#elon musk is a nazi sympathizer
mylionheart2 · 1 year
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Nothing to see here just national security threat and all-around ahole, Elon Musk forcing the Auschwitz Memorial to wear his fascist Twitter blue checkmark badge against their will. 
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lilithtransrights · 1 year
This is a test, do not pay attention to it
Transphobes should kill themselves
Punching Nazis is ok
Elon Musk isn't a genius
Cringe culture is bad
Rowling is a fascist sympathizer
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David Ingram at NBC News:
Elon Musk’s X is a thriving hub for Nazi support and propaganda, with paid subscribers sharing speeches by Adolf Hitler or content praising his genocidal regime.  NBC News found that at least 150 paid “Premium” subscriber X accounts and thousands of unpaid accounts have posted or amplified pro-Nazi content on X in recent months, often in apparent violation of X’s rules. The paid accounts posting the content all consistently posted antisemitic or pro-Nazi material. Examples included praise of Nazi soldiers, sharing of Nazi symbols and denials of the Holocaust.  The pro-Nazi content is not confined to the fringes of the platform. During one seven-day period in March, seven of the most widely shared pro-Nazi posts on X accrued 4.5 million views in total. One post with 1.9 million views promoted a false and long-debunked conspiracy theory that 6 million Jews did not die in the Holocaust. More than 5,300 verified and unverified accounts reshared that post, and other popular posts were reshared hundreds of times apiece. 
X’s policies ban glorifying violence — a broad prohibition that X has sometimes used to take down pro-Nazi content and accounts. The rules also ban “praising violent entities” and say the platform will apply labels to hate imagery like swastikas. But NBC News found that X does not appear to be enforcing those policies consistently.  The findings are the latest evidence of a flourishing Nazi network on X under Musk’s ownership. Previous investigations by news organizations and anti-hate watchdogs have documented many examples of antisemitism, white supremacy and support for Nazism on X. 
NBC News found the Nazi propaganda posts by browsing the platform: scrolling through replies, clicking on user profiles and looking through the engagements on viral posts. NBC News conducted its review during one week in late March. The number of verified subscribers posting pro-Nazi material may be significantly more than 150. When NBC News conducted its review, Premium subscribers had the option to hide their verification check marks from the public. The verified users sharing the pro-Nazi content have entered into a mutually beneficial relationship with Musk’s X, paying $8 a month or more for premium services that are available to all premium subscribers. In exchange, they get “prioritization” when they reply to posts and the opportunity to monetize their content through ads, according to the subscription terms.  The result is that X is bringing Nazi sympathizers in from the dark corners of the internet to a massive platform where they can pay to amplify their content. X had 174 million daily active users worldwide on its mobile app in February, according to the research firm Sensor Tower. X claims to have many more than that. 
NBC News conducted its research in March, before X implemented a change to provide free premium subscriptions to accounts with more than 2,500 verified followers. That move has made it more difficult to determine who is a paid subscriber.  A welcoming social media environment can make Nazi sympathizers feel validated in their views and recruit others to their cause, said Patrick Riccards, executive director of Life After Hate, a Milwaukee-based organization that helps people disengage from violent extremist groups.  “For those who are already driven by hate, it is a big warm hug,” he said.  Online hatred can also contribute to violence offline, he said, citing the racist massacre at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York, where 10 Black people died in 2022. The gunman wrote in a document that he supported neo-Nazism. He later said in court that he “believed what I read online and acted out the hate.”  “They’re wanting to find individuals to take physical action when the time comes,” Riccards said. 
In most cases, Nazi material on X is about spreading hate, said Megan Squire, deputy director for data analytics at the Southern Poverty Law Center, an anti-hate group founded in 1971. “It’s not like historians are on there talking about Hitler’s speeches,” she said.  Squire said that in her research she has found that accounts posting Nazi material are run by “known white supremacist groups that are attempting to normalize their ideas, gain followers and shuffle those followers into platforms” elsewhere online where their organizing work continues.  By failing to act against many pro-Nazi accounts, X continues to earn income from their activity in at least two ways: by collecting monthly subscription fees from those posting pro-Nazi content and by running advertisements on those accounts or adjacent to the pro-Nazi content.
[...] Many of the 150 premium accounts have put links on their X profiles directing people to their websites, books and other media, where they sometimes push Nazi sympathy and antisemitism. One such account, using the name The Impartial Truth, posts recycled and remixed Nazi propaganda content, and its X profile links out to a donation site. The account did not respond to an emailed request for comment.  One of the premium accounts belongs to Stew Peters, a Florida-based host of an internet talk show who has praised Nazi book-burning in 1930s Germany. Last month, a post of his denying the Holocaust went viral on X with 1.9 million views. Peters has more than 574,000 followers on X, where his posts often include antisemitism, and his account links to his website charging $10 a month for videos. In response to a request for comment, Peters said NBC News was using “ad hominem arguments to create narratives out of whole cloth.” 
Some of the accounts posting Nazi propaganda are unabashed in their praise of the Nazis. At least two verified X subscribers recently praised Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister. One said it used artificial intelligence to generate fake audio of Goebbels reading his writing aloud, bringing in more than 23,000 views.  X’s policies require a “sensitive media” label for “hateful imagery,” which includes “symbols historically associated with hate groups, e.g., the Nazi swastika.” Musk cited a related “incitement to violence” policy when he suspended the rapper Ye, formerly Kanye West, after Ye praised Hitler in an interview and posted an image resembling a swastika. 
Some viral Nazi content stops short of praise and instead drives engagement to accounts with no clear ideology. Two examples came in March from the account @dom_lucre, a conspiracy theorist. It posted two Hitler speeches that together received more than 15 million views. The speeches were translated with artificial intelligence, Lucre said. He, unlike others, included a warning that the speech was graphic and antisemitic, though he did not express disapproval.  “I am simply sharing what is news as I always do,” he wrote in a post. Lucre, who also goes by Dominick McGee, according to his Facebook page, did not respond to an emailed request for comment.  Lucre and other similar posters who stopped short of praising Nazis were not included in the NBC News count of the 150 premium subscribers posting pro-Nazi content. Those 150 accounts were more explicit in their pro-Nazi ideologies. 
NBC News has a report on the explosive growth of antisemitism and Neo-Nazi content on X (formerly Twitter) from X Premium accounts.
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odinsblog · 8 months
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Elon Musk, the tech billionaire and far-right sympathizer, has been hit with a defamation lawsuit after he falsely accused a recent college graduate of being a federal agent involved with a neo-Nazi group.
Ben Brody, a 22-year-old Jewish man from California, filed the lawsuit against Musk on Monday after he said he and his family were forced to flee their home after continued harassment and threats after Musk promoted a dangerous conspiracy against Brody.
“In yet another example of Elon Musk’s serial pattern of slander, he falsely told the world that Ben Brody participated in a violent street brawl on behalf of a neo-Nazi extremist group,” the lawsuit, obtained by HuffPost, alleges.
The lawsuit centers around a fight between neo-Nazi group Rose City Nationalists (RCN) and neo-fascist group the Proud Boys that took place in Oregon earlier this year. In video footage that went viral, a member of RCN had his face mask pulled off, and internet sleuths went to work hoping to identify him.
But others dismissed the reality of far-right violence by falsely claiming members of the neo-Nazi group were actually federal agents. That included Musk, who amplified the false conspiracy that Brody was the man in the mask, then later suggested Brody was part of a “false flag situation,” in a post on X ― previously called Twitter ― that remains up today.
“Musk made these ridiculously false and damaging accusations based on a tweet he had seen from an anonymous far-right extremist Twitter account,” the lawsuit alleges. “After amplifying the claim for two days, Musk personally leveled these accusations against Ben Brody, and it has led to severe personal harassment and permanent damage to his reputation.”
(continue reading)
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diallokenyatta · 1 year
Bro Diallo, how in the fuck does Dave Chapelle go to hiatus in Africa and then come back a right winger? How does that happen? This dude is out here cheerleading for Elon Musk a typical fascist yt man billionaire who called being woke a virus. What happened to Chapelle?
