#ehhhh im out of tags
7roaches · 9 months
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hrgh lesbiab
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velvetwyrme · 11 months
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A little comic based on my initial response to @wave-nine's post ;3c
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numberonepartyboy · 3 months
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mostly sora doodle dump
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dontcallmeeds · 1 year
Part 2 of Eddie Making Jewelry For Steve; Part 1 here / Part 3 here / Part 4 here
Steve had figured it out after the second little box that was left on the Family Video counter.
He didn’t see Eddie leave it, he was too involved in his conversation with Robin that happened to be about his panic surrounding Eddie.
See the thing is, he knew there were bisexual people and he knew he liked men for years.
But saying it outloud and falling for his best friend? Well, that was a whole other thing.
The way Steve figured it out was the handwriting on the little notes. It felt a little crazy comparing his Family Video card paperwork to the notes, but Robin was the one who suggested it.
Eddie looped his lowercase Es tightly, to the point they almost looked like Cs. And his Is were always lowercase with a circle instead of a dot.
It really just had to be him leaving the beautiful pieces that made Steve’s heart melt and his stomach fall out his ass. Although, he still had his doubts. There was no way his dream guy was just being that fucking perfect, that wasn’t usually how Steve’s life went.
But oh god did he sure have hope.
Steve thought he was being obvious that he knew, wearing the ring that he had fallen in love with in front of Eddie. He even fidgeted with it and caught Eddie staring at it before the other man quickly looked away.
He couldn’t help but tear up in the Beamer after the outing, asking Robin for advice only resulted in drunken living room karaoke, not a plan.
Steve tried to ask where he got his pieces once so maybe him and Robin could run surveillance like old times, but Eddie ended up being vague and elusive.
When Steve brought Nancy into the secret op, she suggested a stake out which felt like stalking. She started a board with dates and drop off locations and roughly estimated it was every 2-4 weeks on dates Steve was usually busy.
It was coming up on almost a month since the last drop and Steve was practically showing off with the last chain, making sure his polo was just open at top enough for Eddie to see.
The flushing across Eddie’s cheeks into his chest was everything, but still his metalhead said nothing.
It was time for Nancy’s plan.
Steve dropped days he’d be busy, watching as Eddie seemingly made a mental note of them. His feigned disappointment was shaky, Steve hoping he’d just blurt it out without confrontation.
But alas, nothing.
Nancy put on her ‘undercover journalism best’ aka a literally just a black sweater and black pants, borrowing her parents car instead of using her own. And I’m that moment Steve felt—
“Am I crazy? Is this whole thing crazy?” Steve paces the Family Video aisles between romance and comedy, which felt pretty fitting considering his love life was a joke.
Robin places a hand on his shoulder and gives him that all encompassing look between the fact that she thinks it’s completely sane, but also really fucking crazy.
“You want to know for sure, right? Not just the handwriting or little weird glances?”
Steve sighs and then nods slowly, he really did want to know for sure. But the problem is what came after.
“Okay then, we’ll just see what Nancy says then hmm? For all we know it could be a boring—“
As if on cue, the walkie they stole from the kids crackles.
“Steve—it’s for sure him, he just—“
“HE JUST WHAT?! WE NEED ANSWERS WHEELER,” Robin shouts into the speaker before Nancy can even finish, Steve grabs the walk-in out of her hand with a scoff.
“Say sorry to your eardrums for her Nance— so wait, what happened?” Steve tries to shove down his nerves, but his fingers on the device tremble.
“He leave something in your mailbox, do you want me to—“
“Steve, GO!”
He really needs to teach her what an inside voice is.
“Are you—“
“I’ll cover you, if Keith comes back I’ll—I’ll make up a dead aunt or say you ripped your pants, I don’t know! I’m not good under pressure, you know how I get Steve. Goddamnit, just go before I start rambling!”
Steve nods and handing her the walkie, running out the door. He knows he breaks the speed limit on the way home, knows if he gets pulled over he can just use the Hopper card. He normally wouldn’t, but extreme times and all that.
Nancy is pulled into the drive when he gets there, popping out when she sees him pull up next to the mailbox.
“Hey I wanted to stay, for you know, support,” she says with a small smile, seeming to enjoy this all way too much.
“Nance, you didn’t have to—“
“Yes I did, Steve. Now fucking open it before me and Robs burst a blood vessel.”
Steve nervously chuckles, his fingers twitching on the mailbox door before pulling it down to a little red box.
‘Stevie, something different,’ is all it reads.
