#even though the other admin is legit playing his sister
zachariahismss · 7 years
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oh hey my name’s val im 22 and this is zach, my literal baby who i drag everywhere i go! he is a 4th year slytherin, seeker & captain in art society, dueling society, and lgbt+ society bc he’s very gay! literally so gay. but yes ok here’s a lil about him!
triggers: abusive household mention
Slytherin 4th year!
21! will be 22 on Dec. 24
Muggleborn af
EDIT BC IM REAL.... WOW: Right so muggle parents were super abusive to him. Had him do lots of chores around the house even if he was tiny and needed to be cared for. Was a real bad time
Thankfully his next door neighbor was actually a wizarding family and he befriended the girl of the house named Chany!
During a really bad time, he ran over to their house for sanctuary and told Chany not to tell her parents. She naturally did and Zach never went back to his house again. Never saw his awful parents again. Instead, he was adopted by the Evergreen family—a lot like how Chany had been adopted by the pureblood family years ago before.
So now he has a nice family and a sister! and he’s really protective of chany despite how much she gets on his nerves. After all, he owes her his life. But he’s the perfect big brother—always looking out for her under all of the shenanigans she gets herself in
I mean even though these two have some similarities because they bviously get along, they could not be more diffrent. They don’t even look related but here they are! The most annoying siblings ever.
Highly intelligent, top of his classes (or in the the top 5 or w/e) like literally is so good at school and is a phenomenal wizard. his magic’s top notch actually?!is not someone you wanna fuck with lmao
has always been very artistic. like, ridiculously artistic. always draws and paints whenever he can. 
super into wandlore. wants to be a wandmaker. was promised an apprenticeship by ollivander himself once he gets out of hogwarts! currently works at the ollivander’s under said apprenticeship and sells wands and gear for wands too
loves alchemy
is very organized and clean!
loves to cook and bake, catch him in the kitchens hugging house elves
pulls a lot of pranks, is all about that mischievous life
honestly him fighting anyone gets him into trouble though
Gay! gay gay gay gay gay so fuckin gay oh my god
has an npc boyfriend named eli who is a cursebreaker. wasn’t about that uni life but they’re together and in love. v loyal to said boyfriend
but boy did he sleep around in his younger years. but was still not an asshole like he’d never play with someone’s heart bc that’s just fucked up
ooh but don’t get him mad he’ll say things to purposefully hurt you whether he means it or not and he won’t apologize lmao
also won’t forgive people like nah not about that life
he aggressively cares about his friends tho he’s such an altruistic person? he will always put others before himself wow :( always support his friends :( 
he’s an emotional boy
cat animagus
THAT’S IT REALLY HEHE I HOPE YOU’LL PLOT W ME OR I’LL COME TO YOU! He’s always looking for friends, enemies, exes, students to tutor, drinking buddies, smoking buddies, quidditch pals!
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littlewickedwiccan · 4 years
For The Workers
Chapter 2 
Alfie x Reader
Warning: Swearing, obvs
Authors note: Wasn’t sure if I was going to carry this on but everyone was so lovely that I couldn’t not. Enjoy and let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters! 
Chapter 1 || <--> || Chapter 3
Tags: @itsjusttaralove​
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It had been a few weeks since you’d ended up as a spare part in Tommy’s wheeling and dealing with the man you now knew as Alfie Solomons. It had been a bumpy start to a new business relationship. Tommy was still unsure as to whether Alfie could be trusted and there had been some tension and a bit of backstabbing, but it seemed as though they’d finally finished pissing about and had reached an agreement. 
You’d secretly hoped that Tommy would need you by his side for a few more of those Camden visits, but things had gone back to normal and he’d been keeping you away. You’d convinced yourself that you’d just taken a shine to London, but there was a part of you that really wanted to get face to face with Alfie again. 
You were making your way through the paint chipped wooden door of the betting office when Polly strided past you, making her way up the stairs and shouting down to you over her shoulder.
“Tommy wants you in his office Y/N, off you pop” 
You let out a sigh, could you not get 5 minutes of rest before being summoned? Weaving your way through the tables and frantic betters you stepped through the glass paned door and into the dimly lit office. Tommy was sitting at his desk flicking through a pile of paper, an ashy cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. He didn’t look up, just gestured for you to take a seat. 
“What can I do for you Tom? I’ve got stuff to be getting on with.”
He removed the cigarette from his mouth, stubbing it out in his ashtray and leaning back in his chair.
“I’ve got a business proposition for you Y/N. One I think you’ll enjoy.” 
A business proposition? Tommy only ever involved you in this stuff when your presence benefitted the transaction. Usually you were used as a distraction or bait for attention starved gangsters, looking to impress you and get close by becoming an ally to Tommy Shelby. Yes he kept you out of the nitty gritty parts of Peaky business, but when he felt it was more than safe, he had no problem showing you off. 
“As you know, Shelby company is expanding into the import/export business and we have joined with the Jewish gangs down in Camden, so we can use their warehouses.” 
“Yes I’m aware” you said, trying to hide your excitement at the mention of Camden and hoping to hear Alfie’s name crop up. 
“Well, we’ve been trying to figure out how we can make the merger a little less conspicuous. We’ve pretty much got everything covered, but we think that a woman’s presence at the warehouse could be the ideal preventative measure to any unauthorised searches.” 
He’d been staring at the desk the whole time he’d been talking, but now his steely blue eyes moved to yours trying to gauge how much panic was rising within you. 
You’d expected the panic also, especially after your last visit to Camden, but you were surprised when you felt nothing. This was going to be a step into the lion’s den for you and yet you didn’t feel an ounce of worry or trepidation about it, you felt ready. 
“And you’d like that woman to be me is that it? I thought I was too delicate and respectable to get involved in such business Tom. What’s changed?” 
“We need someone that looks and acts respectable in order to make the cover convincing. You have no reputation, no criminal record, no black mark against your name. You’re the perfect person to make this merger look legit”  
He tapped out another white cigarette from its case, offering you one which you politely declined. He lit the tip and continued explaining his reasoning behind your new job role. 
“I’ve already arranged for you to be taken care of, you’ll have Peaky boys down there watching the apartment at all hours and Alfie has allocated a couple of his men to keep an eye on you in the warehouse.” 
“I haven’t even accepted yet…” 
“You hate it here Y/N, don’t pretend now that you’re not interested in getting into the city, you’re just like Ada.”
You and Ada were very similar in age and nature and although you didn’t share her political views, you were still as close as sisters. 
He was right, you did hate it in Birmingham, you’d originally run away from your home in Manchester and missed the hustle and bustle of city life. Of course you loved that you knew everyone, but that had its disadvantages sometimes, especially when it came to courting. 
“So what would my job be? Ornament? Play thing? Fashion accessory?” 
“I need you to keep track of the paperwork, admin mostly. Not that I don’t trust Alfie...” 
He tapped the ash off his cigarette and took another puff. 
“...but I don’t trust Alfie.” 
You’d always been good with numbers, but as a woman, there wasn’t much you could really do with that skill, other than illegal bookmaker of course, but even that role had been kept away from you over the years. 
“And Polly’s on board with this plan?” Your eyes narrowed at the thought of your temperamental guardian being OK with Tommy shipping you off to be around non-Peaky gangsters. 
Tommy stood now, making his way over to a dark corner and leaning on a tall filing cabinet, his jacket lifting just enough to give you a glimpse of his halter and pistol tucked away next to his chest.
“Well… I’d be lying if I said she was happy about it, but when is Pol ever happy about anything? Besides, it’s not full-time. You only need to be there three days a week, Curly will take you down and bring you back. I’ve sorted lodgings for you when you’re down there and you’ll be paid, obviously, for your service. Any questions?” 
“Yes actually, do I have a choice or has this been decided for me?” you said rolling your eyes and crossing your legs disapprovingly. You didn’t mind being taken care of and of course you were excited about being down in Camden more frequently, but being controlled and managed like just another employee didn’t sit well with you. 
Tommy stared down at you now, carefully taking a drag of smoke and removing the butt from his lips, using it to point at you. 
And with that he lowered his head and started back to his desk chair, shifting his focus back to his papers and shuffling haphazardly. You took this as your queue to get the fuck out of his office and do as you were told. 
Standing up, you made sure to push the chair back under the desk just a little too hard, making his ink bottle shake and throw up tiny dots onto his desk. You were just about to close the office door behind you when he shouted over to you. 
“Say hello to Alfie for me.” You glanced back with your hand on the door handle to see him staring at you smiling. 
“I’m sure you’ll be happy to see him again.”
You kept your face straight and composed, turning back around and slamming the door loudly behind you, making the glass rattle and customers jump at the sudden disruption.
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Let me know if you want to be tagged in chapter 3!
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𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙-𝕌𝕡 ♡
My.. my bisexual brother wants a matchup too. For KNB, Haikyuu, Jibaku Shounen Hanako San. But then he’s too shy to use his tumblr account, like gosh do I have to do all the work?! Thank you for putting up with my dumb brother, he will do the typing below;
Uh um hello. Okay I can’t do this. And wow, talking smack about me again sister? Loove you so muchhh
I’m average height I guess, somewhere around 5’6-8. (Haha short sister.) Black hair, glasses, bangs (ppl think I’m Korean.) You can call me oikawa 2.0, because I’m trash, but I’m lovable trash. Don’t worry, I’m also clingy, and stupid and—. I don’t talk much, except for rare sarcasm and I basically stay glued to my computer play games 24/7. I’m the youngest, and I like taking advantage of that (yes I get what I want or else I’ll annoy the hell out of you and nag you about it.) I don’t think it’s to that far though, it’s mainly for her to grab stuff like yogurt for me or something because she’s closer. I deliberately make my sister lose braincells >:3
Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure is best anime, and even though I love Suga, Bruno Buccarati is best mom and better. I will fight you. (I have a bad temper lmao, but it’s getting better.) Still remember that one time I did jojo poses with my sister to intimidate the other team we were playing against (haha) I took a pic of my friend doing the Naruto run and his face is just pure gold. It’s blackmail material now HAHA.
I feel like I took all the luck my sister didn’t have (like I have so much friends 😎) But I play video games a lot and I like sports too (kinda) I feel bad for her, since I took all our family’s attention when I was younger. I’m pretty nice and I like anime, making jokes, playing video games.
Lol sorry for doing this so late at night.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
@kamitaxey​ OH MY GOD I’M CRYING THE BOTH OF YOU ARE SO FUCKING CUTE AHNFWAEHNOG;AIH Admit T and I are legit quaking at how adorable y’all are like what even– omg
I’m adopting you both ahngoaiewhgoia <3 Also YES BRUNO BEST MAMA fucking love that man oml (almost more than I love Josuke sSKSKSK)
Anywho, I really hope you enjoy the matchups I give you bb~!! (Also don’t worry about sending stuff late sksksk one of us will be awake to do it~ uwu)
» » Admin Ko
𝕀 𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕡 𝕐𝕆𝕌 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕘…
𝕂𝕒𝕫𝕦𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕚 𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕒𝕠
Alright where do I even start? This cheeky boy will be all over you! He definitely is the type to playfully tease and cling just as much as you do! He’s a sucker for affection, but loves to tease you about it! If he can, he’ll use his height against you! (even if it is just an inch or two) If you’re shorter than him, he’s gonna take advantage of it! His cheeky grin will be on his face practically all the time, and he definitely loves to steal kisses from you! Especially if you’re in the middle of a match or an intensive game!
Alright hear me out, he may tease and be a cheeky little bastard to you, but the moment you became sarcastic and deal your own sorta blow to him? He loses his mind. Cheeks flushed and brain short circuiting. He should be used to it since he’s friends with Midorima– but to hear it coming from you? He has no idea how to compute that information into his head.
Despite teasing you and being a little jerk (your jerk) he loves you 100%! He would definitely be the type to either join in and learn how to play some games with you, or just hug you from behind and watch you play like that!
Any anime watching is always accompanied by cuddle sessions and quick secret kisses being stolen here and there!
Other then that, he loves you for who you are!
𝕂𝕖𝕟𝕞𝕒 𝕂𝕠𝕫𝕦𝕞𝕖
Okay– so this one was probably kinda expected– but like video games? Ya both would kill it. Unmatched duo in the online gaming community! Literally you both would start a youtube channel of just gaming and reactions together and everyone would honestly love it! 
Even though Kenma isn’t very fond of affection or touching, he makes an exception for you. Because the one time you slumped over him and snuggled him to recharge, he found himself leaning into your touch and melting in your hold. Thus he actively seeks you out to recharge his own batteries if he has to deal with Kuroo and his dumbassry again or even dealing with Lev and his terrible volleyball basics. (Thankfully the kid has gotten better)
He prefers at home dates since you both can play as many video games as you want as well as watch anime together, but on occasion will drag you out for a simple stroll through the town for some fresh air because Kuroo will no doubt try to drag the both of you out by your legs kicking.
Definitely likes to hold your hand while you guys are out and about and will take pictures with you (aka meme worthy photos)
𝔸𝕜𝕒𝕟𝕖 𝔸𝕠𝕚
Precious smol soft baby who absolutely adores you! Despite being the school’s idol she has her own cute little quirks! Surprisingly enough I feel as though she would be the type to enjoy horror games and thriller genre anime! Definitely would like to see if the thriller anime accurately tells stories she already knows or if there’s a twist to it!
Doesn’t mind being indoors that much, but will definitely be the good in your life to take you outside and get you some vitamin D!! She’ll even tell you about the latest school rumor or folk lore she learned while you guys are on a walk! 
Definitely enjoys cuddling up to you whenever you guys binge or watch anime together. Whenever you guys are out, she would most likely be the one to link your pinkys together as you guys explore the various little shops.
Other then that, she thinks the funny poses and things you do are memorable and adorable! Will definitely help take pictures to keep as memes– just don’t expect her to do it herself. If anything she’ll enlist the help of her friends to recreate any funny anime photos~!
