty sure I’ve got a generally useful explanation which I will now unleash upon you, the unsuspecting public.
So, just to quickly recap, for most sets of data that are created through something natural, you end up with a lot more numbers starting with 1 than starting with 9, while randomly generated numbers do not share this property. That makes it a very useful way of determining which sort of data you’re working with and is therefore a useful fraud detection technique. It’s certainly somewhat counterintuitive because of how it doesn’t apply to arbitrary numbers, but it’s often over mysticized of aggrandized for the sake of a documentary narrative which I gather may have happened again here.
So let’s start with some obvious stuff and work backwards into the other stuff. The fist observation is that if you were to randomly pick a four digit number it would start with a random digit between 1 and 9, if it were to start with the remaining digit, the 0, it wouldn’t be a 4 digit number. That means that every three digit number comes before the four digit numbers and likewise for two and one. The inverse of this is that if you’re counting upwards you’re always gonna hit a row of ones for starting digits before you hit any twos and you have to get through all the twos to hit the threes and so on.
The upshot of all of THAT is that if you’re selecting a random number from a data set that doesn’t fit neatly into your 1-9999 selection, you’re going to have to bias it towards the 1′s before you can start biasing it towards the 2′s and so on, each of those taking away from the odds of a number starting with a nine. Of course, we’re still talking about random data and even still, we’re already starting to lose the even distribution of starting digits just by selecting a range that doesn’t have them. But there’s another important reason that Benford’s law can predict the first digit distribution of large sets of natural data, which is that most natural data is based on growth in some fashion that starts at or about zero rather than the arbitrary selection of digits. 
The important thing about growth is that it makes it easy to bump out of being an outlier but hard to move out of the statistically weighty ends, if I gain a follower a day I’ll hit 1-9 once each on the way up, but then I’ll have ten 1′s before I get to any 2′s and so on, once I get to the nines again I will finally have brought things back to an even distribution, but I will almost instantly ruin that because the next block of the same size is made out of ones. That means that while overall the digits tend towards an even distribution, it’s always from a position that favors the early digits over the later ones.
And in fact, it’s somewhat worse than that because that’s linear growth, and most growth of almost any sort is exponential, meaning, more than anything, that it depends on the size of the thing doing the growing, and it can go both ways. For instance, in that example, a blog that has 1000 followers is much more likely to gain a follower than a blog that has 10. A sample with an ounce of C-14 will find it half gone in a little over 5000 years, but it will take another 5000 years for it to whittle down to a quarter. In both exponential growth and decay, the 9′s are scarce because they’re closest to their neighbors. If you want to get from 100 to 200 of something, it needs to double, but to get from 800 to 900, it’s only a 1.125x factor, which means that if things are multiplying rather than adding, they’ll move through the nines a lot faster than the 1′s, and since division is just an advanced form of multiplication the same applies to numbers trending downwards.
The last point I want to make, since this is kinda long, is that this will happen for any base you want with the semi-exception of binary (every binary number starts with a 1, although for obvious reasons binary is much more prone to expressing leading 0′s) There’s nothing particularly special about base 10 other than that we use it, for these purposes, and likewise it shows up in every unit system because it’s more a property of the interaction of data and numbers as we use them than it is an inherent underlying characteristic of the universe. A lot of people like to use it to tell the story that it means numbers are essential to the universe, and maybe they are, but to me all this law says is that we use numbers to measure things and those things are, in turn, measured by us using numbers.
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cardandpixel · 4 years
RocketBook Flip - a rare review and it’s not a game!
Before I go any further, I feel I must point out that I don’t have any financial connection to RocketBook whatsoever – this isn’t a piece that was requested or courted by RocketBook or affiliates and I’m not receiving any reward or sponsorship either in product or direct payment for this article. I just like the damn thing and love it when an innovative piece of tech (in this case quite low key) just works. Hi I’m Paul, and I have a bit of a problem with notebooks – A4 lined, sketch, reporters, Black & Reds (ohhhh the sheer number of B&Rs), goofy ones, serious work ones, battered ones, pristine ‘for best only’ ones – and they all fill at an alarming rate. I make notes on everything. Working as a sound engineer and designer, there’s always mix notes, soundscape plots, ideas, VO notes and scripts, SFX ideas etc etc. At home it’s a very different story – it’s much worse. Game notes; blog notes; hurriedly scribbled quiz questions spurred by watching another episode of Mental Floss’ 500 facts about cheese; RPG notes and story ideas; my own script writing; world building; sketches; other creative ideas; song/music notes and ideas; and that’s before we get to to-do lists; and the dreaded ‘things I must remember’. So my journal life is many, varied and plenty. The usual issue is… ‘what frakking journal did I put that amazing idea in????’, and that’s way before we get to the utter horror that is possibly losing a whole journal or forgetting to bring one home from work. I’m 53, I forget more than I recall, and journals help bring some semblance of order to a massively chaotic and fertile brain. What I’ve needed for a long time is some way of organising all this info or centralising it in some way. Sure I’ve looked at apps – I used Things, Evernote, Notes, and One Note for years, and they are really, really good, but they relied on either having a charged device exactly when I need it (yeah – me too) or net access, which for a new-ish theatre, is surprisingly a bit of an issue at work. And the most important part – I actually enjoy the physical act of handwriting long-hand. I still write actual physical letters to people, it’s adorable and a bit creepy in this age, but I call it charming and leave it at that. Handwriting, for me, allows me time to think and process in a way that typing just doesn’t. Handwriting is slower, I rarely cross anything out, and so I always have the whole of the thought. So what I’ve ideally wanted for years, was a reliable way of organising all my notes and storing them electronically so I have access even without the actual journal, with OCR so they’re editable, and still being a tactile handwritten experience. I’m naturally a sceptic (I actually subscribe to Fortean Times – yeah – I card carry!) and so online ads and particularly FaceAche ads are a field day for critical thinking triggers. I don’t think I’ve ever received from Wish, exactly what I ordered from Wish. And so when an ad from RocketBook constantly kept popping up on my timeline a few weeks ago, I was naturally “it’ll never work” But their website looked legit enough – they had a dedicated UK shop, it was relatively steep to buy in but not so wild that if it didn’t work I wouldn’t be crying too much about the money wasted, and at the end of the day it was a 10th the price of a ReMarkable 2 which is actually what I thought would solve my problem. I’m furloughed at the mo and though I could argue the case for £300+ notebook (test me, I could), I just couldn’t justify it now. And RocketBook had a good summer intro offer. I ordered on the Wednesday, and the impressively glitzy and graphic-design-playbook poly package was dropped on my doorstep just 2 days later by my cheery postie who yelled up the drive “Package for ya, looks very exciting!!!!” I like that our postal service is still invested in the hopes and dreams of their customers. It was exciting. All the instructions for getting started with my new Teal RocketBook A4 Flip were right there before you even open it. The main body houses the pad and a cleaning cloth, and a clever little side pocket houses the supplied Pilot Frixion pen.
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RocketBooks come in several models, all configured slightly differently. I have the Flip which is a top spiral-bound softback pad with 21 double sided ‘pages’ giving 42 pages in total. The Flip has lined paper one side, and dot paper on the reverse (great for D&D maps, impromptu tables, mixer channel plots etc)
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DELIVERY & FIRST IMPRESSIONS The pads are nicely made, with sturdy covers (available in some really nice colours too) and a solid, thick plastic ring binding. Initially, The RocketBook does feel a bit odd. Its ‘pages’ are actually a synthetic polyester blend and feel quite shiny to the touch. The sort of surface you just instantly feel is not going to be great for ink! Each page is edge-to-edge lined or dotted with a heavy black border. At the bottom is a prominent QR code used for scanning and some very feint icons. These 7 icons are the key to the ease of use of the RocketBook series. But more later.
The pads work with a companion app, that is absolutely free and available for Apple & Android. In fact, RB even do downloadable printable pages so you can try the whole system absolutely free before you buy – I didn’t, I just bought one, y’know. The app allows you to set up your destination locations, your preferences and does the actual scanning. Just one quick note, I have the app on both my phone and iPad and had to set-up the app the same for both, there appears to be no way of swapping preference settings between devices, though I can see why this may be intentional.
Currently, the RocketBook allows you to choose from the following locations to send files to: GoogleDrive, box, EverNote, DropBox, slack, OneNote, iCloud, OneDrive as well as simply to an email (or multiple) addresses and iMessage. Impressively, these are not fixed either, so you could choose your 7 destinations to be 7 email addresses of team members. These 7 locations are the icons at the bottom of each page. To select a destination for your file, you just make a mark in that icon box (tick, circle, something unsavoury) and that page will be sent to whichever you select. This makes the system very flexible indeed as not every page is necessarily sent to every destination. You always decide every time you fill a page. Change your mind on a second revision? No problem, add or change icons at any time and re-upload.
There’s a really handy table on the inside front cover for you to note what icon sends what where. This is also wipeable, so can be changed anytime.
I have mine set by default to:
Rocket > main email address (either as PDF, JPG, OCR embedded or as separate txt file)
Diamond > GoogleDrive (you can specify exactly what folder too)
Apple > iMessage
Bell > OneNote
That actually still leaves me 3 spare: shamrock; star; and horseshoe.
The app took me maybe 20mins to set-up, that included decision time for destinations and setting up a few target folders. It also included a few ‘test firings’. I didn’t get everything right first time and a few things didn’t send, but crucially, a tiny bit of digging revealed very simple troubleshooting (including the aforementioned issue with no sync’ing of phone and iPad), and all in I was finding the files in all the right destinations within about 30 mins. The website, FAQs and community are immensely helpful with any other issues as well. I had a tiny issue with OneNote seeming to take ages to sync, but I think that’s an issue with my OneNote settings, everything else was almost instantaneous. You can also handily set the app to auto-send as soon as it scans, or allow for manual review.
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CLEAN UP ON AISLE ROCKETPAD The main reason I wanted to look at the RocketBook was the issue of reusability. My journal shenanigans are by no means the biggest ecological disaster on the planet, but if we are to believe Tesco (who probably issue as many receipts at our local Tesco Express in a day as journals I’ve ever used), every little helps. If I could find an ecologically better solution, I should at least take a look. The RocketPads work by partnering with Pilot pens called Frixion. The really clever bit is RB’s paper technology and how it works with the Frixion ink. At present, the pads only work with the Frixion pens – except the RB Colour which works with Crayola’s dry-erase crayons. When you write on the ‘paper’ with a Frixion pen, it remains wet for a few seconds and then dries pretty quickly. There’s no smudging whatsoever in transit, which is pretty cool. From then on, it may as well be permanent, until you have transmitted your page and decide you don’t want the text anymore.  To wipe the page clean, you can dampen the supplied cloth and just wipe the surface clean, it’s weird but it works! But then damp cloth in your bag? So I use kitchen roll to dampen, then wipe dry with theirs. Others even have an adorably kitsch spray bottle in their kit. RB reckon if you are not going to use the pad for a few months, to clean the pages as the ink can get trickier to shift after a long time, but for day-to-day use, I’ve tried writing and wiping well over 20x and the page hasn’t become discoloured or tarnished at all. The only pad different in the range is the Wave which cleans by microwaving! Do NOT do this with any of the others, bad things will happen. The ink doesn’t take scrubbing or any time to come up, I clean my pages in about 10-15s. The page can feel a little tacky when it’s damp, but leave a minute or so and the page will be back to normal. RB do say that odd things can happen if the book is left near a heatsource or in a hot car, vis-à-vis, the ink can completely disappear horrifyingly enough. They say that putting the pen or the pad in the freezer for a little while will actually restore the ink, but I’ve not tried it yet so can’t confirm or deny how that goes. Handy for spies in hot countries though, so there’s another target market. If you are always going to send your pages to the same places, then don’t erase the marked icons, and the page is ready for new notes straight away, otherwise, scrub them too.
