#episode 1123
sidewalkstv · 2 years
Episode #1123 - Baratunde Thurston
Interview with Baratunde Thurston ("America Outdoors"); music by Tucker Nichol, They. and Atozzio. #BaratundeThurston #AmericaOutdoors #TuckerNichol #They. #Atozzio #SidewalksEntertainment #SidewalksTV #episode #entertainment #infotainment #TVShow
Interview with Baratunde Thurston (“America Outdoors”); music by Tucker Nichol, They. and Atozzio. Airdate: 6/24/2022 (KCRT) SIDEWALKS host Lori Rosales welcomes writer, comedian, and commentator Baratunde Thurston (podcast “How To Citizen with Baratunde”) about his start and exploring and hosting PBS’ “America Outdoors with Baratunde Thurston.” Plus, we have music by Tucker Nichol (“This Is…
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dcrewatch · 16 days
Detective Conan Rewatch: Episode 1123-1124
Episode 1123-1124: "The Body on the Gunma-Nagano Border”
Before watching this episode, on a scale of 1-10, how much are you looking forward to seeing it again?
A canon case to get my mind off the fact Toru Furuya is a piece of garbage? Don't mind if I do! 8!
Favorite screencap:
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Yamamura: "Clearly everyone is just excited for my return, so you all can go ahead and leave now."
Nagano Trio: "HUNH!?"
Favorite Moment:
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Aww, this was super sweet.
Least Favorite Moment:
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Wooow. You streamers are literally the worst.
What’s one thing you noticed/realized about this episode that you hadn’t before?
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"Moon & Star" is the name of the program because the surnames have "moon" ("tsuki") and "star" ("hoshi") in them.
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate this episode?
The dying message seems a stretch for the victim to have come up with on the fly and while suffering from a traumatic head injury, but sure, it was good. 7.
Celebrate it!
Here’s a (not exactly) summary haiku:
Who gets to take lead on case?
Murder on border
Next Episode: Episode 1125
Previous Episode: Episode 1122
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Murder comes Border
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May 11-18 2024 - Episode 1123-1124:
Nagano-Gunma Prefectural Border Murder Case - (Chapter 1082-1084)
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q-gorgeous · 1 year
Maybe ghosts aren’t the real monsters after all
word count: 1123
"The date started off so well, beginning my night not expecting the fright of my life. They were perfect from what I could tell. How could I not see the danger right in front of me-" (dark ages preferred but please go hog wild with other ships that would be hilarious/fun to write this with!) @kawaiijohn
i watched an episode to include a line in here then realized i couldnt actually include that line or it wouldnt work jknhbgf
Valerie smiled at Danny as he sat down in the chair across from her. She was glad they could finally make this work. She no longer needed to work two jobs to help her dad pay rent, not with his new job. So she kept her cashier job at the Nasty Burger and dumped the other one. Now she only had to worry about one job, school, and hunting ghosts. 
She remembered that she broke up with him because she didn’t want to put him in danger. She remembered how Phantom targeted her that one day. Well, not her. It was her suit. But he didn’t know that. For all she knew, he was out there trying to murder her that day. 
But looking at Danny now was enough to put those worries out of her head. It’s not like the ghosts had an issue with him. It was just her. And his parents. But the ghosts could care less about his parents. They barely paid her any mind. It would be fine. They wouldn’t hurt him. 
Ghosts were the last thing she wanted to be thinking about anyway. Especially when she had what she was convinced to be the love of her life sitting right in front of her. Ghosts could wait for the time being. 
They were at a nice restaurant. It was nothing fancy, affordable enough for two teenagers. It was better than the Nasty Burger, though. She appreciated it. 
A waiter walked up to them. “Hi guys, I’m Clara and I’ll be your server today! Can I get you started off with some drinks?”
“Yeah!” Danny said. “Can I get a Pepsi?”
“You bet!” Clara wrote it down and turned to Valerie. “What can I get for you?” 
“I’ll take a Sprite.”
“Okay.” Clara jotted that down as well. “I’ll go get those for you and give you some time to look at the menu.”
“Thank you.”
