ilovefredjones · 5 months
what i really like about prodigy is that they don’t name the vau n’akat after solum!! so many species in star trek are named after their planet (vulcans, bajorans, orions, etc) which is not the case for humans & im so glad the species & planet are differentiated
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annon-guy2 · 1 year
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It's Alive on Nintendo Switch!
However, on April 27th, The Legend is Reborn on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and Steam!
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mizufae · 2 years
If I were a Star Trek alien I would be a humanboo and desperately want an authentic Terran raccoon as a cuddly pet
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zootzar · 6 months
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"..this is what you wanted to show me?"
"Superior to your filthy earthan oceans, isn't it?"
"..shut up zim."
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yandere-chocolate · 1 year
Yandere Alien x Reader ~(Romantic)~ •(15+)•
So, you know about alienf*ck3r$, right? Well, I got a cursed idea…what if there was an alien…who was a humanfucker (or, in this case, earthanfucker.) So, I made an alien oc that is actually from a planet called “Alia”, so the term they use to describe things & people from their planet would, in fact, be “Alien”.
15+ because there’s only mentions of s3xu@1 content but no actual s3xu@1 content.
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TW/CW: Mentions of of 18+ content(like comics & stuff), Crashes.
Epixénos was calmly reading an 18+ comic he bought about a guy getting into a rather steamy relationship with something his planet calls “Earthans”. It’s usually a name that people generally use to describe extraterrestrial beings. It might seem weird to be traveling space with this kind of...interest, but Epiéxnos knows, along with the rest of their species, that Earthans don’t exist! They might, but given the massive void of space, the Alia-man would probably never see Earthans or see them take over Alia. 
However, they were proven wrong. 
Their ship had crash-landed onto a strange planet. Its grass was green, the sky was a dark blue, almost black. You could see the stars from here. Epixénos was scared at first, since everything was trashed & burned whilst entering the planet’s atmosphere, but they had crash-landed before (albeit never this bad) & they knew all the steps you need to take if you accidentally crash your ship onto another planet (it comes with the training & test to get your ship license). 
So, after making sure he wouldn’t get suffocated, crushed, explode, or be otherwise gored by this strange planet, he left his broken ship, with a space suit of course, & began searching for a place for him to call one of his friends to take him home. However, this planet was far, far from their home & they might need to use the survival training that they took. But luckily, they were found by you.
You were just out for a walk in the forest with your bear mace & pepper spray (in case there were any creeps) when you saw something move in the woods. You readied your pepper spray as the being approached, but never went through with it.
Once Epixénos saw you he...well, he froze in shock. Earthans...were REAL?! Not to mention, it was...making him feel some type of way. When you let the Alien tell you its situation, the feeling onlt got worse for Epixénos when you took it took your house. Man, those hot comics & fanfics must have really messed him up...did he care, though? 
You didn’t quite look like those sexy Earthans in most of the stuff he reads, you looked more akin to the pop-culture Earthans but...with clothes & other less simplified aspects. You also seemed to behave & wore clothes that weren’t stereotypical, but more like the clothes from Alia. Now, just because you looked like more of the cute, pop-culture Earthan, doesn't mean Epixénos was completely opposed to...well, he was still interested.
Of course, they were more concerned about repairing their ship & calling their friend at first, obviously, but unholy thought bled through their brain after the stress had settled. They didn’t know Earthens were real & now that they were living with one, it felt like a fantasy.
It eventually got to the point where the Alien decied not to repair its ship or call its friend, instead deciding to stay with you. 
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Didn’t finish this one, but oh well. Will definitely draw this dude later.
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thepenultimateword · 5 months
I want to write so much.
But I can't come up with interesting ideas...
Can you suggest something on Human/Alien?
Oooo I love this type of ship! Okie dokie!
1. A human raised in an Earthan purist community sneaks aboard a grounded merchant vessel while it’s unloading cargo on Earth. They’re found after the ship is already in deep space, and as a stowaway, they’re brought before the captain, a creature unlike anything human has ever seen. Though they’re scared and unfamiliar with the situation, they’re determined to stay on this ship, or at least not be returned home. As they get to know the captain and crew, they might just find out that everything they’ve learned about extraterrestrials is false
2. Human is the ship’s newest security grunt. They’ve worked the job long enough to know that their position is generally viewed as dispensable. They no longer see much point in building relationships with crew members who expect them die at the next planet, or with the security teammates they’ll inevitably mourn, so they do their job with their head down. But when a landing party accident leaves them confined to the sickbay for several days, they meet Alien, the ship’s medic, who seems thoroughly and genuinely concerned with Human’s care.