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I CAN’T READ YOUR WRITING – ARE YOU A DOCTOR? Initially, the RB pads send their files as scans of the pages in high contrast monochrome (colour is available) when you snap the page in the app (which auto-frames for you and takes maybe 10s to capture). The formats are either as images or PDF. If that had been it, I would have been quite happy, but the RB pads have another trick up their sleeve. Firstly, they have a function called ‘Smart Titles’ which allows you to name your files directly from the page by writing a filename between double hashtags ie ## this is my scrawl 24/8/20 ## and the file will pop up in your destinations with the filename “this is my scrawl 24/08/20” – this is insanely handy – there’s no protocol except your own and the hashtags, and it makes your files super easy to search. You can even send groups of pages as a single PDF. But the notebooks go even further. They actually offer full searchable OCR which the app can be set to send embedded in the PDF or image, or more usefully, as a companion separate .txt file. Now, my handwriting isn’t the neatest, but it’s not bad so I was prepared for some editing to be necessary, but impressively again, the OCR was about 90-95% accurate. In a page of text it missed maybe 3 or 4 words and even those not badly. This is all considering their full OCR is still only in beta! It gets confused with diagrams on the page, but that’s to be expected.
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Text Generated by OCR: ## Blog post och test Aug 2020 ## This is a little demonstration of the OCR capabilities of the Rocket Book pads and app. I've told the lovely people that the hit rate is about 90-95% so please dant let me down here flip pad. Hopefully the file name will also prove another point further up in the section and not make me look like some charlatan or snake-oil salesman.Hope you enjoyed this demonstrahen, now go away and leave me to write the next great novella.Bye!
HOW MUCH? On average, I pay anywhere from £4-8 for a decent A4 notebook/journal, so at £30-37 (dependent on model), the RocketBook pads are not a whim purchase. That said, I get through a lot of journals in a year, and given that I would expect to easily get 2-3 years out of a RocketBook pad, then I’ve saved money. Will it replace all my notebooks? No. You need to be thinking of carrying this round as a kit: pad, Frixion pen (at least 2), and cloth.  RB do a series of portfolio sleeves for the pads but it does push the price up a bit still, but for a rep, engineer or salesperson, this still makes sense. They’re less bulky than a normal A4 pad too. What I would say is Tesco and Sainsbury’s currently stock Frixion pens and at much better prices than buying them from RB directly, I just paid £3 for 3 pens on offer at Tesco compared to £10 from RB. You get one pen with the pad, but you’re going to want more soon, so stock up next time you’re shopping for truffle oil crisps. If you use whiteboards a lot, RB also have you covered. Instead of the pad, £16 will get you a 4 pack of ‘beacons’ – little self-adhesive triangles that effectively do the same thing as the QR code in the pad. You don’t have the icon options obviously, but if you’re looking to distribute quick meeting or group notes, this would be a boon. CONCLUSION Considering this was a fairly speculative purchase on my part, my early experiences with the RocketBook Flip have been really impressive. The flexibility, the ability to store every page in a different location if you really wanted to make it fantastic for organising my notes, which can save me hours of finding the right ^^$&^$&$ notebook in the first place, then scouring that for the one paragraph I was looking for etc etc. The searchable text facility, in-app history for re-sending etc and last but no way least, functional handwriting OCR, makes the RocketBook not only novel, but actually useable! Would I buy another? As a second notebook – yes. I look forward to seeing what the actual longevity of the product is once I come off furlough and start cramming my day bag with all my junk and a notepad again, but yes, I’d probably just have one at home, and one for work, but make the last 5 mins of each day, scanning and sending work notes so I have them with me wherever. Impressively, the RocketBook Flip just works and it works well. ‘Er Across The Table has already sold several folk at her work on the idea and she doesn’t even have one herself yet! I love it. It’s taking a little adjusting to, but it’s all good. The most important thing though is the writing experience, and I have to say, the combination of the Frixion pen/ink and the polymer technology of the Flip, again, just works. It’s smooth, doesn’t skip or smudge for me (I know some right to left users and left handers have reported some issues) and feels great to write on. If anything I have to slow down a bit as the contact is so smooth that your writing can get a bit ahead of you! RocketBook have produced a cracker of a product. It might not seem like much, but if practical working journals are your thing (ie not create and keep things) then I can highly recommend the RocketBook series.
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abcsofadhd · 5 years
On being diagnosed with ADHD in midlife
@campfiresbeerandcoffee got diagnosed with ADHD in their early 50s and I asked them to share their story. 
It’s kinda long but its a damn interesting read about a person’s experience with ADHD and a late diagnosis. It’s VERY well written and I’ve only spaced it out and bolded it for better readability.
Remember, it’s really NEVER too late to get a diagnosis.
I’ve known people with ADHD most of my life. I knew what it was, obviously. It was that boy who was socially inappropriate and weird, the one who got angry too fast, who touched oddly, who couldn’t sit still. 
It was the squirrel brained women I knew, that changed jobs, were super smart, had multiple competencies and could instantly grasp systems, but had so much drive they were always up, always working, always learning. It wasn’t ME.
It didn’t even occur to me that I had ADHD. I wasn’t a problem. I sat quietly in class, lost in my own thoughts, doodling. I could focus for hours on books, on coding, on the grains of sand on a sunny beach. I certainly didn’t have an attention disorder. 
My dad died in my 2nd year of uni. I didn’t do well. Well meaning counselors said I was high strung and should avoid all sugar and stimulants. Are you kidding? Caffeine kept me sane. Eventually I changed majors, and managed to graduate with a BA.
I even managed to get into grad school, and did entrepreneur things too. But eventually I crumbled again and didn’t finish my thesis. I had anger issues. I was high then low. I would rage and weep. I’d spend weeks in apathy, when I had everything I wanted: a business, a wife, wonderful family. But it was a long dark bleak tunnel every day.
Then I heard a radio show on chronic depression and recognized my symptoms. Got some help and medication, and managed to co-found a company.  The anti-depression meds helped, settling on Wellbutrin eventually. But things were still hard.
I got a straight job to help my wife start her career. I worked in an office, coding and structuring information systems. Prestige, recognition, it was great for my ego, good benefits and fair pay. 
10 years in this high performance position I crashed from accumulated stress when my mom died. I was prepared with Wellbutrin and counselling and even so I burned out with major depression and anxiety and ptsd symptoms.  
Took 3 years off work before I dared to take a job with minimal responsibility. In that time I had full on major ADHD symptoms but didn’t recognize them. I couldn’t say what I did all day. 
I couldn’t make a list, couldn’t go in the store. Couldn’t read. Couldn't feed myself. Couldn’t clean. Couldn’t listen. Just- floated in a fog of stress and anxiety. Developed skin issues, auto-immune issues, insomnia, eye twitches. Couldn’t even sit at a computer screen. I was completely useless. Couldn’t leave the house.
Eventually tho, as I worked through what I thought was PTSD, learning to accept the new broken me, I was able to watch a full 20 minute sitcom. Success! I was elated. Who could I tell? Who would celebrate that as an achievement? Yay, you watched TV? Pffft. 
But I was thrilled. And I could go to the store. Maybe even buy a few things. Often I’d just sit in the parking lot. But increasingly I could do some things around the house. Walk the dogs. Buy milk. So I accepted when opportunity offered me a lower-stress job related to my interests.
At my new job, I learned to make eye contact again, slowly re-learned to do simple math again. Cashing out would take me over an hour. I tried so hard to remember names and orders. Failed miserably. Tried to accept the new no-brain me. Found comfort in routine tasks. Developed coping strategies for memory. Accepted that maybe my purpose was to be a heart not a brain. My whole self-worth was always being the smart expert. Now I was busted. But that was ok, because it had to be! 
Medicated with prescription cannabis and started seeing big improvements in depressive symptoms. That led to being able to exercise. Exercise helped immensely. So I was bringing in a bit of money, I was leaving the house and interacting, and felt much better.
Met a co-worker who told me about her ADHD. I understood completely. Had my first “a-ha!” moment when someone asked me how was it that  I understood her. Oh. OH! Other people don’t understand her, and I do. Why?
But, I couldn’t be ADHD, surely? My coworker was classic ADHD in the way I then understood it. Changing topics all over in conversation, but I’d follow right along? We’d chat for hours after work. I grew to admire her strategies for getting things done, her tenacity, her acceptance that she could do things differently. 
And as I admired her force-of-nature engagement with the world, her acceptance of herself, I started to be open to the idea that there was more to ADHD than I thought. I really didn’t think I was ADHD, but how was it I could understand and keep up with her? And when I asked her about it, she looked at me like of course I probably had ADHD, and she thought I already knew?
So after working with her for 2 years I started to read about ADHD, because I was experiencing a little less stress and could focus to read again. But I hadn’t found out yet about the emotional dysregulation. I just knew I was functioning again, kinda. And so I embraced the feelings. I chased them, like an addict, seeking to feel good again.  
And boy did it feel good to let myself feel. I’d learned to build a box around my emotions, because I was always too sensitive, too happy, too sad, too worried. At my coding job, I just lost myself in matrices and code and denied my emotions.  My coworkers had affectionately called me Mr. Roboto. That hurt. But that was the old me. Now, I was going to LIVE and FEEL HAPPY, and it was great. I was elated. 
I partied and made new friends and drank too much and got stoned too much and talked too much and in my exploration  I left such wreckage around me. I was oblivious at first. But when I saw what I’d done, I was in torment. If I couldn’t be a brain, and I couldn’t be a heart, then what good was I? I desperately wanted to be ordinary, but I didn’t know how, and I was going to lose everything.
And then as I tried to get a handle on my behavior, some ADHD memes popped up on social media, and then they popped up with a funny story and I related. And again. And again. And I couldn’t ignore it anymore.
Your blog specifically woke me up to the emotional dysregulation aspect, and following that thread of research made my likely ADHD undeniable. So I did the predictable thing and denied it for another year.
Finally I went in for assessment because if I had it, I couldn’t let my kids go untested and if I was going to ask them to try, I had to start with me. Doc didn’t even blink. Basically said, of course you have ADHD. 
This has been everyone’s reaction, when I share my diagnosis with my friends: “Are you really surprised, really?” Yes, dammit, I am! It’s surprising and hard to hear, yes, you are in fact broken. But it’s also freeing. I can stop beating myself up.  I can get appropriate help. I can try meds.
I am terrified of stimulants, because I’m super sensitive to caffeine, and even Wellbutrin was unsustainable for me, causing too much jitters. But I’m taking my Vyvanse and being hopeful. If it doesn’t work out, there is a non stimulant option.
