#electric torpedo ray
sonic-elements · 1 year
Volt The Torpedo Ray
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meet the electrician and combatant of Team Wisp, originally a wanderer out in the vast ocean. wanting to fight back against eggman. armed with powerful Electricity powers making him a good choice for the Ivory wisps. Meet Volt The Torpedo ray
(Sonic Characters belong to ©Sega) (Character belongs to me don't steal or trace)
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herpsandbirds · 1 month
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Common Torpedo aka Eyed Electric Ray (Torpedo torpedo), family Torpedinidae, order Torpediniformes, Corsica
photograph by Robert Pillon
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 6 months
Daily fish fact #658
Common torpedo!
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This ambush predator can produce up to 200 volts of electricity, which it uses to stun unsuspecting prey! It is distinct from other electric rays thanks to its large spots, ocellae, which it tends to have five of in a symmetrical pattern. There are also cases of common torpedos having less than five or even no ocellae, and rarest of all there are rays with more than five!
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pencilbrony · 2 years
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Common torpedo from Marcus Elesier Bloch’s Ichthyologie ou, Histoire naturelle des poissons. Berlin 1796.
Source: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr Library (online via Biodiversity Heritage Library: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/26748).
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bethanythebogwitch · 4 months
Fish-uary 2024 day 9: ray
Day nine of @fish-daily's fish-uary 2024. The prompt is ray and I offer the shocking common torpedo (Torpedo torpedo).
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ketrinadrawsalot · 1 year
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Raypril Returns + Sea Angels: Torpedo Ray
Available on Redbubble!
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The surprisingly connected origins of "starve" and "torpedo".
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child-star · 7 months
I love how cool some animal names are. Like... how am I not supposed to lose my shit over the Electric Torpedo Ray or the Hellbender or Pink Fairy Armadillo? You can't make me. I will be feral and excited about them.
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Alessandro Volta's Electric Eels
Okay so, it turns out that your cell phone battery is a basically a homunculus of an electric fish. 
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These are the same thing. Let me explain.
@fishteriously, a paleoichthyologist, told me that Alessandro Volta invented the electric battery after studying electric eels and rays.  This sounded like a fun science factoid!  I wanted to know more!  I saw the claim repeated on any number of pop science articles from the last century or so, but none that quoted from primary sources.
The voltaic pile is one of the most important inventions, ever, of all time.  Before Volta, electricity could be stored in Leyden jar capacitors, which would discharge in a single, brief burst. Volta's pile was the first method of producing a continuous electric current, which launched the modern era of electricity as we know it. His explanation for how it worked was incorrect, but it was still a massive breakthrough.
Batteries use the same principle to this day, just with different materials (e.g. cobalt oxide, graphite, and lithium salts rather than silver, zinc, and brine).
But is it a fish?
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This is Volta's first schematic of a battery, or "voltaic pile" – at the time, "battery" referred to a bunch of Leyden jars linked in series, the term wouldn't come to refer to piles until later. "Z" and "A" stand for zinc and silver ("argentum"), with brine-soaked paper disks between. It does look a bit like an eel?
But is it truly?
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Surely, if Volta modeled the pile after electric fishes, I’d be able to find a citation!  Wikipedia is usually a good place to start when hunting primary sources, but no luck.  No mention of fish at all.  I trust fishteriously more than wikipedia, however, so I went digging.  Looks like Volta first reported his discovery in a Letter to the Royal Society in 1800.
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Found the letter!
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Aw beans, it’s in French.  I haven’t studied French since high school.
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Une commotion électrique? A trembling eel???
Okay so now I NEEDED to read the letter in English. I found an English-language summary published by the Royal Society, but it looks like the only English translation of the full letter was in the appendix of an out-of-print book called “Alessandro Volta and the Electric Battery.”
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So I bought a used copy. Let's see what Volta has to say about this:
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"To this apparatus ... I have constructed it, in its form to the natural electric organ of the torpedo or electric eel, &c, than to the Leyden flask and electric batteries [battery = linked Leyden flasks], I would wish to give the name of artificial electric organ."
Yes! The voltaic pile was explicitly modeled after electric fishes – torpedo rays and electric eels.  Fishteriously was 100% correct. Volta never even calls it a "pile," it is always "artificial electric organ." A significant portion of the letter is devoted to electric eels and torpedo rays, in fact.
But also, the rest of the letter is bonkers.
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He wrote pages on painful experiments with the artificial electric organ – touching it, poking it into his eyes and ears, making other people touch it, generally just shocking the ever loving hell out of himself over and over. He routinely shocks himself so hard that he has to take breaks. And of course, he licks it.
But that's not the best part:
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He says that the artificial electric organ can be turned sideways and submerged in liquid...
"...by which means these cylinders would have a pretty good resemblance to the electric eel ... they might be joined together by pliable metallic wires or screw springs, and then covered with a skin terminated by a head and tail properly formed, &c."
There you have it. One of the most important scientific discoveries of all time, and it includes a crafts project for building an authentic electric eel puppet.
In summary, next time you charge your phone, take a moment to thank the soul of the electric fish inside of it.
