#easton asks
zer0point5ive · 5 months
can i come over and look at you like this
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couchsterfield · 16 days
AP headcanons!
thanks for the ask !! took a while to compile any headcanons since i usually just post them as they come, but here are some lmao:
• McDermott is the most ANNOYING person to have dinner with (basically canon), he would try to steal a sip from every single person's drink, and Patrick has to swat McDermott's hand away from his drink every three minutes
• Courtney is the one person Evelyn allows to smoke (She thinks courtney looks cool). even so, courtney usually tries not to smoke infront of her to avoid evelyn getting fussy
• Jean has to go out and buy a new 12 pack Crayola set every other week (Patrick keeps eating them)
• Patrick often locks Sean up in like their toolshed growing up (thats why sean is like. That)
• Van Patten whistles ALOT. Price HAAATES it!!
• Paul Owen chews on his montblanc ballpoint pens during meetings and it drives patrick insane ( <- guy who eats crayons biweekly)
• McDermott is the type of guy to fucking grunt everytime he stands up
• sometimes Patrick will shuffle very closely to someone and try to lean in and smell them (??!!$) just to figure out what cologne theyre wearing. (he thinks hes discreet but everyone is weirded tf by him )
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countrymusiclover · 15 days
Dr. Redheaded Neighbor
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Mallory and Will become neighbors in the same building becoming close friends before she joins the Army and is off. Years later when she comes back from deployment they reunite but will they remain friends or will all that time spent apart create something more between them.
1 - Being the New Neighbor
2 - Enjoyable Reunion
3 - War Follows You
4 - Code Red
5 - Code Red pt 2
6 - Will's Offer
7 - Not So Peaceful Afternoon
8 - One Friend to Another
9 -
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tag list - send an ask to be added @annieradcliff @watermeezer @zaidatorcuatomorgado @kmc1989
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lavenderheads · 5 months
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When they
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eastonapologist · 6 months
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sergeifyodorov · 24 days
easton cowan casually getting eleven points in three games
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neopuppy · 1 month
there are tweets of jn's rly smooth body vs jm's hairy body circulating and it reminded me of a scene in switch/teddy(?) where u mentioned jeno keeps it clean for u or st idk got me a lil feral for some reason swear i discover something new about myself every time i go on here (ty neopuppy) also idk its kinda hot that theyre into self maintenance haha kinda imagine it in an american psycho-y kind of way theyd be hot serial killers idk happy tds3 haha!!!
omg I dont know what fic I used that in, but why did I tingle thinking abt it🥲
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For the ask game you reblogged from me: how would the answer to the second question in the fear category change when your TADC OCs are together vs when they are apart?
”How does your oc react when confronted with fear?”
Easton, alone: Blame himself. Anything and everything that went wrong is his fault. Stand there and just deal with it, because he deserves what’s coming to him. And if there’s uncertainty, he assumes he’ll fail or hurt someone along the way.
Northa, alone: bottle it. Pretend nothing happened. Everything is fine. She has a lot of difficulty facing things head-on while alone. Escape, even if it means physically running away. This is one of the reasons she has no friends.
Northa and Easton together: Each of these kind of balances out. Northa knows when to step back from a situation, Easton knows when to push through it. And if they’re uncertain, they’ll each ask the other. See: the very long ask in which they give each other comfort lol. Easton’s kindness and willingness to help these random digital strangers gives Northa the confidence to say that she must then also help, he cannot do this alone. But she won’t just let the two of them throw themselves to the wolves, either.
???, alone: …She has always been alone, and she has always been afraid.
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you as ask with the title that most intrigued them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips.
Thank you so much @knickknacksandallthat for tagging me! It’s still kind of wild to think people are enjoying my writing 😅 So unfortunately I will not be posting all of my wips because they’re not necessarily organized like a lot of other people’s I think… my Evernote currently looks like this:
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Across both my creative writing accounts (and those notebooks are only the ones in that notebook stack on the one account) and I’m not even going to be tagging as many people as I have wips for this game 🫣 but here’s what I will be putting in!