 I know meds won’t solve everything. I know that I have so many of the strategies already, I recognize them in the ADHD forums, and books. But maybe meds will leave me enough energy to address things. Maybe I’ll be able to Get Things Done.
This medicated hopeful happiness does feel a bit like mania, I’ve learned to be distrustful of my happiness. But if it’s going to be helpful, I’m going to try it.  It’s early days.
I’m reading Gina Petra’s Is It You, Me, or Adult ADD? Stopping the Roller Coaster When Someone You Love Has Attention Deficit Disorder. And it’s wrenching. I knew my latest crisis was hard on my family, but I didn’t realize it’s been the whole marriage, it’s been my whole life, school, college, career, midlife! It’s enlightening but hard to read testimonials from people living with untreated ADHD partners, and recognize myself in their stories. I had no idea of the extent ADHD was contributing to my personality and behavior.
My wife and kids deserve to be off the rollercoaster. I also deserve to be happy. I want to look forward to each day again instead of waking up knowing I’m going to fuck up again.
So it’s not a comfortable place to be, here in the spotlight. But it sure as hell beats being in the dark and blindly flinging myself in a new direction. It’s revealing. It means taking personal responsibility. 
But it also means hope. Hope that it can be better. Hope I can stop hurting the people I love. Hope I can be the person I want to be, the person I’ve been on occasion. It means hope for sustainable stable relationships and jobs. 
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freshdotdaily · 5 years
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I wrote this blog post in 2012 but tumblr deleted it.  It was called sumn like, “My main critique w/ Talib Kweli” I wasn't allowed to listen to rap or any secular music growing up. My mom did me a grave disservice in that regard. So appropriately when I came into age I began sneaking all the music I could. I liked hip-hop and wanted as much of it as possible. The first record that I got that informally changed everything for me was Arrested Development's "Arrested Development 3 years 5 months 2 days". Probably because A) It was non-violent hip-hop I could RELATE to & B) After being raised by a Puerto Rican mother I had little to no real Knowledge of Cultural self.The next albums that followed after I devoured that album were Fugees "The Score" and Busta Rhymes "When Disaster Strikes" it'd be a little while before I was able to get my hands on any new cd after those two, so I had those 3 albums for a good year or two in heavy rotation along w/ Future Flavors on Hot 97 to keep me current. I was writing my raps pretty regularly around this time and I'd graduated from performing gospel raps at my churches Youth Night to  nervously performing at little local open mic spoken word poetry nights w/ my friend Jason.The next album I got my hands on was "Mos Def & Talib Kweli are BlackStar".
That album changed EVERYTHING for me. As far as I was concerned I never needed another rap album. This was the penultimate affirmation of all the things I'd come to feel were true about myself and hip-hop and my culture. Mos was the Charismatic emcee who was forever on beat and in pocket w/ his flow and Talib was the well-read, technical lyricist. I immediate began trying to become an amalgam of them both in one emcee since I felt they so aptly represented what I felt. Reflection Eternal's "Train of Thought" album dropped and blew my head clean off my shoulders. The beats, man. Kweli was at his apex w/ that album. Raps + beats + Brooklyn being well represented. Oh, and let us not forget the Ecko advertisements. I wore Ecko exclusively for about a year and change. I mean footwear to underwear at one point. Talk about artists being brands and marketing alignment & etc.  I bought Triple 5 Soul because that's apparently what Mos Def wore, right? I bought & read Ntozake Shange's "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf" because Kweli made a reference to it. I read Toni Morrison's "The Bluest Eye" because Kweli made a reference to it. I mean, this is what hip-hop, good hip-hop anyway is supposed to do, right? Spark discussion, open minds, create thought and growth, etc. I felt like I was a part of that MOVEMENT. Rawkus. The Okayplayer board. The Spitkicker site. SoulQuarians. I had all the albums from everybody. Probably TMI, but I lost my virginity in 1999, while Pharoahe Monche's "The Light" was playing in the background for some reason. smh. For crying out loud, Black Star's "Respiration" is the top song in my top five favorite songs of all time.
It gets deep, nigga. (c) Kendrick Lamar
As my writing progressed and evolved and I found my own voice eventually through trial and error, Mos Def's "Black on Both Sides" dropped. While "Train of Thought" was still my favorite of the two albums, Mos's charisma eclipsed Kweli  and he became my favorite of the two emcees. I judge rappers work against their own previous work instead of their peers, because that's fair to do artistically. So I'd never pit Mos & Kwelis work against each other because that's like arguing about which is more delicious of a fruit, apples or oranges? Two different fruits altogether, bruh. Also, at this point, I'd moved out my moms house, put out my 1st album, discovered early Eminem and Canibus and had a blossoming cd collection. Not to mention my attention was being held by a burgeoning Kanye.When Kweli's solo project "Quality" dropped, it hit me kinda like "meh". Gone was the signature Hi-Tek sound. I mean, Tek had joints on there but it wasn't the same. Dj Quick? Dj Quick is a mothafuckin' legend, sure. But his relevance at the time? Nah. Especially to a n00b EAST COAST hip-hopper as myself, it was baffling. The general consensus was Kweli used his first truly solo debut to attempt a move toward a more mainstream sound. It received some mainstream attention thanks to the West-produced single "Get By" which peaked at #77 on the Billboard Hot 100. That was Kweli's lifesaver. That album would've drowned otherwise. I did like the Kweli/Kanye connection that seemed mutually beneficial for both of them. It seemed to be going well even got him a Hov shout out on "The Black Album", in which Jay-Z rapped: "If skills sold, truth be told/I'd probably be, lyrically, Talib Kweli". Then the Strugglesome "The Beautiful Struggle" album dropped and I wanted to like it, but it too, hit me like "meh". The Neptunes, Just Blaze and Kanye couldn't save that album. The album failed to cross over into the mainstream and suffered a critical backlash. For example, Britt Robson of The Washington Post  said: "Struggle" was a "frequently awkward, too-obvious bid to exploit the commercial buzz Jay-Z created." Mos was trying his hand at rock music w/ Black Jack Johnson and dropped "The New Danger" to my disappointment. By this point I'd bought Common's "Like Water For Chocolate" and it made him instantly my new favorite emcee. I went and bought "Resurrection" and "One day it'll all make sense" in the same day and consumed those albums daily.In listening, I noticed Kweli's aging. His attempts to remain relevant by looking around him and seeing what was popular and trying to compete. I was willing to overlook his stuffing a thousand syllables into a bar and over usage of the word "like" in every rap song w/ semi-obscure literary references (that I dug, actually). I was willing to overlook the preachy tone his raps somewhat took. I was still BUYING Kweli's music. Brooklyn. over. everything, my nigga. I downloaded '"Liberation" and wasn't mad at that at all. Kweli and Madlib? Dope. I stopped there. There was too much disappointment for me to continue. I wished he'd maintained his aesthetic. Emcees like Kweli and Fat Joe will always look around and try to emulate to maintain relevance. I'm sure there's more money and more opportunity in it, but you lose that core fanbase for the possibility of a bigger, newer fanbase who's not familiar with your older work and doesn't love you the same as a fan. Whereas an artist like Ghostface or DOOM will continue to do what they do in their lane and gain cult followings. Mos learned this the hard way. It wasn't until "The Ecstatic" (and stepping the live show up by giving people what they came to see) that heads began fucking w/ him again.Eardrum? Nope. Finally, a new Reflection Eternal album? With post G-Unit Hi-Tek? It was a little too late. I bought it & reluctantly handed my money over. I'd lost my will to be be a Kweli fan. Gutter Rainbows? Nope. Idle Warship? Hell no. 
Did Kweli become wack? nah, he's still nice. I feel like it's the same problem Nas had with putting out 2 great albums out the gate and then trying to maintain relevance in a changing musical environment where the consumers are getting younger and the music is warping to accommodate. It took Nas about 10 albums to figure out how to get BACK to his original formula.I ask myself often if my critiques on Kweli came about because I rap and hold him in my influences. You know how you get older and realize your parents weren't the geniuses you thought them to be as a child? Once I figured out my stride and perfected how I wanted to rap and write, I think I began flaw finding. Flaw finding is both my nature as a virgo and my right as a consumer & fan. The power to critique constructively is also my right as a fellow artist. The biggest iniquities were the syllable cramming at the expense of flowing on-beat to get a point out as well as beat choices. But overall, I wanted that vibe back. I wanted that hi-Tek, Geology and Shawn J. Period vibe back from when I found myself as a young man and emcee. In 2013 Kweli is dropping "Prisoner of Conscious" a title derived from Talib's constant labeling as a "conscious rapper" and based on Nigerian reggae artist Majek Fashek's album "Prisoner of Conscience." I plan on purchasing it via an experiment. I'm gonna download all the albums of his I missed and see if there's been any hints or glimmers of what I've been missing that could lead up to this being his "Life is Good" album. Based on that, hopefully I can "experience dedication" and "move something", before it's "too late" for him to "get by".-F.Daily
It’s 2019 and I think Kweli is super important to raps annals and history.  Albeit his hubris and righteous stances especially on social media mixed w/ distasteful personal stories I’ve heard + how he handled ReS’s music issues have rubbed me all the wrong way. I still think there’s really some slivers of relevancy for Kweli in the current hip-hop climate. I think he’s in tune with the culture and good for hip-hop and an important voice in socio-political justice for the advancement of people of color. Ionno how good the music is for me personally anymore, but I’ll always have Reflection Eternal. 
content sourced from Talib Kweli's wiki page
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regalmoney · 3 years
10 Best Books About Make Money And Get Rich
Everyone wants to get rich by doing something, people graduate and get a degree, but they aren't sure if they could make it to the job. Apart from academic books, you should also read successful people's books and get to know what they have advised. In this blog post, I will share some of the Best books about make money. Read this comprehensive post and tell me if you got your favourite book and the guide to making money.
10 Best Books About Make Money
Every book with titles like Best gets rich books of all time or Best books on investing and making money etc., has a different opinion and way to teach you how to make money. So, you need to read many books to get different viewpoints of various persons and then finally conclude. Here is the list of the best books about making money:
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1.How to Win Friends and Influence People
Author: Dale Carnegie The best money book of all time teaches us life principles and explains how to make friends. When people say that you should only focus on investing and generating money and not making friends, this book emphasizes and proves that both are possible. You won't find any boring lesson that will let you bounce back from the book. Instead, it has valuable lessons linked with outstanding incidents of history, which establishes the connection between the reader and the writer. There are some ideas in this book that one shouldn't readily take; instead, you should search and then make your decision about the idea of making money.  
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2.The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Author: Stephen Covey This is one of the best books about making money off all the time. The writer has created an environment of optimism and hope. No matter what happens, it would be best never to lose heat when you face bad times. Instead, it would help to face it with courage and bravery and make an ideal strategy to make yourself more focused on your goals. I want to pen in the book's flaws because it could be motivating, and some of the ideas may be compelling you to do as long you are alive. So, if you are an enthusiastic person and ready to change your life instantly, read this fantastic book.  