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yxcnghq-blog · 5 years
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good fuckin yard my guys gals and non binary pals !! i’m admin c and this is my messy disaster gay problem child jooseok. below the cut you’re gonna find out a loT about his tragic ass and if you hit the like button if i haven��t already, i’ll hit you up for plotting !! i’ll give a few ideas of connections on the end of this too since i’m gonna update and redo his plot page sfngn bUT let it be known i also mun aurora, euchan and emrys so i may have also messaged you for plotting on one of those acc’s, if so don’t worry i will ensure to give you the chance to plot with all my babies !! without further ado: 
jooseok is the son of a mob family, they’re very well established in the criminal world. his parents are yeong dami and yeong joohyuk. however it is dami who actually runs the game and is the head bitch in charge shall we say, not to bring feminist agenda joo to life but as u can imagine due to this he has hella respect for women esp his mother bc of the strength he observed in her growing up. he thinks women are stronger and better at survival bc of learning through his ma and being trained by her. 
so he was raised of course in the family gang, raised in crime and never really knew any other way to live. when he reached seventeen he was initiated officially into the gang meaning his role became more full time and his responsibility became larger. he dropped out of college after his first two years there to accomodate for this and so his education wasn’t the finest but he was homeschooled for a long time before he got too old as the gang considered it and he no longer had time for it. plus he was of the belief he knew enough about how the world worked through the observation of the good and ugly alone. 
he does have a younger sister who he considers his entire world and he also has a brother of around the same age as him. the family dynamic is a little complex, he’d kill without hesitation for both his siblings despite the fact that his brother and himself often don’t agree or see eye to eye on anything, they bicker and give each other shit but they’d never turn their backs on each other. these are wanted connections i will eventually put on the list so they can be filled out also. 
he’s considered an infiltrator and a double agent as his main job titles for the gang so right now he works undercover in the police force helping the wrongly accused escape a life of jail time and prove their innocence when the justice system fails them. occasionally he’s put in charge of strategy too and he is very very respected within the gang for being the youngest and yet the most skilled who rose to his tasks very quickly for his age and became the best at what he does at an alarmingly quick rate, he’s actually pretty well known for having the reputation of being the youngest to climb the ranks and gain status like this. 
he could actually have been the boss of the gang with the amount of tasks and dirty work he takes on
jooseok has a huge secret and this is that recently he’s started attending college again and taken on night classes to study law and learn more about the police force so he can become a genuine crime detective. he is also undertaking training for the police force. 
the lifestyle and career of the police force has always been his dream and his goal but with his limited education it was never something he could achieve alongside his gang life. this is why he jumped at the chance to at least do something undercover with the police and despite playing dirty cop, use it to do something good, vigilante like if you will. 
joo can’t keep his secret forever though, his gang are getting wind of what’s going on and soon he’s going to have to go into hiding. despite the gang being his family, hits will be issued on him until he is eliminated and killed. simply put he is considered a traitor the minute he gives up gang life, and he knows far too much to simply be allowed to walk free possibly giving away all their secrets and intel. because it is a family business there are severe consequences for him turning away from what is considered his duty and responsibility.
joo = big be gay, do crime type energy. he’s abrasive and amoral but he’s also nurturing and naturally smart and talented at everything he puts his passion into. he’s resourceful and crazy adaptable and he’s equal parts a protector as much as he is a fighter. he can be broody and blunt but he can also be witty and hilarious with his dark sense of humor and somewhat messed up mind and moral code. if you’re considered close to jooseok then he’ll kill half the population of daegu easy with his own hands with no worries so long as you’re safe. 
he worked undercover in america for a year so he can speak english and went by the shortened name of jo over there but most people call him seok or ong in korea to shorten his name to a nickname. he’s fluent in his english, jooseok is well known for being a quick learner in every area if u know what i mean *side eyes*
can be a bit of a fuckboy but has a big heart deep down despite it all, just keeps it concealed because of past toxic relationships and the belief taught into him from early on that any attachment to anything you don’t owe it to, would only result in weakness and vulnerability. and you don’t want people to know you have weaknesses when you do what jooseok does. *coughs* for this reason he has had a lot of pining and unrequited love situations *coughs* 
he’s not that close with his parents, he keeps a strictly professional relationship with them mostly but his mum is his idol for her mentality and attitude to life. though he wishes he could achieve more than what she allowed for him to be a part of. wishes he could be normal. 
joo joined the gang officially at seventeen when the initiation process took place and this was the time he met hyunjin ( @phyunjinn​ ) also known as his best friend and right hand man. they quickly became partners in the gang for everything, if joo had business to deal with especially the dangerous kind then nate would be by his side, acting as his protection for anyone who dared cross him and likewise he would give the same back. think kinda like alec and jace i guess as a good example with the whole parabatai bond aspect. they fight the best when they’re fighting together, and if one of them died, a huge piece of the other would die with them. 
at first joo actually refused to talk to nate cause he’s a lil shit and he didn’t get why it should be important but dami urged her son, pointing out they were of similar ages and being initiated at the same time and it was important to have someone he could talk to and rely on like that. so he sidled his way over eventually and pretty easily and nonplussed like made a best friend out of the other male. they grew to have a secret code of trust between them, joo learning sign language for the male to put him at ease and also ordering the rest of the gang did the same despite complaints he quickly shut that shit down arguing they needed to be able to communicate with nate in his way to ensure his safety faster if need ever be. ( but for him personally, he learnt because he wanted to be able to talk to nate in the way that comes most naturally to the male ) 
in college he’s considered a soft jock type, heart of gold but he’s very physically attractive and a bit of a heart throb and definitely considered sporty despite also being very musically driven. 
joo needs some college friends, musically talented people he can consider study buddies, he was actually almost an idol once when he nearly signed on with a company because of how musically talented he is as a producer and songwriter - typically he only writes for close friends and always ensures the lyrics feel truthful and genuine to his friend’s stories but yeah give me people he is encouraged by with that and just able to be himself with. 
friends from america potentially as well
other criminal underground kinda connections bc u know keeps business thriving to link up with other famously dangerous people and work together. 
i would so love a good cop,bad cop type thing where someone who he’s on the police force with or is also training to be in the police force with him is genuine and legit and knows he isn’t and is kinda like shunning tf outta him for it but also trying to teach him how to be better without even realizing it and sort of having their mind changed on how simple good and bad is bc actually there is kind of a grey area which joo belonged to. 
ex’s of course 
as much as i love friends who don’t know about joo’s other life, i’d also love some friends who did and were hella concerned bc like siren noises what is this boi doing he’s gonna get himself killed and does he even cAre bc he fuckin should
roomies plssss 
enemies and rivals are always welcome too maybe ppl who dislike him for turning away from the crime life and going straight or whatever rlly i also rlly like the idea of someone who sort of admired him and has a personal grudge bc he was so good at being a criminal and he made such a legacy and then he just abandoned it and they feel he wasted it or something
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Tooru's sister sneaking Kageyama to her room to hang out and watch movies. She is secretly dating behind Oikawa back. She thought that Okawa will not come home, because he is hanging out with his college friends. Oikawa is in college while his sister is a third year and kage is a second year.
so this didn’t quite turn out the way i imagined it in my head. legit didn’t mean for kageyama to not have many lines lol, i hope you can forgive me (but he loves his gf to bits he’s just a shy blueberry)
i hope y’all like it!
if you like what i do and want to show your support, consider supporting me on ko-fi!
- admin may
“Come on, come on,” youwhispered, waving Kageyama inside your room and gently closing the door. Onlyyour mother was at the house with you and even she didn’t know that you weregoing to invite your boyfriend over. She knew you had one, but she didn’t knowit was Kageyama. You’d been trying to keep any meetings at your house at aminimum, for fear that your mom might find out and gossip about it to yourbrother. He was a little insufferable when it came to Tobio, and you didn’twant to subject your boyfriend to any of his teasing remarks.
Kageyama was seated in front ofthe low study table in your room, already laden with two glasses of milk and aplatter of cookies. He delicately munched on an oatmeal cookie as you set upthe TV. It was the main reason you invited him over today: Kageyama said therewas a volleyball match being shown live on TV, but he didn’t have one in hisroom, and his parents always watched their afternoon drama at this time. Youknew your brother was going to be out with his friends today—at a mixer, hesaid the other night—so you took the opportunity and invited your boyfriendover.
“What channel did you say it wason?” you said, flipping the channels. Before Kageyama got to answer, youstopped a channel that was doing coverage of the Orange Court in Tokyo. Youfelt Kageyama sit up beside you and reach for another cookie. You smiled andtook a sip of milk.
Throughout the 3-set match youwatched your boyfriend’s reactions to the different plays and occasionallymumbling, “We could use that” or “Man, that’s so dang cool” under his breath.Honestly, watching Kageyama was more fun than watching the actual game (but ofcourse you wouldn’t tell him that or his face would become an explosion ofred).
The rally for the next point wasrunning long and the two of you were eagerly trying to follow the ball on thesmall screen. The middle blocker on the blue team’s side one-touched the balland flew over the heads of the other players, past the back line. It lookedlike the red team was going to get the point if the blue team’s libero wasn’tas fast as he was—he ran to the ball and his leg shot out, kicking the ball andsending it flying to the net. The ball hit the top of the net and rolled along,finally dropping to the red team’s side. There was a player waiting as close aspossible when the ball fell and saved it. The rally continued.
You and Kageyama sat back on thebed, breathless from cheering on the blue team and screaming at all of thetimes they almost lost the points. You reached for your glass and found it wasempty. You turned to your boyfriend. “I’m getting some more to drink. You wanta different one? Or more milk.”
Kageyama stopped and pursed hislips in that cute way you loved. “More milk, please.” A slight blush tinted hischeeks—or maybe that was from all the screaming.
God, he was so cute. You leanedin and kissed his cheek. “Be right back.” You quickly grabbed the two emptyglasses and carefully tiptoed downstairs to the kitchen. Setting your emptyglass in the sink and Kageyama’s on the counter, you spotted a note.
Out for groceries. Be back before around 5. Ask your boyfriend if hewants to stay for dinner, okay? –Mom
You smiled at the note andfigured it wouldn’t hurt. Your brother wouldn’t be back for a while afterdinner, and you knew your mom had wanted to meet him for a while now. Turningto the fridge, you topped of Kageyama’s glass and filled yours with water—thoseoatmeal cookies were seriously chewy.
As you put the carton away, youheard the clicking of the front door and froze.
“Mom?” Oikawa’s voice called.“Y/N? Are you guys here?” You saw him pass the kitchen and backtracked. “Y/N!My amazingly cute little sister!” He bounded to you at the kitchen counter andcaptured you in a hug. He smelled like grilled meat and fruit juice.
“Uh, hey, onii-chan,” you said,and returned his embrace. “I thought you weren’t gonna be home until later?”
Oikawa let you go and carded hisfingers through his effortlessly coiffed locks. “Ah, it was a bust. Most of thegirls didn’t show, so it was either let everyone go home or let the guys flirtwith each other.” He took your glass and drank a long swig. “Where’s mom?”Without waiting for your answer he looked around and slid to the other side ofthe counter to read the note she left.
“Oh, uh, onii-chan, um—,”
“Boyfriend?” Oikawa looked up atyou questioningly. “You have a boyfriend?”
“Um. Yeah,” was your brokenreply. “It’s no big deal, though, he’s—,”
“Where is he?”
“Is he here? He’s here, isn’t he?Is he in your room?” Without a word he dashed out of the kitchen and ran up toyour room.
“Onii-chan!” you yelled, chasingafter him. You’d been so out of shape lately that when you arrived—panting—atyour room you brother was already yelling at Kageyama.
“Tobio-chan?!” He turned to you,incredulous. “Y/N, you’re dating Tobio-chan? My Tobio-chan? Seriously???”
“Good afternoon, Oikawa-san,”Kageyama said, always respectful to his idols and elders, even if said idol wasmaking all sorts of jabs at him.
You sighed, knowing this wouldhappen if your brother ever got an inkling of who your boyfriend was. “Yes,onii-chan, I’m dating Tobio. Have been for a while now.” You smiled at yourboyfriend and walked over to him. You linked your fingers together and watchedas the heat rose to his face. “It’s not a big deal.”
“But you’re older than him!”Oikawa sputtered.
“Mom’s older than dad!” youdefended. “By four years!”
“But—but! Tobio-chan?”
You sighed again. “You have toget over this thing you have, onii-chan. And please don’t do that at dinner.Mom’s gonna make you weed the garden again if you do.” You pulled Kageyama tothe ground and made yourself comfortable as you watched the remainder of thegame. “Do you want to watch the match? Oh, but it’s almost finished.”
Oikawa shook himself out of his shock“Uh, no, it’s fine. Reruns are a thing, so.” He fidgeted at the door a moment.“I’ll just, uh. Coursework. Yup, I’ll just.” He stood frozen a moment beforegetting out and rushing to his room, leaving the door open.
As you two watched your weirdbrother go, Kageyama said, “Dinner?”
“Yeah,” you replied, resting yourhead on his shoulder, eyes on the game once more. “Mom invited you. Can youcome? She’s dying to meet you. And Dad, too.”
Kageyama had this habit ofwatching you and smiling lovingly and smitten at just about everything you did.He supposed it was because he liked you so much, and that he didn’t think you’dlike him for the awkward teenager he was. But when you looked at him directlyhe got too flustered to say more than a few words at a time. You didn’t mindthough, and could always tell what he meant; Kageyama was always grateful forthat. He knew that she’d respect whatever he said about anything, from themundane stuff to things like meeting the family after almost half a yeartogether.
“I’ll go later,” he said finally,wrapping an arm around your shoulders as the coverage on the game wrapped upand one of those cheesy variety shows started up. Kageyama’s face flushed asyou scooted closer to him.
