queenretcon · 2 years
Any characters you wish Bea and Tora got to interact more with?
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I’ve mentioned this before, but I love Barda and Bea’s interactions in the arc where Barda plays drill sergeant to help Bea unlock her new powers, and I’ve always wanted more of them together.
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We don’t get much interaction between Barda & Tora, but I think adding Tora to that dynamic would also be fun since Barda and Tora are such totally opposite characters. I think they should all get to go do stupid hijinks together. Girls trip!!!
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Individually, I’d love for Bea & Vixen and Tora & Helena’s relationships to get fleshed out. I really liked what little we saw in canon of both those duos.
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1-6 fourth world asks!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Favorite hero?
ORION OUUUUUGH rips and tears and bites and god. i love orion very dearly for so many reasons. he is a character w so much rich and fascinating lore, tragic history and future, at war w himself, he is also super sexy and i would have probably kinned him if i read new gods when i was 15 ala one of those very "goku wouldnt do that" situations
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[Image ID: A drawing of the artist as a crying chibi surrounded by merchandise of Orion from DC. He has Orion’s backwards cap on and a tshirt with panels of him looking in the mirror. He is holding a picture of Orion in his hands and a flag with Orion’s comic logo on it. Next to him are two action figures, and behind him are two posters of Orion.]
2. Favorite villain?
TOUGH ONE. i think doctor bedlam's scenes in the original were probably my favourite for recurring villains.
3. Favorite artist or writer?
JACK KIRBY!!! truly is there any other answer......
4. What’s a line that sticks with you?
"Curiously enough, Fastbak is plagued by an incurably beautiful voice... and curiously enough, his roguish activities are, somehow, terminated in time for him to perform for Highfather!! Or is it the "Wonder-Staff" of Highfather that plagues Fastbak? For is it not said that there is nothing swifter than the invisible "force" of its summons!?"
i once wrote a 5 paragraph essay about fastbak based on this line but i got embarrassed and deleted it :( I always felt like there was something more to Fastbak's character that we never got to see bc of the end of Fourth World's publication
5. Who’s an artist or writer you’d like to see tackle Fourth World?
I love Mister Miracle: Source of Freedom and like to see more of Brandon Easton and Fico Ossio's Fourth World (esp their Orion!).
Michael Avon Oeming on art for anything I would LOVE to see also, I've got a million screenshots of his Shilo Norman from Future State, just beautiful. Id prefer to see him on New Gods or MM over forever people though I think.
6. If you were helming a Fourth World solo, what would you want to include?
would like to sit back and come up with ideas while someone else writes ^. id love to do SOMETHING w the forever people but ive just never been able to formulate ideas. id like to do some flashbacks of orion growing up on NG... not too much! but a glimpse or two. I dont care for how tommyT established his backstory but I would be interested in tackling Jog as a serious Fourth World character instead of a throwaway OC. more shilo and oberon for mister miracle. i wanted to reread fourth world before i posted a lot of opinions on it but i have a job :'(
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transguygardner · 2 years
I was sleeping but 15-21 for the dc asks??
i was waiting till i got on my computer to answer these so sorry for the delay
15. Dark trinity or trinity?
dark trinity lol i will almost always love the character that the people who are supposed to give a shit about them end up shitting on but they're still fucking trying to be a force for good anyways. like i like the trinity but artemis jason and bizarro are more interesting to me narratively
16. Outsiders or Titans?
ok tbh i haven't read much of either but i will go with outsiders just because slade is probably there less
17. Teen Titans or Young Just Us?
again i haven't read much of either but i definitely have more interest in young justice so gotta go with them
18. Favorite animated show?
uhhh does the w.i.l.d.cats cartoon count? otherwise probably static shock or the batman (2004) aka what i grew up with and can still revisit as an adult who knows comic lore lol
19. Favorite superhero family?
the green lanterns are not a family imo even though im pretty sure i've seen them called that. but probably aquafam or wonderfam. theres a lot of drama there that i don't know about which makes them more appealing to me and more willing to go through all of their shit eventually
20. Young justice(show) or Teen Titans(show)?
i cannot make myself watch/rewatch either of these for various reasons but i would be lying if teen titans show did not have a big impact on me as a child. starfire and raven in that made me want to give being a girl a longer chance lol
21. Do you watch Teen Titans Go?
hell yeah. love to see these characters act like assholes and then sing a little song that will get stuck in your head
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starry-beetle · 8 months
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marker + ink ko-fi comm for @elevenhigh, thank you again!!