3. Mutinied by their crew, Human is marooned and left to die on an inhospitable planet. That is until Alien, marooned long ago and now adapted to the planet’s ways, comes to their rescue.
4. Alien is a planetary relations liaison, sent to Earth for a galactic peace gala. They’ve been studying up on their human social cues and language for months and things seem to be going perfectly, for themselves and the government figures they are guiding. That is until one of the human attendees, a boisterous and popular ship captain begins unabashedly flirting with them—helpfully pointed out by their new Earthan acquaintances. Human romance customs is one area of Earthan culture they did not prepare for tonight, and they have no idea what to do.
5. Human is abducted from Earth and forced to fight for the amusement of a nasty band of Space marauders. Earth is not the only planet they’ve raided, and in their new prison Human builds a friendship with one of their fellow captives. They find solace in each other and telling stories of their home planets, but at the same time they both are aware of the tension at the back of their minds. How can they trust each other when they could be pitted against each other at any moment? And how do either of them know their companion wouldn’t choose their own life over them?
6. Alien has been dating their human crew mate for about a month now. They are excited to share the news with friends while they’re home for a few days on shore leave, but the reaction is not what they were expecting. Their friends urgently inform them that humans are a species that eat their mates…and Alien has noticed them getting their mouth little close these couple weeks. They have to figure out how to break the relationship off without offending Human and fast.
7. Alien has been off-planet for several years in pursuit of a starship career. Along the way they met their beloved Human. Now they’re going back home to introduce Human to their family and organize the wedding. The only problem is even though they’ve mentioned the engagement, they have not brought up that their soon to be spouse is a human. They aren’t sure how their family is going to react or how Human will deal with their planet’s customs.
8. Alien is planetary royalty traveling to their race’s sister planet with whom they’ve had tensions. On arrival, they will meet their arranged partner, another royal, with whom they will forge a marriage alliance. Or that was the plan until Human, a space pirate, attacks their ship, taking Alien hostage and stranding the remainder of their crew.
9. Human has always been interested in the supernatural, cryptids, aliens, monsters, you name it. Even if people think it’s crazy, they want to believe. But it’s different when they actually get abducted by an alien. Just one. Who apparently did it on a dare and now has no idea how to get them home again without alerting the whole solar system, getting themself imprisoned and human put in a lab. So for now Human will have to stay with Alien and hopefully pull off their disguise as an alien.
10. Human has had a crush on Alien for as long as they can remember. But Alien has a strict personal rule against interspecies relationships, always loudly protesting about the difficulty of blending cultures and having different customs, beauty standards, instincts, and even biology. With such strong opposition, there is no way Human could ever tell them how they really feel.
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marisramblings · 1 year
Episode 14 is the most important one and it was handled perfectly. The show started its transition from a (mostly) high school romcom to drama in episode 12 but this pushed everything over the edge. Let’s start with everyone’s least favorite clone thing, El5n. He’s more active than El4n and we have deeper glimpses into his character. He’s more invested in surviving and more careful. He’s calm and collected and never raises his permit score during the attack. He seems to know more than he should and I won’t be surprised if he betrays his group.
During the battle royale, Chuchu has a ptsd attack. She’s traumatized from the plant. Nika might be dead, but she’s definitely wanted by the authorities as a terrorist. Earth house has been detained. Shit has hit the fan and they’re all being dragged into “adult” affairs. A student died. The school can’t return to normal, nothing can return to normal.
What I found most surprising was Shaddiq. I didn’t think his plan would be enacted so soon, but the show also has to address Earthans and Prospera, so it does make sense. Regardless, he is not messing around. His harem (of teens), kill Sarius’ guards. These girls are risking their standing for this plan, whatever it is.
Next big surprise was aERIal. Not the theory, I think most of us saw it coming, but it being revealed this early. This is huge and the card has already been played. I’m more worried for Suletta now. Narratively, you don’t show your most relevant/shocking lore so soon unless something far more pertinent appears later. A death flag has been planted. This show consistently hides and reveals information in subtle ways. Prospera revealing quiet zero and Eri so readily makes me think she has way bigger shit hidden.
This episode was the final tipping point into the action genre. Our protagonists are facing genuine death and trauma.
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callum-librrry · 1 year
JANK 2: Part 4
Chapter 4: The Lair
‘The Lair’ as it was called, was only merely a charging station for the legion on compact robot cleaners (‘space roombas’ as Tom and other humans called them). It was located next to the generator room since the noise surrounding it could only be tolerated by those not technically living. It was a small pocket of Navis filled with near constant beeping and humming.
And of course, a very violent knife-wielding roomba.
