#especially considering its popularity
pyreofsunflowers · 9 months
I legit don't understand why Alutegra is the fanon-canon ship in Hellsing. i don't get it for the life of me. Aluseras is a superior pairing in like every regard. -> before I go on this rant. I HAVE NOT READ THE HELLSING MANGA. I also really dislike the writing in a lot of Hellsing and take problems w/ a lot of elements in the plot. I probably have a different reading of the story than you. I might be missing something. Don't take this THAT seriously.
I guess I could see it in Ultimate purely because Alucard is really rude to Seras for no reason (which in my opinion is out of character and is just written in to make him more "edgy" and a lot of his mean-ness seems to be an attempt at humor but I digress) but like - that's the only reason? He and Integra have no screen time alone and Integra is hardly a character in Ultimate. There's also pip? But c'mon no one actually ships pip and seras or saw that as actual love right. Lets be honest here. At most they fucked. But personally I think Seras would do better than a guy who literally just harasses her.
But if were talking about 2001 - which has vastly superior writing and characters, even if it isn't perfect - Alucard and Seras obviously have affection for eachother and FUCKING KISS IN THE FIRST SCENE OF THEM TOGETHER. Seras feels safe around him, he's always looking out for her, there flirting like every time there together. Even when she sees him at his most monstrous she still respects and harbors obvious feelings for him. Oh - and Integra even implies attraction between them by chiding Alucard for his "young girl companion" in reference to Seras. Compare that to the way Integra treats him - she's constantly pissed off w/ him and there relationship is professional at best. She hates his ass! There is no way she's into him!
And I know a lot of people say "oh but Hirano said there like father and daughter!" but he didn't? He said the opposite - that there relationship is complex and involves a lot of dynamics. even though there written with no real relationship in Ultimate and 2001 is p. standrard implied attraction w/o enough time for it to develop) and if anything Alucard and Integra share more of a familial relationship seeing as he watched her grow up and says shit like "you'll always be that little girl to me..." I think that's way more father-daughter than kissing on the mouth and flirting but YOU KNOW that's just me.
anyways yeah. Aluseras sweep.
reblog and comment if you want another post about how much I love Aluseras and want to hear about the version of there story I made up in my head that involves the reincarnation lore from 1992 Dracula
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bettycrocker · 1 year
tell me you forgot that clone high does commentary on whats happening in the current time+that its a plot based over the top cartoon without telling me you forgot
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driftwooddestiel · 1 month
I DID MY COMEDY PERFORMANCE TODAY!!! in front of like 200 people!!! and i didnt stutter or forget what to say!!! and people laughed!!!
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#i wasnt THE funniest other performances got better reactions but that was largely because the people performing were popular#point is people laughed !! two girls i barely know came up to me after and said i was really good! (thank you nikita and i forgot your name#and according to one of my friends some mullets were making fun of me during my thing and then a popular girl behind them was like#hey stop dont do that#so thats cool#and the girl whos lockers next to mine also complimented my comedy thing after so that was nice#+ one of the other ppl performing who i used ro be super good friends with (years ago) was very engaged and laughing which was nice :-)#we may not be close friends anymore but yk its nice to still get along 👍#also two of my friends also performed and they did well too ‼️ it was very cool#anyway im very proud of myself for being able to perform in front of that many people cos i have literally never done that#the last time i spoke to an audience of more than 30 people was year 4 assembly and that was like 100 ppl max#so yea im very happy lol. especially considering that the past three years weve been doing persuasive speeches instead of comedy#(comedy was introduced this year to try it out instead of persuasive speeches)#and for the past 2 years ive done my speeches to just the teacher and a few friends cos i dont like giving persuasives to the whole class#(which i still feel tbh) but like. i can do comedy and play a character in front of an audience! which is pretty awesome
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saturnniidae · 8 months
Jlaire (or just Claire as a character, tbh) wouldn't be any be anywhere near as popular as it is if Claire was chubby like she is in the book.
Anyways, I love both book and show Claire with my entire heart, but I'm still kinda salty with how much they slimmed her down in the show
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perytonpred · 5 months
Also like I know a lot of Vaggie criticism is "oh she doesn't look like a moth" and I???? bestie she actually does look like a moth?
vaggie's design is like. the last one you should be criticising
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rainbowresurrection · 5 months
2D brain: TMP is sluggish and takes up way too much screentime on visual effects
3D brain: TMP is an acid movie
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no1ryomafan · 22 days
I say I was gonna use tumblr more then went MIA for a few days-albeit I’ve also been less active on my twit lol-so time for an oddly specific meg ramble once more!