“What do you think looks good?” Danny asked shyly. “I’ve never actually been here before.”
“Well, they’ve got a big pasta section. Everyone loves noodles.”
Danny nodded, flipping to a new page in the menu and studying it. “I do love noodles.”
They looked at their menus for a couple minutes, keeping their conversation light. Soon Clara came back with their drinks and took their orders. They continued to talk while they waited for their food. 
Valerie laughed. “How did you get Dash to do that? He’d never!” 
“He’d never back down from a challenge. It’s all about how you play it up. If you make it sound like he’s a wuss for not doing something he’ll take the bait.”
Then Clara was returning, a tray of food resting on one of her hands. “Here we go! Shrimp and broccoli fettuccine alfredo for you.” She placed the plate down in front of Danny. “And smoked salmon for the lady.” 
“Thank you!” Valerie said. “It looks delicious.”
“I hope you enjoy-” Clara cut herself off with a scream, looking up past Valerie. She turned around to see the Lunch Lady ghost floating behind her. 
So much for the ghosts waiting. 
“Come on!” Danny groaned. “I won’t even get to eat my food!” 
“This restaurant will rue the day that it broke healthcode violations!” 
Danny made a face up at the ghost. “At least she has a good reason this time I guess?”
“Get down!” Valerie grabbed his shirt from across the table and pulled him down with her so they could hide underneath it. She needed to get Danny out of here so he’d be safe. And so she could transform. She wished he knew her secret, that would make this much easier. Almost everyone else had already ran out of the building by now. There’d be no one else to see. 
“Watch out!” 
Valerie had been distracted trying to find a way out that she didn’t notice the floating knives pointing at her. She watched as they started flying through the air towards her but then she was being shoved out of the way. She landed on the ground a couple feet away and wrenched her gaze towards the spot Danny had pushed her out of. Had he been hurt?
He stood there, the knives embedded into the wooden floor behind him. 
How did he do that? He couldn’t have dodged those.
“Sorry, Valerie.”
What did he need to apologize for? He just saved her! She should be the one apologizing to-
Valerie’s train of thought stopped as two bright rings appeared around his waist. 
She watched them split and separate. They traveled along his body, passing over his head and his feet. Left in Danny’s place was Phantom. 
He sprung up and started fighting the Lunch Lady. Valerie could only watch in a daze. 
The disguise was so perfect. She couldn’t even tell that that wasn’t Danny. How could she not have seen the dangerous ghost that had been sitting right in front of her?
She watched him grab the thermos that now always hung by his waist and trapped the Lunch Lady inside it. He touched back down on the ground. When he turned to face her, Valerie socked him in the face.
“Ow!” Phantom shouted, holding his jaw. “What was that for?”
She activated her suit and transformed. Pulling out a gun, she aimed it at him.
“Where is he?” She asked lowly.
“Where is who?” He looked confused. His facade made her angry.
“Danny Fenton!” She yelled. “What did you do to him? Did you hurt him to get to me?”
“What? No, Valerie. I’m-”
“How long?” She asked. “How long have you been toying with my feelings? Playing this game? Where did the real Danny go?”
“There is no real Danny!” He stood back up and looked at her. “There’s only one! Me! I’ve been Danny and Phantom this whole time!”
She shook her gun at him. “Oh yeah? How do you explain destroying my suit?”
“You weren’t in it.”
“You ruined my life!” She threw her hands into the air. “You’ve made it a living hell! My dad lost his job all because of you! Danny would never do that!”
His hands raised up to his head and grabbed his hair tightly. He looked back at her. “It was an accident! How many times do I have to tell you that?”
“Why should I believe anything you say if you’ve been lying to me this whole time anyways?”
Their silence weighed heavily on them. He didn’t say anything to that. He looked away from her.
“Maybe ghosts aren’t the real monsters after all.”
His head shot back up at her quiet words. 
“Valerie, wait-”
“No.” She turned away from him. “I need to be alone.”