He shares a glance with Nancy, before pulling it out.
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astronomodome · 9 months
my stance on one piece is that I’m vaguely aware of it but have zero interest in it myself. however one of my mutuals likes it so I tolerate its existence. except SIKE!!!! the person who likes it is NOT my mutual but in fact popular minecraft youtuber and tumblr user martyn inthelittlewood, who has reblogged my posts *checks* four (?) times
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ringaroundtheroses · 3 months
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rizzed her up
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scatterpatter · 3 months
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alt version with less effects under the cut!
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mayyosgallery · 11 months
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Finishing off my Red vs Blue posting with some of the outcasts, including my favorite characters in the series.
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kenmaiii · 3 months
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oomf right honestly drawing faves and ocs like ponies is fun :3. pretty slay for a first attempt i think
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Assortment of sketches n doodles of my most recent brainworm inducers
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orcelito · 1 year
chapter 8 of In the Next Life is live!
Insurance Girls
got a Fateful Meeting in this one :')
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soapyghost · 1 year
Firefighter John Price x Fem! Reader
I constantly have Price brain rot so like have my horny thoughts. Hear me out- firefighter price. EH? EHHHH?? Ok fuck you im doing it :) Anyways- this is dedicated to my local fire department cuz they are FINE AF (i see yall at the grocery store how u doin)
So I’m planning on making this a series. A lil slow burn. Idk how many parts. Enjoy the ride. Lmk if you want to be put on the tag list.
Warnings: eventual smut!!! Fluff, fire, mentions of injuries, angst kinda? Use of Y/N. Let me know if I missed anything.
Tag list- @southernbluebellereader (thank you so much for letting me vent about this work ily)
Funny how the worst night of your life would lead you to the best night of your life. Waking up the the blaring sounds of an alarm, you roll over and blindly grab your phone. It couldn't be 7am already can it? You tap on the screen to reveal it's only 2:47am and that sound was not your alarm. It takes you a moment to realize the ear shattering sound is coming from the fire alarm in your kitchen.
Without thinking you fling yourself out of the embrace of the covers only to be met with thick, choking, black smoke. Sputtering you being to cough and eyes filling with tears as you drop to the ground. Crawling to the door on all fours you slowly make your way across the hard vinyl flooring. Again, you mindlessly grab the door handle only to immediately fall backwards onto your back at the searing pain now flowing through your hand. A scream escapes your mouth as you look down, and even in the dark of the room you can see the charred flesh of your hand.
This is it, you think, swallowing hard. This is how you go. Scared and alone in your shitty one bedroom apartment in the same shitty town you were born. They're going to find your body on the morning news, charred and nearly unrecognizable, wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt and panties. You let out a sob as the tears begin to fall from your eyes, mixing with the soot in the air. The burning only adds to your hysteria. Curling up into the fetal position and rocking back and forth you wait for your end.
Suddenly the door to your bedroom is smashed open, wood chips flying everywhere. You scream again and fling your eyes open. Before you stands a giant, a monster. You let out another scream and begin shuffling backwards to the corner of the room. The large creature begins moving towards you and scoops you up like you were nothing. You'd come to terms with dying and becoming a crisp but not dying to a shadow. Squirming you try to get out of the iron clad grasp holding you bridal style. "I got one, she's alive" a voice comes from the monster. Its not until you're out in the hallway that you finally notice, its not a creature, not a monster, but a man.
Piercing blue eyes look down at you from the inside of a yellow hood, crinkling into a small smile. "It's going to be ok, shhh" the thick British voice says, muffled by the gas mask protecting his face. Gulping and holding back tears, you simply nod before putting your face into his chest.
Cold air hits your thighs as you breach the exit of the apartment complex. A gasp escapes your throat and goosebumps immediately cover your body. A small chuckle escapes the figure holding you. He sets you down on the grass, far out of the reach of the fire engulfing your home. You open your eyes to look upon your savior as he kneels down to remove his mask. When he does, the world seems to move in slow motion like one of those stupid commercials.
He's simply breathtaking, from his perfect blue eyes to the well groomed beard that graces his face. "You alrigh' luv?" he asks, reaching out a gloved hand to your shoulder. His voice shakes you out of your daze, back to the harsh reality that you are half naked on the grass outside the crumbling building you used to live in.
It's such a simple question, but after everything you've just been through, it hits like a ton of bricks and tears begin to well up in your eyes again. "Thank you" you hiccup out between sobs, holding tightly onto the hand on your shoulder. He grabs you and brings you into a tight embrace. The world stops, there's no more yelling, no more burning buildings, no more sirens. Its just you and him.