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Dave hasn't changed, he's rebranded; we just misinterpreted his public image and messages. We thought that because Dave made biting commentary against Racism, Police Brutality, & Discrimination that his political ideology and Racial Solidarity was deeper than it actually was. If we review Dave's actual material and articulated views, he engaged in just as much mockery of the Black condition & our oppression as he did against the Oppressors. In other words Dave "punched up & punched down," we overlooked the punching down because we were so grateful for the punching up. Same shit with Kanye until he went full Nazi Mode. Dave is a great talent & our community takes great pride in successful & talented members of our Race and we too often elevate them to positions they never sought or that they are not qualified or worthy to be in. The Myth of Dave was carefully cultivated and we didn't look too deep because we wanted, and still want the myth to be true.
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Examples: 1. Dave told Oprah he refused to put on a dress; and we elevated him as a defender of Black dignity and manhood. Even though he never stated that he was or wanted him to be that; also, he wore a dress in Robin Hood: Men in Tights.
2. Dave walked away from a millions when he left the Chappelle show, and we thought it was Dave putting principles over profits. But it wasn't about Comedy Central producing Minstrel Lawn Jockey media for Dave, it was for his personal health, for his own reasons that had nothing to do with the collective struggle of Black people, or being too righteous to take money from Hollywood. Dave was the producer of his Show, he wasn't fighting the White bosses at Comedy Central, he was fighting his internal issues. Ultimately the Lawn Jockey shit still came out & they all got paid; but Dave's departure allowed him to escape any criticisms because he exited the show before it aired. To this day, even after making even more Millions in the industry people still embrace the myth that Dave ain't about the money and will not compromise for the money, even though he said he doesn't want to be a Leader because they die penniless, we should accept his position. He's an Entertainer, not a Leader, or even a "Conscious" Entertainer. So, Dave's evolution from a buffoonish comedian in the Def Comedy era, to a social commentary comedian in the Neo-Soul & Chapelle Show era, to a Right-Wing sympathizer in his SNL/Netflix Specials era are all keen branding and marketing moves to make sure he continues to be a super successful performer. Dave is a Capitalist, a very wealthy man, & he's as comfortable hanging out with wealthy Racist like Joe Rogan and Elon Musk as he is hanging out with progressive hip hop artist like Black Star, because he's not really ideological beyond his Capitalist Aspersions. He stands for performing, enriching himself, and preserving his image and brand...in order to generate more riches. Dave said that he doesn't want to be "Malcolm X or King because they died penniless," that's the most honest and revealing statement he's ever publicly made because it sums up his ideology perfectly: he'll be as Black, "White," Left, Right as he needs to be in order to live & die with a shitload of pennies. Ultimately Dave isn't the problem. The problem is: our community in general and Black men in particular are so starved for Heroes and Icons we'll start to see them where they don't exist. I started calling this out in the early 2000s when segment of the Black community started seeing him as anything more than a superb performer. Cultivating Class Consciousness & Class Solidarity within the overall Black Liberation & Pan-African Struggles will protect us from the confusion and misreads the occur when figures like Dave, Kanye, and even Obama raise to prominence. Also I have some good news: Dave's Right-Wing sympathies and leanings emerged in 2006, during the height of the MAGA Movement, when he was touring with the overt Racist Joe Rogan, and I think it may have peaked when he brought Elon on stage. Now I think Dave will undergo another public rebranding since being in Right-Wing circles is harming his brand. He's in Ghana right now doing free concerts and meeting with Government Ministers; so we may see "philanthropist comedian" throughout the rest of the 2020...but that's just an educated guess.
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Signe Wilkinson, Philadelphia Inquirer
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Ignoring this asshole isn't going to make him go away : Trump's latest desperate bid for dictatorship
Lucian K. Truscott IV
You have no doubt heard by now that yesterday, on his Truth Social network, Donald Trump called for “the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” because he lost the election for president.  He wants to be declared the “RIGHTFUL WINNER,” or “have a NEW ELECTION.” The all-caps are his, and of course what Trump is calling for is a coup.  To “terminate” the Constitution would be to overthrow the laws and the government of the United States and replace the whole thing with a dictator, namely, himself.
For all the things that he isn’t, Donald Trump is a politician, and he can not only read the polls, he has shown he’s pretty good at reading the electorate, a different thing entirely from polls, which are a stilted snapshot of opinion among voters at a single instant in time.  Trump doesn’t want to run for president again, because he lost the last time, and he’s looking around, and he’s afraid he’ll lose again.  That’s what the Saturday eruption on his social network was about:  fear.  He’s becoming increasingly irrelevant, and for Donald Trump, that is a fate worse than death.  He realizes after two years out of office that you can still be famous and yet slip into a state where your fame and even your presence on earth begins to cease to matter.
Who does Trump matter to at this point?  He matters to Republican voters, who political experts are beginning to slice and dice into MAGA, MAGA adjacent, old establishment, and never Trumpers.  But his voters didn’t do so wonderfully in the midterms, a fact that has doubtlessly not gone unnoticed by the man who endorsed so many of the Republican Party’s losers. The headlines are about DeSantis and the street-fight over who will be the next Speaker of the House and the war in Ukraine and China’s continuing struggle with the disease that was spawned within its borders.  Could Trump be feeling just a tad left out of the national conversation?
It’s interesting, isn’t it, to see what bothers the Prisoner of Mar a Lago as he finds himself in mid-fade from relevance.  He is sufficiently bored down there in his gilded cage that he invited two Nazi sympathizers to dinner recently, apparently figuring that would get himself some attention.  It did, of course, and it was exactly the kind he wanted, because it lit a tiny fire under the collective ass of the Washington press corps, sending them to their phones and even into the halls of the Congress to ask every elected official they could find what they thought of Trump dining with Nazis.  Trump is ever in the mode that he began in 50 years ago in New York City, that any publicity is good publicity.  If the question on everybody’s mind is Trump and his favorite Nazis, well, at least they’re spelling your name right.
Lately, Trump has found himself mattering a whole lot to some powerful judges who he appointed to their seats but who have ruled against him repeatedly in his flailing lawsuits trying to stop the DOJ investigation of the various crimes he has been accused of committing – trying to overthrow the last election, inciting the assault on the Capitol, and his theft and mishandling of classified documents after he left office.  Trump has lost one appeal after another, and now “his” special master, appointed by “his” Judge Aileen Cannon, is being dismissed, and everything seized at Mar a Lago by the FBI has been returned to the man who now oversees the prosecution, Jack Smith, a name that’s got to be keeping him up at night.
And Trump seems to matter a whole lot to Elon Musk, who has been doing everything he can think of to get him back on Twitter, including hiring a prominent contrarian journalist to exhume the Hunter Biden laptop story from the vaults of Twitter and splash it across the platform in a long series of tweets that had to have caught Trump’s attention.
In fact, most stories about Trump’s demand that the Constitution be terminated say the Hunter Biden laptop story was what was behind his explosion on Truth Social yesterday.  I think that’s less likely than Trump’s panic as the jaws of law enforcement close on him.  After all, he sees getting back into the White House as the only way he could avoid jail:  he could pardon himself.
My first thought when I decided to write this column was to title it, “There ought to be a law,” you know, against this kind of shit.  But there shouldn’t be.  There can’t be, because it would violate the very Constitution we’re trying to protect from the likes of Trump.  Besides, the anti-war movement back in the 60’s and 70’s was guilty, if that’s the right word, of calling for the downfall of the government because of the crimes the United States was committing in Southeast Asia.  I recall a lot of “there ought to be a law” talk back then about the calls of the Left for the overthrow of the government, and it was all from the Right, from Nixon’s people, the apologists for the war.
As outrageous as Trump’s anti-democratic talk is, it’s legal.  Calling for a violent overthrow of the government is, however sedition, the crime two leaders of the Oath Keepers were convicted of this week.  Trump may be a seditionist in his heart, but he’s carefully not one in his public words.