“Hello?” Oikawa said, pacing acircle on his bedroom floor. “Iwa-chan? Oh my god, you have no idea who Y/N isdating—,”
181 notes · View notes
tempestshakes01 · 5 years
Here’s another entry in this embarrassing public online diary (I love it.):
Health: 4/10 
The weird cough is still lingering, but now it’s gotten a bit worse in the daytime. I’m still hacking up mucus until I vomit (or moan and cry to NOT vomit because I just ate and I’d rather NOT throw up a bacon burger, thanks) and it’s fuckin miserable. I’m worried that if this lasts, I’ll have to fly like this and my flight is an overnighter--prime cough/nausea/vomit hours. UGH. 
Other than the cough and my persistent jaw acne, I’m the perfect picture of health. I feel great. 
Well, no. My ass has a massive bruise because yesterday I slipped down Leah’s stairs (wood laminate is slippery as hell in socks!) running to the bathroom to...ugh...puke up a glob of mucus and bits of burger. 
But other than that! 
Work: 7/10
I still feel like I did something wrong and no one is telling me. I’m friendlier and peppier now that the winter blues (read: depression) are slipping away with the sunny skies and warmer weather (all that snow--16 inches on the ground at the start of the month--melting), but I think the damage is done. 
Except, other than not being super chatty, I’m not sure what the damage is. The only admin that’s normal is the principal. We’re getting along great! A few colleagues are still the same including Mr. Married Lumberjack whom I had a crush on.  
I’m probably paranoid though. I’m also bored out of my mind. Things are smooth for 85% of the time and that’s...great, but also...it’s too smooth and I feel judged doing more because Veronica is gone. 
Okay, so that most likely makes no sense, but it’s how I feel. 
Home: 9.5/10
Things are superb with my parents. I’m headed to D.C. with my mom next week (along with every 8th grader in America...I’m so stupid...) and we’re going to try to keep it as civil as possible when it comes to politics. My dad is texting, but not smothering me with attention. In fact, I should call him more.
My sister seems to be doing...the same. Lots of astrology posts on the gram, but no mention of Paris (her potentially mentally-ill ex) so that’s a relief. The kids are doing great as well. Nick and I are texting more often. He even asked my advice about our parents which was new. I want to ask him about Alyssa because I’m still utterly curious about that situation, but I know he’s still hurting over it and the fact that he had a “quarter-life” crisis when he was working 50+ hours, going to school full time, and interning at the church. He’s decided to graduate as quickly as possible, quit the preacher path, and stay in the coffee game. 
Apparently, he got a promotion and a raise, so he’s making really great money. Plus, he’s like...super passionate about coffee. More passionate than he ever seemed about Jesus or school. 
We’re currently fighting about NCAA brackets and our current favorite music, and it’s great. 
Friends: 6/10
Reconnecting with Jack and Nicol is super nice. I just don’t know how to proceed and how quickly and if I’m an annoyance. I also want Nicol without Jack as well, but I don’t want to offend either of them (not that I think it would! but the chance makes me hesitate...) and they’re such a partnership that I wonder if it IS a big request to separate them. 
We went to see Us today and I didn’t like it very much. We’re going to see Back to the Future on Tuesday at the old theater. They invited me to the former; I invited them to the latter. I trust this will all work out.
Gosh, and I don’t trust Leah at ALL which is wild because I probably hang out with her the most out of anyone, but yeah. There’s something about that girl that I don’t trust. 
Went on Facebook and saw a photo of my childhood best friends (we were a trio: Valerie, Kristina, and I). They were on a backpacking trip together in Alaska. They live entirely different lives, but they still maintained a great friendship over the years. God, and they went into chemical engineering so they’re both making BANK, but they’re the most down-to-earth women. 
I don’t know...I guess it makes me think...for the billionth time...how different my life would be if we’d never moved from El Paso. 
El Paso was idyllic. My childhood consisted of bike rides out into the desert, street games with a plethora of neighborhood boys, summer secrets and stars, theme parks and athletics, best friends who were boys that I knew I could fall in love with, best friends who were girls and I knew I could trust with my whole heart. I lived a good life there. 
When I left, things started to peel apart, but it sort of seemed--for the most part--most of the El Paso crew grew up in the same way they had been...in that easy, perfect sunset sort of way. Most everyone I grew up with went Homecoming and Prom and did senior sunrise and went to good schools where they did the greek life and then got jobs in the sciences or medicine or moved out to Hollywood. They’re utterly normal and successful now in a very...the way they tell you things will go in life. 
Anyway, that childhood best friend I thought I could fall in love with? Went through a long-haired rave phase circa 2012/13, but is currently dating a white girl who wears cowboy boots, no makeup, and studies sports medicine in the same grad program as him. It’s the way things were supposed to be and it’s just weird to see their lives (through the filter and lens of social media) go so simply. Also, his hairline is going and he looks bloated, so the white-half is coming for him in the aging process, ha. His Mexican mom still looks BOMB, so poor guy for inheriting his dad’s hair follicles. 
And anyway, that childhood best friend I could trust with my whole heart? Dating a republican future politician named John Smith and traveling South American for the next couple weeks working in various hospital and women’s health care. She’s a nurse and probably a damn good one. She got her boobs done a couple years ago and I sometimes wonder if we’d still get along. 
Media: 5/10
This is a bullshit category just to give a VM hot-takes, but I’ll play into my own bullshit. 
I’m not watching any TV except B99. I watch about 3 movies a week and I try to make 1 a classic or a “difficult” title. I watch mostly youtube, to be honest. I like Hot Ones, Bon Appetit, Jenna Marbles, theTryGuys, Tasty, Brave Wilderness, Millenium Dance Complex ‘n’ adjacent choreographers’ channels, and various media video essays. 
I’m reading a lot of books...but they’re all YA. Which isn’t bad! I’m just laughing that it took me reading Airborn by Kenneth Oppel (my favorite adventure YA book) out loud to the students to remind my dumb reading brain how fun books could be. Apparently, I’m a fantastic reader and I do wonderful voice and I make the story seem like a movie. We’re on the sequel and I’m about to start the His Dark Materials series.  
That Worlds podium? TRASH. Justice for S/B. 
Yeah, so I’m on a VM cleanse, right? Cause with the winter and all the crazy, it was just an unhealthy piece of media in my life. I miss the GC though, but that’s about it, lol. Oh, and with the new content (I tried to resist!) it’s clear that I did miss them doing their thing and I need to unload some of the thoughts whirling in my head. 
Ugh, I have thoughts about the whole timeline of events because I see people questioning or backtracking, and I’m like? We seriously went through an awful series of events that made all the previous weirdness make sense (but left lingering brand-new weirdness). Except that’ll just bring back old feelings that I’m trying to move on from. 
Geez, I can’t believe I’m about to talk about them in a gossip-y way again, but uh, I’m glad that they seem to be repairing their friendship and that Scott legit looked happy. The vibes are definitely friendship so far, or like, 2015-vibes. Which who knows where that will lead in the future? Will they do things messy like last Fall/Winter? Do they think they can try again or are they now afraid of fucking this up so badly they can’t come back from it? Are they going to accept each other as only friends and maintain those boundaries? You love me, real or not real? WHO KNOWS. I hate this ride.
Also, I’m aware of some of the gossip because I’m fool who caves from time to time for a few minutes and I remember (god, again, I hate that I’m still invested even with this time off) that J was selling her Coachella tickets, and now it’s been announced that VM are doing that show in Korea which takes place the same days as a Coachella weekend. So. Yeah. I’m putting my money on J being in Korea because why sell the tickets (just take a friend), but I’m also still wondering if this is all going to end up like Klawes-era. 
Literally, I wake up believing 100% that J’s gonna be the one Scott’s going to marry because it’s just that time. Then, I go to sleep 98% believing that no matter what, somehow, someway, Tessa and Scott are going to end up together. 
inTERSTIngLY, I have neglected to message Tinder matches the past couple weeks and I believe 50% of the time that I’m going to end up alone because I’m not even trying. (Cut me some slack though. I haven’t had an acne flare-up this bad in years and it’s wrecking my confidence.) 
Music: 10/10
I take hour drives out of town and find obscure trails and I hike for an hour...and let me tell you my Spotify is killing it. 
Current favorite songs:
How Do You Know - CALIPH (you know what I’m thinking) 
Stone Street - MS. WHITE (fun)
anything from Oliver Tree (his music speaks to me as does his fucking stupid meme humor)
Wow. - POST MALONE (sue me)
anything from Duckrth (so much fun) 
Charms - ABEL KORZENIOWSKI (don’t imagine VM dancing to this)
The Cheek of Night - ABEL KORZENIOWSKI
Sucks - ANGELO MOTA (dark and atmospheric hip hop that makes me wish I could dance cause it’s calling to me to choreograph something to it)
bury a friend - BILLIE EILISH (lol I can’t dance, but I’m learning Kodish choreo for this as a workout) 
Beverly Blues - OPIA (a summer jam)
0 notes
robininthelabyrinth · 7 years
Fic Prompt: Coldwave, Zombies.
Fic: Staying Alive - AO3 linkFandom: Flash, LOT, ArrowPairing: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart, Cisco Ramon/Lisa Snart, unproven allegations of Mick Rory/Leonard Snart/Barry Allen
Summary: “– as always, this is Ami Dillon, your resident media studies graduate student and totally under-qualified radio host, and your source for the latest updates on the state of Central City during the present Zombie Crisis, courtesy of the Mayor’s office. In addition to life-saving tips and general safety alerts, we also bring you the excellent morale-boosting soundtrack of the greatest hits of the Apocalypse, by which we mean whatever tracks the local radio stations had sitting around and the cover songs played by our dearly beloved cover band, the Post-Apocs. As always, we begin with our theme song: Stayin’ Alive, by the Bee Gees!”
(the great coldwave romance of the zombie apocalypse)
A/N: Have you ever had an idea, gone “heh, that would be funny, I’ve always wanted to try writing one of those” and then it eats your brain? This is it.
…honestly, with the zombie apocalypse theme, I really should have predicted it.
———The End———
“– as always, this is Ami Dillon, your resident media studies graduate student and totally under-qualified radio host, and your source for the latest updates on the state of Central City during the present Zombie Crisis, courtesy of the Mayor’s office. In addition to life-saving tips and general safety alerts, we also bring you the excellent morale-boosting soundtrack of the greatest hits of the Apocalypse, by which we mean whatever tracks the local radio stations had sitting around and the cover songs played by our dearly beloved cover band, the Post-Apocs. As always, we begin with our theme song: Stayin’ Alive, by the Bee Gees!”
———The Beginning———
Consciousness comes swiftly, as it always does, but Len yawns and stretches lazily anyway. He doesn’t have anything serious planned for today: Lisa’s off doing some ‘team bonding’ thing with the new Rogues he’s recruited, by which she means she took them to that Caribbean island resort beach house that Len won in a high stakes poker game against a Family don once to kick back, drink margaritas, and demonstrate to them the value of staying in rather than out. Len’s the vinegar, Lisa’s the honey; they work well together that way.
Naturally, Len is going nowhere near that stupid island when it’s this hot; he would have agreed to go if Mick was going, because Mick would have kept people (Lisa) from badgering him about leaving the air-conditioned house to go swimming or something stupid like that, but Mick had been lured away by a fireworks convention (why are there fireworks conventions? Why? Is it specifically designed to lure in pyrophiliac arsonists? Except no, Len checked it out, it’s apparently legit and just run by fireworks companies, pyrotechnics experts, and people who like things that go boom) all the way over on the East Coast, so Len’s all by himself.
He finds he likes that state so much more when it’s voluntary.
Still, biology can’t be denied: he’s definitely awake now.
Yawning again, he pads over to the kitchenette they’ve set up in the warehouse to make himself a cup of coffee, flicking on the TV as he does.
“Scenes of chaos break out internationally as what can only be described as zombies terrorize cities and towns around the globe,” the reporter says as violence plays out behind her. “No one knows where this plague came from, but the simultaneous outbreak in multiple locations has been definitively determined to be an act of bio-terrorism. Governments around the globe have deployed the military and information is limited. Interstate and international communications are being shut down as we speak. We don’t know how much long we will be able to continue reporting –”
The TV crackled, static-y, and abruptly cut out.
“Well,” Len says, reaching out to flick the coffee maker back off before it’s finished making the coffee. “Shit.”
———The End———
“Mayor Snart! Mayor Snart!”
“I am not the goddamn mayor,” Len says, as evenly as he can, though he suspects sourly that he’s going to lose that fight - in fact, that he may have lost it several weeks ago and no one seems inclined to confirm to him that the fight is lost.
The grins of the media pool seem to confirm as much.
“I’ll give you five minutes to ask questions,” he concedes. “Starting now. Go.”
“Mayor Snart – Scott Evans, Central City Picture News. Now that you’ve opened Central City’s doors to the international community once more -”
“After they go through our quarantine procedures, yes,” Len interjects.
“-the world wants to know how you managed to make Central City the most functional city in North America following the Crisis.”
“You do realize I said I was only giving you five minutes, right?” Len says with some disbelief. “Four minutes, thirty eight seconds, now.”
The reporter seems to realize his error and quickly rushes to the next point on his list. “Mayor Snart, when did you first learn about the crisis?”
“When I saw the news on my TV, just like most of the rest of the world,” Len says. “Next question?”
“Mayor Snart – Ronnie Troupe, Daily Planet,” a black woman says. “What reason did you have for going straight to Central City University in your quest to defend the city? What qualities were you thinking about?”
“The intercom system, mostly,” Len says, then takes half a step back at the sheer noise the media pool is generating at him. He holds up his hands for silence, which he even gets after a few minutes. “Everybody’s got a zombie plan, right? This one was mine. I always figured that the university – any university – has the most important assets you need when dealing with a zombie invasion, and I turned out to be right.”
“What assets are those?” the woman asks. “The library, for information?”
“The cafeteria, with food supplies?” another reporter asks eagerly.
“A well-stocked medical facility?” another one added in.
“All of those are important,” Len says. “But no, I was thinking about its greatest asset: an intercom system, and lots and lots of mostly able-bodied young adults between eighteen and twenty six who are conditioned by over twelve years of school to listen to anything that comes out of that intercom.”