"Cap? You good?" a voice breaks through your fantasy, and you whip your head around to see yet another beautiful man. This one sporting a mohawk and beautiful hazel eyes. "All good here Soap, go." your savior commands. "Soap?" you croak, a huff of a laugh escaping you. Looking back to the man holding you together, a soft smile crawls upon your lips. "Ha, yeah. Long story. You never answered me luv, you alright?" he asks, pulling away slightly to look you over, suddenly realizing just how exposed you were.
Immediately he takes off his jacket and lays it on you, offering you some small form of coverage. "'M alrigh" you respond, breathless. Truth be told, you were far from alright, but that was all you could muster. The man smiles at you and begins to get up, but before you can think you reach out and pull him back, "please... please don't leave" you whisper. His eyes widen ever so slightly, before he holds you back. "Alrigh' luv I won't leave you, cmon'" he smiles, scooping you back up and taking you to the back of the ambulance.
Setting you down in the back, he readjusts the jacket to cover your lower half before looking back up into your eyes, "Names John" he says. You look up into the eyes of the man who just saved your life, "John" you say, testing out the feeling of his name on your tongue. "That's it luv, don't wear it out now ya 'ear?" he murmurs into your ear before finally untangling himself from you. A small whine escapes your throat at the loss of contact, and a blush rises up your face as you realize that he definitely heard it. He chuckles, "alrigh' love, I need to go back to my team, will you let the paramedics check you out?" he asks, looking deep in your eyes. You swallow thickly and nod, "will you come back?" you whisper, your face growing redder by the second. "Of course, luv" he says before cupping your cheek and smiling. He drops his hand, offering you one last smile before saying, “take good care of her eh Gaz?”. He turns his back and jogs back to the firetruck.
The paramedic begins to check you out, tending to your hand. He’s also good looking; tall, muscular and sporting a baseball cap. You notice he also has a slight accent. As he grabs the gauze to wrap your hand he says, “so you didn’t pay attention in school huh?” The remark catches you off guard and you simply blink in confusion at the man, did he really just ask you that? “You shouldn’t grab metal in a fire” he chuckles, finishing your hand and giving you a pat on the shoulder.
“Guess not huh” you respond sheepishly. Not only were you almost burnt to a crisp but now you’re getting chastised for not remembering elementary school training. “Ah, we all forget things in the moment. You’ll be ight” he smiles, placing his med kit back in the ambulance. You look down at the jacket covering your bare legs, it reads in all caps “PRICE”. John Price.
Johns smiling face rounds the corner just as Gaz finishes cleaning up, “how she lookin’ kid?” he asks, looking at you. “Ah she’ll be ight cap” Gaz responds, taking the unspoken hint to slip away and leave you two alone. You absentmindedly flex your hand, the feeling of the gauze on your hand unfamiliar and coarse.
“You alright sweetheart?” John kneels to be closer to your height, his eyes looking deep into yours. “Much better now. I don’t think I’ll ever forget to not touch metal” you laugh weakly. His laugh surprises you, deep and rich. The wrinkles by his eyes deepen as he laughs.
Now that the immediate threat of dying was over, you began to notice just how attractive John was. His muscles rippling underneath the tight long sleeve made your head spin. Or maybe it was the smoke inhalation. You could make out the salt and pepper greys in his beard and hair. And to top it all off, his beautiful blue eyes. You could get lost in them, you were lost in them.
A hand waves itself infront of your face and snaps you back to reality. You’d been caught and you blushed feverishly. “Luv?” John asked, “I asked ya a question.” “Oh ah uh. Sorry. Adrenaline” you answer, eyes darting to the concrete below, trying desperately to hide your face. “I asked if you got somewhere to stay?” He questions again. “Oh. Uhm. Yeah I can get a hotel.” You say, not quite sure how you’ll afford it but you really don’t have any option. “Well then, we’ll take ya” John smiles, holding out his hand.
You grab his hand and move his jacket so it’s resting on your shoulders. He leads you back to the fire truck where the rest of his crew is waiting. “Cap?” A man in a balaclava asks. “Were just taking.. hmm didn’t catch your name luv” John looks over to you. “Oh it’s Y/N” you say, blushing once again. “Beautiful. We’re dropping Y/N off a hotel” John states, recieving nods from his crew.