I think maybe the way to react to Trump’s latest attack on our democracy is to recognize how desperate and afraid he is.  That someone would be calling for the destruction of something, a constitutional government in this case, at the same time he is calling for himself to be installed as its leader, is absurd on its face.  He’s yelling into the void at this point, but if there is a lesson to be learned from the last six years, we ignore the unhinged cries of this monster at our peril. He sounds weak and pathetic, which he is, but he’s still a danger to the Republic. The Oath Keepers haven’t gone away, the Proud Boys haven’t gone away, and his MAGA hordes are always listening.
[Lucian Truscott Newsletter]
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modern-politics111 · 1 month
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politicalblade · 2 months
Elon Musk is a nazi sympathizer.
Sources used.
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fabiansociety · 9 months
we called jack a nazi sympathizer for years (because he was), but elon musk apparently took that as a challenge, because hoo wee he went on a big ol’ anti-semitic tear this weekend
you wonder what twitter would look like if it wasn’t run by a nazi
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maceingeweihter · 1 year
since the Nazi sympathizer Elon Musk took over, and banned my main account, i have been using my alts. time to say bye bye to one of those accounts and build a main account. maybe a full delete? of course, i will keep the DMs incase someone tries to attack me in court. never know how crazy people can be with future allegations of harassment. i’ve been mostly a gentleman, and besides, people rarely (maybe 1 of 100 times) respond on twitter. that’s why Fansly and OF are better. at least there people can be more trusting of dealing with a real person.
i’ve noticed Elon and his Nazi cohort has added a “subcription” feature. undoubtedly he is trying to do business against OF and Fansly by allowing the “models” on twitter to create a platform to make money. it makes quite a bit of sense, but, then again, i don’t see many people (professionals) exposing their secret hobby of watching prostitution.
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thunderboomin · 2 years
Elon Musk Grants Amnesty To Banned Twitter Accounts; David Duke, Nazis Immediately Trend https://l.smartnews.com/AGbND/fKkaB8
Nazi fascist Russian Sympathizer #elonmusk
Grants amnesty to Terrorists
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solar--serenity · 3 years
Aight so I guess I’ll make a DNI card so shitty fucking people can stay the fuck away from me
You’re any type of lgbtq-phobic
You’re an exclusionist
You’re a TERF
You’re racist
You’re anti-semetic
You’re a Nazi/neo-Nazi
You’re islamophobic
You’re a “MAP” “SOMAP” you’re a pedophile and fuck off and die
You’re the type or Christian that tells anyone that’s not Christian, straight, and white they’re going to hell
You hate pagans
You’re one of those pagans that claim you’re a vessel of a god or an oracle and use it to abuse other pagans/act like you’re better than them.
You think EVERY type of religion is bad and shame those who practice ANYTHING
You shun and hate witches
You’re a rapist/justify women being raped
You think men can’t be raped or abused
You think men are superior to women
You think women are superior to men
You participate in ANY type or gender wars
You post anything to do with toxic masculinity
You post anything to do with toxic femininity
You think appropriating from ANY culture is okay (white and POC)
You think racebending ANY god is okay (white and POC)
You sympathize with rich people such as Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos
You support Trump
You think homeless people deserve it
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rt8815 · 3 years
Does Elon Musk not know that Asperger's is named for a Nazi sympathizer who supported "race hygiene" policies (to include forced sterilizations), and facilitated the euthanizing of disabled people, or does he simply not care?
I'm going out on a limb here and assuming that he also does not know or care that Asperger's and PPD NOS were both removed as diagnoses when the DSM-V was published.
It all falls under ASD now.
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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Truckers are starting a working-class revolution — and the left hates it
A working-class revolution led by the working class is the left’s worst nightmare because the working class doesn’t want what the left wants.
[Working-class people want what incompetent politicians are unable to provide]
The working class wants jobs, a stable economy, safe streets, low inflation, schools that teach things and a conservative, non-adventurous foreign policy that won’t get a lot of working-class people killed.
It’s not excited about gender fluidity, critical race theory, “modern monetary theory,” foreign adventures and defunding police.
So we’re finally seeing a genuine, bottom-up, working-class revolution. In Canada, and increasingly in the United States, truckers and others are refusing to follow government orders, telling the powerful that, in a popular lefty formulation, if there’s no justice, there’s no peace.
Naturally, the left hates it.
For more than a century, lefties have talked about such a revolt. But if you really paid attention, the actual role of the working class in their working-class revolution was not to call the shots — it was to do what it was told by the “intellectual vanguard” of the left.
A working-class revolution led by the working class is the left’s worst nightmare because the working class doesn’t want what the left wants. The working class wants jobs, a stable economy, safe streets, low inflation, schools that teach things and a conservative, non-adventurous foreign policy that won’t get a lot of working-class people killed. It’s not excited about gender fluidity, critical race theory, “modern monetary theory,” foreign adventures and defunding police.
Worse yet, a huge part of the lefty self-image revolves around feeling superior to the working class and openly expressing disdain for it.
One need spend only a few minutes tuning into left media like NPR, CNN or MSNBC to hear the disdain for working-class Americans, inhabitants of “flyover country,” people who live in the middle of nowhere.
So naturally, the idea that those people might be staging a revolution is intolerable.
That’s why, even as they legitimize and valorize outright rioting and violence by leftist groups, lefties vilify every working-class protest movement, going back before the Tea Party. In Canada, the press even tried to pretend that the thousands of truckers driving to the capital city of Ottawa were actually Russian agents. When that failed, it fell back on its old standard, calling them fascists, Nazi sympathizers and white supremacists.
But nobody believes that because it’s as obvious a lie as the claims about Russians. Leftists talk about race because they don’t want people to notice they’ve been waging class war.
And that class war, which has been going on for a couple of decades of working-class stagnation and upper-class prosperity, went into overdrive during the pandemic.
Under COVID, we got “lockdowns” in which the laptop class stayed home “keeping safe” while the working class delivered groceries to their doors. Meatpacking plants, grocery checkout lines and especially trucking stayed open, while law firms, universities and media organizations closed their doors and sent staff home to work.
For a brief period, those non-remote workers were heroes. Even Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told people to thank a trucker for his service. But that didn’t last.
Now that truckers and other working-class people are pushing back against the laptop class’ nonsensical COVID restrictions, they’re a fringe, a minority, a bunch of white supremacists.
But they’re none of these things.
The “white supremacist” bit we can write right off. If white supremacy were a serious thing, leftists — like hate-crime hoaxer Jussie Smollett — wouldn’t have to invent it.
As for a “fringe minority,” as Trudeau called them, well, as Elon Musk noted in a tweet, if the Canadian government’s positions had substantial support, the truckers would have faced significant numbers of counterprotesters. But they did not. The government itself is the fringe minority, with its only support coming from the loyal sycophants of the media.
In the United States, meanwhile, Joe Biden — whom a self-described “cabal” of media, tech and political types organized to put in office just over a year ago — is polling in “worst president ever” territory, according to Rasmussen and Gallup polls.
Gallup’s survey shows that voter satisfaction has hit a “gloomy” new low, and Rasmussen found that 54% of voters see Biden as the “worst” president in recent memory.
“Collectively, satisfaction at the start of 2022 in a variety of areas is about as bad as it’s been in two decades of Gallup measurement,” the pollster declared. And in the highly respected General Social Survey, Americans’ happiness has reached record lows.
Once again, Biden’s main source of support is the press, which will always back a Democrat, especially against working-class opposition.
But as Twitter user Greg Price noted: “If truckers quit their jobs, society would immediately collapse. If politicians quit their jobs, the world would become a better place. We need truckers more than anybody else.”
Truckers have figured that out. Right now Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden are worrying about truckers coming out. They should really worry about truckers staying home.
Glenn Harlan Reynolds is a professor of law at the University of Tennessee and founder of the InstaPundit.com blog.