He has to step back again as the media roars, each one yelling follow-up questions and drowning themselves out in the sheer noise. Then, when they realize he can’t hear them, they each start shouting his name – “Mayor Snart! Mayor Snart!” – in an effort to get his attention.
This is ridiculous.
“Lise,” he says to his sister and self-appointed chief of staff, who is perched idly in the chair next to his podium, filing her nails in a purposefully bored manner. “I’m basically the dictator of Central City right now, right? Why haven’t I banned the paps already?”
“Because you always said the only reason you can’t steal speech is ‘cause it’s free,” Lisa replies, not missing a beat. “Sorry, big brother. Suck it up.”
Len looked at his other side, where his personal admin – why does he have a personal admin again? He doesn’t remember agreeing to that – shrugs. “Sorry, boss. She has a point. You should answer some more questions.”
“Yeah, that ain’t happening,” Len says, his internal clock hitting a blissful zero in its countdown. “Sorry folks, your time is up. I’ll be answering questions again on Friday –”
He eyes a smug-looking Lisa.
“– and in the meantime, I’m sure my chief of staff will be happy to answer some questions for you.”
He dashes off the stage, Lisa’s yowl of “Lenny, you bastard!” following him like music in his ears as the reporters turn on her like piranhas in a feeding frenzy.
She’ll make him regret it later, he’s sure.
But for now: freedom!
———The Beginning———
Len makes his way through the entrance of the university, which is filled by anxious-looking undergrads and older students, all gathered in groups and chattering amongst themselves or gathered around the televisions.
Some of them, in what Len can only describe to be the true tenacity of the American K-12 system, are still doing their homework.
Sometimes Len is so happy he’s a dropout.
“Hey, you,” he ask a black kid who’s hovering around watching the crowds with increasing trepidation. “Where’s the AV department?”
“Uh, third floor, I think,” the guy says. “Wait, who are you?”
“I’m the guy that’s going to keep most of the people here from dying,” Len says, and taps the gun strapped to his leg. “By force, if necessary.”
The kid blinks and stares at the gun. “Hold up. Are you Captain Cold?”
“Right now, I’m the man in need of the AV department because I don’t fancy dying,” Len informs him. “You hear that noise in the halls? That’s the student body hurtling towards panic. Panic leads to questionable decision making and stampedes, which in turn lead to –”
“Lots of dead people, no zombies required,” the kid finishes, looking grim. “Okay, on the off-chance that you’re not as bad as everyone says you are, follow me; I’ll show you where it is.”
“You’re very trusting,” Len observes, following him as he barrels down the hallway at double-time pace. "Especially given that I am a supervillain.”
“Not so much you I’m trusting,” the kid says. “Barry says good things about you.”
Len’s eyebrows shoot up. Well, if that’s not a spot of good luck, he doesn’t know what is. He has no idea who the kid is, but if he’s part of the Flash gang, that’s good news for him. “Barry – Allen?”
“That’s the one.”
“And where is Barry Allen, by chance? I’d been wondering that. Zombie crisis everywhere - I thought I’d see lightening every step I take.”
The kid makes a face. “He’s in Starling City. And possibly another universe. He and – uh, a bunch of the others – went to go stop the zombie plague.”
“I’m in awe at his success,” Len says, voice dripping with sarcasm, and then he sees the door he’s looking for and walks in. The intercom set up is immediately apparent and he heads towards that, sitting down and pulling it out.
“What are you going to do?” the kid asks.
“What’s your name?” Len asks instead.
“Wally West.”
“Great, Wally, you can help me with the vernacular.” Len turns the intercom on and summons up all his vague memories of high school and television shows thereof. He puts on his best homeroom announcer voice. “Students and faculty of Central City University, pay attention. This is an urgent announcement regarding the ongoing crisis. In order to deal with this in an orderly manner, I need all of you to head over to one of the big classrooms –”
He pulls away from the mic and looks at Wally.
“You mean the lecture halls?”
“- to one of lecture halls. Once those have been filled up, any remaining individuals should fill up the classrooms near to them. Please fill up all available seats. Once there, circulate a –”
He pulls away again and asks Wally, “What do you call it when they all sign their names?”
“Attendance sheet.”
“Circulate an attendance sheet. We’re going to want to know where everyone is. The next step is going to be splitting you up into groups of five people, so please start organizing yourselves into those groups. Faculty, send a representative of each department, but specifically the history, engineering, chemistry and physics departments, to lecture hall 101 –” Len had noticed that that was the largest one. “– and AV techs, please set up a system by which the broadcast from that room can be sent to all the other rooms or hooked up into the intercom system. Additional instructions as to how we’re going to be dealing with this crisis will be forthcoming in thirty minutes, so be in position by then.”
Len flicks the microphone off. “Think that worked?”
“I mean, yeah, everyone’s gonna do it,” Wally replies, eyes narrowed a bit. “But what’s the actual plan?”
“It’s a university,” Len says. “Gotta keep up with the proud college traditions of 1968.”
“Do you even get taught history here?” Len complains. “I’m talking about barricades.”
Wally’s eyes go wide. “Barricades?”
“Well, yeah,” Len says. “How else are we going to establish a clear zone to use as a base to re-take the rest of the city?”
“Re-take the city?”
Len holds up a finger. “Barricades,” a second one, “clear zone,” a third, “quarantine procedures,” a fourth. “Siege warfare and expansion to fight the zombies. You can’t fight if you don’t have somewhere to fall back to. We’ve got a couple of thousand students waiting for directions right now. You gonna help?”
“Yes, sir!” Wally says enthusiastically.
Len makes a face. “No ‘sir’,” he corrects him. “If you gotta call me anything, just make it ‘boss’.”
———The End———
– in view of the mental and physical deterioration suffered by the individuals afflicted by TX-90 (colloquially known as “zombies”) [see supra, chap. 2], city warfare quickly reverted to the forms most familiarly used in the European social conflicts of the 19th century, most famously in Paris, France during the revolutions of 1789, 1832 (popularized, of course, by the famous novel ‘Les Misersables’ by Victor Hugo), 1848, and 1871.
Early military blockades, composed in the more ‘modern’ style primarily of individuals and high powered weaponry, proved ineffective against the onslaught, particularly in view of the general reluctance of soldiers to aim against such human-appearing enemies, many of whom were still dressed in casual civilian garb. Additionally, the infection of a single soldier on the line caused a severe and immediate drop in morale, leading to regular retreats and ineffective blockades.
In contrast, the revival of the use of physical barricades, accompanied by siege warfare tactics, in the retaking of Central City [see infra, chap. 6] was extraordinarily successful. As the traditional ‘paving stone’ barricade structure was rendered unavailable due to the introduction of asphalt roads, the citizens of Central City – led by Leonard ‘Captain Cold’ Snart [this work, which focuses on the strategic and tactical elements of the crisis, will not go into detail regarding the well-known actions of Mr. Snart; for a full biography, see Roberts et. al, Cold: A Study in Unorthodox Leadership and Lahiri, Divak & Strumm, Supervillains To Superheroes: The Rogues During the Crisis] – resorted instead to a more nuanced form.
The barricades of Central City, which served as the model for the other cities in the United States and, eventually, the world, are created by using elements of the existing infrastructure. Three teams would be sent out on any given ‘building’ expedition: the ‘scouts’, the ‘builders’, and the ‘reserves’. The scouts – a position reserved for individuals of bravery and recognized talents in armed combat, often including criminals of Mr. Snart’s acquaintance which he deemed trustworthy and supplemented by his student army, many of which were obliged to pick up firearms instruction as part of the ‘Crisis Curriculum’ [see infra, chap. 5, subsection 3 ‘Educational Initiatives’] – would be posted at the furthest extent from the epicenter (originally: Central City University) in order to spot any approaching zombie. While the scouts maintained the perimeter, the ‘builders’ would overturn local cars onto their sides and position them in a semi-circular fashion between the buildings on each side of the street. Quick-acting cement, formed in large quantities in the labs of Central City University [see infra, chap. 6, subsection 5; see also Trumbull & Hall, Chemical Manufacturing in the Midwest: The Zombie Revival], would then be poured into the gaps between the cars, creating an immediate ‘wall’ that would serve as a barrier between the oncoming zombies and the defending individuals. The ‘reserves’ were there to supplement the ‘scouts’, should any roving bands of zombies take notice. A certain number of ‘gates’ were introduced in each barricade wall, initially made of doorframes stolen from nearby buildings and later reinforced with additional layers of concrete and steel once the local automobile factories had been reclaimed and their manufacturing capabilities turned to support the barricades.
These barricades were simple, cheap, and brutally effective against the ‘mindless’ zombie attackers, who would simply charge the barricades repeatedly, enabling the defenders to utilize siege warfare tactics, including, but not limited to, burning oil, spikes, ditches, and even simply luring zombies in before destroying a whole set with a grenade while the defenders hid behind their wall. Due to the cheapness of this approach, utilizing existing cars already out on the street, it was possible to continue to expand with relative ease without disrupting the earlier built segments. As each barricaded area was secured, yet another set of teams was sent out to create another barricade further out. It is this simple yet visually arresting barricade system that created the famous ‘concentric circles’ of Central City, leading to the famous images captured by airborne photographers –
excerpt from Military Tactics During the Crisis, pub. 2018, © Columbia University Press
———The Beginning———
“They’re coming!” a panicked cry went up.
Len races down to the gates of the university, which have been barred and sealed by his order. The first barricade line is still being built; he’s pleased to see that his squads are returning back to the relative safety of the university as ordered instead of trying to fight the zombies.
Perhaps a little more “retreat” and a little less “fleeing in terror” would be better, but hey, they’ll work on that.
“Does anyone have a baseball bat?” he calls out.
It’s just weird enough that everyone stops panicking long enough to turn to look at him in disbelief.
“Chair or table legs work too,” he adds, then goes over and hops the fence. “Though I wouldn’t mind having a few guns at my back as well. And can someone call the chemistry department? That work I’m having them do in their spare time regarding explosives will come in rather helpful soon, I’m sure.”
Then Len turns to face the zombies. “Heeere, zombie!” he calls, mimicking every person he’s ever heard talk to a dog. “Heeere, zombie!”
“Is he nuts?” he hears someone ask.
Possibly multiple someones.
But it works – the zombies lurch after him instead of aiming for the university walls filled with tasty, tasty undergraduates, because the zombies clearly have lost whatever portion of their brain involves prioritization and/or efficiency.
They’re quicker than the slow-walkers he might have hoped for in an ideal universe, but he’s even faster, jogging a quick circle around them until they’ve gotten themselves all into one big, giant ravening mob.
One big, giant target.
Len grins.
He hoists up his cold gun and fires lengthwise at full power, freezing the whole lot of them as he slowly moves the gun from left to right over the crowd. As he fires, he moves steadily sideways, echoing his first round around the zombies, careful to ensure he gets every single one of them.
This involves having to climb up on a dumpster to get the last few that got stuck in the middle, but that’s fine.
When he finishes, with nearly forty zombies all frozen, he turns to look at his audience of gaping students. “Baseball bats, chair legs, table legs,” he calls to them. “Any blunt object will do. I want this ice cubes smashed before they even think about starting to melt, you hear me?”
The roar of agreement he gets is most satisfactory.
———The End———
“Welcome back,” the TV show host says with a grin. “Our guest tonight is here to talk about her newest book – the Age of Heroes. Ms. West here is a long-time citizen of Central City –”
There’s a long pause for applause.
“– and one of the first chroniclers of the activities of the Flash, whom many people are calling the country’s first super-powered superhero.”
“Well, it’s something of a race between us and Metropolis,” Iris West says with a laugh. “Thanks for having me. Ironically enough, though, my book isn’t about the superpowers people – especially people in Central City – got, or what they chose to do with in. Instead, my book is something of an exploration of how the whole superhero phenomenon got started: people realizing that they was something to fix in this world, and then going to fix it.”
“A lot of people have been quibbling with your decision to set the start of the Age of Heroes, as you call it, back with the emergence of the Green Arrow, Star City’s controversial vigilante figure. What do you have to say to that?”
“It’s very hard to say exactly when something began,” Iris replies. “Certainly, academically, you could go with any number of options. That being said, I do think that the Green Arrow counts as a superhero – he dedicated his life to stopping evil in his city, even if the way he started out was…more violent than what we’ve come to expect from our heroes.”
“Though, speaking of violent heroes, what do you have to say about the current leadership of Central City?”
“Oh, Mayor Snart?” she says, grinning. “He’s – definitely a special case.”
The host leans forward, eyes avid. “In fact, it appears that your foster-brother, Barry Allen, has attended several events as Mayor Snart’s plus-one instead of his husband. Given the – would it be wrong to say legendary? – nature of that particular relationship, that’s got a lot of people talking. Do you have anything to say about that?”
“Yeah, I do,” Iris says, looking amused. “Weren’t we here to talk about my book?”
———The Beginning———
Len isn’t going to throw the phone across the wall. He is not.
For one thing, he’s a mature adult. Way too old to be throwing temper tantrums, even if there are no impressionable kids around to terrify. It’s childish and irresponsible and stupid.
For another thing, he didn’t work this hard on a reputation for being cool to lose it at the first provocation. He’s Captain Cold, for fuck’s sake. He is not going to go off at nothing.
A lot of nothing.
Several weeks of nothing.
“Don’t throw it, boss,” Wally says, walking in with an armful of paper. “Cell phones are hard to replace.”
Len gives the kid a dirty look. “There’s a knock off cell phone store inside the clean zone now, I happen to know. Anyway, did I ask for your input?”
“Yeah, you did,” Wally says. “When you appointed me your personal aide.”
“Why did I do that?” Len wonders grumpily, but he already knows the answer to that.
“Because you hate paperwork with the fury of a million suns,” Wally says, smirking. “Or would you prefer to say something more like the frozen heart of a dead star being sucked into a black hole of vast emptiness?”
“You were an English student, weren’t you?”
“Engineering, actually. Cars.”