1. stay where I can reach (main story)
2. swicr (extra scenes)
a. Neil meets Aaron
b. “he loves lord of the rings.”
c. Neil stays at Wymack’s
3. aftg royal au
original work:
4. asphalt
5. asphalt royal au
6. neon
7. sun moon & stars
(I will allow up to three (3) asks for swicr main story - you can choose a random chapter number if you’d like, out of the remaining seven, I believe is the number)
(Most of my original works are led by characters from “people as” ideas: for example, “asphalt” was taken from a “types of boys” post and the three main characters are asphalt, lemonade, and vanilla, where I used those vibes as a jumping off point! So think if the titles as more of a vibe of the mc, since only one of them has a real title so far.)
Anyway thank you if you end up participating! I really really love to write, I just haven’t given myself as much of a platform for it, so this is exciting 😅 I’m going to tag people that I know write at least a little, but there’s no obligation to participate or do a repeat game if you dont want: @halfpintpeach @ratbandaid @mostlymaudlin @fortheloveofexy @paradoxolotl
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autumnfangirler · 7 months
Time to learn something new. How about, stature, informal and change for Caden? 👀
Hello! thank you for the ask!
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
i always saw them as somewhat lanky, maybe around 5"6? 5"7? just around average height. they don't mind how they look(at least not as much as a step could hate their body) so theyve never tried to adjust it. i like to think their flannel makes them looks slightly taller than they actually are though
informal: What's your OC's lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they're winding down?
that depends. if its lazy lazy, like theyre going to stay inside and do nothing all day, theyre rocking it in nothing but board shorts. if theyre still expected outside, then its likely a white shirt and jeans. their usual look is already p casual though, they tend to dress for comfort with just a touch of style
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
oh thats interesting. i think prehb they mightve had a few braids, maybe 3 or 4 small ones(that might be worth drawing to illustrate my point better lmfao). nowadays their hair is closer to a mullet. also theyre my void eyes character so! they used to have brown eyes before the void
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lennysfridge · 8 months
just thinking about snuggling up to easton’s chest while he watches the game
giving his chest pecks too and smiling up at him when he cheers
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wastheheart · 1 month
@alyafae (veronica) asked: " it was an accident. " (thank you!)
Esme automatically waves a hand to dismiss the girl's apology while her other hand locates napkins in order to start helping Veronica clean up spilled drinks. She wipes them across the face of the table before following the edge and wiping underneath to prevent it dripping any further.
"It's honestly fine, sweetie," she assures with a smile. "Accidents happen, it's no-one's fault!" Esme moves the now empty, but thankfully unbroken glass, onto an empty tray. "Do you have any spare clothes?" she asks once she's satisfied that the area is somewhat dry. "If you do, why don't you go an change and I can grab the mop for you, yeah? It's no skin off my back."
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couchsterfield · 14 days
“Catboy Patrick” NO! Fox boy Patrick!
I can see this, him running around all skittish and squealing and shit and eating berries off of bushes.....
THIUGH i still see him a sopping wet cat that hisses and claws you and hides away in boxes
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countrymusiclover · 14 days
1 - Being the New Neighbor
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Part 2
Dr. Redheaded Neighbor
Tag list @annieradcliff
Holding one large box in one arm I had two smaller ones on top of it. I hit the front desk button on the outside of the building hoping someone would be coming soon. I was nowhere near done unpacking my car and I had my best furry friend sitting at my feet. “Don’t worry, Maxon. Somebody should be coming to let us in.”
“Do you need some help?” Glancing over my shoulder I heard a guy’s voice call out for my attention.
I hesitated to hope I could do it myself. I had decided to move out at the age of eighteen with myself, my dog and some money to my name before I headed to basic training. “Oh no. I um - think I have it.”