Every ship with a human population has its own Stabby. It was in fact so common that there are multiple entries in the A Captain’s Guide to Humans and Other Deathworlders and various crewmate survival guides in regards to the violent tendencies of robot cleaners with knives and other deadly weapons.
Stabby occupied this tiny corner of the ship 9 times out of 10 considering the fact that it had been unofficially retired after several complaints came in not very long after it was gifted with its prime method of violence.
Tom opened the doorway and avoided the sharp point aiming for his ankle with practised ease. 
“Stabby!” He beamed.
The robot beeped and swivelled around, the combat knife firmly duct-taped to it narrowly avoiding a hanging wire. Tom mentally noted that it would have to be fixed at some point soon. 
“I missed you too, buddy.” Tom strode further into The Lair and sat down next to Stabby’s charging port. The rest of the ports were located a safe distance away on the other side of the room. The rest of the robots parted like the sea in a particular earthan mythology to make way for their armed brother, who positioned itself next to Tom’s lap.
“Oh, Stabby,” Tom sighed, “I think I fucked up.”
The space roomba – now emotional support robot – moved closer.  It beeped.
“I know, but I think I might’ve really done it now.” Tom tucked his knees below his chin and hugged himself. “I snapped at Hazai again. All she wanted was to cheer me up, and I just slammed a door in her face!”
He sniffed.
“I-I don’t… I’m a mess…”
Tom ran his hands down his face.
“There’s no way she’s going to like me now. I mean… Look at me! Broken nose, scars… I can’t even get my hair to behave right! And now I’m going to slow down all our progress on Solace because I have to fix the Hummingbird, if it can even be fixed! All because my stupid curiosity and my stupid– Ow!”
A sharp pinprick in his right ankle halted his spiralling thoughts. Tom looked down at the space-roomba with an expression mixed with hurt, fear and anger.
Stabby beeped crossly.
“Well it’s true! She’s going to hate me and i’m not even–”
Stabby stabbed again. It beeped persuasively and swivelled a bit to prove its point.
Tom sighed and considered this.
“... Do you really think so?”
Stabby moved affirmatively.
Tom was hesitant.
“Well, if you say so…”
Tom was about to thank the roomba for its support when the Navis’ PA system sparked into life.
“Attention crew of Star-Navis, we will be entering Solace’s atmosphere in approximately 5 minutes. Please be seated and restrained during this period.”
“Welp,” Tom groaned as he stood up. He bent over to pat the robot equivalent of an emotional support animal. “I should go get ready. Thanks for the help.”
Tom squeezed himself back though the very-not-human-sized doorway.
“And don’t go doing anything I wouldn’t do, OK?”
This of course, didn’t mean much in the way of telling the roomba not to stab anything. If anything, it was to say to stab something.
This was immediately answered by a speedy, and frankly rather intimidating, approach by the robot. There was a slight clang followed by a jarring scraping noise as the door closed in front of it.
“Not today, Stabby. Not today.”
Tom left to prepare for landing.
Previous: Chapter 3: What’s Love Without Fighting?
Next: Chapter 5:
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moonlitcomet · 8 months
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UNIT 01 - XF-99
Xalloburos frenalta
Common name "Cerana"
XF-99 is a small herbivorous animal bearing superficial resemblance to earthan rain frogs. It is in the taxonomic superclass Anivera, like all animals in this document. XF-99 is considered one of the most famous animals of Whenoth, well known for its cute appearance and feisty behavior. XF-99 usually feeds on small shrubs and ground mosses found on the surface of Whenoth, and prefers to keep its home near dry caves or burrows where it can hide.
While the animal seems harmless from a glance, XF-99 is known to defend itself through shrill and loud shrieking, produced by puffing up its large throat sack and blowing air through the secondary breathing gill behind its shoulders. This defense mechanism is proven very effective to large eyeless predators, as well as its enormous false eyes on its tympanic membranes and almost smiling appearance on its throat sack. XF-99 is incapable of bringing any harm to any human or humanoid, but it will pretend it is dangerous whenever it feels afraid, which is almost all the time.
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UNIT 02 - ZF-25
Zenudonus felkus
Common name "Travos"
ZF-25 is a colossal herbivorous animal that has developed a strange adaptation which allows it to feed on the enormous claw cactuses that overrun the Whenothian deserts. Its lips have evolved into a toothy beak and the teeth inside its mouth are large and axe-like, splitting open the thick flesh of the plants with ease. As it chews the spiny plants, the spines of the cacti are ground up into a fine mash which can then be safely swallowed. ZF-25 are known to feed almost exclusively on the claw cacti, due to its plentiful and nutritious nature. They are hyperadapted to not need to drink for nearly months on end, as they get most of their moisture from the food they eat.