“You missed your calling.”
Wally cracks a grin. “My sister’s a journalist. Iris West.”
“I’ve read her stuff,” Len acknowledges with a nod. “Good writer. Probably gonna murder Barry for dragging her out on adventure when she could be winning a Pulitzer.”
“She insisted on going,” Wally says. “She’ll be okay; I’m sure of it. Barry would fix the timeline if her nail broke.”
Len barks a laugh. “Speaking of the Flash gang,” he says, gesturing for Wally to come closer, “do you have the plan for retaking STAR Labs?”
“No, that’s Axel’s bailiwick,” Wally says. “He’s got this genius for guerilla tactics that you really have to admire; he’s on his way. He’s not that bad, you know?”
“Getting him away from Jesse’s influence helps,” Len allows. “He’s still a punk. You get Rosa’s little sis?”
“Ami? Yeah, she’s still handling communications and having a blast. No word yet on Scudder - he’s probably still in Iron Heights, and that’s still no-man’s-land thanks to the military.”
“Pity,” Len says. “Useful skill set, that. Well, we’ll figure it out when we get there. Have we secured the reservoir? Professor Latham’s lecture on cholera gave me nightmares.”
Wally shudders. “No kidding. Yeah, it’s secure; Singh gave the orders and the CCPD stopped bitching. Well, for the most part. They’re feeling overshadowed.”
Len shrugs. “I have plenty of cops in the ranks,” he points out. “It’s the ones that cling to their need for superiority over the rest of us that are having trouble adjusting. Though really, after we raided the SWAT supply, I don’t see what’s so great about their precious hierarchy anyway. Whatever. I want to see the latest update from the reservoir first thing this afternoon.”
“Right,” Wally says, noting it down. “Now you wanna tell me what’s really bugging you?”
“Do I look like the touchy-feely ‘talking it out’ type?”
Wally cracks a grin. “No,” he admits. “But you wouldn’t be asking about the reservoir three days after declaring the project in progress and leaving it in Jax’s hands - also, on that note, he hates you and would like to remind you that he never actually got into college - ”
“He knows more engineering from his auto repair job than some of the so-called professors,” Len replies with a shrug. “He can learn how to fix a dam. Besides, I assigned him a professor – what’s his name – as back-up, didn’t I?”
“He still hates you for making him a general.”
Len smirks. He likes appointing people as generals, especially individuals under the age of twenty-five. They always freaked out about it.
“He can tell me all about it when I see him this afternoon on the reservoir project,” he says.
"Which is suddenly important again, why?”
Len scowls at his cell phone. “Solar’s all well and good to supplement our generators, but I want some hydroelectric to help boost the phone lines. Why the hell did the military cut them everywhere, anyway? Did they think the zombies were going to tap them or something?”
"I thought you already heard from your sister,” Wally replies, frowning.
“I have,” Len replies. “She has a satellite phone. The military of the island nation she’s on has barred all entrance/exit traffic until they’re satisfied that the crisis is over, so she and the others went back to the resort and are currently debating piña coladas vs margaritas.”
“Wow, really?”
Len shrugs. “It’s an island, and I haven’t seen any indication that zombies swim.”
“…now I’m imagining a swarm of underwater zombies, thanks for that, boss.”
“Me, too, actually,” Len says with a frown. “Get the bio department on that question stat, will you?”
“Sure thing. So what’s the problem with the phones, then? I thought you said your sister was the only living relative you had.”
“She is,” Len says, eyes still stealing to the useless and not-ringing phone. “It’s my partner I haven’t heard a peep from.”
———The End———
“– our next Oscar nominee is 500 Miles, an epic tale of love and hardship set during the events of the Zombie Crisis. This moving film skillfully merges romance, tragedy, action, and, yes, even comedy – yes, a romantic comedy has finally been nominated for an Oscar, and all it took was a horde of attacking zombies –”
The presenting actor pauses to allow the audience to laugh and the camera to pan over various faces in the audience, all smiling.
“As you all know, 500 Miles is based on the amazing true story of current Central City mayor, Leonard Snart, and his husband, Mick Rory, who found themselves located on opposite sides of the country when the Zombie Crisis began –”
The camera zooms in on a group of people in the audience sitting by the far left wall. A tall man with closely clipped salt-and-pepper hair, dressed in a dark blue suit, is slouched down in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose like he’s developing a headache; the man by his side, a larger man with a shaved head, has a giant grin on his face. He’s dressed in a tux and he’s somehow obtained a giant tub of popcorn, despite food generally not being allowed into the building.
The young man sitting on the other side of the first man, a lithe brunette with a pleasant smile, punches the first man in the arm and gestures at the camera.
The first man does not show any inclination to raise his head and mutters something that makes the young man blush and the second man laugh, as does the dark-skinned young woman in a lovely dress sitting by the young man’s side.
“– and this film chronicles their epic journey to reunite, despite the many hardships they encountered along the way. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: 500 Miles.”
An orchestral score begins to play as the lights dim and a giant screen descends to the center of the stage.
A vaguely audible “Oh, god, kill me now” can be heard from the position of the group that had been the subject of the camera focus a few minutes before.
———The Beginning———
“What’s all the big fuss?” Mick asks the first group of people he finds climbing out of their cars with duffle bags and a scared expression, poking his head out of the side of the car he’d hotwired. They’d reached the same conclusion as him - the highway, filled with cars, was never going to start moving again.
Mick wasn’t sure what exactly was going on, because he’d been at the fireworks convention for the last few days, slept the sleep of the thoroughly satisfied yesterday, slouched around the house for one lazy day to indulge in the feeling of having been around so many beautiful fires, and today he’d started heading back to the rendezvous point with Len. Same as always.
Except for the bizarre traffic patterns getting in his way. It’s been three hours - they should have moved a little.
“It’s - the radio - they’re saying -” the father of the group is stuttering.
The little girl, about eleven, has no such issues. “There’s zombies everywhere and they’re gonna kill us all!”
“What? It’s true!”
Mick blinks. He hadn’t been listening to the radio, though apparently that was an oversight. But really, zombies? That has to be a joke.
He flicks it on.
“– more sightings of the alleged ‘zombies’ have been reported in every major city and many rural areas. People are advised to stay indoors where possible and to report any instance of contagion to the military hotline, reachable at –”
He flicks it off.
“Huh,” he says. “Zombies. Okay, then.”
He climbs out of the car, because they’re definitely not getting anywhere by car. He grabs the backpack he’d brought along for the trip, which had everything he needed – a change of clothing, the solar generator for his heat gun, a hard-copy map and a couple of snacks – and straps his gun back onto his thigh.
“Guess I’m gonna have to walk this one,” he says, shaking his head at the thought. Cross-country hiking was never his idea of a good time, but he can manage.
“Walk?” the father asks. “Walk where?”
“Central City,” Mick replies.
“What’s in Central City?” the mother asks. “They said the zombie outbreak was everywhere, especially the cities.”
“Yeah, but Central City’s gonna solve the problem,” Mick says confidently.
“Why Central City in particular?”
“Because Central City’s got someone with a plan to handle this,” Mick says. Central City’s got Len, after all; they’ve never actually discussed what they should do in the event of a zombie apocalypse – the few times it came up while drunk and watching movies, they usually assumed they’d be together during it – but Mick knows Len. Len will have a plan. Len will enact that plan.
The zombies don’t stand a chance.
“You think they’ll be able to beat the zombies?”
“Oh, I’m sure of it,” Mick says.
“But how are you going to get there? There will be zombies all the way there!”
Mick pats his gun. “I’m not worried about zombies,” he says with a smirk. “I can defend myself.”
The whole family exchanges looks. “Could we come with you?” the father asks hesitantly. “To Central City, I mean. It’s as good a destination as anywhere else – I don’t trust the military shelters they’re talking about on the radio.”
Mick blinks. He hadn’t thought about taking stragglers, but he guesses there’s no reason why not. After all, it’s useful to have someone to keep watch while he sleeps.
“Sure,” he says. “As long as you keep up, you’re welcome to come with me.”
“And you’re sure they’ll be able to win? Even against zombies?”
“I’m sure,” Mick says.
After all, a zombie crisis is not really that different from any other, and he knows what to do during a crisis.
Get back to Len’s side.
———The End———
“– I mean, man, it wasn’t like anything you’d ever seen before,” the young man with the long, braided hair said earnestly to the camera. “It was, like, a religious experience, you know? All of mankind, getting together, in all its different shades and complexity, in one group, and we followed our leader to the promised land.”
“It was just like they always said it’d be in church,” a young black woman adds in. Her hair curls in tight corkscrews and frame her face like a halo. “I never really listened, you know? What do they know, they’re all old and boring, that sort of thing. But it was just like they said. I opened my heart, and I felt the truth of it.”
“He led us to the promised land,” the young man repeats. “All the way from the coast to the heartland. He pulled us together when we were scattered. But he wasn’t, like, snooty about it or anything. I wouldn’t have thought that the prophet would’ve been the sorta guy to sit back and smoke a joint with you – I mean, when I was protesting in favor of legalization, I had that sign and everything, you know, Jesus woulda smoked one, but, you know, I didn’t really think it’d be that way. But it was!”
“He wasn’t doing it for fame,” another man adds, a young Korean man, rubbing his eyes and shifting a little away from the first man. “He didn’t even want to do it at first, I think. But he protected us anyway. He was called, and he answered.”
“He just tore his way through the zombies whenever they attacked,” the first man says. “Fire shooting from his hands.”
“It was a flamethrower,” the black woman says, rolling her eyes. “Doesn’t make it any less impressive –”
“A flamethrower that works with no visible source of fuel and can roast a zombie to ash from ten yards back?” the first man says skeptically. “Right. That’s what he wants you to think.”
“Listen, you moron; we already live in an age of miracles, we don’t need to be making up –” the young woman says, leaning forward emphatically.
“Hey, hey!” the second man interjects. “What would Mick think about how the two of you are behaving right now?”
They both look shamefaced.
“You’re right,” the woman says. “He’d tell us we had to get our act together and deal with this shit, because it’s the end of the world and there’s no one else to deal with it for us. Whether we like it or not, we’re all in this together.”
“He’s really profound,” the first man says wistfully. “Walking with him was an honor.”
“It really was,” the woman says, and the second man nods. “Let us tell you about how we joined up –”
———The Beginning———
“Goddamn military,” Len snarls. “Wally, make a note, we’re not ever letting them do anything ever again. And I mean ever!”
“You got it, boss,” Wally gasps, the rain slicking down his hair. He looked rather bedraggled, clutching at his coat in an attempt to keep out the storm. Ami, clutching her tablet in its water-proofed case, doesn’t look much better.
“How many do the reports say?” Len asks, stalking along the wall they’d created.
“They brought a whole Marine battalion,” Wally says.
“How many companies?”
“Last thing we heard before they realized we were listening on their frequency, three, but undersized,” Ami volunteers.
“So we’re dealing with anywhere from a few hundred to nearly a thousand,” Len says grimly. “We can’t assume any of them got out of that hell-hole military base without infection. How goes the building of the wall?”
“Points A through D report that they’re on schedule. E and F are reporting trouble with flooding –”
“I’ll go there now and freeze them a dam,” Len decides, turning on his heel and stalking towards there. “Not that I think the zombies will really give a dam about it…”
“That was awful, boss,” Ami says.
“Let it go,” Wally tells her. “Complaining just makes him worse.”
“No, I actually rather enjoyed it,” Ami says. “But it was awful. Factually.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Len says. “How are our squad leaders doing? Everyone in position?”
“Yeah,” Wally says. “Everyone’s checked in, it’s all good. We’ve got car lights on every wall, so we’ve got visibility for at least thirty feet all around, even with this damn rain.”
“If we had a few more of your cold guns, we’d be golden,” Ami says with a sigh.
“Sorry, my sister took her gun with her,” Len says, not without regret. “And we don’t have enough cryogenic power sources for another gun.”
“The cold grenades you were able to work up are a pretty decent alternative,” Ami assures him. “Also, engineering loves you.”
“It’s called thinking outside the box,” Len says. “Or outside the bomb, anyway. Everyone knows not to activate them –”
“– until we see the whites of their eyes, yeah, yeah,” Wally says. “Everyone knows.”
“Good,” Len says. “We’ll send the runners out as soon as E and F are ready to deal with an attack, if necessary; they’ll lure them in towards where we’re strongest, so hopefully E and F won’t have to fight at all. Doesn’t mean it ain’t a good idea to make sure they’re secure. Wally, go to point A; I want to make sure the runners know that if they try to be a hero, I’m gonna hunt them down and kill ‘em myself.”
“Yes, boss!”
“Ami, point C. I want our electronics team working on getting the goddamn grid back up right away. And if the federal government sends a message, tell ‘em we’re seceding.”
Ami hides a smile very badly. “Yes, boss,” she says. “Anything else I should mention?”
“Yeah. Central City’s a dictatorship, namely mine, and they’ve gotta apply for diplomatic status if they want anywhere near our borders.” He pauses. “Oh, and make up some stupid-ass limbo shit they’ll have to go through to get diplomatic status approval. Check with poli-sci and the D&D foucs groups for ideas.”
“Yes, boss!”
“Stop ‘yes, boss’-ing me and go,” he snaps.
They dash away.
Len stalks forward, mind already busy with plans to protect his city from an armed, infected battalion of soldiers who just couldn’t be bothered to listen to the warnings of a mere criminal.
He’s too busy for it, but he takes a moment to be happy that Mick isn’t here, though he would love to have him by his side.
He hopes Mick’s safe, wherever he is.
He hopes Mick’s near –
But not too near.
———The End———
The chaos raged about the countryside the dead rose from the grave, a stormy sea where every ship was strained and all were tried; surrounded by dread gates, nowhere to flee. The earth was churned by feet worn down to bone and hands that grabbed in a full-swelling tide under a moon that froze the human throne and burned in light those who had died. But as their horde approached our wretched wall, Despair tearing at bricks, we would not bow. These heroes stood so that we might not fall, For Central’s death would not, for them, be now. Our walls did fall, but we–the people–stay, knowing how close we came to death that day.