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buttonholedlife · 4 years
A “Free Market” Future of Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Techno-Fascist History of Neo-Eugenic Transhumanism
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Through John Klyczek
A 50 percent century ago, Yale Instructor of Physiology José Manuel Rodríguez Delgado Jr. published a composite of his groundbreaking research study on neural-implant modern technology. Collecting about 2 many years of his lab practices on individual and also animal subjects, Delgado's Bodily Control of the Mind: Towards a Psychocivilized Culture documented that
it is actually presently possible [in 1969] to equip animals or humans along with moment musical instruments called 'stimoceivers' for broadcast transmission and also function of electrical notifications to as well as from the human brain in totally unrestrained topics. Microminiaturization of the equipment's electronic parts enables management of all specifications of excitation for radio stimulation of three different aspects within the human brain as well as additionally telemetric audio of three stations of intracerebral electrical task. ...
It is actually acceptable to speculate that in the future the stimoceiver might supply the essential hyperlink coming from male to personal computer to male, along with a reciprocatory comments in between nerve cells and musical instruments which stands for a brand new alignment for the health care management of neurophysiological functions [1]
Right now, fifty years later on in 2019, Delgado's futurist guessworks have ended up being a fact as several Big Technology enterprises, like Elon Musk's Neuralink as well as Result Zuckerberg's Facebook, are actually manufacturing and industrying the newest generation of "stimoceivers," or even "brain-computer interfaces," for office usage.
The advantages of such "human brain chips" assortment from clinical gadgets that can manage nerve ailments, like epilepsy and also paralysis, to cognitive enlargements which can "improve" human mind electrical power in order that it can easily user interface with the artificially smart supercomputers which will definitely drive the international economic climate in the new age of electronically automated workforces. Underneath these utopian-futurist leads, the existing "free-trade" development of brain-machine interfaces is absolutely nothing a lot less than the "free-market" spreading of José Delgado's eugenicist goal come correct: a troubling sight of a transhumanist development that neo-eugenically merges people as well as personal computers into a new droid varieties.
Buyer beware: if you are actually assuming about "plugging in" to human-machine interfaces connected to the "net of whatever," you may alter your mind after considering the techno-fascist history of eugenics and social planning that has actually fueled the corporatist progression of human-computer user interfaces.
Facebook Mind-Reading Technologies:
Facebook's Building 8 research-and-development location has actually been actually crafting brain-computer user interfaces under the past Directorship of Regina Dugan, that earlier functioned for the Protection Advanced Study Task Firm (DARPA) of the United States military. On April 19, 2017, Dugan showcased a Facebook-patented brain-machine interface that makes it possible for the user to style on a computer display screen merely through thinking. Based upon this thought-to-text medical, the Facebook business strives to grow this prototype to ensure that it can permit "mind clicks" which handle virtual-reality and also augmented-reality modern technologies.
Dugan has actually guaranteed that the Facebook organization is actually "not referring to translating your random thoughts. That could be much more than any one of us look after to recognize." Such a guarantee is actually tough to believe given the fact that Facebook is actually a data-mining company that produces profits by siphoning and offering the private records of everybody who utilizes the firm's social-media system. Facebook's social-media network is even an active individual in the residential monitoring functions of the Central Cleverness Agency (CIA). Together, Facebook owner and Chief Executive Officer Result Zuckerberg was actually contacted us to witness prior to United States Our lawmakers regarding his social-media business's complicity in the Cambridge Analytica election-tampering debacle.
Put simply, Facebook has a sleazy track record for preventing the privacy assumptions of its own customers. It is reasonable to reckon that Facebook's human-computer user interfaces will track, record, as well as sell a person's cognitive-behavioral metadata installed in the electrochemical algorithms of his or her neurobiological "speech" and "assumed" transmittals (just like Facebook's social-media platform monitors, histories, as well as sells a person's cognitive-behavioral metadata installed in his or her mental profile which is collected from his or even her social-media posts).
Elon Musk's Neuro-Technocracy:
Elon Musk's Neuralink enterprise recently gave a push launch showcasing the initial prototypes of the provider's "human brain potato chips," knowned as "nerve organs shoelaces," which Musk says will link to an "app" that "essentially Bluetooths to your phone."
Back in September 6, 2018, Odor showed up on the podcast where he announced that his Neuralink organization will definitely be actually making silicon chips which will definitely make it possible for the human brain to interface along with artificially smart supercomputers. According to Odor, neural-lace integrated circuit "could be implanted in the human brain, with the possible objective helpful human beings combine with software program and also always keep pace along with developments in man-made intelligence. These enlargements might strengthen memory or even permit additional straight interfacing along with computing devices."
Musk additionally evangelized that" [s] ome high bandwidth user interface to the mind will certainly be actually one thing that aids accomplish a cooperation between human and machine knowledge and perhaps deals with the management issue and also the usefulness complication." For Musk, "synthetic standard cleverness [AGI]," or sentient AI, will quickly end up being "smarter than the most intelligent individual in the world"; and also humans are going to end up being "ineffective" unless we neo-eugenically improve right into transhuman-AI critters. In the course of the interview along with Joe Rogan, Odor virtually stated, "if you can not pound it [AI], join it."
Odor, who is also the CEO of the Tesla electrical automobile provider, might promote his hi-tech neuro-brain implants as the evolutionary defender of humanity which are going to save the mankinds coming from being rendered out-of-date through artificially smart devices. The omnipresent merging of humankind along with corporate equipments births a befuddling resemblance to the fascistic plans of Odor's gramps, Joshua Haldeman, that was actually the Study Supervisor of Canada's Technocracy Inc.: a techno-fascistic non-governmental company that was actually banned through the Canadian authorities in 1940 as a result of to worries that The Technocrats were plotting to "crush the federal government as well as the constitution of this nation [ Canada] by power" [2] Odor's grand daddy, Haldeman, was actually arrested due to his Technocracy registration, though he was actually later on acquitted.
A Skull-and-Bones Record of Transhumanist Neural Implants:
These techno-fascist backstories behind the Facebook and Neuralink companies suffice to lead to concern relating to the firms' popular new brain-computer interfaces that are currently being marketed. The upsetting techno-fascist background of these freshly marketed brain-machine user interfaces presents all the means back to the "founding papa" of neural-implant modern technology themself: José Manuel Rodríguez Delgado Jr., whose investigation at Yale has actually been guided by the hidden palm of the Nazi-sympathizing secret community known as The Purchase of Cranium as well as Bone tissues.
In 1946, Delgado was actually chosen as a study other at the Yale Institution of Medication's Physiology Team where he later came to be a teacher from 1950 to 1974. Shortly after the first year of Delgado's analysis alliance, in 1947, the Yale University Authorities was developed "as an advisory body system to the President of the College for the function of studying and also creating suggestions on particular aspects of Educational institution life," including "critical planning for the scientific researches, [and also] growths at the College of Medication." A founding participant of the Yale Council was Skull-and-Bonesman Frank Davis Ashburn, that provided on the council coming from 1947 to 1954 while Delgado was conducting his neuroscience experiments at Yale [3]. It costs taking note that Bonesman Frank Davis and, that was actually a United States Military College Lecturer of Medical Cleanliness, co-authored, which records how the spread of health condition contributed to the emigration of the America's through European settlers.
In short, in 1947, Bonesman Frank Ashburn, that was an intellectual of case history, helped found and also function the Yale Authorities to manage "tactical preparing for the sciences ... at the College of Medication" around one year after was actually Delgado hired at the University of Medicine, in 1946, to pioneer his transhumanist brain-implant surgical treatments.
As Delgado proceeded his transhumanist stimoceiver study at Yale from 1954 to 1965, Bonesman Charles Stafford Gage was the Treasurer of Yale College [4]. Consequently, Bonesman Gage will have supervised of the Treasury Team which, depending on to the Yale site, "is accountable for sustaining the University's operating financial account, for keeping track of the University's regular cash location, for refining all in-coming and out-going domestic and also worldwide wire transfers, [ as well as for] the business of petty cash money funds." Gage would certainly have overseen the funding of Delgado's digital brain-implant practices at Yale.
Altogether, during the years of Bonesman Ashburn at the Yale Council (1947-1954) and also Bonesman Gage at the Yale Treasury (1954-1965), Delgado's advanced research study into neo-eugenic neuro-technologies was administratively as well as financially directed due to the surprise hand of The Purchase of Cranium and Bones.