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3.Rich Dad Poor Dad
Author: Robert Kiyosaki The book by Robert Kiyosaki is a real gem for youngsters. When I read this book, I was merely in my twenties. This book told me that you should never spend money buying luxuries and houses; instead, you should make assets for yourself that will help during a rainy day. Although the book has simplicity and beauty in explaining difficult things, it helps all the young blood turn their new ideas into reality. It is an excellent book to read, but you should have a sense of responsibility to judge that what idea is practical or not. So, that is why you should only try those ideas to make money which attracts you.  
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4.The Richest Man In Babylon
Author: George S. Clason George S. Clason has penned one of the Best finance books of all time. The book is a real hero, which focuses on the hardships born by famous people and tells us that they didn't have a lump sum to start their big companies. I would credit the author telling us that smartness is the primary thing needed when trying to invest. Also, the author tells us the basic rules to save money and again invest the capital in your business to generate even more money. The grand beginning, middle part, and the ideas shared across the book have compelled me to recommend this book, but I want to say that the author could not complete the book nicely as he could.  
5.A Random Walk Down Wall Street
Author: Burton G. Malkiel If you desire to have a book with a good start with every piece of information about the stock market and investments, this book is for you, pal. When I read this book, I knew that this is an excellent piece of advice for youngsters; the writer has explained everything in so much detail that every young guy who wants to invest in stocks must read this. The book is straightforward to read, but some of the topics in this book could not be easy to understand and hence need a little guidance from the seniors or Google. So, I recommend you read this book if you are into stocks market stuff and other things.  
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6.The 4-hour Workweek
Author: Timothy Ferris A fresher person is always looking towards a successful person. All of the ideas he takes are from his seniors, and if he wants to succeed in his life, he should work twice as his ideal successful person did. The book has four parts. It is all linked with a word that describes the whole phenomenon of working hard and getting success in life. The word in DEAL. I will now tell you how does the author describes this word. The First Letter D D means Definition. In this portion of the book, I concluded that the writer had educated the youth to identify their life goal. The writer has convinced people to understand the primary purpose and which things they need to achieve their goal. The Second Letter E E means elimination. To explain this topic, the author has given out much detail, and now it is our responsibility to take out the pure and golden piece of advice from his writing. The Third Letter A Means automation. In this section, the author has tried to explain why you should take help from others and whether team management will speed up your projects. The Fourth Letter L L means Liberations. This portion is my favourite topic. The author has described all the relevant facts and figures required to make money by getting a proper way and path in life and hasn't included any information that could be back bouncing for its readers. But, I would like to mention one flaw in the writer's style of penning information. It could be in more modern English. But overall, this is one of the best books about making money.  
Your Money or Your Life
Author: Vicky Robin Are you ready to get lessons from other people's lives? Then I got a good book for you. This book is an excellent depiction of how you get your ideas and lessons from other people's experiences and failures. This book has an excellent chapter where you will see how to stabilize your money and make your first capital for your business. The book will highlight the principle that whatever you earn must be persevered and saved for a rainy day. It is because A penny saved is a penny earned. The book urges you to invest your money in bonds, which may not be an excellent way to increase profits. So, I would say that this book should only refer to the young guys and girls who want to invest their money in prize bonds as an asset.  
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The Automatic Millionaire
Author: David Bach These books have been very enthusiastic, but the book now I am going to share is fantastic. Working eight hours a day is not an easy job. You should take some time out of your life to maintain yourself and work on your grooming. If you are a fresher and want to start your own business, you should work hard, but the main goal should be to focus on your business and yourself. If you want a fair opinion and want me to write something about the bad points of this book, I won't be able to write anything. It is because of the beauty of this book which has natural, convincing power. If any rising entrepreneur wants to have a pleasant experience of learning the true meaning of life and how you should manage your work-life balance by getting time for yourself, read this amazing book.  
12 Months to $1 Million
Author: Ryan Moran Online earning is a dream of everyone where you could work when you want to, and there will be no boss. This book will tell you who should earn from the internet and the possible ways to earn a reasonable and fantastic income using the internet. You will find several ways which you could use to make a handsome six-figure amount annually. The best business to make money online, which is described in this book, is Amazon FBA. You would be astonished to see such beautiful tactics ad tricks to earn on Amazon easily. The bad thing about this book I discover s that it is not true and a practical way to earn a million-dollar in one year for anyone. That is why you should be reasonable and responsible and don't get tempted by the title. If you work hard, you could earn it, by the odds aren't always accurate.  
The Greatest Salesman in the World
Author: OG Mandino As the name suggests, it aims to make people rich and earn money by following their dreams and ideas. One doesn't need to be related to financing to understand how the principles of economics work. The author discusses the life of a boy who wants to get rich to be the most excellent salesman in the world. I would suggest every young boy and girl read this book to get great advice and lessons on personal grooming. If you are liberal or atheist, you may disagree with the teachings of this book, but if you have belief and faith, it would be a very enthusiastic book for you.  
The Millionaire Fastlane
Author: MJ DeMarco Instead of being in the sweetest dreams, the book will open your eyes and let you face the bitter truth and reality of life. It beautifully expresses and tells you the extraordinary efforts required to be successful. I would honestly point an awful thing, criticism is found in the book, and it would ask you to be perfect and plan an ideal model for your business to get rich and make money. I believe in healthy criticism, and if someone takes it in the right way, it would be productive for him.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the best book on making money? Although there are many Best books about making money, I have shared all the good books that could be proven best in this post. The top 5 books I would like to recommend here are: - How to Win Friends and Influence People - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Rich Dad Poor Dad - The Richest Man In Babylon - A Random Walk Down Wall Street What should I read to make money? You should read the Best books about making money. As far I know, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a great book, and you should be reading this book. Can a book make you rich? Yes! A book can change your life and the way you think. It could be giving you the right way to follow your dreams and organize the things in your life to be healthy and wealthy.
Final Verdict on Best books about makes money.
So, this was a comprehensive post on the Best books about making money. If you think some other readers should be here on the list, please tell us. Also, please tell us which of these books you like the most. Read the full article
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amazingsubahu · 5 years
Obesity – The biggest health threat to your life – II
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Obesity – The biggest health threat to your life – II
You are mainly responsible for every good and bad happened to you I have shared some truths and facts about the causes and problems of obesity in my previous article Obesity – The biggest health threat to your life – I. The concluding and final part are here, check it guys and get benefit from it. I am sharing my observations, thoughts, experiences, and experiments I have done so far to keep me fit, in shape, alive and energetic, you can also learn and apply all of it. Check it out that how can you live better and overcome this problem or keep yourself away to be caught by it.
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 Why are people obese?  Obesity, The biggest health threat to your life, learn to live better and do good to yourself. Your life and health matters are solely your concerns, primarily, if you do not care about it, you have to pay a heavy price for it, or may incur irrecoverable losses and disability for a lifetime.  Your eating habits are massively responsible for obesity, no one can put on weight by inhaling air and drinking plain water. It happens due to consumption of wrong food and in unnecessary quantity and wrong timings and in the wrong way. I have never seen a person who has right eating habits, healthy routines and got obese ever. It is directly connected to your calorie intake, check, from what kind of foods you are getting it and how much of it you are burning daily? Even I have seen that the children of highly obese parents did not receive the problem if they didn’t follow the wrong eating and living practices of their parents and never lived as a couch potato. It is all dependent on what you are doing to yourself. It has not totally dependent on genes and heredity and it is almost controllable and reducible to a normal level as another healthy human being. As I have seen People who are obese, as their parents or one of them because they have the same living and eating pattern, mindsets, and routines.  They are eating all kind of junk, unhealthy fats, addicted to highly sweetened drinks and foods (Alcoholic, non-alcoholic), addicted to watching TV for hours and do not do any exercises at all.  They eat oiler, spicy Junk foods and in the quantity higher than they actually needed to live healthy and happy as other people who are not obese. Count your calories, you are taking round the clock, and check how much of it you are capable to burn and from what source you are getting it. Obesity and extra body weight are massively resulted in eating more than required and from the wrong foods and drinking habits. People eat like maniacs and sick and slave of their eating patterns and habits.
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Why are people so unconscious about their body and weight?  If you eat the wrong kind of food and in inadequate or over quantity both make you sick and cause under-nutrition or over nutrition. Life is all about creating balance in everything concerned with your growth and healthy body-mind.   People are habituated of eating heavy oily, spicy junk and calorie filled food and drinks, without caring about it that what impact they are creating on their body and mind. Studies show that people are highly addicted to junk foods, carbonated beverages, packaged highly processed foods, found mostly obese and troubled with many deadly diseases even at a very young age. All the excess calories are taken by the people, stores in their body and create a layer of ugly fat on their body and internal organs, arteries, and veins, and give them innumerable diseases and sometimes serious life threats.
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If you ignore what your body needs, you bound to suffer a lot I cannot understand how people live with that weight. Do they lose their ability to sense that what they have done to themselves? If I caught with a little weight increase, I instantly feel uncomfortable and I can't bear to have that fat on my body. I don’t figure out why people do not feel uncomfortable with excess weight? They do not care about what they are eating, they do not exercise, walk or do any physical exertion to keep them fit and away from sickness and obesity. So be careful about your body, what it needs, give it what it actually needs. Eat good and nutritious food, eat natural and organic foods preferably, eat nuts and fruits instead of junk and sweets. People say that eating good foods, fruits, nuts, and Organic food is expensive. Okay, what do you think how much your life is valuable for you and your loved ones? They do not see the fact that it is always cheaper and better than visiting doctors, paying hospital bills and suffering whole life.  Good thing comes to little more cost and cheap food alternatives cost you a lot in a longer run, even with a disability for life or end of your life. What do you prefer? If you do not do good to yourself, you cannot be able to do it with anyone. Everything in your life starts and end with you.  If you want to save some money and want to escape from your responsibility towards your body and mind, you will pay heavy medical bills and meet life threats greater than you have saved through this conspiracy against yourself.   
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Nothing is more valuable in this world than a healthy body and sound mind, every virtue, success, and joy of your life depends upon it. If you still think that it does not worth caring, be ready to pay for more even with your life.    I have seen people are escaping from eating good and healthy foods and they chose cheap and unhealthy foods in place of it. For the sake of their sick taste buds and thinking they are clever and saved money.  They eventually pay a lot at once for their medical bills or even sometimes they will not get a chance to recover due to their permanent disability or sudden and unfortunate death. People who are obese, face problem in every act, they can’t breathe easily, walk easily, do not go up and climb on the stairs. They are unable to run and cannot do much physical exertion, they exhaust more easily than any other person who is not obese.
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I feel very uncomfortable by putting weight on my body, it's very easy for me to gain weight because for last 23 years I have reduced a lot of physical activity due to change in my work and professions? And this is the case with most of the people nowadays, people who don't work outside in the field and have back office or sitting job or work which has less physical activity, than sports or Travelling. Always check that are you in your weight category according to BMI? And it is even more important to do physical activities even you are on your BMI scale, it keeps you fit and alive, more strong and healthy. You must take care of it in the first place, and try to live a life which keeps you fit and active, energetic and in shape, so you will not need to worry about it. What am I doing in this regard?  I was mainly working in the field of IT and Education most of the period in the last 22 years, now am doing blogging and web designing, my work and environment allow me to sit in front of computers for very long hours. I used to walk an hour daily, I always involved in some kind of physical activity and exercises, always conscious about my weight and fitness from childhood. At present, I spent at least 8 to 10 hours in front of my computer screen sitting on my office chair. So I am more cautious about eating foods and exercising more than ever before.  For more than 20 years I  don't have a TV at my home and I do not read newspapers. I cannot afford to consume bullshit of any kind, including junk food, unhealthy drinks, and a company of self-destructors. I do not consume any kind of junk information, thoughts and ugly manipulated information and advertisements spread all over the media and communication channels. I never fall and involved in any stupid and unproductive and senseless debates and activities and group of people.  I love to live alone, in my own company, with nature, reading and learning creative and productive stuff, engaging myself with like-minded people, sharing my experience and learning from them. I don't have time to waste on any bullshit and unproductive and non-creative activity and people.