THE ZOMBIE CYCLE, SONNET. 6 – Harris “H.R.” Randolph-Wells
———The Beginning———
Mick grew up in the country.
Oh, sure, it liked to call itself a suburb of Keystone, but it was so far out in the sticks that Keystone was ashamed to admit to it. He knows exactly how it works, out in the places that are only theoretically tamed; he knows the dirt fields that appear out of nowhere, the hidden dangers in the pleasant pool of water, the way it gets dark.
It gets very, very dark.
And nowadays, there are more things that roam in the dark than just wild animals.
“Follow me,” Mick bellows, but his (surprisingly large, now that he looks at them) band of tagalongs mill aimlessly, panicking, as the groans of the approaching zombies become audible. It’s worse, in the dark - they have flashlights that do nothing, car lights that do nothing but make people claustrophobic - because they can hear them, humanity’s nightmare in its hideous infectious glory, they can hear them, but they can’t see them.
“We’ll lose them when we cross the river,” he bellows. “Just cross the river! Follow me!”
It does no good.
They’re caught in the panic and the terror of the night.
Mick knows that they’ll be safe if they only cross the river - terrifying to do late at night, he knows, fording a river is dangerous even outside of the Oregon Trail games - but it’s the only chance they’ve got. The fucking idiots that left the group to go to the Walmart accidentally drew the attention of an entire zombie horde, then led them right back to the group.
He could go himself. Him, and the others who aren’t crazy with fear, and he’d get father and faster without the stupid tagalongs that joined up with him, most without even asking. They just saw people walking and decided that they’d better follow, because at least someone seemed to know what they were doing. Didn’t even ask, half the time.
They’re not his crew. They’re not his anything. He doesn’t know them, they don’t know him. He could leave them now for the monsters to get.
Mick snarls.
He hates not being the scariest monster out there.
Mick holds his gun to the sky and shoots up.
It’s a waste of charge and fuel, he knows that, emptying his gun in a pillar of fire against the vacant skies when he’d much rather turn it against some zombie monsters, but it works.
All the panicking masses turn and look at him.
“Get sticks,” he orders, lifting his voice as loud as he can. “Big sticks, and whiskey. We’ll make ourselves light and fire, and then all you need to do is follow the fire.”
Weary, dazed, scared eyes look at him.
Shit, this isn’t Mick’s area of expertise. He can’t convince them to follow him; can’t convince them to save their own damn lives. He’s not good with people. Too big, too angry, too dumb - he doesn’t have Snart’s silver tongue or Lisa’s charming ways.
But he does have fire.
“Follow the fire,” he orders them, and backs off, gun held aloft, flames shooting up in a line that can be seen a mile away. “Come on, you idiots! Follow the fire!”
And he’s almost entire sure that it’s not going to work, but it does. The first few people stagger towards him. Then the next few after that, and then little by little the whole group is moving.
“Follow the fire,” Mick bellows, again and again. And then they start saying it too - “Follow the fire,” they whisper, through fear-bitten lips and chattering teeth. “Follow the fire.”
A lot of voices, saying it. Saying it again and again, all together, until it’s a mantra that even the people way in the back can hear and understand.
And Mick backs away the whole time, backs down to the river front and into the river, makes them keep going. He stays in there, even though it’s cold and wet and awful, because they need to see him to keep going. People help each other through the muck, whispering to each other, “Follow the fire.” Those that begin to lose energy are pulled along, even carried, and though they can’t walk, they groan the line along with everyone else.
Mick keeps the fire burning until the last one of them has crossed the river, collapsing on the banks of the other side. Only when each and every one of his stupid follow-alongs has made it does he turn off the gun and fall onto his ass, shoulders sinking with exhaustion.
“Like in Genesis,” someone next to Mick mutters, voice dull with exhaustion and the remnants of terror. “Follow the pillar of fire to the promised land.”
“Fire,” someone else agrees. “Fiery fire.” And then another someone starts laughing, and that does it. They’re all laughing, even Mick, and he has no idea why.
When the laughter dies, someone turns to Mick and asks, “What do we do with Alex and Mikhail?”
Mick just stares, because he has no fucking clue who that is.
“The fuckers that brought down the horde on us,” another guy clarifies, looking like he’s considering being angry but he’s a bit too tired to be totally sold on it yet. “We need to punish them.”
“No, we don’t,” Mick objects, and weirdly enough they all look at him. “They were just being dumb,” he says. “You’re all going to be dumb eventually, and when you are, you’ll be glad for it.”
He has no idea what he means - he knows he doesn’t want to be part of any ‘punishment’; he’s been in too many prisons to ever trust mob justice - but he knows he can’t let it happen.
“No shame in being dumb,” he tells them, and they even seem to be listening. “We all start that way. Way I see it, it’s our job to get the dumb ones the rest of the way there.”
“Carry them through the water,” someone says. Mick’s not sure who. It’s dark.
“Yeah,” he says. “Like that.”
And then, even though he wants nothing more than to sleep right where he’s lying, he stands up. It’s more bravado and sheer pig headed stubbornness than anything else driving him now.
“Get sticks and whiskey,” he says again. “We’re going to have torches - tonight, and every night. We’re gonna follow the fire all the way there.”
He only means that it’ll be easier for such a large group to stay together if they have something bright to follow, but people start muttering again - “follow the fire,” they say, again and again, like it’s some sort of lifeline - and Mick’s not entirely sure what to do with that.
But it makes them stand up, the ones who still can, and that’s all that matters right now.
He’s going to Central City, to find Len, and Len can take care of whatever it is that’s growing right in front of Mick’s eyes. He’s sure Len will be able to handle it.
There’s nothing Len can’t handle, given time.
———The End———
– and of course his story is well known – and growing rapidly in popularity.
No one knows where the term 'Archon’ was coined for the enigmatic leader of America’s newest religious movement. Some say it came from his refusal to accept the name of 'prophet’, it being weighed down from a dozen other religions; others claim that there was at one point a serious debate as to whether Mick Rory was an incarnation of the archangel Michael. Regardless, the title seems to have stuck.
For the first time in living memory, we are seeing the resurgence of a new religious movement: open to all, ambiguous in its teachings, and with its leader still alive to theoretically explain them – theoretically, because other than his appearances with Mayor Leonard Snart of Central City (see our list of runners-up!), during which he often remains silent, Archon Rory has frustratingly remained virtually impossible to interview.
He has not even agreed to grant this publication an interview for the present feature -
–excerpt from TIME, “Mick Rory: Person of the Year”
———The Beginning———
“Almost there,” Mick says, squinting up ahead. They’ve been trudging through the suburbs for hours now, heading towards the boundary line that marked off Central City proper from the surrounding area.
A boundary more noticeable from the fact that it was now reinforced by what appeared to be a wall. Made of cars and concrete, and patrolled at regular intervals.
“They’ll never let us in,” Nadia groans. She tugs at her (head cover) anxiously. “This’ll be like that mall.”
“The guys in that mall were just assholes,” Mick tells her firmly. “They didn’t wait ten minutes past the first announcement to try to turn the world into the Mad Max dystopia of their wet dreams.”
“Survivalist militas,” Jerri spits. She’d brought her family to that mall in search of shelter; they’d been one of the ones Mick had rescued in his raid on that mall. She had reason to be angry: they’d been forced to join the militia’s band of “protected” individuals, expected to do chores and follow their absurd rules at the threat of a gun or being thrown out for the zombies.
Mick had enjoyed that raid. Jerri had, too - she wielded a mean baseball bat for a former suburban soccer mom.
“Don’t worry,” he says. “I’m telling you, it’ll be all right.”
He’s pretty sure Len wouldn’t let things in Central get that far out of hand. Gotham was probably under martial law - hell, the cops and the capes there are just panting for the opportunity to really lock it down - but Central? He couldn’t believe it.
Still, no harm in being cautious.
“Nadia, Sharif, Timothy, Chris and Maricruz,” he says. “You’re with me. Jerri, Chaz, you’re in charge of bringing up the rest once we give you the all clear.”
“Sure,” Chaz says. “What’s the all clear?”
“We’ll wave.”
“And what if you want us to keep back?” Jerri asks.
“Chris’ll scream like a little girl,” Mick replies promptly.
Everyone laughs, even Chris. “I only did that once,” he protests, looking amused.
“Three times,” Mick corrects. “And that’s why I’m bringing you - that scream can cut through stone if it needs to.”
Chris is also apparently a somewhat well-known football running back, pre-crisis, which meant he had a remarkable running speed, excellent aim with a gun and a hell of a right hook. He grins good-naturedly.
They go up to one of the breaks in the wall, where someone is waiting with a rifle.
“Hello!” the guard says perkily, well before Mick and his crew can say anything. “Welcome to Central! How’s it going?”
“You mean, other than the zombies?” Nadia asks.
“Well, yes,” the guard says, blushing. “You want to come in? We have quarantine procedures, but everyone is welcome. You can keep your weaponry if it makes you feel better.”
“How’s quarantine work?” Mick asks. “We being tossed in with other suspected infected?”
“No, no - everyone gets their own cubicle, to avoid quarantine contamination. We set up plexiglass so no one feels claustrophobic or alone or anything - the psych department at the university says it’s likely to lead to heightened emotion otherwise - and we let you out after 32 hours. You know, just in case. Oh, and you get food! Do you have any dietary restrictions? We have halal,” he adds, looking at Nadia.
“Holy crap, this is the promised land,” she says, staring.
“How’s that?” the guard asks.
“Just a joke,” Mick adds hastily.
“Okay,” the guard says agreeably, though he still looked a little confused. “Anyway, bring everyone you’ve got. We’re a city; we’ve got room.”
“We’ve got a lot of people,” Mick warns.
“We’ve taken over an entire block of the financial district for quarantine purposes,” the guard replies. “We’ve got a lot of cubicles.”
Mick studies him, but the guard looks legit, and what the hell. They have a lot of people. They could take the guardhouse if they really needed to.
He turns and waves.
They begin to come - first in groups, then all at once, the whole lot of them, like an ocean of people bringing the tide in.
“Whoa,” the guard says.
“Told you there was a lot,” Mick says with a smirk.
The guard shakes his head in amazement, then pulls out a pad of paper. “Well, we’ll still need basic information for our records - names, origin city, any missing family or friends you’d like us to look for –”
“You’re running a registry?” Chris asks, interested.
“Yeah, we figured it’d be useful if people are missing each other, at least until we get cell phones redistributed. Let’s start with you guys. Names?”
“Mick Rory, Keystone City,” Mick says. “I’m looking for someone –”
“Wait, wait,” the guard interrupts. “Mick Rory? Is that what you said?”
Mick frowns. He wouldn’t have thought the open warrants were going to be such an issue, in light of everything, but…
“Hold on, I need to call this in,” the guard says, starting to grin. “This is going to be great - you’re to go straight to the main building – I’ll get someone to show you the way –”
Mick’s frown deepens. That didn’t sound like an arrest. “How’s that?”
“What about quarantine?” Nadia asks.
“He can do his quarantine in the main building; there are still quarantine cubes there,” the guard says. “We all got told in training that Mick Rory gets sent straight there, Mayor’s orders.”
“What does the Mayor of Central City want with our Mick?” Maricruz asks, her voice low and sweet and steely as always.
“Just to see him, I think,” the guard says. “Honestly, I don’t really question Mayor Snart’s orders.”
“Hold up,” Mick says. “Did you just say Mayor Snart?!”
———The End———
“I can’t go in there,” she said. “I can’t - it reminds me of the dark of the night when the zombies first attacked, when I was all alone -”
She turns accusing eyes on Adam. “You told me you’d be by my side the whole way.”
“It’s not his fault,” the guard said, his voice soft. Isabelle turned to look at him.
He was, now that she was looking, startlingly beautiful in his own way - his hair was long and braided, his skin dark as polished oak, his eyes fair. He held out his hand to her.
Isabelle took it instinctively.
“He can’t follow you into quarantine,” the guard explained. “It’s to keep us safe, all of us - and no one can be excluded. Even our own scouting parties have to go through quarantine after a long expedition. So many lives are at stake - we can’t let even one person hiding a bite in.” His eyes were wide and sorrowful; he had clearly known great loss.
Isabelle felt strangely affected by it - almost like she knew him, knew his sorrow - it wasn’t like Adam, how they’d bickered and fought, growing closer every step of the journey; this was something immediate. Something magical.
“What’s your name?” she breathed.
“Jonas,” he says.
“I’m Isabelle.”
“And I’m Adam,” Adam says, stepping forward, putting a hand on Isabelle’s shoulder. A possessive hand, one that would have thrilled her beyond understanding not even three hours earlier. “We traveled the Great Route together, in Archon Rory’s train.”
“Then you have done a great thing,” Jonas says, letting go of Isabelle’s hand only reluctantly, meeting Adam’s eyes dead on. “Perhaps, after the quarantine, I will have the honor of showing you around the city, Isabelle. But for now, follow me.”
She shivers as the two strong men eye each other warily. Could it be that they were fighting over her? That Jonas felt that same instant connection? Oh, but what about Adam - they’d been together through so much -
Isabelle would never have expected her life to become this; not in a million years.
- excerpt from “A Rescued Beauty”, the brand new romance novel by Adrienne Masters.
———The Beginning———
“Mayor,” Mick says. “Mayor.”
“Shut up,” Len says.
They were separated by a glass wall, the little Plexiglas box that Mick had to stay in for quarantine; he would mind it a lot more except that Len kept prowling around it, like he can’t wait for the time to be up. He felt like he was one of those beautiful paintings that museums kept locked up, one of the ones Len bent the full power of his considerable intellect on obtaining for his own. He’d never felt that before; it was strangely exciting.
“Besides, I hear you started a religion,” Len adds.
“I did not,” Mick protests, but he’s not so dumb as to deny that one may, in fact, have been started. “They did it on their own.”