Throughout his years at Yale, Delgado teamed up along with Frank Ervin as well as Vernon Sign, who wrote the 1970 manual, Physical violence and the Brain. In this particular book, Delgado's associates posited a eugenicist idea that the purported riotous tendencies of inner-city African Americans may be "vanquished" through implanting city african-americans with brain-chip stimoceivers and also various other electronic neuro-technologies. It costs noting here that Delgado's practices on digital "human brain excitement" were actually financed due to the Office of Naval Analysis as well as the Flying Force Aeromedical Lab of the US military.
As a teacher of the Yale Institution of Medicine, Delgado was actually assisted through his investigation companion Hannibal Hamlin, who helped him administer surgical practices on mental clients at the Condition Hospital for Psychological Diseases in Howard, Rhode Isle, where Delgado as well as Hamlin dental implanted digital units into the human brains of people to analyze the functionalities of neuro-technological thoughts command. In Delgado's Bodily Command of the Thoughts, he composes,
[i] n the early 1950s, a client in a state mental hospital moved toward DOCTOR Hannibal Hamlin and me asking for assistance. ... The patient revealed a sturdy need and also a capability to alter her perform, as well as since psychological therapy had stopped working, she as well as her mama urgently requested that some type of mind surgical treatment be carried out to manage her disreputable, rash behavior. They talked to specifically that electrodes be actually implanted to adapt achievable electrocoagulation of a limited analytical place [5].
Hannibal Hamlin, himself a graduate of Yale Medical University, occurs to be the dad of Charles B. Hamlin, that was actually invested right into the Yale Purchase of Head and Bone fragments in 1961 [6]. Charles B. would use up the mantle of his papa Hannibal as Charles came to be a practicing orthopedic doctor that opened many "palm facilities" that provide services for hand surgical treatments, including "nerve ... repair or restoration" surgical operations. Bring the neo-eugenic torch for José Delgado and also Hannibal Hamlin, Bonesman Charles B. conducted several prosthetic-implant surgical operations to aid clients recover "substantial operational loss" of their palms.
Currently resigned, Charles B. remains to market various other transhumanist clinical advancements, such as neuro-engineering by means of stalk cell treatment and also genetics editing and enhancing:
[w] e remain in an increasing the size of outpost of vascular and nerves surgical procedure. With the unraveling of the genome, our team might properly observe the manipulation or regenerative development of wrecked cartilage. This will definitely have an effect on certainly not merely the diseases our team obtain yet our response to all of them. ... Our company may become able to set the setting and orchestrate its response to such troubles. I am actually also excited about the approval and improvement of stalk cell research to assist cells replenish. The lately released Geron task in this particular country [UNITED STATES] is beginning tests utilizing beginning stem cells in the recently hurt spinal cable. This might give our company great idea in to exactly how our team may help the main nerve system heal.
It deserves keeping in mind that the United States Fda (FDA) submitted a 2008 report which documents that Charles B. committed "severe transgressions of Label 21, Code of Federal Laws (21 CFR) Component 812-- Investigational Tool Exemptions, Part 50-- Defense of Human Subject Matters, and also Section 520(g) (21 U.S.C. 360j(g)) of the Action." Especially, Charles Hamlin neglected to abide by FDA policies concerning moral standards for conducting health care procedures involving "an unit as that term is actually described in area 201(h) of the Federal Food, Medication, and Cosmetic Act (the Show), 21 U.S.C. 32(h)."
Depending on to part 201(h), such a gadget is actually a described as
a device, structure, apply, equipment, gear, dental implant, in vitro reagent, or even various other identical or associated write-up, featuring any type of element, part, or even extra which is actually-- ...
( 3) [i] ntended to influence the structure or even any sort of function of the physical body of guy or even various other creatures, and which carries out certainly not attain its major desired objectives by means of chemical activity within or even on the body of man or various other animals and which is actually not reliant upon being metabolized for the accomplishment of its own main desired objectives. The condition "tool" carries out not include program functions left out according to area 520(o).
Particularly, the FDA document records that Hamlin's try outs a 201(h) unit devoted the complying with "breakdowns":
" [F] ailure to wait for FDA permission before enabling targets to join the investigation."
"Breakdown to guarantee that updated authorization is actually gotten ... as well as failing to correctly record educated permission."
"Breakdown to conduct the examination in conformity along with the investigational plan."
"Breakdown to ready as well as send complete, correct and prompt files of unexpected unpleasant results."
It must also be noted that The Order of Head and Bones borders neurosurgeon, Eric Leuthardt: yet another transhumanist pioneer who does mind surgeries which dental implant integrated circuit into individual minds for the objectives of addressing cerebral-nervous specials needs. At Washington College of St. Louis, Missouri, where Leuthardt administers his transhumanist brain-chip surgical operations, Bonesman Regis James O'Keefe is the Office Chair of Orthopedic Surgical Operation [7]. Furthermore, together with professor Leuthardt and also Bonesman O'Keefe, there is Bonesman Bryan Fitch Myers, that is the Patrick as well as Joy Williamson Endowed Office Chair in Cardiothoracic Surgical Treatment at Washington University School of Medication [8].
According to the, the Bones-acquainted "Leuthardt believes that in the upcoming numerous decades such [brain] implants will be actually like plastic surgery or even designs, taken on with barely a double take." Leuthardt even wrote a transhumanist science fiction story, "a techno-thriller called Red Adversary 4, [in which] 90 per-cent of individual creatures have actually elected to get personal computer components dental implanted straight right into their brains."
A Eugenics by Some Other Name:
The principle of transhumanism was created through Julian Huxley, that was the brother of Aldous Huxley: the writer of the dystopic Brave New Globe. In Julian's 1957 New Bottles for New Red Wine, he wrote a section titled "Transhumanism," which proclaims "'I strongly believe in transhumanism'... a brand-new type of existence, as various from our own as ours is actually coming from that of Peking [ancient] male" [9]. For Julian Huxley, that was actually a Head of state of the English Eugenics Community, transhumanism is actually the culmination of a "medical eugenics," project that calls for a brand-new kind of "advancement" through which unprocessed organic collection is actually substituted along with a fabricated technological choice that combines human beings and also equipments right into a brand new droid species.
As the first Director General of the United Nations Educational Scientific as well as Cultural Company (UNESCO), Huxley authored UNESCO's 1948 purpose statement, UNESCO: Its Function and also Its Ideology, which requires a global eugenics plan:" [i] t is actually, nevertheless, vital that eugenics need to be actually taken totally within the borders of science, for, as already suggested, in the not quite remote future the concern of boosting the ordinary top quality of people is very likely to become important; and also this may merely be actually achieved by using the lookings for of a genuinely medical eugenics" [10]. Furthermore, this starting UNESCO record insists that techno-eugenic" [ e] volution in the individual sector consists primarily of modifications in the form of society, in tools and machines ... [I] t is actually in social organisation, in machines, and also in concepts that individual progression is typically created manifest" [11].
It ought to be kept in mind that as Supervisor General of UNESCO, Huxley collaborated along with the very first United States senator to rest on the regulating board of UNESCO, Bonesman Archibald MacLeish, who authored the Preamble to the UNESCO Constitution [12]. Other straps in between globalist eugenics as well as The Purchase of Skull and Bone tissues are connected through Bonesman Percy Rockefeller's uncle [13], John D. Rockefeller, who used his tax-exempt Rockefeller Organization to pour amount of money right into Nazi eugenics jobs at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Sociology, Person Heredity, and also Eugenics; the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry; and the Kaiser Wilhelm Principle for Mind Study [14]. The Rockefeller Groundwork also paid big sums to United States eugenics establishments including Charles Davenport's Cold weather Spring season Harbor Station for Experimental Advancement, which was actually set up with the help of one more Robber Baron generosity: the Carnegie Principle where Bonesman Daniel Coit Gilman was its own initial Head of state [15].