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xycuro-illuminati · 1 year
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@elevenhigh @hms-siren I love how both of you saw the hat with the red/black combo and immediately thought of the funny cowboy lmaooo <3 (Ask game here)
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hollowsart · 2 years
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..So talking to @/elevenhigh I did come up with a sort of unique concept for a Jack O’Lantern/Mad Jack villain design as suggested [here].. the thought of a black paper lantern head with pink/red flames was just too good for my little mind. So I just had to do a quick sketch with some color + some additional stuff about the whole paper lantern head, too!
[Chōchin Obaké] inspired!
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romanadvoratrelundar · 7 months
🍃tag people to get to know better🌽
thank you for tagging me @blankqueerthought!!
🌊three ships: jonmina, liujiu, stavos
⚓️first ever ship: pretty sure it was percico. what else do you ship when you're 13 and just read house of hades and it made you realize you were gay
👀currently watching: midnight mass (i just finished fall of the house of usher and really liked it)
🎬last movie: ummm not sure? the last movie i recall is rapito by marco bellocchio but i know i've watched other things more recently
📖currently reading: spqr by mary beard, inuit testimony: uncovering the franklin expedition, debt: the first 5000 years by david graever, mutual aid by peter kropotkin
🥦currently consuming: a block of manchego cheese
🥞currently craving: nabeyaki udon ;-;
i'll tag uhhhh @eiswolfzero, @perikyu, and @elevenhigh! no pressure though !!!
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shadethechangingman · 2 years
UUHMMMMMM 25-32 for the dc asks!!!!!
25. Batgirl or oracle?
well in general for all of them i like cass most but if this q means for babs than oracle..... always.... no more babsgirl end it. like the ableism with the spine implant and now backbrace shit. the hideous purple pajama suit.
26. Whos your favorite batgirl?
wait above. cass but im due to reread her comics its been a decade
27. Batgirl and the birds of Prey or Redhood and the Outlaws?
sorry god. rhato man......... i could fix them i really believe it i have this whole au in my mind for why they would form that is nothing at all like the canon one. the problem is there are so many characters i love in a room i must make it work
28. Favorite comic run?
main dc comic itd have to be new gods/fourth world or orion solo........ but for any comics ENIGMA (1993)!!!!!! screams and cries and wails and pukes and scratches and bites and rips and tears and maims and sobs and
29. Favorite comic artist?
hmm i dont think i have a specific fave rn but i like riley rossmo, trung le nguyen, amy reeder, jack kirby, dale eaglesham, doug mahnke, liam sharp, cliff chiang, kelley jones, dan brereton, and WELL. maybe more idk
30. Favorite comic writer?
tbh i cant even............ i cant think of a writer whos things ive enjoyed without it being like BUT------!!!!!!!!!! most of them i would fist fight
31. Do you like the joker?
boiling him in oil (derogatory)
32. Who do you think is the most overused or overrated characters?
overused? batman and the 4 main batboys. sorry i know i was just talking about his transgender swag but he is like 99% of dc titles its so depressing. caus like none of them even really are that good even.
overrated? h4l. stan him if u will but "you shouldnt/cant dislike him because of stuff he did in old comics!11" is such a weird attitude im seeing a bunch lately.... caus tbh i think while arisia and p4rallax are the Big Events the underlying character aspects that led to those happening are still part of him. imo. i plan to write an essay on this one day bc i have like character analysis feelings on this on top of hater feelings
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shadethechangingman · 2 years
42 - 48 dc asks???
42. Renee Montoya or Vic Sage
ummm i have to say vic only bc i have read a few more of his comics and also classic iggy fans know i had a long term jombs phase that technically began with a childhood crush on this beast
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43. Kate Kane and Renee Montoya or Apollo and Midnighter?
katerenee though bc i havent read midpollo... like umthey show up sometimes and i see funny fanart of them in theory i think i would like them but i dont want to survive their comics RN!!!!! but i used to like katerenee when i was a youth
44. Barry Allen or Wally West?
i dont care about barry tbh honestly but when this question comes up im always lke omg barryyyyy my best friend barry
45. Kara Zor-El, Stephanie Brown or Cassie sandsmark?
ILL GO W STEPH i have read the most of her comics recently i confess i just have not been reading for the young hero generation
46. Kord Industrues, Wayne Tech or Lex Corp?
i guess i have to say wayne i know him best
47. If you could have any characters powers who’s would you have?
shade the changing man for sure. i would either save the world or destroy it. and i want to try that vape thing he does
48. Favorite villain?
yaaaay one of the absolute best new villains imo.... his original story ends kind of piss but tsz has been fun for him
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transguygardner · 8 months
Hmmmm. Starfire? Or cyborg?