“It’s still a cult of personality based on you.”
“Can I make 'em all drink kool-aid?”
Len’s smile is there and gone. “Your precious babies? I bet you know all of 'em by name.”
Mick prefers nicknaming people, but with a group that large he didn’t have any choice but to start learning names. But damnit, they’re not his babies.
He tells Len as much.
“Uh, huh,” Len says. “Jerri says to tell you that the pigeons are all fine.”
“Oh, good,” Mick says. “They’re skittish, though can’t blame them for…” He catches Len’s look. “They’re not actual pigeons; it’s just what I called this one group of kids - they were all out of field trips, and we got their buses to safety, and -” Len’s expression reveals nothing. “They’re not my babies!”
“Mick,” Len drawls. “When I said we could think about adopting, I didn’t mean a whole army of devotees.”
“Says the man who adopted a city.”
“Central’s always been mine,” Len says, sounding like a cat with a whole flock of canaries sitting in front of him. “They’re just getting with the picture is all.”
“Shut up.”
“Do you even know what a mayor does?”
“I have an entire poli-sci department at my beck and call,” Len says haughtily.
“So, no.”
“Not a clue,” Len concedes cheerfully, though his amusement is brief and the scowl comes back. He glares at the glass. “How much longer did they say?”
“It’s only been a few hours,” Mick says, amused. “You missed me?”
“Started to get worried after so long with no contact,” Len says. “You being a delicate flower and all that.”
“Don’t you 'Lenny’ me. Don’t you know how to use a phone?!”
“There weren’t any,” Mick says reasonably. “Most of the south was put on communications blackout. Military took down electronics everywhere.”
“We were too,” Len admits. “I had them put the grid back up.”
Len had an entire electric grid set up just to make sure he wouldn’t miss it if Mick tried to call.
Mick feels all warm and fuzzy.
“I hate having to wait,” Len says.
“I would never have known that about you,” Mick lies virtuously. Len’s as patient as you get on the job; it’s in personal stuff that he gets anxious.
“Yeah, yeah,” Len says.
“Don’t you have important mayor stuff you need to be doing?”
“I have sub-lieutenants for a reason,” Len says. “As do you. They can live without me for a short time.” He scowls. “Not that I’m doing anything.”
Mick thought about that for a second, the shrugs and pulls off his shirt.
“What are you doing?” Len asks.
“Giving you something to do,” Mick says agreeably.
“Something to do?”
“Yeah. Watch.”
Turns out Mick likes being looked at like some precious thing that someone wants to steal away, as long as it’s Len who’s doing the looking.
Fascinating, the things you learn about yourself during an attacking zombie crisis.
———The End———
Buzzfeed’s 10 Top Unbelievable Stories That Came Out Of The Zombie Crisis
You Won’t BELIEVE What These People Did
#6 Sex in the Quarantine Room: Fact or Fiction?
The individualized “mini”-quarantine units - started in Central City by using cubicles and plexiglass, then refined as the practice spread throughout the United States - are the opposite of sexy! But when death is looming as a potential option, anywhere looks appealing. Yes, everyone is put in these quarantine units individually, so touching is a no-no, but nothing will stop these brave outside-the-box thinkers, not even being literally in the box! There are reports of at least three confirmed incidents and potentially dozens more - there are even rumors that one of the most famous reunions, that of Mayor Leonard Snart and Archon Mick Rory, featured some of this!
———The Beginning———
Wally didn’t want to tell Len about the rumors at first, that much was obvious, but if the last few months of fighting side-by-side has done anything, it’s taught Len every single one of the kid’s tells.
“Tell me,” Len orders.
Wally tells him.
Len gets up and goes to solve the problem, because he’d known that there was some type of pernicious rumor dampening morale and he’d even known more or less who was spreading it, he hadn’t know exactly what it was. The downside of leadership, he supposed; they tried as much as possible to keep him out of the loop.
He hated being out of the loop.
Maybe he should establish a spy network? That’s what the television said leaders did instead of gossiping.
He’d ask at the next general assembly meeting. The LARPers will support him, at least; they think that stuff’s cool.
Mick will think it’s cool, if he ever manages to escape the stupid temple they’re building for him. Oh, sure, they’re calling it a ‘gathering place’, but Len knows what they really mean, even if Mick hasn’t quite accepted the reality of it yet.
The knot of ill-wind huddled around the statue of Bovine that oversaw the side lawn in front of the Agricultural Studies Department. It was easily accessible from the front lawn and from multiple buildings; they were going to have quite an audience.
Eyes followed Len, as they always did; he’d become uncomfortably aware that many of the people who came in through the quarantine lines saw Len as personally responsible for saving them, which was of course absurd and undoubtedly the remnants of shock after being attacked by zombies. Many had heeded Len’s early hijacked radio announcements - courtesy of the combined efforts of the media studies college-radio host and the comp-sci hackers - to stay in their homes, that rescue was coming; many had thought it was a lie and expected death, so they were pleasantly surprised when Len’s squads collected them and hurried them over to quarantine.
Len knows how to play an audience, though, and he’s worn his blue parka so much that the mere sight of it acts like a beacon.
So all eyes are on him when he stops in front of the small crowd of students milling around the statute.
“I hear,” he drawls, eyeing them all, “that somebody here’s got some beef with the Flash.”
Silence for a long moment.
And then foolishness prevails, someone assuming that Len’s reputation was a better guide than his tone of voice.
“He abandoned us!” someone shouts. “He should have been here to stop the zombies, and he wasn’t!”
“He’s fast! He could have saved all those people!”
“Where is he, anyway? Hiding or something?”
“Yeah!” “That’s right!” “Where is he?”
Len waits until the crowd is bubbling with anger and then fires his cold gun into the air, letting the shockwaves of cold air silence people as effectively as a gunshot with less chance of the bullet hitting someone when gravity pulls it back down.
“Are you all stupid?” he asks as politely as he can, his voice pitched to carry. “Some of you are young, so I’ll grant you that, but those of you who see yourself as past the age of reason - for shame.”
“You know where he is?” one undergrad, who had been one of those yelling most fiercely, a raggedy Flash t-shirt barely visible under her coat, asks meekly.
“I know the Flash,” Len answers, and he seriously can’t believe he has to do this. How quickly people forget. “I fought the Flash. You know as well as I do that he’d never abandon this city. You’re just so used to him doing all the work that you’ve forgotten that he’s just a man, in the end. He’s a fucking volunteer.”
His eyes review the ranks and they wilt before him.
“I’m sure you’ve all volunteered for something,” he says, “either before or during this crisis. Ain’t it hard, doing something without any expectation of reward? Throwing yourself - your body - against the worst this city can come up with on a regular basis? But the Flash does it. He does it again and again. And I am willing to bet that he’s doing it now.”
“But where is he?”
“The zombie plague came from somewhere,” Len points out, carefully omitting that he actually did have a good idea of where the Flash was and what he was fighting, courtesy of Wally. Some information didn’t need to be shared, and the existence of a stable breach to an alternative dimension that wanted to poison yours was definitely one of them. “I’m willing to bet he’s there, keeping the worst of it away. That, or he’s dead and you’re all on your own. Pick whichever theory you prefer.”
“Why do you care?” someone in the back, feeling brave in their anonymity, shouts.
“He’s my nemesis,” Len says. “Judge a man by his enemies, and whatnot. But more importantly, I’ve never in my life blamed a volunteer for not being able to do more than they can, and I ain’t starting now.”
His eyes narrow. “And since you all seem pretty content sitting here, swapping grievances instead of helping out in quarantine, the clinic, the cafeteria, sanitation or the fields - it’s not like we don’t have options - I’m guessing you’re all gonna be pretty happy with that tendency.”
Several people look shame-faced.
Len consults his mental version of the enhanced catalogue they’ve made, the school version merged with the IDs of everyone who they brought inside.
“Katy,” he says to one. “You’re chemistry. I expect to see you helping out in the labs.” Her eyes go wide. “Rakesh,” he continues. “Shira. Matt. The cafeteria needs extra help today.”
He goes down the line, smile painted firmly on his face, naming each of them and assigning them a task. It’s a good thing he prepared ahead of time, noting who seemed to be the source of the trouble, because even Wally is gaping at him, utterly impressed, and that kid isn’t surprised by anything anymore.
“Now,” he says, concluding his recital, “you’re all volunteers, you’re all here, and right now, you’re all we’ve got to rely on. No Flash, no heroes, just you. So get to it.”
He pauses.
“Oh, and the next person who wants to talk shit about the Flash behind his back?” he adds, icy smile growing on his lips. “Just remember that the Flash beat me once, one on one, and I’d be more than happy to find myself a new nemesis to keep me busy while he’s gone. Anyone who thinks they’re better than he is had better be ready to prove it.”
Oddly enough, there don’t seem to be many volunteers for that.
———The End———
fansagainstzombies: CALLOUT: do NOT apologize for zombies!!! they are mass murderers and MUST BE STOPPED. u cannot sympathize with zombies and still be on the side of their victims.. it is upestting and rude to all zombie survivors. DO NOT NORMALIZE ZOMBIES. THEIR ACTIONS HURT PEOPLE AND ARE COMPLETEY INEXCUSABLE.
justiceforthedead66: excuse me?? zombies were people just like us and we need to HELP them, it isn’t there fault that their killing people, their sick and not in their right mind, we need to find a CURE, not just MURDER these INNOCENT PEOPLE
fansagainstzombies: *their *they’re *they’re you’re argument is invalid. go back to 2nd grade, where your politics belong
theyliveagainandagain: [popcorn.gif]
zombiezombiezombiemushroommushroom: Guys, you’re taking this all too seriously.
fansagainstzombies: they were KILLING PEOPLE. WTF even is WITH this hellsite
———The Beginning———
“We’ve been gone how long?!” Cisco exclaims.
“Six months,” Felicity explains, staring at the screen. “Looks like it was a six to one ratio - one day there, six here. And it’s, uh - there’s a communications blackout. Mostly.”
“What? Why?” Iris asks.
“Uh,” Felicity says.
Sara peers over her shoulder. “Wait,” she says. “Zombies? But I thought - we went to stop them!”
“We did,” Joe says grimly. “Some of it must have gotten through regardless.” He rubs his hands on his face. “God, and Wally’s still there.”
“Thea,” Oliver breathes.
“We have to go back to Central,” Barry says. His hands are shaking. His city - he’d thought he was doing the right thing, chasing the cure and fighting the Necromantics, the inventors of the plague, all the way back to their own dimension, and in the meantime, his city, his responsibility was…
“Actually,” Felicity says, “looks like Central’s doing okay.”
“No, really - I’m reading military chatter, and Central City gets mentioned a whole bunch of times. Like, a bunch of times. By the time the military showed up to offer help - and not much help, either, we’re talking, like, food drops - the city said thanks but no thanks, we’re doing okay. And then started broadcasting - through the electrical grid they set up themselves after the military knocked the old one down, yeesh, now they’re just trying to make the rest of us look bad - information to other cities. They’ve got quarantine methods, zombie fighting methods - hell, they’ve been doing a weekly seminar on how to keep zombies away from your crops, and that’s, like, not even a serious issue yet.”
Barry blinks.
“They did say they would be interested in a cure if it were found,” Felicity adds. “Their new mayor, that is; he’s the one that led the whole movement against the zombies.”
Iris nudges Barry. “Looks like we made the right choice after all.”
Barry smiles helplessly. “Yeah,” he says. “Maybe.” There was something he wanted to say, something profound, maybe, about how much it means that they all got up to fight, that Central, of all overlooked places, is now standing out as a beacon of hope to the rest of the country…
“Our city is so much cooler than yours,” Cisco crows.
Or that.
That works.
“We should still head back,” Barry says, not even trying to hide his grin. “Oliver, unless you need help?”
Oliver shakes his head. “Easier without you, to be honest,” he says. “Star City is - complicated. At the best of times.”
“I’ll stick around and help Oliver,” Sara offers. “You go, Barry.”
Barry nods, and turns to look at his friends - Joe and Iris, Cisco and Caitlin. “C'mon, guys. I wanna meet this new mayor. Looks like we’ve got a lot to thank him for.”
———The End———
“As president of the United States during these dark times,” the president says, “it is my honor to bestow upon these heroes a medal that they have long deserved. We recognized them first during the alien invasion of 2016, and there we recognized them as heroes - individuals, meta or human, that were willing to put themselves forward to help their fellow man at risk to themselves.”
Barry shifts awkwardly.
Oliver doesn’t shift at all.
Sara looks like she wishes she was literally anywhere else.
“These heroes took the fight to its origin, fighting the creators of the zombie plague to a standstill and returning, triumphant, with a vaccine designed to prevent any new infections -”
“Only six months late,” Barry mutters under his breath. He was still pissed about that. Six months, his city had been without its hero, while he piddled around fighting bad guys in an alternate dimension.
Not that his city had been in bad hands…well, technically ‘bad’ hands, but not, like, bad hands…
“We got the cure,” Sara points out, also sotto voce.
“Yes, but…”
“Shhhh. She’s getting to our part,” Oliver interjects.
They quiet down, then step forward when instructed to let the president pin medals onto them.
“Now, our heroes will say a few words.”
Oliver nudges Barry. They’d agreed that he should do it, since he was well known as the Flash - though less well known than Oliver Queen - and he could adjust his voice like he’d stopped doing in Central ages ago. Also, he was apparently “charming”.
Barry goes forward. “Thanks,” he says. “We appreciate these medals; nothing means more to us than the people we protect, and we are honored to do so. We do it because it’s the right thing to do, not for any thanks - but it sure is nice!” He pauses to let the audience laugh, which they do, then changes from his prepared remarks. “I’d also like to thank you, the people, for standing up when we couldn’t be here. In city after city, town after town, people stood up and showed that you don’t need meta powers or special training to be a hero in a crisis. This medal belongs as much to you, people of America - people of the world - as it does to me. We do what we do not because we think you can’t. We know you can. We do it because you shouldn’t have to.”