The ride there is quiet, John driving, the smell of smoke suffocating the cab of the truck. All the men looked exhausted, the one they called soap dozing off. But the man in the balaclava never took his eyes off you, never waivered. You found him odd, his stare unsettling you a bit.
When you finally make it to a hotel Soap wakes and opens the door for you, where John is waiting to help you down. He leads you into the lobby and before you can speak he says “one room for the lady please” to the receptionist. The woman behind the desk smiles and says, “sure thing John” before sliding him a key.
“But wait- I need to pay!” You exclaim. John simply laughs and extends his hand out again to lead you to your room. “No need to worry luv, this is on me” he smiles. You could get lost forever in that smile, would do anything to get to see it. The walk to your room seeming all too short, he drops your hand to unlock the door and holds it open for you.
“Get some rest alright?” He says, looking down at you. All the adrenaline has evaporated from your body and all you can think about is how comfortable that bed looks. You look up to him and whisper, “thank you.” He smiles again, before gesturing you inside. “Sleep well, luv’” he murmurs before closing the door and leaving you in the darkness of the hotel room.
You don’t even remember crawling into bed or even falling asleep. When you wake, you’re comfortably in bed still in John Prices jacket.
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ty @alexturnersmommy for the tag!! 15 questions/15 mutuals - right. here we go
1. are you named after anyone?
nope. wish i could say more but its simple as that 😭
2. when was the last time you cried?
oversharing and its bitter aftertaste ahhh fuck it. sobbed my face off few days ago on monday at my grans grave
3. do you have kids?
nah. jesus do i want kids? ehhhh- nah no youre aright
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
...probably. nevermind - yes. one of the phrases i say the most is "aw you've only went and done it havent ye." in a really angry voice when someones done absolutely nothing- which is really confusing cause i also say it in a less angry voice when someone does something really good?? ah
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
their voice!! i find it really easy to like someone if their voice sounds nice and also the opposite, do love a good accent.
6. what’s your eye colour?
hazel ig?? ive got central heterochromia so the centre of my eyes are brown and the rest is green.
7. scary movies or good endings?
good ending all the way. having said that, i am an avid agnst enjoyer so put your characters through hell as long as everything works out <3
8. any special talents?
uhhh i can moonwalk and half stand on my head- that's fun at parties 😭
9. where were you born?
glasgowwwwwww... like 3 months before i should have been 😭
10. what are your hobbies?
writing (shameless plug: read my fic ahhh its my pinned post), playing guitar, sticking ungodly amount of posters and magazines on my wall and uhhh love a good wee dj sesh i wont like *record scratch*
11. do you have any pets?
got a cat called derrikk. aye.
12. what sports do you play/have you played?
does dance count as a sport? eh what the hell. dance, sailing if you count it as a sport- longboarding...if you can count that as a sport 😭 used to do basketball.
13. how tall are you?
oh here we go. i'm 6'... let me tell you i am unstoppable (very much stoppable im an unbalanced bastard) in heels
14. favourite subject in school?
music tech and drama - only class where i can just chuck on my headphones and listen to music while editing projects stuff and in drama i love a good wee bit of the spotlight
15. dream job?
wanna be a film writer and director!! #my first screenplay is a mile long and very much unfinished
oh heres the fun part (remembering tags has to be one of my weaknesses) no pressure/dw if youve already been tagged!: @ballad-of-what-could-have-been @uhbasicallyjustmilex @rainymongerbanditweasel-blog @smokinnicsuckindic @mileskanex christ my memory is actually gonna be the death of me, anyone who wants it, you're tagged!