ZF-25 are highly social animals- usually living in groups of up to 5- and are generally peaceful to other species, as their colossal size and thick hides are near impenetrable to almost every other animal on the planet. They have been observed with several species of small animals on their backs, which usually consist of insect-sized defisers and the larger anivers that eat them. While amicable, ZF-25 are not to be trifled with, for one whip of their tail or slam of their neck can instantly kill almost any predator that is hit by it.
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UNIT 03 - TW-57
Tellyastra Wuronits
Common name "Dentuo"
TW-57 is one of the superpredators of Whenoth, being the second largest known land carnivore on the planet. About the size of a small horse, TW-57 is able to keep up with one as well. TW-57 are well known for their speed and endurance, with their highly adapted nostrils being able to take in more hydrogen while they run. The shape of their body allows the movement of their legs to stimulate their lungs, meaning less energy is spent on actively breathing and more is spent on running.
They're iconic for their eyeless muzzle and splitting jaw which gives an appearance of two mouths. While the evolutionary purpose of the splitting jaw is unknown, the whiskers floating off of it seem to be used for intraspecies communication.
TW-57 usually hunts alone, but can occasionally be seen hunting in mated pairs. Being in the Wrathinida taxonomic order, they are a trisex species with a predominantly hermaphroditic sex that seems to be outcompeting other sexes. All hermaphroditic individuals have both inseminator and gestator features, and seem to be compatible with the other two sexes as well.
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UNIT 04 - TW-8
Tuolestris Wenter
Common name "Tulit"
TW-8 is a small, docile carnivore about the size of a dog. Related to the fearsome TW-57, TW-8 uses its compact body and long legs to keep up with its much larger prey. They are known as the land-mosquitos of Whenoth, with their enormous eyes and long proboscis that can stab their prey and drain their fluids. TW-8 can spot an XF-99 from over a kilometer away and have been reported to be able to run for days on end.
While docile, TW-8 are very skittish, and prefer to run from threats or puff up their large feathery manes to give off the impression of being a much larger animal.
As is with TW-57, TW-8 is in the taxonomic order Wrathinida which means they are one of the few aniver genuses that have a trisex reproductive system. TW-8 has a more even distribution of sexes, with typical gestator and inseminator not being as overrun as they are with their larger cousins.
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UNIT 05 - QR-117
Qilladus rastris
Common name "Turril"
Being the last on the document for now, QR-117 is a burrowing omnivore that primarily eats small defisers and chromasors. They are notable for their small and compact bodies, which combined with their large shovel-like jaws are excellent for burrowing into the dense Whenothian soil. QR-117 are popular outside of Whenoth as plush animals and children's mascots, and are frequently compared to bulldogs with their humorous appearance and tough personalities.
QR-117 has a distinct sexual dimorphism outside of the typical aniver pheromone flag, in which the inseminator sex has a red mane rather than a dull green. QR-117 with larger and more colorful manes will typically be seen as more desirable.
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terminalvoidwebcom · 1 year
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Despite being half-Ortuxan with no concept of Earthan college, Daybreak is your typical frat guy.
Guavato’s having none of it.
Buy me a coffee!
Bonus, using a quote by one of my ace buddies:
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earthan11 · 4 months
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earthanblog · 4 months
Why Choose Earthan's Ceramic Oil Bottles for Your Kitchen Needs?
When it comes to selecting the perfect kitchen accessories, it's essential to consider both functionality and aesthetics. Among the plethora of options available, Earthan's Ceramic Oil Bottles stand out as an exemplary choice for meeting your kitchen needs. Here's why you should opt for Earthan's Ceramic Oil Bottles:
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1) Superior Quality: Earthan's Ceramic Oil Bottles are crafted with precision and care, using high-quality ceramic materials. Unlike plastic or glass containers, ceramic offers excellent insulation, protecting oils from exposure to light and air. This ensures that your oils remain fresh and flavorful for longer periods, enhancing the quality of your culinary creations.
2) Stylish Design: In addition to their practicality, Earthan's Ceramic Oil Bottles boast a stylish and elegant design. Available in a variety of colors and patterns, these bottles effortlessly complement any kitchen decor, adding a touch of sophistication to your culinary space. Whether displayed on countertops or tucked away in cabinets, Earthan's Ceramic Oil Bottles enhance the aesthetic appeal of your kitchen.
3) Versatility: Earthan's Ceramic Oil Bottles are designed to accommodate a wide range of oils, from olive oil and sesame oil to infused oils and dressings. This versatility makes them suitable for both amateur cooks and professional chefs alike, providing a convenient storage solution for all your culinary essentials.