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demontongue · 9 months
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capture of Vivziepop's Asmodeus! from the newest episode "OOPS" I needed some good reffs to draw him necked. Figured I'd put them on here if anyone else wants them. Please go watch the Newest episode of your haven't! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1sF6ZeASU0&t=1123s&ab_channel=Vivziepop
Azzie's is my new favorite character. Even being the embodiment of lust and one of the princes of Hell, he very clearly shows great care for Fiz's comfort and safety, in and out of bed. He is the bestest good boy.
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purgetrooper77 · 1 year
Star Wars: Trails of Red Episode 3: The Doctor
Rated: T
tw: none that I could think of
On the planet Monsolar there was a squad of Bith gunmen hunting down a Bothan prisoner. The Bothan was carrying a blaster he stole from an unknown black market. He turned around only to see five Bith chasing him. He fired behind him only to kill one Bith. The Bith fired back but missed the Bothan. Suddenly a female yellow Nautolan with red eyes jumped out of the bushes and fired at the Bith squad. Three Bith soldiers were killed by the attacking Nautolan. The male Bothan turned around and shot down the last two Bith. The Nautolan approached the Bothan. "For a second I thought I was a goner." Bothan said. "I'm always by your side, Norzan." she replied. Norzan and the female Nautolan are close friends who go on adventures together. Both are running low on food and money. "There will be more of them soon." Norzan said. "Luckily I know a place where food is stored. Follow me." The two aliens went east and found a large sack of food outside the forest. It was near a large boulder covered in moss. Norzan felt something was wrong. "It could be a trap." Norzan said. "You actually think someone will use food to trap us?" she asked. "Gideeva, I am serious." "Okay, let's test it." Gideeva said. Gideeva picked up a nearby rock and threw it at the food. Three IG Assassin droids jumped out of the shadows only to be shot down and killed by Norzan. "Okay, that was a trap." Gideeva said. Gideeva was always a reckless Nautolan. She is very lucky to have Norzan by her side. "This planet is full of dangerous people." Norzan said. "Tell me about it, we can't find good food here." Gideeva complained. "The best place we can go now are the cave systems." "As in, we are going underground on this planet?" "What other choice do we have?" Gideeva looked at the surface of the planet. "Okay, I'll go underground with you." she said. The two close friends ran to find a cave system and hid underground. A Zeta-class Heavy Cargo Shuttle landed on the ground. There was a squad of Alzoc TK Troopers searching for a local criminal. "This is TK-1123, we have entered Monsolar." the leader of the squadron said. Two TK Troopers looked to their right only to see a dead Bith gunman on the ground. "Well, it looks like a criminal did that alright." said the third oldest TK Trooper. "Question is, what kind of criminal?" the fourth oldest TK Trooper asked. A Nosaurian peaked his head out from a tree. The TK Troopers turned on their night vision only to encounter the Nosaurian. "There's one!" the second oldest trooper yelled. The Nosaurian drew out his blaster and shot down two TK Troopers. The lead TK Trooper fired his blaster but the Nosaurian dodged the attack. He climbed down a tree and shot down three more TK Troopers. There were three TK Troopers left. "Get back to the shuttle and alert the Empire!" ordered the lead TK Trooper. TK-1123 was shot in the head by the Nosaurian. The last two TK Troopers ran away only to be shot down and killed by the Nosaurian. The Nosaurian ran away as soon as the entire squad of TK Troopers were killed. Gideeva and Norzan made it to the deep parts of the cave system. The caves are so deep, no one could see the two. Norzan drew out a flashlight so that both he and Gideeva could see a small amount of light in the cave. "What are we going to do now?" Gideeva asked. "Honestly I have no idea. Everyone either wants us captured or dead." "But why, what did we even do?" "The Empire hates Jedi Sympathizers and Separatist lovers." "I thought the Jedi did nothing wrong." Gideeva said. "The Jedi did nothing wrong. They helped fight the Clone War. It was that Sith Lord that clouded the minds of Clone Troopers which led them to kill their own generals." Norzan confirmed. "I understand the Jedi Sympathizer but not the Separatist lovers. I don't love Separatists at all." "The Empire knows you have Separatist relatives." Norzan explained. "Yeah