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angelsarrm · 4 months
hello I just scrolled through all ur angeltrick tagged stuff and its going to be in my head forever and ever now. please please tell me more about it. literally anything I'd love to listen
omggg okay im just gonna dump my thoughts under the cut while im on my work break LMFAO
General things
-patrick was born a human but ~bestowed~ angel powers in order to defend humanity against an apocalypse (ill get to dat later)
-his family knew but were like ehhhh im sure it will figure itself out. the band didnt find out until after they started fall out boy and patrick slipped (he had lil baby wings just on his head atp)
-band helps patrick hide his little wings and the occasional floating on stage when patrick gets a little too excited (that one clip of joe flopping patrick's hat back on hehe)
-ioh era/folie era he starts developing actual powers/ he turns into a little creature sometimes when hes overwhelmed (think howl from ghibli)
-sometime between this time as well he gets his big wings! idk probably from album stress i havent thought about it too much
-the band loves taking naps and petting patrick's wings when he gets the small chances of stretching them out :] pete keeps a feather in his wallet
-SOUL PUNK ERA ANGSTTTT bro cannot stretch his wings out when he solo tours, gets bummed about it, cut to the day when joe went and watched his set and they hang out and patrick is excited to show off his wings again to his buddy slayyyy
-i wanted to incorporate the ybc into being like ... the prophecy patrick has to prevent but ends up being the one to cause it, but it's okay cuz he still got a free pass to heaven LMFAO
- everything is all good and dandy afterwards and patrick gets to keep his cool angel powers and wings after theyre revived yayyyyy
-patrick does get a little defensive of the band imo and so even when their older sometimes he has his little moments and has feathers start to grow everywhere .... it was harder to control when he was younger
-tldr patrick gets goofy angel powers and the band all loves their little angel creature guy :]
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n7punk · 1 year
Ok i know youll say no esp bc there isnt even a full chapter count/estimate for superzero yet but. Can we get some indication of what it will look like structurally? (Kinda like how for SLAS you were like “the first half is a slowburn, the second half ISNT”)
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i debated using the slow burn tag, i'll be honest, but I was like ehhhh does it count? so i didnt lol. for this fic, it isn't in two acts or anything but it's still kind of bifurcated by The Scene™️. id say the first half is medium-low simmer and the second half is fried. interpret that how you want <3
as far as length... idk somewhere between 10 and 16 chapters. my initial estimate was 7 but aside from knowing its So Not That, i really have no clue XD i dont have anything paced out by chapter for the back half of the fic so i cant estimate well (not that i can Ever estimate well). i will say the chapter im Currently drafting is what i consider the end of the "first half", but i wont say which chapter that is lol
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hiii lol just a warning this is gonna get.. long
ok so like, this.. might not make a lot of sense. but I thought about it as I was getting ready for bed last night and I happened to be looking at artwork of a much older Ash with a reworked team consisting of like, all his most powerful/iconic Pokémon and it just. clicked. 
(specifically Sceptile and greninja are a part of this reworked, all-powerful team. hear me out. also this is a greninja x hawlucha/Sceptile x Snivy/Servine/serperior themed ask sorry 😭)
and, like, of course we all know ash would never  intentionally neglect his other pokemon (what with his rotation teams and all.)
but maybe he’s like, a celebrity, at this point! so he’s always got his aces on hand just in case a fan wants to battle and see his oh-so-iconic Pokémon. Ash is always happy to oblige. Sceptile in particular kiiiinda lets the fame go to his head on occasion..
of course the ‘mons back at the lab don’t really mind this. I mean.. most of them don’t. of course you’ll have a few complaining that they’re getting the short end of the stick (Oshawott in particular comes to mind for me lol) and of course ash takes them out for the occasional fight, too! He’d hate for them to feel neglected.
….but not everyone is all that satisfied with this arrangement. serperior and Hawlucha and particular are still feeling a little resentful. not towards ash, but rather towards their partners! (gasp! who could have seen this coming?!) 
Hawlucha’s a little more accustomed to greninja being gone for longer periods of time (doesn’t mean he enjoys it though..) but serperior isn’t, and even though they both seem composed in the eyes of everyone else, it.. sucks!! 
every so often Hawlucha and Serperior’ll tag along with ash, but serperior doesn’t particularly like always being matched up with weaker opponents. Hawlucha doesn’t mind flaunting his strength, but he does get a little iffy about leaving Noivern by himself so they’re not out with ash too often.
Greninja and Sceptile love their partners of course but i don’t think either of them realize just how much their absence bugs Hawlucha and Serperior… idk im kind of obsessed with the thought now. what do u think.. hell, maybe ash’ll wise up and be like “ehhhh hey you guys haven’t been hanging with Hawlucha and serperior as much!!”
I think the rest of the Ashmons will pick up their vibe even when they say they’re fine. Mostly from Oshawott eavesdropping to their talks.
Which get relief to Pikachu who in turn notifies Ash of the problem. We all know he hates seeing his pokemon upset so he has a talk with Greninja and Sceptile and how their absences effect their respective partners.
Sceptile will tease Seperior on how much she misses him and she’ll get all red. Greninja makes it up to Hawluch for more cuddles.
In an unrelated note, I actually have an pokemon oc, her mons are dating a few of Ash’s mons such as Sceptile, Greninja, Lycanroc, Hawlucha, Leavanny, and Gengar. And two of her mons are siblings to Ash’s
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