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mutant-distraction · 2 months
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The common torpedo, also known as ocellate torpedo or eyed electric ray, is a species of electric ray in the family Torpedinidae
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antiqueanimals · 4 months
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Marbled electric ray (Torpedo marmorata), Smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata)
Fishes of the World. Written by Hans Hvass. Illustrated by Wilhelm Eigener. Originally published in 1964.
Internet Archive
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taxonomytournament · 4 months
Taxonomy Tournament: Cartilaginous Fish
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Rhinopristiformes. This order includes shovelnose rays and sawfish
Torpediniformes. This order is made up electric rays, which have electric organs at the base of their pectoral fins, allowing them to produce an electric discharge to stun prey. Torpedos (the weapon) are named after these animals
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sweetronancer · 4 months
Lumity headcanons?
i havent watch toh since like s3e3 came out but like!!
i like the thought of luz or amity reading to the other when theyre like stressed or something because thats just a sweet little thing?
also when they first got to the human realm i think amity would like grab random things she found interesting and give them to luz? she'd also probably collect cicada shells/sheds/molts (bro idk but i do this)
and random idea but like luz takes amity to an aquarium and amity is absolutely stricken by the rays (torpedo rays, electric rays, literally every single ray)
and like thats all from the top of my head??? sorry if its not much hlepaldf
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inversionimpulse · 1 year
when I become a famous fantasy author... or something, I haven’t decided yet... I’m going to be pointlessly confusing and annoying and refer to all magic-users exclusively as philosophers
Because you see, the concept of science is relatively recent. Before than, all pursuit of knowledge - whether it be existential, physical, medical, anything - was simply philosophy (this is at least etymologically still true, PhD stands for “Doctor of Philosophy”) and followed a very different perspective. If magic is real in a given setting, and has always been real, it would not be understood as something separate from science.
One, because science wasn’t a concept that existed yet.
But more importantly, two, because magic would be philosophy. And, for that matter, has been philosophy.
Like science, the distinction between physics/etc. and magic is also new. The philosophers of the past did not have the tools we have for understanding the world, nor the tradition of rationalism and scientific positivism (eugh) that we have. A torpedo ray can discharge electricity; to the ancient Greeks this seemed to be a magical ability to poison the waters. These kinds of things that just seemed to happen without mechanical reason are everywhere, and that sort of mystery influence the thinking of philosophers.
So you’d get wise men capable of calculating the circumference of the Earth who also studied rituals to determine what best pleased the gods. People who could invent mathematics still relevant today who also described how to make charms and talismans to ward against illness. And these things seemed equally as, for lack of a better word, scientific even though nowadays we’d call some of that ‘magic’ and ‘superstition.’ These people really were incredibly smart and their superstition by no means takes away from that - in fact, their superstition was one of the tools they used to pursue knowledge.
So in a fantasy setting where magic is demonstrably real, a mage would naturally be a philosopher in the same way a physicist was a philosopher and a biologist was a philosopher. In fact a mage would probably also be a physicist, and a biologist, and a theologian (depending on what equivalent era your fantasy is set in). Philosophers had their interests, but the difference between, say, physics and biology was akin to the difference between ethics and existentialism. They were separate pursuits, but they were both philosophy, so you’d probably at least dip your toes into both. (again, to era-dependent degrees. Philosophy has a history of more than two thousand years. It would be nonsense to try to claim it has been the same for all of that)
All of this has been my long-winded way of saying that I am increasingly sick of fantasy that presents magic, religion, and science as not only separate but opposed when that makes no sense. Unless you’re writing a scenario where magic becomes real suddenly in the modern day, those three should be the same thing.
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fishfactsfriday · 1 year
Fish facts #8 Zappy sea pancake
When thinking of an aquatic creature that is related to electricity, the average person is prone to think of an electric eel but while it is not a common ability it is not exclusive to the electric eel.
The torpedo ray, also known as the electric ray, is obviously a ray. They live by themselves usually in warm, shallow, coastal waters but the subspecies of blind electric rays can live at depths of 1,000 m (3,300 feet). They live world wide and their sizes range from 30 cm (1 foot) to about 2 m (6 feet), although females rays grow larger than their male counterparts.
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an image of a common torpedo ray, the marbled electric ray
Now I brought up the electric eel for a good reason when talking about the torpedo ray. They both have electric organs and utilize it in similar ways for hunting. The torpedo ray has two bean kidney shaped organs in their head/body, around the base of the pectoral fins. The shock can get up 220 volts, which is much more impressive than the 45 or higher volts taken to knock a grown adult unconscious. The usually swallow their prey whole, as they lack they jaws for chewing. It is also used to sense the electricity in the environment, as all creatures produce electricity in varying intensities and this allows then to sense their surroundings and potential predators and prey.
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Torpedo rays have actually been known to exist for quite a while and ancient greeks and romans actually even used the electric shock of the ray as a sort of numbing agent for operations and even childbirth. Hell, they were even used as treatments for headaches and gout, which is a form of arthritis!!
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A size comparison for a large version of a torpedo ray being tagged by a diver.
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Originally created June 4, 2021
Sources lost
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