but that doesn't mean I love Separatists, it means I tolerated my relatives political beliefs." Gideeva said. There were loud blaster noises coming from above. "What was that?" she asked. "We are not alone." Norzan said. Norzan gave Gideeva his flashlight and ran to investigate the blaster noise. Norzan jumped forward only to see a male Talpiddan staring at a dead Bith gunman. The Talpiddan turned around and spotted Norzan. Norzan took two steps backwards. "Hello, Bothan." the Talpiddan greeted. "Are you part of a criminal syndicate?" "I was, until my friends ditched me on this backwater planet. I was here to steal food from the rich. Apparently someone has beaten me to it." Norzan sees a medical symbol on the Talpiddan's left shoulder. "Are you a medic?" Norzan asked. "Yes I am, a cardiologist to be more exact. I am Dr. Tel Gikon." "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Norzan. I have a Nautolan friend in the caves. We need your help." Norzan told him. "I do have a ship west of here. Currently it is guarded by Bith gunmen and IG Assassins." "My friend and I will fend them off." Norzan told him. "You sure?" Gikon asked. "I am sure." Norzan assured. Gideeva ran up and met up with Gikon and Norzan. "I heard you were fending off people?" she asked. "Yes, but first introductions. Dr. Gikon this is my friend Gideeva. Gideeva this is Dr. Gikon. He is stranded like us." "We'll get to your ship in time. What kind of ship is it?" Gideeva asked. "It is a modified Nemesis-class gunship. West of here." Gikon answered. "Let's go." Gideeva encouraged. The three aliens readied their blasters and moved west of Monsolar. A large portion of Bith gunmen looked at the three friends as they all fired their blasters. Norzan shot down five Bith as Gikon shot down four. Gideeva shot down three Bith. The lead gunman fired his blaster. Norzan dodged the blaster fire and shot down the leader as Gikon shot down three Bith. Gideeva shot down two Bith gunmen that were near the gunship. Gikon turned to the right and shot down the last four gunmen. They all entered the gunship. Gikon got into the cockpit, activated the gunship, and took off from Monsolar never to return. Inonok, Bezz, Borkal, Edojan, and Mokor were in the Ubdur System. In the Ubdur System there was a small space station that has been around since 32 BBY. The population inside the station was lower than five hundred people. They were all enjoying the new life as life around them is surrounded by walls of chatter. "Ahh, this is the life we wanted." Edojan said. "Indeed, I'm glad we pulled the heist." Mokor said. "What do you all want to do?" Inonok asked. "I know a place where we all could go. There is a beautiful beach planet in the Trilon Sector filled with great food and amazing houses. We can go there, eat food, spend time at the beach, all of that fun stuff." Bezz said. "Sounds like a great idea." Edojan said. "Let's go there now." Mokor said. The space station was attacked by U-Wing bounty hunter ships. The starships arrived unannounced which put the entire station in a state of panic. Inonok got into his armed freighter and took off from the space station. He tailgated and destroyed two bounty hunter ships. Three U-Wings fired at the freighter. The freighter took little damage from the U-Wings. Inonok turned his ship around and destroyed four more bounty hunter ships. The remaining two U-Wings turned around but were all destroyed by Inonok's starship. Inonok made his armed freighter return to the space station. He got out of his freighter to explain everything to his friends. "What happened?" Bezz asked. "Bounty hunters attacked the space station. I assume they attacked because word got out that we stole from the Raaf Mansion." Inonok said. "Then we need to split up." Mokor said. "No, we need to fight off every bounty hunter till their clients can't send them anymore." Bezz said. "Or we could find the person who is sending bounty hunters after us." Borkal suggested. "Exactly what I was thinking." Inonok said. "Where do we go to do that?" Bezz asked. "I might know a place." "Where?" Edojan asked. "Kimanan, it's in the Inner Rim." Inonok answered. "Kimanan, there is nothing there." Mokor said. "I have heard stories about criminal activities involving bounty hunters there. Besides, it is the Inner Rim we're talking about. Nothing screams criminal activity without the Inner Rim." Inonok said. "Well I don't see why we can't go there." Bezz said. "Me too, let's go to Kimanan." Borkal said. The five rich aliens went into the armed freighter and took off from the space station. They jumped to hyperspace to start their next mission in the Inner Rim Territories.