4) Sustainability: As the world becomes increasingly focused on sustainability, Earthan's Ceramic Oil Bottles offer an eco-friendly alternative to disposable plastic containers. Ceramic is a renewable and biodegradable material, making these bottles a sustainable choice for conscientious consumers. By opting for Earthan's Ceramic Oil Bottles, you're not only investing in quality kitchenware but also contributing to a healthier planet.
5) Customer Satisfaction: Earthan prioritizes customer satisfaction, ensuring that each Ceramic Oil Bottle meets the highest standards of excellence. From the smooth finish to the ergonomic design, every detail is carefully crafted to enhance the user experience and provide long-lasting durability. With Earthan's Ceramic Oil Bottles, you can trust that you're investing in a product that will stand the test of time.
Earthan's Ceramic Oil Bottles offer a winning combination of superior quality, stylish design, versatility, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. Whether you're a novice cook or a seasoned chef, these bottles provide the perfect storage solution for your kitchen oils. Say goodbye to bland plastic containers and hello to the elegance and durability of Earthan's Ceramic Oil Bottles!
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punkjet · 5 months
listen hear me out! Star Trek tng dnd AU in which Data finds out about this ancient earthan game "DnD" and he gets the bridge crew to play with him, because he wants to find out what it means to "play".
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blueawful42 · 7 months
Puny Earthlings.
We don't say "Marsling", "Jupiterling", "Americaling", "Canadaling", "Australialing", or "Chinaling".
We also don't say "Earthan", "Earthian", "Earther", or "Earthese".
But we do say "Duckling", "Gosling", "Seedling", and "Sapling"...
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Aluminum is literally from an alien planet. Come on, this is practically common sense, how else would it have this almost mystical ability to suppress telepathic brainwaves? Thats why I wear an aluminum hat. And yes, it is aluminum. Big foil calls it tin but it isnt, its aluminum, thankfully, tin wouldnt work it has to be alimonim, and so I wear an aluminum hat to keep me safe from telepathy. Unfortunately, it also prevents me from using telekinesis. which is literally real. Everyone has it, but unfortunately most people just don't realize because they've never tested themselves but I know the truth. and the awful truth of the matter is that in order to protect yourself from aliens you must sacrifice your telekinetic abilities. But its woryh it, i have to wear it or I'm at risk of psychic attacks. Wretched things, psychic attacks, because its ends up to be difficult to track down your opponent. If you were to getpunched in the jaw , well, you'd know which direction you got punched and youd od course be able to see your attacker. It's not like that for psychic attacks, very dissimilar. Of course this is't to imply that the aliens are malicious, no no, but the telepathic abilities can make your mind explode if theyre not careful, so it's better to be safe than sorry. Not unlike using a seatbelt! I think everyone should wear an aluminum hat, it's very practical. It even keeps your hair dry in the rain! Wellfor the most part. I have a bit too much of my own hair sticking out of it, so it doesn't really keep mine dry, but my point still stands. Have you ever heard Foil by Weird Al? I don't agree with the theories he mentions in that song, but he had the right ideas with his aluminum foil hat. Aluminum foil is general great, it has all sorts of purposes, but it's most useful one is definitely making into a hat and protecting yourself from brainwaves. From aliens, and even your fellow man. Wait, foil, as in the song, reminds me, tea. Have you ever noticed how much paranormal beings and cryptids love tea? Whenever I've encountered one such being, they almost always offer me a cup of it. It's practically a garentee, Ivan, that a supernatural figure will offer you it. Counting when I haven't been offered is easier. And even then, when I haven't been, they still love drinking it themselves. I've been able to fend off huge threats by offering to make THEM some tea. Curious, isn't it? Anyways, back to restate my main point, I think aluminum was brought to Earth by ancient alien contact. This said ancient alien contact was likely Ocularan-Earthan, as evidenced by the evidence found of tall, lanky, antennaed, glowing humanoids with no eyes in ancient cave art
That's all very interesting! But I'm not Ivan
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washwashgalaxy · 1 year
BLESSED WELCOME, RAMADAN By Azeez Surajudeen Olatunde
BLESSED WELCOME, RAMADAN Blessed monthIn abundance of treasureTo acquire worthy wealthFor these life and the one to comeWelcome,The great monthWithin lies a nightBetter than several yearsMarvelous month,That sprouted Qur’an,Guide for all creaturesTo profit in heaven and earthAn august momentWith monument of pietyIn abundance of mercy and favours On which burning minds can reborn To be the dweller…
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