Davenport's Cold weather Spring Harbor eugenics lab was inevitably fused along with the Eugenics Document Workplace, which was set up along with considerable contributions of cash as well as land from railroad mogul E. H. Harriman's other half, Mary Williamson Harriman (née Averell), who was actually the mom of Bonesmen W. Averell Harriman and also E. Roland Harriman [16]. E. Roland will later assist in funding the Nazi-eugenic requisition of Germany through his effect at Union Banking Enterprise (UBC), which channelled funding to Hitler via among the Führer's major financial backers: the German manufacturer proprietor of UBC, Fritz Thyssen, whose fellow-Nazi financial partners, H. J. Kouwenhoven as well as J. L. Guinter, rested on the UBC Board of Supervisors together with E. Roland and also his fellow Bonesmen, Knight Woolley as well as Prescott Bush, the latter of whom was the papa of Bonesman George H. W. Plant and also the grand daddy of Bonesman George W. Plant [17]. According to a 1989 Louisville Courier-Journal article, there is an area in the Holy place of The Order on the Yale school wherein the Bones "Tomb" properties "a little Nazi shrine inside, [as well as] one area on the second flooring has a number of swastikas, kind of an SS macho iconography" [18].
On Second Notion?
From The Order of Cranium as well as Bone Tissues to DARPA to Technocracy Inc., the past history responsible for transhumanist brain-computer interfaces is a black tradition of militarized, techno-fascist eugenics. Today, Facebook's and also Neuralink's human-computer user interfaces are actually being actually advertised as hi-tech assets that are actually produced for the "higher really good" of enhancing knowledge as well as carrying out health care help for folks with epilepsy, paralysis, and other nerve impairments.
To ensure, the future of neural-implant computer-tech might guarantee an optimistic brand new age of scientific miracles that combine humans as well as machines in to an internet-of-everything "Selfhood." Yet where the digital rubber comes across the silicon street to an unnaturally intelligent cyborg future, the scurvy past of technocratically weaponized eugenics may reach the present fork in the road where humanity makes a decision whether to take a "terrific leap forward" and "progress" right into a brand-new varieties that "upgrades" its biology with digital electronics.
Caveat emptor: consuming transhumanist technological items that are designated as "utopian" might result in dystopian side-effects.
[1] José M. R. Delgado, Physical Control of the Thoughts: Toward a Psychocivilized Society (Nyc: Harper Colophon, 1969), 90-91.
[2] Joseph C. Keating Jr. and also Scott Haldeman, "Joshua N Haldeman, DC: the Canadian Years, 1926-1950," Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association 39 no. 3 (1995 ): 172-186.
[3] Kris Millegan, Fleshing Out Brain and also Bone Fragments: Investigations right into America's Most Effective Top secret Community, (Walterville, OR: Trine Time, 2003), 637.
[4] Ibid.
[5] José M. R. Delgado, Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Community (New York City: Harper Colophon, 1969), 217.
[6] Kris Millegan, Fleshing Out Brain and also Bone Fragments: Investigations into The United States's The majority of Powerful Top secret Community, (Walterville, OR: Trine Time, 2003), 658.
[7] Antony C. Sutton, America's Secret Building: An Introduction to the Order of Cranium and also Bones, Upgraded Reprint, (Walterville, OR: Trine Day, 2002), 299.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Julian Huxley, New Bottles for New A Glass Of Wine (London: Chatto & & Windus, 1957), 17.
[10] Ibid, UNESCO: Its Purpose and also Its Own Viewpoint (Washington D. C.: Public Affairs Push, 1948), 42.
[11] Ibid, 9-10.
[12] Archibald MacLeish as well as Henri Bonnet, "Unesco," Statement of the American Organization of University Professors (1915-1955) 32 no. 4 (1946 ): 605-620.
Antony C. Sutton, America's Secret Facility: An Overview to the Order of Cranium and also Bones, Updated Reprint, (Walterville, OR: Trine Day, 2002), 27.
Krishna R. Dronamraju, If I Are actually to become Always remembered: The Life and Performs of Julian Huxley along with Selected Document (Waterway Side, NJ: World Scientific Posting, 1993), 68.
[13] Antony C. Sutton, The United States's Secret Establishment: An Overview to the Purchase of Brain and also Bone tissues, Upgraded Reprint, (Walterville, OR: Trine Time, 2002), 290.
[14] Edwin Afro-american, Battle Against the Weak: Eugenics and also United States's Project to Generate an Expert Ethnicity (Nyc: Four Walls 8 Windows, 2003), 283.
[15] Antony C. Sutton, United States's Secret Facility: An Overview to the Purchase of Skull and also Bone tissues, Updated Replication, (Walterville, OR: Trine Time, 2002), 285.
David Madsen, "Daniel Coit Gilman at the Carnegie Company of Washington," Record of Learning Quarterly 9 no. 2 (1969 ): 154-186.
Edwin African-american, War Against the Weak: Eugenics and United States's Initiative to Generate a Master Nationality (New York: Four Walls 8 Windows, 2003), 36, 41.
[16] Antony C. Sutton, United States's Secret Facility: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones, Upgraded Replication, (Walterville, OR: Trine Time, 2002), 291, 292.
Daniel J. Kevles, For Eugenics: Genetic Makeup and the Uses of Individual Heredity (New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 1985), 54-55.
James D. Watson, "Genes as well as National politics," Davenport's Dreams: 21street Century Reflections on Genetics and Eugenics, eds. Jan A. Witkowski and John R. Inglis (Cold Spring Port, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2008), 1.
[17] Antony C. Sutton, The United States's Secret Business: An Intro to the Order of Head and Bone tissues, Improved Reprint, (Walterville, OR: Trine Day, 2002), 126, 165-170.
Ibid, Exchange and also the Rise of Hitler: The Amazing True Tale of the United States Financiers That Bankrolled the Nazis (California: Clairview, 1976), 103, 107, 25-26, 57, 99, 102, 103, 106, 112-114, 141.
[18] Steven M. L. Aronson, "The Bonesmen's Connection: President's, Poets, Pundits and also Pinkos Possess Sworn Obligation to Cranium as well as Bone fragments, Yale's Rich and also Powerful Key Community, and one of the most Exclusive University Club of All. What's All That Nazi Things Performing in the Clubhouse?," Louisville Courier-Journal, Oct 8, 1989, quoted in Fleshing Out Brain and also Bone Fragments: Investigations in to The United States's Most Effective Top secret Society, ed. Kris Millegan (OR: Trine Day, 2003), 140.
John Klyczek possesses an MA in English and has actually educated college unsupported claims and analysis line of reasoning for over 7 years. His fictional scholarship focuses on the past of global eugenics and also Aldous Huxley's dystopic story, Brave New Planet. He is the writer of School Planet Purchase: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Learning (TrineDay Works); as well as he isa contributor to the Facility for Research Study on Globalization, OpEdNews, the Dissident Vocal, Blacklisted Headlines, the Lobbyist Post,Updates With Viewpoints, The Saker, and also Natural Headlines. His web site is information/
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George Soros Attacks China's AI Push as 'Mortal Danger'
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George Soros Attacks China's AI Push as 'Mortal Danger'
Governments and companies worldwide are investing heavily in artificial intelligence in hopes of new profits, smarter gadgets, and better health care. Financier and philanthropist George Soros told the World Economic Forum in Davos Thursday that the technology may also undermine free societies and create a new era of authoritarianism.
“I want to call attention to the mortal danger facing open societies from the instruments of control that machine learning and artificial intelligence can put in the hands of repressive regimes,” Soros said. He made an example of China, repeatedly calling out the country’s president, Xi Jinping.
China’s government issued a broad AI strategy in 2017, asserting that it would surpass US prowess in the technology by 2030. As in the US, much of the leading work on AI in China takes place inside a handful of large tech companies, such as search engine Baidu, and retailer and payments company Alibaba.
Soros argued that AI-centric tech companies like those can become enablers of authoritarianism. He pointed to China’s developing “social credit” system, aimed at tracking citizens’ reputations by logging financial activity, online interactions and even energy use, among other things. The system is still taking shape, but depends on data and cooperation from companies like payments company Ant Financial, a spinout of Alibaba. “The social credit system, if it became operational, would give Xi Jinping total control over the people,” Soros said.