“I don’t know about that. I’ve only lived here for a few months but it’s rare most people are mingling in the lobby this late at night.” The guy explained walking up the small set of stairs to stand beside me.
I pressed the button again looking through the small glass of the door not seeing anyone. “I’m really fine. We’re gonna be fine.”
“We. So, what’s this guy's name?” The stranger eyed the dog laying at my feet. Maxon lifted his head when the guy bent down reaching forward to touch his fur to which I gave a head nod in agreement. “Hey bud, I’m Will. Uh - I actually should be introducing myself to you first I suppose.”
I groaned, getting tired of holding the boxes in my arms. “Ugh! Sorry I didn’t think to introduce myself but clearly you seem to be right about nobody working at the front desk.”
“Oh here, let me help you.” Will rose to his feet sliding a key card in front of the scanner before the door was unlocked. He reaches over taking the boxes from my arms.
“You don’t have to take those.”
He responds. “It’s no big deal. Can you get the door though?”
“Sure. Maxon, come.” I patted my leg signaling him to follow me when I held the second door open for Will to walk through and we followed after his heels before letting the door shut behind me. “Thank you, Will. I can take it from here.”
He set the boxes down, eyeing me. “Do you live in this building? I haven’t seen you around before Ms...”
“I actually just got my keys to live here a few hours ago. So, I guess that makes us neighbors.” I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, sticking my hand out towards him. “Mallory. Mallory Easton.”
He shakes my hand smiling. “William Halstead. But I prefer everyone to call me Will.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Will. Oh, and you’ve already met my dog Maxon here.” I gesture my freehand down to my dog who was sitting at my feet with his tail slightly wagging back and forth.
Will bends down picking up the boxes a second time tilting his head towards the stairwell that was near us figuring it was more comfortable if we weren’t just chatting in the lobby. “Why don’t we get the rest of your stuff upstairs and then we can keep chatting over some late-night coffee or something.”
“That sounds good to me.” I agreed with what he offered, and we went upstairs until we were standing outside of my room number 218. I opened the door with my key feeling slightly embarrassed that there was a bunch of boxes scattered about. I wasn’t planning for company so this must look like a tornado hit here. “I’m sorry the place is a wreck.”
Will sat the stack of boxes on the ground next to some others dusting his hands off on his blue jacket. “It’s okay. You’re just moving in. No biggy.”
“Yeah I guess so. I’m just embarrassed cause I wasn’t expecting company.” I shrugged my shoulders hearing Maxon rummaging around one of his toy boxes finding a red fireheighdrent toy. He held it in his mouth and just started throwing it around like crazy so we could hear the annoying squeaking clearly.
Will chuckled flashing a cheeky smile. “He sure likes that toy doesn’t he?”
“One of his favorites yeah.” I glanced down at my phone seeing it was getting close to midnight. “Hey Will, I should probably let you go it’s getting late.”
He waved his hands at me in defense. “Not for me. I work in the ED, never a normal eight hour work day for me.”
“Oh wow.” I gasped not expecting that from him but I then eyed the clothing he wore which was a pair of red scrubs underneath his coat that I hadn’t noticed until now. He had auburn hair and deep brown eyes making him not too bad on the eyes to look at, but of course I’d never say that.
He pulled me from my train of thought. “Hey I think I’ve got some beers stashed away in my apartment. Would you want to share one with me. Toast to being new neighbors and all.”
“Sure. That’d be great.” I accepted so our first night there Maxon and I spent it with him, never knowing our lives would change forever after what happened when I went into serve.
5 years later
Blinking my eyes open I felt my body laying on a table. I could hear some ringing in my head and I felt like I had an intense headache for an unknown reason. I attempted to look around the room seeing I was in the medical tent on the base. Trying to sit up the tent flaps opened revealing our head medic Owen who rushed over to me. “Woah Easton, lay back down. You need to rest.”
“Dr. Owen, I’m fine.” I told him trying to get off the table again.