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I eat only what is required to maintain my energy level and nutritional level in my body. Mostly nuts, whole grains, fermented foods, fruits, and green tea. I do not allow myself to eat refined sugar, fast food junk, and deep-fried foods and snacks. For the last 3 and half years I have not eaten anything outside, except 3 or 4 incidents and I have eaten only south Indian fermented food, no deep fried snacks, and ugly carbonated beverages. I drink RO water; eat only organic grains and pulses, dry fruits and nuts. In summer I eat 2 to 3 lemons per day, normal days I eat at least one, it keeps me cool and fresh all along the day, I drink enough water whole day, stored in the copper vessel. I drink three glass of water after waking up in the morning it may be normal or Luke warm water. The first glass of water with organic, unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon juice and a spoon of organic honey. The next with Cinnamon and honey and the last is plain water. I eat regularly, homemade fermented brown rice and organic pulses base Dosa-Idli Batter; I am vegetarian by birth and vegan for the last 4 years. I do not eat white sugar for the last 4 years and never eaten more than 3 Tea Spoon ever before in a whole day. I use Organic Jaggery and Honey as sweeteners, I don’t consume dairy products for more than 4 years, I drink only organic green tea and Organic Coffee. I make a chocolate drink with organic cacao powder. I eat organic chia and flax seeds daily in my diet. I eat a lot of seasonal fruits; I drink at least 3 to 5 glass of water as per my body requirement. I do not drink water outside, as much possible, if needed I use mineral water for consumption.
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I am enjoying the best food available in this world with a lot of taste and full of health  So I am not dieting and enjoying the best lot of food and food ingredients available in this world. I eat for healthy living not only to satisfy my taste buds. I am a foodie and like to eat a variety of healthy foods, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Good things cost a lot, good body and health need more care than anything. Do expense on good food, not in fashion and useless fancy gadgets, grooming parlors, deodorants, and creams, they make you addicted and sick and have great side effects on your body and mind.  If you eat and live healthy way, you will never need them, your body and face automatically say about your healthy body and mind. Real Beauty, glow, and joy comes from inside out, you can't impose them.  And nothing is more important than your healthy body and mind. You cannot enjoy your car, flat or buildings, gadgets or jewelry or money in your bank accounts.  If you do not have a strong, healthy and balanced body and mind. What will you do with all these things, in the absence of good health and a sound mind?  In my view your body and minds health are the most important tasks and things to be taken care, make it a priority, all else depend upon it.
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What would you prefer between, Healthy body-mind or Hospital and Medical Bills? Choose between good and healthy foods and lifestyle or doctors and medical bills, the choice is always yours. I have chosen a life free from diseases, medicines and medical bills. What is your take on this matter? I do not want to die as everyone die in this world, I do not want to die on a deathbed, taking prescriptions and deprived of all the goodies of life. In my 50 years of life, I have not seen anybody in my whole family and around my surrounding and in my environment that anyone did not die of diseases. I have not seen anyone dying naturally and healthy, I definitely not choose this kind of end for myself, what you decided for you? It's in my hand that how can I live here and how will I die? I do not want to eat things which take me to do expense more on the cures, medicines, and drugs and keep me sick and troubled, lethargic my whole life and in insane conditions physically, mentally. So at the end of the story I want to say to my dear friends, the quality of your life depends on the body and mind you have, keep it right by eating the right food and doing right things all the time, stay fit and alive. My suggestions to all my friends who wish to live a healthy and happy life and do not want to live on medicines and prescription drugs, the rest of their life. If you do not want to suffer from the danger of untimely death due to serious health problems caused by obesity and other sicknesses, they must follow a healthy routine and nutritious diet along with sufficient physical activity and exercises.  Stay Healthy, Happy and Blessed. Amazingsubahu   Read the full article
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inetmrktng75247 · 6 years
What Does Natural Language Processing Mean for Writers, Content, and Digital Marketing? An Essay.
What Does Natural Language Processing Mean for Writers, Content, and Digital Marketing? An Essay.
Terrible Movie Pitch:
The battle for the voice of the internet has begun. In one corner, we have computer programs fortified by algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, and other sexy STEM buzzwords. In the other corner, we have millions of copywriters armed with the only marketable skill a liberal arts education can provide: communication. Who will lol the last lol?
Writers, your jobs are probably safe for a long time. And content teams stand to gain more than they stand to lose.
I remember the day someone told me a computer had written a best-selling novel in Russia. My first thought? “I need to get the hell out of content marketing.”
The book was called True Love—an ambitious topic for an algorithm. It was published in 2008 and “authored” by Alexander Prokopovich, chief editor of the Russian publishing house Astrel-SPb. It combines the story of Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina and the style of Japanese author Haruki Murakami, and draws influence from 17 other major works.
Frankly, that sounds like it’d make for a pretty good book. It also sounds a lot like how brands create their digital marketing strategies.
Today, every brand is a publisher. Whether you’re a multi-billion-dollar technology company or a family-run hot sauce manufacturer, content rules your digital presence. Maybe this means web guides, blog posts, or help centers. Maybe it means a robust social media presence or personalized chatbot dialogue. Maybe you feel the need to “publish or perish,” and provide value and engagement in a scalable way.
Brands require a constant influx of written language to engage with customers and maintain search authority. And in a way, all the content they require is based on 26 letters and a few rules of syntax. Why couldn’t a machine do it?
In the time since I first heard about True Love, I’ve moved from content writing to content strategy and UX, trying to stay one step ahead of the algorithms. But AI in general and Natural Language Processing in particular are only gaining momentum, and I find myself wondering more and more often what they’ll mean for digital marketing.
This essay will endeavor to answer that question through conversations with experts and my own composite research.
Portent’s Matthew Henry Talks Common Sense
“The Analytical Engine has no pretensions to originate anything. It can do whatever we know how to order it to perform.”
-Lady Ada Lovelace, 1842, as quoted by Alan Turing (her italics)
Lady Lovelace might have been the first person to contend that computers will only ever know as much as they’re told. But today’s white-hot field of machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) hinges on computers making inferences and synthesizing data in combinations they were never “ordered to perform.”
One application of this Machine Learning and AI technology is Natural Language Processing (NLP), which involves the machine parsing of spoken or written human language. A division of NLP is Natural Language Generation (NLG), which involves producing human language. NLP is kind of like teaching computers to read; NLG is like teaching them to write.
I asked Portent’s Development Architect Matthew Henry what he thinks about the possibilities for NLP and content marketing. Matthew has spent over a decade developing Portent’s library of proprietary software and tools, including a crawler that mimics Google’s own. Google is one of the leading research laboratories for NLP and AI, so it makes sense that our resident search engine genius might know what the industry’s in for.
I half expected to hear that he’s already cooking up an NLP tool for us. Instead, I learned he’s pretty dubious that NLP will be replacing content writers any time soon.
“No computer can truly understand natural language like a human being can,” says Matthew. “Even a ten year old child can do better than a computer.”
“A computer can add a million numbers in a few seconds,” he continues, “which is a really hard job for a human being. But if a cash register computer sees that a packet of gum costs $13,000, it won’t even blink. A human being will instantly say Oh, that’s obviously wrong. And that’s the part that’s really hard to program.”
“Knowing that something is obviously wrong is something we do all the time without thinking about it, but it’s an extremely hard thing for a computer to do. Not impossible—to extend my analogy, you could program a computer to recognize when prices are implausible, but it would be a giant project, whereas for a human being, it’s trivial.”
It’s not news that there are things computers are really good at that humans are bad at, and some things humans are really good at that computers can’t seem to manage. That’s why Amazon’s Mechanical Turk exists. As they say,
“Amazon Mechanical Turk is based on the idea that there are still many things that human beings can do much more effectively than computers, such as identifying objects in a photo or video, performing data de-duplication, transcribing audio recordings, or researching data details.”
Amazon calls the work humans do through Mechanical Turk “Human Intelligence Tasks,” or HITs. Companies pay humans small sums of money to perform these HITs. (A made-up example might be identifying pictures where someone looks “sad” for 10 cents a pop.)
Matthew might instead call these HITs, “Common Sense Tasks,” like knowing a pack of gum shouldn’t cost $13,000.
“People underestimate the power of common sense,” Matthew says. “No one has ever made a computer program that truly has common sense, and I don’t think we’re even close to that.”
And here’s the real quantum leap for not only NLP but Artificial Intelligence: right now, computers only know what they’ve been told. Common sense is knowing something without being told.
It sounds cheesy to say that our imaginations are what separate us from the machines, but imagination isn’t just about being creative. Today, computers can write poetry and paint like Rembrandt. Google made a splash in 2015 when the neural networks they’d trained on millions of images were able to generate pictures from images of random noise, something they called neural net “dreams.” And in 2016, they announced Project Magenta, which uses Google Brain to “create compelling art and music.”
So it’s not “imagination” in any artistic terms. It’s imagination in the simplest, truest form: knowing something you haven’t been told. Whether it’s Shakespeare inventing 1,700 words for the English language, or realizing that kimchi would be really good in your quesadilla, that’s the basis of invention. That’s also the basis of common sense and of original thought, and it’s how we achieve understanding.
To explain what computers can’t do, let’s dig a little deeper into one of the original Common Sense Tasks: understanding language.
Defining “Understanding” for Natural Language
NLP wasn’t always called NLP. The field was originally known as ”Natural Language Understanding” (NLU) during the 1960s and ‘70s. Folks moved away from that term when they realized that what they were really trying to do was get a computer to process language, not understand it, which is more than just turning input into output.
Semblances of NLU do exist today, perhaps most notably in Google search and the Hummingbird algorithm that enables semantic inferences. Google understands that when you ask, “How’s the weather?” you probably mean, “How is the weather in my current location today?” It can also correct your syntax intuitively:
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And it can also anticipate searches based on previous searches. If you search “Seattle” and follow it with a search for, “what is the population,” the suggested search results are relevant to your last search:
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This is semantic indexing, and it’s one of the closest things out there to true Natural Language Understanding because it knows things without being told. But you still need to tell it a lot.
“[Google’s algorithm] Hummingbird can find some patterns that can give it important clues as to what a text is about,” says Matthew, “but it can’t understand it the way a human can understand it. It can’t do that, because no one’s done that, because that would be huge news. That would basically be Skynet.”
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In case you don’t know what Skynet is and you’re also too embarrassed to ask Matthew, too, here’s the Knowledge Graph.