Soros argued synergy like that between corporate and government AI projects creates a more potent threat than was posed by Cold War-era autocrats, many of whom spurned corporate innovation. “The combination of repressive regimes with IT monopolies endows those regimes with a built-in advantage over open societies,” Soros said. “They pose a mortal threat to open societies.”
Soros is far from the first to raise an alarm about the dangers of AI technology. It’s a favorite topic of Elon Musk, and last year Henry Kissinger called for a US government commission to examine the technology’s risks. Google cofounder Sergey Brin warned in in Alphabet’s most recent annual shareholder letter that AI technology had downsides, including the potential to manipulate people. Canada and France plan to establish an intergovernmental group to study how AI changes societies.
The financier attempted to draft Donald Trump into his AI vigilance campaign. He advised the president to be tougher on Chinese telecoms manufacturers ZTE and Huawei, to prevent them from dominating the high-bandwidth 5G mobile networks being built around the world. Both companies are already reeling from sanctions by the US and other governments.
Soros also urged the well-heeled attendees of Davos to help forge international mechanisms to prevent AI-enhanced authoritarianism—and that could both include and contain China. He asked them to imagine a technologically oriented version of the treaty signed after World War II that underpins the United Nations, binding countries into common standards for human rights and freedoms.
Here is the text of Soros’s speech:
I want to use my time tonight to warn the world about an unprecedented danger that’s threatening the very survival of open societies.
Last year when I stood before you I spent most of my time analyzing the nefarious role of the IT monopolies. This is what I said: “An alliance is emerging between authoritarian states and the large data rich IT monopolies that bring together nascent systems of corporate surveillance with an already developing system of state sponsored surveillance. This may well result in a web of totalitarian control the likes of which not even George Orwell could have imagined.”
Tonight I want to call attention to the mortal danger facing open societies from the instruments of control that machine learning and artificial intelligence can put in the hands of repressive regimes. I’ll focus on China, where Xi Jinping wants a one-party state to reign supreme.
A lot of things have happened since last year and I’ve learned a lot about the shape that totalitarian control is going to take in China.
All the rapidly expanding information available about a person is going to be consolidated in a centralized database to create a “social credit system.” Based on that data, people will be evaluated by algorithms that will determine whether they pose a threat to the one-party state. People will then be treated accordingly.
The social credit system is not yet fully operational, but it’s clear where it’s heading. It will subordinate the fate of the individual to the interests of the one-party state in ways unprecedented in history.
I find the social credit system frightening and abhorrent. Unfortunately, some Chinese find it rather attractive because it provides information and services that aren’t currently available and can also protect law-abiding citizens against enemies of the state.
China isn’t the only authoritarian regime in the world, but it’s undoubtedly the wealthiest, strongest and most developed in machine learning and artificial intelligence. This makes Xi Jinping the most dangerous opponent of those who believe in the concept of open society. But Xi isn’t alone. Authoritarian regimes are proliferating all over the world and if they succeed, they will become totalitarian.
As the founder of the Open Society Foundations, I’ve devoted my life to fighting totalizing, extremist ideologies, which falsely claim that the ends justify the means. I believe that the desire of people for freedom can’t be repressed forever. But I also recognize that open societies are profoundly endangered at present.
What I find particularly disturbing is that the instruments of control developed by artificial intelligence give an inherent advantage to authoritarian regimes over open societies. For them, instruments of control provide a useful tool; for open societies, they pose a mortal threat.
I use “open society” as shorthand for a society in which the rule of law prevails as opposed to rule by a single individual and where the role of the state is to protect human rights and individual freedom. In my personal view, an open society should pay special attention to those who suffer from discrimination or social exclusion and those who can’t defend themselves.
By contrast, authoritarian regimes use whatever instruments of control they possess to maintain themselves in power at the expense of those whom they exploit and suppress.
How can open societies be protected if these new technologies give authoritarian regimes a built-in advantage? That’s the question that preoccupies me. And it should also preoccupy all those who prefer to live in an open society.
Open societies need to regulate companies that produce instruments of control, while authoritarian regimes can declare them “national champions.” That’s what has enabled some Chinese state-owned companies to catch up with and even surpass the multinational giants.
This, of course, isn’t the only problem that should concern us today. For instance, man-made climate change threatens the very survival of our civilization. But the structural disadvantage that confronts open societies is a problem which has preoccupied me and I’d like to share with you my ideas on how to deal with it.
My deep concern for this issue arises out of my personal history. I was born in Hungary in 1930 and I’m Jewish. I was 13 years old when the Nazis occupied Hungary and started deporting Jews to extermination camps.
I was very fortunate because my father understood the nature of the Nazi regime and arranged false identity papers and hiding places for all members of his family, and for a number of other Jews as well. Most of us survived.
The year 1944 was the formative experience of my life. I learned at an early age how important it is what kind of political regime prevails. When the Nazi regime was replaced by Soviet occupation I left Hungary as soon as I could and found refuge in England.
At the London School of Economics I developed my conceptual framework under the influence of my mentor, Karl Popper. That framework proved to be unexpectedly useful when I found myself a job in the financial markets. The framework had nothing to do with finance, but it is based on critical thinking. This allowed me to analyze the deficiencies of the prevailing theories guiding institutional investors. I became a successful hedge fund manager and I prided myself on being the best paid critic in the world.
Running a hedge fund was very stressful. When I had made more money than I needed for myself or my family, I underwent a kind of midlife crisis. Why should I kill myself to make more money? I reflected long and hard on what I really cared about and in 1979 I set up the Open Society Fund. I defined its objectives as helping to open up closed societies, reducing the deficiencies of open societies and promoting critical thinking.
My first efforts were directed at undermining the apartheid system in South Africa. Then I turned my attention to opening up the Soviet system. I set up a joint venture with the Hungarian Academy of Science, which was under Communist control, but its representatives secretly sympathized with my efforts. This arrangement succeeded beyond my wildest dreams. I got hooked on what I like to call “political philanthropy.” That was in 1984.
In the years that followed, I tried to replicate my success in Hungary and in other Communist countries. I did rather well in the Soviet empire, including the Soviet Union itself, but in China it was a different story.
My first effort in China looked rather promising. It involved an exchange of visits between Hungarian economists who were greatly admired in the Communist world, and a team from a newly established Chinese think tank which was eager to learn from the Hungarians.
Based on that initial success, I proposed to Chen Yizi, the leader of the think tank, to replicate the Hungarian model in China. Chen obtained the support of Premier Zhao Ziyang and his reform-minded policy secretary Bao Tong.
A joint venture called the China Fund was inaugurated in October 1986. It was an institution unlike any other in China. On paper, it had complete autonomy.
Bao Tong was its champion. But the opponents of radical reforms, who were numerous, banded together to attack him. They claimed that I was a CIA agent and asked the internal security agency to investigate. To protect himself, Zhao Ziyang replaced Chen Yizi with a high-ranking official in the external security police. The two organizations were co-equal and they couldn’t interfere in each other’s affairs.
I approved this change because I was annoyed with Chen Yizi for awarding too many grants to members of his own institute and I was unaware of the political infighting behind the scenes. But applicants to the China Fund soon noticed that the organization had come under the control of the political police and started to stay away. Nobody had the courage to explain to me the reason for it.
Eventually, a Chinese grantee visited me in New York and told me, at considerable risk to himself. Soon thereafter, Zhao Ziyang was removed from power and I used that excuse to close the foundation. This happened just before the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989 and it left a “black spot” on the record of the people associated with the foundation. They went to great length to clear their names and eventually they succeeded.
In retrospect, it’s clear that I made a mistake in trying to establish a foundation which operated in ways that were alien to people in China. At that time, giving a grant created a sense of mutual obligation between the donor and recipient and obliged both of them to remain loyal to each other forever.
So much for history. Let me now turn to the events that occurred in the last year, some of which surprised me.
When I first started going to China, I met many people in positions of power who were fervent believers in the principles of open society. In their youth they had been deported to the countryside to be re-educated, often suffering hardships far greater than mine in Hungary. But they survived and we had much in common. We had all been on the receiving end of a dictatorship.