So recently I’ve been playing Persona 3-not the remake, would love too but 70 is too much even if on game pass I can get it cheaper, I just hardly use my xbox even if I should more so I forgot that’s a option💀 so I settle with portable on switch-and it’s a game I knew for a long time I was gonna eventually play. I really like it! However I’m oddly *not* deeply hyperfixating on persona as a whole despite the fact I’ve spent the last two days playing the game hours on end. It’s like I will probably play the others but it’s not a strong desire and I can’t pinpoint why exactly.
I’ve always had such a weird inverse to popular things I’m into, where I’ll mention them once off handily but never in full even if I really like it which also in turn causes me not to hyperfixate on them a lot. I know with autism you can have causal interests but I know people who frequently swap interests, and while I’m more of a case of “getter is most of my fucking brain but I’ll have a second interest that I’ll swap out” I find it odd how it works for me. I can’t tell if it’s just because it’s not clicking fully since I’m not a rpg person really and I did get burnt out-but I also MARATHONED the game so it’s kinda my fault-so I don’t feel inclined to immediately go to persona 4 after this or something or if it’s really because my brain fixates on way more niche things.
Like brain sees popular thing and finds it good? Normal response. Brain sees EXTREMELY niche thing? Hyperfixating IMMEDIATELY.
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holygroundgone · 3 months
dungeon meshi (only ever calling it that) is such a fantastic fucking all rounder, it really feels perfect, in fact it almost feels a little too perfect, it's so good and delicious and frankly uncontroversial and palatable despite the high threshold of tasteful but immense horniness, i truly feel like ryoko kui alchemized pure gold
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outpost-31 · 6 months
Lethal Company came out in like October what the fuck is wrong with you people actually . How have you already made trying to just play this game with anyone other than friends the equivalent to crawling through a filthy cesspool of shit and broken glass
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@keelah-seyah tagged me in a thing and i haven't done a tag thing since like 2015? idk
"Put your playlist on shuffle and post the first ten songs, then tag ten people. No skipping!"
Do you guys just have A Playlist?? With all your music?? I just used my spopify top 100, which I'd say is like...60-70% accurate this year.* Also i skipped the last one bc 11 was funnier (and i didn't really know #10). Fuck the rules i do what i want
1. Hit Em Up Style - Carolina Chocolate Drops
2. Indigo Blue - Abigail Lapell
3. Age of Apathy - Aoife O'Donovan
4. The Night They Moved The House - Ten Strings and a Goat Skin
5. Sing - The Small Glories
6. Run Away With Me - Carly Rae Jepsen
7. Everytime We Touch - Cascada
8. To Ohio - Della Mae
9. Cover Me Up - Jason Isbell
10. Fishing In the Dark - Nitty Gritty Band
Tag @comedownstairsandsayhello @geturasstomars @zhi-kevada @tooindecisivetopickaurl @jeebusfujj @unhinged-imagination @libreoffice @kashicanhaz @eva-la-revolution and you! Only if you want to do it!
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alliumdykes · 1 year
I hate when I'm reading characters who live in a non-american English speaking country but the American author didn't bother with how they say stuff and use American slang
E.g. Using the word Mom instead of Mum
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vaugarde · 1 year
how did “aim to be a pokemon master” get away with not mentioning misty’s togepi at all...
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flovverworks · 1 year
got neros spotstory....forgot about this one too.....akira telling him that next time, he should call for akira so they can eat together rather than nero eating alone...nero being silent....akira panicking n nero agreeing at the end still...............i feel like akira w a lot of them but especially nero faust n figaro has this 'gradually opening up' aspect that i do NOT have the time to get into rn cuz i might have to leave real soon, but i was talking to a friend about it too a while back and itsssssss tehyreee.......aauuughh
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wickymicky · 2 years
gyuri leaving fromis 9 is sad, but of all the ways for a member to leave a group, this is really the best possible one. she's leaving to follow other passions, after being with fromis for a long time through a lot of hardships. this is better than a scandal in every possible way. like, she's not leaving because she did anything wrong, or because the company did... she's leaving because she feels it's the right thing for her to do.