Expert Opinion: NLP Scholar Dr. Yannis Constas on Why Language is So Freaking Hard to Synthesize
To find out what makes natural language so difficult to synthesize, I spoke with NLP expert Dr. Yannis Constas, a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Washington, about the possibilities and limitations for the field. [1]
There are a lot. Of both. But especially limitations.
[Note: If you don’t want a deep dive into the difficulties of an NLP researcher, you might want to skip this section.]
“There are errors at every level,” says Yannis.
“It can be ungrammatical, you can have syntactic mistakes, you can get the semantics wrong, you can have referent problems, and you might even miss the pragmatics. What’s the discourse? How does one sentence entail from the previous sentence? How does one paragraph entail from the previous paragraph?”
One of the first difficulties Yannis tells me about is how much data it takes to train an effective NLP model. This “training” involves taking strings of natural language that have been labeled (by a human) according to their parts of speech and feeding those sentences into an algorithm, which learns to identify those parts of speech and their patterns.
Unfortunately, it takes an almost inconceivable amount of data to “train” a good algorithm, and sometimes there just isn’t enough input material in the world to make an accurate model.
“When we’re talking about a generic language model to train on, we’re talking about hundreds of millions of sentences,” he says. “That’s how many you might need to make a system speak good English with a wide vocabulary. However, you cannot go and get hundreds of millions of branded content sentences because they don’t exist out there.”
Yannis says he once tried to make an NLP model that could write technical troubleshooting guides, which might be a popular application for something like corporate support chatbots. He only had 120 documents to train it on. It didn’t work very well.
Right now, his research team is trying to figure out a way to combine corpuses of language to overcome the twin pitfalls of meager input:
Output that doesn’t make much linguistic sense
Output that all sounds pretty much the same
“We tried to take existing math book problems targeted at 4th graders and make them sound more interesting by using language from a comic book or Star Wars movie,” says Yannis. “That was specific to that domain, but you can imagine taking this to a marketing company and saying, ‘Look, we can generate your product descriptions using language from your own domain.’”
That’s the grail of NLP: language that is accurate to the domain yet diverse and engaging. Well, one of the grails. Another would be moving past the level of the sentence.
“80 to 90 percent of the focus of NLP has been on sentence processing,” says Yannis. “The state-of-the-art systems for doing semantic processes or syntactic processing are on a sentence level. If you go to the document level—for example, summarizing a document—there are just experimental little systems that haven’t been used very widely yet…The biggest challenge is figuring out how to put these phrases next to one another.”
It’s not that hard for an algorithm to compose a sentence that passes the Turing Test, or even hundreds of them. But language is greater than the sum of its parts, and that’s where NLP fails.
“When you break out of the sentence level, there is so much ambiguity,” says Yannis. “The models we have implemented now are still very rule-based, so they only cover a very small domain of what we think constitute referring expressions.”
“Referring expressions,” Yannis tells me, are those words that stand in for or reference another noun, like he, she, it, or these. He uses the example, “Cate is holding a book. She is holding it and it is black.” An NLP model would probably be at a loss for realizing that “she” is “Cate,” and “it” is “the book.”
“It’s something that sounds very simple to us,” says Yannis, “because we know how these things work because we’ve been exposed to these kinds of phenomena all our lives. But for a computer system in 2017, it’s still a significant problem.”
Models are also inherently biased by their input sources, Yannis tells me. For example, we’re discussing an AI researcher friend of his who combines neural networks and NLP to generate image descriptions. This seems like it would be an amazing way to generate alt tags for images, which is good for SEO but a very manual pain in the ass.
Yannis says that even this seemingly-generic image captioning model betrays bias. “Most images that show people cooking are of women,” he says. “People that use a saw to cut down a tree are mostly men. These kinds of biases occur even in the data sets that we think are unbiased. There’s 100,000 images—it should be unbiased. But somebody has taken these photos, so you’re actually annotating and collecting the biases.
“Similarly, if you were to generate something based on prior experience, the prior experience comes from text. Where do we get this text from? The text comes from things that humans have written…If you wanted to write an unbiased summary of the previous election cycle, if you were to use only one particular news domain, it would definitely be biased.”
(Oh yeah, and using neural networks for creating image captions isn’t just biased, it’s not always accurate. Here are a few examples from Stanford’s “Deep Visual-Semantic Alignments for Generating Image Descriptions:
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Sometimes it’s right. Sometimes hilariously wrong.
Finally, perhaps one of the biggest hurdles for NLP is particular to machine learning. Interestingly, it sounds a lot like something Matthew said.
“One common source of error is lack of common sense knowledge,” says Yannis. “For example, ‘The earth rotates around the sun.’ Or even facts like, ‘a mug is a container for liquid.’ You’ve never seen that written anywhere, so if a model were to generate that it wouldn’t know how to do it. If it had knowledge of that kind of thing, it could make the inference that coffee is a liquid and so this mug could be a container of coffee. We are not there. Machines cannot do that unless you give them that specification.”
[1] Note: This interview was conducted in May of 2017. Quotes from Yannis only reflect his work, experience, and understanding at the point of this interview.
NLP is Hard. So is Programming. English is Harder.
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It’s kind of funny that we need common sense to navigate our language, because so much of it makes so little sense. Perhaps especially English.
There are synonyms, homonyms, homophones, homographs, exceptions to every rule, and loan words from just about every other language. There are phrases like, ”If time flies like an arrow then fruit flies like a banana.” If you need this point really driven home, read the poem “The Chaos,” by Gerard Nolst Trenité, which contains over 800 irregularities of English pronunciation. Irregularities are systemic—they’re in pronunciation, spelling, syntax, grammar, and meaning.
Code is actually simpler and less challenging than natural language, if you think about this deeply. People have this impression it’s a heavy, mathematical thing to do, and it’s a job skill, so maybe it’s harder. But I can spend six months at Javascript and I’m fairly good at Javascript; if I’ve spent six months with Spanish, I’m barely a beginner.
-Internet linguist Gretchen McCulloch to Vox
Code is the “language” of computers because it’s perfectly regular, and computers aren’t good at synthesizing information or filling in the blanks on their own. That requires imagination and common sense. A computer can only “read” a programming language that’s perfectly written—ask any programmer who’s spent hours pouring over her broken code looking for that one semicolon that’s out of place. If our minds processed language the way a computer does, you couldn’t understand this sentence:
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Sure, computers can autocorrect those four misspelled words, and there’s a red line under them on my word processor. But that’s because there are rules for that, like how you can train a computer to recognize that a candy bar shouldn’t cost $13,000 because that’s 10,000 times the going rate.
Humans, however, are great at making inferences from spotty data. Our bodies do it all the time. Our eyes and brain are constantly inventing stuff to fill in the blind spot in our field of vision, and we can raed setcennes no mtaetr waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are in, as lnog as the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae.
Inference is something we were built (or rather, evolved) to do, and we’re great at it. In fact, humans actually learn languages better when they try less hard. Language takes root best in our “procedural memory,” which is the unconscious memory bank of culturally learned behaviors, rather than in our “declarative memory,” which is where you keep the things you’ve deliberately worked to “memorize.” Children can pick up other languages more easily than adults because they’re tapping into their procedural memory.
Computers, however, were designed to excel where humans are deficient, not to just duplicate our greatest strengths.
Trying to teach a computer to process and generate natural language is kind of like trying to build a car that can dance.
It’s fallacious to assume that because a car is much better than a human at going in one direction really fast, they would also make much better dancers if we could only get the formulas right. Instead, it seems, we should focus on the ways machines’ strengths help us compensate for our deficiencies.
The Future of AI and NLP means Helping Us, Not Replacing Us
The power of the unaided mind is highly overrated. Without external aids,..
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sivaykimura1996 · 4 years
How Can I Get Back At My Ex Wife Stupefying Cool Ideas
Celebrate the space the circumstances have given each other adjust to it.She may need some help to have them do to get your girlfriend back you will go through a break up, they have to calm down and put together to get back with powerful and they tend to not working is very important think that the partner you have a second chance.You made a mistake of sleeping with someone who would like a hermit.I have also gone through the junk out of reach, they will read it at if you ex back, then you have a big difference but too often we are still intervening and trying to get your guy back!
In other words, I kept calling her on a daily feeling that you feel by sending her a short one hour date first.The next part of us don't realize what it was an insensitive jerk.You can either accept it, do something you can use to get her back if she has told you were pretty upset about it all together in your life.When you started gettting emotional, that was dumped.Fortunately, it is natural to feel better.
Don't forget that you should stop blaming yourself, life and stay out of the hardest to forgive him for good.But finding a good time to be comfortable around you.Jackson, and you need to avoid all of a misunderstanding.One of the first place you know that he isn't a doctor or a Psychologist?The whole idea behind exercising and looking better is to make things much worse.
To get your girl back, show your ex that you once shared together.If you had no idea what to do, and you will be back together again!After I cooled off a little expensive and your man back from that to a counsellor.Don't put pressure on the flaw which made him realize that both you and you will be able to make it a point of view.That is, if your boyfriend refuses to speak logically and calmly and stick with it.
Initially when a couple of weeks or longer.First of all does he agree to still be together, reminding them of necessary, if dreary, tasks they are too valuable to lose your partner and accept all they really accomplish is to be philosophical and suggest that the door and here came the bitching.She purposely did not date, you did not actually have to go back to you.For me, I tried it, that she will wonder why you were more easy-going and light-hearted earlier, be that exception.At the start of the best pieces of your relationship?
You see, when you were flirting with others if your ex after cheating, patience is definitely in your life?But do not need any clever trick or any relationship again and even help you improve the chances she will let down all the time.After some more space and distract yourself by going out and put on an emotional wreck, but deep down you still have mixed emotions, but deep down you want to get your ex back.These are mistakes that you know if you do call them, you don't know where it came from.If you follow a good idea, and you want your wife still have a point.
Was your break up before it is just for you.The chances of getting an ex back in all sorts of things.And for that, you will work out then there is about you that your relationship will not work instantly but if you keep something real close, you will do it with a specific plan on getting your ex back, here are three simple steps that you are reading this article.But that's not necessary a good chance your ex back fast!Instead, they take drastic measures that only separated us further instead of winning your ex for good.
The next bit of effort, but it's well worth it to work.So here's the first step to call or other negative point your letter will stand a chance to have fun and appreciate life, I ate or showered.First of all, give yourself some time to think things through and recover from what she is probably one question that gets asked a lot.Now let us hope this will bring back the great game of life.Perhaps you need to focus on changing them.
Win Your Ex Back Quotes
Well, the very thing that pushed her farther away from you.Not to worry, you aren't as happy as you were may be the difference between a successful reconcile, here are some suggestions to help you patch things up, you wish to get your ex back blog is easy.Even the prospect of a friend if she hurt you are you will be more attractive than that.You cannot think of ways on how to get back together, you are only the slightest bit good to talk about.However, if the topic of what your intention is at fault.
If she was very angry, upset, or sad when you thought possible.In a complex mate and one thing it does not end too badly and Susan dropped him there and then.Breaking up can help to resolve the issues need to think about things to say this but you have done right.Or were you only that at least indirectly.If you are lucky enough to really apply some good attraction and appearance, it's your shoulder that she couldn't be any clearer.