Oliver is glaring hard enough that Barry’s half-worried he’ll develop Kara’s heat vision.
“We should have been there during the zombie crisis, done more, and trust me, no one regrets our absence more than me,” he continues anyway. “But you don’t need us - and you proved it. Thank you.”
Confused applause.
“I’m going to kill you,” Oliver says once they’re backstage.
“He wasn’t wrong,” Sara points out.
“That sounded like a retirement speech.”
“It wasn’t,” Barry says. “But I do think we should be partnering more with local authorities. Look at how much they achieved.”
“Your city got taken over by a supervillain while you were gone.”
“He’s the mayor now,” Barry replies. “You need to get over it already.”
———The Beginning———
People were happy to see him.
The Flash, that is. He got waves and a handful of “Hey, Flash!"s, and no one seemed to hold it against him that he’d been gone.
They made it almost all the way to the university center - they’d been excused from quarantine only because they’d been in a different universe, and anyway there were people hanging around to keep an eye on them in case they turned - before someone calls out, "Hey, Flash! Where you been?”
“I, uh,” Barry says. “Fighting the guys that invented the zombie thing. Getting a cure.”
“Knew it,” the guy responds in satisfaction, and turns back to what he’d been doing - repairing one of the barricades that seemed to dot the city now.
Somehow word spread, though, and less than fifteen minutes later a horde descended.
Well, just like eight or ten people, but they felt like a horde.
Biochemistry majors and professional chemists and pharma people and Tina McGee, who was a horde all by herself, in the lead.
“You have a cure?” she asks Caitlin.
“Yes,” Caitlin replies, and is promptly whisked away to the wonders of science and medicine.
Barry feels a bit like a supporting character in someone else’s (Caitlin’s) exciting biomedical thriller/action novel. It’s kind of a nice feeling.
Joe rejoins them.
“I thought you were going to find Wally,” Iris says.
“Apparently he’s in the mayor’s office,” Joe says, shrugging. He looks relieved; hearing that Wally was doing okay had clearly lifted a weight off his shoulders. He grins. “Besides, I want to meet this new mayor, too. Where did Caitlin…?”
“Don’t ask,” Cisco says.
Good to know that he was just as shaken by the horde as Barry was.
Then they get to the university and get shown into the mayor’s office.
“Flash!” Snart exclaims from behind the desk.
“Captain Cold?!” Cisco hisses.
“Flash, tell me you’re here to arrest me,” Snart demands.
Barry blinks.
That was…new.
“Um,” he says. “I don’t think so?”
“None of the police will do it anymore,” Snart says. His eyes are rimmed with red, like he’s been having trouble sleeping. “Waste of time, the whole lot. But you’re a superhero. You could do it. Just pop me over to Iron Heights.”
“We’d have you back by lunchtime,” Wally says. He’s slumped over a nearby chair. “And then you’d still have to attend the council meeting.”
Snart sighs. “Fine,” he says sulkily. “Never mind, then.”
“Wally!” Joe exclaims. “Are you okay?”
“He’s fine,” Snart says snippily. “He’s no doubt skipping the meeting on the basis of a long-awaited family reunion.”
“You bet your ass I am, boss,” Wally replies fondly.
“Wally, hold up a damn second,” Joe says. “Why are you calling Leonard Snart boss?”
“I’m his secretary,” Wally says. “Or possibly chief henchman. It varies by the day, really.”
They all stare at him.
“Oh, and he’s also the mayor now,” Wally adds.
———The End———
mymayorissexierthanyourmayor: LOOK AT THESE GIFS. LOOK AT THEM. How are these people real???
sssssnartssmarts: I love it when Snart and Rory kiss in public. It’s so fucking cute.
flameboycoldboy: This gives me life. Look at that adorable little face Rory makes when Snart kisses him!! [awwyouhaveacrushonmethat’ssoembarassingwe’remarriedstill.gif]
followtheflamewar: see this is why I can’t believe either of them is cheating with that Barry Allen guy
mymayorissexierthanyourmayor: yes, but have you considered: possible polyamory??
followtheflamewar: there’s no way to tell for sure tho!! at least we know the Ramon Glider ship is sailing – they’ve been going on dates like all the time
sssssnartssmarts: god those two make me so happy [lifegoals.gif]
———The Beginning———
“Joe’s still pissed off,” Barry reports.
“Let him be,” Iris says dismissively. “I’ve got your back, bro.”
“You’re the best,” Wally says. “Actually…”
“That wasn’t an offer to help with your paperwork!”
“Not paperwork!” he says, though he looks shifty-eyed. “Just – could you go out with Barry to the airport field over in Ashberry?”
“That’s outside of the line,” Barry says, frowning. “I know we’ve been distributing the cure, but…”
“But you’re a super speedster and can get them all,” Wally says earnestly. “So it, like, shouldn’t be a problem!”
“I’m helping repair the walls…”
“It’ll be super short,” Wally promises. “I just need someone to go pick up Lisa or else the boss gonna want to do it himself and that’s just – no.”
“I’ll do it,” Cisco says. “Uh. I mean. If no one else is. I could do it.”
His attempt at being casual fools literally nobody.
“I’ll take Cisco with me,” Iris says.
“But!” Barry protests.
“Relax,” Wally says. “Cisco, Iris, and two squads.”
“I don’t need two squads of backup,” Iris says, scowling.
“Probably not,” Wally says. “But it’s the rules. You don’t want to put up a bad example for everyone else, do you?”
Iris eyes him. “You’re getting sneaky.”
“I’m a politician’s aide,” Wally says. “I don’t have a choice.”
“Can we go now?” Cisco says hopefully. “I want to see Lisa.”
Iris rolls her eyes.
———The End———
“You had better make the weather fucking perfect,” Lisa says poisonously to Mardon.
“It’s perfect,” he assures her. “75, sunny, scattering of clouds, mild breeze.”
“Hartley -”
“The sound systems are perfect,” he sniffs. “Do you really have to ask?”
“Shawna -”
“I’ve done a head-count of all the guests, everyone’s here, and your fiancé is being talked down from a panic attack by the Flash, who’s here in costume,” she reports.
“Scudder and Rosa?”
“Banned from the premises and locked up as tight as Iron Heights, the Flash, and your brother can manage,” Iris reports.
“Good,” Lisa says. “Boys, you’re dismissed; girls, help me adjust my veil.”
“I still can’t believe you’re getting married,” Shawna sighs.
“I still can’t believe it’s going to be covered by the international media,” Iris says. She’s not jealous. Really.
“Don’t worry, you get the first interview afterwards,” Lisa says soothingly. “Or whatever Cisco’s next invention is going to be.”
“I’d better,” Iris says, and they share a grin. They hadn’t anticipated becoming friends, but somehow it’d happened.
Probably sometime around Lisa literally flying back in with a tan and offering to take Iris to her secret island next time there was an invasion of some variety.
There had been protests that there would be no next time, but Iris very reasonably pointed out that their track record hadn’t been great.
After that, well, what with Lisa becoming her brother’s unofficial media spokesperson slash chief of staff, it was really only business sense to cultivate the relationship. And they got to regularly have lunch on Central City Picture News’ dime, something they could both appreciate.
Lisa’s face twitches.
“Yes, you’re getting married,” Iris says immediately, recognizing the onset of nerves. “Yes, it’s a good idea – even Len likes Cisco – and yes, your dad is really, truly, totally dead. Deader than dead. We’re planning on having Mardon hit his grave with lightning as a wedding present.”
Lisa grins. “You don’t have to,” she says, but her shoulders are more relaxed. “Not that I’d object. God, how do people do this? This whole wedding thing is just nerve-wracking.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have had it at City Hall.”
“But irony points. Also, honestly, where else could we get a reservation at such short notice?”
“Come rain, snow, or zombie invasion, the bridal market in Central City is as competitive as ever,” Iris says. “I’m going to have to book mine years in advance, when it happens.”
“If Len’s still mayor, you could do it here,” Lisa offers.
“You know, I’m suddenly convinced of the virtues of eloping…”
The girls all giggle.
Mardon and Hartley look at each other and make a quick exit.
“Boys,” Lisa says, shaking her head and watching them run. “I clearly got the best of the lot.”
“And just think,” Shawna says, grinning, “you’ll be marrying him in less than two hours.”
“Oh god…”
———The Beginning———
“Allen, swing by my place later tonight, will you?” Len says to Barry as they walk down the main street. “This isn’t really the time. Or place.”
“Right,” Barry says. “I keep forgetting how busy you are nowadays.”
Len rolls his eyes and drops his voice, mindful of the fact that there are paparazzi and camera phones everywhere. “The fact that you’re even coming to me with your super secret plans to establish a metahuman superhero base in Central City is already weird enough. My reputation won’t take much more of this.”
“You’re the mayor,” Barry hisses, leaning back in towards Len. “Your so-called ‘reputation’ is totally shot.”
“Well, it is.”
Len glares.
Barry glares back.
“Gimme one good reason why I shouldn’t reject your proposal out of hand from sheer spite, Scarlet,” Len says back, voice still dropped down low enough that Barry has to lean in closer to hear.
“A, because you’re a better mayor than that,” Barry says. “B, you wouldn’t reject anything out of hand, you’re way too petty for that. You’d let me do the whole presentation first, then reject it.”
“You know me well,” Len says, nodding a little.
“But that’s not the main reason you’re not going to reject the proposal,” Barry says confidently.
“Then what is?”
“Because having the Hall of Justice be located in Central City would be so. freaking. cool.”
“…excellent point. Also, who the hell named it that? Cisco? There’s gotta be something better.”
Barry laughs.
Len shakes his head in amusement and turns to go to his next meeting. How did his schedule have so many meetings? Twisting a little, he calls back over his shoulder, “This evening, my place, 8 PM. And for once in your life, don’t be late.”
“Yeah, yeah. Tell me I’m wrong.”
He leaves Barry in the street shrugging helplessly in an admission of guilt.
———The End———
“Umbrellas!” the man calls out as the group entered the open-air marketplace in Central City Square, multiple individuals checking the darkening sky with some concern. “Get set, don’t get wet! If you pass me by, you won’t stay dry!”
“Fresh fruit, straight from the orchards of Keystone!” a woman shouts from another stall. “Get them fresh right now; they won’t last long! Ripe fruit, fresh fruit, get your fruit here!”
“Leather is better!” a man in a shop filled with bags and boots and other items cries out. “Finest leather goods in Central City! You won’t find any better than our leather!”
“Magazines!” another man calls. “Get your latest news fix here! All the celebrity gossip you could want! Actors, actresses, politicians – you know you want to know!”
One of the group slows down and heads that way to squint at magazine covers. “Hey, guys, look at this!” the young man calls back to the main group. “The title of this one is ‘Barry Allen: Homewrecker Extraordinaire.’”
“What the fuck,” another young man in the group says indignantly, ducking his head when people look over at his exclamation as if he could hide his face.
The first young man pays the magazine seller out of pocket – ten dollars and one Central City credit for good measure – and then carries the magazine in question back. “No, look,” he says, grinning. “On page four – ‘The mysterious Barry Allen, which has of late attracted so much attention from our esteemed mayor, maybe as more than merely a friendly visitor –’”
“Barry, for shame,” one of the woman says, starting to laugh.
“‘He has been seen in company with Mayor Snart at odd hours, including the two of them emerging late at night from Mayor Snart’s office…’”
“That was business!” the second young man squawks. “You know, running business!”
“‘And he has also been seen in the company of Mr. Rory in the evenings –’”
“Wait, hold up, which one is he supposed to be cheating on which one with?” a second young woman says, grinning.
The first young man flips through the pages. “Uh – huh, looks like he’s double-timing Snart with Rory and Rory with Snart, and neither of them have figured it out yet.”
“That’s the most unlikely bit about the whole thing so far,” a dark-skinned young man puts in. “Snart not figuring it out, I mean.”
“Oh, look, Barry’s also apparently pregnant with a zombie baby.”
“I’m what?”
“The way of the tabloids is strange and mysterious, Bear,” the second woman says. “Just accept it.”
“I hate all of you. Why is this even still being published?”
“Morale, and also Lisa thinks this shit’s funny.”
“But seriously. Why do tabloids get to survive the zombie apocalypse?”
“Zombie crisis, Barry; the world’s still going. And are you really surprised?”
———The End and the Beginning———
“I demand that you do something about this injustice,” Len says to Barry before falling face-first onto the couch.
Mick was on the couch.
Mmm, Mick. That was fine; he could stay.
Barry just snickered, the ungrateful little brat.
Len lifts his head a little - not too much, Mick has put his hands on the back of Len’s neck and started rubbing, and he doesn’t want to discourage that - and glares at Barry.
“I take it from that you’re going to just stand by and do nothing while this continues.”
“Yep,” Barry says.
“Some superhero you are.”
“Terrible,” Barry replies.
“Total waste.”
“Standing by idly while your city’s citizens are being horribly abused - ugh, yeah, Mick, just there; a little harder, will you?”
Mick complies, smirking.
“Len,” Barry says, sounding reasonable, which was surely a sign of the end of the world. “It’s not abuse that your staff wants you to run for governor.”
“But I don’t want to run for governor.”
“You shouldn’t have agreed, then,” Barry points out.
Stupid Barry.
“Wally snuck it by me,” Len says resentfully. “He’s as fast as you, now.”
“I’m sure that helps him with the paperwork,” Barry says soothingly.
“So much paperwork,” Len agrees with a groan. “I think Wally is planning on taking over the world and using me to do it.”
“I’m sure you’re very proud of him, you being a former supervillain and all,” Barry says.
Len considers this. “Well, yeah,” he says. “But does he have to be so public-spirited about it?”
“Just do me a favor,” Mick rumbles, hands still moving very pleasantly on Len’s neck.
“Sure,” Len says drowsily. “Name it.”
“Don’t become president.”
“Hah, please,” Len says. “I’m a former supervillain and I have this for a family life. What’s the likelihood of that ever happening?”
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