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Starefire is number 77 at 50 issues! Her main boost is from Teen Titans Academy (sorry Starfire i promise to read your real books one day)
Cyborg is number 44 at 65 issues! His main boost is also from Teen Titans Academy.... sorry i only started reading teen titans stuff because Crush was introduced. I will read both their books one day because i want to see visions of starborg
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shadethechangingman · 2 years
25. Batgirl or oracle?
for babs oracle obviously.... but if i had to pick from them all then Cass batgirl of Course
26. Whos your favorite batgirl?
technicaly it would be carrie kelley in her brief run as batgirl...but then ^^^ cass of course i had a really big cass phase in middleschool and i should go back but i havent reread a lot of batfam stuff
27. Batgirl and the birds of Prey or Redhood and the Outlaws?
(rips them apart with my teeth)its so sad this is the only pic of the hole team i have and they all look so bad.
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28. Favorite comic run?
my beloved.................. shade tcm #1-32 and enigma also
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29. Favorite comic artist?
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30. Favorite comic writer?
i dont think i have one right now but ram v is currently my friend right now. dont fuck this up
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hollowsart · 2 years
This made me open the Wikipedia for Scorpions and broh some of them glow florescent under UV? That makes me think of your art and colors immediately. Also all this talk of scorpions reminds me of how often they’re. Uh. Put in candy. Have you ever seen a candy coated scorpion lollipop? They used to sell them at the beach near where I live. Horrifying.
I'm so sorry you had to go to the wiki page for scorpions LOL (unless you don't mind those animals)
Also, I had actually forgotten about that fact (the uv light thing) and now I'm thinking of someone else I know who's been going with a "rave" sort of aesthetic for some of their own redesigns of a few spiderman villains: @elevenhigh
As for the last comment:
Yeah, I've seen those. They're usually like baby scorpions considering just how small they are.
They usually sell them at hot topic, earthbound, or Spencer's from what I remember. Along with other.. bugs, like crickets n stuff. It's really disgusting to me sndnngmssnfg
No offense to those who don't mind and/or enjoy them.
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transguygardner · 2 years
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marching band (something big like tuba or a drum thing)
water polo
the football team is so sad that dmitri is on marching band so he cannot be on the team because im sure he’s one of the huge high schoolers. but no dmitri would rather learn how to march in formation while carrying a huge instrument also his friend tora is there :)
idk how good he would be at robotics but i think its something he would have a lot of fun doing and keeps really good spirits at their matches
honestly idr what season water polo is in or if it clashes with marching band but i think if dmitri played a sport in high school it would be this one. a beast in the water
anime club
culinary class
he joins the anime club because there isnt another kind of comics club and is always the one trying to get people to talk about not anime
he’s one of the people who tries to get dmitri to join the football team instead of playing in the marching band and its because he wants to be on a team with dmitri but unfortunately he cannot play an instrument to save his life 😔
i feel like he would take home ec or whatever because he needs it for a graduation requirement and then realize that he actually really likes cooking and then he takes more of the cooking classes his high school offers
grifter (disclaimer i havent actually read that many comics with him in it so this is mostly from the vibes i got in the cartoon)
jrotc -> colorguard
martial arts class
tagging along to his friends after school activities
i think he like joins jrotc but then fucking hates it and ends up being convinced to join the colorguard cause then he can learn how to do tricks with fake wooden rifles which appeals to him
he’d also take a martial arts class after school at a not school affiliated location. i think this is how he would know zealot cause itd be funny to me if they didnt go to the same school
and then every day that he doesnt have that or colorguard he is just hanging around one of his friends clubs until he can get a ride home because he missed the bus again and doesnt have a car. he’s a bit disruptive and is probably smoking if its meeting outside or if the teacher doesnt pay attention that much
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transguygardner · 2 years
2d guy and 4e john henry 💖
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guysteel moments 💖
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queenretcon · 2 years
A4 from the recent fashion meme bea 🥺🥺🥺??
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this outfits like if booster and beas closets had a gayby and I love that
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transguygardner · 2 years
f2 for helena B?
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earth 437125’s helena bertinelli!
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