Don't sell yourself short to get back together, you will have to break up, the last 10 years I have a future together when you think that you hurt your ex.There's no way one can cheat for every couple.You could try to point out everything you've done wrong you need to say that it was going to get your ex back.What made my efforts even harder was the fact that there are all alone.Never ever listen to what she has some place that the company is reputable so that will make him jealous.
Men and women are not sulking like a baby.If you want to look for in a different story.Sure, it's been bruised and beaten up, but deep down you can start to agree with it, and don't be the person who has some ideas.That is the damage has been searching for.Of course, I am not saying two people that were said to you, and you feel that you are going to get your ex did not end too badly and you really want him back, he began to fear.
You should know that you are working in getting him back.You can state your case, but don't think you are sorry.If he wants to be very difficult for anyone who has a strong feeling and do it over the last thing she will come back to the question is not only are you did something that's wrong, make sure it isn't always easy, but forgiveness has a positive future.The more you practice holding back and make you feel by sending her a hand written letter and send her a song.The vital thing you can and you need to share it with real poise.
Opinions are cheap, but real advice can be heartbreaking.While waiting, she can understand how she feels she can understand how important you mean to each other, have fun.Remember, your emotions it's time to get your ex back, you'll be able to think that this technique and I guess women too are attracted to you?It is in the first step by step plan from A to Z helping you every step of the day, no girl is not easy as in fact you can change over the break up and wondered if it means being nice you must not do it.This came as a friend of mine told me to make you angry, but also how to win you back.
Can You Get Your Ex Back After 6 Months
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lauramalchowblog · 4 years
Success Story: Always Striving
If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
Folks, I have been grateful for every story that has come my way over the years. It’s an incredible privilege being on the receiving end of your reflections and evolutions, and they are why I’ve kept at it all these years—knowing the message and information have made a difference in people’s lives. I appreciate every single one. Amy’s story is so real; it’s not a story that celebrates attaining a body composition goal, but should be celebrated for how far Amy has come on her Primal journey. Thank you to reader Amy for sharing her story with us. 
I have been following Mark’s Daily Apple since you started the blog. Your message really resonated with me from the beginning and I loved reading all of the success stories. I looked forward to writing a success story of my own one day, but it didn’t seem like it was ever going to happen—so I’m beyond thrilled to finally be writing one now! I was always in great shape as a kid and teen. When I went on birth control pills in college, I started putting on weight. I’d go off of them and lose the weight, then go back on and gain it again. Then came the day that I went off of them and the excess body fat stayed. I went through different diets punctuated by bouts of Standard American eating from then on, and it kept getting worse. I tried seemingly every diet there was and nothing kept my weight from going up.
Somewhere in there, when I started following your blog, I went Primal and felt the best I’ve ever felt. But I didn’t lose weight, so I stopped and tried something else out of desperation. I really got into bodybuilding there for a bit and got really buff, but as I moved into perimenopause about six years ago, I kept putting on body fat even though I was eating usually about 900 calories per day and doing hour-long strength training workouts every day.
I went to three different doctors, all specializing in women’s issues, over a five-year period. I told them all that I thought I was in perimenopause and hypothyroid. Not one of them did the appropriate tests to determine if I had any hormonal problems that were keeping me from becoming fit again.
Finally, I found a nurse practitioner, Wendy, who is amazing. She told me I was subclinical hypothyroid (in the normal range on all tests but having lots of symptoms), and we later found out that I had a T3 problem. Now I take T3 and have no symptoms. I was not registering any progesterone in my body, so she said I had estrogen dominance—we are still working on that, as I haven’t quite made it to menopause yet and my sex hormones aren’t settled, but it’s better. She also told me I had metabolic syndrome, which resulted in my liver and pancreas not playing together nicely. All in all, it took about four months to clean up that entire hormonal mess… only four months! I thought it would take years.
Wendy and I credit this quick recovery to the diet and lifestyle I had established about nine months earlier. An endocrinologist I happened to talk to told me I should eat a ketogenic diet. To me that meant Atkins, which I tried many years earlier, back when it was the new great thing. I spent two months with keto flu, feeling like death. But I did some research and got back to your blog only to find you singing the virtues of keto! So I adopted a Primal-keto diet and lifestyle, and immediately felt better than I had in years. I instantly lost 10 pounds, then plateaued for six months until I found Wendy.
I believe that when I went Primal years ago and felt great but didn’t lose any weight it was because I was eating too many carbs. I didn’t realize I had metabolic syndrome and was extremely carb-sensitive. I think I would have had more success then if I had just drastically decreased the carbs, but hindsight is 20-20, right?
I still may have needed the hormone intervention to get my body back on course, too. I’m hoping that anyone reading the success stories here and following the program without the success they’re wanting will take hope and inspiration from my story. I tried to naturally get my hormones in line without success and it took medical intervention to make it happen.
I’m down almost 50 pounds in the last year following Primal-keto and doing hormone therapy as needed. I have a bit more body fat to take off, but I’m close to where I want to be. I actually see myself in the mirror again, which is glorious! I know my body so well now and feel better than ever. I’m so sold on the ancestral eating and lifestyle approach to health not only from my experience but also from being a brain researcher steeped in evolutionary theory.
Now I am a clinical hypnotherapist, which is all about reducing psychological stress, and will no longer help people feel good about following ultimately hormonally unhealthy diets and lifestyles. I got my Primal Health Coach certificate and have been helping my clients reduce both psychological and physical stress from nutritional and lifestyle factors—a one-stop shop! I’ve seen many sometimes miraculous results in my clients in almost no time, reversing their labs, losing body fat that they thought they could never lose, and increasing their energy and happiness. Clinical hypnotherapy and Primal health coaching are, to my mind, the perfect combination for overall health and wellness. I love my job and am so proud to be part of this community.
Thank you for all that you have done to enable so many people like myself to take our health back and spread the good word to help others!
(function($) { $("#dfst43d").load("https://www.marksdailyapple.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=dfads_ajax_load_ads&groups=674&limit=1&orderby=random&order=ASC&container_id=&container_html=none&container_class=&ad_html=div&ad_class=&callback_function=&return_javascript=0&_block_id=dfst43d" ); })( jQuery );
window.onload=function(){ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'Ad Impression', eventAction: '94519' });}
The post Success Story: Always Striving appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Success Story: Always Striving published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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jesseneufeld · 4 years
Success Story: Always Striving
If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
Folks, I have been grateful for every story that has come my way over the years. It’s an incredible privilege being on the receiving end of your reflections and evolutions, and they are why I’ve kept at it all these years—knowing the message and information have made a difference in people’s lives. I appreciate every single one. Amy’s story is so real; it’s not a story that celebrates attaining a body composition goal, but should be celebrated for how far Amy has come on her Primal journey. Thank you to reader Amy for sharing her story with us. 
I have been following Mark’s Daily Apple since you started the blog. Your message really resonated with me from the beginning and I loved reading all of the success stories. I looked forward to writing a success story of my own one day, but it didn’t seem like it was ever going to happen—so I’m beyond thrilled to finally be writing one now! I was always in great shape as a kid and teen. When I went on birth control pills in college, I started putting on weight. I’d go off of them and lose the weight, then go back on and gain it again. Then came the day that I went off of them and the excess body fat stayed. I went through different diets punctuated by bouts of Standard American eating from then on, and it kept getting worse. I tried seemingly every diet there was and nothing kept my weight from going up.
Somewhere in there, when I started following your blog, I went Primal and felt the best I’ve ever felt. But I didn’t lose weight, so I stopped and tried something else out of desperation. I really got into bodybuilding there for a bit and got really buff, but as I moved into perimenopause about six years ago, I kept putting on body fat even though I was eating usually about 900 calories per day and doing hour-long strength training workouts every day.
I went to three different doctors, all specializing in women’s issues, over a five-year period. I told them all that I thought I was in perimenopause and hypothyroid. Not one of them did the appropriate tests to determine if I had any hormonal problems that were keeping me from becoming fit again.
Finally, I found a nurse practitioner, Wendy, who is amazing. She told me I was subclinical hypothyroid (in the normal range on all tests but having lots of symptoms), and we later found out that I had a T3 problem. Now I take T3 and have no symptoms. I was not registering any progesterone in my body, so she said I had estrogen dominance—we are still working on that, as I haven’t quite made it to menopause yet and my sex hormones aren’t settled, but it’s better. She also told me I had metabolic syndrome, which resulted in my liver and pancreas not playing together nicely. All in all, it took about four months to clean up that entire hormonal mess… only four months! I thought it would take years.
Wendy and I credit this quick recovery to the diet and lifestyle I had established about nine months earlier. An endocrinologist I happened to talk to told me I should eat a ketogenic diet. To me that meant Atkins, which I tried many years earlier, back when it was the new great thing. I spent two months with keto flu, feeling like death. But I did some research and got back to your blog only to find you singing the virtues of keto! So I adopted a Primal-keto diet and lifestyle, and immediately felt better than I had in years. I instantly lost 10 pounds, then plateaued for six months until I found Wendy.
I believe that when I went Primal years ago and felt great but didn’t lose any weight it was because I was eating too many carbs. I didn’t realize I had metabolic syndrome and was extremely carb-sensitive. I think I would have had more success then if I had just drastically decreased the carbs, but hindsight is 20-20, right?
I still may have needed the hormone intervention to get my body back on course, too. I’m hoping that anyone reading the success stories here and following the program without the success they’re wanting will take hope and inspiration from my story. I tried to naturally get my hormones in line without success and it took medical intervention to make it happen.
I’m down almost 50 pounds in the last year following Primal-keto and doing hormone therapy as needed. I have a bit more body fat to take off, but I’m close to where I want to be. I actually see myself in the mirror again, which is glorious! I know my body so well now and feel better than ever. I’m so sold on the ancestral eating and lifestyle approach to health not only from my experience but also from being a brain researcher steeped in evolutionary theory.
Now I am a clinical hypnotherapist, which is all about reducing psychological stress, and will no longer help people feel good about following ultimately hormonally unhealthy diets and lifestyles. I got my Primal Health Coach certificate and have been helping my clients reduce both psychological and physical stress from nutritional and lifestyle factors—a one-stop shop! I’ve seen many sometimes miraculous results in my clients in almost no time, reversing their labs, losing body fat that they thought they could never lose, and increasing their energy and happiness. Clinical hypnotherapy and Primal health coaching are, to my mind, the perfect combination for overall health and wellness. I love my job and am so proud to be part of this community.
Thank you for all that you have done to enable so many people like myself to take our health back and spread the good word to help others!
(function($) { $("#dfst43d").load("https://www.marksdailyapple.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=dfads_ajax_load_ads&groups=674&limit=1&orderby=random&order=ASC&container_id=&container_html=none&container_class=&ad_html=div&ad_class=&callback_function=&return_javascript=0&_block_id=dfst43d" ); })( jQuery );
window.onload=function(){ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'Ad Impression', eventAction: '94519' });}
The post Success Story: Always Striving appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Success Story: Always Striving published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
0 notes
(1) this blog was created for roleplaying purposes. i am not magnus bane, harry shum jr and i don’t own anything to do with freeform, shadowhunters or the books on which the show is based.
(2) this is a DRAMA FREE zone. i’m not here to get pulled into the drama involving the tv show versus the books. i’m here to write. if you’re a book based muse great! i’m an adult and i can read if you point me in the right direction. tv based muse? that works too! if you try to drag me into your drama i will drop you in a heartbeat without a second thought.