and the company is supporting that! imagine if you were an idol but you really wanted to quit, for whatever reason, and your company DIDNT let you? that would be awful! so really, this is a very good thing. it's sad, but it's good. you know?
so seriously, i wish her the best. she’s been with fromis from the beginning, to when they had a year-and-a-half long hiatus, to when they finally were successful and now regularly achieve at least a few music show wins during every promotion. the only time she was absent from fromis before now was when she was competing on produce 48, and like i’m not totally sure exactly why she did that, but the reason she stated on the show was that she felt like she needed to improve faster in order to keep up with her members (im sure part of the reason was her company wanting to promote fromis via her appearance on the show, too. which is kinda iffy, but gyuri suffered through that like a champ. she did so much for fromis). i think she’s earned this departure. she didnt leave when things got tough, she’s leaving when things finally seem stable, and she feels like it’s the right time to pursue this other passion of hers (i’m assuming she’s gonna be focusing on acting). 
and so... yeah. i guess my point is just that like... as far as departures go... this is like the ideal way to do it. a few groups i really like have lost members recently, and each situation is very very very different from the others, but this one is the only one where i’m like “dang... but good for her though <3″
#with garam it was like ''wow none of this shit should have happened. why wasnt this dealt with BEFORE she debuted#how did soumu fuck up this hard????''#and with jiyoon it was like ''wow... i feel so incredibly bad for her... i hope she'll be okay... take care jiyoon ily''#two very different situations of course#and im not comparing them! i'm contrasting them#and gyuri's departure is especially different because there's nothing directly negative (afaik)#there's no scandal and it's not a mental health thing (again... as far as we know)#so it's easier for me to process this one#then again im not a gyuri bias and it would probably be harder if i was. i was/am a jiyoon bias so that made that even harder#did other groups lose people recently? uhhhhh a few i think.... someone left ichillin but i dont know any of the members#i just heard about that. jiho left oh my girl as well but i dont really stan them and also theyre a veteran girl group#so its not that big of a deal all things considered. like same with apink#when members start leaving groups 7+ years into their career... that means that the group has made it and been super successful#so i think thats fine. gyuri's situation is similar though obviously fromis isnt quite at that veteran status yet#im a little worried that chuu is going to leave loona. it is seeming like that might happen. it'll be a bit similar to gyuri#because she will probably focus on her content that is already very popular but... it'll be very different from gyuri too#because if it happens... it will 100000% be bbc's fault. no question. unambiguously. i hope that doesnt happen#thoughts tag#long post
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joligarcon · 1 year
i think that a lot of the discourse re: pronouns ("it's bad to ask for someone's pronouns but it's also bad to use they/them as a default" and so on) comes from an insecurity that binary trans people who are gender-conforming (by this i mean binary trans women who have a very feminine gender presentation and binary trans men with a very masculine one) in that they think if someone asks what their pronouns are, even in good faith, it means theyre not "passing" and that its just a polite version of the ol "are you a boy or a girl" and i totally see where these people are coming from because i feel this insecurity too but my honest opinion, and im sorry if this harsh, is that we need to get over ourselves and understand that many people ask us that question in genuine good faith, or default to they/them, simply because they know better than to assume what our gender is based on our appearance lol. hot take but ive been working on alleviating my dysphoria in ways that dont involve upholding the gender binary or cisnormative ideas such as the one according to which a persons gender always correlates to their gender presentation 100% of the time, and i think yall should too lol. it baffles me to see posts from other trans people, with hundreds of other trans people in the notes agreeing with the op, saying that if someone chooses to be very feminine its because theyre "clearly trying to communicate that theyre a girl" like where the fuck did we go wrong as a community that weve ended up upholding the very gender essentialist bullshit ideas weve been trying to combat for ages. no im not going to address every single nuance of this topic right now because this post is already super long and convulated as hell im sorry please dont yell at me. but one thing i will say is if youre going to ask about peoples pronouns dont just single out the one person whose gender is ambiguous to you because that feels shady and not unlike the "are you a boy or a girl" shit i mentioned earlier
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computerspeech · 2 months
i sometimes think abt those medias that like. they arent per se not popular, sometimes they can be very ingrained into pop culture, yet have a surprisingly small fandom, i dont mean just ppl who like the media i mean like a fandom-fandom, fics and shipping and all, so its this very odd grey zone of big presence small fandom
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