givemearmstopraywith · 2 months
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I have to accept this. I am now committed to the struggle for the cause of poor and defenseless farmers, an oppressed people caught in the clutches of the large estates. If I am silent, who will defend them? Who will struggle on their behalf? At least I have nothing to lose. I have no wife, children, not even wealth; no one will grieve for me. Other than one person: my mother, who other than me has no one else. Poor. Widow. But you are there to care for her. Not even fear will stop me. It is time to accept this. I die for a just cause. Now I want you to understand this: everything that is happening is a logical consequence that results from my work in the struggle and the defense of the poor, for the sake of the Gospel that has led me to accept even the ultimate consequences. My life is worth nothing in light of the deaths of so many farmers who are parents—assassinated, violated, and forced off of their lands. Leaving women and children abandoned, without care, without food and without a home. It is time to stand up and make a difference! I die for a just cause.
Father Josimo Morais Tavares, ecomartyr (1953-1986), quoted by Elizabeth Gandolfo in Ecomartyrdom in the Americas: Living and Dying for Our Common Home
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luminousfire · 8 months
“the steeplehouse, and the ground whereupon it stood were no more holy than that mountain” - the Journal of George Fox
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divinebeloved · 8 months
the Ecological Lord's Prayer
Cláudio Carvalhaes, Ritual at World's End
Our God, who art in pluriverses, the skies and the earth,
Blessed be Your name: Life. May Your pulsing life come to be seen, heard, touched, and felt through the oceans, the forest, in the rocks, in the life of plants, and in the sounds of animals and singing birds.
Give us this day our daily bread, through a variety of seeds and grains and leaves, without pesticides, without monocultures, from local farms, and from agro-biodiverse-cultures.
Forgive us our plundering of the earth, our total lack of relation and reciprocity with the earth and more than human beings; as cells, mycelium, fungi, and infinite processes of symbiosis, forgive us daily by giving back life when we destroy it.
Lead us not into consumerism and the devouring of the earth, but deliver us from the apathy that says nothing can be changed.
For Life is kinship, relationality, and reciprocity.
Now and forever.
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fierysword · 1 year
The first creation account, in Genesis 1:1–2:4a, emphasizes the goodness of creation, including the goodness of sexuality, the power of God over all that is made, and the entrusting to human beings, male and female together made in God’s image, the ongoing care for the earth and all its creatures... Humankind is spoken of as a unity, within which there is differentiation.
Wisdom's Feast by Barbara Reid
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entanglingbriars · 1 year
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becoming-with · 6 months
UnearthU 2021
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theologymatt · 2 years
A Lived Ecotheology
During the month of September, my church focused on ecotheology. That is, our worship themes and mission projects emphasized caring for God’s creation. It so resonated with the congregation that we plan to do it again next September. The Iona Community, where I am on retreat, focuses on peace and justice. Within these foci, environmental justice isn’t just something they talk about. It’s how…
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eesirachs · 1 month
what are your thoughts on theology and climate change issues? any book recommendations on that?
ecotheology centers god's creative genesaic movement, and it matters. in my work, this means making visible animacy, sacrificial/levitical bodies, and the bodyscape's extension into and across materiality, in the ancient near east. so i recommend, in particular, neumann's handbook of senses in ane, freud's totem and taboo, adegbite's life under the baobab tree, shellenberg's sounding sensory profiles in the ane, kim's bodies, embodiment and theology of the hb , and hsu's expression of emotions in ancient egypt and mesopotamia.
but it's more likely you want christian ecotheology, or contemporary ecotheology. sally mcfague, ursula goodenough, ibrahim abdul-matin, s. lily mendoza and george zachariah, mary evelyn tucker and john grim, melanie harris
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lowkeynando · 1 year
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Vodou drumming and associated ceremonies are folk ritual faith system of henotheistic religion of Haitian Vodou originated and inextricable part of Haitian culture.
Vodou drumming is widely practiced in urban centres in Haiti and some cities in North America (especially New Orleans). The ritualistic faith system that involves ceremonies that consist of singing, drumming and dancing.
The Vodou drumming rituals call upon abstract ancestral spirits, called Loas (or Lwas), for their aid, instruction, special powers and strengths as embodiment of certain principles or characteristics. While certain aspects of this religion may share the same roots, it is completely contrary to the stereotype of black magic, witch doctors, pins in dolls, and zombies portrayed by New Orleans style Voodoo (a variation of the name. Through the involuntary mass dispersion of slavery, the traditional West African Vodun religions went through the process of Religious syncretism between Roman Catholicism. [1] Due to mass dispersion of the West African population from its indigenous territories, the colonial plantation system created and influenced the Haitian Vodou's ecotheological perspective. The relationship of Vodou's belief system lies heavily on ecological systems. The interest in ecotheological ethics are the base of beliefs in Vodou religion, theses CLONES
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sasster · 2 years
Hiiii Nehl :)
Do you remember a while back when you said you'd tell me about the Plulea religion when I got my ecotheology classwork in order? I got an A in that class I think that counts
When can I get my crash course 🥺 I just think it's all so fascinating!!!
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Good job kiddo!
Okay so the short and sweet isssss.
The planet Narathix, in its creation mythos, is believed to be the body of the Goddess the planet it is named after.