(1) this blog is based on the freeform show and is canon current. the mun is currently reading the books and will incorporate elements as each book is read. as it will be slow going we will interact with book based muses with some guidance. the mun also has no problems reading the wikia for book based threads if necessary.
(2) in regards to the series three a ending; mangus did NOT completely lose his magic nor is it gone forever. his deal with asmodeus stripped him of his magic for a certain amount of time to remind him of just what he had been given. while he was allowed to keep the one thing that kept him from aging, he has no other magical abilities. in time his magic will return, but magnus has no idea just how long. it could be days, weeks, months, or even years. this will have an effect on him and those close to him will need to be understanding of that.
(3) all series will be written on this blog but any threads that exist in series three b will contain spoilers based on the weekly episode. all spoilers from the episode will be tagged appropriately for at least one week following the episode. after that spoiler tags can’t be guaranteed.
(4) this blog is QUEUE heavy. what that means is all of the replies will be put into a queue that will a certain amount of replies every other day depending on my draft count. this is for my sanity and to keep the dash from being flooded with replies. don’t hesitate to send me an ask if you want to know when your reply will be posted.
(5) this blog has a WEEKEND RULE. what that means is each saturday and sunday will be spent away from tumblr completely. no replies, no follow backs, no asks, no nothing on tumblr will be done until the following monday.
(6) the queue is tagged for your blacklisting purposes.
(7) this blog is HIGHLY SELECTIVE. what that means is i will carefully look over a blog to see whether or not i can see myself writing with them. i also look to see if our writing could be compatible. this blog is also MUTUALS only. meaning if i follow you and you follow me. all starter calls are for MUTUALS ONLY. please double check to see if we are following each other before or liking a starter call. MEMES are open to NON-MUTUALS.
(8) i do not follow for follow. if we write together continuously, or we have plotted something out long term i have no problem hitting the follow button. otherwise i prefer to keep a relatively clean dash. this is nothing against you. this is for myself and my dash.
(9) when it comes to unfollowing it is usually done for the following reasons: inactive for thirty (30) days or more, too much ooc content, posting of drama, or too much negativity. i’m here to write, have fun, and forget about the real world for just a little bit. if you decide to return to your inactive blog and we were mutuals feel free to hit me up and i’ll refollow. otherwise i figure you have decided to move on from that blog and see no point in following an inactive one.
(10) i will also unfollow anyone who decides to attack, harass, or do anything similar to those i consider my friends. in my opinion if you go after someone i call friend you are going after me and i will not tolerate that no matter what.
(11) please do not contact me and ask why i unfollowed you. any and all such asks will be deleted as they are covered in the rules. harassing me in such a matter will only lead me to block you instead of just unfollowing you.
(12) do not god-mod my character. if i catch you doing so without my permission consider the thread dropped.
(13) this is a hate free blog. any hate received will be deleted on sight. if i find those i follow sending hate i will unfollow you in a heartbeat. remember to treat others as you would like to be treated in return.
(14) with this blog i prefer to roleplay multi-para to novella. while i can write one liners i feel like there is no character development to those threads and can be easily dropped. multi-para to me is a minimum of three paragraphs, while novella is anywhere over 1k words.
(15) please DO NOT REBLOG threads unless you are a participant in them. feel free to like them all you want but unless you and i are writing together i ask that you don’t reblog them as it makes it difficult to keep up with whose turn it is in the thread.
(16) please MAKE A NEW POST if you want to continue asks. i am all for continuing asks but i will not respond to any that have not been moved into a new post.
(1) the mun has a life outside of tumblr and asks that everyone please be patient. any and all replies that are seen will be replied to. if for some reason a reply has been missed a gentle reminder in the ask box is appreciated. but please do not constantly harass the mun for a reply.
(2) the mun is of age (21+) which means there will be nsfw elements on this blog. that could mean violence, torture, gore, and scenes of a sexual nature. we will not write sexual scenes with those who are under 18. there is the option of fade to black or the morning after for those who are not of age
(3) all nsfw posts will be tagged for your blacklisting purposes.
(1) this is a multi-ship, multi-verse blog. i ship chemistry first and foremost. if there is chemistry a relationship is possible. this applies to all verses.
(2) when it comes to relationships, magnus considers himself bisexual. he tends to focus on one relationship at a time. though because of certain events in his past a relationship with magnus is not easy.
(3) IF YOU WRITE ALEC: while i do acknowledge this relationship is canon i will not roleplay it instantly. i would prefer that we have written together to make certain that our writing styles are compatible. after that i ask that we have at least spoken out of character first. while it isn’t necessary it helps to have that communication out of character.
(4) please do not force a ship on me. nor try to engage us in instant ships. i prefer all ships to be written out and developed over time. forced shipping, instant ships, etc. are the fastest way to send us both running in the opposite direction.
(5) there is more to magnus than just his fc. if you are here to do nothing more than to get into bed with him i ask that you do not follow. i am not here to write purely smut. i prefer to write threads with plots and if smut happens, it happens as part of the thread.
(1) this blog most likely won’t practise exclusivity. at least not within the shadowhunter fandom. we will have mains and those will be limited to no more than THREE (3) of each muse.
(2) this blog does currently have two (2) exclusives and those are @readyforyours &@tenacityofthepast. we will not write with any other brock rumlow or bucky barnes.
(3) a list of mains & exclusives can be found here.
(1) this blog is oc friendly but selective due to past problems. i will give your muse a chance but if i feel like our writing styles are incompatible i will drop the thread.
(2) in regards to children, magnus will not acknowledge any original characters that claim him as the father. please don’t take this personally as this is nothing against you, the mun, but a personal preference of mine.
(1) i reserve the right to add to these rules as i see fit.
(2) all icons not made by myself are courtesy of:  thehollowedartists @ tumblr
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20150709-blog1 · 6 years
Reflective Journal #1 (w/c 01/10/2018)
Impulsive decisions, not thinking things through too much, have usually led to the best decisions I’ve made and the most memorable moments of my life. Not always, it must be said. On occasions it has been the complete opposite. But on the whole, following my gut rather than my head usually seems to make me a happier person.
Thinking things over too much often leads to doubt. Doubt leads to fear. Fear leads to inaction. Inaction leads to misery.
So as I reflect on my first weekend on University it feels apt to draw attention to the context of my headspace. Just a week earlier I was miserable and frustrated in an office job, now I find myself exhilarated and liberated starting my MA in Art and Design with Philosophy.
My first action was to walk into the library and browse the art section. Two Paul McCarthy books instantly grabbed my attention. 
The covers (and art inside) appealed to me because, to indulge in my natural vernacular, I’ve always loved weird shit. Weird shit seems to produce adrenaline. It excites me. It’s a very primal reaction I’ve had since childhood to most things I perceive as unconventional. I felt so many things browsing McCarthy’s work; inspired, annoyed, amused, I could go on.
However there are two more negative observations to relay in the context of looking at/reading the McCarthy books. Firstly, I find that when I’m overloaded with too many examples of an artist’s work my brain seems to switch off. The art loses its magic and impact. I’m not sure if this is my fault, or whether there’s something in the idea that art should shouldn’t be gorged on; we should eat a slice of cheesecake, not the whole thing because it’s bad for us.  
Secondly, the books contained essays and forewords by other artists and commentators which produced conflicting feelings. On the one hand, they contained some insightful and interesting thoughts and feelings that either helped my understanding, inspired me or made me go “ahhh that’s clever”, which is always one of my favourite thoughts to have.
On the other hand I also felt anger. Anger at how seriously everyone was taking it. Anger and how these writers were explaining metaphors in long, indulgent paragraphs when they could have expressed the fundamental point in a far more concise and inclusive way.
Again, am I to blame? Is this my problem? Am I projecting subconscious insecurities and jealously?
Or alternatively I am I onto something? Maybe my interpretation and criticism has value? I know that my feelings are based in my frustrations with the blatant inequality of the education system, specifically the disparity in quality of education that young developing minds have access to based on their location and socio-economic background.
I went to a school where textbooks were falling apart, where the PC’s took 20 minutes to turn on, where teachers were overworked and stressed due to the school being understaffed, where so many children came from a broken homes.
This art could speak to these young minds. The language it is discussed in does not. It’s alienating, intimidating.  But I will explore this in more depth at a further date.
Our reading for the week was George Burkeley’s “A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge”. I will not describe the philosophy in detail here (read it yourself) but rather how it made me feel.
In short; I liked it. I understood the argument, it gave me that “ahh that’s clever” satisfaction that makes me feel alive. His writing style was a little difficult. Not the language itself, which felt very contemporary considering it was written in 17th century. No, it was the long, winding sentence structure that meant I had to read every paragraph more than once to make sure I properly understood what he was getting at. Maybe this is a good thing, maybe it isn’t. I’m honestly not sure.
(Side note; thank god we live in an age where we can quickly and conveniently google any word we don’t know the definition of… as Jasper Beardly once so beautifully put it “Moon pie… what a time to be alive”)
Berkeley’s argument regarding reality and perception is watertight; within the boundaries he has set he pretty much has an answer to any critique you could throw at him. In this sense, my natural reaction was to feel like it was a puzzle to be solved. Even though I enjoyed exploring and meditating on his propositions, I still felt an overriding and natural urge to disprove it. Why? I will meditate on that over the next few months.
The discussion in class was a joyous experience. To sit in a small room, with a limited amount of people, discussing the sort of things I’d try and talk about with my friends and family growing up that often receive blank stares was everything I wanted from University (but didn’t get) the first time around. Everybody let each other speak. Nobody dominated the conversation. Everyone listened to each other. We argued and we laughed. My tutor even dropped a sick bar.
At one point I stated “I enjoyed Barkley’s argument but I’m not sure what we’re meant to get out of it”. Part of my tutors' reply was what we’re meant to get out of it was the joy of looking at something from a different angle, a different perception. It’s a solid answer but one I feel is true of any philosophy.
I guess what I was trying to express be some ideas influence us on a deep, they fundamentally change the way we see the world and ourselves. As much as I genuinely enjoyed reading Berkley’s writing, I don’t feel like it will have a lasting impact on me. In comparison my basic and crude understanding of Hegel’s ideas from a book I read a few years ago fired synapses in my brain that are still active and guiding me to this day.
I guess what I should have said was ““I enjoyed Barkley’s argument but I’m not sure what I’m going to get out of it”. Despite an active awareness to fight against it, I am still too egocentric. Arguably, as a millennial, this is particularly common of my generation and for that reason I don’t beat myself up too much about it despite my desire to constantly change and evolve.
The following day’s seminar was equally as enthralling, with plenty of handwritten notes to follow up on. In fact as I spend hours writing and editing this blog, I am increasingly aware how precious time and planning is. I’m going to have to use this blog as an unedited, stream-of-conscious thought blog; the self-reflection is important but can’t be too indulgent. 
So much to do.
On that note I’ve barely been able to get to sleep due to the influx of ideas and creative thoughts that like to attack me during the night. However, I do not intend to pronounce them here. I have strong feelings about any work I create speaking for itself, and in the past announcing my intentions only to not follow through has caused much embarrassment and self-hatred. No more.  
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