He puts his hands on my shoulders making me look him in the eye. “Do you remember what happened on mission 5025?”
“You mean the one we went on a few days ago. Of course. Maxon and I were responsible for locating the bombs before the response team went in to catch the cult leader.”
The doctor scanned his eyes over my face. “Do you know what the outcome was?”
“Yes. We – uh wait a second. I don’t remember it at all.” I tried wracking my brain around it but there was nothing.
Dr. Owen tapped my shoulder before the tent flap opened again and I watched someone walk in with Maxon being on a leash. “Ms. Easton, I think it’s best for you medically to take some time off. Until we figure out what happened to you.”
“Ms. Easton, we’ll have your stuff prepared for you to go home for a few months. And Maxon is cleared to go with you as well.” The guy uncliped the leash from his dog collar and he ran to me putting his paws on my knees that were underneath a blanket.
Maxon moved his nose around staying on my right leg and nipping at it. I lifted the blanket curious as to what he was smelling and then I saw the reason for them asking me to leave for a little while. “Maxon, what is it boy. Oh wow – this is what you were talking about isn’t it doc?”
“Yes ma’am it is.” Doc Owen trailed off, lowering his gaze to the leg brace that was wrapped around my right leg. There was a bandage on my knee underneath the brace and my guess was it was because a bullet hit me the wrong way on the mission I couldn’t remember.
A few days later Maxon and I were riding the down exsculator with a bunch of people leaving or coming back in the Chicago airport. I carried my backpack on my left shoulder as we walked through the lobby looking for some food since we hadn’t been able to eat on the plane. “So, what do you want to eat, Maxon. Chicken, burgers or something else – woah hey Maxon. Maxon no!”
Maxon bolts away from my side and towards the direction of where we had come from the baggage claim. I bolted into a run after him as best as I could not used to the brace slowly me down. His paws scraped across the tile floor unit I saw a guy in a dark blue jacket get tackled to the ground and he bared his teeth down to the stranger. “Ugh!”
“Maxon – shit sir I’m so sorry. Maxon get off him. I’m – Will?” I wrapped my arms around his waist trying to yank him off until I saw the guys face in clear view over Mason’s head.
The doctor chuckled not bothered by it. “Long time no see, Mallory.” I slumped my shoulders confused on how he had even found him with this many different smells around us. Yet regardless I had to admit I had missed a certain Halstead brother.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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thelastsaiyanprincess · 2 months
Hey! I know we haven't really spoken, but I just wanted to say that I found it really funny that you wished your survivors a congratulations on surviving the purge- I almost shit myself thinking that there was actually a purge lmao, that's one of my worst fears!! Anyways, I'm happy for you, that your spring cleaning went well on here! And I hope the rest of this spring is fruitful for you and yours 💐🐝🌳☀️
LMAO OMGGGGGG IM SO SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO SCARE YOU 😆 no actual purge!! just needed to rebrand & clean up my followers/drafts/posts so i could get some fricken peace of mind!
thank you for the blessing, i hope your spring is full of flowers, good fruit, & sunshine!☀️🌱🌷🐛
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eastonapologist · 5 months
What fics would you recommend for William and john???? Seeing your art lately intrigued me to get to know more about them
*rubs hands together* I'M GLAD YOU ASKED !
hokayy... so there's like . 12 fics so far so it's not hard to filter them out since i almost wrote a good 1/3 of the tag umm so I'll rec u fics that are NOT mine instead
wc of 8k + but it's my magnum opus and one of the earliest piranhashipping fics + some discrepancy with the canon but u can overlook that
2. wc of 7k i still reread this from time to time
3. short but bittersweet (the bitter comes in the end)
if you're looking for smut then just read the two fics by user hunnyhawk, they're good istg
ya that should be it since there aren't a lot of fics lol . enjoy
edit: i forgot taht like most of the fics are rated M sooo yea read accordingly ig
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