The story goes like this:
While mourning her inability to give life, the Goddess Narathix was gifted the Sun by an admirer. She told Narathix that if she were to let the sun beat on her back, she would be able to grow and sustain life like she'd never imagined before! She accepted this at face value, desperate to create her own life. Eventually, though, she lamented aloud that the sun was much too hot and all it was doing was killing what little life she was able to make on her own. Her admirer came by again, with another gift. Rain clouds. Her admirer told her that with the sun and water, all her people would need in order to thrive would be a planet to live upon. Happily, Narathix surrendered her body for her children. Coiled tight, she spends the rest of her days with her children thriving on her. There are like different variations of the belief. Some forms of the stories depict the Sun as the Goddess and Narathix and the rain clouds the Goddesses children.
The general consensus is that without the sun and the rain, and Narathix herself, the Plulea and the world around them would not exist as it does. Heh.
To show their thanks, the first fruit to come of the sapling is buried to honor her.
They also make paints and have huge celebrations surrounding it.
Does that satisfy you, my scholarly friend?~
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givemearmstopraywith · 4 months
I wanted to understand this perversity better, so I called up climate-aware psychoanalyst Dennis Haseley. He helped me see that, once you know what to look for, the perversion is everywhere. Say you’re watching a football game on TV and then a commercial comes on. What’s on the screen? Quite often, a lot of big, gas-guzzling trucks. These commercials become a way of warding off the force of the climate crisis, denying the reality that it’s harmful to invest in a future filled with combustion engine vehicles. “People are saying, ‘Yeah, we can buy trucks, I love trucks, I want the one with 460 horsepower!’ and I’m sitting there thinking, you know, what the fuck are you doing? Don’t you see what’s happening?” Haseley said. The truck is the desirable object that helps us pretend.
Britt Wray, Generation Dread
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luminousfire · 8 months
“Postscript—And, Friends, be careful how ye set your feet among the tender plants, that are springing up out of God’s earth; lest ye tread upon them, hurt, bruise, or crush them in God’s vineyard.” - George Fox; Journal of George Fox
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sorchanitua · 2 months
Bethany College Assistant Professorship in Religion
Deadline: March 28 (review begins) Length/Track: Tenure track Description: “The area of specialization is open; however, applicants with a demonstrated interest in women’s or gender studies, critical race theory, liberation theology, ecotheology, American religions, or science, technology, and religion are strongly encouraged to…
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fierysword · 1 year
The creative work of God is ongoing, and human beings, as the image of God, participate in this continuing creation, not only by procreation, but in myriad ways of fashioning life anew...
A second way in which human beings are made in God’s image is that they are given responsibility for all the other living things. While the verbs kābaš and rādâ, usually translated “subdue and have dominion,” have often been interpreted as giving human beings free rein to exploit the earth and its creatures for human benefit, a proper understanding of this divine command is that human beings are to exercise care for all creation in the same way that the Deity does. Just as God delights in the goodness of creation and ensures its order and viability, so the human community is to do likewise.
Wisdom's Feast by Barbara Reid
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sataniccapitalist · 7 months
We all loved Michael and he loved all of us. Join Eliot, Jennifer and Sandy to talk about Michael's life and how he touched us to the core. RIP Rev. Michael Dowd - forever in our hearts. "Michael Dowd (1958 - 2023) was an American author, lecturer, and advocate of ecotheology and post-doom. His 1991 book, EarthSpirit, launched his public speaking career, grounded in the epic of evolution, religious naturalism, and progressive Christianity."
"Rev. Dowd shows how a meaningful science-based understanding of human nature, death, and the trajectory of big history can offer a realistically hopeful and inspiring vision of the future. He also offers practical tools for growing in right relationship to reality that can enrich and even transform one's life and interaction. Uniquely gifted at building bridges between religious and non-religious people, Michael shares humanity's common creation story in ways that uplift and expand heart, mind, and soul. His passion is showing how a science-informed spirituality can inspire each of us to live with greater integrity, joy, and zest for life — and can also deepen appreciation of traditional spiritual insights." "We boomers are not only the generation in power now; we are also the generation whose numbers (and previous decades of lavish consumption) make us pointedly responsible for rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. "Richer than kings!" my wife and I regularly remind ourselves whenever we enjoy a fresh avocado in Colorado in winter, when we take a hot shower at the mere turn of a tap, when we receive quality dental care, when we listen to music or audiobooks on our iPods, when we never go hungry. But what kind of a world and life prospects will we bequeath to our grandchildren?" #eliotjacobson #revmichaeldowd #thegreatstory #postdoom
Post Doom- https://postdoom.com/ Michael- https://michaeldowd.org/
The Great Story-    / @thegreatstory  
Connie Barlow-https://www.youtube.com/@ghostsofevol...
Michael Dowd reading Overshoot https://soundcloud.com/michael-dowd-g...
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beguines · 3 years
Could it be that Christian faith, at its core, centers on belief in God as a fully incarnated reality not only in the humanity of Jesus Christ but also in the animality of the Holy Spirit, even though this core insight has rarely been recognized as central to Christian identity? Could it be that the basic system of Christian belief is founded on a permeable and viscous God becoming not only human flesh in the person of Jesus but also animal flesh in the person of the Spirit and that, if this is the case, is not the wide-ranging world of nonhuman nature—the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, the beasts of the field, the trees of the forest—the focus of God's interest, not just human well-being? And if this is the case, should we not, as human beings, comport ourselves toward the natural world in a loving and protective manner because this world is the fullness of God within the life of every creature?
Mark I. Wallace, When God Was a Bird: Christianity, Animism, and the Re-Enchantment of the World
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