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Daredevil: A New Age
Warning(s): Swearing, violence, guns, descriptions of restlessness, This is an OC insert Fan Series.
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Episode 1: 1 Timothy 5:8
Tonight was supposed to be like any other. Normal, like it had been for the past three years. Matt was finally getting into a normal sleep schedule. He wasn't showing up to the office with cuts and bruises on his face. He was happy, most of all.
Of course, a calling came to him. One that would demand from him his normalcy. A call he could not resist.
*** ***
It was well into the morning time when Maxwell arrived in Manhattan, New York City. He was exhausted from the flight and carrying his luggage around.
Eventually, though, Maxwell arrived at the apartments via cab. He stood at the entrance of the place, taking in a deep breath. This lasted a moment before he finally decided to start dragging his belongings to one of the many two-story buildings.
His unit was a distance away from the main office, but it didn't bother him as much as it would anyone else. He arrived at one of the apartments and looked down at his hand.
"1144.." He muttered to himself, reading the sloppy handwriting and smudged ink.
Maxwell looked at the four doors on the one large building. 1123. 1124. Not the bottom floor. 1143. 1144. The right most door on the second floor. Though a convenient spot to avoid noisy upstairs neighbours, it was not most convenient for moving things.
Maxwell sighed and begrudgingly moved his suitcase-- holding a medium-sized laptop bag-- and a large backpack up the steps and to the door.
Maxwell had a growing feeling in his chest. Nervousness, glee, hope, joy, anxiety. An overwhelming mixture. He dug into his pants pocket.
"Shit..." Maxwell exhaled loudly and swore under his breath.
He checked his other pockets, only to find they were empty of keys. He found loose change and some trash. But none of these items would help him open his apartment door.
Maxwell, understandably frustrated with himself, grabbed only his laptop bag, and left to the main office-- leaving his other belongings by the front door of his new home.
*** ***
The door to the law office opened wide. Matt stuck his white stick out to continue but swiftly remembered he had no reason to. It was only Karen and Foggy in the office.
Matt folded his stick, shut the door, and slowly made his way to his desk.
"Mornin' Matt!" Karen greeted with a warm smile.
"Good morning, Karen." Matt said back, growing a welcoming grin on his face.
Foggy had looked up to say good morning as well, but quickly took notice to Matt's tired look.
"Whoa-lly shit," Foggy exclaimed. "Are you alright, Matt? Did you sleep last night?"
Matt stopped and gave Foggy a confused look. "Yeah, why?"
"You look like shit." Foggy stated bluntly while standing up from his own desk.
Karen had looked up in concern and joined Foggy in worrying. "Are you hearing the city again?" She questioned, approaching the restless Matt.
Matt looked as though he were fighting with himself. Debating on saying something or not.
Then, Foggy grew a devastated look. "Oh no," He muttered. "Did you go out last night--?"
"--No, no! Nothing like that." Matt quickly shot down, now tapping his foot anxiously. "It's just--.. You guys didn't hear anything?" He questioned, turning his head to Foggy and then to Karen. "Like a, uh, low vibration? High pitched tones?"
"Uh, No. No.." "Can't say.. I have.." Karen and Foggy both shook their heads and responded over each other.
Matt tucked his lips into his mouth and licked them. He looked to the floor and shook his head. "It's nothing, then." He shrugged and continued to desk. "Probably just a vivid bad dream..."
Although Matt couldn't see it, Foggy and Karen were giving each other worried looks. They had to be concerned that their friend was beginning to have second thoughts on the whole "normal life, no more vigilantism" thing.
*** T S ***
Two weeks had already passed. Maxwell had been having a hard time going out into public, as most of his time was spent moving and unpacking. He would order food in from places that also sold water or beverages. This mostly included pizza places.
Unfortunately for Maxwell, a lot of places closed after midnight, which was the time he would be up at, unloading his items. It wasn't convenient, but it worked best for Maxwell. His sleep schedule was reversed-- up at night, sleep at day.