They were eager to learn about Karl Popper’s thoughts on the open society. While they found the concept very appealing, their interpretation remained somewhat different from mine. They were familiar with Confucian tradition, but there was no tradition of voting in China. Their thinking remained hierarchical and carried a built-in respect for high office. I, on the other hand I was more egalitarian and wanted everyone to have a vote.
So, I wasn’t surprised when Xi Jinping ran into serious opposition at home; but I was surprised by the form it took. At last summer’s leadership convocation at the seaside resort of Beidaihe, Xi Jinping was apparently taken down a peg or two. Although there was no official communique, rumor had it that the convocation disapproved of the abolition of term limits and the cult of personality that Xi had built around himself.
It’s important to realize that such criticisms were only a warning to Xi about his excesses, but did not reverse the lifting of the two-term limit. Moreover, “The Thought of Xi Jinping,” which he promoted as his distillation of Communist theory was elevated to the same level as the “Thought of Chairman Mao.” So Xi remains the supreme leader, possibly for lifetime. The ultimate outcome of the current political infighting remains unresolved.
I’ve been concentrating on China, but open societies have many more enemies, Putin’s Russia foremost among them. And the most dangerous scenario is when these enemies conspire with, and learn from, each other on how to better oppress their people.
The question poses itself, what can we do to stop them?
The first step is to recognize the danger. That’s why I’m speaking out tonight. But now comes the difficult part. Those of us who want to preserve the open society must work together and form an effective alliance. We have a task that can’t be left to governments.
History has shown that even governments that want to protect individual freedom have many other interests and they also give precedence to the freedom of their own citizens over the freedom of the individual as a general principle.
My Open Society Foundations are dedicated to protecting human rights, especially for those who don’t have a government defending them. When we started four decades ago there were many governments which supported our efforts but their ranks have thinned out. The US and Europe were our strongest allies, but now they’re preoccupied with their own problems.
Therefore, I want to focus on what I consider the most important question for open societies: what will happen in China?
The question can be answered only by the Chinese people. All we can do is to draw a sharp distinction between them and Xi Jinping. Since Xi has declared his hostility to open society, the Chinese people remain our main source of hope.
And there are, in fact, grounds for hope. As some China experts have explained to me, there is a Confucian tradition, according to which advisors of the emperor are expected to speak out when they strongly disagree with one of his actions or decrees, even that may result in exile or execution.
This came as a great relief to me when I had been on the verge of despair. The committed defenders of open society in China, who are around my age, have mostly retired and their places have been taken by younger people who are dependent on Xi Jinping for promotion. But a new political elite has emerged that is willing to uphold the Confucian tradition. This means that Xi will continue to have a political opposition at home.
Xi presents China as a role model for other countries to emulate, but he’s facing criticism not only at home but also abroad. His Belt and Road Initiative has been in operation long enough to reveal its deficiencies.
It was designed to promote the interests of China, not the interests of the recipient countries; its ambitious infrastructure projects were mainly financed by loans, not by grants, and foreign officials were often bribed to accept them. Many of these projects proved to be uneconomic.
The iconic case is in Sri Lanka. China built a port that serves its strategic interests. It failed to attract sufficient commercial traffic to service the debt and enabled China to take possession of the port. There are several similar cases elsewhere and they’re causing widespread resentment.
Malaysia is leading the pushback. The previous government headed by Najib Razak sold out to China but in May 2018 Razak was voted out of office by a coalition led by Mahathir Mohamed. Mahathir immediately stopped several big infrastructure projects and is currently negotiating with China how much compensation Malaysia will still have to pay.
The situation is not as clear-cut in Pakistan, which has been the largest recipient of Chinese investments. The Pakistani army is fully beholden to China but the position of Imran Khan who became prime minister last August is more ambivalent. At the beginning of 2018, China and Pakistan announced grandiose plans in military cooperation. By the end of the year, Pakistan was in a deep financial crisis. But one thing became evident: China intends to use the Belt and Road Initiative for military purposes as well.
All these setbacks have forced Xi Jinping to modify his attitude toward the Belt and Road Initiative. In September, he announced that “vanity projects” will be shunned in favor of more carefully conceived initiatives and in October, the People’s Daily warned that projects should serve the interests of the recipient countries.
Customers are now forewarned and several of them, ranging from Sierra Leone to Ecuador, are questioning or renegotiating projects.
Most importantly, the US government has now identified China as a “strategic rival.” President Trump is notoriously unpredictable, but this decision was the result of a carefully prepared plan. Since then, the idiosyncratic behavior of Trump has been largely superseded by a China policy adopted by the agencies of the administration and overseen by Asian affairs advisor of the National Security Council Matt Pottinger and others. The policy was outlined in a seminal speech by Vice President Mike Pence on October 4th.
Even so, declaring China a strategic rival is too simplistic. China is an important global actor. An effective policy towards China can’t be reduced to a slogan.
It needs to be far more sophisticated, detailed and practical; and it must include an American economic response to the Belt and Road Initiative. The Pottinger plan doesn’t answer the question whether its ultimate goal is to level the playing field or to disengage from China altogether.
Xi Jinping fully understood the threat that the new US policy posed for his leadership. He gambled on a personal meeting with President Trump at the G20 meeting in Buenos Aires. In the meantime, the danger of global trade war escalated and the stock market embarked on a serious sell-off in December. This created problems for Trump who had concentrated all his efforts on the 2018 midterm elections. When Trump and Xi met, both sides were eager for a deal. No wonder that they reached one, but it’s very inconclusive: a ninety-day truce.
In the meantime, there are clear indications that a broad based economic decline is in the making in China, which is affecting the rest of the world. A global slowdown is the last thing the market wants to see.
The unspoken social contract in China is built on steadily rising living standards. If the decline in the Chinese economy and stock market is severe enough, this social contract may be undermined and even the business community may turn against Xi Jinping. Such a downturn could also sound the death knell of the Belt and Road Initiative, because Xi may run out of resources to continue financing so many lossmaking investments.
On the question of global internet governance, there’s an undeclared struggle between the West and China. China wants to dictate rules and procedures that govern the digital economy by dominating the developing world with its new platforms and technologies. This is a threat to the freedom of the Internet and indirectly open society itself.
Last year I still believed that China ought to be more deeply embedded in the institutions of global governance, but since then Xi Jinping’s behavior has changed my opinion. My present view is that instead of waging a trade war with practically the whole world, the US should focus on China. Instead of letting ZTE and Huawei off lightly, it needs to crack down on them. If these companies came to dominate the 5G market, they would present an unacceptable security risk for the rest of the world.
Regrettably, President Trump seems to be following a different course: make concessions to China and declare victory while renewing his attacks on US allies. This is liable to undermine the US policy objective of curbing China’s abuses and excesses.
To conclude, let me summarize the message I’m delivering tonight. My key point is that the combination of repressive regimes with IT monopolies endows those regimes with a built-in advantage over open societies. The instruments of control are useful tools in the hands of authoritarian regimes, but they pose a mortal threat to open societies.
China is not the only authoritarian regime in the world but it is the wealthiest, strongest and technologically most advanced. This makes Xi Jinping the most dangerous opponent of open societies. That’s why it’s so important to distinguish Xi Jinping’s policies from the aspirations of the Chinese people. The social credit system, if it became operational, would give Xi total control over the people. Since Xi is the most dangerous enemy of the open society, we must pin our hopes on the Chinese people, and especially on the business community and a political elite willing to uphold the Confucian tradition.
This doesn’t mean that those of us who believe in the open society should remain passive. The reality is that we are in a Cold War that threatens to turn into a hot one. On the other hand, if Xi and Trump were no longer in power, an opportunity would present itself to develop greater cooperation between the two cyber-superpowers.
It is possible to dream of something similar to the United Nations Treaty that arose out of the Second World War. This would be the appropriate ending to the current cycle of conflict between the US and China. It would reestablish international cooperation and allow open societies to flourish. That sums up my message.
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