Maxwell considered himself something of a hermit. He preferred isolation and staying alone. There weren't as many people out at night, so after he finished unpacking, Maxwell was more than happy to leave his apartment and begin his venture through the nearby neighbourhoods and general public spaces.
One thing important to Maxwell was that this was a new experience.
"There's so much I don't know about this place!" He'd think excitedly to himself, notebook and pencil in hand.
Maxwell resisted the taxis slowly driving by. He wanted to really take in the new city. He wouldn't be able to do that in a car. Maxwell went at his own pace. He'd see a historical building, stop at it, and write about it for five or ten minutes.
Then, he'd move on to the next interesting sight. This went on for a good 30-45 minutes. Maxwell almost didn't notice it. An unsettling feeling had slowly settled deep into his chest.
His pace slowed. Maxwell began to notice his surroundings more. There were scarce people and cars, nothing looked out of the ordinary, but there was a sense of doom around him. It was partially familiar. Like he should know what it was, but he could only guess.
Maxwell began to cross the street, not exactly paying attention to his nearby surroundings-- only the slightly far off surroundings, like the buildings next door and the people chatting in the alleys.
"There's something amiss--!" Maxwell couldn't even finish his own thoughts as a car came screeching in his direction.
The loud noise froze Maxwell scared and caused him to flinch and brace for impact. The car stopped just a few inches away from Maxwell's hip. He immediately noticed this and released a deep breath, somewhat of relief.
The driver did not exit the vehicle. Instead, they had the nerve to honk at Maxwell to move out of the way. Maxwell jumped and scrambled out of the street. He watched, while taking deep breaths, the car drive away as though it hadn't almost shattered his hip.
With the overwhelming sense of doom along with almost getting hit by a car, Maxwell felt obligated to take note. As much as he hated jumping to conclusions-- there was something wrong in this area. Maxwell wasn't even sure about where he was.
Maxwell grabbed his phone from his pocket while also putting the notepad and pencil away. He frantically scrolled through his phone and tapped onto his maps.
"Hell's Kitchen neighbourhood."
As much a weird coincidence it was that weird things were happening in a neighbourhood called "Hell's Kitchen," Maxwell was not laughing. The air was thick-- he could almost hear the chaos rumbling beneath the city. A low, yet deep, humming that made Maxwell's bones shake.
"I have to get out of here." Maxwell bluntly muttered to himself, now speed walking back the way he came.
This was definitely none of Maxwell's business. He could leave whatever weird shit was going on up for other wannabe vigilantes to take. Whatever was happening was too wild to report to police-- or any authorities for that matter. Maxwell was already in New York, he couldn't just up and leave.
"I'll just stay away from this neighbourhood..!" He reasoned while nodding to himself frantically. "It feels like it's only there, anyways. I'll just keep going the opposite direction of it.."
It sounded fool proof! So simple a solution, it would probably work. Maxwell was confident of that. Was.
One minute, Maxwell was speedily making his way down a sidewalk, past an alley, the next minute, he's being pulled into said alley.
"--WHOA--!" Maxwell exclaimed while he was aggressively grabbed and yanked into the opposite direction he was going. "--What the--!?"
"--Shut the fuck up!" The stranger turned Maxwell around and revealed his small handgun. It was pointed directly at Maxwell's head.
Maxwell's eyes had widened. His stomach twisted itself into a knot. He took a nervous gulp and deep breaths as he slowly raised his hands up. "Empty your pockets." The gunman motioned for Maxwell.
Maxwell nodded. With one hand, Maxwell reached carefully into his backpocket, where he kept his wallet. "Okay..." Maxwell quietly stated. "I'm grabbing my wallet.."
* * *
New Vigilante storming the streets of Hell's Kitchen? Photographer snaps photo of an unidentified individual assaulting a known criminal and street robber.
The awareness of this potential Vigilante has been around for what can only be guessed as a month now. Several arrested criminals have reported and complained about an unknown male individual whom attacks them and leaves them disoriented in the alleys. Most were found in said alleys and claimed to have done nothing to provoke such an attack.
Police officials were doubtful of these testaments, but now with photographic proof, they are now suspicious of the potential of a new vigilante. Has Hell's Kitchen reached a new age in vigilantism?"
Episode 1; End.
What's to come, Episode 2; Deuteronomy 22:5
The apartment was dark-- despite it being day out. Maxwell was wrapped in his blankets on his bed. He was not asleep, though. He hadn't been for the past few days. Maxwell had only been here for almost two months now.
He hated what he had gotten himself into. It was not on purpose by any means. Maxwell would have coped with it if the photographer hadn't caught him in the act.
Knock, knock, knock...
By: The Intricate & The Random,
All content, excluding the fandom, is original to me. Maxwell Santoro is original to me, the banner is original to me, the title is original to me, and the plot is original to me. Any similarities to real life or other stories is purely coincidental. Thank you!
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 4 days
Fucking bonding time
https://ift.tt/N8nvgpe by artsyspikedhair When Jamie told Roy what happened the first time he was in Amsterdam, he then dreamt the memories. Roy had memories of being nine fucking years old and… and fucking… Roy needed Jamie to understand how Not Okay how Jamie lost his virginity was, and shared his own traumatizing shit. Words: 1123, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Categories: Gen Relationships: Roy Kent & Jamie Tartt Additional Tags: Childhood Sexual Abuse, explicit discussion of child on child sexual abuse, Episode: s03e06 Sunflowers (Ted Lasso), Roy Kent Swears, Hurt Roy Kent, Hurt Jamie Tartt, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Nightmares, Past Sexual Abuse, Late Night Conversations, Protective Roy Kent, Mentioned Keeley Jones, Men Crying, yes Roy Kent is the man crying, POV Roy Kent, POV Jamie Tartt source https://archiveofourown.org/works/56440816 June 06, 2024 at 06:43AM
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glitchdecay · 27 days
i haven't disappeared off the face of the earth, just focusing on stuff. like watching detective conan episodes (currently at 589/1123). and trying not to die from the weather.
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nakageno-frame · 8 months
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Day 1263 since Chapter 48 release
Naka no Hito Genome Episode 1 Frame 1123
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dcrewatch · 25 days
Detective Conan Rewatch: Episode 1122
Episode 1122: "Stakeout 3”
Before watching this episode, on a scale of 1-10, how much are you looking forward to seeing it again?
Honestly the "Stakeout" episodes have been decent overall, so thinking this one should too. 6!
Favorite screencap:
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Takagi: "So uh, here's the newest addition to our latest stakeout crew."
Chiba: "We've...completely given up keeping people out of them."
Favorite Moment:
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This scene make me chuckle. ^^;
Least Favorite Moment:
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As Takagi points out, this asshole silenced the girl he had a crush on because she screamed after he followed her in the dark of night. Of course she screamed you asshole. -_-#
What’s one thing you noticed/realized about this episode that you hadn’t before?
Nothing this time!
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate this episode?
I liked it! 6.
Celebrate it!
Here’s a (not exactly) summary haiku:
Another stakeout
This time with one more member
A witness to crime
Next Episode: Episode 1123-1124
Previous Episode: Episode 1121
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Detective Conan Episodes 1123 and 1124
The Body on the Gunma-Nagano Border
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This Saturday!
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gforcedrew · 1 year
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#AStateOfTrance Episode 1123 w/ #RubenDeRonde & #FerryCorsten
#ASOT Ep. 1123
#SOFITUKKER x #SunneryJamesAndRyanMarciano - TROMPA (Official Lyric Video)
A State of Trance 2023
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akashsharmaa · 1 year
Watch "Nepal 1 TV 19-02-2023 || Episode: 1123 || Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Satsang Live" on YouTube
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rohtashdaas · 1 year
Watch "Nepal 1 TV 19-02-2023 || Episode: 1123 || Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Satsang Live" on YouTube
कबीर,मीठा बोलै नम रहै सबसे करै सनेह ।
थोड़े दिन का जीना थोड़े दिन की देह।।
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naren200547 · 1 year
Watch "Nepal 1 TV 19-02-2023 || Episode: 1123 || Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Satsang Live" on YouTube
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